Inkling Language Guide

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The following guide is a collection of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar points

assembled by Splatoon players for a fan-made Inkling constructed language (or conlang).
This language is not meant to serve as a guide to any in-game dialogue, lyrics, or written
text. This is a fan project.

This was undertaken out of love and respect for Nintendo and their fantastic and
imaginative third-person shooter. We hope that all Splatoon fans worldwide can
understand our very simple conlang and use this for their own creative fun projects from
comics to posters to apparel to whatever their minds can cook up. The language nerds of
Squidboards extend to everyone a hearty and fresh welcome to our Inkling conlang!

Looking for a particular word? Ctrl + F and type it in! Otherwise, we have organized all of
our content into manageable units and lessons for easy consumption and optimal
relevance. There are eight Units, each containing two Lessons. Each Lesson teaches one
set of Vocabulary and one bit of Grammar. At the end, there are more sections with
supplementary material.

Find a mistake? Did I make a typo somewhere? If there’s some sort of error in this guide
that you find, please notify me (Piyoz) immediately so I can iron that out. You can
contact me through the email form on the website where you downloaded this guide.

Thanks to the following contributors for all their hard work:

JosephStaleKnight (for creating all the vector images that made this guide possible),
EclipseMT (for suggesting random ideas that usually made their way here), the Fizzynator
(for whipping us amateurs into shape), piboy430 (for creating more vocab for this guide
than me and finding so many typos and errors), SyMag (for helping outline everything),
Vylion (for the font), Ikaheishi, Jonathx, MissingNumbers, eli, RadioactiveMoth, Rizz,
OctagonalKahn, and all the other contributors on the Squidboards forums!

Official Hub Page:

Memrise Syllabary Lesson:

Squidboards Official Inkling Conlang Thread:

Squidboards Inkling Language Discussion Thread (old and disorganized):

Inkopolis University YouTube Channel:

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

Pronunciation Guide………………………………………PG
Unit 1: “Life in Inkopolis”……………………………….U1
Lesson 1A – Turf Wars…………………………………...S1
Lesson 1B – Subject Pronouns………………………….S2
Lesson 2A – Urban Living………………………………..S3
Lesson 2B – Prepositions………………………………..S4
Unit 2: “Meet the Inklings”……………………………...U2
Lesson 3A – Family……………………………………….S5
Lesson 3B – Conjunctions……………………………….S6
Lesson 4A – People………………………………………S7
Lesson 4B – Formatilies………………………………….S8
Unit 3: “Staying Fresh~!”…………………………….....U3
Lesson 5A – Starter Verbs……………………………….S9
Lesson 5B – Verb Tense…………………………………S10
Lesson 6A – Basic Descriptors………………………….S11
Lesson 6B – Possessive Particle………………………..S12
Unit 4: “Being Social”……………………………………U4
Lesson 7A – Shooting the Breeze……………………….S13
Lesson 7B – Questions…………………………………...S14
Lesson 8A – Numbers…………………………………….S15
Lesson 8B – Geometry……………………………………S16
Unit 5: “Out to Lunch”…………………………………...U5
Lesson 9A – Food…………………………………………S17
Lesson 9B – Imperatives…………………………………S18
Lesson 10A – Colors………………………………………S19
Lesson 10B – Comparisons………………………………S20
Unit 6: “Afternoon Plans”………………………………..U6
Lesson 11A – Sundries and Hobbies……………………S21
Lesson 11B – Negation…………………………………...S22
Lesson 12A – Time………………………………………..S23
Lesson 12B – Time, Date and Age………………………S24
Unit 7: “The Natural World”……………………………..U7
Lesson 13A – Weather and Geography………………...S25
Lesson 13B – Demonstratives…………………………...S26
Lesson 14A – Creatures………………………………….S27
Lesson 14B – Interjections……………………………….S28
Unit 8: “Hard Science”…………………………………..U8
Lesson 15A – Science and Anatomy……………………S29
Lesson 15B – Passive Particle…………………………..S30
Lesson 16A – Derived Verbs……………………………..S31
Lesson 16B – Affixes…….……………………………….S32
Helpful Phrases……………………………………………S33
Idioms ………..…………………………………………….S34
Splatoon Maps.……………………………………………S35
Sample Sentences………………………………………..S37
Calamari County Dialect..………………………………..S38
Inkopolis Dialect…………………………………………..S39
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

This language guide uses a notation system to translate the Inkling characters
into letters than can be easily read and spoken for everyone’s convenience. The
symbols on the left in {brackets} are the letters you will see throughout this guide.
The symbols on the right in /slashes/ are the International Phonetic Alphabet
sounds that each letter can make.

{a} = /a/, /ɑ/, /ä/, /ɐ/ Varying from an American “cob” to a British “hat”.
{e} = /e/, /ɛ/, /æ/ As in “play” and similar vowels.
{i} = /i/, /I/ The vowels of “flee” and “fit”. May vary by placement in a word.
{o} = /o/ Just like in “go”.
{u} = /u/ As in a hearty “booyah”!

{ž} = /d͡ʒ/, /ʒ/, /d͡ʑ/, /ʑ/ Sounds like “jump” and “vision” are both acceptable.
{r} = /r/, /ɹ/, /ɾ/ Sounds like “red” and the Japanese “心” or “kokoro” are acceptable.
{š} = /ʃ/, /ɕ/, /ʂ/ Think of “shoot”.
{ŧ} = /t͡s/ Put simply, take “rats” but put that noise at the front of a syllable.
{č} = /͡tʃ/, /͡tɕ/ Let’s stick with the start of “charger”.

The following consonants are identical in pronunciation to their English

{b}, {d}, {f}, {g}, {h}, {k}, {m}, {n}, {p}, {s}, {t}, {w}, {z}

The acute accent marks in the notation indicate the beginning of the syllable that
receives the accent. Or the “stress”. Or the “emphasis”. For example, the word
for “squid” is {diú} as in (dee-OO). The word for “good” is {beóta}, which is said like
(bay-OH-ta). Think of it like “ADvertisement” and “adVERtisement” in English.
So keep an eye out accented vowels like {ú}, {ó}, {í}, {á}, {é}.

Another thing to keep in mind is this: Sometimes the end of one letter will match
the beginning of the next letter. In the case of {bu uyo}, those two {u} noises
assimilate together to create, essentially, {buyo}.

Placement of stress in Inkling will vary by the vowel sounds in a word:

-Single character multi-syllable words stress the first vowel-
{óta} {kói} {úya} {bói} {áti} {zói} {nói}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

-Two-character single-syllable words can stress either the first or second

{židá} {wúsa} {dutí} {gížo} {zakú} {ŧúge}

-Words ending in a two-syllable character stress the penultimate vowel-

{maiyoéyu} {otasaíya} {degái} {ayomái}

-Three or more syllable words stress the penultimate vowel-

{ufetéro} {zaŧadíu} {pinikaŧáu} {fukozéa}

-Words with assimilated vowel sounds stress the last assimilated vowel-
{zaíse} {waíya} {bihúyo} {žubeyáti}

-Words ending in a two-syllable suffix stress the penultimate vowel-

(this rule trumps the rule of assimilation stress)
{muyobói} {eyasukói} {piesuzói} {fekošái} {mayupái}

The following is the complete Inkling syllabary. You will surely notice that there
are more letters seen in Splatoon that aren’t seen here. For starters, many letters
seen in game belong to the Octarian language. Let’s not bother with that.

The Inkling alphabet contains one hundred and twenty-seven letters. Some are
flipped vertically, flopped horizontally, or otherwise modified. Any Inkling
character that you come across is some variation of the letters shown below.

{a} {e} {i} {o} {u} {oi}

{ba} {be} {bi} {bo} {bu}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

{bai} {bie} {boi}

{da} {de} {di} {do} {du}

{fa} {fe} {fi} {fu}

{ga} {ge} {gi} {go} {gu}


{ha} {he} {ho} {hu}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

{ža} {že} {ži} {žo} {žu}


{ka} {ke} {ki} {ko} {ku}

{kai} {koi}

{ma} {me} {mi} {mo} {mu}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

{na} {ne} {ni} {no} {nu}

{nai} {noi}

{pa} {pe} {pi} {po} {pu}

{pai} {pie}

{ra} {re} {ri} {ro} {ru}

{rai} {rie}
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

{sa} {se} {si} {so} {su}


{ša} {še} {ši} {šo} {šu}


{ta} {te} {ti} {to} {tu}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

{ŧa} {ŧu} {ča} {či}

{wa} {we} {wu} {wai}

{za} {ze} {zi} {zo} {zu}

{zai} {zie} {zoi}

{ayo} {ayu} {eya} {eyu} {eyo}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 10 -

{uye} {uya} {uyo}

{iya} {iyo} {iyu} {oya}

{oye} {oyu} {uno} {ise}

{ena} {ati} {ane} {ota}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 11 -

Punctuation is not something that many Inklings think about in their busy, day-to-
day speech. Here’s a brief rundown of other symbols in the Inkling’s written

Full Stop/Period Question Mark Exclamation Mark

Parantheses Hyphens
(here used surrounding quotes) (here used surrounding words for emphasis à la italics)

“ ” ...
Translation Cues Ellipsis
(surrounds text from another language) (indicates an omission of words)

Inkling has no equivalent of a comma (despite what I may have written in that
comic), an “at sign” (@), an ampersand (&), an asterisk (*), a colon (:), a semicolon
(;) or /slashes\.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 12 -


S1……………………………….Turf Wars

{mižúo náipie} {piésu náipie} {seiserái} {šípuwe}

Inkopolis Octo Valley Arena Battle

{múyo} {pežó} {ŧuróži} {hunépo}

Ink Gun Charger Brush

{patá} {tičá} {unóno} {dutí}

Headwear Clothing Shoes Team

{sofuzói} {fečí béya} {gobí} {gobí múyo}

Champion Splatfest Strike, Blast Inkstrike

{bohómi} {zizaipéžu} {gačí šípuwe} {mamái}

Squad, Group Rainmaker Rank Battle Area, Zone

{žamepái} {kaišozói} {kapáo} {kaišótu}

Tower Beginner, Novice Bomb Ink Pistol

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 13 -

{fetafé} {refá} {ožúzie} {šipumái}

Balloon Grate (S)platoon Warzone

{fenakíyote} {zoaropái} {boažíza}

Stronghold, Fortification Borderlands, Outskirts Ink Mine

{žiarágo} {mónado} {čímu} {kesáro}

Medal Sword Map, Plan Dodge

{waikitígo} {pekói} {sišú} {ŧúbi zói}

Squid Sisters Callie Marie Judd

{péžuki} {éčize} {anéna} {ŧuká} {žožamái}

Sheldon Jelonzo Annie Moe Crusty Sean

{béya} {káišo} {éyapi} {papá}

To Splat To Start To Equip To Shoot

{sofú} {fusó} {raná} {sofúru}

To Win To Lose To Defend To Succeed, Prosper

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 14 -

{éyadu} {ŧuróya} {repíra}

To Fall, Tumble, Slide To Snipe To Practice

{župái} {eyuápo} {demáno}

To Prepare To Fight, Battle To Move (oneself)

{sotú} {žomúŧa} {honá} {ŧubí}

To Jump To Get Stuck To Throw To Judge, Grade

{židá homáo} {zofaíya} {gewéyu}

To Lose Motivation, to Despair To Deploy To Join

{regewéyu} {kesá} {časáiga}

To Rejoin To Avoid, Dodge To Attend, to Participate in

{muyokói} {hunepokói} {ŧurožikói} {dutikói}

To Ink, to Stain To Brush, to Paint To Charge To Team Up

{gobikói} {bohomikói}
To Strike, to Blast To Cluster, to Gather Together

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 15 -

{zaŧadiukói} {patakói} {unonokói}

To Become a Kraken To Wear a Hat To Put on Shoes

{tičakói} {čimukói}
To Put on Clothes To Map out, to Plan

{óyo} {gigái} {tokái}

Normal Absolute, Dedicated, Unyielding Special

S2……………………Subject Pronouns
L {i} {pa} {zói}
I, Me You He, She, It

{nói} {enápa} {búyo}
L We, Us You, Y’all They

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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S3……………….…………..Urban Living

