SOM 2014 Bhopal
SOM 2014 Bhopal
SOM 2014 Bhopal
Strength of Materials
Chapter – 1: Stress and Strain
Chapter - 2 : Principal Stress and Strain
Chapter - 3 : Moment of Inertia and Centroid
Chapter - 4 : Bending Moment and Shear
Force Diagram
Chapter - 5 : Deflection of Beam
S K Mondal
Chapter - 6 : Bending Stress in Beam
Chapter - 7 : Shear Stress in Beam
Chapter - 8 : Fixed and Continuous Beam
Chapter - 9 : Torsion
Chapter-10 : Thin Cylinder
Chapter-11 : Thick Cylinder
Chapter-12 : Spring
Chapter-13 : Theories of Column
Chapter-14 : Strain Energy Method
Chapter-15 : Theories of Failure
Chapter-16 : Riveted and Welded Joint
S K Mondal
IES Officer (Railway), GATE topper, NTPC ET-2003 batch,
12 years teaching experienced, Author of Hydro Power
Familiarization (NTPC Ltd)
Every effort has been made to see that there are no errors (typographical or otherwise) in the
material presented. However, it is still possible that there are a few errors (serious or
otherwise). I would be thankful to the readers if they are brought to my attention at the
following e-mail address:
S K Mondal
• It uses original cross section area of the specimen and also known as engineering stress or
conventional stress.
Therefore, σ =
• P is expressed in Newton (N) and A, original area, in square meters (m2), the stress σ will be
expresses in N/ m2. This unit is called Pascal (Pa).
P 10 kN 10×103 N
(σt ) = = = = 100N/mm2 = 100MPa
A (10 mm ×10 mm ) 100 mm 2
• The resultant of the internal forces for an axially loaded member is
normal to a section cut perpendicular to the member axis.
• The force intensity on the shown section is defined as the normal stress.
σ = lim and σavg =
ΔA → 0 Δ A A
• Shear stress ( τ )
When forces are transmitted from one part of a body to other, the stresses
developed in a plane parallel to the applied force are the shear stress. Shear
stress acts parallel to plane of interest. Forces P is applied
transversely to the member AB as shown. The corresponding
internal forces act in the plane of section C and are called shearing
forces. The corresponding average shear stress (τ ) =
• Tensile strain ( ε t)
The elongation per unit length as shown in the
figure is known as tensile strain.
εt = ΔL/ Lo
It is engineering strain or conventional strain.
Here we divide the elongation to original length
not actual length (Lo + Δ L)
Let us take an example: A rod 100 mm in original length. When we apply an axial tensile load 10 kN the
final length of the rod after application of the load is 100.1 mm. So in this rod tensile strain is developed
and is given by
ΔL L − Lo 100.1mm −100 mm 0.1mm
(εt ) = = = = = 0.001 (Dimensionless) Tensile
Lo Lo 100 mm 100 mm
• Compressive strain ( ε c)
If the applied force is compressive then the reduction of length per unit length is known as
compressive strain. It is negative. Then εc = (-∆L)/ Lo
Let us take an example: A rod 100 mm in original length. When we apply an axial compressive load 10
kN the final length of the rod after application of the load is 99 mm. So in this rod a compressive strain is
developed and is given by
Then the shear strain is (γ ) =
Let us take an example: A block 100 mm × 100 mm base and 10 mm height. When we apply a tangential
force 10 kN to the upper edge it is displaced 1 mm relative to lower face.
Then the direct shear stress in the element
10 kN 10×103 N
(τ ) = = = 1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa
100 mm×100 mm 100 mm×100 mm
And shear strain in the element ( γ ) = = = 0.1 Dimensionless
10 mm
(σT ) =
load = σ (1 + ε)
Instantaneous area
• True strain
⎛L⎞ ⎛A ⎞ ⎛d ⎞
= ln ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ = ln (1 + ε) = ln ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟⎟ = 2ln ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟⎟
(εT ) = ∫
l ⎝⎜ Lo ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ A ⎠ ⎝⎜ d ⎠
or engineering strain ( ε ) = e εT -1
The volume of the specimen is assumed to be constant during plastic deformation. [
∵ Ao Lo = AL ] It is valid till the neck formation.
• In true stress-strain curve, the stress however increases after necking since the cross-
sectional area of the specimen decreases rapidly after necking.
• The flow curve of many metals in the region of uniform plastic deformation can be expressed by
the simple power law.
σT = K(εT)n Where K is the strength coefficient
n is the strain hardening exponent
n = 0 perfectly plastic solid
n = 1 elastic solid
For most metals, 0.1< n < 0.5
• Relation between the ultimate tensile strength and true stress at maximum load
The ultimate tensile strength (σu ) =
The true stress at maximum load (σu )T =
⎛ Ao ⎞⎟ Ao
And true strain at maximum load (ε)T = ln ⎜⎜ ⎟ or = e εT
⎝⎜ A ⎠⎟ A
Pmax Pmax Ao
Eliminating Pmax we get , (σu )T = = × = σu e εT
A Ao A
Where Pmax = maximum force and Ao = Original cross section area
A = Instantaneous cross section area
Let us take two examples:
(I.) Only elongation no neck formation
In the tension test of a rod shown initially it was Ao
= 50 mm2 and Lo = 100 mm. After the application of
load it’s A = 40 mm2 and L = 125 mm.
Determine the true strain using changes in both
length and area.
Answer: First of all we have to check that does the (If no neck formation
member forms neck or not? For that check Ao Lo = AL occurs both area and
or not? gauge length can be used
Here 50 × 100 = 40 × 125 so no neck formation is for a strain calculation.)
there. Therefore true strain
⎛ Ao ⎞⎟ ⎛ 50 ⎞
(εT ) = ln ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = ln ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ = 0.223
⎝A⎠ ⎟ ⎜⎝ 40 ⎠
Answer: First of all we have to check that does the (After necking, gauge
member forms neck or not? For that check Ao Lo = AL length gives error but
or not? area and diameter can
Here AoLo = 50 × 100 = 5000 mm3 and AL=35 × 140 be used for the
= 4200 mm3. So neck formation is there. Note here calculation of true strain
AoLo > AL. at fracture and before
Therefore true strain fracture also.)
⎛ Ao ⎞⎟ ⎛ 50 ⎞
(εT ) = ln⎜⎜⎜ ⎟ = ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ = 0.357
⎝A⎠ ⎟ ⎝⎜ 35 ⎠
dl ⎛140 ⎞⎟
But not (εT ) = ∫ = ln ⎜⎜ = 0.336 (it is wrong)
l ⎜⎝100 ⎠⎟⎟
σ = Eε and τ = Gγ
The co-efficient E is called the modulus of elasticity i.e. its resistance to elastic strain. The co-efficient G is
called the shear modulus of elasticity or modulus of rigidity.
• Volumetric strain is a ratio of values with the same units, so it also is a dimensionless quantity.
E = 2G (1 + μ ) = 3K (1 − 2μ ) =
3K + G [VIMP]
• For a linearly elastic, isotropic and homogeneous material, the number of elastic constants
required to relate stress and strain is two. i.e. any two of the four must be known.
• If the material is non-isotropic (i.e. anisotropic), then the elastic modulii will vary with additional
stresses appearing since there is a coupling between shear stresses and normal stresses for
an anisotropic material.
Let us take an example: The modulus of elasticity and rigidity of a material are 200 GPa and 80 GPa,
respectively. Find all other elastic modulus.
Answer: Using the relation E = 2G (1 + μ ) = 3K (1 − 2 μ ) = we may find all other elastic modulus easily
3K + G
E E 200
Poisson’s Ratio ( μ ) : 1+ μ = ⇒μ= −1 = − 1 = 0.25
2G 2G 2 × 80
E E 200
Bulk Modulus (K) : 3K = ⇒K = = = 133.33GPa
1 − 2μ 3 (1 − 2μ ) 3 (1 − 2 × 0.25 )
• The theory of isotropic elasticity allows Poisson's ratios in the range from -1 to 1/2.
• If a piece of material neither expands nor contracts in volume when subjected to stress, then the
Poisson’s ratio must be 1/2.
Therefore Elongation(δ ) =
(10 × 1000 ) × 1 m
AE (1.963 × 10−5 ) × ( 200 × 109 )
= 2.55 × 10−3 m = 2.55 mm
P ⎡ l1 l2 l3 ln ⎤
δ= ⎢ + + −−−−−−−+ ⎥
E ⎣ A1 A2 A3 An ⎦
Let us take an example: A composite rod is 1000 mm long, its two ends are 40 mm2 and 30 mm2 in area
and length are 300 mm and 200 mm respectively. The middle portion of the rod is 20 mm2 in area and 500
mm long. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000 N, find its total elongation. (E = 200 GPa).
P ⎡ l1 l 2 l 3 ⎤
δ= ⎢ + + ⎥
E ⎣ A1 A2 A3 ⎦
1000 N ⎡ 300 mm 500 mm 200 mm ⎤
= ×⎢ + + ⎥
200 × 10 N / mm ⎣ 40 mm 2 20 mm 2 30 mm 2 ⎦
3 2
= 0.196mm
δ= (d1 and d2 are the diameters of smaller & larger ends)
π Ed1 d 2
You may remember this in this way, δ= i.e.
⎛π ⎞ EA eq
E ⎜ d1 d 2 ⎟
⎝4 ⎠
Let us take an example: A round bar, of length L, tapers uniformly from small diameter d1 at one end to
bigger diameter d2 at the other end. Show that the extension produced by a tensile axial load P is
(δ )= .
π d1 d 2 E
If d2 = 2d1, compare this extension with that of a uniform cylindrical bar having a diameter equal to the
mean diameter of the tapered bar.
Answer: Consider the figure below d1 be the radius at the smaller end. Then at a X cross section XX
located at a distance × from the smaller end, the value of diameter ‘dx’ is equal to
d x d1 x ⎛ d 2 d1 ⎞
= + ⎜ − ⎟
2 2 L⎝ 2 2 ⎠
or d x = d1 + ( d 2 − d1 )
d 2 − d1 1
= d1 (1 + kx ) Where k = ×
L d1
We now taking a small strip of diameter 'd x 'and length 'd x 'at section XX .
Elongation of this section 'd x ' length
PL P .dx 4P .dx
d (δ ) = = =
π .{d1 (1 + kx )} E
AE ⎛ π d x ⎞
⎜ ⎟ × E
⎝ 4 ⎠
Therefore total elongation of the taper bar
x =L
4P dx
δ = ∫ d (δ ) = ∫ π Ed (1 + kx )
2 2
x =0 1
π E d1d 2
Comparison: Case-I: Where d2 = 2d1
Elongation (δ I ) = =
π Ed1 × 2d1 π Ed12
Case –II: Where we use Mean diameter
d1 + d 2 d1 + 2d1 3
dm = = = d1
2 2 2
Elongation of such bar (δ II ) = =
AE π ⎛ 3 ⎞2
⎜ d1 ⎟ .E
4⎝2 ⎠
9π Ed12
Extension of taper bar 2 9
= =
Extension of uniform bar 16 8
The deformation of a bar under its own weight as compared to that when subjected to a
direct axial load equal to its own weight will be half.
(ii) Total extension produced in rod of length ‘L’ due to its own weight ‘ ω ’ per with
ω L2
length. δ=
ρ gL2 WL
δ= =
6E 2 Amax E
1.14 Structural members or machines must be designed such that the working stresses are less than the
σy ⎫
Working stress (σ w ) = n=1.5 to 2 ⎪
n ⎪
⎬ factor of safety
σ ult
= n1 = 2 to 3 ⎪
n1 ⎪⎭
= σ p = Proof stress
σ y or σ p or σ ult
1.15 Factor of Safety: (n) =
1.16 Thermal or Temperature stress and strain
• When a material undergoes a change in temperature, it either elongates or contracts depending
upon whether temperature is increased or decreased of the material.
• If the elongation or contraction is not restricted, i. e. free then the material does not experience
any stress despite the fact that it undergoes a strain.
• The strain due to temperature change is called thermal strain and is expressed as,
ε = α ( ΔT )
• Where α is co-efficient of thermal expansion, a material property, and ΔT is the change in
• The free expansion or contraction of materials, when restrained induces stress in the material
and it is referred to as thermal stress.
• Thermal stress produces the same effect in the material similar to that of mechanical stress. A
compressive stress will produce in the material with increase in temperature and the stress
developed is tensile stress with decrease in temperature.
Let us take an example: A rod consists of two parts that are made of steel and copper as shown in figure
below. The elastic modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion for steel are 200 GPa and 11.7 × 10-6 per °C
respectively and for copper 70 GPa and 21.6 × 10-6 per °C respectively. If the temperature of the rod is
raised by 50°C, determine the forces and stresses acting on the rod.
δ T = α ( ΔT ) L
= (11.7 × 10−6 ) × 50 × 500 + ( 21.6 × 10−6 ) × 50 × 750
= 1.1025 mm ( Compressive )
But according to diagram only free expansion is 0.4 mm.
Therefore restrained deflection of rod =1.1025 mm – 0.4 mm = 0.7025 mm
Let us assume the force required to make their elongation vanish be P which is the reaction force at the
⎛ PL ⎞ ⎛ PL ⎞
δ =⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ AE ⎠Steel ⎝ AE ⎠Cu
P × 500 P × 750
or 0.7025 = +
⎧π 2⎫ ⎧ π 2⎫
⎨ × ( 0.075 ) ⎬ × ( 200 × 10 ) ⎨ × ( 0.050 ) ⎬ × ( 70 × 10 )
9 9
⎩4 ⎭ ⎩4 ⎭
or P = 116.6 kN
Therefore, compressive stress on steel rod
P 116.6 × 103
σ Steel = = N/m2 = 26.39 MPa
ASteel π
× ( 0.075 )
And compressive stress on copper rod
P 116.6 × 103
σ Cu = = N/m2 = 59.38 MPa
ACu π × 0.050 2
( )
δ = δ st + δ sf = δ Bt − δ Bf 1. L = Ls = LB
2. α b > α s
• Equilibrium Equation:
3. Steel − Tension
σ s As = σ B AB Brass − Compression
Where, δ = Expansion of the compound bar = AD in the above figure.
δ st = Free expansion of the steel tube due to temperature rise toC = α s L t
= AB in the above figure.
δ sf = Expansion of the steel tube due to internal force developed by the unequal expansion.
= BD in the above figure.
δ Bt = Free expansion of the brass rod due to temperature rise toC = α b L t
= AC in the above figure.
δ Bf = Compression of the brass rod due to internal force developed by the unequal expansion.
= BD in the above figure.
And in the equilibrium equation
Tensile force in the steel tube = Compressive force in the brass rod
Where, σ s = Tensile stress developed in the steel tube.
Let us take an example: See the Conventional Question Answer section of this chapter and the question
is “Conventional Question IES-2008” and it’s answer.
ρω 2L2 ρω 2L3
(ii) σ max = and (δ L ) =
2 3E
For remember: You will get (ii) by multiplying by 4 of (i)
1.18 Creep
When a member is subjected to a constant load over a long period of time it undergoes a slow permanent
deformation and this is termed as “creep”. This is dependent on temperature. Usually at elevated
temperatures creep is high.
• The materials have its own different melting point; each will creep when the homologous
Testing temperature
temperature > 0.5. Homologous temp = > 0.5
Melting temperature
A typical creep curve shows three distinct stages
with different creep rates. After an initial rapid
elongation εo, the creep rate decrease with time
until reaching the steady state.
3) Tertiary creep shows a rapid increase in the creep rate due to effectively reduced cross-sectional area
of the specimen leading to creep rupture or failure. In this stage intergranular cracking and/or
formation of voids and cavities occur.
Creep rate =c1 σ
Creep strain at any time = zero time strain intercept + creep rate ×Time
= ∈0 + c1 σ ×t
1.19 If a load P is applied suddenly to a bar then the stress & strain induced will be double than
those obtained by an equal load applied gradually.
A⎡ 2 AEh ⎤
= ⎢1 + 1 + ⎥
P⎣ PL ⎦
1.21 Loads shared by the materials of a compound bar made of bars x & y due to load W,
Ax Ex
Px = W .
Ax Ex + Ay E y
Ay E y
Py = W .
Ax Ex + Ay E y
1.22 Elongation of a compound bar, δ =
Ax Ex + Ay E y
1.23 Tension Test
i) True elastic limit: based on micro-strain measurement at strains on order of 2 × 10-6. Very low value
and is related to the motion of a few hundred dislocations.
ii) Proportional limit: the highest stress at which stress is directly proportional to strain.
iii) Elastic limit: is the greatest stress the material can withstand without any measurable permanent
strain after unloading. Elastic limit > proportional limit.
iv) Yield strength is the stress required to produce a small specific amount of
deformation. The offset yield strength can be determined by the stress
corresponding to the intersection of the stress-strain curve and a line
parallel to the elastic line offset by a strain of 0.2 or 0.1%. ( ε = 0.002 or
v) Tensile strength or ultimate tensile strength (UTS) σ u is the maximum load Pmax divided by the
Lf − Lo
vi) % Elongation, = , is chiefly influenced by uniform elongation, which is dependent on the strain-
hardening capacity of the material.
Ao − Af
vii) Reduction of Area: q =
• Reduction of area is more a measure of the deformation required to produce failure and its chief
contribution results from the necking process.
• Because of the complicated state of stress state in the neck, values of reduction of area are
dependent on specimen geometry, and deformation behaviour, and they should not be taken as
true material properties.
Let us take an example: A 10 mm diameter tensile specimen has a 50 mm gauge length. The load
corresponding to the 0.2% offset is 55 kN and the maximum load is 70 kN. Fracture occurs at 60 kN. The
diameter after fracture is 8 mm and the gauge length at fracture is 65 mm. Calculate the following
properties of the material from the tension test.
(i) % Elongation
(ii) Reduction of Area (RA) %
(iii) Tensile strength or ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
(iv) Yield strength
(v) Fracture strength
(vi) If E = 200 GPa, the elastic recoverable strain at maximum load
(vii) If the elongation at maximum load (the uniform elongation) is 20%, what is the plastic strain at
maximum load?
Answer: Given, Original area ( A0 ) = × ( 0.010 ) m2 = 7.854 × 10−5 m2
Area at fracture ( Af ) = × ( 0.008 ) m2 = 5.027 × 10−5 m2
Original gauge length (L0) = 50 mm
Gauge length at fracture (L) = 65 mm
L − L0 65 − 50
(i) % Elongation = × 100% = × 100 = 30%
L0 50
A0 − Af 7.854 − 5.027
(ii) Reduction of area (RA) = q = × 100% = × 100% = 36%
A0 7.854
Pmax 70 × 103
(iii) Tensile strength or Ultimate tensile strength (UTS), σ u = = N/m2 = 891 MPa
Ao 7.854 × 10−5
Py 55 × 103
(iv) Yield strength (σ y ) = = −5
N/m2 = 700 MPa
Ao 7.854 × 10
PFracture 60 × 103
(v) Fracture strength (σ F ) = = N/m2 = 764MPa
Ao 7.854 × 10−5
1.25 Elasticity
This is the property of a material to regain its original shape
after deformation when the external forces are removed. When
the material is in elastic region the strain disappears
completely after removal of the load, The stress-strain
relationship in elastic region need not be linear and can be
non-linear (example rubber). The maximum stress value below
which the strain is fully recoverable is called the elastic limit.
It is represented by point A in figure. All materials are elastic
to some extent but the degree varies, for example, both mild
steel and rubber are elastic materials but steel is more elastic
than rubber.
1.26 Plasticity
When the stress in the material exceeds the elastic limit, the
material enters into plastic phase where the strain can no
longer be completely removed. Under plastic conditions
materials ideally deform without any increase in stress. A
typical stress strain diagram for an elastic-perfectly plastic
material is shown in the figure. Mises-Henky criterion gives a
good starting point for plasticity analysis.
The area of the hysteresis loop gives the energy dissipationper unit volume of the material, per stress cycle.
This is termed the per unit volume damping capacity.
Due to cyclic strain the elastic limit increases for annealed steel and decreases for cold drawn steel.
Here the stress range is Δσ. Δεp and Δεe are the plastic and elastic strain ranges, the total strain range
being Δε. Considering that the total strain amplitude can be given as
Δε = Δεp+ Δεe
Stress in a bar
GATE-1. Two identical circular rods of same diameter and same length are subjected to same
magnitude of axial tensile force. One of the rods is made out of mild steel having the
modulus of elasticity of 206 GPa. The other rod is made out of cast iron having the
modulus of elasticity of 100 GPa. Assume both the materials to be homogeneous and
isotropic and the axial force causes the same amount of uniform stress in both the
rods. The stresses developed are within the proportional limit of the respective
materials. Which of the following observations is correct? [GATE-2003]
(a) Both rods elongate by the same amount
(b) Mild steel rod elongates more than the cast iron rod
(c) Cast iron rod elongates more than the mild steel rod
(d) As the stresses are equal strains are also equal in both the rods
GATE-1(i).A rod of length L having uniform cross-sectional area A is subjected to a tensile force
P as shown in the figure below If the Young's modulus of the material varies linearly
from E1, to E2 along the length of the rod, the normal stress developed at the section-
SS is [GATE-2013]
( − )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( + )
GATE-2(i) A bar of varying square cross-section is loaded symmetrically as shown in the figure.
Loads shown are placed on one of the axes of symmetry of cross-section. Ignoring self
weight, the maximum tensile stress in N/ mm2 anywhere is [CE: GATE-2003]
100 mm
50 mm
100 kN 100 kN
50 kN
GATE-2(ii) A curved member with a straight vertical leg is carrying a vertical load at Z. As shown in the
figure. The stress resultants in the XY segment are [CE: GATE-2003]
GATE-5. A static load is mounted at the centre of a shaft rotating at uniform angular velocity.
This shaft will be designed for [GATE-2002]
(a) The maximum compressive stress (static) (b) The maximum tensile stress (static)
(c) The maximum bending moment (static) (d) Fatigue loading
GATE-6. Fatigue strength of a rod subjected to cyclic axial force is less than that of a rotating
beam of the same dimensions subjected to steady lateral force because
(a) Axial stiffness is less than bending stiffness [GATE-1992]
(b) Of absence of centrifugal effects in the rod
(c) The number of discontinuities vulnerable to fatigue are more in the rod
(d) At a particular time the rod has only one type of stress whereas the beam has both the
tensile and compressive stresses.
GATE-8. In terms of Poisson's ratio (µ) the ratio of Young's Modulus (E) to Shear Modulus (G)
of elastic materials is [GATE-2004]
1 1
(a) 2(1 + μ ) (b) 2(1 − μ ) (c) (1 + μ ) (d ) (1 − μ )
2 2
GATE-9. The relationship between Young's modulus (E), Bulk modulus (K) and Poisson's ratio
(µ) is given by: [GATE-2002]
(a) E = 3 K (1 − 2μ ) (b) K = 3 E (1 − 2μ )
(c) E = 3 K (1 − μ ) (d) K = 3 E (1 − μ )
GATE-9(i) For an isotropic material, the relationship between the Young’s modulus (E), shear
modulus (G) and Poisson’s ratio ( μ ) is given by [CE: GATE-2007]
(a) G = (b) E = (c) G = (d) G =
2(1 + μ) 2(1 + μ ) (1 + μ ) 2(1 − 2μ )
GATE-11. The figure below shows a steel rod of 25 mm2 cross sectional area. It is loaded at four
points, K, L, M and N. [GATE-2004, IES 1995, 1997, 1998]
Assume Esteel = 200 GPa. The total change in length of the rod due to loading is:
(a) 1 µm (b) -10 µm (c) 16 µm (d) -20 µm
GATE-12. A bar having a cross-sectional area of 700mm2 is subjected to axial loads at the
positions indicated. The value of stress in the segment QR is: [GATE-2006]
(a) 40 MPa (b) 50 MPa (c) 70 MPa (d) 120 MPa
GATE-12(i)A rigid bar is suspended by three rods made of the same material as shown in the
figure. The area and length of the central rod are 3A and L, respectively while that of
the two outer rods are 2A and 2L, respectively. If a downward force of 50 kN is
applied to the rigid bar, the forces in the central and each of the outer rods will be
(a) 16.67 kN each (b) 30 kN and 15 kN [CE: GATE-2007]
(c) 30 kN and 10 kN (d) 21.4 kN and 14.3 kN
50 kN
GATE-15. A uniform, slender cylindrical rod is made of a homogeneous and isotropic material.
The rod rests on a frictionless surface. The rod is heated uniformly. If the radial and
longitudinal thermal stresses are represented by σr and σz, respectively, then[GATE-
(a) σ r = 0, σ z = 0 (b) σ r ≠ 0, σ z = 0 (c) σ r = 0, σ z ≠ 0 (d ) σ r ≠ 0, σ z ≠ 0
Thermal Effect
GATE-15(i). A solid steel cube constrained on all six faces is heated so that the
temperature rises uniformly by ΔT. If the thermal coefficient of the
material is α, Young’s modulus is E and the Poisson’s ratio is υ , the
thermal stress developed in the cube due to heating is
α ( ΔT ) E 2α ( ΔT ) E 3α ( ΔT ) E α ( ΔT ) E
(a) − (b ) − (c ) − (d ) − [GATE-2012]
(1 − 2υ ) (1 − 2υ ) (1 − 2υ ) 3 (1 − 2υ )
GATE-15(ii) A metal bar of length 100 mm is inserted between two rigid supports and its
temperature is increased by 10º C. If the coefficient of thermal expansion is
12 × 10−6 per º C and the Young’s modulus is 2 × 105 MPa, the stress in the bar is
(a) zero (b) 12 MPa (c) 24 Mpa (d) 2400 MPa
[CE: GATE-2007]
Tensile Test
GATE-16. A test specimen is stressed slightly beyond the yield point and then unloaded. Its
yield strength will [GATE-1995]
(a) Decrease (b) Increase
(c) Remains same (d) Becomes equal to ultimate tensile strength
IES-3. A rigid beam of negligible weight is supported in a horizontal position by two rods of
steel and aluminum, 2 m and 1 m long having values of cross - sectional areas 1 cm2
and 2 cm2 and E of 200 GPa and 100 GPa respectively. A load P is applied as shown in
the figure [IES-2002]
IES-6. For bolts of uniform strength, the shank diameter is made equal to [IES-2003]
(a) Major diameter of threads (b) Pitch diameter of threads
(c) Minor diameter of threads (d) Nominal diameter of threads
IES-9. A bar of length L tapers uniformly from diameter 1.1 D at one end to 0.9 D at the
other end. The elongation due to axial pull is computed using mean diameter D. What
is the approximate error in computed elongation? [IES-2004]
(a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 1% (d) 0.5%
IES-10. The stretch in a steel rod of circular section, having a length 'l' subjected to a tensile
load' P' and tapering uniformly from a diameter d1 at one end to a diameter d2 at the
other end, is given [IES-1995]
Pl pl.π pl.π 4 pl
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 Ed1d 2 Ed1d 2 4 Ed1d 2 π Ed1d 2
IES-11. A tapering bar (diameters of end sections being d1 and d2 a bar of uniform cross-
section ’d’ have the same length and are subjected the same axial pull. Both the bars
will have the same extension if’d’ is equal to [IES-1998]
d1 + d 2 d1d 2 d1 + d 2
(a ) ( b) d1d 2 (c) (d)
2 2 2
IES-11(i). A rod of length l tapers uniformly from a diameter D at one end to a diameter d at the
other. The Young’s modulus of the material is E. The extension caused by an axial
load P is [IES-2012]
4 4 4 2
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( − ) ( + )
Poisson’s ratio
IES-12. In the case of an engineering material under unidirectional stress in the x-direction,
the Poisson's ratio is equal to (symbols have the usual meanings)
[IAS 1994, IES-2000]
εy εy σy σy
(a) (b) (c) (d)
εx σx σx εx
IES-13. Which one of the following is correct in respect of Poisson's ratio (v) limits for an
isotropic elastic solid? [IES-2004]
(a) −∞ ≤ν ≤ ∞ (b) 1/ 4 ≤ν ≤1/ 3 (c) −1≤ν ≤1/ 2 (d) −1/ 2 ≤ν ≤1/ 2
IES-14. Match List-I (Elastic properties of an isotropic elastic material) with List-II (Nature
of strain produced) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the
Lists: [IES-1997]
List-I List-II
A. Young's modulus 1. Shear strain
B. Modulus of rigidity 2. Normal strain
C. Bulk modulus 3. Transverse strain
D. Poisson's ratio 4. Volumetric strain
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 3 4
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 4 3
IES-16a. If a piece of material neither expands nor contracts in volume when subjected to
stress, then the Poisson’s ratio must be
(a) Zero (b) 0.25 (c) 0.33 (d) 0.5 [IES-2011]
IES-18. The relationship between the Lame’s constant ‘λ’, Young’s modulus ‘E’ and the
Poisson’s ratio ‘μ’ [IES-1997]
Eμ Eμ Eμ Eμ
(a ) λ = (b)λ = (c) λ = (d)λ =
(1 + μ )(1 − 2μ ) (1 + 2μ )(1 − μ ) 1+ μ (1 − μ )
IES-19. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? [IES-1994]
1. Resilience…………… Resistance to deformation.
2. Malleability …………..Shape change.
3. Creep ........................ Progressive deformation.
4. Plasticity .... ………….Permanent deformation.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
IES-19a Match List – I with List - II and select the correct answer using the code given below
the lists: [IES-2011]
List –I List –II
A. Elasticity 1. Deform non-elastically without fracture
B. Malleability 2. Undergo plastic deformation under tensile load
C. Ductility 3. Undergo plastic deformation under compressive load
D. Plasticity 4. Return to its original shape on unloading
Codes A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 4 3 2 1
IES-19b. Assertion (A): Plastic deformation is a function of applied stress, temperature and strain rate.
Reason (R): Plastic deformation is accompanied by change in both the internal and external
state of the material.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-22. The highest stress that a material can withstand for a specified length of time
without excessive deformation is called [IES-1997]
(a) Fatigue strength (b) Endurance strength
(c) Creep strength (d) Creep rupture strength
IES-23. Which one of the following features improves the fatigue strength of a metallic
material? [IES-2000]
(a) Increasing the temperature (b) Scratching the surface
(c) Overstressing (d) Under stressing
IES-26. E, G, K and μ represent the elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and
Poisson's ratio respectively of a linearly elastic, isotropic and homogeneous material.
To express the stress-strain relations completely for this material, at least[IES-2006]
(a) E, G and μ must be known (b) E, K and μ must be known
(c) Any two of the four must be known (d) All the four must be known
IES-27. The number of elastic constants for a completely anisotropic elastic material which
follows Hooke's law is: [IES-1999]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 21 (d) 25
IES-28. What are the materials which show direction dependent properties, called?
(a) Homogeneous materials (b) Viscoelastic materials[IES 2007, IES-2011]
(c) Isotropic materials (d) Anisotropic materials
IES-29. An orthotropic material, under plane stress condition will have: [IES-2006]
(a) 15 independent elastic constants (b) 4 independent elastic constants
(c) 5 independent elastic constants (d) 9 independent elastic constants
IES-30. Match List-I (Properties) with List-II (Units) and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists: [IES-2001]
List I List II
A. Dynamic viscosity 1. Pa
B. Kinematic viscosity 2. m2/s
C. Torsional stiffness 3. Ns/m2
D. Modulus of rigidity 4. N/m
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 5 2 4 3
(b) 3 4 2 3 (d) 5 4 2 1
IES-31. Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of a material are 1.25 × 105 MPa and
0.34 respectively. The modulus of rigidity of the material is:
[IAS 1994, IES-1995, 2001, 2002, 2007]
IES-33. What is the relationship between the linear elastic properties Young's modulus (E),
rigidity modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K)? [IES-2008]
1 9 3 3 9 1 9 3 1 9 1 3
(a) = + (b) = + (c) = + (d) = +
IES-34. What is the relationship between the liner elastic properties Young’s modulus (E),
rigidity modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K)? [IES-2009]
KG 9 KG 9 KG 9 KG
(a) E= (b) E= (c) E= (d) E=
9K + G K +G K + 3G 3K + G
IES-35. If E, G and K denote Young's modulus, Modulus of rigidity and Bulk Modulus,
respectively, for an elastic material, then which one of the following can be possibly
true? [IES-2005]
(a) G = 2K (b) G = E (c) K = E (d) G = K = E
IES-36. If a material had a modulus of elasticity of 2.1 × 106 kgf/cm2 and a modulus of rigidity
of 0.8 × 106 kgf/cm2 then the approximate value of the Poisson's ratio of the material
would be: [IES-1993]
(a) 0.26 (b) 0.31 (c) 0.47 (d) 0.5
IES-37. The modulus of elasticity for a material is 200 GN/m2 and Poisson's ratio is 0.25.
What is the modulus of rigidity? [IES-2004]
(a) 80 GN/m2 (b) 125 GN/m2 (c) 250 GN/m2 (d) 320 GN/m2
IES-38(i). A 16 mm diameter bar elongates by 0.04% under a tensile force of 16 kN. The average
decrease in diameter is found to be 0.01% Then: [IES-2013]
1. E = 210 GPa and G = 77 GPa
2. E = 199 GPa and v = 0.25
3. E = 199 GPa and v = 0.30
4. E = 199 GPa and G = 80 GPa
Which of these values are correct?
IES-40. For a composite consisting of a bar enclosed inside a tube of another material when
compressed under a load 'w' as a whole through rigid collars at the end of the bar.
The equation of compatibility is given by (suffixes 1 and 2) refer to bar and tube
respectively [IES-1998]
W1 W W1 W
(a ) W1 + W2 = W (b) W1 + W2 = Const. (c ) = 2 (d ) = 2
A1 E1 A2 E2 A1 E2 A2 E1
IES-41. When a composite unit consisting of a steel rod surrounded by a cast iron tube is
subjected to an axial load. [IES-2000]
Assertion (A): The ratio of normal stresses induced in both the materials is equal to
the ratio of Young's moduli of respective materials.
Reason (R): The composite unit of these two materials is firmly fastened together at
the ends to ensure equal deformation in both the materials.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-42. The figure below shows a steel rod of 25 mm2 cross sectional area. It is loaded at four
points, K, L, M and N. [GATE-2004, IES 1995, 1997, 1998]
Assume Esteel = 200 GPa. The total change in length of the rod due to loading is
(a) 1 µm (b) -10 µm (c) 16 µm (d) -20 µm
IES-43(i) In the arrangement as shown in the figure, the stepped steel bar ABC is loaded by a
load P. The material has Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa and the two portions. AB and
BC have area of cross section 1 cm2 and 2cm2 respectively. The magnitude of load P
required to fill up the gap of 0.75 mm is: [IES-2013]
1m 1m Gap 0.75 mm
IES-45. Which of the following stresses are associated with the tightening of nut on a bolt?
1. Tensile stress due to the stretching of bolt
2. Bending stress due to the bending of bolt
3. Crushing and shear stresses in threads
4. Torsional shear stress due to frictional resistance between the nut and the bolt.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
Thermal effect
IES-46. A 100 mm × 5 mm × 5 mm steel bar free to expand is heated from 15°C to 40°C. What
shall be developed? [IES-2008]
(a) Tensile stress (b) Compressive stress (c) Shear stress (d) No stress
IES-47. Which one of the following statements is correct? [GATE-1995; IES 2007, 2011]
If a material expands freely due to heating, it will develop
(a) Thermal stress (b) Tensile stress (c) Compressive stress (d) No stress
IES-48. A cube having each side of length a, is constrained in all directions and is heated
uniformly so that the temperature is raised to T°C. If α is the thermal coefficient of
expansion of the cube material and E the modulus of elasticity, the stress developed
in the cube is: [IES-2003]
αTE α TE αTE α TE
(a) (b) (c) (d)
γ (1 − 2γ ) 2γ (1 + 2γ )
IES-49. Consider the following statements: [IES-2002]
Thermal stress is induced in a component in general, when
1. A temperature gradient exists in the component
2. The component is free from any restraint
3. It is restrained to expand or contract freely
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 alone (d) 2 alone
IES-49(i). In a body, thermal stress is induced because of the existence of: [IES-2013]
(a) Latent heat (b) Total heat
(c) Temperature gradient (d) Specific heat
IES-50. A steel rod 10 mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C, E = 200 GPa
and α = 12 × 10-6 per °C. If the rod is not free to expand, the thermal stress developed
is: [IAS-2003, IES-1997, 2000, 2006]
IES-51. A cube with a side length of 1 cm is heated uniformly 1° C above the room
temperature and all the sides are free to expand. What will be the increase in volume
of the cube? (Given coefficient of thermal expansion is α per °C)
(a) 3 α cm3 (b) 2 α cm3 (c) α cm3 (d) zero [IES-2004]
IES-52. A bar of copper and steel form a composite system. [IES-2004, 2012]
They are heated to a temperature of 40 ° C. What type of stress is induced in the
copper bar?
(a) Tensile (b) Compressive (c) Both tensile and compressive (d) Shear
IES-53. α =12.5×10-6 / o C, E = 200 GPa If the rod fitted strongly between the supports as shown
in the figure, is heated, the stress induced in it due to 20oC rise in temperature will
be: [IES-1999]
(a) 0.07945 MPa (b) -0.07945 MPa (c) -0.03972 MPa (d) 0.03972 MPa
Impact loading
IES-55. Assertion (A): Ductile materials generally absorb more impact loading than a brittle
material [IES-2004]
Reason (R): Ductile materials generally have higher ultimate strength than brittle
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-56. Assertion (A): Specimens for impact testing are never notched. [IES-1999]
Reason (R): A notch introduces tri-axial tensile stresses which cause brittle fracture.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Tensile Test
IES-57. During tensile-testing of a specimen using a Universal Testing Machine, the
parameters actually measured include [IES-1996]
(a) True stress and true strain (b) Poisson’s ratio and Young's modulus
(c) Engineering stress and engineering strain (d) Load and elongation
IES-59. Match List-I (Types of Tests and Materials) with List-II (Types of Fractures) and
select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List-II [IES-2002; IAS-2004]
(Types of Tests and Materials) (Types of Fractures)
A. Tensile test on CI 1. Plain fracture on a transverse plane
B. Torsion test on MS 2. Granular helecoidal fracture
C. Tensile test on MS 3. Plain granular at 45° to the axis
D. Torsion test on CI 4. Cup and Cone
5. Granular fracture on a transverse plane
(a) 4 2 3 1 (c) 4 1 3 2
(b) 5 1 4 2 (d) 5 2 4 1
IES-60. Which of the following materials generally exhibits a yield point? [IES-2003]
(a) Cast iron (b) Annealed and hot-rolled mild steel
(c) Soft brass (d) Cold-rolled steel
IES-61. For most brittle materials, the ultimate strength in compression is much large then
the ultimate strength in tension. The is mainly due to [IES-1992]
(a) Presence of flaws and microscopic cracks or cavities
(b) Necking in tension
(c) Severity of tensile stress as compared to compressive stress
(d) Non-linearity of stress-strain diagram
IES-61(i). A copper rod 400 mm long is pulled in tension to a length of 401.2 mm by applying a
tensile load of 330 MPa. If the deformation is entirely elastic, the Young’s modulus of
copper is [IES-2012]
(a) 110 GPA (b) 110 MPa (c) 11 GPa (d) 11 MPa
IES-62. What is the safe static tensile load for a M36 × 4C bolt of mild steel having yield stress
of 280 MPa and a factor of safety 1.5? [IES-2005]
(a) 285 kN (b) 190 kN (c) 142.5 kN (d) 95 kN
IES-63. Which one of the following properties is more sensitive to increase in strain rate?
(a) Yield strength (b) Proportional limit (c) Elastic limit (d) Tensile strength
IES-64. A steel hub of 100 mm internal diameter and uniform thickness of 10 mm was heated
to a temperature of 300oC to shrink-fit it on a shaft. On cooling, a crack developed
parallel to the direction of the length of the hub. Consider the following factors in
this regard: [IES-1994]
1. Tensile hoop stress 2. Tensile radial stress
3. Compressive hoop stress 4. Compressive radial stress
The cause of failure is attributable to
(a) 1 alone (b) 1 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
IES-65. If failure in shear along 45° planes is to be avoided, then a material subjected to
uniaxial tension should have its shear strength equal to at least [IES-1994]
(a) Tensile strength (b) Compressive strength
(c) Half the difference between the tensile and compressive strengths.
(d) Half the tensile strength.
IES-67. Elastic limit of cast iron as compared to its ultimate breaking strength is
(a) Half (b) Double [IES-2012]
(c) Approximately (d) None of the above
IES-68. Statement (I): Steel reinforcing bars are used in reinforced cement concrete.
Statement (II): Concrete is weak in compression. [IES-2012]
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct
explanation of Statement (I)
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the
correct explanation of Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
IAS-2. A rod of length 'l' and cross-section area ‘A’ rotates about an axis passing through one
end of the rod. The extension produced in the rod due to centrifugal forces is (w is
the weight of the rod per unit length and ω is the angular velocity of rotation of the
rod). [IAS 1994]
ωwl 2 ω 2 wl 3 ω 2 wl 3 3gE
(a) (b) (c) (d)
gE 3 gE gE ω 2 wl 3
Poisson’s ratio
IAS-4. In the case of an engineering material under unidirectional stress in the x-direction,
the Poisson's ratio is equal to (symbols have the usual meanings)
[IAS 1994, IES-2000]
εy εy σy σy
(a) (b) (c) (d)
εx σx σx εx
IAS-6. Assertion (A): Poisson's ratio is a measure of the lateral strain in all direction
perpendicular to and in terms of the linear strain. [IAS-1997]
Reason (R): The nature of lateral strain in a uni-axially loaded bar is opposite to that
of the linear strain.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-9. The independent elastic constants for a homogenous and isotropic material are
(a) E, G, K, v (b) E, G, K (c) E, G, v (d) E, G [IAS-1995]
IAS-10. The unit of elastic modulus is the same as those of [IAS 1994]
(a) Stress, shear modulus and pressure (b) Strain, shear modulus and force
(c) Shear modulus, stress and force (d) Stress, strain and pressure.
IAS-11. Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of a material are 1.25 × 105 MPa and
0.34 respectively. The modulus of rigidity of the material is:
[IAS 1994, IES-1995, 2001, 2002, 2007]
(a) 0.4025 × 105 MPa (b) 0.4664 × 105 MPa
(c) 0.8375 × 10 MPa
5 (d) 0.9469 × 105 MPa
IAS-12. The Young's modulus of elasticity of a material is 2.5 times its modulus of rigidity.
The Posson's ratio for the material will be: [IAS-1997]
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.33 (c) 0.50 (d) 0.75
IAS-14. The Elastic Constants E and K are related as ( μ is the Poisson’s ratio) [IAS-1996]
(a) E = 2k (1 – 2 μ ) (b) E = 3k (1- 2 μ ) (c) E = 3k (1 + μ ) (d) E = 2K(1 + 2 μ )
IAS-15. For an isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic material, which obeys Hooke's
law, the number of independent elastic constant is: [IAS-2000]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6
IAS-16. The moduli of elasticity and rigidity of a material are 200 GPa and 80 GPa,
respectively. What is the value of the Poisson's ratio of the material? [IAS-2007]
(a) 0·30 (b) 0·26 (c) 0·25 (d) 0·24
Thermal effect
IAS-18. A steel rod 10 mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C, E = 200 GPa
and α = 12 × 10-6 per °C. If the rod is not free to expand, the thermal stress developed
is: [IAS-2003, IES-1997, 2000, 2006]
(a) 120 MPa (tensile) (b) 240 MPa (tensile)
(c) 120 MPa (compressive) (d) 240 MPa (compressive)
IAS-19. A. steel rod of diameter 1 cm and 1 m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C. Its
α = 12 ×10−6 / K and E=200 GN/m2. If the rod is free to expand, the thermal stress
developed in it is: [IAS-2002]
(a) 12 × 104 N/m2 (b) 240 kN/m2 (c) zero (d) infinity
IAS-20. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? [IAS-1999]
(E = Young's modulus, α = Coefficient of linear expansion, T = Temperature rise, A =
Area of cross-section, l= Original length)
(a) Temperature strain with permitted expansion δ ….. ( αTl − δ )
(b) Temperature stress ….. αTE
(c) Temperature thrust ….. αTEA
E (αTl − δ )
(d) Temperature stress with permitted expansion …..
