Building Management Sysytemm

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Project Report


Submitted By:

Priyank Gupta
Emp No. 193108
Central Engineering Department
Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.


I would like to extend my gratitude to my Reporting officer, Mr. S Anand for

providing me the valuable guidance and necessary feedback at various stages of my
project work, which allowed for constant review and improvisation.

I am also thankful to my Departmental colleagues for their valuable suggestions

throughout my Project Work.











Central Engineering was formed in October 2005 under the refinery division at Head
quarters office. Central Engineering department was formed with the objective of
minimizing the time from project conceptualization to commissioning.
As there has been severe space constraint in Petroleum House to accommodate
additional officers who were assigned to the department, it was proposed to initially
hire an office premises in the close vicinity with an area of approximate 10,000 sq.ft.
It was advised to work out on the feasibility of putting up our own building at H P
Nagar-West. Total area of existing H P Nagar-West is approximate 22 acres
including cricket ground and club premises.
Accordingly, CFD granted approval for development of a commercial cum
residential complex along with associated facilities. In-line to the CFD approval
order for architectural services was placed on M/s Consulting Engineers Services
Pvt. Ltd. for the project. The commercial building would be developed as a SMART
building with all the modern facilities, building management system and all
integrated modern security and access control and also developing the building as a
energy efficient green building.

The following report is a study of Green Building and brief methodology of

developing the commercial building for certification as per LEED-India Green
Building Rating System for New Construction Version 1.0.


“A Green Building uses less energy, water and natural resources, creates less waste

and is healthier for the people living inside compared to a standard building.”

Energy security nowadays has become a major discussion issue among major

powers of the world as after the economic boom, their energy demand has risen

consistently pushing the crude price, making it the most talked about and sought

after commodity.

Also considering the environmental degradation, climate change are no longer topics

of scientific debates, they are issues of real concern that must be checked before any

new development, so that the emissions related to it are minimized. Energy available

as such should not be wasted and has to be utilized very efficiently. The concept of

Green Building supports this basic philosophy. In fact Government of India has also

identified that buildings being a major user of energies, energy efficiency codes

Energy Conservation and Building Codes must be followed and green buildings

have to be identified.

Developing the building as green impacts :

1. Water usage

2. CO2 emission

3. Solid waste output

4. Electricity consumption

The US Green Building Council has reported the following savings for green

building, from the results of 30 case studies:

1. 30% average direct energy savings

2. 50% average indirect energy savings

3. 30% average water savings

Buildings annually consume more than 20% of the electricity used in India.

Development shifts land usage away from natural, biologically-diverse habitats to

hardscape that is impervious and devoid of biodiversity. The far reaching influence

of the built environment necessitates action to reduce its impact.

Green building practices can substantially reduce or eliminate negative

environmental impacts and improve existing unsustainable design, construction and

operational practices. As an added benefit, green design measures reduce operating

costs, enhance building marketability, increase worker productivity and reduce

potential liability resulting from indoor air quality problems. Studies of workers in

green buildings reported productivity gains of up to 16%, including reductions in

absenteeism and improved work quality, based on “people-friendly” green design. In

other words, green building design has environmental, economic and social

elements that benefit all building stakeholders, including owners, occupants and the

general public.

The requirement of a building owner:

1. Reduced operating costs (utilities and maintenance)

2. Quality of indoor air

3. Aesthetics

4. New Fashionable and high tech things

5. Better then what neighbours and competitors are doing

6. Reduced exposure (IAQ, Mold)

7. Comfort, Productivity, Quiet, Safety

8. Quality value

9. “Green Seal of approval”

The new commercial building of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, if

developed as a Green Building will fulfill all the above requirements.

Since the commercial building is to be developed as an energy efficient Green
Building, certification of the building also should be done keeping in view the
profits involved:
 Recognition in case of any advantages
 Demonstrated energy, money and water savings
 If extra cost is involved, it should be properly accounted for
Certification process in India is undertaken by Indian Green Building Council
headquartered in Hyderabad. IGBC works under the confederation of CII-Godrej.
The IGBC set up the LEED India Core Committee including architects, realtors,
building owners and industry representatives. This cross section of people and
professions added a richness and depth both to the process and to the ultimate

Features of LEED-India
LEED is a measurement system designed for rating new and existing commercial,
institutional and residential buildings. It is based on accepted energy and
environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices
and emerging concepts.
It is a performance-oriented system where credits are earned for satisfying criterion
designed to address specific environmental impacts inherent in the design and
construction. Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on
the total credits earned. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope, yet
simple in operation.

