Evaluation of Response Reduction Factor and Ductility Factor of RC Braced Frame

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Research Paper

Evaluation of Response Reduction Factor and Ductility Factor of RC

Braced Frame
Kruti Tamboli, J. A. Amin*
Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad, INDIA


Article history:

Received 18 may 2015 Response reduction factor is the factor by which the actual base shear force should be
Revised 23 july 2015 reduced, to obtain the design lateral force during design basic earthquake (DBE)
shaking. The response reduction factor (R) is basically depends on Over strength (Rs),
Accepted 7 september 2015 Ductility (Rµ), Redundancy (RR). So there is a need to come up with realistic R factors
for different structural systems used in various countries. In the present study efforts are
made to evaluate the response reduction factor and ductility of RC braced frame using
nonlinear static pushover analysis. The types of the frame considered in this study are
RC frame with X bracing at centre bay, RC frame with X bracing at alternate bays, shear
RC frame building wall at canter and alternate bays. The result of this study shows that R factor and lateral
strength of RC frames are considerably affected by the types and arrangement of the
bracing system.
Pushover analysis

Response reduction factor

1 Introduction

The earthquake is a phenomenon that releases high amount of energy in a short time through the earth. Structures
designed to resist moderate and frequently occurring earthquakes must have sufficient stiffness and strength to control
deflection and prevent any possible collapse. In other words, a structure not only should dissipate a considerable amount of
imported energy by ductile behaviour, but also it should be able to control the deformations and transfer the force to
foundation through enough lateral stiffness in ground motions. Braced frame systems offer an attractive solution to satisfy
multiple design objectives. Their elastic properties provide the stiffness and strength needed to achieve operational
performance objectives, which are primarily defined by the performance of non-structural elements. Current force-based
design procedure adopted by most seismic design codes allows the seismic design of building structures to be based on
static or dynamic analyses of elastic models of the structure using elastic design spectra. The codes anticipate that
structures will undergo inelastic deformations under strong seismic events; therefore, such inelastic behaviour is usually
incorporated into the design by dividing the elastic spectra by a factor R which reduces the spectrum from its original

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +091992554327.

E-mail address: jamin_svit@yahoo.com

e-ISSN: 2170-127X, © Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria


elastic demand level to a design level. The most important factors determining response reduction factors are the structural
ductility and over strength capacity.
Riddell et al. [1] evaluated response modification factors and ductility factors of short period buildings, where the
reduction of linear elastic response spectra is smaller than the values for intermediate and long period structures for various
sets of earthquake records. An idealized and simple variation of the response modification factor as a function of the period
of vibration suitable for seismic codes formulation is also presented. Miranda [2] presented the different components of so
called R factors and discusses how these can be incorporated into a performance-based earthquake resistant design. He also
describes how strength reduction factors derived from single-degree-of-freedom systems need to be modified in order to be
used in the design of multi -degree-of-freedom systems. Elanashai and Mwafy [3] addressed the issue of horizontal over
strength in modern code/standard for design of reinforced-concrete (RC) buildings. The relationship between the lateral
capacity, the design force reduction factor, the ductility level and the over strength factor are also investigated. Maheri and
Akbari [4] evaluated the seismic behaviour factor for steel X-braced and knee-braced RC buildings using nonlinear
pushover analyses of brace-frame systems having different heights and configurations. Authors concluded that Types of
bracing had more localizes effects on the ‘R’ factor. Mahmoudi and Zaree [5] evaluated the response modification factors
of conventional concentric braced frames as well as buckling restrained braced frames. Authors concluded that the number
of bracing bays and height of buildings have greater effect on the response modification factor. Kadid and Yahiaoui [6]
investigated the seismic behaviour of RC buildings strengthened with different types of steel braces like X-bracing,
inverted V bracing, ZX bracing and Zipper bracing.
The R factors in many developing countries are often adopted from the well developed seismic design codes used in
the United States or Europe. These R factors provide false representation for the structural practices applied in developing
countries and thus considered unrealistic. Here in present study 4-storey RC building frame analyzed using static nonlinear
pushover analysis and efforts are made to evaluate lateral strength, response reduction factor and ductility factor of RC
braced frame.

