Estimation and Characterization of Protein Present in Seed Extract of
Estimation and Characterization of Protein Present in Seed Extract of
Estimation and Characterization of Protein Present in Seed Extract of
S. N. Malviya et al., ARPB, 2011; Vol 1(1) ISSN 2250 - 0774
(Research paper) Page 36
S. N. Malviya et al., ARPB, 2011; Vol 1(1) ISSN 2250 - 0774
(Research paper) Page 37
S. N. Malviya et al., ARPB, 2011; Vol 1(1) ISSN 2250 - 0774
(Research paper)
by Column Chromatography and Sodium silica gel was prepared in 1:1:1 ratio of
dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel Acetone: Hexane: Methanol solvent
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Biuret system. The slurry was prepared into the
method is based on copper ions binding to column for settling the silica gel. After
peptide bonds of protein under alkaline settlement of silica gel more solvent was
conditions to give a violet or purple color. added to top of the column, repeat this
The intensity of the charge transfer enough times so that all of the silica gel is
absorption bond resulting from the Cu- wet and it begins dripping out the bottom.
protein complex is linearly proportional to About 5 ml of seed extract of Jatropha
the mass of protein present in the solution. was loaded on the column, 2ml of solvent
The chromophore or light-absorbing center was added drop wise in the column. Elute
seems to be a complex between the peptide of the column was collected at every 5
backbone and cupric ions. The Folin assay minutes time intervals. The TLC was
(Lowry method, 1951) is dependent on the performed for separation and identification
presence of aromatic amino acids in the of proteins presents in the seed extract.
protein. First, a cupric/peptide bond
Determination of molecular weight of
complex is formed and then this is
Protein by SDS-PAGE of the partially
enhanced by a phosphomolybdate complex
purified Protein:
with the aromatic amino acids. The
phenolic group of tyrosine and tryptophan SDS-PAGE was performed by
residues (amino acid) in a protein will the method of Laemlli18, 1970 in order to
produce a blue purple color complex, with determine the molecular weight of
maximum absorption in the region of 600 partially purified protein. SDS is an
nm wavelength, with Folin- Ciocalteau anionic detergent which denatures protein
reagent which consists of sodium tungstate by wrapping around the polypeptide
molybdate and phosphate. Thus the backbone. On an average one SDS
intensity of color depends on the amount molecule binds for every two amino acid
of these aromatic amino acids present and residue. SDS confers a negative charge to
will thus vary for different proteins. Most the polypeptide in proportion to its length,
proteins estimation techniques use Bovin i.e., the denatured polypeptide becomes
Serum Albumin (BSA) universally as a rods of negatively charged clouds with
standard protein, because of its low cost, equal charge or charge densities per unit
high purity and ready availability17. length. Samples to be run on SDS-PAGE
are firstly boiled in sample buffer
Isolation of Protein by Column containing β-mercaptoethanol and SDS.
Chromatography The mercaptoethanol reduces any disulfide
Chromatography is based on bridge present that is holding together the
mobile phase and stationary phase. It is a protein tertiary structure, and the SDS
separation technique in which a mobile binds strongly, and denatures the protein.
phase carrying a mixture is caused to move In denaturing SDS-PAGE separation,
in contact with a selectively absorbent therefore migration is determined not by
stationary phase. intrinsic electrical charge of the
The column of chromatography polypeptide but by molecular weight.
was plugged with cotton. The slurry of Page 38
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S. N. Malviya et al., ARPB, 2011; Vol 1(1) ISSN 2250 - 0774
(Research paper)
Absorbance Vs Concentration
1 0.988
Absorbance (540 nm)
0.8 0.797
0.6 9 0.695
0.2 0.206
0 20 40 60 80 100
Concentration (mg)
investigated in the present study have been position of the molecular markers on the
compared with the study done by Becker gel. SDS-PAGE of purified protein extract
et al., 2009. Herrera et al. 2006 was revealed bands. The SDS-PAGE was used
reported that the crude protein contents of to determine the molecular weight profile
defatted kernels of Jatropha are 31–35% for the isolated proteins. The SDS-PAGE
in Coatzacoalcos and 65.0% in Castillo de patterns of Jatropha proteins (Fig.3)
Teayo16.The amino acid composition of J. contained one major band indicating the
platyphylla kernel meal was almost similar presence of proteins which is directly
to that in kernel meal of J. curcas. The proportional to the molecular marker of
comparison between the amino acid weight 36 KDa. The molecular weight of
composition of Jatropha meals and SBM the protein subunits were determined by
revealed an almost similar pattern for all comparing the patterns from Jatropha
essential amino acids, except lysine and proteins to those from the 60 KDa
sulphur amino acids. Contents of sulphur molecular weight marker. Becker et al.