LEED-India NC overview and process
The LEED India Green Building Rating System for New Commercial Construction
and Major Renovation (LEED India NC) provides a set of performance standards for
certifying the design and construction phases of commercial, institutional buildings
and high-rise residential buildings. The specific credits in the rating system provide
guidelines for the design and construction of buildings of all sizes in both the public
and private sectors. The intent of LEED India NC is to assist in the creation of high
performance, healthy, durable, affordable and environmentally sound commercial
and institutional buildings. LEED India NC addresses :
1. Sustainable Sites 13 points
2. Water Efficiency 6 points
3. Energy & Atmosphere 17 points
4. Materials & Resources 13 points
5. Indoor Environmental Quality 15 points
6. Innovation in Design 5 points
Out of a total 69 points, different LEED certification levels are:
Certified 26 to 32
Silver 33 to 38
Gold 39 to 51
Platinum 52 to 69

Process to achieve LEED-India rating

Once a project is registered, the project design team begins to collect information
and perform calculations to satisfy the prerequisite and credit
submittal requirements. Since submittal documentation should be gathered
throughout design and construction, it is helpful to designate a LEED team
leader who is responsible for managing the compilation of this information by the
LEED India NC project team. Use the Letter Template that are provided through the
LEED project resources webpage located in the LEED section of the IGBC website.
These templates contain embedded calculators and are instrumental in documenting
fulfillment of credit requirements and prompting for correct and complete supporting
Once a project is registered, the project team begins to prepare documentation to
satisfy the prerequisite and credit submittal requirements. This documentation will
become the bulk of the project’s LEED India Version 1.0 submission. It is helpful to
have a LEED Accredited Professional as the project contact and team member
responsible for coordinating the certification process. Indian Green Building Council
Documentation is submitted in two phases – Preliminary and final. LEED India
Version 1.0 submittal resources consist of the Welcome Packet, Calculator
(spreadsheets) and Letter Template (cover sheets for each credit).
The Welcome Packet provides examples of the types of documents that LEED often
requires to supplement the calculation tables and cover sheets in the application. The
LEED India Version 1.0 Application Template is a dynamic tracking and
documentation tool that is used by project teams to track progress and prepare LEED

documentation. For each credit, the Letter Template prompts LEED practitioners for
summary data and signed declaration of performance, indicates

when documentation requirements have been adequately fulfilled for submittal,

serves as a letter template for printing on letterhead and summarizes progress. Some
of the template pages include spreadsheets for calculations, while others are simple
declarations signed by an appropriate team member. The calculator spreadsheets are
often useful when the Reference Guide calls for credit calculations but no
corresponding spreadsheet exist in the Version.
During review, the project term will be expected to provide supporting
documents for a portion of the prerequisites and credits. Supporting documents are
those which provide specific proof of meeting the required performance level – such
as calculations, specifications, drawings, cut sheets, manufacturer’s literature and
other source documents that were used as a basis to justify declaration of
performance in the Letter Template. Many of these items are implicitly described in
the Reference Guide’s instructions.


Building design is moving into an extraordinary phase of evolution in this decade.

Strategies that have been considered cutting-edge in the recent past such as passive
solar design, environmentally sensitive design, and design that emphasizes indoor
environmental quality care now becoming prominent and economically feasible.
This section deals with passive solar design through a discussion of day lighting,
building envelope, and renewable energy the basic strategies of green design that
adapt a building to its site and climate. It also focuses on building systems heating,
ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems; lighting; and electrical
technologies that support and must be integrated with the passive design in an
efficient and appropriate manner. Other parts address indoor environmental quality,
including air quality and acoustics, and building commissioning. An integrated
approach is required for successful application of these strategies. The resulting
building will perform as a resource-efficient and cost-effective system designed to
enhance occupants productivity and health. It is a real challenge to include or
optimize all of these design strategies in one project, but every renovation or new
building project can emphasize at least some of these strategies and achieve higher
than- normal levels of efficiencies and performance. The process is evolutionary and
progresses incrementally.
1. Passive Solar Design:
Passive solar design is a broad term used to encompass a wide range of strategies
and options resulting in energy-efficient building design and increased occupant