{ayoríta} {goníba} {náipie} {denáša}

Mall Park City Train

{ekí} {fénaze} {badáido} {zoú}

Station Building Way, Path, Method Staff, Stick

{nadána} {suráže} {mará} {mišaíya}

Price Money Wall School

{wagú} {dagá mišaíya} {óyo mišaíya} {zapí mišaíya}

Party College, University High School Grade School

{šaége} {šaége háiyo} {oyubái} {rútu}

Blockage, Obstruction Sunblock Lotion Roof Elevator

{čímo} {téčimo} {fečí} {ataíse fečí}

House Home Festival, Holiday Halloween

{bihúyo fečí} {réyadu čímo} {sonáizu} {žubádo}

Squidmas Museum Resort Pool

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 17 -

{rayupái} {enáro} {kafepái} {uyakafepái}

Hotel Work, Employment Café Snack Vendor

{zaíyaze} {tádo} {kubapái} {hofúyode}

Restaurant Kiosk Bakery Arcade

{ikóre oéi} {beóta oéi} {točí}

Fad Fashion Sewer

{šaerúro} {rusimára} {goátifa} {goátize}

Barrier Fence Police Police Station

{eyomegái} {anežumegái} {dáido} {čimozái}

Library Archive Direction Address

{rugá} {tusái} {defúna} {gepái}

To Buy To Find To Search for To Arrive

{supái} {debú} {táže} {súya}

To Depart To Walk To Visit To Relax

{enára} {ayoríta} {fenazekói}

To Work To Shop, Browse To Build, Construct

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 18 -

{oeikói} {áti ikoreoeikói} {zoukói}

To Trend To Be Obsessed with To Poke

{wagukói} {ritakói}
To Party To Trade

{nobóri} {kubári} {kakuéki} {kaisóku}

Inbound Outbound Local Express

{šaŧáne} {feníta} {féči} {tečimošái}

Popular Unpopular Festive Homey, Cozey

{oyurewái} {mogí} {sutái} {mitái}

Derelict, Rundown Portable Open Closed

Prepositions are a part of speech used to describe where a verb or noun exists in
relation to something else. The following prepositions function in Inkling pretty
much the same way as they do in English. Refer to the video guides for examples.
Generally, it’s “Verb + Prep + Noun” or “Noun + Prep + Noun”.

{ri} {zo} {da} {žáyo}

In Out On Off

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 19 -

{no} {óta} {ge} {su}

To From Toward Away

{ko} {gáeyu} {onái} {pinú}

For About Atop Below

{ki} {žokí} {biná} {éyome}

With Without In Front Of Behind

{tukó} {iyóko} {póye} {káiči}

Next To, Beside Across From Before After

{sará} {šurái} {gió} {ŧuó}

Up Down Left Right

{waifína} {ezóde} {žiége} {dubáisa}

Around Between/Among Through Past, Beyond

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 20 -

{donáda} {giúno} {ríe} {rikú} {díyu}

During Versus Per Into By Means of, Via

{kári} {nákia} {obóia} {žamóa}

Within, Inside of Near, Close to Far Away from In the Middle of



{putaizói} {súsuka} {oiséyu} {fačáyo}

Family Child Husband Wife

{kóišu} {eyukói} {ayokói} {táida}

Sibling Brother Sister Parent

{eyutái} {ayotái} {pesí} {éyudu}

Father Mother Cousin Grandfather

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{áyodu} {huéyu} {huáyo} {éyuki}

Grandmother Uncle Aunt Son

{áyoki} {éyude} {áyode}

Daughter Grandson Granddaughter

{taidakói} {korohekói} {musá} {paizára}

To Parent To be Proud of Dead Alive

{sáita} {márupi} {horásu} {humírie}

Sassy Polite Proud Ashamed

{ezábi} {uzói} {činí} {usáni}

Together Alone Young Elderly

Conjunctions are used to string words together to form bigger and more informative sentences.
They create compound sentences (one or more sentences strung together) and complex
sentences (one independent idea and at least dependent idea) in nearly the same way that
English does. Refer to the Inkopolis University video lesson Number Four for semi-clear examples.

{ko} {wa} {ži} {fi} {zóiba}

For And But Or If

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 22 -

{žofí} {bo} {surá} {čiká}

Nor So, That Although Since

{maióta} {sumái} {zói} {tadí}

While Because If (alt.) So That

{sáide} {nušó} {zaíse} {dité}

Until Unless As Soon As Which, That, Who

{úyedo} {héni} {íša} {kéu}

As Like Either Neither

{déso} {heidéso} {račí}

Though Even Though Due to, Because of


{eyumái} {ayomái} {náizi} {sigunái}

Boy, Man Girl, Woman Friend Enemy

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 23 -

{mainuéyu} {mainuáyo} {šidezói} {žepaiyozói}

Boyfriend Girlfriend Fan, Admirer Expert, Enthusiast

{iyaezói} {dižezói} {eyomezói} {hažuzói}

Monarch Musician Reader Author

{eyuáyo} {tuáyo} {hosáyo} {žére}

Gender, Sex Hero Weakling Warrior

{rečábo} {uyaéže} {gaéfu žére} {ačá(n)}

Sailor Pirate Ninja Countryfolk, Redneck

{šipuzói} {kidozói}
Soldier Actor

{udói} {udópa} {udozói}

Myself Yourself Him/Her/Itself

{udonói} {udoenápa} {udobúyo}

Ourselves Yourselves Themselves

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{nežó} {fíyo} {iyáe} {máinu}

To Be Born To Die To Rule, Govern To Love

{kiré} {iyóči} {subói} {báyu}

To Hate To Live To Redden, Blush To Scare

{koiwái} {gusáio} {bašó}

To Fear To Be Concerned about To Hug

{tíŧu} {huinési} {áyuke}

To Kiss To Care for To Keep Track of, To Keep an Eye on

{žomogikói} {dobóe}
To Be Cumbersome, To Be Obtrusive, To Get in the Way To Confuse

{naizikói} {sigunaikói} {giunokói}

To Befriend To Become Enemies To Be Against

{funokói} {kidokói}
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 25 -

To Desire To Perform

{nočí} {totó} {kašipaíyo} {eyumái}

Smart Dumb Charismatic Male

{ayomái} {kóiwu} {uyóki} {gatáini}

Female Nervous Confident Hurtful

{kíyote} {kusá} {biwái} {ŧunú}

Strong Weak Happy Sad

{gafábu} {ibái} {buá} {žerá}

Angry Afraid Disgusted Lazy

{háoha} {fukozéa} {kíti} {hesáida}

Hard-Working Crazy Nice Mean

{uyaéže} {téši} {uzói}

Rogue, Rebellious Personal Alone

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{žošéta} {fekošái} {disušái}

Unhealthy, Unwell, Ill Blissful Wishful

Urban Inklings interacting with strangers on the street have a system of titles for
their peers. When one Inkling doesn’t know the name of another in conversation,
they use some of the following terms to address passersby in a polite manner.
They are specific to a male who is older than the speaker, a male who is younger
than the speaker, a female Inkling older than the speaker, and a female younger
than the speaker.

{kaié} {sukaié} {žegái} {sužegái}

Senior Man Junior Man Senior Woman Junior Woman

{irú} {hanú} {oné} {žúyo}

“Hello” “Good-bye” “Yes” “No”

{ziebái} {atíyoka} {gúyo oéi}

“Thank You.” “You’re Welcome.” “Stay Fresh~!”

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{ríuno i} {žonú nočí} {pa pu pa pu}

“I’m sorry.” “Excuse me” “It’s okay.” “You’re fine.”
(lit. “I’m bad.”) (lit. “Not so smart of me.”)

{pa zamó šudí} {i si šudí ziéga de}

“How old are you?” “I am fourteen years old.”


S9………………………….Starter Verbs

{si} {žiné} {ža} {móye}

To Be To Have To Go To Do

{židá} {páigi} {žiénu} {ru}

To Become To Run To Enter To Ascend, Mount

{féa} {séyo} {káyu} {kíse}

To Make To Be Named To Take To Come

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{pu} {héna} {mibói} {čitú}

Can To Return To Speak To Exit

{ŧukó} {tabái} {fúno} {bihé}

To Kill, Destroy To Stop To Want To See

{bíe} {čiké} {zamé} {šarái}

To Tell To Choose To Watch To Descend

{pitó} {doré} {sáne} {súyo}

To Need To Give To Know To Own

{gúyo} {ágo} {fešósa}

To Remain To Acquire, Obtain To Perform, Execute

{runái} {wuzé} {eyuoéya} {gáiči}

To Help, Guide To Cry To Scream To Change

{donéi} {háoka} {eyápe}

To Wait To Look, Appear, Seem To Push, Press
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{ŧuré} {toséa} {purái} {topurái}

To Turn, Rotate, Tilt To Reset To Fill To Refill

{físe} {šaége} {oyúbu} {šáno}

To Stand To Block, Hinder To Cover To Reach for

{raíyo} {žekáti} {šárie} {šariéno}

To Allow To Decide To Try To Finish

{zoíyo} {pekói zoíyo} {piésu zoíyo} {máme gáize zoíyo}

To Exist “There’s Callie!” “There are Octolings.” “Is there booze?”

{gigé} {se} {madéma} {zoáro}

To Ask, Implore To Ask To Demand To Surround
(a favor, request) (a question)

{hahú} {číša} {rusí} {kákase}

To Laugh (at) To Continue To Separate To Break

{rébie} {ráyu} {muŧá} {turí}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 30 -

To Reply To Be at Rest To Grab, Grip To Display

{tahéya} {wúsa} {géiso}

To Drop, Dump To Maintain To Gather, Collect

{súine} {bióda}
To Follow To Lead

S10………….………………..Verb Tense
-Past Tense-

(indicates that a verb started and ended in the past)

{zenihenái pa máyu rutú ziéga u dehózu}

“You slept for eleven hours last night!”

-Future Tense-

(indicates that a verb will happen in the future)

{nói rugá huró ziní tičá óta ayoríta}

“We will buy new clothes from the mall.”

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 31 -

-Present Progressive-

(indicates that a verb’s action is still in progress)

{žo žamakói i tóya. i súya kué tuko žubádo.}

“Please don’t bother me. I am relaxing by the pool.”

S11………………….Basic Descriptors

{henú} {mabunói} {žonú} {zíuyo}

Very Slightly Not At All Now

{beóta} {riúno} {čiwú} {ayópu}

Good Bad Tall Short

{wáiše} {dáduše} {ziní} {oyuwái}

High Low New Old

{oyézi} {zéni} {ŧuní} {uzái}

Soon Previous Next First

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 32 -

{zizái} {kaičiŧúni} {poyezéni}

Final After the Next Before the Previous

{saíya} {ugé} {kášino} {idí}

Clean Dirty Beautiful Ugly

{žepaíyo} {tipaíyo} {oéi} {ewáti}

Skillful Unskilled Fresh~ Lame, Sucky

{zeŧá} {šofí} {fišó} {dagá}

Super Wet Dry Big

{zapí} {meží} {žomé} {ženísi}

Small Bright Dark Basic, Simple

{šušá} {hegá} {édu} {máe}

Fast, Quick Any All Every

{góna} {bétu} {dúyo} {mašáiki}

Similar Different Important Trivial

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 33 -

{ayúho} {mutáia} {tóma} {unóto}

Available Unavailable Both Dangerous

{aníto} {kaóta} {taná} {žiréa}

Safe Long Short (distance) Difficult

{éme} {fupáre} {néa} {wúi}

Easy Perfect Terrible, Horrible Also

{táimu} {že} {pozé} {wuišái}

Too, Too Much Just, Only Already Other

{gáefu} {fišešái} {ogekúno}

Secret Smoothly, Without Issue Original, Unique

{kesašái} {žokesašái} {žomógi}

Avoidable Unavoidable Cumbersome, Obtrusive

Beyond Compare, Second to None

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 34 -

S12……………….Possessive Particle
To let your woomies know that something is yours, you need the possessive.
The particle pronounced differently in this case as {ya} is used to denote that
an object in the sentences belongs to the mentioned person. Use the following
(Person + {ya} + object)
This grammar point is very similar to using “’s” in English or “の” in Japanese.