Impact loading
IAS-21. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
the lists: [IAS-1995]
List I (Property) List II (Testing Machine)
A. Tensile strength 1. Rotating Bending Machine
B. Impact strength 2. Three-Point Loading Machine
C. Bending strength 3. Universal Testing Machine
D. Fatigue strength 4. Izod Testing Machine
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 4 2 1
Tensile Test
IAS-22. A mild steel specimen is tested in tension up to fracture in a Universal Testing
Machine. Which of the following mechanical properties of the material can be
evaluated from such a test? [IAS-2007]
1. Modulus of elasticity 2. Yield stress 3. Ductility
4. Tensile strength 5. Modulus of rigidity
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1, 3, 5 and 6 (b) 2, 3, 4 and 6 (c) 1, 2, 5 and 6 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
IAS-24. Lueder' lines on steel specimen under simple tension test is a direct indication of
yielding of material due to slip along the plane [IAS-1997]
(a) Of maximum principal stress (b) Off maximum shear
(c) Of loading (d) Perpendicular to the direction of loading
IAS-25. The percentage elongation of a material as obtained from static tension test depends
upon the [IAS-1998]
(a) Diameter of the test specimen (b) Gauge length of the specimen
(c) Nature of end-grips of the testing machine (d) Geometry of the test specimen
IAS-26. Match List-I (Types of Tests and Materials) with List-II (Types of Fractures) and
select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List-II [IES-2002; IAS-2004]
(Types of Tests and Materials) (Types of Fractures)
A. Tensile test on CI 1. Plain fracture on a transverse plane
B. Torsion test on MS 2. Granular helecoidal fracture
C. Tensile test on MS 3. Plain granular at 45° to the axis
D. Torsion test on CI 4. Cup and Cone
5. Granular fracture on a transverse plane
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 2 3 1 (c) 4 1 3 2
(b) 5 1 4 2 (d) 5 2 4 1
IAS-27. Assertion (A): For a ductile material stress-strain curve is a straight line up to the
yield point. [IAS-2003]
Reason (R): The material follows Hooke's law up to the point of proportionality.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-28. Assertion (A): Stress-strain curves for brittle material do not exhibit yield point.
Reason (R): Brittle materials fail without yielding.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-29. Match List I (Materials) with List II (Stress-Strain curves) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the Lists: [IAS-2001]
IAS-30. The stress-strain curve of an ideal elastic strain hardening material will be as
IAS-31. An idealised stress-strain curve for a perfectly plastic material is given by
IAS-32. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
the Lists: [IAS-2002]
List I List II
A. Ultimate strength 1. Internal structure
B. Natural strain 2. Change of length per unit instantaneous length
C. Conventional strain 3. Change of length per unit gauge length
D. Stress 4. Load per unit area
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 4 2 3 1
IAS-33. What is the cause of failure of a short MS strut under an axial load? [IAS-2007]
(a) Fracture stress (b) Shear stress (c) Buckling (d) Yielding
IAS-34. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given the lists:
List I List II
A. Rigid-Perfectly plastic
B. Elastic-Perfectly plastic
C. Rigid-Strain hardening
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 1 3 4 2
IAS-36. Assertion (A): Hooke's law is the constitutive law for a linear elastic material.
Reason (R) Formulation of the theory of elasticity requires the hypothesis that there
exists a unique unstressed state of the body, to which the body returns whenever all
the forces are removed. [IAS-2002]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-38. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? [IAS-1999]
(a) Uniformly distributed stress …. Force passed through the centroid of the
(b) Elastic deformation …. Work done by external forces during
deformation is dissipated fully as heat
(c) Potential energy of strain …. Body is in a state of elastic deformation
(d) Hooke's law …. Relation between stress and strain
IAS-39. A tensile bar is stressed to 250 N/mm2 which is beyond its elastic limit. At this stage
the strain produced in the bar is observed to be 0.0014. If the modulus of elasticity of
the material of the bar is 205000 N/mm2 then the elastic component of the strain is
very close to [IAS-1997]
(a) 0.0004 (b) 0.0002 (c) 0.0001 (d) 0.00005
PL 1
GATE-1. Ans. (c) δ L = or δ L ∞ [AsP, L and A is same]
(δ L )mild steel ECI 100
= = ∴ (δ L )CI > (δ L )MS
(δ L )C.I EMS 206
GATE-1(i) Ans. (a)
PL ( 200 × 1000 ) × 2
GATE-2. Ans. (a) δ L = = m = 1.25mm
AE ( 0.04 × 0.04 ) × 200 × 109
GATE-2(i) Ans. (c)
A cantilever-loaded rotating beam, showing the normal distribution of surface stresses. (i.e.,
tension at the top and compression at the bottom)
Net stress pattern obtained when loading a surface treated beam. The reduced magnitude of the
tensile stresses contributes to increased fatigue life.
GATE-5. Ans. (d)
GATE-6. Ans. (d)
GATE-7. Ans. (d) For longitudinal strain we need Young's modulus and for calculating transverse strain
we need Poisson's ratio. We may calculate Poisson's ratio from E = 2G (1 + μ ) for that we need
Shear modulus.
GATE-8. Ans. (a)
GATE-9. Ans. (a) Remember E = 2G (1 + μ ) = 3K (1 − 2 μ ) =
3K + G
GATE-9(i) Ans.(a)
Total change in length = ∑ AE
GATE-12. Ans. (a)
P 28000
σ QR = = MPa = 40MPa
A 700
GATE-12(i) Ans. (c)
If the force in each of outer rods is P0 and force in the central rod is Pc , then
2P0 + Pc = 50 …(i)
Also, the elongation of central rod and outer rods is same.
∴ =
P0 × 2 L PC × L
⇒ =
2A 3A
⇒ PC = 3P0 …(ii)
Solving (i) and (ii) we get
PC = 30 kN and P0 = 10 kN
GATE-13. Ans. (a) No calculation needed it is pre-compressed by 100 mm from its free state. So it can’t
move more than 100 mm. choice (b), (c) and (d) out.
GATE-14. Ans. (d) Frictional force required = 2000 N
Force needed to produce 2000N frictional force at Y-Y section = = 20000N
So for each side we need (Fy) = 10000 N force
Taking moment about PIN
Fy × 50 10000 × 50
Fy × 50 = F × 100 or F = = = 5000N
100 100
GATE-15. Ans. (a) Thermal stress will develop only when you prevent the material to contrast/elongate.
As here it is free no thermal stress will develop.
GATE-15(i). Ans. (a) ΔV p a (1 + αT ) − a
3 3
= =
V K a3
Or = 3αT
3 (1− 2υ )
α ( ΔT ) E α ( ΔT ) E
Or p = or stress (σ ) = − p = − i.e. compressive
(1 − 2υ ) (1 − 2υ )
Same question was asked in IES-2003 please refer question no. IES-48 in this chapter.
GATE-15(ii). Ans. (c)
Temperature stress = α TE = 12 × 10−6 × 10 × 2 × 105 = 24 MPa
GATE-16. Ans. (b)
π D2
×L × ρ × g×L
WL 4
IES-1. Ans. (d) δ = = or δ ∞ L2
2AE π D2
2× ×E
IES-2. Ans. (c)
IES-3. Ans. (b)
IES-4. Ans. (d)
IES-5. Ans. (c)
IES-6. Ans. (c)
IES-7. Ans. (a)
IES-7a. Ans. (d)
IES-8. Ans. (b) Elongation of a taper rod (δ l ) =
(δ l)A ( d2 )B ⎛D / 3⎞ 2
or = =⎜ ⎟=
(δ l)B ( d2 )A ⎝D / 2⎠ 3
IES-9. Ans. (c) Actual elongation of the bar (δ l )act = =
⎛π ⎞ ⎛π ⎞
⎜ 4 d1d2 ⎟ E ⎜ 4 × 1.1D × 0.9D ⎟ E
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Calculated elongation of the bar (δ l )Cal =
π D2
(δ l)act − (δ l )cal ⎛ D2 ⎞
∴ Error ( % ) = × 100 = ⎜ − 1⎟ × 100% = 1%
(δ l)cal ⎝ 1.1D × 0.9D ⎠
IES-10. Ans. (d) Actual elongation of the bar (δ l )act =
⎛π ⎞
⎜ 4 d1d2 ⎟ E
⎝ ⎠
IES-11. Ans. (b)
IES-11(i). Ans. (c)
IES-12. Ans. (a)
IES-13. Ans. (c) Theoretically −1 < μ < 1/ 2 but practically 0 < μ < 1/ 2
IES-14. Ans. (c)
IES-15. Ans. (a) If Poisson's ratio is zero, then material is rigid.
IES-16. Ans. (a)
IES-16a. Ans. (d)
IES-17. Ans. (d) Note: Modulus of elasticity is the property of material. It will remain same.
IES-18. Ans. (a)
IES-19. Ans. (a) Strain energy stored by a body within elastic limit is known as resilience.
Total change in length = ∑ AE
IES-43. Ans. (a) Elongation in AC = length reduction in CB
R A × 1 RB × 2
V K a
Or = 3αT
3 (1− 2γ )
IES-49. Ans. (c)
IES-49(i). Ans. (c)
( ) ( )
IES-50. Ans. (d) α EΔt = 12 × 10 × 200 × 10 × (120 − 20 ) = 240MPa
−6 3
⎪⎩ 4 ⎪⎭
kx 50 × 0.125
∴ Compressive stress = − = − = −0.07945MPa
A ⎛ π × 0.0102 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠
IES-54. Ans. (d) Stress in the rod due to temperature rise = (αΔt ) × E
IES-55. Ans. (c)
IES-56. Ans. (d) A is false but R is correct.
IES-57. Ans. (d)
IES-58. Ans. (b)
IES-59. Ans. (d)
IES-60. Ans. (b)
IES-61. Ans. (a)
IES-61(i). Ans. (a)
W π d2
IES-62. Ans. (b) σ c = or W = σ × ;
π d2
W σ c × π × d2 280 × π × 362
Wsafe = = = N = 190kN
fos fos × 4 1.5 × 4
IES-63. Ans. (b)
IES-64. Ans. (a) A crack parallel to the direction of length of hub means the failure was due to tensile hoop
stress only.
IES-65. Ans. (d)
IES-66. Ans. (d)
WL (δ ALg ) L δ L2 g
IAS-1. Ans. (d) Elongation due to self weight = = =
2 AE 2 AE 2E
IAS-2. Ans. (b)
IAS-3. Ans. (a) The extension of the taper rod =
⎛π ⎞
⎜ 4 D1D2 ⎟ .E
⎝ ⎠
IAS-4. Ans. (a)
IAS-5. ans. (d)
IAS-6. Ans. (b)
P P 1.5
IAS-7. Ans. (d) Bulk modulus of elasticity (K) = or ε v = = = 535 × 10 −6
εv K 2800
IAS-8. Ans. (a)
IAS-9. Ans. (d)
IAS-10. Ans. (a)
IAS-11. Ans.(b) E = 2G (1 + μ ) or 1.25x105 = 2G(1+0.34) or G = 0.4664 × 105 MPa
E ⎛ E ⎞ ⎛ 2.5 ⎞
IAS-12. Ans. (a) E = 2G (1 + μ ) ⇒ 1+ μ = ⇒μ =⎜ − 1⎟ = ⎜ − 1⎟ = 0.25
2G ⎝ 2G ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
IAS-13. Ans. (c)
IAS-14. Ans. (b) E = 2G (1 + μ ) = 3k (1- 2 μ )
IAS-15. Ans. (b) E, G, K and µ represent the elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and poisons
ratio respectively of a ‘linearly elastic, isotropic and homogeneous material.’ To express the
stress – strain relations completely for this material; at least any two of the four must be
9 KG
known. E = 2G (1 + μ ) = 3K (1 − 3μ ) =
3K + G
E 200
IAS-16. Ans. (c) E = 2G (1+ μ ) or μ = −1 = − 1 = 0.25
2G 2 × 80
IAS-17. Ans. (a) Elongation in AC = length reduction in CB
R A × 1 RB × 2
And RA + RB = 10
IAS-18. Ans. (d) α EΔt = 12 × 10
) × ( 200 × 10 ) × (120 − 20 ) = 240MPa
[2 Marks]
Aluminium wire
Steel wire
P = 60 kN
a A1 = 300 mm 2 l A1 = 4 m
ast = 200 mm 2 lst = 8 m
E A1 = 0.667 × 105 N / mm 2
Est = 2 × 105 N / mm 2
Force balance along vertical direction
2FA1 + Fst = 60 kN (1)
Elongation will be same in all wires because rod is rigid remain horizontal after loading
FA1 × l A1 Fst .lst
= (2)
a Al .E Al ast .Est
FA1 × 4 Fst × 8
300 × 0.667 × 10 200 × 2 × 105
FA1 = 1.0005 Fst (3)
60 × 103
From equation (1) Fst = = 19.99 kN or 20 kN
× (12 ) = 36π mm2 = 36π × 10−6 m2
Answer: As =
( Ab )BC = × ( 30 ) = 225π mm2 = 225π × 10−6 m2
( Ab )CD =
( )
× 302 − 202 = 125π mm2 = 125π × 10−6 m2
5 × 103
(σ b )CD = × 10 −6 MN / m2 = 12.73MN / m2
125π × 10 −6
(ii) The displacement of the free end:
δ l = (δ ls )AB + (δ lb )BC + (δ lb )CD
88.42 × 0.15 7.07 × 0.2 12.73 × 0.125 ⎛ σl ⎞
= −6
+ −6
+ ⎜∵ δ l = E ⎟
210 × 10 × 10
105 × 10 × 10
105 × 109 × 10 −6 ⎝ ⎠
= 9.178 × 10 −5 m = 0.09178 mm
σc σs
+ = Δt (αc − αs )
Ec E s
πd 2 π ⎛⎜ 6 ⎞⎟ 2 −3 2
Area of copper rod(A c ) = = ⎜⎜ ⎟ m = 2.8274 ×10 m
4 4 ⎝100 ⎠⎟
πd 2 π ⎢⎡⎛⎜ 8 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 6 ⎞⎟ ⎥⎤ 2
2 2
−3 2
Area of steel tube (A s ) = = ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟ m = 2.1991×10 m
4 4 ⎢⎣⎝100 ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜100 ⎠⎟ ⎥⎥⎦
Rise in temperature,Δt = 50o C
Free expansion of copper bar=αc L t
Free expansion of steel tube =αs L t
Difference in free expansion = (αc − αs ) L t
=(17-11.5)×10−6 × L × 50=2.75×10-4L m
A compressive force (P) exerted by the steel tube on the copper rod opposed the extra
expansion of the copper rod and the copper rod exerts an equal tensile force P to pull the steel
Area of steel bolt (A s )= × (0.010)2 m 2 = 7.854 ×10−5 m 2
Area of brass tube (A b )= ⎡⎢⎣(0.025)2 − (0.015)2 ⎤⎥⎦ = 3.1416 ×10−4
Stress due to tightening of the nut
Compressive force on brass tube= tensile fore on steel bolt
or, σb Ab = σS As
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
(Δl )b ⎢ σ σ ⎥
or , Eb. .Ab = σ s As ⎢∵ E= = ⎥
⎢ ∈ ⎜⎛ L ⎞⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ L ⎠⎦
Let assume total length ( )=1m
(1.5 ×10−3 )
Therefore (1×105 ×106 ) × × (3.1416 ×10−4 ) = σs × 7.854×10-5
or σs = 600 MPa (tensile )
(Δl )b (1.5 ×10−3 )
and σb =Eb. = (1×105 ) × MPa = 150MPa (Compressive )
So before heating
Stress in brass tube (σb ) = 150MPa (compressive )
Stress in steel bolt(σ s ) = 600MPa (tensile)
1 πds2
. .y .ρg
=3 4 2 = y ρg
⎛ πds ⎞⎟ 3
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 4 ⎠⎟⎟
⎛1 ⎞
⎜⎜ y ρg ⎟⎟.dy
⎜⎝ 3 ⎠⎟
So, extension in dy=
h y ρgdy
3 ρgh 2
∴ Total extension of the bar =∫ =
E 6E
or P = 30386N
∴ = 386.88MPa and = 214.89MPa
As Ac
⎝ ⎠
Case II: For bass wire:
⎛ 25 ⎞ −4
Answer: Area of steel bolt, A b = ⎜ ⎟ = 4.908 × 10 m
⎝ 1000 ⎠
π ⎡⎛ 62.5 ⎞ ⎛ 50 ⎞ ⎤
2 2
Area of steel sleeve, A s = ⎢⎜ − ⎥ = 1.104 × 10 m
Fig. (a)
Fig. (b)
Fig. (c)
Area of the YY Plane = ; Let us assume the normal stress in the YY plane is σn and there is a
cos θ
shear stress τ acting parallel to the YY plane.
Now resolve the force P in two perpendicular direction one normal to the plane YY = P cos θ and another
2A 4
• And the maximum shear stress, τ max =
• In ductile material failure in tension is initiated by shear stress i.e. the failure occurs across the
shear planes at 45o (where it is maximum) to the applied load.
Let us clear a concept about a common mistake: The angle θ is not between the applied load and the
plane. It is between the planes XX and YY. But if in any question the angle between the applied load and
the plane is given don’t take it as θ . The angle between the applied load and the plane is 90 - θ . In this
case you have to use the above formula as σ n = cos2 (90 − θ ) and τ = sin(180 − 2θ ) where θ is the angle
A 2A
between the applied load and the plane. Carefully observe the following two figures it will be clear.
Let us take an example: A metal block of 100 mm2 cross sectional area carries an axial tensile load of 10
kN. For a plane inclined at 300 with the direction of applied load, calculate:
(a) Normal stress
(b) Shear stress
(c) Maximum shear stress.
P 10 × 103 N
(a) Normal stress (σ n ) = cos2 θ = × cos2 60o = 25MPa
A 100 mm 2
P 10 × 103 N
(c) Maximum shear stress (τ max ) = = = 50MPa
2 A 2 × 100 mm 2
• Complementary stresses
Now if we consider the stresses on an oblique plane Y’Y’ which is perpendicular to the previous plane
YY. The stresses on this plane are known as complementary stresses. Complementary normal stress
is σ n′ and complementary shear stress is τ ′ . The following figure shows all the four stresses. To
obtain the stresses σ n′ and τ ′ we need only to replace θ by θ + 900 in the previous equation. The
sin 2 ( 90o + θ ) = −
τ′ = sin 2θ
2A 2A
It is clear σ n′ + σ n = and τ ′ = −τ
i.e. Complementary shear stresses are always equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.
Let us take an example: A prismatic bar of 500 mm2 cross sectional area is axially loaded with a tensile
force of 50 kN. Determine all the stresses acting on an element which makes 300 inclination with the
vertical plane.
Answer: Take an small element ABCD in 300 plane as shown in figure below,
Given, Area of cross-section, A = 500 mm2, Tensile force (P) = 50 kN
P 50×103 N
Normal stress on 30° inclined plane, ( σn ) = cos2 θ = 2
×cos2 30o =75MPa (+ive means tensile). Shear
A 500 mm
P 50 × 103 N
stress on 30° planes, (τ ) = sin2θ = × sin ( 2 × 30o ) = 43.3MPa
2A 2 × 500 mm 2
(+ive means clockwise)
Complementary stress on (θ ) = 90 + 30 = 120 o
P 50 × 103 N
Normal stress on 1200 inclined plane, (σ n′ ) = cos2 θ = 2
× cos2 120o = 25MPa
A 500 mm
(+ ive means tensile)
P 50 × 10 N 3
Shear stress on 1200 nclined plane, (τ ′ ) = sin2θ = × sin ( 2 × 120o ) = − 43.3MPa
2A 2 × 500 mm 2
σx and σy are normal stresses and may be tensile or compressive. We know that normal stress may come
from direct force or bending moment. τ xy is shear stress. We know that shear stress may comes from direct
τ xy = τ yx
Let σn is the normal stress and τ is the shear stress on a plane at angle θ .
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
Normal stress (σ n ) = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ and
2 2
σx − σy
Shear stress (τ ) = sin 2θ - τ xy cos 2θ
Above two equations are coming from considering equilibrium. They do not depend on material properties
and are valid for elastic and in elastic behavior.
Let us take an example: At a point in a crank shaft the stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes
are 30 MPa (tensile) and 15 MPa (tensile). The shear stress across these planes is 10 MPa. Find the normal
and shear stress on a plane making an angle 300 with the plane of first stress. Find also magnitude and
direction of resultant stress on the plane.
Answer: Given σ x = +25MPa ( tensile ) , σ y = +15MPa ( tensile ) , τ xy = 10MPa and 400
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
Therefore, Normal stress (σ n ) = +cos 2θ + τ xy sin2θ
2 2
30 + 15 30 − 15
= + cos ( 2 × 30o ) + 10 sin ( 2 × 30o ) = 34.91 MPa
2 2
σ x −σ y
Shear stress (τ ) = sin2θ − τ xy cos2θ
30 − 15
= sin ( 2 × 30o ) − 10cos ( 2 × 30o ) = 1.5MPa
stress is known as bi-axial stress. In the previous equation if you put τ xy =0 we get Normal stress, σ n and
shear stress, τ on a plane at angle θ .
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
• Normal stress , σn = + cos 2θ
2 2
σ x −σ y
• Shear/Tangential stress, τ= sin 2θ
• For complementary stress, aspect angle = θ + 900
• Aspect angle ‘ θ ’ varies from 0 to π /2
• Normal stress σ n varies between the values
σ x (θ = 0) & σ y (θ = π / 2)
Let us take an example: The principal tensile stresses at a point across two perpendicular planes are 100
MPa and 50 MPa. Find the normal and tangential stresses and the resultant stress and its obliquity on a
plane at 200 with the major principal plane
Answer: Given σ x = 100MPa ( tensile ) , σ y = 50MPa ( tensile ) and θ = 200
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y 100 + 50 100 − 50
Normal stress, (σ n ) = + cos 2θ = + cos ( 2 × 20o ) = 94MPa
2 2 2 2
σ x −σ y 100 − 50
Shear stress, (τ ) =
sin2θ =
sin 2 × 200 = 16MPa )
Resultant stress (σ r ) = 94 2 + 162 = 95.4MPa
⎛τ ⎞ −1 ⎛ 16 ⎞
Therefore angle of obliquity, (φ ) = tan−1 ⎜ ⎟ = tan ⎜ ⎟ = 9.7
⎝ σn ⎠ ⎝ 94 ⎠
σx +σ y σ x −σ y
σn = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
σx + 0 σx − 0 1
σn = + cos 2θ = σ x (1 + cos 2θ ) = σ x cos2 θ
2 2 2
σx − 0 σx
and τ = sin 2θ = sin 2θ
2 2
2.5 Pure Shear
should be compressive and equal magnitude. If σ x = 100MPa then σ y must be − 100 MPa otherwise if
τ max = ±σ x ; σ n = 0 and σ n′ = 0
• We may depict the pure shear in an element by following two ways
(a) In a torsion member, as shown below, an element ABCD is in pure shear (only shear stress is
present in this element) in this member at 45o plane an element A′B′C ′D′ is also in pure shear
(b) In a bi-axial state of stress a member, as shown below, an element ABCD in pure shear where
σ x = −σ y but in this element no shear stress is there and an element A′B′C′D′ at 45o plane is
also in pure shear (only shear stress is present in this element).
Let us take an example: See the in the Conventional question answer section in this chapter and the
question is “Conventional Question IES-2007”
The nine components (six of which are independent) can be written in matrix form
⎛ σ xx σ xy σ xz ⎞ ⎛τ xx τ xy τ xz ⎞ ⎛ σ x τ xy τ xz ⎞ ⎛ σ 11 σ 12 σ 13 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
σ ij = ⎜ σ yx σ yy σ yz ⎟ or τ ij = ⎜ τ yx τ yy τ yz ⎟ = ⎜τ yx σ y τ yz ⎟ = ⎜ σ 21 σ 22 σ 23 ⎟
⎜σ σ zy σ zz ⎟⎠ ⎜τ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ zx ⎝ zx τ zy τ zz ⎠ ⎝ τ zx τ zy σ z ⎠ ⎝ σ 31 σ 32 σ 33 ⎠
This is the stress tensor
Components on diagonal are normal stresses; off are shear stresses
σx +σ y ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
σ1 = + ⎜
⎜ ⎟⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
• Minor principal stress
2τ xy
tan2θ p =
(σ x − σ y )
• Maximum shear stress
σ1 − σ 2 ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
τ max = = ⎜
⎜ ⎟⎟ + τ 2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Let us take an example: In the wall of a cylinder the state of stress is given by, σ x = 85MPa
σ x +σy ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
Major principal stress (σ 1 ) = + ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
−85 + 25 ⎛ −85 − 25 ⎞
= + ⎜ ⎟ + 60
= 51.4MPa
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σ x +σ y ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
Minor principal stress (σ 2 ) = − ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
−85 + 25 ⎛ −85 − 25 ⎞
= − ⎜ ⎟ + 60
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
= −111.4 MPa i.e. 111.4 MPa ( Compressive )
For principalplanes
2τ xy 2 × 60
tan2θP = =
σ x −σ y −85 − 25
or θ P = −240 it is for σ 1
Complementary plane θ P ′ = θ P + 90 = 660 it is for σ 2
The Figure showing state of stress and principal stresses is given below
The direction of one principle plane and the principle stresses acting on this would be σ 1 when is acting
normal to this plane, now the direction of other principal plane would be 900 + θ p because the principal
planes are the two mutually perpendicular plane, hence rotate the another plane 900 + θ p in the same
direction to get the another plane, now complete the material element as θ p is negative that means we are
measuring the angles in the opposite direction to the reference plane BC. The following figure gives clear
idea about negative and positive θ p .
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
(σ − σ avg ) + τ xy2 = R 2
Or n
⎛σx +σ y ⎞
It is the equation of a circle with centre, (σ avg ,0 ) i.e. ⎜⎜
,0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
R= ⎜ ⎟⎟ + τ xy
and radius,
⎜ 2
⎝ ⎠
• Tensile stress will be positive and plotted right of the origin O. Compressive stress will be
negative and will be plotted left to the origin O.
I. Constant of Mohr’s circle for Bi-axial stress (when only σ x and σ y known)
If σ x and σ y both are tensile or both compressive sign of σ x and σ y will be same and this state of stress
is known as “ like stresses” if one is tensile and other is compressive sign of σ x and σ y will be opposite and
this state of stress is known as ‘unlike stress’.
• Construction of Mohr’s circle for like stresses (when σ x and σ y are same type of stress)
Step-I: Label the element ABCD and draw all stresses.
Step-II: Set up axes for the direct stress (as abscissa) i.e., in x-axis and shear stress (as ordinate) i.e. in
Step-III: Using sign convention and some suitable scale, plot the stresses on two adjacent faces e.g. AB
and BC on the graph. Let OL and OM equal to σ x and σ y respectively on the axis O σ .
Step-IV: Bisect ML at C. With C as centre and CL or CM as radius, draw a circle. It is the Mohr’s
Step-V: At the centre C draw a line CP at an angle 2 , in the same direction as the normal to the
plane makes with the direction of σ x . The point P represents the state of stress at plane
σx + σy σx − σy
OC = and MC = CL = CP =
2 2
σx + σy σx − σy
PR = σ = + cos 2θ
n 2 2
σx − σy
PQ = τ = CPsin 2θ = sin 2θ
[Note: In the examination you only draw final figure (which is in Step-V) and follow the
procedure step by step so that no mistakes occur.]
• Construction of Mohr’s circle for unlike stresses (when σ x and σ y are opposite in sign)
Follow the same steps which we followed for construction for ‘like stresses’ and finally will get the figure
shown below.
Note: For construction of Mohr’s circle for principal stresses when (σ 1 and σ 2 is known) then follow the
same steps of Constant of Mohr’s circle for Bi-axial stress (when only σ x and σ y known) just change the
σ x = σ 1 and σ y = σ 2
II. Construction of Mohr’s circle for complex state of stress ( σ x ,σ y and τ xy known)
Step-I: Label the element ABCD and draw all stresses.
Step-II: Set up axes for the direct stress (as abscissa) i.e., in x-axis and shear stress (as ordinate) i.e. in
Step-III: Using sign convention and some suitable scale, plot the stresses on two adjacent faces e.g. AB
and BC on the graph. Let OL and OM equal to σ x and σ y respectively on the axis O σ .
Draw LS perpendicular to oσ axis and equal to τ xy .i.e. LS=τ xy . Here LS is downward as
τ xy on AB face is (– ive) and draw MT perpendicular to oσ axis and equal to τ xy i.e. MT=
τ xy . Here MT is upward as τ xy BC face is (+ ive).
Step-IV: Join ST and it will cut oσ axis at C. With C as centre and CS or CT as radius, draw circle. It
is the Mohr’s circle.
Step-V: At the centre draw a line CP at an angle 2θ in the same direction as the normal to the plane
makes with the direction of σx .
Note: The intersections of oσ axis are two principal stresses, as shown below.
Let us take an example: See the in the Conventional question answer section in this chapter and the
question is “Conventional Question IES-2000”
σ x = ; σ y = τ xy = 0
ii) Mohr’s circle for torsional loading:
τ xy = ; σx =σy = 0
It is a case of pure shear
iii) In the case of pure shear
(σ1 = - σ2 and σ3 = 0)
σ x = −σ y
τ max = ±σ x
iv) A shaft compressed all round by a hub
σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = Compressive (Pressure)
pr pD
σ1 = σ 2 = = (tensile)
2t 4t
vi) Thin cylinder under pressure
pD pr pd pr
σ1 = = (tensile) and σ 2 = = (tensile)
2t t 4t 2t
vii) Bending moment applied at the free end of a cantilever
Only bending stress, σ 1 = and σ 2 = τ xy = 0
2.10 Strain
Normal strain
Let us consider an element AB of infinitesimal length δx. After deformation of the actual body if
displacement of end A is u, that of end B is u+ .δ x. This gives an increase in length of element AB is
⎛ ∂u ⎞ ∂u ∂u
⎜ u+ ∂x .δ x - u ⎟ = ∂x δ x and therefore the strain in x-direction is ε x = ∂x
⎝ ⎠
∂ν ∂w
Similarly, strains in y and z directions are ε y = and ε z = .
∂x ∂z
Therefore, we may write the three normal strain components
∂u ∂ν ∂w
εx = ; εy = ; and εz = .
∂x ∂y ∂z
with the vertical and β is the angle made by the displaced line A ′D′ with the horizontal. This gives
∂u ∂ν
.δ y .δ x
∂u ∂ν
∝ = ∂x = and β = ∂x =
δy ∂y δx ∂x
We may therefore write the three shear strain components as
∂u ∂ν ∂ν ∂w ∂w ∂u
γ xy = + ; γ yz = + and γ zx = +
∂y ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂x ∂z
Therefore the state of strain at a point can be completely described by the six strain components and the
strain components in their turns can be completely defined by the displacement components u,ν , and w.
Strain Tensor
The three normal strain components are
∂u ∂ν ∂w
ε x = ε xx = ; ε y = ε yy = and ε z = ε zz = .
∂x ∂y ∂z
The three shear strain components are
γ xy 1 ⎛ ∂u ∂ν ⎞ γ yz 1 ⎛ ∂ν ∂w ⎞ γ zx 1 ⎛ ∂u ∂w ⎞
∈xy = = ⎜ + ⎟; ∈yz = = ⎜ + ⎟ and ∈zx = = +
2 2 ⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠ 2 2 ⎝ ∂z ∂y ⎠ 2 2 ⎜⎝ ∂z ∂x ⎟⎠
Therefore the strain tensor is
⎡ γ xy γ xz ⎤
⎢∈xx ⎥
⎡∈xx ∈xy ∈xz ⎤ ⎢ 2 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢γ γ yz ⎥
∈ij = ⎢∈yx ∈yy ∈yz ⎥ = ⎢ yx ∈yy ⎥
⎢ ⎥ 2 2 ⎥
⎣∈zx ∈zy ∈zz ⎦ ⎢ γ zy
⎢ γ zx ⎥
⎢ ∈zz ⎥
⎣ 2 2 ⎦
Constitutive Equation
The constitutive equations relate stresses and strains and in linear elasticity. We know from the
Hook’s law (σ ) = E.ε
Where E is modulus of elasticity
It is known that σ x produces a strain of in x-direction
σx σx
and Poisson’s effect gives − μ in y-direction and −μ in z-direction.
Therefore we my write the generalized Hook’s law as
1 1 1
∈x = ⎡σ x − μ (σ y + σ z ) ⎤ , ⎡σ y − μ (σ z + σ x ) ⎤ and ∈z = ⎡σ z − μ (σ x + σ y ) ⎤
∈y =
E⎣ ⎦ E ⎣ ⎦ E⎣ ⎦
It is also known that the shear stress, τ = Gγ , where G is the shear modulus and γ is shear strain. We may
thus write the three strain components as
τ xy τ yz τ zx
γ xy = , γ yz = and γ zx =
In general each strain is dependent on each stress and we may write
⎧ε x ⎫ ⎡K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 ⎤ ⎧σ x ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎥⎪ ⎪
⎪ε y ⎪ ⎢K 21 K 22 K 23 K 24 K 25 K 26 ⎥ ⎪σ y ⎪
⎪ε ⎪ ⎢K K K K K K ⎥ ⎪σ ⎪
⎪ z ⎪ 31 32 33 34 35 36 ⎪ z ⎪
⎨ ⎬=⎢ ⎥⎨ ⎬
⎪ xy ⎪ ⎢K 41 K 42 K 43 K 44 K 45 K 46 ⎥ ⎪τ xy ⎪
⎪γ ⎪ ⎢K K K K K K ⎥ ⎪τ ⎪
⎪ yz ⎪ ⎢ 51 52 53 54 55 56 ⎥ ⎪ yz ⎪
⎪⎩γ zx ⎪⎭ ⎢⎣K 61 K 62 K 63 K 64 K 65 K 66 ⎥⎦ ⎪⎩τ zx ⎭⎪
• 1-D Stress
Let us take an example: A rod of cross sectional area Ao is
loaded by a tensile force P.
It’s stresses σx = , σ y = 0, and σ z = 0
σx σx σx
∈x = ; ∈y = − μ = − μ ∈x ; and ∈z = − μ = − μ ∈x
⎛σx ⎞
⎜E 0 0 ⎟
⎛εx 0 0 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎛ py 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ σx ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
ε ij = ⎜ 0 − με x 0 ⎟ =⎜ 0 −μ 0 ⎟ =⎜ 0 qy 0⎟
⎜ E
⎝0 0 − με x ⎠⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜0 0 qy ⎠⎟
⎜ 0 σx ⎟ ⎝
⎜ 0 −μ
⎝ E ⎟⎠
• 2-D Stress (σ z = 0)
(i) ∈x = ⎡⎣σ x − μσ y ⎤⎦
∈y = ⎣⎡σ y − μσ x ⎦⎤
∈z = − ⎡σ x + σ y ⎤⎦
[Where, ∈x ,∈y ,∈z are strain component in X, Y, and Z axis respectively]
σy = ⎡⎣(1 − μ ) ∈y + μ (∈z + ∈x ) ⎤⎦
(1 + μ )(1 − 2 μ )
⎡(1 − μ ) ∈z + μ (∈x + ∈y ) ⎤
σz =
(1 + μ )(1 − 2 μ )⎣ ⎦
Let us take an example: At a point in a loaded member, a state of plane stress exists and the strains are
ε x = 270 × 10 −6 ; ε y = −90 × 10 −6 and ε xy = 360 × 10 −6 . If the elastic constants E, μ and G are 200
Determine the normal stress σ x and σ y and the shear stress τ xy at the point.
γ xy
2.12 An element subjected to strain components ∈x ,∈y &
Consider an element as shown in the figure given. The strain component In X-direction is ∈x , the strain
Now consider a plane at an angle θ with X- axis in this plane a normal strain ∈θ and a shear strain γ θ .
∈x + ∈y ∈x − ∈y γ xy
• ∈θ = + cos 2θ + sin 2θ
2 2 2
γθ ∈x − ∈y γ xy
• =− sin 2θ + cos 2θ
2 2 2
We may find principal strain and principal plane for strains in the same process which we followed for
stress analysis.
2 2
∈x + ∈y ⎛ ∈x − ∈y ⎞ ⎛ γ xy ⎞
∈1,2 = ± ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
The angle of principal plane
γ xy
tan 2θ p =
(∈x − ∈y )
• Maximum shearing strain is equal to the difference between the 2 principal strains i.e
(γ xy ) max =∈1 − ∈2
circle in stress. Everything will be same and in the place of σ x write ∈x , the place of σ y write ∈y
γ xy
and in place of τ xy write .
=∈x + ∈y + ∈z
Proof: Volumetric strain
ΔV V − Vo
V0 V0
L (1 + ε x ) × L (1 + ε y ) × L (1 + ε z ) − L3
= Before deformation, After deformation,
=∈x + ∈y + ∈z Volume (Vo) = L3 Volume (V)
= L (1 + ε x ) × L (1 + ε y ) × L (1 + ε z )
(neglecting second and third order
term, as very small )
Volumetric strain, = ε (1 − 2μ )
Proof: Before deformation, the volume of the bar, V =
ΔV V ′-V AL (1 + ε )(1 − με ) − AL
∴ = = = ε (1 − 2μ )
= ε (1 − 2μ )
• Thin Cylindrical vessel
σ1 σ2 pr
∈ 1=Longitudinal strain = −μ = [1 − 2μ ]
E E 2 Et
∈2 =Circumferential strain = σ 2 − μ σ 1 = pr [2 − μ ]
E E 2Et
ΔV pr
=∈1 +2 ∈2 = [5 − 4μ]
Vo 2 Et
Strain Rosette
The strain rosette is a device used to measure the state of strain at a point in a plane.
It comprises three or more independent strain gauges, each of which is used to read normal strain at the
same point but in a different direction.
The relative orientation between the three gauges is known as α , β and δ
The three measurements of normal strain provide sufficient information for the determination of the
complete state of strain at the measured point in 2-D.
We have to find out ∈x , ∈y , and γ xy form measured value ∈a , ∈b , and ∈c
∈x + ∈y ∈x − ∈y γ xy
∈b = + cos 2 (α + β ) + n 2 (α + β )
2 2 2
∈x + ∈y ∈x − ∈y γ xyy
∈c = + cos 2 (α + β + δ ) + sin 2 (α + β + δ )
2 2 2
From thiss three equations and th wn we may solve ∈x , ∈y , and γ xy
hree unknow
• Tw
wo stand
dard arran
ngement of the of the strain
n rosette are as fo
(i) 45° strain rose
ette or Rec
ctangular sttrain rosettte.
In the general arrangement
a t above, pu
α = 0o ; β = 45o and
a δ = 45o
g the value we
w get
• ∈a ==∈x
∈x + ∈x γ xy
• ∈b = + 45
2 2
• ∈c =
(ii) 60° strain rose
ette or Deltta strain ro
In the general arrrangement above, pu
α = 0o ; β = 60o and
a δ = 60o
g the value we
w get
• ∈a ==∈x
60o 120
∈x +3 ∈y3
• ∈b = + γ xy
4 4
∈ +3 ∈y 3 or
• ∈c = x − γ xy
4 4
Solving above threee equation we
w get
GATE-2. A shaft subjected to torsion experiences a pure shear stress τ on the surface. The
maximum principal stress on the surface which is at 45° to the axis will have a value
(a) τ cos 45° (b) 2 τ cos 45° (c) τ cos2 45° (d) 2 τ sin 45° cos 45°
GATE-3. The number of components in a stress tensor defining stress at a point in three
dimensions is: [GATE-2002]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 9
GATE-3(i) In a two dimensional stress analysis, the state of stress at a point is shown below. If
σ = 120 MPa and τ = 70 MPa, σx and σ y , are respectively. [CE: GATE-2004]
AB = 4
BC = 3 A
AC = 5
τ σ
B C x
(a) 26.7 MPa and 172.5 MPa (b) 54 MPa and 128 MPa
(c) 67.5 MPa and 213.3 MPa (d) 16 MPa and 138 MPa
GATE-3(ii) The symmetry of stress tensor at a point in the body under equilibrium is obtained
(a) conservation of mass (b) force equilibrium equations
(c) moment equilibrium equations (d) conservation of energy [CE: GATE-2005]
GATE-4. A body is subjected to a pure tensile stress of 100 units. What is the maximum shear
produced in the body at some oblique plane due to the above? [IES-2006]
(a) 100 units (b) 75 units (c) 50 units (d) 0 unit
GATE-5. In a strained material one of the principal stresses is twice the other. The maximum
shear stress in the same case is τ max .Then, what is the value of the maximum
principle stress? [IES 2007]
(a) τ max (b) 2 τ max (c) 4 τ max (d) 8 τ max
GATE-5(i) If principal stresses in a two-dimensional case are –10 MPa and 20 MPa respectively,
then maximum shear stress at the point is [CE: GATE-2005]
(a) 10 MPa (b) 15 MPa
(c) 20 MPa (d) 30 MPa
GATE-6. A material element subjected to a plane state of stress such that the maximum shear
stress is equal to the maximum tensile stress, would correspond to
GATE-7. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing stress of 140 MPs. The
magnitude of the maximum normal stress developed in the shaft is:
(a) 140 MPa (b) 80 MPa (c) 70 MPa (d) 60 MPa
GATE-8. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the figure. The
magnitude of maximum shear stress is [1MPa = 10 kg/cm2] [IAS 1994]
(a) 10 MPa (b) 30 MPa (c) 50 MPa (d) 100MPa
GATE-9(i).The state of two dimensional stresses acting on a concrete lamina consists of a direct
tensile stress, σx = 1.5 N/ mm2 , and shear stress, τ = 1.20 N/ mm2 , which cause cracking
of concrete. Then the tensile strength of the concrete in N/ mm2 is [CE: GATE-2003]
(a) 1.50 (b) 2.08
(c) 2.17 (d) 2.29
GATE-10. In a bi-axial stress problem, the stresses in x and y directions are (σx = 200 MPa and σy
=100 MPa. The maximum principal stress in MPa, is: [GATE-2000]
(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200
GATE-12. The normal stresses at a point are σx = 10 MPa and, σy = 2 MPa; the shear stress at this
point is 4MPa. The maximum principal stress at this point is:
(a) 16 MPa (b) 14 MPa (c) 11 MPa (d) 10 MPa
GATE-13. In a Mohr's circle, the radius of the circle is taken as: [IES-2006; GATE-1993]
(σ −σ y )
2 2
⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
⎟ + (τ xy ) + (τ xy )
2 x 2
(a) ⎜ (b)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
⎟ − (τ xy ) (σ − σ y ) + (τ xy )
2 2 2
(c) ⎜ (d)
⎝ 2 ⎠
Where, σx and σy are normal stresses along x and y directions respectively and τxy is the shear
GATE-14. A two dimensional fluid element rotates like a rigid body. At a point within the
element, the pressure is 1 unit. Radius of the Mohr's circle, characterizing the state of
stress at that point, is: [GATE-2008]
(a) 0.5 unit (b) 0 unit (c) 1 unit (d) 2 units
⎡30 0 ⎤
GATE-14(ii) Mohr’s circle for the state of stress defined by ⎢ ⎥ MPa is a circle with
⎣ 0 30 ⎦
(a) center at (0, 0) and radius 30 MPa (b) center at (0, 0) and radius 60 MPa
(c) center at (20, 0) and radius 30 MPa (d) center at (30, 0) and zero radius
[CE: GATE-2006]
Data for Q17–Q18 are given below. Solve the problems and choose correct answers.
