Liz Fashion Industry Ltd. - CAP - May 2018

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Bangladesh Accord Remediation Summary of Actions Required

Factory Name & Address Liz Fashion Industry Ltd., Zamirdia, Hobibari- 2240, Valuka, Mymensingh, Mymensingh, Dhaka
Date of Inspection by Accord 14-May-2014
Accord Rating
Finance Plan Agreed Yes

Comments from
Item No Accord Inspection Observation Accord Action Plan Final Action Plan Final Timeline Accord Accord Timeline Progress Status

1 Foundation depth on structural Complete a soils investigation, at the It is completed. Sub-soil 15/12/2014 On 08/06/2015: Within 6 – weeks Corrected
drawings does not meet depth of the existing footings, to investigations is done at the depth of During our
recommendations from soils report. determine the actual bearing the existing foundation footings to inspection we
Foundation depth indicated on capacity before constructing more determine the actual bearing found factory has
drawing is 6’0’’. Foundation depth than 4 storeys. capacity before construction more produced a new
indicated on soils report is 9’0’’. In than existing 4 stories soil test report.
addition, if 6 storeys were But in that report,
constructed, the pressure exerted on we found some
soil would be greater than the data error. So why
2 Foundation depth capacity
allowable bearing on structural Consider recommendations from It is completed . We have done the 30/12/2015 On
we 08/06/2015:
advise to Within 6 – months Corrected
drawings does not
recommended meet
in the soils report soils report when designing sub-soil bearing capacity test by the As above
factory engineer
recommendations from soils report. additional storeys consultant. As per test result there is On 09/11/2017:
to make necessary
Foundation depth indicated on no structral problem of the building. This issue isand
drawing is 6’0’’. Foundation depth required
submit toto be
indicated on soils report is 9’0’’. In covered DEA.
addition, if 6 storeys were DEA documents
On 09/11/2017:
constructed, the pressure exerted on of the
This 4-storied
issue is
soil would be greater than the factory
to be
allowable bearing capacity was accepted
covered in DEA. by
recommended in the soils report Accord on 31
DEA documents
October 2017. The
of the 4-storied
DEA documents
factory building
were reviewedbyin
was accepted
Accord on 31with
October 2017. The
standard. During
DEA documents
reviewed in
accordance with no
were found
standard. also
updated soil test
DEA verification
report was no
available on site.
were found also
updated soil test
report was
available on site.
23-May-2018 FIRE SAFETY

Bangladesh Accord Remediation Summary of Actions Required

Factory Name & Address Liz Fashion Industry Ltd., Zamirdia, Hobibari- 2240, Valuka, Mymensingh, Mymensingh, Dhaka
Date of Inspection by Accord 15-May-2014
Accord Rating
Finance Plan Agreed Yes

Comments from
Item No Accord Inspection Observation Accord Action Plan Final Action Plan Final Timeline Accord Accord Timeline Progress Status

