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Qualification Title: Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Unit of Competency: Install and Configure Computer Systems

Module Title: Installing and Configuring Computer Systems

Polytechnic College of Botolan

Walter Gemperle Jr.


Welcome to the Module “Installing and Configuring Computer System”. This module contains
training materials and activities that a trainee should complete.

The unit of competency “Install and Configure Computer System” contains the knowledge, skills
and attitudes required in installing, assembling and testing computers and common peripherals. This is
one of the core modules for National Certificate level II (NC II).

Trainees are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each of the
learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome there are Information Sheets, Task Sheets,
Assignment Sheets and Job Sheet. Follow these activities on your own and answer the Self-Check at the
end of each learning activity.

 Information Sheet - This will provide you with information (concepts,

principles and other relevant information) needed in
performing certain activities.

 Task Sheet - This will guide you in performing single task, operation or
process in a job.

 Job Sheet - This is designed to guide you how to do job that will
contribute to the attainment of the learning outcome.

 Assignment Sheet - The assignment sheet is a guide used to enhance (follow-

up) what you have learned in the information sheet,
operation sheet or job sheet.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your trainorfor assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some of the knowledge and skills covered in this module because you
o been working for some time
o already have completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your trainor that you are competent in a particular skill or skills, talk to
him/her about having them formally recognized so you don’t have to do the same training again. If you
have a qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings show it to your teacher. If the
skills you acquired are still current and relevant to this module, they may become part of the evidence you
can present for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills, discuss it with your teacher.

After completing this module ask your teacher to assess your competency. Result of your
assessment will be recorded in your competency profile. All the learning activities are designed for you to
complete at your own pace.

Inside this module you will find the task for you to complete followed by relevant information
sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may have more than one learning activity.
Summary of Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this module trainees are expected to be able to:

LO1. Assemble Computer Hardware

LO2. Prepare Installer

LO3. Install Operating System and Drivers for Peripherals

LO4. Install application software

LO5. Conduct testing and documentation

The students/trainees must be provided with the following:
 PC or workstations
 Instructional Manuals such as: Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedure
manual, device manual and hardware diagrams and charts.
 Tools such as: Screw Driver, Anti-Static Wrist Strap, Pliers and digital multi-meter
 Supplies and materials such as: Screws, Thermal paste, Flash Drive, Appropriate
software applications and programs.

Reference Materials:

Computer Manuals

Operating system (OS) is installed in accordance with established installation procedures and
to comply with end-user requirements.

Anti-static wrist strap – used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment.

System Unit - The main part of a microcomputer, sometimes called the chassis. It includes the
following parts: Motherboard, Microprocessor, Memory Chips, Buses, Ports, Expansion Slots
and Cards.

Anti-static mat – used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent static electricity from
building up.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out
the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical, control
and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions.

ROM – (Read Only Memory) ROM is non-volatile, meaning it holds data even when the
power is ON or OFF.

RAM – (Random Access Memory) RAM is volatile, meaning it holds data only when the
power is on. When the power is off, RAM's contents are lost.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Also known as hard drive is a magnetic storage device that is
installed inside the computer. The hard drive is used as permanent storage for data. In a
Windows computer, the hard drive is usually configured as the C: drive and contains the
operating system and applications.

Floppy drive, or floppy disk drive, is a storage device that uses removable 3.5-inch floppy disks.

Optical Drive- An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical
media. There are three types of optical drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc
(DVD) and Blu-ray Disc (BD).


