Class-3 Army School Holiday Homework

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WORKSHEET– I (2018-19)


NAME:__________________ ROLL.NO. ______ CLASS __________


Q1.Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

Emu is a soft-feathered brown bird. It is found in Australia. It has

long, thin neck and legs. It is the second largest bird. It looks
similar to ostrich. Ostrich is the largest bird.

Emu can run at 50 km per hour. They may travel long distances to
find food.

They eat a variety of plants and insects. They are also able to

They can live for about twenty years.

I. Where are emus found?


II. Which is the largest bird?


III. What do they eat?


IV. Say true or false:

a. Emu can run at 150 km per hour.______

b. Emu are able to swim.______

c. Emu can live for thirty years. ______

V. Find the opposites of these words:

a. thin _____________ (lean/ fat) b. smallest ___________ (biggest/ big)


Q1. Write five sentences on the topic - The Giraffe







Q2. Write a paragraph on- My Favourite Game











WORKSHEET- 2 (2018-19)

NAME_________________ CLASS & SEC ____ ROLL NO. ____ DATE________

I) Write the plural form of these words:
a. dish _________________
b. woman ________________
c. knife ________________
d. mouse _________________
e. loaf _________________
f. child _________________
g. soldier __________________
h. box __________________
i. potato __________________
j. book __________________

II) Complete the pairs:

a. drake and _________________

b. gentleman and ______________

c. fox and ____________________

d. groom and __________________

e. actor and ___________________

f. niece and ___________________

g. uncle and ___________________

h. duck and ___________________

i. horse and ___________________

j. mother and __________________

III) Put the nouns under the correct heads:
car, bouquet, Delhi, book, Uttar-Pradesh, team, crowd, month, Virat Kohli

Common Nouns Proper Nouns Collective Nouns

IV) Rearrange these words to make sentences:

a. plays/chess/Sneha
b. is/Mona/book/reading
c. faithful/are/animals/dogs
d. am/I/punctual

V) Fill in the blanks with is/am/are:

a. Popcorns __________ so yummy.

b. It ______________ dark outside.
c. Atul and I ____________ scared of dogs.
d. I _____________ throwing a party.
e. He ______ going to school.
Worksheet-3 (2018-19)
Class- III
DATE ____________ROLL NO. ______NAME: _____________________________CLASS & SEC ______


1- Answer the following-

Ques1- Why did Jack and his mother have to sell their cow?



Ques2- What words would you use to describe Jack?



Ques 3- Why did the children laugh at the boy who came last in the race?



2-Choose the correct answer-

1-Jack and his mother were -

a- poor b-rich

2-Jack found himself infront of the –

a- castle b-market

3-The boy came ________ in the race.

a- first b-last
3-Fill in the blanks with the words given in the bracket –

(beanstalk , teacher , sleep , young )

1-Jack and his mother had to ________ hungry.

2-A huge ________________________________grew outside the window.

3-The giant smelt the blood of a _________________________ boy.

4-The _______________________________ gave the little boy some advice.

4-Complete the stanzas of given poem-

1-She gave me some valuable advice,

on food that would ____________________________________________________

2-The children laughed at me,

When I said ___________________________________________________________

5- Write true or false-

1-Jack and his mother were rich. _______

2-Jack climbed up the beanstalk. _______

3-Jack saw a big hut, when he climbed up the beanstalk.______

4-Food items such as wheat, milk etc. energize our body. ______
Worksheet – 1 (2018-19)
Class - III
SUB: EVS (L – 1, 2)

Name -___________ Class-________ Roll no.-________

I. Name the following:

1. Name two types of family
a. ____________________ b____________________
2. Name two body parts
a. ____________________ b. ____________________
3. Name two sense organs
a. ____________________ b. ____________________
4. Name two walking aids
a. ____________________ b. ____________________

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. A nuclear family is a ________________ family.
2. ____________ have many habits and interests in common.
3. You can see the world with your _______________.
4. You can taste with your _______________.

