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Installation and maintenance instructions

For the competent person

Installation and maintenance instructions

ecoTEC plus


Vaillant GmbH
Berghauser Str. 40   D-42859 Remscheid
Tel. +49 21 91 18‑0   Fax +49 21 91 18‑28 10

Contents 7.6 Performing a gas family check ............................ 20

7.7 Using check programmes .................................... 20
1 Safety .................................................................... 4 7.8 Checking and treating the heating water/filling
1.1 Action-related warnings ......................................... 4 and supplementary water .................................... 21
1.2 Intended use ......................................................... 4 7.9 Preventing low water pressure ............................ 22
1.3 General safety information .................................... 4 7.10 Flushing the heating installation for the first
time ("cold") ......................................................... 22
1.4 Regulations (directives, laws, standards) .............. 6
7.11 Filling the heating installation .............................. 22
2 Notes on the documentation .............................. 8
7.12 Purging the heating installation ........................... 23
2.1 Observing other applicable documents ................. 8
7.13 Filling and purging the hot water system ............. 23
2.2 Storing documents................................................. 8
7.14 Filling the condensate trap .................................. 23
2.3 Applicability of the instructions .............................. 8
7.15 Gas ratio setting................................................... 23
2.4 Benchmark............................................................. 8
7.16 Checking function and leak-tightness.................. 26
2.5 Local regulations.................................................... 8
7.17 Thoroughly flushing the heating installation
3 Product description............................................. 9
("hot")................................................................... 26
3.1 Product design....................................................... 9
8 Adapting the unit to the heating
3.2 Information on the identification plate.................... 9 installation.......................................................... 26
3.3 Serial number ...................................................... 10 8.1 Burner anti-cycling time ....................................... 26
3.4 CE label ............................................................... 10 8.2 Setting the maintenance interval ......................... 27
3.5 Energy Saving Trust Endorsed Products ............ 10 8.3 Setting the pump output....................................... 27
4 Installation.......................................................... 10 8.4 Setting the bypass valve...................................... 28
4.1 Unpacking the product......................................... 10 8.5 Handing the product over to the operator............ 28
4.2 Checking the scope of delivery............................ 10 9 Troubleshooting ................................................ 29
4.3 Transporting the product ..................................... 11 9.1 Checking service messages ................................ 29
4.4 Dimensions .......................................................... 11 9.2 Rectifying faults ................................................... 29
4.5 Minimum clearances............................................ 12 9.3 Calling up and clearing the fault memory ............ 29
4.6 Clearance from combustible components ........... 12 9.4 Resetting parameters to factory settings ............. 29
4.7 Using the installation template............................. 12 9.5 Preparing the repair work .................................... 29
4.8 Wall-mounting the product................................... 12 9.6 Replacing defective components......................... 29
4.9 Removing the front casing ................................... 13 9.7 Completing repair work........................................ 33
4.10 Removing the side section .................................. 13 10 Inspection and maintenance ............................ 33
5 Installation.......................................................... 13 10.1 Function menu ..................................................... 34
5.1 Installation requirements ..................................... 14 10.2 Electronics self-test.............................................. 34
5.2 Installing the gas connection ............................... 14 10.3 Removing the compact thermal module .............. 34
5.3 Installing the hot and cold water connection........ 14 10.4 Cleaning the heat exchanger............................... 35
5.4 Connecting the domestic hot water cylinder........ 15 10.5 Checking the burner ............................................ 35
5.5 Connecting the heating flow and heating 10.6 Cleaning the condensate trap.............................. 35
return ................................................................... 15
10.7 Cleaning the filter in the cold water inlet.............. 35
5.6 Connecting the condensate drain pipework ........ 15
10.8 Installing the compact thermal module ................ 36
5.7 Installing the discharge pipe on the expansion
10.9 Draining the product ............................................ 36
relief valve............................................................ 16
10.10 Checking the pre-charge pressure for the
5.8 Flue gas installation ............................................. 16
internal expansion vessel .................................... 36
5.9 Electrical installation ............................................ 17
10.11 Completing inspection and maintenance work .... 36
6 Operation............................................................ 18
11 Decommissioning.............................................. 36
6.1 Operating concept ............................................... 18
11.1 Temporarily decommissioning the product.......... 36
6.2 Calling up the installer level ................................. 18
11.2 Decommissioning the product ............................. 37
6.3 Live Monitor (status codes) ................................. 19
12 Recycling and disposal..................................... 37
6.4 Setting the hot water temperature ....................... 19
13 Customer service............................................... 37
7 Start-up ............................................................... 19
Appendix ............................................................................ 38
7.1 Carrying out the initial start-up............................. 19
A Installer level – Overview .................................. 38
7.2 Switching the product on and off ......................... 19
B Overview of diagnostics codes ........................ 40
7.3 Running the installation assistants ...................... 19
C Status codes – Overview .................................. 44
7.4 Restarting the installation assistants ................... 20
D Overview of fault codes .................................... 46
7.5 Test programmes................................................. 20

2 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


E Connection diagrams ........................................ 49

E.1 Connection diagram, product for heating mode
only, 12 - 35 kW................................................... 49
E.2 Connection diagram, product for heating mode
only, ≥ 37 kW....................................................... 51
E.3 Connection diagram, product with integrated
hot water generation, 12 - 35 kW ........................ 53
E.4 Connection diagram, product with integrated
hot water generation, ≥ 37 kW............................. 55
F Inspection and maintenance work –
Overview............................................................. 56
G Commissioning Checklist................................. 58
H Opening of the flue pipe.................................... 62
H.1 Positioning of the opening of a fan-supported
flue gas pipe ........................................................ 62
I Text from BS 5440-1 on fan-supported flue
gas pipes ............................................................ 63
J Opening of the flue pipe below eaves and
balconies ............................................................ 63
K Technical data.................................................... 63
Index ................................................................................... 69

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 3

1 Safety

1 Safety this document shall be considered improper

use. Any direct commercial or industrial use
1.1 Action-related warnings is also deemed to be improper.
Classification of action-related warnings Caution.
The action-related warnings are classified in Improper use of any kind is prohibited.
accordance with the severity of the possible
danger using the following warning signs and 1.3 General safety information
signal words:
1.3.1 Risk caused by inadequate
Warning symbols and signal words qualifications
Assembly and disassembly, installation, start-
Imminent danger to life or risk of up, maintenance, repairs and decommission-
severe personal injury ing must only be carried out by a compet-
Danger! ent person who is sufficiently qualified to ob-
Risk of death from electric shock serve all of the instructions that come with the
product, to proceed in accordance with the
current state of the art, and to comply with
Risk of minor personal injury all applicable directives, standards, laws and
Caution. other regulations.
Risk of material or environmental
damage 1.3.2 Risk of death from escaping gas
What to do if you smell gas in the building:
1.2 Intended use
▶ Avoid rooms that smell of gas.
There is a risk of injury or death to the user or ▶ If possible, open doors and windows fully
others, or of damage to the product and other and ensure adequate ventilation.
property in the event of improper use or use ▶ Do not use naked flames (e.g. lighters,
for which it is not intended. matches).
The product is intended as a heat generator ▶ Do not smoke.
for closed heating installations and for hot ▶ Do not use any electrical switches, mains
water generation. plugs, doorbells, telephones or other com-
The products referred to in these instructions munication systems in the building.
must only be installed and operated in con- ▶ If it is safe to do so, close the emergency
junction with the flue pipe accessories listed control valve or the main isolator.
in other applicable documents. ▶ If possible, close the gas isolator cock on
Exceptions: For C63 and B23P installation the product.
types, follow the specifications in these in- ▶ Warn other occupants in the building by
structions. yelling or banging on doors or walls.
▶ Leave the building immediately and ensure
Intended use includes the following: that others do not enter the building.
– observance of accompanying operating, ▶ Notify the gas supply company or National
installation and servicing instructions for Grid Transco +44 (0) 800 111999 by tele-
the product and any other system compon- phone from outside of the building.
– installing and fitting the product in accord- 1.3.3 Risk of death from leaks if the
ance with the product and system approval product is installed below ground
– compliance with all inspection and main- level!
tenance conditions listed in the instruc- Liquid gas is accumulating at floor level. If the
tions. product is installed below ground level, liquid
Any other use that is not specified in these gas may accumulate at floor level if there
instructions, or use beyond that specified in

4 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Safety 1

are any leaks. In this case, there is a risk of 1.3.8 Risk of poisoning caused by
explosion. insufficient supply of combustion
▶ Make sure that liquid gas cannot escape air
from the product or the gas line under any Conditions: Open-flued operation
▶ Ensure that the air supply to the product's
1.3.4 Risk of death due to blocked or installation room is permanently unobstruc-
leaking flue gas routes ted and sufficient in accordance with the
Installation errors, damage, tampering, unau- relevant ventilation requirements.
thorised installation sites or similar can cause
1.3.9 Risk of death due to lack of safety
flue gas to escape and result in a risk of pois-
What to do if you smell flue gas in the prop- The schematic drawings included in this doc-
erty: ument do not show all safety devices re-
quired for correct installation.
▶ Open all accessible doors and windows
fully to provide ventilation. ▶ Install the necessary safety devices in the
▶ Switch off the product.
▶ Observe the applicable national and inter-
▶ Check the flue gas routes in the product
national laws, standards and guidelines.
and the flue gas diversions.
1.3.10 Risk of death from electric shock
1.3.5 Risk of poisoning and burns caused
by escaping hot flue gases There is a risk of death from electric shock if
you touch live components.
▶ Only operate the product if the air/flue pipe
has been completely installed. Before commencing work on the product:
▶ With the exception of short periods for ▶ Disconnect the product from the power
testing purposes, only operate the product supply by switching off all power supplies
when the front casing is installed and (electrical partition with a contact opening
closed. of at least 3 mm, e.g. fuse or line protec-
tion switch).
1.3.6 Risk of death due to explosive and ▶ Secure against being switched back on
flammable materials again.
▶ Do not use or store explosive or flammable ▶ Wait for at least 3 minutes until the con-
materials (e.g. petrol, paper, paint) in the densers have discharged.
installation room of the product. ▶ Check that there is no voltage.
1.3.7 Risk of death due to cabinet-type 1.3.11 Risk of being burned or scalded by
casing hot components
Cabinet-type casing can give rise to danger- ▶ Only carry out work on these components
ous situations when used on a product which once they have cooled down.
is operated with an open flue.
▶ Ensure that the product is supplied with 1.3.12 Risk of death from escaping flue
sufficient combustion air. gas
If you operate the product with an empty con-
densate trap, flue gas may escape into the
room air.
▶ In order to operate the product, ensure that
the condensate trap is always full.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 5

1 Safety

1.3.13 Risk of material damage caused by 1.4 Regulations (directives, laws,

using an unsuitable tool standards)
▶ Use the correct tool to tighten or loosen Installation and maintenance of the boiler
screw connections. must only be performed by a competent per-
son with valid accreditation from the Health
1.3.14 Risk of material damage caused by and Safety Executive in accordance with the
frost "Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regula-
▶ Do not install the product in rooms prone tions 1998" (hereinafter abbreviated to "com-
to frost. petent person" or "heating specialist com-
pany"). The existing regulations, rules and
1.3.15 Risk of corrosion damage due to guidelines must be observed when doing so.
unsuitable combustion and room Any special requirements of Local Author-
air ities, gas undertakings or insurers must be
complied with. The competent person is also
Sprays, solvents, chlorinated cleaning
responsible for inspection, maintenance and
agents, paint, adhesives, ammonia com-
repairs to the boiler, and for checking gas
pounds, dust or similar substances may lead
volume setting and flue gas analysis.
to corrosion on the product and in the air/flue
pipe. Installers shall carryout a full site risk as-
sessment and put into place all necessary
▶ Ensure that the supply of combustion air is
steps and procedures to comply with Health
always free of fluorine, chlorine, sulphur,
and safety at work act and ensure safety of
dust, etc.
themselves and others with regard to manual
▶ Ensure that no chemical substances are handling and working at height requirements.
stored at the installation site.
▶ Ensure that the combustion air is not During the appliance installation (and any
routed through an old floor-standing oil- subsequent work, such as, the replacement
fired boiler chimney. of major parts ) it will be necessary to em-
ploy caution. All installers and operatives in-
▶ If you are installing the product in
volved from unloading the appliance until it is
hairdressing salons, painter's or joiner's
fully mounted on the wall in its final installed
workshops, cleaning businesses or similar
location must exercise full duty of care for
locations, choose a separate installation
themselves and others with regard to safety.
room in which a combustion air supply is
When lifting and handling this appliance, op-
ensured that is technically free of chemical
eratives should employ assistance. In certain
situations it may be necessary to use mech-
1.3.16 Risk of material damage caused by anical handling aids. Take care to avoid trip
leak detection sprays and liquids hazards, slippery or wet surfaces.
Leak detection sprays and liquids block the Employers and installers should refer
filter of the mass flow sensor on the Venturi, to the HSE web site for full advice and
and thus destroy the mass flow sensor. manual handling assessment charts
(MAC) tool.
▶ During repair work, do not apply any leak
detection sprays or liquids to the covering In addition where no specific instructions are
cap on the filter of the Venturi. given then reference shall be made, but not
restricted to, all applicable and relevant Brit-
1.3.17 Risk of damage to the flexible gas ish Standards and codes of practice such as
pipe the following:
The corrugated gas pipe may become dam- – Gas Safety (Installation and Use) regula-
aged if weight is placed on it. tions.
▶ Do not suspend the compact thermal mod- – All current Building Regulations for Eng-
ule on the flexible gas pipe, for example land, Northern Ireland and Wales, (as
during maintenance work. amended). This includes Approved Codes
of Practice and approved documents and

