Need Analysis Is The First Step in The Training Process To Determine
Need Analysis Is The First Step in The Training Process To Determine
Need Analysis Is The First Step in The Training Process To Determine
Need is a requirement or necessity.
Training needs analysis is the breakdown of an identified need to
determine its bases and causes as well as the relationship among
identified needs.
Needs assessment means the identification and prioritization of
training requirements (Roger, 1994).
The timely and precise identification of training needs starts with the
determination of knowledge, and skill essential for maximum
effectiveness in an organization’s position (Stockard, 1997. p. 33).
Need analysis is the first step in the training process to determine
who requires training, what kind of training is required and why a
particular training is required.
Designing a training and development program
involves a sequence of steps that can be grouped into
five phases: needs assessment, instructional
objectives, design, implementation and evaluation. To
be effective and efficient, all training programs must
start with a needs assessment. Long before any actual
training occurs, the training manager must determine:
who, what, when, where, why and how of training. To
do this, the training manager must analyze as much
information as possible about the following:
Needs Assessment
There are three levels of needs assessment: organizational analysis,
task analysis and individual analysis.
• Skills inventory: both currently available and short and long term
needs, organizational climate indices: labor/management
relationships, grievances, turnover rates, absenteeism, suggestions,
productivity, accidents, short term sickness, observations of
employee behavior, attitude surveys, customer complaints.
• Analysis of efficiency indices: costs of labor, costs of materials,
quality of products, equipment utilization, production rates, costs of
distribution, waste, down time, late deliveries, repairs.
• Changes in equipment, technology or automation.
• Annual report.
• Plans for reorganization or job restructuring.
• Audit exceptions; reward systems.
• Planning systems.
• Delegation and control systems.
• Employee attitudes and satisfaction.
Task analysis provides data about a job or a group of jobs and the
knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities needed to achieve optimum
There are a variety of sources for collecting data for a task analysis: