The Lorentz Force and Energy-Momentum For Off-Shell Electromagnetism

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TAUP 1824-90

The Lorentz Force and Energy-Momentum for

Off-Shell Electromagnetism
arXiv:1604.06745v1 [physics.gen-ph] 20 Apr 2016

M.C. Land1 and L.P. Horwitz2

School of Physics and Astronomy
Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel
email: 1, 2

The kinematics of pre-Maxwell electrodynamics is examined and interpreta-
tions of these fields is found through an examination of the associated Lorentz
force and the structure of the energy-momentum tensor.

Key words: relativistic quantum theory, off-shell gauge fields, pre-Maxwell fields,
higher dimensional gauge fields.

In the framework of a covariant relativistic quantum theory [1][2], in which the evolu-
tion of the system is parametrized by a universal O(3,1) invariant world (or historical)
time τ, Saad, Horwitz and Arshansky [3] have shown that the requirement of local
gauge invariance leads to five compensation fields. These fields, which have been
called pre-Maxwell fields, are defined on a five dimensional manifold with coordi-
nates ( x µ , τ ), and the gauge symmetry of the equations of motion is associated with a
five component conserved current consisting of an O(3,1) four-vector current, jµ , and a
scalar density (in R4 ), ρ. The field equations, obtained from a Lagrangian constructed
from gauge invariant field strengths, have a five dimensional symmetry which could
be O(3,2) or O(4,1). The propagators for these field equations, classified according to
their spacetime asymptotic properties, have been worked out in ref. [4].

In this letter we shall examine the kinematics of the pre-Maxwell electrodynamics and
find interpretations of the new fields through an examination of the Lorentz force and
the structure of the energy-momentum tensor of the field.

The evolution equation [1] (we use the metric − + ++ for the O(3,1) indices)

∂ pµ pµ
i ψτ = ψτ (1)
∂τ 2M
may be made locally gauge invariant under the transformations (we shall use x ≡ x µ )

ψ → eie0 Λ( x,τ ) ψ (2)

through the introduction of compensation fields aα = ( aµ , a5 ) which transform as

(∂α = ∂/∂x α , dx5 = dτ )

aα ( x, τ ) → aα ( x, τ ) + ∂α Λ( x, τ ) (3)

The gauge invariant evolution equation then becomes

∂ 1
i ψτ ( x, τ ) = [ ( pµ − e0 aµ )( pµ − e0 aµ ) − e0 a5 ]ψτ ( x ). (4)
∂τ 2M
It follows from this equation (as for the case of τ-independent Maxwell fields treated
by Stueckelberg [1]) that
∂µ jµ + ∂τ ρ = 0 (5)

∂α jα = 0 (6)

jτ5 = ρ = |ψτ ( x )|2

[ψ∗ (∂µ − ie0 aµ )ψτ − ψτ (∂µ + ie0 aµ )ψτ∗ ]
jτ = − (7)
2M τ

We shall, in the following, consider the right hand side of (4) as providing the form
of the classical relativistic generator of τ-evolution, i.e., the Hamiltonian K for the
classical mechanics of events in spacetime. The canonical Hamilton equations

dx µ ∂K p µ − e0 a µ
= =
dτ ∂pµ M

enable us to write the Lagrangian (we shall write four vector products as e.g., p2 ≡
pµ pµ , x · p ≡ x µ pµ )
L= ·p−K

M dx 2 dx α
L=( ) + e0 ( a α ), (8)
2 dτ dτ
where we have used the fact that dx4 /dτ = 1. To provide the pre- Maxwell fields with
dynamical structure, we introduce a kinetic term for the field to the Lagrangian. The
total action is then
M dx 2 dx α λ
S= dτ ( ) + e0 a α − dτd4 x 0 f αβ ( x 0 , τ ) f αβ ( x 0 , τ ), (9)
2 dτ dτ 4
f αβ = ∂α a β − ∂ β aα (10)

To raise and lower the fifth index α = 5, we use a formal metric signature that we shall
call σ = ± (to be specified later), i.e., our five dimensional signature is of the form
(−, +, +, +, σ). The first, O(3,1) invariant, term of the Lagrangian, associated with the
matter equations, breaks the O(3,2) or O(4,1) symmetry corresponding to this metric.

