Revised Artificer - GM Binder
Revised Artificer - GM Binder
Revised Artificer - GM Binder
gnome sits hunched over a workbench in room
cluttered with every sort of tool, carefully
drawing the final lines to an intricate rune. With
a crackling hum of arcane energy, the completed
rune flares with power, and she watches with a
smile of pride as the golem comes to life and
A troll growls in hunger as it looms over a dwarf, who slides
a long, metal tube from a holster at his belt. With a thundering
boom, a gout of energy erupts from the tube, and the troll's
growls turn into shrieks of panic as it turns to flee.
With a thunderous crash of energy a figure lands in the
middle of the battlefield. As the smoke clears, a towering
presence stands amidst the war-torn battlefield clad in
glowing mechanical platemail. The glowing visor swivels to
inspect the wreckage. It raises a gauntlet, and lightning
crackles forth.
Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined by
their inventive nature. Like wizards, they see magic as a
complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled through
a combination of thorough study and investigation.
Artificers, though, focus on creating marvellous new
magical objects. Spells are often too ephemeral and
temporary for their tastes. Instead, they seek to craft durable,
useful items.
Cunning Inventors
Every artificer is defined by a specific craft. Artificers see
mastering the basic methods of a craft as the first step to true
progress, the invention of new methods and approaches.
Artificers are arcane engineers, students of invention and
warfare who craft deadly firearms, Mechplate, and
mechancial beings that they can augment with magic.
All artificers are united by their curiosity and inventive
nature. To an artificer, magic is an evolving art with a leading
edge of discovery and mastery that pushes further ahead with
each passing year. Artificers value novelty and discovery. This
penchant pushes them to seek a life of adventure.
A hidden ruin might hold a forgotten magic item or a
beautifully crafted mirror perfect for magical enhancement.
Artificers win respect and renown among their kind by
uncovering new lore or inventing new methods of creation.
Intense Rivalries
The artificers’ drive to invent and expand their knowledge
creates an intense drive to uncover new magic discoveries. An
artificer who hears news of a newly discovered magic item
must act fast to get it before any rivals do. Good-aligned
artificers recover items on adventures or offer gold or
wondrous items to those who possess items they are keen to
own. Evil ones have no problem committing crimes to claim
what they want.
Almost every artificer has at least one rival, someone whom
they seek to outdo at every turn. By the same token, artificers
with similar philosophies and theories band together into
loose guilds. They share their discoveries and work together
to verify their theories and keep ahead of their rivals.
The Artificer
Proficiency Spells
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Upgrades
1st +2 Artificer Specialization, Magic Item Analysis — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Tool Expertise 3 2 — — — — —
3rd +2 Artificer Specialist Feature, Specialization Upgrade 4 3 — — — — 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 — — — — 1
5th +3 Artificer Specialist Feature 5 4 2 — — — 2
6th +3 Arcane Reconstruction, Superior Attunement 5 4 2 — — — 2
7th +3 Wondrous Item Proficiency 6 4 3 — — — 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 — — — 3
9th +4 ─ 7 4 3 2 — — 4
10th +4 Improved Magical Crafting, Wondrous Item Recharge 7 4 3 2 — — 4
11th +4 Study of Magic 8 4 3 3 — — 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 3 — — 5
13th +5 ─ 9 4 3 3 1 — 6
14th +5 Artificer Specialist Feature 9 4 3 3 1 — 6
15th +5 ─ 10 4 3 3 2 — 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 3 3 2 — 7
17th +6 ─ 11 4 3 3 3 1 8
18th +6 Wondrous Items Mastery 11 4 3 3 3 1 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 3 3 3 2 9
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 12 4 3 3 3 2 9
Artificer Specialization Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
choose one of the artificer spells you know from this feature
At 1st level, you focus your craft on a particular specialization: and replace it with another spell from the artificer spell list.
Cannonsmith, Gadgetsmith, Potionsmith, Runesmith, The new spell must also be of a level for which you have spell
Warsmith or Wandsmith, each of which are detailed at the slots on the Artificer table.
end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at
1st level and again at 3rd, 5th, and 14th level. Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your artificer spells;
Magic Item Analysis your understanding of the theory behind magic allows you to
Starting at 1st level, your understanding of magic items allows wield these spells with superior skill. You use your Intelligence
you to analyze and understand their secrets. You know the whenever an artificer spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
artificer spells detect magic and identify, and you can cast In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting
them as rituals. the saving throw DC for an artificer spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one.
Tool Expertise Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Starting at 2nd level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Intelligence modifier.
ability check you make that uses any of the tool proficiencies Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
you gain from this class. Intelligence modifier.
Spellcasting Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your
As part of your study of magic, you gain the ability to cast artificer spells. See chapter 5, "Equipment" in the Player’s
spells at 2nd level. The spells you learn are limited in scope, Handbook for various arcane focus options.
primarily concerned with modifying creatures and objects or
creating items. Specialization Upgrade
Spell Slots Your expert craftsmanship allows you to improve your
The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have to Specialization's Wondrous Item with new attributes.
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these Starting at 3rd level, choose an upgrade from the list at the
spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You end of your specialization. The features and properties of your
regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. Specialization's Wondrous Item permanently improves in that
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher You apply an additional upgrade to your Specialization's
You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the Wondrous Item at 5th, 7th , 9th , 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th and
artificer spell list (which appears at the end of this document). 19th level. You cannot apply an upgrade more than once,
The Spells Known column of the Artificer table shows unless the upgrade's description says otherwise. Upgrades
when you learn more artificer spells of your choice from this cannot be replaced or changed, besides as described in the
feature. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you specialization.
have spell slots on the Artificer table.
Some Artificers may create variant weapons beyond the
Artificer Specializations traditional Thunder Cannon, in which case the stats of that
weapon are used.
A Cannonsmith is an Artificer who has crafted a spectacular Variant Weapon Types
and terrible device. A Thunder Cannon.
A weapon of unmatched destruction, an Artificer's reason Your DM may allow you to select on the following
Varients for your Thunder Cannon. These do not
for forging such a thing is varied. Some seek the power, some cost a normal upgrade slot, and do not count
seek the discovery. against your total upgrades.
For some it is but a tool to accomplish their goal, for others
it is the culmination of the work, for which all the pesky Hand Cannon
details of adventuring are dedicated to. You modify your Thunder Cannon with
Given the destructive potential of a Thunder Cannon, many lightweight components and a shorter barrel. Its
monsters and men may seek to seize the power for weight becomes 7 lbs. Your Thunder Cannon
themselves upon witnessing its potential, but even if were to becomes a one handed ranged weapon. It deals 1d8
succeed they would soon find that using one of these deadly damage piercing damage (instead of 2d6) and its
normal range becomes 20 feet and its maximum
tools is an art of equal mastery to forging one, something only range 60 feet.
the one who forged the device will ever truly master, for each
Thunder Cannon is unique work, suited only to its creator. Lightning Sword
You entirely remodel your weapon a melee
Cannonsmith's Proficiency weapon. This can take the form of any martial melee
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain weapon, and you have proficiency with this weapon
proficiency with tinker’s tools and smith's tools. regardless of its shape. When you apply
You gain the knowledge to forge rounds for your Thunder Thundermonger damage with this weapon, it deals
Cannon, and can create them with the proper tools during a lightning damage instead of Thunder Damage.
Apply common sense in what upgrades this
Long Rest. eliminates as options.
You can create up to 50 rounds of ammunition during a
long rest, with materials costing 1 gold piece per 10 rounds. Arm Cannon?