The state of stress at a point "P" in a two dimensional loading is such that the Mohr's circle is a
point located at 175 MPa on the positive normal stress axis.
GATE-17. Determine the maximum and minimum principal stresses respectively from the
Mohr's circle
(a) + 175 MPa, –175MPa (b) +175 MPa, +175 MPa
(c) 0, –175 MPa (d) 0, 0
GATE-18. Determine the directions of maximum and minimum principal stresses at the point
“P” from the Mohr's circle [GATE-2003]
(a) 0, 90° (b) 90°, 0 (c) 45°, 135° (d) All directions
Principal strains
GATE-19. If the two principal strains at a point are 1000 × 10-6 and -600 × 10-6, then the
maximum shear strain is: [GATE-1996]
(a) 800 × 10-6 (b) 500 × 10-6 (c) 1600 × 10-6 (d) 200 × 10-6
IES-2. In the case of bi-axial state of normal stresses, the normal stress on 45° plane is equal
to [IES-1992]
(a) The sum of the normal stresses (b) Difference of the normal stresses
(c) Half the sum of the normal stresses (d) Half the difference of the normal stresses
IES-5. For the state of stress of pure shear τ the strain energy stored per unit volume in the
elastic, homogeneous isotropic material having elastic constants E and ν will be:
τ2 τ2 2τ 2 τ2
(a) (1 +ν ) (b) (1 +ν ) (c) (1 +ν ) (d) ( 2 +ν )
E 2E E 2E
IES-6. Assertion (A): If the state at a point is pure shear, then the principal planes through
that point making an angle of 45° with plane of shearing stress carries principal
stresses whose magnitude is equal to that of shearing stress.
Reason (R): Complementary shear stresses are equal in magnitude, but opposite in
direction. [IES-1996]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-7. Assertion (A): Circular shafts made of brittle material fail along a helicoidally surface
inclined at 45° to the axis (artery point) when subjected to twisting moment.
Reason (R): The state of pure shear caused by torsion of the shaft is equivalent to one
of tension at 45° to the shaft axis and equal compression in the perpendicular
direction. [IES-1995]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-9. The state of plane stress in a plate of 100 mm thickness is given as [IES-2000]
σxx = 100 N/mm2, σyy = 200 N/mm2, Young's modulus = 300 N/mm2, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
The stress developed in the direction of thickness is:
(a) Zero (b) 90 N/mm2 (c) 100 N/mm2 (d) 200 N/mm2
IES-10. The state of plane stress at a point is described by σ x = σ y = σ and τ xy = 0 . The normal
stress on the plane inclined at 45° to the x-plane will be: [IES-1998]
( a )σ ( b) 2σ (c) 3 σ ( d ) 2σ
IES-11a If the principal stresses and maximum shearing stresses are of equal numerical value
at a point in a stressed body, the state of stress can be termed as
(a) Isotropic (b) Uniaxial [IES-2010]
(c) Pure shear (d) Generalized plane state of stress
IES-13. In a strained material one of the principal stresses is twice the other. The maximum
shear stress in the same case is τ max . Then, what is the value of the maximum
principle stress? [IES 2007]
(a) τ max (b) 2 τ max (c) 4 τ max (d) 8 τ max
IES-14. In a strained material, normal stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes are σx
and σy (both alike) accompanied by a shear stress τxy One of the principal stresses
will be zero, only if [IES-2006]
σ x ×σ y
(a) τ xy = (b) τ xy = σ x × σ y (c) τ xy = σ x × σ y (d) τ xy = σ x2 +σ y2
IES-15. The principal stresses σ1, σ2 and σ3 at a point respectively are 80 MPa, 30 MPa and –40
MPa. The maximum shear stress is: [IES-2001]
(a) 25 MPa (b) 35 MPa (c) 55 MPa (d) 60 MPa
IES-15(i). A piece of material is subjected, to two perpendicular tensile stresses of 70 MPa and
10 MPa. The magnitude of the resultant stress on a plane in which the maximum
shear stress occurs is [IES-2012]
(a) 70 MPa (b) 60 MPa (c) 50 MPa (d) 10 MPa
IES-16. Plane stress at a point in a body is defined by principal stresses 3σ and σ. The ratio of
the normal stress to the maximum shear stresses on the plane of maximum shear
stress is: [IES-2000]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
IES-17. Principal stresses at a point in plane stressed element are σ x = σ y = 500 kg/cm 2 .
Normal stress on the plane inclined at 45o to x-axis will be: [IES-1993]
(a) 0 (b) 500 kg/cm2 (c) 707 kg/cm2 (d) 1000 kg/cm2
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) = ± σ yp (b)
σ yp
(c )
σ yp
(d ) σ 1 = ±2σ yp
2 2 2 2 2 2
IES-19. For the state of plane stress.
Shown the maximum and
minimum principal stresses are:
(a) 60 MPa and 30 MPa
(b) 50 MPa and 10 MPa
(c) 40 MPa and 20 MPa
(d) 70 MPa and 30 MPa
IES-20. Normal stresses of equal magnitude p, but of opposite signs, act at a point of a
strained material in perpendicular direction. What is the magnitude of the resultant
normal stress on a plane inclined at 45° to the applied stresses? [IES-2005]
(a) 2 p (b) p/2 (c) p/4 (d) Zero
( a ) 50 3 kgf/cm 2
( b )100 kgf/cm 2
( c ) 50 5 kgf/cm 2
( d )150 kgf/cm2
IES-22. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer, using the codes given below
the lists: [IES-1995]
List I(State of stress) List II(Kind of loading)
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 3 4 1 (c)
2 4 3 1 (d) 3 4 1 2
Mohr's circle
IES-22(i). Statement (I): Mohr’s circle of stress can be related to Mohr’s circle of strain by some
constant of proportionality. [IES-2012]
Statement (II): The relationship is a function of yield strength of the material.
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct
explanation of Statement (I)
IES-24. For a general two dimensional stress system, what are the coordinates of the centre
of Mohr’s circle?
[IES 2007]
σx −σ y σx +σy σx +σy σx −σ y
(a) ,0 (b) 0, (c) ,0(d) 0,
2 2 2 2
IES-25. In a Mohr's circle, the radius of the circle is taken as: [IES-2006; GATE-1993]
(σ −σ y )
2 2
⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
⎟ + (τ xy ) + (τ xy )
2 x 2
(a) ⎜ (b)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
⎟ − (τ xy ) (σ − σ y ) + (τ xy )
2 2 2
(c) ⎜ (d)
⎝ 2 ⎠
Where, σx and σy are normal stresses along x and y directions respectively and τxy is the shear
IES-27. At a point in two-dimensional stress system σx = 100 N/mm2, σy = τxy = 40 N/mm2. What
is the radius of the Mohr circle for stress drawn with a scale of: 1 cm = 10 N/mm2?
(a) 3 cm (b) 4 cm (c) 5 cm (d) 6 cm
IES-28. Consider a two dimensional state of stress given for an element as shown in the
diagram given below: [IES-2004]
IES-30. Assertion (A): Mohr's circle of stress can be related to Mohr's circle of strain by some
constant of proportionality. [IES-2002]
Reason (R): The relationship is a function of yield stress of the material.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-31. When two mutually perpendicular principal stresses are unequal but like, the
maximum shear stress is represented by [IES-1994]
(a) The diameter of the Mohr's circle
(b) Half the diameter of the Mohr's circle
(c) One-third the diameter of the Mohr's circle
(d) One-fourth the diameter of the Mohr's circle
IES-32. State of stress in a plane element is shown in figure I. Which one of the following
figures-II is the correct sketch of Mohr's circle of the state of stress?
[IES-1993, 1996]
Figure-I Figure-II
IES-33. A point in a two dimensional state of strain is subjected to pure shearing strain of
magnitude γ xy radians. Which one of the following is the maximum principal strain?
(a) γ xy (b) γ xy / 2 (c) γ xy /2 (d) 2 γ xy
IES-34. Assertion (A): A plane state of stress does not necessarily result into a plane state of
strain as well. [IES-1996]
Reason (R): Normal stresses acting along X and Y directions will also result into
normal strain along the Z-direction.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-34a Assertion (A): A plane state of stress always results in a plane state of strain.
Reason (R): A uniaxial state of stress results in a three-dimensional state of strain.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false [IES-2010]
(d) A is false but R is true
Principal strains
IES-35. Principal strains at a point are 100 × 10−6 and −200 × 10−6. What is the maximum shear
strain at the point? [IES-2006]
(a) 300 × 10–6 (b) 200 × 10–6 (c) 150 × 10–6 (d) 100 × 10–6
IES-36. The principal strains at a point in a body, under biaxial state of stress, are 1000×10–6
and –600 × 10–6. What is the maximum shear strain at that point?
(a) 200 × 10–6 (b) 800 × 10–6 (c) 1000 × 10–6 (d) 1600 × 10–6
IES-37. The number of strain readings (using strain gauges) needed on a plane surface to
determine the principal strains and their directions is: [IES-1994]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
IES-39. Assertion (A): Mohr's construction is possible for stresses, strains and area moment of
inertia. [IES-2009]
Reason (R): Mohr's circle represents the transformation of second-order tensor.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
IAS-4. A uniform bar lying in the x-direction is subjected to pure bending. Which one of the
following tensors represents the strain variations when bending moment is about the
z-axis (p, q and r constants)? [IAS-2001]
⎛ py 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ py 0 0 ⎞
(a) 0
⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ qy 0 ⎟ (b) 0 qy 0
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 ry ⎟⎠ ⎜ 0 0 0⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠
⎛ py 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ py 0 0 ⎞
(c) 0
⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ py 0 ⎟ (d) 0 qy 0
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 py ⎟⎠ ⎜ 0 0 qy ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠
IAS-5. Assuming E = 160 GPa and G = 100 GPa for a material, a strain tensor is given as:
⎛ 0.002 0.004 0.006 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0.004 0.003 0 ⎟
⎜ 0.006 0 0 ⎟⎠
The shear stress, τ xy is:
(a) 400 MPa (b) 500 MPa (c) 800 MPa (d) 1000 MPa
IAS-7. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing stress of 140 MPs. The
magnitude of the maximum normal stress developed in the shaft is: [IAS-1995]
(a) 140 MPa (b) 80 MPa (c) 70 MPa (d) 60 MPa
IAS-8. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the figure. The
magnitude of maximum shear stress is [1MPa = 10 kg/cm2] [IAS 1994]
(a) 10 MPa (b) 30 MPa (c) 50 MPa (d) 100MPa
IAS-9. A horizontal beam under bending has a maximum bending stress of 100 MPa and a
maximum shear stress of 20 MPa. What is the maximum principal stress in the beam?
(a) 20 (b) 50 (c) 50 + 2900 (d) 100
IAS-10. When the two principal stresses are equal and like: the resultant stress on any plane
is: [IAS-2002]
(a) Equal to the principal stress (b) Zero
(c) One half the principal stress (d) One third of the principal stress
IAS-11. Assertion (A): When an isotropic, linearly elastic material is loaded biaxially, the
directions of principal stressed are different from those of principal strains.
Reason (R): For an isotropic, linearly elastic material the Hooke's law gives only two
independent material properties. [IAS-2001]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-12. Principal stress at a point in a stressed solid are 400 MPa and 300 MPa respectively.
The normal stresses on planes inclined at 45° to the principal planes will be:
(a) 200 MPa and 500 MPa (b) 350 MPa on both planes
(c) 100MPaand6ooMPa (d) 150 MPa and 550 MPa
IAS-13. The principal stresses at a point in an elastic material are 60N/mm2 tensile, 20 N/mm2
tensile and 50 N/mm2 compressive. If the material properties are: µ = 0.35 and E = 105
Nmm2, then the volumetric strain of the material is: [IAS-1997]
(a) 9 × 10–5 (b) 3 × 10-4 (c) 10.5 × 10–5 (d) 21 × 10–5
IAS-15. The resultant stress on a certain plane makes an angle of 20° with the normal to the
plane. On the plane perpendicular to the above plane, the resultant stress makes an
angle of θ with the normal. The value of θ can be: [IAS-2001]
(a) 0° or 20° (b) Any value other than 0° or 90°
(c) Any value between 0° and 20° (d) 20° only
IAS-16. The correct Mohr's stress-circle drawn for a point in a solid shaft compressed by a
shrunk fit hub is as (O-Origin and C-Centre of circle; OA = σ1 and OB = σ2)
IAS-17. A Mohr's stress circle is drawn for a body subjected to tensile stress f x and f y in
two mutually perpendicular directions such that f x > f y . Which one of the following
statements in this regard is NOT correct? [IAS-2000]
fx + f y
(a) Normal stress on a plane at 45° to f x is equal to
fx − f y
(b) Shear stress on a plane at 45° to f x is equal to
(c) Maximum normal stress is equal to fx .
IAS-19. For which one of the following two-dimensional states of stress will the Mohr's stress
circle degenerate into a point? [IAS-1996]
Principal strains
IAS-20. In an axi-symmetric plane strain problem, let u be the radial displacement at r. Then
the strain components ε r , ε θ , ϒeθ are given by [IAS-1995]
u ∂u ∂ 2u ∂u u
(a) ε r = , εθ = , ϒ rθ = (b) εr = , εθ = , ϒ rθ = o
r ∂r ∂r ∂θ ∂r r
u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ 2u
(c) ε r = , ε θ = , ϒ rθ = 0 (d) ε r = , εθ = , ϒ rθ =
r ∂r ∂r ∂θ ∂r∂θ
IAS-21. Assertion (A): Uniaxial stress normally gives rise to triaxial strain.
Reason (R): Magnitude of strains in the perpendicular directions of applied stress is
smaller than that in the direction of applied stress. [IAS-2004]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-22. Assertion (A): A plane state of stress will, in general, not result in a plane state of
strain. [IAS-2002]
Reason (R): A thin plane lamina stretched in its own plane will result in a state of
plane strain.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
GATE-1. Ans. (a) It is the definition of shear stress. The force is applied tangentially it is not a point load
so you cannot compare it with a cantilever with a point load at its free end.
σ +σy σx −σy
GATE-2. Ans. (d) σ n = x + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
Here σ x = σ 2 = 0, τ xy = τ , θ = 45o
GATE-3. Ans. (d) It is well known that,
τ xy = τ yx, τ xz = τ zx and τ yz = τ zy
so that the state of stress at a point is given by six components σ x ,σ y ,σ z and τ xy , τ yz ,τ zx
GATE-3(i) Ans. (c)
Let ∠CAB = θ
3 4 3
∴ sin θ = ; cos θ = ; tan θ =
5 5 4
θ σ
4 θ
Thus from force equilibrium,
σx × AB = AC × ( σ cos θ − τ sin θ)
5 ⎛ 4 3⎞
⇒ σx = × ⎜120 × − 70 × ⎟
4 ⎝ 5 5⎠
⇒ σx = 67.5 MPa
And, σ y × BC = AC × ( σ sin θ + τ cos θ)
5 ⎛ 3 4⎞
⇒ σy = × ⎜120 × + 70 × ⎟
3 ⎝ 5 5⎠
⇒ σ y = 213.3 MPa
GATE-3(ii) Ans. (c)
σx σx
d 2
2 d
Taking moment equilibrium about the centre, we get
d d d d
τ yx × + τ yx × = τ xy × + τ xy ×
2 2 2 2
∴ τxy = τ yx
GATE-3(i) Ans. (a) On a principal plane, only normal stresses act. No shear stresses act on the principal
GATE-3(ii) Ans. (a)
σ1 − σ 2 100 − 0
GATE-4. Ans. (c) τ max = = = 50 units.
2 2
σ1 − σ 2 σ2
GATE-5. Ans. (c) τ max = , σ 1 = 2σ 2 or τ max = or σ 2 = 2τ max or σ 1= 2σ 2 = 4τ max
2 2
GATE-5(i) Ans. (b)
σ1 − σ2
Maximum shear stress =
20 − ( −10)
= = 15 MPa
σ − σ 2 σ 1 − ( −σ 1 )
GATE-6. Ans. (d) τ max = 1 = = σ1
2 2
σ1 − σ 2
GATE-7. Ans. (a) τ max = Maximum normal stress will developed if σ 1 = −σ 2 = σ
⎛σ x −σ y ⎞
⎛ − 40 − 40 ⎞
GATE-8. Ans. (c) τ max = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + τ xy = ⎜
⎟ + 30 = 50 MPa
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
16T 16 × 10000
GATE-9. Ans. (b) Shear Stress ( τ )= = Pa = 50.93 MPa
πd 3 π × (0.1)3
⎛σ ⎞ σb
Maximum principal Stress = + ⎜ b ⎟ + τ 2 =82 MPa
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
GATE-9(i) Ans. (c)
Maximum principal stress
2 2
σx ⎛σ ⎞ 1.5 ⎛ 1.5 ⎞
= + ⎜ x ⎟ + τ2 = + ⎜ 2
⎟ + (1.20) = 2.17 N/ mm
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σx + σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞
GATE-10. Ans. (d) σ 1 = + ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
if τ xy = 0
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
σx + σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞ 10 + 2 ⎛ 10 − 2 ⎞
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
GATE-13. Ans. (a)
σ 1 = σ 2 = σ x = σ y = +175 MPa
GATE-18. Ans. (d) From the Mohr’s circle it will give all directions.
GATE-19. Ans. (c) Shear strain emax − emin = {1000 − ( −600 )} × 10 −6 = 1600 × 10 −6
GATE-19(i) Ans.(b)
IES-1. Ans. (a)
σx +σy σx −σy
IES-2. Ans. (c) σ n = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
σx +σy
At θ = 45o andτ xy = 0; σ n =
σx − σy
IES-2a Ans. (a) Shear stress (τ ) = sin 2θ - τ xy cos 2θ
Here σ x = σ , σ y = σ and τ xy = 0
IES-3. Ans. (b)
IES-3a. Ans. (a)
IES-4. Ans. (c)
IES-5. Ans. (a) σ 1 = τ , σ 2 = −τ , σ 3 = 0
1 ⎡ 2 1+ μ 2
τ + ( −τ ) − 2μτ ( −τ )⎤ V =
U= τ V
2E ⎣ ⎦ E
IES-6. Ans. (b)
IES-7. Ans. (a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A.
IES-8. Ans. (b) σ 1 = τ , σ 2 = −τ , σ 3 = 0
IES-9. Ans. (a)
σx +σy σx −σy
IES-10. Ans. (a) σ n = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
IES-10(i). Ans. (b)
IES-11. Ans. (d)
IES-11a Ans. (c)
σ1 − σ 2 100 − 0
IES-12. Ans. (c) τ max = = = 50 units.
2 2
σ1 − σ 2 σ2
IES-13. Ans. (c) τ max = , σ 1 = 2σ 2 or τ max = or σ 2 = 2τ max or σ 1= 2σ 2 = 4τ max
2 2
σx + σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞
IES-14. Ans. (c) σ 1,2 = + ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σx +σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞
if σ 2 = 0 ⇒ = ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
2 2
⎛σx +σy ⎞ ⎛σx −σy ⎞
⎟ =⎜ ⎟ + τ xy or τ xy = σ x × σ y
or ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
σ1 − σ 2 80 − ( −40)
IES-15. Ans. (d) τ max = = = 60 MPa
2 2
IES-15(i). Ans. (c)
2τ xy
IES-16. Ans. (b) tan 2θ = ⇒θ = 0
σx −σy
σ1 − σ 2 3σ − σ
τ max = = =σ
2 2
3σ + σ
Major principal stress on the plane of maximum shear = σ 1 = = 2σ
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎣ ⎦
IES-18. Ans. (a)
σx +σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞
IES-19. Ans. (d) σ 1,2 = + ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
50 + ( −10) ⎛ 50 + 10 ⎞
σ 1,2 = + ⎜ ⎟ + 40
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σ max = 70 and σ min = −30
σx +σy σx −σy
IES-20. Ans. (d) σ x = cos 2θ
2 2
P −P P +P
σn = + cos 2 × 45 = 0
2 2
σx +0 ⎛σ +0⎞
IES-21. Ans. (c) (σ )1,2 = ± ⎜ x ⎟ + τ xy = 50 ∓ 50 5
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
(σ )1 − (σ )2
Maximum shear stress = = 50 5
IES-22. Ans. (c)
IES-22(i). Ans. (c)
IES-23. Ans. (b) It is a case of pure shear. Just put σ 1 = −σ 2
IES-24. Ans. (c)
IES-25. Ans. (a)
IAS-1. Ans. (b) Weknow σ n = σ cos θ and τ = σ sinθ cos θ
IAS-3. Ans. (b) It is a case of pure shear so principal planes will be along the diagonal.
IAS-4. Ans. (d) Stress in x direction = σx
σx σx σx
Therefore εx = , ε y = −μ , ε z = −μ
IAS-5. Ans. (c)
⎡ε xx ε xy ε xz ⎤
⎢ ⎥ γ xy
⎢ε yx ε yy ε yz ⎥ and ε xy =
⎢ε ε ε ⎥ 2
⎣ zx zy zz ⎦
τ xy = G γ xy = 100 × 10 × ( 0.004 × 2 ) MPa = 800MPa
σ1 − σ 2 σ 1 − ( −σ 1 )
IAS-6. Ans. (d) τ max = = = σ1
2 2
σ1 − σ 2
IAS-7. Ans. (a) τ max = Maximum normal stress will developed if σ 1 = −σ 2 = σ
⎛σ −σ y ⎞
⎛ − 40 − 40 ⎞
IAS-8. Ans. (c) τ max = ⎜⎜ x ⎟⎟ + τ xy 2 = ⎜ ⎟ + 30 = 50 MPa
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
IAS-9. Ans. (c) σb=100MPa τ =20 mPa
σb ⎛σ ⎞
σ1,2= + ⎜ b ⎟ +τ 2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
2 2
⎛σ ⎞
σ 1,2 =
+ ⎜ b ⎟ +τ 2 =
⎝ ⎠2
+ ⎜
⎛ 100 ⎞
⎝ 2
⎟ + 20 = 50 + 2900 MPa
( )
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
IAS-10. Ans. (a) σ n = + cos 2θ
2 2
[We may consider this as τ xy = 0 ] σ x = σ y = σ ( say ) So σ n = σ for any plane
IAS-11. Ans. (d) They are same.
IAS-12. Ans. (b)
⎛ σ x +σ y ⎞ ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞ 400 + 300 400 − 300
σn = ⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟ cos 2θ = + cos 2 × 45o = 350 MPa
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 2
IAS-13. Ans. (a)
σx ⎛σy σz ⎞ σy ⎛σ σ ⎞ σ ⎛σ σy ⎞
∈x = − μ⎜ + ⎟ , ∈y = − μ ⎜ z + x ⎟ and ∈z = z − μ ⎜ x + ⎟
E ⎝E E ⎠ E ⎝E E ⎠ E ⎝ E E ⎠
⎝ E ⎠ ⎝ 105 ⎠
IAS-14. Ans. (d)
IAS-15. Ans. (b)
IAS-16. Ans. (d)
fx − f y
IAS-17. Ans. (d) Maximum shear stress is
⎛σx +σy ⎞ ⎛2+0 ⎞
IAS-18. Ans. (d) Centre ⎜ ,0 ⎟ = ⎜ ,0 ⎟ = (1, 0 )
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛σx −σy ⎞
radius = ⎜ ⎟ +τx = ⎜ ⎟ +0 =1
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
IAS-19. Ans. (c) Mohr’s circle will be a point.
⎛σx −σy ⎞
⎟ + τ xy ∴ τ xy = 0 andσ x = σ y = σ
Radius of the Mohr’s circle = ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠
IAS-20. Ans. (b)
2 ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠⎟
Major principal stress is
120 + 70 ⎛ ⎞
σ1 = + ⎜⎜120 − 70 ⎟⎟ + τ 2
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠⎟
= 135 (Given) or , τ = 31.2MPa.
Minor principal stress is
120 + 70 ⎛ 120 − 70 ⎞ 2
σ2 = − ⎜ ⎟ + 31.2 = 55 MPa
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σ − σ 2 135 − 55
τ max = 1 = = 40 MPa
2 2
⎛ 2πN ⎞⎟ ⎛ 2π×800 ⎞⎟
∴ Power being transmitted, P =T.ω =T.⎜⎜ ⎟
⎟ =1363.5×⎜⎜ ⎟W = 114.23 kW
⎝⎜ 60 ⎠ ⎝⎜ 60 ⎠⎟
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠⎟⎟ Jxy
−60 + 80 ⎛ −60 − 80 ⎞⎟
or , σ1,2 = ± ⎜⎜ 2
⎟⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ Jxy
−60 + 80 ⎛ −60 − 80 ⎞⎟
or , σ1,2 = ± ⎜⎜ 2
⎟⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠
To make principal stress 100 MPa we have to consider '+' .
∴ σ1 = 100 MPa = 10 + 702 + τ xy2 ; or, τ xy = 56.57 MPa
Therefore other principal stress will be
−60 + 80 ⎛ −60 − 80 ⎞⎟
σ2 = − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (56.57)
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠
i.e. 80 MPa(compressive)
T τ T .R 1000 × (0.055)
Now = or J = =
J R J 4.56 ×10−6
= 12.07MPa
2τ xy
Now,tan 2θ p = =∝,
σx − σy 50mm
0 0
gives θp = 45 or 135
∴ σ1 = τ xy Sin 2θ = 12.07 × sin 900
= 12.07 MPa
and σ 2 = 12.07 sin 2700
= −12.07MPa
T τ
As per torsion equation, =
J π 4 π
× ( 0.03 )
32 32
or 11.32 MN / m2
The principal stresses are calculated by u sin g the relations :
⎛σx + σy ⎞ ⎡⎛ σ − σ y ⎞ 2 ⎤
σ 1,2 = ⎜ ⎟± ⎢⎜ x ⎟ ⎥ + τ xy
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎢⎣⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Here σ x = 14.15MN / m2 ,σ y = 0;τ xy = τ = 11.32 MN / m2
14.15 ⎛ 14.15 ⎞
+ (11.32 )
∴ σ 1,2 = ± ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
= 7.07 ± 13.35 = 20.425 MN / m2 , −6.275MN / m2 .
Hence,major principal stress, σ 1 = 20.425 MN / m2 ( tensile )
Minor principal stress, σ 2 = 6.275MN / m2 ( compressive )
σ1 − σ 2 24.425 − ( −6.275 )
Maximum shear stress,τ max = = = 13.35mm / m2
2 2
σ x =140MPa(tensile) C B
σ y = -70MPa(compressive) 2
τ xy = 35MPa 140N/mm2
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠⎟⎟
140 − 70 ⎛140 + 70 ⎞⎟
= ± ⎟⎟ + 35 = 35 ± 110.7
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Therefore σ1 =145.7 MPa and σ 2 = −75.7MPa
OL=σ x = 140MPa
S 2θp =198.4
OM = σ y = −70MPa
SM = LT = τ xy = 35MPa U L
M O 2θ=7 V
N 8.4
Joining ST that cuts at 'N'
σ = 140 T
SN=NT=radius of Mohr circle =110.7 MPa
OV=σ1 = 145.7MPa
OV = σ 2 = −75.7MPa
Conventional Question IES-2010
Q6. The data obtained from a rectangular strain gauge rosette attached to a stressed
steel member are ε 0 = −220 × 10 , ε 45 = 120 × 10 and ε 90 = 220 × 10 . Given that the
−6 −6 −6
5 2
value of E = 2 × 10 N / mm and Poisson’s Ratio μ = 0.3 , calculate the values of
principal stresses acting at the point and their directions. [10 Marks]
Ans. Use rectangular strain gauge rosette
assumed to act.
• This first moment is again multiplied by the perpendicular distance between them to obtain second
moment of force.
• In the same way if we consider the area of the figure it is called second moment of area or area
moment of inertia and if we consider the mass of a body it is called second moment of mass or mass
moment of Inertia.
• Mass moment of inertia is the measure of resistance of the body to rotation and forms the basis
• Area moment of Inertia is the measure of resistance to bending and forms the basis of strength
of materials.
I = ∑ mi ri2
• Notice that the moment of inertia ‘I’ depends on the distribution of mass in the system.
• The furthest the mass is from the rotation axis, the bigger the moment of inertia.
• For a given object, the moment of inertia depends on where we choose the rotation axis.
• In rotational dynamics, the moment of inertia ‘I’ appears in the same way that mass m does in
linear dynamics.
I= ML2
• Thin rod of mass M and length L, about a perpendicular axis through its
I = ML2
• To find the moment of inertia of the differential area about the pole (point of origin) or z-axis, (r) is
used. (r) is the perpendicular distance from the pole to dA for the entire area
J = ∫ r2 dA = ∫ (x2 + y2 )dA = Ixx + Iyy (since r2 = x2 + y2 )
Where, J = polar moment of inertia
I xx =
Similarly, we may find, I yy =
bh3 hb3
∴Polar moment of inertia (J) = Ixx + Iyy = +
12 12
I xx =
I xx =
rectangular hole
Moment of inertia of the area = moment of inertia of BIG
rectangle – moment of inertia of SMALL rectangle
BH 3 bh3
I xx = −
12 12
π D4 π D4
I xx = I yy = and J =
64 32
Case-I: Moment of inertia of a circular
π D4 1 ⎛ π D2
⎟ × (h)
or = I xx + ⎜
128 2⎝ 4 ⎠
π D4 1 ⎛ π D 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2D ⎞
or = I xx + ×⎜ ⎟×
128 2 ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 3π ⎟⎠
or I xx = 0.11R 4
Case – III: Quarter circle area
IXX = one half of the moment of Inertia of the Semi-
circular area about XX.
I XX =
( )
× 0.11R 4 = 0.055 R 4
I XX = 0.055 R4
INN = one half of the moment of Inertia of the Semi-
circular area about NN.
1 π D4 π D4
∴ I NN = × =
2 64 128
I XX =
(b) Moment of inertia of a triangle about an
axis passes through base
I NN =
I XX = IYY = = π R 3t
π ab3
I XX =
Let us take an example: An I-section beam of 100 mm wide, 150 mm depth flange and web of thickness
20 mm is used in a structure of length 5 m. Determine the Moment of Inertia (of area) of cross-section of the
Answer: Carefully observe the figure below. It has sections with symmetry about the neutral axis.
We may use standard value for a rectangle about an axis passes through centroid. i.e. I = . The
section can thus be divided into convenient rectangles for each of which the neutral axis passes the
I Beam = I Re c tan gle - I Shaded area
⎡ 0.100 × ( 0.150 )3 0.40 × 0.1303 ⎤ 4
centroid. =⎢ -2 × ⎥m
⎢⎣ 12 12 ⎥⎦
= 1.183 × 10-4 m4
I yy
I yy = kyy A or kyy =
J = ko2 A or ko =
ko2 = kxx
2 2
+ kyy
Let us take an example: Find radius of gyration for a circular area of diameter ‘d’ about central axis.
We know that, I xx = K xx A
I XX 64 = d
or K XX = =
A π d2 4
π D4 π D4 π D4 π D4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 16 32 64
GATE-2. The area moment of inertia of a square of size 1 unit about its diagonal is:
1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 4 12 6
Radius of Gyration
Data for Q3–Q4 are given below. Solve the problems and choose correct
A reel of mass “m” and radius of gyration “k” is rolling down smoothly from rest with one end of
the thread wound on it held in the ceiling as depicted in the figure. Consider the thickness of
the thread and its mass negligible in comparison with the radius “r” of the hub and the reel
mass “m”. Symbol “g” represents the acceleration due to gravity. [GATE-2003]
[CE: GATE-2010]
r r r r
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 6 8
IES-1. Assertion (A): Inertia force always acts through the centroid of the body and is
directed opposite to the acceleration of the centroid. [IES-2001]
Reason (R): It has always a tendency to retard the motion.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Radius of Gyration
IES-2. Figure shows a rigid body of mass
m having radius of gyration k
about its centre of gravity. It is to
be replaced by an equivalent
dynamical system of two masses
placed at A and B. The mass at A
should be:
a×m b×m
(a) (b)
a +b a +b
m a m b
(c) × (d) ×
3 b 2 a
IES-3. Force required to accelerate a cylindrical body which rolls without slipping on a
horizontal plane (mass of cylindrical body is m, radius of the cylindrical surface in
Radius of Gyration
IAS-1. A wheel of centroidal radius of gyration 'k' is rolling on a horizontal surface with
constant velocity. It comes across an obstruction of height 'h' Because of its rolling
speed, it just overcomes the obstruction. To determine v, one should use the principle
(s) of conservation of [IAS 1994]
(a) Energy (b) Linear momentum
(c) Energy and linear momentum (d) Energy and angular momentum
GATE-1. Ans. (d)
a 4 (1)
GATE-3. Ans. (a) For downward linear motion mg – T = mf, where f = linear tangential acceleration = rα,
α = rotational acceleration. Considering rotational motion Tr = I α .
f gr 2
or, T = mk 2 × therefore mg – T = mf gives f = 2
r 2
r + k2 )
At first we try to understand what shear force is and what is bending moment?
We will not introduce any other co-ordinate system.
We use general co-ordinate axis as shown in the
figure. This system will be followed in shear force and
bending moment diagram and in deflection of beam.
Here downward direction will be negative i.e.
negative Y-axis. Therefore downward deflection of the
We use above Co-ordinate system
beam will be treated as negative.
∑F x =0 , ∑Fy = 0 and ∑M i =0
What are the benefits of drawing shear force and bending moment diagram?
The benefits of drawing a variation of shear force and bending moment in a beam as a function of ‘x'
measured from one end of the beam is that it becomes easier to determine the maximum absolute value of
shear force and bending moment. The shear force and bending moment diagram gives a clear picture in our
mind about the variation of SF and BM throughout the entire section of the beam.
Further, the determination of value of bending moment as a function of ‘x' becomes very important so as to
determine the value of deflection of beam subjected to a given loading where we will use the formula,
d 2y
EI = Mx .
dx 2
If the bending moment of If the bending moment of A bending moment causing
the left hand of the section the right hand of the convexity upwards will be
XX is anti-clockwise then section XX is clockwise taken as ‘negative’ and called
it is a positive bending then it is a positive as hogging bending moment.
moment. bending moment.
4.3 Relation between S.F (Vx), B.M. (Mx) & Load (w)
• = -w (load) The value of the distributed load at any point in the beam is equal to
the slope of the shear force curve. (Note that the sign of this rule may change depending on the sign
convention used for the external distributed load).
dM x
• = Vx The value of the shear force at any point in the beam is equal to the slope of the
bending moment curve.
4.4 Procedure for drawing shear force and bending moment diagram
Construction of shear force diagram
• From the loading diagram of the beam constructed shear force diagram.
• First determine the reactions.
• Then the vertical components of forces and reactions are successively summed from the left end of
the beam to preserve the mathematical sign conventions adopted. The shear at a section is simply
equal to the sum of all the vertical forces to the left of the section.
• The shear force curve is continuous unless there is a point force on the beam. The curve then
“jumps” by the magnitude of the point force (+ for upward force).
• When the successive summation process is used, the shear force diagram should end up with the
previously calculated shear (reaction at right end of the beam). No shear force acts through the
beam just beyond the last vertical force or reaction. If the shear force diagram closes in this fashion,
then it gives an important check on mathematical calculations. i.e. The shear force will be zero at
each end of the beam unless a point force is applied at the end.
• The bending moment diagram is obtained by proceeding continuously along the length of beam from
the left hand end and summing up the areas of shear force diagrams using proper sign convention.
• The process of obtaining the moment diagram from the shear force diagram by summation is
exactly the same as that for drawing shear force diagram from load diagram.
• The bending moment curve is continuous unless there is a point moment on the beam. The curve
then “jumps” by the magnitude of the point moment (+ for CW moment).
• We know that a constant shear force produces a uniform change in the bending moment, resulting
in straight line in the moment diagram. If no shear force exists along a certain portion of a beam,
then it indicates that there is no change in moment takes place. We also know that dM/dx= Vx
therefore, from the fundamental theorem of calculus the maximum or minimum moment occurs
where the shear is zero.
• The bending moment will be zero at each free or pinned end of the beam. If the end is built in, the
moment computed by the summation must be equal to the one calculated initially for the reaction.
4.5 Different types of Loading and their S.F & B.M Diagram
(i) A Cantilever beam with a concentrated load ‘P’ at its free end.
Bending Moment:
Taking moments about the section gives (obviously to the left
S.F and B.M diagram
of the section) Mx = -P.x (negative sign means that the
moment on the left hand side of the portion is in the
anticlockwise direction and is therefore taken as negative
according to the sign convention) so that the maximum
bending moment occurs at the fixed end i.e. Mmax = - PL
(at x = L)
(ii) A Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load over the whole length
When a cantilever beam is subjected to a uniformly
distributed load whose intensity is given w /unit length.
Shear force:
Consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from
the free end. If we just take the resultant of all the forces on
the left of the X-section, then
Vx = -w.x for all values of ‘x'.
At x = 0, Vx = 0
At x = L, Vx = -wL (i.e. Maximum at fixed end)
Plotting the equation Vx = -w.x, we get a straight line
because it is a equation of a straight line y (Vx) = m(- w) .x
Bending Moment:
Bending Moment at XX is obtained by treating the load to the
S.F and B.M diagram
left of XX as a concentrated load of the same value (w.x)
acting through the centre of gravity at x/2.
Therefore, the bending moment at any cross-section XX is
x w .x 2
M x = ( −w .x ) . =−
2 2
Therefore the variation of bending moment is according to parabolic law.
The extreme values of B.M would be
at x = 0, Mx = 0
and x = L, Mx = −
(iii) A Cantilever beam loaded as shown below draw its S.F and B.M diagram
(iv) Let us take an example: Consider a cantilever bean of 5 m length. It carries a uniformly distributed
load 3 KN/m and a concentrated load of 7 kN at the free end and 10 kN at 3 meters from the fixed end.
Bending moment (Mx) = - 7x – (3x) × ⎜ ⎟ - 10 (x - 2)
= − x 2 − 17 x + 20
So, the variation of bending force is parabolic.
3 2
at x = 2 m, Mx = − × 2 − 17 × 2 + 20 = - 20 kNm
at x = 5 m, Mx = - 102.5 kNm
(v) A Cantilever beam carrying uniformly varying load from zero at free end and w/unit
length at the fixed end
w x2
or Vx = − .
L 2
Again we know that
d (Mx ) wx 2
= Vx = -
dx 2L
wx 2
or d (Mx ) = - dx
Integrating both side we get ( at x=0,Mx =0 )
wx 2
d(Mx ) = − ∫
w x3 wx 3
or Mx = - × =-
2L 3 6L
(vi) A Cantilever beam carrying gradually varying load from zero at fixed end and w/unit
length at the free end
wL2 wL
Considering equilibrium we get, MA = and Reaction (R A ) =
3 2
Considering any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from the fixed end.
At this point load (Wx ) = .x
Shear force ( Vx ) = R A − area of triangle ANM
wL 1 ⎛ w ⎞ wL wx 2
= - . ⎜ .x ⎟ .x = + -
2 2 ⎝L ⎠ 2 2L
∴ The shear force variation is parabolic.
wL wL
at x = 0, Vx = + i.e. Maximum shear force, Vmax = +
2 2
at x = L, Vx = 0
wx 2 2x
Bending moment ( Mx ) =R A .x - . - MA
2L 3
(viii) A Simply supported beam with a concentrated load ‘P’ at its mid span.
Maximum bending moment, Mmax = at x = L/2 (at mid-point)
In the region L/2 < x < L
Mx = .x – P(x - L/2) = − .x (its variation is linear)
2 2 2
at x = L/2 , Mx = and at x = L, Mx = 0
(ix) A Simply supported beam with a concentrated load ‘P’ is not at its mid span.
Pb Pa
Considering equilibrium we get, RA = and RB =
Now consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance x from left end A and another section YY at
a distance x from end A as shown in figure below.
(x) A Simply supported beam with two concentrated load ‘P’ from a distance ‘a’ both end.
The loading is shown below diagram
A section applicable anywhere between the two applied forces. Shear force is not necessary to maintain
equilibrium of a segment in this part of the beam. Only a constant bending moment of +Pa must be resisted
by the beam in this zone.
(xi) A Simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load (UDL) through out its length
Shear force: Vx = − wx
(i.e. S.F. variation is linear)
at x = 0, Vx =
at x = L/2, Vx = 0
at x = L, Vx = -
wL wx 2
Bending moment: M x = .x −
2 2
(i.e. B.M. variation is parabolic)
at x = 0, Mx = 0
at x = L, Mx = 0
Now we have to determine maximum bending
moment and its position.
d (Mx ) ⎡ d (Mx ) ⎤
For maximum B.M: = 0 i .e. Vx = 0 ⎢∵ = Vx ⎥
dx ⎣ dx ⎦
wL L
or − wx = 0 or x=
2 2
Therefore, maximum bending moment, Mmax = at x = L/2
(a) By Method of Integration
Shear force:
d (Vx )
We know that, = −w
or d (Vx ) = −wdx
Integrating both side we get (at x =0, Vx = )
∫ d (V ) = −∫ wdx
or Vx − = −wx
or Vx = − wx
Bending moment:
d ( Mx )
We know that, = Vx
⎛ wL ⎞
or d ( M x ) = Vx dx = ⎜ − wx ⎟ dx
⎝ 2 ⎠
Integrating both side we get (at x =0, Vx =0)
⎛ wL ⎞
∫ d (Mx ) = ∫ ⎜ − wx ⎟ dx
o 0⎝
2 ⎠
wL wx 2
or M x = .x −
2 2
Let us take an example: A loaded beam as shown below. Draw its S.F and B.M diagram.
∑M A
= 0 gives
- ( 200 × 4 ) × 2 − 3000 × 4 + RB × 8 = 0
or RB = 1700N
Now consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance 'x' from left end A and
as shown in figure
Bending moment (Mx) = RA .x – 200 x . ⎜ ⎟ = 2100 x -100 x
at x = 0, Vx = 2100 N, Mx = 0
at x = 4 m, Vx = -1700 N, Mx = 6800 Nm
at x = 8 m, Vx = -1700 N, Mx = 0
(xii) A Simply supported beam with a gradually varying load (GVL) zero at one end and w/unit
length at other span.
Consider equilibrium of the beam = wL acting at a point C at a distance 2L/3 to the left end A.
