Hauser Endress: Radiometric Measurement Source Container QG 020/100

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Information Radiometric Measurement

TI 194F/00/en
Source Container QG 020/100
Operating Instructions
017172-1000 Designs conforming to chemical industry, Euro-
pean and Swedish standards
With rotating insert for source mounting and
manual on/off switching

Source container
QG 020/100
Chemical industry

Features and Benefits

• For measuring systems with point
Source container radiation source and rod scintillation
QG 020/100 counters – high sensitivity with low
Euro/Swedish design source activity
• Radiation exit angles of 5°, 20°, 40°
offer optimal adaptation to the
application at hand
Application • Flanges to DIN or ANSI
In radiometric limit, level and density • Padlocked for locking and anti-theft
measurements, radioactive isotopes are protection
used as gamma sources. The radioactive
• Switching status easily seen
material is sealed in a double-walled,
welded, stainless steel capsule. • Spherical design gives best possible
• The use of all such gamma sources is
governed by the national radiation
protection regulations of the country Versions
where the measuring system is in- • Swedish design: upholds strict
stalled. Scandinavian safety regulations,
The capsule is secured in a lead-filled nameplates in Swedish
QG 020 or QG 100 source container, • European design: as Swedish design
which shields off unwanted radiation. but with English/German nameplates
The QG 100 has additional shielding • Chemical design: fulfils additional
which allows the use of stronger demands for chemical industry
sources. - use under rugged conditions
- safe and easy source handling.

Endress + Hauser
The Power of Know How
Mounting Level Measurement
The source container must be mounted
a little higher than the maximum level to
be measured. In order that measure-
ments can be made across the entire
measuring range of the rod detector
DG 57, the source container must be
mounted at an angle. The mounting
α /2
angle depends upon the angle α of the
radiation exit channel. For example, if
the angle α is 40°, then the source
container must be mounted at an angle
of 20° to the vertical.

The source container must be mounted

Standard vessel such that the radiation is precisely
directed onto the detector at the other
side of the vessel. When the ring bolt
points directly upwards, the longitudinal
axis of the radiation exit channel is

The source container can be supplied

with 5°, 20° or 40° radiation exit
channels. The lateral angle of the
2 channel is 6°.

Cylindrical or spherical Scintillation

vessels detector
➀ limit detection DG 57
➁ level measurement

Tall and Narrow Vessels

• For tall or relatively narrow vessels the
source container can be mounted at a
distance from the vessel. In this case,
additional safety measures such as
shielding, barriers, warning shields
etc. will be necessary.
Shield off
beam area
• For large measuring ranges, two or
more source containers are normally

• The use of two sources may be dic-

tated not only by the measuring range
but also by the accuracy of
Tall and narrow vessels
with one source

e. g. square plate with hole for

radiation beam
after mounting
shield off
beam area

Narrow vessels with two threaded bolt for fine
containers adjustment of container
angle: weld after
right: adjustment
Mounting suggestion for
source container

FMG 573 Z
transmitter FMG 573 Z/S


9 1
8 2 1
7 3
4 E -
+ E A

detector DG 57

source container
QG 020/100

Density measurement
in horizontal pipe with
transverse radiation

Density Measurement Clamping devices

In the case of density measurement in Three clamping devices are available
pipes, the quality of the measurement is for mounting:
very much dependent upon the way in
which the measuring system is mounted • Type TSP 013336 for pipe diameters
and the process conditions. The most DN 80…340
consistent measurements are obtained • Type TSP 013252 for pipe diameters
when: DN 340…820
• Type TSP 015354-0000 for diagonal
• The system is mounted on a vertical radiation of pipes with diameters
pipe section with the direction of flow DN 80…340.
Further details can be taken from
If horizontal pipes only are accessible, TI 110F/00/e
the radiation beam should travel trans-
versely: this reduces the effect of air
bubbles and build-up.

The beam exit angle required for density

measurements is dependent upon the
distance from and the orientation of the
detector. European and Swedish design
source containers for the measurement
of density are supplied modified to the
TSP 13337-0000 specification – the
source can be pinned in the ON position.


