Modeling Adjustable Throat-Area Expansion Valves
Modeling Adjustable Throat-Area Expansion Valves
Modeling Adjustable Throat-Area Expansion Valves
Purdue e-Pubs
International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
School of Mechanical Engineering
James E. Braun
Purdue University
Bo Shen
Purdue University
Li, Haorong; Braun, James E.; and Shen, Bo, "Modeling Adjustable Throat-Area Expansion Valves" (2004). International Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Conference. Paper 705.
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Adjustable throat-area expansion valves (ATAEV), including thermostatic and electric expansion valves, are used
commonly in air conditioning equipment and lead to improved system performance as compared with the use of
fixed orifice expansion devices. However, ATAEV modeling literature is limited. Typically, a TXV is modeled by
specifying the superheat entering the compressor or empirically correlating experimental data. In order to model
system behavior more accurately and effectively over a wide range of conditions, more accurate ATAEV models are
necessary and a more general modeling methodology is desired. The current paper presents a general model format
that utilizes manufacturers’rating data. Model structures for three types of valve geometries are derived. Two model
formats and parameter estimation procedures using manufacturer performance rating data were considered. The
proposed methods are validated using experimental data and compared with results in the literature. Both
experimental validation and theoretical analysis demonstrate that the proposed methods are more accurate and more
generic than other methods presented in the literature.
Expansion devices reduce the pressure and regulate the refrigerant flow to the low side evaporator within a vapor
compression system. A model of the expansion device is essential to simulate the whole system and can be used as
a virtual sensor to estimate its upstream pressure as part of an automated diagnostic system (see Li and Braun
There are two kinds of expansion devices used in vapor compression systems: fixed-area and adjustable throat-area
devices. The drawback associated with fixed-area devices is their limited ability to efficiently regulate refrigerant
flow in response to changes in system operating conditions, since they are sized based on one set of conditions.
Adjustable throat-area expansion valves provide a better solution to regulating refrigerant flow into a direct
expansion type evaporator using certain feedback control strategy. A thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and an
electric expansion valve (EXV) are two types of adjustable throat-area expansion valves. A TXV is a completely
mechanical device that uses a single variable proportional feedback control scheme to maintain a nearly constant
superheat at the evaporator outlet. The fundamental principle of an EXV is the same as a TXV except that it uses
electronic actuation and sensor information along with a digital feedback controller and can theoretically operate
with a smaller degree of superheat than a TXV. There is a lot of literature for modeling and experimental
investigations for fixed orifice devices. Although TXVs and EXVs are used widely, there is very little literature
related to modeling of their behavior. In some simu lation models for unitary heat pumps such as PUREZ (Rice,
2001), models for TXVs and EXVs are simplified by explicitly fixing a constant superheat or implicitly specifying
superheat trends. Browne and Bansal (1998) described a modeling method using the difference of the superheat in
the evaporator to the reference superheat temperature to modify the fixed orifice model. Harms (2002) showed that
constant superheat was a poor assumption and correlated TXV performance using experimental data. Among the
limited literature, none discusses fundamentally whether the flow is choked or not. In the limited literature, the
following format for a TXV model has been generally adopted,
m& = CA ρ ( Pup − Pdown) (1)
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where, C is discharge coefficient, A is the throat area, ρ is density, Pu p is the upstream pressure, Pdown is the
downstream pressure. The above equation is the same as that for an orifice except that A is a variable. Therefore, it
seems that mass flow rate is a strong function of pressure drop ∆ P = Pu p − Pd o w n and variable restriction area A , but
a very weak function of upstream refrigerant subcooling, Tsub . The implicit assumption is that the flow is not
choked. Benjamin and Miller (1941) conducted experiments of sharp-edged orifices of L / D = 0 .28 ~ 1 with
saturated water at various upstream pressures and found that orifices having L / D < 1 did not choke the flow at
normal operating conditions. However, some researchers (Chisholm, 1967; Krakow and Lin 1988) observed that the
mass flow rate of a refrigerant through an orifice in a heat pump was primarily dependent on the upstream
conditions, which indicates that the flow was choked. This warrants further investigation. Before using this model
format, it is advisable to validate this assumption.
