Traffic Light Notes

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Traffic Lights are used to control the vehicular traffic. In the modern era, everyone has
different types of vehicles resulting in rise to the numbers of vehicles. That’s why traffic
lights are mandatory to avoid the traffic jams and accidents. There are three lights in the
traffic signal, having different message for the drivers. Red light (upper one) asks the
driver to yield at the intersection, green light (last one) gives the driver free license to
drive through the intersection whereas the yellow light (middle one) alerts the driver to
wait if the next light is red one or get ready to go / turn the engine ON if the green light is
Traffic light has proved to be an amazing way to stop the vehicular collisions and control
the traffic jams in today’s modern era where everyone owns the different types of

Project Proposal:
As we all know, the name of the project is “Traffic Light Control”. The fundamental idea
of this simple electronic project is to control the traffic. It can be used to avoid the
vehicular collisions and traffic jams. This project is just a one-way traffic controller,
although it can be further modified as well. Project will work in a way, it provides the
instruction to the driver whether to drive through the intersection or yield at the
Control Lights indication:
There are three control lights or signals, which will provide the instruction to the driver.
 RED light – instructs the driver to STOP at the intersection.
 YELLOW light – instructs the driver to WAIT (If red light is next) or GET READY (if
green light is next)
 GREEN light – instructs the driver to GO through the intersection.
Components Requirements:
There are quite a few components, which we will be using to make our Traffic
Light Control System. Following is the list of the components.
1. 9V Battery (Input Battery)
2. 100K, 22K and 330 ohm resistors
3. 1µF, 10µF and 2.2mF capacitors
4. Six 1N4148 diodes
5. 555 timer IC (As a pulse generator)
6. 4017 IC counter (Main IC of the circuit)
7. 1M Potentiometer (Controls the timing of pulse generated by 555 timer)
8. Red, yellow and green LEDs. (Output)
Circuit Diagram of Traffic Light Control mini Project
Click image to enlarge

Working Principle:
This traffic light is made with the help of counter IC, which is mainly used for Sequential
Circuits. We can also call it as Sequential Traffic Lights. Sequential Circuits are used to
count the numbers in the series.
Coming to the working principle of Traffic Lights, the main IC is 4017 counter IC which is
used to glow the Red, yellow and green LED respectively. 555 timer acts as a pulse
generator providing an input to the 4017 counter IC. Timing of glow of certain lights
totally depends upon the 555 timer’s pulse, which we can control via the Potentiometer
so if you want to change the time of glow, you can do so by varying the potentiometer,
having the responsibility for the timing. LEDs are not connected directly with 4017
counter, as the lights won’t be stable. We have used the combination of 1N4148 diodes
and the LEDs in order to get the appropriate output. Main drawback of this circuit is that
you can never have an exact timing with this, however you will have best estimated.

Learn how to simulate a traffic light using an Arduino.

Traffic lights are one of those things that, for most people, seem to blend into the
landscape of everyday life. Wherever there are a moderate amount of cars, there will
probably be one of these devices present. Modern day traffic lights are pretty complex
within and have all kinds of sensors, timers, and even traffic monitoring systems that
they employ to help efficiently control the rate of traffic.
Now we are not going to try to build a real traffic light, but we sure can simulate one
with an Arduino! Doing this exercise is a great way to get more comfortable with
Arduino’s basic and most commonly used commands. It will also help think through a
problem and design logically to meet certain criteria. As a bonus, this project helps
us appreciate how traffic lights work, at least at the basic functional level.
This project will implement both USA- and UK-style lights.

Bill of Materials

 LEDs
 2 red
 2 green
 2 yellow or amber
 Resistors
 6 resistors (You can stick to around 330 to 1k ohm for each color.)
 Arduino
 MEGA (Really any kind will do, but we are using a MEGA here.)
 Soldering Iron + Solder
 Wire Cutters (for simple lead trimming)


 Arduino IDE
The idea of a basic traffic light is to control the rate of traffic. As mentioned before,
modern traffic lights can monitor traffic, change light cycles for pedestrians requesting
to cross, know when to change its timer for increase traffic flow, etc.
For our project, we will implement a four-way intersection based on a fixed time
interval for each light. That is to say that the light has no feedback and will simply run
without regard to the traffic volume. Even though this is not an intelligent light, we can
implement this system in an intelligent way. Perhaps even save some money doing it!
Say, for example, we have a four-way intersection whose streets are Busy Bunny
Lane and Lazy Tortoise Ave (both one-way only streets). From the town’s traffic
history conducted by the local police municipality, we find that Busy Bunny Lane is
busier than Lazy Tortoise Ave (shocking!). Since we know the typical traffic flow of
this intersection, simple timer-based control is appropriate. Adding any other features
here would be a waste of money which the town cannot afford.
What we need for our simulation is a way to represent our traffic light; the LEDs will
be used for this. The rest of the control and logic will be performed by the Arduino. It
will serve as our intelligent controller and timer. That means it will turn each light on
and off and will count the time that each one should be on.
For an added bonus, this simulated setup will have the ability to switch between the
USA- and UK-style lights by changing a constant in the code. You could use a digital
input to switch the operation, but that would need wire which is not listed on the bill of