comfort. The concept emphasizes architectural design approaches that minimize
building energy consumption by integrating conventional energy-efficient devices,
such as mechanical and electrical pumps, fans, lighting fixtures, and other

equipment, with passive design elements, such as building siting, an efficient

building envelope, appropriate amounts of fenestration, increased daylighting
design, and thermal mass. In short, passive solar design balances all aspects of the
energy use in a building: lighting, cooling, heating, and ventilation. It achieves this
by combining, in a single concept, the use of renewable resources and conventional,
energy-efficient strategies. The basic idea of passive solar design is to allow
daylight, heat, and airflow into a building only when beneficial. Passive solar
buildings use 47 percent less energy than conventional new buildings and 60 percent
less than comparable older buildings. Properly designed and constructed passive
solar buildings offer many benefits to building owners and occupants, including:
1. Energy Performance: Lower energy bills year-round.
2. Investment: High economic return on the incremental investment on a life-cycle
cost basis and greater financial independence from future rises in energy costs.
These can lead to higher tenant retention and satisfaction, which can correlate to
higher building value and lower risk.
3. Comfort: Greater thermal comfort, less reliance on noisy mechanical systems,
solid construction (more thermal mass), sunny interiors, and open floor plans.
4. Productivity: Increased daylighting, higher quality lighting systems, and reduced
glare can increase worker productivity and reduce absenteeism.
5. Low Maintenance: Reduced building maintenance costs resulting from less
reliance on mechanical systems.
6. Environmental: Reduced energy usage and reliance on fossil fuels.

7. Site Selection: Evaluate building site options/positions for solar access and use of
landscaping elements.

8. Programming: Establish energy-use patterns and set priorities for energy strategies
(e.g., day lighting versus efficient lighting); establish an energy budget.
9. Schematic Design: Maximize site potential by considering orientation, building
shape, and landscaping options; conduct a preliminary analysis of representative
building spaces; decide on the need for passive heating or cooling load avoidance,
lighting, and HVAC systems. Determine the preliminary cost effectiveness of
options and compare the budgets.
10. Design Development: Finalize the analysis of all individual building zones,
including analysis of design element options and life-cycle costs.
11. Construction Documents: Simulate total building projections and develop
specifications that meet the intent of energy-efficient design.
12. Construction: Communicate to the contractor the importance of adhering to
design elements and ensure compliance.
13. Occupancy: Educate occupants on the intent of the energy design and provide an
operations manual for maintenance staff.
14. Post-Occupancy: Evaluate performance and occupancy behavior for comparison
with goals.
In order to analyze the choices, a base case is established; building that corresponds
to the overall architectural program but does not use passive solar strategies. The
final design is checked to confirm that energy performance goals established earlier
have been met. Passive building design starts with consideration of siting and
daylighting opportunities and the building envelope; then building systems are
considered. Window shades are both a shading device and part of the interior design

scheme. Masonry floors store heat and also provide a durable walking surface.
Sunlight bounced around a room provides a bright space and task light.

Critical design areas include the following:

1. Thermal Protection: Provides appropriate levels of insulation and minimal air
2. Windows: Transmit heat, light, and air between interior space and the outside
3. Daylighting: Reduces lighting and cooling energy use; creates a better working
environment, leading to increased comfort and productivity.
4. Thermal Mass: Stores excess heat in winter; in summer, cools down during the
night and absorbs heat during the day. This can help to shift peak cooling and
heating to off-peak hours.
5. Passive Solar Heating: Allows heat to enter the building during the winter months
and rejects it during the summer months through the use of appropriate amount and
type of south-facing glazing and properly designed shading devices.
6. Energy-Efficient Lighting: Uses efficient lamps, ballasts, controls, and
luminaries coordinated with daylight and color of interior space to provide the
requisite level of light.
7. Internal Heat-Gain Control: Minimizes heat gain generated by lights, people, and
equipment through the use of daylighting, thermal mass, efficient equipment
selection, and venting.
8. Passive Cooling with Natural Ventilation: Incorporates controlled air exchanges
through natural or mechanical means. Helps to increase energy performance of
buildings in most locations.

9. Energy-Efficient HVAC System: Reduces system load by integrating above-
listed design strategies and using measures such as efficient motors, heat pumps,
variable speed drives, and sophisticated building controls.

2. Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning

The amount of energy used annually by heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
(HVAC) systems typically ranges from 40 to 60 percent of the overall energy
consumption in a building, depending on the building design, the use of renewable
energy strategies, climate, the building function, and its condition. These systems
serve an essential function and are identified as problem areas more often than other
occupancy issues.
The goal of environmentally sound HVAC system design is to meet occupant needs
through the most efficient and environmentally positive means at the lowest initial
and life-cycle costs. Solutions that have evolved provide environmental comfort
while accounting for climatic conditions, use of space, and building technology.
These green system designs take into consideration factors such as solar orientation,
floor plate depth, thermal mass, insulation, selection of architectural materials,
placement and type of doors and windows, and natural ventilation. Heating and
cooling needs are affected by the performance of interrelated building systems and
characteristics, including passive solar design elements such as daylighting, climate-
sensitive envelope, and efficient lighting, as well as user equipment needs and other
heating loads.

3. Lighting:
Artificial lighting constitutes 20 to 30 percent of all energy use in a commercial
building and approximately one-fifth of all electrical energy use. Reductions in
energy use can be achieved with natural daylighting, advanced lighting technology,

and efficient lighting design. Artificial light has been generally overused in most
buildings. Current building codes mandate a maximum lighting power density of 1.5
to 2.5 watts per square foot. Nevertheless, a lighting power density of 0.65 to

1.2 watts per square foot can be achieved while still providing a fully functional,
well-lit space. With additional improvements from control systems that reduce usage
during periods of non-occupancy, the use of daylighting, and light-level maintenance
and tuning control, energy savings of more than 50 percent are possible.
Daylighting, a standard design goal for all but the last 50 years, is often overlooked
in today’s design practice. Green building design guidelines encourage the
maximum use of natural light, supplemented by artificial systems as needed.
Building form, orientation, and envelope design play key roles in effective
daylighting integration and should be considered by the design team in the pre-
design phase. Computerized modeling and visualization tools can aid in quantitative
and qualitative evaluation. Utilization of reflected light is another important factor in
efficient and effective lighting. As much as 30 percent of light in most office
environments comes from light reflected off walls, ceilings, tables, and other
furniture. The use of bright colors and highly reflective surfaces on walls, ceilings,
and furniture can play a major role in energy savings.

4. Electrical Power Systems:

Office technology, including telecommunication devices, personal computers,
networks, copiers, printers, and other equipment that has revolutionized the
workplace in the last 10 years, together with appliances such as refrigerators and
dishwashers, makes up the fastest-growing energy load within a building. The
consumption of energy to run these devices can be comparable to that of a building
mechanical or lighting systems. The latest equipment offers energy reductions of

more than 75 percent. Local area networks (LANs) and peer-to-peer computing
create significant energy loads within a building because they create a demand for
24-hour operation. Decentralized information processing also demands increased

HVAC support. LAN rooms, telephone closets, and even some general office areas
need to maintain 24-hour computer- room cooling and humidity requirements year-
round, further increasing energy demands and costs. The indirect environmental
costs of energy consumption associated with office equipment include the release of
significant amounts of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide into the
atmosphere each year. The electrical-power distribution system should deliver power
reliably and efficiently throughout a building. Losses result in wasted heat energy.
Measures that reduce loss and match power distribution to the various electrical
loads in the building should be considered. Electrical loads may also degrade power
quality and introduce wasteful harmonics or change power factors.

5. Indoor Air Quality:

With potentially hundreds of different contaminants present in indoor air, identifying
indoor air quality (IAQ) problems and developing solutions is extremely difficult.
Although much is known about the health effects of poor design and ways to
overcome them through good design, a tremendous amount of research is needed in
this complicated field. The quality of indoor air results from the interaction of many
complex factors, each contributing different effects. The ways in which these factors
contribute to IAQ may be summarized as follows:
1. Construction materials, furnishings, and equipment: These items may emit odor,
particles, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and adsorb and desorb VOCs.
Individual VOCs from a specific material may combine with VOCs from other
materials to form new chemicals. VOCs and particulates can cause health problems

for occupants upon inhalation or exposure. In the presence of adequate heat and
moisture, some materials provide nutrients that support the growth of molds and
bacteria, which produce microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs).

