Acute Fact 13

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TEXAS Fact Sheet Acute Care Hospitals

Acute Care Hospitals by Ownership Type, Acute Care Hospitals by Licensed Beds,
January 2013* January 2013*
⃞ Forty-five percent (251) of the hospitals had less than 50 hospital
⃞ There were 564 Texas acute care hospitals as of January 2013.
⃞ 52 percent of the Texas hospitals were owned by for-profit (investor- ⃞ Of the total 80,439 hospital beds in the state, 13.8% were public hos-
owned) organizations. pitals beds, 42.3% were nonprofit hospital beds and 43.9% were for-
⃞ The majority of for-profit hospitals (90.5%) and nonprofit hospitals profit hospital beds.
(73%) were located in metropolitan (urban) areas. ⃞ Average number of beds per acute care hospitals in the state was
⃞ The majority of public hospitals (72%) were located in non- 143.
metropolitan (rural) areas.
Metropolitan ...........................175 For-Profit ............................... 120
PUBLIC Non-metropolitan .................... 53 Public .....................................101
20% Nonprofit ............................... 214

300 251
Number of Hospitals
FOR- 250
52% 150 119 114
NONPROFIT (295) 100 42 38
28% 50
(159) 0
<50 50-99 100-299 300-499 500-699+

Acute Care Hospitals by Location, January 2013*

⃞ 73.4 percent of Texas hospitals were located in metropolitan areas. ⃞ 63 counties do not have an acute care hospital.
⃞ Of the 150 non-metropolitan area hospitals 52.7% were public, 28.7% ⃞ Harris county has the largest number of acute care hospitals (n=69
were nonprofit and 18.7% were for-profit hospitals. followed by Dallas county (n=42), Tarrant (n=39), and Bexar (n=22).
⃞ Of the 414 metropolitan area hospitals, 64.4% were for-profit hospi-
tals, 28.1% were nonprofit and 7.5% were public hospitals. Hospitals By County
⃞ Metropolitan area hospitals operated 90% of the 80,439 beds in the
state; non-metropolitan area facilities operated the remaining 10%.

27% (150)

Counties with Acute

Care Hospitals

73% (414)

Sources: *2013 Directory of Active Hospitals, Health Facility Licensing and Compliance Division, Texas Department of State Health Services; Hospital
Tracking Database, Hospital Survey Unit, Center for Health Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services.
Prepared By: Hospital Survey Unit, Center for Health Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services
January 10, 2014 – E Publication No: E25-14152
Gross Patient Revenue by Payor Source, Tex- Uncompensated Care as a Percentage of
as Acute Care Hospitals, 2012** Gross Patient Revenue, 2003 - 2012**
⃞ Gross patient revenue or hospital billed charges based on hospitals ⃞ One dollar out of every 10 dollars billed for care in Texas acute care
reporting complete information on payor source was $207 billion. hospitals was attributed to uncompensated care.
⃞ Government payor sources, including Medicare and Medicaid, were ⃞ Uncompensated care as a percentage of gross patient revenue was
responsible for 57.8% of the hospital billings. 24% for public hospitals, 11.3% for nonprofit hospitals and 5.9% for
for-profit hospitals.
⃞ Medicare was the largest payor source accounting for 40.3% of the
billed charges. Third-Party payors were the second largest payor
source, accounting for 31.4% of the billed charges. 10.7

10.5 9.7
Non-Government 10.0 9.9
9.5 8.9 9.2 9.5
Other Non- 9.7 9.9 9.3
Government 9.0 9.0
Government 8.5
0.1% 8.0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Uncompensated Care Charges (Bad Debt and
Charity), 2003 - 2012**
⃞ Uncompensated care increased by nearly 192.1% between 2003
and 2012.
⃞ In 2012, 29.9% of the uncompensated care was provided by public
hospitals, 46.5% was provided by nonprofit hospitals and 23.6% was
provided by for-profit hospitals.
Self-pay Medicaid
10.7% 14.5% ⃞ Charity care accounted for 60.9% ($ 13.5 billion) of total
uncompensated care.
30 22.2
25 17.3 18.1
Inpatient Utilization, Texas Acute Care
Billions of Dollars

20 11.6 11.7 13.1 14.9

9.2 10.2
Hospitals, 2003 - 2012** 15 7.6
During the 10 year period between 2003 and 2012: 0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
⃞ Admissions increased by 3.9% and inpatient days increased by 2.2%.

⃞ The average length of stay decreased by 1.9%.

Outpatient Visits, Inpatient Days, and
⃞ The utilization rate decreased by 14.3%.
Emergency Visits, 2003 - 2012**
⃞ Hospital utilization data indicates increasing use of outpatient
Admissions Inpatient Days Average Utilization Staffed Beds Licensed Bed
Total (in Total (in Length of Rate per Occupancy Occupancy
millions) millions) Stay (in days) 1,000 Popula- Rate (%) Rate (%) ⃞ Outpatient visits (excluding emergency room visits) increased by
26.3% and inpatient days increased by 2.2% between 2003 and 2012.
⃞ Emergency room visits rose 28.9% during this same period.
2003 2.56 13.6 5.3 614 63.9 52.4
2004 2.57 13.5 5.3 601 61.8 51.1 35.0 30.7
Outpatient Visits 30.0
2005 2.59 13.7 5.3 594 61.3 50.9 26.9
Millions of Admissions/Days

30.0 24.7 25.9

24.3 24.4 23.9 24.1
2006 2.61 13.7 5.3 585 61.1 51.1 25.0
2007 2.62 13.7 5.2 573 59.9 49.4 Inpatient Days
2008 2.65 13.9 5.3 572 61.1 50.9 13.6 13.5 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.9 14.0 13.9 13.9 13.9
2009 2.65 14.0 5.3 564 60.0 50.0
Emergency Room Visits
2010 2.64 13.9 5.2 546 59.2 49.3 10.0
2011 2.66 13.9 5.2 537 59.2 49.0 9.5 9.9 10.2 10.7
5.0 8.3 8.1 8.5 8.5 8.8 9.0
2012 2.66 13.9 5.2 526 58.7 48.5
2003 2004 2005 2006 20007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Sources: *2013
Sources: **2012 Directory of Active
Cooperative Hospitals, Health Facility
DSHS/AHA/THA AnnualLicensing
Survey and Compliance
of Hospitals andDivision,
HospitalTexas Department
Tracking of State
Database HealthPopulation
- 2012 Services; Hospital
Projected from CHS
PreparedTracking Database,Survey
By: Hospital Hospital Survey Unit, Center
Unit, Center forfor Health Statistics,
Health Statistics, Texas Department
Texas Departmentof StateofHealth
Health Services;
Prepared By: Hospital
1100 W.Survey
49thUnit, Center
Street, for Health
Austin, Texas Statistics,
Department of State Health
512-776-7261 Fax:Services
January 10,
10, 2014
2014 –– E
E Publication
Publication No:
No: E25-14152

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