Web Van Pool Questionnaire
Web Van Pool Questionnaire
Web Van Pool Questionnaire
This questionnaire will help Eastern Sierra Transit better understand your commute
transportation needs, and to match you with other employees who may be interested
in forming a Vanpool. Please provide your answers in the blue shaded text boxes.
Place an “X” in the small boxes next to a selection to mark your answer. Please be
assured that all survey results will be maintained in confidence and individuals will
only be contacted if they indicate that is their wish. Please return your completed
survey to us by e-mail to info@estransit.org.
If you have any questions, please contact Eastern Sierra Transit at info@estransit.org,
or by phone at 800.922.1930.
1. Name:
9. I use my car to leave the work site at lunch or on breaks an average of:
Once a Twice a 3 or more Never
week week times/week
10. I have other needs for my car during the work week such as:
Dropping off or picking up my children at school/daycare
Dropping off or picking up spouse or other person at work
Running errands
Attending work related meetings
Attending doctor’s appointments
Other (please specify below
12. I estimate that my total weekly cost of commuting to work (fuel, maintenance,
insurance, depreciation) is: