Microbiocylces PDF
Microbiocylces PDF
Microbiocylces PDF
Biogeochemistry is the discipline that strives to understand The term ‘‘biotechnology’’ originated in 1917 when used
intricate processes, often microbially mediated ones, that by a Hungarian engineer, Karl Ereky, in reference to the
transform and recycle both organic and inorganic substances integration of biological processes to achieve a desired
in soils, sediments, and waters. These processes, goal [4]. ‘‘Environmental biotechnology’’ has recently
manifestations of diverse and highly evolved cellular been defined as ‘‘the integrated use of biochemistry,
mechanisms catalyzed by Bacteria and Archaea, maintain the molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, plant and
biosphere. Progress in biogeochemistry relies upon the animal science, and chemical engineering to addresses
underlying science of environmental microbiology. Over the environmental needs and problems’’ [5].
last 2 years, important discoveries have advanced the
ecological, physiological, biochemical, and genomic bases for The central thesis of this essay is that ‘‘biogeochemistry’’
a variety of microbiological processes including anaerobic and ‘‘environmental biotechnology’’ are converging dis-
methane oxidation, photosynthesis, phosphorous uptake, ciplines. This is because the mechanistic understanding
biodegradation of organic pollutants, and numerous aspects of of relatively simple biological systems that has fostered
the nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Here recent literature is the creation of biotechnology is being extended to com-
assessed and placed within a five-stage paradigm for making plex naturally occurring microbial communities that dwell
scientific progress in environmental microbiology, in the waters, sediments, and soils. It is these microbial
biogeochemistry, and biotechnology. communities that maintain the biosphere through the
biogeochemical reactions they catalyze. Modern biogeo-
Address chemistry, like biotechnology, demands fundamental
Cornell University, Department of Microbiology, B57A Wing Hall, Wing mechanistic knowledge of the genomic, genetic, enzy-
Drive, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States matic, biochemical, and physiological bases of a plethora
Corresponding author: Madsen, Eugene L (elm3@cornell.edu)
of microbially mediated processes (e.g. ranging from
photosynthesis to sulfate reduction to nitrogen fixation).
Such knowledge provides a deep level of understanding,
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2011, 22:456–464 which is the gateway to two important goals: (i) wise and
efficient management of ecosystems, and (ii) potential
This review comes from a themed issue on
Environmental biotechnology exploitation of the process for attaining new or improved
Edited by Lindsay Eltis and Ariel Kushmaro services or technologies.
Available online 16th February 2011 The objective of this review is to begin to substantiate the
0958-1669/$ – see front matter above-suggested convergence between biotechnology and
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. biogeochemistry by proposing a five-stage paradigm for
inquiry and then reviewing key recent advances in the
DOI 10.1016/j.copbio.2011.01.008
discipline that underlies biogeochemistry: environmental
microbiology. The scope of biogeochemistry and environ-
mental microbiology is so broad as to prevent a compre-
hensive review of these topics. However, key publications
Introduction: biogeochemistry is advanced by
from 2009 to 2010, illustrative of how environmental
environmental microbiology and is converging
microbiology discoveries are made, will be highlighted.
with environmental biotechnology
The term ‘‘biogeochemistry’’ was first coined by V.
