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Biological Conservation: Anna Kuczyn Ska, Evelyn Moorkens

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Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875

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Biological Conservation
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Micro-hydrological and micro-meteorological controls on survival

and population growth of the whorl snail Vertigo geyeri Lindholm,
1925 in groundwater fed wetlands
Anna Kuczyńska a,b,*, Evelyn Moorkens c
Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dept. of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Museum Building, Dublin 2, Ireland
Polish Geological Institute, National Research Institute, ul. Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland
53, Charleville Square, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, Ireland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vertigo geyeri is a rare, tiny species of mollusc, living in calcareous, spring fed wetlands. It is considered to
Received 16 January 2010 be threatened within the EU community; therefore it is protected under Annex II of the EU Habitat Direc-
Received in revised form 13 April 2010 tive (92/43/EEC). This snail has very specific micro-habitat requirements, which up to now were largely
Accepted 19 April 2010
unknown. This study was initiated to provide more information on the detailed micro-hydrogeological
and micro-meteorological requirements for this microscopic species in order to manage their future exis-
tence on Pollardstown Fen, Ireland and at other sites. The micro-habitat of the snail was studied during an
extensive research project carried on Pollardstown Fen in Ireland during the period 2002–2005 being the
first national (and possibly international) study of that scale. The results show that high relative humidity
Eco-hydrology (above 80%) and close proximity to a phreatic water surface (approximately 0.1 m below ground surface)
Hydro-ecology are the most important factors for maintaining populations of the snail.
Vertigo geyeri Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2006; Pokryszko, 2003; Cameron et al., 2003). The most restricted
of these in terms of habitat is V. geyeri, and there is an international
1.1. General obligation on Ireland to conserve this species in terms of habitat
extent and quality within the studied site. This was a challenge
Pollardstown Fen is the largest calcareous spring-fed fen in Ire- for the local authorities, as the species’ requirements were gener-
land and has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation un- ally poorly understood. The impetus for the study was the con-
der the EU Habitats Directive (European Commission, 1992), a struction of a major road in a cutting below the water table in
Statutory Nature Reserve the (Republic of Ireland) Wildlife Act, the local sand and gravel aquifer, and the concern that dewatering
1976, a Ramsar Site and a European Council Biogenetic Reserve. operations might lead to a decline in water levels and hence a
Three habitats listed in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive 92/ reduction in spring flows to the fen, with consequent impacts on
43/EEC occur within the fen area: alkaline fen, calcareous fen with the fen ecology, including the sensitive V. geyeri snail.
Cladium mariscus and petrifying springs with tufa formation. Hab- The results presented in this paper are part of a wider research
itat’s Directive Annex II species are also present and these include project assessing ecological and hydrogeological variability in
three Vertigo snail species: Geyer’s whorl snail Vertigo geyeri Lind- space and time at Pollardstown Fen. V. geyeri is endemic to Europe
holm, 1925 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Vertiginidae), Desmoulin’s and found in rare relict near-natural fen habitats in the Boreal, Al-
whorl snail Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849) and the narrow- pine, Continental and Atlantic zones (Falkner et al., 2001; Pok-
mouthed whorl snail Vertigo angustior Jeffreys, 1830, all of which ryszko, 2003). Research on this species should be of interest and
are rare and declining species in Ireland and Europe (Moorkens, relevance to countries within the European Union, which are re-
quired to maintain the favourable conservation status of this snail
where it is present, from threats such as drainage that lead to neg-
ative habitat change. Studies on the variation of other mollusc spe-
* Corresponding author at: Polish Geological Institute, National Research Insti- cies in both space and time within the same fen have been
tute, 4, Rakowiecka Street, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland. Tel.: +48 22 849 53 51x354;
undertaken at the same time as this study and will be the subject
fax: +48 22 849 53 58.
E-mail addresses: anna.kuczynska@pgi.gov.pl (A. Kuczyńska), emoorkens@ of further publications, but V. geyeri was found to be the most sen-
eircom.net (E. Moorkens). sitive and therefore deserved individual attention, both in its own

