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Z | Daviness 3 ising ie P30 TP A complete histor n the north the war drums beat. The ad their combined armies ord ofthe End Times. They seck nothing less than total domination of the OCR Rea eee ntsc « in disarray, riddled with rivalries and internal struggle. Dwarfs distrust the elves, and the nations of men are divided. They are ripe for the taking a rege ee forth, heralded by some as the Champion of oe aera SAEs eT ete nics of this hero bind the races together, or drive Ne ee eae eee Sa eon EUG Re ato aoe eet World is on! A BLACK LIBRARY PRODUCT et tttit > Background Book | | | | ee 8184 US $29.99 aNi6209 Harkness Wising The Complete Fistory of the Storm of Chaos BEING A CONSIDERED ESSAY ON THE RISE OF THE DARKNESS, THE STORM OF CHAOS AND THE INVASION OF THE LORD OF THE END TIMES Compiled and written by Frederich “Old” Weirde of Altdorf, Noted Scholar, Professor of Esoteric Studies, Historian, Antiquarian, Fellow of the Altdorf Men's Historical Socicty and Connoisseur of Finest Estalian Port. With capable assistance from the boy, Stefan A History of the Fate of the Empire of Karl Franz. during the time of the Darkness Rising. —Altdorf Press — 1» oma! Authors: Phil Kelly and Anthony Reynolds Editor: Matt Ralphs Grapbie Design: Darius Hinks, Dan Drane and Andrew Walsh ‘Producer: Marc Gascoigne A Black Library Publication Cover illustration: Adrian Smith Iltustrators: Dave Allsop, Alex Boyd, Lee Carter, Wayne England, John Gravato, Ralph Horsley, Dave Kendall, ‘Nuala Kennedy, Karl Kopinski, Cos Koniotis, Torstein Nordstrand, Eric Polak, Rick Sardinha, Adrian Smith, Geoff Taylor, Stuart Taylor, Shaun Thomas, Tiernen Trevallion, Chris Trevas and John Wigley Thanks: Paul Gayner, Gav Thorpe and Sabertooth Games ISBN 13: 978-1-84016-200-9 ISBN 10: 1-82216200.5, Limited Ealtion SBN 13:978-184816:2100 Limited Edition ISBN 10:1-94416-2109 ‘GW Produet Code 6071 0299 079 ‘A lack Library publetin. Fir published in tho UK in 2005 by BL Publishing, Gamos Worthop Lid, Wilow Road, Nottogham NG7 2S, UK. © Games| ‘Werkahop Unite 2005, Al igh reoerved, ‘Black Library, the Black Libary ogo lack Flame, BL Pubtshing. Gamos Worshop, th Games Workhop logo and all associated marks, names, char straons and images ftom the Warhammer universes ae ether ®, TM ardir © Games Workshop {1d 2000-2005, variably ese nthe UK {pd thor counties sound the wold Al igh osorved Fog out moro abou! the Black Library at: wan blackibranycom. Find out more about Games Workshop and the worlds of Warhammer at nw games-worsshop com. Atematvely, cll mal order Retina on 0175. 846 40.000 (UK) 1-200-004-GAME (US) 1-888-GW TROLL (CAN) ro} 9829 611 (AUS). Printed in the Eu Darkness Bottles Light == Herr Frederich “Old” Weirde, scholar and researcher of Altdorf, collector of histories and chronicler of the past, am able to present to you, noble reader, my collected notes from that dread time known as the Storm of Chaos, as com- missioned by the Emperor Karl Franz himself In the year 2522, our beloved land of the Empire ‘was engulfed ina titanic war that surpassed even the Great War against Chaos fought nigh on two cen- ‘uries past. An enemy more dangerous than any believed possible, driven on by dark and horrific gods, descended on our lands, having fought its way through our allies to the north and the east, and embarked on a mission of destruction, burning, Killing and destroying everything in its path. Its tar- ‘get became clear the towering city of Middenheim, and upon this great bulwark did the enemy lay siege. This was a time of great sorrow. Thousands of brave and loyal soldiers ell on the battlefields of the ‘Empire. Great funeral pyres piled high with the bod- ies ofthe slain smouldered for months, filling all of the Empire with a sickening stench. Thousands of brave Empire souls were not even given such an honour in death, but were staked to trees or left to hhang from gibbets by the cruel and bloodthirsty enemy. Countless towns, villages and great cities were smashed asunder by the enemy—how many lifetimes will it take to rebuild them? I know not. Always will the Empire bear the scars of this war, although many will wish to forget the atrocities that ‘occurred. Our Empire has been sorely wounded, and I fear that our land may never be the same again. These are my collated notes and essays from that horrific time, as well as the despatches I received from my faithful observer in the field, young Stefan (to clarify any possible confusion when perusing my notes, I may make reference to Stefan simply as “the boy” on occasion—a title that he never appre- ciated). The input of brave and wilful young Stefan was invaluable in the compilation of this work; he it was who wrote daily despatches to me of the real goings on in the field, He it was who witnessed and wrote of many of the horrors of the war, giving this tome a weight of authenticity that is generally lack- ing in most histories. It is easy to remain unmoved when reading a dry overview of a battle. When the author did not see the flow of blood, breathe in the stench of the bodies of friends lying in the mud and filth, or watch as a comrade slowly dies in agony, why should we empathise with his words? Having witnessed such horrors personally and written of J is wich great honour and humility that I, 4 luthor’s Introduction them, the accounts of Stefan certainly lend this tome a more than ordinary perspective of this terri- ble time. Anote must be added here however: Stefan was ever an impressionable lad, and one must excuse his occasional excesses of hyperbole and drama. He always did have a rather active imagination. ‘Through this nightmare time, I remained within the walls of my beloved Altdorf. Most of my writ ings were put to paper in my office (though my good wife Frau Weirde, Sigmar bless her, always did insist—much to my irritation and chagrin—in referring to it as the sewing room). Many a long and dark night did I spend with quill in hand and candle burning low, dutifully scribbling until the rays of morn did rouse me from my note taking. In times when the moment took me, most often when Frau ‘Weirde’s hacking weevil-cough threatened to bring the walls down upon me, I took residence in one of ‘my favoured drinking establishments, the Hanging Crow or the Picture and Wabberthwait, and over the course of a satisfying firkin or two of Speckled Hen did scribe, until closing time forced me onto the street. I must also extend a hearty thanks to those brow-beaten individuals within the great library of Altdorf, who did more than once lend me a blanket when I fell into 2 fitful slumber while poring over one of the more dry and laborious books of Empire history. My intent with this book is to allow one to gather an understanding of what it was like to have lived during these Dark Times, as well as giving a factual account of the actions that occurred. I believe that these writings can act as a comprehensive humanist history of this dire time, and that copies of it will reside within the Imperial Palace, as well as the Great Library in Altdorf. Already I have received requests from such notable dignitaries as Graf Boris ‘Todbringer of Middenheim, for their own personal copy of my work Thope that through reading this compilation will come an understanding of these times, and I pray that another such time will not befall us ‘Nevertheless, I fear that this is the hope of an old and sentimental fool, and in my heart I know that although we have weathered this war, another already is brewing, The dread forces arrayed against us willnever let up—for them, death, battle and war are acts of true devotion to their bloodthirsty gods, and the destruction of the world as we know it is their ultimate goal. Until that is achieved, they will never rest. To live in fear is a terrible thing—yet for us to ignore the chance that another, even greater Storm of Chaos may erupt would be folly indeed. Rael Franz Chapter One alechaon, Lord of the End Times Archnon, Lord of the End Times ark omens and dire predictions run rampant 9 throngh the populace of Alor A great umber of doom-preachers and rabble-rousers stand on street corners, declaring to any who will listen that the end drawsnear. The more frenzied ones are dragged away by the emperor's guards, screaming of an apocalypse that draws nigh, but still more appear each week to take their place. The taverns are more subdued than usual, quiet and morose, their clientele swapping whispered stories of a faceless enemy gathering its forces to attack the Empire. Those boisterous and jolly with drink are quick: ly shushed by their companions, for tensions are high. From the palace, all is quiet, and many take this as con- firmation of their worst fears. Dread spreads through