Vernadsky in 1926 (cited in [1]). Explicit in ‘‘biogeo- Biogeochemical processes and how they
chemistry’’ is the merging (the linking) of three scientific maintain the biosphere
disciplines: biology, geology, and chemistry. Other pro- From a scale of cubic centimeters to one of the entire
minent authors [2,3] have extended and reinforced the planet, Earth habitats can be viewed as complex mixtures
immanent traits, the realities, of how ecosystems function of reduced and oxidized materials in chemical disequili-
at local and global scales. Multidisciplinary biogeochem- brium [5,6]. Ultimately, this disequilibrium is maintained
ical approaches are the way to understand complex pro- by constant influx of radiant energy from the sun, and
cesses that occur in forested watersheds, coastal constant efflux of heat and reduced materials (e.g. CH4,
sediments, agriculture fields, grasslands, oceans, other H2S, H2) from the Earth’s core [5]. This disequilibrium
habitats, and the entire biosphere, itself. has driven life processes and evolution for nearly 4 billion
years [5,6]. Energetically favorable chemical reactions occurs) are passed through a series of molecular carriers
yield free energy that can be translated into proton motive in a membrane-bound electron transport chain, ultimately
force which, in turn, drives the synthesis of ATP, the on to O2, which is reduced to H2O. Figure 1 provides a
universal energy currency for cellular processes. Such general paradigm for the diversity of oxidation-reduction
reactions provide very strong selective pressures that have reactions mediated by microorganisms that dwell in soils,
led to the evolution of sophisticated biochemical pro- sediments, and waters that comprise the biosphere. Over
cesses such as cellular respiration. The sets of energeti- evolutionary time, an astounding array of metabolic path-
cally favorable reactions that occur throughout the ways mediating the thermodynamically favorable permu-
biosphere are site-specific (at the scale of micrometers) tations of electron-donor/electron acceptor pairs has
and they are dynamic in time. The reduced materials are, developed. By exploiting such reactions for ATP pro-
by definition, electron donors that react in thermodyna- duction, microorganisms (especially Bacteria and Archaea)
mically predictable patterns often termed ‘‘oxidation- that dwell in biosphere habitats recycle nutrients and
reduction’’ or ‘‘redox’’ processes which link two ‘‘half biomass. These, along with ATP-consuming biosynthetic
reactions’’ together [5,6]. reactions such as fixation of C (photosynthesis) and N
(nitrogen fixation), are the biogeochemical reactions that
A very familiar pair of half reactions is known as ‘‘carbon cause the cycling of carbon-rich, nitrogen-rich, sulfur-rich
respiration’’ (Box 1, top). In this process a reduced form of and other materials (Figure 1). When integrated, in time
carbon such as glucose is the electron donor: it yields and space, these individual steps lead to the complete
electrons as the carbon atoms are oxidized to CO2. If cycling (from highly reduced forms to highly oxidized and
oxygen is present in a given habitat, it is likely that native back) of many elements. This linkage between steps
organisms will use the oxygen gas as an electron acceptor constitutes the ‘‘biogeochemical cycles’’. A selection of
to drive respiratory ATP production. The electrons widely recognized processes contributing to the biogeo-
yielded by C atoms in glucose (as oxidation to CO2 chemical cycles (e.g. for N, nitrification, denitrification,
Box 1 Background definitions, terms, and key tools used in biogeochemistry and environmental microbiology
Figure 1
N NH3 N NO3-
N 2O e- NO2-
S H 2S S SO42-
So S2O32-
Other H2 Other O2
Fe2+ Fe3+
Mn2+ Mn4+
Cell Growth
Conceptual view of how microorganisms catalyze biogeochemical reactions between electron donors and electron acceptors that occur in habitats
such as soil, sediments, and waters. The specific reactions that occur in a given habitat are governed by both local geochemistry and the laws of
thermodynamics. Each electron donor ‘‘half reaction’’ (upper curved arrow, center) must be coupled to an electron acceptor ‘‘half reaction’’ (lower
curved arrow, center).
and anammox) are defined in Box 1. It is important to note substrates (e.g. oxygen, ferric iron, nitrate) and local
that the cycles of C, N, S and other elements (Figure 1, microbial populations ‘‘make a living’’ by completing
Box 1) are intimately linked. For example, as reduced electron donor-electron acceptor reactions, thereby, gen-
forms of carbon are oxidized in an oxygen-free habitat, erating energy and growing new cells (Figure 1). The
electron flow may eventually be used by indigenous reduced byproducts of such reactions (e.g. organic acids,
microbial communities (often with H2 gas as an inter- Fe2+, ammonia) can then diffuse to a new geochemical
mediate) to reduce nitrate to N2 (denitrification) or sul- context containing electron acceptors and the byproducts,
fate to sulfide (sulfate reduction) or carbon dioxide to themselves, can then be used as electron donors by other
methane (methanogenesis) or Mn4+ to Mn2+ (manganese microbial populations. The above-described sequences of
reduction). processes maintain order and homeostasis in the bio-
sphere [5,6]. But, two facts need to be recognized: (i)
How advancements are made: five stages in the system of interacting biogeochemical reactions is
understanding complex processes in natural highly complex, poorly characterized, and mediated by
systems a vast unknown diversity of microorganisms, and (ii) the
The complex local and global biogeochemical reactions cycles are increasingly susceptible to disruption by
that are catalyzed by microorganisms occur spon- human activity; thus, understanding mechanistic details
taneously, day-by-day, minute-by-minute, in soils, sedi- is ever pressing to assist in ecosystem management de-
ments, and waters. When a tree falls in the forest, or cisions.
