Articles 147-176 - Persons Cases
Articles 147-176 - Persons Cases
Articles 147-176 - Persons Cases
While there is no question that both parties contributed
FACTS: in their joint account deposit, there is, however, no
Seventeen-year old Gina S. Rey was married, but sufficient proof of the exact amount of their respective
separated de facto from her husband, when she met and shares therein. Pursuant to Article 148 of the Family
cohabited with petitioner Jacinto Saguid In 1996, the Code, in the absence of proof of extent of the parties’
couple decided to separate and end up their 9-year respective contribution, their share shall be presumed to
cohabitation. private respondent filed a complaint for be equal.
Partition and Recovery of Personal Property with 5. ACRE VS. YUTTIKKI
Receivership against the petitioner. She prayed that she
be declared the sole owner of these personal properties FACTS:
and that the amount of P70,000.00, representing her
Sofronio Acre, Jr. Married Evangeline Yuttikki while his
contribution to the construction of their house, be
prior marriage with Beatriz Acre was still subsisting.
reimbursed to her.
Sofronio and Evangeline acquired properties where one
ISSUE: WON there are actual contributions from the parcel of land was registered in the name of Evangeline
parties Yuttikki, married to Sofronio Acre Jr. The other parcel of
land was registered in the name of Evangeline Yuttiki,
HELD: married to Sofronio Acre, and Nellie Y. Del Mar, married
it is not disputed that Gina and Jacinto were not to Jose del Mar. Sofronio died after more than 24 years
capacitated to marry each other because the former was of union with Evangeline.
validly married to another man at the time of her The Acres filed a complaint for reconveyance and
cohabitation with the latter. Their property regime recovery of properties and/or partition with damages.
therefore is governed by Article 148 of the Family Code, They alleged that Sofronio alone acquired the subject
which applies to bigamous marriages, adulterous properties with his fund.
relationships, relationships in a state of concubinage,
relationships where both man and woman are married to The trial court dismissed the complaint. The CA
other persons, and multiple alliances of the same married affirmed the decision of the trial court.
man. Under this regime, “…only the properties acquired
by both of the parties through their actual joint
contribution of money, property, or industry shall be Whether or not Evangeline is the owner of the contested
owned by them in common in proportion to their properties.
respective contributions …” Proof of actual contribution
is required.
Yes. Evangeline is the exclusive owner of the contested
Even if cohabitation commenced before family code,
article 148 applies because this provision was intended
precisely to fill up the hiatus in Article 144 of the Civil The property regime of Evangeline and Sofronio falls
Code. under the Article 148 of the Family Code, considering
that their marriage is bigamous. Under Art 148,
The fact that the controverted property was titled in the
properties acquired by the parties through their actual
name of the parties to an adulterous relationship is not
joint contribution shall be governed by the rules on co-
sufficient proof of co-ownership absent evidence of
ownership. If there is no contribution from either or both
actual contribution in the acquisition of the property.
of the spouses, there can be no co-ownership.
The Acres failed to present any evidence to establish that embarrassed her and her children; that the heirs of
Sofronio made an actual contribution in acquiring the Silvestre Gayon had to "employ the services of counsel
contested properties. Clearly, co-ownership does not for a fee of P500.00 and incurred expenses of at least
exist here. P200.00"; and that being a brother of the deceased
Silvestre Gayon, plaintiff "did not exert efforts for the
The certificate of title on its face show that the one
amicable settlement of the case" before filing his
property was exclusively owned by Evangeline, and the
complaint. She prayed, therefore, that the same be
other was co-owned by her with her sister. The rule is
dismissed and that plaintiff be sentenced to pay
well-settled that the words "married to" preceding
Sofronio Acre, Jr are merely descriptive of the civil
status of Evangeline.
FACTS: Whether or not the contention of the Mr.Gayon that an
earnest effort toward a compromise before the filing of
The records show that on July 31, 1967, Pedro
the suit is tenable.
