Acute Fact 13
Acute Fact 13
Acute Fact 13
Acute Care Hospitals by Ownership Type, Acute Care Hospitals by Licensed Beds,
January 2013* January 2013*
⃞ Forty-five percent (251) of the hospitals had less than 50 hospital
⃞ There were 564 Texas acute care hospitals as of January 2013.
⃞ 52 percent of the Texas hospitals were owned by for-profit (investor- ⃞ Of the total 80,439 hospital beds in the state, 13.8% were public hos-
owned) organizations. pitals beds, 42.3% were nonprofit hospital beds and 43.9% were for-
⃞ The majority of for-profit hospitals (90.5%) and nonprofit hospitals profit hospital beds.
(73%) were located in metropolitan (urban) areas. ⃞ Average number of beds per acute care hospitals in the state was
⃞ The majority of public hospitals (72%) were located in non- 143.
metropolitan (rural) areas.
Metropolitan ...........................175 For-Profit ............................... 120
PUBLIC Non-metropolitan .................... 53 Public .....................................101
20% Nonprofit ............................... 214
300 251
Number of Hospitals
FOR- 250
52% 150 119 114
NONPROFIT (295) 100 42 38
28% 50
(159) 0
<50 50-99 100-299 300-499 500-699+
27% (150)
73% (414)
Sources: *2013 Directory of Active Hospitals, Health Facility Licensing and Compliance Division, Texas Department of State Health Services; Hospital
Tracking Database, Hospital Survey Unit, Center for Health Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services.
Prepared By: Hospital Survey Unit, Center for Health Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services
January 10, 2014 – E Publication No: E25-14152
Gross Patient Revenue by Payor Source, Tex- Uncompensated Care as a Percentage of
as Acute Care Hospitals, 2012** Gross Patient Revenue, 2003 - 2012**
⃞ Gross patient revenue or hospital billed charges based on hospitals ⃞ One dollar out of every 10 dollars billed for care in Texas acute care
reporting complete information on payor source was $207 billion. hospitals was attributed to uncompensated care.
⃞ Government payor sources, including Medicare and Medicaid, were ⃞ Uncompensated care as a percentage of gross patient revenue was
responsible for 57.8% of the hospital billings. 24% for public hospitals, 11.3% for nonprofit hospitals and 5.9% for
for-profit hospitals.
⃞ Medicare was the largest payor source accounting for 40.3% of the
billed charges. Third-Party payors were the second largest payor
source, accounting for 31.4% of the billed charges. 10.7
10.5 9.7
Non-Government 10.0 9.9
9.5 8.9 9.2 9.5
Other Non- 9.7 9.9 9.3
Government 9.0 9.0
Government 8.5
0.1% 8.0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Uncompensated Care Charges (Bad Debt and
Charity), 2003 - 2012**
⃞ Uncompensated care increased by nearly 192.1% between 2003
and 2012.
⃞ In 2012, 29.9% of the uncompensated care was provided by public
hospitals, 46.5% was provided by nonprofit hospitals and 23.6% was
provided by for-profit hospitals.
Self-pay Medicaid
10.7% 14.5% ⃞ Charity care accounted for 60.9% ($ 13.5 billion) of total
uncompensated care.
30 22.2
25 17.3 18.1
Inpatient Utilization, Texas Acute Care
Billions of Dollars
Sources: *2013
Sources: **2012 Directory of Active
Cooperative Hospitals, Health Facility
DSHS/AHA/THA AnnualLicensing
Survey and Compliance
of Hospitals andDivision,
HospitalTexas Department
Tracking of State
Database HealthPopulation
- 2012 Services; Hospital
Projected from CHS
PreparedTracking Database,Survey
By: Hospital Hospital Survey Unit, Center
Unit, Center forfor Health Statistics,
Health Statistics, Texas Department
Texas Departmentof StateofHealth
Health Services;
Prepared By: Hospital
1100 W.Survey
49thUnit, Center
Street, for Health
Austin, Texas Statistics,
Department of State Health
512-776-7261 Fax:Services
January 10,
10, 2014
2014 –– E
E Publication
Publication No:
No: E25-14152