{i ya eyóme} {pa ya suráže} {búyo ya dutí}

My book Your money Their team


S13………………Shooting the Breeze

{maézi} {maezói} {maéze} {maéda}

Everything Everyone Everywhere Every Time

{tóma} {manáma} {muká} {šáko}

Both Neither, None Former Latter
(as pronoun) (as pronoun)

{otažúsa} {aunópi} {tóyača} {žitái}

Sentence Question Command Word

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 35 -

{kíyokano} {káno} {zuféi} {šurekói}

Idea Thought Meaning, Purpose Action

{sigušái} {táiro} {téibe}

Stage of Being Object, Thing, Stuff Method, Modus Operandi

{teníŧa} {žokesáro} {hóči} {isedáro}

Possibility, Chance Inevitability Information Suggestion

{anéro} {góibu} {narái}

Occurrence, Happening Truth Untruth, Lie

{tešíro} {iyočíro} {žamá} {mešóya}

Personality Life Hindrance, Nuisance Grace

{čitáro} {oyurišífa} {súyaro} {hufáeya}

Event History Relaxation Chaos

{činíši} {iyúži} {žoiyúži} {ríta}

Youth Freedom Imprisonment Trade

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 36 -

{roikáro} {bihémo} {údo}

Permission Looks, Appearance The Self, Id, Identity

{žosánero} {čakáiro} {kosá} {wusáro}

the Unknown Achievement Race (in sport) Remnant

{koróhe} {fekó} {disúro} {ayoáni}

Pride Bliss, Joy Wish Belief

{fúnoro} {íyuwa} {iyáwu} {ninuténo}

Desire Passion Fear God

{čakibúro} {áro} {nobáho}

Derivation Letter, Character (of text) Font

{gápie} {zarái} {žizái} {pafú}

To Feel (emotion) To Believe To Think To Remember

{mekói} {ferái} {subí} {žizí}

Would Should Must To Keep in Mind

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 37 -

{žofúe} {žiémiza} {petíŧa} {šiwána}

To Forget To Understand To Be Possible To Hope

{iséda} {disú} {čakái} {baíya}

To Suggest To Wish for To Achieve Might, May

{náika} {atisáne}
To Grant (giving and wishes) To Be Known as, to Be Considered as

{róika} {anéra} {toyakói}

To Have Permission (to) To Occur, Happen To Command, Order

{goibukói} {naraikói} {žodamekói} {iyužikói}

To Tell the Truth To Lie To Overshadow To Liberate

{žoiyužikói} {ayoanikói}
To Trap, Imprison, Incarcerate To Believe in, Have Faith in

{čakíbu} {hočikói}
To Derive To Inform

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 38 -

{žoatíŧuko} {fiyošái} {tíŧa} {žotíŧa}

Eternal Temporary Possible Impossible

{fípu} {žofípu} {kédiho} {žokédiho}

Likely Unlikely Certain Uncertain

{žokí biwái} {žozári} {buáyu} {tomáši}

Apathetic Doubtful Lucky Both (adj.)

{zowaíya} {uyáwa} {zufeišái}

Exciting, Interesting Boring Meaningful

{wairúne} {iyužišái} {žoiyužišái}

Alien, Foreign Free (liberated) Trapped, Imprisoned, Incarcerated

{muŧašái} {hočišái} {čakibušái}

Engaging, Gripping Informative Derivative

{hažiešái} {sanešái} {korohešái}

Hypothetical Knowledgeable Prideful

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 39 -

{óimo} {iyuwašái}
Funny Passionate

Inklings have three ways of asking questions. One is to just say a
statement with a rising intonation like you would in English. Another is to
form a “full interrogation”. That is a full sentence with a subject and
predicate and one of the following question words. The placement of these
questions words may differ from how they’re used in English. See the video
lesson on Questions for samples.

{zamó} {šuáti} {wáibo} {óyene}

What Who Where When

{kói} {séso} {šihú} {tisó}

Why How Which To What Degree
All of these words can also be used as conjunctions, except for {šihú} “which”.

The third way to ask questions in Inkling is with a question particle. Add {óide}
after a noun phrase or a verb phrase to ask if that thing or action is really

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 40 -

{žiémiza óide} {pa óide} {kášino óide}

“(Do you) understand?” “What about you?” “Is (it/he/she) good-looking?”



The numbers system of Inkling consists of ten base numbers. They can be written
out in Inkling characters or in the numbers shown below.

For two-digit numbers, one says {de ziéga za} for “forty-eight” (48).

For numbers in the hundreds, one says {ke ziédu ča u} for “six hundred
thirty one” (631). The word for “ten” ({ziéga} ) is sometimes omitted.

For numbers in the thousands, one says {fa zietái šobí u we} for “five
thousand nine hundred seventeen” (5,917). The words for “ten” ({ziéga} ) and
“hundred” ({ziédu} ) are sometimes omitted.

{maná} {u} {íyo} {ča} {de}

0 1 2 3 4

{fa} {ke} {we} {za} {šobí}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 41 -

5 6 7 8 9

{ziéga} {ziédu} {zietái}

Ten Hundred Thousand
Where counting gets a little complicated is with zeros.
For clarity’s sake, one does not always omit {ziéga}, {ziédu}, and {zietái}.

2005: {íyo zietái fa} “two thousand five”

2050: {íyo zietái fa ziéga} “two thousand five ten”

2058: {íyo zietái fa za} “two thousand five eight”

2500: {íyo zietái fa ziédu} “two thousand five hundred”

2508: {íyo zietái fa ziédu za} “two thousand five hundred eight”
2580: {íyo zietái fa za ziéga} “two thousand five eight ten”

{hábu} {zápi hábu} {dága hábu}

One-Half One Quarter Three Quarters

Inkling has an “ordinal quantifier”, used after a number to describe position, rank,
or sequence.

{uzái} {iyozái} {čazái} {dezái} {fazái}

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Inkling also has a “cardinal quantifier”, used after a number to describe a number
of occurrences.

{ukái} {iyokái} {čakái} {dekái} {fakái}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 42 -

Once Twice Thrice Four Times Five Times

{gedó} {hudó} {zená} {tekúna}

More (quantity) Less (quantity) The Most The Fewest

{úya} {úya réyuže} {úya tezái} {úya zamé}

A little, a bit, “Some rice” “A little blue” “Watch for a little while”
a piece, slightly,
sort of, briefly

{ómo} {ómo géka} {ómo kiné}

A group of, a type of, “a school of fish” “a type of fruit”
a breed of, a brand of

{dóya} {dóya pogái} {dóya čímo} {dóya zaíyuši}

Each “Each day” “Each house” “Each plate”

{héga} {héga eyásu} {héga hunépo} {héga dagáo}

Any, Whatever “Any color” “Any brush” “Any tree”

To begin with how to talk about shapes and angles, we need to lay down some prefixes and
suffixes. For further information on how to construct the words for specific geometric forms,
please refer to the original post from contributor piboy430:

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 43 -

{ši} {sai} {metái}

[PREFIX](# of sides) [SUFFIX](# of equilateral sides) [SUFFIX] (# of faces of a polyhedron)

{sári} {kásu} {rái}

[SUFFIX] (# of faces of prism) [SUFFIX] (# of sides of pyramid base) [PREFIX] (# of sides of
truncated shape)

{anóru} {čáši} {déši} {ómoši}

Circle Triangle Quadrilateral Polygon

{maká} {kásu} {kesáime} {ometái}

Sphere Pyramid Cube Polyhedron

{šobáde} {gošúde} {hérade}

Rectangle Rhombus Parallelogram

{anorusári} {kohé} {šobirá}

Cylinder Parallel Perpendicular

{kádo} {šobádo} {zapádo} {dagádo}

Angle Right Angle Acute Angle Obtuse Angle

{kakádo} {mísu} {takáo} {širá}

Reflex Angle Corner, vertex Face (of a shape) Edge
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 44 -

{re} {de ziéga fa re} {ziédu za ziéga re}

Degree of an angle [SUFFIX] “Forty-five degrees” “One hundred eighty degrees”



{zaíyaro} {zaíyaba} {eyapabói} {réyuže}

Food Meal Bread Rice

{zaíyaro dáoyu} {zaománi zaíyaba} {zomídi zaíyaba} {henái zaíyaba}

Mealtime Breakfast Lunch Dinner, Supper

{zapizái} {mokúŧa} {néši} {biánu}

Snack Grain Seed Meat

{médu} {gafuzái} {pataší} {kiné}

Noodle(s) Packed Lunch Protein Fruit

{šaíyo} {žéno} {rasá} {mímu}

Vegetable Paste Spice Poison

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 45 -

{ubúta} {puíza} {šóbu} {bárua}

Burger Pizza Fat Oil

{maezái} {hešumezái} {zakuzái} {žošetazái}

Buffet Frozen Food Instant Food Junk Food

{šetáro} {gáize} {busé} {náina}

Health Beverage Tea Milk

{čimáike} {zúso} {kefá} {obáoro}

Soda, Pop Juice Coffee Hunger

{šáoyu} {nébe} {táme} {kusétu}

Bowl Pot Pan Spoon

{kičátu} {šusátu} {gaizótu} {tóbero}

Knife Fork Cup Bottle

{zaíyuši} {zóuya} {máme} {máme gáize}

Plate Chopsticks Alcohol Liquor

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 46 -

{kubáro} {ratéro} {kuitóro} {kuitopái}

Baking Frying Cooking Kitchen

{zaiyapái} {zeakétu}
Dining Room Blender

{zaíya} {kuíto} {ežámi} {etáme}

To Eat To Cook To Mix To Stir-Fry

{ragái} {zeáke} {kúba} {gáizo}

To Deep-Fry To Blend To Bake To Drink

{kičá} {gížo} {héšume} {anokái}

To Chop, Cut To Slice To Freeze To Thaw

{tóbe} {šúsa} {kusé}

To Capture, to Bottle To Impale To Scoop

{mamekói} {nainakói}
To Ferment into alcohol To Milk, to Produce Milk

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 47 -

{čimaikekói} {šituekói} {čihakói} {iwekói}

To Fizz To Lick To Chew, Bite To Digest

{mimukói} {žekakói} {zusokói}

To Poison To Set on Fire To Juice

{hánači} {obáo} {žobáo} {maméwa}

Delicious Hungry Full (appetite) Alcoholic

{tuáko} {hosáre} {wekáiti} {honó}

Thick Thin Sweet Sour

{rasása} {ŧunóe} {šobušái} {šéta}

Spicy Bitter Fatty Healthy

{fuzaíyo} {kinešái}
Gluttonous Fruity

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 48 -

Imperative sentences are commands. To tell someone what to do, just raise your
voice and try your best to sound like a bossy pants. To encourage another or
others to join you in an action, simply add this particles after a verb phrase.


{nói ža záiya tóya} {ziéga íyo dáoyu hábu pa gepái tóya}

“Let’s go eat!” “Please arrive at twelve thirty.”

