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Axisymmetric Solid
Iso-P Elements


§3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–3
§3.2 Isoparametric Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4
§3.3 The Element Stiffness Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4
§3.3.1 Displacement Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5
§3.3.2 The Strain-Displacement Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5
§3.3.3 The Element Stiffness Equations . . . . . . . . . . 3–6
§3.3.4 *Thermal Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–6
§3.4 Element Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–7
§3.4.1 Stiffness Matrix Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–7
§3.4.2 Consistent Body Force Vector Integration . . . . . . . 3–7
§3.4.3 Consistent Surface Traction Integration . . . . . . . . . 3–8
§3.4.4 Preventing Division by Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–8
§3.5 Numerical Integration by Gauss Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9
§3.5.1 One Dimensional Gauss Rules . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9
§3.5.2 Implementation of 1D Gauss Rules . . . . . . . . . . 3–10
§3.5.3 Two Dimensional Gauss Rules . . . . . . . . . . . 3–11
§3.5.4 Implementation of 2D Gauss Rules . . . . . . . . . . 3–12
§3.6 Rank Sufficiency: Linkup with Numerical Quadrature . . . . . 3–13
§3.7 Three Node Triangular Ring Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–14
§3. Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–16


§3.1. Introduction

In this Chapter we consider the finite element discretization of axisymmetric solids that form
structures of revolution (SOR). The focus is on isoparametric (iso-P) elements. This focus links up
with matter covered in the Introduction to Finite Elements (IFEM) course.
The dimensionality reduction process described in the previous Chapter “folds” the three-
dimensional problem into integrals taken over the generating cross section and its boundaries.
The finite element discretization can be therefore confined to the {r, z} plane. The circumferential
(θ ) dimension conceptually disappears from the FEM discretization. The resulting finite elements
are called axisymmetric solid elements, SOR elements, or “ring” elements in the literature. In this
and following chapters, the term ring element will be often used for brevity.
A ring element is completely defined geometry of its generating cross section in the (r, z) plane, as
illustrated in Figure 3.1.

generating cross-section

generic "ring" finite element

Figure 3.1. Axisymmetric solid “ring” element.

Since this cross section is plane, the element geometry definition is two-dimensional. It follows
that the two-dimensional geometrical configurations previous studied in IFEM (for example, 3 and
6-node triangles; 4-, 8-, and 9-node quadrilaterals) for the plane stress case can be reused. The
displacement shape functions derived there can be reused for interpolation with the minor notational
change x → r and y → z.
The major modeling difference with respect to the plane stress case is the appearance of the cir-
cumferential or “hoop” strain and stress, which jointly contribute a term
σθ θ θ θ (3.1)


to the strain energy density. This energy term injects an extra row in the strain-displacement matrix
B. Furthermore the constitutive matrix must be adjusted to reflect the presence of hoop effects as
well as absence of the plane stress assumption. Taken together, these changes must be accounted
for in the formation of the element stiffness matrix and consustent node force vector, as well as the
displacement-to-stress recovery.

§3.2. Isoparametric Definition

Ring finite elements for axisymmetric solids are developed in this and next two Chapters using
the displacement-based isoparametric (iso-P) formulation, which was introduced in Chapter 16
of IFEM. The key concept is that both the element cross section geometry and the displacement
field are interpolated by the same shape functions. Two degrees of freedom: the radial and axial
displacements {u r , u z } are specified at each node. The iso-P definition of an element with n nodes
   
1 1 1 · · · 1  Ne 
 r   r1 r2 · · · rn   N e 
   
z2 · · · zn   .. 
 z  =  z1  . (3.2)
    .
ur ur 1 ur 2 · · · ur n
uz u z1 u z2 · · · u zn Nne

In the left-hand side, u r = u r (r, z) and u z = u z (r, z) are element displacements in terms of their
node values u ri and u zi , respectively and of the shape functions Nie collected on the rightmost
column vector. The element geometry, represented by the position coordinates r and z in the left
hand side, are defined by the same interpolation. The first row of (3.2) expresses that the sum of
shape functions N1e + N2e + . . . Nne is identically one.
The element shape functions Ni are written in terms of the natural coordinates introduced in IFEM:
{ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 } for triangles and and {ξ eta} for quadrilaterals. The same continuity and completeness
requirements discussed in that course apply with minor differences (see remarks below).
Remark 3.1. Displacement based elements are based on the TPE functional. The variational index for the
only master field: displacements, is one. Consequently the interelement continuity required is C 0 . That is,
the displacement components u r and u z must be continuous between adjacent elements. Element boundaries
lying on the axis of revolution are special: at such points the radial displacement u r must vanish if the structure
is continuous there (that is, a tiny hole at r = 0 is precluded) although there is no need to make that condition
explicit at the element level. That constraint is applied through displacement boundary conditions at the
assembly level.

Remark 3.2. The completeness criterion demands that all rigid body modes and strain states be exactly
represented. This is met if the element shape functions can represent any displacement field that is linear in
r and z. (In fact, a more detailed analysis shows that this is a slight overkill because the hoop strain is not a
displacement differential, but will do for now.) It can be quickly checked by the unit sum condition.