Perhaps most plausible for a Warforged
Thunder Cannon Cannonsmith, consult with your DM on replacing a
At 1st level, you forge a deadly firearm using a combination of lost or removed arm with your Thunder Cannon if
arcane magic and your knowledge of engineering and you feel the need to never be parted from it. In this
metallurgy. This firearm is called a Thunder Cannon. configuration, it retains the normal statistics, but
You are proficient with the Thunder Cannon. The firearm is becomes a one-handed weapon. As cost, you lose
a two-handed ranged weapon that deals 2d6 piercing damage. the use of that arm for anything else, and the use of
the arm can only be recovered by removing the
Its normal range is 60 feet, and its maximum range is 180 Thunder Cannon and the effect of Regenerate or
feet. similar magic.
Once fired, it must be reloaded as a bonus action.
Thunder Cannon
Wondrous Item, Magical Firearm, Attunement (creator only)
Damage 2d6 piercing
Reload 1
Weight 15 lb.
Properties Two-handed, Loud, Reload(1)
Range 60/180
If you lose your Thunder Cannon, you can create a new one
over the course of three days of work (eight hours each day) by
expending 200 gp worth of metal and other raw materials.
You can create multiple Thunder Cannons, but you can only
be attuned to one of them at a given time, and can only change
which one you are attuned to during a long rest. If you create
a new Thunder Cannon, you can apply a number of Upgrades
equal to the value on the class table, applying each at the level
you get it on the class table.
Loud. Your weapon rings with thunder that is audible
within 300 feet of you whenever it makes an attack.
Extra Attack Boomerang of Hitting.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, You create a magical boomerang. You have proficiency in
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. this weapon, and it has the Finesse, Thrown (30/90), and
Special properties, and deals 1d4 damage.
Combat Gadgets Special: When this weapon is Thrown, you can target three
Beginning at the 14th level, when you take the attack action, creatures within 10 feet of each other, making a separate
you can replace an attack with using any gadget that requires attack roll against each target.
an action to use. This weapon returns to your hand after you make an attack
Additionally, any weapon gadgets you have created gain a with it using the Thrown property.
+2 to their attack and damage rolls. Belt of Adjusting Size.
Gadgetsmith Upgrades You create a belt with a creature size dial on it. While you
Antimagical Shackle. Prerequisite: 5th level Artificer are wearing this belt, you can use an action to cast
You create an antimagical shackle. When you are adjacent Enlarge/Reduce on yourself. Once you use this gadget, you
to a creature, as an action you can attempt to shackle them to cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
yourself or a nearby object using these shackles. The you Binding Rope. Prerequisite: 5th level Artificer
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by a You create a rope that is capable of animating and binding a
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acorbatics) check. On target. As an action, target a creature within 30 feet. The
failure, they are shackled to the creature or object you target must make a Dexterity Saving throw against your Spell
attempted to shackle them to, and can move only by moving it Save or become restrained until the end of your next turn. If
if they are able to. you are currently grappling the target, it makes the Dexterity
Additionally, while shackled by these shackles, they cannot saving throw with disadvantage. The rope can only restrain
teleport, planeshift, polymorph, shapechange, dematerialize, one target a time.
or turn into an amorphous form. As an action they can make a
Strength saving throw against your spell save DC to break the Bracers of Empowerment. Prerequisite: 11th level.
shackles once shackled, otherwise these shackles last until You create bracers that can empower you. You can use this
you remove them. to cast Tensor's Transformation without expending a Spell
This shackles have no effect on creatures immune to being Slot.
grappled or restrained. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.
Deployable Wings. Prerequisite: Artificer level 9.
You build a set of deployable artificial wings. You can deploy
this as a bonus action, or as a reaction to falling. When
deployed, these give you a flying speed of 30 feet.
Disintegration Ray. Preqrequisite: 15th level Artificer.
You create a Disintegration Ray. You can use this to cast
Disintegration without expending a Spell Slot.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.
Gripping Gloves. Prerequisite: 11th level Artificer.
You create a set of gloves with a powerful assisted grip. Your
Strength score and maximum Strength score increases by 2
while wearing these gloves. You gain advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks involving manipulating things with your
hands while wearing these gloves.
Element Eater.
You create a device capable of absorbing incoming
elemental damage. As a reaction to taking elemental damage,
you can activate this device and cast Absorb Elements without
expending a spell slot, but the gadget cannot be used again
until you complete a short or long rest.
Enhanced Grappling Hook.
You enhance your grappling hook, increasing its range to 40
Fire Spitter. Jumping Boots. You modify your boots with arcane boosters.
You create a gadget that creates a quick blast of fire. As an While wearing these boots, you are under the effects of the
action, you can cast Aganazzar's Scorcher with this gadget, Jump spell.
but the gadget cannot be used again until you complete a Repeating Hand Crossbow. You build an improved hand
short or long rest. crossbow. You have proficiency in this weapon, and it has the
Flashbang. Ammunition (range 30/120), Light, and Special properties and
You create a high luminary discharge device. As an action, deals 1d6 piercing damage.
you can target a point within 30 feet. Any creature within 20 Special: This weapon does not require a free-hand to load,
feet of the targeted point must make a dexterity saving throw as it has a built in loader.
or be blinded until the end of its next turn. Once you use this
gadget, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or Bee Swarm Rockets. Prerequisite: 15th level Artificer. You
long rest. design a type of tiny firecracker like device, that can be
released in large number. You have a maximum number of
Impact Gauntlet. rockets equal to your Artificer level. You can release between
You create a weapon capable of amplifying the impact of one and the number you have remaining as an action. Each
your blows. You have proficiency in this weapon, and it has the rocket targets a point you can see within 40 feet. Creatures
Finesse, Light and Special properties. It deals 1d8 within 10 feet of a target point must make a dexterity saving
bludgeoning damage. throw. Creatures that fail take 2d6 fire damage, or half as
Special: When you make an attack roll, you can choose to much on a successful one.
forgo adding your Proficiency modifier to the attack roll. If the You rebuild your stock to your maximum during a long rest.
attack hits, you can add double your Proficiency modifier to Shocking Hook. You can integrate your Shock Generator and
the damage roll. your Grappling Hook. If the target of your Grappling Hook is a
Lightning Baton. creature, you can cast Shocking Grasp on that creature as a
You combine incorporate elements of your shock generator bonus action when pulling it to you or being pulled to it.
design into a baton, creating a new weapon. You have Sight Lenses. You create a set of lenses you can integrate
proficiency in this weapon, and it has the Finesse and Light into a set of goggles, glasses, or other vision assistance that
properties. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 allow you to see through obscurement. You can see through
lightning damage on hit. If you score a critical strike with this Fog, Mist, Smoke, Clouds, and non-Magical Darkness as
weapon, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw normal sight up to 15 feet.
against your Spell Save or become stunned until the start of
your next turn. Smoke Cloak. Create a cloak that causes you to blend in with
Mechanical Arm. smoke. When you start your turn lightly or heavily obscured
You create a mechanical arm, giving an extra hand. This by smoke, you are invisible until your turn ends, you cast a
mechanical arm only functions while it is mounting on gear spell, make an attack, or damage an enemy.
you are wearing, but can be operated mentally without the Stinking Gas. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer. You make a
need for you hands. This mechanical arm can serve any more potent compound for your Smoke Bomb. When use a
function a normal hand could, such as holding things, making Smoke Bomb, you can choose to cast Stinking Cloud rather
attacks, interacting with the environment, etc, but does not than Fog Cloud, following the same rules.
give you additional actions.
Striding Boots.
Mechanical Familiar. You modify your boots with amplified striding speed. While
You can create the blue print for a small mechanical earing these boots, you are under the effects of Longstrider
creature. At the end of a long rest, you can choose animate it, spell.
and cast Find Familiar with the following modifications. The
creatures type is Construct, and you cannot select a creature Stopwatch Trinket. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
with a flying speed. This construct stays active until you You create a magical stopwatch that manipulates time
deactivate it or is destroyed. In either case, you can choose to magic. As an action, you can cast Haste or Slow using the
reactivate it at the end of a long rest. Stopwatch without expending a Spell Slot.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
Nimble Gloves. Prerequisite: 11th level Artificer. complete a long rest.