the city lke a plague. Doors are barred and locked, windows shuttered and drawn as night descends, and neighbours eye each other suspiciously. Business and trade are bad and crime has risen, particularly dy docks. Rumour of the coming war has clearly spread through- out the Empire, for the population of the city has begun to swell, as citizens from outlying villages and towns begin to abandon their homes and seck solace within the great walls. Rumours abound that the barbarous warriors of the frozen wastes of the far north are rallying, preparing round the themselves for invasion. Led by a warlord called Surtha Lenk, a powerfill army of the hated Kurgan haas already assaulted the frozen lands of Kisley, driv: ing south towards and into the Empire itself. Mighty battles were fought, and the army was finally defeated at Mazhorod. Nevertheless, the victory celebrations were brief, for many believe this was not the main invasion. Tt appears that it was merely an advance party of a much greater war host that some say may attack on the first thaws of next spring If such is the case, the people of Altdorf are right to fear. The men of the northern wastes are bloodthirsty warriors, who live to slaughter, rape and destroy in the blasphemous names of their hateful gods. Their num: bers are beyond count, and while some mock these rumours, claiming that the barbarians are too busy war ring with each other to organise a full scale invasion, others say that one man has arisen, one chosen by the dark gods, who has united the forces of Chaos under his banner. His name has been whispered by some in the dead of night over a cold fire-pit, but even speaking his name has already seen a score of men burnt atthe stake by the ever-vigilant witch hunters. His name is Archaon, and some say that it is he who will bring utter ruin to the world as we know it. A sense of impending doom pervades the Empire. Archaon, Lord ofthe Pad Times —= remember a most disturbing experience that I endured about thirteen or fourteen years ago. I had thought the episode closed forever, and took pains ‘to ensure that was the case. But recent events—namely all this talk of a lord of Chaos named Archaon—has stirred up that particular nest of vipers. I find revisiting ‘these memories difficult, but for the good ofthis journal Tmustdo so. On this fatefal night, na particularly misguided mood, T took it upon myself to visit the ruined temple that lies ‘outside this city’s walls. It was haunted even then, and people are forbidden to enteritby the law ofthe emperor. Frau Weirde will regale anyone who is willing to listen about how I believe T am above such laws [she has the Kernel ofa truth there], andasifto prove her belief, Iven- ‘ured inside, Tewasaplace of dusty, broken archways and birds’ nests, shafts of moonlight illuminating the clouds of dust Icon- jjured with my boots. Under the charcoal-covered timbers and broken stained glass on the floor were cracked and blackened flagstones—whoever burnt that place down ‘made adamn good job of ‘The rumours that the place was haunted proved to be ‘true. saw a Figure, blurred but distinct enough to give me the fright of my life, crouching in the central knave. It The Propheey of Aeehaon was scrabbling at something on the floor. Uncommonly large, it seemed to be dressed in the trappings of 2 ‘Templar of Sigmar. I saw it clutch something and then convulse. It turned its head in my direction and screamed, I fainted clean away, and when T came round ‘there was blood in my hair. The apparition had vanished made the sign of Sigmar, and [gods know why] walked ‘over to the spot where I had seen the ghost. I found a scrap ofa parchment that chilled me to the core. Hocked them ina leaden chest and buried it in the holy grounds of the Great Cathedral, resolving to scour it from my ‘memory, but it has come back to me. Be warned, it does ‘not make for pleasant reading, Ican only conclude it was part of that Great Truth that drove the tortured soul I saw fo madness, Try asI might, [cannot shake the feeling that the mad templar was a glaubegeist, a ghost of faith—the last tattered remnants of Archaon’s soul T have heard tell that Archaon was once a Templar of Sigmar. He learnt something, which stripped his sanity away and he abandoned the Empire and his ith, cursing the names of his gods. He became consumed with his desire to destroy his former