In formal Inkling, {toya} is used for all commands. But often in spoken Inkling,
{toya} is reserved for times of supplication. E.g.: “Please help.” “Please come in.”
“Please go away.”


{eyásu} {subái} {šoméšo} {tezái}

Color Red Yellow Blue

{homáo} {fatáyo} {rirú} {bašú}

Orange Purple Green Pink

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 49 -

{táide} {eŧá} {páomo} {husái}

Turquoise Lime White Black

{hakú} {kárasu} {biéso} {gefáte}

Pure White Pitch Black Gray Brown

{umúye} {ŧáši} {ípo}

Bronze Silver Gold

{eyasukói} {tuakokói} {enaikói}

To Color in, Colorize To Bolden To Fade

The Comparative is used to, well….compare objects or people. Use this particle
and attach it to the front of a descriptor to tell us that one thing fits the bill better
than another.


{piriúno} {pišušá} {piunóto}

Worse Faster More Dangerous

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 50 -

{múyo zói si pinóči pi piesuzói}

“Inklings are smarter than Octarians.”

The Superlative is used to indicate that an object has reached the highest degree of
quality. Pop this in front of a descriptor to tell us that your thing is the most, best, worst,
etc. at something.


{ziriúno} {zioéi} {zidúyo}

Worst Freshest~ Most Important

{i ya fačáyo kuíto zihánači médu}

“My wife cooks the most delicious noodles.”

When comparing to objects or people, sometimes you need to say that

Entity A does not fit the bill as much as Entity B. A is less than B in some fashion.
For this, the word {hudó} is used before the descriptor.

{hudó beóta} {hudó waíya} {hudó aníto}

Worse Not as Slow Less Safe

{sáodo si hudó šaŧáne pi anéna}

“Spyke is less popular than Annie.”

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- 51 -

Finally, in comparisons, we’ll sometimes need to say that both Entity A and
Entity B are equal. Of the same quality, same size, same color. To say that A is
just as good as B, Inklings use the word {góna}.

{góna beóta} {góna ŧakó} {góna kíyote}

Just As Good As As Hot As Equally Strong As


S21………….…Sundries and Hobbies

{boikíyo} {edá} {eyóme} {nážu}

Language Line, Stroke Book, Scroll Text

{hažiéro} {anerohážu} {anéžume} {tešížume}

Writing, Script Log, Recording Log Book, Journal Diary

{dižé} {réyadu} {žažúzi} {kižá}

Music Art Camera Cloth, Towel

{kažiétu} {kóženo} {pezóti} {žumáimi}

Pen, Pencil Glue Sport(s) Game

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 52 -

{henátu} {čía} {kižaoyubái} {uyafišéro}

Boomerang Ball Tent Hang-gliding

{fišéro} {muŧáro} {dáoyutu} {tobétu}

Flight Grip Timer Trap

{gafúro} {kéde} {čirítu} {turítu}

Content(s) Fragment Computer Screen

{máyuro} {máyutu} {mayupái} {šeražéka}

Sleep Bed Bedroom Fireworks

{zóito} {táisi} {riépo} {baiáne} {kié}

Punch Peace Mind Heart “Qi”, Breath, Aura

{kído} {žaré} {žátu}

Fiction Picture Television

{gidé} {eyóma} {hážie} {dížu}

To Sing To Read To Write To Listen, Hear

{žíha} {kižaoyukói} {fíše} {uyafíše}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 53 -

To Play To Go Camping To Fly, Soar To Glide

{máyu} {uyamáyu} {gáfu} {éyose}

To Sleep To Nap To Contain To Awaken

{šušé} {fušé} {zoitokói} {reyadukói}

To Study To Learn To Punch To Make Art

{gekakói} {kosakói} {éyuri} {žažuzikói}

To Fish To Race To Draw(an image) To Take a Photo

{taisíwa} {gošíku} {míyuča} {tuáko}

Peaceful Sans-Serif Serif Bold

{žatái} {pinuéda} {gafušái}

Italic, Leaning, Slanting Underlined Contained

To create a negative verb phrase, simply add the negation particle {žo} before the
verb. This can also be done to adjectives and adverbs to create negative


This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 54 -

{nói žo sofú} {uyarédu žo si oyuwái}

"We are not winning." “The cat is not old.”

{žo ríuno} {žo obói} {žo tíŧa} {žo óimo}

Not bad Not far Not possible Not funny


{pogái} {ŧudí} {sawéyo} {šudí}

Day Week Month Year

{nahózu} {bimízu} {dehózu} {gižéro}

Second Minute Hour The Present Time

{raéro} {žoanéro} {dáyu kétu} {šanáyu kétu}

The Past The Future Clock Watch

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 55 -

{mogíro} {wasáida} {zúki}

Cellphone, Mobile Phone Late Early

{kíyo} {žégi} {áno} {riéno}

Sudden Abrupt Again Never

{gúža} {ekéyo} {kižóe} {ráe}

Always Often Modern Ancient

{gíže} {zakú} {nagíže}

Present, Current Instant, Immediate Recent

S24……………….Time, Date and Age

Inkling has ways of telling time and date for active Inklings out and about in the
busy Turf War life style. For time of day, it reads “hour + {dáoyu} + minute”. For day

of the week, add the number of the day to the word {gái} for Sunday through
Saturday (starting with Monday as the beginning of the week).

Reminder: Inklings use military time all the time.


{zíuyo si óyene} {zíuyo si…}
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 56 -

“What time is it?” “The time is…”

{ča dáoyu} {ziéga dáoyu defá}

Three o’clock in the morning Ten forty five in the morning

{ziégake dáoyu} {íyo ziéga u dáoyu we}

Four o’clock in the afternoon Nine oh-seven at night

These three fractions mentioned above can also be used to tell time.
Add these words after (Number + {dáoyu}) as you would with numbers.

{hábu} {zápi hábu} {dága hábu}

One-Half (:30) One Quarter (:15) Three Quarters (:45)

{zaománi} {zomídi} {henái}

Morning Afternoon Night

{ziuyogái} {ŧunigái} {zenigái}

Today Tomorrow Yesterday

{ziománi} {ziomídi} {ziohenái}

This Morning This Afternoon Tonight

Inklings talk about the date the following way:

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 57 -

{u wéyo} {íyo wéyo} {ča wéyo} {de wéyo}

January February March April

{fa wéyo} {ke wéyo} {we wéyo} {za wéyo}

May June July August

{šobí wéyo} {ziéga wéyo} {ziéga u wéyo} {ziéga íyo wéyo}

September October November December

{ugái} {iyogái} {čagái} {degái} {fagái} {kegái} {hagái}

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


S25…………Weather and Geography


{zarái} {zaraišaége} {žubéya} {zapí žubéya}

Sky Clouds, Overcast Sky Rain Drizzle

{šumádi} {zapí fúzie} {fúzie} {kisézo}

Snow Breeze Wind Season
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{pihái} {sonái} {ataíse} {bihúyo}

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

{sirí} {honóro} {sifúne} {akerái}

Fog Humidity Tornado Hail

{žubéyači} {dizáči} {šumádiči} {zadíza}

Rainstorm Thunderstorm Snowstorm Lightning

{sapáomo} Cloud (singular)

{žubéyo} {šumádu} {zaraišaegekói} {ŧakó}

To Rain To Snow To Be Overcast Hot

{šumá} {uyaŧáko} {šukóšu} {uyašúma}

Cold Warm Luke Warm Cool

{haíya} {šumáda} {fuzói} {žubeyáti}

Sunny Snowy Windy Rainy

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{uyažubeyáti} {uyafuzói} {kisezošái} {sirišái}

Drizzly Breezy Seasonal Foggy

{hóno} {žubeyói} {uyažubeyói}

Humid Rainy (old-timey) Drizzly (old-timey)


{hunága} {žubói} {haižúme} {sakéi}

Mountain Water Sea, Ocean World

{kuró} {kéna} {teána} {degái}

Air Earth, Ground Field Forest

{nádo} {háifu} {nadósi}

Pit, Basin, Depression Lake Valley

{hunagaéda} {šumadinága} {šumadinagéda}

Mountain Range Snowy Peak Snowy Mountain Range
(these two lexis refer to geography perpetually covered in snow)

Geographical Barrier

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{haisódi} {šadepái} {wuránu} {uféte}

River Desert Pollution Globe

{bokúa} {namí} {ŧuóka} {sáina}

North South East West

{bóidu} {nadokói} {otasaíya}

To Swim To Dig To Climb

{nakí} {obói} {ufetešái} {fúde}

Near Far Global Deep

{défu} {kedéso} {ačíno}

Shallow Dense Sparse

{téze} {dóze}
Here There

As descriptors: As pronouns:

{téna} {doáne} {čidú} {kodú}

This, These That, Those This, These That, Those
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(“This bike”) (“That car”) (“This is stupid.”) (“That’s smart!”)


{tenó} {diú} {muyozói} {piesuzói}

Human Squid Inkling Octarian

{oizói} {nežúzu} {zaŧadíu} {géka}

Jellyfish Tentacle Kraken Fish

{odó} {atína} {zeŧátina} {akisúna}

Sea Urchin Snail Super Sea Snail Krill

{birióno} {homáo géka} {eyúša} {sebáyu}

Sea Anemone Clownfish Shark Whale

{pisóyu} {pinikaŧáu} {koripúru} {fiáti}

Algae Phytoplankton Dolphin Mollusk

{uyarédu} {maiyoéyu} {rédu} {riémi}

Cat Dog Tiger Rabbit

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{anopaizára zói} {dáime zói} {dizagéka}

Zombie Ghosts Zapfish

{waíya} {kaníya} {ikóre} {tasí}

Slow Elusive Wild, Untamed Calm, Composed, Tame


{wa} {oyé} {bu} {i} {waí}

(Surprise) (Shock) (Disapproval) (Fright) (Excitement)

{iyo a} {me} {ša ša} {no} {he}

(Wonder) (Disinterest) (Shushing) (Denial) (Hesitation)

{iyóši} {korá} {da}

“Alright! Let’s Go!” “Hey!” (not as a greeting, as a way “Ouch!”
to grab someone’s attention)

{dáyo} {pobá} {zo zo si}

“Geez!” “Oh my god!” “Yeah, right…”

{e} {ha} {oiyá} {ne} {éyata}

(Confusion) (Laughter) (Cheer) (Disgust) “Gotcha!”

