Leyte IV Electric Cooperative Inc v. Leyeco Union

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Leyte IV Electric Cooperative Inc., v.

LEYECO IV Employees Union

G.R. 157775, October 19,2007

On April 6, 1998, petitioner and respondent entered into a Collective Bargaining
Agreement covering petitioner rank-and-file employees, for a period of five (5) years
effective January 1, 1998. Respondent demanded for a holiday pay for all employees, as
provided for in the CBA.

Petitioner, on the other hand, insisted payment of the holiday pay in compliance with the
CBA provisions, stating that payment was presumed since the formula used in
determining the daily rate of pay of the covered employees is Basic Monthly Salary
divided by 30 days or Basic Monthly Salary multiplied by 12 divided by 360 days, thus with
said formula, the employees are already paid their regular and special days, the days when
no work is done, the 51 un-worked Sundays and the 51 un-worked Saturdays.

Voluntary Arbitrator Antonio C. Lopez, Jr. rendered a Decision in favor of respondent,

holding petitioner liable for payment of unpaid holidays from 1998 to 2000 in the sum of
P1,054,393.07. He reasoned that petitioner miserably failed to show that it complied with
the CBA mandate that holiday pay be reflected during any payroll period of occurrence
since the payroll slips did not reflect any payment of the paid holidays. He found
unacceptable not only petitioner's presumption of payment of holiday pay based on a
formula used in determining and computing the daily rate of each covered employee, but
also petitioner's further submission that the rate of its employees is not less than the
statutory minimum wage multiplied by 365 days and divided by twelve

WON the decision of a Voluntary Arbitrator appealable to the CA.

It has long been settled in the landmark case Luzon Development Bank that a
voluntary arbitrator, whether acting solely or in a panel, enjoys in law the status of a
quasi-judicial agency; hence, his decisions and awards are appealable to the CA. This is so
because the awards of voluntary arbitrators become final and executory upon the lapse of
the period to appeal; and since their awards determine the rights of parties, their
decisions have the same effect as judgments of a court. Therefore, the proper remedy
from an award of a voluntary arbitrator is a petition for review to the CA, following
Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95, which provided for a uniform procedure for
appellate review of all adjudications of quasi-judicial entities, which is now embodied in
Section 1, Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

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