homeland, and made pacts with dark gods in order that he may achieve these ends. From the Banks of the Bomned =D Letters from Stefan Fooly lta ear tet (a bth tic ccd ol ng acd ti 3 ego echt ang shin chin as bce fing wom alee beelies wa ome rv inns we grass te metic. Feder, th CI olf ta a hn rh en tpt eae oe Th ext ae rts ued ll at, fet Vom ie pei In pete 1 Sale i tes wt Be bake nla il ie oft hel fb oude natant ks ie st te sealers rch ofthe Redead, What tutiboet teh cots mokono Hace endde tot (aed pele it 1 ree iat fll) op Rpnitad I pes ebiac—1 fet If Pe PO eral (1 Mav ox le tet tom) np Ue, wll L prt etre bi tgp le wil Ui foe into wtf alegre bred ta pe cal wiag fon bri phd hf de cmsencio ited es Safle tad fre lead wh sil Uae uw senate Lars rae x ft i pu te Mane bahetheane gees bide ates in on fe efi oh ane any oi sit al ay all it aban bf tay sf fbr Iago it nh hh tgp ie bt we href aha se fo eins mL ieusmie lego bo, wht ky ep tebe th nN tp lap le é foge “pci fo ae id the orca of winter cnet, ase tea fo pin ls bats te rr ett er Letters from Stefan pada, aed oe atl orice Mi let fotagle Me Peel aed bly lags hoced nt pie ys RM huge beled lee Cail ofl Perle isdtade Siew LY hae ha Ane Pil fli wth: Oil nove dete th, trellAad Yh mars ey Me te ne Cre iG +g LP Bicperic, gs Ae 1a Halles is Peg te, Ah te hi oe lil, ach, Pb orld ul iy fh bergice (al as Petrie Had dca tail tag tees IP Go: f Cite a acy hee Meni afd sf sie uphrtiscnl seapeyp ODOR ME wpe of Stra fei wl, Mig liticed, kelly eb fm het thn een i Pol th ie lie EL db they bh bs bin tie Va silt a villas, Prelit lg ; EY pn pes i fis bol cy Geli fe dic shel nds Hated a ae - Gf behets den hip wath be lea, ee Gast $l Jey re Mola aby re tel ae ee «pat Nas ‘alead te Yee $d wiob) apa, =p hisisa grim time for us to live in. A sense of a pervading dooin has descended on Altdorf, as ifsome weight is hanging above our heads and we are just waiting for it to drop. The boy seems to have got it into his head that doom stalks the forests of the Empire at the moment. What I think he does not truly realise (but he’s young—he will learn] is that doom always stalks the forests! But he believes that this time something is different. It is my nature to be more sceptical. However, even my healthy scepticism is being eroded by the feelings of unease and impending darkness that pervade the city. Walking through the markets today, I took a detour along Down Street in order to avoid the attentions of a particular fishwife, who for some reason that is beyond me does always seem to delight in haranguing me most foully. It was on this detour that I heard the words of a flagellant. He had carved an image of the twin-tailed comet of Sigmar upon his brow, and had nailed 2 plank of wood into his own chest. On this he had scrawled the words “darkness comes”, in blood. His flesh was scored with scars and more recent cuts. He had a mad light of fervour in his eyes. Now, I always try to keep clear of these maniacs, for to be quite honest they fright- en me, yet the press of the crowd forced me into close proximity. He was shouting and ranting and spittle flew from his cracked lips. To my dismay, he singled me out of the crowd and fell at my knees, grappling with my Walking the Streets of Atdoef legs so that T could not easily escape from him. He shouted these words in a voice hoarse with ranting, (though I have taken the liberty of adding a bit more decorum and sense to them). “The End comes, and he rides upon a steed of fire with two tails! A wave of darkness rides in his wake! The Dark Templar comes to slaughter our gods!” Normally T would discount these words as those of a madman and push them from my mind, yet they resonate in my head. They were much too sim- ilar to what I had discovered about this so-called Archaon to be a mere coincidence. But his ranting ofa steed of fire with two tails sounded suspiciously, like a twin-tailed comet. I discounted this, for the flagellants of Sigmar are constantly raving of such things. Nevertheless, [heardino more from the flagellant, for he began to beat his head with his fists, screaming and contorting his body as ifin agony. Having been released of his fevered grasp, I quickly made my exit. As T came out of Down Street (sweating profusely from my ordeal), I did see the crowd part to let some struggling figures pass. It seemed that the flagellant had attracted more attention than pethaps