6 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Safety 1

guidance for building regulations. (A to P – BS 5440 – 2 Flueing and ventilation for gas
and 7) appliances of rated input not exceeding
– The Building Standards, Scotland, and 70kW*
any requirements determined by the local * 1st 2nd and 3rd family gases.
authorities within. – BS 5449 Forced circulation hot water sys-
– The Health and safety at work act tems up to 45kW.
– COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous – BS EN 6798 Installation & maintenance of
to Health. gas fired hot water boilers of rated input
– BS 7671 Requirements for electrical in- not exceeding 70kW net.
stallations. IEE Wiring Regulations – BS 5482 - Part 1 Domestic butane and
– The Electricity at Work Regulations. propane gas burning installations
– The Water supply (water fittings) regula- Institute of Gas Engineers Publications:
tions 1999.
– IGE/UP/1B (Edition 2) Tightness testing
– Water bylaws 2000 (Scotland)
and direct purging of small natural gas
– BS 5854 Code of practice for flues and flue installations.
structures in buildings.
– IGE/UP/ 7 (Edition 2) Gas in timber and
– BS EN 12828 Design of water-based heat- light steel framed buildings.
ing systems.
– BS EN 806 Parts 1 - 5. Additionally for gas boilers systems with out-
– BS 8558 Guide to the design, installation, puts greater than 70KW.
testing and maintenance of services sup- – BS 6644 Installation of gas boilers
plying water for domestic use within build- between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rd
ings and their curtilages. family gases)
– BS 6880 Code of practice for low temper- – BS 5449
ature heating systems with outputs above – IGE/UP/1 (Edition 2) Strength testing,
45 kW, Part 1, 2, and 3. tightness testing and direct purging of in-
– BS 6891 Installation of low pressure gas dustrial and commercial gas installations.
pipe work of up to 35mm in domestic – IGE/UP/1A (Edition 2) Strength testing,
premises. tightness testing and direct purging of
– BS 4814 Specification for: Expansion small, low pressure industrial and com-
vessels using an internal diaphragm, for mercial natural gas installations.
sealed hot water and heating systems. – IGE/UP/10 Installation of gas appliances
– BS 7074 Application, selection and install- in industrial and commercial premises.
ation of expansion vessels and ancillary Part 1 Flued appliances.
equipment for sealed water systems., Part – The installation must comply with the cur-
1 and 2. rent version of the Clean Air Act.
– BS 7593 Code of practice for treatment of – I.S. 813 Domestic Gas Installations
water in domestic hot water central heating
– I.S. 820 Non Domestic Gas Installations
– Building Control Act 2007
– BS 12831 Heating systems in buildings.
Method for calculating design heat load. – ETCI Regulations for installing electrical
– BS EN 13831 Closed expansion vessels
with built in diaphragm.
– EN 14336 Heating systems in buildings.
Installation and commissioning of water
based heating systems.
– BS 5440 – 1 Installation of flues and vent-
ilation for gas appliances of rated input not
exceeding 70kW*

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 7

2 Notes on the documentation

2 Notes on the documentation

2.1 Observing other applicable documents
▶ You must observe all the operating and installation in-
structions included with the system components.

2.2 Storing documents

▶ Pass these instructions and all other applicable docu-
For more information visit
ments on to the system operator.

2.3 Applicability of the instructions 2.5 Local regulations

Benchmark places responsibilities on both manufacturers
These instructions apply only to:
and installers. The purpose is to ensure that customers are
Product article number provided with the correct equipment for their needs, that it is
installed, commissioned and serviced in accordance with the
Article num- Gas Council
manufacturer’s instructions by a competent person approved
ber Number
at the time by the Health and Safety Executive and that it
612 (VU GB 126/5‑5 A) 0010018531 41-044-78 meets the requirements of the appropriate Building Regu-
ecoTEC plus lations. The Benchmark Checklist can be used to demon-
615 (VU GB 156/5‑5 A) 0010018532 41-044-79 strate compliance with Building Regulations and should be
ecoTEC plus provided to the customer for future reference.
618 (VU GB 186/5‑5 A) 0010018533 41-044-80 Installers are required to carry out installation, commission-
ecoTEC plus ing and servicing work in accordance with the Benchmark
618 (VU GB 186/5‑5 A 0010018534 41-044-81 Code of Practice which is available from the Heating and
LPG) ecoTEC plus Hotwater Industry Council who manage and promote the
624 (VU GB 246/5‑5 A) 0010018535 41-044-82 Scheme.
ecoTEC plus
630 (VU GB 306/5‑5 A) 0010018536 41-044-83
ecoTEC plus
630 (VU GB 306/5‑5 A 0010018537 41-044-84
LPG) ecoTEC plus
637 (VU GB 376/5‑5 A) 0010018538 41-044-85
ecoTEC plus
825 (VUW GB 256/5‑5) 0010018353 47-044-57
ecoTEC plus
832 (VUW GB 326/5‑5) 0010018354 47-044-58
ecoTEC plus
832 (VUW GB 326/5‑5 0010018355 47-044-59
LPG) ecoTEC plus
835 (VUW GB 356/5‑5) 0010016540 47-044-53
ecoTEC plus
838 (VUW GB 386/5‑5) 0010018356 47-044-60
ecoTEC plus

2.4 Benchmark
Vaillant is a licensed member of the Benchmark Scheme
which aims to improve the standards of installation and com-
missioning of domestic heating and hot water systems in the
UK and to encourage regular servicing to optimise safety, ef-
ficiency and performance.
Benchmark is managed and promoted by the Heating and
Hotwater Industry Council.

8 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Product description 3

3 Product description 3.1.2 Functional elements, product with hot

water generation
3.1 Product design
3.1.1 Functional elements, product for heating 5 6
mode only 7

5 6
4 9

4 3
9 11
2 15



18 17

17 1 Gas valve 10 Ignition electrode

2 Water pressure sensor 11 Fan
3 Venturi with mass flow 12 Automatic air vent
1 Gas valve 9 Compact thermal mod- sensor 13 Pressure gauge
ule 4 Heat exchanger
2 Water pressure sensor 14 Internal pump
10 Ignition electrode 5 Connection for the flue
3 Venturi with mass flow 15 Bypass valve
11 Fan pipe
6 Flue gas measuring 16 Expansion relief valve
4 Heat exchanger 12 Automatic air vent
stub pipe 17 Electronics box
5 Connection for the flue 13 Pressure gauge 7 Expansion vessel
pipe 18 Diverter valve
14 Internal pump 8 Air intake pipe
6 Flue gas measuring 19 Impeller sensor (hot
stub pipe 15 Bypass valve 9 Compact thermal mod- water)
7 Expansion vessel 16 Expansion relief valve ule 20 Secondary heat ex-
8 Air intake pipe 17 Diverter valve changer

18 Electronics box
3.2 Information on the identification plate
The identification plate is mounted on the underside of the
product in the factory.

Information on the Meaning

identification plate

→ "CE label" section

Read the instructions.

VU… Vaillant gas-fired wall-hung boiler for

VUW… Vaillant gas-fired wall-hung boiler for
heating and hot water generation

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 9

4 Installation

Information on the Meaning 3.5 Energy Saving Trust Endorsed Products

identification plate
..6/5-5 Calorific value power/product generation

ecoTEC plus Product description
2H, G20 – 20 mbar Gas group and gas connection pressure
Only the most energy efficient products can carry the
(2.0 kPa) as set at the factory
‘Energy Saving Trust Endorsed Product’ brandmark making
it easy for consumers to choose products that have met strict
ww/yyyy Date of manufacture: Week/year
energy performance criteria.
Cat. Permissible gas categories
Available for: Boilers, Heating controls and chemical inhib-
Types Approved gas-fired units itors, the Energy Saving Trust endorsed product brandmark
PMS Permissible total overpressure in heating gives consumers confidence that a product will cost less to
mode run, help lower energy bills and reduce carbon emissions.
PMW Permissible total overpressure during hot About the Energy Saving Trust
water generation
Energy Saving Trust is an independent and impartial organ-
Tmax. Max. flow temperature isation that provides trusted energy saving advice to em-
ED 92/42 Current efficiency directive fulfilled with power millions of people to lead affordable, low energy life-
4* rating styles. For more information visit
V Hz Mains voltage and mains frequency
W Max. electrical power consumption
IP Level of protection
4 Installation
Heating mode 4.1 Unpacking the product
Hot water generation 1. Remove the product from its box.
P Nominal heat output range 2. Remove the protective film from all parts of the product.
Q Heat input range
4.2 Checking the scope of delivery
D Nominal hot water draw-off rate
Proper disposal of the product
▶ Check that the scope of delivery is complete and intact.

4.2.1 Scope of delivery

Bar code with serial number, Applicability: Product with heating mode only
7th to 16th digit = product article number

Note ber

Make absolutely sure that the product is compat- 1 Heat generator

ible with the gas group at the installation site. 1 Installation kit containing the following:
1 - Product retainer
3.3 Serial number 1 - Expansion relief valve connector

The serial number can be found on a plastic label behind the 1 - Gas connection pipe
front flap and on the identification plate. 2 - Heating flow/return connection pipe
3 - Service valve
3 - Bag with small parts
The serial number can also be shown on the
display of the product (→ Operating instructions). 1 Lower cover
1 Installation template
1 Condensate drain hose
3.4 CE label
1 Enclosed documentation

4.2.2 Scope of delivery

The CE label shows that the products comply with the basic Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation
requirements of the applicable directives as stated on the
identification plate. Num-
The declaration of conformity can be viewed at the manufac- ber
turer's site. 1 Heat generator
1 Installation kit containing the following:
1 - Product retainer

10 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Installation 4

Num- 4.4 Dimensions

1 - Expansion relief valve connector 3 4* 5 6* 7 12
1 - Gas connection pipe
2 - Heating flow/return connection pipe
2 - Cold water, hot water connection pipe

4 - Service valve

3 - Bag with small parts

1 Lower cover
1 Installation template
1 Condensate drain hose 11 10

1 Enclosed documentation

4.3 Transporting the product

4.3.1 General
▶ Hold the load as close as possible to your body. Do not

twist your body – instead, reposition your feet.
▶ If the unit is being lifted by two persons, ensure your 2
movements are coordinated during lifting.
▶ Avoid bending your upper body – do not lean forwards or
to the side.
▶ Wear appropriate cut-resistant and non-slip gloves to
protect yourself against sharp edges and maintain a safe
and secure grip.

▶ If required, get somebody to assist you in this.


4.3.2 Unloading the box from the delivery van

▶ It is recommended that two people lift the unit together. 4*
▶ Lift the box using the straps provided. 5
▶ Use safe lifting techniques – keep your back straight and
bend your legs at the knee.
▶ Hold the load as close as possible to your body.
▶ If the unit is being lifted by two persons, ensure your 35 35

movements are coordinated during lifting. 160

100 100
▶ If required, get somebody to assist you in this.
188 8
4.3.3 Transporting the box from the delivery
point to the installation site – ground floor


It is recommended that two people lift the unit together.

▶ Use safe lifting techniques – keep your back straight and
bend your legs at the knee.

1 Flue pipe wall duct 7 Heating return (22 × 1.5

2 Product holder diameter)
8 R1 tundish/condensate
3 Heating flow (22 × 1.5 trap connection
diameter) 9 Flue pipe connection
4 Hot water connection
(15 × 1.5 diameter) 10 Condensate discharge
5 Gas connection connection, 19 mm
(15 × 1.5 diameter) diameter
6 Cold water connection 11 Condensate trap
(15 × 1.5 diameter)

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 11

4 Installation
12 Drain line/heating ex- ** Only products with 4.6 Clearance from combustible components
pansion relief valve heating mode only
connection, 15 mm dia- It is not necessary to maintain a clearance between the
meter product and components made of combustible materials.
* Only products with
integrated hot water 4.7 Using the installation template
▶ Use the installation template to ascertain the locations at
Consult the installation template that is supplied to find the which you need to drill holes and make breakthroughs.
dimension A.
4.8 Wall-mounting the product
Installation depth, dimension B
612 (VU GB 126/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
615 (VU GB 156/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
618 (VU GB 186/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
624 (VU GB 246/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
630 (VU GB 306/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 372 mm
637 (VU GB 376/5‑5 A) ecoTEC plus 406 mm
825 (VUW GB 256/5‑5) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
832 (VUW GB 326/5‑5) ecoTEC plus 338 mm
835 (VUW GB 356/5‑5) ecoTEC plus 372 mm
838 (VUW GB 386/5‑5) ecoTEC plus 406 mm

4.5 Minimum clearances

1. Check whether the wall has sufficient load-bearing ca-

pacity to bear the operational weight of the product.
2. Check if the supplied fixing material may be used for
the wall.

Conditions: The load-bearing capacity of the wall is sufficient, The fixing

material may be used for the wall

C C D ▶ Wall-mount the product as described.

▶ Install the product bracket (1) on the wall.
▶ Hang the product on the product bracket from above
using the suspension bracket.

Conditions: The fixing material may not be used for the wall


Wall-mount the product as described using the permitted

fixing material provided on-site.

Minimum clearance
A 165 mm: Air/flue pipe, 60/100 mm diameter
275 mm: Air/flue pipe, 80/125 mm diameter
B 180 mm; optimum approx. 250 mm
C 5 mm; optimum approx. 50 mm
D 500 mm in front of the heat generator to enable
easy access for maintenance work (may be
provided by an opening door).

12 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Installation 5
4.9 Removing the front casing ▶ Always remove only one side section –
never both side sections at the same time.

▶ Remove the side section as shown in the illustration.

5 Installation

Risk of scalding and/or risk of material
damage due to incorrect installation lead-
ing to escaping water.
Stresses in supply lines can cause leaks.
▶ Install the supply lines without tension.