∑M B
= 0 gives
wL L
R A .L - . =0
2 3
or R A =
Similarly ∑M A
= 0 gives RB =
The free body diagram of section A - XX as shown below, Load at section XX, (wx) = x
1 w wx 2
The resulted of that part of the distributed load which acts on this free body is = ( x). x = applied
2 L 2L
at a point Z, distance x/3 from XX section.
wx 2 wL wx 2
Shear force (Vx) = R A - = -
2L 6 2L
Therefore the variation of shear force is parabolic
at x = 0, Vx =
at x = L, Vx = -
wL wx 2 x wL wx 3
and Bending Moment (Mx ) = .x − . = .x −
6 2L 3 6 6L
The variation of BM is cubic
at x = 0, Mx = 0
at x = L, Mx = 0
d (Mx ) ⎡ d (Mx ) ⎤
For maximum BM; =0 i.e. Vx = 0 ⎢∵ = Vx ⎥
dx ⎣ dx ⎦
wL wx 2 L
or - = 0 or x =
6 2L 3
wL ⎛ L ⎞ w ⎛ L ⎞ wL2
and Mmax = ×⎜ ⎟ − × ⎜ ⎟ =
6 ⎝ 3 ⎠ 6L ⎝ 3 ⎠ 9 3
i.e. Mmax = at x =
9 3 3
(xiii) A Simply supported beam with a gradually varying load (GVL) zero at each end and w/unit
length at mid span.
⎛1 L ⎞ wL
Consider equilibrium of the beam AB total load on the beam = 2 × ⎜ × × w⎟ =
⎝2 2 ⎠ 2
Therefore R A = RB =
The free body diagram of section A –XX as shown below, load at section XX (wx) = .x
1 2w wx 2
The resultant of that part of the distributed load which acts on this free body is = .x. .x =
2 L L
applied at a point, distance x/3 from section XX.
Shear force (Vx):
In the region 0 < x < L/2
wL ⎛ 1 2wx ⎞ wL wx 3
Mx = .x − ⎜ .x. . ( x / 3 ) = -
4 ⎝2 L ⎟⎠ 4 3L
The variation of BM is cubic
at x = 0, Mx = 0
at x = L/2, Mx =
In the region L/2 < x < L
BM diagram will be mirror image of AC.
For maximum bending moment
d (Mx ) ⎡ d (Mx ) ⎤
=0 i.e. Vx = 0 ⎢∵ = Vx ⎥
dx ⎣ dx ⎦
wL wx 2 L
or - = 0 or x =
4 L 2
and Mmax =
i.e. Mmax = at x =
12 2
(xiv) A Simply supported beam with a gradually varying load (GVL) zero at mid span and w/unit
length at each end.
And (2) a simply supported beam with a gradually varying load (GVL) zero at each end and w/unit length at
mind span.
In the range 0 < x < L/2
wL wx 2
( Vx )2 = −
4 L
wL wx 3
( Mx ) 2 = .x −
4 3L
Now superimposing we get
Shear force (Vx):
In the region of 0< x < L/2
Therefore the variation of shear force is parabolic
at x = 0, Vx = +
at x = L/2, Vx = 0
In the region L/2 < x < L
The diagram will be mirror image of AC
Bending moment (Mx) = (Mx )1 - (Mx )2 =
⎛ wL wx 2 ⎞ ⎛ wL wx 3 ⎞ wx 3 wx 2 wL
=⎜ .x − −
⎟ ⎜ .x − ⎟= − + .x
⎝ 2 2 ⎠ ⎝ 4 3L ⎠ 3L 2 4
at x = 0, Mx = 0
wx 2
at x = L / 2, Mx =
(xv) A simply supported beam with a gradually varying load (GVL) w1/unit length at one end
and w2/unit length at other end.
(w 2 − w1 ) − (w 2 − w1 ) x 2
(Vx )2 =
6 2L
L (w 2 − w1 ) x 3
( M x )2 = ( w 2 − w 1 ) . .x −
6 6L
Now superimposing we get
w 1L w 2L x2
Shear force ( Vx ) = ( Vx )1 + ( Vx )2 = + − w 1x − ( w 2 − w 1 )
3 6 2L
∴ The SF variation is parabolic
w1L w 2L L
at x = 0, Vx = + = ( 2w1 + w 2 )
3 6 6
at x = L, Vx = − ( w1 + 2w 2 )
w1L wL 1 ⎛ w -w ⎞
Bending moment ( Mx ) = (Mx )1 + (Mx )2 = .x + 1 .x − w1x 2 − ⎜ 2 1 ⎟ .x 3
3 6 2 ⎝ 6L ⎠
∴The BM variation is cubic.
at x = 0, Mx = 0
at x = L, Mx = 0
(xvi) A Simply supported beam carrying a continuously distributed load. The intensity of the
⎛πx ⎞
load at any point is, w x = w sin ⎜ ⎟ . Where ‘x’ is the distance from each end of the beam.
⎝ L ⎠
d ( Vx ) d (Mx )
We know that = load and = Vx
dx dx
d ( Vx ) ⎛πx ⎞
Therefore = −w sin ⎜ ⎟
dx ⎝ L ⎠
⎛πx ⎞
d ( Vx ) = −w sin ⎜ ⎟ dx
⎝ L ⎠
Integrating both side we get
⎛πx ⎞
w cos ⎜ ⎟
⎛πx ⎞ ⎝ L ⎠ + A = + wL cos ⎛ π x ⎞ + A
∫ d ( V ) = − w ∫ sin ⎜⎝
L ⎟⎠
dx or Vx = +
π π ⎜ L ⎟
⎝ ⎠
[ where, A = constant of Integration]
⎛πx ⎞
wL wL
∴ Shear force ( Vx ) =
cos ⎜ ⎟ and Vmax = at x = 0
π ⎝ L ⎠ π
wL2 ⎛πx ⎞
And Mx = 2 sin ⎜ ⎟
π ⎝ L ⎠
∴ Mmax = at x = L/2
(xvii) A Simply supported beam with a couple or moment at a distance ‘a’ from left end.
Now consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance ‘x’ from left end A and another section YY at a
Shear force (Vx) = RA =
Bending moment (Mx) = RA.x = .x
Shear force (Vx) = RA =
Bending moment (Mx) = RA.x – M = .x - M
When the beam is subjected to an eccentric load, the eccentric load is to be changed into a couple = Force ×
(distance travel by force)
= P.a (in this case) and a force = P
Therefore equivalent load diagram will be
Considering equilibrium
∑M A = 0 gives
-P.(L/2) + P.a + RB × L = 0
P P.a P P.a
or RB = − and RA + RB = P gives RA = +
2 L 2 L
Now consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance ‘x’ from left end A and another section YY at a
distance ‘x’ from left end A as shown in figure.
RA= RB =
2 MA = MB = -
wL wL2
RA = RB =
2 MA= MB = -
Pb 2 Pab 2
R A = 3 (3a + b) MA = - −
L L2
Pa 2 Pa 2b
RB = (3b + a ) MB = - −
L3 L2
RA= RB =
Rc =
- -
(i) If S.F. diagram consists of rectangle then the load will be point load
(ii) If S.F diagram consists of inclined line then the load will be UDL on that portion
(iii) If S.F diagram consists of parabolic curve then the load will be GVL
(iv) If S.F diagram consists of cubic curve then the load distribute is parabolic.
(i) If B.M diagram consists of inclined line then the load will be free point load
(ii) If B.M diagram consists of parabolic curve then the load will be U.D.L.
(iii) If B.M diagram consists of cubic curve then the load will be G.V.L.
(iv) If B.M diagram consists of fourth degree polynomial then the load distribution is parabolic.
Let us take an example: Following is the S.F diagram of a beam is given. Find its loading diagram.
Answer: From A-E inclined straight line so load will be UDL and in AB = 2 m length load = 6 kN if UDL is
w N/m then w.x = 6 or w × 2 = 6 or w = 3 kN/m after that S.F is constant so no force is there. At last a 6 kN
for vertical force complete the diagram then the load diagram will be
Consider a loaded beam as shown below along with the B.M diagrams and deflection diagram.
In this diagram we noticed that for the beam loaded as in this case, the bending moment diagram is partly
positive and partly negative. In the deflected shape of the beam just below the bending moment diagram
shows that left hand side of the beam is ‘sagging' while the right hand side of the beam is ‘hogging’.
The point C on the beam where the curvature changes from sagging to hogging is a point of contraflexure.
• EI = Vx
• EI = Mx
dx 2
• = θ = slope
• y= δ = Deflection
• Flexural rigidity = EI
GATE-2. The shear force in a beam subjected to pure positive bending is……
(positive/zero/negative) [GATE-1995]
GATE-2(i) For the cantilever bracket, PQRS, loaded as shown in the adjoining figure(PQ = RL =
L, and QR = 2L), which of the following statements is FALSE? [CE: GATE-2011]
Fixed R
(a) The portion RS has a constant twisting moment with a value of 2WL
(b) The portion QR has a varying twisting moment with a maximum value of WL.
(c) The portiona PQ has a varying bending moment with a maximum value of WL
(d) The portion PQ has no twisting moment
GATE-3. Two identical cantilever beams are supported as shown, with their free ends in
contact through a rigid roller. After the load P is applied, the free ends will have
(a) Zero (b) (c) (d) Indeterminate
2 2
Data for Q11-Q12 are given below. Solve the problems and choose correct
A steel beam of breadth 120 mm and
height 750 mm is loaded as shown in the
figure. Assume Esteel= 200 GPa.
GATE-11. The beam is subjected to a maximum bending moment of
(a) 3375 kNm (b) 4750 kNm (c) 6750 kNm (d) 8750 kNm
4m 4m 4m
GATE-14(i)The magnitude of the shear force immediate to the left and immediate to the right of
section B are, respectively [CE: GATE-2004]
(a) 0 and 20 kN (b) 10 kN and 10 kN
(c) 20 kN and 0 (d) 9.84 kN and 10.16 kN
GATE-16(i)For the simply supported beam of length L, subjected toa uniformly distributed
moment M kN-m per unit length as shown in the figure, the bending moment (in kN-
m) at the mid-span of the beam is [CE: GATE-2010]
(a) zero (b) M (c) ML (d)
GATE-17. List-I shows different loads acting on a beam and List-II shows different bending
moment distributions. Match the load with the corresponding bending moment
List-I List-II [CE: GATE-2003]
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 5 4 1 3
(c) 2 5 3 1 (d) 2 4 1 3
GATE-18. The bending moment diagram for a beam is given below: [CE: GATE-2005]
b 200 kN-m
100 kN-m
a′ b′
0.5m 0.5m 1m 1m
The shear force at sections aa′ and bb′ respectively are of the magnitude.
(a) 100 kN, 150 kN (b) zero, 100 kN
(c) zero, 50 kN (d) 100 kN, 100 kN
GATE-19. A simply supported beam AB has the bending moment diagram as shown in the
following figure: [CE: GATE-2006]
GATE-20. Match List-I (Shear Force Diagrams) beams with List-II (Diagrams of beams with
supports and loading) and select the correct answer by using the codes given below
the lists: [CE: GATE-2009]
List-I List-II
A. q/unit length q/unit length
qL qL L L
+ L
2 + 4 4
qL – qL
2 q q
2 2
qL 4 4
4 +
– qL 3.
C. q/unit length
q q q
2 + 2 + 2 L L
q q q 4 4
– –
2 2 2 4.
q q
2 2
2 +
– q L L
2 4 4
(a) 3 1 2 4 (b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 2 4 3 1
IES-3. The bending moment (M) is constant over a length segment (I) of a beam. The
shearing force will also be constant over this length and is given by [IES-1996]
(a) M/l (b) M/2l (c) M/4l (d) None of the above
IES-4. A rectangular section beam subjected to a bending moment M varying along its
length is required to develop same maximum bending stress at any cross-section. If
the depth of the section is constant, then its width will vary as [IES-1995]
(a) M (b) M (c) M2 (d) 1/M
IES-6. The given figure shows a beam BC simply supported at C and hinged at B (free end)
of a cantilever AB. The beam and the cantilever carry forces of
IES-7. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
the lists: [IES-1993, 2011]
List-I List-II
(Condition of beam) (Bending moment diagram)
IES-8. If the shear force acting at every section of a beam is of the same magnitude and of
the same direction then it represents a [IES-1996]
(a) Simply supported beam with a concentrated load at the centre.
(b) Overhung beam having equal overhang at both supports and carrying equal concentrated
loads acting in the same direction at the free ends.
(c) Cantilever subjected to concentrated load at the free end.
(d) Simply supported beam having concentrated loads of equal magnitude and in the same
direction acting at equal distances from the supports.
IES-10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the
Lists: [IES-2009]
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 5 2 4 (b) 4 5 2 3
(c) 1 3 4 5 (d) 4 2 5 3
IES-12. A cantilever beam having 5 m length is so loaded that it develops a shearing force of
20T and a bending moment of 20 T-m at a section 2m from the free end. Maximum
shearing force and maximum bending moment developed in the beam under this load
are respectively 50 T and 125 T-m. The load on the beam is: [IES-1995]
(a) 25 T concentrated load at free end
(b) 20T concentrated load at free end
(c) 5T concentrated load at free end and 2 T/m load over entire length
(d) 10 T/m udl over entire length
IES-16. Assertion (A): If the bending moment diagram is a rectangle, it indicates that the
beam is loaded by a uniformly distributed moment all along the length.
Reason (R): The BMD is a representation of internal forces in the beam and not the
moment applied on the beam. [IES-2002]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-17. The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of length L loaded by a
concentrated load W at the midpoint is given by [IES-1996]
(a) WL (b) (c) (d)
2 4 8
IES-19. If a beam is subjected to a constant bending moment along its length, then the shear
force will [IES-1997]
(a) Also have a constant value everywhere along its length
(b) Be zero at all sections along the beam
(c) Be maximum at the centre and zero at the ends (d) zero at the centre and maximum at
the ends
IES-21. A simply supported beam has equal over-hanging lengths and carries equal
concentrated loads P at ends. Bending moment over the length between the supports
(a) Is zero (b) Is a non-zero constant
(c) Varies uniformly from one support to the other (d) Is maximum at mid-span
IES-21(i). A beam simply supported at equal distance from the ends carries equal loads at each
end. Which of the following statements is true? [IES-2013]
(a) The bending moment is minimum at the mid-span
IES-22. The bending moment diagram for the case shown below will be q as shown in
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
IES-23. Which one of the following
portions of the loaded beam
shown in the given figure is
subjected to pure bending?
(a) AB (b)DE
(c) AE (d) BD
IES-24. Constant bending moment over span "l" will occur in [IES-1995]
IES-26. A beam is simply supported at its ends and is loaded by a couple at its mid-span as
shown in figure A. Shear force diagram for the beam is given by the figure.
IES-33. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
the Lists: [IES-2000]
List-I List-II
A. Bending moment is constant 1. Point of contraflexure
B. Bending moment is maximum or minimum 2. Shear force changes sign
C. Bending moment is zero 3. Slope of shear force diagram is
zero over the portion of the beam
D. Loading is constant 4. Shear force is zero over the
portion of the beam
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4
IES-39. The figure given below shows a bending moment diagram for the beam CABD:
IES-40. The shear force diagram shown in the following figure is that of a [IES-1994]
(a) Freely supported beam with symmetrical point load about mid-span.
(b) Freely supported beam with symmetrical uniformly distributed load about mid-span
(c) Simply supported beam with positive and negative point loads symmetrical about the mid-
(d) Simply supported beam with symmetrical varying load about mid-span
(c) Steel
(d) F
Y Aliminium
X T [IES-2010]
IAS-2. Assertion (A): The change in bending moment between two cross-sections of a beam is
equal to the area of the shearing force diagram between the two sections.[IAS-1998]
Reason (R): The change in the shearing force between two cross-sections of beam due
to distributed loading is equal to the area of the load intensity diagram between the
two sections.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-3. The ratio of the area under the bending moment diagram to the flexural rigidity
between any two points along a beam gives the change in [IAS-1998]
(a) Deflection (b) Slope (c) Shear force (d) Bending moment
IAS-4. A beam AB of length 2 L having a
concentrated load P at its mid-span
is hinge supported at its two ends A
and B on two identical cantilevers as
shown in the given figure. The
correct value of bending moment at
A is
(a) Zero (b) PLl2
(c) PL (d) 2 PL [IAS-1995]
IAS-5. A load perpendicular to the plane of the handle is applied at the free end as shown in
the given figure. The values of Shear Forces (S.F.), Bending Moment (B.M.) and
torque at the fixed end of the handle have been determined respectively as 400 N, 340
Nm and 100 by a student. Among these values, those of [IAS-1999]
(a) S.F., B.M. and torque are correct
(b) S.F. and B.M. are correct
(c) B.M. and torque are correct
(d) S.F. and torque are correct
IAS-11. For the shear force to be uniform throughout the span of a simply supported beam, it
should carry which one of the following loadings? [IAS-2007]
(a) A concentrated load at mid-span
(b) Udl over the entire span
(c) A couple anywhere within its span
(d) Two concentrated loads equal in magnitude and placed at equal distance from each
IAS-12. Which one of the following figures represents the correct shear force diagram for the
loaded beam shown in the given figure I? [IAS-1998; IAS-1995]
IAS-17. Match List-I (Beams) with List-II (Shear force diagrams) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the Lists: [IAS-2001]
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 2 5 3 (b) 1 4 5 3
(c) 1 4 3 5 (d) 4 2 3 5
IAS-19. Assertion (A): In a loaded beam, if the shear force diagram is a straight line parallel
to the beam axis, then the bending moment is a straight line inclined to the beam
axis. [IAS 1994]
Reason (R): When shear force at any section of a beam is zero or changes sign, the
bending moment at that section is maximum.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
IAS-21. The bending moment for a loaded beam is shown below: [IAS-2003]
The loading on the beam is represented by which one of the followings diagrams?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
IAS-22. Which one of the given bending moment diagrams correctly represents that of the
loaded beam shown in figure? [IAS-1997]
IAS-24. The bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam is a rectangle over a
larger portion of the span except near the supports. What type of load does the beam
carry? [IAS-2007]
(a) A uniformly distributed symmetrical load over a larger portion of the span except near the
(b) A concentrated load at mid-span
(c) Two identical concentrated loads equidistant from the supports and close to mid-point of
the beam
(d) Two identical concentrated loads equidistant from the mid-span and close to supports
GATE-1. Ans. (c)
GATE-2. Ans. Zero
GATE-2(i). Anss. (b)
GATE-3. Ans. (a) Ass it is rigid roller,
r deflecction must be
b same, beccause after d
deflection th
hey also will be in
coontact. But slope
s unequa al.
GATE-4. Ans. (b)
GATE-5. Ans. (d)
wx 2 wx 3
Mx = −
2 6L
R1 R2
R1 + R 2 = 3000 × 2 = 6000N
R1 × 4 − 3000 × 2 × 1 = 0
R1 = 1500,
S.F. eqn . at any section x from end A.
R1 − 3000 × ( x − 2 ) = 0 {for x > 2m}
x = 2.5 m.
GATE-10. Ans. (b)
Binding stress will be maximum at the outer surface
So taking 9 = 50 mm
ld 3 m × 50
and I = & σ= 3
12 ld
m x = 1.5 × 103 [2000 + x] −
∴ m2500 = 3.375 ×10 N − mm
10.31kN -m
1m 4m
Taking moments about G
R H × 4 − 5 × 4 × 2 + 10.31 − 9.84 × 2 + 10 × 1 = 0
⇒ RH = = 9.84 kN
GATE-16. Ans. (b)
GATE-16(i). Ans. (a)
Let the reaction at the right hand support be VR upwards. Taking moments about left hand
support, we get
VR × L − ML = 0
⇒ VR = M
Thus, the reaction at the left hand support VL will be M downwards.
∴ Moment at the mid-span
= −M× + M× =0
2 2
Infact the bending moment through out the beam is zero.
GATE-16(ii) Ans. (b)
GATE-17. Ans. (d)
GATE-18. Ans. (c)
The bending moment to the left as well as right of section aa′ is constant which means shear
force is zero at aa′.
200 − 100
Shear force at bb′ = = 50 kN
GATE-19. Ans. (a)
The shear force diagram is
M – M
M 2M
RA Loading diagram RB
3M M
R A = RB = =
3L L
GATE-20. Ans. (a)
IES-1. Ans. (a)
IES-2. Ans. (b) Load P at end produces moment in
anticlockwise direction. Load P at end
produces moment of PL in clockwise
direction. Net moment at AA is PL/2.
M = 37.5 × KNm = 50 × 106 Nmm
IES-15. Ans. (a)
IES-16. Ans. (d)
IES-17. Ans. (c)
IES-18. Ans. (c)
IES-19. Ans. (b)
IES-20. Ans. (a)
IES-21. Ans. (b)
B.MMax = =M
Where the Load is U.D.L.
Maximum Bending Moment
⎛ W ⎞⎛L ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠⎝ 8 ⎠
WL 1 ⎛ WL ⎞ M
= = ⎜ =
8 2 ⎝ 4 ⎟⎠ 2
IES-29. Ans. (d) 1 WL
Total load = ×L× W =
2 2
⎛ ⎞
WL 1 ⎜ W ⎟ WL Wx 2
Sx = − x. ⎜ × X ⎟ = −
4 2 ⎜ L ⎟ 4 L
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
Smax at x = 0 =
IAS-1. Ans. (a)
IAS-2. Ans. (b)
IAS-3. Ans. (b)
IAS-4. Ans. (a) Because of hinge support between beam AB and cantilevers, the bending moment can't be
transmitted to cantilever. Thus bending moment at points A and B is zero.
IAS-5. Ans. (d)
S.F = 400N and BM = 400 × ( 0.4 + 0.2 ) = 240Nm
Torque = 400 × 0.25 = 100Nm
IAS-6. Ans. (b)
x wx 2
IAS-7. Ans. (c) Mx = − wx × =−
2 2
RA 10m RB
Total load on beam =5× = 25 kN
∴ RA = RB = = 12.5 kN
Take a section X-X from B at a distance x.
For 0 ≤ x ≤ 5 m we get rate of loading
ω = a + bx [as lineary varying]
at x=0, ω =5 kN / m
and at x = 5, ω = 0
These two bounday condition gives a = 5 and b = -1
∴ ω = 5− x
We know that shear force(V), = −ω
or V =∫ −ωdx = − ∫ (5 − x )dx = −5 x + + c1
at x = 0, F =12.5 kN (RB ) so c1 = 12.5
∴ V = -5x + + 12.5
It is clear that maximum S.F = 12.5 kN
For a beam =V
x2 5x 2 x 3
or , M =∫ Vdx = ∫ (−5 x + + 12.5)dx = - + + 12.5 x + C2
2 2 6
at x = 0, M = 0 gives C2 = 0
M = 12.5x - 2.5x 2 + x 3 / 6
-12.5KN/m 12.5KN/m
10m 6.666m
RA RB 12.5kN 12.5kN
Cubic parabola
B.M.D 20.83kNm
Conventional Question IES-1996
Answer: Equivalent figure below shows an overhanging beam ABCDF supported by a roller support at
A and a hinged support at D. In the figure, a load of 4 kN is applied through a bracket 0.5 m
away from the point C. Now apply equal and opposite load of 4 kN at C. This will be
equivalent to a anticlockwise couple of the value of (4 x 0.5) = 2 kNm acting at C together with
a vertical downward load of 4 kN at C. Show U.D.L. (1 kN/m) over the port AB, a point load of
2 kN vertically downward at F, and a horizontal load of 2 3 kN as shown.
Obviously RDH= 2 3 kN ( → )
In order to determine RA, takings moments about D, we get
⎛2 ⎞
R A × 6 + 2 × 1 = 1× 2 × ⎜ + 2 + 2 ⎟ + 2 + 4 × 2
⎝ 2 ⎠
or R A = 3kN
Also R A + RDV = (1× 2 ) + 4 + 2 = 8
(R ) + ( R ) ( )
2 2
∴ Re action at D, RD = DV DH = 52 + 2 3 = 6.08kN
Inclination with horizontal = θ = tan−1 = 55.30
2 3
S.F.Calculation :
VF = −2kN
VD = −2 + 5 = 3kN
VC = 3 − 4 = −1kN
VB = −1kN
VA = −1 − (1× 2 ) = −3kN
Answer: There shall be a vertical reaction at hinge B and we can split the problem in two parts. Then
the FBD of each part is shown below
(ii) Radius of coordinate R
As per bending equation:
M σ E
= =
I y R
or R = − − − (i)
Here,M = W × a = 1× 103 × 0.125 = 125Nm
(d 4
0 − d14 )
π ⎡
( 0.04 ) − ( 0.03 ) ⎤ = 8.59 × 10−8 m4
4 4
64 ⎣ ⎦
Substituting the values in equation ( i ) , we get
208 × 108 × 8.59 × 10 −8
R= = 142.9 m
Deflection at mid − span :
d2 y
EI = Mx = − Wx + W ( x − a ) = − Wx + Wx − Wa = − Wa
dx 2
Integrating, we get
EI = − Wax + C1
1 dy
When, x= , =0
2 dx
1 Wal
∴ 0 = − Wa + C1 or C1 =
2 2
dy Wal
∴ EI = − Wax +
dx 2
y= ⎢− + + − ⎥
EI ⎢ 2 2 2 2⎥
⎣ ⎦
Wa ⎡ l 2
a 2
al ⎤
= ⎢− + − ⎥
EI ⎣ 8 2 2 ⎦
1× 1000 × 0.125 ⎡1.52 0.1252 0.125 × 1.5 ⎤
= ⎢ + − ⎥
208 × 109 × 8.59 × 10 −8 ⎣ 8 2 2 ⎦
= 0.001366m = 1.366mm
It will be in upward direction
Conventional Question IES-2001
Question: What is meant by point of contraflexure or point of inflexion in a beam? Show the
same for the beam given below:
17.5kN/m 20kN
4M 4M
Answer: In a beam if the bending moment changes sign at a point, the point itself having zero bending
moment, the beam changes curvature at this point of zero bending moment and this point is
called the point of contra flexure.
17.5kN/m 20kN
4M 4M 2M
From the bending moment diagram we have seen that it is between A & C.
[If marks are more we should calculate exact point.]
d 2y
formula, EI = Mx .
dx 2
d 2y
formula, EI = −M x .
dx 2
• To make sure the structure not deflect severely and to “appear” safe for its occupants
Methods to find
Castiglian’s Virtual
theorem Work
Non-Uniform Bending
• In the case of non-uniform bending of a beam, where bending moment varies from section to section,
there will be shear force at each cross section which will induce shearing stresses
• Also these shearing stresses cause warping (or out-of plane distortion) of the cross section so that
plane cross sections do not remain plane even after bending
d y
EI 2 =M x
Proof: Consider the following simply supported beam with UDL over its length.
From elementary calculus we know that curvature of a line (at point Q in figure)
d2 y
1 dx 2
= where R = radius of curvature
R ⎧⎪ 2 3/2
⎛ dy ⎞ ⎫⎪
⎨1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎝ dx ⎠ ⎪⎭
For small deflection, ≈0
1 d2 y
or ≈
R dx 2
• Vx = ∫ −ω dx
• ∫
Mx = Vx dx
• EI = Mx
dx 2
EI ∫
• θ = Slope = M x dx
• δ = Deflection = ∫ θ dx
4-step procedure to solve deflection of beam problems by double integration method
Step 1: Write down boundary conditions (Slope boundary conditions and displacement boundary
conditions), analyze the problem to be solved
Step 2: Write governing equations for, EI = Mx
dx 2
Deflection, ( y ) = 0
Slope, (θ ) ≠ 0 i.e.A finite value
Moment , ( M ) = 0
Flexible support
Deflection, ( y ) ≠ 0 i.e.A finite value
Slope, (θ ) ≠ 0 i.e.A finite value
Moment , ( M ) = kr
Shear force, (V ) = k . y
⎛πx ⎞
point ‘x’ along the beam is w x = w sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠
∴ Mx = - P.x
We know that differential equation of elastic line
d2 y
EI = M x = −P .x
dx 2
Integrating both side we get
d2 y
∫ EIdx 2
= − P ∫ x dx
dy x2
or EI = − P. + A .............(i)
dx 2
ymax = - (Negative sign indicates the deflection is downward)
(Slope)max = θ max =
Remember for a cantilever beam with a point load at free end.
Downward deflection at free end, (δ ) =
And slope at free end, (θ ) =
We will now solve this problem by double integration method, for that at first we have to calculate (Mx).
Consider any section XX at a distance ‘x’ from free end which is left end as shown in figure.
x wx 2
∴ Mx = − ( w.x ) . =−
2 2
We know that differential equation of elastic line
d2 y wx 2
EI = −
dx 2 2
Integrating both sides we get
d2 y wx 2
∫ EI dx 2
= ∫−
dy wx 3
or EI =− + A ......(i)
dx 6
Again integrating both side we get
⎛ wx 3 ⎞
EI∫ dy = ∫ ⎜ − + A ⎟ dx
⎝ 6 ⎠
or EIy = - + Ax + B.......(ii)
[ where A and B are integration constants]
Now apply boundary condition at fixed end which is at a distance x = L from free end and we also know that
at fixed end.
at x = L, y=0
at x = L, =0
-wL3 +wL3
from equation (i) we get EI × (0) = + A or A =
6 6
from equation (ii) we get EI.y = - + A.L + B
or B=-
The slope as well as the deflection would be maximum at the free end hence putting x = 0, we get
Maximum deflection at free end (δ ) =
Maximum slope, (θ ) =
(iii) A Cantilever beam of length ‘L’ with an applied moment ‘M’ at free end.
Consider a section XX at a distance ‘x’ from free end, the bending moment at section XX is
(Mx) = -M
We know that differential equation of elastic line
d2 y
or EI = −M
dx 2
Integrating both side we get
d2 y
or EI∫ = − ∫ M dx
dx 2
or EI = −Mx + A ...(i)
∴Maximum deflection at free end (δ ) = (It is downward)
∴ Maximum slope at free end ( )
θ =
Let us take a funny example: A cantilever beam AB of length ‘L’ and uniform flexural rigidity EI has a
bracket BA (attached to its free end. A vertical downward force P is applied to free end C of the bracket.
Find the ratio a/L required in order that the deflection of point A is zero.
[ISRO – 2008]
We may consider this force ‘P’ and a moment (P.a) act on free end A of the cantilever beam.
We want to locate the point of maximum deflection on the elastic curve and find its value.
In the region 0 < x < L/2
Bending moment at any point x (According to the shown co-ordinate system)
Mx = ⎜ ⎟ .x
and In the region L/2 < x < L
Mx = ( x − L / 2)
We know that differential equation of elastic line
d2 y P
EI = .x (In the region 0 < x < L/2 )
dx 2 2
Integrating both side we get
d2 y P
or EI ∫ dx2 = ∫ 2 x dx
dy P x 2
or EI = . + A (i)
dx 2 2
Again integrating both side we get
Maximum deflection at mid span (x = L/2) (δ ) =
and maximum slope at each end (θ ) =
(v) A simply supported beam with a point load ‘P’ NOT at its midpoint.
A simply supported beam AB carries a concentrated load P as shown in the figure.
We have to locate the point of maximum deflection on the elastic curve and find the value of this deflection.
Taking co-ordinate axes x and y as shown below
⎛ P.a ⎞
In the region 0 ≤ x ≤ a, Mx = ⎜ ⎟ .x
⎝ L ⎠
And, In the region a ≤ x ≤ L, Mx = − (L - x )
So we obtain two differential equation for the elastic curve.
d2 y P.a
EI = .x for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
dx 2 L
d2 y P.a
and EI 2 = − . (L - x ) for a ≤ x ≤ L
dx L
Successive integration of these equations gives
dy P.a x 2
EI = . + A1 ......(i) for o ≤ x ≤ a
dx L 2
dy P.a 2
EI = P.a x - x + A2 ......(ii) for a ≤ x ≤ L
dx L
P.a x 3
EI y = . +A1x+B1 ......(iii) for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
L 6
x 2 P.a x 3
EI y = P.a − . + A 2 x + B2 .....(iv) for a ≤ x ≤ L
2 L 6
Where A1, A2, B1, B2 are constants of Integration.
Now we have to use Boundary conditions for finding constants:
BCS (a) at x = 0, y = 0
(b) at x = L, y = 0
⎛ dy ⎞
(c) at x = a, ⎜ ⎟ = Same for equation (i) & (ii)
⎝ dx ⎠
(d) at x = a, y = same from equation (iii) & (iv)
Pb 2 P.a
We get A1 =
(L − b2 ;) A2 =
2L2 + a2 )
and B1 = 0; B2 = Pa3 / 6EI
Therefore we get two equations of elastic curve
Pb ⎡⎛ L ⎞ ⎤
EI y =
6L ⎢⎣⎜⎝ b ⎟⎠
( x - a ) + L2 − b2 x - x3 ⎥ . ...(vi) for a ≤ x ≤ L
For a > b, the maximum deflection will occur in the left portion of the span, to which equation (v) applies.
Setting the derivative of this expression equal to zero gives
a(a+2b) (L-b)(L+b) L2 − b2
x= = =
3 3 3
at that point a horizontal tangent and hence the point of maximum deflection substituting this value of x
P.b(L2 − b2 )3/2
into equation (v), we find, y max =
9 3. EIL
Case –I: if a = b = L/2 then
L2 − (L/2 )
{ }
P. (L/2 ) × L2 − (L/2 )
and y max = (δ ) = =
9 3 EIL 48EI
Taking co-ordinate axes x and y as shown, we have for the bending moment at any point x
wL x2
Mx = .x - w.
2 2
Then the differential equation of deflection becomes
d2 y wL x2
EI = Mx = .x - w.
dx 2 2 2
Integrating both sides we get
wL x 3 w x 4
EI y = . − . + Ax + B .....(ii)
2 6 2 12
Where A and B are integration constants. To evaluate these constants we have to use boundary conditions.
at x = 0, y = 0 gives B=0
dy wL3
at x = L/2, =0 gives A=−
dx 24
Therefore the equation of the elastic curve
wL 3 w wL3 wx
y= .x − .x 4 − .x = ⎡L3 − 2L.x 2 + x 3 ⎤⎦
12EI 24EI 12EI 24EI ⎣
The maximum deflection at the mid-span, we have to put x = L/2 in the equation and obtain
Maximum deflection at mid-span, (δ ) = (It is downward)
And Maximum slope θ A = θB at the left end A and at the right end b is same putting x = 0 or x = L
Therefore we get Maximum slope (θ ) =
(vii) A simply supported beam with triangular distributed load (GVL) gradually
varied load.
A simply supported beam carries a triangular distributed load (GVL) as shown in figure below. We have to
d4 y w
EI = load = − .x .....(i)
dx 4 L
Separating variables and integrating we get
d3 y wx 2
EI = ( x)
V = − +A .....(ii)
dx 3 2L
Again integrating thrice we get
d2 y wx 3
EI 2
= Mx = − + Ax +B .....(iii)
dx 6L
dy wx 4 Ax 2
EI =− + +Bx + C .....(iv)
dx 24L 2
wx 5 Ax 3 Bx 2
EI y = − + + +Cx +D .....(v)
120L 6 2
Where A, B, C and D are integration constant.
Boundary conditions at x = 0, Mx = 0, y=0
at x = L, Mx = 0, y = 0 gives
wL 7wL3
A= , B = 0, C = - , D=0
6 360
Therefore y = -
7L4 − 10L2 x 2 + 3x 4 } (negative sign indicates downward deflection)
To find maximum deflection δ , we have =0
And it gives x = 0.519 L and maximum deflection (δ ) = 0.00652
Considering equilibrium we get RA = and RB = −
Taking co-ordinate axes x and y as shown, we have for bending moment
In the region 0 ≤ x ≤ a, Mx = .x
In the region a ≤ x ≤ L, Mx = x-M
d2 y M
EI = .x for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
dx 2 L
d2 y M
and EI 2 = .x − M for a ≤ x ≤ L
dx L
Successive integration of these equation gives
dy M x 2
EI= . + A1 ....(i) for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
dx L 2
dy M x 2
EI = = - Mx+ A 2 .....(ii) for a ≤ x ≤ L
dx L 2
M x3
and EI y = . + A1x + B1 ......(iii) for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
L σ
M x 3 Mx 2
EI y = − + A 2 x + B2 ......(iv) for a ≤ x ≤ L
L σ 2
Where A1, A2, B1 and B2 are integration constants.
To finding these constants boundary conditions
(a) at x = 0, y = 0
(b) at x = L, y = 0
⎛ dy ⎞
(c) at x = a, ⎜ ⎟ = same form equation (i) & (ii)
⎝ dx ⎠
(d) at x = a, y = same form equation (iii) & (iv)
ML Ma2 ML Ma2
A1 = −M.a + + , A2 = +
3 2L 3 2L
B1 = 0, B2 =
With this value we get the equation of elastic curve
6aL - 3a2 − x 2 − 2L2 } for 0 ≤ x ≤ a
∴ deflection of x = a,
3aL - 2a2 − L2 }
(ix) A simply supported beam with a continuously distributed load the intensity
of which at any point ‘x’ along the beam is wx = w sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠
At first we have to find out the bending moment at any point ‘x’ according to the shown co-ordinate system.
We know that
⎛πx ⎞
∫ d ( V ) = −∫ w sin ⎜⎝
L ⎟⎠
dx +A
wL ⎛πx ⎞
or Vx = + .cos ⎜ ⎟+A
π ⎝ L ⎠
and we also know that
d (Mx ) wL ⎛πx ⎞
= Vx = cos ⎜ ⎟+A
dx π ⎝ L ⎠
Again integrating both sides we get
⎧ wL ⎛πx ⎞ ⎫
∫ d (M ) = ∫
x ⎨
cos ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠
+ A ⎬ dx
wL2 ⎛πx ⎞
or Mx = sin ⎜ ⎟ + Ax +B
π 2
⎝ L ⎠
Where A and B are integration constants, to find out the values of A and B. We have to use boundary
at x = 0, Mx = 0
and at x = L, Mx = 0
wL2 ⎛πx ⎞
From these we get A = B = 0. Therefore Mx = sin ⎜ ⎟
π 2
⎝ L ⎠
So the differential equation of elastic curve
d2 y wL2 ⎛πx ⎞
EI = Mx = sin ⎜ ⎟
dx 2
π 2
⎝ L ⎠
Successive integration gives
dy wL3 ⎛πx ⎞
EI = − 3 cos ⎜ ⎟+C .......(i)
dx π ⎝ L ⎠
wL4 ⎛πx ⎞
EI y = − 4 sin ⎜ ⎟ + Cx + D .....(ii)
π ⎝ L ⎠
Where C and D are integration constants, to find out C and D we have to use boundary conditions
at x = 0, y=0
at x = L, y=0
and that give C = D = 0
dy wL3 ⎛πx ⎞
Therefore slope equation = − 3 cos ⎜
EI ⎟
dx π ⎝ L ⎠
wL4 ⎛πx ⎞
and Equation of elastic curve y = − 4 sin ⎜
π EI ⎝ L ⎟⎠
(-ive sign indicates deflection is downward)
Deflection will be maximum if sin ⎜ ⎟ is maximum
⎝ L ⎠
• In this method we will write single moment equation in such a way that it becomes continuous for
entire length of the beam in spite of the discontinuity of loading.
• After integrating this equation we will find the integration constants which are valid for entire
length of the beam. This method is known as method of singularity constant.
(i) Let us take an example: A simply supported beam AB length 6m with a point load of 30 kN is applied
at a distance 4m from left end A. Determine the equations of the elastic curve between each change of load
point and the maximum deflection of the beam.
Answer: We solve this problem using Macaulay’s method, for that first writes the general momentum
equation for the last portion of beam BC of the loaded beam.
d2 y
EI = Mx = 10x -30 ( x - 4 ) N.m ....(i)
dx 2
By successive integration of this equation (using Macaulay’s integration rule
( x − a)
e.g ∫ ( x − a ) dx = 2
We get
Now we have two equations for entire section of the beam and we have to understand how we use these
equations. Here if x < 4 then x – 4 is negative so this term will be deleted. That so why in the region
o ≤ x ≤ 4m we will neglect (x – 4) term and our slope and deflection equation will be
EI= 5x 2 -53
and EI y = x 3 - 53x
But in the region 4m < x ≤ 6m , (x – 4) is positive so we include this term and our slope and deflection
equation will be
= 5x 2 - 53 - 15 ( x - 4 )
EI y = x3 - 53x - 5 ( x - 4 )
Now we have to find out maximum deflection, but we don’t know at what value of ‘x’ it will be maximum.
For this assuming the value of ‘x’ will be in the region 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m .
Deflection (y) will be maximum for that = 0 or 5x 2 - 53 = 0 or x = 3.25 m as our calculated x is in the
region 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m ; at x = 3.25 m deflection will be maximum
or EI ymax = × 3.253 – 53 × 3.25
– 5 (x – 4)3 and find out x. The value of x will be absurd that indicates the maximum deflection will not
occur in the region 4 < x ≤ 6m .
Deflection (y) will be maximum for that =0
5x 2 - 53 - 15 ( x - 4 ) = 0
(ii) Now take an example where Point load, UDL and Moment applied simultaneously in a
Let us consider a simply supported beam AB (see Figure) of length 3m is subjected to a point load 10 kN,
UDL = 5 kN/m and a bending moment M = 25 kNm. Find the deflection of the beam at point D if flexural
rigidity (EI) = 50 KNm2.
∑M A = 0 gives
-10 × 1 - 25 - ( 5 × 1) × (1 + 1 + 1/ 2 ) + RB × 3 = 0
or RB = 15.83 kN
R A + RB = 10 + 5 × 1 gives R A = −0.83 kN
We solve this problem using Macaulay’s method, for that first writing the general momentum equation for
the last portion of beam, DB of the loaded beam.
5 ( x-2 )
d2 y
-10 ( x-1) +25 ( x-2 ) −
EI = Mx = −0.83x
dx 2 2
( x − a)
e.g ∫ ( x − a) dx =
We get
Deflextion at point D at x = 2m
EIyD = −0.138 × 23 + 1.93 × 2 − 1.67 × 13 = −8.85
8.85 8.85
or yD = − =− m ( −ive sign indicates deflection downward )
EI 50 × 103
= 0.177mm ( downward ) .
(iii) A simply supported beam with a couple M at a distance ‘a’ from left end
If a couple acts we have to take the distance in
the bracket and this should be raised to the
power zero. i.e. M(x – a)0. Power is zero because
(x – a)0 = 1 and unit of M(x – a)0 = M but we
introduced the distance which is needed for
Macaulay’s method.
d2 y
= M = R A. x − M ( x-a )
EI 2
Successive integration gives
dy M x 2
= . + A - M ( x-a )
dx L 2
M ( x-a )
M 3
EI y = x + Ax + B -
6L 2
Where A and B are integration constants, we have to use boundary conditions to find out A & B.
at x = 0, y = 0 gives B = 0
M (L-a )
at x = L, y = 0 gives A = −
2L 6
Mc θ
θ2 OA
A ymax
θ AD
θ AB
tÎ A
• Angle between the tangents drawn at 2 points A&B on the elastic line, θ AB
θ AB = × Area of the bending moment diagram between A&B
A B.M.
i.e. slope θ AB =
• Deflection of B related to 'A'
yBA = Moment of diagram between B&A taking about B (or w.r.t. B)
A B.M × x
i.e. deflection yBA =
Important Note
A = bh x=
2. Triangle
3. Parabola
4. Parabola
5.Cubic Parabola
6. y = k xn
7. Sine curve
⎜ ⎟× L
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ PL3
= = (at free end)
⎜ ⎟ × L-
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ Pa2 ⎛ a ⎞
= = . L- (at free end)
EI 2EI ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
⎜ × ⎟
⎝ 16 3 ⎠ PL3
= = (at mid point)
(v) A simply supported beam with UDL over its whole length
Area of BM diagram (shaded)
2 ⎛ L ⎞ ⎛ wL2 ⎞ wL3
(A) = × ×⎜ ⎟=
3 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 8 ⎠ 24
A wL3
Maximum slope (θ ) = = (at each ends)
Maximum deflection (δ ) =
⎛ wL ⎞ ⎛ 5 L ⎞
⎜ ⎟× ×
24 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 8 2 ⎟⎠ 5 wL4
=⎝ = (at mid point)
EI 384 EI
9. Method of superposition
• Structure should be linear
• Slope of elastic line should be very small.