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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S29………….…Science and Anatomy


{kiží} {birá} {haíyo} {ŧúge}

Energy Light Sun Moon

{haiyošaége} {ŧugešaége} {gióta} {ufetéro}

Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Star Universe

{žéka} {díza} {daiméro}

Fire Electricity Transparency, Lucidity

{uyadaiméro} {žodaiméro} {fíya} {sáka}

Translucency Opacity Speed Weight

{suíyo} {napá} {šusí} {taikáro}

Volume Area Length Solid

{suitáro} {takíro} {žodáme} {hági}

Liquid Gas Shadow, Shade Nature

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- 64 -

{kábo} {dagáo} {iyoŧábo} {ruyéro}

Plant Tree Leaf, Sheet Growth

{fiká} {tabožúro} {uyoséže}

Cinder, Ash Evaporation, Boiling Machine

{mižó} {šupí} {šerá} {sánero}

Race (of creatures) Species Flower Knowledge

{bírie} {ŧakái} {šúme} {fatéa}

To Shine To Heat, Warm To Cool To Discover

{rúye} {tabóžu} {dizakói}

To Grow To Evaporate To Shock (with electricity)

{fiyakói} {hagikói} {iyoŧabokói}

To Measure Speed To Be Natural To Photosynthesize

{kabokói} {suitakói} {takikói}

To Plant To Flow To Disperse

{čidáfe} {čidáwa} {dáime} {žodáime}

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Empty Full (capacity) Transparent Opaque

{uyadáime} {hagišái} {žodamešái} {kóža}

Translucent Natural Shaded Artificial, Squid-made

{táika} {súita} {táki} {sanú}

Solid, Hard, Rigid Liquid, Free-flowing Gaseous Known

{žosanú} {šerašái} {žitá}

Unknown Floral Digital


{eyáŧu} {pifá} {oyáe} {ŧasúyo} {enažéga}

Hand, Fist Skin Eye Blood Scalp

{ažúka} {zapížu} {saražúka} {binažúka}

Head Hair Forehead Face

{dižéa} {koáge zói} {ráho} {biéyu}

Ear Nose Cheek Mouth

{šitúe} {číha} {iyagái} {káibo}

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- 66 -

Tongue Tooth, Teeth Chin Neck

{žiká} {šanái} {kaží} {eyóbu}

Shoulder Arm Elbow Finger

{muóna} {íwe} {haíse} {žikánu}

Chest Stomach Back Hip

{šigú} {šanáinu} {kažínu} {eyánu}

Butt Leg Knee Foot

{uyónu} {koágu} {nebósu} {nežúzu}

Toe Scent, Smell Smile Tentacle

{ŧúbu} {hakái} {sunéra} {befítu}

Sucker Beak Antenna(e) Gill(s)

{koáge} {biéyo} {eyaŧukói}

To Smell (something) To Taste (something) To Handle

{ŧasuyokói} {eyanukói} {nebosukói}

To Bleed To Kick To Smile
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S30…………………….Passive Particle
Sometimes you need to describe an event that happened to you, or to someone.
This is called “passive voice”. In Inkling, the grammar particle to indicate this
tense is {áti}. It is added before verbs to indicate that the action is happening to
the subject of the sentence.


{zói áti béya} {réyuže áti záiya kué}

He/She/It is splatted. Rice is being eaten.

S31……………………….Derived Verbs

{šidezoikói} {žuboikói} {žamakói}

To Be Passionate About To Pour To Annoy

{nežuzukói} {edakói}
To Grasp, Pluck, Wrap Around To Cross Out, Strike Out

{taisikói} {pifakói} {fetafekói}

To Be at Peace To Layer To Swell, Balloon

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 68 -

{refakói} {kapaokói} {mišaiyakói}

To Fence Off, To Isolate To Explode To Teach

{žikakói} {kažikói} {eyobukói}

To Barge, to Ram To Nudge, Prod To Point to

{odokói} {raisikói} {fečikói}

To Spike, Prick To Welcome To Celebrate

{daimekói} {uyadaimekói} {žodaimekói}

To be Lucid To be Translucent To be Opaque
(or easily understood) (or unclear) (or oblivious)

{kedekói} {sutaikói} {mitaikói}

To Split, to Fragment To Open To Close

To be Surprised

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 69 -

{šái} Turns nouns, verbs, and adverbs into adjectives.
{uyosežešái} “mechanical”
{sanešái} “knowledgeable”
{ro} Turns verbs, adjectives, and adverbs into nouns.
{páfuro} “memory”
{gónaro} “similarity”
{be} Turns nouns, adjectives, and verbs into adverbs.
{sofúbe} “successfully”
{ŧudíbe} “daily”
{kói} Turns nouns, adjectives, and adverbs into verbs.
{dutikói} “to team up”
{ženisikói} “to simplify”
{gái} Indicates a day in which a word takes place.
{nežogái} “birthday”
{suražegái} “pay day”
{zói} Indicates a person belongs to a noun, verb, or descriptor.
{muyozói} “Inkling”
{sofuzói} “winner”
{tu} Indicates an object that performs the action of a verb.
{papátu} “shooter”
{šúmetu} “cooler”
{pai} Indicates a location where an action is performed.
{nežopái} “birthplace”
{gepaipái} “destination”
{re} Indicates that an action is performed again.
{regewéyu} “rejoin”
{rešušé} “to review”
{go} Indicates that an action is performed to completion.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{godefuna} “to search enough”

{gokuíto} “to cook thoroughly”

S33…………………….Helpful Phrases

{zarí kué} {beóta óide} {kíse tóya}

“Never mind.” “How are you?” “Come on!”

{tabái nežó} {pa žizái séso} {ena ena}

“F**k you.” “What’s the matter?” “Uh…”

{oné oné} {ŧukó i} {suí} {eyasušái}

“Booyah!” “Darn it!” “Go Away.” “Excellent!”,
Outdated slang (lit. “colorful”)

{báka} {iyásu} {no} {táika}

Idiot Yes (informal) No (informal) Super,
(used informally to emphasize a descriptor)

{abunái} {daipíči} {sižési}

“Watch out!” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” “It is what it is.”

{iyáni} {oyápa} {ánošo}

“In addition,…” “As I thought,…” “However,…”

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 71 -

{žiemizábe} {gusáiobe} {wuíbe}

“Therefore,…” “Concerning…” “Besides,…”

・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・

{heizóiba}…{bo} {žosíža}…{wúi}
“Even if…then…” “Not Only….But Also…”

・・・ ・・・
{héi}…{wúi}… {héi zaŧadíu wúi pu fíyo}
“Even….” Example: “Even a Kraken can die.”

{žo žamá} {zamó káno} {zamó zoíyo}

“Not a problem.” “What/How Do You Mean?” “What’s Going On?”

In Inkling, placing the subject of your sentence right after a descriptor is a casual
way to tell your listener that that person or object strongly meets the criteria of
your descriptor:

{oéi zói} {horásu nói} {totó piesuzói}

“He’s so fresh~!” “We are so proud!” “Octarians are so stupid.”

{hofúa} {wúi zarái} {tisó riúno}

“No way!” “Although,…” “Too bad.”

・・・ ・・・
{da badáido} {žo ráiyo} {wúi mibói}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 72 -

En route, on one’s way “Except for…” “In other words,…”

{i koiwái} {raisíka} {zamó kiyokáno}
“I’m afraid (that)…” “Welcome.” “I don’t care.”/“Who cares?”

・・・ ・・・
{žo gigái…}(zamó/šuáti/wáibo/óyene/sesó/etc.) {tezé pa bihé…}
“No matter (what/who/where/when/how/etc.)…” “For example,…”

{mašáiki sesó} {teníŧa si} {zíuyo si óyene}

“Whatever.” “Maybe” “Now’s our chance!”
(As in dismissal)

{i funó bíe} {beóta móye} {ŧunú i}
“By the way,…” “Well done!” “What a shame.”

{žozói wafí} {žo žamá} {mímu óide}
“No wonder…” “No big deal.” “What the heck?”

{féči nói} {bihúyo fečí beóta} {točí}

“Congratulations!” “Merry Squidmas!” “Damn it!”

・・・ ・・・
{tabé} {a fe} {dižé?}
“Perhaps…” “Anyway,…” “…Right?/…Don’t you think?”

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{gióta sotú} {ninuténo rasá}

To Try One’s Best, To Go For Broke Second To None, Without Equal
(lit. to “star jump”) (lit. “spice of God”)

{unonokói ziní} {atína zói}

To Turn Things Around, To Make a Comeback Someone who hangs around
(lit. to “wear new shoes”) Inkopolis Plaza socializing instead
of battling, a Mallrat
(lit. a “snail person”)

{denašamái} {obói riépo}

A Teammate Who Pulls a Lackluster AFK, or a Daydreamer
Team to Victory, a Tryhard (lit. a “far mind”)
(lit. a “train conductor”)

{hunepozói} {ŧakó biéyu}

A Teammate Who Doesn’t A Total Freakin’ Jerk, a Bully
Contribute Much (lit. a “painter”) (lit. a “hot mouth”)

{fiatizói} {hakú géka}

A Geezer, an Old Fart The New Kid, a Newbie, a Greenhorn
(lit. “mollusk person”) (lit. “pure white fish”)

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 74 -

{eyomáiho} {náinašai} {zinéga}

Hilarious Plain, Ordinary, Boring Angry, Frustrated
(displayed pictographically as (literally, “milky”) (literally, “salty”)
an Inkling dropping dead from laughter)

{homáo} {za šanái}

Timid, Weak, Ineffectual Devious, Suspicious
(term for poor Turf Warriors, illustrated (inspired by eight-limbed Octolings)
pictographically by a person bowing in defeat)

{piésu biéyu} {za rié ziéga}

Octoling (pejorative) Incompetant, Ineffectual
(an insulting term villainizing Octolings) (another jab at Octolings, lit. “eight out of ten”)

{hagizói} {múyo dagái} {múyo dagábo}

Hippie, Tree Hugger Spawn-camping Spawn-camper
(lit. “nature person”) (lit. “ink forest”) (lit. “ink tree”)

{hunepokói káota}
To Tell a Story
(lit. “to paint for a long time”)

S35…..………………….Splatoon Maps
{ayoriewána ayoríta} {husái muóna šáoyu}
Arowana Mall Blackbelly Skatepark
(lit. “black chest bowl”)

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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{gafábu žubói} {odó žiége pinú}

Saltspray Rig Urchin Underpass
(lit. “angry waters”)

{géka gúyoro} {ikóre ekí}

Walleye Warehouse Port Mackerel
(lit. “fish storage”) (lit. “wild station”)

{fúzie seiserái} {tezái géka háižume}

Kelp Dome Bluefin Depot
(lit. “windy arena”) (lit. “blue fish ocean”)

{zarái náipie} {háiya goníba}

Moray Towers Camp Triggerfish
(lit. “sky city”) (lit. “sunny park”)

{zaŧádiu náipie} {rédu badáido}

Flounder Heights Hammerhead Bridge
(lit. “Kraken city”) (lit. “tiger path”)

{oizói réyadu čímo} {koripúru sonáizu}

Museum d’Alfonsino Mahi-Mahi Resort
(lit. “jellyfish museum”) (lit. “dolphin resort”)

{ráe mižó nádo} {hofúyode fa}

Piranha Pit Ancho-V Games
(lit. “ancient race pit”) (lit. “arcade five”)

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 76 -

Ever look around Inkopolis and see those name tags (“Hello, my name is…”) plastered all over the
walls and ground? The ones with text that looks like a bunch of lines and curves jumbled into one
shape? Just like all the text in the game, it’s nonsense. But what if that’s actually Inkling but a
form of writing that’s just very different from how Inklings normally write? What if that’s how
Inklings write their signature?

Below are examples of how to write a number of different signatures in Inkling.

In Inkling, last names (family names) precede first names (given names).

{rokó paíyoza} {pazenái herá}

Piyoz R. Helen P.

{senáike žisó} {míyamuta šigíru}

Joseph S. Shigeru Miyamoto

{iyawáta saitóru} {fuáma rážina}

Satoru Iwata Reggie Fils-Aime
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- 77 -

S37…………………….Sample Sentences
Staring at huge walls of vocab and grammar particles is all well and good, but
what does Inkling look like when it’s written? How do whole Inkling sentences
read out? To give you a better idea of a completed conlang, this section contains
a few whole sentences in Inkling with their pronunciation and English meaning.

{i ru. i séyo rokó paíyoza. pa séyo zamó?}

“Hello. My name is Piyoz R. What is yours?”

{pekói si márupi ayomái maióta sišú si ikóre.}

“Callie is a polite girl while Marie is a wild one.”

{ne…fatáyo muyozói édu si že fukozéa!} {hofúa! pa si že táimu uyáwa!}
“Ugh…purple Inklings are all just crazy.” “No way! You are simply too boring!”

{ŧuní gačí šipúwe si ri háiya goníba.}

“The next Rank Battle is in Camp Triggerfish.”

{seiserái si zíuyo žubeyáti! téibe óide?}

“The arena is rainy now! What do we do?”