1 The exit stairs are not Provide minimum 1.5-hr fire rated Earlier we plan to separate the stair 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017: It Within 3 In Progress
separated from work doors and seal all unprotected number-1 from store office & has been found months
areas, and other spaces openings to separate the exit stairs inspection room by constructing fire same as it was
on each floor by firerated from work areas and other building rated wall. But due to practice before.
construction. This spaces on all floor levels. Ensure that incontinence we changed our plan On 27/07/2017:
was reflected the fire doors are self-closing and and now decided to provide fire door Fire door
throughout the building positive latching and that they are for the purpose by 25 -01-2018. installation almost
on all floors. provided with fire exit (panic) completed. Stair-1
hardware where serving production is not properly
2 Storerooms used for Provide
floors. Ifdedicated
fire doors storage
are required to be 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017:
enclosed and In Within 3 Corrected
combustible storage are rooms separated
held open by minimum
for functional reasons, progress.
separated from months
not separated by firerated 1-hr fire-rated
provide construction.
automaticclosing devices tied On
the 27/07/2017:
store office
construction to the fire alarm system. Corrected.
and fabric Factory
throughout the building conforms
on various floors. door will not
on ground be
Also some with
fire alarm.shall be
On 7/05/2018:
sealed to maintain
3 Unsealed penetrations and openings Provide a minimum 2-hr firerated 25/01/2015 On
the 18/04/2017:
required stair Within 3
Corrected. Corrected
are located in the fire-rated shaft to separate the Corrected.
separation. months
floor/ceiling assemblies. Floor utility risers from each floor On 27/07/2017:
penetrations were found adjacent to level. Corrected as per
Still fire door is
the north stairwell inside an Seal all penetrations and previous
missing atfollow
electrical room. Wiring from the openings in floor/ceiling ups.
floor and opening
electrical panels caused penetrations assemblies to maintain the fire On
to stair case
within the floor/ceiling. The rooms separation. Corrected.
needs to closed.
were not properly separated by fire
rated construction from production
4 Areas used for Provide dedicated storage rooms 20/01/2015 On 19/1/2017: Within 3 Corrected
combustible storage are separated by minimum 1-hr fire-rated Corrected. Storage months
open to factory floors construction. Where separate storage area has not been
throughout building on rooms are not feasible, provide found in
various floors. defined storage areas and limit the production floor.
storage arrangement as follows: - On 18/04/2017:
Maximum height of 2.4m and Corrected.
maximum area of 23m2 - If sprinkler On 27/07/2017:
protected: maximum height of 3.66m Corrected as on
5 Egress doors / gates Remove lockingarea
and maximum features fromSeparate
of 93m2 20/11/2014 On 18/04/2017:
previous follow Immediate Corrected
with locking features are all egress
areas doors / gates.
of unenclosed combustible Corrected.
provided at building If locks are
storage by arequired
minimum forclear distance On 27/07/2017:
exits, exit stairs, along security
of 3m. reasons, utilize Corrected on
egress routes, and exit special door locking features previous follow
discharge. This was complying with NFPA 101. ups.
reflected throughout the On 7/05/2018:
building on all floors. Corrected.
6 Storage areas were Remove all storage from exit 20/11/2014 On 19/1/2017: Immediate Corrected
located in all exit stairs and egress paths. Corrected.
stairwells on the ground On 18/04/2017:
floor, underneath the Corrected.
stairs. On 27/07/2017:
Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
7 Collapsible gates / Replace all gates / sliding 20/11/2014 On 18/04/2017:
Corrected. Within 1 Corrected
sliding doors are doors along the means of Corrected. month
provided at building egress with side-hinged, On 27/07/2017:
exits, exit stairs, along swinging egress doors. Corrected as on
egress routes, and exit If locks are required for previous follow
discharge. This was security reasons, utilize ups.
reflected throughout the special door locking features On 7/05/2018:
building on all floors. complying with NFPA 101. Corrected.
8 Handrails on both sides Provide handrails on at least 24/02/2016 On 19/1/2017: Within 3 Corrected
were not provided in one side of exit stair. Corrected. months
each exit stairwell. On 18/04/2017:
On 27/07/2017:
Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
9 Exit capacity for the Reduce occupant load to not 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017:
Corrected. Within 3 Corrected
second floor is not more than available exit Corrected. months
adequate for the capacity, or provide additional On 27/07/2017:
occupant load. Current exits. Corrected as on
occupant load for the previous follow
second floor is 763. ups.
However the stairwells On 7/05/2018:
allow for a maximum Corrected.
occupant load of 462
