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¶cotton low. july 6, 2000.
I couldnt figure the geocentric ratio, so i
figured the helio, the C.O.E. for helio, square root, 13.61, the M.O.F. square root is 13.99. the low he talked about was 54.10, i think, the square root would be 7.35. now 7.35 divided by 13.99 gives you the number .540, there is your low right there, WOW. now, the root 7.35 divided by the mean of five ratio 13.99 gives you .525, reciprocal is 1.904, that is the square root of 3.618. more sacred geometry for sure. now this is interesting, gann would say watch the natural squares of numbers as they stop markets in price and time. the average of the planets for mean of five is 195.8 (sq of 13.99) one tick off the natural square of fourteen, just more to think about. I forgot to write this, your time angle was 202.5 root 14.23, divide your time root by the cycle of five root by the space of 149 cents and you get the number .006773287, reciprocal gives up one hundred and forty eight, one tick off your space vibration. For every 24 cents move in grains, it is a cycle of 360 degrees, one cent 15, two cents, 30 3 would be forty five degrees, and so on. REmember the time angles are resistance to price. Example: may beans again, laughing here again, space 92.5 cents time fifteen degrees gives up 1387.5 degress in longtitude, on the chart that falls between the angle 270 and 285 degrees. Now the high was 726 and that stopped at 180 degrees opposite the time angle, just a hair under it, which showed the resistance. Now the hours up to that high was 199 hours, and that number falls exactly at the high of 726. Which stopped the market cold. and dropped it fast. To quote the old master. "prices are governed by time and time causes prices to change and the time angles are the resistance to price. these are measured in hours of longtitude which are basic geometric angles and determine the changes in trend". what is really happening with this chart is. Time is either ahead of price or price ahead of time, the angle 45 degrees divides the square evenly. for instance when you see a stock chart and you have the zero angle drawn up into the future, the price might be lolligaging way under the top of the square, and time is running out, then all the sudden the price surges to that angle squaring the price that zero angle was drawn from. the price had to do that, because it needed to square itself with the time period. in that case time was ahead of price. PRICES ARE GOVERNED BY TIME AND TIME CAUSES PRICES TO CHANGE AND THE TIME ANGLES ARE THE RESISTANCE TO PRICE. THESE ARE MEASURED IN HOURS OF LONGTITUDE WHICH ARE BASIC GEOMETRIC ANGLES AND DETERMINE CHANGES IN TREND. BY CHECKING OVER PAST RECORDS YOU SEE HOW ACCURATE THIS WORKS OUT. WELL THEN, LETS JUST DO JUST THAT. EXAMPLE: old may wheat chart, has a high of 714 to low of 577, heres some sacred geo for you, the root of 3 is 1.73 the reciprocal is .577. anyway, the market went down 146 hours to the low. Hmmm. ganns 144 number again, get tired of that number. that number is on the fifteen degree angle of the 360 degree circle chart, the low 577 is just under that on the zero or 360 angle. It only gets more weird. the space distance of 137 cents is 135 degress from the time angle of 146.25 which matches our space distance. heres more. Example: may wheat, old chart pulled out of my closet. anyway low of 613, hmmm, sacred ratio again, to high 806 one half of a growth spiral, double hmmmmmmm. anyway, the time to that high was 169 days, the natural square of thirteen, gann did say the markets stop cold on those numbers. now the hours elapsed was 633.75, lets go to our circle chart again, the space was 193 check that on the zero angle then check your 169 days, both falling on the zero angle was pure coincedence. the high of 806 was just barely under the 180 degree angle from our space and day angle. Now the hours 633.75 divided by the space 193 gives up 3.28, reciprocal is one half of .618, and the square of 14 is 196, three units off the distance of 193, now to the square of nine. from 193 the 45 degree angle crosses at 803, just off our high. the 169 days is on a zero angle from 805, and the hours of 633.75 is on a zero angle from 804, the market couldnt close above 796.¥