03 SP09
03 SP09
03 SP09
This report was prepared by the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research (MCEER) through a contract from the Federal Highway Administration and other sponsors. Neither
ATC, MCEER, their associates, sponsors, nor any person acting on their behalf:
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b. assumes any liabilities of whatsoever kind with respect to the use of, or the damage resulting from the use of,
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Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily reflect the views of ATC, MCEER, Federal Highway Administration or other sponsors. The material
presented in this publication should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination
and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicability by qualified professionals.
Prepared under
NCHRP Project 12-49, FY ‘98
“Comprehensive Specification for the Seismic Design of Bridges”
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Prepared by
A partnership of the
Applied Technology Council
and the
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
DESIGN EXAMPLES 2003 Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges
In 2003 the ATC/MCEER Joint Venture, a part- 2LRFD) was performed on a three-span continuous
nership of the Applied Technology Council (ATC) steel girder bridge.
and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake En- A broad array of engineering expertise was en-
gineering Research (MCEER), University at Buf- gaged by the ATC/MCEER Joint Venture to develop
falo, published the set of documents, Recommended the original NCHRP 12-49 seismic design provi-
LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway sions, companion liquefaction study, and design ex-
Bridges, Part I, Specifications, and Part II, Com- amples. Ian Friedland of ATC (and formerly
mentary and Appendices (MCEER/ATC-49 Report). MCEER) served as the Project Principal Investigator
These documents are reformatted versions of the and Ronald Mayes (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger,
seismic design provisions (specifications and com- Inc.) served as the Project Technical Director. The
mentary) for highway bridges developed under NCHRP Project 12-49 team consisted of Donald
NCHRP (National Cooperative Highway Research Anderson (CH2M Hill, Inc.), Michel Bruneau (Uni-
Program) Project 12-49, a recently completed pro- versity at Buffalo), Gregory Fenves (University of
ject to develop seismic design provisions that would California at Berkeley), John Kulicki (Modjeski and
be compatible with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge De- Masters, Inc.), John Mander (University of Canter-
sign Specifications. The reformatting effort, which bury, formerly University at Buffalo), Lee Marsh
was carried out to facilitate immediate use of the (BERGER/ABAM Engineers), Ronald Mayes
Project 12-49 provisions by bridge design profes- (Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.), Geoffrey Mar-
sionals, was funded as a task under the MCEER tin (University of Southern California), Andrzej
Highway Project, which is sponsored by the Federal Nowak (University of Michigan), Richard Nutt
Highway Administration (FHWA). (bridge consultant), Maurice Power (Geomatrix
NCHRP Project 12-49 also included a compan- Consultants, Inc.), and Andrei Reinhorn (University
ion study to investigate the effects of liquefaction at Buffalo).
and an effort to develop design examples using the The project also included an advisory Project
NCHRP 12-49 recommended provisions. The de- Engineering Panel; Ian Buckle, of the University of
sign examples are provided in this MCEER/ATC- Nevada at Reno, co-chaired this committee with
49-2 Report, Design Examples, Recommended Christopher Rojahn of ATC, who also served as the
LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Project Administrative Officer. Other members in-
Bridges, and the liquefaction study is documented in cluded Serafim Arzoumanidis (Steinman Engineers),
the companion MCEER/ATC-49-1 Report, Lique- Mark Capron (Sverdrup Civil Inc.), Ignatius Po Lam
faction Study Report, Recommended LRFD Guide- (Earth Mechanics), Paul Liles (Georgia DOT), Brian
lines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges. Maroney (California DOT), Joseph Nicoletti (URS
The two design examples contained in this Greiner Woodward Clyde), Charles Roeder (Univer-
document, which illustrate use of the Recommended sity of Washington), Frieder Seible (University of
LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway California at San Diego), and Theodore Zoli (HNTB
Bridges, are the eighth and ninth design examples in Corporation).
a series originally developed for FHWA to illustrate NCHRP Project Panel C12-49, under the direc-
the use of the American Association of State High- tion of NCHRP Senior Program Officer David Beal
way and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Divi- and chaired by Harry Capers of the New Jersey De-
sion 1-A Standard Specifications for Highway partment of Transportation (DOT), also provided a
Bridges. Each of the nine design examples, includ- significant amount of input and guidance during the
ing the seven previously developed, were carried out conduct of the project. The other members of the
and reported on in a consistent manner, using the NCHRP Project Panel were D.W. Dearasaugh
same calculation and report formatting procedures. (Transportation Research Board), Gongkang Fu
Design Example 8 was performed on a five-span (Wayne State University), C. Stewart Gloyd (Par-
continuous cast-in-place concrete box girder bridge sons Brinckerhoff), Manoucher Karshenas (Illinois
and the ninth design example (Design Example DOT), Richard Land (California DOT), Bryan Mil-
lar (Montana DOT), Amir Mirmirman (University of
Central Florida), Charles Ruth (Washington State technical committee (T-3), which was chaired by
DOT), Steven Starkey (Oregon DOT), and Phillip James Roberts of Caltrans.
Yen (FHWA). Lee Marsh led the development of the design
Three drafts of the Project 12-49 specifications examples provided in this volume and ATC and
and commentary were prepared and reviewed by the MCEER staff provided publishing services.
ATC Project Engineering Panel, NCHRP Project
Panel 12-49, and the AASHTO Highway Subcom- Michel Bruneau, MCEER
mittee on Bridges and Structures seismic design Christopher Rojahn, ATC
DESIGN EXAMPLES 2003 Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................................ix
I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
II FLOWCHARTS ............................................................................................................................... 2-1
III ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 3-1
Design Step 1, Preliminary Design ............................................................................................. 3-7
Design Step 2, Basic Requirements ........................................................................................... 3-10
Design Step 3, Determine Seismic Design And Analysis Procedure......................................... 3-20
Design Step 4, Determine Elastic Seismic Forces And Displacements .................................... 3-23
Design Step 5, Determine Design Forces .................................................................................. 3-52
Design Step 6, Design Primary Earthquake Resisting Elements ............................................... 3-65
Design Step 7, Design Displacements And Checks .................................................................. 3-68
Design Step 8, Design Structural Components ......................................................................... 3-80
Design Step 9, Design Foundations.......................................................................................... 3-104
Design Step 10, Design Abutments.......................................................................................... 3-115
Design Step 11, Consideration Of Liquefaction-Induced Flow Or
Lateral Spreading .............................................................................................................3116
Design Step 12, Seismic Design Complete? ............................................................................ 3-118
IV CLOSING STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 4-1
V REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 5-1
APPENDIX A: GEOTECHNICAL DATA, DESIGN EXAMPLE 8 ....................................................... 6-1
APPENDIX B: SAP2000 INPUT, DESIGN EXAMPLE 8........................................................................ 7-1
APPENDIX C: PUSHOVER DATA, DESIGN EXAMPLE 8 .................................................................. 8-1
Design Step 3, Determine Seismic Design And Analysis Procedure ......................................... 12-8
Design Step 4, Determine Elastic Seismic Forces And Displacements .................................... 12-9
Design Step 7, Design Displacements And Checks ................................................................ 12-20
Design Step 8, Design Structural Components ........................................................................ 12-24
Design Step 9, Design Foundations.......................................................................................... 12-30
Design Step 10, Design Abutments.......................................................................................... 12-38
Design Step 11, Consider Liquefaction.................................................................................... 12-39
Design Step 12, Seismic Design Complete? ............................................................................ 12-40
V SDAP A2 CONVENTIONAL BEARING EXAMPLE ............................................................... 13-1
Design Step 1, Preliminary Design ............................................................................................ 13-1
Design Step 2, Basic Requirements ........................................................................................... 13-2
Design Step 3, Determine Seismic Design And Analysis Procedure ......................................... 13-3
Design Step 7, Design Displacements And Checks .................................................................. 13-4
Design Step 8, Design Structural Components .......................................................................... 13-5
Design Step 12, Seismic Design Complete? .............................................................................. 13-7
VI SDAP A2 WITH ELASTOMERIC BEARING EXAMPLE ..................................................... 14-1
Design Step 1, Preliminary Design ............................................................................................ 14-1
Design Step 2, Basic Requirements ........................................................................................... 14-2
Design Step 3, Determine Seismic Design And Analysis Procedure ......................................... 14-3
Design Step 7, Design Displacements And Checks .................................................................. 14-4
Design Step 8, Design Structural Components .......................................................................... 14-5
Design Step 12, Seismic Design Complete? .............................................................................. 14-8
VII CLOSING STATEMENT ............................................................................................................. 15-1
VIII REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 16-1
APPENDIX A: GEOTECHNICAL DATA, DESIGN EXAMPLE 2LRFD .......................................... 17-1
Figure 1a Bridge No. 8 - Plan and Elevation................................................................................................ 3-3
Figure 1b Bridge No. 8 - Typical Cross Section........................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 1c Bridge No. 8 - Stub-Type Abutment ............................................................................................ 3-5
Figure 1d Bridge No. 8 - Box Girder Framing Plan ..................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 2 Longitudinal Seismic Behavior .................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3 Transverse Seismic Behavior ....................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 4 Soil Profile.................................................................................................................................. 3-13
Figure 5 Design Response Spectra ........................................................................................................... 3-18
Figure 6 Structural Model of Bridge......................................................................................................... 3-24
Figure 7 Details of Bent Elements ............................................................................................................ 3-27
Figure 8 Details of Spring Supports ......................................................................................................... 3-28
Figure 9 Bridge Elevation Superimposed on Soil Profile......................................................................... 3-30
Figure 10 Plan View of Typical Intermediate Bent Pile Cap ..................................................................... 3-31
Figure 11 Active and Passive Pressure Coefficients for Vertical Wall and Horizontal Backfill Based
on Log Spiral Failure Surfaces ................................................................................................... 3-34
Figure 12 Longitudinal Superstructure Passive Soil Spring ....................................................................... 3-38
Figure 13 Deformed Shape for MCE Mode 1 ............................................................................................ 3-44
Figure 14 Deformed Shape for MCE Mode 2 ............................................................................................ 3-44
Figure 15 Key to Force, Moment, and Displacements Directions.............................................................. 3-47
Figure 16 Column Interaction Capacity Curve........................................................................................... 3-67
Figure 17 Details of Pushover Model Elements ......................................................................................... 3-76
Figure 18 Pushover Curve .......................................................................................................................... 3-77
Figure 19 Column Transverse Reinforcement Summary ........................................................................... 3-94
Figure 20 Plan Layout of Joint Reinforcement......................................................................................... 3-100
Figure 21 Elevation of Joint Reinforcement............................................................................................. 3-101
Figure 22 Foundation Forces .................................................................................................................... 3-105
Figure 23 Pile Top Interaction Diagram ................................................................................................... 3-110
Figure 1e Bridge No. 2LRFD – Wall Pier Elevation (for Section IV) ....................................................... 9-12
Figure 1f Bridge No. 2LRFD – Plate Girder Detail ................................................................................... 9-13
Figure 2 Seismic Behavior with Conventional Bearings .......................................................................... 11-2
Figure 3 Column Interaction Capacity Curve......................................................................................... 11-10
Figure 4 Configuration of Bent Foundation............................................................................................ 11-24
Figure 5 Seismic Behavior with Elastomeric Bearings ............................................................................ 12-2
Figure 6 Elastomeric Bearing at Pier ........................................................................................................ 12-3
Figure 7 Elastomeric Bearing at Abutment .............................................................................................. 12-4
Figure 8 Translational Deflection of Bearing Pad .................................................................................. 12-12
Figure 9 Reinforcement in Lower Part of Pier Wall............................................................................... 12-25
Figure 10 Pier Interaction Capacity Curve Weak Direction ..................................................................... 12-26
Figure 11 Pier Interaction Capacity Curve Strong Direction.................................................................... 12-27
Figure 12 Reinforcement in Lower Part of Pier Wall............................................................................... 12-31
Figure A1 Subsurface Conditions................................................................................................................ 17-3
Table 1 Section Properties for Model...................................................................................................... 3-25
Table 2 Washington Bridge Foundation Springs .................................................................................... 3-38
Table 3 Modal Periods and Participating Mass MCE Earthquake .......................................................... 3-42
Table 4 Modal Periods and Participating Mass Frequent Earthquake..................................................... 3-43
Table 5 Response for Transverse Direction (EQtrans)............................................................................... 3-48
Table 6 Displacements ............................................................................................................................ 3-49
Table 7 Response for Longitudinal Direction (EQlong)............................................................................ 3-50
Table 8 Dead Load Forces....................................................................................................................... 3-53
Table 9 Full Elastic Seismic Forces ........................................................................................................ 3-54
Table 10 Orthogonal Seismic Force Combinations SRSS Combination Rule .......................................... 3-56
Table 11 Orthogonal Seismic Force Combinations 100% - 40% Rule / LC1 and LC2 ............................ 3-58
Table 12 Modified Design Forces for MCE Earthquake........................................................................... 3-63
Table 13 Modified Design Forces for Frequent Earthquake ..................................................................... 3-64
Table 14 Column Transverse Steel Design Summary............................................................................... 3-93
1 Two-Span SPC - C Tangent CIP Concrete Three-Column Seat Spread Monolithic Joint at Pier
Continuous Square Box Integral Stub Base Footings Expansion Bearing
Bent at Abutment
2 Three-Span SPC - B Tangent Steel Girder Wall Type Tall Spread Elastomeric
Continuous Skewed Pier Seat Footings Bearing Pads
(Piers and Abutments)
3 Single-Span SPC - C Tangent Precast (N/A) Tall Spread Elastomeric
Square Concrete Seat Footings Bearing Pads
Girders (Closed-In)
Monolithic at Col. Tops
4 Three-Span SPC - C Tangent CIP Concrete Two-Column Seat Spread Pinned Column at Base
Continuous Skewed Integral Footings Expansion Bearings
Bent at Abutments
Nine-Span Viaduct
5 with Four-Span SPC - B Curved Steel Girder Single-Column Seat Steel H-Piles Conventional Steel Pins
and Five-Span Square (Variable and
Continuous Structs. Heights) PTFE Sliding Bearings
Sharply- Drilled Shaft
6 Three-Span SPC - C Curved CIP Concrete Single Column Monolithic at Piers, Monolithic Concrete Joints
Continuous Square Box Steel Piles
at Abutments
7 12-Span Viaduct SPC - B Tangent Precast Pile Bents Seat Concrete Piles Pinned and
with (3) Four-Span Square Concrete (Battered and and Expansion Bearings
Structures Girders Plumb) Steel Piles
Stub CIP
Monolithic at Interior
CIP Two-Column Abutment Concrete
Five-Span Tangent Piers
8 SDAP E Concrete Box Integral with Over- Piles with
Continuous Square Expansion Bearings at
Girder Bent hanging Steel
Diaphragm Casings
Four- Conventional and
Three-Span SDAP A2 Tangent Column Bent Tall Spread Elastomeric
2LRFD Steel Girder
Continuous and C Skewed and Wall Seat Footings Bearing Pads
Type Pier (Piers and Abutments)
FLOWCHARTS This eighth example follows the outline given in detailed flowcharts
AND presented in Section II, Flowcharts. The flowcharts include a main chart,
which generally follows the one currently used in the proposed seismic
Guide Specification.