{i si mabunói obáo. i wáibo rugá ómo pinikaŧáu?}

“I am sort of hungry. Where can I buy some phytoplankton?”

{édu anéna ya patá háoka táika oéi! Ánošo sáodo ya husái patá si hudó nedanašái.}
“All of Annie’s hats look super fresh! However, Spyke’s knock-off hats are less

{ziéga fa dáoyu defúne i nákia kafepái póye seiserái šipúwe tóya.}

“Please meet me near the café at three o’clock in the afternoon before the Turf War.”

{ŧunigái i ru huró denáša ža óta mižúo náipie ge bihé i ya táida.}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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“Tomorrow I will take the train from Inkopolis to go see my parents.”

{zoíyo doáne piésu hunépo ziní? buáyu pa!}

“Is that an Octobrush Nouveau? Lucky you!”

The following video will let you listen to the previous ten samples:

“Inkopolis is the place where I live.”

{mižúo náipie si mamái wáibo i iyóči}

“I know what you did last summer.”

{i sáne zamó pa zéni sonái móye rutú}

“Nine A.M. is when the Rank Battle starts.”

{šobí dáoyu si óyene gačí šípuwe káišo}

“Piyoz is a smart guy who is also very good-looking.”

{paíyoza si nóči eyumái šuáti wúi si henú kášino}

“I like to drink juice that I juice myself.”

{i šidé gáizo zúso dité i udói zusokói}

“This is the brush my grandfather gave me.”

{čidú si hunépo i ya éyudu doré rutú i}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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S38…………..….…Calamari County Dialect

Throughout the wide realm of turf owned by the Inklings, there are many different dialects
with their own unique pronunciation and vocabulary. Below is a brief explanation and some
examples of the traditional dialect of Calamari County (the home of Callie and Marie). This
was written up by Squidboards contributor EclipseMT after his time spent in Calamari County
researching the linguistics of the more rural areas on Inkling society.

Phonology Differences
-{u} is pronounced just like how it is in Japanese: /ɯᵝ/ is a close approximation.
-{u} at the end of a sentence is often devoiced. This devoicing is extremely arbitrary and can distinguish native speakers
from non-natives.
-The same often applies with {i} at the end of a sentence.
-[sh*] is closer to /ɕ/, and similar shifts happen to [ch*] and [j*].
- In terms of [j*], it can never be represented by /ʑ/.
-[r*] is always represented with the same sound as it is in Japanese: /ɾ/

Orthographic Differences
-The following characters do not exist in Calamari: {jie}, {zie}, {eyo}, {eyu}, {uye}, {uyo}, {ayu}, {oye}, {oya}, {iya}, and
{oyu}. The characters existed at a time when the language was close together, but when the dialectal differences went
east, the East took the characters, but the West retained phonology. Some Barrier dialects retain these characters and
the phonology.

Phonetic Shifts
These phonetic shifts carry on to the respective characters in the orthography, and respectively to the words that make
them. Exceptions exist.
-{eya} becomes {ya}, {uya} becomes {ye}, {iyu} becomes {yu}, and {iyo} becomes {yo}. Any case of vowel-ya is
represented with two separate characters.
-{uno} becomes {un}.
-{ise} becomes {sen}.
-{ena} becomes {en}.
-{ane} becomes {an}.
-{ota} becomes {tan}.
-{ati} becomes {dan}.
-However, the passive particle is {eta} instead of {dan} or {ati}.
-[*oi] becomes [*on].
-Because moraic {n} is a sound frequently occurring in Calamari, a character has been made specifically for it: something
like the Japanese Katakana ko「コ」(sans the half-square brackets) with a stroke under.
-{*ie} is mutated into {*ya} (e.g. {pie} becomes {pya}). This does not occur with {zie} and {jie}, characters removed due to
assimilation with {ja}.
-{hu} becomes {hi}. Some instances of {hu} in the East are instead {fu} in the West, while others are {hi}.
-Placing an {*i} after a {y*} character assimilates them into a palatalized consonant followed by the appropriate vowel,
due to soft sounds occurring frequently in Calamari.

Vocabulary Changes
These are words that resulted from the phonetic differences between the East and West.
-The local short form of a verb is the verb minus the last sounding vowel. For verbs ending in *n, the *n merges with the
first vowel. This form is only used for verb-tense particle contractions.
-The present progressive particle {kue} in Standard is {chu} in Calamari.
-{zon} is the third person pronoun, but {zoi}] is the personal suffix.
-The imperative particle becomes {toye}. Contracted into + {oye}.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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-Past particle becomes {rata}. Contracted frequently into + {ata}.

-Future particle is {furu}. This is contracted frequently into + {fuu}.
-Question particle becomes {oida}. Contracted often into + {ida}.
-Second person plural: {enpa}]
-“Outbound train” is {kudari} to stick more to its source.
-“Train” has become {densha} for the same reason written ({de} {n} {sha}).
-Boy: {iyumai}. Girl: {ayomai} (contracted {iyun}/{ayon})
-“Ki” (the concept in East Asia) becomes {ki}.
-God: Becomes {nintenu} in Calamari.
-“To be:” {su} in Calamari.
-“To start:” {kaishi} in Calamari.
-“To scream:” {eiya} in Calamari.
-“To rule:” {yae}.
-“Time:” Becomes {daiya}. Frequently shortened to {dai} to indicate the hour. Minute: {pun}; Second: {bya}
-“That:” Either {doan} or its contracted form, {dan}.
- “Reader:” {yomezoi}
-“Author:” {hakuzoi}
-“World:” {sekai}
-“to cover:” {iyabu}

Vernacular Vocabulary
Most of the words of this list are not considered slang locally; they are only a vernacular form.
-Calamari speakers often add the filler particle [ya] after a verb, like so: “Dan su ya nori 7 bimizu tan ziyo!” (That is only
seven minutes from now!). In other cases, it can appear at the end of a sentence.
-{hiyahiya} is a very informal term meaning “I’m worn out.”
-{dekai}: Vernacular term for “giant.”
-{chichai}: vernacular term for “tiny.”
-{arui}: obnoxious.
-{pyazon}: Inkopolis local. A jab at how their speech has shifted significantly. Any combination of shifted sounds would
have the same connotation.
-{gonami}: Octoling. This arised from the fact that the languages are relatively close in terms of phonetics, sans the
unique sounds the Octoling language has (lit. “equal speech”).
-{baikara} is a very offensive term, akin to English “motherf*ker” and Japanese “kisama.”
-{wanwai} and {turashii} are used so much in the context of talking down to others.
-{shindo}: Worked up.
-{hachiko}: servant (faithful person). Originally a colloquialism to describe the character archetype.
-{yapu}: “to push”
-{hika}: “to pull”
-{echapo}: “to fight”
-{buraige}: “to bring”
-{faiguri}: “coward”
-{hozon}: “save”
-{mado}: “more”
-{mada}: “Not yet.” Purposely loaned as a native-non-native distinguishing factor.
-{purizento}: “to present” (as in a sponsor of a program).
-{neji}: “friend”
-{zetai}: “ludicrous”
-{yotai}: “inconceivable”
-{fiya}: “speed.” One of the few words that carried over in the Inkopolis dialect.
-{tonte}: “very”
-Inkopolis slanguage does not carry over in this dialect, and such terminology is virtually scoffed at when heard locally.
-Several other vernacular forms of certain words exist; this list is a summary of some notable occurrences.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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-Standard register is virtually unchanged from Inkopolis.
-Some informal registers can alter this word order.

Turf Wars in Calamari County

Calamarin Inklings did their turf wars radically different compared to Inkopolis. The most obvious difference was that
there were five members in a team (alongside a few lower-tier randoms, typically those learning the sport, who would
serve as filler to hold the game in place unless the primary 5 members push), compared to the Inkopolis four, and, in
general, venues (called Fields of Conquest) were larger. Usually, there would be only three Fields of Conquest used in
competitive play, but others (especially makeshift ones) could be used in a recreational setting. Respawning was still a

Another big difference was the objective. The standard turf war Inkopolis kids perform for their battles is almost
nonexistent west of the Barrier. Instead, Western battles are set up in a manner like a symmetrical "defend your fort"
type game. The primary objective was to overrun the enemy's fort and capture an artifact (usually a Zapfish) and present
it to win. The only thing standing between their way was the heavy fortifications of the fort. Respawning was also still a
feature. Because of this setup, matches have an indefinite length (the longest recorded match under professional
constraints lasted 84 minutes straight). The only other way to end is through gentleman's agreement.

Reliance on Squid Form was also downplayed (some orgs rule against this). Instead, the game presented an emphasis on
the equipment a player uses - hardcores would spend ridiculous amounts of time and money to tune their gear to
perfection. The first person to discover techniques and setups which proved beneficial in combat would, in general, be
unstoppable. This near-non-reliance of an Inkling's natural abilities meant that other species were open to participate
(this is especially popular among Highlander folk). Pro orgs would inspect each team's player's gear before a match and
establish rules for players to conform in order to balance competitive WTW.

In general, recreational groups slide by relatively quick. The average time for such a match is seven minutes (though
some games can last shorter or longer depending on the skill of the player). Professional games last slightly longer, and,
for the most part, would have faster-paced standoffs. In-game, the apex of achievement would be killing all five
members of a team in rapid succession, and this would be known as |pentakiru| to the locals. If witnessed by and/or
performed against someone of high standing, this is the highest honor a Calamarin can have in the sport, and usually
was the first step to his or her team being signed in top tier.

Another distinguishing featurette of CalTurfWar was the fact that the press did not directly monitor the sport, like in
Inkopolis - their purpose is to cover it.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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S39……..……………….……Inkopolis Dialect
For a proper explanation of the differences between the “schoolhouse Inkling”
and the dialect of Inkopolis (also known as “Inkopolitan”), I turn it over to
Squidboards contributor TheFIZZYnator. He performed the official English
translation for an article written by the famed Inkopolis University Linguistics
Professor Hačinoe Ŧugaru from his landmark publication The
Inkopolis Dialect: a Comprehensive Look, 2nd Edition.

1. Introduction
Inkopolis is a city central to many. An array of species interact and spend their days and nights. Some
come to work by day on the railroad, and recede to their dwellings at night. Turf Battle-loving Inklings
there can generally speak Common Speech, but there is a relatively new dialect that the youngsters speak
to each other, the one broadcasted most often on television: the Inkopolis Dialect, also known as urban
Learning the Inkopolis Dialect can facilitate communication within Turf War circles, follow up with
personal blogs of the trendiest fashion leaders in Inkling society, and understand Inkling television dramas.
Translator's note: All Inkling example text is notated in the Inkling Received Alphabet. Those not
familiar with the notation should just keep in mind that stress is notated by the acúte áccent, and the
letters č, š, ŧ, and ž sound like “ch”, “sh”, “ts”, and “zh”, respectively.

2. Overview
The Inkopolis Dialect is characterized by smoothly flowing accent patterns and simplified
pronunciations. This simplifies vocabulary, and is perfect for obviating word borders in quick utterances mid-
Turf Battle.
The Inkopolis Dialect started relatively recently, about 70 years ago, when the Great Turf War ended.
Though Inklings won the war, the Inkling stronghold of Inkbury had been razed from the significant damage
done by the Octoling side, and needed to be reconstructed.
The reconstruction of the settlement was, fortunately, quickly done, thanks to many other species,
prominently Jellyfish, lending their workforces to rebuild Inkbury into what is now Inkopolis. It began to
function as a city in a little less than 5 years, and became a multispecial metropolis in 20 years, home to those
species who contributed to the reestablishment.
As a byproduct of these immigrants rebuilding and then settling in the city, a centralized and simplified
dialect was created, partially from a créole-like assimilation and simplification of pronunciation and grammar,
and partially from the quick rate of language mutation from the large amount of conversation in the city.

