By Gokul Ravi

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by Gokul Ravi

Submission date: 27 - Mar- 2018 09:20AM (UTC+0530)

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Young adults watch television and YouTube for entertainment and keep themselves au-fait of
current trends. Throughout this process,advertisements are submissively used up by them. This
advertisement have in-depth penetration in the consumer mind and the consumer tends torecall
the product advertisement while seeing the product. Digital and print media, has a mass share
of the countries advertisement industry. Advertisers fell treasure trove and operative to use
television and YouTube promotion to attract consumers. The contemporary study was
performed to measure the concussion of TV and YouTube advertisements on purchase
behaviour of deodorants in the Delhi-NCR region by the consumers. A questionnaire
containing 15 questions ""as arranged to meet out the objectives of the study. Responses were
received using online forms. A sample size of 100 was used to analy se the overall research.
The analysis gave an insight that young adults strongly believe that the TV and YouTube
advertisements have greatly affected their buying process. Adults unrelatedly of their gender
and area of residence sturdily believe that TV advertisements have influence on their
observance and the acquaintance to TV and YouTube advertisements have boosted their
connexion in purchasing and also has caused in increasing their frequency of purchase.

India is a gigantic country with diversity in culture,religion, monetary benefits and much more.
Within these diverse conditions exist multiple market fllds. Fast moving consumer goods
(FMCG), one of the preeminent sector, which is why it is the 4th largest sector in the Indian
economy. Consisting of 3 main segments - pers<f)ll care which accounts for the 50%, food
and beverages which gives us a financial records for 19 per cent of the sector and healthcare
which accounfJfor remaining 31%, it has grown from 2.0329 trillion rupees in 2011 to 4.9
trillion rupees in 2016. The sector has foreseeable to expand at a Compound Annual Growth
Rate (CAGR) of 20.6 per cent to reach 66.689 trillion rupees by 2020. The personal care
products marketplace is super-abound by women's universally. In the deodorant section in
India, men's have a significant lead over the women 's. India has a'1foping Rs. 1,400-crore
deodorant market out of which men's deodorants market sellsabout to Rs 1,000 crores,pegging
the male to female ratio at 70:30. Higher habitude of deodorants among Indians can be credited
to greater a9reness and a general increase in hygienic practices amongst the upcoming
generations . Deodorants are used by both men and women belonging to different strata's of
society. With an increase in disposable revenue, more people are capable to impart personal
care products in their shopping basket that are not generally well-thought-out as a necessity
product for day to day basis. With 31.5% market stake, Hindustan Unilever is the market
forerunner in deodorants segment. Its crown jewel pI)f uct, Axe, is highly desired product by
consumers of all age group. Supplementary products under Hindustan Unile1Jmother brand
are Rexona and Dove, they are crowd pleasing amongst women 's in India. After Hindustan
Unilever, Paras Phannaceuticals and McNroe Chemicals are the colossal industry players in
the segment. Even though there are new brands emerging every now and then the reports
suggests that Hindustan Unilever's product Axe leads with 25% of total sales in the industry,
, followed by Paras Pharmaceuticals ' Set Wet,with I0% market sales , and McNroe Chemicals'
Wild Stone having a 9% market value.

Deodorants are available in various forms such as sprays, roll-ons, sticks.As compared to the
number of deodorants which are available in market for men, the number of deodorants for
women is analogously less. This can be attributed to the circumstance that deodorants 1f1
antiperspirants,have, in comparison to the developed countries,been recently introduced in the
Indian market. For decades, the Indian market has been relying on perfumes to enhance the
scent of the body. And as such, females in India endure to use perfumes in preference of
deodorants and antiperspirants. Also, deodorants ae in use by those who are constantly
outdoors, a greater part of which are males in India. Some of the deodorant brands that cater to
the females are Nike, Fa, Dove,and Nivea. Predicfl>n by market analyst state that the deodorant
industry will grow at a projected growth rate of 25% CAGR (compound annual growth rate)
over the next five years. As net household income increases and with more expendable income,
there is ample scope for the growth of the deodorant market in India. Increase in the usage of
deodorants can also be attributed to the Indian climate, which is hot and humid, especially
between the months of March and September, forcing consumers to purchase antiperspirants
and deodorants to keep their bodies fresh and cool.

