CFRP Wrap Hex - 230
CFRP Wrap Hex - 230
CFRP Wrap Hex - 230
Technical Data
Fiber type High strength carbon fibres
Fiber orientation Unidirectional
Areal Weight 220 g/m2 ± 10 g/m2
Fiber Density 1.78 g/cm3
Fabric design thickness 0.12 mm (based on total carbon content)
CFRP Wrap Hex – 230
Tensile strength 4,100 N/mm2 (nominal)
of fibers
Tensile E-modulus 231, 000 N/mm2 (nominal)
of Fibers
Strain at break 1.7% (nominal)
of fibers
Fabric length / roll ≥ 50 m
Fabric width 300 to 600 mm
Shelf Life 2 years from date of production
Package 1 roll in card board box
Application CFRP Wrap Hex-230C is usually applied with the mid-
viscosity impregnating resin Chemdur 300.
Important information --
The fabric can be cut with special scissors or very sharp
knife, but may never be folded.
-- In fiber direction, overlapping sections of additional layers
should be distributed over the column circumference
Safety Instructions CFRP Wrap Hex-230C is non-reactive. However, caution must
be used when handling since a fine carbon dust may be present
on the surface. Gloves must therefore be worn to protect against
skin irritation.
Caution must also be used when cutting CFRP Wrap Hex-230C
to protect against airborne carbon dust generated by the cutting