Design and Implementation of Triple DES Encryption Scheme

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
Design and Implementation of Triple DES Encryption Scheme

Prabhavathi M,Saranya S,Seby Netto, Mrs. Reshma 2 S. Raja3

Sharmily G 1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE
IV UGStudents, Dept. of ECE Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology Technology
Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract—The speed of exhaustive key searches against DES after 1990 began to cause discomfort amongst users of DES. However, users did
not want to replace DES as it takes an enormous amount of time and money to change encryption algorithms that are widely adopted and
embedded in large security architectures. The DES algorithm was replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The pragmatic approach was not to abandon the DES completely, but to change the manner in
which DES is used. DES is often used in conjunction with Triple DES. It derives from single DES but the technique is used in triplicate and
involves three sub keys and key padding when necessary, such as instances where the keys must be increased to 64 bits in length. Known for its
compatibility and flexibility, software can easily be converted for Triple DES inclusion. Therefore, it may not be nearly as obsolete as deemed
by NIST. This led to the modified schemes of Triple DES (sometimes known as 3DES).3DES is a way to reuse DES implementations, by
chaining three instances of DES with different keys. 3DES is believed to still be secure because it requires 2^112 brute-force operations which is
not achievable with foreseeable technology. While AES is a totally new encryption that uses the substitution-permutation network, 3DES is just
an adaptation to the older DES encryption that relied on the balanced Feistel network. But since it is applied three times, the implementer can
choose to have 3 discrete 56 bit keys, or 2identical and 1 discrete, or even three identical keys. This means that 3DES can have encryption key
lengths of 168, 112, or 56 bit encryption key lengths respectively. But due to certain vulnerabilities when reapplying the same encryption thrice,
it leads to slower performance. In this paper we present a pipelined implementation in VHDL, in Electronic Code Book (EBC) mode, of this
commonly used Cryptography scheme with aim to improve performance. We achieve a 48-stage pipeline depth by implementing a TDES key
buffer and right rotations in the DES decryption key scheduler. We design and verify our implementation using ModelSim SE 6.3f and Xilinx
ISE 8.1i. We gather cost and throughput information from the synthesis and Timing results and compare the performance of our design to
common implementations presented in other literatures.

Keywords-DES, AES, encryption key,VHDL, ModelSim ,Xilinx ISE 8.1i.