2. Occupants: The number of occupants and the amount of equipment contribute to

indoor air pollution. People and pets are major sources of microorganisms and
airborne allergens in indoor environments. Occupant activities also can pollute the
3. Ventilation systems: Acoustical materials in heating, ventilating, and air-
conditioning (HVAC) systems may contribute to indoor air pollution in the same
way as construction materials, mentioned above. Ventilation systems also control the
distribution, quantity, temperature, and humidity of air.
4. Building envelope: The envelope controls the infiltration of outside air and
moisture, and may include operable or inoperable windows.
5. Maintenance: Lack of maintenance allows dirt, dust, mold, odors, and particles to
increase. The use of high-VOC cleaning agents pollutes air. Poor indoor air quality
can cause human illness, which in turn may result in increased liability and expense
for building owners, operators, design professionals, and insurance companies.
Health problems that can result from poor indoor air quality may be short-term to
long-term, and range from minor irritations to life-threatening illnesses. They are as
 Sick-Building Syndrome (SBS)
 Building-Related Illnesses (BRI)
 Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)

6. Acoustics:

Acoustics have a significant impact upon the overall indoor environmental quality of
modern buildings and the amount of noise emission or pollution discharged to the
outdoors. The levels of background noise, privacy, and separation between particular
types of spaces have important implications for the work environment of building
occupants. In open office spaces, for instance, background noise that is too loud or
has tonal qualities can distract occupants and reduce productivity. Other types of
office spaces such as executive suites, conference rooms, and boardrooms have
particular privacy requirements. Machine-rooms and other noise-producing facilities
should be isolated from areas where privacy is required.
At the start of a project, any design team should work with the buildings users to
establish requirements for background noise levels, sound isolation, and speech
privacy to ensure that sufficient levels are afforded to all spaces. Incorporating
acoustic considerations into the design of a project at the planning phase can result
in significant benefits and can avert costly, and possibly difficult, corrective
measures later on. For example, by carefully locating internal spaces at the start of
the project, the designer can reduce the need for high-sound-rated construction to
mitigate noise problems. In certain noise-sensitive areas, and particularly in
renovations, white noise and active noise systems may provide additional solutions.
Surface finishes are also important in the acoustic environment and can influence the
character of the space as significantly as color or shape. Selecting the correct balance
between hard, acoustically reflective materials and soft, absorptive ones facilitates
the projection of speech to intended areas and prevents echoes or the excessive
buildup of unwanted sound in other areas. The criteria for noise emission to the
external environment are based on existing environmental conditions.

7. Water Efficiency:

Water conservation and efficiency programs have begun to lead to substantial
decreases in the use of water within buildings. Water-efficient appliances and
fixtures, behavioral changes, and changes in irrigation methods can reduce
consumption by up to 30 percent or more. Investment in such measures can yield
payback in one to three years. Some water utilities offer fixture rebates and other
incentives, as well as complimentary water surveys, which can lead to even higher
 Watershed Protection
Every building site is in a watershed, and everything people do on a site has an
impact on the watershed condition. Watershed protection must occur both during and
after construction. Clearing and earthmoving increase erosion by as much as 40,000
times the rate occurring in undisturbed sites. In a protected watershed, soils absorb
rain and make it part of the ecosystem. Pollutants are transformed as they filter
through porous, humus-rich soil. Soil moisture percolates to the groundwater, which
drains slowly out to streams long after the rain has fallen. Sustainable development
can solve watershed problems at the source. Its purpose is to restore the infiltrating,
cleansing, and storing functions of soils, plants, and groundwater by preserving
natural systems. Restore the permeability of constructed pavements; and Capture
and treat excess runoff by means of natural soil and biological processes.
Water conservation, efficiency, and management arise from preserving, restoring,
taking advantage of, and working with the site natural systems.
 Water Efficiency and Conservation
The amount of water available for use on the planet is finite. As water demands
increase and municipalities must fund new water supply and treatment facilities,
additional costs are passed on to the consumer. Higher water use also adds to
maintenance and life-cycle costs of facility operation. Efficiency and conservation in
institutional, commercial, and industrial water use can result not only in impressive

savings of both water and money but also in water-use fees but also in sewage
treatment costs, energy use, chemical use, and capacity charges and limits.
 Water Harvesting
Collect and use harvested water. Utilize gravity flow to collect runoff into harvesting
areas such as storage tanks, open ponds, or detention basins. Direct rainfall from
roofs and water from cooling towers into runoff harvesting areas. Collecting and
using precipitation from a roof or other catchment area is an excellent way to take
advantage of natural site resources, to reduce site runoff and the need for runoff-
control devices, and to minimize the need for utility-provided water. If the collection
area has many overhanging tree branches, the collected rainwater will contain more
debris and may appear brownish in color (caused by tannic acids drawn from plant
Design an appropriate harvesting and storage system: Basic components of a
rainwater-collection system include the catchment area (usually the roof),
conveyance system (guttering, downspouts, piping), filtration system, storage system
(cistern), and distribution system. The highest cost in most rainwater-collection
systems is for water storage.
Use appropriate roofing materials
Install gutters and downspouts sized for the roof size and rainfall intensity
Construct cistern storage Filter and/or treat rainwater to use it as an irrigation source.

