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Projector of The Sharpest Beam of Electric Waves

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No. 2.

] 49

18. Projector of the Sharpest Beam of Electric Waves.

By Hidetsugu YAGI and Shintaro UDA.

Institute of Electrical Engineering, Tohoku Imperial University, sendai.

(Rec. Jan. 9, 1926. Comm. by Hautaro NAGAOKA, M.I.A., Jan. 12, 1926. )

Suppose that a vertical antenna is sending out electro magnetic

wave in all directions around it. If a straight metallic rod of finite
length be vertically erected within the field of its propagation, then the
behavior of this metal rod will be as follows :-
When the length of this rod is equal to or slightly longer than a

half wave length, the current induced in it will be in phase with or

lagging behind the E.M.F. caused by the electric wave, and the rod will

act as a•gWave reflector.•h

If, on the other hand, the length be made somewhat less than
a half wave length, the current induced in it will be leading before the
E. M. F., and the rod will act as a" Wave director".
A single wave reflector placed behind a radiating antenna is sufficient
to cause directive radiation of radio wave. It is especially efficient when
placed a quarter wave length behind the radiating antenna. Again a
wave director placed in front of and more than a quarter wave length
distant from the radiating antenna is also effective in producing a
directive radio wave.
When several wave director rods are arranged along a line with

intervals equal to or more than a quarter wave length, the wave energy

will be projected chiefly along this line, and the series of these wave

,directors forms what the authors will call a•g Wave duct" or a" Wave


According to the authors' experience, a parabolic reflector is not

necessary for producing a beam of radio wave. The simplest and
comparatively effective reflector may be formed as stated below.
A wave reflector rod is placed a quarter wave behind the antenna and
two more wave reflectors, one being on the left and the other on the
right side of it, are placed a half wave distant from the antenna. (Fig.

1.) These three rods form a tri-antennary reflecting system which will

hereafter be called a fundamental•gTrigonal reflector".

50 H. YAW and S. UDA. [Vol. 2,

Two more reflector rods C C are shown

Fig. 1.
in Fig. 1. These are not as efficient as a
reflector as A andB's, but their existence
enables closer screening of waves in the
backward direction, and when this reflector
system is employed in a receiving station,
they are specially effective to eliminate
external disturbances from behind.
Combined with these screening rods,
the trigonal reflector is now formed of five
rods. The positionof the screening rods
are nearly midway between A nd B, and a
slight variation of their position is practic-
ally ineffectual.
When the trigonal reflector is employ-
ed in a receiving station, it may better be
called a " Trigonal collector ".
Now the projection of the sharpest
Wave length ă=400 es. beam ever produced of electric waves can
0......Sending or receiving antenna
A...... Side reflectors
be effected by the combination of a trigonal
Back reflector
reflector and a wave duct. This combina-
D......Wave directors tion will thus be called a " Waveprojector."
......Brass rod,
•• 220 cms. long
...... Brass rod, 180 cms. long
•œ It is also very advantageous to employ a
wave duct and a trigonal collector
at receiving stations.
The directivity can be im-
proved by increasing the number
of wave director rods contained
in the wave duct . As an extreme
case, when the sending and the
receiving stations are connected
with a line of wave canal
, the
transmission of wave energy can
be the most efficaciously accom -
Some typical results of obser -
vation with short electric wave
are given below . Fig. 1. shows
Tri,,onal reflector with 5 rods.
Wave length=440 enms. the plan view of the arrangement
Length of reflector rod=220 cms . of conductors for the wave length
No. 2.] Projector of the Sharpest Beam of Electric Waves. 51

Fig. 3.

Wave projector.

Wave length =4(k) cms.

••5 rods, 220 ems. long

•œ19 rods, 180 en-As, long

Fig. 4.

Wave projector.

Wave length=400 enis.

••5 rods, 220 ems. long

•œ 24 rods, 180 ems. long

52 H. YAGI and S. UDA. [Vol. 2,

of 4.4 metres.
In Fig. 2. is shown the directive effect of a trigonal reflector with
five rods. No wave director is here employed, and the intensity is
measured with a receiving system comprising a crystal detector and a
galvanometer. It has been very carefully ascertained that this crystal
system gives tde most consistent results throughout the long time of
In Figs. 2. 3. and 4., the radius vector of the polar diagram gives
the measure of intensity in thereceiving system placed in that direction,
the distance from the sending station being kept constauit.
Now if the wave duct or wave canal is provided, the directivity
becomes remarkably augmented. In the case of Fig. 3., 19 rods of
180 crass. length (a half wave being equal to 220 cms.) were arranged
along a line with interval of 150 cms. (a quarter wave being equal to
110 ems.). In the case of Fig. 4., 25 rods of 180cros. length were set up
with interval of 150 cms. The length of allthe reflector rods was made
equal to the half wave length, i.e. 200 en-is.
The field measurements were made under the same conditions , and
the short wave generator was also kept at exactly the same condition for
-all the observations of Fig . 2., Fig. 3. and Fig. 4.
It is easy to explain how the radiation in the side direction becomes
minimum, and the polar diagrams prove the realization of the sharpest
beam ever produced of electric waves .
Many observations of various cases
have been made in the Tohoku
Imperial University , Sendai, and further details will in time be publi-
shed in the Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of J

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