List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Install and configure Installing and
1. computer systems configuring computer ELC724331
Set-up computer Setting-up computer
2. ELC724332
networks networks
Set-up Computer Setting-up Computer
3. ELC724333
Servers Servers
Maintain and repair Maintaining and
4. computer systems and repairing computer ELC724334
networks systems and networks
UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Install and Configure Computer System

UNIT MODULE : Installing and Configuring Computer System

MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required in installing and
configuring desktop and workstation computers systems. It
consists of competencies to assemble computer hardware,
install operating system and drivers for peripherals/devices, and
install application software as well as to conduct testing and





Upon completion of this module the students/trainees must be able to:

LO1. Assemble Computer Hardware

LO2. Prepare Installer

LO3. Install Operating System and Drivers for Peripherals

LO4. Install application software

LO5. Conduct testing and documentation


1.1 Unit assembly is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and procedures are
followed in accordance with systems requirements
1.2 Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked against systems requirements
1.3 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation work are obtained
in accordance with established procedures and checked for correct operation and safety
1.4 Computer hardware is assembled in accordance with established procedures and systems
Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration is performed in accordance with
hardware requirements.
1.5 Portable bootable devices are created in accordance with software manufacturer instruction
1.6 Customized installers are prepared in accordance with software utilization guide and end
user agreement.
Installation of portable applications are carried out in accordance with software user
guide and software license
1.7 Operating system (OS) is installed in accordance with established installation procedures
and to comply with end-user requirements
1.8 Peripherals/devices drivers are installed and configured in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions and/or OS installation procedures.
1.9 OS and drivers updates/patches are accessed and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements
On-going checks of the quality of the work are undertaken in accordance with established
1.10 Application software are installed based on software installation guides, end-user
requirements and software license agreement
1.11 Variation to application software installation is carried out in accordance to customer/client
Software updates are accessed and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
and requirements
1.12 Devices / systems and/or installation is tested to determine whether it conforms to
1.13 Stress test is conducted to ensure reliability of equipment in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and system requirements
1.14 5S and 3Rs are followed according to environmental policies
1.15 Documentation in relation to the test is forwarded to appropriate personnel and/or authority
in accordance with requirements

Assemble Computer Hardware

 Unit assembly is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and procedures are
followed in accordance with systems requirements
 Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and obtained in accordance with
established procedures and checked against systems requirements
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation work are
obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked for correct operation and
 Computer hardware is assembled in accordance with established procedures and systems
 Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration is performed in accordance with
hardware requirements.

1. Types and Parts of Computers
2. Computer Hardware Assembly

The students/trainees must be provided with the following:
 PC or workstations
 Instructional Manuals such as: Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedure
manual, device manual and hardware diagrams and charts.
 Tools such as: Screw Driver, Anti-Static Wrist Strap, Pliers and digital multi-meter
 Supplies and materials such as: Screws, Thermal paste, Flash Drive, Appropriate
software applications and programs.

1. Discussions
2. Demonstration

 Written Test:
Covering the following Learning Outcomes and it should be multiple types of
The students should answer the given answer sheet.
 Performance Test with Oral Discussion:
 Preparing computer components and peripherals.
 Identifying the different components and peripherals.
 Performing the necessary inspection and testing.
As each of the above activity is completed, the student will document the action
performed (in writing, on tape or in a Trainee Record) for assessment purposes.
Learning Experiences

Assemble Computer Hardware

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read information sheet on 1.1-1 “Types
and Parts of Computers”

2. Answer Self-Check 1.1-1“Types and

Parts of Computers” Read each Information Sheet and
Answer the Self-Check at the end of
3. Read information sheet on 1.1-2 each Learning Activity. There are
“Computer hardware Assembly” Learning Activities that may require
you to perform certain Task and Jobs
4. Answer Self-Check 1.1-2“Computer that you have to perform and check
hardware Assembly” your performance based on the
5. Perform Task Sheet 1.1-2“Computer
performance criteria set. At the
Hardware Assembly” completion of this module you will be
ready to perform installation, assembly
6. Perform Job Sheet 1.1-1
and testing computers and common

Learning Objective:

After reading of this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Identify the Computer Parts, Peripherals, Tools and Devices.

2. Determine each part of Computer Hardware.

3. Classify the hardware components of a computer with its corresponding functions.

One important thing to consider before executing a computer assembles is that one must be
knowledgeable in the different computer parts, tools, equipment and devices used in computer
At the end of this module the student can now perform Computer Assembly and Disassembly
with proper used of tools, equipment and devices.