Translator's Note: Glossary of Terms

-Stress pattern: The rules of which syllable in a word is pronounced the strongest or highest in pitch.
-Schoolhouse Inkling: The form of Inkling taught at schools.
-Calamari Dialect: The form of Inkling spoken in Calamari County.
-Barrier Dialect: The form of Inkling spoken in the rural Barrier area.
-Moži: a unit of sound notated by one letter akin to our syllable, except it can sometimes contain two
syllables. (Translator's note: Can also be expressed as a “letter-unit” if necessary.)

3. Summary of Differences
Stress pattern - Other forms of Inkling, such as Schoolhouse Inkling and the Calamari and Barrier
Dialects, have an irregular and unpredictable accent specified per word. Urban Inkling has a completely
regular stress pattern applicable to every word in the language.
This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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Vowels - One prominent element of Urban Inkling is the way they pronounce the “u” sound; it is
pronounced with a slightly wider and taller mouth, the tongue further up in the mouth, staying at around the
middle.* In addition, every occurrence of “i” is pronounced prominently.†
Omission of Question Particle - In Schoolhouse Inkling, a question can be notated with the addition of
{óide} at the end of a noun, verb or descriptor phrase; in the Calamari dialect, it is mutated into {óida}. In
Urban Inkling, the particle is omitted altogether, and questions are notated by a rising accent and a question
Omission or Contraction of Imperative Particle - In Schoolhouse Inkling, a command is notated with
the addition of {tóya} at the end of a sentence; in the Calamari dialect, it is mutated into {tóye}. In Urban
Inkling, the particle is contracted into {ča}, or omitted altogether; commands are instead notated by omitting
the pronoun “you”.
Pronoun Omission and Contraction - Forms of {si} “to be” are sometimes morphed to save time. {i si}
“I am” simply becomes {si}; {pa si} “you are” becomes {pi}; {zoipi} “he is” becomes {zi}. {noi si} “we are”
becomes {ni}; {énapa si} “you (pl) are” becomes {ési}; {búyo si} “they are” becomes {bi}.
Possessive Ommision and Contraction - Instead of {ya}, Urban Inkling prefers the shortened {e}, which
may be weakened (to a schwa) if the preceding vowel is {-i} or {-e}. Similar to {si}, possessives of pronouns
have a specific shortened form: {i e} “my” becomes {ye} (written {ie}); {pa e} “your” becomes {pe}; {zoi e} “his”
becomes {ze}; {noi e} “our” becomes {ne}; {énapa e} “your (pl)” becomes {éne}; {búyo e} “their” becomes {be}.
Gerunds - When it is clear from the context that the action is happening at an exact moment, and not
in general, Urban Inkling speakers often drop the present progressive particle. e.g. {I zíuyo (kúe) ža no
seisérai.} “I am going to the arena now.” where {kúe} is optional.
Miscellaneous - {iyoši} is respelled {ióši} to preserve the accent on ó.

* Translator's note: In IPA, it can be approximated with /ɯᵝ/. It is equivalent to the Japanese “u”.
† Translator's note: The author likely refers to /i/ not weakening to /ɪ/.

4. Stress Pattern
In this section, I will explain the simplified stress pattern rules present in Urban Inkling.
Multisyllabic moži - When a moži with two syllables takes stress, the first vowel is pronounced
One-moži words - Words with one moži do not take stress. Exceptions include stressing a pronoun for
emphasis, as in “I did that.”, or common nouns habitually stressed, such as {bói} (language). e.g. {si} “to be; I
am”, {ža} “to go” {ota} “from”
Two-moži words - Words with two moži have penultimate stress (i.e. on the second-to-last moži), even
when it ends with a suffix. e.g. {pó·gai} “day”, {éyu·mai} “boy”, {dí·u} “squid”
Three-moži words or more - Words with three moži or more have penultimate stress, unless it ends
with a suffix, in which case the accent is on the second-to-last moži excluding said suffix. e.g.
{ŧu·ró·ži}“charger”, {ma·é·zi} “everything”, but {ŧú·di·be} “daily”
Prefixes and Suffixes - As briefly mentioned above, prefixes and suffixes do not take stress.

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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John Lennon - “Imagine” [translated by PiyozR]

Imagine there's no heaven {žo zoiyo začimo}

It's easy if you try {si kano kašino}
No hell below us {žo zoiyo žeka}
Above us only sky {onai že zarai}
Imagine all the people {edu iyočizoi}
Living for today {iyoči ziuyo}
Imagine there's no countries {žo zoiyo iyaepai}
It isn't hard to do {žo si taimu žizai}
Nothing to kill or die for {žoki zufei ŧuko}
And no religion too {žo zoiyo ayoani}
Imagine all the people {edu iyočizoi}
Living life in peace... {buyo taisikoi}
You may say I'm a dreamer {i žo si oboi riepo}
But I'm not the only one {i žo si uzoi}
I hope someday you'll join us {geweyu toya}
And the world will be as one {sakei bohomikoi}
Imagine no possessions {žo zoiyo suyoro}
I wonder if you can {si kano unoto}
No need for greed or hunger {žoki zufei obaoro}
A brotherhood of man {edu si putaipe}
Imagine all the people {edu iyočizoi}
Sharing all the world... {petiŧa oide}
You may say I'm a dreamer {i žo si oboi riepo}
But I'm not the only one {i žo si uzoi}
I hope someday you'll join us {geweyu toya}
And the world will live as one {sakei bohomikoi}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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Miss Mix - “深蓝” [translated by PiyozR]

你将手伸向我 {i muŧa pa eyaŧu}

然后说声”hello” {kaiči bie iru}
我没有开口 {ži pa žo miboi}
我的心如小鹿乱撞 {i ya baiane žo tabai}
谁能够帮助我 {šuati pu runai i?}
谁能够告诉我 {šuati pu bie i?}
你自认了解我 {že pa žiemiza i}
可是并非 并非 {ži že žo si. žo si.}
你并不了解 {pa žo žiemiza}
夜晚梦到你的人 {oboi riepo zoi}
你并不了解 {pa žo žiemiza}
想拉住你手的人 {muŧa pa eyaŧu zoi}
你并不了解 {pa žo žiemiza}
渴望抱紧你的人 {funo bašo pa zoi}
在你的心中 {ri pa ya baiane}
我只是 友人 {i že si naizi}
你将手伸向我 {i muŧa pa eyaŧu}
然后说声 “goodbye” {kaiči bie hanu}
我目送你离开 {i bihe pa debu}
在她身边陪伴 {su zoi tuko ža}
谁能够帮助我 {šuati pu runai i?}
谁能够告诉我 {šuati pu bie i?}
你自认了解我 {že pa žiemiza i}
可是并非 并非 {ži že žo si. žo si.}
你将手伸向我 {i muŧa pa eyaŧu}
然后说声 抱歉 {kaiči bie riuno i}
我目送你离开 {i bihe pa debu}
在她身边陪伴 {su zoi tukó ža}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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The Birthday Massacre - “In This Moment” [translated by PiyozR]

When I was younger {i čini rutu}

The days all seemed to last {pogai edu haoka}
So much longer {pi kaota}
But that was once upon a time {daoyu henu raero}
There was no one to remind us {noi rieno ati pafu}
A shadow waits behind us {žodame donei noi}
To steal our breath away {noi žida homao}
In this moment {da gižero}
We pretend we're all that matters {zari daoyu žo si duyo}
We're endless {žo fiyo}
Do you think this is forever? {noi fipu žoatiŧuko}
Pretending, believing {narai zari}
That we're safe here {anito noi}
This moment is endless {daoyu si rieno}
You run from your shadow {žodame taimu kaníya}
And wait here in the dark for {wa pa donei ko ŧunigai}

As the days turn into night {pogai žida henai}

When you're looking in the mirror {oyene pa defuna kue}
You can't ignore your fear {žo pu kesa iyawu}
There's nothing on the other side {wuišai si čidafe}
In this moment {da gižero}
We pretend we're all that matters {zari daoyu žo si duyo}
We're endless {žo fiyo}
Do you think this is forever? {noi fipu žoatiŧuko}
Pretending, believing {narai zari}
That we're safe here {anito noi}
This moment is endless {daoyu si rieno}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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Michael Jackson - “Speed Demon”[translated by PiyozR]

I’m headed for the border. {i paígi ge zoáro}

It’s on my mind. {i že žizái}
And nothin’ really matters. {wúi žo henú dúyo}
I’ve got to be on time. {subí gúyo dáoyu}
Look in the view mirror. {kíse éyome nói}
Is he hot on my tracks? {súine tisó nakí}
Is he getting nearer? {zói nakía i?}
I feel some heat on my back. {zizái zoíyo eyásu}
(Speedin’) Speedin’ on the freeway. {(fíya) fíya žiege ekí}
Gotta get a lead way (speed demon) {subí ža zibína (konámi)}
Doin’ it on the highway {číša da badáido}
Gotta have it my way (speed demon) {si i ya disúro (konámi)}
Mind is like a compass {riépo si tusáitu}
I’m stoppin’ at nothin’ (speed demon) {žo tabái kué (konámi)}
He says “pull over, boy…” {bíe i (sukaié…}
“…and get you ticket right.” {…tabái ágo pa biké)}
And nothin’ gonna stop me. {i riéno atí tabái}
Ain’t no stop and go. {nói žo žíha}
I’m speedin’ on the midway. {i ya fiya éyose}
I gotta really burn this road. {téna badáido žekakói}
Speed demon, you’re the very same {fíya konámi pa si tenó}
…Who said the future’s in your hands. {dité sáne žoanéro}
The life you save could be your own. {pu gúyo pa ya iyóči}
You’re preachin’ ‘bout my life like {ena žo si pa ya gusáio}
you’re the law.
Gonna live each day and hour like… {fúno maegái wa dehózu}
…For me there’s no tomorrow. {sumái žo zoíyo ŧuní}
Go! Go! Go! Go! Aaaow! {ža! ža! ža! ža! Ayo!}
Speedin’ on the freeway. {fíya žiége ekí}
Gotta get a lead way. (Speed demon) {subí ža zibína (konámi)}
Got fire in my pocket. {žéka ri unóno}
I just lit a rocket. (Speed demon) {i že féa kapáo (konámi)}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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I just pull over, boy, and get your ticket {i že tabái ko sukaié ágo
right. (Speed demon)
biké (konámi)}

Pull over, boy, and get your ticket right. {sukaié tabái ko ágo biké
(Speed demon)

I just pull over and eat your ticket right. {i že tabái ko sukaié wúze
(Pull over, boy)
biké (sukaié)}

Pull over boy and get your ticket right. {sukaié tabái ko ágo biké}
Pull over, boy. Get your ticket right. {sukaié ko ágo biké}
Pull over, boy. Get your ticket right. {sukaié ko ágo biké}
Pull over, boy. {sukaié}
Pull over, boy, and… {sukaié wa}
Get your ticket. Eat your ticket. {ágo bike. wúze biké}
Eat yo’, Get yo’… {wúze ágo}
Get your ticket right. {ko ágo biké}

Yelle – “Ce Jeu” [translated by PiyozR]

Fou et tellement évident {fukozea daime}
Que je ne trouve plus de sens {i žo tusai zufei}
À ce jeu excitant {žumaimi oei}
Si bon mais si lassant {beota ži žama}
Tu aimes me manipuler {pa šide toyača}
Et j'aime en faire autant {wa i wui šide}
Nous sommes tous deux victimes {noi si žihazoi}
De ce doux jeu d'amants {koiwu žiharo}
Je ferais l'effort {háoha i}
Je te connais par coeur {i sane pa naki}
Il suffit que je t'ignore {ki pa i žo suya}
Pour que tu reviennes en pleurs {fea i wuze eme}
Je m'occupe de toi {i huinesi pa}
Tu repars, c'est ça {pa čitu ano}
Toujours le même schéma {guža gona čimu}
Et j'anticipe à chaque fois {rieno gaiči}
Passion, émotion et correction {iyuwa muŧa i pa gige
J'agite la solution mais j'ai toujours la {kuba zini gafuro}
même sensation