amino acids were higher in kernel meals of reported that the determination of the
Jatropha species. molecular weight by using SDS-PAGE
indicates that top band contained proteins
SDS-PAGE for molecular weight
between 30 and 45 KDa19.The partially
purified protein was resolved in between
The molecular weight of the protein was the molecular weight marker of 40 KDa
determined with the help of relative and 30 KDa (fig. 3). Page 40
S. N. Malviya et al., ARPB, 2011; Vol 1(1) ISSN 2250 - 0774
(Research paper)
Absorbance Vs Concentration
1.8 1.809
1.2 1.206
1 0.996
0.6 0.605
0.5 10 20 40 60 80 100 Test Test
Concentration (mg) (1ml) (1ml) Page 41
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(Research paper)
al., 1998 the total protein are present in antimicrobial activity in future research.
seed extract of Jatropha curcas is 42%19. There should be development of novel
In our study the protein composition of purification system to extract the
Jatropha kernel was 70 mg/ml in Biuret antibacterial compounds present in the
method and 110 mg/ml in Lowry method seed extract of Jatropha curcas. Their
of protein estimation. The most of the appropriate isolation method may raise
parameters of Jatropha curcas the therapeutic index of antibacterial
investigated in the present study have compound present in the seed extract of
been compared with the study done by Jatropha curcas.
Becker et al., 2008. According to their
study they were not differentially
estimated the simple protein and tyrosine, The seeds of Jatropha curcas are
tryptophan derivatives (aromatic residues) valuable sources of biodiesel in Asian
of protein. In our study protein estimation countries. The seeds of Jatropha which
by Biuret method for simple protein contain proteins can be used as animal
showed the absorbance 0.669 and meal. The extraction of the protein is a
0.695nm (Table-1). The concentration of low cost process, and most importantly
protein is 68-70 mg/ml (Fig.1) in seed this rich source of protein does not
extract of Jatropha. The protein compete with proteins obtained from
estimation by Lowry’s method for other food crops such as soy and wheat. A
tyrosine, tryptophan derivatives (aromatic different extraction isolation procedure to
residues) of protein the Jatropha extract obtain proteins from the Jatropha seeds
showed the absorbance 1.707 and 1.809 and analysis techniques using like
nm (Table-2).The concentration of protein chromatography, UV-spectrophotometry,
is 100-110 mg/ml (Fig. 2). Both the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, was applied
method shown the concentration of to confirm the characterization of the
protein is 70-110 mg/ml. proteins from the seed kernel of Jatropha.
In this study, we estimated the total
Akinpelu et al., 2009 was
proteins, their characterization, on the
reported that seed extract of Jatropha are
basis of molecular weight in seed extract
known to be biologically active and
of Jatropha curcas. The protein was
therefore aid the antimicrobial activities
purified from the seed extract of Jatropha
of J. curcas. The present study is clearly
by column chromatography. Till date,
shown that Jatropha seeds have a very
there were no study conducted on the
rich content of basic nutrients like protein.
molecular weight determination of the
Thus it can be used as nutritional
protein present in the seed extract of
supplement. As in previous study done by
Jatropha curcas and hence we have
Makkar et al., 1998 it has been shown that
confirmed the absorbance pattern of our
Jatropha curcas is non-toxic compare to
protein with the absorbance pattern of
some other species of Jatropha so it can
Bovine serum albumin. We found in our
be used for many processes without any
study, the molecular weight of the
hazardous effects22. Certain bioactive
purified protein to be 36 K Da by SDS-
compounds were also found in during PAGE. In this study, the protein partially
study which can be characterized for isolated by column chromatography from Page 42
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