§3.3. The Element Stiffness Matrix

We continue to assume a generic iso-P ring element with n nodes. Some specific geometric
configurations are shown in Figure 3.2. Two freedoms are chosen at each node: the radial and
axial displacement components. Thus the element has 2n degrees of freedom. As usual, the node


(a) (b) (c) 3 (d) 4

3 3 8
4 9 3
2 5 12
6 10 7
2 11 6
1 2 1 4 5 2
n=3 n=4 n=6 n = 12
Figure 3.2. Ring element cross sections characterized by node count.

displacement vector ue is a column 2n-vector constructed by arranging those freedoms node by

ue = [ u r 1 u z1 u r 2 u z2 . . . u r n u zn ]T (3.3)

§3.3.1. Displacement Interpolation

As displayed in the iso-P definition (3.2), both displacement components u r (r, z) and u z (r, z)
are interpolated over the element by the same shape functions. It is convenient to express that
interpolation in terms of the node displacement vector (3.3). On extracting the appropriate rows of
of (3.2) and transposing we obtain
ur N1e 0 N2e 0 ... Nne 0
= ue = Ne ue . (3.4)
uz 0 N1e 0 N2e ... 0 Nne

This Ne is called the shape function matrix. It has dimensions 2 × 2n. For example, if the element
has 4 nodes, as in that shown in Figure 3.2(b), Ne is 2 × 8.
§3.3.2. The Strain-Displacement Matrix
Differentiating the finite element displacement interpolation (3.4) to get the strains err = ∂u r /∂r ,
ezz = ∂u z /∂z, eθ θ = u r /r and 2er z = ∂u r /∂z + ∂u z /∂r yields the strain-displacement relations:
 ∂Ne ∂ N2e ∂ Nne 
1 0 0 . . . 0
   ∂r ∂r ∂r 
err  ∂ N1e ∂ N2e ∂ Nne 
 e   0 ∂z 0 ∂z ... 0 
∂z  ue def
e =  zz  =   e e e  = B e ue . (3.5)
eθ θ  N1 N2 Nn 
2er z  r 0 r 0 ... r 0 
∂ N1 ∂ N1 ∂ N2 ∂ N2
e e e e
∂ Nn ∂ Nne

∂z ∂r ∂z ∂r . . . ∂z ∂r
This B = D N is called the strain-displacement matrix. It is dimensioned 3 × 2n. For example,
e e

if the element has 6 nodes, as in that pictured in Figure 3.2, Be is 3 × 12. Note that terms in the
third row of Be incur division by zero if r = 0, which happens at points on the axis of revolution.
This can be the source of numerical difficulties discussed later.
The stresses are given in terms of strains and displacements by

σ = E e = E B ue . (3.6)


The expression of the 4 × 4 elasticity matrix E is given in the previous Chapter for a general
anisotropic material and its isotropic specialization.
Both (3.4) and (3.5) are assumed to hold at all points of the element domain, since they correspond
to the strong links in the TPE diagram. (In other words, the strain and stress fields are slaves of the
master displacement field.)
Comparing these expressions with those in Chapter 14 of IFEM, we see that Ne is the same but Be
has an extra row, which is associated with the hoop strain.

§3.3.3. The Element Stiffness Equations

Inserting the foregoing expressions into the TPE functional and integrating over the element domain
and its boundary gives the quadratic matrix form1 in the node displacements

e [u] = 1
ue T Ke ue − ue T fe . (3.7)

In the following expressions the factor 2π is omitted for brevity. The stiffness matrix is

K =e
r Be E Be d, (3.8)

whereas the consistent element nodal force vector fe combines body force and surface traction

f = fb + ft =
e e e
r N b d +
r NT t̂ d. (3.9)
e e

In these expressions e and  e denote the element domain and boundary, respectively. To justify
the names given to Ke and fe , take the first variation of (3.7) with respect to the node displacements2
to get

δ e = (δue )T Ke ue − fe = 0. (3.10)

Since δue is arbitrary, the expression in brackets must vanish, which yields the element stiffness
Ke ue = fe . (3.11)

Remark 3.3. On comparing (3.8) and (3.9) with the expressions given for the plane stress problem in Chapter
14 of IFEM, we note that the plate thickness h has been replaced by the radial coordinate r . Unlike h, this
coordinate cannot generally be taken out of the integral. Note also that the circumferential factor 2π has been
dropped from the integrals that define K bold e and fe the main consequence being that a point force acting
alog the axis of revolution must be divided by 2π as discussed in the previous Chapter.

