Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Biogas Using Dry Desulfurization Systems
Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Biogas Using Dry Desulfurization Systems
Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Biogas Using Dry Desulfurization Systems 65
International Conference on Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (AEBS-2014) April 24-25, 2014 Phuket (Thailand)
technology for purification depends on factors such as quality certain properties to be an effective adsorbent. Materials that
and quantity of the raw biogas to be upgraded, the desired bio- have high surface area per unit weight ratio are effective
methane quality and the final utilization of the gas, the adsorbents. Some materials have extremely high surface area
operation of the anaerobic digestion plant and the types and per unit weight ratios due to the surface area of the internal
continuity of the used substrates as well as the local pores of the solid. Adsorbate particle diameter can range from
circumstances at the plant site [1]. about 1.3cm to less than 200μm. If the pore diameter is larger
Having better methods for reducing biogas corrosion is than the molecular diameter of the adsorbate, the pores will be
likely to become more important in the coming years, readily available for adsorption.
especially in systems that use metals such as copper, zinc,
C. Hydrogen Sulfide Specific Removal Process
nickel, tin, platinum, and their alloys since the supply of ore
for these metals are limited. The goal of this study is to present Hydrogen specific removal processes can be grouped
a low cost effective technology for removing hydrogen sulfide together as sulfur scavenging processes. Sulfur scavenging
from biogas. process systems in general operate as a batch process either as
wet or dry systems. Wet systems are generally not used in
II. THEORY biogas systems due to their smaller size. The most common
dry systems use either iron or zinc oxide:
A. Standards for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal in a Biogas
2Fe2O3 + 6 H 2 S → 2Fe2S3 + 6 H 2O (1)
The biogas systems are an alternative energy source with
limited waste and many realistic applications. However, 2Fe2S3 + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 6 S (2)
environmental pollution is associated with the formation of Equation (1) describes the reaction of iron oxide with
sulfur dioxide in the burning of hydrogen sulfide in biogas. hydrogen sulfide to form iron sulfide and (2) of zinc oxide to
Therefore, to protect devices and adhere to safety standards for form zinc sulfide. The latter however, is treated as non-
biogas technology systems operations, removal of hydrogen regenerable system.
sulfide is critical. The standards of H2S component in biogas Hence, iron oxide in the form of iron sponge is the most
depend on the intended use, described in Table 1. [1], [3] – typical form of a dry sulfur scavenging system as iron oxide
[6]. can be regenerated several times before the material loses its
activity due to the build up of elemental sulfur.
ZnO + H 2 S → ZnS + H 2O (3)
Application H2S Concentration Standards
Heating (Boiler) 1,000 ppm, P=0.8-2.5 kPa The dry iron oxide sulfur scavenging system typically
Internal Combustion Engines 100 ppm, P = 0.8 – 2.5 kPa consists of a series of vessels loaded with iron ores containiang
Turbines 70,000 ppm, P= 520 kPa
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells 20 ppm high levels of iron oxide or iron oxide on a supported media
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells 10 ppm called the iron sponge.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 1 ppm
Stirring Engines 1,000 ppm, P = 1-14 kPa D.Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide
Upgrade to the natural gas 4 ppm, P > 3000 kPa Hydrogen sulfide is corrosive and toxic. Burning biogas
with hydrogen sulfide produces the environmentally hazardous
B. Adsorption
sulfur dioxide. It has been observed that corrosiveness of
Adsorption is a process to remove undesirable compounds hydrogen sulfide increases with increasing concentration,
(adsorbate) in gas or liquid streams by passing through a temperature and pressure, and is enhances by the presence of
media bed composed of a solid material (adsorbent). The water [8]. This study used dry oxidation methods to remove
adsorbate penetrates into the pores of the adsorbent but not hydrogen sulfide from gas streams.