sulfide is released from an oceanic hydrothermal vent,
microorganisms are there. The reduced substrates (e.g. Environmental microbiology is a discipline that encom-
plant biomass and H2S) are comingled with oxidized passes many goals; among them is discovering mechan-
istic bases of the biogeochemical reactions that occur methods and strategies proliferate in the post-genomic
in soils, sediments, and waters. Five major types of era, alternative but equivalent means of attaining Stage 2
analytical, microbiological, and/or molecular tools are are developing. Once a model system has been imple-
routinely used to advance environmental microbiology: mented in laboratory culture, then tools including micro-
site geochemistry, cultivation, incubations, biomarkers, scopy, biomarker sequencing (linked to bioinformatic
and microscopy (see Box 1, bottom). These tools are analysis), isotopic tracers, analytical chemistry, and enzy-
applied in varied proportions throughout what are mology, can be used to decipher both microbial associ-
formally proposed here to be the five stages of environ- ations essential for the process and the biochemical
mental microbiological inquiry leading to advances in mechanisms of the process (Stage 3). Among the key
biogeochemistry: types of information yielded by Stage 3 investigations are
proteins, DNA signatures, mRNA signatures, character-
Stage 1. Discovery of new microbiological process. Prove istic metabolites, and other biomarkers that can be used in
that microorganisms are capable of catalyzing the verifying the ecological relevance and geographical
process of interest. This is achieved via laboratory prevalence of the process in the original field study site
incubation of environmental samples and/or via and perhaps in globally distributed analogs of that field
chemical or biomarker assays performed on complex, study site (Stage 4). A recently successful example of
uncharacterized microbial communities accompanied Stage 5 (biotechnological application) is the use of
by materials from soils, sediments, or waters. anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) to treat
Stage 2. Validation of the discovery by finding representative high-ammonia-containing wastewater effluent [7].
microbiological agents. Refine the test system by isolating
a single microorganism capable of catalyzing the A selection of prominent recent environmental
process or obtaining a simplified, highly enriched microbiology studies
consortium of microbial populations exhibiting the Contributions to the field of environmental microbiology
process or via a convincing combination of biomarkers addressing biogeochemistry constantly appear in disci-
and physiological evidence. pline-specific journals (e.g. Applied and Environmental
Stage 3. Characterization of agents and the physiological, Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, ISME Journal,
biochemical, and/or genomic mechanisms of the biogeochem- Geomicrobiology, Geobiology, FEMS Microbiology Ecology,
ical process(es) they catalyze. Use of controlled laboratory Microbial Ecology) and in broader, higher-profile journals
incubations, chemical assays, isotopic tracers, bio- (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, and
markers (see Box 1), and often bioinformatics to define Nature). Using the five-stage scheme above, I have classi-
metabolites, metabolic pathways, enzymatic reactions, fied and grouped studies representative of trends and new
and the genetic basis of cellular processes. developments with broad impact on both biogeochem-
Stage 4. Field verification of ecological relevance of agents istry and environmental microbiology (Table 1).
and/or their biogeochemical impact. Apply the tools,
insights, biomarker analyses from Stage 3 to real-world Four entries appear in the initial discovery category
field sites where microbiological agents (specific taxa (Stage 1) of Table 1. Of these, only Beal et al. [8] (entry
and/or their functional genes) are influencing ecological #1) conforms perfectly to the classic approach of bringing
conditions. an environmental sample into the laboratory and applying
Stage 5. Biotechnological innovation and/or improved site analytical chemistry procedures to document a previously
management based on understanding biogeochemical process undescribed physiological process mediated by microor-
mechanisms. In some instances microbial-mediated ganisms. For decades it has been acknowledged that it is
processes can be transplanted from their ecosystem thermodynamically feasible for microorganisms to use
contexts to human-engineered settings for commercial methane as an electron donor and both Mn-oxide and
or industrial applications. Fe-oxide as electron acceptors. Beal et al. [8] were the
first to select the right environmental samples, featuring
The path from initial discovery of microbially mediated the right native microbial community, incubated under
biogeochemical processes (Stage 1) through to their bio- the right conditions, analyzed with the right procedures.
