Optimal Design of A Hybrid Solar - Wind-Diesel Power System For Rural Electrification Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Optimal Design of A Hybrid Solar - Wind-Diesel Power System For Rural Electrification Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Optimal Design of A Hybrid Solar - Wind-Diesel Power System For Rural Electrification Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
*Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
**Department of Electrical Engineering, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University
s_lotfi@srbiau.ac.ir, fl0tfi@yshoo.com, m.ghiamy@iauardabil.ac.ir
Corresponding Author; Saeid Lotfi Trazouei, Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, +989398208778, s_lotfi@srbiau.ac.ir
Abstract- In this paper, optimal design of a stand-alone hybrid solar- wind- diesel power generation system using Imperialist
Competitive Algorithm, Particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization is presented. The final goal of this paper is
minimization of net present cost of hybrid system for lifetime of project ( here 20 years) considering by reliable supply of load
and loss of power probability (LPSP) reliability index. In order to find out the least expenditure and best combination, the
result of these algorithms compared together. Among these algorithms, the imperialist competitive algorithm is faster and more
accurate than others and has more certain design in comparison to PSO and ACO algorithms. In this paper, first the
mathematical model of various parts of hybrid system is presented. Then the purposed algorithm is used. Finally, simulation
results ( number of PV panels, number of wind turbines, number of battery storages, system total cost ,power diagram of
hybrid power system components and reliability diagram) for solar-wind -diesel systems is presented.
Keywords- Renewable energy, stand- alone power system, reliability, Imperialist competitive algorithm, optimization.
The output power from a PV panel can be calculated by 2.2. Wind Turbine Modeling
an analytical model which defines the current-voltage
relationships based on the electrical characteristics of the PV The relationship between output from wind turbine and
panel. This model includes the effects of radiation level and wind speed is as follows [11]:
panel temperature on the output power. With a maximum
power point tracker (MPPT), the output power from a PV v vei
panel is given as [10]: v v PR Vei V Vr
t PR
r eo
PWT Vr V Vei (6)
PPV Vmpp .I mpp (1) 0 other wise
Vmpp Vmpp,ref V ,OC (TC TC ,ref ) (2)
Where V is sampling wind speed; vei is cut-in wind
I mpp I mpp,ref I SC ,ref (GT / Gref ) I , SC (TC TC ,ref )
speed; veo is cut-out wind speed; vr is rated wind speed; PR
is rated wind turbine power.[11] Using the wind speed at a
reference height hr(m) from the database, the velocity at a
Saeid Lotfi Trazouei et al., Vol.3, No.2, 2013
specific hub height (h(m)) for the location is estimated on an The number of batteries to be connected in series is
hourly basis throughout the specified period through the therefore not subject to the optimization but is a
following expression.[2] straightforward calculation, whereas the number of parallel
battery strings, each consisting of Nbat ,s batteries connected
V t Vr t (7) in series, is a design variable that needs optimization [2].
Fig. 2 shows typical wind turbine characteristics 2.4. Power Reliability Model Based on LPSP Index
The batteries are connected in series to give the desired 2.5. System Operation Strategies
nominal DC operating voltage and are connected in
parallel to yield a desired Ah system storage capacity. Then, The power generated by the hybrid system and the
the number of batteries connected in series depends on the amount of energy stored are time dependent. So, the
DC bus voltage and the nominal voltage of each individual input/output power of the battery bank, is controlled by the
battery Vbat ,nom , it is calculated as follows following equation []:
Saeid Lotfi Trazouei et al., Vol.3, No.2, 2013
where, N may be number (unit) or capacity (kW or kg), CC N PV N PV , P N PV , S is the total number of PV panels
is capital cost ($/unit), RC is cost of each replacement
($/unit), and O&MC is annual operation and maintenance and NWT is the total number of wind turbines.