USE OF In the example, two primary type fonts have been used. One font, similar
DIFFERENT to the type used for textbooks, is used for all section headings and for
TYPE FONTS commentary. The other, an architectural font that appears hand printed, is
used for all primary calculations. The material in the architectural font is
the essential calculation material and essential results.
USE OF To provide consistent results and quality control, all calculations have been
MATHCAD® performed using the program Mathcad®.
Note that Mathcad® carries the full precision of the variables throughout
the calculations, even though the listed result of a calculation is rounded
off. Thus, hand-calculated checks made using intermediate rounded
results may not yield the same result as the number being checked.
DATA The bridge is to be built in the western United States in the southern part
of the Puget Sound region of Washington State. The site latitude is
47.0 degrees north, and the longitude is 122.9 degrees west.
Latitude and longitude now define the location for development of the
earthquake acceleration data. Two earthquake loadings will be considered
in the design, one for a rare event, called the maximum considered
earthquake (MCE), and one for a frequent or expected event. The rare
event has a 3 percent chance of exceedence in 75 years, and the frequent
event has a 50 percent chance of exceedence in 75 years. Seventy-five
years is the nominal “design life” of a bridge as defined by the LRFD
The five-span bridge is 500 feet long with five equivalent spans of 100 feet.
All substructure elements are square to a line perpendicular to a straight
bridge centerline alignment. Figure 1a shows a plan and elevation of the
bridge. The superstructure is a cast-in-place concrete box girder with two
interior webs. The intermediate bents have a cross beam integral with the
box girder and two round columns that are integral with the cap on the pile
combined foundations. Figure 1b shows a cross section through the bridge
with an elevation of an intermediate bent. The stub-type abutments with
overhanging superstructure diaphragm are on pile foundations, as shown
in Figure 1c; and the intermediate bents are all cast-in-place concrete. The
pile foundations at all piers are 24-inch-diameter, cast-in-place concrete
piles with steel casings. Framing of the box girder superstructure is shown
in Figure 1d.
The focus of this design example is not how to design for liquefiable
conditions. Therefore, the design information contained in this example
focuses entirely on the design of the structure for the nonliquefied
conditions for both the MCE and frequent earthquake events. Extensive
discussion of the design for liquefaction and the associated site-specific
geotechnical engineering is contained in the “Liquefaction Study Report,”
REQUIRED Design the bridge for seismic loading, exclusive of liquefaction, using the
Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway
Bridges, MCEER/ATC 49 (2003).
A static load design (live and dead loads) and a preliminary seismic design of
the bridge have been completed. The initial configuration of the superstructure
and preliminary sizes of substructure elements are as shown in Figure 1
(a to d).
In this example, the ERS includes conventional inelastic action (plastic hinging)
in the columns and reliance upon the abutment backfill to “passively” resist
longitudinal forces.
The overall concepts for the lateral force resistance of this bridge are
described below.
For preliminary design, the bases of the bent columns are considered fixed
by the pile caps in both the transverse and longitudinal directions. The
moments of inertia of the structural elements are using effective properties
(i.e., cracked cross section properties).
DESIGN STEP 1 relative stiffnesses of the intermediate piers. This behavior is illustrated
(continued) in Figure 3. The intermediate bents and the abutments are assumed to
participate in resisting the transverse seismic force along with the
superstructure. There is no skew effect because the piers are
perpendicular to the bridge centerline.
DESIGN STEP 1 avoided. This means that inelastic demands may occur in the foundations
(continued) during a major earthquake, and these may not be inspectable.
The bridge has five spans that total 500 feet and is a cast-in-place concrete
box girder with a reinforced concrete substructure. Thus, because this bridge
is conventional and regular, the specification applies.
The potential for soil liquefaction and slope movements are considered in a
separate report.
For this example, the selected performance level is “Life Safety,” the minimum
required for all bridges. This is the case for both the rare and the frequent
Table 3.2-1 defines the performance levels for service and damage the
bridge is to be designed for. In this case, the choice of Life Safety as the
performance level implies that for the frequent earthquake minimal
damage is expected and the structure is expected to fully open to normal
traffic following an inspection of the bridge. The Life Safety choice also
implies that in the rare earthquake significant damage is expected, and the
bridge will likely not be available to full traffic following an earthquake.
The bridge may, in fact, be damaged to the point where it needs to be
replaced following the rare event. Displacement limits are established by
the provisions to guide the designer in assessing geometrically what is
implied by the specified service levels. Per the Proposed LRFD
Specification, displacements should be checked “to satisfy geometric,
structural, and foundation constraints on performance” as outlined in
Table C3.2-1 of the Specification.
The site in this example is located at latitude 47.0 and longitude -122.9, which
is near Olympia, Washington. Using these coordinates, the national ground
motion maps for the MCE designate the interpolated, short-period (0.2 second)
acceleration, SS, as 1.175g and the 1.0-second acceleration, S1, as 0.411g.
DESIGN STEP 2 The spectral accelerations for the frequent earthquake were determined by the
(continued) geotechnical engineer, and likewise are based on national ground motion maps.
The short-period (0.2 second) acceleration, SS, is 0.261g and the 1.0-second
acceleration, S1, as 0.081g.
Figures 3.4.1-1(a) and 1(b) show the spectral response contours, shown in
percent of gravitational acceleration, for the MCE developed by
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). A CD-ROM is available from USGS
(Frankel and Leyendecker, 2000) that contains large-scale ground motion
maps for the United States and will provide interpolated accelerations
given specific latitude/longitude coordinates or Zip Code.
The site class for the Olympia, Washington, site is E based on the shear wave
velocity, VS, which was provided by the geotechnical engineer. The soil profile,
including properties for the nonliquefied condition, was also generated by the
geotechnical engineer and is shown in Figure 4. The site has a 10-foot-deep
clay layer and the upper 100 feet (approximately 30 meters) have an average
shear velocity of 600 ft/s.
A single soil profile is being used to represent the soil conditions at this
site. However, the soil conditions at a site will generally be characterized
by several soil profiles, as many as one for each pier location. For
demonstration purposes, the soil conditions have been simplified. Also, in
an actual design study, all locations would normally have to be considered
in the liquefaction assessment.
The site class can be established by either using shear wave velocity data,
standard penetration test (SPT) data, or undrained shear strength data.
The class depends on a weighted average for the upper 30 meters (roughly
100 feet) of the site.
Design Step 2.4 At the site, the material at depths less than 150 feet are generally alluvial
(continued) deposits. At greater depths, some estuarine materials exist; and below
about 200 feet, dense glacial materials are found. This then produces a site
with the potential for deep liquefiable soils.
Figure 4 also includes relevant properties of the soil layers that have been
used for the seismic response assessments and bridge design. Shear wave
velocity (Vs), undrained shearing strength (cu), soil friction angle (f), and
residual soil strength (Sur) were interpreted from the field and laboratory
data. The cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) was obtained by conducting
simplified liquefaction analyses using both the SPT and CPT methods to
obtain CRR values. For a complete analysis of the geotechnical aspect
covered by the proposed provisions, refer to the Liquefaction Study Report
prepared as a part of the NCHRP 12-49 project.
The site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 0.9 the 0.2-second
spectral acceleration, SS = 1.175g, and site Class E.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 2.4 the 1.0-second spectral
acceleration, S1 = 0.411g, and site Class E.
The interpolated site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 2.46 for the
0.2-second spectral acceleration, SS = 0.261g, and site Class E.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 3.5 for the 1.0-second
spectral acceleration, S1 = 0.081g, and site Class E.
Note that the site coefficients determined from Table and
Table shall be linearly interpolated for intermediate values of SS
and S1.
Figure 3.4.1-1 illustrates the computed values needed to define the design
response spectrum, which will be computed for both the MCE and the
frequent earthquake. Also, because the site in this design example has
liquefiable layers, the liquefied condition of the soils must be considered.
Therefore, different foundation springs and response spectra are developed
for the nonliquefied and the liquefied conditions when designing for the
MCE. The full spectra is used for the nonliquefied case, and a reduced
response spectra may be used when liquefied conditions are considered in
the dynamic model, as described below.
Ss 1.175
S1 0.411
Fa 0.9
Fv 2.4
0.40 .S DS = 0.423
S D1
Ts .sec
T s = 0.933 s
To 0.2 .T s
T o = 0.187 s
T2 := To , To + 0.001 ⋅ sec .. Ts
(Eqn 3.4.1-4)
Sa2 ( T2) := SDS
T3 := Ts , Ts + 0.001 ⋅ sec .. 3 ⋅ s
SD1 (Eqn 3.4.1-5)
Sa3( T3) :=
S1 0.081
Fa 2.46
Fv 3.5
S DS F a .S s S DS = 0.642
S D1 F v .S 1 S D1 = 0.284
0.40 .S DS = 0.257
S D1
Ts .sec T s = 0.442 s
To 0.2 .T s T o = 0.088 s
The constructed design response spectra for the MCE, nonliquefied and
liquefied soil cases, and the Frequent earthquake are shown in Figure 5.
The period, T, and spectral acceleration, S, values from these curves will be
entered into the SAP2000 model. Thus, the dynamic analysis will be run
three times, once for each of the design response spectra.
The bridge site is effectively more than 50 km from an active fault. Therefore,
vertical acceleration effects are not required to be considered in the design.
By Table 3.7-1, the Seismic Hazard Level is IV because FvS1 exceeds 0.4,
and the Seismic Hazard Level is IV because FaSs exceeds 0.6. The
controlling value is the more restrictive of the two values. In this case,
both spectral accelerations lead to Level IV.
The short- and long-period design spectral accelerations are given in the
previous design step. It will be seen later that the fundamental period of
the structure is greater than 1.0 second; thus, according to the
commentary, the FvS1 definition of the seismic hazard level is more
appropriate. However, either definition gives the same seismic hazard
level in this case.
In these new provisions, the single design categories that cover both
analysis methods and detailing have been eliminated in favor of categories
for both analysis and detailing. This was done because a variety of
analysis procedures may be used even for the higher seismic hazard levels.
It was felt that the detailing should be essentially the same at these higher
hazard levels while the analysis procedure could vary widely primarily
based on regularity and simplicity of the bridge.
The structural details must satisfy the provisions of Article 8.8 if the
response modification factors are applied. These provisions will be satisfied
once the components are designed for seismic load combinations.
In this case, Table 4.7-1 of the Specification gives the following RB factors for
the substructure.
Design Step 3.4 These factors will be used to ensure that inelastic effects are restricted to
(continued) elements that can be designed to provide reliable, ductile response, that can
be inspected after an earthquake to assess damage, and that can be
repaired relatively easily. The foundations and column connections do not
fit this constraint, and thus will be designed not to experience inelastic
effects. For bridges classified as SDAP D or E, it is recommended that the
connections of the bent columns to the superstructure and foundation be
designed for the maximum forces capable of being developed by plastic
hinging of the bent column. These forces will often be significantly less
than those obtained using an RB factor of 1. If the inelastic (plastic) hinge
forces govern, that is, are less than the elastic forces, then an overstrength
factor must be applied to the column strength for design of the foundations.