0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875 1869

right as a threatened species, and also as a fast responding indica- clay and peat-filled depression, about 2.2 km2 in area, which lies
tor of changes in habitat function. within the northern part of the Curragh aquifer.
Inflows to the fen occur via a series of seepages and springs
1.2. Vertigo geyeri (over 40 in total) mainly located around the margins of the fen.
The main point of discharge from the fen is the Milltown Feeder ca-
The whorl snail V. geyeri is very small in size (length 1.9 mm, nal, which flows to the north.
Photo 1) and individuals have limited movement abilities. There- The glaciofluvial sands and gravels of the Curragh aquifer
fore it requires stable habitat conditions for a population to sur- were deposited in a trough in the underlying Carboniferous
vive. In terms of the preferable conditions for the species, most limestone bedrock during the Quaternary period. The deposits
available information is based on their botanical associations. attain thicknesses of over 60 m in the centre of the trough, but
The snail is known from various fen types from rich fen to transi- they are typically between 20 and 40 m in thickness elsewhere.
tion mire (Cameron et al., 2003; Horsák and Hájek, 2005), and in These deposits display appreciable variations laterally, and often
Ireland it occurs in two structurally distinct habitat types include clayey or silty horizons. In places, the sands and gravels
(Moorkens, 2007): The Schoenus nigricans tussocks dominated hab- are capped by a thin (less than 3 m) layer of boulder clay. This
itat as reported by Killeen (2003) in Wales; and a short Carex-dom- further influences properties of the aquifer, which are highly
inated sward habitat as reported by Cameron et al. (2003) in variable across the groundwater body (Kuczyńska et al., 2009,
Cumbria. In terms of hydrological conditions, the mollusc shows Misstear et al., 2008).
a preference for calcareous, groundwater-fed seepage areas; often The aquifer is generally unconfined, although confined condi-
with tufa deposition, a characteristic of extremely rich, calcareous tions may arise locally where clay or other low permeability layers
fens. Cameron (2003) found the snail on a site characterised by are present, notably at the fen margin where the snail populations
tufaceous mineral soil, ‘suffused by slowly flowing spring water’, occur (Kuczyńska, 2008). Depths to groundwater vary from a max-
and Moorkens (2007) found Irish sites associated with peat soils. imum of over 20 m in some central parts of the aquifer (where
With respect to topographical settings, Colville (1996), Cameron there is a groundwater divide) to zero at locations of groundwater
et al. (2003) and Moorkens (2007) found V. geyeri particularly asso- discharge, including the springs and seepages at Pollardstown Fen.
ciated with gently sloping sites, which are often present at fen The corresponding range of groundwater elevations (above Ord-
margins along with emerging springs and flushes. The snail lives nance Datum) is from approximately 92–93 m OD at the ground-
at Pollardstown Fen in gently sloping springs and seepages at the water divide to 88–89 m OD at the fen margin, which gives a
fen margin, within the saturated and decaying roots of small driving head to the fen margin of approximately 4 m. Seasonal fluc-
sedges (particularly Carex viridula ssp. brachyrrhyncha), and associ- tuations in groundwater level in the Curragh aquifer are typically
ated fen mosses (particularly Drepanocladus revolvens and Campyl- between 0.5 m and 2.5 m, with the smaller fluctuations occurring
lium stellatum). The sward is generally short (less than 20 cm), but closer to the discharge zones.
where S. nigricans tussocks occur, they can grow to 50 cm in places. The continual inflow of water to the fen creates waterlogged
However, the snail does not climb above the basal leaf areas. conditions, which has led to peat formation. Groundwater inflow
from many directions and at relatively high flow rates restrained
the site from a usual succession to raised bog which happens when
1.3. Research objectives the dominating recharge mechanism becomes dependent on rain-
water. The peat deposits are typical for this habitat and reach up a
The research programme described here was undertaken in or- depth of 6 m (Daly, 1981) in the middle of the fen, and are under-
der to characterise controls on the distribution and the population lain with clay, followed by sands and gravels (WYG, 2002). How-
status of V. geyeri on a selected conservation site at Pollardstown. ever, the morphology of the specific V. geyeri locations were
Two types of controls were considered, i.e. hydrological and mete- found to be in areas characterised by rather shallow and highly
orological and these were studied between 2002 and 2005, on a variable peat depths, which were not always underlain by clay
micro-scale to reflect the size of the species. Micro-meteorology deposits but could be in direct contact with the gravels. Such con-
concerns the study of: (a) atmospheric conditions close to the ditions allow groundwater to seep through the peat to the fen sur-
ground; (b) conditions within the soil. Micro-hydrology concerns face, providing sufficient groundwater head in the underlying
the study of groundwater (phreatic) level changes within the top- gravel aquifer (Kuczyńska et al., 2009) to produce the soil wetness
soil, which at the study site was peat. These characteristics were and high humidity above the ground surface that appears to be re-
studied in four locations around the fen margin to discriminate quired by the snail.
their spatial distribution and to find out if they correlate with
the snail’s occurrence. Long term observations within known snail
locations were analysed to define its preferred micro-habitat. 2. Methods