Simple filtration with graded screens and paper filters can filter harvested rainwater
for use in irrigation. With additional treatment, rainwater can also be potable.
Gray and Blackwater Systems:
Worldwide industrial-sector water consumption totals 973 cubic kilometers per year.
Most of the wastewater flow(s) generated from this use is treated through
conventional, centralized sewage treatment plants that require large inputs of capital,

energy, and chemicals, and then is discharged into waterways, sometimes causing
negative environmental conditions such as algae blooms.. Alternative methods of
dealing with centralized wastewater treatment include land application of reclaimed
wastewater, septage lagoon systems, and composting of sewage sludge for use as a
soil amendment. Graywater is wastewater generated from indoor uses such as
laundries, showers, and sinks, and can be reused in toilet-flushing or irrigation to
help minimize loading on any type of wastewater treatment system and reduce
overall water consumption. To utilize graywater, a dual plumbing system must be
installed to separate it from blackwater, which is wastewater generated from toilet-
flushing. Blackwater can be treated on-site through a variety of conventional or
alternative systems


Since this Green building concept is not very new in India. It started only in 2001
when LEED-India rating system was introduced. The easy availability of most of the
green materials and equipment in the country has made it easier for the designers to
adopt local materials to a very large extent. Certain doubts in the minds of vendors
such as:
1. Green buildings are costlier
Clarification: Considerable research and analysis has been carried out with regard to
the cost impacts of a green building. The cost could be slightly higher than a
conventional building. The incremental cost is always relative and depends on the
extent of eco-friendly features already considered during design.
There is a decreasing trend in the incremental cost over the years. And the payback
time also varies from 4-7 years depending on the extra costs incurred.
2. Green buildings take more time
Clarification: There is a general perception that going the green way may affect the
project schedules. Thanks to the Green building movement; now there is so much of
capacity building that has happened in the country. Now, there is absolutely no

difference in the time involved in constructing a green building vis-à-vis a normal
3. Green Building Certification process is cumbersome
Clarification: Once the project is registered with IGBC and the consultant is hired,
generally a LEED-India accredited professional, much of the work from the client
side is done. All the studies and reports are to be prepared and submitted by the
consultant/Architect. Proper documentation, if maintained right from the start can
make the certification process a cake-walk.

The idea behind carrying out this project work was conduct a study of Green
Building and check whether the commercial building developed by Central
Engineering Department at HPNW residential colony can be developed as one. Of
all the many reasons, three top reasons are the following:
Operational Savings: Green buildings consume atleast 40-50 % less energy and 20-
30 % less water vis-à-vis a conventional building.
Daylights & Views. This has a soothing effect on the mind. Various studies prove
that the productivity of people who have access to day lighting and views is atleast
12-15 % higher.
Air Quality: Green buildings are always fresh and healthy. Every green building
will have to purge continuous fresh air to meet the ASHRAE 62 requirements.

The various LEED rated Green buildings in the country have demonstrated certain
similar characteristics which have contributed immensely to their success. The
typical ingredients of a green building are:
 Integrated design efforts
 Top level commitment