III. Match the following:

1. People who cannot see a. Lame
2. People who cannot walk b. Braille
3. Pattern of raised dots c. Blind
4. Controls our senses d. Brain

IV. Circle the correct answer:

1. You can taste with your
a. Legs b. Tongue
2. Joint family is a
a. Large family b. Small family
3. The children of uncle and aunts are called
a. Cousins b. Twins
4. We can feel with our
a. Ears b. Skin

V. Write true or false:

1. Members of a family resemble each other. ( )
2. Children should extend their helping hand at home. ( )
3. Our body is a wonderful machine. ( )
4. Many organs together form an organ system. ( )

VI. Answer in one word:

1. Two children born to same parents at the same time are called.
2. Pattern of raised dots.
3. Which part of our body act as a shutter of the camera.

VIII. Draw four sense organs and name them.

WORKSHEET - 2 (2018 - 19 )
SUB: EVS (L-3 & L-4)

NAME________________ CLASS & SEC _____ROLL NO. ____ DATE_____

I. Answer in one word:

1. Part of the plant below the ground. _______________________

2. Several lines that run across the leaves. _____________________
3. The games which are played inside the house.________________
4. The games which are played outside the house.________________
II. Fill in the blanks-
(hibiscus, outdoor, creepers, healthy and happy)
1. Cricket is an___________ game.
2. _________ is a shrub.
3. Activities keep our mind and body ___________
4. Plants that creep on the ground are called__________
III. Match the following -
1. trees watermelon
2. herb neem
3. climber carrot
4. creeper money plant
5. root mint
IV. Write true or false -
1. Some people turn their hobbies into a profession. ( )
2. Plant that grow tall and big are called creepers. ( )
3. Recreational activities help us to relax and refresh. ( )
4. The process of seed, growing into plant is called germination. ( )

V. Answer the following questions-

1. Why should we play indoor games?

2. Why the green leaves are called the kitchen of the plant?
3. What are performing arts?
4. What are the different kind of plants?
5. Label the given diagram –
WORKSHEET- 3 (2018-19)



Name -___________ Class-________ Roll no.-________

I. Answer in one word:

1. Animals that eat only plants. _______________________

2. Animals that eat only flesh of other animals. _____________________

3. Half chewed and swallowed food._______________

4. Animals that gnaw. __________________ ___________________

5. Animals that suck their food through a tube. ____________ ____________________

6. Animals that chew the cud. ______________ ________________

II. Fill in the blanks:

(frog, omnivores, herbivores )

1. Ostrich and crow can eat both plants and animals are belonged to __________________.

2. ______________ has a long sticky tongue to catch insects.

3. Animals that eat only plants are called ____________________.

III. Write two examples for each of the following:

1. Animals that use their tongue to lap water or milk.

_______________ _____________
2. Animals that suck their food through a tube.

______________ _______________

3. Any two herbivores.

_______________ ________________

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. How do insects acquire their food?




2. Where do animals get their food?




3. What do you understand by carnivores? Give examples.




4. What is food chain?



V. Match the following:

1. cow a. gnawing

2. crow b. trunk

3. lion c. herbivore

4. elephant d. omnivore

5. squirrel e. carnivore
कार्य पत्रिका - 1

कक्षा - तीसरी

(पाठ -1, व्याकरण - 1)

नाम: _______________________ कक्षा: __________ रोल:_________________

1. सही उत्तर में () लगाओ |

1. वर्ाा ऋतु किसिी प्यास बुझाती है ? आिाश िी ( ) धरती िी (


2. बकगया िे फूल ों में िौन शरमाई है ? सूयामुखी( ) गुलमेंहदी(


3. घनघ र घटा किस कदशा से उठती है ? पकिम( ) पूरब(


2. शब् ों िे अर्ा कलख -

मनमारे - _______, पवात- _______ , तन,-_______ शीतल-_______, पवन-
______, छटा-_________

3. प्रश् ों िे उत्तर द -
1. बरसात िा मौसम आने पर क्या कदखता है ?

2. वर्ाा ऋतु में आसमान िैसा कदखता है ?


3. गमी में चलने वाली गमा हवा ि क्या िहते है ?


3. वर्ाा ऋतु में कनम्न चीज ों में क्या बदलाव आते है ?