New in these provisions is a modifier that accounts for the observation that
the inelastic demands in a short-period structure are larger than predicted
by the assumption of equal displacements between the elastic and yielding
structures. Therefore, the base response modification factor, RB, is
adjusted for this phenomenon. Because the adjustment is period
dependent, this modification is discussed in Design Step 5 after the
fundamental periods of the structure are determined.
As discussed in the previous design step, the Seismic Design and Analysis
Procedure, SDAP, that is to be used is E. This means that an elastic
multimode response spectrum analysis must be executed, and the design of
the structure must be assessed using the Displacement Capacity
Verification (pushover) procedure. Thus the modal analysis will be used to
obtain the forces with which to enter the design procedure, and it will be
used to obtain target displacements for the pushover procedure.
The transverse and longitudinal behavior of this bridge under seismic loading
was described in Design Step 1 and shown in Figures 2 and 3. The load paths
of the structure are to be as follows.
1. Transverse Direction
Inertial loads originating in the box girder superstructure are carried via
flexure to the integral cap beams or integral end diaphragms. At the
intermediate bents, the cap beams transfer the loads to the columns,
which transfer the load to the pile caps, which then transfer load directly
to the soil, to the seals and then soil, and to the piles and then soil. At
the abutments, the end diaphragms transfer lateral load to the abutment
shear keys, which transfer the load to the abutment stem wall. The load is
then transferred directly to the soil and to the piles and then soil.
2. Longitudinal Direction
The provisions require that a clearly defined load path be identified and
designed for seismic loading. The above is simply a description of the load
paths for loading in the two principal directions. This vision of the load
path then guides the designer in identifying the elements that require
seismic design and proportioning them for the expected actions.
The superstructure has been modeled with four elements per span and the
work lines of the elements are located along the centroid of the
The properties of the elements used for the model are for the structure
configuration shown in Design Step 1, Preliminary Design. The superstructure
density used for the modal analysis has been adjusted to include additional
dead loads from traffic barriers and wearing surface overlay. The total weight
of these additional dead loads is 2.35 kips per lineal foot of superstructure.
The properties of the structure used in the seismic model (both
superstructure and substructure) are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Section Properties for Model
Model Element
CIP Box Bent Bent Columns Pile Seals
Superstructure Cap Beam (Each Column) Caps (4)
Area 72.18 27.00 12.57 506.0 196.0
(1) This value has been increased for force distribution to bent columns. Actual value is Ix = 139 ft^4.
(2) This value has been increased for force distribution to bent columns. Actual value is Iy = 90 ft^4.
(3) This value has been increased for force distribution to bent columns. Actual value is Iz = 63 ft^4.
(4) The seals have been included in the model to account for their stiffening effect on the piles. They
may conservatively be ignored at the designer’s discretion. The seal concrete typically will not be of the
same quality as that of the cap.
Design Step As shown in Figure 6, the superstructure has been collapsed into a single
4.2.2 line of 3-D frame elements that follow the horizontal geometry of the bridge
centerline. This “stick” model is used solely for the determination of
seismic forces for this example. Such a model does not give exactly the
same forces for other loadings (for instance, dead loads) because the weight
of the superstructure is not distributed uniformly across the cap beam.
However, because weight or mass is an important parameter in dynamic
analysis, the total weight of the structure should be close to that obtained
from an accurate dead load analysis or check.
The end diaphragm of the box girder is in contact with the soil behind
because a stub-type abutment is used. Therefore, a foundation spring is
used to model the passive resistance of the backfill that will carry a portion
of the forces resulting from the longitudinal earthquake. Two important
characteristics of this spring are 1) to use half the spring value at each end
diaphragm, and 2) to determine whether the model response is yielding the
soil. The development and iterative process associated with this spring
value is discussed in Design Step 4.3, Foundation Stiffnesses.
The bents are modeled with 3-D frame elements that represent the cap beam,
individual columns, pile cap, and cap seal. (There are no elements to model the
abutments, only support nodes as shown in Figure 4). Figure 7 shows the
relationship between the actual bent and the “stick” model of 3-D frame
elements. A single element was used for each column between the top of pile
cap and the soffit of the box girder superstructure. The connection of the
column top at the soffit of the box girder to the center of gravity of the cap
(at the superstructure centroid) beam is made with rigid link elements.
Foundation springs representing the piles are connected to the node (2xx) at
the base of the seal. For this model, the moments of inertia properties of the
columns are based on cracked sections. Although the torsional properties are
based on uncracked sections, this value is typically based on cracked sections.
Design Step
Design Step During seismic events, cracking along the height of the column will occur
4.2.3 and will reduce the stiffness from the gross value to some effective stiffness
(continued) value, resulting in larger displacements of the structure. Therefore in this
example, cracked section properties have been used for the column
elements. Values for effective bridge column moments of inertia related to
axial load and reinforcing percentages have been developed by Priestley,
Seible, and Calvi (1996); and FHWA, Seismic Retrofitting Manual (1995)
recommends their use in evaluating structure displacements.
Design Step The spring stiffnesses are developed for the local bent support coordinate
4.3.1 geometry but are input into the SAP2000 model with the same orientation
(continued) as the global axes. Because the bridge is straight and square, the
designation from local to global coordinates requires merely a change in the
subscripts, such as kUX, KRX, etc. SAP2000 can accommodate local
coordinate geometry, which would change the spring subscripts to
numerical terms instead, such as k11, k44, etc. For a program that can only
accommodate global directions for spring releases, the local stiffnesses
computed would require transformation from local to global coordinate
geometry for input into the model if the bridge is skewed or has a
significant horizontal curve.
The spring stiffnesses of the pile groups at Bents 1, 2, 3, and 4 are calculated
for the 6 degrees of freedom. A nonlinear lateral pile computer program,
LPILE, is used to determine the head deflection of a single pile due to an
applied shear force. The behavior is nonlinear because the soil has nonlinear
response to applied loads. The soil data entered into the program includes
group effects for the pile group. The method used here for the group effects is
from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Bridge
Design Manual, M23-50 (including interims through September 2000). Also,
the pile head is assumed fixed because the connection into the pile cap will
develop the flexural strength of the reinforced concrete portion of the pile. A
spring force can be computed based on the applied shear force and the
resulting pile head deflection determined by LPILE. The following computation
illustrates the computations done for the springs at Bent 1 (Pier 2). The
springs at the remaining intermediate piers are computed similarly.
Design Step
Design Step The translational and rotational springs are computed below. The
4.3.1 subscripts on the spring values are according to the global axes as opposed
(continued) to local coordinates of the column. A plan view of the pile cap and pile
arrangement for a typical intermediate bent is shown in Figure 10. The
computations for each degree of freedom is outlined. Design Example
Nos. 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the development of the foundation springs in
more detail.
V applied kips
k pile k pile = 19355
∆ head ft
1) Compute the passive soil resistance from pile cap in both the
transverse and longitudinal directions of the bridge.
W capUX 46 .ft The width of the pile cap, for longitudinal spring
W capUZ 22 .ft The width of the pile cap, for transverse spring
Design Step The surface area of the pile face is now computed.
(continued) A capUX H cap .W capUX
A capUX = 230.00 ft Area of pile cap face in longitudinal direction
pp 10 .ksf
PpUX := pp ⋅ AcapUX
The passive soil force on the longitudinal
PpUX = 2300 kips face of the pile cap.
PpUZ := pp ⋅ AcapUZ
The passive soil force on the transverse
PpUZ = 1100 kips face of the pile cap.
Design Step
Design Step The component of the spring from the passive soil resistance in both lateral
(continued) directions is computed.
k UXcap
k UXcap = 23000 Passive soil on pile cap component of the
ft longitudinal translational spring
k UZcap
kips Passive soil on pile cap component of the
k UZcap = 11000 transverse translational spring
k UX k 16piles k UXcap
Longitudinal translational springs
5 kips
k UX = 3.33 .10
k UZ k 16piles k UZcap
Design Step The rotational springs are now computed for Pier 2. Figure 10 illustrates the
4.3.1 dimensions of each pile from the axis of rotation, which in this case is the
vertical axis. These distances are summed up using the "parallel axis theorem"
and multiplied by the lateral spring of an individual pile. This computation is
analogous to the term "Ad2" when computing moment of inertia, following the
parallel axis theorem.
2 2 2 2 2
k RY k pile . 2 . ( 4 .ft ) ( 20 .ft ) 4 . ( 8.9 .ft ) ( 14.4 .ft ) ( 21.5 .ft )
7 ft .kips
k RY = 7.41 .10 Torsional Spring at Pier 2
This is done similarly for the rotation about the horizontal axis, except the
axial spring of the individual pile is used instead of the lateral spring. This is
because the rotation of the pile cap causes the piles to be extended or
shortened. Again, Figure 10 illustrates the distance of the piles from the axis
of rotation.
2 2 2
k RX k axial. 6 .( 4 .ft ) 4 .( 12 .ft ) 6 .( 20 .ft )
k RZ k axial. 12 .( 8 .ft )
5 kips
k UX = 3.33 .10 Translation, x axis
5 kips
k UY = 2.47 .10 Translation, y (vertical) axis
Design Step
5 kips
4.3.1 k UZ = 3.21 .10 Translation, z axis
(continued) ft
7 ft .kips
k RX = 4.74 .10 Rotation, x axis
7 ft .kips
k RY = 7.41 .10 Rotation, y (vertical) axis
7 ft .kips
k RZ = 1.19 .10 Rotation, z axis
Care should be taken to obtain the correct orientation for input of the
springs into the model. This precision is especially important for
foundations that have significantly different stiffnesses for each of its
orthogonal directions, such as the case with this structure.
Design Step
1) Compute the passive soil resistance from diaphragm in both the transverse
and longitudinal directions of the bridge.
Design Step The longitudinal spring force on the superstructure diaphragm is the force
(continued) divided by the displacement that mobilizes it.
kips Longitudinal superstructure spring. Half of this
k s = 6937 value is applied to each end of the model.
Looking ahead to the modal analysis, the final secant stiffness for the
longitudinal springs was 750 kips/ft. Half of this value was distributed to each
end of the analytical model. The longitudinal displacement, as will be seen later
in Design Step 4, is about 1.1 feet. Thus with a stiffness of 750 and a
displacement of 1.1, the passive resistance calculated is about 830 kips, which
is the passiver resistance listed above. It is apparent that the results
converged much closer than 30 percent.
The structure has been discretized using four elements per span and elements
at each bent cap, column, pile cap, and seal, as discussed previously. Twenty
vibration modes have been used in the multimodal spectral analyses for both
the MCE and Frequent earthquakes, which involve the superposition of
individual modal responses to estimate the overall structural seismic
The SAP2000 program (or any other dynamic spectral analysis program)
lumps the tributary mass of each element at the adjacent nodes. Spring
elements, which provide foundation flexibility, are massless. SAP2000
determines the vibration periods and shapes for each of the vibration
modes of the structure. The number of modes is dependent on the number
of masses, the number of constrained degrees of freedom, and the number
of foundation restraints for the system. Enough modes have to be specified
so that the modal superposition to determine forces and displacements is
sufficiently accurate. Typically, the modes are numbered sequentially from
the longest period to the shortest.
The natural periods of vibration for the bridge and mass participation for the
first 20 modes are shown in Table 3 for the MCE event, and Table 4 for the
Frequent event.
Results are shown for both the MCE and Frequent events, which ordinarily
should have the same vibration periods and modes. However, in this case,
the two events have slightly different models because the longitudinal
springs at the abutments are different for the two earthquakes. Therefore,
the longitudinal periods are slightly different, as well. This difference can
be seen by closely comparing the tables. As would be expected, the
transverse periods and mass are not affected. This would not be the case
for a bridge with skewed abutments.
Figures 13 and 14 show two selected modes for the structure. Figure 13 shows
the first mode, which is associated with the fundamental period in the
transverse direction. The transverse period for this mode is 1.62 seconds.
Figure 14 shows the second mode, which is the mode associated with the
fundamental period in the longitudinal direction. The period for the second
mode is 1.38 seconds for the MCE event.
Design Step
Design Step Note that the cumulative mass participation in the longitudinal (X) and
4.4.1 transverse (Z) directions is less than the 90 percent value suggested by
(continued) Article C5.4.2.3 of the provisions. In this analytical model, the mass of the
pile caps and the seals have been included. These masses are not generally
required, unless one is designing using only the elastic forces. In this
example, capacity design will be used; therefore, the elastic analyses are
used primarily to obtain design forces for the columns and displacements of
the superstructure.
The modal analyses were rerun using 40 modes instead of 20 and the mass
participation ratios increased to 99 percent in all three directions. The
column forces and superstructure displacements were also compared with
the results for 20 modes and no differences were apparent. The reason is
that the additional modes required to increase the mass participation were
all associated with movement of the foundation elements. Thus the
20 mode results reported herein are valid, even though nominally the mass
participation is less than 90 percent.