 Perseverance and determination


1. LEED-India NC Reference Guide Version 1.0





6. LEED Reference guide for New Construction version 2.1


(A) Technical Standard to be followed while considering the design process

1. NBC guidelines for:

- Erosion & sedimentation control

-Rain water harvesting

-Safety for workmen during construction

2. MoEF guidelines for large projects

3. CPCB norms for DG set emissions

4. Wild Life Institute of India, Dehradun to define Endangered species

5. Environmental Information System (ENVIS) for Wet lands preservation

6. Energy Building and Conservation Code for 2007 for energy baselines

7. ASHRAE 62.1.2004 (ventilation)

8. ASHRAE 90.1.2004

9. ASHRAE 52.2.1999 ( for IAQ, air handlers)

10. ASHRAE 55.1.2004 ( thermal comfort)

(B) Green Business Materials available in market

1. Fly ash based blocks

2. Recycled flooring tiles

3. CRI Certified Carpet

4. Recycled materials for false roof

5. Low VOC Paints

6. Recycled Particle & Gypsum boards

7. Recycled Aluminum works

8. Recycled Aluminum works

9. Energy efficient Windows

10. High performance Glazing & Glass

11. High Albedo roofing paints

12. Eco Friendly Modular Furniture

13. Bamboo Products

(C) Green Business Equipments available in market

1. HFC Based High Efficiency Chillers

2. Variable Frequency Drives

3. Building Automation System

4. Solar PV

5. High efficiency light sources

6. Waterless Urinals

7. Composting toilets

8. Living machines

A Brief Write up on the
Computer Programs for Layout calculations Developed
Shri M.S. Ekbote, Addl. Member (CE) (Retired)
(Revised on 25-12-2007)

1.0 Introduction
In their day-to-day works Engineering officers have to deal with complicated yard layouts.
The maintainability and riding quality over a turnout depends largely on how accurately it is
laid and maintained. Existence of Kinks in points and crossings can be avoided if
adequate care is taken at the time of laying itself.
For ensuring correct laying it is essential that necessary calculations be correctly
done before layouts are laid in the field. These calculations are intricate in nature and
require considerable efforts on the part of PWIs/AENs and concerned railway men. Due to
their remaining busy in routine works on many occasions this item of work does not get the
attention it deserves.

2.0 Layouts:
2.1 While the insertion of crossover, diamonds in existing layouts, yard remodeling etc. are
being regularly taken up regularly errors in calculations may result in-
(a) Incorrect laying (i.e. incorrect TNC distances) – Results in bad running and in
extreme cases unsafe conditions may occur on defective/bad layouts.
(b) Long crossovers at angle F being laid even though having curves in between two
turnouts could save space.
(c) During doubling/gauge conversion projects new layouts are being inserted forcible
resulting into undesirable curvatures, which give bad running, and do potential
locations need frequent attention.
(d) It is suggested that even while replacing an old layout an opportunity be taken to
correct all known defective layouts.

2.2 The booklet on “Layout Calculations” gives all the formulae and sample
calculations and is of great help in ensuring correct laying of crossovers and other
For assisting the field engineers suitable computer programs have
been developed in Visual Basic for all the calculations presented in the Booklet
“Layout Calculation”. The salient features of the program are that they are-
a. highly interactive
b. No need to refer to any book
c. All data on standard dimensions stored in subroutines
d. Crossings can be fixed straight away based on these calculations
2.3 These programs were included in the December 2005 edition of IRICEN’s
Booklet on Layout calculations. Based on the feed back given by the trainee
Officers and other users the program has been revised and following
Modifications have been made-
 In example at 4.3(b) at page 41 of the booklet an example has been worked out to
consider enhanced straight length due to pre positioned inserts in case of concrete sleeper
layout. Since now only concrete sleeper layouts are being used all the modules of this
program have been revised to consider this enhanced length at user’s choice.

 Earlier the program was giving runtime errors in case a user forgets to enter any particular
data item in a text box or in selecting turnout type. The program has been revised to warn
the user by way of a suitable message box for any missing data which the user has
forgotten and no runtime error is generated.
 While doing some post retirement work it was noticed in case of a large passenger yard
with large number of lines a ladder is most convenient. In the December 2005 edition the
chapter on ladder has not been included. A module has been added in the section on
“Connections” for calculations of various dimensions needed for setting a ladder layout
with different track centers for different lines.
 All modules have been revised to lock the text boxes disable, compute button to prevent
any changes being made after calculations are complete. However all text boxes get
unlocked and compute button get enabled after clicking the “Reset” button.


To solve these problems computer program has been developed
for layout calculations to cover:

3.1 Calculations on Connections

These cover the following cases-
 Connections to a diverging track
 Connections To Straight Parallel Tracks
 Connections to Curved Parallel tracks
 Connections between Curved and straight Tracks
 Connections to a ladder track

3.2 Calculations on Crossovers between Parallel Tracks -

These cover various cases i.e. Crossovers
 At angle F
 At large spacing with no straight
 At Large spacing with a given straight
 At different angle of crossings on two lines
 For use on sanded dead ends
 Between curved parallel tracks
 Between Non parallel Straight tracks
 Crossovers in Double junction Layouts

The Program generally follows the pattern as given in IRICEN’s Booklet

“Layout Calculations”
While running the program for a particular case the user has to give the data on
section. PWI, TPs, Details of crossing from a drop down menu, track centers, Radius of
connecting curve etc and the results are obtained instantaneously.