1 This is now an algebraic function and no longer a functional.

2 Recall that the variation of an algebraic function F(u), in matrix notation, is δ F = (∂ F/∂u)T δu = δuT ∂ F/∂u.


§3.3.4. *Thermal Effects

Suppose the temperature of the structure changes axisymmetrically by T (r, z) from a reference temperature.
The constitutive equations become

σ = E(e − α T ) (3.12)
where α is an array of dilatation coefficients that provide thermal strains in a mechanically unconstrained
body. (A linear relation between strains and temperature changes is assumed.) For isotropic materials

αT = [ α α α 0] (3.13)

where α is the usual coefficient of dilatation of the material. On inserting (3.13) into the potential energy
formulation for a generic element yields element stiffness equations that account for thermal effects:

Ke ue = fe = feM + feT (3.14)

where f M are the mechanical forces condidered so far, and fT , called the thermal forces or equivalent thermal
loads, account for contribution from the temperature changes:

feT = BT α T r d A (3.15)

This term can be evaluated by numerical integration.

The sum of mechanical and thermal node forces is sometimes called the effective node force vector or simply
effective forces in the FEM literature.

§3.4. Element Computations

The entries of the element stiffness matrix Ke and consistent node force vector fe are usually
computed by numerical integration techniques that rely on the Gauss quadrature formulas covered
in Chapters 17, 23 and 24 of IFEM. (Some of that material is reproduced in §3.5 for convenience.)
§3.4.1. Stiffness Matrix Integration

For specificity suppose that the stiffness matrix of a quadrilateral isoparametric element is to be
numerically integrated by a p-point Gauss quadrature rule along each isoparametric coordinate.
The natiral coordinates ξ and eta are defined in Chapter 16 of IFEM. Denote by ξk and η the Gauss
points abcissae whereas wk and w denote the corresponding integration weights, with indices k
and  running from 1 through p. Then

Ke = wk wl BT (ξk , η ) E B(ξk , η ) r (ξk , η ) J (ξk , η ). (3.16)
k=1 =1

Here B(ξk , η ) means B = B(ξ, η) evaluated at the Gauss point; likewise for r (ξk , η ) and J (ξk , η ).
The latter is the Jacobian determinant thap maps the {r, z} area element to that in the natural
coordinates {ξ, η} as discussed in Chapter 17 of IFEM. Usually the elasticity matrix E is assumed
constant over the element, which explains its lack of arguments in (3.16).


§3.4.2. Consistent Body Force Vector Integration

Body forces (also called volume forces) arise frequently in analysis of SOR. The most important
loads of this type are
1. Gravity (own weight). This effect is important in massive SOR, as encountered in civil,
geophysical and nuclear applications.
2. Centrifugal forces in rotating structures. These are important in aerospace and mechanical
structures (for examble, high-speed rotating machinery such as turbines).
3. Thermal, shrinkage and prestress effects. These may be important depending on fabrication
techniques, material, and the environment to which the structure will be exposed.
Again we assume a quadrilateral element. The consistent force vector for body forces may be also
evaluated by numerical Gauss quadrature resulting in a expression similar to (3.16):

feb = wk wl NT (ξk , η ) b(ξk , η ) r (ξk , η ) J (ξk , η ). (3.17)
k=1 =1

Note that here we evaluate the shape function matrix Ne and the body force vector b at the Gauss
point. While the former is supplied as part of the iso-P definition (3.2) the question arises on how
to interpolate b to get b(ξk , η ). Two possibilities:
Element Level Specification. b is defined element by element; for example constant br and bz that
may jump from element to element.
Node Level Specification. b is defined by nodal values, and interpolated by the same shape functions
as displacements.
Both choices are common in practice, but the first is more flexible in accomodating interelement
force discontinuities. For example the body force due to gravity or centrifugal effects jumps between
materials of different density. The second choice is convenient for a continuous body force field
and constant element properties, and especially when b can be defined as a function of the position
§3.4.3. Consistent Surface Traction Integration

The consistent force vector associated with surface tractions is often simple enough that is can be
precomputed by hand using NbN or EbE lumping, as explained in Chapter 7 of IFEM, and fed to
the FEM program as node forces.
For more difficult cases involving for example space-varying pressures or oblique surfaces, unidi-
mensional numerical integration may also be applied:

fet = wk NT (ξk ) t̂(ξk ) r (ξk ) J (ξk ). (3.18)

Here ξ is an isoparametric arclength coordinate, customized to traverse element sides on which a

nonzero traction vector t̂ is given, and J the associated arclength Jacobian. If this procedure is
implemented, t̂ is generally defined at designated elements traversed side by side.


ξ = −1 ξ=1
Figure 3.3. The first five unidimensional Gauss rules p = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 depicted
over the line segment ξ ∈ [−1, +1]. Sample point locations are marked with black
circles. The radii of those circles are proportional to the integration weights.

§3.4.4. Preventing Division by Zero

One glance at the strain displacement matrix Be in (3.5) shows that the third row terms involve a
division by zero if r = 0, that is, at points on the axis of revolution z. It follows that one should
avoid evaluating that matrix there, as that could abort the calculations. This may happen if one
or more elements extends to the axis, as is the case in the lower portion of the structure shown in
Figure 3.1 Fortunately it is not difficult to avoid trouble by sticking to two common sense rules:
1. When numerically integrating over element areas, as in the computation of Ke by (3.16), use
only quadrature rules with internal sample points. For the quadrilateral geometry, all Gauss-
product rules comply with this restriction. For triangular elements the midpoint rule, which
has sample points on the boundary, should be avoided.
2. In the postprocessing stage, avoid evaluating Be directly at element nodes for strain recovery
from displacements. Instead, evaluate at interior points (usually Gauss points) and extrapo-
late to nodes as discussed in Chapter 30 of IFEM. The stress recovery routines described in
subsequent Chapters make use of this avoidance technique.