1.4. Site description 2.1. Micro-meteorological conditions

Pollardstown Fen is located within the Curragh sand and gravel Detailed observations of the V. geyeri micro-habitat were made
aquifer, about 40 km west of Dublin (Fig. 1). The fen formed in a within four areas (Sites A (Quadrats Q1–6), C (Q1–6), D (Q1–6) and
E (Q1–2)) located around the fen margin, (Fig. 2). The observations
focused on the micro-meteorological regime in areas where V. gey-
eri was known to occur and included observations of air humidity,
air temperature, soil temperature and incoming radiation at the
fen surface. In addition, climatic data were recorded on an auto-
matic weather station, which was located on the northern side of
the fen (Fig. 2). Data collected at the weather station were used
to compare conditions from the fen surface with those recorded
Photo 1. V. geyeri crawling on a stem of a dead plant. Photograph from at a standard height of 2 m agl. All parameters were recorded using
Pollardstown Fen by Dr. E. Moorkens. automatic data loggers with a one-hourly logging frequency
1870 A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875

Fig. 1. Location of Pollardstown Fen and approximate extent of the Curragh aquifer.

Fig. 2. Location of Vertigo geyeri study sites within the Pollardstown Fen.

(Kuczyńska, 2008). The data were later analysed at daily, monthly likely to experience under dry conditions. The clay balls were
and seasonal time scales. The peat soils were examined for soil placed on the peat surface, between moss leaves and debris which
moisture (field), surface wetness and soil water content (labora- is the micro-habitat where the snails are most commonly found.
tory). Soil moisture was measured in the field using gypsum blocks The experiment involved measurements of the change in weight
(0.02 m in diameter and 0.03 m in depth), which were placed in of the clay balls after exposing them to different surface wetness
peat, just below the ground surface, in the direct vicinity of known conditions. The absorption characteristics of clay allowed changing
snail locations. Soil moisture measurements were taken using a saturation conditions to be measured within the plant cover at
soil moisture meter with a range of 1–100%, with 100% indicating ground level using an approach analogous to the moisture content
full saturation. Surface wetness was measured using small (5 mm concept given by British Standards Institution BS 1377 (1990). In
diameter) clay balls. The clay balls were made of Hortag clay mate- addition, the soil water content of surface peat samples of a vol-
rial, which is half of the weight of sand and gravel and can absorb ume of 0.02 m3 (collected from locations where snails had been
up to 30% of its own weight in water. The clay balls were used to found) was determined in the laboratory using an oven drying
mimic snails and to measure the ‘‘moisture stress” that a snail is method (Maciak and Liwski, 1996).
A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875 1871