The analysis program handles all the calculations, including the modal
combinations. In this case, 20 modes were used to characterize the
response. This number was kept constant for all the analyses.
The results are given in Table 5. The SAP2000 input file for this analysis is
2500N (represents MCE, 2,475-year return period, and nonliquefied
foundation stiffnesses). Shown in the table are forces and moments.
Directions for forces and moments at the bents are shown in Figure 15, and
are oriented along the local coordinate system for the bent elements. For
bent columns, the transverse direction is parallel to the plane of the bent
frame (global Z direction), and the longitudinal direction is 90 degrees to the
plane of the bent frame (global X direction). Abutment transverse forces are
oriented in the global coordinate system (global Z direction) as shown in
Figure 15.
Design Step
Longitudinal Transverse
Longitudinal Transverse
The resulting forces and moments at the intermediate piers for the spectral
analysis in the longitudinal direction are given in Table 7. The SAP2000 input
file for this analysis is 2500N. Displacements for both transverse and
longitudinal analyses are given in Table 6. Directions for displacements are in
the global coordinate system, which is shown in Figure 15.
Table 7
Response for Longitudinal Direction (EQlong)
Abutment B 416 0 0 0 92
(1) For bent columns, the longitudinal direction is 90 degrees to the plane of the bent frame.
(2) For bent columns, the transverse direction is parallel to the plane of the bent frame.
Abutment A 398 0 0 0 55
Abutment B 401 0 0 0 22
(1) For bent columns, the longitudinal direction is 90 degrees to the plane of the bent frame.
(2) For bent columns, the transverse direction is parallel to the plane of the bent frame.
Note that the longitudinal shear at the abutments is taken from SAP as
the longitudinal spring force acting against the end diaphragm. In this
case, the force is 416 kips, which is equal to 1.11-foot displacement times
375 kip/ft stiffness. These forces should be doubled for design of the end
diaphragm, because the abutment compression secant spring has been
split in two and assigned to each end of the model. Additionally, the axial
force from the end superstructure element in the SAP model cannot be
used because the inertial force at the end of the superstructure is applied
to the node between the spring and the end member. Because this force
includes the inertial effect of the end diaphragm, it is a relatively large
force, and to not account for it will introduce a large error into the
INTRODUCTION The designations for the load combinations in the LRFD Specification are
different from those used in the Standard Specifications. The reference to
Group loads, for instance for seismic loading, Group VII no longer applies.
In the LRFD provisions, Article 3.5 covers load factors and load combina-
tions. Table 3.5-1 of the provisions gives the load combinations and factors
for each ‘Limit State.’
The load combinations that apply to earthquake are those for ‘Extreme
Event I.’ While the table makes no reference to the two-level approach
that the proposed provisions include, Extreme Event I covers both events.
Thus the load combination factors for both the MCE and Frequent events
are those given for Extreme Event I. This is reasonable because both
earthquake return periods exceed the nominal 75-year design life assumed
for new bridges.
The nonseismic loads included with the Extreme Event I load combination
are all ‘Permanent Loads,’ such as dead load, earth pressure, and any
locked in loads from the sequence of construction. Also included are water
loads and friction loads. Finally, some portion of the live load should be
considered; but at this time, a specific amount has not been established.
Thus for this example, the primary nonseismic load is the dead load.
Additional loads, for instance water loads, are considered in the capacity
design of the foundations, but water loads do not affect the modal analysis
or basic load combinations used to design the columns.
Before the seismic forces are combined with the dead load to create the
modified design forces, the seismic forces along the two principal axes must
be combined (without dead load).
The specification allows the seismic force effects from two or three
orthogonal directions to be combined using one of two methods. The SRSS
(“Square-Root of the Sum of the Squares”) is the method of choice according
to the commentary, especially if vertical analysis is significant. However,
either method is permitted. For this design example, the 100 - 40 percent
rule was adopted, although both methods were used to develop the seismic
forces for comparison. See Table 10 for a summary of the seismic forces
resulting from the SRSS combination rule for both the MCE and frequent
events. Similarly, see Table 11 for a summary of the seismic forces
resulting from the 100 - 40 percent combination rule.
The SRSS combination rule is computed as follows, from Guide Spec, Article 3.6.
MxL := 0 ⋅ ft ⋅ kips
2 2
Mx := MxT + MxL Mx = 7733 ft ⋅ kips
2 2
Mz := MzT + MzL Mz = 19949 ft ⋅ kips
Design Step For biaxial design, the maximum vector moment is the maximum of the following.
M1 := Mx + 0.4Mz( )2 M1 = 11112 ft ⋅ kips
Note that all of the forces in the SRSS combination are the full elastic seismic
Table 10
Orthogonal Seismic Force Combinations
SRSS Combination Rule
MCE Event Forces and Moments
Longitudinal Transverse
Location Shear Moment Shear Moment Axial
(kips) (ft-kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (kips)
Abutment A 416 0 437 1871 230
B1 Column 1332 19949 513 7733 798
B2 Column 402 9045 415 9368 927
B3 Column 293 7324 448 11235 1070
B4 Column 403 9069 446 10077 958
Abutment B 419 0 492 2930 92
Design Step The definition of LC1 and LC2 for the 100 – 40 percent combination rule is as
5.2.2 follows, from Guide Spec, Article 3.6.
LC1 = 40 percent of the Longitudinal Analysis Results + 100 percent of the
Transverse Analysis Results
Note that the definitions of LC1 and LC2 are reversed from the definitions
used in Division I-A of the Standard Specifications. LC1 is now primarily
transverse loading and LC2 is primarily longitudinal loading. Also, the
contribution from the orthogonal earthquake component has been
increased from 30 to 40 percent in the proposed provisions. This provides
better accuracy in predicting elastic forces and displacements. Studies
have indicated that the 40 percent contribution provides a better match
with actual time history results than does the 30 percent value.
2 2
Mmax_LC1 := MxLC1 + MzLC1 Mmax_LC1 = 12040 ft ⋅ kips
2 2
Mmax_LC2 := MxLC2 + MzLC2 Mmax_LC2 = 20648 ft ⋅ kips
For this design example, all seismic forces will be computed using the 100%-40%
combination rule.
Table 11
Orthogonal Seismic Force Combinations
100% - 40% Rule / LC1 and LC2
Design Step These forces are combinations using the full elastic seismic results, and
5.2.2 have not yet been modified by the R factor. (The R factor is discussed in
(continued) Design Step 3.4.) At this stage, the designer could elect to compare these
forces (as Extreme Event I when combined with dead load) with other load
cases for the substructure design, to see if they control. If other load cases,
such as stream flow or temperature control, the seismic design forces given
in Table 10 could be used without further modification. However, in the
spirit of capacity design, the seismic plastic mechanism should still be
identified, even though its size is controlled by nonseismic loadings. Then
the elements connecting with the likely yielding elements would still be
designed to withstand the plastic hinging effects.
The modified design forces use the R Factor in modifying the elastic
seismic forces. Viewing the entire bridge as a system, the intent of the
specification is to force the plastic hinging to occur in the columns.
Therefore, inelastic action is prevented from occurring in the cap beam or
foundation, where damage may not be detectable by visual inspection and
may be very difficult or costly to repair.
Design Step Modified Design Forces for Structural Members – MCE Event
5.3.1 [Guide Spec, Article 3.5] [NCHRP, Article 3.4.1]
For this example, forces DD, DW, EL, EH, ES, EV, WA, and FR are assumed zero,
and only DC and EQ forces are combined. Additionally, as discussed above, γp
is taken as 1.0 and γEQ is taken as 0. Making these substitutions, the equation
reduces to
In this example, R reduces the seismic column moments, but increases the
seismic lateral shear force on the connection of the superstructure to the
abutment. Recall that RB was determined in Design Step 3.4.
The base value, RB, is adjusted to obtain a final R value that is used in
design. The adjustment accounts for the observation that structures with
short periods tend to experience higher inelastic demands than the ‘equal
displacement’ method of predicting inelastic demands indicates. To
account for this increase, the RB factor is decreased for periods shorter than
Tstar, , where this period is based on the break point in the response
R := 1 + RB − 1 ⋅ ) Tstar
R = 6.9
Table 12 summarizes the modified design forces. The R values used for specific
forces are shown.
For example, the Bent 1 longitudinal column moment using LC1 is derived as
M = (DC + EQ/R)
M = (5 + 9229/6) = 1543 k-ft
R= 6 Column Moments
R= 1 Abutments, Column P & V
Design Step Modified Design Forces for Structural Members – Frequent Event
5.3.2 [Guide Spec, Article 3.5] [NCHRP, Article 3.4.1]
The same procedure as used for the MCE event is used for the Frequent
event, the only exception is that a different R factor is used.
For example, the longitudinal Bent 1 column moment using LC1 is derived as
M = (DC + EQ/R)
M = ( 5 + 2297/1.3) = 1758 kip-ft
Table 13
Modified Design Forces for Frequent Earthquake
This step includes the design of those elements that are intended to provide
the energy dissipation for the structure during an earthquake. The
objective of this design step is to develop enough of the system design that
the capacity design forces, which will be required for the rest of the
structure, can be developed.
For this example, the columns of the bents (intermediate piers) are the
primary energy dissipation elements. In the longitudinal direction, the soil
behind the abutments also is used to dissipate energy, but no design is
required of that beyond the end diaphragm and the specification of the
backfill material. Thus, this chapter deals only with the design of the
flexural reinforcement of the columns.
2 2
Mu := ML + MT Mu = 1953 kip ⋅ ft
2 2
Mu := ML + MT Mu = 2569 kip ⋅ ft
Because the forces for both load cases plot inside the capacity curve for a
column with 20 #10 bars, this reinforcement is sufficient. The 1.4 percent
reinforcement provided is between 0.08 and 4 percent allowed
Note that the load combinations for the MCE nonliquefied case and those
from the Frequent case actually both plot very near the interaction
diagram. Even though the overall moment from the MCE case is less than
that for the Frequent case, the MCE minimum case plots closer to the
interaction diagram. It can be seen that the strength supplied is slightly
greater than that required, and in fact the longitudinal steel could be
reduced if necessary. It will not be for this example. Also, the axial forces
used to select the longitudinal steel have not been reduced by the R factor;
and, therefore, they are a bit larger than those that will actually occur
when the bent reaches its plastic mechanism. This will be seen in Design
Step 7 when the displacement capacity verification (pushover) is
Design Step 6.1 Article 4.6 allows the design forces to be reduced to a minimum of
(continued) 70 percent of the original design moments if a pushover is executed and the
structure can meet the pushover displacement limits. This reduction is not
taken in this example, but it may be useful to invoke if the capacity design
of any elements becomes a problem. In other words, this reduction can
reduce the capacity design forces and thereby reduce steel congestion.
Design Step 7.1 Seat width shall not be less than 1.74 ft
N = 1.48 meters
Per Figure 1c, the abutment seat width provided is less than
this. The abutment must be widened from 46 inches to 58
inches or the overhang must be extended.
For this example, only Bent 3 (Pier 4) will be checked using the
Displacement Capacity Verification.
Design Step Compute Modified Seismic Displacement Demand for MCE Event
7.2.1 [Guide Spec, Article 8.3.4] [NCHRP, Article]
Data from "2500N" Sap2000 Model
∆ T 1.72 . ft Transverse displacement demand at
Pier 4 superstructure CG for transverse
EQ (from Table 6)
∆ mT R d .∆ T
Modified Seismic Displacement Demand
∆ mT = 1.72 ft for Transverse Earthquake
∆ mL R d .∆ L
Modified Seismic Displacement Demand
∆ mL = 1.11 ft for Longitudinal Earthquake
Design Step Minimum Displacement Requirement for Lateral Load Resisting Piers
7.2.2 and Bents
[Guide Spec, Article 8.3.5] [NCHRP, Article]
N fT 3.5 . Estimated Number of Cycles of Loading
1 . sec Expected at the Maximum Displacement
Amplitude for the Transverse
N fT = 2.98 Earthquake
N fL 3.5 . Estimated Number of Cycles of Loading
1 . sec Expected at the Maximum Displacement
Amplitude for the Longitudinal
N fL = 3.15 Earthquake
Θ pL 0.11 . . N 0.5 Plastic Rotational Capacity of
D' fL
Hinges in the Longitudinal Direction
Θ pL = 0.0536 rad
The plastic rotational capacities can now be used to estimate the overall
translational capacity of the pier column hinges. This is an approximate
check that can be performed by hand to check the actual pushover analysis
results that will be generated in the next step.
Design Step
Icr := 5 ⋅ ft Moment of Inertia of Column based on
Cracked Section
My ⋅ Hcol
∆ y := Approximate Yield Displacement
6 ⋅ Ec ⋅ I cr
∆ y = 0.363 ft
The pushover analysis was performed on Bent 3, isolated directly from the
elastic seismic model, to determine the transverse lateral load-
displacement behavior of the bent. SAP2000 was used to perform the
pushover analysis, because it has the capability to perform such analysis
relatively simply.
