Safeer Sajid: John Waites
Safeer Sajid: John Waites
Safeer Sajid: John Waites
Prepared By:
Safeer Sajid
Course: MBA
Uni. ID 0911867093897
(ID 270582SS)
Submitted To:
John Waites
The aim of this proposal is to give an overview insight to what is
expected of the main dissertation in the course of the research
The dissertation is divided into five chapters, chapter one deal with
the introduction and background information to the study.
Chapter two deal precisely with the literature review, use of relevant
literatures, books and journals for comparison and development of
critical focus.
Chapter three will focus on research methodology, research aims
and objectives and different methods of data collection.
Chapter four however is the research findings, test of hypotheses
and analysis of data.
Finally, chapter five which is the last chapter of the dissertation
concludes the entire research work with specific recommendations
and area of further research.
The study will further assess how efficient and effective are the
donor-funded projects financial management system in achieving
projects programme goals in Tanzania context, with reference to
donor support at University of Dar es Salaam. It is important to note
that adequate knowledge, skills and experience on financial
management discipline, as well as supportive attitudes towards
having a sound financial management system in work organisation,
and behavioural factors emanating from organisational based self
esteem are the mostly key element that enables availability of
timely, accurate, reliable and useful financial information. Despite
the fact that the financial management system includes both
3.1 Introduction
The study will further assess how efficient and effective are the
donor-funded projects financial management system in achieving
projects programme goals in Tanzania context, with reference to
donor support at University of Dar es Salaam. It is important to note
that adequate knowledge, skills and experience on financial
management discipline, as well as supportive attitudes towards
having a sound financial management system in work organisation,
and behavioural factors emanating from organisational based self
esteem are the mostly key element that enables availability of
timely, accurate, reliable and useful financial information. Despite
the fact that the financial management system includes both
administrative and accounting systems, the limitation of time, funds
and other resources, made the focus of this study concentrate on
accounting system only.
3.2.1 Population
Due to time constraints and other resources, the study will not
exhaustively cover each project; rather representative projects were
studied on behalf of the entire population. More ever i will assume
that procedures and work environment for all donor funded project
financial management system are homogeneous and only individual
differ. Thus in all donor funded projects at UDSM environment allows
the implementation of an effective financial management system
that is necessary for achieving the targeted donor funded project