2.2. Micro-hydrological conditions (for a given day when the snail survey was carried out) were added
to the topographical maps (Fig. 4). The proximity of the snail to
The micro-hydrological regime for V. geyeri was established water in both the vertical and horizontal directions was estab-
from water level observations adjacent to the known snail loca- lished using topographic maps and by calculating vertical dis-
tions. The snail can relocate within small areas with respect to tances between topographic and observed water level elevations.
water availability. The proximity of the water table to the ground Since the focus of the study was on the snail habitat, only positive
surface and the spatial distribution of snails with reference to sur- snail counts were analysed for proximity of the water table to the
face water contours were therefore considered to be potentially ground surface.
good indicators of acceptable hydrological conditions. Observa-
tions were made using pressure transducers which were installed
3. Results
in 0.05 m diameter perforated plastic pipes pushed into the surface
peat layer, 0.5 m below the ground surface; the transducers were
3.1. Micro-meteorological conditions
set to log water levels every hour. Average daily water level was
then compared against the snail presence at the site.
Micro-meteorology was found to be uniform across the whole
fen. No major differences were found between data from the fen
2.3. Vertigo geyeri observations
surface and the weather station. The only exception was that
incoming radiation was about 50% less under the vegetation can-
In order to understand the micro-hydrogeological requirements
opy at the fen surface compared to that at the weather station
of V. geyeri, a method needed to be developed that could establish
(where the instruments were above the fen vegetation). Surpris-
where individual animals were located at any time within the
ingly, humidity did not change much across the fen compared to
study area. Therefore, regular observations had to be undertaken
the weather station data, but remained above 80% nearly all year
in the field without disturbing the habitat. This was done by
round, with increased values in winter months. Two distinct peri-
installing a trackway along the fen slope, with a wheeled trolley
ods can be distinguished during which meteorological parameters
that was used to move along the trackway, from which the obser-
differed (Table 1). Meteorological variability was at its lowest dur-
ver could lean over and observe the habitat without disturbing it.
ing the winter period from November until February. These stable
Three trackways were installed during 2001 and 2002 at Sites A,
conditions were characterised by small diurnal fluctuations for all
C and D (Fig. 2). Two quadrats away from a trackway were also ob-
parameters, with humidity ranging between 65% and 95% and a
served in the study (Site E) and one of the six quadrats at Site A was
daily average above 90%. Average air temperature was below
placed away from the trackway. No differences were found in the
10 °C in this period but temperatures as low as 8 °C were also re-
ability to observe snails on or away from the trackways, but tram-
corded. Soil temperature was at its lowest in these months, with a
pling damage was observed at Site E over time, thus the trackway
minimum occurring in the middle of February; however, the soil
system can be considered to be a reliable method of observing hab-
temperature never fell below 0 °C. As expected, solar radiation
itat without causing undue damage to it.
was significantly less during winter than summer. In the spring
Along each trackway, six quadrats measuring 0.5 m  0.5 m
and summer period March to October, all parameters increased,
were marked with flags in the field at Site C and D (CQ1-CQ6,
both in values and in the extent of their diurnal fluctuations, with
etc.) and five at Site A, with AQ6, EQ1 and EQ2 away from track-
maximum values occurring in July. June to August was the hottest
ways. During the most active periods for V. geyeri (April to Octo-
period, with daily temperatures reaching >30 °C. Increased air tem-
ber), the quadrats were observed by searching for V. geyeri
peratures affected the temperature of the soil, which showed sim-
individuals, and noting where they were by placing a nylon grid
ilar fluctuations. The summer soil temperature ranged between 7
with 100 cells over the quadrat to establish which
and 16 °C. Humidity is the only parameter measured that de-
0.05 m  0.05 m area the snails were living in (Fig. 3). The cells
creased during the summer although, despite large daily fluctua-
were labelled on the horizontal axis from A to J and on the vertical
tions, the average level remained above 80%. Annual distribution
axis from 0 to 9, providing a distinct numbering system for each of
of key micro-habitat elements observed at Pollardstown Fen is pre-
the 2000 cells surveyed each month (AQ1A0–AQ1J9, etc.). Due to
sented in Fig. 5.
the presence of six species of Vertigo with similar shell morpholo-
Soil conditions were found to be an important factor in the snail
gies at the Fen, the identity of snails counted was confirmed in the
habitat in all parts of the fen investigated. Measurements of soil
field under a 20 hand lens. When the snails were identified they
moisture (field), surface wetness and soil water content (labora-
were returned to the cell where they were found. In all, 100 cells
tory) showed very high levels of saturation of the soil. The labora-
were surveyed in 20 quadrats during 21 different monthly obser-
tory measurements of soil water content (Table 2) ranged between
vations (April 2002–October 2004), providing 42,000 presence or
66% and 81% and the field soil moisture readings using gypsum
absence observations that could be correlated with micro-hydro-
blocks ranged between 83% and 94% with an average of 89.2%. High
geological measurements.
soil moisture had a direct effect on surface wetness conditions. The
experiment using clay balls showed that fen surface wetness ran-
2.4. Relationship between V. geyeri observations and the water level in
ged between 52% and 100%; however, 69% of samples showed wet-
the fen peat
ness levels above 80%. The shading provided by vegetation greatly
affected the surface wetness level.
The topography of each V. geyeri quadrat was surveyed using
GPS equipment with accuracy of 0.02 m on the vertical axis. Mea-
surements were taken using a grid of 0.1  0.1 m and were taken 3.2. Micro-hydrological conditions
from the top of a topographic plane, no matter whether the surface
was a ground surface of tussocks. Measurements were done with The overall fluctuation in the phreatic water level in the peat
upmost attention not to squeeze the surface under the weight of layer varied from 0.05 to 0.31 m below ground level (bgl) over
the GPS instruments, which sometimes required stabilising the the summer observation period (May to October 2002–2005)
instrument by two people. Maps for each V. geyeri quadrat were (Table 3). The range of fluctuations is controlled by the minimum
drawn using Surfer 7 software (Golden software products). Daily water table level that, in turn, depends on the amount of ground-
average water level contours and the locations of snail sightings water that is supplied to the fen surface through groundwater
1872 A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875