(1)पवात - _______________________________
(2)नदी________________________________ (3)धरती-
________________________________ (4)आम-

4.() और ( X ) िा कनशान लगाओ ।

1. वर्ाा ऋतु में सूरज िी गमी िम ह जाती है | ( )
2.वर्ाा ऋतु में नकदय ों में पानी िम ह जाता है | ( )
3.वर्ाा ऋतु में गुलमेहोंदी खखल जाती है | ( )
4.गमी िे बाद वर्ाा ऋतु आती है | ( )
5.प्रिृकत से सम्बोंकधत चीज ों पर ग ला लगाओ -

पवात, बााँ ध, सड़ि, झरना, फूल, सूरज, किताब, घर


6. द -द पयाा यवाची शब् कलख -

1.सूरज -_________ , _________ 4. फूल - _______ ,


2.हवा - _________ , _________ 5. पवात - ______ , _______

3.बादल -_________ , ________ 6. पेड़ - _______ ,


7. प्रश् ों िे उत्तर कलख -

(i) भार्ा किसे िहते हैं ?


(ii) किन्ही तीन भार्ाओों िे नाम कलख ?


8. कवकभन्न प्रदे श ों िा उनमें ब ली जाने वाली भार्ाओों से कमलान िर -

(i) बोंगाल उकड़या

(ii) गुजरात तकमल

(iii) महाराष्ट्र बोंगाली

(iv) उड़ीसा गुजराती

(v) तकमलनाडु मराठी

त्रिन्दी कार्यय पत्रिका -2 ( 2018- 19)
कक्षा- तीन
त्रिषर् – त्रिन्दी
NAME-________________ CLASS-__________ ROLL. NO -_____

1. प्रश् िे उत्तर द :-

ि. सवेरे –सवेरे मााँ िी आवाज़ सुोंनिर आिाश क्या िरता र्ा ?

ख. आिाश ने दौड़ मे अपना नाम क्य कलखवाया ?

__________________________ ग. दौड़ मे असद िे

जीत जाने िा क्या िारण र्ा ?


2.सही उत्तर पर ग ला लगाओ :-

(I) आिाश ि किससे डााँ ट पड़ती र्ी ?

क. अध्यापि ख. कमत्र

(ii). आिाश ने किस प्रकतय कगता मे नाम कलखवाया?

ि. खाने िी ख दौड़ िी
(iii). आिाश दौड़ में क्या आना चाहता र्ा?
ि. प्रर्म ख. तृतीय
(iv) आिाश दौड़ मे क्य कपछड़ गया?

ि. अभ्यास न िरने िी वजह से ख.खे लने िी वजह से

3.उलटे अर्ा वाले शब् कलख :-

सुबह ______________________
जीत ______________________
आज ______________________
आरम्भ ______________________


1.स्वर ों पर ग ला लगाओ-:
झ आ ,औ ,प ,उ, म ,च ,फफ ,ज ,ऐ,

2.वणामाला किससे बनती है .उ ?


3.स्वर कितने ह ते है -.उ ?


4.व्योंजन कितने ह ते है ?

5.खाली स्र्ान भर :
अ,------- ,------- ,उ, ई ,---------,रे ,---------------,-----------

6.व्योंजन भर ;-
,ि-----------,------------,-----------, ड़
,छ ,च---------------,------------- ञ

7.इन स्वर िी मात्राऍ कलख :-

आ - ___________ ऊ - _________

ऐ ___________ ऊ _________
औ ___________ ऋ _________

8.नीचे कलखे स्वर या व्यों जन से द द शब् बनाओ-

औ - ______________________ ___________________________

ए - _______________________ ___________________________

ट- ____________________ _____________________

9. सवानाम पर ग ला लगाओ ।
1- उसने आज खाना खाया ।

2- मु झे पानी द ।

3- वह गुफा शे र िी र्ी ।
कार्यपत्रिका – 3 (2018-19)

कक्षा - 3

त्रिषर् – त्रिन्दी ( पाठ -3,4 व्याकरण - 3)

नाम _________________________________________िक्षा ____________वगा _______ र ल नों बर__________कदनाों ि

Q1 शब्ोों के अर्य त्रलखो

1.जीव ________________2.अकपात ________________3.अोंत ____________________4.उन्नकत

__________________5.आिया ____________

6 . शखिशाली _____________7 . गोंध _______________

Q2 सिी शब् पर ( √ ) लगाओ ।

1. गीदड़- गीदडी ि क्या कदखाई कदया ? घर ( )

गुफा ( )

2 .शे र ि रास्ते में िौन कमला ? गीदड़ (

) ल मड़ी ( )

3 .अपनी प्रशों सा सुनिर ग पाल ि िैसा लगा ? अच्छा लगा (

) बुरा लगा ( )

4 .ग पाल ि अपना गुरु िौन मानते र्े ? महात्मा गाों धी (

) सरदार पटे ल ( )

5 .बालि आगे चल िर किस नाम से मशहूर हुए ? ग पाल िृष्ण ग खले ( )

लाल बहादु र ( )

6. ग पाल िी किस बात से अध्यापि प्रभाकवत हुए ? सच्चाई से (

) बुराई से ( )

7 .ग पाल ने प्रश् किससे हल िरवाया ?