Gayon filed said complaint against the spouses Silvestre
Gayon and Genoveva de Gayon, alleging substantially HELD:
that, on October 1, 1952, said spouses executed a deed
As regards plaintiff's failure to seek a
— copy of which was attached to the complaint, as
compromise, as an alleged obstacle to the present case,
Annex "A" — whereby they sold to Pedro Gelera, for
Art. 222 of our Civil Code provides:
the sum of P500.00, a parcel of unregistered land therein
described, and located in the barrio of Cabubugan, “No suit shall be filed or maintained between members
municipality of Guimbal, province of Iloilo, including of the same family unless it should appear that earnest
the improvements thereon, subject to redemption within efforts toward a compromise have been made, but that
five(5) years or not later than October 1, 1957; that said thesame have failed, subject to the limitations in article
right of redemption had not been exercised by Silvestre 2035.”
Gayon, Genoveva d eGayon, or any of their heirs or
successors, despite the expiration of the period therefor; It is noteworthy that the impediment arising
that said Pedro Gelera and his wife Estelita Damaso had, from this provision applies to suits "filed or maintained
by virtue of a deed of sale — copy of which was between members of the same family." This phrase,
attached to the complaint, as Annex "B" — dated March "members of the same family," should, however, be
21, 1961, sold theafore mentioned land to plaintiff Pedro construed in the light of Art. 217 of the same Code,
Gayon for the sum of P614.00;that plaintiff had, since pursuant to which:
1961, introduced thereon improvements worthP1,000; Family relations shall include those:
that he had, moreover, fully paid the taxes on said
property up to 1967; and that Articles 1606 and 1616 of (1) Between husband and wife;
our Civil Code require a judicial decree for the
(2) Between parent and child;
consolidation of the title in and to a land acquired
through a conditional sale, and, accordingly, praying that (3) Among other ascendants and their descendants;
an order be issued in plaintiff's favor for the
consolidation of ownership in and to the aforementioned (4) Among brothers and sisters.
property. Mrs. Gayon is plaintiff's sister-in-law, whereas
In her answer to the complaint, Mrs. Gayon her children are his nephews and/or nieces. Inasmuch as
alleged that her husband, Silvestre Gayon, died on none of them is included in the enumeration contained in
January 6, 1954, long before the institution of this case; said Art. 217 — which should be construed strictly, it
that Annex "A" to the complaint is fictitious, for the being an exception to the general rule — and Silvestre
signature thereon purporting to be her signature is not Gayon must necessarily be excluded as party in the case
hers; that neither she nor her deceased husband had ever at bar, it follows that the same does not come within the
executed "any document of whatever nature in plaintiff's purview of Art. 222, and plaintiff's failure to seek a
favor"; that the complaint is malicious and had
compromise before filing the complaint does not bar the by representing that the document was a sale of her land
same. in favor of all her children.
WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is hereby RTC ruled in favor of plaintiffs. However, the Court of
set aside and the case remanded to the lower court for Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court and
the inclusion, as defendant or defendants therein, of the dismissed the case on the basis of its finding that there
administrator or executor of the estate of Silvestre was no compliance with the mandatory requirements of
Gayon, if any, in lieu of the decedent, or, in the absence Art. 222 of the New Civil Code; hence, the instant
of such administrator or executor, of the heirs of the petition.
deceased Silvestre Gayon, and for further proceedings,
Issue: W/N the complaint was rightfully dismissed
not inconsistent with this decision, with the costs of this
instance against defendant-appellee, Genoveva de
Gayon. It is so ordered.