The plastic hinge lengths, Lp, were calculated as shown above and additional
nodes were placed at Lp/2 from the top and bottom of the columns. Figure 17
shows the pushover model that was isolated from the elastic model.
The axial load-moment interaction diagram for the column with 1.4 percent
reinforcement was input as the yield property for the hinges. The only
members allowed to yield were the columns at the nodes located at the
center of the plastic hinges. Because capacity design procedures will be
used to design the cap beams and foundations, these elements are not
allowed to yield. This simplifies the input data required for the pushover.
Design Step
Design Step
Note that in lieu of the more precise analysis above, the designer can
assume a conservative value of the θp= 0.035 rad for the life-safety
performance category. In the case of this example, a 50 percent increase in
capacity is gained by using the computed method over the flat value
assumption. As the pushover model shows, the value of the computed
method is needed to pass the minimum displacement demand.
V supplied
C Seismic Coefficient Based on Lateral
W Strength
C = 0.17 Note that we are not using
overstrength to calculate C.
For this example, the transverse reinforcing steel for the columns of Bent 3
will be designed, as will the connection reinforcement for the integral cap
beam of Bent 3.
The design of the transverse steel in columns and walls includes three
parts: 1) shear strength, 2) confinement, and 3) anti-buckling restraint.
Shear and confinement requirements have traditionally been part of the
provisions, while the anti-buckling provisions are new. All the provisions
have been made more comprehensive than those used previously, and
therefore, they appear more complex.
L 50 . ft Column Height
D 4 . ft Column Diameter
φ 0.90 Strength Reduction Factor for Shear
α := α = 3.961 deg
fyh := 60 ⋅ ksi Yield Strength of Spiral
π ⋅D
Ag := Cross-sectional Area of Column
Av := 0.8 ⋅ Ag Shear Area of Concrete Av = 1448 in
Design Step The transverse steel content is obtained by solving simultaneous equations in
8.2.1 terms of the steel ratio, ρv , and the crack angle, θ. Because these include a
(continued) trigonometric function for θ, it is easier to solve these by trial and error.
As specified in this section, the maximum spiral spacing shall not exceed
10 inches.
D'' 2
Abh := ρ v ⋅ s ⋅ Abh = 0.1417 in Area of spiral req'd
for shear.
Design Step The transverse steel content is obtained by solving simultaneous equations in
8.2.1 terms of the steel ratio, ρv , and the crack angle, θ. Because these include a
(continued) trigonometric function for θ, it is easier to solve these by trial and error.
Outside the potential plastic hinge zone:
Outside the plastic hinge zone, the amount of transverse reinforcement can be
reduced to account for some contribution of the concrete in shear resistance.
ρ vstar := ρ v − ρ vstar = −0.0014
Because the amount is negative, the contribution of the concrete is more than
sufficient to carry the shear.
Check Shear and Transverse Reinforcement for Pmax Column (i.e., column with
higher compression):
Design Step From the Displacement Capacity Verification, which was conducted for plastic
8.2.2 moments not amplified by the overstrength factor,
Pd := 812 ⋅ kip
Pe := 1146 ⋅ kip
Approximate the overstrength effects simply as 1.5 times the forces from the
Pe := Pd + OS ⋅ Pe − Pd ) Pe = 1313 kip
( Mp_top + Mp_bot)
Vu := Vu = 218 kip
Λ ⋅ Pe ⋅ tan ( α )
Vp := Vp = 91 kip
Vs := − Vc − Vp Vs = 96.9 kip
Design Step 2
Guess s := 18 ⋅ in and Abh := 0.31⋅ in
(continued) (We will neglect the spacing limit of 10 inches
given in the implicit section for now)
2 ⋅ Abh
ρ v := ρ v = 0.00079
s ⋅ D''
A #5 spiral with a pitch of 18 inches is more than is required for shear in the
end region of the Pmax column.
Thus, the spiral spacing can be much greater than 18 inches outside the
plastic hinge zone.
Per LRFD, Article, the spiral spacing for a compression member
shall not exceed 6 inches. Therefore, #5 spiral at a pitch of 6 inches will be
used for shear throughout the column height.
fy := 60 ⋅ ksi
Usf := 15.95 ⋅ ksi strain energy capacity ( modulus of
toughness) of transverse reinforcement =
110 MPa.
Abh := 0.31⋅ in
π ⋅ ( D'')
Ac :=
4 ⋅ Abh
For #5 spiral at 6 in: ρ s := ρ s = 0.0048 provided
s ⋅ D''
ρ s = 0.0035 min'm
4 ⋅ Abh
s := s = 8.1104 in maximum
D'' ⋅ ρ s
A #5 spiral with a pitch of 6 inches is adequate for confinement in the end
region of the Pmax column.
Check Shear and Transverse Reinforcement for Pmin Column (i.e., column with
lower compression):
From the Displacement Capacity Verification, which was conducted for plastic
moments not amplified by the overstrength factor,
Pd := 812 ⋅ kip
Pe := 385⋅ kip
Approximate the overstrength effects simply as 1.5 times the forces from the
Pe := Pd + OS ⋅ Pe − Pd ) Pe = 171.5 kip ( C)
Mp_top := OS ⋅ Mp_top
Mp_top = 4488 ft ⋅ kip
Mp_bot := OS ⋅ Mp_bot
Mp_bot = 4632 ft ⋅ kip
( Mp_top + Mp_bot)
Vu := Vu = 182.4 kip
Λ ⋅ Pe ⋅ tan ( α )
Vp := Vp = 12 kip
Vs := − Vc − Vp Vs = 135.89 kip
Guess s := 18 ⋅ in and Abh := 0.31⋅ in
2 ⋅ Abh
ρ v := ρ v = 0.00079
s ⋅ D''
A #5 spiral with a pitch of 18 inches is more than is required for shear in the
end region of the Pmin column. As already shown, the spiral spacing can be
much greater than 18 inches outside the plastic hinge zone.
Per LRFD, Article, the spiral spacing for a compression member
shall not exceed 6 inches. Therefore, #5 spiral at a pitch of 6 inches will be
used for shear throughout the column height.
fy := 60 ⋅ ksi
Usf := 15.95 ⋅ ksi strain energy capacity ( modulus of
toughness) of transverse reinforcement =
Abh := 0.31⋅ in 110 MPa.
π ⋅ ( D'')
Ac :=
4 ⋅ Abh
For #5 spiral at 6 in: ρ s := ρ s = 0.0048 provided
s ⋅ D''
s := 6 ⋅ db ) s = 7.5 in does not control because
shear requires a smaller s
s := 6 ⋅ in
D s fy
ρ s := 0.024 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ρ t ⋅ ρ s = 0.0129
s db fyh
4 ⋅ Abh
s := s = 2.2157 in to prevent global buckling
D'' ⋅ ρ s (buckling over several spiral
pitches) of longitudinal
Where some global buckling of the longitudinal bars is tolerated but the yield
force of the longitudinal bar is to be maintained for life-safety:
D s fy
ρ s := 0.016 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ρ t ⋅ ρ s = 0.0086 controls
s db fyh
A #5 spiral with a pitch of 3.25 inches is required for confinement and anti-
buckling in the end regions of both columns. Repairability assumed not to be a
priority for Life-Safety Performance.
At the shortest pier, Bent 1, the longitudinal steel ratio is larger, because the
columns are stiffer. The pitch will be even less per this criteria. This column
has been designed with ρt of 2.4 percent (28 #11). Therefore, the pitch will be
1.56 .014
s := s ⋅ ⋅ s = 2.3814 in
1.27 .024
A #5 spiral with a pitch of 2.25 inches is required for confinement and anti-
buckling in the end regions of these columns. If we use #6 spiral, the pitch will
be 3.38 inches, slightly more reasonable.
Extent of end region from the top and bottom of column shall be a distance
taken as the greater of:
Design Step L
8.2.7 = 100 in One-sixth the column clear height
(continued) 6
Therefore, end regions are 13 feet long at each end of each column.
Table 14
Column Transverse Steel Design Summary
Design Step
Design Step Connections, Shear Keys, Joint Designs, Restrainers, and Bearings
8.3 [Guide Spec, Article 8.8.4 for RC joint design]
[NCHRP, Article 5.12 for RC joint design]
In this portion of the example, the joint between the columns of Bent 3 and
the cap beam will be designed. The joints of the other columns and of the
column connections with the pile caps are similar.
As with the design of the transverse steel in the columns, there now is an
implicit and an explicit design procedure. The implicit procedure is easier
to use, and unlike the design of the transverse steel in the column, the
choice of whether to use the implicit or explicit is not dependent on the
SDR or seismic hazard level. Instead, it is simply the designer’s choice. If
the easier implicit method gives a result that is too difficult to construct,
then the explicit method may be used to reduce the steel congestion in the
joint. We begin this example with the explicit method.
Design Step
π fyh ⋅ D''
s := Abh ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ cot ( α ) s = 13.98 in
2 Vs
π ⋅D
Ag := Cross-sectional Area of Column
π ⋅ D''
Ac := Cross-sectional Area of Column Core
4 ⋅ Abh
s := s = 2.96 in maximum
D'' ⋅ ρ s
Mp := 5429 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
at mid-depth of joint:
fv := fv = 0.1824 ksi
Design Step hb := 72 ⋅ in
8.3.2 joint depth
hc := 48 ⋅ in diameter for circular column
= 13.1097 13 #5 legs required in each
quadrant (see Figures 20 & 21)
= 6.5548 7 #5 legs required in joint core
(see Figures 20 & 21)
Design Step
Design Step
= 2.032 2 #9 bars required in bottom of cap
ρ s := 0.4 ⋅ ρ s = 0.0044
Aspiral := 0.31⋅ in
s := 4 ⋅ s = 6.4829 in
ρ s ⋅ D''
#5 spiral at 6 in pitch required in the
The superstructure check has not been included in this design example.
The cap beam and diaphragm designs have not been included in this
design example.
In this example, a portion of the foundation design for Bent 3 (Pier 4) will
be illustrated. Shown will be the calculation of the capacity design forces
acting on the pile cap and the piles of Bent 3. A combined pile cap that is
connected to both columns of the bent has been selected in the preliminary
design. This was done because the construction of the foundations will
require a cofferdam, and due to the proximity of the columns to one
another, it was felt that a single excavation and cofferdam will be used.
Therefore, a combined cap, with its ability to better mobilize the pile axial
forces, was selected.
Note also that the strength reduction factor for piles is 1.0 for the seismic
loading cases, per Article
Refer to Figure 10 for pile layout and Figure 22 for forces acting on the
h cap 5 . ft
w soil 2 . ft . 22 . ft . 46 . ft . .120 . w soil = 243 kip
Pu P1 P2 w soil
P pile
Mu M p1 M p2 V p1 V p2 . h cap P2 P 1 . 11.25 . ft
M u = 24961 kip . ft
Design Step Assume that the pile cap is rigid. Use the "parallel axis theorem,"
as was done for computing the rotational springs for the foundation
x1 20 . ft N1 3
x2 12 . ft N2 2
x3 4 . ft N3 3
x4 4 . ft N4 3
x5 12 . ft N5 2
x6 20 . ft N6 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
x sum x 1 .N 1 x 2 .N 2 x 3 .N 3 x 4 .N 4 x 5 .N 5 x 6 .N 6
x sum = 3072 ft
P min = 55 kip
Vu V p1 V p2
V u = 400 kip
∆ u ∆ u = 0.001 ft ok, less than 0.02h = 0.01 ft
V pile = 24 kip
Design Step Recall that LPILE run for pile lateral stiffness for V = 50 kip
produced a maximum moment in the pile of 94 kip-ft. See
Appendix A for moment vs. depth plot for Bent 3 from LPILE,
V pile
M pile . 94 . kip . ft
50 . kip
M pile = 46 kip . ft
Pile moment capacity is okay per the interaction diagram for the pile section
at the base of the pile cap. See PCA column interaction diagram in Figure 23.
P DL 812 . kip
Mp 2400 . kip . ft
M po M p . 1.5
L 50 . ft
Vp 2.
h cap 5 . ft
Design Step
P pile
Mu 2 . M po 2 . V p . h cap
M u = 8160 kip . ft
x1 8 . ft N1 6
x2 0 . ft N2 4
x3 8 . ft N3 6
2 2 2
x sum x 1 .N 1 x 2 .N 2 x 3 .N 3
x sum = 768 ft
P min = 96 kip
Vu Vp
V u = 96 kip
∆ u ∆ u = 0.0002 ft
V piles
V pile
V pile = 6 kip
Recall that LPILE run for pile lateral stiffness for V = 50 kip
produced a maximum moment in the pile of 94 kip-ft. See
Appendix for moment vs. depth plot for Bent 3 from LPILE,
V pile
M pile . 94 . kip . ft
50 . kip
Pile design must also satisfy the detailing requirements of Article 8.8.5 for
SDR 4. In this example, the piles must also satisfy the requirements for
the liquefied soil condition and any lateral spreading demands arising from
liquefaction. The piles are 24-inch steel pipes with 1/2-inch-thick walls
that are in turn filled with reinforced concrete. The longitudinal
reinforcement is 16 #8 bars that extend over the upper roughly one-third of
the pile length. A nominal cage also extends to the bottom of the pile,
which is closed off with a steel plate to prevent a soil plug from forming
during driving.