You create magical gloves the increase your dexterity. Your
Dexterity score and maximum Dexterity score increases by 2 Truesight Lenses. Prerequisite: Sight Lenses. You upgrade
while wearing these gloves. You gain advantage on Dexterity and fine tune your sight lenses, granting you Truesight up to
(Slight of Hand) checks involving manipulating things with 15 feet.
your hands while wearing these gloves. Useful Universal Key. Prerequisite: 11th level Artificer.
Phase Trinket. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer. You create a Universal Key to obstacles, transmuting them
You create a magical stopwatch that manipulates ethereal into not-obstacles. As an aciton, you can apply this key to a
magic. As an action, you can cast Blink or Dimension Door surface to cast Passwall without expending a spell slot.
using the Stopwatch without expending a Spell Slot. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
complete a long rest.
Zombie Wires. Prerequisite: 15th level Artificer. Instant Reactions
You create an advanced system of magical threads that you At 1st level, you know how to get instant reactions to occur
can shoot out, and use to make nearby corpses dance to your without the niceties of grinding, simmering and brewing
commands. As an action, you can cast Danse Macabre required for more refined concoctions.
without expended a spell slot. Moreover, you know enough ways to do these that with just
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you a few standards supplies, you can get these results out of a
complete a long rest. wide range of things you can gather in almost any locale and a
Potionsmith pinch from your reagent pouch.
You know the following instant reactions.
An alchemist is an artificer who has pursued the secrets of
alchemy. While many a village has an apothecary grinding odd Alchemical Fire. As an action you can produce a reaction
herbs and roots into potent (or not so potent) concoctions, the causing a searing flame. At point within 15 feet, you can toss
careful process of mixing and brewing is just one way to quick combination of things that will cause searing fire to
achieve results. Through the use of the intricate secrets of the flare up in a 5 foot radius. Creatures in that area have to make
craft and direct infusions using magical rituals, a real a dexterity saving throw, or take 1d8 fire damage.
alchemist can come up with explosive results in the blink of The damage damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
an eye... sometimes literally. level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
An alchemist can be a scholar who has delved much of the
knowledge the world has to offer or an explorer that has
unlocked the secrets of the wilderness. Their knowledge
could come being friends of the fey, or unfettered access to the
royal library. As such, alchemists can be good or evil, lawful or
Alchemist's Proficiency
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with Blowguns, Alchemist’s supplies and
Glassblower’s tools.
Your knowledge of alchemy gives you a natural affinity for
brewing potions. Creating a potion through normal crafting
takes you only half the time and cost it would normally take.
Poisonous Gas. As an action you can produce a reaction If the spell has a persistent effect that requries concentration,
causing noxious fumes. At point within 15 feet, you can toss it does not require concentration to maintain, but it's duration
quick combination of things that will cause a whiff of poisonus is shortened to a number of rounds equal to your intelligence
gas to erupt spreading to a radius of 5 feet. Creatures in that modifier. A spell that does not require concetration lasts its
area have to make a constitution saving throw, or take 1d4 normal duration. An infused potion loses its potency if it is not
poison damage and become poisoned until the end of their used by the end of your next long rest.
next turn. You can gain additional spells for your Alchemical Infusions
The damage damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th through your Alchemist upgrades.
level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Empowered Alchemy
Healing Draught. As a bonus action, you can produce Starting at 5th level, when you deal damage or restore health
combination that will provide potent magical healing. with an instant reaction or alchemical infusion, you can add
Immediately after creating the draught, you can use your your intelligence modifier to the damage dealt or health
action to consume it or administer it to a creature within 5 restored.
feet. A creature who drinks this draught regains 1d8 health. A
creature can benefit from a number of these healing draughts Infusion Expertise
equal to their constitution modifier (minimum 1), after which Starting at 14th level, when you create an Alchemical Infusion
they provide no additional benefit until they complete a long during a short rest, the first alchemical infusion you create
rest. A Healing Draught that is not consumed by the end of does not require a spell slot to infuse, and you can select an
your turn loses its potency. alchemical infusion that you would otherwise not have a spell
The healing increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level slot of high enough level for when making this infusion.
(2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Alchemist Upgrades
Alchemical Infusions Aroma Therapies. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
At 3rd level, you have found a way to skip most of the brewing You expand your alchemical knowledge to be able to
process for alchemically creating potent magically effects by produce incense and simmering reagents that grant effects to
directly infusing the potion with your own magic. When you those that inhale their fumes. If creatures spend a long rest
take a short or long rest and have an empty vial on your inhaling fumes from a concoction you devise with this feature,
person, you may choose one the following spells and can use a creatures regain all of their expended hit dice when they
spell slot to cast it. would normally only recovering half, and cured of any non-
Spell Level Infusion Spells
magical diseases they are suffering from.
1st cure wounds, entangle, grease Adrenaline Serum. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
You create a potent serum. As an action on your turn, you
2nd barkskin, shatter, lesser restoration can consume this serum, granting you the effects of Haste and
3rd blink, water breathing, stinking cloud Heroism for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence
4th stoneskin, confusion
modifier (minimum 1). These effects do not require
concentration, but you still suffer the normal effects of the
5th cloudkill, skill empowerment Haste spell ending when it ends. You can use this a number of
times equal to your constitution modifier (minimum 1) before
When you cast the spell in this way, the spell does not take you must take a long rest to gain the effects from the serum
effect immediately, but is infused into the potion. If the spell again.
grants an effect or restores health, the creature will gain the Another creature can take this dose, but they must pass a
effect of the spell when the potion is consumed. Constitution saving throw equal to your spell save to gain the
If the spell has an area of effect area, that area of effect take effects, and become poisoned on a failed save.
place when the vial is broken, with the effect centered on Auto Injector.
where the vial breaks. As an action, you or another creature
can either consume the vial, or throw it up to 30 feet where it You create an automatic potion injector that you can wear.
shatters on impact. As an action, you can load a potion (either an infused potion
or a normal potion) into this injector at any time.
Subsequently while a potion is loaded into the injector, you
On Creativity and Catapults can consume the potion using your reaction. Only one option
While as per the feature, you can only throw the vial
can be held in the injector at a time.
containing an Infused Potion 30 feet, the trigger Delivery Mechanism.
merely specifies that the effect takes place where it
breaks. If you can find another way to deliver the
You modify the stability of your reagents and develop a
vial, such as the catapult spell on the artificer spell
better delivery mechanism. You can target a point within 30
list, you can apply these methods as well. feet for your instant reactions that target a point. The
additional precision allows you to better target the effects,
allowing creatures of your choice within the target area to
automatically pass a dexterity saving throw against your
Elixir of Life. Prerequisite: Philosopher's Stone. Fortifying Fumes Reaction.
You can brew a special potion using your Philosopher You formulate a new instant reaction, a powerful fortifying
stone. Brewing this potion takes 8 hours and requires 1000 stimulate. Targeting a point within 15 feet, as an action, you
gold pieces of special ingredients. An Elixir of Life causes a cause fumes to erupt. Creatures within can choose to hold
creature that drinks it to cease aging, and be under the effects their breath and not inhale, but creatures that inhale the
of death ward for one year, or until the death ward is triggered. fumes gain 1d4 temporary hit points, deal 1d4 additional
damage on their next melee weapon attack made before the
Explosive Reaction. end of your next turn, and have advantage on their next
You formulate a new instant reaction, a devastating minor Constitution saving throw before the end of your next turn.
explosion. Targeting a point within 15 feet, as an action, you The both the temporary hit points and damage bonus
cause an explosion. Creatures within 10 feet of the target increase by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level
point must make a constitution saving throw, or take 1d10 (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
thunder damage from the shockwave of the explosion.