The variation of this action with respect to the path x (τ ) leads to the equation of mo-
d2 x µ µα dxα µν dxν
M = e 0 f = e 0 ( f − σ f 5µ ), (11)
dτ 2 dτ dτ
the Lorentz force associated with the pre-Maxwell fields.

As for the usual Maxwell analog, we calculate the derivative of the kinetic term for the
event motion:
d 1 dx dx d2 x dxµ
[ M( )2 ] = M( ) · ( 2 ) = −σe0 f 5µ , (12)
dτ 2 dτ dτ dτ dτ
where we have used (11) and the antisymmetry of f µν . Hence we see with the help of
(12) that one obtains the concise form
d α dx β
M ( p − e0 aα ) = e0 f αβ (13)
dτ dτ
for a formal “five vector” pα = ( pµ , Kkin ), where Kkin is the kinetic part of K. This result
is in the form of a generalized Lorentz force which is formally covariant over a larger
group with the signature (−, +, +, +, σ), i.e., O(3,2) or O(4,1). We note that the Lorentz
force is proportional to e0 , not the dimensionless Maxwell charge e (the field strengths
f αβ have dimension L4

We remark that the integral of (12) over τ results in

Z ∞
1 dxµ
(m2 (∞) − m2 (−∞)) = σe0 dτ f 5µ ( ). (14)
2M −∞ dτ

where m2 ( x ) = −( p − e0 a)2 . The four-vector f 5µ is seen here to generate changes in
the Lorentz invariant mass squared. Asymptotic conservation of mass would imply a
systematic cancellation on the right hand side side, for example, through oscillations
in dx µ /dτ or for f 5µ spacelike at x µ (τ ) for each τ. The mass squared may, however,
undergo local dynamically induced variations even if it is asymptotically conserved.

The phenomenon of (classical) pair annihilation or production [1] requires such a mass
change; since K = −( M/2)(ds2 /dτ 2 ) − e0 a5 , a change in sign of ds2 = dt2 − dx2 may
occur when compensated by a5 . In the Maxwell analog of the extension of (11) to (13),
the derivative of the usual kinetic energy is proportional to F0j v j (= E · v), where v j =
dx j /dt, and F µν is the Maxwell field, and vanishes when v does. Both for relativistic
and nonrelativistic kinematics, vanishing of the kinetic energy implies that v = 0, and
hence no further decrease (to negative values, corresponding to a turning back of the
trajectory) is possible. In Eq. (12), it is clear that vanishing of the mass (squared), i.e.,
dx 2
( dτ ) , does not imply that dx µ /dτ vanishes. Hence, it is possible for the motion to
pass through the light cone, resulting in possible pair annihilation. Stueckelberg [5]
found that although classical pair creation and annihilation can, in principle, occur in
the framework of the manifestly covariant theory, such processes are not induced by
standard Maxwell fields (the sign of the invariant interval is conserved). We see, in the
analysis of (11) and (12), that τ-dependence of the fields is essential (so that f 5µ is not
zero). We remark that, in the pre-Maxwell theory, moreover, if dx µ /dτ = 0, the α = 5
term contributes to d2 x µ /dτ 2 the quantity e0 f µ5 ; hence the sign of dx0 /dτ can change
under the influence of the f µ5 field. An example of this phenomenon is given in the
next section.

The variation of the action with respect to the fields aα ( x, τ ) leads to the field equations
d α
∂ β f αβ ( x, τ ) = (e0 /λ)( x (τ ))δ4 ( x − x (τ )) ≡ ejα ( x, τ ) (15)

where e ≡ e0 /λ. Integrating the α = µ components of this equation on (−∞, ∞) over
τ, with the condition that f µ5 vanishes pointwise at τ → ±∞, we recover the Maxwell
equation [3][4]
∂ν F µν ( x ) = eJ µ ( x ) (16)
It follows, as for the quantum case (5), from (this condition is necessary for the consis-
tency of (15) and the gauge invariance of the action) [1][2]
∂µ jµ ( x, τ ) + = ∂α jα ( x, τ ) = 0 (17)

where ρ = δ4 ( x − x (τ )), that
J (x) = dτjµ ( x, τ ) (18)

