Initial Database For A Pregnant Woman

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing


I. General Data

Name: Hinkle, Jennette Florentino

Name of Husband: Romulo Santelices

Age: 32 years old

Civil Status: Live in

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Occupation: Housewife

Residence: Rivera compound, Judea St., Multinational, Paranaque City

Birth date: September 28, 1977

The client’s husband is working as a construction worker. He works 6 days in a week and earns
380Php per day or about 9120Php per month.


G5 P4 (4-0-1-4)

AOG during delivery: 40 3/7 weeks

Presentation: Cephalic

FHR: 125 bpm

Length: 47 cm

Weight: 3.5 kg
III. Personal and Social History


A. Respiration

The client stated that she never felt out of breath or experienced dyspnea.


A local change that often occurs in the respiratory system is marked congestion or
stuffiness of the nasopharynx, a response to increased estrogen levels. As the uterus enlarges
during pregnancy, a great deal of pressure is put on the diaphragm and, ultimately, on the lungs.
This crowding of the chest cavity causes an acute sensation of shortness of breast late in
pregnancy until lightening relieves the pressure.

Respiration rate increases by 1-2 cycles per minute.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 234

B. Circulation

The client stated that she did not feel any heart pound. She also added that there are no
skip beats and palpitations. She doesn’t also have any edematous part.


Changes in the circulatory system are extremely significant to the health of the fetus
because they are necessary for adequate placental and fetal circulation. During pregnancy,
cardiac output increases to about 25-50% and heart rate is 80-90bpm. On sudden movement, a
pregnant woman may experience a bounding palpitation of the heart. This is probably because of
circulatory adjustments necessary to accommodate increased blood supply during pregnancy.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 235 & 285

C. Elimination

The client stated that she voids for about 10 times during daytime and 10 times at night.
She also stated that there is no pain when she is urinating. She stated that he defecates once a day
without specific time of the day. She also stated that she does not use enemas, laxatives, or

The urinary system undergoes many physiologic changes during pregnancy. This include
alterations in fluid retention, and renal, ureter, and bladder function. Bladder capacity increases
by 1000ml, diameter of the uterus increases by 25%, and frequency of urination increases in the
first trimester and last 2 weeks of pregnancy to 10-12 times a day.

As the uterus increase in size, it pushes the stomach and intestines towards the back and
sides of the abdomen. At about midpoint of pregnancy, this pressure may be sufficient to slow
intestinal peristalsis and the emptying time of the stomach, leading to increased heartburn,
constipation and flatulence. Progesterone also has an effect on smooth muscle, making the
gastrointestinal tract less active.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 237-239

D. Rest and Sleep

The client stated that her average number of sleeps is only for about how many minutes.
She also stated that she sleeps at about 8 pm and rise at about 5:30 am. She stated that she feels
alright when she arises. She stated that she has difficulty in sleeping because she urinates a lot of
times in the evening and this interferes with her sleep. She also stated that during the daytime,
she take naps which last for about 3 hours.


Pregnant women rarely have difficulty falling asleep at night because of this increased
physiologic need for sleep. Late in pregnancy, a woman often finds herself awakened from sleep
at short, frequent intervals by the activity of the fetus

To obtain enough sleep and rest during pregnancy, most pregnant women need a rest
period during the afternoon as well as a full night of sleep.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 279

H. Personal Hygiene

According to the client, she takes a bath once a day. For her breast preparation bfore
breastfeeding she washes it with soap. For her mouth care, she is brushing her teeth twice a day
as stated. While for her skin care, she applies lotion after taking a bath.

Maintaing a proper hygiene can contribute a lot in preventing diseases to occur and
promote the social well being of an individual. Hygiene practices are employed as preventative
measures to reduce the incidence and spreading of disease

I. Recreation

The client stated that she is watching shows from televisions and sometimes just the radio
and this is what she do for fun. It was also verbalize by the client that she drinks alcoholic
beverages and stops at the 7th month of her pregnancy.


Drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy can greatly affect the development of the
fetus. pregnant women and women who may become pregnant are warned to abstain from
alcohol consumption in order to eliminate the chance of giving birth to a baby with any of the
harmful effects. Studies indicate that a baby could be affected by alcohol consumption within the
earliest weeks after conception, even before a woman knows that she is pregnant. For that
reason, doctor is recommending that women who may become pregnant also abstain from

J. Religion

The client said that they are a Roman Catholic. She also stated that they do not attend to
church regularly.


Religion at the first place can affect the beliefs and practices of the family concerning
about pregnancy, perceptions of the couple towards pregnancy and child bearing is affected.

IV. Medical History

A. Past Diseases of the client

The client stated that she had chicken pox when she was in grade five. She doesn’t
remember the interventions they have done to cure/treat her pox. She also had measles when she
was 25 years old. She stated that she didn’t do anything to cure it, she just let it heal by itself.
V. Menstrual History

Menarche and Succeeding menses

The client stated that she had her first menstruation when she was 13 years old. This
lasted for about one week. The stated associated sign and symptom of menstruation is breast
pains. She stated that the amount of flow is moderate and that she consumes 2 pads per day. She
stated that the succeeding menses are the same with her menarche when it comes to the duration,
signs and symptoms and the amount of flow.

LMP: December 10, 2009

VI. Obstetrical History

OB Score: G F (P F A L): G5 P4 (4-0-1-4)

VII. History of present pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms manifested

The client stated that she did not manifest any of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy
throughout the first, second and third trimester. She stated that she found out that she was
pregnant with the use of a pregnancy test at the seventh month of her pregnancy.


