The Tangent Vector To A Curve
The Tangent Vector To A Curve
The Tangent Vector To A Curve
where we write P for the point r(t0 +h) on C. We give a direct geometric interpreta-
tion of this vector, assuming it is not zero. It follows from equation (1) that for small
h 6= 0, we have P 6= P0 , so that P0 P is a nonzero vector.
Theorem 2 Assume that r0 (t0 ) 6= 0. Let θ(h) be the angle between the vectors P0 P
and r0 (t0 ) (which is defined for sufficiently small h 6= 0). Then:
(a) limh→0+ θ(h) = 0;
(b) limh→0− θ(h) = π; or equivalently, the angle between P0 P and −r0 (t0 ) tends to
0 as h → 0−.
Proof The standard angle formula gives
−−→ 0
P0 P • r (t0 ) [r(t0 +h) − r(t0 )] • r0 (t0 )
cos θ(h) =
P0 P
kr0 (t0 )k kr(t0 +h) − r(t0 )kkr0 (t0 )k
We cannot take the limit directly, because we get 0/0. However, if we first divide
numerator and denominator by h and assume h > 0, we can apply equation (1)
directly (using the continuity of norms and dot products) to get
110.202 Calculus III JMB File: curvtgt, Revision C; 11 Feb 2000; Page 1