Risk of material damage due to the gas
leak-tightness test.
At a test pressure of >11 kPa (110 mbar), gas
leak-tightness tests may cause damage to
the gas valve.
▶ Remove the front casing as shown in the illustration.
▶ If, during gas leak-tightness tests, you
4.10 Removing the side section also place the gas lines and the gas valve
in the product under pressure, use a max.
test pressure of 11 kPa (110 mbar).
▶ If you cannot limit the test pressure to
2x 11 kPa (110 mbar), close any gas isolator
cocks that are installed upstream from the
product before you carry out the gas leak-
tightness test.
▶ If, during gas leak-tightness tests, you
have closed the gas isolator cock that is
installed upstream of the product, relieve
the gas line pressure before you open this
gas isolator cock.

Risk of material damage due to corrosion.
If non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes are used
in the heating installation, this may cause
air to enter the heating water and corrosion
of the heat generation circuit and the heat
▶ If using non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes
in the heating installation, partition the
system by installing an external heat ex-
changer between the heat generator and
the heating installation.

Caution. Risk of material damage due to heat trans-
Risk of material damage caused by mech- fer during soldering.
anical deformation. ▶ Do not solder the connection pieces if
Removing both side sections may cause the connection pieces are screwed to the
mechanical distortion in the product, which service valves.
may cause damage to the piping, for ex-
ample, and potentially result in leaks.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 13

5 Installation
5.1 Installation requirements 5.2 Installing the gas connection
5.1.1 Information on liquid gas operation
In the as-delivered condition, the product is preset for opera-
tion with the gas group indicated on the identification plate.
If you have a product that has been preset for operation with
natural gas, you must convert it to run on liquid gas. You will
need a conversion kit for this. The conversion procedure is
described in the manual supplied with the conversion kit.

5.1.2 Purging the liquid gas tank

If the liquid gas tank is not purged properly, this may result in
ignition problems.
▶ Ensure that the liquid gas tank has been purged properly
before installing the product.
▶ If required, contact the filler or the liquid gas supplier.

5.1.3 Using the correct type of liquid gas

Using the incorrect type of liquid gas may cause fault shut-
downs in the product. Ignition and combustion noise may
occur in the product.
1. Install the gas line in accordance with the recognised
▶ Only use the gases listed on the identification plate. rules of technology.
2. Connect the product to the gas line as shown in ac-
5.1.4 Required preliminary work cordance with the recognised rules of good engineering
1. Install a stop cock in the gas line.
3. Remove the residues from the gas line by blowing
2. Make sure that the existing gas meter is capable of
through the gas line beforehand.
passing the rate of gas supply required.
4. Purge the gas line before start-up.
3. Check that the volumetric capacity of the expansion
vessel is sufficient for the system volume. 5. Check the gas line for leak-tightness.

Conditions: The volume of the installed expansion vessel is insufficient 5.3 Installing the hot and cold water connection
▶ Install an additional expansion vessel, connected as Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation
close to the product as possible, in the heating return.

Conditions: External expansion vessel installed

▶ Install a non-return valve in the product outlet (heating

flow) or decommission the internal expansion vessel
in order to prevent the warm start function from being
increasingly activated due to backflow.
4. Install a tundish with siphon for the condensate dis-
charge and the exhaust pipe on the expansion relief
valve. Lay as short a drain line as possible, at a down-
ward gradient away from the tundish.
5. Insulate bare pipes exposed to environmental influ-
ences to protect them from frost using suitable insu-
lating material.

1. Make the water connections as shown in accordance

with the relevant standards.
2. Ensure correct water pressure and flow requirements
and that any expansion can be accommodated with the
cold supply pipe work.

14 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Installation 5
5.4 Connecting the domestic hot water cylinder
Applicability: Product with heating mode only

▶ When connecting the domestic hot water cylinder, follow

the Installation instructions for the domestic hot water
5.5 Connecting the heating flow and heating 180

Internal Internal Gulley Soakaway

stackpipe discharge system

The product is equipped with a condensate trap (2). (The

filling height is 145 mm). The condensate trap collects the
condensate that has formed in a vessel with a capacity of
approximately 200 ml, and intermittently releases the con-
tents into the discharge pipe. This minimises the risk of the
discharge pipe freezing.
▶ Connect the condensate discharge (1) to condensate
drain pipework (3) which has a minimum internal dia-
▶ Make the heating connections as shown in accordance meter of 19 mm (22 mm outside diameter for all external
with the relevant standards. pipes) and is made from an acid-resistant material (e.g.
plastic overflow pipe).
5.6 Connecting the condensate drain pipework – The condensate discharge pipework must have
a continuous fall (45 mm per metre) and should
Danger! whenever possible terminate at a suitable discharge
Risk of death from escaping flue gases! point within the heated envelope of the building
that will remain frost free under long periods of low
The condensate drain pipework for the si- external temperatures.
phon must not be connected tightly to waste- ▶ During installation remove all burs from inside of cut pipe
water piping because, otherwise, the internal work and avoid excessive adhesive which may trap small
condensate trap may be drained fully and flue pockets of water close to the pipe wall which can freeze
gas may escape. and build into a larger ice plug.
▶ Do not connect the condensate drain ▶ As with other pipe work insulate the condensate dis-
pipework tightly to the waste-water pip- charge pipe to minimise any risk of freezing and beware
ing. when crossing cavities that the fall is maintained and the
pipe sleeved.
▶ Ensure that the condensate drain pipework terminates in
a suitable location. Further information can be obtained
from BS 6798 Specification for installation of gas–fired
boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net.
▶ Leave an installation space of at least 180 mm beneath
the condensate trap.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 15

5 Installation
5.7 Installing the discharge pipe on the 5.8.2 Replacing the connection piece for the
expansion relief valve air/flue pipe as required
1. Install the discharge pipe for the expansion relief valve 1. Replace the connection piece for the air/flue pipe as
so that it does not interfere with the removal and fitting required. The product-specific standard equipment is
of the lower section of the condensate trap. listed under Technical data.
2. Remove the connection piece for the air/flue pipe.
(→ Page 16)
3. Alternatives 1 / 2
▶ If required, install the connection piece for the
air/flue pipe, 80/125 mm diameter. (→ Page 16)
3. Alternatives 2 / 2
▶ If required, install the connection piece with
offset for the air/flue pipe, 60/100 mm diameter.
(→ Page 16) Removing the connection piece for the

air/flue pipe


2. Install the discharge pipe as shown (do not shorten).

3. Make sure that the end of the pipe is visible. 1.
4. Ensure that discharged water or steam cannot cause 2.
injury to persons or damage to electronic components.
5. Ensure the discharge pipe work is installed, routed and
terminated correctly to minimise the risk of freezing up.

5.8 Flue gas installation

5.8.1 Installing and connecting the flue pipe
1. You can find out which flue pipes may be used by con- 1. Insert a screwdriver into the slot between the measuring
sulting the enclosed flue pipe installation manual. stub pipes.
2. Observe the information on positioning the opening 2. Press the screwdriver carefully down (1.).
for the flue pipe. This information can be found in the 3. Turn the connection piece anticlockwise (2.) as far as it
appendix. will go and then remove it by pulling it upwards (3.).

Conditions: Installation in damp rooms Installing the connection piece for the
▶ You must connect the product to a room-sealed air/flue air/flue pipe, 80/125 mm diameter
gas installation. The combustion air must not be taken 1. Remove the connection piece for the air/flue pipe.
from the installation site. (→ Page 16)
2. Insert the alternative connection piece. In doing so, pay
Caution. attention to the latching lugs.
Risk of poisoning due to escaping flue 3. Turn the connection piece clockwise until it clicks into
gas. position.

Mineral-oil-based greases can damage the Installing the connection piece with offset
for the air/flue pipe, 60/100 mm diameter
▶ Instead of grease, use only water or com- 1. Remove the connection piece for the air/flue pipe.
mercially available soft soap to aid install- (→ Page 16)

3. Install the flue pipe using the installation manual.

16 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Installation 5

▶ Only connect the mains connection cable
to the terminals marked for the purpose.

1. Route the supply lines of the components to be connec-

ted through the cable duct provided on the underside of
65 mm the product on the left.
2. Use strain reliefs.
3. Shorten the supply lines as necessary.

2. Insert the alternative connection piece with offset to- 30 mm max.

wards the front.
3. Use two screws (1) to secure the connection piece to 4. To prevent short circuits if a strand accidentally comes
the product. loose, only strip the outer sheathing of flexible lines to a
maximum of 30 mm.
5.9 Electrical installation 5. Ensure the inner conductor insulation is not damaged
The electrical installation must only be carried out by a quali- when stripping the outer sheathing.
fied electrician. 6. Only strip inner conductors just enough to establish
good, sound connections.
7. To avoid short circuits resulting from loose individual
wires, fit conductor end sleeves on the stripped ends of
Risk of death from electric shock! the conductors.
Mains connection terminals L and N remain 8. Screw the respective plug to the supply line.
live even if the on/off switch is turned off: 9. Check whether all conductors are sitting mechanically
securely in the terminals of the plug. Remedy this if
▶ Switch off the power supply.
▶ Secure the power supply against being 10. Plug the plug into the associated PCB slot; see the
switched on again. connection diagram in the appendix.

5.9.1 Opening the electronics box 5.9.3 Establishing the power supply

Risk of material damage due to high con-
nected voltage.
At mains voltages greater than 253 V, elec-
tronic components may be damaged.
▶ Make sure that the rated voltage of the
mains is 230 V.

1. Make sure that the nominal mains voltage is 230 V.

2. Provide one common electricity supply for the boiler
and for the corresponding controller:
– Power supply: Single-phase, 230 V, 50 Hz
– Fuse protection: ≤ 3 A
3. Open the electronics box. (→ Page 17)
4. Connect the product using a fixed connection and a
partition with a contact opening of at least 3 mm (e.g.
▶ Open the electronics box as shown in the illustration.
fuses or power switches).
5.9.2 Carrying out the wiring 5. Route a three-core mains connection cable that com-
plies with the relevant standards through the cable duct
Caution. and into the product.
– Mains connection line: Flexible line
Risk of material damage caused by incor-
rect installation. 6. Carry out the wiring. (→ Page 17)
7. Remove the supplied plug from the bracket in the elec-
Mains voltage at incorrect terminals and plug tronics box and screw the plug onto the mains connec-
terminals may destroy the electronics. tion cable.
▶ Do not connect any mains voltage to the 8. Close the electronics box.
eBUS terminals (+/-). 9. Make sure that access to the mains connection is al-
ways available and is not covered or blocked.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 17

6 Operation
5.9.4 Installing the product in a moist 5.9.6 Connecting additional components
You can actuate an additional component with the aid of the
auxiliary relay that is installed, and you can actuate two other
components with the multi-functional module.
Risk of death from electric shock!
If you install the product in a room with high Using the auxiliary relay
levels of moisture, e.g. a bathroom, observe
1. Connect an additional component directly to the integ-
the nationally recognised technical standards
rated auxiliary relay using the grey plug on the PCB.
for electrical installations. If you use the fact-
ory-installed connection cable, if installed, 2. Carry out the wiring.
with an earthed plug, there is a risk of death 3. To start up the connected component, select the com-
from electric shock. ponent in diagnostics code D.026. (→ Page 26)

▶ Never use the factory-installed connection Using the VR 40 ("2 in 7" multi-functional
cable with earthed plug when installing the module)
product in a moist environment.
▶ Connect the product using a fixed connec- 1. Install the components in accordance with the respect-
tion and a partition with a contact open- ive instructions.
ing of at least 3 mm (e.g. fuses or power Conditions: Components connected to relay 1
▶ Use a flexible line for the mains connec- ▶ Activate D.027. (→ Page 26)
tion line, which is routed through the cable
Conditions: Components connected to relay 2
duct into the product.
▶ Activate D.028. (→ Page 26)
1. Open the electronics box. (→ Page 17)
2. Detach the plug from the PCB slot for the mains con- 5.9.7 Actuating the circulation pump according
nection (X1). to requirements
3. Unscrew the plug of the factory-installed mains connec- 1. Carry out the wiring.
tion cable, if installed. 2. Connect the supply line for the external button using
4. Instead of the factory-installed mains connection cable, terminals 1 (0) and 6 (functional drawing) on the X41
if installed, use a suitable three-core mains connection edge connector, which is supplied with the controller.
cable which complies with the relevant standards. 3. Plug the edge connector into the PCB slot X41.
5. Carry out the wiring. (→ Page 17)
6. Close the electronics box.
7. Observe the flue-gas connection that is required on a 6 Operation
room-sealed air/flue gas installation. (→ Page 16)
6.1 Operating concept
5.9.5 Connecting controllers to the electronic
system The operating concept and the read-off and setting facilities
of the operator level are described in the operating instruc-
1. Install the controller if necessary. tions.
2. Open the electronics box. (→ Page 17)
An overview of the reading and setting options for the in-
3. Carry out the wiring. (→ Page 17) staller level is included in the table in the appendix.
4. Observe the connection diagram in the appendix.
Installer level – Overview (→ Page 38)
Conditions: Connecting a weather compensator or a room temperature
controller via eBUS 6.2 Calling up the installer level
▶ Connect the controller to the eBUS connection. 1. Only call up the installer level if you are a competent
▶ Bridge the 24 V = RT connection (X100 or X106), if there person.
is not already a bridge. 2. Navigate to Menu → Installer level and confirm by
pressing .
Conditions: Connecting a low-voltage controller (24 V) 3. Set the value 17 (code) and confirm by pressing .
▶ Remove the bridge and connect the controller to the
24 V = RT connection (X100 or X106).