10 Inspection, testing, and Inspect, test and maintain the 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017: It Within 3 Corrected
maintenance of the fire fire alarm system, and keep is an integrated months
alarm system is not in written records on-site, in part of fire alarm
accordance with NFPA accordance with NFPA 72. system.
72. On 27/07/2017:
Corrected. Factory
is maintaining ITM
record for their
installed system.
11 Manual on-off switch is Remove manual on/off 25/11/2014 On 19/1/2017:
7/05/2018: Within 1 Corrected
provided for emergency switches from emergency Corrected. month
lighting units. This was lighting units to prevent them On 18/04/2017:
reflected throughout the from being switched off. Corrected.
building in various On 27/07/2017:
locations. Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
12 Based on the number Test the emergency lighting 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017:
Issue has been Within 3 Corrected
and location of system on each floor and Corrected.
covered on point months
emergency lights provide additional emergency On 27/07/2017:
no 20
observed, adequate fixtures to provide adequate Corrected as on
illumination levels are illumination along the means previous follow
not anticipated along of egress. Provide a minimum ups.
egress routes. This was illumination of 10 lux at the On 7/05/2018:
reflected throughout the floor level within exit stairs and Corrected.
building on all floors. exit discharge paths and
13 Inspection, testing, and Inspect,
lux maintain
along exitthe 20/01/2015 On 18/04/2017: Within 3 Corrected
maintenance records for emergency
access aisleslighting system in Corrected. months
the emergency lighting accordance with The On 27/07/2017:
system were not ACCORD standard. Keep Corrected as on
available. written records on-site. previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
14 The building has an occupied floor Provide standpipe system protection All required materials and pumps for 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017: It Design within 1 In Progress
greater than 10m(33ft) and is not throughout the building in standpipe system have been brought has been found months, install
provided standpipe system accordance with NFPA -14 & 20 down at the site. But could not be same as it was within 5 months
protection, installed due to incomplete under before.
ground pump house. Due to On 27/07/2017:
unexpected continuous heavy rainfall Fire pump and
the under ground pump house other materials
construction could not completed. were in housed
However we expect to complete it by and installation is
15 New Finding: The fire alarm system is Replace the fire alarm system Fire Alarm system
30-12-2017. installation
Sub sequent the almost 24/04/2016 On
going 19/1/2017:
on. In Within 3 In Progress
antiquated, not a listed with a new, listed addressable done. Just installation
standpipe waiting for will
fire standpipe
be progress.
On 7/05/2018: months
system, and does not fire alarm system in system
25-01-2018.After fire Installation
Pump roomwork
provide alarm and accordance with NFPA 72. standpipe system work complete we still is not started.
installation is on
notification features will connect fire alarm system with On
going.18/04/2017: In
consistent with fire standpipe system. Hope it will be progress.
acceptable standards. complete within 30-01-2018. On 27/07/2017:
Installation almost
Testing and
commissioning of
the system will be
done by Accord.
On 7/05/2018:
Installation is on
16 New Finding(2nd Follow up): Provide parapets or guards with a 24/02/2016 On 18/04/2017: Within 3 months Corrected
Parapets or guards are provided in minimum height of 1067mm (42 Corrected.
occupiable roof less than 42 inch. inch.). On 27/07/2017:
Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
17 New Finding (3rd Follow up): No No smoking signs shall be posted on 25/06/2016 On 18/04/2017: Within 1 Corrected
smoking signs were not available on the production floor. Corrected. month
production floor. On 27/07/2017:
Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
18 New Finding (3rd Follow up): Stair Stair designations, occupant load sign 25/06/2016 On 19/1/2017: Within 1 Corrected
designations, occupant load sign is shall be posted at the entrance to Corrected. month
not posted at the entrance of all exit each exit stair. On 18/04/2017:
stair. Corrected.
On 27/07/2017:
Corrected as on
previous follow
On 7/05/2018:
19 New Finding: Dinning room at 3rd Separate the dining area bya Action has been taken up to 26/09/2017 Corrected. Within 2 In Progress
floor needs to be separated by 2-hr minimum 2-hr fire-ratedconstruction construct fire rated wall to provide On 7/05/2018: months
fire rated separation from cutting having a directaccess to exit stair. direct access to stair from dining Still combustible
operation. Sealand/or protected allopenings to room and will provide one fire door materials have
maintain therequired fire to separate the stair from dinning. been found inside
separations. We hope to complete it by 20-01- the dinning area.