कपता से ( ) कमत्र से ( )

Q3 सिी ( √ ) र्ा गलत ( × ) का त्रनशान लगाओ ।

1 .अपनी प्रशों सा सुनिर ग पाल हाँ सने लगा । ( )

2 .ग पाल बड़े ह िर दे श ि बड़े ने ता बने । ( )

3 .अध्यापि ने बच्च ों से गकणत िा प्रश् हल िरने ि कदया । ( )

4 .गीदड़ बहुत चतुर र्ा। ( )

5. शे र बहुत कनडर र्ा। ( )

व्याकरण पाठ 3 (शब्)

Q1 अनु स्वार और अनु नात्रसक शब्ोों को अलग अलग करके त्रलखो ।

डों डा , जााँ च , मूाँ छ , घोंटी , िोंठ, सुोंदर ,बााँ ध , चााँ द, िोंधा, हाँ सने

A. अनु स्वार -__________,__________,__________,____________,___________।

B.अनु नाकसि - ___________,_____________,_____________,_____________,_____________।

Q2 सार्यक शब्ो पर गोला लगाओ ।

गमला , लों बगा ,नयन , िबत , बतख , किताब , बरगद , बखत ,पोंखा , खच
, फूल

Q3 त्रमलान करो।

1 .हल बतान , सोंसार ।

2 .जग खाने वाला , नतीजा ।

3 .फल जवाब , कदशा ।

4 .उत्तर खे ती िा योंत्र , सुलझाना ।

Q4 सिी त्रिलोम शब् पर सिी का त्रनशान लगाओ ।

1 .उन्नकत - अवनकत( ) , प्रगकत ( ) 2 .प्रश्

- हल ( ) , उत्तर ( )

3 .प्रशों सा - बुराई ( ) ,कनों दा ( ) 4 .अोंत

- शु रू ( ) , आकद ( )

5. चतुर - मू खा ( ) घमों डी ( ) 6.
डरप ि - समझदार ( ) कनडर ( )

Q5 िणो को जोड़कर शब् बनाओ ।

1 .अ + ज + ग + र = ____________ 2 .म + ग + र =____________

3 .श + र + ब + त =____________ 4 .च + ल = ___________

Q6 िणों को अलग अलग करके त्रलखो ।

1 .नल = ________+________ 2 .सरल =_________+____________

3 .िमल = __________+__________ 4. नयन =___________+_____________

Q7. िाक्ाोंशोों के त्रलए एक शब् त्रलखो |

1. सार् पढ़ने वाला -_______ 2. जीतने वाला -_______

3. प्रकतय कगता में भाग लेने वाला-_________- 4 . घर िा िाया -_______

5. वर्ा में एि बार ह ने वाला -______ 6 . महीने में एि बार ह ने वाला-

7. िाम से जी चुराने वाला -________ 8 .जहााँ हम पढ़ने जाते है -________

Q8 . त्रलोंग बदलो I

1. अध्यापि - ___________ 2 .गीदड़ -________

3. कशक्षि -_____________ 4 .शे र-__________

5. बालि -____________ 6. सहपाठी-________

7. म र -_____________ 8. माता-__________

9. हार्ी -_____________ 10. छात्र-___________

Q9 . िाक् बनाओ I

1. अकभलार्ा-

2. प्रशों सा- ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. आिया- _________________________________________________________________________________________
Worksheet -1 ( 2018-19)


Subject- Maths

Name_____________ Class/ sec ________ Roll no ___________

Q.1 Tick (√ ) the correct Answer

i. During which season do we wear woollen clothes?

