Kate Loftus - Unit Plan Design - Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
Kate Loftus - Unit Plan Design - Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
Kate Loftus - Unit Plan Design - Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
Unit Description:
The purpose of this unit is to allow students to explore the interactions between
the circulatory and respiratory systems, and their importance within the human body.
The driving question used for this unit will be "Is it more important for our hearts to beat
or for our lungs to breathe?" The ultimate goal will be for students to realize the
interdependence of these two functions, and their role in keeping humans alive and
healthy. Throughout the study of the human body, connections between all organ
systems will be made, since research shows that learning is more meaningful when
bridges are created between topics than in learning the concepts in isolation.
Goal: Understand the importance of the heart and lungs in the body.
Role: Each student is the CEO of the body, the brain. They will make the decision for
the final budget plan for the body.
Audience: The audience will be the body council, including representatives from all
organs of the body.
Situation: As the brain of the body, the student has the decision of allocating $1million
dollars between the heart and the lungs. Based on their importance in the body,
students must decide how much of the money each organ will receive. The money may
be completely designated to one organ, or may be divided in some way between the
Product: An address to the company in the form of a letter will be written by each
student to justify the decision. Also, a graphic organizer will be provided to show the
allocation of the budget between the heart and lungs.
The letter describes the evidence that was used to make the decision. The letter must
accurately address both organs and their functions within the body.
The letter is written using proper English, and is organized in a manner that is easy to
understand and has flow.
The organizer contains accurate information in a clear fashion.
The organizer is neatly arranged in a way that clearly shows the outcome of the budget
decision. It should contain a few sentences to summarize the final judgment.
The organizer should be created using a computer program, such as Word or Power
Point, should be neatly done, and words should be easy to see and read.
Preconceptions Assessment:
1. How does oxygen get to a cell in the body? How does it get into a cell?
2. Draw a picture of a cross-section, or the inside, of the heart.
3. Does blood go to the lungs? Why or why not?
4. Where is blood made?
5. Why is blood important?
6. Draw a flow chart to show all the stops a drop of blood makes on its travels.
Other Evidence:
Students will record evidence they learn in their “company” notebooks.
Students will submit writing samples periodically to show their knowledge of the topic.
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences, Instruction, and Resources
Present the rubrics for the Body Business Plan and the presentations for the groups that
will research topics for the driving question (see last pages). A class discussion will
provide ideas for concepts to investigate to determine the answer to the driving
question. Final groups should incorporate some of the ideas from the discussion, but
should ultimately consist of these: life-saving techniques, respiratory and circulatory
disorders, and keeping your heart and lungs healthy.
*Calf Heart Dissection: Teacher will dissect, and students will draw and label parts while
investigating the chambers and vessels.
* Vital Signs Experiment: Students will test lung capacity, carbon dioxide exhalation and
pulse and blood pressure to research the correlation between them. A lab report will be
written at the conclusion of the tests.
* Microscope Slides - Students will investigate what blood looks like by viewing
prepared slides under the microscope.
*I Am Joe’s Heart and Lung articles – Describe the functions of these organs from first
person of the organ. Students should identify key words in the articles.
* Blood typing simulation – determine which blood types can mix, and which cannot
* Review of Diffusion Labs – egg in various liquids – Students will review exemplar lab
report conclusions which described the process of diffusion on a cell. This will remind
students how materials transport in and out of the cell.
* Pump Your Blood song – reviews, generally, the path of blood through the body –
Singing this song every three days allows students to remember the path easily.
* Blood recipe – Using everyday items to represent the parts of blood and mix them
* Brain Pop videos on blood, lungs, and heart – reviews functions of the circulatory and
respiratory systems
*Review of bone marrow – remind students where red blood cells are created
(previously discussed in bone chapter)
*Web pictures of lungs – healthy vs. unhealthy lungs, animation of lung irritants and
reaction by body
Students will choose three of the preconception assessment questions and create a 8 ½
x 11 inch sign informing others of the truthful answer to it. These posters will be
displayed in the hallway, and the most effective answers of each will be scanned and
attached to the teacher’s eBoard website. Students will also take a traditional
assessment to practice responding to the facts in the enduring understandings as well
as the “What students will need to know” statements. This assessment will help
students to prepare for the cumulative multiple-choice final exam at the end of the year.
Rubric for Lab Reports
1 point Title – must be appropriate, creativity is encouraged!
13 points Conclusion
4 points for stating what happened (relates to the
5 points for explaining whether or not the hypothesis
was supported and what led you to decide that it was or was not
4 points for stating what was learned, or describing patterns, or
comparing to others’ results – try to include all of these
Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, seem at all prepared
obviously rehearsed. have needed a but it is clear that to present. (0 points)
(3 points) couple more rehearsal was
rehearsals. (2 points) lacking. (1 point)
Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or
Contact looks relaxed and and establishes eye straight and does not look at
confident. Establishes contact with establishes eye people during the
eye contact with everyone in the room contact. (1 point) presentation. (0
everyone in the room during the points)
during the presentation. (2
presentation. (3 points)
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too soft
enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard to be heard by all
by all audience by all audience by all audience audience members.
members throughout members at least members at least (0 points)
the presentation. (3 90% of the time. (2 80% of the time. (1
points) points) point)
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most ( 94- can not be
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood OR
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no mispronounces more
words. (3 points) word. (2 points) more than one word. than one word. (0
(1 point) points)
Information Page - Student uses several Student uses 1 prop Student uses 1 prop The student uses no
submitted prior to pieces of information that shows which makes the props OR the props
presentation, and (graphs, bullets, considerable presentation better. chosen do not
placed in a packet pictures) that show work/creativity and (2 points) contribute
with other groups' considerable which make the educationally to the
information work/creativity and presentation better. presentation. (0
which make the (3 points) points)
presentation better. (4
Evidence Every claim is Most claims are Few claims are All claims are
supported by factual supported by factual supported by factual unsupported by
evidence. (5 points) evidence. (3-4 points) evidence. (1-2 points) factual evidence. (0
Length The letter is 15 or The letter is 12-14 The letter is 9-11 The letter is less than
more sentences. (3 sentences. (2 points) sentences. (1 point) 8 sentences. (0
points) points)
Ideas Ideas were expressed Ideas were Ideas were The letter seemed to
in a clear and expressed in a pretty somewhat organized, be a collection of
organized fashion. It clear manner, but the but were not very unrelated sentences.
was easy to figure out organziation could clear. It took more It was very difficult to
the decision reached. have been better OR than one reading to figure out what
(3 points) the decision was not figure out the decision was
clearly stated. (2 decision reached. (1 reached. (0 points)
points) point)
Grammar & spelling Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
(conventions) errors in grammar or errors in grammar errors in grammar than 4 errors in
spelling. (4 points) and/or spelling. (2-3 and/or spelling (1 grammar and/or
points) point) spelling. (0 points)
Required Elements The poster includes All required elements All but 1 of the Several required
all required elements are included on the required elements elements were
as well as additional poster. (2 points) are included on the missing. (0 points)
information. (3 points) poster. (1 point)
Labels All items of Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too small
importance on the importance on the importance on the to view OR no
poster are clearly poster are clearly poster are clearly important items were
labeled and text is labeled and text is labeled and text is labeled. (0 points)
easy to read. (3 easy to read. (2 easy to read. (1
points) points) point)