Gabriela Ospina Rodríguez 2017172024 National Pedagogic University
Gabriela Ospina Rodríguez 2017172024 National Pedagogic University
Gabriela Ospina Rodríguez 2017172024 National Pedagogic University
Esta pintura es muy especial para mí; la hice hace dos años. Me tomó un mes y
medio terminar de pintarla. Está hecha en madera, sobre esta hay diferentes
capas de cartón y finalmente le puse papel de cocina. Las diferentes capas de
cartón dan la sensación de relieve en la pintura. Utilicé acrílicos. Algunos de los
colores en la estrellas pueden brillar con luz negra. Los globos en la espalda del
astronauta también representan planetas. El tamaño de este cuadro es de 120cm
de ancho y 90cm de largo.
This painting is really special for me; I made it two years ago. To finish this painting
it took me one month and a half. It is made on wood, over this there are different
canvases of craft and finally I set kitchen paper. The different canvas of craft gives
a sensation on relief. I painted with acrylics. Some of the colors on the stars can
bright with black light. The balloons in his back are also some planets. The size of
this painting is about 120cm width and 90cm length.
When we were children and somebody asked for “what are your dreams in your
future?” we answered thing like: I want to be a teacher, I want to be a scientist, I
want to be a lawyer, and well, my dream was being and astronaut. The balloons in
the back of the astronaut represent the faith and the thing that inspired to make our
dreams to become true. I really like and enjoy to work on dreams, I can say that
the concept of my work are the dreams. Although I didn’t tried to study something
about astronomy, in my childhood I learned something about it, but there is always
a dream inside of me, inside of us and believe it or not, we have some balloons on
our backs taking us closer and closer to our dreams.