A computer is a programmable machine

designed to automatically carry out a
sequence of arithmetic or logical operations

System Unit - The main part of a

microcomputer, sometimes called the
chassis. It includes the following parts:
Motherboard, Microprocessor, Memory
Chips, Buses, Ports, Expansion Slots and

Keyboard – Like an eyes & ears.

- Use to control computers.
- A typing or input Devices
Monitor – Talking & Writing
Devices/Tools (Output Devices).
- Send inputs to PC, CPU & produces
useful output (Text/Graphics).

Mouse – Input or Pointing Devices

- To control a cursor to manipulate data
without complicated command.

Speaker – Output Devices that able to

produce sound for a given instruction.

Personal Protective Equipment - Proper preparation is the key to a successful work. Before
you begin, make sure that you have the tools you will need, and secure a clear well-lit
workplace. Gather all the components you’ll be using and unpack them at the same
time. Always keep in mind that personal protection is one of the traits of a good computer
Illustrations Hardware Tools and their Functions
Anti-static wrist strap – used to prevent ESD damage to
computer equipment.

Anti-static mat – used to stand on or place hardware on to

prevent static electricity from building up.
A gloves are garments for covering and protecting the
whole hand

Protective Eyewear - enclose or protect the eye area in

order to prevent particulates, infectious fluids, or chemicals
from striking the eyes

Power surge protectors – Devices designed to protect the computer from sudden power surges
form intermittent power sources.
AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulators) - is designed to protect
form intermittent power sources.

UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) – is designed to protect form

sudden power surges.

A hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical system using only
hands. The hand tools can be manually used employing force, or electrically powered, using
electrical current.
Illustrations Hardware Tools and their Functions
Flat head screwdriver – used to loosen or tighten slotted
Philips head screwdriver – used to loosen or tighten cross- head

Small Paint brush – used for removing dust of computer parts.

Torx screwdriver - u s e d to loosen or tighten screws that have a

star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found on

Needle-nose plier – used to hold small parts.

Hex driver – sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten

nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens screws.

Tweezers are tools used for picking up objects too small to be

easily handled with the human hands

A flashlight (or torch in British English) is a hand-held portable

electric-powered light source. Usually the light source is a
small incandescent light bulb or light-emitting diode (LED)
A hex key, Allen key or Allen wrench is a tool used to drive
bolts and screws with hexagonal sockets in their heads.

Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer, such as monitor,

keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card, motherboard, and so on, all of
which are tangible objects.
Illustrations Hardware Tools and their Functions
Chassis(Case) – “Home” for Computer Components, Parts and

A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic

circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of
a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic,
logical, control and input/output (I/O) operations specified by
the instructions.
Motherboard – Main Circuit Board or “Body” of Computer. It
contains all the circuits and components that run the computer.

A sound card is an internal expansion card that provides input

and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control
of computer programs.

A video card (also called a display card, graphics

card, display adapter or graphics adapter) is an expansion
card which generates a feed of output images to a display
(such as a computer monitor). Frequently, these are
advertised as discrete or dedicated graphics cards,
emphasizing the distinction between these and integrated
A network interface controller (NIC, also known as
a network interface card, network adapter, LAN
adapter or physical network interface and by similar
terms) is a computer hardware component that connects
a computer to a computer network.
ROM – (Read Only Memory) ROM is non-volatile,
meaning it holds data even when the power is ON or OFF.

RAM – (Random Access Memory) RAM is volatile, meaning

it holds data only when the power is on. When the power is
off, RAM's contents are lost.

Power Supply Unit (PSU) - Installed in the back corner of the

PC case, next to the motherboard. It converts
120vac (standard house power) into DC voltages that are
Used by other components in the PC.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Also known as hard drive is a

magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer.
The hard drive is used as permanent storage for data. In a
Windows computer, the hard drive is usually configured as the
C: drive and contains the operating system and applications.

Optical Drive- An optical drive is a storage device that uses

lasers to read data on the optical media. There are three types of
optical drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc
and Blu-ray Disc (BD).

A floppy drive, or floppy disk drive, is a storage device that uses

removable 3.5-inch floppy disks.

Processor Fan(CPU Fan) – used for cooling the CPU.

Storage - any physical device in or on which computer information can be kept.
Illustrations Hardware Tools and their Functions
Floppy diskette- is a random access, removable data storage
medium that can be used with personal computers. The term
usually refers to the magnetic medium housed in a rigid
plastic cartridge measuring 3.5 inches square and about
2millimeters thick. Also called a "3.5-inch diskette," it can store
up to 1.44 megabytes.
Compact disc (CD) – also called optical disc is a nonmagnetic,
polished metal disk used to store digital information. The disc
is read by the CD- ROM.

USB flash drive- is a plug-and-play portable storage device

that uses flash memory and is lightweight enough to attach to a
key chain. A USB drive can be used in place of a floppy disk,
Zip drive disk, or CD.
Self-Check 1.1-1

Instructions: Identify the following Computer Parts, Tools and Devices and choose in the
box the correct answer that corresponds to the given images below. Write the answer in the space

Motherboard Flat Screw Driver RAM Optical Drive Hard Disk

CPU Power Supply NIC Mouse ROM
Anti-Static Wrist Strap

1. ______________ 6. _________________

2. _______________ 7. _______________

3. _______________ 8. _______________

9. ______________
4. ______________

5. __________________ 10. ________________

Question: Identify the parts, tools, peripherals of computer.


1. RAM 6. Motherboard
2. NIC 7. Hard Disk
3. Power Supply 8. CPU
4. Philip Screw Driver 9. ROM
5. Anti-Static Wrist Strap 10. Mouse

Learning Objective:

After reading of this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Enumerate the Step procedure in proper computer hardware assembly.

2. Determine each part of Computer Hardware and Assemble procedures.

3. Classify the hardware components of a computer with its corresponding functions.

One important thing to consider before executing a computer assembles is that one must be
knowledgeable in the different computer parts, tools, equipment and devices used in computer
At the end of this module the student can now perform Computer Assembly and Disassembly
with proper used of tools, equipment and devices.

Step Procedure in Assemble Computer Hardware

Step 1. Prepare your workplace

1. Prepare the table and get all the necessary materials, tools, equipment and computer parts
needed in Assemble Computer Hardware.
2. Prepare PPE and Power Surge Protector.

Step 2. Prepare the Motherboard

1. Handle with care when preparing the mother board.
2. C h e c k f o r m o t h e rb o a r d m a n u a l s .
3. Follow the Steps procedure in installing motherboard into the Computer Chassis.

Step 3. Install the CPU

1. Use the unlocking mechanism to open the CPU socket which is usually a lever.
2. Fit the CPU into the CPU socket.
3. Check properly if the CPU fit to the CPU socket.
4. Lock the lever.

Step 4. Install the CPU Heat Sink

1. Follow the manufacturer's directions to install the heat sink w/ fan into the CPU
socket that used for cooling the CPU.
2. Plug the CPU fan's power connector into the proper connector on the motherboard.

Step 5. Install Memory (RAM Modules)

1. Before Installing RAM into the motherboard you need to consider the RAM compatibility.
2. Check the Memory Manufacturer’s Manual in order how to install Memory.
3. Lock both sides of Memory Socket.
Step 6. Place the motherboard into the case
1. Prepare the motherboard and Chassis(Case)
2. Check if the motherboard intact with the case.
3. Check the layout of the sockets on the motherboard, and confirm that the ports on your
motherboard's back panel match the holes on the case's Input/Output (I/O) shield that is
installed in your case.
4. Tighten the needed screw of motherboard to holes connected to the Case.