Conditions: Connecting a limit thermostat for underfloor heating

▶ Remove the bridge and connect the limit thermostat to

the Burner off connection.
5. Close the electronics box.
6. For multi-circuit controllers, change D.018 from Eco (in-
termittently operating pump) to Comfort (continuously
operating pump). (→ Page 26)

18 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Start-up 7
6.3 Live Monitor (status codes) Note
Menu → Live Monitor If you do not confirm the launch of the install-
ation assistant within 10 seconds of switching
Status codes in the display provide information on the pro- the system on, the basic display reappears.
duct's current operating status.
Status codes – Overview (→ Page 44)
▶ To access the next point, confirm by pressing in each
6.4 Setting the hot water temperature
Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation 7.3.1 Language
▶ Set the required language.
Conditions: Water hardness: > 3.57 mol/m³ ▶ To confirm the set language and to avoid unintentionally
changing it, press to confirm this twice.
If you have unintentionally set a language that you do not
Risk of death from Legionella. understand, proceed as follows to change it:
Legionella multiply at temperatures below
60 °C.
▶ Press and hold and at the same time.
▶ Ensure that the operator is familiar with ▶ Also briefly press .
all of the Anti-legionella measures in or- ▶ Press and hold and until the display shows the
der to comply with the applicable regula- language setting option.
tions regarding legionella prevention. ▶ Select the required language.
▶ Press twice to confirm this change.
▶ Set the hot water temperature to a maximum of 50 °C.
7.3.2 Filling mode
Filling mode (check programme P.06) is activated automatic-
7 Start-up ally in the installation assistant for as long as the filling mode
appears on the display.
7.1 Carrying out the initial start-up
7.3.3 Purging
Initial start-up must be carried out by a customer service
technician or an authorised competent person using the 1. Unlike in the Check programs menu, to purge the sys-
commissioning checklist. The commissioning checklist in the tem, start up the check programme P.00 by pressing
appendix (→ Page 58) of the installation instructions must be or .
filled in and stored carefully along with the unit's documenta- 2. If you need to change the circuit that is being purged,
tion. press .
▶ Carry out the start-up procedure using the commissioning
checklist in the appendix. 7.3.4 Target feed temperature, hot water
▶ Fill in and sign the commissioning checklist.
temperature, Comfort mode
1. To set the target flow temperature, hot water temperat-
7.2 Switching the product on and off ure and Comfort mode, use and .
▶ Press the on/off button on the product. 2. Press to confirm this setting.

◁ The basic display appears on the display. 7.3.5 Heating partial load

7.3 Running the installation assistants The heating partial load of the product is set to Auto at the
factory. The product independently determines the optimum
The installation assistant is displayed whenever the product heating output depending on the current heat demand of
is switched on until it has been successfully completed. the system. You can retroactively change the setting in the
It provides direct access to the most important check Diagnostics menu under D.000.
programmes and configuration settings for starting up the
product. 7.3.6 Auxiliary relay and multi-functional module
To recheck and reset the most important system parameters, 1. If you have connected additional components to the
call up the Appliance config.. product, assign these components to the individual re-
Menu → Installer level Appliance config. lays.
2. In each case, confirm by pressing .
The settings options for more complex systems can be found
in the Diagnostics menu.
Menu → Installer level Diagnostics menu
This setting can be retroactively changed in
▶ Press to confirm installation assistant start-up. the Diagnostics menu using D.026, D.027
and D.028.
◁ All heating and hot water requests are blocked whilst
the installation assistant is active.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 19

7 Start-up
7.3.7 Contact data Result Meaning Measure
▶ If required, store your telephone number in the Appli- F.92 See the table of See the table of fault
ance config. (max. 16 digits/no blank spaces). The oper- fault codes in the codes in the appendix
ator can view the telephone number. appendix
"Successful" Combustion None
7.3.8 Ending the installation assistant quality is good.

▶ Once you have run through the installation assistant suc- Unit configur-
ation matches
cessfully, confirm by pressing .
the specified gas
◁ The installation assistant will close and will not launch group.
again when the product is next switched on. "Warning" Combustion Start check programme
quality inad- P.01 and adjust the
7.4 Restarting the installation assistants equate. CO₂ content with the
CO₂ content is adjusting screw in the
Menu → Installer level → Start inst. assistant
incorrect. Venturi.
You can restart the installation assistant at any time by call- If the correct CO₂ con-
ing it up in the menu. tent cannot be set:
Check that the gas re-
7.5 Test programmes strictor is correct (yellow:
G20 natural gas, blue:
Menu → Installer level Test programs
G25 natural gas, grey:
As well as the installation assistants, you can also call up Liquid gas) and undam-
the following test programmes for start-up, service and aged.
troubleshooting. Repeat the gas family
– Check programs
F.93 See the table of See the table of fault
– Function menu
fault codes in the codes in the appendix
– Electronics self-test appendix

7.6 Performing a gas family check

Danger! It is not possible to perform CO₂ measure-
Risk of poisoning! ments during the gas family check.
Inadequate combustion quality (CO), indic-
ated by F.92/93, leads to an increased risk of 7.7 Using check programmes
Menu → Installer level → Test programs → Check pro-
▶ Make sure that the fault is completely grams
eliminated before starting up the product
for continuous operation. Display Meaning
P.00 Purging check programme:
The internal pump is cyclically actuated.
Menu → Installer level → Test programs → Gas family
The heating circuit and the hot water circuit are
purged via the automatic air vent (the cap of the
The gas family check checks the product setting with regard automatic air vent must be released).
to combustion quality. 1x : Start heating circuit purging
2x ( ): Start hot water circuit purging
Note 3x ( ): Restart heating circuit purging
If additional condensing units are connected to the 1x (Cancel): End purge programme
same flue gas pipe in the heating installation, en- Note
sure that none of these condensing units are in The purge programme runs for 7.5 min per circuit
operation or start operating throughout the entire and then terminates.
test programme, so that the test result is not dis- Purging the heating circuit:
torted. Diverter valve in heating position, actuation of in-
ternal pump for 9 cycles: 30 sec. on, 20 sec. off.
▶ Perform the gas family check as part of routine product Display: Active heating circuit.
maintenance work, after replacing components, carrying Purging the hot water circuit:
out work on the gas route and following gas conversion. After the above-mentioned cycles have run or the
right-hand selection button has been pressed again:
Diverter valve in the hot water position, actuation
of the internal pump as above. Display: Active hot
water circuit.

20 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Start-up 7
Display Meaning Total Water hardness at specific system volume
P.01 Maximum load check programme: > 20 l/kW
output ≤ 20 l/kW > 50 l/kW
After successful ignition, the product is operated at ≤ 50 l/kW
maximum heat input. ppm ppm ppm
P.02 Minimum load check programme: CaCO₃ mol/m³ CaCO₃ mol/m³ CaCO₃ mol/m³
After successful ignition, the product is operated at < 50 < 300 <3 200 2 2 0.02
minimum heat input.
> 50 200 2 150 1.5 2 0.02
P.06 Filling mode check programme: to ≤ 200
The diverter valve is moved to the mid-position. The
> 200 150 1.5 2 0.02 2 0.02
burner and pump are switched off (to fill or drain the
to ≤ 600
> 600 2 0.02 2 0.02 2 0.02
1) Nominal capacity in litres/heating output; in the case of multi-
7.8 Checking and treating the heating
boiler systems, the smallest single heating output is to be used.
water/filling and supplementary water

Caution. Caution.
Risk of material damage due to poor-qual- Risk of material damage if the heating
ity heating water water is treated with unsuitable additives.
▶ Ensure that the heating water is of suffi- Unsuitable additives may cause changes in
cient quality. the components, noises in heating mode and
possibly subsequent damage.
▶ Before filling or topping up the system, check the quality ▶ Do not use any unsuitable frost and cor-
of the heating water. rosion protection agents, biocides or seal-
Checking the quality of the heating water
▶ Remove a little water from the heating circuit.
▶ Check the appearance of the heating water. No incompatibility with our products has been detected to
▶ If you ascertain that it contains sedimentary materials, date with proper use of the following additives.
you must desludge the system. ▶ When using additives, follow the manufacturer's instruc-
▶ Use a magnetic rod to check whether it contains mag- tions without exception.
netite (iron oxide).
We accept no liability for the compatibility of any additive or
▶ If you ascertain that it contains magnetite, clean the sys- its effectiveness in the rest of the heating system.
tem and apply suitable corrosion-protection measures, or
fit a magnet filter. Additives for cleaning measures (subsequent
▶ Check the pH value of the removed water at 25 °C. flushing required)
▶ If the value is below 8.2 or above 10.0, clean the system – Fernox F3
and treat the heating water. – Sentinel X 300
▶ Ensure that oxygen cannot get into the heating water. – Sentinel X 400
(→ Page 26) Additives intended to remain permanently in the
Checking the filling and supplementary water system
▶ Before filling the system, measure the hardness of the – Fernox F1
filling and supplementary water. – Fernox F2
– Sentinel X 100
Treating the filling and supplementary water
– Sentinel X 200
▶ Observe all applicable national regulations and technical
standards when treating the filling and supplementary Additives for frost protection intended to remain
water. permanently in the system
Provided the national regulations and technical standards – Fernox Antifreeze Alphi 11
do not stipulate more stringent requirements, the following – Sentinel X 500
▶ If you have used the above-mentioned additives, inform
You must treat the heating water in the following cases: the operator about the measures required.
– If the entire filling and supplementary water quantity dur- ▶ Inform the operator about the measures required for frost
ing the operating life of the system exceeds three times protection.
the nominal volume of the heating installation, or
– If the guideline values listed in the following table are not
met, or
– If the pH value of the heating water is less than 8.2 or
more than 10.0.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 21

7 Start-up
7.9 Preventing low water pressure 3. Select the check programme P.06.
To ensure that the heating installation operates smoothly, ◁ The diverter valve moves to the mid-position, the
the indicator on the pressure gauge must point to the upper pumps do not run and the product does not switch
half of the grey area or to the middle of the bar graph display to heating mode.
in the display (marked by the dashed limit values) when the
4. Observe the information on treating heating water.
heating installation is cold. This corresponds to a filling pres-
(→ Page 21)
sure of between 0.1 MPa and 0.2 MPa (1.0 bar and 2.0 bar).
5. Check all connections and the entire system for leaks.
If the heating installation extends over several storeys,
higher filling pressures may be required to avoid air entering Conditions: Applies to: Products with integrated hot water generation
the heating installation.
If the filling pressure falls below 0.08 MPa (0.8 bar), the
product indicates low pressure by displaying a flashing
pressure value. If the filling pressure falls below 0.05 MPa 4
(0.5 bar), the product switches off. The display shows F.22.
▶ Top up the heating water to start the product up again.
The pressure value flashes in the display until a pressure of
0.11 MPa (1.1 bar) or higher has been reached.

7.10 Flushing the heating installation for the first

time ("cold")
The complete heating system must be flushed
at least twice: Once with cold water and once
with hot water in accordance with the following
1. Check whether all thermostatic radiator valves and both 2
service valves on the product are open.
2. Connect a hose to the drain valve that is located at the
lowest position in the heating system. ▶ Open all radiator valves (thermostatic radiator valves) of
3. Open the radiator valves and the drain valves so that the heating installation.
the water can drain quickly. Start at the next point in the ▶ Fit the double non-return valve (1) of the filling line to
system and open the purging valves on the radiators so the cold water stop valve and secure the valve with the
that the contaminated water can completely drain. spring clip (2).
4. Close the drain cocks. ▶ To fill, first open the stop valve (3).
5. Refill the heating system with water. ▶ Open the stop valve (4) so that the water flows into the
6. Check that the expansion relief valve of the heating heating system. Fill the heating system.
system is functioning correctly by turning the handle ▶ Purge the lowest radiator until water flows out of the
on the valve. purging valve without bubbles.
7. Check the pressure in the heating system and top up ▶ Purge all other radiators until the entire heating system
with water if necessary. has been filled with water.
8. Close the filling valve and the cold water valve. ▶ Close all purging valves.
▶ Monitor the rising filling pressure in the heating installa-
7.11 Filling the heating installation tion.
▶ Fill with water until the required filling pressure is
1 reached.
▶ After filling, close both stop valves and disconnect the
filling device by removing the double non-return valve
from the cold water stop valve.

Both stop valves must be closed while the
heating system is operating and the filling line
must be removed from the double non-return
valve again.

1. Flush the heating installation through.

Conditions: Applies to: Products with heating mode only
2. Undo the cap of the automatic air vent (1) by one to two
rotations and leave it open, as the product purges itself ▶ Connect the filling and drainage tap in the heating in-
via the automatic air vent even in continuous mode. stallation to a heating water supply, if possible with the

22 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Start-up 7
cold water valve, in accordance with the relevant stand- 7.14 Filling the condensate trap
▶ Open the heating water supply.
▶ Open all radiator valves (thermostatic radiator valves) of
the heating installation.
▶ If necessary, check that both service valves on the
product are open.
▶ Slowly open the filling and drainage tap so that the water
flows into the heating system.
▶ Purge the lowest radiator until water flows out of the
purging valve without bubbles.
▶ Purge all other radiators until the entire heating system
has been filled with water.
▶ Close all purging valves.
▶ Monitor the rising filling pressure in the heating installa-
▶ Fill with water until the required filling pressure is
reached. 1
▶ Close the filling and drainage tap and the cold water
1. Remove the lower section from the condensate trap (1).
7.12 Purging the heating installation
2. Fill the lower section with water up to 10 mm below the
1. Select the check programme P.00.
upper edge.
◁ The product does not start up, the internal pump 3. Attach the lower section to the condensate trap.
operates intermittently and purges either the heating
circuit or the hot water circuit. 7.15 Gas ratio setting
◁ The display shows the filling pressure of the heating
installation. 7.15.1 Checking the factory-set gas ratio setting

2. Make sure that the filling pressure of the heating install- Caution.
ation does not fall below the minimum filling pressure. Risk of material damage caused by mak-
– ≥ 0.08 MPa ( ≥ 0.80 bar) ing unauthorised settings.
◁ At the end of the filling procedure, the filling pres- ▶ Never modify the factory setting of the gas
sure of the heating installation should be at least pressure regulator of the gas valve.
0.02 MPa (0.2 bar) above the counter-pressure
of the expansion vessel ("Exp") (PInstallation ≥ PExp +
0.02 MPa (0.2 bar)). ▶ Before you start up the product, compare the gas group
information on the identification plate with the gas group
3. If there is still too much air in the heating installation at available at the installation site.
the end of the check programme P.00, repeat the check
programme. Conditions: The product design is not compatible with the local gas group

7.13 Filling and purging the hot water system Only Vaillant Service Solutions may perform a gas conver-
Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation
If a gas conversion to liquid gas has been carried out, the
smallest possible partial load is higher than is shown on the
1. Open the cold water stop valve on the product. display. The correct values can be found in the Technical
2. Fill the hot water system by opening all the hot water data in the appendix.
draw-off valves until water escapes. ▶ Call Vaillant Service Solutions (0330 1003 143).
▶ Do not start up the product.