Loop Sequence (USA Style)

A simple USA-style traffic light consists of a red, amber, and green light. The typical
sequence is as follows:

1. Green (safe to proceed)

2. Amber (slow down, red light soon)
3. Red (stop)

This is, however, the loop for only one street. The other intersection must be thought
through as well. To make this easier to illustrate, we are going to use a timing table to
help us better visualize the entire loop sequence.
Let’s assume that Busy Bunny Lane has to have its green traffic light on for 12
seconds and Lazy Tortoise Ave’s green traffic light on for 4 seconds. For both streets,
it is permissible to have the amber traffic light on for 3 seconds. For the red traffic
lights, the green and amber cycle times will directly influence this. Study the timing
table below to understand what this means.
As you can see, this makes the situation much easier to understand. It is not
necessary to break it down into seconds, but for the point of example and
illustration, it might be easier to digest if you are attempting something like this for the
first time.
If this table is still a little unclear to you, then think about it this way: When the system
is first turned on, the first row (Timeline sec = 0) is active and will continue to be active
until the next elapsed second (timeline sec = 1). The light sequence in sec = 1 will be
active whether the system is on 1.20 seconds or 1.99 seconds of operation. This
concept spreads throughout the entire table.
The entire cycle time is 26 seconds, which means this is when both streets have had
a turn to send traffic drive through their light. Once you have reached the end of the
table, the entire thing starts all over again. If you look closely, there are two instances
where both lights are red. Before reading on, try to think about why this design choice
was made.
If you think about it carefully, if you were to have one street go red and the other
immediately go green, you might have accidents. This of course depends on the size
of the street, the speed limit, and other factors. But to be safe, we can assume that
perhaps a person on amber for either street might not stop in time and will run the
amber light while it is turning red. And if the other street is not paying attention, they
might run into this person and cause an awful accident! It is much better to have both
sides go red to have things “settle down” and then start from a more predictable and
stable condition.

Loop Sequence (UK Style)

A simple UK-style traffic light consists of a red, amber, and green light but is slightly
different than the USA style. The typical sequence is as follows:

1. Green (safe to proceed)

2. Amber (slow down, red light soon)
3. Red (stop)
4. Red / amber (stay stopped but just letting you know the light turns green soon)

So you can see it is slightly different that the USA one. Instead of an instant green,
the amber light comes on with the red light to warn driver that the green light is
coming really soon but please stay stopped until then. Below is the timing chart to
illustrate this.
Wire it Up
The hardware part of this project is not all that complicated and does not really require
a breadboard; not even a single wire!
We will first begin by wiring up the first traffic light.
Take the positive side of a red LED and insert it into pin 31. The positive side is
usually the longer lead, but if they're the same length, the flat side of the outer casing
is negative.
Now take a 330 to 1k ohm resistor and insert it into pin 30.
Next, take the other end of the resistor and solder to the other end of the LED, which
will be the negative side. Some trimming might be necessary for a better fit. Usually,
an LED has one end wired to positive or negative of the power supply (our case that
is +5V) but that would require some wire. Instead, we will use pin 30 as our ground
when we set it low. Not quite common practice but for this traffic light simulation, it will
do just fine! Repeat these steps again and use the chart below for a pin-to-LED

And here is how I soldered my LEDs:

Finally, it should all end up looking something like below:
And more formally, a schematic of what you are looking at:

Arduino Code
The code found here has a ton of comments and should help you along with the
article. If you were to just upload this, it would cycle the light sequence immediately.
To change from USA and UK style, read the comments on the top to find out! As
always, if you need help with anything, a comment below or a trip to forums will do.
There is one thing to note about the code. While turning on and off outputs for the
LEDs, there is a short moment that some LEDs are turned off and on extremely
quickly. As you will find in the code's comments, I did this so it was easier to follow
along with the timing table from earlier. For our application, the LED will look like it did
not turn off at all! This is because the on-off-on transistion was so fast, that our eyes
cannot pick them up. As a warning though, this code readability technique migh cause
problems in other projects, like clocking a flip-flop. We cannot see it but the flip-flop
will surely know the transistion has occured! But there are also times where this is
taken advantage of, like when paralleling 7 segment displays. Most that you see have
each digit turn on one at a time but we never realize it. In our case for the traffic light it
does not help nor hurt us, so I just let it be.


File........... Traffic Light Controller Test Code

Purpose........ To simuate basic USA and UK style traffic lights
Author......... Joseph Corleto
Started........ 06/11/2016
Finished....... 06/11/2016
Updated........ --/--/----

- Please visit to search for complete article!


// Header Files

// Constants
const int TRAFFIC_LIGHT_STYLE = 1; // Used to pick the style traffic light
const int GREEN_LIGHT = 12; // Green light time in seconds
const int AMBER_LIGHT = 3; // Amber light time in seconds
const int DEAD_LIGHT = 2; // Dead light time in seconds
const int RED_AMBER_LIGHT = 1; // Red/Amber light time in seconds

// I know what you are thinking, why the defaut values? It becomes clearer
// later on in the code. I basically compute Lazy Tortoise Ave's cycle from
// the cycle times from Busy Bunny Lane's values. Keep reading!