Petitioners contend that Atty. Esquivias is only a brother-
Julia Galpo de Domalaon was the owner of a piece of in-law of Jose and Elena Domalaon. Atty. Esquivias is
land with an area of 1,260 square meters and the two- not a member of the family of his wife and is outside the
storey house standing thereon. In 1950 she scope and coverage of the law requiring that the same
extrajudicially constituted this property into a family members of a family should exert efforts to bring about a
home. Alicia Domalaon-Esquivias, Elena G. Domalaon compromise before the commencement of a litigation.
and Jose G. Domalaon, among other children, were
named beneficiaries thereof. We agree with petitioners. Article 222 of the Civil Code
provides that no suit shall be filed or maintained
On March 11, 1974 a Deed of Absolute Sale was between members of the same family unless it should
executed by Julia Galpo de Domalaon in favor of her appear that earnest efforts towards a compromise have
son-in-law, Atty. Salvador Esquivias, husband of Alicia been made but the same have failed. The reason for the
Domalaon. law is that a lawsuit between family members generates
deeper bitterness than one between strangers. Hence, it is
On 30 March 1977 the family home was dissolved by
necessary that every effort should be made towards a
Julia Galpo de Domalaon with the conformity of all her
compromise before a litigation is allowed to breed hate
children. Afterwards, another deed of sale was executed
and passion in the family.
by her dated 12 April 1977 transferring to Jose G.
Domalaon the house and lot which once constituted the But this requirement in Art. 222 of the Civil Code
family home. applies only to suits between or among members of the
same family. The phrase "between members of the same
Prior to the sale of the property to him, or on 21 October
family" should be construed in the light of Art. 217 of
1976, Jose already filed two (2) applications for Free
the Civil Code under which "family relations" include
Patent in his name covering the entire property. When
only those (a) between husband and wife, (b) between
his first application was approved, a certificate of
parent and child, (c) among other ascendants and their
title was issued on 11 February 1981. His rights over the
descendants, and (d) among brothers and sisters.
other application covering the rest of the property were
relinquished by him in favor of his sister Elena. It turned As correctly pointed out by petitioners, Atty. Salvador S.
out later that Elena G. Domalaon also succeeded in her Esquivias is not included in the enumeration of who are
application for Free Patent and a certificate of title was members of the same family, as he is only a brother-in-
issued in her name on 18 March 1985. law of respondents Jose and Elena by virtue of his
marriage to their sister Alicia. His relationship with
Alleging that it was only in 1981 that she came to know
respondents is based on affinity and not on
that the document she signed in favor of Atty. Salvador
consanguinity. Consequently, insofar as he is concerned,
S. Esquivias in 1974 was actually a deed of sale, Julia
he is a stranger with respect to the family of his wife
Galpo de Domalaon filed a disbarment case against Atty.
and, as such, the mandatory requirement of "earnest
Esquivias. According to her, being a son-in-law and
effort toward a compromise" does not apply to him. In
lawyer of the Domalaons, Atty. Esquivias took
Magbaleta v. Gonong we ruled that "efforts to
advantage of her trust and confidence and poor eyesight
compromise" are not a jurisdictional prerequisite for the SBTC, together with Gray and Ortiz-Luis, filed their
maintenance of an action whenever a stranger to the respective petitions for review before this Court.
family is a party thereto, whether as necessary or
indispensable one. An alien to the family may not be
willing to suffer the inconvenience of, much less relish, 1.Whether or not Alice and Rosita are justified in
the delay and the complications that wranglings between encashing the subject check given the factual
and among relatives more often than not entail. Besides, circumstances established in the present case.
it is neither practical nor fair that the rights of a family
be made to depend on a stranger who just happens to 2.Whether or not the petitioners can hold respondent
have innocently acquired some interest in a property by liable for moral damages as effect of his complaint.
virtue of his affinity to the parties. Contrary to the ruling Ruling:
of the Court of Appeals, we find no reason to give Art.