Step 7. Connect the Power Supply

1. First, Screw the power supply into the power supply location at the back panel of the
System case.
2. Connect the necessary power connector into the motherboard, Hard disk, Optical drive
and System fan and make sure that the power connector intact or secure.
3. Attach the Spagetti wire into the F panel and check if each corresponding pin attach at the
correct location

Step 8. Install Graphics / Video Cards

1. Begin by removing the backplane cover from the AGP or PCI Express X16 slot.
2. Install the graphics board in that slot, and then secure the card with a screw

Step 9. Closed the side cover of the system unit.

1. Screw the side cover of the system unit.

Step 10. Connect the needed peripherals.

1. Connect the Mouse, Keyboard, Power cord and vga Cable at the back panel of the
system unit.

Title: Computer Hardware Assembly

Performance Objective: In the Computer Laboratory, given the computer parts,
peripherals, tools and devices you are required to assemble Computer Hardware within 1
Computer Parts: System Unit, Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, Speaker, Motherboard, Hard
Disk, Optical Drive, Processor, Power supply, ROM, RAM, Sound Card, Video Card, NIC
and Floppy Drive
Tools: Philip Screw Driver, Pliers, Tweezers, Hex Key, Hex drive, Anti-Static
Wrist Strap and Anti-Static Mat


1. Prepare your workplace

2. Prepare the motherboard
3. Install the CPU
4. Install the CPU Heat Sink w/ Fan
5. Install Memory (RAM)
6. Place the motherboard into the case
7. Connect the Power Supply
8. Install Graphics/Video Cards
9. Closed the side cover of the system unit.
10. Connect the needed peripherals.
11. Submit output to trainer for evaluation

Assessment Method: Practicum with interview


Computer Hardware Assembly

Trainee’s Name: ____________________________ Date : _____________________

1. Did you bring the tools needed in Computer Assembly?
2. Did you know all the parts of computer hardware?
3. Did you use the Hand tools properly?
4. Did you prepare the motherboard correctly?
5. Did you install the CPU into the motherboard?
6. Did you install the RAM into the motherboard?
7. Did the motherboard place into the Case?
8. Did you connect the Power supply correctly?
9. Did you install the Video Card and NIC?


Trainer’s Signature: _________________________ Date : ____________________

Job Sheet 1. 1-1

Title : Computer Assembly and Disassembly

Performance Objective: Prepare the computer components & peripherals for Computer
Disassemble and Assemble
Supply/materials : Screwdriver Antistatic Wrist trap
Equipment : Computer Set

1. Prepare the workplace for assembly / disassembly

2. Use proper Personal Protective Equipment
3. Conduct Inventory on the different components & peripherals for Computer
Disassembly and Assembly.
4. Follow Occupational Health and Safety during the performance of each task
5. Disassemble / Assemble Computer Hardware for the following
a. Desktop Unit
b. Laptop Unit
6. Implement 5’s and 3’r and computer ergonomics during the activity.
7. Identify faults during the assembly and disassembly
8. Submit output to trainer for evaluation

Assessment Method: Performance Demonstration.


Assemble Computer Hardware

Trainee’s Name: ____________________________ Date : _____________________

1. Did you unplug all electronics/equipment from the power source?

2. Did you remove all peripheral attachment properly?

3. Did you use the hand tools correctly?
4. Did you remove the power supply properly?
5. Did you remove the hard disk and CD rom from the system unit?
6. Did you remove the Video card, NIC card from the Motherboard?
7. Did the Motherboard remove from the System Unit?
8. Did you the parts return its original place?
9. Did you bring the tools needed in Computer Assembly?
10. Did you know all the parts of computer hardware?
11. Did you use the Hand tools properly?
12. Did you prepare the motherboard correctly?
13. Did you install the CPU into the motherboard?
14. Did you install the RAM into the motherboard?
15. Did the motherboard place into the Case?
16. Did you connect the Power supply correctly?
17. Did you install the Video Card and NIC?