// Variables

// Pin Declarations
// You could put in a switch to go back and forth to usa and uk modes if
// are feeling ambitious!

int greenBusyBunnyLane = 30; // Green light output: Busy Bunny Lane
int amberBusyBunnyLane = 32; // Amber light output: Busy Bunny Lane
int redBusyBunnyLane = 34; // Red light output: Busy Bunny Lane

int greenBusyBunnyLaneGnd = 31; // Green light ground: Busy Bunny Lane

int amberBusyBunnyLaneGnd = 33; // Amber light ground: Busy Bunny Lane
int redBusyBunnyLaneGnd = 35; // Red light ground: Busy Bunny Lane

int greenLazyTortoiseAve = 48; // Green light output: Lazy Tortoise Ave

int amberLazyTortoiseAve = 50; // Amber light output: Lazy Tortoise Ave
int redLazyTortoiseAve = 52; // Red light output: Lazy Tortoise Ave

int greenLazyTortoiseAveGnd = 49; // Green light ground: Lazy Tortoise Ave

int amberLazyTortoiseAveGnd = 51; // Amber light ground: Lazy Tortoise Ave
int redLazyTortoiseAveGnd = 53; // Red light ground: Lazy Tortoise Ave

// Initialization
void setup()
// Set appropriate pin light outputs for Busy Bunny Lane
pinMode(greenBusyBunnyLane, OUTPUT);
pinMode(amberBusyBunnyLane, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redBusyBunnyLane, OUTPUT);

pinMode(greenBusyBunnyLaneGnd, OUTPUT);
pinMode(amberBusyBunnyLaneGnd, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redBusyBunnyLaneGnd, OUTPUT);

// Set appropriate pin light outputs for Lazy Tortoise Ave

pinMode(greenLazyTortoiseAve, OUTPUT);
pinMode(amberLazyTortoiseAve, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLazyTortoiseAve, OUTPUT);

pinMode(greenLazyTortoiseAveGnd, OUTPUT);
pinMode(amberLazyTortoiseAveGnd, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLazyTortoiseAveGnd, OUTPUT);

// Set initial states





// Main
void loop()
// The program needs to know which traffic light style to use. Fortunately,
// at the top of this program, under Constants, we reserved TRAFFIC_LIGHT_STYLE
// for this very purpose. Now we can just use the SWITCH-CASE conditional
// statements below to choose which one to execute for the life of this
// program. You can always add more as well if you would like!
case 0:

case 1:


// Functions
// usaTrafficLight //
void usaTrafficLight()
// Remember to consult for the timing table! This will
// be really helpful in figuring out why the code exists below. Now this is
// only one way of making this whole cycle happen. When I code, I like to
// make everything as readable as possible. And if I do not need the extra
// computing speed, I will re-introduce statements for the sake of remembering
// what the last condition was. So if you think to yourself "hey, he turned
// on the red light, then off, and then on!", you are right! I just wanted
// to make things easier to read!

// First have Busy Bunny Lane have its green light on. And according to the
// chart, Lazy Tortoise Ave is Red. I will be using FOR LOOPs in one second
// increments since this will help maintain logical continuty from the timing
// table. Do not forget to turn the lights off after each cycle!
for (int seconds = 0; seconds < GREEN_LIGHT; seconds++)
// Now that the green light time has elapsed for Busy Bunny Lane, we can
// move onto our amber light time.
for (int seconds = 0; seconds < AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Dead zone up ahead to prevent our traffic accidents.

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < DEAD_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Finally Lazy Tortoise Ave gets its turn for green!

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < (GREEN_LIGHT / 3); seconds++)

// Lazy Tortoise Ave now goes into amber light.

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Once again, a dead zone

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < DEAD_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Cycle is over!

// ukTrafficLight //
void ukTrafficLight()
// This will be very similar to the usaTrafficLight

// First have Busy Bunny Lane have its green light on. And according to the
// chart, Lazy Tortoise Ave is Red. I will be using FOR LOOPs in one second
// increments since this will help maintain logical continuty from the timing
// table. Do not forget to turn the lights off after each cycle!
for (int seconds = 0; seconds < GREEN_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Now that the green light time has elapsed for Busy Bunny Lane, we can
// move onto our amber light time.
for (int seconds = 0; seconds < AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Dead zone up ahead to prevent our traffic accidents.

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < DEAD_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Here is where the uk light differs!

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < RED_AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Finally Lazy Tortoise Ave gets its turn for green!

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < (GREEN_LIGHT / 3); seconds++)

// Lazy Tortoise Ave now goes into amber light.

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Once again, a dead zone

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < DEAD_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Here is where the uk light differs, again!

for (int seconds = 0; seconds < RED_AMBER_LIGHT; seconds++)

// Cycle is over!

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