Fig. 3. Concept of Vertigo study locations (quadrats).

30 July 2002


Elevation mOD

215712.60 86.38
215712.40 86.36

215712.20 86.34
215711.80 86.29
215711.60 86.27

215711.40 86.25


277029.00 277029.40 277029.80 277030.20 277030.60 277031.00

Vertigo occurence
Water Level 86.31 m OD

Fig. 4. Example of a water table contour map showing the occurrence of the V. geyeri snail.

seepage. Lower minimum water levels imply a deeper unsaturated 42,000 cell observations made during the study, 89% or 0.2% were
zone, which can quickly become fully saturated after intensive positive. However, once present, V. geyeri was found to persist
rainfall resulting in relatively high water level changes over short either within the same 25 cm2 cell, or in very close proximity
periods. over a number of months (Table 5). An average of 78.2% of snail
observations were no more than 5 cm from where they had been
3.3. V. geyeri observations recorded previously. Suitable micro-habitat (short sward with
saturated and decaying roots of small sedges and mosses as de-
Of the 20 quadrats (0.25 m2) studied, 13 had positive records scribed above) that could support V. geyeri was rare, even at the
for V. geyeri during the 21 months of the study (Table 4). Of the quadrat scale.
A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875 1873

Table 1
Summary of micro-meteorological conditions at a fen margin observed on Pollardstown Fen, June 2002–May 2003.

Winter (November–February) Summer (March–October)

Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Average
Air temperature above ground surface (°C) 14 8 5 31 6 11
Soil temperature at 10 cm below ground surface (°C) 10 3 6 16 7 9
Relative humidity (%) 97 65 91 97 29 84
Incoming radiation (W/m2) 55 0 5 580 0 37

Fig. 5. Annual distribution of micro-habitat elements studied at Pollardstown Fen.