The most obvious alteration in a woman’s body during pregnancy is the size of the uterus
to accommodate the growing fetus. Striae gravidarum also appear on the sides of the abdominal
wall and sometimes on the thighs. Linea Nigra may form, running from the umbilicus to the
symphysis pubis. Amenorrhea (absence of pregnancy) also occurs. The resulting increase in the
circulation changes the color of the vaginal wall from normal light pink to deep violet
(Chadwick’s Sign). Subtle changes in the breast may also be one of the first physiologic changes
of pregnancy a woman notices at about six weeks.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 230-235

Laboratory Exams done to confirm pregnancy

The client stated that she used Pregnancy test to confirm her pregnancy.


The commonly used laboratory tests for pregnancy are based on detecting the presence of
human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone created by the chorionic villi of the placenta, in the
urine blood serum of the pregnant woman.
Urine, formerly used extensively for pregnancy testing is now used only rarely in Health
Care settings, because blood serum tests give earlier results. Urine tests still form the basis of
home pregnancy tests.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 227

Minor Discomforts experienced

The client stated that she experienced constipation, backache, cramps, and hemorrhoids
during her pregnancy. She stated that she is constipated every time she defecates and she doesn’t
do anything about it. She also stated that during the times she experiences cramps, she
dorsiflexes her legs and then ambulates in a short distance.


The minor discomforts which may be experienced during pregnancy are: Breast
tenderness, nausea, vomiting, pyrosis (heartburn), fatigue, varicosities, muscle cramps,
hemorrhoids, backache, dyspnea, ankle edema, and Braxton Hicks contractions. These may be
relieve using different measures.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 283-288

Prenatal care

The client stated that she had prenatal check –ups in private clinic and in the Moonwalk
clinic as well. She had only three prenatal check-ups. Her first prenatal visit was on May 18,
2010. The AOG was 22weeks 5/7, the fundic height is 18cm, fetal heart tone is 156bpm, her BP
is 90/60, and her weight is 49 kg.

The following visit was on June 18, 2010. The AOG was 27weeks 1/7, the fundic height
is 26cm, fetal heart tone is 152bpm, her BP is 100/60, and her weight is 51 kg. Tetanus Toxoid 1
was administered and Folamen capsule was prescribed to be taken once a day.

The last visit was on July 18, 2010. The AOG was 31weeks 3/7, the fundic height is
28cm, fetal heart tone is 150bpm, her BP is 100/70, and her weight is 53 kg. Complete Blood
count was done and Tetanus Toxoid 2 was administered.


The purpose of prenatal care is to estimate a baseline of present health, determine the
gestational age of the fetus, monitor fetal development, identify women at risk for complications
by anticipating and preventing problems before they occur, and provide time for education about
pregnancy and possible dangers.

Prenatal visits should be every month until the seventh month, twice a month during the
eighth month, and once a week during the ninth month.

Reference: Pillitteri pg. 272


The client verbalizes that pregnancy is not that easy for her especially during the times
she felt the fetal movements. But she doesn’t have any perception and feelings concerning about
pregnancy. While talking about the changes in her appearance and emotions it was just fine with
her as stated. The client said that during pregnancy, there was no any sort of change that had
happened in their life and even in their sexual relationship with her husband compared when she
was not pregnant yet , although about their feelings about sex that they are said to be hard up at
some time brought about by the fetus in the mother’s womb. There was no concerns or worries
about their sexual relationship during pregnancy.

As stated by the client he depends and turn to his husband for emotional/material support
during those times. She considers that their finances are enough for the family, and able to
support the newborn of their family. Pregnancy at the first place, did not affect the interpersonal
relationship with their family.

The client said that this pregnancy was planned between her and her husband. The
couple planned for a better future for their baby, for him to finish his studies in the future. And
for them to assume the role of a responsible parents on their baby, enabling them to provide the
basic needs of the family especially their baby. The couple has decided that this will be their last
baby for a reason that the mother experience the thinning of her uterus as diagnosed by the
doctor. And the family said that they are utilizing the family planning method specifically Pills.
The 28 day pill was used by the mother.

(General Assessment)


( Newborn)
Height 47 cm Average lengths vary NORMAL
from 48-51
centimetres (19-20

Reference: ›
Parents › Growth &
Weight 3.5 kg The average weight of NORMAL
newborn is 2.5-
4.5kg(5lb 8oz to 9lb

Reference: ›
Parents › Growth &
Temperature 36.8 The temperature of a NORMAL
newborn ranges from
36.5 to 37.5

Reference: Maternal
and child Health
Nursing pp.632
Fetal Heart beat 125 bpm The heart rate of a a NORMAL
newborn stabilizes to
an average of 120 to
160 bpm

Reference: Maternal
and child Health
Nursing pp.633
Respiratory Rate 47 cpm The respiratory rate of NORMAL
a newborn averages to
30 to 60 beats per

Reference: Maternal
and child Health
Nursing pp.633
Height 5’ NORMAL
Weight 50 kg NORMAL
Temperature 37 The temperature of NORMAL
adults ranges from

Reference: Kozier
(7th edition)
Pulse Rate 71 bpm The normal pulse rate NORMAL
ranges from 60-100

Reference: Kozier pp.

( 7th edition)
Respiratory Rate 18 cpm The normal pulse rate NORMAL
ranges from 12-20

Reference: Kozier pp.

(7th edition)
Blood Pressure 120/90 The normal blood NORMAL
pressure reading
averages 120/80

Reference: Kozier pp.

(7th edition)

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