2 Concept of Response Reduction Factor

The code provision allows the structure to be damaged in the case of sever shaking. Hence, the structure is designed for
seismic force much lesser than that expected under strong earthquakes, if the structure were to remain linearly elastic. Thus,
the Indian seismic standard IS 1893 [7] provides a realistic force for an elastic structure and then divides that force by 2R.
In other words, the term R gives an indication of the level of over strength and ductility that a structure is expected to have.
Thus, the structure can be designed for much lower force than is implied by the strong shaking by considering the
following factors, over strength factor (RS), redundancy factor (RR), ductility factor (Rμ) which will prevent the collapse of
the structure.
Over strength factor accounts for the yielding of a structure at load higher than the design load due to various Partial
safety factors, strain hardening, oversized members, confinement of concrete. Non-structural elements also contribute to
the over strength. According to ATC-19 [8], over strength RS is defined as the ratio of base shear at the roof displacement
corresponding to the limiting state of response (Vo) to design seismic base shear (Vd) as per IS: 1893 (Part 1) 2002 [7].
Redundancy factor depends on the number of vertical framing participate in seismic resistance. Yielding at one
location in the structure does not imply yielding of the structure as a whole. Hence the load distribution, due to redundancy
of the structure, provides additional safety margin. The values of redundancy factor as suggested by ATC-19 [8] are shown
in Table 1.

Table 1 - Value of Redundancy Factor

Lines of vertical seismic Draft redundancy factor
2 0.71

3 0.86

4 1.00

Ductility is the capacity of material/structure to absorb energy by deforming into the inelastic range. Ductility factor is
a ratio of ultimate or code specified displacement to the yield displacement. In present study equation suggested by
Miranda and Bertero [9] is used to evaluate the ductility factor Rμ,
Rμ= (μ-1/Φ) +1 (1)
For rock site:
Φ = 1+ (1/ (10T-μT) – (1℮-1.5(lnT-0.6) ^2/2T) (2)
For alluvium site:2
Φ = 1+ (1/ (12T-μT) – (2℮-2(lnT-0.2) ^2/5T) (3)
For soft soil site:
Φ = 1+ (Tg/3T) – (3Tg℮-3(ln (T/Tg)-0.25)^/4T) (4)
Tg is the predominant period of the ground motion.

Maximum force if
structure is elastic Fel
Linear elastic Due to ductility
response Non-linear
Maximum load Fy
Total horizontal load

Due to redundancy

Load at first F1
Due to over strength
Design force Fdes

Total horizontal

0 ∆w ∆y ∆Max
Roof displacement

Fig. 1 - Concept of response reduction factor

3 Frame Considered In This Study

In the present study a typical 4-story RC frame has been taken for the analysis. The floor plan and elevation of the
building is shown in figure 2. The building parameters are defined as, building plan dimension 18m x 9m, Concrete Grade
M25, Steel Grade – Fy 415 MPa, Slab Thickness – 110mm, height of each storey – 3.2m and height of ground storey is
4.2m. Live load is taken as 2 kN/m2 at floor level and 0.75 kN/m2 at roof level. It is assumed that the building is located in
zone-IV and soil type is medium.

9m (3@ 3m c/c) 3m 3m 3m

18m (4 @ 4.5m c/c)

Plan Elevation

Fig. 2 - Plan and elevation of 4 storey building

RC frame was designed using the most critical load combination of IS 456:2000 [10] and IS1893:2002[7]. Size and
reinforcement details of designed beams and columns are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.

Table 2 - Beam size and reinforcement details

Beam Beam size Top reinforcement Bottom reinforcement

story 300x450 3 bars of 20mm dia. 3 bars of 20mm dia.

2nd story 300x450 3 bars of 18mm dia. 3 bars of 18mm dia.

3rd story 300x450 3 bars of 16mm dia. 3 bars of 16mm dia.

4th story 300x450 3 bars of 12mm dia. 3 bars of 12mm dia.

