Verbos Oliver Twist

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Infinitive to Kiss
Preterite kissed
Past participle kissed


convertirse en; volver; hacer

Infinitive to become
Preterite became
Past participle become

golpear reunió
morir; morirse; matar llorar; gritar
Infinitive to die Infinitive to cry
Preterite died Preterite cried
Past participle died Past participle cried

crecer; cultivar; aumentar

cubrir; abarcar; sufragar
sorprender; extrañar; sorprenderse
Infinitive to cover Infinitive to grow
Preterite covered Preterite grew
Infinitive to surprise
Past participle covered Past participle grown
Preterite surprised
Past participle surprised

oír; escuchar; saber

abrirse; iniciar; incoar
comer; comerse; cenar
Infinitive to hear
Infinitive to eat Infinitive to open
Preterite heard
Preterite ate Preterite opened
Past participle heard
Past participle eaten Past participle opened

sacar; tirar; hacer

ayudar; contribuir; evitar cerrar; encerrar; bloquear
Infinitive to pull Infinitive to help Infinitive to lock
Preterite pulled Preterite helped Preterite locked
Past participle pulled Past participle helped Past participle locked
llegar; lograr; venir
ir; irse; salir matar; asesinar; acabar
Infinitive to arrive
Preterite arrived
Infinitive to go Infinitive to kill
Past participle arrived
Preterite went Preterite killed
Past participle gone Past participle killed

responder; contestar; atender olvidar; olvidarse; perdonar
Infinitive to fell
Infinitive to answer Infinitive to forget Preterite felled
Preterite answered Preterite forgot Past participle felled
Past participle answered Past participle forgotten

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