technological applications (Stage 5) begins in field study Stages 2–5 are sure to gradually unfold in the future for
sites where biogeochemical processes are suspected to Mn-based and Fe-based oxidation of methane. Entries
occur in their native ecological settings. These ecological #2–4 in Table 1 (respectively addressing: linkage be-
settings pose many challenges for deciphering and doc- tween dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonia
umenting geochemical change within complex environ- and the oxidation of both aromatic hydrocarbons and
mental matrixes containing thousands of microbial ammonia, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) biodegrada-
species. Arguably, the most important of these challenges tion, and regulatory small RNAs in biogeochemically
is the difficulty of isolating a single microbial culture (or a active ocean microbial communities) relied on the
defined mixture of cultures) that replicate the biogeo- analysis of either environmental transcripts (mRNA
chemical process in the laboratory (Stage 2); as new expressed in a field site), or structural genes (DNA), or
Table 1
Survey of recent environmental microbiological studies advancing knowledge of biogeochemistry. The stages of discovery correspond to
those described in the text
Table 1 (Continued )
Stage of inquiry Entry Biogeochemical Habitat Key findings Reference
11 Nitrification by Ocean water Kinetic and biochemical characterization of N. [18]
Nitrosopumilus maritimus maritimus shows remarkably high specific
affinity for ammonium, explaining its likely
ecological role as nitrifier in the oligotrophic
12 Oxygen production and Freshwater soil Genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic [19]
nitrite-driven anaerobic and sediment procedures were used to discover the
methane oxidation mechanism by which an enrichment culture
carries out nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane
oxidation; nitrite reduction pathways were
absent; instead, oxygen-dependent methane-
oxidation pathways were present; nitrite-
dependent oxygen production was documented
and a pathway converting NO to O2 and N2 was
13 P uptake as selective Ocean water Completed genomes of two ubiquitous marine [20]
pressure in oligotrophic photosynthetic bacteria (Prochlorococcus and
seawater Pelagibacter) were used to interpret
metagenomic surveys of the Sargasso Sea (P-
limited) and the North Pacific; cross-habitat
comparison showed P availability to be in the
dominant selective pressure causing divergence
of pan-oceanic populations
Field verification 14 Entire N cycle [ammonia Ocean water near Geochemical and physiological and quantitative [21]
oxidation, nitrate- Peru determination of both structural genes and their
reduction, anammox, transcripts at three depths in four locations off
dissimilatory nitrite the Peruvian Coast; findings document a new
reduction to ammonia variant of the N cycle in which DNRA supplies
(DNRA)] ammonium to the anammox portion of the cycle
15 Denitrification versus Arabian Sea Measurements included geochemical depth [22]
anammox profiles, physiological rates of anammox versus
denitrification, and quantification of genes
indicative of anammox and denitrification; in
seven of eight experiments denitrification was
responsible for 87–99% of total N2 production
16 Aerobic ammonia Ocean water Long-term monitoring (2003–2006) of three [23]
oxidation (Nitrification) (Southern depths was completed for geochemical and
Californian Bight) microbial-community profiles and for copies of
genes indicative of Archaea and ammonia
oxidation genes; trends show population
dynamics and decoupling of ammonia and nitrite
17 Biodegradation of Contaminated Sixteen-year record shows diminishing [24]
aromatic hydrocarbons groundwater concentrations of aromatic contaminants;
community 16S rRNA fingerprints show dynamic
system; small subunit rRNA sequences
indicated an extensive microbial food chain,
including eukaryotes
18 Flow of electric current Anaerobic marine Geochemical profiles in Danish harbor [25]
sediments sediments and time-series responses of O2 and
H2S during oxic-anoxic cycles were measured;
the rapid system responses could not be
explained by chemical diffusion; instead
extracellular conductivity (perhaps via microbial
nanowires) were evoked
19 Sulfide oxidation linked to Anaerobic marine A 7,000 km2 area of the African shelf was [26]
nitrate reduction waters off coastal detoxified of its sulfidic waters by a bloom of
western Africa sulfide oxidizing bacteria; data gathered
included geochemical profiles, stoichiometric
modeling, physiological incubations,
sequencing of 16S rRNA and sulfide oxidizing
genes, and microscopic enumeration of sulfide-
oxidizing bacteria
Table 1 (Continued )
Stage of inquiry Entry Biogeochemical Habitat Key findings Reference
20 Iron and sulfate Oceanic The International Ocean Drilling Program [27]
reduction, acetate subsurface produced vertical geochemical profiles and
oxidation, sediments sediment samples analyzed by microscopy, 16S
methanogenesis rRNA community gene profiles, physiological
incubations, and quantitative PCR of genes
indicative of Archaea, Bacteria, Geobacter,
dissimilatory sulfite reductase and
Biotechnology 21 Generation of electric Various habitats, Promising technologies rely upon innate [28]
innovation current including adaptations (nanowires, extracellular electron
sediments and carriers, etc.) by anaerobic bacteria for
bioreactors transferring electrons to surfaces of insoluble
electron acceptors; engineered microbial fuel
cells are under development
22 Anaerobic ammonium Various The ability of microorganisms to use ammonium [29]
oxidation (Anammox) freshwater and as electron donor and nitrite as electron
other sediments acceptor to produce N2 has led to commercial
and bioreactors reactors that economically treat high-strength
industrial ammonium waste waters
both to gain insight into the metabolic functioning of cycling of N, O, C, and P (entries #10–13, Table 1).