2. Approach
In this section, the general model format is validated using manufacturers’data, mathematical expressions are
derived that relate throttle area to valve position and valve position to superheat, and procedures are presented for
estimating model parameters from manufacturers’rating data.
Whether the flow is choked or not can be checked indirectly by analyzing manufacturers’rating data. Equation (2)
can be rearranged as,
m& ref
CA = (2)
ρ ( Pu p − Pd o w n)
According to ANSI/ASHRAE standard 17 (1998) and ARI standard 750 (2001), throat-area A is nearly fixed by
fixing the opening superheat when generating the manufacturers’rating data for a TXV. For an EXV, the throat-area
A is exactly fixed at the rating value. So CArated for an EXV should be constant and that for a TXV should be
relatively constant if the flow is not choked.
Figure 1a shows that CArated for a 3.5-ton EXV is pretty constant (mean: 2.5736 mm2 , standard variation:
0.0038 mm2 ) over the whole set of rating conditions (evaporator temperature: -40F~40F and Pressure Drop:
50psi~250psi). For a 5-ton TXV, Figure 1b shows that CArated has an abrupt change from an air conditioning
application (evaporator temperature: -5C ~ 5C) to a refrigeration application (evaporator temperature: -15C). In spite
of the abrupt change, its overall variation is still small (mean: 3.4842 mm2 , standard variation: 0.1020 mm2 ).
However, the variation is very small within each application range. For air conditioning applications, the mean is
3.5538 mm2 , and standard variation is 0.0068 mm2 . For refrigeration applications, the mean is 3.3451 mm2 , and
standard variation is 0.0041 mm2 . Therefore, the TXV model format is accurate at the rating conditions and the flow
is not chocked.
The abrupt change in CArated for the TXV can be explained by the saturation pressure-temperature (P-T) curve for
the thermostatic charge fluid. Figure 2 shows that the P-T curve becomes flatter at lower temperature. As a result, a
given opening superheat results in less pressure difference across the valve diaphragm at lower evaporating
temperatures causing a reduction in valve opening area. For example, the pressure difference caused by 5 C of
opening superheat at an evaporating temperature of 5 C is 0.969 bars, which is far larger than 0.584 bars at an
evaporating temperature of -15 C. Fortunately, this would not cause any problem in modeling because 1) the P-T
curve is pretty linear if it is divided into three sections: AB, BC and CD; 2) for a given application, the TXV will
work in one of the three sections and the TXV used in packaged air conditioning falls into section CD; 3) the
nonlinearity can be eliminated or overcome using cross charges. For cross charges, the TXV working fluid is chosen
so that the opening force is nearly proportional to opening superheat over the entire operating range.
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2.595 3.6
Tevap=40F Tevap=20F Tevap=0F Tevap=-20F Tevap=-40F
CArated (mm2)
CArated (mm2)
2.58 3.5
2.565 3.4
2.55 3.3
3 5 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Pressure drop (bar) Pressure drop (bar)
(a) EXV (b) TXV
Figure 1 The CArated values of an EXV and a TXV under manufactory ratings
Psat [bar]
4 C
0.584Bar 5C
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
Tsat [C]
Figure 2 P-T saturation curve for R22
In summary, from manufacturers’standard rating data, the flow across a TXV or EXV is not choked and the
generally used model format is valid. To specify a TXV or EXV model, the key point is to find an expression for
variable throat-area, A , in terms of superheat and then specify the constant C using manufacturers’rating data.
Generally speaking, the throat-area, A , is a function of valve position, which is determined by the control strategy
used by the valve. Because TXVs and EXVs use different control strategies, the first step is to derive the A in terms
of valve position and then develop expressions for valve position in terms of superheat.
As shown in Figure 3, there are three kinds of valves used in TXVs and EXVs . Among them, types I and II are used
widely and their geometric model is the same.
Figures 4a and 4b illustrate TXV valves at an operating point. At a certain valve position, h , the throat-area is,
A= (D 2 − d 2 ) ,
where d = 2 tanθ ( H − h) and tanθ = , so,
D h
d =2 ( H − h) = D(1 − ) ,
2H H
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Type I
Type II Type III
Figure 3 Three types of valve geometry
It is obvious that throat-area, A , is a second order function of valve position, h , which is plotted as Figure 4c.
Figure 4b shows the geometric model for valve type III. An expression for throat area in terms of valve position is
A = πDh ,
It can be seen that the throat-area, A , is a linear function of valve position, h . It is plotted in Figure 4c
Popen = Pb − Pe Popen = Pb − Pe A
H Type III
D h
Type I & II
1 H
Pclose = Pstatic + ∆Pspring Pclose = Pstatic + ∆Pspring
Figure 4 Geometric models and throat-area curves for different valve types
The valve position for an EXV can be calculated easily from the control signal,
h = f ( control _ signal) .
where control _ signal is determined by the control algorithm and can be a function of various thermodynamic
For a TXV, valve position is a function of superheat. As shown in Figures 4a and 4b, the pressure of the
thermostatic element, Pb , is applied to the top of the diaphragm and acts to open the valve; the evaporator
temperature, Pe , is applied under the diaphragm and acts in a closing direction; Pstatic is caused by the initial spring
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deformation which is preset by initial static superheat setting and acts to close the valve; ∆ Pspring is the pressure
caused by extra spring deformation other than the initial static superheat setting and acts to close the valve. So, the
pressure difference between Pb and Pe acts to open the valve. Assume that the P-T curve is linear in the range of
operation, and then the pressure difference across the diaphragm ( Popen ) is a linear function of opening superheat,
Popen = Pb − Pe = k1Tsh,operating ,
and according to Hooke’s Law, the total spring force, Pclose , is proportional to the total spring deformation,
Pclose = Pstatic + ∆Pspring = k2 ( xstatic + h ) .
At any constant operating condition, the forces exerted on the valve are balanced,
k 1Tsh ,operating = k 2 ( x static + h ) ,
Rearranging the above equation gives an expression for valve position,
h= Tsh ,operating − xstatic = kTsh ,operating − x static = kTsh,operating − kTsh, static = k (Tsh ,operating − T sh,static ) = kTsh,opening .
As shown in Figure 5a, the valve position is a linear function of opening superheat.
For an EXV, the overall mass flow rate model can be obtained by substituting the throat-area into Equation (1) and
coupling the valve position to a specific feedback controller algorithm.
The overall mass flow rate model for a TXV can be obtained by substituting the expressions for throat-area and
valve position into the general model equation.
1) The mass flow rate for type I & II valves is higher than that for type III valves with the same operating
range and at the same superheat, except when the valves are fully open or close. Therefore, for valves with
the same operating range, type I & II valves require smaller superheat to get the same capacity as type III
2) The mass flow for type III valves increases linearly with superheat until the maximum opening superheat is
reached, whereas for type I & II valves, mass flow rate increases nonlinearly and the rate of increase
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approaches zero when the valve is fully open. When the valve is fully open, the mass flow is larger than
that at the rated condition and so is the capacity. The additional capacity beyond the rated is termed reserve
capacity. Since the increase rate of mass flow rate decreases, for type I & II valves to have the same reserve
capacity as type III valves, more superheat is required. In other words, type I & II valves would be
expected to have smaller reserve capacity (around 10%) than that of type III (up to 40%) valves in order to
avoid abnormally high superheat at high capacity operation. However, an advantage of type I & II valves is
a reduction in TXV cycling (“hunting”) caused by the TXV alternately overfeeding and underfeeding the
Type III
Since the overall mass flow rate model for EXVs is explicit, all the parameters are available. From the above
analysis, it can be seen that the mass flow rate for type I and II TXVs is a nonlinear function of superheat while that
of type III is a linear function of superheat. However, in most of the existing literature, it is assumed that the mass
flow rate for all kinds of TXV is a linear function of superheat. So, in order to simplify the parameter estimation, a
globally linear assumption can be adopted (no approximation for type III TXV). Alternatively, the nonlinear model
can be employed with a more complicated method for estimating parameters with additional assumptions. Both
approaches are considered in this section.
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2) IF Tsh ,rating,opening is available from the manufacturer, go to step 3. If not, roughly guess an initial value
according to ARI and ASHRAE standards and manufacturing tradition (Table 1).
