2018 Maths Reflection Final
2018 Maths Reflection Final
2018 Maths Reflection Final
Assignment 1 Reflection
By Deirdre Westerhout
Mathematics EDUC5662
boring, irrelevant and too abstract, while teachers struggle with narrow
learning (Hopkins, 2007) to promote learning success, and the regular use of
elements into the classroom will lead to more effective teaching and learning
Courtade, Lingo, Karp, & Whitney (2013) state story reading can play an
present interesting problems and illustrate how other children solve them.
Assignment 1 Reflection 1
Mathematics EDUC5662
Using a shared story to teach maths begins with selecting a book that relates
Lingo, Karp, & Whitney, 2013). Reading and oral language also helps
Teaching methods that both convey the maths and engage students are
relatable way for the student. Similar to the use of literature, contextual tasks
applications of the maths concept in real life. They present opportunities for
Assignment 1 Reflection 2
Mathematics EDUC5662
example the question “if one pre-paid card for downloading music offers 16
songs for $24, and another offers 12 songs for $20, which is the better buy?”
teacher being clear about the maths focus and planning a lesson closure that
draws out the mathematical process and insights within the activity (Clarke &
learning. Hopkins argues that children will learn when they are fully
immersed in mathematics, trust they will and can use maths, and receive
Assignment 1 Reflection 3
Mathematics EDUC5662
Assignment 1 Reflection 4
Mathematics EDUC5662
Clarke, D. M., & Roche, A. (2009). Using mathematical tasks built around
"real" contexts: Opportunities and challenges for teachers
and students. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom,
14(2), 24-31. Retrieved from
Courtade, G. R., Lingo, A. S., Karp, K. S., & Whitney, T. (2013). Shared
story reading: Teaching mathematics to students with
moderate and severe disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional
Children, 45(3), 34-44. 10.1177/004005991304500304
Hutchins, P. (1986). The doorbell rang. New York, NY: Mulberry Books.
Siemon, D., Beswick, K., Brady, K.M., Clark, J., Faragher, R., & Warren,
Assignment 1 Reflection 5
Mathematics EDUC5662
Assignment 1 Reflection 6