• The deflection of the beam should be small such that the effect due to the shaft or rotation of the
line of action of the load is neglected.
Principle of Superposition:
• Deformations of beams subjected to combinations of loadings may be obtained as the linear
combination of the deformations from the individual loadings
• Procedure is facilitated by tables of solutions for common types of loadings and supports.
By the conjugate beam method, the slope and deflection of the actual beam can be found by using
the following two rules:
• The slope of the actual beam at any cross section is equal to the shearing force at the
corresponding cross section of the conjugate beam.
• The deflection of the actual beam at any point is equal to the bending moment of the conjugate
beam at the corresponding point.
The method of double integration, method of superposition, moment-area theorems, and Castigliano’s
theorem are all well established methods for finding deflections of beams, but they require that the
boundary conditions of the beams be known or specified. If not, all of them become helpless. However,
the conjugate beam method is able to proceed and yield a solution for the possible deflections of the beam
based on the support conditions, rather than the boundary conditions, of the beams.
(i) A Cantilever beam with a point load ‘P’ at its free end.
wL2 wL
Considering equilibrium we get, MA = and Reaction (R A ) =
3 2
Considering any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from the fixed end.
At this point load (Wx ) = .x
Shear force ( Vx ) = R A − area of triangle ANM
wL 1 ⎛ w ⎞ wL wx 2
= - . ⎜ .x ⎟ .x = + -
2 2 ⎝L ⎠ 2 2L
∴ The shear force variation is parabolic.
wL wL
at x = 0, Vx = + i.e. Maximum shear force, Vmax = +
2 2
at x = L, Vx = 0
wx 2 2x
Bending moment ( Mx ) = R A .x - . - MA
2L 3
wL wx 3 wL2
= .x - -
2 6L 3
∴ The bending moment variation is cubic
wL2 wL2
at x = 0, Mx = − i.e.Maximum B.M. (Mmax ) = − .
3 3
at x = L, Mx = 0
Beam Deflection
GATE-1. A lean elastic beam of given flexural
rigidity, EI, is loaded by a single force F
as shown in figure. How many boundary
conditions are necessary to determine
the deflected centre line of the beam?
(a) 5 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2
GATE-1(i) A “H” shaped frame of uniform felxural rigidity EI is loaded as shown in the figure.
The relative outward displacement between points K and O is [CE: GATE-2003]
RL h2 RL2 h
(a) (b)
RL h2 RL2 h
(c) (d)
3 EI 3EI
GATE-3. A simply supported laterally loaded beam was found to deflect more than a specified
value. [GATE-2003]
Which of the following measures will reduce the deflection?
(a) Increase the area moment of inertia
(b) Increase the span of the beam
(c) Select a different material having lesser modulus of elasticity
(d) Magnitude of the load to be increased
GATE-4. A cantilever beam of length L is subjected to a moment M at the free end. The moment of
inertia of the beam cross section about the neutral axis is I and the Young’s modulus is E. The
magnitude of the maximum deflection is
ML2 ML2 2 ML2 4 ML2
(a ) (b) (c ) (d ) [GATE-2012]
Statement for Linked Answer Questions GATE-5 and GATE-6:
A triangular-shaped cantilever beam of
t P
uniform-thickness is shown in the figure.
The Young’s modulus of the material of the
beam is E. A concentrated load P is applied l
at the free end of the beam
GATE-5. The area moment of inertia about the neutral axis of a cross-section at a distance x
measure from the free end is
bxt3 bxt 3 bxt 3 xt 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
61 121 241 12
GATE-7. For the linear elastic beam shown in the figure, the flexural rigidity, EI is 781250
kN- m2 . When w = 10 kN/m, the vertical reaction R A at A is 50 kN. The value of R A for
w = 100 kN/m is [CE: GATE-2004]
6 mm gap
5m Rigid
GATE-8. Consider the beam AB shown in the figure below. Part AC of the beam is rigid while
Part CB has the flexural rigidity EI. Identify the correct combination of deflection at
end B and bending moment at end A, respectively [CE: GATE-2006]
(a) , 2PL (b) , PL
8 PL3 8 PL3
(c) , 2 PL (d) , PL
3 EI 3EI
El O Rigid
GATE-8(i) The deflection and slope of the beam at Q are respectively [CE: GATE-2009]
3 2 3 2
(a) and (b) and
6 EI 2EI 3EI 2EI
WL3 WL2 WL3 3 WL2
(c) and (d) and
A P a
GATE-11. The stepped cantilever is subjected to moments, M as shown in the figure below. The
vertical deflection at the free end (neglecting the self weight) is [CE: GATE-2008]
2 2
5m 5m
GATE-12. When the middle pontoon is removed, the deflection at H will be
(a) 0.2 m (b) 0.4 m
(c) 0.6 m (d) 0.8 m [CE: GATE-2008]
GATE-13. When the middle pontoon is brought back to its position as shown in the figure above, the
reaction at H will be [CE: GATE-2008]
(a) 8.6 kN (b) 15.7 kN (c) 19.2 kN (d) 24.2 kN
1 45° 2
Fixed L L
GATE-14. Which of the following options represents the deflections δ1 and δ2 at points ‘1’ and ‘2’?
2 ⎛ 2P ⎞ 4 ⎛ 2P ⎞ 2⎛P⎞ 4⎛P⎞
(a) δ1 = ⎜ ⎟ and δ2 = ⎜ ⎟ (b) δ1 = ⎜ ⎟ and δ2 = ⎜ ⎟
5⎝ k ⎠ 5⎝ k ⎠ 5⎝ k ⎠ 5⎝ k ⎠
2⎛ P ⎞ 4⎛ P ⎞ 2⎛ 2P⎞ 4⎛ 2P⎞
(c) δ1 = and δ2 = ⎜ (d) δ1 = ⎜ ⎟ and δ2 = ⎜ ⎟
5 ⎜⎝ 2k ⎟⎠ 5 ⎝ 2k ⎟⎠ 5⎝ k ⎠ 5⎝ k ⎠
[CE: GATE-2011]
GATE-15. If the load P equals 100 kN, which of the following options represents forces R1 and R 2 in the
springs at points ‘1’ and ‘2’? [CE: GATE-2011]
(a) R1 = 20 kN and R 2 = 40 kN (b) R1 = 50 kN and R 2 = 50 kN
(c) R1 = 30 kN and R 2 = 60 kN (d) R1 = 40 kN and R 2 = 80 kN
GATE-16. The simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of intensity w per unit
length, on half of the span from one end. The length of the span and the flexural stiffness are
denoted as l and El respectively. The deflection at mid-span of the beam is
5 wl4 5 wl4
(a) (b) [CE: GATE-2012]
6144 E l 768 E l
5 wl4 5 wl4
(c) (d)
384 E l 192 E l
IES-1(i). If E = elasticity modulus, I = moment of inertia about the neutral axis and M =
bending moment in pure bending under the symmetric loading of a beam, the radius
of curvature of the beam: [IES-2013]
1. Increases with E 2. Increases with M
3. Decreases with I 4. Decreases with M
Which of these are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
IES-4. A cantilever beam of rectangular cross-section is subjected to a load W at its free end.
If the depth of the beam is doubled and the load is halved, the deflection of the free
end as compared to original deflection will be: [IES-1999]
(a) Half (b) One-eighth (c) One-sixteenth (d) Double
IES-5. A simply supported beam of constant flexural rigidity and length 2L carries a
concentrated load 'P' at its mid-span and the deflection under the load is δ . If a
cantilever beam of the same flexural rigidity and length 'L' is subjected to load 'P' at
its free end, then the deflection at the free end will be: [IES-1998]
(a ) δ (b) δ ( c ) 2δ ( d ) 4δ
IES-7. A cantilever beam carries a load W uniformly distributed over its entire length. If the
same load is placed at the free end of the same cantilever, then the ratio of maximum
deflection in the first case to that in the second case will be:
(a) 3/8 (b) 8/3 (c) 5/8 (d) 8/5
IES-9. For a cantilever beam of length 'L', flexural rigidity EI and loaded at its free end by a
concentrated load W, match List I with List II and select the correct answer.
List I List II
A. Maximum bending moment 1. Wl
B. Strain energy 2. Wl2/2EI
C. Maximum slope 3. Wl3/3EI
D. Maximum deflection 4. W2l2/6EI
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 4 3 2 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 4 3 1 2
IES-10. Maximum deflection of a cantilever beam of length ‘l’ carrying uniformly distributed
load w per unit length will be: [IES- 2008]
(a) wl4/ (EI) (b) w l4/ (4 EI) (c) w l4/ (8 EI) (d) w l4/ (384 EI)
[Where E = modulus of elasticity of beam material and I = moment of inertia of beam cross-
IES-11. A cantilever beam of length ‘l’ is subjected to a concentrated load P at a distance of l/3
from the free end. What is the deflection of the free end of the beam? (EI is the
flexural rigidity) [IES-2004]
2 Pl 3 3Pl 3 14 Pl 3 15 Pl 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
81EI 81EI 81EI 81EI
IES-11(i). A simply supported beam of length l is loaded by a uniformly distributed load w over
the entire span. It is propped at the mid span so that the deflection at the centre is
zero. The reaction at the prop is: [IES-2013]
5 1 5 1
(a) wl (b) wl (c) wl (d) wl
16 2 8 10
IES-13. Assertion (A): In a simply supported beam subjected to a concentrated load P at mid-
span, the elastic curve slope becomes zero under the load. [IES-2003]
Reason (R): The deflection of the beam is maximum at mid-span.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-14. At a certain section at a distance 'x' from one of the supports of a simply supported
beam, the intensity of loading, bending moment and shear force arc Wx, Mx and Vx
respectively. If the intensity of loading is varying continuously along the length of
the beam, then the invalid relation is: [IES-2000]
Mx dM x d 2M x dVx
( a ) Slope Qx = ( b )Vx = ( c )Wx = ( d )Wx =
Vx dx dx 2 dx
2 2 2 2
wL 2 w wL 2 wLx
( c ) M= ( L-x ) - ( L-x ) Nm ( d ) M= ( x ) -
2 2 2 2
IES-16. A simply supported beam with width 'b' and depth ’d’ carries a central load W and
undergoes deflection δ at the centre. If the width and depth are interchanged, the
deflection at the centre of the beam would attain the value [IES-1997]
2 3 3/2
( b ) ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ δ ( c ) ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ δ ( d ) ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
d d d d
(a ) δ δ
b ⎝b⎠ ⎝b⎠ ⎝b⎠
IAS-3. In a cantilever beam, if the length is doubled while keeping the cross-section and the
concentrated load acting at the free end the same, the deflection at the free end will
increase by [IAS-1996]
(a) 2.66 times (b) 3 times (c) 6 times (d) 8 times
d2 y
GATE-1. Ans. (d) EI = M . Since it is second order differential equation so we need two boundary
dx 2
conditions to solve it.
GATE-1(i) Ans. (a)
The bending moment in the member JN = R × h(sagging)
Rh × L
∴ Slope at J or N =
Thus, outward displacement between points K and O
RhL RhL R h2 L
= ×h+ ×h=
2 EI 2 EI EI
GATE-1(ii) Ans. (c)
We know that
d2 y
EI . =M
dx 2
d2 y M
∴ =
dx 2 EI
M σ E M 1
Also = = ∴ =
I y R EI R
d2 y 1
∴ =
dx 2 R
3 5 ⎜ ⎟ l4 3
GATE-2. Ans. (d) δ1 =
= and δ 2 =
⎝ l ⎠ = 5Wl Therefore δ : δ = 5: 8
1 2
48EI 384EI 384EI
GATE-3. Ans. (a) Maximum deflection (δ) =
To reduce, δ, increase the area moment of Inertia.
GATE-4. Ans. (a)
GATE-5. Ans. (b) At any distance x
X-Section at x distance
Area moment of inertia about P
b h
Neutral-axis of cross-section
b 3
×t x
bxt 3
Ix = l =
12 121 l
3 2
Deflection at Q = +
2 WL3 + 3 WL3 5 WL3
= =
6 EI 6 EI
WL2 WL × L WL2 + 2 WL2 3 WL2
Slope at Q= + = =
2 EI EI 2 EI 2 EI
GATE-8(ii) Ans. (c)
Since the portion QR of the beam is rigid, QR will remain straight.
Deflection of R = Deflection at Q + Slope at Q × L
5 WL3 3 WL2 5 WL3 + 9 WL3
= + ×L=
6 EI 2EI 6 EI
⎛ 27 ⎞ P a L 5 P a L
= ⎜2 − ⎟ = (clockwise)
⎝ 16 ⎠ EI 16 EI
GATE-11. Ans. (c)
Using Moment Area Method
A 2El
El B
2 2
2M M
M diaghram
Deflection at B w.r.t. A = Moment of area of diagram between A and B about B
= ×L× =
El 2 2E l
24 kN 24 kN
The deflection at H will be due to the load at H as well as due to the displacement of pontoons at
G and I in water. Since the loading is symmetrical, both the pontoons will be immersed to same
height. Let it be x.
∴ x × area of cross section of pontoon × unit weight of water = 24
⇒ x × 8 × 10 = 24
⇒ x = 0.3 m
Also, deflection at H due to load
PL3 48 × (10)3
P= = = 0.1m
48 EI 48 × 104
∴ Final deflection at H = 0.3 + 0.1 = 0.4 m
GATE-13. Ans. (c)
Let the elastic deflection at H be δ.
(P − R) L3
∴ δ= …(i)
48 EI
The reactions at G and I will be same, as the beam is symmetrically loaded.
Let the reaction at each G and I be Q.
Using principle of buoyancy, we get
x × area of cross-section of pontoon × γ w = Q
⇒ x × 8 × 10 = Q
⇒ x= …(ii)
x x
Also, we have
⇒ 2Q + R = 48 …(iii)
Also, ( x + δ) × area of cross-section of Pontoon × γ w = R
⇒ x+δ=
⇒ +δ= [from (ii)]
80 80
48 − R R
⇒ +δ= [from (iii)]
2 × 80 80
⇒ 2δ = δ′
5 wl4
⇒ 2δ =
384 E l
5 wl4
⇒ δ=
768 E l
IES-1. Ans. (b)
IES-1(i). Ans. (d)
W ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ WL2
IES-2. Ans. (c) θ = =
WL 3
⎛ WL2 ⎞ 5WL3
IES-3. Ans. (c) δ = +⎜ ⎟ L =
3EI ⎝ 2EI ⎠ 6EI
W ⎛ 2Lx 2 x 3 ⎞ 5WL3
ymid = ⎜ − ⎟ = =δ
EI ⎝ 2 6 ⎠at x =L 6EI
Wl 3 Wl 3 ×12 4Wl 3
IES-4. Ans. (c) Deflectionin cantilever = = =
3EI 3Eah3 Eah3
4Wl 3 1 4Wl 3
If h is doubled, and W is halved, New deflection = = ×
2 Ea ( 2h )
16 Eah3
W ( 2L )
IES-5. Ans. (c) δ for simply supported beam = =
48 EI 6 EI
and deflection for Cantilever = = 2δ
ML ( PL / 2 ) L PL2
IES-6. Ans. (d) When a B. M is applied at the free end of cantilever, θ = = =
When a cantilever is subjected to a single concentrated load at free end, then θ =
2 EI
3 3
Wl Wl 3
IES-7. Ans. (a) ÷ =
8EI 3EI 8
IES-8. Ans. (b)
IES-9. Ans. (b)
IES-10. Ans. (c)
IAS-1. Ans. (a)
IAS-2. Ans. (c) udl or point load both vary with x. But
if we apply Bending Moment (M) = const.
and =0
PL3 δ ⎛L ⎞
δ = ∴ δ ∞L3
∴ 2 =⎜ 2⎟ =8
3EI δ1 ⎝ L1 ⎠
IAS-4. Ans. (c)
The deflection at the free end of the actual beam = BM of the at fixed point of conjugate beam
⎛1 ML ⎞⎟ 2L ⎛⎜ WL ⎞⎟ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 3
y = ⎜⎜ × L × ⎟ × + ⎜ × L ⎟ × ⎜⎜L + L ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 1 × L × WL ⎟⎟× ⎜⎜L + 2L ⎟⎟ = 3WL
⎜⎝ 2 EI ⎠⎟ 3 ⎝⎜ 2EI ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ 2 ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ 2 2EI ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ 3 ⎠⎟ 2EI
W 2EI 2 ×(200 ×10 )×(375 ×10 )
9 −6
Or stiffness = = 3 = 3
= 4 ×1010 N / m
y 3L 3 ×(0.5)
Answer: Given: F = 100 N; d0 = 150 mm, 0.15 my = 5 mm; E = 2.0 X 1O11 N/m2
Thickness of pole, t
The system of signboard mounting can be considered as a cantilever loaded at A i.e. W = 100
N and also having anticlockwise moment of M = 100 x 1 = 100 Nm at the free end. Deflection
of cantilever having concentrated load at the free end,
y= +
100 × 53 100 × 53
5 × 10 −3 = +
3 × 2.0 × 1011 × I 2 × 2.0 × 1011 × I
1 ⎡ 100 × 53 100 × 53 ⎤ −6 4
or I= ⎢ + ⎥ = 5.417 × 10 m
5 × 10 −3 ⎣ 3 × 2.0 × 1011 2 × 2.0 × 1011 ⎦
2nd consider:
(2W )× 43 128W
δB = =
(2W ) × 4 16W
θB = =
Deflection at A due to this load(δ 2 )
=δB + θB × (6 − 4)=
3rd consider :
W × 63 72W
(δ3 ) = δ A = =
W ×6 18W
θA = =
Apply superpositioning form ula
6W 16W 18W 40W 40 × (10 3 )
θ=θ A + θ B + θ c = + + = =
EI EI EI EI (200 × 10 9 )× 10 − 4
32W 224W 72W 40W 563×W
δ = δ1 + δ 2 + δ 3 = + + = =
563×(10 3 )
= = 8.93 m m
3 × (200 × 10 9 ) × (10 − 4 )
We know that a cantilever beam of length 'L' end load 'P' will deflect at free end
(δ ) =
∴δ ∝
ECast Iron 125 GPa and EMild steel 200 GPa
σ M E
= =
y I R
Where σ = Bending Stress
M = Bending Moment
I = Moment of Inertia
E = Modulus of elasticity
R = Radius of curvature
y = Distance of the fibre from NA (Neutral axis)
• Z is a function of beam c/s only
• Z is other name of the strength of the beam
• The strength of the beam sections depends mainly on the section modulus
• The flexural formula may be written as, σ=
bh 2
• Rectangular c/s of width is "b" & depth "h" with sides horizontal, Z =
• Square beam with sides horizontal, Z =
• Square c/s with diagonal horizontal, Z =
6 2
• Circular c/s of diameter "d", Z =
A log diameter "d" is available. It is proposed to cut out a strongest beam
from it. Then
b( d 2 − b 2 )
bd 3 d
Therefore, Zmax = for b =
9 3
To make Beam of uniform strength the section of the beam may be varied by
• Keeping the width constant throughout the length and varying the depth, (Most widely used)
• Keeping the depth constant throughout the length and varying the width
• By varying both width and depth suitably.
If P = Axial thrust
This direct stress ( σ d ) may be tensile or compressive depending upon the load P is tensile or compressive.
And the bending stress ( σ b ) = is varying linearly from zero at centre and extremum (minimum or
maximum) at top and bottom fibres.
If P is compressive then
P My
• At top fibre σ= + (compressive)
• At mid fibre σ= (compressive)
P My
• At bottom fibre σ= – (compressive)
Bending equation
GATE-1. A cantilever beam has the
square cross section 10mm ×
10 mm. It carries a transverse
load of 10 N. Considering only
the bottom fibres of the beam,
the correct representation of
the longitudinal variation of
the bending stress is:
GATE-1(i) A homogeneous, simply supported prismatic beam of width B, depth D and span L is
subjected to a concentrated load of magnitude P. The load can be placed anywhere
along the span of the beam. The maximum flexural stress developed in beam is
2 PL 3 PL
(a) (b) [CE: GATE-2004]
3 BD2 4 BD2
4 PL 3 PL
(c) ( d)
3 BD2 2 BD2
GATE-1(ii) Consider a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load having a
neutral axis (NA) as shown. For points P (on the neutral axis) and Q(at the bottom of
the beam) the state of stress is best represented by which of the following pairs?
L L [CE: GATE-2011]
(a) (b)
(c) ( d)
GATE-2. Two beams, one having square cross section and another circular cross-section, are
subjected to the same amount of bending moment. If the cross sectional area as well
as the material of both the beams are the same then [GATE-2003]
(a) Maximum bending stress developed in both the beams is the same
(b) The circular beam experiences more bending stress than the square one
(c) The square beam experiences more bending stress than the circular one
(d) As the material is same both the beams will experience same deformation
GATE-2(i) A beam with the cross-section given below is subjected to a positive bending
moment(causing compression at the top) of 16 kN-m acting around the horizontal
axis. The tensile force acting on the hatched area of the cross-section is
75 mm
25 mm
50 mm
50 mm 50 mm
[CE: GATE-2006]
(a) zero (b) 5.9 kN (c) 8.9 kN (d) 17.8 kN
Section Modulus
GATE-3. Match the items in Columns I and II. [GATE-2006]
Column-I Column-II
P. Addendum 1. Cam
Q. Instantaneous centre of velocity 2. Beam
R. Section modulus 3. Linkage
S. Prime circle 4. Gear
(a) P – 4, Q – 2, R – 3, S – l (b) P – 4, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 1
(c) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 4 (d) P – 3, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 2
GATE-5. A simply supported beam of uniform rectangular cross-section of width b and depth h
is subjected to linear temperature gradient, 0º at the top and Tº at the bottom, as
shown in the figure. The coefficient of linear expansion of the beam material is α.
The resulting vertical deflection at the mid-span of the beam is [CE: GATE-2003]
Temp. Gradient
α T h2 α TL2
(a) upward (b) upward
8L 8h
α T h2 α TL2
(c) downward (d) downward
8L 8h
GATE-6. The maximum tensile stress at the section X-X shown in the figure below is
3 3 3
X b
2 2
8P 6P
(a) (b) [CE: GATE-2008]
bd bd
4P 2P
(c) ( d)
bd bd
Bending equation
IES-1. Beam A is simply supported at its ends and carries udl of intensity w over its entire
length. It is made of steel having Young's modulus E. Beam B is cantilever and carries
a udl of intensity w/4 over its entire length. It is made of brass having Young's
modulus E/2. The two beams are of same length and have same cross-sectional area. If
σA and σB denote the maximum bending stresses developed in beams A and B,
respectively, then which one of the following is correct? [IES-2005]
(a) σA/σB (b) σA/σB < 1.0
(c) σA/σB > 1.0 (d) σA/σB depends on the shape of cross-section
IES-2. If the area of cross-section of a circular section beam is made four times, keeping the
loads, length, support conditions and material of the beam unchanged, then the
qualities (List-I) will change through different factors (List-II). Match the List-I with
the List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:[IES-
List-I List-II
IES-4. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the
Lists: [IES-2006]
List-I (State of Stress) List-II (Kind of Loading)
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 3 1 2 4
IES-4a. A T-section beam is simply supported and subjected to a uniform distributed load
over its whole span. Maximum longitudinal stress at [IES-2011]
(a) Top fibre of the flange (b) The junction of web and flange
(c) The mid-section of the web (d) The bottom fibre of the web
IES-4c. Statement (I): A circular cross section column with diameter ‘d’ is to be axially loaded
in compression. For this the core of the section is considered to be a concentric
circulation area of diameter ' '. [IES-2013]
Section Modulus
IES-5. Two beams of equal cross-sectional area are subjected to equal bending moment. If
one beam has square cross-section and the other has circular section, then[IES-1999]
(a) Both beams will be equally strong
(b) Circular section beam will be stronger
(c) Square section beam will be stronger
(d) The strength of the beam will depend on the nature of loading
IES-7. A horizontal beam with square cross-section is simply supported with sides of the
square horizontal and vertical and carries a distributed loading that produces
maximum bending stress σ in the beam. When the beam is placed with one of the
diagonals horizontal the maximum bending stress will be:
(a) σ (b) σ (c) 2σ (d) 2σ
IES-7(i). The ratio of the moments of resistance of a square beam (Z) when square section is
placed (i) with two sides horizontal (Z1) and (ii) with a diagonal horizontal (Z2 ) as
shown is [IES-2012]
= . = . =√ = .
IES-8. Which one of the following combinations of angles will carry the maximum load as a
column? [IES-1994]
IES-9. Assertion (A): For structures steel I-beams preferred to other shapes. [IES-1992]
Reason (R): In I-beams a large portion of their cross-section is located far from the
neutral axis.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-14. A short column of external diameter D and internal diameter d carries an eccentric
load W. Toe greatest eccentricity which the load can have without producing tension
on the cross-section of the column would be: [IES-1999]
D+d D2 + d 2 D2 + d 2 D2 + d 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8 8d 8D 8
Bending equation
IAS-1. Consider the cantilever loaded as shown below: [IAS-2004]
What is the ratio of the maximum compressive to the maximum tensile stress?
(a) 1.0 (b) 2.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 3.0
IAS-2. A 0.2 mm thick tape goes over a frictionless pulley of 25 mm diameter. If E of the
material is 100 GPa, then the maximum stress induced in the tape is: [IAS 1994]
(a) 100 MPa (b) 200 MPa (c) 400 MPa (d) 800 MPa
Section Modulus
IAS-3. A pipe of external diameter 3 cm and internal diameter 2 cm and of length 4 m is
supported at its ends. It carries a point load of 65 N at its centre. The sectional
modulus of the pipe will be: [IAS-2002]
65π 65π 65π 65π
(a) cm3 (b) cm3 (c) cm3 (d) cm3
64 32 96 128
IAS-4. A Cantilever beam of rectangular cross-section is 1m deep and 0.6 m thick. If the
beam were to be 0.6 m deep and 1m thick, then the beam would. [IAS-1999]
(a) Be weakened 0.5 times
(b) Be weakened 0.6 times
IAS-6. Assertion (A): I, T and channel sections are preferred for beams. [IAS-2000]
Reason(R): A beam cross-section should be such that the greatest possible amount of
area is as far away from the neutral axis as possible.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-8. Assertion (A): A square section is more economical in bending than the circular
section of same area of cross-section. [IAS-1999]
Reason (R): The modulus of the square section is less than of circular section of same
area of cross-section.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Bimetallic Strip
IAS-9. A straight bimetallic strip of copper and steel is heated. It is free at ends. The strip,
will: [IAS-2002]
(a) Expand and remain straight (b) Will not expand but will bend
(c) Will expand and bend also (d) Twist only
M σ My 10 × ( x ) × 0.005
GATE-1. Ans. (a) Mx = P.x = or σ = = = 60.(x) MPa
( 0.01)
I y I
At x = 0; σ = 0
At x = 1m; σ = 60MPa
And it is linear as σ ∞ x
GATE-1(i) Ans. (d)
When the concentrated load is placed at the midspan, maximum bending moment will develop
at the mid span.
M ⎡ PL ⎤
Now, σ= y ⎢∵M =
I ⎣ 4 ⎥⎦
3 PL
= 4 32 =
GATE-1(ii) Ans. (a)
There can be two stresses which can act at any point on the beam viz. flexural stress and shear
σ= × ymax
SA y
Where all the symbols have their usual meaning.
75 mm
25 mm
50 mm x
50 mm
100 mm Bending stress distribution
fmax = × ymax
16 × 106 × 12
= × 75 = 42.67 N/ mm2
100 × 1503
From similar traingles, we have
42.67 x
75 25
⇒ x = 14.22 N/ mm2
∴ Tensile force = × 25 × 14.22 × 50 × 10 −3 = 8.88 = 8.9 kN
GATE-3. Ans. (b)
GATE-4. Ans. (d) Total Stress = Direct stress + Stress due to Moment
= P + My = F + F (L − b) × b
A I 4b 2 2b × (b )3
GATE-5. Ans. (d)
The average change in temperature =
The compression in the top most fibre = α × L ×
Similarly, the elongation in bottom most fibre α × L ×
LαT αT
∴ Strain, ε0 = =
L×2 2
Therefore deflection at midpoint is downward. Now, from the equation of pure bending, we have
M E σ
= =
I R y
1 σ
⇒ Curvature, =
R Ey
Strain ⎡ h⎤
= ⎢⎣∵ y = 2 ⎥⎦
4 d
IES-1. Ans. (d) Bending stress (σ ) = , y and I both depends on the
Shape of cross − sec tion so depends on the shape of cross − sec tion
IES-2. Ans. (b) Diameter will be double, D = 2d.
A. Maximum BM will be unaffected
EI1 ⎛ d ⎞ 1
B. deflection ratio =⎜ ⎟ =
EI2 ⎝ 4 ⎠ 16
My M ( d / 2 )
σ2 ⎛ d ⎞ 1
C. Bending stress σ = = or Bending stress ratio = = ⎜ ⎟ =
I πd 4
σ1 ⎝ D ⎠ 8
Z2 I2 y1 ⎛ D ⎞
D. Selection Modulus ratio = = × = =8
Z1 y1 I1 ⎜⎝ d ⎟⎠
IES-3. Ans. (c)
IES-4. Ans. (c)
IES-4a. Ans. (d)
IES-4b. Ans. (a)
IES-4c. Ans. (c)
π 4
IES-5. Ans. (b) If D is diameter of circle and 'a' the side of square section, d 2 = a 2 or d = a
4 π
πd2 a3 a3
Z for circular section = = ; and Z for square section =
32 4 π 6
P ⎛ 6e ⎞ 1600 ⎛ 6e ⎞
IES-12. Ans. (d) Compressive stress at CD = 1.2 N/mm2 = ⎜1 + ⎟ = ⎜1 + ⎟
A⎝ b ⎠ 1600 ⎝ 20 ⎠
6e 1600
or = 0.2. So stress at AB = − (1 − 0.2 ) = −0.8 N/mm 2 (com)
20 1600
IES-13. Ans. (b)
IES-14. Ans. (c)
1 b h bh
IES-15 Ans. (c) A = × × ×4 =
2 6 6 18
My M ⎛ 2h ⎞
IAS-1. Ans. (b) σ= σ compressive, Max =
× ⎜ ⎟ at lower end of A.
I I ⎝ 3 ⎠
M ⎛h⎞
σ tensile, max = × ⎜ ⎟ at upper end of B
I ⎝3⎠
σ E 0.2 25
IAS-2. Ans. (d) = Here y = = 0.1 mm = 0.1 x 10-3 m, R = mm = 12.5 x 10-3 m
y R 2 2
100 × 103 × 0.1 × 10 −3
or σ = MPa = 800MPa
12.5 × 10 −3
I 64 (
34 − 24 )
IAS-3. Ans. (c) Section modulus (z) = = cm3 = cm3
y 3 96
IAS-6. Ans. (a) Because it will increase area moment of inertia, i.e. strength of the beam.
M σ1 σ 2 σ 30
IAS-7. Ans. (c) = = or σ 2 = y2 × 1 = (110 − 30 ) × = 80 MPa
I y1 y2 y1 30
As top fibre in tension so bottom fibre will be in compression.
IAS-8. ans. (c)
IAS-9. Ans. (c) As expansion of copper will be more than steel.
IAS-10. Ans. (a) As direct and bending both the stress is compressive here.
IAS-11. Ans. (b) All stress are compressive, direct stress,
P My Pky
σd = (compressive), σ x = = (compressive)
A Ix Ix
Mx Phx
and σ y = = (compressive)
Iy Iy
X C/s
R A + RB = 2 + 4×4.........(i)
-R A ×4 + 2×(4-1.5) + (4×4)×2=0.......(ii)
or R A = 9.25 kN, RB =18-R A = 8.75 kN
if 0 ≤ x ≤ 2.5 m
( 2) -2(x-2.5)
Mx =RB ×x - 4x. x
M= = = 517194Nm
y 0.245
∴ 1.25W = 517194 or W = 413.76 kN
(ii) Suppose the cover plates are absent for a distance of x-meters from each support. Then at
these points the bending moment must not exceed moment of resistance of ‘I’ section alone
σ.I (35060 ×10−8 )
= (125 ×10 )×
= 178878Nm
y 0.245
∴ Bending moment at x metres from each support
⎛ d⎞
M× ⎜ ⎟
σ max = ⎝2⎠ = M − − − − (i)
bd3 bd2
12 6
or M = σ max . − − − −(ii)
For the condition of maximum strength i.e. maximum moment M, the product bd2 must be a
maximum, since σ max is constant for a given material. To maximize the quantity bd2 we
realise that it must be expressed in terms of one independent variable, say, b, and we may do
this from the right angle triangle relationship.
M = 40 × = 0.005618 MNm
M 0.005618
σ max = = = 40MN / m2
Z ( 0.075 × ( 0.106 ) 2 / 6 )
Hence, the required depth d = 0·106 m = 106 mm
σ M
Ans. We have = .... (i)
y I
Taking distance x from the free end we have
M = 30x kN.m = 30x × 103 N.m
y = 100 + ( 200 − 100 )
= 100 + 50x mm
and I =
Let d be the diameter at x from free end.
π ⎢200 +
( 400 − 200 ) x ⎤
= ⎣ ⎦
π ( 200 + 100x )
= mm 4
From equation (i), we have
Hence maximum bending stress occurs at the midway and from equation (ii), maximum bending
σ= (1)( 200 + 100 ) −3 × 1012
960 × 1012
= 3
= 11.32 MPa
π × ( 300 )
I = Moment of inertia
b = Width of beam c/s.
Q= ∫ ydA = Shaded Area × distance of the centroid of the shaded area from the neutral axis of the c/s.
(τ max ) y =
In Web
(τ max ) y =o = ⎡b(h12− h12 ) + th12 ⎤
8It ⎣ ⎦
vb 2
(τ m im ) y = h1 = ⎡ h − h12 ⎤
2 8It ⎣ ⎦
4. Variation of shear stress for some more section [Asked in different examinations]
Non uniform I-Section Diagonally placed square section
T-section Cross
5. Rectangular section
Shearing occurs here
τ= x
It ∫ ydA
F= ∫ qds
[IES-1995, GATE-2008]
GATE-2. The ratio of average shear stress to the maximum shear stress in a beam with a
square cross-section is: [GATE-1994, 1998]
2 3
(a) 1 (b) (c) (d) 2
3 2
GATE-4. I-section of a beam is formed by gluing wooden planks as shown in the figure below.
If this beam transmits a constant vertical shear force of 3000 N, the glue at any of the
four joints will be subjected to a shear force (in kN per meter length) of
50 mm
200 mm
50 mm
50 mm 75 mm
200 mm [CE: GATE-2006]
(a) 3.0 (b) 4.0 (c) 8.0 (d) 10.7
GATE-5. The shear stress at the neutral axis in a beam of triangular section with a base of 40
mm and height 20 mm, subjected to a shear force of 3 kN is [CE: GATE-2007]
(a) 3 MPa (b) 6 MPa (c) 10 MPa (d) 20 MPa
GATE-6. The point within the cross sectional plane of a beam through which the resultant of
the external loading on the beam has to pass through to ensure pure bending without
twisting of the cross-section of the beam is called [CE: GATE-2009]
A cantilever is loaded by a concentrated load P at the free end as shown. The shear
stress in the element LMNOPQRS is under consideration. Which of the following
figures represents the shear stress directions in the cantilever?
IES-9. In I-Section of a beam subjected to transverse shear force, the maximum shear stress
is developed. [IES- 2008]
(a) At the centre of the web (b) At the top edge of the top flange
(c) At the bottom edge of the top flange (d) None of the above
IES-11. Assertion (A): In an I-Section beam subjected to concentrated loads, the shearing
force at any section of the beam is resisted mainly by the web portion.
Reason (R): Average value of the shearing stress in the web is equal to the value of
shearing stress in the flange. [IES-1995]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-4. The distribution of shear stress of a beam is shown in the given figure. The cross-
section of the beam is: [IAS-2000]
IAS-5. A channel-section of the beam shown in the given figure carries a uniformly
distributed load. [IAS-2000]
Assertion (A): The line of action of the load passes through the centroid of the cross-
section. The beam twists besides bending.
Reason (R): Twisting occurs since the line of action of the load does not pass through
the web of the beam.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
GATE-1. Ans (d) τ max = τ mean
GATE-2. Ans. (b)
τ max = τ mean
SA y
⎛⎛d⎞ ⎞
⎛d ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟ + y⎟
V × ⎜ − y⎟ × b × ⎜ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎟
= ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ d2 ⎞
V×⎜ − y2 ⎟
⇒ τ= ⎝ 4 ⎠
∴ d F = τ × b dy
⎛ d2 ⎞
V×⎜ − y2 ⎟
= ⎝ 4 ⎠ × b dy
Integrating both sides, we get
V b 2 ⎛ d2 ⎞
2 I ∫d ⎝ 4
⇒ F= ⎜ − y2 ⎟ dy
V b ⎡ d2 y3 ⎤ 2 V b ⎡ d 3 d 3 d 3 d3 ⎤
= ⎢ y− ⎥d = ⎢ − − + ⎥
2I ⎣ 4 3⎦ 2I ⎣ 8 24 24 648 ⎦
Vb d 28 V b d3 28 7V
= × × = × × × 12 =
2I 8 81 2bd3 8 81 27
GATE-4. Ans. (b)
Shear flow, q =
50 × 3003 ⎡150 × 503 ⎤
I= + 2× ⎢ + 150 × 50 × 1252 ⎥
12 ⎣ 12 ⎦
40 mm
20 mm
40 mm
40 40 40 80
Width at a distance of mm from the top = × = mm
3 20 3 3
⎛ 1 80 40 ⎞ ⎛ 1 40 ⎞
3 × 103 × ⎜ × × ⎟×⎜ × ⎟
∴ τ= ⎝2 3 3 ⎠ ⎝3 3 ⎠
⎛ 40 × 203 ⎞ 80
⎜ ⎟×
⎝ 36 ⎠ 3
3 × 103 × 3200 × 40 × 36 × 3
= = 10 MPa
162 × 3200 × 203
q= (hy − y2 )
12 × 3 × 103 ⎡ 20 ⎛ 20 ⎞ ⎤
= ⎢ 20 × − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = 10 MPa
40 × 203 ⎣ 3 ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎦
GATE-6. Ans. (c)
a ⎛ a2 ⎞ 3 V
V × ⎜ − y2 ⎟ .a2
VAy 2 ⎝ 4 ⎠ = 3 V a2 − 4y 2 τ 4
IES-1. Ans. (c) τ =
a4 2 a3
( ) or A = 2 a3
τ B 3 V ⎧⎪⎛ 2
⎛ a ⎞ ⎞ ⎫⎪
×a . 3 . ⎨⎜ a − 4 ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎬
12 2 a ⎪⎩⎝⎜ ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎠⎟ ⎭⎪
V ⎛ h2 2⎞
τ= ⎜ − y1 ⎟ indicating a parabolic distribution of shear stress across the cross-section.
4I ⎝ 4 ⎠
IES-5. Ans. (b)
My VAy
IAS-1. Ans. (a) Bending stress δ = and shear stress ( τ ) = both of them does not depends on
I Ib
material of beam.
V ⎛ h2 2⎞
τ= ⎜ − y1 ⎟ indicating a parabolic distribution of shear stress across the cross-section.
4I ⎝ 4 ⎠
IAS-3. Ans. (d)
IAS-4. Ans. (b)
IAS-5. Ans. (c) Twisting occurs since the line of action of the load does not pass through the shear.
N/A 20cm
30 × 106 =
( 2ω ) × 0.1
10 −4
or, ω = 15 kN/m
Types of Beams
Continuous beams
Beams placed on more than 2 supports are called continuous beams. Continuous beams are used when
the span of the beam is very large, deflection under each rigid support will be equal zero.
Stability of structure
If the equilibrium and geometry of structure is maintained under the action of forces than the structure
is said to be stable.
Beams for which reaction forces and internal forces can be found out from static equilibrium equations
∑X i = 0, ∑ Yi = 0 and ∑M = 0
i is sufficient to calculate R A & RB.
Beams for which reaction forces and internal forces cannot be found out from static equilibrium
equations alone are called statically indeterminate beam. This type of beam requires deformation
Overhanging Beam
IES-1. An overhanging beam ABC is supported at points A and B, as shown in the above
figure. Find the maximum bending moment and the point where it occurs.
IES-2. A beam of length 4 L is simply supported on two supports with equal overhangs of
L on either sides and carries three equal loads, one each at free ends and the third
at the mid-span. Which one of the following diagrams represents correct
distribution of shearing force on the beam? [IES-2004]
Overhanging Beam
If the beam shown in the given figure is to have zero bending moment at its
middle point, the overhang x should be: [IAS-2000]
(a) wl 2 / 4 P (b) wl 2 / 6 P (c) wl 2 / 8P (d) wl 2 /12 P
IAS-2. A beam carrying a uniformly distributed load rests on two supports 'b' apart with
equal overhangs 'a' at each end. The ratio b/a for zero bending moment at mid-
span is: [IAS-1997]
1 3
(a) (b) 1 (c) (d) 2
2 2
IAS-3. A beam carries a uniformly distributed load and is supported with two equal
overhangs as shown in figure 'A'. Which one of the following correctly shows the
bending moment diagram of the beam? [IAS 1994]
IES-1. Ans. (a) Taking moment about A
VB × 2 = ( 2 × 1) + ( 6 × 3 )
⇒ 2VB = 2 + 18
⇒ VB = 10 kN
VA + VB = 2 + 6 = 8kN
∴ VA = 8 − 10 = − 2 kN
∴ Maximum Bending Moment = 6
kN-m at the right support
They use opposite sign conversions but for correct sign remember S.F & B.M of cantilever is
(-) ive.
IES-3. Ans. (c)
IAS-1. Ans. (c) Rc = RD = P +
wl l l ⎛ l⎞ wl 2
Bending moment at mid point (M) = − × + RD × − P ⎜ x + ⎟ = 0 gives x =
2 4 2 ⎝ 2⎠ 8P
IAS-2. Ans. (d)
∑X i = 0, ∑Yi = 0 and ∑M = 0
i is sufficient
to calculate R A & RB.
Beams for which reaction forces and internal forces cannot be found out from static
equilibrium equations alone are called statically indeterminate beam. This type of beam
requires deformation equation in addition to static equilibrium equations to solve for
unknown forces.
section, which supports gears, sprockets, wheels, rotors, etc., and which is subjected to
carries no torque.
• A “spindle” is a short shaft. Terms such as lineshaft, headshaft, stub shaft, transmission
shaft, countershaft, and flexible shaft are names associated with special usage.