222 a broader scope than its literal import. Petitioners' posture is not sanctioned by law. If they truly
believe that Arturo took advantage of and violated the
3. SANDEJAS VS. IGNACIO, JR. rights of Rosita, petitioners should have sought redress
Facts: from the courts and should not have simply taken the
law into their own hands. Our laws are replete with
Arturo drew up a check, UCPB Check No. GRH-560239 specific remedies designed to provide relief for the
and wrote on it the name of the payee, Dr. Manuel Borja, violation of one's rights. It is true that Article 151 of the
but left blank the date and amount. He signed the check. Family Code requires that earnest efforts towards a
The check was left with Arturo's sister-in-law, who was compromise be made before family members can
instructed to deliver or give it to Benjamin. The check institute suits against each other.
later came to the possession of Alice who felt that Arturo
cheated their sister Rosita in the amount of three million However, nothing in the law sanctions or allows the
pesos (P3,000,000.00). She believed that Arturo and commission of or resort to any extra-legal or illegal
Rosita had a joint and/or money market placement in the measure or remedy in order for family members to avoid
amount of P3 million with the UCPB branch at Ortigas the filing of suits against another family member for the
Ave., San Juan and that Ignacio preterminated the enforcement or protection of their respective rights. As
placement and ran away with it, which rightfully to Patricia's entitlement to damages, this Court has held
belonged to Rosita. She together with Rosita drew up a that while no proof of pecuniary loss is necessary in
scheme to recover the P3 million from Arturo. Alice got order that moral damages may be awarded, the amount
her driver, Kudera, to stand as the payee of the check, of indemnity being left to the discretion of the court, it is
Dr. Borja. nevertheless essential that the claimant should
satisfactorily show the existence of the factual basis of
Alice and Rosita came to SBC Greenhills damages and its causal connection to defendants acts.
Branch together with a man (Kudera) who[m] they
introduced as Dr. Borja to the then Assistant Cashier In the present case, both the RTC and the CA were not
Luis. They opened a Joint Savings Account. As initial convinced that Patricia is entitled to damages. In
deposit for the Joint Savings Account, Alice, Rosita and addition, and with respect to Benjamin, the Court agrees
Kudera deposited the check. Thereafter, they with the CA that in the absence of a wrongful act or
successfully widraw the amount. Arturo Ignacio, Jr. and omission, or of fraud or bad faith, moral damages cannot
Evelyn Ignacio (respondents) filed a verified complaint be awarded.
for recovery of a sum of money and damages. Judgment 4. LEE VS. CA
is rendered in favor of plaintiffs as against defendants
Security Bank and Trust Co., Rene Colin Gray, Sonia
Ortiz Luis, Alice A.I. Sandejas and Rosita A.I. Cusi. ARTICLES 153-154: FAMILY HOME
Under Article 175 of the Family Code, illegitimate
filiation may be established in the same way and on the 3. TIJING VS. CA
same evidence as that of legitimate children. Article 172 Facts:
thereof provides the various forms of evidence by which
legitimate filiation is established. Edgardo and Bienvenida Tijing are husband and wife,
they have six children, youngest of whom is Edgardo
“To prove open and continuous possession of the status Tijing Jr. In August 1989, Angelita Diamante fetched
of an illegitimate child, there must be evidence of the Bienvenida for an urgent laundry job. Bienvenida left to
manifestation of the permanent intention of the supposed Angelita her 4-month old child, Edgardo Jr. as she
father to consider the child as his, by continuous and usually let Angelita take care of her child while she was
clear manifestations of parental affection and care, doing laundry. When Bienvenida returned from work to
which cannot be attributed to pure charity. Such acts get her son, Angelita was nowhere to be found, and
must be of such a nature that they reveal not only the despite her and her husband‘s efforts, they could not
conviction of paternity, but also the apparent desire to locate Angelita and their child‘s whereabouts.
have and treat the child as such in all relations in society
and in life, not accidentally, but continuously”. Four years later, Bienvenida read about the death of
Tomas Lopez, the common-law husband of Angelita,
The following facts was established based on the whose interment is in Bulacan. She went there and
testimonial evidences offered by Monina: allegedly saw her son Edgardo Jr., now named John
Thomas Lopez. John is now being claimed by Angelita
as her own son, sired by her common-law husband
Tomas Lopez during their cohabitation. Bienvenida now 1992 at the Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank,
alleges that the child cannot possibly be born to Angelita Maasin, Southern Leytebranch.
and Tomas for it was the latter‘s own brother who
Charles courted Divina in the third week of December
admitted that Tomas was rendered sterile, caused by an
1992 and they became sweethearts in thelast week of
accident. Tomas begot no children from his legal
January 1993. Charles gave the respondent greeting
marriage nor with the cohabitation with Angelita.
cards on special occasions, (Valentine’s Day and her
Tomas‘ brother even testified that Tomas himself
birthday); she reciprocated his love and took care of him
admitted to him that the subject child was adopted.
when he was ill.