Literature review
The term advertising has a Latin origin from-'advert ' which imparts a meaning to turn around.
Hence it is as a mechan ism employed to draw recognition to any objeca:ir purpose
(Ramaswamy & Namakumari , 2004).Hence 'any rewarded form of non-persona l
demonstration and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an branded sponsor' is entitled to
be called as advertisement (American Marketing Association , 2000).Most of the marketers use
advertising is the non-personal communication aspect of communicating information to the
prospects, which is usually paid. Almost all variant of advertisements are eloquent in structure
about products, sen1ices or ideas by the organization through the various media (Bovee &
Arens, 1994).Visibly advertisement serves as a rostrum for the advertisers to transfuse his
notions about his prod ucts and offerings to his customers and prospects. The message is
conveyed through a mass medium like radio, television, magazines, direct mail, newspaper or
outdoor display. Commercialization of the products is the basic objective of advertising
(Ramaswami & Nama Kumari, 2004).lndia being a emerging economy has immense
population watching television on day to day purpose and using various social media platform,
while television viewership started from the year 1959 during which it was state owned
medium and commercialization of television happened during the year 1976 and the coloured
variant of television was introduced 1982. At the present almost all the household in India has
television even the advanced version of television like plasma, LED, curved display, retina
version have arose and has turned out to be indispensable part of everyone 's life (Shah &
D'Souza, 2008). Almost 82.5% household have television coverage and according to studies
around 50 crore of Indian population watch television on regular basis which accounts to
virtually half of the population in India (Saxena, 2005).
Conswner behaviour denotes to the conduct that conswner's exhibit in seeking for,purchasing,
using, assessing and disposing of products and services that would satisfy their needs
(Schiffman & Kanuk, 1996). There are countless factors which govern the buy ing nature of the
individual which are economic influences, size of family, life style, area of residence, age,
education,occupation,personality and various factors to be named. The Indian market consists
of various segments of consumer which consists from youngsters to aged people in various
market demographics and almost everyone spend their free time in front of television or in
various social media platform like You-tube, face-book, Quora, Linkedln etc where they come
across various advertisement. (Dubey & Patel, 2004).Television has an edge over other type of
advertising since the advertisements in this type of medium is fleeting, that is they are visible
for some time and fade in to the memory of individuals and most of the advertisement are
creative and attractive that they have an immediate effect(Ramaswami & Namakumari , 2004).
Various research prove that parents of teenagers have a direct effect on buying behaviour and
the advertisement have an additional effect to those behavioural nature (Brand & Greenberg,
1994). Teens gain information about products, stores, brand and image, shopping trends, sale
and discount buying by various visual advertisement seen by them through various media
(Moschis, 1978). Men and women are attracted to different products and they prefer watching
the advertisement of the products which attract them and hence marketers create unique
advertisement for those kind of products for instance men are more attentive towards product
like shaving cream, deodorants, cigarettes, cold drinks, automobiles, mobile phones but the
females prefer cosmetics, sanitary napkins, footwear, food products, perfumes and many more
to name (Kotwal et. el., 2008). India is a inhabitants of young generation and Indian adults
aggregate to approximately 41% of the aggregate population and on an average this adults
indulge in almost 8 hours per diurnal of watching television or using any other social media
platform and studies state that during this time the advertisement which they come across has
a passive effect on them. Also reports suggest that the viewership of television is more midst
women and use of social platform is more in young adults and teenagers As a consequence of
which, most advertisements judiciousl y purchase time for their commercials during
programmes viewed by the specific 'target' viewers they consider in all probability to buy
(Kavitha, 2006). Advertisers time and again believe that the utmost looked-for market for their
products are young wedded professionals and managers who are settled in urban or sub-urban
areas of the country (Patti & Frazer, 1988).

Objectives of the study:

• To figure out the repercussion of advertisement on the consumer purchasing practice
for deodorants.
• To determine the top brands of deodorants used by men's and women 's.
• To review the usage pattern of deodorants in the Delhi-NCR region .
• To study the product satisfaction after the purchase of particular product after seeing its



HO: There is an impact of advertisements seen in television and YouTube on the purchase
behaviour of deodorants.