20 New Finding (9th FUI):Manual on-off Remove manual on/off 09/06/2018 Within 1 In Progress
switch is switches from emergency On 7/05/2018: month
provided for emergency lighting units to prevent them New finding.
lighting units. This was from being switched off.
reflected throughout the
building in various

Bangladesh Accord Remediation Summary of Actions Required

Factory Name & Address Liz Fashion Industry Ltd., Zamirdia, Hobibari- 2240, Valuka, Mymensingh, Mymensingh, Dhaka
Date of Inspection by Accord 15-May-2014
Accord Rating
Finance Plan Agreed Yes

Comments from
Item No Accord Inspection Observation Accord Action Plan Final Action Plan Final Timeline Accord Accord Timeline Progress Status

1 Panel base plates removed to allow Make circular hole at the base It is completed. We have provided 31/03/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
cable entry. plate/top plate of panels and provide non-combustible base plate of panels This issue is not
cable gland according to the with circular holes and provide cable corrected yet.
respective cable size for cable entry glands. New committed
and exit so that the cables are not time line is given
stressed on the sharp edges of the till 31st-March-
hole of panels. Provide covers (of 2016.
non-combustible material) if any On 25/05/2016:
additional gap remains after Corrected.
2 Panel back cover left open to allow Panel rear cover must be closed with
installing. It is completed. We have fixed panel 25/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
cable connection. nuts and bolt and gaskets must be rear cover. follow-up
installed to prevent ingression of inspection.

3 Hot spots at terminations inside Arrange periodic inspection & It is completed. We have already 20/08/2014 Corrected at first Within 6 Months Corrected
panel. thermal scan to identify the arranged periodical inspection and follow-up
overloading, loose connection, records are being kept. inspection.
unbalanced load which may cause
the excessive heat-rise and take
action accordingly.
4 Burnt sign visible at terminal(s) Check the connected load and It is completed. As per 20/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
inside panel. tighten connections. If required, recommendation we have already follow-up
replace the burn cable. replaced the burnt cable and doing inspection.
the regular checking of terminal

5 Loop connection of MCBs inside Wiring looped at MCB terminals may It is completed. Looped connections 20/01/2015 Corrected at first Within 3 Months Corrected
panel. be replaced by using bus bars to is avoided by using busbar channel. follow-up
distribute different circuits. inspection.

6 Barrier/separators between different Install separators between different It is completed. Separators between 15/03/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
phases are not installed. phases of MCCB. Standard separators different phases of MCCB have been This issue is not
provided by the MCCB manufacturer provided corrected yet.
must be used. New committed
time line is given
till 15th-March-
On 25/05/2016:
7 Multiple cables connected at a Remove all the multiple connections It is completed. Multiple cable 25/11/2014 On 25/05/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
terminal of the bus bar. made at a single point of bus bar and connection at a single point of busbar This issue is
connect individual branch cables to is removed and independent corrected in 2nd
individual points on bus bar using connection is provided. follow up
individual lug according to the inspection and
respective cable size. found same in 3rd
8 Panel doors not connected with Provide earth connection for body It is completed. Earth connections for 20/11/2014 On 25/05/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
earth bond. and doors of metallic distribution body & doors of metallic distribution This issue is
boards using green cables preferably board have been provided by plain corrected in 2nd
braid so that the metallic door green cable. follow up
remains at zero potential all the time. inspection and
found same in 3rd
9 Cables terminating to generator Cables terminating at generator It is completed. We have provided 25/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
output terminal box are laid on floor. output panel must be supported on non-combustible riser to lay the follow-up
riser and securely fixed with cable cables terminating from generator inspection.
glands. and fix them with cable tie.
10 Generator frame connected to only Generator must be connected to It is completed. We have provided 25/12/2015 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
one earth point. earth securely at least two points. additional one earth point at the follow-up
generator. inspection.