I. INTRODUCTION hash works, each of which is depicted beneath. In all instances,

the introductory decodedinformation is alluded to as plain-text.
Cryptography is an art of composing in mystery symbols
It is encoded into figure content, which will thus (ordinarily) be
and is an antiquated craft; the initially reported utilization of
decoded into utilizable plain-text.
cryptography in composing goes once again to circa-1900 B.C.
at the point when an Egyptian copyist utilized non-standard
Types of Cryptographic Algorithms
symbolic representations in an engraving. A few masters
contend that cryptography showed up spontaneously at some
There are numerous ways of categorizing cryptographic
point in the wake of composing was imagined, with
algorithms. For commitments to this thesis, they will be
requisitions running from strategic messages to war-time fight
classified based on the number of keys that are engaged for
tactics. It is not at all astonishment, then,that new types of
encryption and decryption, and further demarcated by their
cryptography came not long after the across the board
application and use. The three kinds of algorithms that is
improvement of machine interchanges. In information and
conferred are given below in fig 1
telecommunications, cryptography is fundamental when
conveying over any non-trusted medium, which incorporates
pretty much any system, especially the WWW.Cryptography,
then ensures information from theft or change, as well as
ensures information from theft or change, as well as be
utilized for client confirmation. There are, when all is said in
done, three sorts of cryptographic plans ordinarily used to
achieve these objectives: mystery key (or symmetric)
cryptography, open-key (or unbalanced) cryptography, and
Figure 1: Types of Cryptographic Algorithms
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
Encryption takes as input some plaintext (a stream of data)
and a key (a small piece of secret data) and outputs some cipher The hashing algorithm is called the hash function—
text. Decryption is the reverse operation: its input consists of probably the term is derived from the idea that the resulting
the cipher text and a key, and its output is the original plaintext. hash value can be thought of as a “mixed up” version of the
The idea is that the plaintext cannot be recovered from the represented value. In addition to faster data retrieval, hashing is
cipher text without knowing the correct decryption key. This also used to encrypt and decrypt digital signatures (used to
property is called secrecy. It allows you to send the cipher text authenticate message senders and receivers). The digital
through an insecure channel or to store it on an insecure file signatureis transformed with the hash function and then both
system. the hashed value (known as a message-digest) and the signature
Authentication takes as input a message and a key and are sent in separate transmissions to the receiver. Using the
outputs a so-called Message Authentication Code (MAC). A same hash function as the sender, the receiver derives
MAC can be seen as a key-dependent checksum. The idea is amessage-digest from the signature and compares it with the
that nobody can generate a valid MAC for a message without message-digest it also received.
knowing the key. So if message and MAC are sent through an
insecure channel then the receiver - given that he knows the
key - can verify that the text has not been tampered with
(integrity) and that it originatesfrom someone knowing the key
(authentication). MACs are also useful if you want to make
sure that no intruder (in particular no virus) can alter a file on
your system. (If ordinary checksums were used the intruder
could change the file and then simply update corresponding
checksum.)The security of a cryptographic system depends Figure 4: Hashing
heavily on the strength of its keys. If an attacker can obtain
your keys he can decrypt your messages or fake MACs no II. LITERATRURE SURVEY
matter how good the encryption and authentication algorithms An FPGA-based performance comparison of 64-bit block
are. In order to support the user LEDA provides secure ciphers (Triple-DES, IDEA, CAST128, MISTY1, and
KHAZAD) is given in this paper. Two basic architectures are
methods to generate a key from a human-readable passphrase.
implemented for each cipher. For the non-feedback cipher
Of course, the user has the responsibility to choose a good modes, the pipelined technique between the rounds is used,
passphrase, i.e. a phrase that cannot be guessed easily by an and the achieved throughput ranges from 3.0 Gbps for IDEA
attacker. to 6.9 Gbps for Triple-DES. For feedback ciphers modes, the
basic iterative architecture is considered and the achieved
throughput ranges from 115 Mbps for Triple-DES to 462
Mbps for KHAZAD. The throughput, throughput per slice,
latency, and area requirement results are provided for all the
cipher implementations.Time performance and area
requirements results for 64-bit block ciphers (Triple-DES,
IDEA, CAST-128, MISTY1, and KHAZAD) hardware
implementations are presented in this paper. Two architectures
for each cipher are implemented. For the non-feedback
implementations Triple-DES and KHAZAD achieve the best
performance and meet better the FPGA characteristics. For the
feedback implementations KHAZAD and IDEA appears to
Figure 2: Symmetric Encryption have better performance. Triple-DES has the highest latency.
.[2] This paper presents a fast and compact FPGA based
implementation of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and
Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) algorithm, widely
used in cryptography for securing the Internet traffic. The
main objective of this paper is to provide the reader with a
deep insight of the theory and design of a digital cryptographic
circuit, which was implemented in a Vertex 5 series
(XCVLX5110T) target device with the use of VHDL as the
hardware description language. In order to confirm the
expected behavior of these algorithms, the proposed design
Figure 3: Asymmetric Encryption was extensively simulated, synthesized for different FPGA
devices both in Spartan and Virtex series from Xilinx viz.
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
Spartan 3, Spartan 3AN, Virtex 5, Virtex E device families. The encryption process is made of two permutations (P-
The novelty and contribution of this work is in three folds: (i) boxes), which we call initial and final permutations, and
Extensive simulation and synthesis of the proposed design sixteen Festalrounds. Each round uses a different 48-bit round
targeted for various FPGA devices, (ii) Complete hardware
key generated from the cipher key according to a predefined
implementation of encryption and decryption algorithms onto
Virtex 5 series device (XCVLX5110T) based FPGA boards algorithm described later in the chapter. Figure 6.2 shows the
and, (iii) Generation of ICON and VIO core for the design and elements of DES cipher at the encryption site.
on chip verification and analyzing using Chipscope Pro..[3]
The paper presents a suspicious email detection System which
detect suspicious activities. In the paper we proposed the use
of cryptography strategies for terrorists email detection.
Security plays a very important and crucial role in the field of
Internet and for email communication. So there is a need of
suspicious email detection system which detects all suspicious
activities. The need for Suspicious email detection System is
increasing due to the rapid usage of Email communication in
the Internet world. Triple Data encryption standard (DES) is a
private key cryptography system that provides the security in
communication system. By using an Enhanced DES algorithm
the security has been improved which is very crucial in the
communication and field of Internet.[5]This paper presents the
design and the implementation of the Triple- Data Encryption
Standard (DES) algorithm. A Hardware Triple-DES
cryptographic algorithm has been implemented using a Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip. In order to confirm Figure 6: General Structure Of DES
the expected behavior of the Triple-DES circuitry, the
implemented design was extensively simulated and analyzed. Initial and Final Permutations
The Simulations were run under various clock frequencies. [6]
This article discusses the state of the art of cryptographic Each of these permutations takes a 64-bit input and permutes
algorithms as deployed for securing computing networks. them according to a predefined rule. We have shown only a
While it has been argued that the design of efficient
few input ports and the corresponding output ports. These
cryptographic algorithms is the “easy” part of securing a large
scale network, it seems that very often security problems are permutations are keyless straight permutations that are the
identified in algorithms and their implementations. This article inverse of each other. For example, in the initial permutation,
discusses the state of the art for a broad range of cryptographic the 58th bit in the input becomes the first bit in the output.
algorithms that are used in networking applications. Similarly, in the final permutation, the first bit in the input
becomes the 58th bit in the output. In other words, if the
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM rounds between these two permutations do not exist, the 58th
bit entering the initial permutation is the same as the 58th bit
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key leaving the final permutation.
block cipher published by the National Institute of Standards The permutation rules for these P-boxes are shown in Table
and Technology (NIST).DES was published as FIPS 46 in the 6.1. Each side of the table can be thought of as a 64-element
Federal Register in January 1977. NIST, however, defines array. Note that, as with any permutation table we have
DES as the standard for use in unclassified applications. DES discussed so far, the value of each element defines the input
has been the most widely used symmetric-key block cipher
port number, and the order (index) of the element defines the
since its publication. NIST later issued a new standard (FIPS
46-3) that recommends the use of triple DES (repeated DES output port number.
cipher three times) for future applications.