The damage damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th Frostbloom Reaction.
level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10). You formulate a new endothermic reaction, a devastating
localized cold snap that creates an instant bloom of ice. Target
a point within 15 feet, as an action, you cause an the area to
erupt in frost. The area within 10 feet of the target becomes
difficult terrain until the end of your next turn, and any
creature in the area must make a dexterity saving throw, or be
caught by the ice taking 1d6 cold damage; a creature entirely
in the area of effect that fails also becoming restrained until
the end of their next turn. They can use their action to make a
Strength saving throw to break free of the ice early.
The damage damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Greater Adrenaline Shot. Prerequisite: Adrenaline Serum.
You upgrade your adrenaline shot to produce even more
extreme and magical effects in the creature it effects. The
adrenaline shot also adds the effect of Tensor's
Transformation when you consume it. This effect only takes
place if you are the one consuming the serum. You do not
suffer the effects of Tensor's Transformation wearing off when
the serum effect ends.
You and up to five allies of your choice are inoculated
against the poisonous effects you can produce that require a
constitution saving throw (such as the poisonous gas instant
reaction or the cloudkill infusion). Additionally, you gain
resistance to poison damage.
Infusion Stone. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
You use the secrets of Alchemy to create an Infusion Stone.
You can use this stone in the process of infusing potions in
place of a spell slot level less than or equal to the highest level
spell slot you can cast.
You can use this stone to replace a spell slot for an infusion
once. It regains this charge after you complete a long rest.
Mana Potion. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
During a short rest, you can create a mana potion. A mana
potion loses its potency if it is not consumed within 1 minute.
As an action, a creature can consume a mana potion to
restore a spell slot of its choice, up to third level.
Philosopher Stone. Prerequisite: 15th level Artificer.
You create a Philosopher's Stone allowing you recreate
wonders of alchemy. So long as you have a supply of non-gold
metal, you can create up five pounds of gold a day (250 gold
pieces worth).
Persistent Reactions. Spell Level Infusion Spells
Your reactions that effect a target area persist in that area 1st armor of agathys
until the start of your next turn. Creatures entering the effect
or ending their turn there have to repeat the saving throw 2nd snilloc's snowball swarm
against the effect. You can choose to make a reaction not 3rd ice storm
persist at the time of taking the action to cause it.
Potent Reactions. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer.
You refine your reactions increasing the potency. The die Secrets of...
you roll to determine the damage or healing effect of your Almost any set of three spells, a 1st level, 2nd level,
reactions is increased by one. A d4 becomes a d6, a d6 and 3rd level spell of either short term buffs or area
becomes a d8, a d8 becomes a d10, and a d10 becomes a d12. of effect damage spells is a valid combination of a
Secrets of upgrade, so long as there is a thematic
Poisoner's Proficiency. connection between the spells. Consult with your
You delve into the secrets of the darkest secrets of herblore, DM for other options if the spells you want aren't
learning the potent secrets of poison. During a long rest, you present here, but the spells should always be either
can create one of the three following poisons. short term buffs or area of effect damage spells,
and should not be higher than 3rd level unless they
Contact poison. You can apply this to a weapon or up to ten are exceptionally weak for their level.
pieces of ammunition, lasting until the end of your next
long rest. That weapon deals an additional 1d4 poison
damage to targets it strikes. Weapon Coating.
Ingested poison. This a simple flavorless powder. If a You learn to how to coat a weapon or piece of ammunition
creature consumes a full dose of this poison before the end with one of your instant reactions to take effect on hit. As a
of your next long rest, after one minute has passed they bonus action, you can apply your instant reaction to a melee
must make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage weapon or piece of ammunition. Until the end of your turn,
against your spell save DC or take a number of d10 equal the next hit with that weapon or with a coated piece of
to your Artificer level in poison damage, and become ammunition will cause the effect of the instant reaction to the
poisoned until they complete a long rest. target. The creature automatically takes and damage or
Inhaled poison. This poison can be used to modify your healing associated with the reaction, but makes a saving
poisonous gas reaction. Anytime before the end of your throw as normal against any additional effects.
next long rest, you can use this dose of poison to make
your poisonous gas instant reaction have a radius of 10
feet and deal twice as much damage on a failed save. The Implications
Secrets of Enhancement. There is an Instant Reaction that restores health,
You learn the secrets of infusing powerful enhancements rather than deals damage. This can be applied via
into your Alchemical Infusions. You can add the following weapon coating as well, though the weapon
spells to your list of available spells for alchemical infusions: damage of the implement is not negating, perhaps
your allies will forgive a blowgun dart coated in a
Spell Level Infusion Spells healing draught... if you hit the attack.
1st heroism
2nd enlarge/reduce
3rd haste
A Runesmith is an Artificer that has delved into the power and
Secrets of Fire. mystery of Runes that forge the the basis of many of the
greatest feats of magic ever wrought. They pursue ancient
You learn the secrets of infusing fire into your Alchemical knowledge and uncover new secrets never known to the
Infusions. You can add the following spells to your list of world. They build on structured systematic magic to bend the
available spells for alchemical infusions: laws of the world to their will.
Spell Level Infusion Spells A typical Runesmith is a voracious mind that seeks to
unlock the very secrets of life and magic. By drawing and
1st faerie fire infusing their Runes, they can work powerful magic.
2nd dragon's breath
Runesmith's Proficiency
3rd fireball At 1st level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools and
jeweler's tools, and can select two more languages that you
Secrets of Frost. can read and write (but not speak).
You learn the secrets of infusing fire into your Alchemical Your knowledge of runic magic gives you a natural affinity
Infusions. You can add the following spells to your list of for scribing spell scrolls. Creating a magic spell scroll only
available spells for alchemical infusions: takes you half the time and material cost it would normally
Runecraft Rune of Warding. A piece of armor inscribed with this
At 1st level, you gain the ability to Runecraft items. At the end Rune generates a shield of temporary hitpoints equal to
of a Long Rest, you can place up to two runes on nonmagical you Artificer level. These temporary hitpoints are refreshed
items. The number of items increases to 3 runes at 5th level when you take a short or long rest.
Artificer, 4 runes at 9th, 5 runes at 13th, and 6 runes at 17th. You can be effected by only a single instance of any given
The runes effects fade at the end of your next long rest, at rune.
which point the same rune or a different rune may be selected.
These runed items grant the following benefits only to you. Warforged Golem
A weapon or piece of armor can have multiple Runes active At 3rd level, you have attained the forging skill, arcane
on it, a piece of jewelry can only have a single Rune active on knowledge, and mastery of rune magic to create a Warforged
it at a given time. Golem. This golem is controlled by a magic Runed Pendant:
Rune of Ability. A piece of jewellery or armor with this
Rune grants grants a +1 to an Ability Score of your choice, Runed Pendant
as well as the maximum for that score while it is active.
Rune of Flametongue. A melee weapon inscribed with Wondrous Item, Attunement (creator only).
this Rune deals 1d6 bonus fire damage. This spell's While attuned to this gem, you have control of your
damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level
Artificer (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). Mechanical Servant. Your Mechanical Servant acts on your
Rune of Protection. A piece of jewellery or armor with Initiative.
this Rune grants +1 to armor class. At 5th level Artificer it
grants +1 to all Saving Throws as well.
