Impending Paradigm Dinesh
Impending Paradigm Dinesh
Impending Paradigm Dinesh
By Dinesh Kumar
In our own time paradigm shifts seem to Barker points to Sony’s invention of
have become more the norm than the the Walkman as another example of a
exception. Profound changes in medicine, paradigm shift, this time in personal
transportation, the physical sciences, labor entertainment. The concept of mobile
communications is a direct descendant of the implications of their development they
Walkman, but it was not obvious in 1979 dismissed the technology which Japan
when Sony introduced the Walkman to the quickly snapped up. Meanwhile the Swiss
U.S. continued to improve upon what they had
been doing further refining the manufacture
As an example of a paradigm shift that of watch gears and springs and offering
was unrecognized and almost led to disaster, waterproof and self-winding watches, the
Barker recounts the story of the first meeting Japanese took over the market. The Swiss
between Sony and Philips of the Netherlands share of watch making collapsed from 65
to discuss worldwide audio standards, percent to less than 10 percent within 10
requested by Philips. Unknown to the years, and it took many more years for the
Philips researchers, Sony had stopped work Swiss to climb back up.
on their compact disk because they had
concluded that laser disks were not 3.3 Paradigm Change Has a Pattern
appropriate for music. Philips sent a small
team to Japan and showed the Japanese the As Kuhn pointed out changes in
prototype of the laser music disk on which paradigms have a predictable pattern.
they had been working, about one-half an Understanding this pattern improves our
inch larger than today’s disk. It seems that ability to manipulate the paradigm and to
the Philips’ director of research had asked use it for problem solving, Schematically
the music conductor Herbert von Karajan paradigms usually follow a curve. They first
what size he thought was appropriate for a ascend with a rush, then flatten out, and then
disk and he had replied “If you can’t get descend until conditions are again ripe for
Beethoven’s Ninth on one side it is not long another paradigm shift.
enough.” The slightly more than five-inch in
diameter disk was long enough.