§3.5. Numerical Integration by Gauss Rules

The following material on numerical integration is transcribed here from Chapter 17

of the IFEM Notes [265] for convenience. The Gauss quadrature information modules
listed below are used in the element implementations covered in the next two Chapters.

The use of numerical integration is essential for practical evaluation of integrals over isoparametric
element domains. The standard practice has been to use Gauss integration because such rules use a
minimal number of sample points to achieve a desired level of accuracy. This economy is important
for efficient element calculations, since a matrix product is evaluated at each sample point. The
fact that the location of the sample points in Gauss rules is usually given by non-rational numbers
is of no concern in digital computation.


Table 3.1 - One Dimensional Gauss Rules with 1 through 5 Sample Points

Points Rule
1 −1
F(ξ ) dξ ≈ 2F(0)
1 √ √
2 −1
F(ξ ) dξ ≈ F(−1/ 3) + F(1/ 3)
1 √ √
3 −1
F(ξ ) dξ ≈ 5
F(− 3/5) + 8
F(0) + 5
F( 3/5)
4 −1
F(ξ ) dξ ≈ w14 F(ξ14 ) + w24 F(ξ24 ) + w34 F(ξ34 ) + w44 F(ξ44 )
5 −1
F(ξ ) dξ ≈ w15 F(ξ15 ) + w25 F(ξ25 ) + w35 F(ξ35 ) + w45 F(ξ45 ) + w55 F(ξ55 )
 √  √
For the 4-point rule,√ξ34 = −ξ24 = (3 − 2 6/5)/7,
√ ξ44 = −ξ14 = (3 + 2 6/5)/7,
w14 = w44 = 12 − 16 5/6, and w24 = w34 = 12 + 16 5/6.
 √  √
For the 5-point rule, ξ55 = −ξ15 = 13 5 + 2 10/7, ξ45 = −ξ35 = 13 5 − 2 10/7, ξ35 = 0,
√ √
w15 = w55 = (322 − 13 70)/900, w25 = w45 = (322 + 13 70)/900 and w35 = 512/900.

§3.5.1. One Dimensional Gauss Rules

The classical Gauss integration rules are defined by

F(ξ ) dξ ≈ wi F(ξi ). (3.19)
−1 i=1

Here p ≥ 1 is the number of Gauss integration points (also known as sample points), wi are the
integration weights, and ξi are sample-point abcissae in the interval [−1,1]. The use of the canonical
interval [−1,1] is no restriction, because an integral over another range, say from a to b, can be
transformed to [−1, +1] via a simple linear transformation of the independent variable, as shown
in the Remark below.
The first five unidimensional Gauss rules, illustrated in Figure 3.3, are listed in Table 3.1. These
integrate exactly polynomials in ξ of orders up to 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively. In general a
unidimensional Gauss rule with p points integrates exactly polynomials of order up to 2 p − 1. This
is called the degree of the formula.
Remark 3.4. A more general integral, such as F(x) over [a, b] in which  = b − a > 0, is transformed
to the canonical interval [−1, 1] through the mapping x = 12 a(1 − ξ ) + 12 b(1 + ξ ) = 12 (a + b) + 12 ξ , or
ξ = (2/)(x − 12 (a + b)). The Jacobian of this mapping is J = d x/dξ = /. Thus

F(x) d x = F(ξ ) J dξ = F(ξ ) 12  dξ. (3.20)
a −1 −1

Remark 3.5. Higher order Gauss rules are tabulated in standard manuals for numerical computation. For
example, the widely used Handbook of Mathematical Functions [2] lists (in Table 25.4) rules with up to 96
points. For p > 6 the abscissas and weights of sample points are not expressible as rational numbers or
radicals, and can only be given as floating-point numbers.


LineGaussRuleInfo[{rule_,numer_},point_]:= Module[
w4={(1/2)-Sqrt[5/6]/6, (1/2)+Sqrt[5/6]/6,
(1/2)+Sqrt[5/6]/6, (1/2)-Sqrt[5/6]/6},
Sqrt[(3-2*Sqrt[6/5])/7], Sqrt[(3+2*Sqrt[6/5])/7]},
Sqrt[5-2*Sqrt[10/7]], Sqrt[5+2*Sqrt[10/7]]}/3,
If [p==1, info={0,2}];
If [p==2, info={g2[[i]],1}];
If [p==3, info={g3[[i]],w3[[i]]}];
If [p==4, info={g4[[i]],w4[[i]]}];
If [p==5, info={g5[[i]],w5[[i]]}];
If [numer, Return[N[info]], Return[Simplify[info]]];

Figure 3.4. A Mathematica module that returns the first five unidimensional
Gauss rules.