G = Modulus of rigidity
• The section under consideration is remote from the point of application of the load and from
a change in diameter.
• Adjacent cross sections originally plane and parallel remain plane and parallel after
• Cross-sections rotate as if rigid, i.e. every diameter rotates through the same angle
J = z0
2π r 3 dr
2 π R 4 π D4
= (6)
N4Q 0
4 32
π π
J =
2π r 3 dr = 2 π
( R4 − r 4 ) =
cD 4
−d4 h (7)
π d4
• Solid shaft “J” =
• Hollow shaft, "J” = (d o 4 − d i 4 )
3. The polar section modulus
Zp= J / c, where c = r = D/2
• For a solid circular cross-section, Zp = π D3 / 16
• For a hollow circular cross-section, Zp = π (Do4 - Di4 ) / (16Do)
• Then, τ max = T / Zp
• If design shears stress, τ d is known, required polar section modulus can be calculated from:
Zp = T / τ d
6. In twisting
• Solid shaft, τ max =
π d3
16Td o
• Hollow shaft, τ max =
π (d o 4 − di 4 )
• Diameter of a shaft to have a maximum deflection " α " d = 4.9 × 4
[Where T in N-mm, L in mm, G in N/mm2]
n 2 − 1 n 2/3 ) Where, n =
External diameter of hollow shaft
( )
Ws n4 − 1 Internal diameter of hollow shaft
Uh n 2 + 1 1
= 2
= 1+ 2
Us n n
9. Shaft in parallel
θ1 = θ 2 and T = T1 + T2
32 M P
σx = +
πd3 A
τ xy = 3
• Principal normal stresses ( σ 1,2 ) & Maximum shearing stress ( τ max )
σx ⎛σ ⎞
σ 1,2 = ± ⎜ x ⎟ + τ xy2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
σ1 − σ 2 ⎛σ ⎞
τ max = = ± ⎜ x ⎟ + (τ xy ) 2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
16 ⎡
σ max = 3 ⎣
M + M 2 +T2 ⎤
πd ⎦
τ max = M 2 +T2
1 ⎛T ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝M ⎠
⎡M + M 2 +T2 ⎤
Me = ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ 2 ⎥⎦
Te = M 2 + T 2
• Important Note
o Uses of the formulas are limited to cases in which both M & T are known. Under any
other condition Mohr’s circle is used.
32M e
o σw in tension , d = 3
πσ w
o τw in shear , d= 3
πτ w
Fn = −τ × [ BC sin θ + AC cosθ ]
Ft = τ × [ BC cosθ - AC sinθ ]
σn = −τ sin 2θ
σt = τ cos 2θ
θ ( σ n )max τ max
0 0 +τ
45° –τ 0
90 0 –τ
135 +τ 0
• Important Note
• Principal stresses at a point on the surface of the shaft = + τ , - τ , 0
i.e σ 1,2 = ± τ sin2θ
• Principal strains
τ τ
∈1 = (1 + μ ); ∈2 = − (1 + μ ); ∈3 = 0
• Volumetric strain,
∈v =∈1 + ∈2 + ∈3 = 0
• Saint Venant (1855) showed that τ max in a rectangular b × c section bar occurs in the middle
T T ⎛ 1.8 ⎞
τ max = = 2 ⎜
α bc 2
bc ⎝ b / c ⎟⎠
Where b is the longer side and α factor that is function of the ratio b/c.
The angle of twist is given by
θ =
β bc3G
Where β is a function of the ratio b/c
J = 2π r 3t ; Ao = π r 2 ; S = 2π r
[r = radius of mean Centre line and t = wall thickness]
T T .r T
∴ τ= = =
2π r t
J 2 Ao t
ϕ= = =
GJ Ao JG 2π r 3tG
o For square c/s of length of each side ‘b’ and thickness ‘t’
A0 = b 2
S =4b
o For elliptical c/s ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the half axis lengths.
A0 = π ab
⎡3 ⎤
S ≈ π ⎢ ( a + b) − ab ⎥
⎣2 ⎦
Torsion Equation
GATE-1. A solid circular shaft of 60 mm diameter transmits a torque of 1600 N.m. The
value of maximum shear stress developed is: [GATE-2004]
(a) 37.72 MPa (b) 47.72 MPa (c) 57.72 MPa (d) 67.72 MPa
GATE-2. Maximum shear stress developed on the surface of a solid circular shaft under
pure torsion is 240 MPa. If the shaft diameter is doubled then the maximum
shear stress developed corresponding to the same torque will be: [GATE-2003]
(a) 120 MPa (b) 60 MPa (c) 30 MPa (d) 15 MPa
GATE-2(i) A long shaft of diameter d is subjected to twisting moment T at its ends. The
maximum normal stress acting at its cross-section is equal to [CE: GATE-2006]
16 T 32 T 64 T
(a) zero (b) 3
(c) 3
πd πd πd 3
GATE-3. A steel shaft 'A' of diameter 'd' and length 'l' is subjected to a torque ‘T’ Another
shaft 'B' made of aluminium of the same diameter 'd' and length 0.5l is also
subjected to the same torque 'T'. The shear modulus of steel is 2.5 times the
shear modulus of aluminium. The shear stress in the steel shaft is 100 MPa. The
shear stress in the aluminium shaft, in MPa, is: [GATE-2000]
(a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 250
GATE-4. For a circular shaft of diameter d subjected to torque T, the maximum value of
the shear stress is: [GATE-2006]
64T 32T 16T 8T
(a) (b) (c) (d)
πd3 πd3 πd3 πd3
GATE-5(i) A hollow circular shaft has an outer diameter of 100 mm and a wall thickness
of 25 mm. The allowable shear stress in the shaft is 125 MPa. The maximum
torque the shaft can transmit is [CE: GATE-2009]
(a) 46 kN-m (b) 24.5 kN-m (c) 23 kN-m (d) 11.5 kN-m
GATE-7(i) The maximum and minimum shear stresses in a hollow circular shaft of outer
diameter 20 mm and thickness 2 mm, subjected to a torque of 92.7 N-m will be
(a) 59 MPa and 47.2 MPa (b) 100 MPa and 80 MPa [CE: GATE-2007]
(c) 118 MPa and 160 MPa (d) 200 MPa and 160 Mpa
Shafts in Series
GATE-8. A torque of 10 Nm is transmitted through a stepped shaft as shown in figure.
The torsional stiffness of individual sections of lengths MN, NO and OP are 20
Nm/rad, 30 Nm/rad and 60 Nm/rad respectively. The angular deflection between
the ends M and P of the shaft is: [GATE-2004]
(a) 0.5 rad (b) 1.0 rad (c) 5.0 rad (d) 10.0 rad
Shafts in Parallel
GATE-9. The two shafts AB and BC, of equal
length and diameters d and 2d, are
made of the same material. They are
joined at B through a shaft coupling,
while the ends A and C are built-in
(cantilevered). A twisting moment T is
applied to the coupling. If TA and TC
represent the twisting moments at the
ends A and C, respectively, then [GATE-2005]
GATE-10. A circular shaft shown in the figure is subjected to torsion T at two points A
and B. The torsional rigidity of portions CA and BD is GJ1 and that of portion
AB is GJ 2 . The rotations of shaft at points A and B are θ1 and θ2 . The rotation
θ1 is [CE: GATE-2005]
( a) (b)
GJ1 + GJ 2 GJ1
(c) (d)
GJ 2 GJ1 − GJ 2
Torsion Equation
IES-1. Consider the following statements: [IES- 2008]
Maximum shear stress induced in a power transmitting shaft is:
1. Directly proportional to torque being transmitted.
2. Inversely proportional to the cube of its diameter.
3. Directly proportional to its polar moment of inertia.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 2 only
IES-2. A solid shaft transmits a torque T. The allowable shearing stress is τ . What is
the diameter of the shaft? [IES-2008]
16T 32T 16T T
(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 3
πτ πτ τ τ
IES-3. Maximum shear stress developed on the surface of a solid circular shaft under
pure torsion is 240 MPa. If the shaft diameter is doubled, then what is the
maximum shear stress developed corresponding to the same torque? [IES-2009]
(a) 120 MPa (b) 60 MPa (c) 30 MPa (d) 15 MPa
IES-4. The diameter of a shaft is increased from 30 mm to 60 mm, all other conditions
remaining unchanged. How many times is its torque carrying capacity
increased? [IES-1995; 2004]
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) 8 times (d) 16 times
IES-5. A circular shaft subjected to twisting moment results in maximum shear stress
of 60 MPa. Then the maximum compressive stress in the material is: [IES-2003]
(a) 30 MPa (b) 60 MPa (c) 90 MPa (d) 120 MPa
IES-5(ii). The magnitude of stress induced in a shaft due to applied torque varies
(a) From maximum at the centre to zero at the circumference
(b) From zero at the centre to maximum at the circumference [IES-2012]
(c) From maximum at the centre to minimum but not zero at the circumference
(d) From minimum but not zero at the centre, to maximum at the circumference
IES-7. A solid circular shaft is subjected to pure torsion. The ratio of maximum shear
to maximum normal stress at any point would be: [IES-1999]
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1: 2 (c) 2: 1 (d) 2: 3
IES-8. Assertion (A): In a composite shaft having two concentric shafts of different
materials, the torque shared by each shaft is directly proportional to its polar
moment of inertia. [IES-1999]
Reason (R): In a composite shaft having concentric shafts of different
materials, the angle of twist for each shaft depends upon its polar moment of
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Which of the following figures represents the shear stress on the element
IES-10(i). A power transmission solid shaft of diameter d length l and rigidity modulus G
is subjected to a pure torque. The maximum allowable shear stress is τmax . The
maximum strain energy/unit volume in the shaft is given by: [IES-2013]
2 2 2 2
τ τ 2τ τ
(a) max (b) max (c) max (d) max
4G 2G 3G 3G
IES-13. While transmitting the same power by a shaft, if its speed is doubled, what
should be its new diameter if the maximum shear stress induced in the shaft
remains same? [IES-2006]
1 1
(a) of the original diameter (b) of the original diameter
2 2
(c) 2 of the original diameter (d) 1
of the original diameter
( 2) 3
IES-14. For a power transmission shaft transmitting power P at N rpm, its diameter is
proportional to: [IES-2005]
1/3 1/2 2/3
⎛P⎞ ⎛P⎞ ⎛P⎞ ⎛P⎞
(a) ⎜ ⎟ (b) ⎜ ⎟ (c) ⎜ ⎟ (d) ⎜ ⎟
⎝N⎠ ⎝N⎠ ⎝N⎠ ⎝N⎠
IES-16. The diameter of shaft A is twice the diameter or shaft B and both are made of
the same material. Assuming both the shafts to rotate at the same speed, the
maximum power transmitted by B is: [IES-2001; GATE-1994]
(a) The same as that of A (b) Half of A (c) 1/8th of A (d) 1/4th of A
IES-17. When a shaft transmits power through gears, the shaft experiences [IES-1997]
(a) Torsional stresses alone
(b) Bending stresses alone
(c) Constant bending and varying torsional stresses
(d) Varying bending and constant torsional stresses
2 4⎣ ⎦
IES-19. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment M and twisting moment
T. What is the equivalent twisting moment Te which will produce the same
maximum shear stress as the above combination? [IES-1992; 2007]
(a) M2 + T2 (b) M + T (c) M2 +T2 (d) M – T
IES-20. A shaft is subjected to fluctuating loads for which the normal torque (T) and
bending moment (M) are 1000 N-m and 500 N-m respectively. If the combined
shock and fatigue factor for bending is 1.5 and combined shock and fatigue
factor for torsion is 2, then the equivalent twisting moment for the shaft is:
(a) 2000N-m (b) 2050N-m (c) 2100N-m (d) 2136 N-m
IES-21. A member is subjected to the combined action of bending moment 400 Nm and
torque 300 Nm. What respectively are the equivalent bending moment and
equivalent torque? [IES-1994; 2004]
(a) 450 Nm and 500 Nm (b) 900 Nm and 350 Nm
(c) 900 Nm and 500 Nm (d) 400 Nm and 500 Nm
IES-22. A shaft was initially subjected to bending moment and then was subjected to
torsion. If the magnitude of bending moment is found to be the same as that of
the torque, then the ratio of maximum bending stress to shear stress would be:
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.50 (c) 2.0 (d) 4.0
⎢⎣ ⎩ 2 ⎭ ⎥⎦ [IES-1999]
IES-25. Bending moment M and torque is applied on a solid circular shaft. If the
maximum bending stress equals to maximum shear stress developed, them M is
equal to: [IES-1992]
(a) (b) T (c) 2T (d) 4T
IES-26. A circular shaft is subjected to the combined action of bending, twisting and
direct axial loading. The maximum bending stress σ, maximum shearing force
3σ and a uniform axial stress σ(compressive) are produced. The maximum
compressive normal stress produced in the shaft will be: [IES-1998]
(a) 3 σ (b) 2 σ (c) σ (d) Zero
IES-27. Which one of the following statements is correct? Shafts used in heavy duty
speed reducers are generally subjected to: [IES-2004]
(a) Bending stress only
(b) Shearing stress only
(c) Combined bending and shearing stresses
(d) Bending, shearing and axial thrust simultaneously
IES-30. The diameter of a solid shaft is D. The inside and outside diameters of a hollow
D 2D
shaft of same material and length are and respectively. What is the
3 3
ratio of the weight of the hollow shaft to that of the solid shaft? [IES 2007]
(a) 1:1 (b) 1: 3 (c) 1:2 (d) 1:3
IES-31. What is the maximum torque transmitted by a hollow shaft of external radius R
and internal radius r? [IES-2006]
π π π π ⎛ R4 − r 4 ⎞
( )
R3 − r 3 f s (b)
( )
R4 − r 4 fs (c)
( )
R4 − r 4 fs (d) ⎜
32 ⎝
⎟ fs
R ⎠
( f s = maximum shear stress in the shaft material)
IES-32. A hollow shaft of the same cross-sectional area and material as that of a solid
shaft transmits: [IES-2005]
(a) Same torque (b) Lesser torque
(c) More torque (d) Cannot be predicted without more data
IES-33. The outside diameter of a hollow shaft is twice its inside diameter. The ratio of
its torque carrying capacity to that of a solid shaft of the same material and the
same outside diameter is: [GATE-1993; IES-2001]
15 3 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
16 4 2 16
IES-34. Two hollow shafts of the same material have the same length and outside
diameter. Shaft 1 has internal diameter equal to one-third of the outer
diameter and shaft 2 has internal diameter equal to half of the outer diameter.
If both the shafts are subjected to the same torque, the ratio of their twists
θ1 / θ 2 will be equal to: [IES-1998]
(a) 16/81 (b) 8/27 (c) 19/27 (d) 243/256
IES-35. Maximum shear stress in a solid shaft of diameter D and length L twisted
through an angle θ is τ. A hollow shaft of same material and length having
outside and inside diameters of D and D/2 respectively is also twisted through
the same angle of twist θ. The value of maximum shear stress in the hollow
shaft will be: [IES-1994; 1997]
16 8 4
(a ) τ (b) τ (c) τ ( d )τ
15 7 3
IES-36. A solid shaft of diameter 'D' carries a twisting moment that develops maximum
shear stress τ. If the shaft is replaced by a hollow one of outside diameter 'D'
and inside diameter D/2, then the maximum shear stress will be: [IES-1994]
(a) 1.067 τ (b) 1.143 τ (c) 1.333 τ (d) 2 τ
IES-37. A solid shaft of diameter 100 mm, length 1000 mm is subjected to a twisting
moment 'T’ The maximum shear stress developed in the shaft is 60 N/mm2. A
hole of 50 mm diameter is now drilled throughout the length of the shaft. To
develop a maximum shear stress of 60 N/mm2 in the hollow shaft, the torque 'T’
must be reduced by: [IES-1998, 2012]
(a) T/4 (b) T/8 (c) T/12 (d)T/16
IES-38. Assertion (A): A hollow shaft will transmit a greater torque than a solid shaft of
the same weight and same material. [IES-1994]
IES-39. A hollow shaft is subjected to torsion. The shear stress variation in the shaft
along the radius is given by: [IES-1996]
Shafts in Series
IES-40. What is the total angle of
twist of the stepped
shaft subject to torque T
shown in figure given
16Tl 38Tl
(a) (b)
π Gd 4 π Gd 4
64Tl 66Tl
(c) (d)
π Gd 4 π Gd 4 [IES-2005]
Shafts in Parallel
IES-41. For the two shafts connected in parallel, find which statement is true?
(a) Torque in each shaft is the same [IES-1992, 2011]
(b) Shear stress in each shaft is the same
(c) Angle of twist of each shaft is the same
(d) Torsional stiffness of each shaft is the same
IES-42. A circular section rod ABC is fixed at ends A and C. It is subjected to torque T
at B. AB = BC = L and the polar moment of inertia of portions AB and BC are 2
J and J respectively. If G is the modulus of rigidity, what is the angle of twist at
point B? [IES-2005]
(a) (b) (c) (d)
IES-43. A solid circular rod AB of diameter D and length L is fixed at both ends. A
torque T is applied at a section X such that AX = L/4 and BX = 3L/4. What is the
maximum shear stress developed in the rod? [IES-2004]
16T 12T 8T 4T
(a) (b) (c) (d)
π D3 π D3 π D3 π D3
Torsion Equation
IAS-1. Assertion (A): In theory of torsion, shearing strains increase radically away
from the longitudinal axis of the bar. [IAS-2001]
Reason (R): Plane transverse sections before loading remain plane after the
torque is applied.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-2. The shear stress at a point in a shaft subjected to a torque is: [IAS-1995]
(a) Directly proportional to the polar moment of inertia and to the distance of the point
form the axis
(b) Directly proportional to the applied torque and inversely proportional to the polar
moment of inertia.
(c) Directly proportional to the applied torque and polar moment of inertia
(d) inversely proportional to the applied torque and the polar moment of inertia
IAS-3. If two shafts of the same length, one of which is hollow, transmit equal torque
and have equal maximum stress, then they should have equal. [IAS-1994]
(a) Polar moment of inertia (b) Polar modulus of section
(c) Polar moment of inertia (d) Angle of twist
Torsional Rigidity
IAS-5. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IAS-1996]
List-I (Mechanical Properties) List-II ( Characteristics)
A. Torsional rigidity 1. Product of young's modulus and second
moment of area about the plane of
IAS-6. Assertion (A): Angle of twist per unit length of a uniform diameter shaft
depends upon its torsional rigidity. [IAS-2004]
Reason (R): The shafts are subjected to torque only.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-9. A solid shaft of diameter d is replaced by a hollow shaft of the same material
and length. The outside diameter of hollow shaft while the inside diameter
is . What is the ratio of the torsional stiffness of the hollow shaft to that of
the solid shaft? [IAS-2007]
2 3 5
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2
3 5 3
IAS-10. Two steel shafts, one solid of diameter D and the other hollow of outside
diameter D and inside diameter D/2, are twisted to the same angle of twist per
unit length. The ratio of maximum shear stress in solid shaft to that in the
hollow shaft is: [IAS-1998]
4 8 16
(a) τ (b) τ (c) τ (d) τ
9 7 15
Shafts in Series
IAS-11. Two shafts having the same length and material are joined in series. If the
ratio of the diameter of the first shaft to that of the second shaft is 2, then the
ratio of the angle of twist of the first shaft to that of the second shaft is:
[IAS-1995; 2003]
(a) 16 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 2
Shafts in Parallel
IAS-13. A stepped solid circular shaft shown in the given figure is built-in at its ends
and is subjected to a torque To at the shoulder section. The ratio of reactive
torque T1 and T2 at the ends is (J1 and J2 are polar moments of inertia):
J 2 × l2 J 2 × l1
(a) (b)
J1 × l1 J 1 × l2
J ×l J ×l
(c) 1 2 (d) 1 1
J 2 × l1 J 2 × l2
IAS-14. Steel shaft and brass shaft of same length and diameter are connected by a
flange coupling. The assembly is rigidity held at its ends and is twisted by a
torque through the coupling. Modulus of rigidity of steel is twice that of brass.
If torque of the steel shaft is 500 Nm, then the value of the torque in brass shaft
will be: [IAS-2001]
(a) 250 Nm (b) 354 Nm (c) 500 Nm (d) 708 Nm
IAS-15. A steel shaft with bult-in ends is subjected to the action of a torque Mt applied
at an intermediate cross-section 'mn' as shown in the given figure. [IAS-1997]
Assertion (A): The magnitude of the twisting moment to which the portion BC
M ta
is subjected is
Reason(R): For geometric compatibility, angle of twist at 'mn' is the same for
the portions AB and BC.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-16. A steel shaft of outside diameter 100 mm is solid over one half of its length and
hollow over the other half. Inside diameter of hollow portion is 50 mm. The
shaft if held rigidly at two ends and a pulley is mounted at its midsection i.e., at
the junction of solid and hollow portions. The shaft is twisted by applying
GATE-1. Ans. (a) τ =
π d3
16T 16T 16T 240
GATE-2. Ans. (c) τ = , 240 = if diameter doubled d′ = 2d, then τ ′ = = = 30MPa
πd πd π ( 2d)
3 3 3
GATE-2(i) Ans. (a)
16 T
Maximum shear stress =
πd 3
Normal stress = 0
GATE-3. Ans. (c) τ = as T & d both are same τ is same
π d3
GATE-4. Ans. (c)
GATE-4a. Ans. (b) Angular twist at the L L/2
free end
θ = θ1 + θ2
T× d
T ×L 2 θ1 θ2
= + 2d
π π
G× (2d )4 G × ( d )4
32 32
2TL 16TL 18TL
= + =
Gπ d 4 Gπ d 4 Gπ d 4
⎛ 18TL ⎞ 4
⇒ d=⎜ ⎟
⎝ πθ G ⎠
2π N 16T τπ d3
GATE-5. Ans. (c) Power, P = T × and τ = or T =
60 π d3 16
τπ d3 2π N
or P = × or P α d3
16 60
GATE-5(i) Ans. (c)
T τ
⇒ τ=T×
π 2
= 125 × × (1004 − 504 ) × × 10 −6 = 23.00 k Ν − m
32 100
GATE-6. Ans. (d) Equivalent torque ( Te ) = M2 + T 2 = 32 + 42 = 5kNm
T Gθ τ τJ
GATE-7. Ans. (a) = = or T = if τ is const. T α J
π ⎡
⎛D⎞ ⎤
⎢D − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
Th J 32 ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ 15
= h = =
T J π 4 16
GATE-7(i) Ans. (b)
τ T
Here, J= (204 − 164 )mm4 ;
T × r 16T
IES-1. Ans. (d) τ = =
J π d3
IES-2. Ans. (a)
IES-2(i). Ans. (d)
IES-3. Ans. (c) Maximum shear stress = = 240 MPa = τ
Maximum shear stress developed when diameter is doubled
⎢D − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
Th J 32 ⎣⎢ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ 15
= h = =
T J π 4 16
Tr 16T T ′32(d / 2) T ′ 15
IES-37. Ans. (d) τs = = = 4 or =
J πd d − ( d / 2)
3 4
T 16
∴ Reduction =
IES-38. Ans. (a)
IES-39. Ans. (c)
T × 2l T×l Tl 66Tl
IES-40. Ans. (d) θ = θ1 + θ 2 = + =
π d4 G × π × 2d 4 Gd4
[64 + 2] = 4
G. ( )
32 32
IES-41. Ans. (c)
IES-42. Ans. (a) θ AB = θBC
or = or TAB = 2TBC
G.2J G.J
TAB + TBC = T or TBC = T / 3
or QB = Q AB = . =
3 GJ 3GJ
IES-43. Ans. (b) θ AX = θ XB & TA + TB = T
TA.L / 4 TB × 4
or =
or TA = 3TB or TA = ,
16TA 16 × 4 × T 12T
τ max = = =
π D3 π D34 π D3
IES-44. Ans. (b)
IAS-1. Ans. (b)
T τ
IAS-2. Ans. (b) =
T τ J
IAS-3. Ans. (b) = Here T & τ are same, so should be same i.e. polar modulus of section
will be same.
(D − d4 ) π (D 4
− d4 )
IAS-4. Ans. (b) = = gives T = = = σs
J L R R D 16 D
IAS-5. Ans. (b)
IAS-6. Ans. (c)
M + M 2 + T 2 400 + 4002 + 3002
IAS-7. Ans. (d) Me = = = 450 Nm
2 2
IAS-8. Ans. (c)
π ⎧⎪⎛ 2d ⎞ ⎛ d ⎞ ⎫⎪
4 4
⎨⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟ ⎬
⎛T ⎞ GJ K H 32 ⎪⎩⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎪⎭ 5
IAS-9. Ans. (c) Torsional stiffness = ⎜ ⎟= or =
π 4
⎝θ ⎠ L KS .d 3
T τ Gθ Gθ R
IAS-10. Ans. (d) = = or τ = as outside diameter of both the shaft is D so τ is
same for both the cases.
1 1
IAS-11. Ans. (a) Angle of twist is proportional to ∞
J d4
T Gθ 1 1 πd 4
IAS-12. Ans. (c) = or θ∞ or θ∞ 4 ∵ J =
J L J d 32
θ d 4
Here = or θ = 1.6 radian.
0.1 (d / 2 )4
T1l1 T2l2 T1 ⎛ J1 l2 ⎞
IAS-13. Ans. (c) θ1 = θ 2 or = or =⎜ × ⎟
GJ1 GJ 2 T2 ⎝ J 2 l1 ⎠
IAS-14. Ans. (a)
Ts ls Tl Ts Tb Tb Gb 1 Ts
θ1 = θ 2 or = bb or = or = = or Tb = = 250 Nm
Gs J s Gb J b Gs Gb Ts Gs 2 2
IAS-15. Ans. (a)
100 4 − 50 4 ( )
IAS-16. Ans.(b) θ s = θH or = or TH = TS × = 16000 × = 15000kgm
100 4
( )
⎝ π D 3
16 × 1000
or = 1.6 × 108
π D3
⎛ 16 × 1000 ⎞
or D = ⎜ 8 ⎟
= 0.03169 m = 31.69 mm
⎝ π × 1.6 × 10 ⎠
= 5.338 × 10−7
T = 1.6 kN − m = 1.6 × 103 N-m
θ = 0.4º
l = 0.2 m
E = 200 × 109 N/m 2
T Gθ
From equation (i) =
⎡ π ⎤
G × ⎢ 0.4 ×
1.6 × 103 ⎣ 180 ⎥⎦
5.338 × 10 − 7 0.2
1.6 × 0.2 × 103 × 180
⇒ G=
0.4 × π × 5.338 × 10 − 7
= 85.92 GPa
= ⎢ ⎥ [∵ D1 = D and D2 = 1.2D]
3Gπ D4 ⎢ (1.2) × (1)
3 3
⎣ ⎥⎦
= × 2.1065
3Gπ D4
1.2D + D
Now, Davg = = 1.1D
Therefore τ α as P, D and d are constant.
So the shaft rotating at 1000 rpm will experience greater stress then 1200 rpm shaft.
σ ⎛σ ⎞
⎛164248 ⎞⎟ ⎛18335 ⎞⎟
⎛ 276 ×106 ⎟⎞
(σ1) = b + ⎜⎜⎜ b ⎟⎟⎟ + τ 2 = + ⎜⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎝ 2t ⎠⎟ ⎜⎝ t ⎠⎟ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠
2 ⎝2⎠ 2t 4
or , t = 2.4 ×10−3 m = 2.4 mm
Conventional Question ESE-2000 & ESE 2001
Question: A hollow shaft of diameter ratio 3/8 required to transmit 600 kW at 110 rpm,
the maximum torque being 20% greater than the mean. The shear stress is
not to exceed 63 MPa and the twist in a length of 3 m not to exceed 1.4
degrees. Determine the diameter of the shaft. Assume modulus of rigidity for
the shaft material as 84 GN/m2.
Answer: Let d = internal diameter of the hollow shaft
And D = external diameter of the hollow shaft
(given) d = 3/8 D = 0.375D
Power (P)= 600 kW, speed (N) =110 rpm, Shear stress( τ )= 63 MPa. Angle of twist ( θ
)=1.4°, Length ( ) =3m , modulus of rigidity (G) = 84GPa
We know that, (P) = T. ω = T. [T is average torque]
60× P 60× (600×10 )
or T= = = 52087Nm
2πN 2× π×110
∴ Tmax = 1.2×T = 1.2×52087 =62504 Nm
First we consider that shear stress is not to exceed 63 MPa
T τ
From torsion equation =
T .R T .D
or J = =
τ 2τ
π ⎡ 4 4⎤ 62504× D
or ⎢ D − (0.375 D ) ⎥ =
32 ⎣ ⎦ 2×(63×106 )
or D = 0.1727m = 172.7 mm −−−−(i )
17 ×1.4
Second we consider angle of twist is not exceed 1.4 0 = radian
If the maximum shear stress be limited to 100 MN/m2, find by how much the
torque can be increased if the bending moment is kept constant.
Answer: Given: σ max = 120MN / m2 ;τ max = 80MN / m2 ;d = 150mm = 0.15m
Part − 1: M; T
We know that for combined bending and torsion, we have the following expressions:
16 ⎡
σ max = M + M2 + T 2 ⎤ − − − (i)
π d3 ⎣ ⎦
and τ max = 3 ⎡ M2 + T 2 ⎤ − − − − ( ii )
πd ⎣ ⎦
Substituting the given values in the above equations, we have
16 ⎡M + M2 + T 2 ⎤ − − − − − − ( iii )
120 = 3 ⎣
π × ( 0.15 ) ⎦
16 ⎡ M2 + T 2 ⎤ − − − − − − − − − (iv )
80 =
π × ( 0.15 )
3 ⎣ ⎦
80 × π × ( 0.15 )
or M2 + T 2 = = 0.053 − − − − − − ( v )
( 0.0265 )
+ T 2 = 0.053
or T = 0.0459MNm
Part II : [∵τ max = 100MN / m2 ]
Increase in torque :
Bending moment (M) to be kept cons tan t = 0.0265MNm
⎡100 × π × ( 0.15 )3 ⎤
( 0.0265 )
or +T =⎢
⎥ = 0.004391
⎢⎣ 16 ⎥⎦
∴ T = 0.0607 MNm
∴The increased torque = 0.0607 − 0.0459 = 0.0148MNm
= (1 -0 .7 0 2 )× 1 0 0 = 2 9 .8 %
wω 2 r 2
• Hoop's Tension, s = Where w = wt. per unit length of circumferential element
ω = Angular velocity
s wω 2 r
• Radial loading, q = =
r g
s w 2 2
• Hoop's stress, σ= = .ω r
A Ag
4. Some cases:
• Cylindrical vessel
pr pD pr pD
σ1 = = σ2 = = ⎡⎣ r1 → ∞, r2 = r ⎤⎦
2t 4t t 2t
σ1 − σ 2 pr pD
τ max = = =
2 4t 8t
• Spherical vessel
pr pD
σ1 = σ 2 = = [r1 = r2 = r]
2t 4t
• Conical vessel
py tan α py tan α
σ1 = [ r1 → ∞ ] and σ2 = α
2t cos α t cos α
Notes: σ2 σ2
π α α
• Volume 'V' of the spherical shell, V= Di3 σ1
⎛ 6V ⎞
⇒ Di = ⎜ ⎟
⎝ π ⎠
• Design of thin cylindrical shells is based on hoop's stress
• Spherical vessels
7. Alternative method
Consider the equilibrium of forces in the z-direction acting on the part
cylinder shown in figure.
Force due to internal pressure p acting on area π D2/4 = p. π D2/4
Force due to longitudinal stress sL acting on area π Dt = σ 1 π Dt
Equating: p. π D2/4 = σ 1 π Dt
pd pr
or σ1 = =
4t 2t
Now consider the equilibrium of forces in the x-direction acting on the
sectioned cylinder shown in figure. It is assumed that the
circumferential stress σ 2 is constant through the thickness of the
Force due to internal pressure p acting on area Dz = pDz
Force due to circumferential stress σ 2 acting on area 2tz = σ 2 2tz
pD pr
or σ 2 = =
2t t
Longitudinal stress
GATE-1. A thin cylinder of inner radius 500 mm and thickness 10 mm is subjected to an
internal pressure of 5 MPa. The average circumferential (hoop) stress in MPa is
(a) 100 (b) 250 (c) 500 (d) 1000
GATE-2. The maximum principal strain in a thin cylindrical tank, having a radius of 25
cm and wall thickness of 5 mm when subjected to an internal pressure of 1MPa,
is (taking Young's modulus as 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio as 0.2) [GATE-1998]
(a) 2.25 × 10–4 (b) 2.25 (c) 2.25 × 10–6 (d) 22.5
GATE-3.A thin walled spherical shell is subjected to an internal pressure. If the radius of
the shell is increased by 1% and the thickness is reduced by 1%, with the internal
pressure remaining the same, the percentage change in the circumferential (hoop)
stress is [GATE-2012]
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 1.08 (d) 2.02
GATE-3(i). A long thin walled cylindrical shell, closed at both the ends, is subjected to
an internal pressure. The ratio of the hoop stress (circumferential stress) to
longitudinal stress developed in the shell is [GATE-2013]
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 2.0 (d) 4.0
GATE-5. The axial and circumferential stress ( σ a , σ c ) experienced by the cylinder wall
at mid-depth (1 m as shown) are
(a) (10,10) MPa (b) (5,10) MPa (c) (10,5) MPa (d) (5,5)MPa
GATE-6. If the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the container material are 100
GPa and 0.3, respectively, the axial strain in the cylinder wall at mid-depth is:
GATE-7. A thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel having a radius of 0.5 m and wall
thickness of 25 mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 700 kPa. The hoop
stress developed is [CE: GATE-2009]
(a) 14 MPa (b) 1.4 MPa (c) 0.14 MPa (d) 0.014 MPa
IES-3. A thin cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure p. The Poisson's ratio
of the material of the shell is 0.3. Due to internal pressure, the shell is subjected
to circumferential strain and axial strain. The ratio of circumferential strain to
axial strain is: [IES-2001]
(a) 0.425 (b) 2.25 (c) 0.225 (d) 4.25
IES-4. A thin cylindrical shell of diameter d, length ‘l’ and thickness t is subjected to
an internal pressure p. What is the ratio of longitudinal strain to hoop strain in
terms of Poisson's ratio (1/m)? [IES-2004]
m−2 m−2 2m − 1 2m + 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2m + 1 2m − 1 m−2 m −1
IES-5. When a thin cylinder of diameter 'd' and thickness 't' is pressurized with an
internal pressure of 'p', (1/m = μ is the Poisson's ratio and E is the modulus of
elasticity), then [IES-1998]
pd ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
(a) The circumferential strain will be equal to ⎜ − ⎟
2tE ⎝ 2 m ⎠
pd ⎛ 1 ⎞
(b) The longitudinal strain will be equal to ⎜1 − ⎟
2tE ⎝ 2m ⎠
IES-8. A thin cylinder with both ends closed is subjected to internal pressure p. The
longitudinal stress at the surface has been calculated as σo. Maximum shear
stress at the surface will be equal to: [IES-1999]
( a ) 2σ o ( b ) 1.5σ o (c) σ o (d) 0.5σ o
IES-11. A penstock pipe of 10m diameter carries water under a pressure head of 100 m.
If the wall thickness is 9 mm, what is the tensile stress in the pipe wall in MPa?
(a) 2725 (b) 545·0 (c) 272·5 (d) 1090
IES-12. A water main of 1 m diameter contains water at a pressure head of 100 metres.
The permissible tensile stress in the material of the water main is 25 MPa.
What is the minimum thickness of the water main? (Take g = 10 m/ s ).
(a) 10 mm (b) 20mm (c) 50 mm (d) 60 mm
Longitudinal stress
IES-13. Hoop stress and longitudinal stress in a boiler shell under internal pressure
are 100 MN/m2 and 50 MN/m2 respectively. Young's modulus of elasticity and
Poisson's ratio of the shell material are 200 GN/m2 and 0.3 respectively. The
hoop strain in boiler shell is: [IES-1995]
−3 −3 −3 −3
(a) 0.425 × 10 (b) 0.5 × 10 (c) 0.585 × 10 (d) 0.75 × 10
IES-14. In strain gauge dynamometers, the use of how many active gauge makes the
dynamometer more effective? [IES 2007]
(a) Four (b) Three (c) Two (d) One
Volumetric strain
IES-15. Circumferential and longitudinal strains in a cylindrical boiler under internal
steam pressure are ε1 and ε 2 respectively. Change in volume of the boiler
cylinder per unit volume will be: [IES-1993; IAS 2003]
(a) ε1 + 2ε 2 (b) ε ε2
1 2 (c) 2ε 1 + ε 2 (d) ε 12ε 2
IES-16. The volumetric strain in case of a thin cylindrical shell of diameter d, thickness
t, subjected to internal pressure p is: [IES-2003; IAS 1997]
pd pd pd pd
(a) . ( 3 − 2 μ ) (b) . ( 4 − 3μ ) (c) . ( 5 − 4μ ) (d) . ( 4 − 5μ )
2tE 3tE 4tE 4tE
(Where E = Modulus of elasticity, μ = Poisson's ratio for the shell material)
Spherical Vessel
IES-17. For the same internal diameter, wall thickness, material and internal pressure,
the ratio of maximum stress, induced in a thin cylindrical and in a thin
spherical pressure vessel will be: [IES-2001]
(a) 2 (b) 1/2 (c) 4 (d) ¼
IES-17(i). What is the safe working pressure for a spherical pressure vessel 1.5 m internal
diameter and 1.5 cm wall thickness, if the maximum allowable tensile stress is
45 MPa?
(a) 0.9 MPa (b) 3.6 MPa (c) 2.7 MPa (d) 1.8 MPa [IES-2013]
IES-18. From design point of view, spherical pressure vessels are preferred over
cylindrical pressure vessels because they [IES-1997]
(a) Are cost effective in fabrication
(b) Have uniform higher circumferential stress
(c) Uniform lower circumferential stress
(d) Have a larger volume for the same quantity of material used
IAS-2. A thin walled water pipe carries water under a pressure of 2 N/mm2 and
discharges water into a tank. Diameter of the pipe is 25 mm and thickness is
2·5 mm. What is the longitudinal stress induced in the pipe? [IAS-2007]
(a) 0 (b) 2 N/mm2 (c) 5 N/mm2 (d) 10 N/mm2
IAS-3. A thin cylindrical shell of mean diameter 750 mm and wall thickness 10 mm has
its ends rigidly closed by flat steel plates. The shell is subjected to internal
fluid pressure of 10 N/mm2 and an axial external pressure P1. If the
longitudinal stress in the shell is to be zero, what should be the approximate
value of P1? [IAS-2007]
(a) 8 N/mm2 (b) 9 N/mm2 (c) 10 N/mm2 (d) 12 N/mm2
IAS-4. Assertion (A): A thin cylindrical shell is subjected to internal fluid pressure
that induces a 2-D stress state in the material along the longitudinal and
circumferential directions. [IAS-2000]
Reason(R): The circumferential stress in the thin cylindrical shell is two times
the magnitude of longitudinal stress.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-5. Match List-I (Terms used in thin cylinder stress analysis) with List-II
(Mathematical expressions) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists: [IAS-1998]
List-I List-II
A. Hoop stress 1. pd/4t
B. Maximum shear stress 2. pd/2t
C. Longitudinal stress 3. pd/2σ
D. Cylinder thickness 4. pd/8t
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 2 4 1 3
Longitudinal stress
IAS-6. Assertion (A): For a thin cylinder under internal pressure, At least three strain
gauges is needed to know the stress state completely at any point on the shell.
Reason (R): If the principal stresses directions are not know, the minimum
number of strain gauges needed is three in a biaxial field. [IAS-2001]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Volumetric strain
IAS-8. Circumferential and longitudinal strains in a cylindrical boiler under internal
steam pressure are ε1 and ε2 respectively. Change in volume of the boiler
IAS-9. The volumetric strain in case of a thin cylindrical shell of diameter d, thickness
t, subjected to internal pressure p is: [IES-2003; IAS 1997]
pd pd pd pd
(a) . ( 3 − 2 μ ) (b) . ( 4 − 3μ ) (c) . ( 5 − 4μ ) (d) . ( 4 − 5μ )
2tE 3tE 4tE 4tE
(Where E = Modulus of elasticity, μ = Poisson's ratio for the shell material)
IAS-10. A thin cylinder of diameter ‘d’ and thickness 't' is subjected to an internal
pressure 'p' the change in diameter is (where E is the modulus of elasticity and
μ is the Poisson's ratio) [IAS-1998]
pd 2 pd 2 pd 2 pd 2
(a) (2 − μ ) (b) (1 + μ ) (c) (2 + μ ) (d) (2 + μ )
4tE 2tE tE 4tE
IAS-11. The percentage change in volume of a thin cylinder under internal pressure
having hoop stress = 200 MPa, E = 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio = 0·25 is:
(a) 0.40 (b) 0·30 (c) 0·25 (d) 0·20
IAS-12. A round bar of length l, elastic modulus E and Poisson's ratio μ is subjected to
an axial pull 'P'. What would be the change in volume of the bar? [IAS-2007]
Pl Pl (1 − 2 μ ) Pl μ Pl
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1 − 2μ ) E E E μE
IAS-13. If a block of material of length 25 cm. breadth 10 cm and height 5 cm undergoes
a volumetric strain of 1/5000, then change in volume will be: [IAS-2000]
(a) 0.50 cm3 (b) 0.25 cm3 (c) 0.20 cm3 (d) 0.75 cm3
GATE-1. Ans. (b) Inner radius (r) = 500 mm
Thickness (t) = 10 mm
Internal pressure (p) = 5 MPa
ρ gRL
1000 × 10 × 1 × 1
or σ a = = = 10 MPa
t 1 × 10 −3
PR 10 × 1
Circumferential Stress( σ c )= = = 10 MPa
t 1 × 10 −3
σa σc 10 10
GATE-6. Ans. (c) εa = −μ = −3
− 0 .3 × = 7 × 10 −5
E E 100 × 10 100 × 10 −3
GATE-7. Ans. (a)
Hoop stress =
700 × 103 × 2 × 0.5
= = 14 × 106 = 14 MPa
2 × 25 × 10−3
IES-1. Ans. (a)
IES-2. Ans. (c)
σc σl pr
IES-3. Ans. (d) Circumferential strain, ec = −μ = (2 − μ )
E E 2Et
σl σc pr
Longitudinal strain, el = −μ = (1 − 2μ )
E E 2Et
IES-4. Ans. (b) longitudinal stress (σ l ) =
hoop stress (σ c ) =
σl 1 σc 1 1
− −
∈l m = m−2
∴ = E m E = 2
∈c σ c 1 σ l 1 2m − 1
− 1−
E mE 2m
IES-5. Ans. (d) Ratio of longitudinal strain to circumferential strain
⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞
σl − ⎜ ⎟ σ c σ l − ⎜ ⎟ {2σ l } m − 2
⎝m⎠ = ⎝m⎠ =
⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞ 2m − 1
σ c − ⎜ ⎟ σ l {2σ l } − ⎜ ⎟ σ l
⎝m⎠ ⎝m⎠
Hoop stress = σc =
∴ t=
106 (1)) =
m = 20 mm
2σc 2 × 25 × 10 6
IES-12(i). Ans. (b)
1 1
IES-13. Ans. (a) Hoop strain = (σ h − μσ l ) = [100 − 0.3 × 50] = 0.425 ×10−3
E 200 × 1000
IES-14. Ans. (a)
IES-15. Ans. (c) Volumetric stream = 2 × circumferential strain + longitudinal strain
(Where E = Modulus of elasticity, μ = Poisson's ratio for the shell material)
IES-16. Ans. (c) Remember it.