naturally occurring microbial communities. Long-standing questions about the biogeochemical role
of broadly disseminated Archaea in the world’s oceans
Regarding the second stage of biogeochemical inquiry in were addressed by entries #10 and #11: analysis of the
Table 1, entries #5–9 validate, confirm, or extend infor- genome of Nitrosopumilus maritimus revealed a novel
mation about previously reported processes. Pertinent to aerobic ammonium oxidation mechanism, while kinetic
the P cycle, entry #5 used biochemical characterization and biochemical measurements on N. maritimus proved
procedures to show the photosynthetic (phytoplankton) its ability to successfully take up and oxidize ammonia
portion of oceanic microbial communities is capable of at the low concentrations that prevail in ocean waters.
adapting to extreme P scarcity by substituting non-P- Entry #12 provides a remarkable example of how bioin-
containing lipids in cellular membranes. Entry #6 used formatic interpretation of nucleic acid and proteome
bioinformatic analysis of environmental DNA (metage- data from a mixed-enrichment culture (that anaerobi-
nomics) to assemble evidence about the probable phys- cally oxidizes methane using nitrite/nitrate as the elec-
iological role of an uncultivated marine microorganism tron acceptor) can lead to the discovery of a previously
previously show to flourish in oxygen-depleted zones of unrecognized enzymatic process: the conversion of NO
the ocean. Entry #7 analyzed environmental mRNA to N2 and O2. Entry #13 of Table 1 reports the use of
(metatranscriptomics) extracted from the raft-forming comparative genomics and DNA sequence analysis
cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium, harvested from Pacific from microbial communities in low-P and high-P areas
surface waters: insights into the in situ physiological status of the world oceans: Coleman and Chisholm [20]
and nutrient stresses of the associated community (from showed that P availability is the predominant driving
viruses to eukaryotes) were revealed. High-resolution force for genomic divergence of Prochlorococcus and
mass spectrometric (nanoSIMS) imaging of the compo- Pelagibacter populations dwelling in the Sargasso Sea
sition of individual bacterial cells (entry #8) allowed and North Pacific.
Dekas et al. [15] to prove that one member of a con-
sortium of microbial types known to anaerobically oxidize The field verification section (Stage 4) in Table 1 features
methane also fixed 15N2 into its cell biomass and then three studies addressing the N cycle. Entry #14 presents
shared that fixed nitrogen with another member of the comprehensive, nearly revolutionary assembly of geo-
consortium. Finally, analysis of a completed 1.44 Mb chemical, physiological, and nucleic acid (both DNA
genomic sequence of a widespread uncultured photosyn- and mRNA) assays establishing dissimilatory nitrate
thetic marine cyanobacterium revealed its likely physio- reduction to ammonia (DNRA) and anammox as essential
logical niche, which includes the absence of O2 links in nitrogen cycle off the Peruvian Coast. Ward et al.
generation and nutritional dependence upon neighboring [22] (entry #15) showed the predominant pathways of
cells in its community (entry #9, Table 1). electron flow in the oxygen-depleted zone of the Arabian
Sea is denitrification (not anammox). Beman et al. [23]
Research advancing the mechanistic details of micro- (entry #16) used long-term monitoring of geochemistry
bially mediated biogeochemical reactions addressed the and the composition and abundance of ammonia oxi-
dation genes to establish a link between Archaea and management and the development of new biotechnol-
nitrification. Yagi et al. [24] (entry #17) provided a 16- ogies.