is conserved if the density ρ vanishes pointwise at τ → ±∞. This integration for J µ has
been called “concatenation” [6], and provides the link between the notion of an event
along a world line and the notion of a particle, whose support in spacetime is the whole
world line. We see from (16) that the Maxwell potential is given by the concatenation
of the pre-Maxwell field Z
A (x) = dτaµ ( x, τ ) (19)

and that the constants e0 and λ have the dimension of length. Their ratio is identified
by (16) as the dimensionless electric charge. The representation of f αβ as the antisym-
metric derivative of a five- field is equivalent to the homogeneous equation

∂α eαβγδσ f δσ = 0, (20)

analogous to the homogeneous Maxwell equations.

We now examine the noncovariant form of the field equations [3]. Let us define the
ei = f 0i hi = e f jk , (21)
2 ijk
and the four-vector eµ defined by

ei = f 5i e0 = f 50 . (22)

The pre-Maxwell equations then become

∇ · e = ej0 + ∂τ e0 ∇ × e + ∂0 h = 0

∇ × h − ∂0 e − ∂τ e = ej ∇·h = 0

∇ · e = ej5 − ∂0 e0 ∇ × e − σ∂τ h = 0

∇e0 = −σ∂τ e − ∂0 e (23)

In the static limit, for which there is no τ-dependence in the fields, this system of
equations reduces to Maxwell’s form for the fields e and h; the conditions on e become

∇×e = 0

∇ e0 + ∂0 e = 0

∂µ eµ = ej5 , (24)

where the last of (24) is generally valid. From the first of (24), it follows that there
exists a function φ( x ) such that
e = −∇φ, (25)

and from the second that ∇(e0 + ∂0 φ) = 0. We therefore may take (up to a constant in
e0 )
eµ = −∂µ φ. (26)

The third of (24) then implies that

−∂µ ∂µ φ = ej5 = eρ. (27)

The field eµ is therefore defined by a scalar potential in the static case; the potential is a
Klein-Gordon type massless field whose source is the (static; e.g., δ4 ( x )) event density.
It is decoupled from the Maxwell type fields. The field equations, as for the Maxwell
theory, imply the existence of the vector potential aµ , for which (10) is valid [3]. Since

−∂µ φ = eµ = f 5µ = −∂µ a5 , (28)

in the static case, we see that (26) is equivalent to (28) when φ is identified with a5 ,
the additive potential term in the generator of evolution K. As in the nonrelativistic
case, we find that the scalar (in this case Lorentz scalar) component of the gauge field
plays the role of a potential in the static limit. Note that a0 does not change sign under
charge conjugation, but the a5 field does.

We now study the noncovariant form of the Lorentz force. The space components of
(11) have the form
M ẍ = e0 [e ẋ0 + ẋ × h − σe] (29)
where ẋ µ = dx µ /dτ. Since ẋ0 = (m/M ) √ = (m/M)γ (for |v| = |dx/dt| < 1), we
1− v2
may write this equation in the form
mγv = e0 (e + v × h − σe( M/mγ)) (30)
This equation has the form of the usual Lorentz force, with the additional contribution
of the e field, which becomes less significant as γ becomes large. Since the left hand
side of (30) has a classical interpretation in terms of motion along the world line, we
see that e0 (e − σMe/mγ) is an effective “electric” force. The 0th component of (11),

M ẍ0 = e0 (e · ẋ − σe0 ), (31)

can be written as
(γm) = e0 (e · v − σMe0 /mγ); (32)
it represents the work performed on the charge by the field, and is associated with a
change in the “energy”. The noncovariant form for the 5 component of (12) is

d m2
= σe0 (e · v − e0 ); (33)
dt 2M
where we have replaced (dx/dτ )2 by −(m2 /M2 ). We remark that the magnetic field
h does not contribute to the change in γm or the kinetic term (m2 /2M ). Combining
(32) and (33) to eliminate the e0 term, one obtains
d 1 dm σM
(γm) − = e0 [ e − e] · v, (34)
dt γ dt γm
the linear combination of e and e which, as pointed out above, corresponds to an
effective “electric” force. Taking the scalar product of (30) with v, the term v × h drops
out, and we find that d/dt(γm) − γ1 dm/dt = v · d/dt(mγv); the term proportional
to dm/dt cancels in this expression, which then reduces to an identity. This relation
reflects the fact that eq. (33) is not independent of (30) and (32). We also note that in
the case dm/dt = 0, it follows from (33) that e0 = e · v; (32) then coincides with (34).