§3.5.2. Implementation of 1D Gauss Rules

The Mathematica module shown in Figure 3.4 returns either exact or floating-point information for
the first five unidimensional Gauss rules. To get information for the i th point of the p th rule, in
which 1 ≤ i ≤ p and p = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, call the module as

{ xii,wi }=LineGaussRuleInfo[{ p,numer },i] (3.21)

Logical flag numer is True to get numerical (floating-point) information, or False to get exact
information. The module returns the sample point abcissa ξi in xii and the weight wi in wi. If p
is not in the implemented range 1 through 5, the module returns { Null,0 }.

Example 3.1. { xi,w }=LineGaussRuleInfo[{ 3,False },2] returns xi=0 and w=8/9,
whereas { xi,w }=LineGaussRuleInfo[{ 3,True },2] returns (to 16 places)
xi=0. and w=0.888888888888889.
§3.5.3. Two Dimensional Gauss Rules
The simplest two-dimensional Gauss rules are called product rules. They are obtained by applying
the unidimensional rules to each independent variable in turn. To apply these rules we must first
reduce the integrand to the canonical form:

F(ξ, η) dξ dη = dη F(ξ, η) dξ. (3.22)
−1 −1 −1 −1

Once this is done we can process numerically each integral in turn:

1 p1  p2
F(ξ, η) dξ dη = dη F(ξ, η) dξ ≈ wi w j F(ξi , η j ). (3.23)
−1 −1 −1 −1 i=1 j=1


p = 1 (1 x 1 rule) p = 2 (2 x 2 rule)

p = 3 (3 x 3 rule) p = 4 (4 x 4 rule)

Figure 3.5. The first four two-dimensional Gauss product rules p = 1, 2, 3, 4

depicted over a straight-sided quadrilateral region. Sample points are marked with
black circles. The areas of these circles are proportional to the integration weights.

where p1 and p2 are the number of Gauss points in the ξ and η directions, respectively. Usually
the same number p = p1 = p2 is chosen if the shape functions are taken to be the same in the ξ
and η directions. This is in fact the case for all quadrilateral elements presented here. The first four
two-dimensional Gauss product rules with p = p1 = p2 are illustrated in Figure 3.5.
§3.5.4. Implementation of 2D Gauss Rules
The Mathematica module listed in Figure 3.6 implements two-dimensional product Gauss rules
having 1 through 5 points in each direction. The number of points in each direction may be the
same or different. If the rule has the same number of points p in both directions the module is
called in either of two ways:

{ { xii,etaj },wij }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ p, numer }, { i,j }]

{ { xii,etaj },wij }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ p, numer },k ]

The first form is used to get information for point {i, j} of the p × p rule, in which 1 ≤ i ≤ p and
1 ≤ j ≤ p. The second form specifies that point by a “visiting counter” k that runs from 1 through
p 2 ; if so {i, j} are internally extracted3 as j=Floor[(k-1)/p]+1; i=k-p*(j-1).
If the integration rule has p1 points in the ξ direction and p2 points in the η direction, the module
may be called also in two ways:

{ { xii,etaj },wij }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ { p1,p2 }, numer },{ i,j }]

{ { xii,etaj },wij }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ { p1,p2 }, numer },k ]

The meaning of the second argument is as follows. In the first form i runs from 1 to p1 and j from 1 to
p2 . In the second form k runs from 1 to p1 p2 ; if so i and j are extracted by j=Floor[(k-1)/p1]+1;

3 Indices i and j are denoted by i1 and i2, respectively, inside the module.


QuadGaussRuleInfo[{rule_,numer_},point_]:= Module[
{ξ ,η,p1,p2,i,j,w1,w2,m,info={{Null,Null},0}},
If [Length[rule]==2, {p1,p2}=rule, p1=p2=rule];
If [p1<0, Return[QuadNonProductGaussRuleInfo[
If [Length[point]==2, {i,j}=point, m=point;
j=Floor[(m-1)/p1]+1; i=m-p1*(j-1) ];
{ξ ,w1}= LineGaussRuleInfo[{p1,numer},i];
{η,w2}= LineGaussRuleInfo[{p2,numer},j];
info={{ξ ,η},w1*w2};
If [numer, Return[N[info]], Return[Simplify[info]]];

Figure 3.6. A Mathematica module that returns two-dimensional product Gauss


i=k-p1*(i-1). In all four forms, logical flag numer is set to True if numerical information is
desired and to False if exact information is desired.
The module returns ξi and η j in xii and etaj, respectively, and the weight product wi w j in wij.
This code is used in the Exercises at the end of the chapter. If the inputs are not in range, the module
returns { { Null,Null },0 }.

Example 3.2. { { xi,eta },w }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ 3,False },{ 2,3 }] returns xi=0, eta=Sqrt[3/5]
and w=40/81.

Example 3.3. { { xi,eta },w }=QuadGaussRuleInfo[{ 3,True },{ 2,3 }] returns (to 16-place precision)
xi=0., eta=0.7745966692414834 and w=0.49382716049382713.