Conditions: The product design is compatible with the local gas group

▶ Proceed as described below.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 23

7 Start-up
7.15.2 Checking the leak-tightness of the flue gas Conditions: Gas flow rate not in the permissible range
system and for flue gas recirculation
▶ Check all of the piping and ensure that the gas flow rates
1. Check the integrity of the flue gas system. are correct.
2. If the flue gas system is longer than 2 m, we urgently ▶ Only put the product into operation once the gas flow
recommend that you test the system for flue gas recir- rates have been corrected.
culation as described below.
3. Use the air analysis point to check for flue gas recircula- Conditions: Gas flow rate in the permissible range

▶ End the check programme P.01.
4. Use the flue gas measuring instrument.
▶ Allow the boiler to cool down by allowing pump overrun to
5. If you discover CO or CO2 in the fresh air, search for a operate for a minimum of two minutes.
leak in the flue gas system or for the flue gas recircula-
▶ Record the boiler maximum gas flow rate onto the
Benchmark gas boiler commissioning checklist.
6. Eliminate the damage.
7. Repeat the above-mentioned test to determine if the 7.15.4 Checking the gas flow pressure
fresh air contains CO or CO2.
8. If you cannot eliminate the damage, you must not start 1. Ensure that the gas inlet working pressure can be
up the boiler. obtained with all other gas appliances in the property
7.15.3 Checking the gas flow rate 2. Close the gas isolator cock.

The boiler is fitted with a multifunctional automatic gas valve

which ensures that the precise air/gas ratio is provided un-
der all operating conditions. The gas flow rate has been set 1
during production and does not require adjustment. With the
front casing fitted check the gas flow rate of the boiler as fol-
▶ Start up the product with the check programme P.01.
▶ In addition, ensure that maximum heat can be dissipated
into the heating system by turning up the room thermo-
▶ Wait at least 5 minutes until the boiler has reached its
operating temperature.
▶ Ensure that all other gas appliances in the property are
turned off.
▶ Measure the gas flow rate at the gas meter.
▶ Compare the measured values with the corresponding
values in the table.
value for
H gas in m³/h P gas in kg/h
the net heat
in kW in
Nom. +5% −10% Nom. +5% −10% 2
BS EN 483
12 1,31 1,38 1,18 0.96 1,01 0,86
15 1,64 1,72 1,48 1,20 1,26 1.08
18 1,97 2,07 1,77 1,44 1,51 1,30 3. Use a screwdriver to undo the measuring nipple screw
24 2,61 2,74 2.35 1,92 2,02 1,73
(1) (lower screw) at the gas valve.
4. Connect a pressure gauge (2) to the measuring nipple
30 3,27 3,43 2,94 2,40 2,52 2,16
37 4,03 4,23 3,63 2,96 3,11 2,66 5. Open the gas isolator cock.
25 2,72 2,86 2.45 2,00 2,10 1,80 6. Start up the product with the check programme P.01.
32 3,41 3,58 3,07 2,52 2,65 2,27 7. In addition, ensure that maximum heat can be dissip-
ated into the heating system by turning up the room
35 3,78 3,97 3,40 2,78 2,92 2,50
38 4,15 4,36 3,73 3,05 3,20 2,75
8. With the boiler operating at full load check that the gas
inlet working pressure at the reference test point com-
plies with the requirements.

24 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Start-up 7
– Permissible gas flow pressure for operation with Settings Unit G20 G31 liquid
G20 natural gas: 1.3 … 2.3 kPa (13.0 … 23.0 mbar) natural gas
– Permissible gas flow pressure for operation with gas
G31 liquid gas: 2.3 … 4.3 kPa (23.0 … 43.0 mbar) CO₂ after 5 minutes
9. Should the pressure recorded at the reference test point in full load mode with Vol.–% 9.2 ± 1.0 10.4 ± 0.5
in the boiler be lower than indicated check if there is front casing closed
any blockage in the pipework or if the pipework is un-
CO₂ after 5 minutes
in full load mode with Vol.–% 9.0 ± 1.0 10.2 ± 0.5
Conditions: Gas flow pressure not in the permissible range front casing removed
Set for Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.09 21.34
Caution. W₀
Risk of material damage and operating O₂ after 5 minutes in
faults caused by incorrect gas connec- full load mode with Vol.–% 4.5 ± 1.8 5.1 ± 0.8
tion pressure. front casing closed
If the gas connection pressure lies outside CO value with full load ppm ≤ 250 ≤ 250
the permissible range, this can cause oper- CO/CO₂ ≤ 0.0031 ≤ 0.0026
ating faults in and damage to the product.
▶ Do not make any adjustments to the Conditions: The CO₂ content must be adjusted
▶ Do not start up the product. 1

▶ If you cannot correct the failure, notify the gas supply

company and proceed as follows:
▶ End the check programme P.01.
▶ Allow the boiler to cool down by allowing pump overrun
to operate for a minimum of two minutes.
▶ Close the gas isolator cock.
▶ Remove the pressure gauge and retighten the sealing
screw (1) for the measuring nipple.
▶ Open the gas isolator cock.
▶ Check the measuring nipple for gas tightness.
▶ Close the gas isolator cock.
▶ Install the front casing.
▶ Disconnect the product from the power mains.
▶ You must not start up the boiler.

Conditions: Gas flow pressure in the permissible range

▶ End the check programme P.01.

▶ Allow the boiler to cool down allowing pump overrun to
operate for a minimum of two minutes.
▶ Close the gas isolator cock.
▶ Pierce the covering cap (1) at the mark using a small
▶ Remove the pressure gauge and retighten the sealing flat-blade screwdriver and unscrew it.
screw (1) for the measuring nipple.
▶ After performing the adjustments, tilt the air intake pipe
▶ Open the gas isolator cock. back up.
▶ Check the measuring nipple for gas tightness. ▶ Check the CO₂ content again.
▶ Install the front casing. ▶ If necessary, repeat the setting process.
▶ Reset boiler controls for normal operation. ▶ Set the CO₂ content (value with front casing removed)
▶ Record the appliance gas inlet working pressure (kPa by turning the screw (2).
resp. mbar) in the Benchmark gas boiler commissioning – Higher CO₂ content: Turn anti-clockwise
– Lower CO₂ content: Turn clockwise
7.15.5 Checking the CO₂ content and, if ▶ For natural gas only: Only perform the adjustment in in-
crements of 1 turn and wait approx. 1 minute after each
necessary, adjusting it (air index setting)
adjustment until the value stabilises.
1. Start up the product with the check programme P.01. ▶ For liquid gas only: Only perform the adjustment in small
2. Wait at least five minutes until the product reaches its increments (approx. 1/2 turn), and wait approx. 1 minute
operating temperature. after each adjustment until the value stabilises.
3. Measure the CO₂ and CO/CO₂ content at the flue gas ▶ Check the CO₂ content again.
analysis point. ▶ If necessary, repeat the setting process.
4. Compare the measured value with the corresponding ▶ Press (Cancel) once the adjustments have been
value in the table. made.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 25

8 Adapting the unit to the heating installation
▶ If an adjustment is not possible in the specified adjust- 6. Fill the heating system again with water as described in
ment range, you must not start up the product. Filling the heating installation (→ Page 22) and Purging
▶ If this is the case, inform Customer Service. the heating installation (→ Page 23).
▶ Screw the covering cap back in. 7. Re-fill the system until the system design pressure of
▶ Install the front casing. 0,1 MPa (1,0 bar) is attained.

7.16 Checking function and leak-tightness Note

The actual reading on the digital pressure
Before you hand the product over to the operator:
gauge should ideally be 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)
▶ Check the gas line, the flue gas installation, the heating plus an additional pressure corresponding
installation and the hot water pipes for leaks. to the highest point of the system above the
▶ Check that the air/flue pipe and condensate drain pipe- base of the boiler – 10 m head equals an ad-
work have been installed correctly. ditional 1 bar reading on the pressure gauge.
▶ Check that the front casing has been installed correctly. The minimum pressure should not be less
than 0,1 MPa (1 bar) in any installation. If
the system is to be treated with an inhibitor it
7.16.1 Checking the heating mode
should be applied at this stage in accordance
1. Make sure that there is a heat requirement. with the manufacturer’s instructions. Further
2. Call up the Live Monitor. information can be obtained from Sentinel,
Betz Dearborn Ltd., Tel: 0151 420 9595, or
◁ If the product is working correctly, the display shows Fernox, Alpha– Fry technologies. Tel: 0870
S.04. 8700362.

7.16.2 Checking the hot water generation

8. Install the front casing.
Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation

1. Open a hot water valve all the way. 8 Adapting the unit to the heating
2. Call up the Live Monitor.
◁ If the hot water generation is working correctly, S.14
appears in the display. To reset the most important system parameters, use the
Appliance config. menu point.
7.16.3 Checking the hot water generation Menu → Installer level Appliance config.
Applicability: Product with heating mode only Or manually relaunch the installation assistant.
Menu → Installer level → Start inst. assistant
1. Ensure that the cylinder charging mode is requesting
heat. You can find setting options in the Diagnostics menu.
2. Call up the Live Monitor.
Menu → Installer level Diagnostics menu
◁ If the cylinder is charged correctly, the display
Overview of diagnostics codes (→ Page 40)
shows S.24.
3. If you have connected a controller which can be used to 8.1 Burner anti-cycling time
set the hot water temperature, set the hot water temper-
ature on the boiler to the maximum possible temperat- To prevent frequent switching on and off of the burner and
ure. thus prevent energy losses, an electronic restart lockout
is activated for a specific period each time the burner is
4. Adjust the target temperature for the connected do-
switched off. The burner anti-cycling time is only active
mestic hot water cylinder to the controller.
for the heating mode. Hot water handling during a burner
◁ The product adopts the set target temperature that anti-cycling time does not affect the time function element
is set on the controller. (default setting: 20 mins).

7.17 Thoroughly flushing the heating installation 8.1.1 Setting the burner anti-cycling time
("hot") 1. Navigate to Menu → Installer level → Diagnostics
1. Operate the appliance until the boiler and the heating menu → D.002 Max. anti-cycl. time: Heating and con-
system are up to temperature. firm by pressing .
2. Check the heating system for leaks. 2. Set the burner anti-cycling time and confirm by pressing
3. Connect a hose to the drain valve located at the lowest .
position of the heating system.
4. Shut off the boiler, open the drain valve and all purge
valves on the radiators and allow the water to flow out
of the heating system and the boiler quickly and fully.
5. Close the drain valve.

26 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Adapting the unit to the heating installation 8

TFlow Set maximum burner anti-cycling time [min] Guideline value for burner
(tar- operating hours until the
get) 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number next inspection/maintenance
Heat de-
[°C] of per- work is due for an average
30 2.0 4.0 8.5 12.5 16.5 20.5 25.0 sons operating time of one year
(dependent upon the system
35 2.0 4.0 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0
40 2.0 3.5 6.5 10.0 13.0 16.5 19.5 1‑2 1500 h
45 2.0 3.0 6.0 8.5 11.5 14.0 17.0 10.0 kW
2‑3 1600 h
50 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 9.5 12.0 14.0 2‑3 1800 h
55 2.0 2.5 4.5 6.0 8.0 10.0 11.5 15.0 kW
3‑4 1900 h
60 2.0 2.0 3.5 5.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 3‑4 2600 h
65 2.0 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 20.0 kW
4‑5 2700 h
70 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 3‑4 2800 h
75 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 25.0 kW
4‑6 2900 h

TFlow Set maximum burner anti-cycling time 3‑4 3000 h

> 27.0 kW
(target) [min] 4‑6 3000 h
[°C] 35 40 45 50 55 60
30 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.5 8.3 Setting the pump output
35 25.5 29.5 33.0 36.5 40.5 44.0 1. Navigate to Menu → Installer level → Diagnostics
40 22.5 26.0 29.0 32.0 35.5 38.5 menu → D.014 Pump speed target value and confirm
45 19.5 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.5 33.0 by pressing .
2. Set the required pump output.
50 16.5 18.5 21.0 23.5 25.5 28.0
55 13.5 15.0 17.0 19.0 20.5 22.5 Conditions: Low loss header installed

60 10.5 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.5 17.0 ▶ Switch off the speed regulation and set the pump output
65 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.5 to a fixed value.
70 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
8.3.1 Remaining feed head of the pump
75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Pump characteristic line for VU 126, VU
8.1.2 Resetting the remaining burner anti-cycling 156, VU 186
Remaining feed head [hPa]

1. Alternatives 1 / 2
▶ Navigate to Menu Reset anti-cycl. time.
100% PWM
◁ The current burner anti-cycling time appears in 200 70%
the display. 53%

Press to reset the burner anti-cycling time.
1. Alternatives 2 / 2 0

▶ Press .
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Flow rate [l/hr]

8.2 Setting the maintenance interval Pump characteristic line for VU 246, VUW
1. Navigate to Menu → Installer level → Diagnostics
menu → D.084 Maintenance in and confirm by press-
ing .
Remaining feed head [hPa]

2. Set the maintenance interval (operating hours) until the 350 100% PWM
next maintenance work is due and confirm by pressing 300
. 250 60%
Guideline value for burner 200
operating hours until the
Number next inspection/maintenance
Heat de- 50
of per- work is due for an average
mand 0
sons operating time of one year
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
(dependent upon the system
type) Flow rate [l/hr]

1‑2 1050 h
5.0 kW
2‑3 1150 h

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 27

8 Adapting the unit to the heating installation Pump characteristic line for VU 306, VUW

Remaining feed head [hPa]

100% PWM
300 85%


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Flow rate [l/hr] Pump characteristic line for VUW 326

400 ▶ Regulate the pressure using the adjusting screw (1).