11 Ducts not covered and cables in it Disconnect the power source of the It is completed. We have cleaned the 30/12/2014 Corrected at first Within 3 Months Corrected
are randomly placed. cable laid into channel and clean dust overhead cable ducts and arranged follow-up
and debris of all interior components. the cable properly and provided inspection.
Establish a periodic cleaning program cover with non-combustible material
and maintain records of the activities. on the channel for preventing ingress
Provide cover made of non- of dust and debris in future.
combustible material on the channel Periodical cleaning of ducts is doing
for preventing ingress of dust and and record is being kept.
debris in future. Also arrange the
12 Instant Power Supply (IPS) batteries Battery mustthe
cable inside be duct
placed on the
before covering. It is completed. IPS batteries are 15/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
placed directly on concrete floor. battery stand made of non- being kept on fabricated steel frame. follow-up
combustible material (steel inspection.

13 Motor in the boiler room, not firmly Motor in boiler must be firmly It is completed. Motor in boiler room 20/07/2014 Corrected at first Within 3 Months Corrected
fixed on the foundation /frame. grouted on the concrete floor or fixed is firmly grouted on the concrete follow-up
on the foundation structures. floor. inspection.

14 Storage in generator room. Materials and wastage stored in It is completed. All materials and 20/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
generator room must be removed wastage is removed from generator follow-up
and cleared. room in a specific place and it is inspection.
being kept clean.

15 Storage in generator room. Remove reserved fuel and other It is completed. We have shifted the 20/11/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
combustible items stored in the reserved fuel tank and other follow-up
generator room. combustible items from the inspection.
generator room.
16 Cables connecting to bus bar inside Cables connecting to busbar inside It is completed. Cable connecting to 20/07/2014 Corrected at first Within 1 Month Corrected
panel without cable lugs. panel must be connected firmly with busbar inside panels have already follow-up
cable lugs. Cable terminating to the been connected firmly with nut-bolts inspection.
busbar must be fixed with proper size and cable lugs.
nuts and bolt with washers.