The round takes LI−1 and RI−1 from previous round (or the
initial permutation box) and creates LI and RI, which go to the
next round (or fi nal permutation box). We can assume that
each round has two cipher elements (mixer and swapper).
Each of these elements is invertible. The swapper is obviously
Figure 5: Encryption and Decryption With DES invertible. It swaps the left half of the text with the right half.
DES Structure The mixer is invertible because of the XOR operation. All

IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
noninvertible elements are collected inside the function f Cipher and Reverse Cipher
(RI−1, KI). Using mixers and swappers, we can create the cipher and
reverse cipher, each having 16 rounds. The cipher is used at
the encryption site; the reverse cipher is used at the decryption
site. The whole idea is to make the cipher and the reverse
cipher algorithms similar. To achieve this goal, one approach
is to make the last round (round 16) different from the others;
it has only a mixer and no swapper.

Key Generation
The round-key generator creates sixteen 48-bit keys out of a
56-bit cipher key. However, the cipher key is normally given
as a 64-bit key in which 8 extra bits are the parity bits, which
are dropped before the actual key-generation process.

Compression P-BOX
The pre-processor before key expansion is a compression
transposition step that we call parity bit drop. It drops the
parity bits (bits 8, 16, 24, 32… 64) from the 64-bit key and
Figure 7: ROUND IN DES permutes the rest of the bits according to Table 6.12. The
remaining 56-bit value is the actual cipher key which is used
Expansion Permutation to generate round keys. The parity drop step (a compression
Since RI−1 is a 32-bit input and KI is a 48-bit key, we fi rst D-box).
need to expand RI−1 to 48 bits. RI−1 is divided into 8 4-bit
sections. Each 4-bitsection is then expanded to 6 bits. This Shift Left
expansion permutation follows a predetermined rule. For each After the straight permutation, the key is divided into two 28-
section, input bits 1, 2, 3, and 4 are copied to output bits 2, 3, bit parts. Each part is shifted left (circular shift) one or two
4, and 5, respectively. Output bit 1 comes from bit 4 of the bits. In rounds 1, 2, 9, and 16, shifting is one bit; in the other
previous section; output bit 6 comes from bit 1 of the next rounds, it is two bits. The two parts are then combined to form
section.Although the relationship between the input and output a 56-bit part. Table 3.5 shows the number of shifts for each
can be defined mathematically, DES uses Table to define this round.
D-box. Note that the number of output ports is 48, but the
value range is only 1to 32. Some of the inputs go to more than Compression D-BOX
one output. For example, the value of input bit 5 becomesthe The compression D-box changes the 58 bits to 48 bits, which
value of output bits 6 and 8. are used as a key for a round.

