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DC Circuit Breaker Test Set

DC Circuit Breaker Test Set

■ Capable of testing electromechanical

or thermal-magnetic trip devices with
dc current
■ Digital timer
■ High-current output up to 30,000 amperes

DESCRIPTION Current actuated: This mode is used to test a device

The Model CB-360-DC DC Circuit Breaker Test Set is a that has no auxiliary contacts to monitor, such as a
mobile, high-current test set designed specifically for single-pole circuit breaker. The timer stops when the
testing dc circuit breakers. It incorporates a variable high- output current is interrupted.
current dc output, control circuitry, instrumentation, and
Normally closed: This mode is used to test a device
overload and short-circuit protection.
with normally closed contacts. The timer stops and the
output is de-energized when thecontacts open.
Normally open: This mode is used to test a device
The Model CB-360-DC DC Circuit Breaker Test Set is
with normally opencontacts. The timer stops and the
designed to test low-voltage dc circuit breakers with dc
output is de-energized when the contacts close.
current. The unit provides the capability of calibrating and
functionally testing the time-delay characteristics of the ■ Output connections: To permit direct connection of
electromechanical or thermal-magnetic trip devices on dc many types of drawout-style circuit breakers to the test
circuit breakers. This is accomplished by simulating an set, Model CB-360-DC is equipped with a stab adapter
overload or fault condition on the circuit breaker. board and Model CBS-1 and Model CBS-2 stab sets.
Please refer to the catalog entry for the Megger Circuit
FEATURES AND BENEFITS Breaker Stab Sets to determine the uses of the included
■ Digital timer: A specially designed, solid-state digital stab sets. If the included stab sets will not test all
timer is incorporated to measure the elapsed time of the breakers, refer to the Model CBS-3 optional stab set list.
test in either seconds or cycles. It features extensive
■ Overload protection: The test set is provided with
shielding and noise-suppression circuitry to ensure
circuit breakers, overload relays and fuses to protect it
accurate and reliable operation under the most
from extreme or prolonged overloads. Additionally, the
demanding field conditions. Accuracy of the timer,
output section is forced-air cooled and is equipped with
which incorporates a crystal-controlled oscillator, is
a temperature-sensitive interlock switch that de-energizes
independent of the power-line frequency.
the unit in the event of abnormal heating of the
■ Timer control circuit: This circuit automatically starts rectifiers.
the timer when the output is energized and
■ Enclosures: For safety and mobility, the test set is in a
automatically stops the timer and de-energizes the
rugged, two-piece enclosure, each section having a low
output when the device under test is operating. This
center of gravity, large locking casters and eye hooks for
circuit accommodates the following test conditions by
simple switch selection of the appropriate mode.
DC Circuit Breaker Test Set


Display: 6-digit display with 0.38-in. (9.5-mm) numerals
Input Ranges (switch-selected)
Voltage: 460 V ± 5% • 0 to 99.9999 s
For other voltages and frequencies, contact Technical Sales. • 0 to 9999.99 s
Current: 100 A • 0 to 99999.9 cycles
Frequency: 60 Hz
Output Seconds Mode: ± least significant digit (0.0001 or 0.01 depending
The output current is adjustable from zero up to the maximum on range in use) or ±0.0025% of reading, whichever is greater
available from the test set. The following output currents are Cycles Mode: ±0.5 cycle
available through typical modern circuit breakers that are directly
connected to the test set using Multi-Amp stabs: Dimensions
Output Maximum Minimum Control Section
Current Time On Time Off 45 H x 53 W x 30 D in.
3750 A 15 min 15 min (114 H x 135 W x 76 D cm)
Output Section
10,000 A 21 s 5 min
45 H x 54 W x 30 D in.
20,000 A 5s 3 min (114 H x 137 W x 76 D cm)
30,000 A 1s 2.5 min Weight
Control Section: 1460 lb (663 kg)
Ammeter Circuit Output Section: 1585 lb (720 kg)
The ammeter system is calibrated in dc amperes with an overall
system accuracy of ±5% full scale, with balanced three-phase input
to test set. The ammeter is equipped with non-reflective glass,
mirrored scale, knife-edge pointer and preset mechanism to aid in
measuring currents of short duration.
Scales: 5/10/25
Ranges (switch-selected)
0 to 500/1000/2500/5000/
10,000/25,000/50,000 A dc

Item (Qty) Cat. No.
Model CB-360-DC DC Circuit Breaker Test Set CB-360-DC

Included Accessories
Standard stab sets CBS-1 and CBS-2
Continuity test leads, 12 ft [3.7 m] (1 set) 2998
Timer leads, 12 ft [3.7 m] (1 set) 2997
Input leads, 15 ft, 4/0 cable (3) 17163
Ground interconnect, #6 cable 2979
Interconnect cables (3) 17170
Lifting eyebolts, 0.625 in. (8) 1161
600 V, 1.5 A KTK (2) 2822
600 V, 10 A KTK (1) 977
250 V, 1.5 A MDA (5) 950
250 V, 30 A FRN (3) 912
Instruction manual (1) 10724

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F +1 214 337 3038
Megger is a registered trademark

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