17 New Finding: Terminate each power cable at single It is completed. We have already 29/02/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
Multiple cables terminated at MCCB terminal and use proper sized cable removed multiple cable connections Indicator lamp
terminals. lug. at a single point of busbar . We have connection has
used cable lug where it is required. drawn from main
MCCB. Connect
indicator lamp
with adequate
sized of
fuse/MCB. New
18 New Finding: Need to provide electrical graded It is completed. We have removed 31/07/2015 On 25/05/2016:
committed time Within 1 Month Corrected
MCB is installed without any enclosure the MCCB noted in audit finding, as it This
line isissue is till
enclosure no longer required by us . All other corrected in 2nd
MCCBs are within the graded follow
2016 toupsolve this
enclosure. inspection
issue. and
found same in 3rd
On 25/05/2016:
This issue is still
not corrected.
On 27/07/2016:
19 New Finding: Resize earth lead cable/ECC for LT It is completed. We have replaced the 31/03/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 2 Months
Corrected. Corrected
Earth lead cable/Earth Continuity panel/MDB/DB; follow BNBC 2006 under size earth lead cables by This issue is not
Conductor size is inadequate/ Part 8 chapter 2 section 2.8 for sizing proper size cables. corrected yet.
undersize your earthing cables (Usually ECC New committed
should be equal to the half of the time line is given
respective phase cable). till 31st-March-
On 25/05/2016:
20 New Finding: Existing cables with joints must be It is completed. All cable joints are 15/03/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
Cables in service are joined spliced using butt splicing kits and done by using butt splicing kits and This issue is not
(splicing) between terminations. then should be insulated with supported accordingly. corrected yet.
electrical tapes. Joints must be New committed
supported and protected. time line is given
till 15th-March-
On 25/05/2016:
This issue is still
21 New Finding: Prepare SLD more informative thus Under process. We have engaged 31/03/2016 On
corrected. Within 2 Months In Progress
Electrical Single Line Diagram (SLD) anyone can understand it. consultant they are preparing SLD. This issue is not
On 27/07/2016:
has inadequate information which They will submit SLD by end of corrected
has no effectiveness. January'2016 New committed
time line is given
till 31st-March-
On 25/05/2016:
This issue is still
not corrected. SLD
has submitted to
On 27/07/2016:
Not corrected.
22 New Finding: Redesign/modify LPS for your factory LPS re design done by the consultant, 15/04/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 4 Months Corrected
Lightning Protections System (LPS) is to increase safety; Factory have to it shall be submitted to Accord for The LPS drawing
inadequate for the factory submit LPS design to Accord before review by 15 January,2016. seems specific at
starting the time of site
visit and factory
are advised to
complete the
installation within
23 New Finding: All earthing systems shall be tested Our Consultant has done the earth 25/01/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Earth Pit resistance record is for resistance on any dry day not less pit resistance test. We expect to This issue is still
unavailable than once in every two years. A receive the report by 15th corrected in 2nd
not corrected.
record of every earth test made and January'16. follow up
On 27/07/2016:
the result shall be kept for not less inspection and
Not corrected.
than two years and shall be available found samehas
Installation in 3rd
to the Inspector when required. follow-up
not been started.
On 14/11/2016:
This issue is not
24 New Finding: Insulation resistant test of all the Done 30/01/2016 On 25/05/2016:
corrected yet. Within 2 Months Corrected
Insulation resistance test of electrical cables must be performed once every This issue is
On 19/01/2017:
cable is not performed 2 year cycle and recorded (this must corrected in 2nd
Not Corrected.
require a complete power shut off) follow up
On 18/04/2017:
inspection and
Not Corrected.
found same in 3rd
On 27/07/2017:
25 New Finding: Electrical safety training and Done 15/03/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Electric safety training program is not awareness program for the electrical This issue is not
initiated/conducted. personal and workers must be corrected yet.
initiated and recorded New committed
time line is given
till 15th-March-
On 25/05/2016:
26 New Finding: Thermo graphic scanning for the Thermo graphic scanning for 30/01/2016 On 24/01/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Thermo graphic scanning of the entire electrical system must be electrical system has already been The issue is
entire electrical system has not been performed on a bi-annual basis and done by our consultant and we considered as
tested and recorded. recorded expect to get the report by 15th closed issue
January'2016. though the
service provider
misguided factory
personnel with
27 New Finding: Interlocking system must be existed 30/06/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Changeover switches do not have between two sources used to feed Not corrected.
interlocking capabilities same load/busbar. Time extension is
given till
On 27/07/2016:
Still not corrected.
On 14/11/2016:
This issue is not
corrected yet.
On 19/01/2017:
Not Corrected.
On 18/04/2017:
28 New Finding: Avoid power cable bending in Done 30/06/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Power cables are bent excessively electrical system; in unavoidable case Not corrected.
bend cables without any stress but Time extension is
not less than 135 degree. given till
On 27/07/2016:

29 New Finding: Seal bottom of the terminal box and Done 15/04/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Generator output terminal box's use cable glands for holding/ Corrected.
bottom plate removed to allow cable supporting cables.

30 New Finding: Use insulated rubber cap to cover all Done 15/03/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
Battery terminals are left open the battery terminals Corrected.

31 New Finding: Put electrical insulation (rubber mat) Done 15/04/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Non-graded insulation mat on the on the working area of each electrical Corrected.
working are of distribution installation (Transformer/LT
board/panel. panel/MDB/DB/SDB/ other manual
operated machineries)

32 New Finding: Cables inside panel must be securely Done 30/06/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Excessive wires crowding inside the fastened, through ducts or by ties, to Not corrected.
panel. avoid crossing live parts. Time extension is
given till
On 27/07/2016:

33 New Finding: Adjust or replace all the Done 30/06/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Oversized circuit breakers or Circuit MCCBs/MCBs according to cable Not corrected.
breakers are not adjusted ampacity (connected load). Avoid Time extension is
accordingly using different sized cable at the given till
terminals 30/06/2016.
On 27/07/2016:
34 New Finding: Replace rusted nut-bolt & washer Done 15/03/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 1 Month Corrected
Nut-bolt & washer are rusted. with new one. Corrected. No
such issue has
been found during
follow-up visit.