he had wished, for he was being dragged away by the militia. Somewhat flustered, I arrived atthe great Library. T calmed myself by smoking my pipe and reading some extracts of a subversive comedy that had recently arrived there, translated from its native Tilean Tewas by strange coincidence that I discovered this letter that afternoon. It was clearly misfiled and for- gotten, for I discovered it folded and [for reasons unknown] inserted in a volume called “The Collected Recipes of Ma Grimwald” [I was consider- ing copying out a few choice recipes and “accidental- ly" leaving them lying about in Frau Weirde’s kitchen in the forlorn hope of one day receiving a well cooked meal]. On closer inspection, Iwas was a letter from a Celestial wizard addressed to one of his peers, written many years past. Tt scemed appropriate to include it here, especially after hear ing the crazed words of the flagellant. I find the following letter intriguing, though I do not truly understand all this talk of celestial bodies and such, Nevertheless, this wizard seems to be pre- dicting the reappearance of the holy twin-tailed comet—and possibly very soon! Could this signal ‘mean salvation if the rumours of the coming war are proven to be true? And could it be that the words of the crazed flagellant were not merely the words of a ‘madman, but actually held truth? interested to see it na : y vm Se - uy} ae ; Sac (SMe fies Soosn A I pads (alee oat at ene a eihsy of Haplauns Copies and pat I To Aad ef Cont ng Hes thtfaeplenacntnte it aloras(irmposidll St detand Be ofiftn' ™ és BL gawk, Cet come ilane Lyon © nchiene seme tnijh rote hacia potd Hay He call beatent ¥ Vt P hase nelahl the peltntnd nite fom sop tales n tht biip onde ora opens LA: Cov filed contd ot 060 sank th Hee wsesed puesta of Gprnnt andl ptt wit thet, slaty Hadi pentance dijnall (He portent fiGyrar agerved (witha a fg SP Died? ieloin, 01 des duane presence tectontrf omangfsd on Che badg off chamgpean) Nee pe ta ot np tif te Ops ned mettly fea tet He fo Citta nt ob a purify tafe tiplanetion wel aagh olbong ll “6H ind, yp opppenss pushy ond of taclion A tonttlang Cd ap wid Mat He cami it nd Cily Chet nal of a great daa tie by eo7 bad twist He ee. "aL Aigo H LA vat Stitt hase (lat much of GA canat/ af Ce mament tapeni lA (le cami patting clade Bi wut Land eh wbad genviaded Me ene Had all of porns te titaan — tien He paiiing of He caml(ed whe oll Tf allan fore tamed mp | ay te ne Had He cant off Ges 1 fa dh punts Jugs ha penn pnt ch tot tetin oh YG. 9 Ay. hii OO ta cant ieslif tions th ledanisg ty te Yadiiully bow | nag gumatclpelel Ct Goabep pnt AT l iy oy hoi Zoic tiearen Hepes B20 nnd BLD, CP le oft Hod will pn withn fly sae Cer Glatt will ofpsent ap Ziend int TE nan fase nn poston TTT fall rail orth st land Lj al tad arablbhung with 7S tae, tc nclabad 1 head framed Gafpes stfpia 1 fe iat (Be Chapter Cwo The Goly Sigmarites of the Empire seem confirmed—the dread armies of ‘Chaos, having been unified by their unholy leader and forged into a vast army intent on destruction, is on the move. Already the steppes of Kisley have been ravaged by fire and death, and it is said that ungodly ceremonies and sacri fices are taking place. The people of the Empire are in a panic, and await a declaration from the great Emperor Karl Franz on how to fight this. enemy. The city is ablaze with fearful stories of creatures in the darkness. Many now fear to walk beneath the great forest canopy that separates the cities and towns of the Empire, for it is said that the evil creatures lurking within their shad. owy depths have grown more aggressive and con- fident of late. Many of the smaller villages scat- tered through the Drakwald have been burnt to the ground, their populations slaughtered or dragged away, never to be seen again. Stories sift into Altdorf of livestock being born twisted and mutated, and of blighted crops, rotting unnaturally in the sun. Many more incidents are being reported; strange crea- tures creeping up from the sewers in the night, an entire houschold burnt at the stake for com- ‘muning with dark powers, and of the man who awoke one morn to discover, to his horror, a withered, twitching hand growing from his chest, How many others within the Empire hide taints of Chaos, fearing persecutio: ‘And yet in this dark time, a ray of hope shines brightly. Countless citizens are turning to the @: worst fears of the people of the Empire worship of Sigmar, abandoning their occupa- tions to spread the word of the patron god of the Empire. The most holy Grand Theogonist Volkmar appears daily on the steps of the tem- ple of Sigmar in Altdorf, preaching that with faith this darkness will be overcome. In rural areas, people flock to hear the words of the out lawed Prophet of Sigmar, Luthor Huss, who trayels the lands spreading his fiery fervour, There are even rumours that a young man has been discovered, a blacksmith, who, it is claimed, is Sigmar reborn. Thus with faith, the people of the Empire clasp onto hope, and pray that it will carry them through the nearing times of darkness and terror. ‘Marauders fromthe Noreh 4 The Price of Ruin have seen the twin-tailed cometin the sky! [ean J: fully express my amazement in words, yet it be truly wasa marvel to witness. I swear I could feel tthe heat ofits passing on my skin. Oh, what 2 blessing to have seen this momentous event with mine own eyes! My hand is still shaking as I pen this, and my heart beats with excitement. T have just attempted to make my way to the Hanging Crow, but there simply isno way I can pene- trate the pandemonium that has erupted in the streets of Altdorf. Thousands of people throng the streets, driven to hysteria by the visitation upon our less than fair city. [narrowly avoided being crushed by a horse anid cart, being mugged by doomsayers, and being knocked over by a screaming woman atleast twice my own size before I had reached ten feet from m front door. As such T have returned to my garret and climbed out upon the roof—despite the creative protestations and lamentations from Frau—the bet- ter to watch as Altdorf crupts into madness like an ant’snest into which boiling water has been poured. Tam not the only one to have had this idea. The dark, haunted rooftops are dotted with people waving their arms around, dancing jigs, holding placards bearing tidings of doom—everything up to and including howling at the moon, by the looks oft. The own Panic in the Streets of Wiedorf streets are thronged with people arguing, shouting and pushing, and ll wager a pretty pfennig what about, too. The citys divided in opinion. Isthe comet 2 harbinger of destruction that will smash into the heart of Altdorf and destroy it just as its predecessor Aestroyed Mordheim? Or is ita sign of our salvation, that Sigmar has been reborn somewhere in the Empire, to lead us against the forces of Chaos in our darkest hour? In the streets, clerics counter the claims of curates, students squabble with spectacled scholars, fishwives frantically fret at the faithful, and pickpock- ets plunder the pouches of preachers who shout their doctrine to any who will listen. New Empire Street is inastate of riot, and mounted watchmen have started laying about themselves with their cudgels—gods help the unruly if Filthy Harald is on duty. [would not be surprised if the wild-haired doomsayers that some- times march alongside the Empire armies grow sub- stantially in number after this little furore. Tamless than inclined to venture out to learn more, lest I be the one putting myself in danger instead of Stefan. This is of great consternation to me, as I would like nothing more than to be discussing the reaction of the city in my comfortable armchair by the Hanging Crow's hearth. I shall be patient. Await Zt Jason Ge ney armelasi, Heapl Hel ol w “ya D eten at ell thats aftr Apenned rp lad mneblsee. Ho in. A cnnicensr (Har Boi ap rtp flaes nephlawe nccompang me th He iets ofa Maudand ettaeind hy He | tefl uipelin yf ileiting Haul eat Hen mali Mesa Spotite me naw, hafpill w Caducing Ante Gi: He wandetd off Ll fuctheitler | cnn ob bade Met tabgelfirlgg Lund a frst and nsec Place, nw Claszed wit Ge alll and Che pouny, all with fresh Cuil bait He carnaze canted ty Hespasting of Ze cam?” Dr the laid teat atte A laut hentd 2lb uf « man ule die Amt an fie witht Glan be tubgected (h Aymat ge Abeard AM af a zeung couple, madbe in late, ule Zire | Aernitlied fam Che seftips because Hey beleesed Ue came fad 0 ijn Had Hep had tonne bp Gang pees bofase wedlock A laure heard abaut the egpan stonder whe add det made whem ad mantle wend berber af He Yt of the exleifialiplenamtnen, i ond He etnias dhieine laupli denn pan Ute unit by the ® Mteit-tuuaidec A haue heard ales He telljirad male Ht fot nl Me Wied handing hesegios 