Table 2 snails seemed to occur within approximately 0.2 m lateral distance

Summary of peat soil conditions observed within V. geyeri sites on Pollardstown Fen of standing water (Fig. 4).
in August 2003.

Number of Maximum Minimum Average

4. Discussion and conclusions
Soil water content (%) 90 81 66 73.3
Surface wetness (%) 16 100 52 82
This study investigated the preferred habitat of the rare spe-
Soil moisture (%) 4 94 83 89.2
cies of V. geyeri snail in terms of micro-meteorology and micro-
hydrology. The snail was found to be very conservative in its loca-
tions, with habitat being restricted to a micro-scale of centimetres
within the quadrats surveyed. For these reasons, this snail species
3.4. Relationship between V. geyeri observations and the water level in acts as a very sensitive indicator of change within the fen margin
the fen peat environment. It was found that the snail requires a consistently
damp atmosphere with relative humidity varying between 80%
Comparison between the snail occurrence and elevation of the and 95%, very small fluctuations in phreatic level (0–0.2 m), with
phreatic water table demonstrated that V. geyeri was found only the mean not more than 0.1 m below the ground surface, and soil
when the water table fluctuated between 0 and 0.2 m bgl or less, moisture within the moss substrate at approximately 90%. The
and where the average summer water level was no deeper than surface wetness level was found to be influenced greatly by shad-
about 0.1 m bgl. Where water levels fluctuated on a wider scale ing vegetation. However, the ecological requirement for vegeta-
than this, the snail was absent (Fig. 6). On a horizontal scale, the tive food supply may limit the snail from overly shaded areas.
1874 A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875

Table 3
Summary of summer water table at the Pollardstown Fen’s margin within Sites A, C–E during period 2002–2004.

Maximum Minimum Average Range Average water Number of cells with positive
table below GL counts for V. geyeri
Site A
2002 88.42 88.25 88.35 0.17 0.11 22
2003 88.37 88.25 88.33 0.12 0.13 15
2004a 88.42 88.11 88.25 0.31 0.29 2
Site C
2002 85.81 85.74 85.76 0.07 0.03 0
Site D
2003 85.72 85.62 85.68 0.10 0.00 4
2004 85.73 85.69 85.71 0.05 0.16 2
Site E
2002 86.32 86.20 86.27 0.12 0.10 3
2003 86.35 86.05 86.24 0.30 0.13 11
2004 86.36 86.16 86.30 0.20 0.07 2
That summer V. geyeri were seen on site in early spring only, when water table was 0.05 m bgl.