cost ($/unit-yr) of the component, and R is the useful lifetime
of the project (here, 20 years). ir is the real interest rate (here, PB is the input/ output power of the battery bank,
6%) which is a function of nominal interest rate (irnominal) and Pb 0 during the charging process of the battery and Pb 0
annual inflation rate (fr), defined by in the discharging process .[2]
(ir , no min al f r ) Then, the model of the sizing optimization of the
ir (19) standalone hybrid PV-Wind-diesel system is expressed as
1 fr
lso, CRF and K are capital recovery factor and single
payment present worth [20], respectively, which are defined Min STC(x) = minx{AC(x)+Cfuel} (26)
as follows: where x {N PV , P , NWT , N Bat , P } (27)
(1 ir ) R 1 PP t PL t (28)
CRF (iR , R) (20)
(1 ir ) ir
SOCmin t SOC t SOCmax t (29)
Saeid Lotfi Trazouei et al., Vol.3, No.2, 2013
The goal of optimization is to find an optimal solution in
terms of the variables of the problem. The algorithm form an
array of variable values to be optimized. In ACO
terminology, this array is called "ant", In PSO terminology is
called "particle" but here the term" country" is used for this
array. In a N var - dimensional (in this paper Nvar 4 )
optimization problem, a country is a 1 Nvar array. this array
is defined by
Country [ NPV ; NWT ; Nbat ; Ninv ] (34)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Saeid Lotfi Trazouei et al., Vol.3, No.2, 2013
characteristics and initial investment, maintenance and 6.55
x 10
ISC(A) 8.85
Vmax(V) 26.6
Best Cost
Imax(A) 7.9 6.3
Rated power (KW) 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Decade (Iteration)
vr (m/s) 11
vci(m/s) 2.5
vCO(m/s) 24
Fig. 9. Convergence of optimization algorithms
Capital cost($) 7500 According to Figure (9) and Table (4), the ICA
Replacement cost($) 7500
Maintenance cost ($/year) 75
algorithm is faster and more accurate than other algorithms
and has more certain design in comparison to PSO and ACO
Table 3. Battery specifications algorithms.
Nominal capacity (Ah) 230 3
x 10
DOD (%) 80 Pl
Efficiency (%) 85 2.5
lifetime is 15000 h. The fuel price is 0.9 $/l. The capital cost
P e,P &P
Optimization algorithm 2
optimal results
NPV 31 34 34
NWT 4 4 4 1
P [W]
NBat 16 15 15
Ninv 10 8 8 0.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Number of Days
Saeid Lotfi Trazouei et al., Vol.3, No.2, 2013
power providing. Also, the batteries SOC and system LPSP
in hybrid system is shown.
12000 Figure (9) , shows the power produced by renewable
sources ( Pre ), the total power produced by the hybrid system
( Pp ) and the demand power load solar - wind – diesel
8000 system. Figure (11), represents the input/ output power of the
P [W]
6000 them over the years for the solar - wind – diesel system.
Pb 0 is indicates the battery charging and the input power
and Pb 0 represents the battery discharging and output
2000 battery power. Figure (12), are show the diesel usage over
the year. In this design the diesel generator will supply the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
load, when the renewable sources and the battery banks can’t
Number of Days supply the load. According to figure it is noted that the diesel
generator does not work with the rated power. Its maximum
Fig. 12. Diesel generator power during a year output power in the hybrid systems is 13 KW, which
operated 1 days per year for hybrid solar- wind -diesel
110 systems. Also, for 256 days the diesel generator is off which
represents the fuel saving. Figure (13) shows that the state of
100 charge of the battery bank never exceeds the permissible
90 maximum value of SOCmax (100% of SOC), and never be
below the permissible minimum value of SOCmin (20% of
SOC). Figure (14) illustrate the reliability index (LPSP) of
the hybrid system during the year. If LPSP = 0, the designed
10 6. Conclusion
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Number of Days
In this paper the optimal design of a stand-alone hybrid
Fig. 13. State of charge of battery bank system using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, Particle
swarm optimization and ant colony optimization is
presented. This design, was implemented considering the
reliable load providing and the LPSP reliability index, for
wind- solar- diesel system. The results show that the
80 Imperialist Competitive Algorithm is faster and more
accurate than other algorithms and has more certain design in
comparison to PSO and ACO algorithms. The costs were
obtained for Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, Particle
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