into the lattice itself [7]. In dry oxidation processes, the sulfur is removed from
Adsorption mechanism can either be physical or chemical. hydrogen sulfide with the use of iron oxide. Iron oxide used is
In physical adsorption, gas molecules attract and adhere to the in the form of iron fillings, iron pellets, iron sponge or steel
surface of the adsorbent by intermolecular forces. An wool [9], [10]. The sulfur removal capacities of iron oxide
adsorption process is always exothermic. Heat released is range from 0.20 – 0.716 kg of hydrogen sulfide for every one
usually between 2 and 20 kJ/g-mol and depends on the kg of iron oxide [1], [12]. Also given as 3.7 kg of sulfur per
magnitude of the attractive force. It is usually reversible bushel (0.0352m3) of iron oxide [1].
allowing regeneration and reuse of spent adsorbent. Reversal
process involves either lowering the pressure of the adsorbate Fe2 O 3(s) + 3H 2 S ( g ) → Fe2S3( s ) + 3H 2O(l ) (4)
in the gas stream or raising the temperature.
Adsorption system design should consider the properties of Apart from the reaction of iron oxide as shown above,
both the adsorbent and the adsorbate and the composition of several other reactions do occur during scrubbing of biogas
the gas stream. The adsorption capacity is directly proportional with iron oxide, including [13]:
to the surface area of the adsorbent. A material must have 66
International Conference on Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (AEBS-2014) April 24-25, 2014 Phuket (Thailand)
E. Implemented Design
As shown in Fig. 1, the biogas from the gas holder/tank
passes through the inlet section on which mass flow,
temperature, humidity and initial concentration of the
hydrogen sulfide from the biogas is being measured. It passes
through the 1st stage purifying chamber and passed through
another until it reaches the last chamber, upon exiting the
respective chambers the concentration of the hydrogen sulfide
is measured until it reaches the 3rd stage chamber. The
completed test rig for removal hydrogen sulfide is shown
Fig. 2 Graph on the H2S Inter-stage Concentration versus volume
Based on the results of the experiment as shown on Fig.
1&2, the following conclusions are derived.
1. The steel wool as an adsorbent for removing hydrogen
sulfide from the biogas is effective, During the first stage
outlet, recorded H2S concentration of around zero (0)
ppm is achieved.
2. For a given bed to diameter ratio of 6-7, flow rate of
untreated biogas of around 3-4 liters per minute and mass
of steel wool as an absorbent of about 1.9 kg, one (1)
chamber or stage for removal of hydrogen sulfide in the
system suffice from inlet H2S concentration of higher
than 150 ppm to an outlet H2S concentration of zero (0)
ppm with ± 0.1 ppm accuracy.
Fig. 1 Biogas Desulphurization system test rig 3. The preliminary experimental results show that the
reduction of H2S to almost zero parts per million is
maintained even after 17 kg of gas passed through the
The desulfurization system using steel wool as an adsorbent system.
was designed to remove H2S from the digester gas using three
stages removal systems and produce a purified gas with H2S V. RECOMMENDATIONS
concentration of less than 1 ppm. The desulfurization system This study showed that various parameters are needed in
performance is illustrated in Fig. 2. The hand-held gas order to understand more the removal of hydrogen sulfide
monitoring kit could measure H2S levels above 100 ppm. from biogas. The following are recommended for further
As shown in Fig. 2, the H2S desulfurization system removed studies:
H2S effectively. The results confirmed that the H2S levels in 1. More experiments shall be conducted in the
the outlet biogas were maintained below 1 ppm regardless of determination of the deterioration rate of the steel wool
the high H2S concentrations in the inlet biogas. as an adsorbent.
The graph confirms that the removal of hydrogen sulfide 2. More experiments should be conducted in determining
was very effective and efficient. the performance of the regenerated steel wool.
3. Investigation on the surface area to weight ratio and
particle size of the adsorbent using Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
analysis and also with regard to the adsorption of steel
wool. 67
International Conference on Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (AEBS-2014) April 24-25, 2014 Phuket (Thailand)
The authors would like to thank Engineering Research and
Development for Technology (ERDT) under the Science
Education Institute (SEI) of Department of Science and
Technology in the Philippines and the College of Engineering,
MSU-IIT for their financial support to this project.
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