The detailing provisions will require that the connection of the pile to the
cap be adequate to transfer the expected forces. The longitudinal steel
from the reinforcement cage in the pile should extend to the top of the pile
cap so that a proper load path exists for transferring tension from the pile
to cap.
A nominal spiral will be required below the plastic hinge zone that exists
in the pile adjacent to the base of the pile cap. The nominal spiral will
extend to the bottom of the pile and serve to hold the cage together for
handling. A heavier spiral is not required in this case because the steel
pipe can provide confinement to the concrete core and shear resistance.
The exception is the upper portion of the pile (upper 1.5 diameters) where
a spiral that meets Article should be included.
The connection design of the column to the pile cap is handled similarly to
the design of the column-cap beam connection. Because that connection
design was illustrated in Design Step 8, the similar design for the
foundation will not be repeated here.
The design of the pile cap for the capacity design forces input by the
columns at their overstrength is fairly straightforward once the forces are
obtained. Because capacity design is being used in this example for the
foundations, the resistance factor (or strength reduction factor) for flexure
is taken as 1.0 per Article; and for shear, it is taken as the normal
0.9 for normal weight concrete.
The transverse forces and associated load path must also be considered in
the abutment design. In general, the abutment design forces will be the
elastic forces associated with the design earthquakes. This bridge is
relatively long and slender; thus the transverse forces at the abutments
are not expected to pose any problem in design. The design would be
handled in the conventional manner.
The active forces from the soil would be considered in the static design;
however, the status of applying the seismic active forces, particularly to
the stub abutment itself, has not been resolved yet in the provisions.
The abutment shear keys have not been designed in this example.
The design of the piles and cap/stub abutment have not been discussed in
this example.
The seismic design process is by nature an iterative one, and one that may
not always be applied in a purely sequential fashion. For instance, one
may determine that a preselected configuration, member size, or layout
may not work, and at that time the design is revised and the process
iterated. Thus, one may not work through the entire process before a
decision to iterate is made. The layout and flowchart for this example are
meant to be illustrative of the design process, and they do not need to be
followed rigorously. They are meant only to provide a general framework
for the seismic design process.
The design of this five-span bridge has focused on the nonliquefied site
condition, and has not directly addressed the liquefied and the lateral
spreading loadings. The process of applying the proposed LRFD provisions
has been illustrated for selected portions of the design of the bridge. A
single iteration through the design process has been included in this
example, and thus some refinements would be possible upon further
Although the new provisions appear more complex than Division I-A, they
are also more comprehensive and include more alternatives for seismic
design It is felt that the additional effort required beyond that of
Division I-A will be offset by the savings in design time provided by the
more comprehensive nature of the specification. This should ultimately
help the designer in applying the provisions by alleviating the need for
undo interpretation and debate on what should be done.
Priestley, M.J.N., F. Seible, G.M. Calvi (1996), Seismic Design and Retrofit
of Bridges, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
Reese, L.C., S.T. Wang, J.S. Arrellaga, J. Hendrix (1998) LPILE plus,
ENSOFT, Inc., Austin, TX.
Pier 4 (Bent 3)
Pier 4 (Bent 3)
Pier 4 (Bent 3)
Pier 4 (Bent 3)
Pier 4 (Bent 3)
Relationship between the adhesion factor and undrained shear strength su. (from sources noted).
Joint Numbers
Member Numbers
PURPOSE This is the ninth in a series of seismic design examples originally developed
OF DESIGN for the FHWA. The original seven examples were developed to illustrate
EXAMPLE the use of the AASHTO Division I-A Specification for seismic design. The
eighth and ninth examples illustrate the use of the Recommended LRFD
Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges, MCEER/ATC 49
(2003) for seismic design, which is a comprehensive revision of the
AASHTO seismic design provisions. Each example emphasizes different
features that must be considered in the seismic analysis and design
process. The matrix below is a summary of the features of the nine
examples. The ninth example, Design Example No. 2LRFD, is intended to
illustrate the use of the Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic
Design of Highway Bridges, MCEER/ATC 49 (2003) on the bridge in the
original Design Example No. 2.
1 Two-Span SPC - C Tangent CIP Concrete Three-Column Seat Spread Monolithic Joint at Pier
Continuous Square Box Integral Stub Base Footings Expansion Bearing
Bent at Abutment
2 Three-Span SPC - B Tangent Steel Girder Wall Type Tall Spread Elastomeric
Continuous Skewed Pier Seat Footings Bearing Pads
(Piers and Abutments)
3 Single-Span SPC - C Tangent Precast (N/A) Tall Spread Elastomeric
Square Concrete Seat Footings Bearing Pads
Girders (Closed-In)
Monolithic at Col. Tops
4 Three-Span SPC - C Tangent CIP Concrete Two-Column Seat Spread Pinned Column at Base
Continuous Skewed Integral Footings Expansion Bearings
Bent at Abutments
Nine-Span Viaduct
5 with Four-Span SPC - B Curved Steel Girder Single-Column Seat Steel H-Piles Conventional Steel Pins
and Five-Span Square (Variable and
Continuous Structs. Heights) PTFE Sliding Bearings
Sharply- Drilled Shaft
6 Three-Span SPC - C Curved CIP Concrete Single Column Monolithic at Piers, Monolithic Concrete Joints
Continuous Square Box Steel Piles
at Abutments
7 12-Span Viaduct SPC - B Tangent Precast Pile Bents Seat Concrete Piles Pinned and
with (3) Four-Span Square Concrete (Battered and and Expansion Bearings
Structures Girders Plumb) Steel Piles
Stub CIP
Monolithic at Interior
CIP Two-Column Abutment Concrete
Five-Span Tangent Piers
8 SDAP E Concrete Box Integral with Over- Piles with
Continuous Square Expansion Bearings at
Girder Bent hanging Steel
Diaphragm Casings
Four- Conventional and
Three-Span SDAP A2 Tangent Column Bent Tall Spread Elastomeric
2LRFD Steel Girder
Continuous and C Skewed and Wall Seat Footings Bearing Pads
Type Pier (Piers and Abutments)
FLOWCHARTS This ninth example follows the outline given in detailed flowcharts
AND presented in Section II, Flowcharts. The flowchart generally follows the
DESIGN STEPS one currently used in the proposed seismic Guide Specification.
USE OF In the example, two primary type fonts have been used. One font, similar
DIFFERENT to the type used for textbooks, is used for all section headings and for
TYPE FONTS commentary. The other, an architectural font that appears hand printed, is
used for all primary calculations. The material in the architectural font is
the essential calculation material and essential results.
USE OF To provide consistent results and quality control, all calculations have been
MATHCAD® performed using the program Mathcad®.
Note that Mathcad® carries the full precision of the variables throughout
the calculations, even though the listed result of a calculation is rounded
off. Thus, hand-calculated checks made using intermediate rounded
results may not yield the same result as the number being checked.
BASIC BRIDGE The bridge is to be built in the northeast United States along the Merrimack
DATA River. Two sites along the river are investigated in the subsequent sections.
Two earthquake loadings will be considered in the design, one for a rare
event, called the maximum considered earthquake (MCE), and one for a
frequent or expected event. The rare event has a 3 percent chance of
exceedence in 75 years, and the frequent event has a 50 percent chance of
exceedence in 75 years. Seventy-five years is the nominal “design life” of a
bridge as defined by the LRFD Specifications.
The alignment of the roadway over the bridge is straight and there is no
vertical curve. The bridge has a 25-degree skew at all four substructure
The bridge spans a river, and the two intermediate piers are located within
the normal flow of the river. Due to the presence of the piers in the river,
flow issues and ice loading have required that the intermediate piers have
thick cross sections.
REQUIRED Design the bridge for seismic loading using the Recommended LRFD
Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges, MCEER/ATC 49
ROADMAP Design Example No. 2LRFD is separated into sections to address several
different applications of SDAP A2 and C provisions.
Section V illustrates the SDAP A2 provisions for the bridge of Section III,
with conventional bearings.
Section VI illustrates the SDAP A2 provisions for the bridge of Section IV,
with elastomeric bearings.
The bridge is located on the north Merrimack River, north of Concord, New
Hampshire. The preliminary design of the bridge has been completed.
In this example, the ERS includes conventional inelastic action (plastic hinging)
in the columns.
The bridge has three spans that total 400 feet. The end spans are 124 feet,
the center span is 152 feet, and the bridge superstructure is steel plate
girders with a composite concrete deck. Because no span is longer than
500 feet, and the construction is conventional, the Specification applies.
For this example, the selected performance level is “Life Safety,” the minimum
required for all bridges. This is the case for both the MCE and the Frequent
Table 3.2-1 defines the performance levels for service and damage the
bridge is to be designed for. In this case, the choice of Life Safety as the
performance level implies that for the Frequent earthquake minimal
damage is expected and the structure is expected to fully open to normal
traffic following an inspection of the bridge. The Life Safety choice also
implies that in the MCE earthquake significant damage is expected, and
the bridge will likely not be available to full traffic following an
earthquake. The bridge may, in fact, be damaged to the point where it
needs to be replaced following the MCE event. Displacement limits are
established by the provisions to guide the designer in assessing
geometrically what is implied by the specified service levels. Per the LRFD
Guide Specification, displacements should be checked “to satisfy geometric,
structural, and foundation constraints on performance” as outlined in
Table C3.2-1 of the Specification.
The site is on the north Merrimack River, north of Concord, New Hampshire.
Using national ground motion maps, the MCE short-period (0.2 second)
acceleration, SS, is 0.46g and the 1.0-second acceleration, S1, is 0.12g.
The site class is B because the founding soil is rock. In this case, the shear
wave velocity is taken as greater than 2,500 feet per second.
The site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 1.0 site Class B.
The bridge site is in the eastern part of the United States where vertical
acceleration effects are not required to be considered in the design.
By Table 3.7-1, the Seismic Hazard Level is III because FaSs exceeds 0.35.
Based on FvS1, the Seismic Hazard Level would only be I. The controlling
value is taken to be the more restrictive of the two values.
This method combines a demand and capacity analysis, including the effect
of inelastic behavior of ductile earthquake resisting elements. It applies
only to single degree of freedom systems and is restricted to bridges that
meet the regularity requirements of Guide Specification 4.4.2.
Note that the requirement that the abutments resist no significant lateral
forces means that the superstructure must carry the inertial forces to the
two piers with diaphragm action. This means the superstructure must be
designed to effectively cantilever laterally to the abutments.
In the case of the skew, checks will actually be in the weak direction of the
bent and then in the strong direction of the bent. The pinned bearings are
assumed to be rotationally released on an axis along the skewed bent. This
is true even though the bearings are oriented such that rotation is
perpendicular to the girder line. The least resistance to rotation is about
an axis along the skewed bent. This behavior was discussed in the original
Design Example 2. The superstructure design will require that the weak
and strong direction results be resolved into longitudinal and transverse
The SDAP C process is described in Sections 4.4.1 and 5.4.1 of the Guide
Specification. As applied here as a design check, the process applied is as
follows: First, the vertical and ‘lateral’ weights tributary to each pier are
calculated. For the most part, the check will be executed on a pier-by-pier
basis. These weights will be used for the checks of both the frequent and
MCE earthquakes. The check for the frequent earthquake requires that
the yield displacement be calculated for use in the basic capacity spectrum
relationship. Because the structure should remain essentially elastic in
the frequent earthquake, the yield displacement is used directly in the
basic relationship. The check for the MCE earthquake requires that a
minimum value of Cs∆ be supplied. Thus the design check can be
accomplished by first calculating the structure Cs, then calculating a
required minimum displacement capacity to be supplied. Then check the
actual capacity against this value for the worst pier.
Fv := 1.0
S1 := 0.04
Wsuper := wmisc + wdeck + wgirders ⋅ L )
Wsuper = 5540 kip
124 ⋅ 5 ⋅ ft 152 ⋅ ft
8 2
Ppier := Wsuper ⋅
400 ⋅ ft
Dcol := 5 ⋅ ft
Hclr := 30.5⋅ ft
π 2 kip
Pcol := ⋅ Dcol ⋅ 0.15 ⋅ ⋅ Hclr Pcol = 90 kip
4 3
Ppier Pcap_bm
Pcol_dl := + + Pcol Pcol_dl = 705 kip
4 4
Ec := 3605ksi
π Dcol
Icr := ⋅ Cracked section taken as
64 2
one-half gross section.