3) Determine C = .
Tsh ,rating,opening
4) Determine Tsh ,static . If the number of rotations adjusted by the system manufacturer is recorded, it could be
easy to calculate the actual static superheat. If not, it could be estimated from the manufacturer settings and
refined by experimental data.
5) Determine Tsh ,max,opening using the manufacturers’tradition of reserving capacity ( reserve_ capacity ) to set
the upper boundary of (T sh,rating − T sh,static ) .
≈ 1 − reserve _ capacity
2.5.2 Nonlinear Model
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4) Determine Tsh, max,opening and set the upper boundary for (T sh,rating − T sh,static ) .
where the upper boundary of (T sh,rating − T sh,static ) is set at 4.5 o C and the unit for Pu p and Pdown is Pa.
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Harms plotted all four sets of data (see Figure 6) and fit the following model by minimizing the least squares error.
m& ref = c1 (Tsuper − c2 )[ ρ f ( Pup − Pdown )]0 .5
Harms determined c1 = 0. 51 mm 2 / oC , c2 = 1 .0 oC . So,
4 A B C HT
C dA [mm ]
0 5 10 15
Figure 6 Cd A value for a 5-ton RTU TXV as a function of superheat
Figure 7a and Table 2 show results for the globally linear and nonlinear modeling approaches along with results
from a correlation model presented by Harms. The model developed by Harms used all of the data from Figure 7a to
train the model. It is obvious that the nonlinear model provides better predictions than the globally linear model and
comparable accuracy to the interpolation performance of Harms’ model.
Although Harms’empirical mo del may be good for interpolation, it can not be expected to extrapolate well.
Mathematically, this model is equivalent to making a locally linear assumption (see Figure 7b). If the experimental
data range is limited, parameters C1 and C2 will be unreasonable. For example, the parameter C2 from Harms for
the 5-ton RTU, which is supposed to be the static superheat setting, is equal to 1o C , while the upper boundary of
opening superheat is set at 8o C . According to ARI and ASHRAE standards, static superheat should be far larger
than 1o C , and 8o C for an upper boundary on opening superheat (indicating a 50% of reserve capacity ) is too
large. For a 7.5 ton RTU considered by Harms, parameter C2 was correlated to be a negative value, − 4. 4o C , which
is impossible physically.
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4. Conclusions
The model format for adjustable-area expansion devices was validated using manufacturer’s data and the flow
through the adjustable-area expansion devices is not choked. Expressions for throat areas were derived as a function
of valve position and superheat, which leads to the mass flow rate model. Two model formats and parameter
estimation procedures were considered and their predictions were compared with laboratory measurements. The
nonlinear modeling approach only requires data at a rating condition to obtain parameters and gave good predictions
over a wide range of operating conditions when compared with laboratory data.
5. References
ARI, 2001, Standard 750, Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Institute,
Arlington, VA.
ASHRAE, 1998, STANDARD 17, Method of Testing Capacity of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves,
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
Benjamin, M.W., and J.G. Miller,1941. The flow of saturated water throttling orifice. Transactions of the ASME 63
(5): 419-426
Browne, W. Matthew and Bansal, K. Pradeep, 1998. Challenges in Modeling Vapor-Compression Liquid Chillers,
AHRAE Trans., 1998, V. 104, Pt. 1.
Chisholm, D. 1967. Flow of compressible two-phase mixtures through throttling devices. Chemical and Process
Engineering, vol. 48:342-350
Harms, Todd M., 2002. Charge Inventory System Modeling and Validation for Unitary Air Conditioners, Ph.D.
Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University.
Krakow, K.I., and Lin, S., 1988, Refrigerant flow through orifices, AHRAE Trans., 94(1):484-506
Li, H. and Braun, J.E., 2004a, “A Methodology for Diagnosing Multiple-Simultaneous Faults in Rooftop Air
Conditioners”. Accepted for the Tenth International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue
to be held on July 12-15, 2004.
Rice, C. Keith, 1991, The ORNL Modulating Heat Pump Design Model Tool— Mark IV user’s Guide, ORNL/CON-
343, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 12-15, 2004