Type TSP 013336 for
pipes DN 80… 340 or
TSP 013252 for pipes
DN 340… 820; QG with
beam exit angle 40°

Type TSP 015354 for
pipes DN 80… 200; QG
with beam exit angle 5°

Operation A B
European Design Switching from OFF to ON Exchanging the source

Swedish Design



A Switching from OFF to
ON Remove Press down

B Exchanging the

Switch Radiation On Exchanging the Source

• Unlock padlock and remove The source may be changed by
• Turn handle counter-clockwise authorised personnel only under strict
through 180° observance of local radiation protection
• The shield »EIN/ON« can now be
seen and the shield »AUS/OFF« is
covered • Unlock padlock and remove
• Hang padlock in the holes provided • Remove lead seal from locking pin
for it and lock. and screw. Remove screw and push
pin down. Turn handle so that insert
swings over the depressed pin
Switch Radiation Off • Remove insert
• Unlock padlock and remove • Remove fixing screw on the face of
• Turn handle clockwise through 180° the insert (option).
• The shield »AUS/OFF« can now be • Swivel insert cover plate to the side –
seen and the shield »EIN/ON« is e. g. prise it up with the blade of a
covered screwdriver and push to the side.–
and allow the source capsule to slide
• Hang padlock in the holes provided out into a transport container.
for it and lock.

• Insert new capsule and close cover

• Screw in fixing screw (option)
• Push insert into the source container
and turn until it engages, then turn fur-
ther to the position »ON« or »OFF«.
• Hang padlock in the holes provided
for it and lock
• Reinsert locking screw and if appropri-
ate, reseal the locking pin.

Exchanging the source

➀ Remove screw
➁ Prise up cap
➂ Swivel away cover 1
plate 4 (option)
➃ Let source capsule
fall into transport

Chemical Industry De- A Switching from OFF to ON B Exchanging the source


A Switching from OFF to

B Exchanging the source

Switch Radiation On Exchanging the Source

• Unlock padlock and remove The source may be changed by
• Turn handle clockwise through 180° authorised personnel only under strict
observance of local radiation protection
• The shield »AUF/ON« can now be
seen and the shield »ZU/OFF« is
• Hang padlock in the holes provided • Unlock padlock and remove
for it and lock. • Turn handle to the position »ZU/OFF«
• Unscrew locking screw ➀ (with AF 13
spanner) until it disengages
Switch Radiation Off • Lift up handle to vertical position
• Unlock padlock and remove • If appropriate, screw M 8 extension
• Turn handle counter-clockwise rod into the threaded hole in the
through 180° source holder head ➁
• The shield »ZU/OFF« can now be • Unscrew source holder using AF 13
seen and the shield »AUF/ON« is spanner
covered • Position source holder above transport
• Hang padlock in the holes provided container
for it and lock. • Insert the blade of a screwdriver
(4 mm) into the slot provided for it at
Note: the chemical design allows the head of the holder and press out
access to the source in the defined OFF the capsule. For threaded version,
position only. unscrew with suitable tool
• Let the capsule fall into the transport

• Insert new source capsule: position

holder over capsule and press over
the capsule head until it engages.
For threaded version, screw in with
suitable tool: torque 2+0.5 N m
• Insert holder into source container
• Screw holder tight (using a AF 13
• Pull handle down to horizontal position
spring • Screw down locking screw ➀ with
screwdriver (or AF 13 spanner)
Exchanging the source
127-4-A2 • Hang padlock in the holes provided
➂ Push screwdriver into
or for it and lock
the slot
➃ Press downwards
➄ Let source capsule fall
into transport container
➅ For threaded version,
unscrew with suitable

Construction flange DN 100 PN 16
ring bolt M 12, DIN 580

QG 020: 250
QG 100: 308

QG 020: 118
QG 100: 161
QG 020: 114
QG 100: 160
Cross-section through
the QG 020/100 source
container (european
design) showing source
capsule and radiation
exit channel 180

Dimensions in mm
1" = 25.4 mm

Design Shipment
The gamma rays emitted by the For shipment within the Federal
radioactive source radiate equally in all Republic of Germany and the UK:
directions. In level measurement, Radioactive sources can be shipped
however, only that radiation which travel- only when a copy of your authorisation
s through the vessel is required. All radi- for handling radioactive materials has
ation in other directions is unwanted and been presented to Endress+Hauser.
must be shielded off. For this reason,
the capsule containing the source is For reasons of safety and cost, the
located in the source container, ensur- radioactive source is usually shipped
ing that unattenuated radiation can be already loaded in the source container.
emitted in the required direction only. Arrangements can also be made to ship
the source separately in a special
The lead shielding is enclosed in a transport drum.
welded steel housing. This housing is
designed such that, if the source For Other Countries
container is heated above the melting Radioactive sources are shipped
point of lead, 327°C, e. g., in a fire, already loaded in the source container
neither the radioactive source nor the only.
molten lead is lost.