Mn H
∆ y := ∆ y = 0.24 ft
3 ⋅ Ec ⋅ Icr
1.3 ⋅ ∆ y = 0.32 ft
Design Step
Vup := Vup = 125 kip
n := 8 number of columns
Cs := Cs = 0.18
Fv := 1.0
S1 := 0.12
B L : = 1.6
The performance level for this bridge is “Life Safety,” which by Table 5.4.1-1
of the Guide Specification, sets BL at 1.6. This implies some energy
dissipation in the bridge system, and this dissipation is accompanied by
some damage. If a BL of 1.0 were used instead, as was the case for the
Frequent earthquake, then operational performance would be achieved. In
this example, if a BL of 1.0 were used to design the piers, or alternatively if
the design provided can resist BL = 1.0 forces, and if the bearings at the
abutments can accommodate the displacements corresponding to BL = 1.0,
then operational performance will be achieved, even in the MCE.
Check that the maximum required displacement capacity is less than the
supplied deformation capacity for the pier. Per the commentary, only θp,
plastic rotational capacity, is used in calculation. The yield capacity is not
considered. This step is essentially the same as for SDAP E, except that the
yield component of displacement is conservatively omitted.
θ p := .035
θ p ⋅ H = 1.26 ft
∆ max < θ p ⋅ Hcol
This step is required only for the MCE (or rare) earthquake.
Cs ⋅ H ⋅ 0.25 = 1.62 ft
Fv := 1.0
S1 := 0.04
Mn := 4500 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
Mn Hclr
∆ y := ∆ y = 0.09 ft
6 ⋅ Ec ⋅ I cr
1.3 ⋅ ∆ y = 0.11 ft
Compute the required lateral strength of each participating column. For the
transverse direction, the method of Section is used.
Vup := Vup = 295 kip per column
P2 := Pcol_dl + P2 = 856.53 kip inner column
P3 := Pcol_dl − P3 = 552.61 kip inner column
2 ⋅ Mn2
Mn2 := 4650 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Vup2 := Vup2 = 304.92 kip
2 ⋅ Mn3
Mn3 := 4300 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Vup3 := Vup3 = 281.97 kip
2 ⋅ Mn4
Mn4 := 4200 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Vup4 := Vup4 = 275.41 kip
P2 := Pcol_dl + P2 = 856.11 kip
P3 := Pcol_dl − P3 = 553.04 kip
= 1.00
4 ⋅ Vup
BL := 1.0
Cs ⋅ 1.3∆ y = 0.05 ft
Fv := 1.0
S1 := 0.12
Check that the maximum required displacement capacity is less than the
supplied deformation capacity for the pier.
θ p := .035
θ p ⋅ Hclr = 1.07 ft
∆ max < θ p ⋅ Hclr
Seat width of 2.5 feet is provided at abutment per Figure 1c; thus the provided
seat width is adequate.
In this example, the columns are seen to be much larger than needed for
seismic considerations. If nonseismic considerations allow, the size or
reinforcement of the column could be reduced (ρmin = 0.8%) until
nonseismic or Cs∆ limits are reached.
There are four columns per bent and eight bearings per bent. Therefore, the
required connection design shear force for weak direction bending is
Vconn := OS Vconn = 93.75 kip
Vpo := Vpo = 443 kip per column
Pp2 := Pcol_dl + Pp2 = 933 kip
Design Step
8.2 ∆P
Pp3 := Pcol_dl − Pp3 = 477 kip
(continued) 3
Pp2 := Pcol_dl + Pp2 = 1043 kip
Design Step
8.2 ∆P
Pp3 := Pcol_dl − Pp3 = 366 kip
= 0.99 Two iterations is sufficient to converge.
4 ⋅ Vpo
Design Step Calculate the Foundation Forces for Overturning, Sliding, and Soil
9.1 Bearing Capacity in the Weak Direction
For SDR 3, the design for geotechnical aspects only requires the nominal
moment of the columns to be used, rather than the full overstrength.
This means that at the MCE limited overload may occur in the foundation
(see Guide Specification Commentary 4.3.3).
H := 36⋅ ft
VOT := VOT = 500 kip
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
The dead load forces must be augmented to account for foundation weight,
buoyancy, and overburden effects. The shear forces and moments,
however, do not require adjustment.
Design Step
Design Step Calculate the uplift force due to buoyancy assuming the water level
9.1 corresponds to the normal level, 4 feet above the top of the footing.
(continued) Per the Commentary of the Guide Specification 3.5, mean discharge
levels may be used for the Extreme Event I load combination.
Buoyancy force:
Pb = 570 kip
Foundation weight:
Pftg := Vftg ⋅ .15 ⋅ Pftg = 840 kip
Axial Force:
P = 3517 kip
Vweak :=
Vweak = 500 kip Shear in weak direction.
To ensure that there is no more than one-half uplift on the footing, the
eccentricity e must be less than .
The preliminary length of the footing in the weak direction is:
L f := 16 ⋅ ft
e := e = 5.83 ft
Lf := 3 ⋅ e
Lf = 17.48 ft
= 5.83 ft
Design Step Check the Soil Bearing Capacity in the Weak Direction
The contact stress can be calculated using the following method because the
eccentricity is greater than one-sixth of the footing length. The equation can
be derived assuming a triangular stress distribution.
Vr := 0.8 ⋅ P
Vr = 2814 kip
V OT = 500 kip
Because the resistance is larger than the driving force, the footing is
adequate for sliding.
The use of a 1.0 overstrength factor in SDR 3 only applies for geotechnical
effects. For the design of structural elements, the normal overstrength
factors, 1.5 for concrete columns, apply.
OS := 1.5
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
P = 3517 kip
Vweak :=
Vweak = 750 kip Shear in weak direction.
e := e = 8.74 ft
Note that the eccentricity is at , the bounds of the footing. The maximum
overturning moment that can be developed in the footing is that
corresponding to a soil pressure diagram that is a block at the ultimate soil
pressure magnitude, extending a distance "a" from the toe of the footing.
This moment is the maximum that will develop just as rocking occurs.
Bf := 70 ⋅ ft Width of footing
qult := 50 ⋅ ksf
a := a = 1.00 ft length of ultimate
qult ⋅ Bf
soil pressure block
Lf − a
emax := emax = 8.24 ft
Therefore say,
Lf := 18.5 ⋅ ft
Lf − a
emax := emax = 8.75 ft
Now e < emax , and the footing is reaching the moment at which rocking
has fully developed. Note that if the footing began to rock before the
attainment of the overstrength moment, then the rocking moment would
define the design moment of the footing.
Using the ultimate soil pressure block at the toe of the footing, the
designer can now design the footing for flexure and shear.
Vu := P Vu = 3517 kip
This completes the capacity spectrum checks and design requirements for
the weak direction.
Design Step Calculate the Foundation Forces for Overturning, Sliding, and Soil
9.6 Capacity in the Strong Direction
ΣP := P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 ΣP = 2818 kip
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
Mv := ΣVup ⋅ Df Mv = 5885 ft kip Moment due
to column
M∆P := 30 ⋅ ft ⋅ P1 + 10 ⋅ ft ⋅ P2 − 10 ⋅ ft ⋅ P3 − 30 ⋅ ft ⋅ P4
P = 3517 kip
The eccentricity of the axial load caused by the overturning moment can be
calculated by:
e := e = 15.39 ft OK
For there to be any uplift, the eccentricity must be greater than .
Design Step Check the Soil Bearing Capacity in the Strong Direction
The contact stress can be calculated using the following method because
the eccentricity is greater than one-sixth of the footing length. The
equation can be derived assuming a triangular stress distribution.
Vr := 0.8 ⋅ P
Vr = 2814 kip
The driving force is:
Vstrong = 1177 kip
Because the resistance is larger than the driving force,
the footing is adequate for sliding.
OS := 1.5
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
Mv := ΣVpo ⋅ Df Mv = 8754 ft kip Moment due to
column shears.
P = 3517 kip
Using the soil pressure diagram at the toe of the footing, the designer can
now design the footing for flexure and shear. Note that in strong direction,
with a combined footing and one-half uplift, the footing must be designed
to distribute the gravity loads and lateral shears on the columns over the
zone of uplift. This is not illustrated in this example; however, feasibility
of such a design may drive the final configuration of the foundations.
The final footing size was 18.5 by 70 feet. The maximum bearing
connection design force was 219 kips. This force is based on an
overstrength factor of 1.5 and capacity protection on the strong direction.
A reduction in the footing width of 18.5 feet or in the bearing connection
force could be pursued by going to SDAP D with an elastic analysis. This
was not done here.
This section illustrates the design of the same bridge and location as that
of Section III, with the exception that wall piers are used at the two
intermediate pier locations and elastomeric bearings are used to support
the superstructure at the abutments and intermediate pier locations.
Elastomeric bearings are used at each wall pier and at the abutments. The
relatively low stiffness of the bearings will cause much of the earthquake-
induced lateral movement to occur in the bearings. Consequently, the
superstructure will tend to move essentially as a rigid body under seismic
loading in both directions, and the forces transmitted to the substructure
will be substantially smaller than those required to fully restrain the
superstructure. Because elastomeric bearings are much more flexible than
the wall piers, especially in the strong direction of the pier, little (if any)
inelastic response is expected in the piers. The seismic behavior for this
system is shown in Figure 5. The bearing details are shown in Figures 6
and 7.
The bearings are designed for the expected thermal movements and for the
service loads. They are not intended to be true isolation bearings, which
provide extra damping; they provide only the typical 5 percent damping.
In the event that the bearings are overstrained under seismic loading,
transverse girder stops will be provided as a failsafe mechanism. Longitu-
dinally, the abutment back walls provide failsafe restraint at one end to
prevent the end spans from dropping off the abutments at the other end.
In this example, the ERS includes the behavior of the elastomeric bearings.
Although they are not intended to dissipate energy, they are classified as
isolation bearings for the seismic design. This will invoke the provisions of
Chapter 15 for Isolation Design, including the requirements for testing of the
The bridge has three spans that total 400 feet. The end spans are 124 feet,
the center span is 152 feet, and the bridge superstructure is steel plate
girders with a composite concrete deck. Because no span is longer than
500 feet, and the construction is conventional, the Specification applies.
For this example, the selected performance level is “Life Safety,” the minimum
required for all bridges. This is the case for both the MCE and the Frequent
Table 3.2-1 defines the performance levels for service and damage the
bridge is to be designed for. In this case, the choice of Life Safety as the
performance level implies that for the Frequent earthquake minimal
damage is expected and the structure is expected to fully open to normal
traffic following an inspection of the bridge. The Life Safety choice also
implies that in the MCE earthquake significant damage is expected, and
the bridge will likely not be available to full traffic following an
earthquake. The bridge may, in fact, be damaged to the point where it
needs to be replaced following the MCE event. Displacement limits are
established by the provisions to guide the designer in assessing
geometrically what is implied by the specified service levels. Per the LRFD
Guide Specification, displacements should be checked “to satisfy geometric,
structural, and foundation constraints on performance” as outlined in
Table C3.2-1 of the Guide Specification commentary.
The site is on the north Merrimack River, north of Concord, New Hampshire.
Using national ground motion maps, the MCE short-period (0.2 second)
acceleration, SS, is 0.46g and the 1.0-second acceleration, S1, is 0.12g.
The site class is B because the founding soil is rock. In this case, the shear
wave velocity is taken as greater than 2,500 feet per second.
The site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the short-period range, Fa, is 1.0 for site Class B.
The site coefficient for the long-period range, Fv, is 1.0 site Class B.
The bridge site is in the eastern part of the United States where vertical
acceleration effects are not required to be considered in the design.
By Table 3.7-1, the Seismic Hazard Level is III because FaSs exceeds 0.35.
Based on FvS1, the Seismic Hazard Level would only be I. The controlling
value is taken to be the more restrictive of the two values.
V K∆
Cs = =
This equation for ∆ is essentially the same as Eqn 15.4.1-3b, which applies to
isolation bearings. The only difference is round-off approximation for
g / ( 2π ) .
a) Bridge must meet the regularity requirements for the Uniform Load
Method of Guide Specification Table
DESIGN STEP 4 For three spans, ratio of span lengths span to span is 1.22, which is less
(continued) than the maximum of 2.0.
Note that the requirement that the abutments resist no significant lateral
forces is no longer present. Therefore, the abutments may provide
resistance; however, such resistance should be supplied with isolation
bearings at the abutments if isolation bearings are also used at the
intermediate piers. This preserves the SDOF response that the capacity
spectrum method is based on.
For elastomeric bearings, 5% nominal damping is assumed. They are not used
for seismic isolation and no energy dissipation is assumed. Therefore, B = 1.0
by Table of the Guide Specification. The bearing sizes have been set to
accommodate service loads and thermal effects.
DESIGN STEP 4 In an isolation design, the designer uses the stiffness characteristics of the
(continued) isolation bearings to determine the design displacement. The lateral force
that the substructure must resist is then calculated. Keff the sum of the
effective linear stiffnesses of all bearings and substructures supporting the
superstructure. The stiffnesses will be oriented normal and parallel to the
skew of the substructure. By using the stiffness of the structure in the
expression for Cs the designer is effectively solving for the correct response.
Keff & W, weight of superstructure, will be calculated in Design Steps 4.1 and
4.2 and ∆ required is solved for in Design Step 4.3.