Let us consider an example in which the world line changes the direction of its evolu-
tion in t due to the presence of the force −σe0 e0 . The event enters a region at τ=0 in
which f µν = f 5i = 0, and e0 = σ|e0 | , with e0 constant, (31) becomes

M ẍ0 = e0 |e0 |, (35)

and hence, the dt/dτ changes sign when τ becomes sufficiently large. Note that this
effect is independent of velocity. Stueckelberg [5] found, in his study, that it was nec-
essary to add another, ad hoc, vector field in order to achieve pair creation. In fact, the
structure of the Maxwell interaction assures that the square of the proper time, as we
have pointed out above, is conserved; as seen from (12), f 5µ provides the possibility of
a reversal in the direction of the world line.

As an another example of how the Lorentz force for the pre-Maxwell case differs from
that for the Maxwell case, consider motion in a constant electric field along the z-axis.
The Lorentz force for the Maxwell fields has the form
d2 µ dxν
m 2
x = eF µν (36)
ds ds

which in the case E = Eẑ becomes
d ṫ 0 E ṫ
m =e (37)
ds ż E 0 ż

Taking boundary conditions, ż(0) = ds = 0 ; ṫ(0) = 1 ; t(0) = 0, this first order
differential equation has the solution
m eE m eE
t(s) = sinh s z(s) = (cosh s − 1) + z(0) (38)
eE m eE m
which can be rewritten as
z(t) = z(0) + ( 1 + (eEt/m)2 − 1) (39)

where we have used dt/ds = 1/ 1 − (dz/dt)2 and cosh[sinh−1 ( x )] = 1 + x2 .

The pre-Maxwell equivalent of such a constant (in space-time) electric field is given by
e = e(τ )ẑ, where dτe(τ ) = E. However, from the last of eqs. (23), it is evident that
a τ-dependent e must be accompanied by a space-time-dependent e field. We may
control this complication by deriving the pre- Maxwell field from
− Et T
T , i f | τ |< 2 ;
a3 ( x, τ ) = (40)
0, otherwise.

so that (
T ẑ, i f | τ |< T2 ;
e= (41)
0, otherwise.
dτe = Eẑ (42)
and the e field vanishes within the range | τ |< 2. Now, since f 5µ is zero (within
the range of interest), we have from eqn. (12) that ds/dτ = m/M =constant. The
equations of motion can be reduced from
d dt/dτ 0 E/T cdt/dτ
M = e0 , (43)
dτ dz/dτ E/T 0 dz/dτ

which is      
ds d ds dt/ds 0 E/T ds dt/ds
M = e0 ,
dτ ds dτ dz/ds E/T 0 dτ dz/ds
d dt/ds 0 E dt/ds
m = e0 /T . (44)
ds dz/ds E 0 dz/ds

We therefore find that within the range | τ |< T2 , the equations of motion are the same
as for the Maxwell case, with the replacement e → e0 /T, which we observe has the
correct dimensionless form.