Rune of Regeneration. A piece of jewellery or armor with The Warforged Golem obeys your commands as best as it can.
this Rune allows you to recover health equal to your It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn't take an
Artificer level when you take a short rest. action unless you command it to. On your turn, you can
Rune of Recovery. A piece of jewellery with this Rune verbally command the construct where to move (no action
allows you to recover Spell Slots equal to or less than required by you) and take the Help or Attack action. It has
quarter your Artificer level (rounded up) during a short Proficiency in Simple Weapons.
rest. For example, you can recover a 1st level spell slot if Your Warforged Golem's Proficiency increases when yours
you're 1st level artificer, and two 1st level spells slots or a does. Additionally, it gains 5 hit points for every level in
2nd level at level if you're a 5th-level artificer. Artificer you gain. If the golem is killed, it can be returned to
Rune of Enhancement. A weapon inscribed with this life via normal means, such as with the revivify spell.
Rune gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The In addition, over the course of a long rest, you can repair a
bonus increases to +2 at 9th level, and increases to +3 at slain servant if you have access to its body. It returns to life
17th level. with 1 hit point at the end of the rest. If the servant is beyond
Rune of Vorpal Force. A weapon inscribed with this Rune recovery, you can reproduce the construct exactly as it was,
deals all damage dealt with it as Force damage. with four days of work (eight hours each day) and 1,000 gp of
raw materials. It regains all health at the end of a long rest.
You must then finish a short or long rest to use this feature
Warforged Golem Runesmith Upgrades
Medium Construct, unaligned Arcane Barrage Armament. Prerequiste 9th level.
You install a shoulder mounted armament to your golem,
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) charged with arcane power. This armament has 3 charges. As
Hit Points 10 + (5 per Artificer Level) an action, the golem can expend 1 charge to cast Magic
Speed 25ft. Missile as a 3rd level spell. When cast this way, it has no
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Verbal or Somatic component.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
The charges are regained after a long rest.
Cloaking Device. Prerequisite 15th level.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
You install an Arcane Cloaking device on your Warforged
Condition Immunities exhaustion, charmed, poisoned Golem. This device has 4 Charges. You can direct the golem
Senses passive perception 7 to expend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following
Languages Understands creator’s languages, but spells using its action: Invisibility (2 charges), Greater
cannot speak Invisibility (4 charges).
It regains all charges after a long rest.
Attack Protocol. Slam: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Environmental Adaptation. Prerequisite: 5th level.
Hit 1d4 + 2
You add integrated climbing hooks, deployable fins,
insulated seals to your Golem. Your Warforged Golem gains a
__ climbing and swimming speed equal to its walking speed.
Additionally, it gains resistance to Cold and Fire damage.
Expanded. Prerequisite: 9th level.
Infuse Magic You enlarge your Warforged Golem, increasing its size
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to channel your category by one. It has advantage on Strength checks and
artificer spells into runic symbols for later use. Strength saving throws.
When you cast an artificer spell with a casting time of 1
action, you can increase its casting time to 1 minute. If you do Evasive Maneuvers
so and hold a nonmagical item throughout the casting, you Warforged Golem may add its Dexterity Modifier to its AC
expend a spell slot, but none of the spell’s effects occur. while not wearing heavy armor. Additionally, you can now
Instead, the spell transfers into that item for later use if the command it to take the Dash, Disengage and Dodge actions.
item doesn’t already contain a spell from this feature. Flamethrower Armament. Prerequiste 9th level.
Any creature holding the item thereafter can use an action You install a shoulder mounted armament to your golem,
to activate the spell if the creature has an Intelligence score of heavily enchanted with flame spells. This armament has 3
at least 6. The spell is cast using your spellcasting ability, charges. As an action, the golem can expend 1 charge to cast
targeting the creature that activates the item. Burning Hands as a 3rd level spell. The DC of the spell is 15.
If the spell targets more than one creature, the creature that When cast this way, it has no Verbal or Somatic component.
activates the item selects the additional targets. If the spell The charges are regained after a long rest.
has an area of effect, it is centred on the item. If the spell’s
range is self, it targets the creature that activates the item. If Powerful Grappler.
the spell requires concentration, the creature that activates You increase the power of the golem’s grip, your Warforged
the item maintains the concentration as if they had cast the Golem gains proficiency in the Athletics skill and has
spell. advantage on attacks against creatures that it is grappling.
When you infuse a spell in this way, it must be used within 8
hours. After that time, its magic fades and is wasted. You can Heavy Armor Plating Prerequisite: 5th level Artificer.
have a limited number of infused spells at the same time. The Warforged Golem Strength Score of 15 or higher.
number equals your Intelligence modifier. You can incorporate a suit of Heavy Armor into your
Warforged Golem. Your Warforged Golem's AC becomes the
Instant Runes AC granted by the incorporated armor. While incorporated
At 14th level, when you cast a spell with a somatic component, with your Warforged Golem in this way, the Warforged Golem
you can use your bonus action to trace an runic symbol, has Proficiency with that armor.
choosing from one of three effects. While equipped with Heavy Armor, your Warforged Golem
has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Rune of Power: You can increase the spell level of the
effect by one (if applicable).
Rune of Dominion: You can increase the DC of the saving
throw by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Rune of Persistence: You can make the Rune persist,
maintaining concentration on the spell for you. This last a
number of rounds equal to your Intelligence Modifier.
Improve Dexterity. You tune the servos in your Warforged Warfare Routines. Your Warforged Golem gains one Fighting
Golem. Your Warforged Golem's Dexterity score increases by Style choosing from Duelling, Great Weapon Fighting,
2. You may apply this upgrade multiple times. A Warforged Defence, or Archery.
Golem's maximum Dexterity score is 18.
Stabilization. You increase the resilience and stability of your
Improve Strength. You reinforce the power of your golem’s Warforged Golem. It gains proficiency in Constitution Saving
core and limbs. Your Warforged Golem's Strength score Throws and has advantage against saving throws to be
increases by 2. You may apply this upgrade multiple times. A knocked down.
Warforged Golem's maximum Strength score is 18.
Warforged Apprentice. Prerequisite: Mark of Life. 15th level
Integrated Shields. Your Warforged Golem gains Proficiency Artificer.
with shields, allowing it to equip a shield without penalty. Your Warforged Companion begins to apply its abilities to
Iron Fortress. Prerequisite: Stabilization You increase the learn new things, gaining a class level in a class of your
size and durability of your golem’s frame. Your Warforged choosing. Your Warforged Companion gains all the first level
Golem now counts as full cover for those adjacent to it and it features of a class of your choice. This does not include health
cannot be moved against its will while in contact with a floor. or class proficiencies (for example, selecting Fighter grants
only Fightiny Style and Second Wind).
Multiattack Protocol. Prerequisite: 11th level Artificer. Your Warforged Adept. Prerequisite: Warforged Apprentice.
Warforged Golem gains multiattack. When your Mechanical Your growth as a Runesmith is such that your creation is
Servant uses the Attack action, it can attack twice. capable of learning and adapting even more skills. It gains all
Martial Weapons Protocols. Prerequisite: 5th level Artificer. the second level features of the class you selected for the
Your Mechanical Servant gains Proficiency with Martial Warforged Apprentice upgrade. This does not include health
Weapons. or class proficiencies (for example, selecting Fighter grants
only Action Surge).
Mark of Life. Prerequisite: 9th level Artificer. You have
attained the understanding of magic and craft a Mark of Life
on the forehead of your Warforged Golem, turning it into a
Warforged Companion. It gains and Intelligence score of 8
and a Charisma score of 6. This allows it to use Infused Magic
you create, as well as follow more complex commands
without direct input, speak, and remember things.
A Warsmith is an Artificer that has turned their wondrous Wondrous Item, Plate Armor, Attunement (creator only).
talent of invention to a singular goal: making themselves a
juggernaut of war. The reasons behind this could be Armor Class (AC) 18
benevolent or nefarious. Some Warsmiths seek to turn their Strength Requirement —
invention into a machine of death and terror; others become Stealth Disadvantage
the arbiter of justice and order, and others still perhaps merely Weight 105 lb.
seek to refine their craft in pursuit of pure innovation.
