Buddha Palm Master
Buddha Palm Master
Buddha Palm Master
Master Level
Lineage: Arif Setiawan (Founder)-Victor Glanckopf-You
There are 5 Attunements or levels and the Attunements are given 3 days
Victor Glanckopf
Touch of Healing
Another hand placement is to place one hand at heart chakra and the
other hand at dan-tien point. Then place both palms on soles of feet.
Golden Palms
This Technique is for cleaning the whole body. First do golden coat
technique. Then focus is on the golden mist, feel it in both palms. See
your palms becoming a shining gold color. Your palms are now ready for
use. Place your palms on your client and see the golden energy entering
into their body and become a shinning gold color. Do this technique with
no mind, no concentration.
It is recommended that you place both your palms on each major chakra
of your client.
Activate the gTummo fire and focus on the golden fire moving to both
your palms. Imaging your palms like a golden fire, now the palms are
ready for use.
Activate gTummo technique and fuse the golden fire energy with the
kundalini energy, the fire becomes golden red. Now move the fire up to
the tailbone and then to base of neck bone and to both of your palms.
Now the palms are ready for healing.
Next affirm “I heal with …….. any energy available as: fire or water
or air or earth etc..”
If it is snowing outside, ask the snow energy to help. You can ask the sky
energy and sun energy to join but don’t do that at noon. Use the sun
energy at sunset. If you work near the garden or the jungle you can ask
the help of tree and flower energy. If near the river or lake or ocean ask
the help of the Water energy: don’t do that if water is pollution.
This technique is very simple, but you must do basic meditation first.
For self-healing say this affirmation: I am using Buddha palm to heal
myself (wait for second) and say again… Please earth, sky energy, moon,
stars, big tree, air and water and all good energies please help me. Do
Ask your client to mediate and touch his/her crown chakra and say
affirmation – “all good energy, please help ”(say name of person). If
he/she meditates in a flower’s garden you can ask help of flowers and
tree energies. If in meditation in the morning ask for help of the sunshine,
sky, and air. If meditation is under a big tree, ask help of the big tree.
Affirmation==In Meditation
Affirmation=== In Meditation
Affirmation====== In Meditation
Affirmation====== In Meditation
Affirmation====== In Meditation
Affirmation====== In Meditation
Affirmation====== In Meditation
Advanced Technique
The Place of 8th the chakra is above your head about 10 – 15 cm. In
meditation, touch your 8th chakra (it is like ball, same width as your head),
guide it down through your crown chakra and enjoy the sensation, feel the
energy clearing your crown chakra.
Pull it down to third eye-enjoy the sensation.
After that guide it to throat chakra, feel the soft energy clearing neck and
throat charkas, guide it to heart charka.
Feel the 8th chakra energy and fuse with heart chakra, Put your hand on your
thigh. Combine the meditation with 8th chakra energy in your heart chakra.
Clean all major charkas with the 8th chakra energy by guiding the energy
down to fusion with third eye, and then to heart chakra, solar plexus,
sexual chakra and base chakra.
Inhale very deeply. Then take this good energy or chi down to all your
chakras, nadis and pores.
Exhale through the mouth, imaging you are pulling out the negative energy
and negative emotions from your whole body, all chakras and pores, 3X.
Now image a golden mist surrounding your body, image all your charkas,
nadis and meridian points and all the pores of your skin absorbing the golden
mist into your whole your body. The golden mist enters your body,
cleansing the skin, and chakras, nadis, organs and bones, entering deep into
the bones; your whole body fuses with the golden mist. Now intent and say
this “condition always happens when I do this meditation”. Enter into mind
Do the Strongest gTummo technique and image your golden fire rises up to
solar plexus to burn out any negativity. Imagine Golden fire rises up to heart
chakra, cleansing it for at least a few minutes. Guide the golden fire to throat
chakra cleansing that chakra, wait for a while and do the same with the third
eye and crown charkas.
Activate the strongest gTummo technique and imagine the golden fire
going down to sexual chakra, and down to perineum feel the golden fire
awakening the kundalini for 5 minutes. See the golden fire joining with
kundalini, imagine the color is changing and becoming a golden red fire and
feel the dragon awakening!
Feel the kundalini energy flowing very actively and strongly. See the
dragon enter the base of chakra and tail bone and slowly guide it with your
mind and heart The dragon moves up your back bone clearing a path up to
neck, head and crown chakras and out the crown chakra to the 8th chakra and
fuse with your aura burning and cleaning it. Do meditation.
Do the strongest gTummo technique and imagine the golden fire going down
to sexual chakra, and to down to perineum. Feel the golden fire awakening
the kundalini energy for 5 minutes. See the golden fire joining with
kundalini and imagine the color is changing and becoming a golden red –
fire. The dragon awakens!
Feel the kundalini flowing very actively and strongly and see the dragon
enter the base of chakra and tailbone, slowly guiding with your mind and
The dragon then moves up your backbone clearing a path to your neck, head
and crown chakra. Now the dragon goes down to the third eye.
To throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus and to tan-tien again, 3 times or
9x, or 18x, or 27x.
Now imagine the golden fire going down to sexual chakra, and down to
perineum Feel the golden fire activating and awakening the kundalini, 5
minutes. See the golden fire joining with kundalini and imagine the color is
changing and become a golden red – The Dragon is Awake!
Feel the kundalini flow very actively and strongly and see the dragon enter
the base chakra and tailbone. Slowly guide with your mind and heart and
feel the dragon moving up back bone clearing a path, going to neck, head
and crown chakra and out through the crown chakra to the 8th chakra fusing
with your aura and burning and cleaning it. Do meditation.
Exhale with open mouth, imaging that you are pulling out all the negative
energy and negative emotions from your whole body, chakras and pores.
Intend the green earth energy is entering your body via your feet. Feel the
energy going up and out via crown chakra to the Moon and from the moon
see white light coming to you and surrounding you. Feel the Peace of this
energy. Guide it back down white and out to the earth
Same as the moon technique but the green energy goes up to the stars.
Sky’s Door
Swastika meditation
1. For power, just imagination swastika the power when you mediation
2. For love and creating, just imagination swastika the love when you
NOTE: With this meditation I hope, we (You and I ) can learn about life-
death, love and heat, destruction and creation. And everything can be created
by our mind.
Written by
The principal of attunements in buddhapalm are mind, heart and the touch of
the palm. It is different then Reiki attunements as there are no symbols. The
attunement is very simple and takes a very short time, but the energy works
level 4, you will the have ability to give angkur (attunement gTummo level 1
buddhapalm-ki you can attune all the Reiki symbols even you have not been
• Gtummo level 1, Move behind your student and touch their neck with
both your palms, and intend that you give her/him gtummo level 1. Let
the gtummo fire do it by self. You don’t control whatever you do, just
touch behind the neck with your palms. The process takes 5 or 10
• Gtummo Level 2- Move behind student and touch their neck with both
your palms, and intend that you give her/him gtummo level 2. Let the
touch behind the neck with your palms. The process needs 5 or 10
• Gtummo Level 3. Move behind student and touch behind the neck with
both your palms, and intend that you give her/him gtummo level 3. Let
the gtummo fire do it by self, no controlling. You just touch behind the
neck with your palm. The process needs 5 or 10 minute or uses your
• Gtummo level 4 (Vajra Master)- Move behind your student and touch
their neck with both your palms, and intend that you give her/him
touch behind their neck with your palms. The process just needs 5-10
Note: Beware, this technique very simple but powerful. Waiting period
Level 1.
This level is important for student to proceed to the next level, and in this
The procedure:
1. Intend that you are giving the student Buddhapalm – Ki level 1. Pray and
ask for help of the master teachers of Buddhapalm, Ki and god. Touch
left shoulder with your left palm and right shoulder with your right palm.
2. Now, say in your heart, gtummo please arise for Buddha palm – Ki
level 1-3 X. It is recommended that you hold your breath and imagine in
3. Now say in your heart, Kundalini please wake up Buddha palm – Ki level
1 - you can imagine that kundalini is rising from perineum through crown
4. Now say in your heart, earth energy please give him/her a wonderful
blessing (1 time) wait for minute, intend the earth energy is moving up
from the earth to the student and through their crown chakra and up to the
5. And say heaven and god please give him/her blessing and intend for the
sky to give a blessing also. Move from the sky to crown chakra, moving
down to earth.
6. You can add the other energy blessing like, water, fire, air etc.
7. Now attunement begins (before that it recommended that you give the
8. Place both your palms on the crown chakra of the student and say this
level 1…………. NOW. Let the master energy work by itself. Hold your
9. Move to front of your student and blow him/her with the master energy,
intend that you make the path of energy buddhapalm-ki. Imagine the
back bone cleaning the shushuma. Next go to the neck bone and crown
chakra, move down to ajna cakra, then down to throat chakra and to both
10. Now blow with a green color and intend that you are giving blessings and
see their energy clean all of their body and see her/him body like a
clear/glass body.
Level 2
1. Intend that you are giving the student Buddha palm – Ki level 2, pray and
2. Touch shoulders of student with your palms. Left shoulder with your left
palm, right shoulder with your right palm. Let the energy of Buddha palm
3. Now, say in your heart, gtummo please arise for Buddha palm-Ki level 2
(say in 3 time), it recommended you hold the your breath and imagine in
4. Now say in your heart, Kundalini please wake up for Buddha palm – ki
level 2. You can imagine that kundalini is rising from perineum through
crown chakra.
5. Now say in your heart, the earth energy please give him/her blessing (1
time) wait for a minute, intend the earth energy to move up from the
6. And say, “heaven and god please give him/her a great blessing” and
intend sky gives blessing also. Move from the sky to crown chakra, move
down to earth
7. You can add the other energy blessing like, water, fire, air etc.
9. Place both your palms on their crown chakra and say affirmation
1…………. NOW.” Let the master energy do it by self (hold your hand
in 10 minute).