Remaining feed head [hPa]

100% PWM Position of the sure
85% Notes/application
adjusting screw in MPa
60% (mbar)
100 If the radiators do not heat
Right-hand stop up sufficiently at the default
0 (turned all the setting. In this case, you
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 way down) must set the pump to the
Flow rate [l/hr] maximum speed.
(5 turns to the Default setting Pump characteristic line for VU 376, VUW left)
5 further turns to If noises are produced in
the left from the the radiators or radiator
Remaining feed head [hPa]

400 (170)
mid-position valves
100% PWM
300 85%
▶ Install the front casing.
200 53%
8.5 Handing the product over to the operator
with Auto
▶ When you have finished the installation, affix the en-
closed sticker (which requests that the user reads the
0 instructions) to the front of the product in the operator's
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 language.
Flow rate [l/hr] ▶ Explain to the operator how the safety devices work and
where they are located.
8.4 Setting the bypass valve ▶ Inform the operator how to handle the product.
▶ In particular, draw attention to the safety information
Caution. which the operator must follow.
Risk of material damage caused by incor- ▶ Inform the operator of the necessity to have the product
rect setting of the high-efficiency pump maintained according to the specified intervals.
▶ Pass all of the instructions and documentation for the
If the pressure at the bypass valve is in- product to the operator for safe-keeping.
creased (by turning it clockwise) and the
pump output is set to less than 100%, the ▶ Inform the operator about measures taken to ensure the
supply of combustion air and flue gas guiding, and in-
product may not operate correctly.
struct the operator that he must not make any changes.
▶ In this case, set the pump output to ▶ Inform the operator that they must not store or use ex-
5 = 100% using diagnostics code D.014. plosive or highly flammable substances (such as petrol,
paper or paint) in the installation room of the product.
▶ Remove the front casing. (→ Page 13) ▶ Complete and sign off the Benchmark commissioning
check list.
▶ Complete and sign off the guarantee documentation.

28 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Troubleshooting 9

9 Troubleshooting 9.5 Preparing the repair work

1. Decommission the product.
9.1 Checking service messages
2. Disconnect the product from the power mains.
appears if you have set a maintenance interval, for ex- 3. Remove the front casing. (→ Page 13)
ample, and this has passed or a service message is issued. 4. Close the gas isolator cock.
The product is not in fault mode. 5. Close the service valves in the heating flow and in the
▶ Navigate to Menu → Live Monitor and confirm by press- heating return.
ing . 6. Close the service valve in the cold water pipe.
Conditions: S.40 is displayed
7. Drain the product if you want to replace water-bearing
components of the product.
The product is in Comfort protection mode. The product con- 8. Make sure that water does not drip on live components
tinues to run with restricted comfort after it has detected a (e.g. the electronics box).
fault. 9. Use only new seals.
▶ To establish whether or not a component is defective,
read the fault memory. (→ Page 29) 9.5.1 Procuring spare parts
The original components of the product were also certified
Note as part of the declaration of conformity. If you do not use cer-
If no fault message is present, the product will tified Vaillant original spare parts for maintenance or repair
automatically switch back to normal operating work, this voids the conformity of the product. We therefore
mode after a certain time. strongly recommend that you fit Vaillant genuine spare parts.
Information about available Vaillant original spare parts is
available by contacting the contact address provided on the
9.2 Rectifying faults reverse of this document.
▶ If fault messages (F.XX) appear, rectify the fault by re- ▶ If you require spare parts for maintenance or repair work,
ferring to the table in the appendix or using the Function use only Vaillant genuine spare parts.
menu (→ Page 34) and the Check programs (→ Page 20).
If several faults occur at the same time, the display shows 9.6 Replacing defective components
the corresponding fault messages for two seconds each in 9.6.1 Replacing the burner
1. Remove the compact thermal module. (→ Page 34)
▶ Press (max. three times) to restart the product.
▶ If you are unable to remedy the fault and the fault recurs
despite fault clearance attempts, contact customer ser-

9.3 Calling up and clearing the fault memory 1

The last 10 fault messages are stored in the fault memory.

▶ Navigate to the Fault list menu.
◁ The display shows the number of faults that have
occurred, the fault numbers and the corresponding
plain text display.
▶ Press or to call up individual fault messages.
▶ Press twice to delete the fault list.
9.4 Resetting parameters to factory settings
1. Navigate to Menu → Installer level → Diagnostics 2. Undo the four screws (1) on the burner.
menu → D.096 Reset to factory settings? and con- 3. Remove the burner.
firm by pressing . 4. Install a new seal (2) on the new burner.
2. Set the diagnostics code to 1, and confirm by pressing 5. Install the compact thermal module. (→ Page 36)

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 29

9 Troubleshooting
9.6.2 Replacing the fan


6 11. Remove the gas valve retainer (1) from the fan by un-
screwing the three screws (2).
1. Remove the air intake pipe.
12. Replace the defective fan.
2. Remove the three plugs from the gas valve (5 ).
3. Remove the plug from the sensor on the Venturi (3) by 2
pushing in the latching lug.
4. Remove the plug/plugs (4) (depending on the unit
design) from the fan motor by pushing in the latching
lug in each case.
5. Unscrew the two cap nuts (7) and (6) on the gas valve.
Use an open-ended spanner to counterhold the oppos- 3
ite side of the gas valve when unscrewing.
6. Unscrew the three screws (2) between the mixture pipe 4
(1) and the fan flange.

13. Refit the components in the reverse order. New seals
(4) and (5) must be used for this. Pay attention to the
order in which the three screws between the fan and
the mixture pipe are screwed in, as per the numbering
(1), (2) and (3).
14. Screw the flexible gas line to the gas valve. Use new
seals for this.
15. When tightening the cap nut on the gas valve, use an
open-ended spanner to counterhold the opposite side
of the gas valve.
16. Perform a gas family check after installing the new fan.
3 (→ Page 20)

2 9.6.3 Replacing the gas valve

To replace the gas valve, you will need a Torx
T20. To replace the gas valve directly from the
7. Remove the entire unit comprising the fan, Venturi and
front, you will need an offset screwdriver or a Torx
gas valve from the product.
T20 socket. If you do not have access to an off-
8. Unscrew the gas valve fixing screw (2) from the re- set screwdriver or the like, you must first remove
tainer. the entire unit comprising the fan with gas valve
9. Remove the gas valve from the retainer. before you can remove the gas valve from the re-
10. Remove the Venturi (3), including the gas connection tainer.
pipe (1), from the fan by turning the bayonet fitting on
the Venturi anti-clockwise as far as it goes and remov-
ing it straight from the fan.

30 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Troubleshooting 9

5 1 9.6.4 Replacing the Venturi


1. Remove the air intake pipe.
2. Remove the plug from the sensor on the Venturi (1) by
1. Remove the air intake pipe. pushing in the latching lug.
2. Remove the three plugs from the gas valve (2). 3. Unscrew the cap nuts (3) of the gas connection pipe (2)
on the gas valve.
3. Remove the plug from the sensor on the Venturi (1) by
pushing in the latching lug. 4. Remove the Venturi, including the gas connection pipe,
from the fan by turning the bayonet fitting on the Venturi
4. Unscrew the two cap nuts (5) and (4) on the gas valve.
anti-clockwise as far as it goes and removing it straight
Use an open-ended spanner to counterhold the oppos-
from the fan.
ite side of the gas valve (4) and (5) when unscrewing.
5. Either remove the unit comprising the fan with gas valve 7
(Replacing the fan (→ Page 30)), or use an offset screw-
driver or Torx T20 socket to unscrew the fixing screw of
6 1
gas valve (3) from the retainer.

Note 5
The screw in the gas valve retainer secures
the gas valve against turning and must be
screwed back in once the gas valve has
been replaced.

6. Remove the gas valve from the retainer.

7. Reinstall the new gas valve in the reverse order. Use
new seals for this.
8. When tightening the cap nuts on the gas valve, use an
open-ended spanner to counterhold the opposite side of
the gas valve (4) and (5).
9. After installing the new gas valve, perform a leak-tight- 5. Remove the gas connection pipe (1) from the Venturi
ness test (→ Page 26), gas family check (→ Page 20) (3) by removing the clamp (4) and pulling the gas con-
and gas ratio setting (→ Page 23). nection pipe out vertically. Dispose of the seal (7).
6. Pull the gas restrictor (6) straight off, and keep it for re-
7. Check whether the Venturi is free of residue at the gas
inlet side.

Risk of material damage to the product.
Lubricant can block function-related channels
in the Venturi.
▶ Do not use lubricant when installing the
gas restrictor.

8. Ensure that you use the correct gas restrictor (colour

coding and position of pins on the underside of the gas

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 31

9 Troubleshooting
restrictor). The colour of the gas restrictor must match
the colour of the coding resistor on the PCB.
9. Insert the gas restrictor for the gas group in question 1
into the new Venturi (yellow: G20 natural gas, grey:
Liquid gas).
10. When inserting the gas restrictor, ensure that the gas
restrictor is correctly aligned using the indicated pos-
ition marks on the upper side of the Venturi and also 2
the positioning pins (5) on the underside of the gas re-
11. Refit the components in the reverse order. Use new
seals for this.
12. After installing the new Venturi, carry out a gas ratio
setting. (→ Page 23)
13. If you cannot adjust the CO2 content, the gas restrictor
has been damaged during installation. In this case,
replace the gas restrictor with an appropriate spare
14. Perform a gas family check. (→ Page 20)

9.6.5 Replacing the heat exchanger

8. Remove the lower three screws (2) on the rear section
1. Drain the product. (→ Page 36) of the retainer.
2. Remove the compact thermal module. (→ Page 34) 9. Swing the retainer to the side around the top screw (1).
3. Detach the condensate drain hose from the heat ex- 10. Pull the heat exchanger downwards and to the right,
changer. and remove it from the product.
11. Install the new heat exchanger in reverse order.
1 12. Replace the seals.

Instead of grease, use only water or com-
mercially available soft soap to aid installa-
3 tion.

13. Insert the flow and return connections into the heat
exchanger as far as they will go.
14. Make sure that the brackets are seated correctly on the
flow and return connections.
15. Install the compact thermal module. (→ Page 36)
4. Remove the clamps (2) and (3) from the flow connec- 16. Fill and purge the product and, if necessary, the heating
tion and the return connection. installation. (→ Page 22)
5. Detach the flow connection.
6. Detach the return connection. 9.6.6 Replacing the expansion vessel
7. Remove two screws (1) on each of the two retainers. 1. Drain the product. (→ Page 36)


2. Undo the screwed connection (4).

3. Remove both screws (1) on the support plate (2).
4. Remove the support plate (2).
5. Pull out the expansion vessel (3) towards the front.

32 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Inspection and maintenance 10
6. Insert the new expansion vessel into the product. Product type number
7. Screw the new expansion vessel to the water connec- 612 (VU GB 126/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 1
tion. Use a new seal for this. plus
8. Attach the support plate using both screws (1). 615 (VU GB 156/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 3
9. Fill and purge the product and, if necessary, the heating plus
installation. (→ Page 22)
618 (VU GB 186/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 4
9.6.7 Replacing the PCB or the display
624 (VU GB 246/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 9
Note plus

If you only replace one component, when the 630 (VU GB 306/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 14
product is switched on, the new component ad- plus
opts the parameters that were previously set from 637 (VU GB 376/5‑5 A) ecoTEC 20
the component that was not replaced. plus
825 (VUW GB 256/5‑5) ecoTEC 6
1. Open the electronics box. (→ Page 17)
2. Replace the PCB or display according to the assembly 832 (VUW GB 326/5‑5) ecoTEC 10
and installation instructions supplied. plus
835 (VUW GB 356/5‑5) ecoTEC 13
838 (VUW GB 386/5‑5) ecoTEC 17

◁ The electronics are now set to the product type and


the parameters of all diagnostics codes are set to


default settings.
◁ The installation assistant starts.
8. Make the system-specific settings.
3. If you are replacing the PCB, remove the coding resist-
ance (1) (plug X24) from the old PCB and plug the plug 9.7 Completing repair work
onto the new PCB.
1. Establish the power supply.
4. Close the electronics box.
2. Switch the product back on if this has not yet been
done. (→ Page 19)
9.6.8 Replacing the PCB and the display
3. Install the front casing.
1. Open the electronics box. (→ Page 17) 4. Open all service valves and the gas isolator cock.
2. Replace the PCB and display according to the 5. Check that it works correctly and is leak-tight.
assembly and installation instructions supplied. (→ Page 26)

10 Inspection and maintenance

▶ You must carry out an annual inspection of the product.