Table 3 - Column size and reinforcement details

Column Column size Top reinforcement Bottom reinforcement

Ground/1st 300x450 4 bars of 20mm dia. 4 bars of 20mm dia.


2nd story 300x450 3 bars of 20mm dia. 3 bars of 20mm dia.

3rd story 300x450 2 bars of 20mm dia. 2 bars of 20mm dia.

4th story 300x450 2 bars of 20mm dia. 2 bars of 20mm dia.

In this study mid frame as shown in figure 2 is considered for the analysis. The calculated design seismic base shear
(VB) and corresponding lateral forces (Qi) on the mid-frame as per IS: 1893, are shown in Table 4.
Design seismic base shear,
Vb = Ah.W (5)
Where Ah= (Z/2) x (I/R) x(Sa/g) (design horizontal seismic coefficient for the structure)
W= Seismic weight of frame

Z= Zone Factor = 0.24 (from Table 2 of IS 1893 (Part 1):2002)

I= Importance Factor = 1 (from Table 6 of IS 1893 (Part 1):2002)
R= Response Reduction Factor = 5 (from Table 7 of IS 1893 (Part 1):2002)
Sa/g = average Response acceleration coefficient for medium soil = 2.5 (from Figure IS1893 (Part1):2002)
lateral forces at each storey level,
Qi = ( VB Wihi2/ (∑Wihi2)2 (6)

Table 4 - Storey forces for 4 – storey building

Floor level Wi (kN) hi (m) Wihi2 Qi (kN)

269.418 13.8 51307.96 36.83
3rd floor
399.726 10.6 44913.21 32.24
2 floor
399.726 7.4 21888.99 15.71
Groung/1 5.52
floor 436.491 4.2 7699.70

∑ 1505.361 ∑Wihi2 125809.8 Vb = 90.32

Different RC frame configurations considered in the present study are:

• Bare frame
• RC frame with X-bracing in center bay
• RC frame with X-bracing in alternate bay
• RC frame with Shear wall in center bay
• RC frame with Shear wall in alternate bay

4 Analytical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Members

Plasticity in RC members was assumed to be lumped at probable locations. The program defined plastic hinge
properties of SAP2000 Program as per FEMA356 provisions were used to take into account the material nonlinearity.
Flexural hinge properties involve axial force, bending moment as per FEMA356 provisions were used to take into account
the material nonlinearity. Plastic hinges that generally develop are those corresponding to flexure and shear. Plastic hinges
that generally interaction (P-M) as the failure envelop and bending moment rotation (M-θ) as the corresponding load
deformation relation; shear hinge properties involve shear force-shear deformation relation (V-∆). The different inelastic
stages are suggested on pushover curves to facilitate the description of behaviour of different members of the RC frame
building at various stages: : (1) PC1: formation of plastic hinge in the first/ground-storey columns; (2) PB1: formation of
plastic hinges in first/ground-storey beams; (3) PC2: formation of plastic hinge in the second-storey columns; (4) PB2:
formation of plastic hinges in second storey beams; (5) PC3: formation of plastic hinge in the third-storey columns; (6) PB3:
formation of plastic hinges in third-storey beams; (7) PC4: formation of plastic hinge in the roof-storey columns; (8) PB4:
formation of plastic hinges in roof-storey beams.

5 Bare RC Frame (RC-1)

Bare frame represents the currently used common practice of not including the strength and stiffness of masonary in
analysis and design procedure. The capacity curve obtained from the nonlinear pushover analysis of the bare RC frame
building is shown in Figure 3. Linear behavior was observed in different member of RC frame upto a base shear of 15% of
seismic weight and and upto a roof displacement corresponding to 0.5% drifts. Non-linearity was observed to be well
distributed along the height of the frame. Failure of the frame was found to take place due to flexure failure of open ground
storey columns at the ultimate lateral load corresponding to 17% of seismic weight and lateral drift of 2.4%.