§3.6. Rank Sufficiency: Linkup with Numerical Quadrature

The following material on numerical integration is transcribed here from Chapter 19 of

the IFEM Notes for convenience.

One desirable attribute of the element stiffness matrix is: Ke should not possess any zero-energy
kinematic mode other than rigid body modes.4
This can be mathematically expressed as follows. Let n F be the number of element degrees of
freedom, and n R be the number of independent rigid body modes. Let r denote the rank of Ke . The
element is called rank sufficient if r = n F − n R and rank deficient if r < n F − n R . In the latter
case, the rank deficiency is defined by
d = (n F − n R ) − r (3.26)

If an isoparametric element is numerically integrated, let n G be the number of Gauss points, while
n E denotes the order of the stress-strain matrix E. Two additional assumptions are made:
4 In an introductory FEM course, “should” is strenghtened to “must”. In an advanced course one can find exceptions to
the rule. For example, the reduced-integration Quad8 has a rank deficient stiffness but the element is nonetheless useful.


(i) The element shape functions satisfy completeness in the sense that the rigid body modes are
exactly captured by them.
(ii) Matrix E is of full rank.
Then each Gauss point adds up to n E to the rank of Ke , up to a maximum of n F − n R .5 Assuming
that each points does add up exactly n E , the rank of Ke will be
r = min(n F − n R , n E n G ) (3.27)
To attain rank sufficiency, n E n G must equal or exceed n F − n R :
n E nG ≥ n F − n R (3.28)
from which the appropriate Gauss integration rule can be selected.
In the axisymmetric solid problem, n E = 4 because E is a 4 × 4 matrix of elastic moduli. Also
n R = 1. Consequently r = min(n F − 1, 4n G ) and 4n G ≥ n F − 1.

Example 3.4. Consider a 6-node quadratic triangle ring element. Then n F = 2 × 6 = 12. To attain the proper
rank of 12 − n R = 12 − 1 = 11, n G ≥ 3. A 3-point Gauss rule, such as the 3-interior-point rule defined in
Chapter 24 of the IFEM Notes makes the element rank sufficient.

Example 3.5. Consider an 9-node biquadratic quadrilateral ring element. Then n F = 2 × 9 = 18. To attain
the proper rank of 18 − n R = 18 − 1 = 17, n G ≥ 5. The 2 × 2 product Gauss rule is insufficient because
n G = 4. Hence a 3 × 3 rule, which yields n G = 9, is required to attain rank sufficiency.

§3.7. Three Node Triangular Ring Element

The following material is included to help some Exercises. The simplest axisymmetric ring element
shown in Figure 3.7 is that having a 3-node triangular cross section. Its geometry is defined by
the 6 node coordinates {r1 , z 1 }, {r2 , z 2 }, and {r3 , z 3 }. The 6 degrees of freedom are collected in the
node displacement vector
ue = [ u r 1 u z1 ur 2 u z2 ur 3 u z3 ]T . (3.29)
The element isoparametric definition is
     
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 r   r1 r2 r 3  N1  r1 r2 r3  ζ1
     
z =
   1 z z 2 z 3  N 2 =  z1 z2 z 3  ζ2 . (3.30)
     
ur ur 1 ur 2 ur 3 N3 ur 1 ur 2 ur 3 ζ3
uz u z1 u z2 u z3 u z1 u z2 u z3
in which the shape functions are simply the triangular coordinates: N1 = ζ1 , N2 = ζ2 and N3 = ζ3 .
The first three equations of of (3.30), define the element geometry as
1 1 1 1 ζ1
r = r1 r2 r3 ζ2 . (3.31)
z z1 z2 z3 ζ3
5 Note the proviso “adds up to”. There are cases when the addition comes up short of n E . For a somewhat trivial example,
think of using the same rule twice: the rank is not affected although the number of Gauss points is doubled. The
reduced-integration of the 8-node (serendipity) quadrilateral element studied later is a nontrivial case in point.


3 (r3 ,z3)

Ωe 2 (x2 ,y2)

1 (r1,z1 )

Figure 3.7. A three-node triangular ring element (cross section only).

Inversion gives
ζ1 1 r2 z 3 − r3 z 2 z2 − z3 r3 − r2 1 1 2A23 z 23 r32 1
ζ2 = r3 z 1 − r1 z 3 z3 − z1 r1 − r3 r = 2A31 z 31 r13 r . (3.32)
ζ 2A r z −r z z1 − z2 r2 − r1 z 2A 2A z 12 r21 z
3 1 2 2 1 12