IES-17. Ans. (a)
IES-17(i). Ans. (d)
IES-18. Ans. (c)
IAS-1. Ans. (c)
Pr 2 × 12.5
IAS-2. Ans. (c) σ= = = 5 N/mm 2
2t 2 × 2.5
Volume change(δV)
Volumetric strain(ε v ) =
Initial volume(V)
or (δ V ) = ε v × V = × 25 × 10 × 5 = 0.25cm3
) 0.11 − 0.1
4 4
( )
Principal stresses are:
σx + σy ⎛σx −σy ⎞
⎟ + (τ xy )
σ 1,2 = ± ⎜
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
50 + 100 ⎛ 50 − 100 ⎞
⎟ + ( 24.14 )
= ± ⎜
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
= 75 ± 34.75 = 109.75 and 40.25MN / m2
σ 1 (Major principal stress ) = 109.75MN / m2 ;
σ 2 ( min or principal stress ) = 40.25MN / m2 ;
( J = polar moment of in ertia )
Substituting the values in ( i ) , we get
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
(55.5 + 60) × 106
= ± 4.84 × 1012 + 2330.96 × 1012
= 57.75 × 106 ± 48.33 × 106 = 106.08MN / m2 ,9.42MN / m2
Principal stresses are : σ 1 = 106.08MN / m2 ; σ 2 = 9.42MN / m2
σ1 − σ 2 106.08 − 9.42
Maximum shear stress,τ max = = = 48.33MN / m2
2 2
(ii) Stress configuration on a square element :
2. General Expression
In thick cylinder, the tangential stress σ t has the highest magnitude at the inner surface of
the cylinder & gradually decreases towards the outer surface.
• The radial stress σr is neglected in thin cylinders while it is of significant magnitude in case
of thick cylinders.
4. Strain
• Radial strain, ∈r = .
• Circumferential /Tangential strain ∈t =
σz ⎛σ σ ⎞
• Axial strain, ∈z = −μ⎜ r + t ⎟
E ⎝ E E ⎠
pi ri 2 − po ro2 ri 2 ro2
7. A = and B = ( pi − po )
ro2 − ri 2 (ro2 − ri 2 )
8. Cylinders with internal pressure (pi) i.e. po = 0
pi ri 2
• σz = 2 2
r0 − ri
pi ri 2 ⎡ r02 ⎤
• σr = − 2 2 ⎢ 2 − 1⎥ [ -ive means compressive stress]
r0 − ri ⎣r ⎦
pi ri 2 ⎡ r02 ⎤
• σt = + 2 2 ⎢ 2 + 1⎥
r0 − ri ⎣r ⎦
(i) r = ro
(ii) σ r = 0
2pi ri2
(iii ) σ t = 2 2
ro − ri
po ro2 ⎡ ri 2 ⎤
• σ r = − 2 2 ⎢i − 2 ⎥
ro − ri ⎣ r ⎦
po ro2 ⎡ ri 2 ⎤
• σ t = − 2 2 ⎢i + 2 ⎥
ro − ri ⎣ r ⎦
(a) At the inner surface of the cylinder
(i) r = ri
(ii) σr = o
2 po ro2
(iii) σt = −
ro2 − ri 2
(b) At the outer surface of the cylinder
(i) r = ro
(ii) σ r = − po
po (ro2 + ri 2 )
(iii) σt = −
ro2 − ri 2
(c) Distribution of radial and circumferential stresses within the cylinder wall when
only external pressure acts
When the material of the cylinder is brittle, such as cast iron or cast steel, Lame's Equation is used to
determine the wall thickness. Condition of cylinder ends may open or closed.
There principal stresses at the inner surface of the cylinder are as follows: (i) (ii) & (iii)
(i ) σ r = − pi
pi (r02 + ri 2 )
(ii ) σ t = +
r02 − ri 2
pi ri 2
(iii ) σ z = +
ro2 − ri 2
• σt >σz >σr
ro σ t + pi
• σ t is the criterion of design =
ri σ t − pi
• For ro = ri + t
⎡ σ +p ⎤
• t = ri × ⎢ t i
− 1⎥ ( Lame ' s Equation)
⎢⎣ σ t − pi ⎥⎦
σ ult
• σt =
11. Clavarino's Equation [for cylinders with closed end & made of ductile material]
When the material of a cylinder is ductile, such as mild steel or alloy steel, maximum strain theory
of failure is used (St. Venant's theory) is used.
Three principal stresses at the inner surface of the cylinder are as follows (i) (ii) & (iii)
(i ) σ r = − pi
pi (ro2 + ri 2 )
(ii )σ t = +
(ro2 − ri 2 )
pi ri 2
(iii )σ z = +
(ro2 − ri 2 )
• ∈t = ⎡σ t − (σ r + σ z ) ⎤
E⎣ ⎦
σ σ yld / fos
• ∈t = =
σ yld
• Or σ = σ t − μ (σ r + σ z ). Where σ =
ro σ + (1 − 2μ ) pi
ri σ − (1 + μ ) pi
• For ro = ri + t
⎡ σ + (1 − 2μ ) pi ⎤
t = ri ⎢ − 1⎥ ( Clavarion's Equation )
⎣ σ − (1 + μ ) pi ⎦
12. Birne's Equation [for cylinders with open end & made of ductile material]
When the material of a cylinder is ductile, such as mild steel or alloy steel, maximum strain theory
of failure is used (St. Venant's theory) is used.
Three principal stresses at the inner surface of the cylinder are as follows (i) (ii) & (iii)
(i ) σ r = − pi
pi (ro2 + ri 2 )
(ii )σ t = +
(ro2 − ri 2 )
(iii )σ z = 0
σ yld
• σ = σ t − μσ r where σ =
• σ is the criterion of design
ro σ + (1 − μ ) pi
ri σ − (1 + μ ) pi
• For ro = ri + t
⎡ σ + (1 − μ ) pi ⎤
t = ri × ⎢ − 1⎥ (Birnie's Equation)
⎣ σ − (1 + μ ) pi ⎦
13. Barlow’s equation: [for high pressure gas pipe brittle or ductile material]
t = ro [GAIL exam 2004]
Where σ t = for ductile material
σ ult
= for brittle material
14. Compound Cylinder (A cylinder & A Jacket)
• When two cylindrical parts are assembled by shrinking or press-fitting, a contact pressure is
created between the two parts. If the radii of the inner cylinder are a and c and that of the
Eδ ⎢ (b − c ) (c − a ) ⎥
⎡ 2 2 2 2 ⎤
1 ⎢σ t = − p(c + a ) ⎥
And in similar way δc =∈c c = [ σt − µσ r ] c ⎢ (c 2 − a2 ) ⎥⎥
E ⎢
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣σ r = −p ⎥⎦
cP ⎡⎢ c 2 + a 2 ⎤⎥
=- - µ − − − (ii ) Here -ive signrepresents contraction
E ⎢⎣ c 2 − a 2 ⎥⎦
Adding ( i ) & ( ii )
⎡ 2 2
− a 2 ) ⎤⎥ E δ ⎡⎢ (b 2 − c 2 )(c 2 − a 2 ) ⎤⎥
∴ δ = δ j + δc =
Pc ⎢ 22c ( b or P =
E ⎢ (b − c 2 )(c 2 − a 2 ) ⎥ c ⎢⎣ 2c 2 (b 2 − a 2 ) ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎦
15. Autofrettage
Autofrettage is a process of pre-stressing the cylinder before using it in operation.
We know that when the cylinder is subjected to internal pressure, the circumferential stress at the
inner surface limits the pressure carrying capacity of the cylinder.
In autofrettage pre-stressing develops a residual compressive stresses at the inner surface. When
the cylinder is actually loaded in operation, the residual compressive stresses at the inner surface
begin to decrease, become zero and finally become tensile as the pressure is gradually increased.
Thus autofrettage increases the pressure carrying capacity of the cylinder.
ρω 2 ⎛ 2 R02 Ri2 ⎞
σr = ( 3 + μ ) ⎜ R0 + Ri − 2 − r 2 ⎟
8 ⎝ r ⎠
ρω 2 ⎛ 2 R02 Ri2 1 + 3μ 2 ⎞
σt = ( 3 + μ ) ⎜ R0 + Ri + 2 −
.r ⎟
8 ⎝ r 3+ μ ⎠
Where Ri = Internal radius
Ro = External radius
ρ = Density of the disc material
ω = Angular speed
μ = Poisson's ratio.
⎛ 3+ μ ⎞ 2 ⎡ 2 ⎛ 1− μ ⎞ 2 ⎤
Or, Hoop’s stress, σt = ⎜ ⎟ .ρω . ⎢ R0 + ⎜ ⎟ Ri ⎥
⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ 3+μ ⎠ ⎦
⎛ 3+ μ ⎞
Radial stress, σr = ⎜ ⎟ .ρω ⎡⎣ R0 − Ri ⎤⎦
2 2 2
⎝ 8 ⎠
Lame's theory
GATE-1. A thick cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MPa. If the hoop
stress on the outer surface is 150 MPa, then the hoop stress on the internal
surface is: [GATE-1996; IES-2001]
(a) 105 MPa (b) 180 MPa (c) 210 MPa (d) 135 MPa
Thick cylinder
IES-1. If a thick cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure, then hoop stress,
radial stress and longitudinal stress at a point in the thickness will be:
(a) Tensile, compressive and compressive respectively [IES-1999]
(b) All compressive
(c) All tensile
(d) Tensile, compressive and tensile respectively
IES-2. Where does the maximum hoop stress in a thick cylinder under external
pressure occur? [IES-2008]
(a) At the outer surface (b) At the inner surface
(c) At the mid-thickness (d) At the 2/3rd outer radius
IES-3. In a thick cylinder pressurized from inside, the hoop stress is maximum at
(a) The centre of the wall thickness (b) The outer radius [IES-1998]
(c) The inner radius (d) Both the inner and the outer radii
IES-5. A thick-walled hollow cylinder having outside and inside radii of 90 mm and 40
mm respectively is subjected to an external pressure of 800 MN/m2. The
maximum circumferential stress in the cylinder will occur at a radius of
(a) 40 mm (b) 60 mm (c) 65 mm (d) 90 mm
IES-6. In a thick cylinder, subjected to internal and external pressures, let r1 and r2 be
the internal and external radii respectively. Let u be the radial displacement of
a material element at radius r, r2 ≥ r ≥ r1 . Identifying the cylinder axis as z axis,
the radial strain component ε rr is: [IES-1996]
(a) u/r (b) u /θ (c) du/dr (d) du/dθ
Lame's theory
IES-7. A thick cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MPa. If the hoop
stress on the outer surface is 150 MPa, then the hoop stress on the internal
surface is: [GATE-1996; IES-2001]
(a) 105 MPa (b) 180 MPa (c) 210 MPa (d) 135 MPa
IES-12. Consider the following statements at given point in the case of thick cylinder
subjected to fluid pressure: [IES-2006]
1. Radial stress is compressive
2. Hoop stress is tensile
3. Hoop stress is compressive
4. Longitudinal stress is tensile and it varies along the length
5. Longitudinal stress is tensile and remains constant along the length of the
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) Only 1, 2 and 4 (b) Only 3 and 4 (c) Only 1,2 and 5 (d) Only 1,3 and 5
IES-13. A thick cylinder with internal diameter d and outside diameter 2d is subjected
to internal pressure p. Then the maximum hoop stress developed in the
cylinder is: [IES-2003]
2 5
(a) p (b) p (c) p (d) 2p
3 3
IES-16. If the total radial interference between two cylinders forming a compound
cylinder is δ and Young's modulus of the materials of the cylinders is E, then
the interface pressure developed at the interface between two cylinders of the
same material and same length is: [IES-2005]
(a) Directly proportional of E x δ (b) Inversely proportional of E/ δ
(c) Directly proportional of E/ δ (d) Inversely proportional of E / δ
IES-17. A compound cylinder with inner radius 5 cm and outer radius 7 cm is made by
shrinking one cylinder on to the other cylinder. The junction radius is 6 cm
and the junction pressure is 11 kgf/cm2. The maximum hoop stress developed in
the inner cylinder is: [IES-1994]
(a) 36 kgf/cm2 compression (b) 36 kgf/cm2 tension
(c) 72 kgf/cm2 compression (d) 72 kgf/cm2 tension.
GATE-1. Ans. (c) If internal pressure = pi; External pressure = zero
p r2 ⎡r2 ⎤
Circumferential or hoop stress (σc) = 2 i i 2 ⎢ o2 + 1⎥
ro − ri ⎣ r ⎦
At pi = 60MPa, σ c = 150MPa and r = ro
r2 ⎡ ro2 ⎤ ri2 r2 150 5 ⎛r ⎞ 9
∴ 150 = 60 2 i 2 ⎢ 2 + 1⎥ = 120 2 2 or 2 i 2 = = or ⎜ o ⎟ =
ro − ri ⎣ ro ⎦ ro − ri ro − ri 120 4 ⎝ ri ⎠ 5
∴ at r = ri
⎡ ro2
ri2 ⎤ 5 ⎛9 ⎞
σ c = 60 ⎢ 2 + 1⎥ = 60 × × ⎜ + 1⎟ = 210 MPa
ro2 − ri2
⎣ ri ⎦ 4 ⎝5 ⎠
IES-1. Ans. (d) Hoop stress – tensile, radial stress – compressive and longitudinal stress – tensile.
εθ =
( r + ur ) Δθ − rΔθ = ur = 1 σ − vσ
⎡ θ ⎤
E ⎣
r Δθ r
IES-14. Ans. (c)
IES-15. Ans. (d)
IES-16. Ans. (a)
δ =
PD2 ⎢
⎡ (
2D22 D32 − D12 ) ⎤
( )(
E ⎢ ⎡ D32 − D22 D22 − D12 ⎤ ⎥
⎣⎣ ⎦⎦ )
∴ P α E.δ
Alternatively : if E ↑ then P ↑
and if δ ↑ then P ↑ so P α Eδ
Distribution of radial and circumferential stresses within the cylinder wall when only
external pressure acts.
σr = −30N / mm2
σθ = 80N / mm2
−30 = a − ..............(i)
80 = a + .................(ii)
Soluing eq n (i)&(ii)
110 × 753 130
b= a=
3 3
At outer Radius (R) radial stress should be zero
o=a− 3
2b 2 × 110 × 753
R3 = = = 713942.3077
a 130
R = 89.376mm
There fore thickness of cylinder = (R − r)
= 89.376 − 75 = 14.376mm
⎝ K − 1⎠
or K ≥ 1.314
or K = 1.314
i.e. = 1.314 or r2 = r1 × 1.314 = 150 × 1.314 = 197.1mm
∴ Metal thickness, t = r2 − r1 = 197.1 − 150 = 47.1 mm
(ii) Total strain energy theory:
Use σ + σ − μσ σ ≤ σ y2
2 1 2
( ) ⎡⎣K 4 (1 + 03 ) + (1 − 0.3 ) ⎤⎦
2 × 80 × 106
( 300 × 10 )
∴ 6
(K )
( ) ( + 0.7 )
or 3002 K 2 − 1 = 2 × 802 1.3K 4
gives K = 1.86 or 0.59
It is clear that K > 1
∴ K = 1.364
or = 1.364 or r2 = 150 × 1.364 = 204.6 mm
∴ t = r2 − r1 = 204.6 − 150 = 54.6 mm
Eδ ⎢ (b − c ) (c − a ) ⎥
⎡ 2 2 2 2 ⎤
c ⎢⎢ 2c 2 (b 2 − a 2 ) ⎥⎥
⎣ ⎦
1 ⎢σ t = − p(c + a ) ⎥
= [ σt − µσ r ] c ⎢ (c 2 − a2 ) ⎥⎥
E ⎢
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣σ r = −p ⎥⎦
cP ⎡⎢ c 2 + a 2 ⎤⎥
=- - µ − − − (ii ) Here -ive signrepresents contraction
E ⎢⎣ c 2 − a 2 ⎥⎦
There is a shrinkage pressure P between the steel rod and the bronze casing. The
pressure P tends to contract the steel rod and expand the bronze casing.
(i) Consider Bronze casing, According to Lames theory
B Piri 2 − P0 r02
σt = 2 + A Where A =
r r02 − ri 2
(Pi − P0 )r02 ri 2
and B =
r02 − ri 2
Pi = P, P0 = 0 and
Pri2 Pr02 ri 2 2Pri2
A= , B= =
r02 − ri 2 r02 − ri 2 r02 − ri 2
B Pri2 Pri2 2Pri2
∴ 30 = + A = + =
ro2 r02 − ri 2 r02 − ri 2 r02 − ri 2
30(r02 − ri 2 ) ⎡ r02 ⎤ ⎡⎛ ⎞2 ⎤
or , P= = 15 ⎢ − 1⎥ = 15 ⎢⎜⎜ 90 ⎟⎟ − 1⎥ MPa=33.6MPa
⎢r ⎥ ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ 50 ⎠
2 2
2ri ⎣ i ⎦ ⎥⎦
Therefore the radial pressure between the rod and the casing is P= 33.6 MPa.
(ii) The shrinkage allowance:
Let δ j = increase in inert diameter of bronze casing
δ C= decrease in outer diameter of steel rod
1st consider bronze casing:
Tangential stress at the inner surface(σ t ) j = +A
ri 2
⎡ ⎛ 90 ⎞2 ⎤
⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎟ + 1⎥
2 2 2 2 ⎜
⎢ ⎜⎝ 50 ⎠⎟ ⎥
Pr Pr P (r0 + r1 ) ⎢ ⎥ = 63.6MPa
= 2 0 2+ 2 i 2= = 33.6 × ⎢ ⎥
r0 − ri r0 − ri (r02 − ri 2 ) 2
⎢ ⎛⎜ 90 ⎞⎟ − 1⎥
⎢ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎟⎠⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ 50 ⎥⎦
and radial stress(σr ) j = −P = −33.6MPa
longitudial stress(σ ) j = 0
Therefore tangential strain (εt ) j = (σt ) j − µ( σr ) j ⎤⎥⎦
E ⎢⎣
= 5
[63.6 + 0.3 × 33.6] =7.368×10-4
∴ δ j = (εt ) j × d i = 7.368 ×10−4 × 0.050 = 0.03684mm
As αb > αs due to same temperature rise steel not will expand less than bronze
casing. When their difference of expansion will be equal to the shrinkage then
force fit will eliminate.
d i × αb ×Δt − d i × αs ×Δt = 0.04272
0.04272 0.04272
or t = = = 122o C
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ −5 −5 ⎤
d i ⎣⎢αb − αs ⎦⎥ 50 × ⎢⎣1.9 ×10 − 1.2 ×10 ⎦⎥
0= −a − − − − ( ii )
( 0.4 )
U=(average torque)
×(angular displacement)
= ×θ
From the figure we get, θ =
Torque (T)=
∂U ∂ ⎡⎢ 4 p 2 D3n ⎤⎥ 8PD3n
Therefore δ = = =
∂P ∂P ⎣⎢ Gd 4 ⎦⎥ Gd 4
8 PD 3n
Axial deflection δ =
Gd 4
P Gd 4
Spring stiffness or spring constant (k ) = =
δ 8D3n
⎛ 4C − 1 0.615 ⎞
Where K = ⎜ + is known as Wahl’s stress correction factor
⎝ 4C − 4 C ⎟⎠
Here K = KsKc; Where Ks is correction factor for direct shear stress and Kc is correction
Note: When the spring is subjected to a static force, the effect of stress concentration is neglected
due to localized yielding. So we will use, τ = Ks
4. Equivalent stiffness (keq)
Spring in series (δe = δ1 + δ 2 ) Spring in Parallel (δe = δ1 = δ 2 )
1 1 1 K1 K 2 K eq = K1 + K 2
= + or K eq =
K eq K1 K 2 K1 + K 2
5. Important note
• If a spring is cut into ‘n’ equal lengths then spring constant of each new spring = nk
• When a closed coiled spring is subjected to an axial couple M then the rotation,
64 MDnc
Ed 4
7. Belleville Springs
4 Eδ ⎡ ⎛ δ⎞ 3⎤
Load, P = ⎢ (h − δ) ⎜ h − 2 ⎟ t + t ⎥
(1 − μ 2 )k f D02 ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
Where, E = Modulus of elasticity
δ = Linear deflection
μ =Poisson’s Ratio
kf =factor for Belleville spring P
Do = outside diamerer t
t = thickness
• Total stiffness of the springs kror = stiffness per spring × No of springs
• In a leaf spring ratio of stress between full length and graduated leaves = 1.5
• Conical spring- For application requiring variable stiffness
• Belleville Springs -For application requiring high capacity springs into small space
Helical spring
GATE-1. If the wire diameter of a closed coil helical spring subjected to compressive
load is increased from 1 cm to 2 cm, other parameters remaining same, then
deflection will decrease by a factor of: [GATE-2002]
(a) 16 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 2
GATE-3. Two helical tensile springs of the same material and also having identical mean
coil diameter and weight, have wire diameters d and d/2. The ratio of their
stiffness is: [GATE-2001]
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 64 (d) 128
Springs in Series
GATE-6. The deflection of a spring with 20 active turns under a load of 1000 N is 10 mm.
The spring is made into two pieces each of 10 active coils and placed in parallel
under the same load. The deflection of this system is: [GATE-1995]
(a) 20 mm (b) 10 mm (c) 5 mm (d) 2.5 mm
Helical spring
IES-1. A helical coil spring with wire diameter ’d’ and coil diameter 'D' is subjected to
external load. A constant ratio of d and D has to be maintained, such that the
extension of spring is independent of d and D. What is this ratio? [IES-2008]
4/3 4/3
D d
(a)D3 / d4 (b)d3 / D4 (c) 3 (d) 3
d D
IES-1(i). If both the mean coil diameter and wire diameter of a helical compression or
tension spring be doubled, then the deflection of the spring close coiled under
same applied load will [IES-2012]
(a) be doubled (b) be halved
(c) increase four times (d) get reduced to one – fourth
IES-2. Assertion (A): Concentric cylindrical helical springs are used to have greater
spring force in a limited space. [IES-2006]
Reason (R): Concentric helical springs are wound in opposite directions to
prevent locking of coils under heavy dynamic loading.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-3. Assertion (A): Two concentric helical springs used to provide greater spring
force are wound in opposite directions. [IES-1995; IAS-2004]
Reason (R): The winding in opposite directions in the case of helical springs
prevents buckling.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-4. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IES-1996; 2007; IAS-1997]
If a helical spring is halved in length, its spring stiffness
(a) Remains same (b) Halves (c) Doubles (d) Triples
IES-5. A body having weight of 1000 N is dropped from a height of 10 cm over a close-
coiled helical spring of stiffness 200 N/cm. The resulting deflection of spring is
nearly [IES-2001]
(a) 5 cm (b) 16 cm (c) 35 cm (d) 100 cm
IES-7. A closely-coiled helical spring is acted upon by an axial force. The maximum
shear stress developed in the spring is τ . Half of the length of the spring is cut
off and the remaining spring is acted upon by the same axial force. The
maximum shear stress in the spring the new condition will be: [IES-1995]
IES-8. The maximum shear stress occurs on the outermost fibers of a circular shaft
under torsion. In a close coiled helical spring, the maximum shear stress
occurs on the [IES-1999]
(a) Outermost fibres (b) Fibres at mean diameter (c) Innermost fibres (d) End coils
IES-9. A helical spring has N turns of coil of diameter D, and a second spring, made of
same wire diameter and of same material, has N/2 turns of coil of diameter 2D.
If the stiffness of the first spring is k, then the stiffness of the second spring
will be: [IES-1999]
(a) k/4 (b) k/2 (c) 2k (d) 4k
IES-10. A closed-coil helical spring is subjected to a torque about its axis. The spring
wire would experience a [IES-1996; 1998]
(a) Bending stress
(b) Direct tensile stress of uniform intensity at its cross-section
(c) Direct shear stress
(d) Torsional shearing stress
IES-13. Which one of the following expresses the stress factor K used for design of
closed coiled helical spring? [IES-2008]
4C − 4 4C − 1 0.615 4C − 4 0.615 4C − 1
(a) (b) + (c) + (d)
4C − 1 4C − 4 C 4C − 1 C 4C − 4
Where C = spring index
IES-14. In the calculation of induced shear stress in helical springs, the Wahl's
correction factor is used to take care of [IES-1995; 1997]
(a) Combined effect of transverse shear stress and bending stresses in the wire.
(b) Combined effect of bending stress and curvature of the wire.
(c) Combined effect of transverse shear stress and curvature of the wire.
(d) Combined effect of torsional shear stress and transverse shear stress in the wire.
IES-15. While calculating the stress induced in a closed coil helical spring, Wahl's
factor must be considered to account for [IES-2002]
(a) The curvature and stress concentration effect (b) Shock loading
(c) Poor service conditions (d) Fatigue loading
IES-16. Cracks in helical springs used in Railway carriages usually start on the inner
side of the coil because of the fact that [IES-1994]
(a) It is subjected to the higher stress than the outer side.
(b) It is subjected to a higher cyclic loading than the outer side.
(c) It is more stretched than the outer side during the manufacturing process.
(d) It has a lower curvature than the outer side.
IES-17. Two helical springs of the same material and of equal circular cross-section
and length and number of turns, but having radii 20 mm and 40 mm, kept
concentrically (smaller radius spring within the larger radius spring), are
IES-18. A length of 10 mm diameter steel wire is coiled to a close coiled helical spring
having 8 coils of 75 mm mean diameter, and the spring has a stiffness K. If the
same length of wire is coiled to 10 coils of 60 mm mean diameter, then the
spring stiffness will be: [IES-1993]
(a) K (b) 1.25 K (c) 1.56 K (d) 1.95 K
IES-18a. Two equal lengths of steel wires of the same diameter are made into two
springs S1 and S2 of mean diameters 75 mm and 60 mm respectively. The
stiffness ratio of S1 to S2 is [IES-2011]
2 3 2 3
⎛ 60 ⎞ ⎛ 60 ⎞ ⎛ 75 ⎞ ⎛ 75 ⎞
(a ) ⎜ ⎟ (b) ⎜ ⎟ (c ) ⎜ ⎟ (d ) ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ 75
⎝ ⎠ 60
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 60 ⎠
IES-19. A spring with 25 active coils cannot be accommodated within a given space.
Hence 5 coils of the spring are cut. What is the stiffness of the new spring?
(a) Same as the original spring (b) 1.25 times the original spring [IES-2004, 2012]
(c) 0.8 times the original spring (d) 0.5 times the original spring
IES-20. Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and number of turns of a closely-coiled steel
spring are d, D and N respectively and stiffness of the spring is K. A second
spring is made of same steel but with wire diameter, mean coil diameter and
number of turns 2d, 2D and 2N respectively. The stiffness of the new spring is:
[IES-1998; 2001]
(a) K (b) 2K (c) 4K (d) 8K
IES-21. When two springs of equal lengths are arranged to form cluster springs which
of the following statements are the: [IES-1992]
1. Angle of twist in both the springs will be equal
2. Deflection of both the springs will be equal
3. Load taken by each spring will be half the total load
4. Shear stress in each spring will be equal
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 4 only
IES-22(ii). A bumper consisting of two helical springs of circular section brings to rest a
railway wagon of mass 1500 kg and moving at 1 m/s. While doing so, the springs
are compressed by 150 mm. Then, the maximum force on each spring (assuming
gradually increasing load) is: [IES-2013]
(a) 2500 N (b) 5000 N (c) 7500 N (d) 3000 N
IES-24. When a weight of 100 N falls on a spring of stiffness 1 kN/m from a height of 2
m, the deflection caused in the first fall is: [IES-2000]
(a) Equal to 0.1 m (b) Between 0.1 and 0.2 m
(c) Equal to 0.2 m (d) More than 0.2 m
Springs in Series
IES-26. When a helical compression spring is cut into two equal halves, the stiffness of
each of the result in springs will be: [IES-2002; IAS-2002]
(a) Unaltered (b) Double (c) One-half (d) One-fourth
IES-27. If a compression coil spring is cut into two equal parts and the parts are then
used in parallel, the ratio of the spring rate to its initial value will be: [IES-1999]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) Indeterminable for want of sufficient data
Springs in Parallel
IES-28. The equivalent spring stiffness for the
system shown in the given figure (S is
the spring stiffness of each of the three
springs) is:
(a) S/2 (b) S/3
(c) 2S/3 (d) S
[IES-1997; IAS-2001]
IES-29. Two coiled springs, each having stiffness K, are placed in parallel. The stiffness
of the combination will be: [IES-2000]
( a ) 4K ( b ) 2K (c) (d)
2 4
IES-30. A mass is suspended at the bottom of two springs in series having stiffness 10
N/mm and 5 N/mm. The equivalent spring stiffness of the two springs is nearly
(a) 0.3 N/mm (b) 3.3 N/mm (c) 5 N/mm (d) 15 N/mm
IES-32. Two identical springs
labelled as 1 and 2 are
arranged in series and
subjected to force F as
shown in the given
Assume that each spring constant is K. The strain energy stored in spring 1 is:
F2 F2 F2 F2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2K 4K 8K 16 K
IES-33. What is the equivalent stiffness (i.e. spring
constant) of the system shown in the given
(a) 24 N/mm (b) 16 N/mm
(c) 4 N/mm (d) 5.3 N/mm
Helical spring
IAS-1. Assertion (A): Concentric cylindrical helical springs which are used to have
greater spring force in a limited space is wound in opposite directions.
Reason (R): Winding in opposite directions prevents locking of the two coils in
case of misalignment or buckling. [IAS-1996]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-2. An open-coiled helical spring of mean diameter D, number of coils N and wire
diameter d is subjected to an axial force' P. The wire of the spring is subject to:
(a) direct shear only (b) combined shear and bending only
(c) combined shear, bending and twisting (d) combined shear and twisting only
IAS-3. Assertion (A): Two concentric helical springs used to provide greater spring
force are wound in opposite directions. [IES-1995; IAS-2004]
Reason (R): The winding in opposite directions in the case of helical springs
prevents buckling.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-4. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IES-1996; 2007; IAS-1997]
If a helical spring is halved in length, its spring stiffness
(a) Remains same (b) Halves (c) Doubles (d) Triples
IAS-5. A closed coil helical spring has 15 coils. If five coils of this spring are removed
by cutting, the stiffness of the modified spring will: [IAS-2004]
(a) Increase to 2.5 times (b) Increase to 1.5 times
(c) Reduce to 0.66 times (d) Remain unaffected
IAS-6. A close-coiled helical spring has wire diameter 10 mm and spring index 5. If the
spring contains 10 turns, then the length of the spring wire would be: [IAS-2000]
(a) 100 mm (b) 157 mm (c) 500 mm (d) 1570 mm
IAS-8. Two close-coiled springs are subjected to the same axial force. If the second
spring has four times the coil diameter, double the wire diameter and double
the number of coils of the first spring, then the ratio of deflection of the second
spring to that of the first will be: [IAS-1998]
(a) 8 (b) 2 (c) (d) 1/16
IAS-9. A block of weight 2 N falls from a height of 1m on the top of a spring· If the
spring gets compressed by 0.1 m to bring the weight momentarily to rest, then
the spring constant would be: [IAS-2000]
(a) 50 N/m (b) 100 N/m (c) 200N/m (d) 400N/m
IAS-10. The springs of a chest expander are 60 cm long when unstretched. Their
stiffness is 10 N/mm. The work done in stretching them to 100 cm is: [IAS-1996]
(a) 600 Nm (b) 800 Nm (c) 1000 Nm (d) 1600 Nm
Springs in Series
IAS-13. When a helical compression spring is cut into two equal halves, the stiffness of
each of the result in springs will be: [IES-2002; IAS-2002]
(a) Unaltered (b) Double (c) One-half (d) One-fourth
IAS-14. The length of the chest-expander spring when it is un-stretched, is 0.6 m and its
stiffness is 10 N/mm. The work done in stretching it to 1m will be: [IAS-2001]
(a) 800 J (b) 1600 J (c) 3200 J (d) 6400 J
Springs in Parallel
IAS-15. The equivalent spring stiffness for the
system shown in the given figure (S is
the spring stiffness of each of the three
springs) is:
(a) S/2 (b) S/3
(c) 2S/3 (d) S
[IES-1997; IAS-2001]
Semi-elliptical spring
IAS-18. The ends of the leaves of a semi-elliptical leaf spring are made triangular in
plain in order to: [IAS 1994]
(a) Obtain variable I in each leaf
(b) Permit each leaf to act as a overhanging beam
(c) Have variable bending moment in each leaf
(d) Make Mil constant throughout the length of the leaf.
GATE-1. Ans. (a) δ =
G.d 4 P 1
GATE-2. Ans. (d) Spring constant (K) = = or K ∝
δ 8D 3 N D3
3 3
K 2 ⎛ D1 ⎞ ⎛ 20 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ =8
K1 ⎜⎝ D2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 10 ⎠
P G.d 4 d4
GATE-3. Ans. (c) Spring constant (K) = = Therefore k ∞
δ 8D 3 N n
IES-1. Ans. (a) δ =
D 1
T = F× ; U= Tθ
2 2
Τ= ; θ=
2 GJ
L = π DN
1 ⎛ FD ⎞ ⎛ L ⎞ 4F2D3N
U= =
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ GJ ⎟⎠ Gd4
∂U 8FD3N
δ= =
∂F Gd4
IES-1(i). Ans. (b)
IES-2. Ans. (b)
IES-3. Ans. (c) It is for preventing locking not for buckling.
Gd4 1
IES-4. Ans. (c) Stiffness of sprin ( k ) = so k ∞ andn wiil behalf
8D3n n
IES-4(i). Ans. (c)
1 2
IES-5. Ans. (b) mg(h + x) = kx
1 1 1 2
IES-28. Ans. (c) = + or Se = S
Se 2 S S 3
1 1 1 10
IES-30. Ans. (b) = + or Se =
Se 10 5 3
IAS-1. Ans. (a)
IAS-2. Ans. (d)
IAS-3. Ans. (c) It is for preventing locking not for buckling.
Gd4 1
IAS-4. Ans. (c) Stiffness of sprin ( k ) = so k ∞ andn wiil behalf
8D3n n
Gd 4 1 K N 15
IAS-5. Ans. (b) K= or K α or 2 = 1 = = 1.5
8 D3 N N K1 N 2 10
IAS-6. Ans. (d) l = π Dn = π ( cd ) n = π × ( 5 ×10 ) × 10 = 1570 mm
IAS-7. Ans. (b)
⎛ D2 ⎞ ⎛ N2 ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
8PD N 3
δ 2 ⎝ D1 ⎠ ⎝ N1 ⎠ 43 × 2
IAS-8. Ans. (a) δ = or = = =8
Gd4 δ1 ⎛ d2 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ d1 ⎠
IAS-9. Ans. (d) Kinetic energy of block = potential energy of spring
1 2 2Wh 2 × 2 × 1
or W × h = k .x or k = 2 = N / m = 400 N / m
2 x 0.12
⎧ ⎫
1 1 ⎪ 10N ⎪⎪
⎬ × {1 − 0.6} m = 800Nm
IAS-10. Ans. (b) E = kx 2 = × ⎨ 2
2 2 ⎪⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎪
⎪⎩ ⎜⎝ 1000 ⎟⎠ ⎪⎭
1 1
IAS-11. Ans. (a) Work done by the spring is = k x12 − k x 22
2 2
1 1
IAS-12. Ans. (d) E = k ( x 22 − x12 ) = × 1000 × {0.202 − 0.102 } = 15Nm
2 2
IAS-13. Ans. (b)
IAS-14. Ans. (a)
1 1 ⎛ 10N ⎞ 1 10 N
⎟ × (1 − 0.6 ) m = × 1
Work done = k.x 2 = × ⎜ 2
× 0.42 m 2 = 800 J
2 2 ⎝ 1mm ⎠ 2 ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟m
⎝ 1000 ⎠
IAS-16. Ans. (b) Effective stiffness = 2K. Due to applied force one spring will be under tension and
another one under compression so total resistance force will double.
IAS-17. Ans. (b)
IAS-18. Ans. (d) The ends of the leaves of a semi-elliptical leaf spring are made rectangular in plan
in order to make M/I constant throughout the length of the leaf.
l l
Ans. Same free length of spring before loading
The number of coils in the spring 1,2 and 3 is 10, 12 and 15 mean diameter of spring 1,2
and 3 in the ratio of 1 : 1.2 : 1.4 Find out distance x so that rod remains horizontal
after loading.
Since the rod is rigid and remains horizontal after the load p is applied therefore the
deflection of each spring will be same
δ1 = δ2 = δ3 = δ (say)
Spring are made of same material and out of the rods of equal diameter
G1 = G2 = G3 = G and d1 = d 2 = d3 = d
Load in spring 1
Gd4 δ Gd 4 δ Gd 4 δ
P1 = = = .....(1)
64R13n1 64R13 × 10 640R13
Load in spring 2
Gd 4 δ Gd 4 δ Gd 4 δ
P2 = = = .....(2)
64 × R32n2 64 × (1.2)3 × 12R13 1327.10R13
Load in spring 3
Gd 4 δ Gd 4 δ Gd 4 δ
P3 = = = .....(3)
64R33n3 64 × (1.4)3 × 15R13 2634.2R13
From eqn (1) & (2)
P2 = P1
P2 = 0.482 P1
( 0.4823 + 0.486 ) P1L ........(4)
total load in the rod is
P=P1 +P2 +P3
P = P1 + .4823P1 + 0.2430P1
P = 1.725 P1 ......(5)
Equation (4) & (5)
0.9683L 0.9683L
x= = = 0.5613 L
1.725 P1 / P1 1.725
x = 0.5613 L
⎜⎝ ⎜⎜⎝ 7 ⎠⎟⎟⎠⎟⎟
Also P = kδ
or P = 80 × 103 × δ − − − ( ii )
Using the relation:
8PD3n 8P × ( 0.075 ) × 8
δ = = = 33.75 × 10−14 × 4
80 × 10 × d
9 4
Substituting for δ in equation(ii), we get
P = 80 × 103 × 33.75 × 10−14 × or d = 0.0128m or 12.8mm
Maximum axial load the spring can carry P:
From equation (i), we get
P × 0.0375 = 250 × 106 × ) 16
× ( 0.0128 ) ;
∴ P = 2745.2N = 2.7452kN
i.e. kmin =
π 2 EI
Pcr = 2
Euler’s critical load, le
Where e=Equivalent length of column (1st mode of bending)
6 Rankine
6. e’s Cripp
pling Load
Rankine theoory is applieed to both
• Shortt strut /column (valid up
pto SR-40)
• Long
g Column (Valid upto SR
R 120)
• Slend
derness ratioo
π2 E Pcr
= (σ e = critiical stress)=
k σe A
• Cripp
pling Load , P
σc A
• P= 2
⎛ ⎞
1+ K '⎜ e ⎟
⎝k ⎠
K’ = for both ends fixed
= for one end fixed & other hinged 20 ≤ e
≤ 100
12500 k
Aσ c
P= 2
b = a constant, d = least diameter or breadth of bar
⎛ ⎞
1+ b⎜ e ⎟
⎝d ⎠
• Johnson Straight line formula,
⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤
P = σ c A ⎢1 − c ⎜ e ⎟ ⎥ c = a constant depending on material.
⎣ ⎝ k ⎠⎦
• Johnson parabolic formulae :
• Fiddler’s formula,
A⎡ ⎤
( )
P= ( σc + σe ) − σc + σe − 2cσ c σ e ⎥
C ⎢⎣ ⎦
π2 E
where, σ e = 2
⎛ ⎞
⎜ e
k ⎟⎠
P ⎡ ey c ⎛ e ⎞ P ⎤ P
σ m ax = ⎢1 + 2 sec ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
A ⎣ k ⎝ 2k ⎠ EA ⎦ u
Where σ max =maximum compressive stress
P = load
⎛ P ⎞
M = P.e.Sec ⎜⎜ e ⎟⎟
⎝ 2k EA ⎠
Where M = Moment introduced.
⎛ σ max ⎞⎛ σ d ⎞ e1 yc
⎜ − 1⎟⎜ 1 − ⎟= 2
⎝ σd ⎠⎝ σ e ⎠ k
Where σ max = maximum compressive stress
P Load
σd = =
A c/s area
P Euler's load
σe = e =
A c / s area
π 2 EI
pe = Euler ' s load = 2
For =0 to 160
Pc =
⎛ fos × pc ' ⎞
1 + 0.2sec ⎜ e ⎟
⎝k 4E ⎠
Where, Pc = Permissible axial compressive stress
Pc’ = A value obtained from above Secant formula
σ y = Guaranteed minimum yield stress = 2600 kg/cm2 for mild steel
fos = factor of safety = 1.68
= Slenderness ratio
E = Modulus of elasticity = 2.045 × 10 kg / cm for mild steel
6 2
• For > 160
Strength of Column
GATE-1. The rod PQ of length L and with
flexural rigidity EI is hinged at
both ends. For what minimum
force F is it expected to buckle?
π 2 EI 2π 2EI
(a) (b)
L2 L2
π 2 EI π 2 EI
(c) (b)
2L2 2L2
Equivalent Length
GATE-2. The ratio of Euler's buckling loads of columns with the same parameters
having (i) both ends fixed, and (ii) both ends hinged is:
[GATE-1998; 2002; IES-2001, GATE-2012]
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
GATE-4. What is the expression for the crippling load for a column of length ‘l’ with one
end fixed and other end free? [IES-2006; GATE-1994]
2π 2 EI π 2 EI 4π 2 EI π 2 EI
(a) P = (b) P = (c) P = (d) P =
l2 4l 2 l2 l2
GATE-4A. The piston rod of diameter 20 mm and length 700 mm in a hydraulic cylinder is
subjected to a compressive force of 10 KN due to the internal pressure. The end
conditions for the rod may be assumed as guided at the piston end and hinged
at the other end. The Young’s modulus is 200 GPa. The factor of safety for the
piston rod is
(a) 0.68 (b) 2.75 (c) 5.62 (d) 11.0 [GATE-2007]
GATE-4(ii)A steel column, pinned at both ends, has a buckling load of 200 kN. If the
column is restrained against lateral movement at its mid-height, its buckling
load will be [CE: GATE-2007]
(a) 200 kN (b) 283 kN (c) 400 kN (d) 800 kN
GATE-7. Cross-section of a column consisting of two steel strips, each of thickness t and width b is
shown in the figure below. The critical loads of the column with perfect bond and without
bond between the strips are P and P0 respectively. The ratio is [CE: GATE-2008]
( a) 2 ( b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
[CE: GATE-2008]
(a) 0.5 KL (b) 0.8 KL (c) 1.0 KL (d) 1.2 KL
GATE-9. This sketch shows a column with a pin at the base and rollers at the top. It is
subjected to an axial force P and a moment M at mid height. The reaction(s) at
R is/are
2 P
[CE: GATE-2012]
(a) a-vertical force equal to P (b) a vertical force equal to
(c) a vertical force equal to P and a horizontal force equal to
(d) a vertical force equal to and a horizontal force equal to
2 h
Classification of Column
IES-1. A structural member subjected to an axial compressive force is called
(a) Beam (b) Column (c) Frame (d) Strut
IES-2. Which one of the following loadings is considered for design of axles?