We now solve the full equations of motion. With the form of the a3 field as given
above, the e field is given as
Et T T
e3 = f 53 = ∂5 a3 = −∂τ [− (θ (τ + ) − θ (τ − ))] (45)
T 2 2
so that
Et T T
e= [δ(τ + ) − δ(τ − )]ẑ. (46)
T 2 2
We take as initial conditions ż(−∞) = 0 and ṫ(−∞) = m0 /M. The complete equations
of motion now become
d dt/dτ 0 E/T dt/dτ T T
M = e0 [θ (τ + ) − θ (τ − )]
dτ dz/dτ E/T 0 dz/dτ 2 2
e0 Et(τ ) 0
+ . (47)
T δ(τ + T2 ) − δ(τ − T2 )
The event will evolve freely for τ < − T/2, and then encounter e which gives ż a
jump to e0 Et(− T/2)/MT = −m0 e0 E/2M2 and leaves ṫ unchanged. Since ẋ2 has now
changed, the event transfers mass to the e field, and its new mass is
T e0 E 2
m(− ) = − M2 ( ẋ2 ) = m0 1 − ( ) , (48)
2 2M
for e0 E < 2M. Note that if e0 E > 2M, then the motion of the event becomes spacelike
(tachyonic), and the squared mass becomes negative. At τ = − T2 , we find the event
+ T−
at t = −m0 T/2M, ṫ = m0 /M, ż = −m0 e0 E/2M2 . From τ = − T2 to τ = 2 , the event
will evolve in the e field, according to
! !
e0 E e0 E
(τ + T2 ) sinh MT (τ + T2 ) ṫ(− T2 )
ṫ(τ ) cosh MT
= e0 E e0 E + . (49)
ż(τ ) sinh MT (τ + T2 ) cosh MT (τ + T2 ) ż(− T2 )

Then at τ = 2 , the event will reach

sinh(e0 E/M) cosh(e0 E/M)

t( T/2) = m0 T [ − ]
e0 E 2M
cosh(e0 E/M) sinh(e0 E/M)
z( T/2) = z(−∞) + m0 T [ − ] (50)
e0 E 2M
At τ = T/2, the event will again encounter the e field, where ṫ will be unchanged,
while ż will jump by

T+ T− sinh(e0 E/M) cosh(e0 E/M )

ż( ) − ż( ) = −e0 Et( T/2)/MT = −m0 e0 E/M[ − ],
2 2 e0 E 2M
which returns ż to zero. Then for τ > T/2, the event will evolve freely, with ż = 0, and
m0 e E e E e E
ṫ = [cosh( 0 ) − ( 0 )sinh( 0 )] (52)
M M M 2M
which for large e0 E/2M becomes,
m0 e E e0 E
ṫ = [1 − 0 ] e ( M ) (53)
2M 2M
and we see that the condition for pair creation is e0 E > 2M, which is the condition that
the evolution be spacelike when | τ |< T2 .

The example we have given above illustrates the striking differences that may exist
between the effects of the pre-Maxwell Lorentz forces and what would be expected
from the Lorentz forces associated with the corresponding (through integration over
τ) Maxwell field. If, on the other hand, one considers an example with adiabatic de-
pendence of the pre-Maxwell field, the term f 35 can be made very small. In this case,
the pre-Maxwell Lorentz forces result in a motion close to what would be predicted
from the Maxwell Lorentz forces (as discussed in connection with Eq. (44)). This type
of example can be constructed by taking for a3 a Gaussian function of T2
, with T taken
sufficiently large.

To study the plane wave solutions for the source free case, we take the Fourier trans-
form of equations (23), resulting in

k · e = σκe0 k·h = 0

k × e − k0 h = 0 k × h + k0 e = σκe (54)

k × e − κh = 0 k · e − k 0 e0 = 0

−κe + k0 e = ke0 , (55)

where we have used the fact that σ2 = 1 and defined the transform by
f ( x, τ ) = d4 kdκei(k· x+σκτ ) f (k, κ ). (56)

We remark that integration of (56) over τ (or, through the Riemann- Lebesgue lemma,
in the limit τ → ∞; the static limit referred to above corresponds to taking κ = 0)
selects the κ = 0 component; in this case, eqs.(54) reduce to the usual Maxwell form
(for which e, as well as h, is perpendicular to k; they are orthogonal to each other
and e2 = h2 ). Eqs. (54) and (55) decouple and it follows that e becomes parallel to
k, k0 = |k| and e0 = |e|. In fact, in this case, the two null vectors are parallel, i.e.,
eµ = (e0 /k0 )kµ . With this “natural” limit in mind, we decompose

e = e⊥ + ek e = e⊥ + ek (57)

and, in terms of the field components e⊥ and ek , which we take to be independent,

one finds from eqs. (54) and (55) that
κ 1
e = e⊥ + σ ( )e h= k × e⊥
k0 k k0
κ 1
e = ek + ( )e e0 = k · ek
k0 ⊥ k0
k2 − (k0 )2 + σκ 2 = 0. (58)

As in the Maxwell case, the premagnetic field h is normal to the propagation vector k;
the two pre-electric fields e, e, are in a plane normal to h, but need not be normal to k.
In the Maxwell limit, as discussed above, κ → 0, e → e⊥ , k2 − (k0 )2 → 0.