H 1: On no account there is any influence of advertisement seen in television and YouTube

on the purchase behaviour of deodorants.

HO: Consumers do reiterate purchase of deodorants.

Hl: Consumers tend not to reiterate purchase of deodorants.


HO: Consumers are inclined tobe satisfied with the new product which they buy after seeing

Hl: Consumers are not satisfied with the product which they buy after seeing

Research methodology:
Random sampling techniques were applied and survey was circulated toyoung adults living in
Delhi-NCR region to know their opinions regarding the usage of deodorants .

Results and discussion:

1) Null hy pothesis is accepted since the survey suggest a significant number ofconsumers
purchasing deodorants after seeing the advertisement.
2) We fail to agree to take null hypothesis since our survey predict that there are only few
respondents who tend to do repeat purchase behaviour .
3) We accept the null hypothesis since majority of the consumers have agreed that they
are satisfied with the product.

data for usage of deodorants



No I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so

Figl: showing the ratio of male and female deodorants users



Fig 2: it shows the data for time spent inwatching T.V or YouTube per day



.. -
20.00% 11.40% 11.50%

Fig3: depicts the data of people who have seen the advertisement

ocassionally 23

UJ once intwo days -6.1

UJ thrice daily • 2


twice daily

once daily
·-19.2 •51.7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig4: Data showing the percentage usage of deodorants by the respondendts


• Fragnance • Freshness • others

Fig5: results for purpose of deodorants usage



Fig6: analysis for effect of advertisement on the purchase behaviour of deodorants

Repeat purchase of deo

•yes • no • maybe

fig: analysis of repeat purchase behaviour

prod uct statisfaction after cha nge

Clyes •no Iiimaybe

Fig 8:product satisfaction after changing the product

Sample size of 100 was chosen when the results were analy sed it was seen that around 54% of
respondents were male and 46% of the respondents were female. Young adults of the aged
between 18 and 26 formed the popu lation of the survey and from the responses ·we could see
that around 28% of the respondent were 22 years old closely followed by 21% respondent being
21 years old and 20% being 21 years old, the remaining 30% were the remaining age group
people.Almost 95% of the sample have admitted to watching T.V or using YouTube on regular
basis and remaining 5% don't use it on regular basis. Out of those respondents we could
observe that 19% of popula tion used TV or youtube for less than one hour per hour compared
to 26.70% admitting the usage of up to l hour and 25.70% usin g it for almost 2 hour, 15.20%
and 13.30% of population watching it for 3hour and more than 3% respectively. Almost
77.l 0% of the population have admitted to seeing the deodorants advertisement in those e-
medium . From the survey we observed that 88% of the total sample size has agreed that they
use deodorants and the remainin g 12% have admitted of not using it. Amongst the people who
use deodorants we could see that 54.5% of population use it because of the fragrance purpose
and 33.7% use it as a body freshener to avoid smell and odour. We could also observe that
51.7% of population used deodorants once daily while 19.2% admitted of using it twice and
around 23% were occasional user of the deodorants. Amongst the male deodorants Axe has
captured significant market of 28% followed by Park Avenue at 18% and amongst the female
Nivea has a share of about 32% followed by EVA occupying 17%. Approximately 59%
population has admitted of changing the brand of deodorant after seeing the advertisement and
around 14% of people have admitted of changing on certain times the survey also gave us an
hint about the repeat purchase behaviour of the individuals where only 26% admitted that they
had tendency to buy the same product again and again.


India has a an immense potential in terms of market size due to its densely populated nature
and capturing the optimmn share of the Indian market is what every marketer try to strive for.
With almost half of the nation 's population being young adult proper market targeting strategy
iswhat the need of the hour is. Even though the consumers are becoming more conscious about
the decision they make while purchasing the products it's the prime duty for the marketer to
feed into the mind of consumers that a particular product exist using various marketing strategy.
Advertisement forms base of one such strategy and can beused to greatly influence the decision
of buying a certain product. Hence a proper advertisement at the right time at the right place
will greatly influence the pattern of purchase.

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