ME 41 Syllabus

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ME 41

Mechanisms IV. Spur gears

a. Involutometry
MAIN TEXTBOOK b. Spur gear details
Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery, c. Characteristics of involute action
Fourth Edition by Hamilton Mabie and Charles d. Interference in involute gears
Reinholtz e. Gear standardization
f. Minimum number of teeth to avoid
REFERENCES interference
Design of Machinery, Third Edition by Robert g. Determination of backlash
L. Norton
Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of V. Other types of gears
Machinery, Second Edition by Kenneth J. a. Bevel gears
Waldron and Gary L. Kinzel b. Helical gears
c. Worm gearing
VI. Gear trains
I. Introduction to mechanisms a. Calculation of train values
a. Categories of mechanisms b. Analysis of planetary gear trains
b. Types of motion i. Formula method
c. Pairing elements ii. Tabulation method
d. Links, Chains, and Inversion c. Assembly of planetary gear trains
e. Transmission of motion
f. Mobility VII. Synthesis of mechanisms
a. Classification of kinematic synthesis
II. Linkages problems
a. Transmission angle b. Spacing of accuracy points for function
b. Grashoff’s Law generation
c. Position analysis of the four-bar c. Graphical design for function
linkage generation, path generators and body
i. Graphical method guidance
ii. Cosine law d. Cognates
iii. Vector loop closure equations
d. Variants and functions of different

III. Cams
a. Types of cams and followers
b. Graphical synthesis
i. Disc cam with radial flat-faced
ii. Disc cam with radial roller follower
iii. Disc cam with oscillating flat-faced
iv. Disc cam with oscillating roller
c. Cam displacement curves
d. Analytical synthesis
i. Disc cam with radial roller follower
ii. Disc cam with oscillating flat-faced

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