MN08 Primary Poll Memo: Joe For Minnesota

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TO: Joe Radinovich, Joe for Congress

FROM: Donna Victoria, Victoria Research & Consulting

RE: Minnesota CD-08 Poll Results
DATE: May 31, 2018


We’ve been polling for the DFL congressional representative in the 8 th C.D. since being brought in by Jim Oberstar in 1992,
and this 2018 open seat race may be the most interesting and intricate race yet. Retiring Congressman Rick Nolan remains
an incredibly popular and respected figure in the 8th, with 72% of likely Primary voters holding favorable views of him and
only 13% unfavorable. His legacy of fiery Prairie populism and tireless advocacy for good jobs and protecting the healthcare
safety net for seniors and veterans is currently being picked up by Joe Radinovich, who worked closely with Nolan and
currently leads the Primary field to replace him.


Joe Radinovich starts in first place in the 4-candidate primary. While none of the candidates is familiar to more than
40% of the electorate right now, Radinovich nonetheless rises to the top, beating out the better-known Michelle Lee by
a point. The initial trial heat is 17% Radinovich, 16% Lee, 9% Metsa, and 6% Kennedy.

Joe Radinovich is the only candidate who starts with a strong base in both media markets. Jason Metsa is in 3rd place
in Duluth and 4th place in Minneapolis/St.Paul, upending initial handicapping of this race as between two strong and
equally popular state legislators. Roughly half of the vote in CD 8 lies in each media market, for both the General
election and the Primary – but MSP is prohibitively more expensive and much harder for a candidate to break through,
which is seen in the initial trial heat for primary voters in MSP – 17% Radinovich, 9% Kennedy (Kirsten Kennedy is a
mayor in this region), 7% Lee, 2% Metsa.

Given Michelle Lee’s career as a television anchor in Duluth for 30 years, it is no surprise that she is familiar to voters in
the Duluth media market and this results in a strong showing in the trial heat among Duluth voters: 24% Lee, 18%
Radinovich, 15% Metsa, and 4% Kennedy. However we believe the poll shows that Lee’s ability to grow beyond this
chunk of voters who have had many years of television exposure to her is extremely limited, and her support was weak
at the C.D.8 DFL convention, where she was dropped off in the first round of balloting. Her vote drops to 7% in the MSP
market where she is not known.

After respondents heard 3 completely positive descriptions of the top primary candidates (Kennedy was omitted for
time constraints), the informed trial heat is 39% Radinovich, 19% Lee, 14% Metsa, and 4% Kennedy. It is completely
clear to us that:

o Joe Radinovich begins this primary race with significant and measurable advantages over his opponents;

o Joe has strong name recognition, bested only by a 30-year news anchor (Overall name I.D. is 39% for Lee, 30% for
Radinovich, 23% for Kennedy, and 22% for Metsa.

o Joe Radinovich has a winning message and a story that appeals to a majority of Primary voters in this district and
he is best positioned to win both the primary and to hold this highly contested seat for the Democrats in the Fall.

This memorandum reports on the findings of a poll of Democratic Primary election voters for August 2018, conducted in the 8th
Congressional District of Minnesota, May 12th through 17th, 2018. Four hundred 16-minute interviews were conducted; the margin of
error for a sample of this size is 4.9%. All calls were hand-dialed by live interviewers; 37% of respondents were reached on a mobile phone.

Victoria Research & Consulting ● 7006 Carroll Ave, Suite 200, Takoma Park, MD 20912 ● Phone: 301-565-9500

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