Whitener (XOR) Triple DES Algorithm

After the expansion permutation, DES uses the XOR operation
on the expanded right section and the round key. Note that The original DES cipher's key size of 56 bits was generally
both the right section and the key are 48-bits in length. Also sufficient when that algorithm was designed, but the
note that the round key is used only in this operation. availability of increasing computational power made brute-
force attacks feasible. Triple DES provides a relatively simple
S-Boxes method of increasing the key size of DES to protect against
The S-boxes do the real mixing (confusion). DES uses 8 S- such attacks, without the need to design a completely new
boxes, each with a 6-bit input and a 4-bit output. The 48-bit block cipher algorithm.
data from the second operation is divided into eight 6-bit
chunks, and each chunk is fed into a box. The result of each Keying Options
box is a 4-bit chunk; when these are combined the result is a The standards define three keying options:
32-bit text. The substitution in each box follows a pre- Keying option 1
determined rule based on a 4-row by 16-column table. The All three keys are independent. Sometimes known as 3TDEA
combination of bits 1 and 6 of the input defines one of four or triple-length keys. This is the strongest, with 3 × 56 = 168
rows; the combination of bits 2 through 5 defines one of the independent key bits. It is still vulnerable to met-in-the-middle
sixteen columns. attack, but the attack requires 22 × 56 steps.
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
Keying option 2 substitution. In block ciphers, they are typically used to
K1 and K2 are independent, and K3 = K1. Sometimes known obscure the relationship between the key and the cipher text —
a S2 TDEA or double-length keys. This provides a shorter key Shannon’s property of confusion.
length of 112 bits and a reasonable compromise between DES
and Keying option 1.

Keying option 3
All three keys are identical, i.e. K1 = K2 = K3. This is
backward compatible with DES, since two operations cancel
out. ISO/IEC 18033-3 never allowed this option, and NIST no
longer allows it. Each DES key is 8 odd-parity bytes, with 56
bits of key and 8 bits of error-detection. A key bundle requires
24 bytes for option 1, 16 for option 2, or 8 for option 3

Encryption of More Than One Block

As with all block ciphers, encryption and decryption of

multiple blocks of data may be performed using a variety of
Figure 9:Output of S-Box 1
modes of operation, which can generally be defined
independently of the block cipher algorithm. However, ANS
X9.52 specifies directly, and NIST SP 800-67 specifies that
some modes shall only be used with certain constraints on
them that do not necessarily apply to general specifications of
those modes.


Initial Permutation
This permutation is keyless straight permutation that is the
inverse of final permutation. For example, in the initial
permutation, the 58th bit in the input becomes the first bit in
the output.

Figure 10: Output of S-Box 2

Figure8:Output of Initial Permutation Figure 11: Output of S-Box 3


In cryptography, an S-box (substitution-box) is a basic

component of symmetric key algorithm which performs
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
Key Scheduling
The round-key generator creates sixteen 48-bit keys out of a
56-bit cipher key. However, the cipher key is normally given as
a 64-bit key in which 8 extra bits are the parity bits, which are
dropped before the actual key-generation process.

Figure 12: Output of S-Box 4

Figure 16: Output of Key Generation

Expansion Permutation
The right 32bits of the plain text gets expanded into 48 bits
after passing through the expansion permutation block.

Figure 13: Output of S-Box 5

Figure17: Output of Expansion Permutation

Final Permutation
In the final permutation, the first bit in the input becomes the
58th bit in the output.

Figure 14: Output of S-Box 6

Figure 18: Output of Final Permutation

The information security can easily be achieved by
cryptography algorithm techniques a large number of
encryption algorithm have been developed for securing
confidential data from the cyberpunks. The aim of current
Figure 15: Output of S-Box 7 Cryptography is to prevent data from hackers. The strength of
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 100 – 106
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________
the system is dependent on the length of the key. But to achieve VII. REFERENCES
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[7] Toby Schaffer, Member, Alan Glaser, Member, and Paul D.
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[1] Electronic Publication: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs):

Figure 7: Tunnel 2

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