The annual inspection can be effectively performed


without removing components by requesting data from

the DIA system, carrying out the simple visual checks in-
dicated in the table in the appendix and performing a flue
gas measurement. The maintenance intervals and their
3. Remove the coding resistance (1) (plug X24) from the scope are determined by the heating engineer based on
old PCB and plug the plug into the new PCB. the condition of the boiler found during the inspection. All
4. Close the electronics box. inspection and maintenance work should be performed in
5. Press the on/off button on the product. (→ Page 19) the order specified in the table in the appendix.
Inspection and maintenance work – Overview
◁ After switching on, the product switches directly to (→ Page 56)
the menu to select the language. The default lan-
guage setting is English. During any inspection and maintenance or after change
of parts of the combustion circuit, the following must be
6. Select the required language and confirm by pressing checked:
– The boiler has been installed in accordance with the rel-
◁ You are automatically taken to D.093 to set the evant installation instructions.
device specific number.
– The integrity of the flue gas installation and flue seals is
7. Set the correct value for the relevant product type in ac- in accordance with the relevant flue installation instruc-
cordance with the table below and confirm by pressing tions enclosed.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 33

10 Inspection and maintenance
– Visual, the integrity of the boiler combustion circuit and Danger!
relevant seals (paying particular attention to the burner
door seal). Risk of death and risk of material damage
caused by hot flue gas.
– The gas inlet working pressure at maximum rate.
– The gas flow rates. The seal, insulating mat and self-locking nuts
– Correctness of electrical, water and gas connections. on the burner flange must not be damaged.
Otherwise, hot flue gases may escape and
– Correctness of the water pressure.
cause personal injury and material damage.
– The condition of the whole system, in particular the con-
dition of radiator valves, evidence of leakage from the ▶ Replace the seal each time you open the
heating system and dripping taps. burner flange.
▶ Correct any faults before proceeding. ▶ Replace the self-locking nuts on the
burner flange each time you open the
burner flange.
10.1 Function menu
▶ If the insulating mat on the burner flange
Menu → Installer level → Test programs → Function menu or on the back wall of the heat exchanger
The function menu allows you to actuate and test individual shows signs of damage, replace the insu-
components in the heating installation. lating mat.

Display Action 1. Switch off the product using the on/off button.
2. Close the gas isolator cock.
T.01 Check internal Switch the internal pump on
3. Remove the front casing. (→ Page 13)
pump and off.
4. Tilt the electronics box forward.
T.02 Check 3-way Move the diverter valve to
valve the heating position or to the
hot water position.
T.03 Check fan Switch the fan on and off. 2
The fan runs at maximum
rotational speed.
T.04 Check cylinder Switch the cylinder charging
charge pump pump on and off.
T.05 Check circula- Switch the circulation pump
tion pump on and off.
T.06 Check external Switch the external pump on
pump and off.
T.08 Checking the Product starts up and
burner switches to minimum load.
The flow temperature is
shown in the display.

10.2 Electronics self-test

Menu → Installer level → Test programs → Electronics 5. Unscrew the retaining screw (2) and remove the air
self-test intake pipe (1) from the intake stub.
You can use the electronics self-test to check the PCB. 6. Unscrew either the cap nut on the gas valve (3) or the
cap nut (4) between the corrugated gas pipe and the
10.3 Removing the compact thermal module fixed gas pipe.
The compact thermal module consists of five main
– Speed-regulated fan,
– Gas valve including support plate,
– Venturi including mass flow sensor and gas
connection pipe,
– Burner flange,
– Premix burner.

34 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Inspection and maintenance 10

4. Rinse away any loose dirt with a sharp jet of water or
use a plastic brush. Do not point the water jet directly
at the insulating mat (2) on the back of the heat ex-
◁ The water flows out of the heat exchanger through
7 the condensate trap.
6 10.5 Checking the burner


7. Remove the plugs of the ignition line (7) and of the

ground connection (6) from the ignition electrode.
8. Remove the plug (4) from the fan motor by pushing in
the latching lug.
3 2
9. Remove the three plugs from the gas valve (5).
10. Remove the plug from the Venturi (3) by pushing in the
latching lug. 1. Check the surface of the burner (1) for damage. If you
see any damage, replace the burner.
11. Release the cable harness from the clip on the gas
valve retainer. 2. Fit a new burner flange seal (3).
12. Unscrew the four nuts (8). 3. Check the insulating mat (2) on the burner flange. If you
notice any signs of damage, replace the insulating mat.
13. Remove the entire compact thermal module (2) from
the heat exchanger (1).
10.6 Cleaning the condensate trap
14. Check the burner and the heat exchanger for damage
and dirt. 1. Remove the lower section of the condensate trap (1).
15. If necessary, clean or replace the components accord- 2. Flush out the lower section with water.
ing to the following sections. 3. Fill the lower section with water up to about 10 mm be-
16. Fit a new burner flange seal. low the upper edge.
17. Check the insulating mat on the burner flange and on 4. Attach the lower section to the condensate trap.
the back wall of the heat exchanger. If you notice any
signs of damage, replace the relevant insulating mat. 10.7 Cleaning the filter in the cold water inlet

10.4 Cleaning the heat exchanger Applicability: Product with integrated hot water generation

1. Protect the folded down electronics box against sprayed


1 4

2. Never undo the four nuts on the stud bolt (1) or tighten
3. Clean the heating coil (3) of the heat exchanger (4) us-
ing water or, if required, vinegar (to a maximum of 5%
acid). Allow the vinegar to act on the heat exchanger for 1. Close the cold water stop valve.
20 minutes. 2. Drain the product on the hot water side.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 35

11 Decommissioning
3. Unscrew the cap nut (2) and the lock nut (1) from the 9. Secure the air intake pipe with the retaining screw.
product's casing. 10. Check the gas flow pressure.

10.9 Draining the product

1. Close the service valves of the product.
2. Start the check programme P.06 (diverter valve mid-
3. Open the drain valves.
4. Make sure that the cap of the automatic air vent on
the internal pump is open so that the product can be
drained fully.
2 1
10.10 Checking the pre-charge pressure for the
4. Tilt the electronics box forward. internal expansion vessel
5. Remove the clamp (2). 1. Close the service valves and drain the product.
6. Remove the pipe (1) from the product. 2. Measure the pre-charge pressure of the expansion ves-
7. Rinse the filter under a jet of water, holding it against sel at the vessel valve.
the direction of flow.
Conditions: Pre-charge pressure < 0.075 MPa (0.75 bar)
8. If the filter is damaged or it can no longer be cleaned
sufficiently, you must replace the filter. ▶ Ideally, you should top up the expansion vessel with
9. Refit the pipe. nitrogen. Otherwise, top it up with air. Ensure that the
10. Reinsert the clamp. drain valve is open when topping up.
11. Always use new seals and retighten the cap nuts and 3. If water escapes from the valve of the expansion
the lock nut. vessel, you must replace the expansion vessel.
12. Open the cold water stop valve. (→ Page 32)
4. Fill the heating installation. (→ Page 22)
10.8 Installing the compact thermal module 5. Purge the heating installation. (→ Page 23)

8 10.11 Completing inspection and maintenance

1 work
Once you have completed all maintenance work:
▶ Check the gas flow pressure. (→ Page 24)
7 ▶ Check the CO₂ content and, if necessary, adjust it (air
3 index setting). (→ Page 25)
6 ▶ If required, reset the maintenance interval. (→ Page 27)

11 Decommissioning
4 11.1 Temporarily decommissioning the product
▶ Press the on/off button.
◁ The display goes out.
▶ Close the gas isolator cock.
▶ For products with hot water generation and products with
1. Connect the compact thermal module (2) to the heat a connected domestic hot water cylinder, you must also
exchanger (1). close the cold water stop valve.
2. Tighten the four new nuts (8) across the diagonal until
the burner flange fits closely and uniformly onto the
mating surfaces.
– Tightening torque: 6 Nm
3. Reconnect the plugs (3) to (7).
4. Connect the gas line using a new seal. In the process,
secure the gas pipe against twisting.
5. Open the gas isolator cock.
6. Make sure that there are no leaks.
7. Check that the sealing ring in the air intake pipe is posi-
tioned correctly in the seal seat.
8. Reconnect the air intake pipe to the intake nozzle.

36 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

Recycling and disposal 12
11.2 Decommissioning the product
▶ Press the on/off button.
◁ The display goes out.
▶ Disconnect the product from the power mains.
▶ Close the gas isolator cock.
▶ Close the cold water stop valve.
▶ Drain the product. (→ Page 36)

12 Recycling and disposal

Disposing of the packaging
▶ Dispose of the packaging correctly.
▶ Observe all relevant regulations.

13 Customer service
To ensure regular servicing, it is strongly recommended
that arrangements are made for a Maintenance Agreement.
Please contact Vaillant Service Solutions for further details.
Vaillant Service Solutions: 03 30 100‑31 43

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 37


A Installer level – Overview

Setting level Values Default

Unit Increment, select, explanation
Min. Max. setting

Installer level →
Enter code 00 99 – 1 (competent person code 17) –

Installer level → List of faults →

F.XX - F.XX¹ Current value – – –

Installer level → Test programs →

Gas type check Current value – LPG, natural gas –

Installer level → Test programs → Check programs →

P.00 Purging – – – Yes, No –
P.01 Maximum load – – – Yes, No –
P.02 Minimum load – – – Yes, No –
P.06 Filling mode – – – Yes, No –

Installer level → Test programs → Function menu →

T.01 Internal pump – – – On, Off –
T.02 3-way valve – – – On, Off –
T.03 Fan – – – On, Off –
T.04 Cyl. charging pump – – – On, Off –
T.05 Circulation pump – – – On, Off –
T.06 External pump – – – On, Off –
T.08 Burner – – – On, Off –

Installer level → Test programs → Electronics self-test →

Self-test – – – Yes, No –

Installer level → Appliance config. →

Language – – – Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Dansk, English
Nederlands, Castellano, Türkce, Magyar,
Pусский, Українськa, Svenska, Norsk, Pol-
ski, Čeština, Hrvatski, Slovenčina, Română,
Slovenščina, Português, Srpski
Flow temp. setpoint 30 75 ℃ 1 –
DHW temperature 30 60 ℃ 1 –
Product with hot water generation or connected
domestic hot water cylinder
Comfort mode – – – On, Off Off
¹Fault lists are only displayed, and can only be deleted, if faults have occurred.

38 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Setting level Values Default

Unit Increment, select, explanation
Min. Max. setting

Auxiliary relay 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2

2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Accessory relay 1 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2
2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Accessory relay 2 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2
2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Heating partial load – – kW Partial load only, full load only, auto Auto
Contact data Phone – – 0–9 Auto
Default setting – – – On, Off –

Installer level → Diagnostics menu →

D.XXX - D.XXX Current value – – –

Installer level → Start ins. assistant →

Language – – – Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Dansk, English
Nederlands, Castellano, Türkce, Magyar,
Pусский, Українськa, Svenska, Norsk, Pol-
ski, Čeština, Hrvatski, Slovenčina, Română,
Slovenščina, Português, Srpski
Filling mode: 3-way valve is in mid- 0 2 – 0 = Normal operating mode –
position 1 = Mid-position (parallel operation)
2 = Permanent heating mode position
Purge programme – – – Automatic adaptive purging of the heating circuit –
and hot water circuit
Not active
Flow temp. setpoint 30 75 ℃ 1 –
DHW temperature 35 60 ℃ 1 –
Product with hot water generation
¹Fault lists are only displayed, and can only be deleted, if faults have occurred.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 39


Setting level Values Default

Unit Increment, select, explanation
Min. Max. setting

Comfort mode – – – On, Off –

Heating partial load – – kW Partial load only, full load only, auto Auto
Auxiliary relay 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2
2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Accessory relay 1 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2
2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Accessory relay 2 1 10 – 1 = Circulation pump 2
2 = External pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
Contact data Phone number – 0-9 –
End the installation assistant? – – – Yes, No –
¹Fault lists are only displayed, and can only be deleted, if faults have occurred.