In September 1993, Charles started intimate sexual
Who among the claimants is the true parent of the relations with the respondent in the former’s rented room
subject child. in the boarding house managed by Rodulfo (Divina’s
uncle). Rented the room from March 1, 1993 to August
30, 1994.
Bienvenida. It was Bienvenida who was able to produce
The sexual encounters occurred twice a month and
the competent evidences to establish the child‘s filiation
became more frequent in June 1994; eventually, on
with her and her husband. She substantiated her claim
August 8, 1994, she got pregnant. Charles was happy
with sufficient
and made plans to marryDivina. BUT, Charles backed
clinical records, presenting the proper and credible out of the wedding plan. (Divina filed for damages for
witnesses who assisted her in her child‘s birth. breach of promise to marry but was amicably settled).
Not to mention the fact that it could be readily observed Divina gave birth to Gliffze on March 9, 1995. (When
that Bienvenida and the child have strong similarities in Charles did not show up and failed toprovide support to
their faces, eyes, eyebrows and head shapes. Gliffze, Divina sent him a demand letter on July 24,
Resemblance between a minor and his alleged parent is 1995 for recognition andsupport of their son)
competent and material evidence to establish parentage.
Due to unanswered demand, Divina took her demands in
Whereas, Angelita had been known to have undergone
ligation years before the alleged birth of the child and
the admission of Tomas‘ own brother that Tomas was Charles denied being Gliffze’s father in Court.
sterile makes it impossible that he and Angelita could
have produced subject child. More importantly, the birth
certificate of the child stated Tomas Lopez and private – approved monthly child support. RTC (appeal)
respondent were legally married which is false because – reversed former decision
even private respondent had admitted she is a common-
law wife. This false entry puts to doubt the other data in CA
said birth certificate. – ordered Charles to recognize Gliffze and give
4. GOTARDO VS. BULING monthly child support
Moreover, whether a mother is a fit parent for her child Handwritten and corresponds to facts presented
is a question of fact to be properly entertained in the Corroborated by Affidavit of Acknowledgment
special proceedings before the trial court. by father and brother who stand to be affected
2. DELA CRUZ VS. GRACIA by their hereditary rights
Dominique and Jenie were living together 1. Where the private handwritten instrument is
without the benefit of marriage. Jenie got the lone piece of evidence submitted to prove
pregnant but unfortunately, Dominique died 2 filiation, there should be strict compliance with
months before Jenie gave birth. the requirement that the same must be signed by
the acknowledging parent
Jenie then applied for registration of the child’s
birth using Dominique’s surname, Aquino. 2. Where the private handwritten instrument is
accompanied by other relevant and
When Jenie applied for registration of child’s competent evidence, it suffices that the claim of
birth, Jenie attached the ff.: filiation therein be shown to have been made
and handwritten by the acknowledging parent as
Certificate of Live Birth
it is merely corroborative of such other evidence
AUSF, together with Dominique’s
handwritten autobiography
Affidavit of Acknowledgment issued by
Dominique’s father and brother
Respondent denied the registration because the
child was born out of wedlock.
Trial court then dismissed Jenie’s petition
because the document (autobiography) was
unsigned and as per IRR of RA 9255 (An Act
Allowing Illegitimate Children to Use the
Surname of their Father) which states that:
“Private handwritten instrument must be
duly signed by him where he expressly
recognizes paternity”
Furthermore, petition was denied because the
document did not contain any express
recognition of paternity.