14 PB3 PC3
% seismic weight

10 PB1
0 1 2 3
% drift

Fig. 3 - Pushover curve for bare frame

6 RC Frame With X-Bracing

Bracings as lateral load-resistant system are one of the most commonly used methods to resist lateral loads such as
earthquake. The braced frame response to earthquake loading depends mainly on the asymmetric axial resistance of the
bracing members. Conventional steel bracings dissipate considerable energy yielding under tension. Lateral load
performance of the RC frame with X-bracing is studied for the following two cases: (1) Providing diagonal bracings in
centre bay, and (2) Providing diagonal bracings in alternate bays. These diagonal braces were not designed formally
because strength of such braces is usually very high. The size and reinforcement of bracing were kept identical to that of
existing ground storey column of considered frame [Table 3].

6.1 RC frame with X-bracing 9 (RC - B1)

First inelastic activity was observed at lateral load corresponding to 33% of seismic weight and 0.15% drift [figure 4].
The ultimate strength of frame was found to be that corresponding to 48.76% of seismic weight and 0.34% of lateral drift.
Plastic hinges were found to develop in the ground as well as upper storey members. However failure of plastic hinges was
found to be concentrated in upper storey members. The value of response reduction factor and ductility factor was found to
be 5.97 and 1.31 respectively.

50 PB1
40 PC2 ,PC3
%seismic weight

30 PC1 ,PB2 ,PB3, PB4

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

Fig. 4 - Pushover curve for RC bracing in center bay

6.2 RC frame with X-bracing in alternate bays (RC - B2)

From capacity curve shown in Figure 5, it was observed that first inelastic activity was observed at lateral load
corresponding to 40% of seismic weight and 0.19 % drift. The ultimate strength of frame was found to be that
corresponding to 67.4% of seismic weight and 0.30% of lateral drift. Plastic hinges were found to develop in all the ground

as well as upper storey members. The value of response reduction factor and ductility factor was found to be 10.7 and 2.04

60 PC2 PC3
%seismic weight

50 PC1 PB2 PB3

40 PB4
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

Fig.5 - Pushover curve for RC bracing in alternate bay

7 RC Frame With Shear Wall

Another most commonly used lateral load-resistant system to resist lateral loads such as earthquake is the RC frame
with shear wall. Lateral load performance of the RC frame with shear wall is studied for the following two cases: (1)
Providing shear wall in centre bay, and (2) Providing shear wall in alternate bays. RC shear walls having a thickness of 190
mm are modelled using 4-noded nonlinear layered shell elements. The vertical and horizontal reinforcement ratio of 0.25%
was used in shear wall.

7.1 RC frame with shear wall in center bay (RC - S1)

In this case the frame was strengthened by providing RC shear wall in only center bay of all stories. The remaining two
bays of all stories were left open. First inelastic activity was observed at lateral load corresponding to 49% of seismic
weight and 0.23% drift (Figure 6). The ultimate strength of frame was found to be that corresponding to 65% of seismic
weight and 1.6% of lateral drift. The value of response reduction factor and ductility factor was found to be 5.09 and 0.53

60 PC2
50 PC1
%seismic weight

0 0,5 1 1,5 2

Fig. 6 - Pushover curve for shear wall in center bay


7.2 RC frame with shear wall in alternate bays (RC - S2)

In this case the frame was strengthened by providing RC shear wall in alternate bays of all stories. The centre bay of all
stories was left open. First inelastic activity was observed at lateral load corresponding to 80% of seismic weight and
0.27% drift (Figure 7). The ultimate strength of frame was found to be that corresponding to 106% of seismic weight and
1.58% of lateral drift. The value of response reduction factor and ductility factor was found to be 10.15 and 0.63
respectively for this type of frame.