Here A is the triangle area, which is one half the determinant of the 3 × 3 matrix in (3.31). From
(3.31) and (3.33) it immediately follows that partial derivatives such as ∂r/∂ζ1 and ∂ζ3 /∂z are
constant over the element and given by
∂r ∂z ∂ζi ∂ζi
= ri , = zi , 2A = z jk , 2A = rk j . (3.33)
∂ζi ∂ζi ∂r ∂z
in which i = 1, 2, 3 while j, k denote the cyclic permutations of i, namely j = 2, 3, 1 and
k = 3, 1, 2. It follows that the strain-displacement matrix (3.5) takes up a particularly simple form
for this element:
 
z 23 0 z 31 0 z 12 0
1  0 r32 0 r13 0 r21 
Be =  . (3.34)
2A 2A ζ1 /r 0 2A ζ2 /r 0 2A ζ3 /r 0
r32 z 23 r13 z 31 r21 z 12
Note that rows 1, 2 and 4 are constant, but row 3 depends on 1/r . Using (3.34) we can express the
element stiffness matrix in closed form as
   

z 23 0 z 31 0 z 12 0 T E 11 E 12 E 13 E 14
1  0 r32 0 r13 0 r21   E 12 E 22 E 23 E 24 
Ke = r    
4A2 e 2A ζ1 /r 0 2A ζ2 /r 0 2A ζ3 /r 0 E 13 E 23 E 33 0
r32 z 23 r13 z 31 r21 z 12 E 14 E 24 0 E 44
 
z 23 0 z 31 0 z 12 0
 0 r32 0 r13 0 r21 
  d.
2A ζ1 /r 0 2A ζ2 /r 0 2A ζ3 /r 0
r32 z 23 r13 z 31 r21 z 12
Because of the 1/r dependence of several entries, integration over the triangle will normally be
done numerically.


Homework Exercises for Chapter 3

Axisymmetric Solid Iso-P Elements

The following material is largely covered in Chapter 24 of the IFEM Notes, posted at but is recapitulated
here for completeness.
The four simplest Gauss integration rules over a triangle of area A use 1, 3, 3 and 7 points. These rules are
tabulated below. In the following expressions, F(ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) denotes the function to be integrated over the
traingle, expressed in terms of the triangular coordinates ζ1 , ζ2 and ζ3 , while A is the area of the element. In
the formulas below e denotes the element domain (which should not be confused with the area measure A).
One point rule (exact for constant and linear polynomials over straight sided triangles of constant thickness):

F(ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) d ≈ F( 13 , 13 , 13 ). (E3.1)
A e

Three-point rules (exact for constant through quadratic polynomials over straight sided triangles of constant

F(ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) d ≈ 13 F( 23 , 16 , 16 ) + 13 F( 16 , 23 , 16 ) + 13 F( 16 , 16 , 23 ). (E3.2)
A e

F(ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) d ≈ 13 F( 12 , 12 , 0) + 13 F(0, 12 , 12 ) + 13 F( 12 , 0, 12 ). (E3.3)
A e

The latter is also called the 3-midpoint rule for obvious reasons.
Seven point rule (exact for constant through cubic polynomials over straight sided triangles of constant thick-

F(ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) d ≈ w0 F( 13 , 13 , 13 ) + w1 [F(α1 , β1 , β1 ) + F(β1 , α1 , β1 ) + F(β1 , β1 , α1 )]
A e (E3.4)
+ w2 [F(α2 , β2 , β2 ) + F(β2 , α2 , β2 ) + F(β2 , β2 , α2 )] ,

√ √
where w0 = 9/40 = 0.225, √w1 = (155 − 15)/1200 = 0.1259391805,√ w2 = (155 + 15)/1200 =
√ α1 = (9 + 2 15)/21 = 0.7974269853,
√ β1 = (6 − 15)/21 = 0.1012865073, α2 =
(9 − 2 15)/21 = 0.0597158718, β2 = (6 + 15)/21 = 0.4701420641.
A Mathematica module that implement these rules is TrigGaussRuleInfo.nb posted in the index of this
Chapter. The use of this module is explained in Chapter 24 of the IFEM Notes.

EXERCISE 3.1 [A/C:15] Using the minimum quadrature rule necessary for exactness, verify the following
polynomial integrals over straight-sided triangles, where indices i, j, k run over 1,2,3, and r is interpolated as
r = r1 ζ1 + r2 ζ2 + r3 ζ3 .

ζi d = 13 A, (E3.5)

ζi ζ j d = 1
A(1 + δi j ), (E3.6)

ζi ζ j ζk d = 1
γ A,
60 i jk


r d = 1
A(r1 + r2 + r3 ) = A r0 , (E3.8)

ζi r d = 1
A(r1 + r2 + r3 + ri ), (E3.9)


r 2 d = 1
A[(r1 + r2 + r3 )2 + r12 + r22 + r32 ], (E3.10)

ζi r 2 d = 1
60 i jk
A r j rk . (E3.11)
In the above, δi j = 1 if i = j else 0 (the Kronecker delta); γi jk = 6 if i = j = k, γi jk = 1 if i = j = k, else
2; and r0 = 13 A(r1 + r2 + r3 ) is the centroidal radial distance.
Note: you can (and should) make use of previous results for expediency; to prove for example (E3.8) substitute
(E3.5) as appropriate.
EXERCISE 3.2 [A/C:15] Consider a triangle with node coordinates (r1 , 0), (r2 , 0) and (r3 , b), where r2 > r1
and b > 0. Its area is A = 12 b(r2 − r1 ). Apply the triangle integration formulas to the non-polynomial integral

e r
for the two cases
(a) r1 = 0, r2 = r3 = a, b arbitrary, so A = ab/2, and compare to the exact integral 2A/a. Hint: the
3-midpoint rule gives 5A/(3a), an error of 17%.
(b) r1 = 1, r2 = 2, r3 = 3, b = 2, and compare to the exact integral log(27/16) = 0.523248. Hint: the
3-midpoint rule should be correct to 2 digits, the 7 point rule to 4.
EXERCISE 3.3 [A/C:15] Repeat (a) of the previous exercise for the integrals