The position of the radiation exit channel

is shown in the dimensioned drawings
and marked on the source container
flange. Note the position when planning
or mounting the container.

90° 90°
1,0 m 1,0 m

0,8 m 0,8 m

0,6 m 0,6 m

0,4 m 0,4 m

0,2 m 0,2 m

180° 0° 180° 0°

Typical isodose curves

(7.5 µSv/h) for QG 100 270° 270°

source container loaded source container OFF source container ON

with 3.7 GBq (100 mCi)
Co 60

Technical Data
ring bolt M 12, DIN 580


min. clearance for exchanging source


QG 020: 430 ; QG 100: 560

QG 020: 280
QG 100: 360


Dimensions in mm:
QG 020/100
European and Swedish 18

1" = 25.4 mm

ring bolt M 12, DIN 580

min. clearance for exchanging source
QG 020: 490 ; QG 100: 560

QG 020: 290
QG 100: 360


QG 100: 161
QG 020: 118

Dimensions in mm: flange identical to Euro/Swedish design

QG 020/100
Chemical industry

• Material insert and internal parts: • Attenuation approx. 0.3 HVL through
stainless steel 1.4571 (≅ SS 316 L) steel plate
• Housing and flange: steel (1.4571 on • Control area, 2.5/7.5 µSv/h, measured
request), painted yellow (RAL 1004) from centre point of source container:
with black warning symbol see diagram
• Dimensions: see diagram • Angle of radiation exit channel:
5° mostly for limit detection
• Max. ambient temperature: +200°C
Versions: 20°, 40° (in one plane)
• Shielding material: lead lateral angle 6° in all cases
• Shielding: • Weight:
QG 020: ca. 5.2 HLV for Co 60 QG 020: ca. 40 kg
ca. 7.6 HLV for Cs 137 QG 100: ca. 87 kg
QG 100: ca. 7.5 HLV for Co 60
ca. 10.5 HLV for Cs 137
Co 60 Cs 137
2 QG 020 1
QG 020
radius (m)
radius (m)

2.5 µSv/h

1 7.5 µSv/h 0.5

7.5 µSv/h
QG 100
QG 100
Control areas for Co 60
5 10 20 50 100 200 500 mCi 20 50 100 200 380 1000 mCi
and Cs 137, taken from 0 0
centre point of source 7.4 18.5 37 74 185 370
10 Bq
1.85 3.7 7.4 18.5 37 74 185 108 Bq 3.7
container, dose rates activity activity
7.5 µSv/h and 2.5 µSv/h

Product Structure Source container QG 020/100
R Standard
C Chemical design
E European design
S Swedish design
Y Special design
Flange / Material
P1 Flange DN 100 PN 16 / steel
P2 Flange DN 100 PN 16 / stainless steel
R1 Flange similar to ANSI 4" 150 psi / steel
R2 Flange similar to ANSI 4" 150 psi / stainless steel
Radiation exit angle
A 5 degrees
B 20 degrees
C 40 degrees
Y Special design

QG020- product designation

QG100- product designation

Source container QG 020/100 modified for density measurement

Standard : TSP 013337-0001
Swedish Design : TSP 013337-0000

Supplementary Radiometric Measurement Scintillation Detector DG 57

System Information SI 016F/00/en Technical Information TI 180F/00/en
Gammasilometer FMG 671 Geiger-Müller Detectors DG 17 (Z)/
Technical Information TI 219F/00/en DG 27 (Z)
Technical Information TI 197F/00/en
Gammapilot FTG 671
Technical Information TI 177F/00/en Standard Source Contatiner
QG 020/100
Gammapilot FTG 470 Z
Technical Information TI 264F/00/en
Technical Information TI 218F/00/en
Gamma Radiation Sources
Density Measurement with
Technical Information TI 213F/00/en
Gammasilometer FMG 573 Z/S
Technical Information TI 110/00/en
Source Container QG 2000
Technical Information TI 341F/00/en

Instruments International
P.O. Box 2222
D-79574 Weil am Rhein
GermanyTel. (0 76 21)
9 75-02
Tx 7 73 926
Fax (0 76 21) 9 75-3 45

Endress + Hauser
The Power of Know How

TI 194F/00/en/06.01

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