Interim 3 Analysis Grade 5
Interim 3 Analysis Grade 5
Interim 3 Analysis Grade 5
Part I: Strengths
Question # Percent of What contributed to student success on this question?
12 90.9 Answer stated explicitly in the text. Students went back and labeled
their evidence. When we discuss Yolonda’s Genius in class they
have to support their evidence. Hw needs evidence labeled and
16 86.4 Students circled key term “sons are lazy” and/or ‘detail
15 86.4 Vocab word might have been word that they already knew
8 86.4 The evidence was right there. It was easy to reread and find the
18 81.8 Went back into the text. Strong identification of key words
“similarity” and labeled their evidence to support answer.
17 81.8 Student identified key words. Looking at annotations it was clear
they knew to find a connection between speed and design. Students
must have gone back to the text to find the context of the quote
given to them.
When examining the lowest performing questions, consider what strengths you can leverage and replicate to see growth
on the standards below.
RI 5.2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details;
summarize the text.
Question # Percent of What error did students make?
Mastery and/or
What trap did students fall for?
11 students did not pick C, which should have been the clear choice
10 27.3% Students fell for a trap in option E. They saw mention of paper
plate puppet and connected it to the text features throughout the
text. I.e. pictures of paper plate puppets.
Students are mistaking the trees for the forest and choosing main
ideas that only describe parts of the articles.
11 27.3% This was a part B question. Picked E, which supported their answer
choice to 10 which they also got wrong. E supports their answer to
part A which was also the TRAP answer
20 29.5% 38 students selected at least one of the correct main ideas with 13 of
those students choosing both correct answers. The most common
wrong answer was D. With 17 students choosing D. D is a trap
answer. It mentions Molly White and her excitement, but does not
mention Orion
Overall analysis of why How do we get students to look at main idea with the text
students struggled with overall and not just main idea with each section? They just
this standard going back to read and when they find the answer in the
beginning they then pick it without considering that the main
ideas of one section, add up to a larger main idea.
RL 5.2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a
story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
All three most popular answer (including the correct answer) all
began with “the family want to sell the table…” A student could
have hopped on to any three of these.
5 68.2 10 students chose D as their answer. Students read the first lines of
stanza 5 and saw lines that there was too much homework and the
word “grief” and picked that it represented bad memories. But
students then didn’t read the entire stanza because laughter would
be positive
Overall analysis of why Students are falling for the trap answer on poem and are
students struggled with struggling with the main idea of a stanza. Students are not
this standard reading the entire stanza. They are picking an answer that is
stated in the first few lines and not reading the entire stanza.
RI 5.8: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which
reasons and evidence support which point(s).
26 50% 8 students picked A- does not talk about being dangerous at all.
11 students picked B-asks questions about potential problems that
could arise. Does not mention how it is dangerous to humans or the
actual system breaking
6 students D-does not talk about danger
C is correct because it has the phrase “things go horribly wrong”
23 56.8% B: 10
C: 7
D: 1
To get this answer right the student had to get 22 right. Only 43.2%
of students got 22 right. 22A has the word when in it and they could
have connected when to Time in 23A
Alternatively they might have fallen for a trap on 23B because 23B
includes the word “trip” in its answer which is also included in 22A
2 61.4% 7 picked C which is very wrong and not a trap answer at all
6 picked D-if the room is small from part A, then they can’t move it
because it gets stuck
Overall analysis of why Students are not breaking down all of the the answer choices.
students struggled with They are not going back to find context for the question and
this standard the answer choices.