01 srabed angant jay deem 3 ialle, and picing Hem peed Hinting. A. fat rp patie Meh ALA MY Had the cam? i nb omic a Zilog of grad (0b Lid of tuk pes Hele are dath Gimel S belieus gle came Atoll He aricala/ a champirn SLE and wlan Heaps ccbniddaun a lithe, A ihedl made vy wep te the brary 5 The Sign of Sigmar ‘0 sce the miraculous appearance of the twin- vel. Frau Weirde thought that T had become bereft of my senses, and did accuse my noble self of having partaken of too many drinks! She missed seeing the tremendous event, being at the time perched over het chamber pot. Methinks this was a result of the pre vious night’s “lamb” stew, cooked by Frau Weirde her self. I dare not to venture this opinion to her, but ‘methinks it was not lamb. With all the furore that the twin-tailed comet created in Altdorf, I thought itbesttodelve into the histories of the previous times that such an omen had been seen. Most famously, the twin-tailed comet heralded the coming of our lord Sigmar. This s an excerpt from the ‘Sega ofSigmar, which I acquired many years past: Hark now, bear these words, Ana liven bope In the time Before time, Orcs reamed the land, And all was darkness. Htwasa time of woes, Te wasa time of doom, Tewasa time of wolves, Mankind was prey They loked tothe sky, Cried tthe gnds:"Deliver us? And the gods answered them. Into the darkaes, came igh, A torch ofthe gods, A dragon with two tails. ‘The most immediate and obvious thought is that the appearance of the twin-tailed comet announces the return of our lord Sigmar: Could this truly be the case?T must admit that my heart does yearn for such a thingto ‘happen. I am certain that is what impressionable young Stefan will deduct if e did also witness this momentous event: But there hasbeen more than one reference tothe appearance of the twin-tailed fiery comet in the skies A twinetailed comet heralded the coming of Sigmar Heldenhammer, In that time, the lands were overrun with darkness. The comet was alight in that darkness, and presaged the coming of Sigmar, he who did fight his enemies, and then founded our Empire. A twin-tailed comet descended on that once great city of Mordheim, smitingit into ruin. This has been accepted as being Sigmar’s holy wrath, for itis said that the people ofthat place had strayed farfrom the ideals The Grand Theogonise at War The Sign of Sigmac set down by Sigmar himself: I take it that since the ‘comet did not descend on Altdorf with fiery destruc tion, we will not suffer a similar fate. ‘The other time that a comet has been sighted was during the Great War Against Chaos, two hundred years past. As the honoured Heironymous of Nuln states: “Every time that the wings of ire have appeared in the sky, they have heralded the coming of great things”. Itseems to me that the appearance ofthe twin- tailed comet tends to coincide with the appearance of some great and heroic warrior in a great time of need. This individual, whom I shall dub the Champion of Light, rises to face some terrible evil, the Everchosen of Chaos. These two individuals, both infused with the powers of their gods—the Champion of Light with the power of Sigmar, and the Everchosen with the ‘powers of his fell deities —are fated to face each other in battle From this I can conclude that a mighty Champion of Light must surely have arisen. Who this individual is remains to be seen. His or her enemy must surely be the dread Lord of the End Times, Archaon himself The fate of our Empire may rely on the Champion defeating this grand evil in personal combat. ‘have heard many wild and speculative reasons for the appearance of the twin-tailed comet, Being renowned within the Hanging Crow for my learning, I was asked my opinion by Frit, the rotund and dour cellar man. I explained the Champion of Light theory to my rapt audience, and it immediately prompted ‘people to speculate on who this could be. The consen- sus seemed to be that it must be the Grand Theogonist, Volkmar the Grim. It is said that he is mustering an army of the devoted to face Archaon, and we did raise ‘our flagons in salute to his success. ‘Aoreboding Woodeut = F Water tem z Ste F Gung Vilimar Zhe s : Aespemiitfad wh hrek yf oe —— 28 ate of Ze (tlle Zacley de tah sof He ase 2 ts eB he, a7 if He o, Le thoes 24, Cf 2 ealecland i Sager = Pe ea os dT AhttenE ned iptiag watteat a Se ee

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