Because few individuals would pursue such a wondrous While wearing your Mechplate your Strength score increases
invention without a driven purpose to their endeavour, by 1, and your maximum Strength score increase by the same
Warsmiths tend to be Lawful, usually driven to their actions by amount. Additionally, you count as one size larger when
a greater purpose they seek the power to accomplish, be it determining the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
righting the wrongs or the world, or bringing it to heel beneath
their ironshod boot. A small creature wearing mechplate becomes a medium
sized creature while wearing the mechplate.
Warsmith's Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and smith's
tools. Extra Attack
Mechplate Gauntlet Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
At 1st level, when you take this specialization, you construct whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Mechplate Gauntlet. This is a specialized Wondrous Item that
only you can attune to.
Mechplate Gauntlet
Wondrous Item, Attunement (creator only).
Weight 5 lb.
While wearing this gauntlet, you have proficiency in Martial
Weapons, unarmed strikes using this gauntlet deal 1d6
bludgeoning damage, and you learn the Shocking Grasp cantrip
and can cast it through the gauntlet.
Armor Class. Prerequisite: 5th level.
You inforce the structure and materials that make up your
Standing About In Fancy Magic Mechplate. Your Mechplate's Armor Class (AC) increases by 1.
Armor You can apply this upgrade up to 3 times.
How closely you model your suit to what a more
typical set of plate armor might look like can vary, Cloaking Device. Requires Active Camouflage.
but in all but most exotic settings a set of You install an Arcane Cloaking device on your Mechplate .
Mechplate will tend to stand out. This device has 4 Charges. You can expend 1 or more charges
Consider how this might effect interactions with to cast one of the following spells using its action: Invisibility
the inhabitants of the world - some may be in awe, (2 charges), Greater Invisibility (4 charges).
some may form devious schemes, and some may It regains all charges after a long rest.
see a threat.
Darkvision Visor
While wearing your Mechplate, you have darkvision to a
Fully Customized Gear range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, this upgrade
Starting at 14th level, you've mastered the customization of increases its range by 60 feet.
your Mechplate. You can immediately select two additional Collapsible. Prerequisite: 5th level. Incompatible with Piloted
upgrades that do not count against your class upgrade total Golem
for your Mechplate. Your Mechplate can collapse into a case for easy storage.
Additionally, during a long rest, you can now swap out any When transformed this way the armor is indistinguishable
one upgrade for any other upgrade of the same level from a normal case and weighs 1/3 its normal weight. As an
requirements, so long as you don't have upgrade that requires action you can don or doff the armor, allowing it to transform
the upgrade you are removing as a prerequisite, or an as needed.
incompatible upgrades.
Energy Surge
Mechplate Upgrades You upgrade your Mechplate gauntlet to support delievering
Accelerated Movement a energy surge. You can use a bonus action to overcharge your
You reduce the weight of your Mechplate’s bulk and gauntlet, and the next Shocking Grasp or Force Blast you hit
increase the power to joints. The Mechplates weight is an enemy with during that turn deals an additional 1d8
reduced by 15 lbs. While wearing your Mechplate your speed lightning damage and knocks a Large or smaller target 10 feet
increases by 10 feet. This applies to all movement speeds you directly away from you.
have while wearing your armor. You can apply this upgrade up
to 2 times. Flame Projector. Prerequisite: 9th level. Incompatible with
other projectors.
Active Camouflage. Prerequisite: 5th level. The Projector has 6 Charges. Once it is integrated into your
As an action, you can activate active camouflage causing armor, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its
your suit to automatically blend into its surroundings. This Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using your
lasts until deactivated. While this active, you are considered spell save DC: Burning Hands (1 charge), Fireball (3 charges),
lightly obscured, and can hide from a creature even when they or Wall of Fire (4 charges).
have a clear line of sight to you. Wisdom (Perception) checks It regains all charges on a long rest.
to find you that rely on vision are made with disadvantage.
Flash Freeze Capacitor Prerequisite: 11th level.
Adaptable Armor Incompatible with other capacitors.
You integrate deployable hooks and fins into your armor, You install a capacitor that builds an icy chill until it
augmenting its mobility. While wearing your Mechplate you unleashed in a deadly burst. As an action, you can unleash it,
gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you casting Cone of Cold, and the area effected freezes, becoming
can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside difficult terrian until the start of your next turn.
down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
Additionally, you gain a swim speed equal to your walking complete a long rest.
Flight Prerequisite: 9th level.
Arcane Visor. Prerequisite: 15th level. Prerequisite: You integrate a magical propulsion system, integrated in
Darkvision Visor into your Mechplate. While wearing your Mechplate you have
You add a heavily enchanted visor to your Mechplate that a Magical flying speed of 30 feet.
augments your vision. The Visor has 6 Charges.
Once it is integrated into your armor, you can use an Action Force Blast
to expend 1 or more of its Charges to cast one of the following You upgrade your Mechplate gauntlet to allow you to make
Spells from it, using your spell save DC: See Invisibility (2 a ranged spell attack. The weapon fires blasts of arcane
charges) or True Seeing (4 charges). energy which deal 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier Force
It regains all charges on a long rest. damage. The range is 30 feet. You are proficient in this
weapon. When you take the attack action, you can use this
ranged spell attack in place of any attack made.
Grappling Reel You upgrade your Mechplate gauntlet to reflect a
Your Mechplate gains an integrated grappling reel set into commitment to using it to punch things, with increased
your gauntlet. As 1 attack or 1 action, you may target a reinforcement and weight, and better arm support from your
surface, object or creature within 40 feet. If the target is Large suit. Your Mechplate gauntlet's unarmed strike is upgraded to
or Smaller, you can make a Grapple check to pull it to you and deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage and gains the Special properity.
Grapple it. Alternatively, if the target is Large or larger, you Special: When you make an attack roll, you can choose to
can choose to be pulled to it, this does not grapple it. forgo adding your Proficiency modifier to the attack roll. If the
attack hits, you can add double your Proficiency modifier to
Integrated Weapon the damage roll.
You integrate a melee weapon into your Mechplate. When
you apply this upgrade you must have a weapon to integrate, Reactive Plating Prerequisite: 15th level. You install special
and you must choose where on your armor the weapon is heavy plating, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
located. The weapon cannot have the Heavy property. You are and slashing damage from non-magical sources while wearing
proficient with this weapon. As a bonus action you can your Mechplate. In addition, you can use your reaction when
activate the weapon. hit by an attack to reduce the damage of that attack by an
You must treat it as though you are wielding it with one amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
hand, but you cannot be disarmed of it. Once activated, you
can use this weapon when you take the attack action, and it
does not require the use of a hand or your mechplate gauntlet.
You can apply this upgrade multiple times, selecting a new
weapon and new location on your armor to install it.
Integrated Attack. Prerequisite: 9th level. Prerequisite
Integrated Weapon.
When you activate your Integrated weapon, you can
immediately make one attack with it. While it is active, you
can make an attack with it using your bonus action.
Lightning Projector. Prerequisite: 9th level. Incompatible
with other projectors.
The Projector has 6 Charges. Once it is integrated into your
armor, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its
Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using your
spell save DC: Thunderwave (1 charge), Lightning Bolt (3
charges), or Storm Sphere (4 charges).
It regains all charges on a long rest.
Mechsuit. Incompatible with Piloted Golem and Sealed Suit
You rebuild your Mechplate to remove the heavy plating.
You can retain all benefits and upgrades of the Mechplate, but
now serves only as Medium armor, providing a base of 15 AC,
and its weight is reduced to 40 lbs.