The energy-momentum tensor tensor T αβ , which is conserved in the absense of sources,

is given [3] by,
1 β
T αβ = λ(− gαβ f γδ f γδ + f αγ f γ ). (59)
In terms of the non-covariant fields, we evaluate the following components of T αβ for
the plane wave solutions:

λ 2
T 00 = [e + h2 + σ(e2 + (e0 )2 )]
T 0i = λ[e × h + σe0 ei ]
T 55 = [ σ ( e2 − h2 ) + e2 − ( e0 )2 ]

T 5i = λ[e0 e + e × h]i

T 50 = λ(e · e). (60)

We recall that T 00 and Pi = T 0i are the usual energy density and Poynting vector
(three-momentum) of the fields. Moreover, the O(3,1) invariant T 55 represents the
mass density of the fields, while the Poynting four-vector Sµ = T 5µ is associated with
the motion of mass density into time and space directions. When we evaluate these
components for the plane wave solutions, we obtain the following expressions:

T 00 = λ[e2⊥ + σe2k ]

P = T 00 k/k0

T 55 = T 00 (κ/k0 )2

S = T 00 (k/k0 )(κ/k0 )

S0 = T 00 κ/k0 (61)

These expressions demonstrate that the two Poynting vectors, P and S are parallel to
the propagation vector k. Moreover,

( T 00 , P) = ( T 00 /k0 )(k0 , k)

(S0 , S) = ( T 00 , P)(κ/k0 ) (62)

Therefore, both T 0µ and T 5µ are in the direction of the four-momentum kµ . Note that
the O(3,1) invariant eµ eµ has the form eµ eµ = T 55 /λ. The factor κ/k0 , which ap-
pears in (58), (61), and (62), is essentially the phase velocity in the time direction of the
plane wave, that is ∆t/∆τ. The relationships (61) among the components of T αβ are
also of a kinematical nature, and may be obtained from the conservation of energy-
momentum, the proportionality of T αµ to kµ , and the five dimensional mass-shell con-
dition gαβ T 5α T 5β = 0. These relationships are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The fields e, h, and e with the Poynting vector P.

In [3], it is shown that in the presence of sources, the energy-momentum tensor satis-
−∂ β T αβ ( x, τ ) = e0 f αβ jβ ( x, τ ) (63)

If we take for jβ , the single-particle current defined in (15),

jβ ( x, τ ) = ṙ β (τ )δ4 ( x − r (τ )) (64)

then we may integrate (63),

d4 x [∂ β T αβ ( x, τ ) + e0 f αβ jβ ( x, τ )] = 0

and, with appropriate boundary conditions for T αβ , we obtain,

[ d4 xT 5α ( x, τ )] + e0 f αβ (r, τ )ṙ β (τ ) = 0. (65)

We recognize the second term in (65) as the covariant form of the Lorentz force, and
we may use (13) to rewrite (65) as

{ d4 xT 5α ( x, τ ) + M[ pα (τ ) − e0 aα (r (τ ), τ )]} = 0, (66)

which expresses the conservation of the total energy-momentum-mass of the particle
and fields.


1. E.C.G. Stueckelberg, Helv. Phys. Acta 14, 322 (1941); 14, 588 (1941).

2. L.P. Horwitz and C. Piron, Helv. Phys. Acta 48, 316 (1973).

3. D. Saad, L.P. Horwitz and R.I. Arshansky, Found. of Phys. 19, 1125 (1989). See
also, L. Hostler, Jour. Math. Phys. 21,2461 (1979); 22, 2307 (1980), and R. Kubo,
Nuovo Cimento 85A, 4(1984).

4. M.C. Land and L.P. Horwitz, Found. of Phys. , to appear (1990).

5. E.C.G. Stueckelberg, Helv. Phys. Acta 15, 23 (1942).

6. R.I. Arshansky, L.P. Horwitz and Y. Lavie, Found. of Phys. 13, 1167 (1983).


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