(a) Bending moment only [IES-1995]
(b) Twisting moment only
(c) Combined bending moment and torsion
(d) Combined action of bending moment, twisting moment and axial thrust.
IES-4. Mach List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IAS-1999]
List-I List-II
A. Polar moment of inertia of section 1. Thin cylindrical shell
B. Buckling 2. Torsion of shafts
C. Neutral axis 3. Columns
D. Hoop stress 4. Bending of beams
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 2 3 1 4
Strength of Column
IES-5. Slenderness ratio of a column is defined as the ratio of its length to its
(a) Least radius of gyration (b) Least lateral dimension [IES-2003]
(c) Maximum lateral dimension (d) Maximum radius of gyration
IES-6. Assertion (A): A long column of square cross section has greater buckling
stability than a similar column of circular cross-section of same length, same
material and same area of cross-section with same end conditions.
Reason (R): A circular cross-section has a smaller second moment of area than
a square cross-section of same area. [IES-1999; IES-1996]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Equivalent Length
IES-6(i). The end conditions of a column for which length of column is equal to the
equivalent length are [IES-2013]
(a) Both the ends are hinged (b) Both the ends are fixed
(c) One end fixed and other end free (d) One end fixed and other end hinged
IES-7. Four columns of same material and same length are of rectangular cross-
section of same breadth b. The depth of the cross-section and the end
conditions are, however different are given as follows: [IES-2004]
Column Depth End conditions
1 0.6 b Fixed-Fixed
2 0.8 b Fixed-hinged
3 1.0 b Hinged-Hinged
4 2.6 b Fixed-Free
Which of the above columns Euler buckling load maximum?
(a) Column 1 (b) Column 2 (c) Column 3 (d) Column 4
IES-8. Match List-I (End conditions of columns) with List-II (Equivalent length in
terms of length of hinged-hinged column) and select the correct answer using
the codes given below the Lists: [IES-2000]
List-I List-II
A. Both ends hinged 1. L
B. One end fixed and other end free 2. L/ 2
C. One end fixed and the other pin-pointed 3. 2L
D. Both ends fixed 4. L/2
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 3 1 4 2
IES-9. The ratio of Euler's buckling loads of columns with the same parameters
having (i) both ends fixed, and (ii) both ends hinged is:
IES-10(i). The buckling load for a column hinged at both ends is 10 kN. If the ends are
fixed, the buckling load changes to [IES-2012]
(a) 40 kN (b) 2.5 kN (c) 5 kN (d) 20 kN
IES-10(ii). For the case of a slender column of length L and flexural rigidity EI built in at
its base and free at the top, the Euler’s critical buckling load is [IES-2012]
4 2
IES-12. Euler's formula can be used for obtaining crippling load for a M.S. column with
hinged ends.
Which one of the following conditions for the slenderness ratio is to be
satisfied? [IES-2000]
l l l l
(a) 5 < < 8 (b) 9 < < 18 (c) 19 < < 40 (d) ≥ 80
k k k k
IES-13. If one end of a hinged column is made fixed and the other free, how much is the
critical load compared to the original value? [IES-2008]
(a) ¼ (b) ½ (c) Twice (d) Four times
IES-14. If one end of a hinged column is made fixed and the other free, how much is the
critical load compared to the original value? [IES-2008]
(a) ¼ (b) ½ (c) Twice (d) Four times
IES-15. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the Lists: [IES-1995; 2007; IAS-1997]
List-I (Long Column) List-II (Critical Load)
A. Both ends hinged 1. π 2EI/4l2
B. One end fixed, and other end free 2. 4 π 2EI/ l2
C. Both ends fixed 3. 2 π 2EI/ l2
D. One end fixed, and other end hinged 4. π 2EI/ l2
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 4 3 2 1
IES-16. The ratio of the compressive critical load for a long column fixed at both the
ends and a column with one end fixed and the other end free is: [IES-1997]
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1: 4 (c) 1: 8 (d) 1: 16
IES-19. A long slender bar having uniform rectangular cross-section 'B x H' is acted
upon by an axial compressive force. The sides B and H are parallel to x- and y-
axes respectively. The ends of the bar are fixed such that they behave as pin-
jointed when the bar buckles in a plane normal to x-axis, and they behave as
built-in when the bar buckles in a plane normal to y-axis. If load capacity in
either mode of buckling is same, then the value of H/B will be: [IES-2000]
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16
IES-20. The Euler's crippling load for a 2m long slender steel rod of uniform cross-
section hinged at both the ends is 1 kN. The Euler's crippling load for 1 m long
steel rod of the same cross-section and hinged at both ends will be: [IES-1998]
(a) 0.25 kN (b) 0.5 kN (c) 2 kN (d) 4 kN
IES-20(i). Determine the ratio of the buckling strength of a solid steel column to that of a
hollow column of the same material having the same area of cross section. The
internal diameter of the hollow column is half of the external diameter. Both
column are of identical length and are pinned or hinged at the ends: [IES-2013]
P 2 P 3 P 4 P
( a) s = ( b) s = (c) s = (d) s = 1
Ph 5 Ph 5 Ph 5 Ph
IES-21. If σc and E denote the crushing stress and Young's modulus for the material of
a column, then the Euler formula can be applied for determination of cripping
load of a column made of this material only, if its slenderness ratio is:
(a) More than π E / σc (b) Less than π E / σc [IES-2005]
⎛ E⎞ ⎛ E⎞
(c) More than π2⎜ ⎟ (d) Less than π2⎜ ⎟
⎝ σc ⎠ ⎝ σc ⎠
IES-22. Four vertical columns of same material, height and weight have the same end
conditions. Which cross-section will carry the maximum load? [IES-2009]
(a) Solid circular section (b) Thin hollow circular section
(c) Solid square section (d) I-section
Classification of Column
IAS-1. Mach List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IAS-1999]
List-I List-II
A. Polar moment of inertia of section 1. Thin cylindrical shell
B. Buckling 2. Torsion of shafts
C. Neutral axis 3. Columns
D. Hoop stress 4. Bending of beams
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 2 3 1 4
Strength of Column
IAS-2. Assertion (A): A long column of square cross-section has greater buckling
stability than that of a column of circular cross-section of same length, same
material, same end conditions and same area of cross-section. [IAS-1998]
Reason (R): The second moment of area of a column of circular cross-section is
smaller than that of a column of square cross section having the same area.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-3. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [IAS-2003]
(a) Slenderness ratio : The ratio of length of the column to the least radius of gyration
(b) Buckling factor : The ratio of maximum load to the permissible axial load on the
(c) Short column : A column for which slenderness ratio < 32
(d) Strut : A member of a structure in any position and carrying an axial
compressive load
Equivalent Length
IAS-4. A column of length 'I' is fixed at its both ends. The equivalent length of the
column is: [IAS-1995]
(a) 2 l (b) 0.5 l (c) 2 l (d) l
IAS-7. Assertion (A): Buckling of long columns causes plastic deformation. [IAS-2001]
Reason (R): In a buckled column, the stresses do not exceed the yield stress.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-8. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the Lists: [IES-1995; 2007; IAS-1997]
List-I (Long Column) List-II (Critical Load)
A. Both ends hinged 1. π 2EI/4l2
B. One end fixed, and other end free 2. 4 π 2EI/ l 2
C. Both ends fixed 3. 2 π 2EI/ l 2
D. One end fixed, and other end hinged 4. π 2EI/ l 2
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 4 3 2 1
GATE-1. Ans. (b) Axial component of the force FPQ = F Sin 450
π 2 EI
We know for both end fixed column buckling load (P) =
2π 2EI
and Fsin450 = P or F=
GATE-2. Ans. (b) Euler’s buckling loads of columns
4π 2EI
(1) both ends fixed = 2
π 2EI
( 2 ) both ends hinged = 2
GATE-3. Ans. (d)
GATE-4. Ans. (b)
GATE-4A. Ans. (c)
δ Pcr
G δ
2 P
Σ FY = 0
⇒ FV − P = 0
⇒ FV = P
Σ MQ = 0
⇒ FH . h − M = 0
⇒ FH =
IES-1. Ans. (d) A machine part subjected to an axial compressive force is called a strut. A strut may
be horizontal, inclined or even vertical. But a vertical strut is known as a column,
pillar or stanchion.
The term column is applied to all such members except those in which failure would be
by simple or pure compression. Columns can be categorized then as:
1. Long column with central loading
2. Intermediate-length columns with central loading
3. Columns with eccentric loading
4. Struts or short columns with eccentric loading
IES-2. Ans. (a) Axle is a non-rotating member used for supporting rotating wheels etc. and do not
transmit any torque. Axle must resist forces applied laterally or transversely to their
axes. Such members are called beams.
IES-2a Ans. (a) Axle is a non-rotating member used for supporting rotating wheels etc. and
do not transmit any torque. Axle must resist forces applied laterally or transversely
to their axes. Such members are called beams.
IES-3. Ans. (b)
IES-4. Ans. (b)
IES-5. Ans. (a)
IES-6. Ans. (a)
IES-6(i). Ans. (a)
IES-7. Ans. (b)
IES-8. Ans. (b)
IES-9. Ans. (b) Euler’s buckling loads of columns
4π 2EI
(1) both ends fixed = 2
π 2EI
( 2 ) both ends hinged = 2
IES-10. Ans. (b)
π 2 EI
P ∞ I or P ∞ d or
p − p′ d − d
( )
⎛ 0.8d ⎞
= 1− ⎜
IAS-1. Ans. (b)
IAS-2. Ans. (a)
IAS-3. Ans. (b) Buckling factor: The ratio of equivalent length of the column to the least radius of
IAS-4. Ans. (b)
IAS-5. Ans. (c) A column with both ends fixed has minimum equivalent effective length (l/2)
IAS-6. Ans. (c)
IAS-7. Ans. (d) And Critical Load for one end fixed, and other end free = π 2EI/4l2
IAS-8. Ans. (b)
π 2 EI
Euler's formula for column ( PC ) = 2
Ans. (i)
π2EI π2EI
P1 = ( right )
; P2 =
L2 4L2
For column l, both end hinged l e = L
(ii) =4
P 20mm P
P PL π2 EI
σ= ; δ= ; e = ; Pe = 2
(considering one end of the column is fixed and
A AE 2 e
other end is hinged)
Pe = Euler Crippling load
Compressive load, Pc = σ c × Area = 10 kN
Euler’s load, Pe =
( ) (
2π2 × 200 × 109 × π × 0.0204 / 64 ) = 63.278 kN
Euler 's load
F.S =
Compressive load
F.S = = 6.3
Equivalent length ( )= for both end hinged = for both end fixed.
e 2
π 2EI
So for both end hinged (Pc )beh = 2
π 2EI 4 π 2EI
and for both fixed (Pc )bef = =
( 2)
2 2
e = equivalent length ]
For both end hinged ( e) =
And For both end fixed ( e) = /2
π 2EI
∴ (PEuler )b.e.h. = 2 =40 kN(Given)
π 2EI π 2EI
and (PEuler )b.e.F . = 2
= 4 × 2 = 4 × 40 = 160 kN
( / 2)
PRankine = 2
= 2
= 8.59 MN
⎛ ⎞ 1 ⎛ 4 ⎞⎟
1 + a.⎜⎜ e ⎟⎟ 1+ ×⎜⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ k ⎠⎟ 1600 ⎜⎝ 0.093 ⎟⎠
PRankine 8.59
∴ Safe load = = = 2.148 MN
fos 4
I 2.898 ×10−6
Radius off gyration (k) ( = = = 0..032m
A 2.8274 ×10−3
σ c .A
PRankine = 2
; [ e = equ
uivalent len
⎛ e ⎞⎟
1+ a ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜⎝ k ⎠
(i) = 2
; [ e = l = 3 m for both
h end hinged]
⎛ 1 ⎞⎟ ⎛ 3 ⎞⎟
1+ ⎜⎜ ×⎜
⎜⎝1600 ⎟⎟⎠ ⎝⎜⎜ 0.0 ⎟
032 ⎟⎠
=2 261.026kN N
P 26126
Safe load d (P)= Rankine = = 87.09 kN
(ii) For bo oth end fixxed, e = = 1.5 m
(600 ×106 )×(2.8274 ×10−3 )
PRankinee = 2
= 714.8 kN
1 ⎛ 1.5 ⎟⎞
1+ ×⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
1600 ⎜⎝ 0.032
0 ⎠
P 714.88
Safe load d (P)= Rankkine = = 238.277 kN
nal Questiion AMIE--1997
Question: A slender column is built-in att one end and
a an ecceentric load is applied at the
free end. Working from the first prin nciples fin
nd the exp pression foor the
maximum m length off column su uch that th
he deflectio
on of the fr
ree end dooes not
exceed th
he eccentriccity of load
Answer: Above figuure shows a slender coluumn of lengtth ‘I’. The coolumn is built in at one
e end B
and eccentric load P is applied at the
t free end A.
Let y be th n at any secttion XX disttant x from the fixed en
he deflection nd B. Let δ be the
deflection at
a A.
The bendinng moment ata the section XX is giveen by
∴ e = A..................(i )
⎡ 2e − e cos k ⎤
2e = A cos
s k + B sin k or B = ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ sin k ⎥⎦
⎡ 2e − e cos k ⎤
os kx + ⎢
∴ y = e co ⎥ sin kx
⎢⎣ s k
sin ⎥⎦
Where be ending mom ment is maximum,
the deflection will be maximum so s =0
dy ⎡ 2e − e coss k ⎤
∴ e sin kx + k . ⎢
= −ek ⎥ cos kx = 0
dx ⎢⎣ sin k ⎥⎦
2 − cos k
or tan kx =
sin k
nal Questiion ESE-1996
Question: The link of
o a mecha anism is su ubjected to axial com
mpressive fo orce. It has
s solid
circular cross-sectio
c on with dia ameter 9 mm
m and len ngth 200 mm m. The two o ends
of the linkk are hing
ged. It is made
m of stee
el having yield
y strength = 400 N/mm
N 2
nal Questiion GATE--1995
Question: Find the shortest
s length of a hinged
h stee
el column having
h a re
ectangular cross-
section 60
00 mm × 10 00 mm, forr which the
e elastic Euler formuula applies. Take
So the rod will buckle when the temperature rises more than 49.35°C.
σ2 ∈2 E
U= × V o lu m e or U = × V o lu m e
2E 2
2. Proof Resilience
• Maximum strain energy stored at elastic limit. i.e. the strain energy stored in the body upto
elastic limit.
• This is the property of the material that enables it to resist shock and impact by storing
energy. The measure of proof resilience is the strain energy absorbed per unit volume.
σ2 ∈2 E
u= or u=
2E 2
4. Application
3 L
P2 L P2.
P2 L 4 4
U= = + L/4
2 AE 2 (2d ) 2 E πd 2 L
2. E
4 4
Strain energy becomes smaller & smaller as the cross sectional area of bar
is increased over more & more of its length i.e. A ↑ , U ↓
5. Toughness
• This is the property which enables a material to be twisted, bent or stretched under impact
load or high stress before rupture. It may be considered to be the ability of the material to
Modulus off Toughnes
• nit volume of materiall
The ability of un
to absorb energy
y in the plasttic range.
• The amount of work per unit
u volumee
that the material can withstand
withoout failure.
• The area
a under the entire stress strain
diagrram is called
d modulus off toughness,
h is a meassure of energy that can
which n UT = σu εf
be absorbed
a by
y the unit volume off
mateerial due to impact
i loadiing before itt
6 Strain energy
6. e in shear an
nd torsion
• Strain energy
e per unit
u volumee, (u s ) T A
τ2 Gγ 2
us = or, u s =
2G 2
• Totall Strain Eneergy (U) for a Shaft in Torsion
U s = Tφ
1 ⎛ T 2L ⎞ 1 GJφ 2 dφ
∴U s = ⎜ ⎟ or
2 ⎝ GJ ⎠ 2 L
τ 2max 2π L
2 ∫
or Us = ρ 2d ρ
2G r
• Case
τ 2max
•Sollid shaft , U s = ×π r2L
τ 2max π ( D − d ) L τ 2max ( D + d )
4 4 2 2
2 2πn
∫ R dα (R varries with ∝ )
2GJ 0
3 ⎛ P2 L ⎞
• Cantilever beam
b with load
l 'p' at ennd, Us = ⎜ ⎟
5 ⎝ bhG ⎠
πP 2 R 3n
• Helical sprring , U s = (∵ L = 2π Rn )
⎛ d 2y ⎞ ⎛ d 2y M ⎞
or U b =
2 ∫
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ dx ⎠
dx ⎜∵
⎝ dx 2
= − ⎟
EI ⎠
• Cases
P 2 L3
o Cantilever beam with a end load
l P, Ub =
6 EI
P 2 L3
o Simplly supported
d with a load
d P at centre
e, Ub =
96 EI
• mportant Note
Im N
o For pu
ure bending
• M is consttant along th
he length ‘L
• θ=
M 2L EIθ 2
• U= wn =
if Misknow if curvature θ / L isknown
2EI 2L
o For noon-uniform bending
• Strain energy in shea
ar is neglecte
• Strain energy in bend
ding is only considered.
8. Castiiglione’s theorem
∂U 1 ⎛ ∂M x ⎞
∂p EI ∫ Mx ⎜
⎝ ∂p ⎠
• Note:
o Strain energy, stored due to direct stress in 3 coordinates
U= ⎡ ∑ (σ x ) 2 − 2 μ ∑ σ x σ y ⎤⎦
2E ⎣
o If σ x = σ y = σ z ,in case of equal stress in 3 direction then
3σ 2 σ2
U= [1 − 2μ] = (volume strain energy)
2E 2k
vious 20-Ye
ears GATE
n Energ
gy or Resilien
R nce
GATE-1. The stra
ain energy stored in the beam with flexu
ural rigidity
y EI and loaded as
shown in
n the figure
e is: ATE-2008]
GATE-2. is th
he deflection under the
t ever beam [length L, modulus
load P of a cantile
of elastic
city, E, mom
ment of ine
ertia-I]. The
e strain en
nergy due to
o bending is:
P 2 L3 P 2 L3 P 2 L3 P 2 L3
(a) (b) (c ) (d )
3EI 6 EI 4 EI
E 48EI
GATE-5. The total area under the stress-strain curve of a mild steel specimen tested up
to failure under tension is a measure of [GATE-2002]
(a) Ductility (b) Ultimate strength (c) Stiffness (d) Toughness
IES-1(ii). Statement (I): Ductile materials generally absorb more impact energy than the
brittle materials.
Statement (II): Ductile materials generally have higher ultimate strength than
brittle materials. [IES-2012]
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the
correct explanation of Statement (I)
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not
the correct explanation of Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
IES-2. A bar having length L and uniform cross-section with area A is subjected to
both tensile force P and torque T. If G is the shear modulus and E is the
Young's modulus, the internal strain energy stored in the bar is: [IES-2003]
T 2 L P2 L T 2 L P2 L T 2 L P2 L T 2 L P2 L
(a) + (b) + (c) + (d) +
IES-3. Strain energy stored in a body of volume V subjected to uniform stress s is:
(a) s E / V (b) sE2/ V (c) sV2/E (d) s2V/2E
IES-4. A bar of length L and of uniform cross-sectional area A and second moment of
area ‘I’ is subjected to a pull P. If Young's modulus of elasticity of the bar
material is E, the expression for strain energy stored in the bar will be:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
IES-5. Which one of the following gives the correct expression for strain energy
stored in a beam of length L and of uniform cross-section having moment of
inertia ‘I’ and subjected to constant bending moment M? [IES-1997]
(a ) (b) (c) (d)
IES-6. A steel specimen 150 mm in cross-section stretches by 0·05 mm over a 50 mm
gauge length under an axial load of 30 kN. What is the strain energy stored in
the specimen? (Take E = 200 GPa) [IES-2009]
(a) 0.75 N-m (b) 1.00 N-m (c) 1.50 N-m (d) 3.00 N-m
IES-7. What is the expression for the strain energy due to bending of a cantilever
beam (length L. modulus of elasticity E and moment of inertia I)? [IES-2009]
P 2 L3 P 2 L3 P 2 L3 P 2 L3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3EI 6 EI 4 EI 48EI
IES-9. 30 C 8 steel has its yield strength of 400 N/mm2 and modulus of elasticity of 2 ×
105 MPa. Assuming the material to obey Hooke's law up to yielding, what is its
proof resilience? [IES-2006]
(a) 0·8 N/mm2 (b) 0.4 N/mm2 (c) 0·6 N/mm2 (d) 0·7 N/mm2
IES9a Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the lists: [IES-2010]
List I List II
A. Point of inflection 1. Strain energy
B. Shearing strain 2. Equation of bending
C. Section modulus 3. Equation of torsion
D. Modulus of resilience 4. Bending moment diagram
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 3 1
IES-10. Toughness for mild steel under uni-axial tensile loading is given by the shaded
portion of the stress-strain diagram as shown in [IES-2003]
IAS-5. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IAS-1996]
List-I (Mechanical properties) List-II (Meaning of properties)
A. Ductility 1. Resistance to indentation
B. Hardness 2. Ability to absorb energy during plastic
C. Malleability deformation
D. Toughness 3. Percentage of elongation
4. Ability to be rolled into flat product
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 4 3 2 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 3 1 4 2
IAS-7. A truck weighing 150 kN and travelling at 2m/sec impacts which a buffer
spring which compresses 1.25cm per 10 kN. The maximum compression of the
spring is: [IAS-1995]
(a) 20.00 cm
(b) 22.85 cm
(c) 27.66 cm
(d) 30.00 cm
4L L 3L 4L
M 2dx M 2dx M 2dx M 2dx
GATE-1. Ans. (B) ∫ 2EI
0 0 L 3L
M 2dx
M 2dx ⎡ L 2 4L 2 ⎤
= 2∫ +∫ ⎢By symmetry M dx = M dx ⎥
2EI 2EI ⎢
∫ 2EI ∫ 2EI ⎥⎥⎦
0 L 0 3L
L 3L
(Px )2 dx (PL )2 dx 2P 2L3
= 2∫ +∫ =
GATE-2. Ans. (b) We may do it taking average
⎛ P ⎞ PL
P 2 L3
Strain energy = Average force x displacement = ⎜ ⎟ × =
⎝ 2 ⎠ 3EI 6 EI
Alternative method: In a funny way you may use Castiglione’s theorem, δ = . Then
∂U PL3 PL3
δ= = or U = ∫ ∂U = ∫ ∂P Partially integrating with respect to P we get
∂P 3EI 3EI
GATE-2(i). Ans. (d)
P2 L
We know that Strain Energy, U =
2 AE
It is obvious from the above equation that strain energy is proportional to the square of
load applied. We know that sum of squares of two numbers is less than the square of
their sum. Thus U > U1 + U 2 .
GATE-3. Ans. (c) Resilience = area under this curve up to 0.004 strain
= × 0.004 × 70 × 106 = 14 × 10 4 Nm/m3
Toughness = area under this curve up to 0.012 strain
= 14 × 10 4 + 70 × 106 × ( 0.012 − 0.004 ) + × ( 0.012 − 0.004 ) × (120 − 70 ) × 10 6 Nm/m3
= 90 × 104 Nm/m3
⎜ A ⎟ AL W 2L
GATE-4. Ans. (d) U1 = ⎝ ⎠ =
2E 2AE
W 2L3 W 2L3 2W 2L3
U2 = = =
6EI ⎛ 1 ⎞ Ea 4
6E ⎜ a 4 ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠
U2 4L2 ⎛ 100 ⎞
or = 2 = 4×⎜ ⎟ = 2500
U1 a ⎝ 4 ⎠
GATE-4(i) Ans. (b)
1 1
Strain Energy = × σ × ε = E ε2
2 2
GATE-4(ii)Ans. (d)
The strain energy per unit volume may be given as
1 σ y 1 (250)2
u= × = × = 0.156 N − mm/ mm3
2 E 2 2 × 105
GATE-5. Ans. (d)
1 σ2
IES-1. Ans. (d) Strain Energy = . ×V
2 E
IES-1(i). Ans. (c)
IES-1(ii). Ans. (c)
1 1 1 PL 1 TL
IES-2. Ans. (c) Internal strain energy = Pδ + T θ = P + T
2 2 2 AE 2 GJ
IES-3. Ans. (d)
1 1 ⎛P⎞ ⎛P L⎞ PL2
IES-4. Ans. (a) Strain energy = x stress x strain x volume = × ⎜ ⎟ × ⎜ . ⎟ × ( AL ) =
2 2 ⎝ A⎠ ⎝ A E ⎠ 2 AE
IES-5. Ans. (d)
IES-6. Ans. (a) Strain Energy stored in the specimen
( 30000 ) × 50 × 10−3 = 0.75 N-m
1 1 ⎛ PL ⎞ P2L
= Pδ = P ⎜ = =
2 2 ⎝ AE ⎟⎠ 2AE 2 × 150 × 10−6 × 200 × 109
(Px)2 dx P2 ⎛ x 3 ⎞ P2L3
IES-7. Ans. (b) Strain Energy Stored = ∫ = ⎜ ⎟ =
2E 2EI ⎝ 3 ⎠ 0 6EI
IES-8. Ans. (d)
IES-8a. Ans. (c)
1 σ 2 1 ( 400 )
L L/2 L/2 2
M2 dx M2 dx 1 ⎛ Wx ⎞ W 2L3
IAS-1. Ans. (c) Strain energy = ∫ = 2× ∫ = ×∫ ⎜ dx =
2EI 0
2EI EI 0 ⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ 96EI
∂U ∂U
Alternative method: In a funny way you may use Castiglione’s theorem, δ = =
∂P ∂W
We know that δ = for simply supported beam in concentrated load at mid span.
∂U ∂U WL3 WL3
Then δ = = = or U = ∫ ∂U = ∫ ∂W partially integrating with
∂P ∂W 48EI 48EI
W 2L3
respect to W we get U =
IAS-2. Ans. (c)
⎡ 2⎤
σ2 1 2 1 ⎢ (δl ) ⎥
IAS-4. Ans. (a) = ∈ E = ⎢ 2 ⎥E
2E 2 2⎢ L ⎥
⎣ ⎦
IAS-5. Ans. (d)
IAS-6. Ans. (b)
IAS-7. Ans. (c) Kinetic energy of the truck = strain energy of the spring
⎜ ⎟×2
1 1 2 mv ⎝ 9.81 ⎠
mv = kx or x =
= = 0.2766 m = 27.66 cm
2 2 k ⎡ 10 × 1000 ⎤
⎢ 0.0125 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
= = 45,000 mm4
⇒ Influence of circumferential and shearing force are neglected strain energy at the section.
π × 200 × ( 300 )
π FR2
δ= =
2 EI 2 × 2 × 105 × 45000
δ = 3.14 × 10−3 mm.
or, EIy =
PbL 2
Pb L(
− b 2
P )
( L − 2 a )
48 12 48
P ⎡ 2
48EI ⎣ ( )
bL − 4b L2 − b2 − ( L − 2a ) ⎤
Failure Mode
• Yielding: a process of global permanent plastic deformation. Change in the geometry of the
• Fracture: a process in which cracks grow to the extent that the component breaks apart.
• Buckling: the loss of stable equilibrium. Compressive loading can lead to bucking in
Failure Modes:
Excessive elastic Yielding Fracture
1. Stretch, twist, or • Plastic deformation at room • Sudden fracture of brittle
bending temperature materials
2. Buckling • Creep at elevated • Fatigue (progressive
temperatures fracture)
3. Vibration • Yield stress is the important • Stress rupture at elevated
design factor temperatures
• Ultimate stress is the
important design factor
2. Maximum Principal Stress Theory
(W. Rankin’s Theory- 1850) – Brittle Material
The maximum principal stress criterion:
• Th
his theory of
o yielding has
h very pooor agreemen
nt with experiment. How
wever, the theory
t has
beeen used succcessfully forr brittle matterials.
• Used to descrribe fracture of brittle materials
m su
uch as cast iron
• Liimitations
o Doesn
n’t distinguissh between tension or co
o Doesn
n’t depend on
o orientatiion of princcipal planess so only ap
pplicable to
o isotropic
• Generalizatioon to 3-D stress case is easy:
• Failu
ure by slip (yielding)
( occcurs when the
t maximu g stress, τ max exceeds th
um shearing he yield
re surface according
a t maximu
to um shear sttress theory
4 Strain Energy
4. E Th
heory (Ha
aigh’s Theory)
The theory associated
d with Haig
This theory is
i based on the assump
ption that sttrains are re
ecoverable up
u to the ela
astic limit, and
a the
energy absorrbed by the material
m at failure
f up too this point is a single valued
v function indepen
ndent of
th ng it. The strrain energy per unit vollume causin
he stress system causin ng failure is equal to the
e strain
energy at thee elastic limiit in simple tension.
1 σ y2
U= ⎡σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 − 2μ (σ 1σ 2 + σ 2σ 3 + σ 3σ 1 ) ⎦ =
2 2 2
2E ⎣ 2E
σ 12 + σ 22 + σ 32 − 2μ (σ 1σ 2 + σ 2σ 3 + σ 3σ 1 ) = σ y2 For 3D-
3 stress
σ 12 + σ 22 − 2 μσ
μ 1σ 2 = σ y2 For 2D-
2 stress
5 Shear Strain
5. S En
nergy Theeory (Disttortion En
nergy The
eory or M
y or Von-M
Misses Theory)-Du uctile Maaterial
Von-Mises C
• Also known as th
he Maximum
m Energy of Distortion criterion
• Based on a more complex vieew of the rolle of the prin
ncipal stresss differencess.
σ 12 − σ 1σ 2 + σ 22 = σ y2
• It is often con
nvenient to express
e this as an equivalent stress, σ e:
1 ⎡ 2 2 2⎤
σe = ⎢⎣(σ1 − σ2 ) + (σ2 − σ3 ) + (σ3 − σ1 ) ⎥⎦
1 ⎡ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎤
or σe = ⎢⎣(σ x − σ y ) + (σ y − σ z ) + (σ x − σ z ) + 6(
6 τ xy + τ yz + τ zx )⎥⎦
• n formulatin
In ng this failurre theory wee used generalized Hooke's law for an isotropicc material
soo the theory
y given is only appliccable to tho
ose materials but it ca
an be generalized to
nisotropic materials.
• Th
he von Misees theory is a little lesss conservativ
ve than the Tresca theoory but in most
m cases
here is little difference in
i their pred
dictions of fa
ailure. Mostt experimenttal results te
end to fall
n or between
n these two theories.
• It gives very good
g result in
i ductile material.
6. Maximum Prin
ncipal Strrain Theo
ory (St. Ve
enant The
g to this theeory, yieldin
ng will occurr when the maximum principal sttrain just ex
xceeds the
strain at the tensile yield point in either sim n or compreession. If ε1 and ε2 are maximum
mple tension
and minim
mum princip
pal strains correspondin
c ng to σ1 and σ2, in the lim
miting case
Higher shearr stresses arre to the lefft of origin, since most brittle mateerials have higher stren
ngth in
8 Comparison
A comparison
n among thee different failure
f theorries can be made
m by sup
perposing th
he yield surfa
faces as
shown in figu
GATE-2. Which theory of failure will you use for aluminium components under steady
loading? [GATE-1999]
(a) Principal stress theory (b) Principal strain theory
(c) Strain energy theory (d) Maximum shear stress theory
GATE-2(i) An axially loaded bar is subjected to a normal stress of 173 MPa. The shear
stress in the bar is [CE: GATE-2007]
(a) 75 MPa (b) 86.5 MPa (c) 100 MPa (d) 122.3 MPa
GATE-5. The homogeneous state of stress for a metal part undergoing plastic
deformation is
⎛ 10 5 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
T = ⎜ 5 20 0 ⎟
⎜ 0 0 −10 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
GATE-6. Match the following criteria of material failure, under biaxial stresses σ 1 and
σ 2 and yield stress σ y , with their corresponding graphic representations:
P. Maximum-normal-stress criterion L.
–σy σy
Q. Minimum-distortion-energy criterion M.
–σy σy
R. Maximum shear-stress criterion N.
–σy σy
(a) P – M, Q – L, R – N (b) P – N, Q – M, R – L
(c) P – M, Q – N, R – L (d) P – N, Q – L, R – M
IES-5. Design of sh
D hafts madee of brittle materials
m is
i based on n [IESS-1993]
a) Guest's th
heory (b) Rankine’s
R theeory (c) Stt. Venant's theory
t (d) Voon Mises the
um She
ear strress or Stress
s Differrence T
IES-6. Which one of
W o the follo
owing figur
res represe
ents the ma
aximum she
ear stress theory
o Tresca cr
or riterion? [IES
IES-7. According to
A t the max ximum shea ar stress th
heory of fa
ailure, permmissible tw
moment in a circular r shaft is 'T'. The peermissible twisting m moment will the
same shaft as per the maximum principal stress
s theoory of failur
re will be:
[IES-1998: ISROO-2008]
a) T/2 (b) T (c) 2T (d) 2T
IES-8. Permissible
P e bending moment in i a circular shaft under
u pur
re bendingg is M
according to maxim mum princ cipal stresss theory of failure e. Accordiing to
maximum s
shear stresss theory of
o failure, the permiissible ben
nding momment in
the same sh
haft is: [IES
a) 1/2 M
(a (b) M (c) 2M (d) 2M
IES-12. For a two-dimensional state stress ( σ 1 > σ 2 , σ 1 > 0, σ 2 < 0 ) the designed values
are most conservative if which one of the following failure theories were used?
(a) Maximum principal strain theory (b) Maximum distortion energy theory
(c) Maximum shear stress theory (d) Maximum principal stress theory
IES-15. The maximum distortion energy theory of failure is suitable to predict the
failure of which one of the following types of materials? [IES-2004]
(a) Brittle materials (b) Ductile materials (c) Plastics (d) Composite materials
IES-16. If σy is the yield strength of a particular material, then the distortion energy
theory is expressed as [IES-1994]
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) + ( σ 2 − σ 3 ) + (σ 3 − σ 1 )
2 2 2
(a) = 2σ y2
(b) (σ 2
1 − σ 22 + σ 32 ) − 2 μ (σ 1σ 2 + σ 2σ 3 + σ 3σ 1 ) = σ y2
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) + (σ 3 − σ 1 ) = 3σ y2
2 2 2
(d) (1 − 2 μ )(σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 ) = 2 (1 + μ ) σ y
2 2
IES-17. If a shaft made from ductile material is subjected to combined bending and
twisting moments, calculations based on which one of the following failure
theories would give the most conservative value? [IES-1996]
(a) Maximum principal stress theory (b) Maximum shear stress theory.
(d Maximum strain energy theory (d) Maximum distortion energy theory.
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 2 4 1 3
IAS-4. Which one of the following graphs represents Mises yield criterion? [IAS-
GATE-1. Ans. (a) - 3, (c) -1, (d) -5, (e) -2
St. Venant's law: Maximum principal strain theory
GATE-2. Ans. (d) Aluminium is a ductile material so use maximum shear stress theory
GATE-2(i) Ans. (b)
σ − σ2
Shear stress = 1
173 − 0
∴ Shear stress = = 86.5 MPa
GATE-3. Ans. (c)
Vs =
{ 2 2 2
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) + (σ 3 − σ 1 ) Where E = 2G(1 + μ ) simplify and get result.
GATE-4. Ans. (c) According to distortion energy theory if maximum stress (σt) then
or σ t2 = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2
or σ t2 = 3602 + 1402 − 360 × 140
or σ t = 314 MPa
GATE-5. Ans. (b)
We know that equivalent stress (σ e )
{(σ − σ ) + (σ − σ ) + (σ − σ ) + 6 (τ + τ + τ )}
x y
y z
z x
2 2
{(10 − 20) + ( 20 − ( −10)) + ( −10 − 20) + 6 (5 + 0 + 0)}
2 2 2 2
= 27.84 MPa
σy σe 27.84
Therefore Yield shear stress (τ y ) = = = = 16.07 MPa
3 3 3
GATE-6. Ans. (c)
IES-1. Ans. (d)
IES-2. Ans. (d) For pure shear τ = ±σ x
IAS-1. Ans. (c) Rankine failure theory or
Maximum principle stress theory.
IAS-2. Ans. (c) τy = = 0.577σ y
IAS-3. Ans. (b)
IAS-4. Ans. (d)
IAS-5. Ans. (b) Strain at yield point>principal strain
σe σ1 σ2 σ3
> −μ −μ
ng strains in
n terms of sttresses the distortion
d nergy can be given as
nal Questiion GATE--1996
Question: A cube of 5mm side is loaded as
a shown inn figure bellow.
(i) Dete
ermine the principal stresses
s σ1,σ2 ,σ3 .
(ii) Will the cube yield
y if thee yield stre
ength of th
he materiall is 70 MPa
a? Use
Von--Mises theo ory.
Answer: Yield stren
ngth of the material
m σet = 70 MPa = 70 MN/m2 or
o 70 N/mm2.
{ 4
(r + t ) − r 4 = 2πr 3t -neglecting t 2 higher power of t.
∴ The state of stress in the tube is, σ x = , σy = 0, τ xy =
2πrt 2πr 3 t
(ii) Von Mises-Henky failure in tension for 2-dimensional stress is
σ x + σy ⎛ σ − σ y ⎞⎟
σ1 = + ⎜⎜⎜ x ⎟⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎟
σ x + σy ⎛ σ − σy ⎞⎟
σ2 = − ⎜⎜⎜ x ⎟⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎟
σx σ x2 2
In this case, σ1 = + + τ xy , and
2 4
σx σ x2
σ2 =
+ τ xy (∵ σy = 0)
2 2 2
⎡σ σ x2 ⎤ ⎡σ 2 ⎤ ⎡ 2 ⎤⎡ 2 ⎤
∴ σ = ⎢⎢ x +
2 2 ⎥
+ τ xy + ⎢ x − σx + τ 2 ⎥ − ⎢ σx + σx + τ 2 ⎥ ⎢ σx − σx + τ 2 ⎥
0 ⎥ ⎢2 xy ⎥ ⎢2 xy ⎥ ⎢ xy ⎥
⎢⎣ 2 4 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 4 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 4 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 2 4 ⎥⎦
⎡ σ2 σ2 σ σ2 ⎤ ⎡σ2 σ2 2 ⎤
= ⎢⎢ x + x + τ xy2
+ 2. x . x + τ xy 2 ⎥
+ ⎢ x + x + τ 2 + 2. σ x . σ x + τ 2 ⎥
⎥ ⎢4 xy xy ⎥
⎢⎣ 4 4 2 4 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 4 2 4 ⎥⎦
⎡ σ2 σ2 ⎤
− ⎢ x − x − τ xy 2 ⎥
⎢4 4 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
2 2
= σ x + 3τ xy
σ0 = σ x2 + 3τ xy
Permissible shear stress = = 150MN/m2
∴ Factor of safety = = 3.085
heory at
a a Glance
G e (for IES,
GATE-2. The primary and secondary shear loads on bolt P, respectively, are:
(A) 2 kN, 20 kN (B) 20 kN, 2kN (C) 20kN,0kN (D) 0kN, 20 kN
GATE-3(i) Two threaded bolts A and B of same material and length are subjected to
identical tensile load. If the elastic strain energy stored in bolt A is 4 times that
of bolt B and the mean diameter of bolt A is 12 mm, the mean diameter of bolt B
in mm is [GATE-2013]
(a) 16 (b) 24 (c) 36 (d) 48
GATE-4. A bolted joint is shown below. The maximum shear stress, in MPa, in the bolts
at A and B, respectively are: [GATE-2007]
Direct sh
hear stress (in MPa) in
i the mostt heavily lo
oaded rivet is:
(a) 4.4 (b) 8.8
8 (c) 17.6 (d
d) 35.2
on Data fo
or Questiions GAT
TE-5(i) an
nd GATE-5
A single rive
eted lap joiint of two similar
s plates as show
wn in the fiigure below
w has the
ollowing ge
fo eometrical and material details.
width of the
w e plate w = 200 mm, th hickness off the plate t = 5 mm, n
number of rivets
r n=
3,, diameter of
o the rivett dr , = 10 mm,
m diametter of the riivet hole dh = 11 mm,
GATE-5(i).If the rivets are to be designed to avoid crushing failure, the maximum
permissible load P in kN is [GATE-2013]
(a) 7.50 (b) 1 5.00 (c) 22.50 (d) 30.00
GATE-5(ii). If the plates are to be designed to avoid tearing failure, the maximum
permissible load P in kN is [GATE-2013]
(a) 83 (b) 125 (c) 167 (d) 501
GATE-7. A manufacturer of rivets claims that the failure load in shear of his product is
500 ± 25 N. This specification implies that [GATE-1992]
(a) No rivet is weaker than 475 N and stronger than 525 N
(b) The standard deviation of strength of random sample of rivets is 25 N
(c) There is an equal probability of failure strength to be either 475 Nor 525 N
(d) There is approximately two-to-one chance that the strength of a rivet lies between
475 N to 525 N
IES-6. Two rigid plates are clamped by means of bolt and nut with an initial force N.
After tightening, a separating force P (P < N) is applied to the lower plate,
which in turn acts on nut. The tension in the bolt after this is: [IES-1996]
(a) (N + P) (b) (N – P) (c) P (d) N
IES-8. The most efficient riveted joint possible is one which would be as strong in
tension, shear and bearing as the original plates to be joined. But this can
never be achieved because: [IES-1993]
(a) Rivets cannot be made with the same material
(b) Rivets are weak in compression
(c) There should be at least one hole in the plate reducing its strength
(d) Clearance is present between the plate and the rivet
IAS-2. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the Lists: [IAS-2007]
List-I List-II
(Stress Induced) (Situation/ Location)
A. Membrane stress 1. Neutral axis of beam
B. Torsional shear stress 2. Closed coil helical spring under axial load
C. Double shear stress 3. Cylindrical shell subject to fluid pressure
D. Maximum shear stress 4. Rivets of double strap butt joint
Code: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 4 1 3 2
IAS-2. Ans. (c)
GATE-1. Ans. (c)
4 kN
GATE-2. Ans. (a) Primary (Direct) Shear load = = 2k N
GATE-3. Ans. (b)
IES-1. Ans. (b)
IES-2. Ans. (d)
P = 2F2 = 2 x 3 = 6 kN
and P.L = F1l + F1l = 2 F1l
or 6 L = 2 × 4l = 8l
L 8
or =
l 6
( 4 ) + ( 3)
2 2
= + 2 × 4 × 3cos θ
= 5 kN
From the above three modes of failure it can be seen that the weakest element is the
plate as it will have tear failure at 0.06728 MN/pitch load itself.
Stresses acting on the plate for an inside pressure of pN/m2 is shown in figure.
pd p×6
Hoop stress = = = 187.5 p
2t 2 × ( 0.016 )
pd p×6
Longitudinal stress = = = 93.75 p
4t 4 × ( 0.016 )
Maximum principal stress acting on the plate =
only ( i, e.187.5 p ) as there is no shear stress.
Bolt size,db :
Bolt pitch circle diameter, Db = 1.6 D = 1.6 × 0.29 = 0.464 m
π ⎛D ⎞
Now, T = n× db2 × τ b × ⎜ b ⎟
4 ⎝ 2 ⎠
π ⎛ 0.464 ⎞
or 238732 = 10 × db2 × 50 × 106 × ⎜ ⎟
4 ⎝ 2 ⎠
or db = 0.0512 m or 51.2 mm