Piloted Golem. Prerequisite: Fully upgraded Powered Limbs.
Incompatible with Collapsible.
You enlarge your Mechplate, turning it into a piloted
mechanical golem. Your size category when wearing the
armor increases by one, and you have advantage on Strength
checks and Strength saving throws.
Powered Limbs
You upgrade frame and limbs of your armor. The bonus
your Mechplate grants to your Strength score and maximum
Strength score increases by 1 while wearing this armor. You
can apply this upgrade up to 3 times.
Power Slam Capacitor. Prerequisite: 11th level.
Incompatible with other capacitors.
You install a capacitor that builds up destructive energy. As
an Action, you can leap a distance up to your movement speed,
casting Destructive Wave upon landing.
Once you use this ability, you can not use it again until you
complete a long rest.
Power Fist.
Recall. Prerequisite: 15th level. You install a sun cannon into your mechplate, allowing for
When not being worn you can hide your Mechplate in a emmiting devestating solar lazer blasts. As an action, you can
pocket dimension. As an action on your turn you can cast Sunbeam without expending a spell slot.
magically summon the armor and don it. You can use a bonus Once you use this ability, you can not use it again until you
action to return the armor to the pocket dimension. complete a long rest.
While in the pocket dimension the armor cannot be affected Virtual Wizard Prerequisite: 15th level. Prerequisite: Fully
by other abilities and cannot be interacted with in any way. upgraded Sentient Armor. While wearing your Mechplate,
Resistance your Mechplates built in intelligence assists your spell casting.
You tune your Mechplate against certain forms of damage. Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus are each increased
Choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or by 2.
thunder damage. While wearing your Mechplate you have
resistance to that type of damage. If you apply this upgrade Wandsmith
more than once you must choose a different damage type. A wandsmith is an Artificer who has mastered a technique,
Relocation Matrix Prerequistive: 15th level. more than a singular invention. The technique of quickly
You install an arcane transmutation matrix that you can use forging powerful Wands.
to convert your magical power into dimensional warp. As an A wandsmith is a dangeorus opponent, quick on their feet
action, you can cast Dimension Door without expending a and quicker with a magic spell from one of their wands. A
spell slot. Once you use this ability, you can not use it again wandsmith is a constant balance of extensive preperation and
until you complete a long rest. lightning quick reflexes and thinking.
A Wandsmith can come from any walk of life, a scholar of
Sealed Suit. Prerequisite: 5th level. magic or an outlaw taking arcane shortcuts for potent results.
As a bonus action on your turn you can environmentally
seal your Mechplate, giving you an air supply for up to 1 hour Wandsmith's Proficiency
and making you immune to poison (but not curing you of When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
existing poisoned conditions). proficiency with woodcrafter's tools and jeweler's tools.
Your armor regains 1 minute of air for every minute that Additionally, when using wondrous item Wand that has rolls
you are not submerged and the armor is not sealed. a d20 when the last charge is consumed, rolling a 1 on that
In addition to the above, you are also considered adapted to roll will no longer result in that wand being destroyed.
cold and hot climates while wearing your armor, and you’re
also acclimated to high altitude while wearing your armor. Blasting Rod
At 1st level, you've mastered the arcane secrets and fine
craftsmanship to forge a wand. The first wand you create is
Warsmith Variant: Self-Forged your Blasting Rod.
An alternative approach for the Warsmith that your When you craft your Blasting Rod, select one Evocation
DM may allow you to take is the Self-Forged. While Cantrip from the Wizard spell list that does not require
a traditional Warsmith is a creature wearing concentration. Thereafter, as an action, you can use the
Mechplate, for a creature that purely values combat Blasting rod to cast that spell. Once per turn, when you deal
readiness, these upgrades can be integrated more damage to a creature or object with your Blasting Rod or with
directly, starting by simply replacing one of your a spell using a charge of a Wand, you can add your Intelligence
hands with the Mechplate Gauntlet, and continuing modifier to damage dealt to that target.
to directly applying upgrades and replacing parts of
your body as appropriate.
A Self-Forged can use the full Warsmith rules Blasting Rod
with the following changes.
Wondrous Item, Attunement.
Your Mechplate Gauntlet and your Mechplate
are integrated into your body. As an action, you can use this wand to cast a Evocation
You cannot unequip or stow your Mechplate. Cantrip (selected from the Wizard spell list).
The upgrades "Expanded," "Collapsible" and
"Recall" are not available.
You do not incur any recovery penalities from
resting in your Mechplate.
You can only have a single blasting rod at a time. If your rod is
lost or destroyed, you can make a new one during a long rest
with 10 gold pieces of materials and 2 hours of work.
Sentient Armor You can use your Blasting Rod as an arcane focus for
Artificer spells.
You install an artificial personality into your Mechplate,
making it a sentient item. This sentience assists you in all Spellmanual
ways. The bonus your Mechplate grants to your Intelligence At 3rd level, you have a Spellmanual containing three 1st-level
score and maximum Intelligence score increases by 1 while wizard evocation Spells of your choice. Your Spellmanual is
wearing this armor. You can apply this upgrade up to 2 times. the repository of any non-Artificer spell you know.
Additionally, when this is fully upgraded, you cannot be
surprised while wearing your Mechplate.
Sun Cannon. Prerequisite: 15th level Artificer.
You cannot prepare these spells and these spells do not count Magical Rod. Prerequisite: Artificer level 11.
against your spells known, but when you level up, you can You create a new Rod that you can infuse with of 5th level
choose to take one the spells from your Spellmanaul as a spell or higher you have recorded in your Spellmanual. This rod
known replacing a choice from the Artificer spell list, at which does not require attunement, but can only be used by you. The
point you can cast it as normal. You can choose to scribe any Spell level must be equal to half or less of your Artificer level
Artificer spell you can cast into the Spellmanual. (as of when you would get this upgrade), rounded down. This
The Wands you craft from your Specialization Upgrade rod has one charge. As an action, you can expend the charge
select spells from this Spellmanual. You can remake any to cast the selected spell at its base level. The wand regains all
Wand you create with an Upgrade with 10 gold pieces of charges at the end of a long rest.
materials during a long rest if you have lost a wand, but the You can select this upgrade multiple times, selecting a
old wand (wherever it is), loses all magical properties when different spell each time you take this upgrade.
you do so.
If you would like to select a different spell from your
Spellmanual for one of your wands, you can discard a wand of How to get high level spells?
the appropriate level and forge a new wand in a process that Astute players will note that you can only add spells
takes 200 gold pieces of materials for research and crafting, of a level you can cast through leveling to your Spell
as well as eight working hours, at the end of which you have a Manual, but you cannot cast a 5th level spell until
wand for a different spell for that upgrade slot. higher level than Magical Rod upgrade becomes
available. Spells for Magical Rods will primarily have
Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher to be found in the wild, in the form of scrolls and
Each time you gain a artificer level, you can add one wizard copied into your Spellmanual that way.
Spells of your choice to your Spellmanual for free. Each of
these Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots,
as shown on the Artificer table.
On your adventures, you might find other Spells that you
can add to your Spellmanual. For each level of the spell, the
process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gold pieces.
Wands Akimbo
Starting at 5th level, when you use your action to cast a spell
using charges of a Wand, if you are holding your Blasting Rod
in your other hand, you can cast the Blasting Rod's cantrip
with it as bonus action, picking either the same target or a
different target.
Additionally, you can draw or stow two wands when you
would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
Masterwork Wands
Starting at 14th level, If you use a wand you made to cast a
concentration spell, as long as you continue to hold the wand
you have advantage on checks to maintain concentration on
that spell.
Additionally, when you create a wand that causes spell
damage of fire, cold, acid, thunder, or lightning damage, you
can choose a different damage type from those types for the
spell when cast by that Wand.