ζ1 ζ2 ζ3
d, d, d. (E3.13)
e r e r e r
The exact integrals are A/a for the first one, and 2
A/a for the other two. Why are all numerical quadrature
formula exact for the latter case?
EXERCISE 3.4 [A/C:20] The iso-P definition of the 3-node linear SOR triangle is given by (3.30). The node
displacement 6-vector is ue = [ u r 1 u z1 u r 2 u z2 u r 3 u z3 ], which is that used in the derivations of §3.7
Using the strain-displacement matrix obtained in (3.34) compute the entries6
K r 1r 1 , K r 1z1 K z1z1 (E3.14)
of the 6 × 6 element stiffness matrix K for the geometry defined by

r1 = 0, r2 = r3 = a, z 1 = z 2 = 0, z 3 = b, (E3.15)
in which a and b are positive lengths. The material is isotropic with ν = 0 for which the stress-strain matrix is
 
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
E= E , (E3.16)
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 2

Note: For integrals that contain 1/r , use one of the 3-point rules. Partial answer (if midpoint rule used)
K r 1r 1 = 12 E b.

6 In terms of row/column matrix indices: Ke (1, 1), Ke (1, 2), and Ke (2, 2).


EXERCISE 3.5 [A/C:20] The triangle of Exercise 3.4 is subjected to the radial-centrifugal body force field

br = ρω2 r, bz = 0, (E3.17)

in which ρ and ω are constant (ρ is the mass density whereas ω is the angular velocity.)
Compute the consistent node force vector fe . In doing so interpolate the radial component br linearly over the
br (ζ1 , ζ2 , ζ3 ) = br 1 ζ1 + br 2 ζ2 + br 3 ζ3 , (E3.18)
where bri is ρω2 r evaluated at corner i. Partial answers: fr 1 = ωa 3 /10, f z1 = 0.

EXERCISE 3.6 [A/C:20] Repeat the previous Exercise for the own-weight body force field

br = 0, bz = −ρg (E3.19)

where ρ and g are constant. Partial answer: f z2 = −ga/4.

EXERCISE 3.7 [A/C:20] For the triangle geometry of the preceding 3 exercises, find the consistent thermal
forces pertaining to a uniform temperature increase T , assuming an isotropic material with zero Poisson’s

EXERCISE 3.8 [A/C:15] Show that u z = c (c is a constant) is the only possible rigid body mode of a SOR
element. (Hint: consider the presence of the circumferential strain). Hence deduce that the correct rank of the
stiffness matrix of a SOR element with n nodes and 2 DOFs per node is 2n − 1.

EXERCISE 3.9 [A:15] Find the displacement fields that separately generate the following constant strain
ezz = czz , others zero (E3.20)
γr z = cr z , others zero (E3.21)
in which czz and cr z are constants.

EXERCISE 3.10 [A:20] Show that there are no displacement fields that separately generate the following
constant strain states:
err = crr , others zero (E3.22)
eθθ = cθθ , others zero (E3.23)
in which crr and cθθ are constants. Hint: integrate the appropriate strain-displacement relations.

EXERCISE 3.11 [A/C:25] The SOR sketched in Figure E3.1 (a circular shaft with varying cross section)
is subjected to torsional loading as indicated. According to Saint-Venant’s torsion theory, the displacement
components for this case are entirely circumferential, that is, u r = u z = 0 and u θ = u θ (r, z). The torsional
shear strains
∂u θ uθ ∂u θ
γr θ = − , γzθ = , (E3.24)
∂r r ∂z
are nonzero and functions of r, z only; all other strains (err , ezz , eθθ and γr z ) vanish. Assuming the shaft is
fabricated with an isotropic material, the only nonzero stress components are the shear stresses

σr θ = G γr θ , σzθ = G γzθ , (E3.25)

in which G = 12 E/(1 + ν) is the shear modulus.


Figure E3.1. Variable-section circular shaft conveying torque: the subject of Exercise 3.11.

(a) Explain why this problem can be discretized by two-dimensional “ring” finite elements by laying out a
mesh over the (r, z) plane (r ≥ 0), although the element type is different from that considered previously
in this Chapter. How many degrees of freedoms will these “torqued ring” elements have per node?
(b) If an isoparametric formulation is used for the torqued-ring elements of (a), the element stiffness matrix,
on suppressing the 2π factor, is given by the usual expression

K =
BT E B r d. (E3.26)

Describe what B and E look like. (Hint: E is just 2 × 2.)


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