80 PB1 PC1
%seismic weight

0 0,5 1 1,5 2

Fig. 7 - Pushover curve for shear wall in alternate bay

8 Evaluation of Responses Reduction Factor and Ductility factor

The calculation for evaluation of response reduction factor as per ATC-19 for bare RC frame in seismic zone-IV is
shown below. The calculations of ‘R’ factor for other frames are not shown here due to paucity of space.
Estimation of strength factor:
Maximum Base Shear (from pushover curve)
Vo= 224 kN
Design Base shear (as per EQ calculation)
Vd = 90.32kN
Strength factor according to ATC – 19
Rs = Vo / Vd = 224 / 90.32 = 2.48
Estimation of ductility factor:
Maximum drift capacity (0.004 x H), Δm = 55.2 m
Yield drift (from pushover curve), Δy = 50 mm
Displacement ductility ratio according to ATC – 19
μ = Δm / Δy = 55.2 / 50 =1.10
Equation for ductility factor, derived by Miranda and Bertero [7]
R μ = {(μ - 1 / Φ) + 1} (7)
Φ for medium soil:
Φ = 1+{1 /(12T -μT)}–{(2 / 5T)*e- 2(ln(T) – 0.2)^2} (8)
T = 0.38seconds (From analysis)
Φ = 1.17

Rμ = 1.08
Estimation of redundancy factor:
The value of redundancy factor as suggested in ATC-19 is summaries in Table-1.
Estimation of response reduction factor R:
R= RS x Rμ x RR (9)
R = 2.48 x 1.08 x 1
R = 2.70
Provision of bracing and shear wall in RC frame significantly increases its global strength as compared to bare frame.
Table 5 shows the value of R-factor and its key component of considered RC frame in this study. The values of the
response reduction factor are considerably affected by the types and arrangements of the bracing systems. Figure 8 shows
the comparative values of response reduction factor for different types of RC frame considered in this study. Provision of
bracing in alternate bays increases the values of responses reduction factor nearly 3.91 and 1.8 times respectively as
compared to the RC frame with bracing at center bay and bare RC frame respectively. Provision of shear wall in alternate
bays increases the values of responses reduction factor nearly 1.99 and 3.75 times respectively as compared to the RC
frame with shear wall at center bay and bare RC frame respectively.

Table 5 - Response reduction factor and its key component of RC frame

Types of Frame RS RR Rμ R μ

Bare frame (RC-1) 2.48 1 1.08 2.70 1.10

RC bracing central bay (RC-B1) 5.03 1 1.19 5.97 1.31

RC bracing alternate bay (RC-B2) 9.66 1 1.09 10.57 2.04

Shear wall center bay (RC-S1) 10.47 1 0.48 5.09 0.535

Shear wall alternate bay (RC-S2) 16.91 1 0.60 10.15 0.63



R - Factor

RC-1 RC-B1 RC-B2 RC-S1 RC-S2

Types of frame

Fig. 8 - Response reduction factor of RC frame


9 Conclusion

In this study the lateral strength, ductility factor and response reduction factor (R) of 4-storey RC braced frame are
evaluated using nonlinear static pushover analysis. The significant outcomes of the present study are summarized as
• Large increase in lateral strength and stiffness of RC braced frame was observed as compared to bare RC frame.
Yield lateral force for the RC frame with X-bracing at alternate bays was found to be 40% of seismic weight, and
it was about 1.21 and 2.7 times more than that observed in the case of the RC frame with X-bracing at center bay
and bare RC frame respectively.

• Ultimate lateral force for the RC frame with X-bracing at alternate bays was found to be 67.4% of seismic weight,
and it was about 1.38 and 3.96 times more than that observed in the case of the RC frame with X-bracing at center
bay and bare RC frame respectively.

• Yield lateral force for the RC frame with shear wall at alternate bays was found to be 1.6 and 5.3 times more than
that observed in the case of the RC frame with shear wall at center bay and bare RC frame respectively.

• Ultimate lateral force for the RC frame with shear wall at alternate bays was found to be 1.6 and 6.2 times more
than that observed in the case of the RC frame with shear wall at center bay and bare RC frame respectively.

• The response reduction factor of RC frame is considerably affected by the types and arrangements of the bracing
systems. Provision of bracing/shear wall in alternate bays increases the values of responses reduction factor nearly
1.88 to 2.2 and 3.75 to 3.9 times respectively as compared to the RC frame with bracing/shear wall at center bay
and bare RC frame respectively.


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