5 Minute Personality Test
5 Minute Personality Test
5 Minute Personality Test
Below are ten horizontal lines with four words on each line, one in each column. In each line, put
the number “4” next to the word that best describes you in that line; a “3” next to the word that
describes you next best; a “2” to the next best word, and a “1” by the word that least describes
you. On each horizontal line of words, you will then have one “4”, one “3”, one “2”, and one “1”.
For example: One choice for the first line of words would be as follows:
3 Likes Authority 4 Enthusiastic 2 Sensitive Feelings 1 Likes Instructions
1. Likes Authority Enthusiastic Sensitive Feelings Likes Instructions
Now that you’ve taken the survey, what does it all mean? Each letter (L, O, G, B) stands for a particular personality
type. The column with the highest score is your dominant personality type, while the column with the second highest
number is your sub-dominant type. While you are a combination of all four personality types, the two types with the
highest scores reveal the most accurate picture of your natural inclinations, strengths and weaknesses, and how you
will naturally respond in most situations.
The four personality types can be likened to animals to make them easier to understand and remember. Below are
complete descriptions of each one.
L = Lions
Lions are leaders. They are usually the bosses at work…or at least they think they are! They are decisive, bottom line
folks who are observers, not watchers or listeners. They love to solve problems. They are usually individualists who
love to seek new adventures and opportunities.
Lions are very confident and self-reliant. In a group setting, if no one else instantly takes charge, the Lion will.
Unfortunately, if they don’t learn how to tone down their aggressiveness, their natural dominating traits can cause
problems with others. Most entrepreneurs are strong lions, or at least have a lot of lion in them.
Motivated by: Results; challenge, action, power, and credit for achievement
Time Management: Lions focus on NOW instead of distant future. They get a lot more done in a lot
less time than their peers. Hate wasting time; and like to get right to the point.
Communication Style: Great at initiating communication; not good at listening (one way communicator)
Decision Making: Impulsive; makes quick decisions with goal or end result in mind. Results-focused.
Needs very few facts to make a decision.
In Pressure or Tense Situations: The lion takes command and becomes autocratic.
Greatest Needs: The lion needs to see results, experience variety, and face new challenges. He
needs to solve problems and wants direct answers.
What the Lion Desires: Freedom, authority, variety, difficult assignments, opportunity for advancement.
Retrieved online from: mrfarshtey.net/Psychology/5minute_personality_test.doc
Originally developed by Smalley and Trent, 1999.
The Two Sides of Love, Gary Smalley and John Trent, 1999, Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois
O = Otters
Otters are excitable, fun seeking, cheerleader types who love to talk! They’re great at motivating others and need to
be in an environment where they can talk and have a vote on major decisions. The otters’ outgoing nature makes
them great networkers—they usually know a lot of people who know a lot of people. They can be very loving and
encouraging unless under pressure, when they tend to use their verbal skills to attack. They have a strong desire to
be liked and enjoy being the center of attention. They are often very attentive to style, clothes, and flash. Otters are
the life of any party; and most people really enjoy being around them.
Time Management: Otters focus on the future and have a tendency to rush to the next exciting thing.
Communication Style: Enthusiastic and stimulating, often one-way; but can inspire and motivate others.
Decision Making: Intuitive and fast. Makes lots of “right calls” and lots of wrong ones.
In Pressure or Tense Situations: The otter ATTACKS. Can be more concerned about their popularity than about
achieving tangible results.
Greatest Needs: The otter needs social activities and recognition; activities that are fun, and
freedom from details.
What the Otter Desires: Prestige, friendly relationships, opportunity to help and motivate others, and
opportunities to verbally share their ideas.
Time Management: Golden Retrievers focus on the present and devote lots of time to helping others
and building relationships.
Communication Style: Two-way communicator; great listener and provides empathetic response.
Decision Making: Makes decisions more slowly, wants input from others, and often yields to the input
In Pressure or Tense Situations: The Golden Retriever gives in to the opinions, ideas, and wishes of others. Often
too tolerant.
Greatest Needs: The Golden Retriever needs security; gradual change and time to adjust to it; an
environment free of conflict.
Time Management: Beavers tend to work slowly to make sure they are accurate.
Communication Style: Beavers are good listeners, communicate details, and are usually diplomatic.
Decision Making: Avoids making decisions; needs lots of information before they will make a decision
In Pressure or Tense Situations: The beaver tries to avoid pressure or tense situations. They can ignore deadlines.
Greatest Needs: The beaver needs security, gradual change and time to adjust to it.
What the Beaver Desires: Clearly defined tasks, stability, security, low risk, and tasks that require precision
and planning.