10. Blow a white mist and intend that you give them a great blessing and see
the energy clean all their body, and see her/him body like a glassy body.
Level 3
1. Intend that you are giving the student Buddha palm – Ki level 3 and pray
and ask help of the master teacher of Buddha palm-Ki and god.
2. Touch shoulders of student with your palms. Left shoulder with your left
palm, right shoulder with your right palm. Let the energy of Buddha palm
3. Now, say in your heart, “gtummo please arise for Buddha palm-Ki level
3,” say 3 times. Hold your breath and imagine in your tan-tien a golden
4. Now say in your heart, “Kundalini please wake “Buddha palm/ Ki level
crown chakra.
5. Now say in your heart, earth energy please give him/her blessing (1
time). Wait for a minute and intend that the earth energy is moving up
from the earth to the student through their crown chakra and into the sky.
6. And say heaven and god please give him/her blessing and intend the sky
is blessing them too. Move from the sky to crown chakra and to the earth.
7. You can add the other energy blessing like, water, fire, air etc.
9. Place both your palms on their crown chakra and say affirmation- “I
3”…………. NOW, let the master energy work by itself, hold your hands
in place 10 minutes.
10. Now blow the color of a white mist and intend you are giving a great
blessing and see the energy clean all of their body. See her/him body as
Level 3a.
master teacher.
1. Intend that you are giving the student Buddha palm – Ki level 3a, pray to
ask for the help of master teacher of Buddha palm-Ki and God.
2. Touch the shoulders of your student with your palms. Left shoulder with
your left palm, right shoulder with your right palm. Let the energy of
3. Now, say in your heart, gtummo please arise for Buddha palm-Ki level
3a”, say 3 times. It is recommended you hold your breath and imagine
4. Now say in your heart, Kundalini please wake up for Buddha palm – Ki
level 3a”. You can imagine the kundalini rising from perineum through
crown chakra.
5. Now say in your heart, earth energy please give him/her blessing (1
time). Wait for a minute, intend the earth energy is moving up from the
6. And say “heaven and god please give him/her blessing.” Intend for the
sky energy to give its blessing. Move from the sky to crown chakra and
7. You can add the other energy blessing like, water, fire, air etc.
9. Place both your palms on their crown chakra and say affirmation- “I
attune him Buddha palm – Ki technique and meditation level 1”. NOW,
let the master energy work itself. Hold your hand in position for 10
minute. Move to the side of the student. With one palm touch their
forehead and with the other palm touch behind their forehead. Let the
10. Move one palm to throat chakra and the other palm behind their throat
chakra. Let the energy clean and activate their throat chakra for 5
11. Move one palm to heart chakra about 5 cm. above it. The other palm
moves to back behind heart chakra. Let the energy clean and activate
heart chakra.
13. Move one hand to sex chakra and one hand to tail bone. Balance.
14. Now blow in golden mist intend that you giving a great blessing and see
the energy clean all of their body. See her/him body like glass.
Attunement finished
15. Tell your student to perform basic meditation level 3a, after attunement
Level 4
1. Intend that you are giving the student Buddhapalm – Ki level 4. Pray and
2. Touch the shoulders of your student with your palms. Left shoulder with
your left palm, right shoulder with your right palm. Let the energy of
3. Now, say in your heart, “gtummo please arise for Buddha palm-ki level
4”, say 3 times. Hold your breath and imagine in your dan-tien a golden
4. Now say in your heart, Kundalini please wake up for Buddha palm – Ki
level 4.” Image that the kundalini rising is from their perineum through
crown chakra.
5. Now say in your heart, “earth energy please give him/her a great
blessing” 1 X. Wait for a minute and intend the earth energy is moving
up from the earth to the student and through their crown chakra to the
6. And say “heaven and god please give him/her blessing”, intend the sky
gives blessings too. Move from the sky to crown chakra and move down
to earth.
7. You can add the other energy blessings like, water, fire, air etc.
9. Place both your palms on the crown chakra of the student and say this
meditation level 4”. NOW, let the master energy work by itself. Hold
10. Now blow a golden green mist and intend that you are giving a blessing
and see the energy clean all their body See her/him body as glass.
11. Image and see the students body as a golden light, beautifully shining.
13. Tell student to perform basic meditation level 4, after attunement level 4
process is finished.
level one, the master energy will open all major charkas and clean all nadis.
In level 2, the master energy will activate all major charkas and clean the
96,000 nadis.
Level 5-
attunement for. The Attunement will begin when he/she opens the email."
After the process is finished, intend that you put the attunement in their
And you pray in your heart, that the attunement will begin when she/he
Don’t forget to give advice to your student about how important it is to the
The technique to attune yourself to other any Reiki systems--- “I said cutting
of chrisant flower. With this technique we can attune many Reiki systems.
For each attunement of Buddha palm-Ki, wait 7 days for each level. Give the