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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Mais j'ai toujours la même sensation {ži žo fea zini rasa}

C'est tellement évident {si henu daime}
Que je ne trouve plus de sens {žo tusai zufei}
À ce jeu excitant, si bon mais si {žumaimi oei beota ži
Je ne veux pas d'un amour sans faille {i žo funo tasi mainuro}
Trop parfait tu ne m'intéresses pas {taimu haiya si žera}
Folle de toi surtout quand tu pars {ŧunu i oyene supai}
Fou de moi, j'y vais de ce pas {i subi rusi žayo pa}
Je me perds parfois {žomuŧa uzai}
Souvent c'est bien fait {uya žomogi}
Et tu caches ta joie {ibai oyae}
Parce que tu m'as eue {i eyuapo pa}
Comme une proie bête et gentille {i šarie si kiti}
Qui ne tire pas de leçon {mišaiyakoi pa}
Du piège grossier et facile d'un {si ženisi kano ya oei
charmant garçon
Mais c'est vraiment trop facile {ži si taimu eme}
Dès que tu souris tu me fascines {pa ya binažuka e!}
Comme un aimant sur un fil {i suine waiya}
De fer tendu et habile {pa bioda uyoki}
Mais c'est vraiment trop facile {ži si taimu eme}
C'est ma pomme qui te fascine {pa ya diza nežuzu}
Je tourne le dos pour partir {i ya baiane heni}
Tu sais qu'elle n'est pas acide {unoto šipumai}

Perfume – “Puppy Love” [translated by PiyozR]

そんな 退屈なフリして {žoki biwai pa haoka we}

今は 気分じゃないとか {žonu zowaiya pa žizai}
きっと キミは言うけど {fi tena omo kiyokano}
ホントは そうじゃない {binažuka žepaiyo}
どうだっていいみたい {goibu udo že si žosanu}
不器用な表情も好きだ {ibai binažuka wui kašino}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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みんながいる前では {bina maezoi guža šumá}

いつだってそう {siri baiane}
まるで機嫌悪いみたい {pa rana pa ya gaefu funoro}

こんなやつって態度し {sane i si že žama ayomai}

見えない角度で手をつ {ota žodamešai kado noi šano
ないできた nežuzu}
絶対的な信頼と {gigai ayoani}
対照的な行動 {doboe i šurekoi}
絶望的な運命が {šiwana žoanero}
ある日恋に変わる {hegada žida mainu}
一方的な表現の {pa zofaiya ano}
ツンデレーション {ŧuderero}
キミが 好き わかりにく {i mainu pa žiemiza oide}
Puppy Love {popi raba}
そんな 適当な感じで {da badaido fiyošai}
別にダメじゃないとか {pa mabunoi žizi pa bie}
きっと キミは言うけど {fi tena omo kiyokano}
ホントは そうじゃない {binažuka žepaiyo}
どうだっていいみたい {goibu udo že si žosanu}
不器用な表情も好きだ {ibai binažuka wui kašino}

みんながいる前では {bina maezoi guža šuma}
いつだってそう {siri baiane}
まるで邪魔者みたいに {heni pa žo koiwu ayuke i}
こんなやつって態度し {sane i si že žama ayomai}

見えない角度で手をつ {ota žodamešai kado noi šano
ないできた nežuzu}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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Seinfeld – Pilot Episode [Season One]

Act I Scene A
Written by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David
[translated by PiyozR]

Jerry: {žerái}
See, now to me, that button is in the worst {da i pa ya hekátu si ri ziriúno
possible spot. The second button literally anéro. iyozái hekátu že si
makes or breaks the shirt. Look at it! It’s zidúyo ko tičá. bihé zói!
too high! It’s in no man’s land! You look táimu waišé! žo žiné šiwáro!
like you live with your mother. pa iyóči ki ayotái?}

George: {gére}
Are you through? {šariéno oide?}
Jerry: {žerái}
You do, of course, try on when you buy. {pa kédiho šárie póye rugá.}
George: {gére}
Yes, it was purple. I liked it. I don’t recall {one si fatáyo. i šidé rutú.
considering the button. i žo pafú žizái hekátu.}
Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, you don’t recall. {o pa žo pafú a!}
George: {gére}
No, not at this time. {žuyo žo ri gižéro.}
Jerry: {žerái}
Well, Senator, I’d like to know what you {kaié i fúno sáne pa sáne zamó wa pa
knew and when you knew it. sáne óyene.}

Claire: {káine}
Mr. Seinfeld. Mr. Costanza. {safédo. kotáza.}

George: {gére}
Are you sure that one’s decaf? Where the {pa sáne šihú si ŧunóe? homáo kaibó
orange indicator? si wáibo?}
Claire: {káine}
It’s missing. I have to do it in my head. {žo tusái. i subí ri riépo fešósa. žo
Decaf left. Regular right. Decaf left. ŧunóe gió. óyo ŧuó. žo ŧunóe gió. óyo
Regular right. It’s very challenging work. ŧuó. henú žiréa enára.}

Jerry: {žerái}
Can you relax? It’s a cup of coffee. Claire {súya tóya. káine si gigái enára zói.}
is a professional waitress.

Claire: {káine}
Trust me, George. No one has any {gére taisikói. žo zóiyo
interest in seeing you on caffeine. zoi fúno bihé pa gáizo ŧunóe.}
George: {gére}
How come you’re not doing the {ŧunigái kói pa žo móye
second show tomorrow? iyozái fešosáro?}

Jerry: {žerái}
Well, there’s this woman might be {bihé zóiyo tokái ayomái
coming in. báiya kíse.}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
- 92 -

George: {gére}
Wait a second. Wait a second. What coming in? {uya donéi. uya donéi. kíse oide? šihú
What woman is coming in? ayomái kíse?}

Jerry: {žerái}
I told you about Laura. The girl I met in {i bíe gáeyu raeru. i bihé rutú zoi ri
Michigan. míšiga.}

George: {gére}
No, you didn’t. {pa žo bíe.}

Jerry: {žerái}
I thought I told you about her. She teaches {i žo bíe rutú? zoi mišaiyakói iyaepai
political science. I met her the night I did that šušá. ri ránusi zoi časáiga rutú i ya
show in Lansing. There’s no milk in here. What’s fešosáro. téze žo zóiyo náina. séso
the story? What- zóiyo? séso… }

George: {gére}
Wait. Wait. Wait. What is she like? {ho. ho. ho. zoi si séso?}

Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, she’s really great. She’s got a real warmth {o zoi henú tokái. zoi si henú uyaŧakó
about her. And she’s really bright and really baiáne. si henú nočí wa kášino wa noi
pretty and uh and the conversation, though, I ya mibóiro si…si háoka i wa pa mibói
mean it was…talking with her is like talking to ži henú pibéota.}
you but, you know, obviously much better.

George: {gére}
So what happened? {zamó anéra rutú?}

Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, nothing happened, you know. But it was {žo anéra. že si béota.}
George: {gére}
Oh, nothing happened, but it was…well that’s {a žo anéra rutú. one. one si táika. bo
great. So, you know, she called and she said she si čidú zoi bíe pa ko bíe zoi fúno
wanted to go out with you tomorrow night? God ŧunigái henái ža náipie. wa! za šanái
bless. Devil, you. pa!}

Jerry: {žerái}
Yeah, well, not exactly. I mean she said…you {e…žo si kodú. zoi bíe rutú…one zoi
know, she called this morning and said she had to ziuyogái zaománi bíe rutú ko bíe zoi
come in for a seminar and maybe we’d get subí kíse ko dóya fešosáro bo teníŧa si
together. So… noi bohomikói. žo žamá.}

George: {gére}
Yo! Whoa whoa whoa! “Had to”? “Had to come {oyé! zamó zóiyo? (subí)? (subí
in”? kíse)?}

Jerry: {žerái}
Yeah, but… {one si…}

George: {gére}
“And maybe we’d get together”? “Had to” and {(bo teníŧa si noi bohomikói)? (subí)
“maybe”? wa (teníŧa)?}
Jerry: {žerái}
Yeah. {one.}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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George: {gére}
No. No. No. I hate to tell you this. You’re not {žúyo. žúyo. žúyo. i koiwái bíe pa. i ya
going to see this woman. náizi pa žo ža huró ki téna ayomái.}

Jerry: {žerái}
What? Are you serious? Why? Why did she call? {e? pa bíe zamó? kói? zoi kói gigé i?}

George: {gére}
What do I know? Maybe she wanted to be polite. {i séso sáne? teníŧa si zoi fúno
Jerry: {žerái}
To be polite? You are insane. {fúno márupi? pa že fukozéa!}

George: {gére}
Alright. Alright. I didn’t want to tell you this. {tabé tabé i žo fúno bíe pa. pa fúno
You want to know why she called? You’re a sáne zoi ya zuféi? pa si župáiro. pa si
back-up. You’re a second line. A just-in-case. A iyozái. wuišái čímu. iyokái runái.}
“b” plan. A contingency.

Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, I get it. This is about the button. {a i dížu. pa že si gáeyu pa ya hekátu.}

George: {gére}
Claire. Claire, you’re a woman, right? {káine. káine pa si ayomái one?}

Claire: {káine}
What gave it away, George? {gére pa séso fatéa?}

George: {gére}
I’d like to ask you to analyze a hypothetical {i gigé pa ŧubí noi ya ayomái hážiešai
phone call from a female point of view. sigušái óta ayomái žizaipái.}

Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, come on now. What are you asking her for? {ne su i! kói pa se káine? zoi sáne
Now what is she going to know? zamó?}

George: {gére}
A woman calls me and says she has to come to {noi ya hážiešai ayomái bíe rutú i ko
New York on business… bíe zoi subí kíse no zíni éyoka gusáio

Jerry: {žerái}
Oh, this is beautiful. {iyo a! tokái čidú!}

George: {gére}
…And maybe she’ll see me when she gets here. {bíe teníŧa si zoi bihé i óyene pa gepái.
Does this woman intend to spend time with me? noi ya ayomái šiwána ki i tahéya

Claire: {káine}
I’d have to say…uh…no. {i ferái rébie…ena…žúyo.}

George: {gére}
So why did she call? {zoi bo kói rébie rutú?}

Claire: {káine}
To be polite. {ko háoka márupi.}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.
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George: {gére}
To be polite. I rest my case. {ko háoka márupi. žekáti rutú!}

Jerry: {žerái}
Good, good. Did you have fun? You have no idea {ha beóta. si beóta. pa si biwái? pa
what you’re talking about. Now come on, come sáne maná. noi ža. kíse tóya. pa ki i. i
with me. I gotta go get my clothes out of the subí muŧá i ya tičá zo uyoséže.}
dryer anyway.

George: {gére}
I am not going to watch you do laundry. {i žo ža ki pa saiyakói tičá.}

Jerry: {žerái}
Come on. Be a “come with” guy. {kíse tóya. pa žo si gigái náizi?}

George: {gére}
Come on, I’m tired. {me…i zíuyo si mayušái.}

Claire: {káine}
Don’t worry. I gave him a little caffeine. He’ll {žo žamá. zoi ya kefá gáfu ŧunóe. i
perk up. éyose huró.}

George: {gére}
I knew I felt something. I did. {i úya gápie! zári a!}

This guide and this language are the creation of Piyoz Rmnkolmz and Splatoon fans at Splatoon is the property of Nintendo.

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