Table 4 levels and snail populations over four summers suggested that the
Summary of quadrats with positive occurrences of V. geyeri on Pollardstown Fen snail can tolerate fluctuations of between 0 and 0.2 m bgl and,
2001–2004. furthermore, that the average summer water level should be
Quadrat Number Years observed within 0.1 m of the ground surface. Such conditions are main-
tained by continuous groundwater inflows to the fen, which occur
AQ1 2002, 2003, 2004
AQ2 2002 at the fen margins, at a direct interface between the underlying
AQ3 2003 the fen gravel aquifer and the fen peat (Kuczyńska et al., 2009).
AQ6 2002, 2003, 2004 The snail’s limited horizontal movement of 0.2 m allows for some
CQ1 2001
movement to escape to more suitable micro-habitat, away from
CQ2 2001
CQ3 2001 temporarily inundated grounds and into areas that would nor-
CQ4 2001 mally be too wet for the snail during periods of drought. Thus a
DQ1 2004 band of gently undulating habitat around spring seepages will
DQ4 2003 be occupied at various times depending on groundwater condi-
DQ5 2002, 2003
tions. If a habitat is maintained within the snail’s hydrogeological
EQ1 2002, 2003, 2004
EQ2 2002, 2003 needs and movement abilities, it can survive in the long term. If
the habitat is compromised beyond the snail’s abilities for sur-
vival, the snail would be lost and there would be a requirement
for the snail to re-colonise this area of habitat if and when condi-
tions became suitable again. The ability to re-colonise would then
Table 5
Summary of cells with positive occurrences of V. geyeri on Pollardstown Fen 2001–
depend on the proximity of occupied habitat that would provide
2004. donor individuals, the size of the donor population, and the pres-
ence of animal vectors that would aid the movement of the snails.
Quadrat Number Number Number of % Observances
number of cells of V. geyeri observances within 1 cm
Local dispersal mechanisms are uncertain, but are likely to in-
with individuals within 1 cm of prior cell clude movement by attachment to birds, and wild or domesti-
V. geyeri of prior cell record cated grazing animals (Cameron et al., 2003). Other potential
record local transport aids are via flowing water or by attaching to more
AQ1 10 16 14 88 mobile molluscs such as slugs.
AQ2 1 1 Single Changes in the area of occupancy of this rare snail can be used
observation only
as a trigger for an early warning investigation of land and hydro-
AQ3 3 4 4 100
AQ6 12 16 15 94
geological management, as the response to ecological change will
CQ1 3 3 0 0 be faster in V. geyeri compared with the more resilient inverte-
CQ2 6 12 12 100 brates and plants it lives with. Thus monitoring programmes
CQ3 5 7 7 100 should include sufficient survey that will identify relevant change
CQ4 3 6 4 67
if it occurs, and should be at time intervals that will prevent irrep-
DQ1 1 1 Single
observation only arable damage. Monitoring should also contribute to the identifica-
DQ4 1 1 Single tion of responses to longer term factors such as climate change
observation only (Galatowitsch et al., 2009; Müller et al., 2009). A monitoring pro-
DQ5 5 6 2 33 gramme for Vertigo species is being developed for Ireland and will
EQ1 9 15 15 100
EQ2 4 6 0 0
be the subject of a future publication.
This study concludes that V. geyeri is restricted to very particu-
lar areas within the fen due to its demanding micro-hydrological
requirements. It is important that these requirements are taken
Micro-meteorological conditions were found to be relatively into consideration when managing sites that have been designated
uniform across the whole fen area, and it is thus concluded that for the conservation of this Annex II species, as fluctuations in
micro-meteorology has less influence on the snail’s occurrence groundwater beyond the tolerances of the species would result
than the micro-hydrological regime. Monitoring of phreatic water in its loss.
A. Kuczyńska, E. Moorkens / Biological Conservation 143 (2010) 1868–1875 1875

Summer phreatic levels at site A, 2002-2004

88.6 0




88.35 20


water table [m OD]


rainfall [mm]

88.1 40



























































P'02 P'03 P'04 2002 2003 2004 AVE'02 AVE'03 AVE'04

Fig. 6. Summer water table fluctuations on Site A, 2002–2004; P – rainfall, AVE – average water level over observation period. Red and black dots indicate days when snail
counts were carried out. Red dots indicate a positive count result and black negative. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

Acknowledgments European Commission, 1992. Council Directive (92/43/EC) of 21st May 1992 on the
conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Official Journal of
European Communities L220/32. Brussels, Belgium.
The study project at Pollardstown Fen was funded by Kildare Falkner, G., Obrdlík, P., Castella, E., Speight, M.C.D., 2001. Shelled Gastropoda of
County Council and the National Roads Authority of the Republic Western Europe. München (Friedrich-Held-Gesellschaft), 267pp.
Horsák, M., Hájek, M., 2005. Habitat requirements and distribution of V. geyeri
of Ireland. The work and generous help of the wider study team
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directive: V. angustior, V. genesii, V. geyeri and V. moulinsiana. In: Speight, M.C.D., Müller, J., Bässler, C., Strätz, C., Klòcking, B., Brandl, R., 2009. Molluscs and climate
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