4.0 The above programs were written originally in BASIC language under DOS platform and
have been in use for quite a few years. These programs have now been modified and
developed as a single package in Visual Basic. The instructions for running the programs
are given in Para 5.0.

5.0 Instructions for using the program-

5.1 Go to start menu select the ”Run” command and on browsing locate the file“
Layout_Calculations.exe” in your CD and Click “OK” the program will get loaded
5.2 Running the Program- As soon as the program is loaded the following screen is

You can select either “Connections” or “Crossovers” from amongst the two option
buttons. “Connections” or “Crossovers” refer to cases stated in Para 3.1 and Para 3.2

5.3 Since running the programs is similar in almost all cases of “Connections” and
“Crossovers’ only two cases of each type will be described for illustration.

Let us first take “Connections”. After choosing the “Connections” option button and
clicking “Proceed” Button next screen opens as given below giving list of options under

5.3.1 Let us select “Connections to straight parallel track” and click
“Proceed” Button .It opens the next Screen that gives a sketch
and text boxes for data entry.
Certain features of the Program are common to all the
Cases and are listed below-
(a) Selecting the appropriate Gauge option opens a drop menu for standard turnout
dimensions on BG or MG as the case may be. The labels of the items needing data
entry have been shaded white. Other text boxes are locked and will not accept any
data. They will only display results.
(b) Units of dimensions have to be in mms except where specifically mentioned.
(c) Please ensure that data in all text boxes needing data entry are correctly entered
and the type of turnout is selected from the drop down menu before clicking
“Compute” Button else you will get run time errors.
(d) For non Standard turnouts the text of drop down menu is to be changed to “other
type” in lower case and it opens text boxes for giving data on turnouts viz.
description, turnout number (e.g. 12 in case of 1 in 12 turnouts) and center line
dimensions A, M, K etc.
(e) The most ideal type of suggested output is to take a print of the form displaying the
results by clicking “Print” Button. The Program also gives warnings by way of
displaying message boxes – when results are unacceptable such as resulting
curvatures being sharp and beyond permissible limits specified of Schedule of

5.3.2 On getting the Screen as mentioned in Para 5.3.1 above the values have to be
entered. We have to select the appropriate turnout from drop down menu and on
clicking compute button results in the screen to appear as under-

5.3.3 The second case for demonstration in “Connections” is taken as “Connections

between Curved and straight track”. On Clicking the “Proceed” Button it opens
the appropriate screen which has separate frames for Gauge selection and for
whether the intersection on the inside or outside of the curve. After you select
appropriate Gauge and then type of intersection would display appropriate sketch
and after complete data entry and clicking “Compute” Button would give the
results as shown below-

5.3.4 The next case we take is of a Ladder connection Please select the option of
Ladder track in the “connections screen and click on proceed button which opens
the following screen-

On entering the data for 3 intermediate lines and the last as the loop line we and
clicking compute button we get the following screen-

5.4 We next take the Cases of “Crossovers”. On selecting Crossovers from the first
screen as described in Para 5.3 and clicking “ Proceed Button takes us to the screen
showing the choices under “ Crossovers”

Here also we explain two cases for illustration.
5.4.1 Let us first take the case “Crossovers at large spacing with no straight in between” On
selecting Gauge, appropriate Turnout from the drop down menu and entering all the data we
get following screen after clicking Compute Button.

If the same case is solved treating it as a case for non-standard turnout then the text of the
drop down menu is to be changed as “other type” in lower case and it opens the new text
boxes for entering the data for the turnouts. On entering a sample data and clicking the
“compute” button gives the following results.

In this revision the details of angle Phi are also being displayed.

This feature is available in all cases.

5.4.2 We take the next case of Crossovers between inclined tracks. The final results
after entering data etc is as below-

6.0 Conclusions-It is considered that the computer program explained above would be of
considerable help to the field Engineers and have immediate relevance in improving the
running quality over turnouts and ensuring safety by way of correct laying.
7.0 For any assistance/difficulty in running the Program or for informing of Bugs if any found at
any time users are requested to contact the author Shri M.S.Ekbote by e-mail at his e-mail

Dated 30th December 2007


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