year record of contaminant-loss data and linked this
biodegradation process to dynamic microbial commu-
nities that included an extensive food chain involving Acknowledgement
protozoan predation. Entry #18 [25] raises the possibility During preparation of this manuscript, the author’s research was supported
by the National Science Foundation grant #DEB-0841999.
that recent reports of extracellular electron transfer by
anaerobic bacteria may have broad-scale ecological sig- References and recommended reading
nificance. Entries #19 [26] and #20 [27] of Table 1 bring Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
extensive teams together to examine site-specific have been highlighted as:
microbial processes: these were, respectively, nitrate- of special interest
based oxidation of a potentially toxic plume of hydrogen of outstanding interest
sulfide off the west coast of Africa and anaerobic popu-
lations dwelling in deep oceanic sediment and their 1. Vernadsky VI: In The Biosphere (Trans. Langmuir DB). Edited by
McMenamin M. NY: Springer-Verlag; 1998.
potential metabolic activity.
2. Likens GE, Bormann FH: Biogeochemistry of a Forested
Ecosystem. edn 2. Springer-Verlag; 1995.
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3. Schlesinger WH: Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change.
provides two examples of biotechnological innovations edn 2. Academic Press; 1997.
directly related to microbially mediated biogeochemical
4. Glick BR, Pasternack JJ, Patten CL: Molecular Biotechnology:
processes: microbial fuel cells and anammox. Principles and Application of Recombinant DNA. edn 4. American
Society of Microbiology Press; 2009.
5. Madsen EL: Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to
Conclusions Biogeochemistry. Malden, MA: Wiley/Blackwell; 2008.
The goal of this article was not to comprehensively review 6. Falkowski PG, Fenchel T, DeLong EF: The microbial engines
all of the biogeochemistry and related environmental that drive Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. Science 2008,
microbiology literature that has emerged in the past 2 320:1034-1039.
years. Instead, the goal was to establish a framework for 7. Lopez H, Sebastia P, Ramon G, Ruscalleda M, Balaguer MD,
Colprim J: Start-up and enrichment of a granular anammox
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technology. A five-stage structure for achieving scientific 8. Beal EJ, House CH, Orphan VJ: Manganese- and iron-
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selected recent influential reports were placed in the Original report documenting long-suspected process of anaerobic
framework. methane oxidation with Fe-oxide and Mn-oxide as electron acceptors.
9. Yagi JM, Suflita JM, Gieg LM, DeRito CM, Jeon C-O, Madsen EL:
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1. Methodologies in analytical chemistry, microscopic 10. Iwai S, Chai B, Sul WJ, Cole JR, Hashsham SA, Tiedje JM: Gene-
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metaproteomics) will continue to gain sophistication. 11. Shi Y, Tyson GW, DeLong EF: Metatranscriptomics reveals
2. As these methodologies are increasingly applied to unique microbial small RNAs in the ocean’s water column.
complex microbial communities in real-world field Nature 2009, 459:266-269.
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4. Progress is likely to continue for procedures that
14. Hewson I, Portesky RS, Dyhrman ST, Zielinski B, White AE,
isolate (via cultivation, cell sorting, or other tech- Tripp HJ, Montoya JP, Zehr JP: Microbial community gene
niques) individual microorganisms and/or consortia expression within colonies of the diazotroph, Trichodesmium,
from the Southwest Pacific Ocean. ISME J 2009, 3:1286-1300.
capable of catalyzing biogeochemical processes.
5. Information resulting from points #3 and #4 will 15. Dekas AE, Poretsky RS, Orphan VJ: Deep-sea archaeal fix and
share nitrogen in methane-consuming microbial consortia.
increasingly converge, thereby strengthening mechan- Science 2009, 326:422-426.
istic understanding of biogeochemical reactions. This The combination of secondary ion microscopic imaging and fluorescent
in situ hybridization proves nitrogen fixation and cross-feeding in an
should facilitate improved approaches to ecosystem anaerobic methane-oxidizing consortium.
16. Tripp HJ, Bench SR, Turk KA, Foster RA, Desany BA, Niazi F, nitrogen los sprocess in the Arabian Sea. Nature 2009,
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consortium that catalyzes nitrite based anaerobic methane oxidation. Another comprehensive team effort using site geochemistry, physiologi-
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20. Coleman ML, Chisholm SW: Ecosystem-specific selection detoxification in a huge ocean plume was accomplished by nitrate-
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