Wandsmith Upgrades
Magical Wand.
You create a new Wand that you can infuse with a Spell of
1st level or higher you have recorded in your Spellmanual.
This wand does not require attunement, but can only be used
by you. The Spell must be of a level that you can cast. This
wand has three charges. As an action, you can expend a
charge to cast the selected spell at its base level. The wand
regains all charges at the end of a long rest.
You can select this upgrade multiple times, selecting a
different spell each time you take this upgrade.
Additional Notes Artificer as a class was created by Wizards of the Coast.
All images are randomly taken from the internet:
Should you want to multiclass into Artificer, the prerequisites Class image credit: theDURRRRIAN on deviantart.
and proficiencies are listed below: Alchemist image credit: Pathfinder Alchemist.
Gunsmith image credit: Privateer Press.
Prerequisite: 13 Intelligence. Runesmith image credit: Wizards of the Coast.
Proficiencies gained: Arcana skill. Mechplate image credit: theDURRRRIAN on deviantart.
For the purpose of multiclassing and spell slots, add half Wandsmith image credit Wizards of the Coast
your Artificer levels rounded down when calculating your
Spell Slots on the multiclassing spells slots table (like Paladin
or Ranger).
Change Log
v1.1 Reduced Thunder Cannon Range to 60/120.
Added Hand Cannon upgrade to Cannonsmith.
Rebalanced level of upgrades Added Varient Upgrade: Arm Cannon.
Changed upgrades to use class table.
Updated Cannonsmith's Devestating Blasts to only deal v1.2.1
half of Thundermonger damage, rather than half the Added Wandsmith, Gadgetsmith, work in progress will be
attack's total damage. finalized with the 1.3 version.
Misc. defunct features removed.
Added Wondrous Item Proficiency, level 7th v1.3 - view document.
Added Wondrous Item Recharge, level 10
Added Wondrous Item Mastery level 18 General Changes
v1.2 Added Gadgetsmith Subclass (Gadgeteer).
Added Wandsmith Subclass (Wandslinger).
General Changes Gunsmith Changes
Added clarifying langage on the upgrades for Warsmith Added new upgrade, Blast Shells (15th level)
and Cannonsmith that upgrades must be selected as per
the level the upgrade is recieved. Runesmith Changes
Added (creator only) tag to the attunement of the Artificer's Changed the Strength and Dexterity stat increases for the
subclass items. Warforged Golem to +2, but capped the strength and
Added spells "Illusery Script" and "Snare" to their spell dexterity of it at 18.
list. Added Rune of Recovery and Rune of Regeneration,
Fixed a lot of consistency/spell issues, editing pass thanks removed Rune of Resilience.
to /u/Leonyx_ Changed Rune of Protection from +1 to All Saving throws
Warsmith Changes to +1 to AC, and +1 to All Saving Throws at 5th level.
Added Warsmith Variant: Self-Forged Note. Renamed Rune of Force to Rune of Vorpal Force
Removed the "Heavy" Upgrade from Warsmith Mechplate Renamed Rune of Flame to Rune of Flametongue
Upgrades. Added Rune of Warding as an additional option.
Removed the "Agile Digits" upgrade from Warsmith Wandsmith Changes
Mechplate Upgrades. Wands changed from 2 charges per long rest to three
Reduced the total upgrades in Sentient Armor from 3 to 2, charges per long rest.
and removed the previous +1 and +2 benefits.
Removed internal storage upgrade from Warsmith v1.4 - view document
Mechplate Upgrades.
Changed "Speed" upgrade to "Accelerated Movement". General Changes
Changed "Environmental Suit" upgrade to "Seal Suit" and Added the Potionsmith (Alchemist) as a specialization
simplified language. option
Numerous additional upgrades for all Artificer
Runesmith Changes specializations added.
Changed the Warforged Golem's Natural Armor from 12 to Streamlined creating additional copies of your Wondrous
14. This still does not add Dexterity without Evasive Item for Cannonsmiths and Warsmiths.
Maneuvers. Minor expansions to spell list.
Increased basic Dexterity of Warforged Golem to 12. Added Arcane Reconstruction as level 6 class feature.
Increased base Golem speed to 25
Removed speed increase from Dexterity increases for the Cannonsmith Changes
Golem. Elemental swapping is no is no longer limited to int/long
Added Iron Fortress Upgrade to Warforged Golem rest times for usage.
upgardes. Variant Weapon Types are no longer upgrades, but can be
Added Powerful Grappler to the Warforged Golem selected when you forge a Thunder Cannon without
upgrades additional cost.
Overchannel Capacitor upgrade added
Cannonsmith Changes Extended Magazine upgrade replaced with Autoloader
Collapsed Advanced Ballastics and Advanced Optics into Upgrade
Cannon Improvements, which is a generic +1 to attack and Turret Deployment upgrade added.
damage rolls. Shock absorber upgrade added.
Combined Extended Barrel and Farsight Scope. Changed Thundercannon range to 60:180 from 60:120 for
Changed Marking Scope to Divintion Scope in Thunder better consistency with ranged weapons.
Cannon Upgrades. Changed Extended barrel upgrade to +30/90 from +50/50
Added Echoing Booms to Thunder Cannon Upgrades in range.
Added Synapic Feedback to the Cannonsmith upgrades.
Gadgetsmith Changes The duration of Alchemical Infusion for Concentration
Upgraded Impact Gauntlet to 1d8 bludgeoning damage. spells has been shortened to a number of rounds equal to
added Antimagic Shackle upgrade. your Intelligence modifier, not Intelligence Modifier +
Added Zombie Wires upgrade Proficiency Modifier.
Added Useful Universal Key ugprade Mana Potion has a 9th level requirement.
Added Mechnical Arm upgrade
Added Element Eater upgrade.
Clarified language around Smoke Bomb. These do not
require concentration, but last a # of rounds equal to the
intelligence modifier.
Runesmith Changes
Instant Runes is now a 1/short rest ability, rather than long
Rune of Dominion now only increases the first saving
throw of a spell.
Removed exclusivity of 'Armament' upgrades.
Added Warforged Apprentice Upgrade.
Added Warforged Adept Upgrade.
Warsmith Changes
Changed the 14th level ability to "Fully Customized Gear"
and moved Reactive Armor to an upgrade (nerfed; no
longer grants resistance to bludgeoning piercing and
slashing from magical damage).
Small creatures wearing mechplate now count as Medium.
Added Mechsuit upgrade.
Added Active Camouflage upgrade.
Added Power Fist upgrade.
Added Sun Cannon upgrade.
Wandsmith Changes
Wandsmiths can now change their upgrade wands with a
cost of time and gold.
Added New Magical Rod upgrade for Wandsmith artificers.
Changed Wandsmith to require using a charge of their
Wand to gain the benefits of casting a spell with it.
Reworded how the Intelligence modifier is added to
damage to avoid cases of double dipping and avoid 'the
magic missile problem'.
1.5 Changes.
Cannonsmith changes
Harpoon no longer requires a strength check to remove,
but deals an additional 1d6 damage when they remove it.
Blast Shells; damage is now either all Thundermonger
damage to one creature hit, or half Thudnermonger
damage to all creatures hit, not both.
Potionsmith changes
(...also known as Frostbloom nerfs)
Frostbloom's restrain effect on a creature ends at the end
of their next turn now, so the effect does not cause
disadvantage against the reapplication of the ability.
Frostbloom only restrains a creature that fails and is
entirely in the area of effect (making it less effective against
large or larger creatures).
Weapon coating no longer bypasses the saving throw for
instant reactions for status effects. The damage is still
applied automatically, but poisoned and restrained are still
gated behind saving throws.
Infusion Stone is "less than" not "greater than" the highest
level spell slot you can cast.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.