The translational stiffness will be the same in both principal directions since
the pads are square; and therefore the stiffness will be the same in all
Design Step
∆ bp := 1.0 ⋅ in Unit deflection of bearing pad
ktrans := Translational stiffness of pier bearing pads
∆ bp
ktrans = 541
Then the total translational stiffness for all eight bearing pads is
given by:
Kpier_brg := 8 ⋅ k trans
Kpier_brg = 4328
∆ bp := 1.0 ⋅ in Unit deflection of bearing pad
Then the total translational stiffness for all eight bearing pads is
given by:
Kabut_brg := 8 ⋅ ktrans
Kabut_brg = 824
The stiffness of the bearings is the same in both principal directions. Thus the
stiffness is the same in all directions in a horizontal plane.
The assumed thickness is 5.5 feet and the assumed width is 60 feet. The
following logic was used to obtain these values: The thickness varies between 4
and 6 feet and the curvature of the cantilever will probably be the highest in
the lower half, so weight the lower half properties to a greater extent; use
5.5 feet. The width of the lower wall varies between 54 and 66 feet; 60 feet is
the average of these.
60 ⋅ ft ⋅ ( 5.5⋅ ft) 4
Iwall := Iwall = 832 ft
E := 519000 ⋅
hwall := 36⋅ ft
3 ⋅ E ⋅ Iwall kip
Kpier_wall_weak := Kpier_wall_weak = 27761
3 ft
say Kpier_wall_strong := 1000000 ⋅
Design Step
Ktotal_Long = 9135 Effective System Stiffness in
weak direction of pier wall
Kpier_brg = 4328
Kabut_brg = 824
by inspection
Kpier_Trans := Kpier_brg
Kabut_Trans := Kabut_brg
Ktotal_Trans := 2 ⋅ Kpier_Trans + 2 ⋅ Kabut_Trans
Ktotal_Trans = 10303 Effective System Stiffness in
ft strong direction of pier wall
Design Step
∆ pier_brg_Long = 0.88 in
Kpier_Long ⋅ ∆ design_Long
∆ pier_Long :=
∆ pier_Long = 0.14 in
∆ design_Trans = 0.95 in
∆ pier_brg_Trans := ∆ design_Trans
∆ pier_brg_Trans = 0.95 in
At the piers, the bearings deflect 0.95 inches in the strong direction. The pier
wall does not significantly deflect.
Ktotal_Trans ⋅ ∆ design_Trans
Cs_reqd_Trans := Cs_reqd_Trans = 0.15
At this point, Design Step 4, the SDAP C Capacity Spectrum Method, has
incorporated Design Steps 5 and 6 as outlined in the flowcharts.
γ c < 2.5
Ar := Lbp ⋅ Wbp
G := 115 ⋅ psi
3 ⋅ S ⋅ Pbrg
This formulation is different
γ c :=
2 ⋅ Ar ⋅ G ⋅ ⎛⎝ 1 + 2 ⋅ kbar ⋅ S ⎠
2⎞ than what was used in the
original design example No. 2
where γ c was found to be
γ c = 0.008
Tbp := 2.625 ⋅ in
Lbp := 14 ⋅ in
Wbp := 14 ⋅ in
3 ⋅ 124 ⋅ ft
Pabut := Wsuper ⋅ Pabut = 644 kip
400 ⋅ ft
Pbrg := Pbrg = 81 kip
Lbp ⋅ Wbp
S := S = 2.67
Tbp ⋅ Lbp + Wbp )
Ar := Lbp ⋅ Wbp
kbar := 50 hardness constant for bearings
γ c = 0.020
Vu_Trans := Cs_reqd_Trans ⋅ Wsuper ⋅ Vu_Trans = 344 kip
K total_Trans
The pier wall has been detailed with ρ v and ρ h equal to 0.0025. See Figure 9
for wall reinforcement and details. The nominal moment capacities for the wall
are given below.
Hpier := 36⋅ ft
Design Step
Design Step
Design Step
Note that the following equations from the provisions have been converted
from metric into U.S. customary units.
Vr = 3 sqrt ( fc') b d
Vu < Vr OK
Minimum wall ties per Guide Specification Section 7.8.1 will be used. There are
no seismic provisions for wall ties, except when the wall is considered a column.
This wall is not so considered.
The seismic design force for the connection between the superstructure and
the substructure is given by
Fa := Keff ⋅ ∆ t
Keff_T := Ktotal_Trans Keff_T = 10303
∆ t_L := ∆ design_Long ∆ t_L = 1.01 in
Note that a structural load path must be provided through the cross frames
(diaphragms) for the bearing forces calculated above.
If the elastic foundation forces are less than the forces resulting from plastic
hinging, they may be used for the foundation design with an R equal to 1.0.
From Design Step 8.2, this is seen to be the case.
Design Step Calculate the Foundation Forces for Overturning, Sliding, and Soil
9.1 Bearing Capacity in the Weak Direction
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
Mv := VOT ⋅ Df Mv = 1755 ft kip
The dead load forces must be augmented to account for footing weight,
buoyancy, and overburden effects. The shear forces and moments, however, do
not require adjustment.
Design Step
Calculate the uplift force due to buoyancy assuming the water level
corresponds to the normal level, 4 feet above the top of the footing. Per the
commentary of Guide Specification 3.5, mean discharge levels may be used for
the Extreme Event 1 load combination.
Buoyancy force:
Volume of footing
Vftg := ( 16 ⋅ ft) ⋅ ( 5 ⋅ ft) ⋅ ( 70 ⋅ ft)
Volume of stone
Vsf := ( 16 ⋅ ft − 6 ⋅ ft) ⋅ ( 3 ⋅ ft) ⋅ ( 70 ⋅ ft)
To ensure that there is no more than one-half uplift on the footing, the
eccentricity e must be less than .
Design Step The preliminary length of the footing in the longitudinal direction is:
(continued) L f := 16 ⋅ ft
The eccentricity of the axial load caused by the overturning moment can be
calculated by:
e := e = 3.3 ft
There is no uplift.
Design Step Check the Soil Bearing Capacity in the Weak Direction
For this footing founded on a competent rock, the coefficient of friction may be
taken as 0.8.
Vr := 0.8 ⋅ P
Vr = 3484 kip
The driving force is:
VOT = 351 kip
Because the resistance is larger than the driving force, the footing is
adequate for sliding.
An overstrength factor of 1.5 has been added for this calculation although it is
not required by the provisions:
OS := 1.5
Pdl = 3820.97 kip
Mppo := OS ⋅ Mu_Long Mppo = 18952 ft kip
Vpo := Vpo = 526 kip
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
Mv := Vpo ⋅ Df Mv = 2632 ft kip
Lf = 16 ft
The eccentricity of the axial load caused by the overturning
moment can be calculated by:
e := e = 4.96 ft
Check the soil bearing capacity.
The contact stress can be calculated using the following method because the
eccentricity is greater than one-sixth of the footing length. The equation can
be derived assuming a triangular stress distribution.
Using the soil diagram, the designer can now design the footing for flexure
and shear.
For top reinforcement, the weight of soil above the footing during uplift
must be included.
The final footing length for the longitudinal direction will be 16 feet as in
the preliminary nonseismic design.
Design Step Calculate the Foundation Forces for Overturning, Sliding, and Soil
9.6 Bearing Capacity in the Strong Direction
Df := 5 ⋅ ft
Mv := VOT ⋅ Df Mv = 1910 ft kip
P = 4355 kip
The eccentricity of the axial load caused by the overturning moment can be
calculated by:
e := e = 3.6 ft
= 11.67 ft therefore no uplift
Design Step Check the Soil Bearing Capacity in the Strong Direction
The final footing length for the strong direction will be 70 feet as in the
preliminary design.
The bearing connection design force is 102 kips, which is reasonable, and
the foundation size remains at 16 feet by 70 feet. The design is
The bridge is essentially the same as the one used in Section III. The
intermediate substructure is multicolumn construction. However, the site
for this section now has lower spectral acceleration levels to illustrate the
application of SDAP A2.
Basic requirements are the same as in Section III except for Design
Step 2.3.
By Table 3.7-1, the Seismic Hazard Level is II because FaSs is less than
0.35. Based on FvS1, the Seismic Hazard Level would only be I. The
controlling value is taken to be the more restrictive of the two values.
NOTE: Design Steps 4 through 6 are not used for SDAP A2. A2 only
requires the seat width requirements and connection force requirements to
be met; detailed force and displacement calculations are not required.
N = 0.69 meters
N = 2.26 ft minimum seat width
Seat width of 2.5 feet is provided at abutment per Figure 1c, thus the provided
seat width is adequate.
Note that more refined estimates of the vertical loads typically are
available during design. Also, the consideration of live load per Article 3.5
may potentially increase the vertical load at the bearings. In this case, live
load effects are not included.
In Section III with SDAP C, Vconn equals 94 kips in the weak direction
and 219 kips in the strong direction, for comparison.
All details that fasten the bearing to the sole and masonry plates
(including the anchor bolts) must resist the 66 kip connection force as a
minimum. This is a simple but effective strategy to minimize risk of
collapse due to girder unseating.
Note that although the full seismic load path is not formally designed in
SDAP A2, it is prudent that the designer provide a reasonable load path for
such forces.
The bearing connection design force was 66 kips with Cs_effective = 0.25.
SDAP C produced 219 kips, using OS = 1.5, and capacity protection in the
strong direction.
Thus, SDAP A2 is a simple and economical way to design for seismic where
The bridge is essentially the same as the one used in Section IV. The
intermediate substructure is wall pier construction. However, the site for
this section now has lower spectral acceleration levels to illustrate the
application of SDAP A2.
By Table 3.7-1, the Seismic Hazard Level is II because FaSs is less than
0.35. Based on FvS1, the Seismic Hazard Level would only be I. The
controlling value is taken to be the more restrictive of the two values.
NOTE: Design Steps 4 through 6 are not used for SDAP A2. A2 only
requires the seat width requirements and connection force requirements to
be met; detailed force and displacement calculations are not required.
Seat width of 2.5 feet is provided at abutment per Figure 1c, thus the provided
seat width is adequate.
Fa := Keff ⋅ ∆
where the design displacement, ∆, is based upon
Fv ⋅ S1 which must be greater than or equal to 0.25
Fv := 1.0
S1 := 0.25 minimum value allowed
This is a much higher Cs than was obtained in SDAP C where FvS1 = 0.12 and Cs
= 0.14.
Kpier_Long ⋅ Fa
Fpier := Fpier = 658 kip
Vconn := Vconn = 82 kip 8 bearings per pier
All details that fasten the bearing to the sole and masonry plates
(including the anchor bolts) must resist this 82 kip connection force. This
is a simple but effective strategy to minimize risk of collapse due to girder
Mn_Long := 33400⋅ kip ⋅ ft See Figure 10 (Section IV, Design Step 8), for
PCACOL diagram.
Hpier := 36⋅ ft
Vu_Long := Vu_Long = 928 kip
Note that the following equations from the provisions have been converted
from metric into U.S. customary units.
Vr = 3 sqrt ( fc') b d
Vu_Long < Vr OK
Note that although the full seismic load path is not formally designed in
SDAP A2, it is prudent that the designer provide a reasonable load path for
such forces.
For the pier walls, bearings that permit movement at least in the strong
direction of the pier wall, are required by the SDAP C provisions (Guide
Specification 4.4.2). The elastomeric bearings allow such movement and
the Isolation Provisions of Chapter 15 are used. Use of elastomeric
bearings reduces the seismic forces transmitted to the substructure by
allowing displacements at the bearings. The reduced elastic forces, which
are calculated within the isolation procedures, are allowed to be used to
design the connections and foundations. If capacity protection were
required, the required connections and foundations would have been
unreasonably large in the strong direction. Because the elastic forces are
based on the MCE earthquake, which is based on a 2,500-year return
period, not the 500-year return period of Division I-A, this approach is
reasonable for pier walls.
SUBSURFACE Subsurface conditions were derived from four borings drilled along the
CONDITIONS bridge alignment. As shown on Figure A1, the site is underlain by hard,
fresh, and sound quartz biotite schist. The water table, which is controlled
by the river, is above the ground surface at the interior piers and
approximately 30 feet below the ground surface at the abutments.
SITE CLASS Site Class B ⎯ Rock at the ground surface and the average shear wave
velocity in the upper 100 feet exceeds 2,500 feet per second.
FOUNDATION For spread footings on rock, the rock is estimated to have an ultimate
DESIGN bearing capacity of at least 50 ksf based on local experience. The ultimate
PARAMETERS coefficient of friction between the rock and cast-in-place concrete footings
is 0.8.
OTHER ISSUES Liquefaction will not occur because of the presence of rock.
Assuming the new fill is placed and compacted in accordance with typical
Department of Transportation or local jurisdiction requirements, the
abutment slopes should be stable during earthquake shaking.
Depth RGD γ qu
Type (ft) Description (%) (pcf) (psi)
Theodore Zoli
HNTB Corporation
330 Passaic Avenue
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Lee Marsh
Berger/Abam Engineers, Inc.
33301 Ninth Avenue South
Federal Way, Washington 98003