a) Summer ( )
b) Winter ( )
c) Rainy ( )

ii. The smallest number of 4-digits is

a. 0001
b. 0100
c. 0010
d. 1000

Q.-2 Write the number names for the following

i. 8760
ii. 9005
iii. 3792

Q.3 Write in expanded form

i. 9700
ii. 4807
iii. 2937

Q.4 Put the sign > or < or =

i. 999 + 1 _________ 1000

ii. 8821 __________6557

iii. 8034__________8289

Q.5 Write the following numbers in ascending order.

i. 9856, 98, 991, 7603 ________________________________________________

ii.1234, 1046, 2986 ,756 ________________________________________________

Q.6 (a) Write the successor of the number

i.999 ii. 7806

(b )write the predecessor of the number

i. 189 ii. 3506

Q. 7 The population of two villages A and B is 8506 and 8985 respectively.Which village has
more population?




Q.8 Write all numbers between

i. 1000 and 1004 ___________________________________

ii. 2231 and 2235 ___________________________________

Q. 9 Counting by fives , write numbers starting form

i. 3505 __________________________________

ii. 7913______________________________________-

Q. 10 Rewrite the following digits in the reversed order

i. 8751 _____________- ii. 4026 ____________

iii 5673 _____________ iv 8457 ____________

Q11 counting by twos, write numbers starting from.

i 7786 ______ ___________ _________

ii 4003________ ___________ __________


NAME _____________________ CLASS & SEC ___ ROLL NO. _____ DATE


5 8 3 8 9 4 2 2 0 3 5

- 2 7 1 - 4 7 0 1 - 1 6 0 2

Q.2 Find the difference between 3825 and 4946.Write number sentence.





Q.3 Decompose and fill in the blank

1. 1 hundreds 3 tens 2 ones = 2 ones = _________ tens 2 ones.

2. 3 tens 2 ones = 2 tens ______ones

3. 7 hundreds 3 ones = 6 hundreds __________ tens 3 ones =6 hundreds _______ tens 13 ones

Q.4 Subtract and check your answer:

a. 9 5 4 b. 6 3 0

-8 6 7 - 4 8 4

Q.5 Fill in the blanks:

a. 2 8 b. 3 2

4 3 5 9
+ 2 4 + 1 5

Q.6 Round off to hundreds and then find the estimated difference.

a. 429 - 282 =_______________

b. 561 - 444 = ______________

Q.7 Round off tens and then. Find the estimated difference.

a.89 – 53 b. 312 – 96

Q.8 By how much is 400 g nearest than 307?





Q.9 By how much is 298 less than 325?





Q.10 There are 236 students in a school. The number of boys are 128. How many girls are there?




Q.11. There were 205 kites in a shop. The shopkeeper sold 167 kites. How many are still to be sold.





Q.12 My mother baked 537 biscuits for the school fete.185 were not sold. How many biscuits were





NAME _____________________ CLASS & SEC ___ ROLL NO. _____ DATE



1 2 3 2 0 3 5 2 0 3 5

+ 4 5 4 + 1 6 0 2 + 5 9 0 2

Q.2 Fill in the place holders with correct numbers:

1. 9 tens + 6 tens = tens = hundreds and tens

2. 8 Hundreds + 9 hundreds = hundreds thousands and hundreds

3.16 hundreds + 25 tens = hundreds 5 tens = = thousands hundreds

Q.3 Add and write the sum in words.

1. 312 + 489 = ______________________

Number Name = __________________________________________

2. 807 + 294 = ______________________

Number name = ________________________________________________

Q.4 A garden has 279 mango and 183 Jamun trees. How many trees are there in the garden?





Q.5 There are 236 white, 382 red, and 127 grey colour cars in a parking lot. How many cars are there in
the parking lot?




Q.6 A weaver makes 247 and 318 bundles of cloth in two months. How much cloth does he makes in all?





Q.7 There are 3527 cows and 4231 buffaloes in a village. How many total cattle are in that Village.





Q.8 Form a simple word problem for each of the following statements:

1. 9 + 3 = ?

2. 412 + 592 = ?

3. 25 + 16 = ?

4. 5+5=?

Q.9 Without adding fill un the blanks:

1. 831 + 364 = ________+ 831

2.607 + 812 ___________=812 + 607 + 321

3.519 + 217 + 413 = 413 + ________+321

Q.10 Round off to the nearest tens :

a. 35 b. 57 c. 136

Q.11 Find the estimated sum by rounding to the nearest hundreds.

a.183 + 235 =

b. 279 + 621 =

c. 205 + 385 =

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