Profits and Gains of Business or Profession

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Name : BAGYAMMA EGA Previous Year : 2017-2018
Father's Name : KUNTA POCHAIAH PAN : ADBPE 8882 E
Address : H NO. 2-3-55 Ward/Circle : 15(2)
CHINNA CHERLAPALLY Status : Individual
GHATKESAR, HYDERABAD - 501 301 Date of Birth : 16-Sep-1976
Aadhaar No. : 9850 1312 2969
Statement of Income
Rs. Rs. Rs.
n Profits and gains of Business or Profession
Net Profit Before Tax as per P & L a/c 372,000
Add: Inadmissible expenses & Income not included
Depreciation debited to P & L a/c 6,804
Adjusted Profit of Business-1 378,804
Total income of Business and Profession 378,804
Less: Depreciation as per IT Act 3 6,804

Income chargeable under the head "Business and Profession" 372,000

n Gross Total Income 372,000

Deductions under Chapter VI-A
80GG - Rent paid 1 38,590
80D: Medical Insurance Premia 2 25,400
Investment u/s 80C, CCC, CCD
Tuition fees 12,500
Deduction subject to ceiling u/s 80CCE 12,500 76,490
n Total Income 295,510
Tax on total income 2,276
Rebate u/s 87A 2,276
Tax after rebate 0
n Balance tax payable 0

Schedule 1
80GG-Deduction for rent paid
Actual rent paid 72,000
Total Income for deduction u/s 80GG 334,100
Rent paid in excess of 10% of total income 38,590
25% of total income 83,525
Limit specified 60,000
Total deduction 38,590
Schedule 2
80D-Medical Insurance Premium/Contribution, Medical
expenses, etc.
Insurance Medical Health check-
In respect of Parents
Premium expenses up
Senior Citizen (Resident) 14,200
In respect of Self / Family
Others 11,200
Total Deductible amount 25,400

Bank A/c:

Date : 21-May-2018
Name: BAGYAMMA EGA A. Y. 2018-2019

Schedule 3
Depreciation as per Income Tax Act

WDV as on Additions Additions WDV as on

01-Apr- used >=180 used <180 Depreciatio 31-Mar-
Block Rate 2017 days days Deletions Total n 2018
4: Furniture, electrical fittings 10% 68,040 68,040 6,804 61,236
Total 68,040 68,040 6,804 61,236


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