Trainer’s Signature: _________________________ Date : ____________________

Evidence Plan

Competency Computer System Servicing NC II

Unit of Install and Configure Computer System
Ways in which evidence will be collected:
[tick the column]

Third party Report

Demonstration &
Observation &



The evidence must show that the trainee…
 *Follows OH&S policies and procedures for installing x x x
 *Assembled Computer Hardware x x x
 *Installed operating system and drivers for
x x x
 *Installed application software x x x
 *Conducted testing and documentation x x x
 Forwards documentation to appropriate personnel in
relation to test and to authority in accordance with x

*Critical Aspect of Competency


Objectives/Content # of items/
Knowledge Comprehension Application
area/Topics % of test

Assemble computer (25%) (7%) (7%) 39%


Prepare installer (7%) (7%) 14%

Install operating system

and drivers for (7%) (12%) 19%
peripherals/ devices

Install application (7%) (7%) 14%


Conduct testing and (7%) (7%) 14%

TOTAL 100%

Test Item Distribution

Total Number Percentage
Factual of Items %
Comprehension Application

Assemble computer 20 5 5 30 39%


Prepare installer 5 5 10 14%

Install operating system

and drivers for 5 10 15 19%
peripherals/ devices

Install application 5 5 10 14%


Conduct testing and 5 5 10 14%

TOTAL 40 30 5 75 100%
Name of Trainee:____________________________________________
Date: _____________ Time (Start) __________ (End) ___________
Trainer: __________________________________________

Institutional Assessment
Instruction for the Trainer
Qualification : Computer System Servicing NC II
Competency Number: COC 1
Unit of Competency: Install and Configure Computer System

General Instruction:
The Student’s must Install and Configure Computer System and follow the
following Procedures.
Procedure Time
1. Assemble Computer Hardware 30 mins
2. Prepare Installer 15 mins
3. Install Operating System and Drivers for Peripherals 45 mins
4. Install application software 20 mins
5. Conduct testing and Documentation 10 mins

Specific Instruction:
1.1 In Assemble Computer Hardware you must have knowledge how to
Assemble computer hardware
1.2 Has known all the parts, tools and devices used in Assemble Computer
2.1 In Preparing Installer you must have a CD or Flash Drive used for
creating bootable media.
2.2 You must use Windows OS liked Windows 7
3.1 In Installing Operating System and Drivers for Peripherals you
must have a Manuals used in Installing Operating System and
3.2 A Flash Drive or CD for Installing OS and Drivers
4.1 In Installing application software you must have the needed application
that used in Windows 7.
5.1 You need to Conduct Testing and Documentation after Install and
Configure Computer System.

Assessment Methods:
 Written Test
 Demonstration with Oral Questioning

Feedback to student:
YES if the student is able to perform the tasks/activities listed below and
NO if not.
Unit of Competency: Install and Configure Computer System
LO1: Assemble Computer Hardware
Plans and prepares installation to ensure OH&S policies’ procedures and
Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and obtained in
accordance with established procedures and checked against systems
Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation
work are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked
for correct operation and safety
Computer hardware is assembled in accordance with established
procedures and systems requirements
Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration is performed in
accordance with hardware requirements.
LO2: Prepare Installer
Portable bootable devices are created in accordance with software
manufacturer instruction
Customized installers are prepared in accordance with software utilization
guide and end user agreement.
Installation of portable applications are carried out in accordance with
software user guide and software license
LO3: Install operating system and drivers for peripherals/devices
Operating system (OS) is installed in accordance with established
installation procedures and to comply with end-user requirements
Peripherals/devices drivers are installed and configured in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and/or OS installation procedures.
OS and drivers updates/patches are accessed and installed in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements
On-going checks of the quality of the work are undertaken in accordance
with established procedures
LO4: Install application software
Application software are installed based on software installation guides,
end-user requirements and software license agreement
Variation to application software installation is carried out in accordance to
customer/client requirements
Software updates are accessed and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements
LO5: Conduct testing and documentation
Devices / systems and/or installation is tested to determine whether it
conforms to requirements
Stress test is conducted to ensure reliability of equipment in accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions and system requirements
5S and 3Rs are followed according to environmental policies
Documentation in relation to the test is forwarded to appropriate personnel
and/or authority in accordance with requirements
Did the student’s overall performance meet the standard?