35 New Finding: Clean all the cable channels/ducts; Done 15/04/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Cable duct/ channel's end cover then seal them for permanent. Corrected.

36 New Finding: Discrimination must be achieved Done 30/06/2016 On 25/05/2016: Within 2 Months Corrected
Discrimination is not achieved between circuit breakers used for Not corrected.
among circuit breakers used for protection of main circuit and the Time extension is
protection of main circuit and the sub-circuits derived therefrom by given till
sub-circuits derived therefrom. adjusting the protective devices of 30/06/2016.
the sub-circuit breakers to operate at On 27/07/2016:
lower current setting and shorter Corrected.
time-lag than the main circuit
37 New Finding: Terminate each power cable at single Done 31/12/2016 On 19/01/2017: 1 Month Corrected
Looping & multiple cables terminal and use proper sized cable Corrected.
terminated at MCCB terminals. lug.

38 New Finding: Find the cause of excessive heat-rise Done 31/12/2016 On 19/01/2017: 1 Month Corrected
Hot spots at terminations inside which may be the overloading, loose Corrected. No
panel. connection, unbalanced load and hotspot found
others and take action immediately. during inspection.
Thermo graphic scanning for the
entire electrical system must be
performed on a bi-annual basis and
39 New Finding: Adjust or replace all the 31/12/2016 On 19/01/2017: 2 Months Corrected
Oversized circuit breakers or Circuit MCCBs/MCBs according to cable Not Corrected.
breakers are not adjusted ampacity (connected load). Avoid On 18/04/2017:
accordingly using different sized cable at the Not Corrected.
terminals On 27/07/2017:
40 New Finding: Power bus bar must be installed with Done 31/12/2016 On 19/01/2017: 1 Month Corrected
Power bus bars are installed adequate clearance (not less than 2.5 Corrected.
congested; and power cables touch inch for LV) between two bars. Cables
other phase bus bar/s must not touch opposite bus bars in
any case.

41 New Finding: Indicator lights should be connected 28/02/2017 On 18/04/2017: 1 Month Corrected
Indicator lights are mounted without by control device such as rated fuse Not Corrected.
disconnecting device. or MCB. On 27/07/2017:

42 New Finding: Equipment earth connection for 25/06/2017 On 27/07/2017: 2 Months Corrected
Equipment earth cable (for generator shall be drawn from at Corrected.
generator) size is inadequate. least two separate point of generator;
and the cable size shall be less than
or equal to half of the phase cable
(depends on fault clearing time). You
may use equivalent sized bare copper
conductor. Number of earth pits shall
be determined by the size of
43 New Finding: Hazardous lights in
connected earth store room /
cable. 25/05/2017 On 27/07/2017: 1 Month Corrected
Hazardous lights in store room / storage areas shall be covered by Not Corrected.
storage areas are uncovered. proper type material; or non- On 30/10/2017:
hazardous lights shall be installed in Corrected
these areas.

44 New Finding: Induction motor driven fans (which 25/06/2017 On 27/07/2017: 2 Months Corrected
Large exhaust fans are controlled has high inrush current) must not be Corrected.
directly by MCB operated directly using MCB; Direct-
On-Line (DoL) type control switch
must be used.

45 New Finding: Find the cause of excessive heat-rise 20/08/2017 On 30/10/2017: 2 weeks Corrected
Hot spots at terminations inside which may be the overloading, loose Corrected. Not
panel. connection, unbalanced load and found this time.
others and take action immediately.
Thermo graphic scanning for the
entire electrical system must be
performed on a bi-annual basis and

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