Improvements needed:

General comment:

Trainer’s Signature Trainees Signature

Date: Date:
Oral Questioning Checklist

Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge

Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No

1. What is computer system?  
2. The Different Parts of Computer Hardware  
3. What is motherboard  
 
 

Safety Questions
Why do we follow OHS policies and procedures correctly in installing  
computer systems and networks?
Why we need to use the PPE and Power Surge Protector  
 

Contingency Questions
What are the common unplanned events or conditions that might affect the  
success of installation of computer systems and networks? How are you going
to respond to these events?
 
Job Role/Environment Questions  
What is the importance of checking the quality of on-going work?  
 

 

Rules and Regulations  

Why we need to follow the user’s manual before proceeding the operations  
 
 
 
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Qualification: Computer System Servicing NC II

Title of COC or UC: Installing Computer Systems and Networks

Acceptable answers are:

Extension/Reflection Questions

1. Q: What is Computer System?

A: It is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and
provides output in a useful format.
2. Q The Different Parts of Computer Hardware?
A: The Different Parts of Computer Hardware are as follows: Motherboard, RAM,
Chassis, Power supply, Hard Disk, Optical Drive, Floppy Drive, Mouse, Keyboard,
Monitor, System Unit and Speaker
3. Q: What is motherboard?
A: Main Circuit Board or “Body” of Computer. It contains all the circuits and
components that run the computer.

Safety Questions
Q: Why do we follow OHS policies and procedures correctly for installing computer
systems and networks?
A: We must follow OHS policies and procedures correctly for installing computer
systems and networks to eliminate any untoward incident that might cause the
system to fail. Not following the procedures would result to the failure of the work
being done which might cause accident.
Q: Why we need to use the PPE and Power Surge Protector
A: PPE used to prevent us from Electric Shock and Power Surge Protector used to
prevent computer from sudden power surge.
Contingency Questions
Q: What are the common unplanned events or conditions that might affect the success
of installation of computer systems and networks? How are you going to respond to
these events?
A: One unplanned event that might affect the success of the network installation is the
unavailability of materials and equipment to be used. Another is the breakdown of
equipment to be used. To solve such events, one must make sure that all materials
and equipment are available before the start of the installation and to have spare
parts as a contingency measure when something breaks down.

Rules and Regulations

Q. Follow the user’s manual before proceeding the operations

A. We must follow the user’s manual so that we know how prepare and proceed the

Trainee: ______________________________________ Score: _____________

Qualification: __________________________________ Date: ______________


DIRECTION: Select the best answer from among the choices given. Circle the correct
Answer.(20 minutes time limit)

1. This is a storage that uses removable 3.5 inch floppy Disks.

a. Optical Drive b. HDD c. RAM d. Floppy Drive
2. A kind of expansion card which generates a feed of output images to a display.
a. Video Card b. LAN Card c. Sound Card d. Optical Drive
3. This is a magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer.
a. RAM b. Hard Disk Drive c. Floppy Drive d. Optical Drive
4. This tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the human hands.
a. Pliers b. Hex Driver c. Tweezers d. Needle-nose plier
5. It converts 220AC into DC voltages that are used by different parts of system unit.
a. RAM b. Power supply c. Motherboard d. Chassis
6. The main circuit board of a computer.
a. CPU b. Case c. Motherboard d. Power supply
7. It is volatile meaning it holds data only when the power is on.
a. RAM b. ROM c. PSU d. HDD
8. Thi s i s used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment.
a. Anti-static wrist strap b. Anti-Static Mat c. AVR d. UPS
9. An output device that able to produce sound for a given instruction.
a. Mouse b. Speaker c. Monitor d. System Unit
10. Sometimes called a nut driver.
a. Needle nose plier b. Hex Driver c. Torx Screwdriver d. Allen key
11. This is a tool used to drive bolts and screws with hexagonal sockets in their heads.
a. Needle nose plier b. Hex Driver c. Torx Screwdriver d. Allen key
12. It is a brain of a Computer.
a. CPU b. RAM c. Motherboard d. ROM
13. This is the first step in Assemble Computer Hardware.
a. Prepare Mother board c. Prepare your workplace
b. Install the CPU d. Place the motherboard into the case
14. This is non-volatile meaning it holds data even when the power is ON or OFF.
a. CPU b. RAM c. Motherboard d. ROM
15. Like an eyes & ears used to control computers.
a. Keyboard b. Mouse c. Monitor d. System Unit
II. Identification:

Directions: Identify the following Computer Parts, Tools and Devices and choose in
the box the correct answer that corresponds to the given images below. Write the answer in
the space Provided. .(15 minutes time limit)

Motherboard Flat Screw Driver RAM Optical Drive Hard Disk

CPU Power Supply NIC Mouse ROM
Anti-Static Wrist Strap

1. ______________ 6. _________________

2. _______________ 7. _______________

3. _______________ 8. _______________

9. ______________
4. ______________

5. __________________ 10. ________________

III. Classification:

Direction: Group the computer parts, storage, tools, equipment according to its category
and place it into the table below. .(20 minutes time limit)

 Motherboard  Optical Drive

 Mouse  Power Supply
 Keyboard  Anti-static mat
 Monitor  Flash Drive
 Philip Screw Driver  CD
 Anti-static wrist strap  Diskette
 System Unit  Chassis
 UPS  Allen wrench
 ROM  Tweezers
 RAM  Hex driver
 Video Card  Needle-nose plier
 Flat Screw Driver  Torx screwdriver
 Sound Card  Paint Brush
 CPU  Processor Fan
 Hard Disk  Flashlight

Tools Equipment Computer Parts Storage

IV. Enumeration: .(20 minutes time limit)

Direction: Enumerate the following procedure.
A. Computer Hardware Assemble – (1 to 10)
B. Computer Hardware Disassemble – (1 to 8)


1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. A


1. RAM 6. Motherboard
2. NIC 7. Hard Disk
3. Power Supply 8. CPU
4. Philip Screw Driver 9. ROM
5. Anti-Static Wrist Strap 10. Mouse
III. Classification:

Tools Equipment Computer Parts Storage

Philip Screw Driver Anti-Static Motherboard Flash Drive
Wrist Strap
Flat Screw Driver UPS Mouse Diskette
Allen Wrench AVR Keyboard CD
Tweezers Anti-Static mat Monitor Hard Disk
Hex Driver System Unit
Needle Nose Plier ROM
Torx Screw Driver RAM
Paint Brush Video Card
Flashlight Sound Card
Hard Disk
Optical Drive
Power Supply
Processor Fan
IV. Enumeration:
A. Step /Procedure Disassemble:
1. Unplug from power source.
2. Remove all peripheral attachment.
3. Open the system unit.
4. Remove the power supply
5. Remove hard disk and CD Rom from the system unit.
6. Remove Video card and Lan card from the Motherboard
7. Remove the Motherboard from the system unit.
8. Return the parts to its original place.
B. Step /Procedure Assemble:
1. Prepare your workplace
2. Prepare the motherboard
3. Install the CPU
4. Install the CPU Heat Sink w/ Fan
5. Install Memory (RAM)
6. Place the motherboard into the case
7. Connect the Power Supply
8. Install Graphics/Video Cards
9. Closed the side cover of the system unit.
10. Connect the needed peripherals.

Books and Articles and Printed Materials:

Technology and Livelihood Education Information and Communications Technology

Learner’s Material for Computer Hardware Servicing Grade 9

Electronic Resources:

Fundamentals of PC repair

Computer Hardware Basics

How to install Computer Hardware
How to install Computer components

10/ProperToolSelection.pdf Tool Selection

http://www.instructables.com/id/Disassemble-a-Computer/- Computer Basic

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