B Overview of diagnostics codes

Default Own setting

Code Parameter Values or explanations
D.000 Heating partial load Adjustable heating partial load in kW Auto
Auto: Product automatically adjusts max. partial load to
current system demand
D.001 Overrun time of internal heating 1 … 60 min 5 min
pump for heating mode
D.002 Max. burner anti-cycling time heating 2 … 60 min 20 min
at 20 °C flow temperature
D.003 Outlet temp. actual value In °C Not ad-
D.004 Measured value of hot water sensor In °C Not ad-
D.005 Flow temperature target value (or In °C, max. of the value set in D.071, limited by an eBUS Not ad-
return target value) controller if connected justable
D.006 Hot water temperature target value 35 … 65 ℃ Not ad-
(only products with integrated hot justable
water generation)

40 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Default Own setting

Code Parameter Values or explanations
D.007 Warm start temperature target value 35 … 65 ℃ Not ad-
(only products with integrated hot ‑ justable
water generation) Frost protection is at 15 °C, then 40 to 70 °C (max.
Cylinder temperature target value temperature can be adjusted under D.020)
(only products with heating mode
D.008 Room thermostat at terminal RT Room thermostat open (no heat requirement) Not ad-
Room thermostat closed (heat requirement) justable
D.009 Target value from external eBUS In °C Not ad-
controller justable
D.010 Status of internal heating pump On, Off Not ad-
D.011 Status of external heating pump On, Off Not ad-
D.012 Status of cylinder charge pump On, Off Not ad-
D.013 Status of hot water circulation pump On, Off Not ad-
D.014 Target pump speed (high-efficiency Target value of internal high-efficiency pump in %. Pos- 0 = Auto
pump) sible settings:
0 = Auto
1 = 53
2 = 60
3 = 70
4 = 85
5 = 100
D.015 Actual pump speed (high-efficiency Actual value for internal high-efficiency pump in % Not ad-
pump) justable
D.016 24 V DC room thermostat Heating mode off/on Not ad-
open/closed justable
D.017 Heating flow/return flow temperature Control type: 0 = Flow
control changeover 0 = Flow, 1 = Return
Return: Automatic detection function for heating output
inactive. Max. possible heating partial load when D.000
is on Auto.
D.018 Pump operating mode setting 1 = Comfort (continuously operating pump) 3 = Eco
Internal pump is switched on when the heating flow tem-
perature is not at Heating off and the heat requirement
is enabled via an external controller
3 = Eco (intermittently operating pump)
Internal pump is switched on every 25 minutes for 5
minutes once the overrun time has elapsed
D.019 Operating mode of 2-stage pump Not relevant Not ad-
D.020 Max. setting for cylinder target value Adjustment range: 50 - 70 °C (actoSTOR 65 °C) 65 °C
D.022 Hot water requirement (via C1/C2, On, Off Not ad-
impeller or APC) justable
D.023 Summer/winter mode (heating off/on) Heating on, heating off (summer mode) Not ad-
D.025 Hot water generation enabled by On, Off Not ad-
eBUS controller justable

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 41


Default Own setting

Code Parameter Values or explanations
D.026 Auxiliary relay control 1 = Circulation pump 2 = External
2 = External pump pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
D.027 Switching of relay 1 on the VR 40 "2 1 = Circulation pump 2 = External
in 7" multi-functional module 2 = External pump pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
D.028 Switching of relay 2 on the VR 40 "2 1 = Circulation pump 2 = External
in 7" multi-functional module 2 = External pump pump
3 = Cylinder charging pump
4 = Extractor hood
5 = External solenoid valve
6 = External fault message
7 = Solar pump (not active)
8 = eBUS remote control (not active)
9 = Legionella protection pump (not active)
10 = Solar valve (not active)
D.033 Fan speed target value In rpm Not ad-
D.034 Fan speed actual value In rpm Not ad-
D.035 Position of the diverter valve Heating mode Not ad-
Parallel operation (mid-position) justable
DHW mode
D.036 Hot water flow volume (impeller In l/min Not ad-
sensor) justable
D.039 Solar feed temperature Actual value in °C Not ad-
D.040 Flow temperature Actual value in °C Not ad-
D.041 Return temperature Actual value in °C Not ad-
D.044 Digitised ionisation value Display field 0 to 1020 Not ad-
> 800 no flame justable
< 400 good flame
D.046 Pump type 0 = Relay with disable facility 0 = Relay
1 = PWM with disable facility with disable
D.047 Outside temperature (with Vaillant Actual value in °C Not ad-
weather compensator) justable
D.050 Offset for minimum speed In rpm, setting range: 0 to 3000 Nominal
value set in
D.051 Offset for maximum speed In rpm, setting range: -990 to 0 Nominal
value set in

42 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Default Own setting

Code Parameter Values or explanations
D.058 Activating solar post-heating ( only 0 = Solar post-heating deactivated 0 = Solar
products with integrated hot water 3 = DHW activation target value minimum 60 °C, thermo- post-heating
generation) static mixer valve required between product and draw-off deactivated
D.060 Number of temperature limiter shut- Number of shutdowns Not ad-
downs justable
D.061 Number of ignition device cutoffs Number of unsuccessful ignitions in the last attempt Not ad-
D.064 Average ignition time In seconds Not ad-
D.065 Maximum ignition time In seconds Not ad-
D.067 Remaining burner anti-cycling time In minutes Not ad-
D.068 Unsuccessful ignitions at 1st attempt Number of unsuccessful ignitions Not ad-
D.069 Unsuccessful ignitions at 2nd at- Number of unsuccessful ignitions Not ad-
tempt justable
D.070 Set diverter valve position 0 = Normal operating mode 0 = Normal
1 = Parallel operation (mid-position) operating
2 = Permanent heating mode position mode
D.071 Target value maximum heating flow 40 … 80 ℃ 75 ℃
D.072 Internal pump overrun after cylinder Adjustable from 0-10 minutes in increments of 1 minute 2 mins
D.073 Warm start target offset Adjustable from -15 K to 5 K 0
D.074 actoSTOR anti-legionella function 0 = Off 1 = On
1 = On
D.075 Max. charging time for domestic hot 20 - 90 min 45 mins
water cylinder without independent
control system
D.076 Device Specific Number Device 1 = 612 (VU GB 126/5-5) Not ad-
specific number = DSN) 3 = 615 (VU GB 156/5-5) justable
4 = 618 (VU GB 186/5-5)
9 = 624 (VU GB 246/5-5)
14 = 630 (VU GB 306/5-5)
20 = 637 (VU GB 376/5-5)
6 = 825 (VUW GB 256/5-5)
10 = 832 (VUW GB 326/5-5)
13 = 835 (VUW GB 356/5-5)
17 = 838 (VUW GB 386/5-5)
D.077 Limit on cylinder charging output in Adjustable cylinder charging output in kW
D.078 Limit on cylinder charging temperat- 50 °C - 80 °C 75 °C
ure in °C Note
The chosen value must be at least 15 K or 15 °C above
the set cylinder target value.
D.080 Operating hours, heating In hours (h) Not ad-
D.081 Operating hours, hot water genera- In hours (h) Not ad-
tion justable
D.082 Number of burner start-ups in heat- Number of burner start-ups Not ad-
ing mode justable
D.083 Number of burner start-ups in hot Number of burner start-ups Not ad-
water mode justable
D.084 Maintenance indicator: Number of Adjustment range: 0 to 3000 hrs and "---" for deactivated „---”
hours until the next maintenance

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 43


Default Own setting

Code Parameter Values or explanations
D.088 Start delay for hot water draw-off 0 = 1.5 l/min and no delay, 1.5 l/min and
detection via impeller (only products 1 = 3.7 l/min and 2 sec. delay no delay
with integrated hot water generation)
D.090 Status of digital controller Recognised, not recognised Not ad-
D.091 Status of DCF with external temper- No reception Not ad-
ature sensor connected Reception justable
D.092 actoSTOR module recognition 0 = Not connected Not ad-
1 = Connection error: No communication via PeBus, justable
actoSTOR module detected previously
2 = Connection active
D.093 Setting the Device Specific Number Setting range: 0 to 99
D.094 Delete fault history Delete fault list
0 = No
1 = Yes
D.095 Software version of PeBUS compon- PCB (BMU) Not ad-
ents Display (AI) justable
actoSTOR (APC)
D.096 Default setting Reset all adjustable parameters to factory setting
0 = No
1 = Yes
D.098 Value of coding resistances for gas Display xx.yy Not ad-
group and output range xx = Coding resistance 1 in cable harness for output justable
8 = 612 (VU GB 126/5-5 A); 615 (VU GB 156/5-5 A); 618
(VU GB 186/5-5 A); 825 (VUW GB 256/5-5)
9 = 624 (VU GB 246/5-5 A); 832 (VUW GB 326/5-5)
10 = 630 (VU GB 306/5-5 A); 835 (VUW GB 356/5-5)
11 = 637 (VU GB 376/5-5 A); 838 (VUW GB 386/5-5)
yy = Coding resistance 2 on PCB for gas group:
02 = P gas
03 = H gas

C Status codes – Overview

Status code Meaning

Heating mode
S.00 Heating: No heat demand
S.01 Heating mode: Fan start-up
S.02 Heating mode: Pump pre-run
S.03 Heating mode: Ignition
S.04 Heating mode: Burner on
S.05 Heating mode: Pump/fan overrun
S.06 Heating mode: Fan overrun
S.07 Heating mode: Pump overrun
S.08 Heating mode: Remaining anti-cycling time
Hot water handling mode (products with integrated hot water
S.10 Hot water requirement via flow sensor
S.11 DHW mode: Fan start-up
S.13 DHW mode: Ignition

44 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Status code Meaning

S.14 DHW mode: Burner on
S.15 DHW mode: Pump/fan overrun
S.16 DHW mode: Fan overrun
S.17 DHW mode: Pump overrun
Comfort mode, warm start or hot water handling mode with
actoSTOR or cylinder charging mode
S.20 DHW demand
S.21 DHW mode: Fan start-up
S.22 DHW mode: Pump pre-run
S.23 DHW mode: Ignition
S.24 DHW mode: Burner on
S.25 DHW mode: Pump/fan overrun
S.26 DHW mode: Fan overrun
S.27 DHW mode: Pump overrun
S.28 Hot water burner anti-cycling time
S.30 Room thermostat (RT) is blocking heating
Summer mode active or no heat requirement
from eBUS controller
S.32 Waiting period because of fan speed devi-
S.34 Frost protection mode active
S.39 "Burner off contact" has responded (e.g. con-
tact thermostat or condensate pump)
Comfort protection mode is active: Product
running with limited heating comfort
S.41 Water pressure > 2.8 bar
S.42 Flue non-return flap return signal blocks
burner operation (only in connection with VR
40 accessories) or condensate pump faulty,
heat requirement is blocked
S.46 Comfort protection mode, flame loss at min-
imum load
S.53 Product is within the waiting period of the
modulation block/operation block function
as a result of low water pressure (flow/return
spread too large)
S.54 Product is within the waiting period of the
operation blocking function as a result of low
water pressure (temperature gradient)
S.57 Waiting period, comfort safety mode
S.58 Modulation limitation due to noise/wind
S.61 Gas family check unsuccessful: The coding
resistance on the PCB does not match the
entered gas group (see also F.92).
S.62 Gas family check unsuccessful: CO/CO₂ val-
ues at limit. Check combustion.
S.63 Gas family check unsuccessful: Combustion
quality outside permissible range (see F.93).
Check combustion.
S.76 System pressure too low. Top up water.
S.96 Return sensor test running, heating demands
are blocked.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 45


Status code Meaning

S.97 Water pressure sensor test running, heating
demands are blocked.
S.98 Flow/return sensor test running, heating de-
mands are blocked.

D Overview of fault codes

Code Meaning Cause

F.00 Flow temperature sensor interruption NTC plug not plugged in or has come loose, multiple plug on the PCB
not plugged in correctly, interruption in cable harness, NTC defective
F.01 Return temperature sensor interruption NTC plug not plugged in or has come loose, multiple plug on the PCB
not plugged in correctly, interruption in cable harness, NTC defective
F.02 Interruption cylinder charging sensor NTC defective, NTC cable defective, defective plug connection on NTC,
actoSTOR (NTC) only in combination with defective plug connection on actoSTOR electronics
F.03 Interruption cylinder sensor actoSTOR NTC defective, NTC cable defective, defective plug connection on NTC,
(NTC) only in combination with F.91 defective plug connection on actoSTOR electronics
F.10 Flow NTC short circuit NTC defective, short circuit in cable harness, cable/casing
F.11 Return NTC short circuit NTC defective, short circuit in cable harness, cable/casing
F.12 Short circuit at cylinder charging sensor NTC defective, short circuit in cable harness, cable/casing
(NTC) only in combination with F.91
F.13 Product with integrated hot water NTC defective, short circuit in cable harness, cable/casing
generation: Short circuit warm start
sensor/cylinder sensor
Product with integrated hot water genera-
tion and actoSTOR: Short circuit cylinder
sensor (NTC) only in combination with F.91
F.20 Safety switch-off: Temperature limiter Incorrect earth connection between cable harness and product, flow or
return NTC defective (loose connection), black discharge via ignition
cable, ignition plug or ignition electrode
F.22 Safety switch-off: Low water pressure No or insufficient water in the product, water pressure sensor defective,
cable to pump or water pressure sensor loose/not connected/defective
F.23 Safety switch-off: Temperature difference Pump blocked, insufficient pump output, air in product, flow and return
too great NTC connected the wrong way round
F.24 Safety switch-off: Temperature rise too fast Pump blocked, insufficient pump output, air in product, system pressure
too low, non-return valve blocked/incorrectly installed
F.25 Safety switch-off: Flue gas temperature too Break in plug connection for optional flue gas safety temperature limiter
high (STB), break in cable harness
F.26 Fault: Gas valve without function Gas valve stepper motor not connected, multiple plug on the PCB not
plugged in correctly, interruption in cable harness, gas valve stepper
motor defective, electronics defective
F.27 Safety switch-off: Flame simulation Moisture on the electronics, electronics (flame monitor) defective, gas
solenoid valve leaking
F.28 Failure during start-up: Ignition unsuccess- Gas meter defective or gas pressure monitor has triggered, air in gas,
ful gas flow pressure too low, thermal isolator device (TAE) has triggered,
condensate duct blocked, incorrect gas restrictor, incorrect spare part
gas valve, fault on the gas valve, multiple plug on PCB incorrectly
plugged in, break in cable harness, ignition system (ignition transformer,
ignition cable, ignition plug, ignition electrode) defective, ionisation
current interrupted (cable, electrode), incorrect earthing of product,
electronics defective
F.29 Failure during operation: Re-ignition unsuc- Gas supply temporarily stopped, flue gas recirculation, condensate duct
cessful blocked, defective earthing of product, ignition transformer has spark
F.32 Fan fault Plug on fan not correctly plugged in, multiple plug on PCB not correctly
plugged in, break in cable harness, fan blocked, Hall sensor defective,
electronics defective
F.42 Coding resistance fault (possible in combin- Short circuit/interruption in output range coding resistance (in cable
ation with F.70) harness at heat exchanger) or gas group resistor (on PCB)

46 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Code Meaning Cause

F.49 Fault: eBUS Short circuit on eBUS, eBUS overload or two power supplies with differ-
ent polarities on the eBUS
F.52 Contact fault mass flow sensor/Venturi The mass flow sensor/Venturi is not connected electrically

– The plug is not plugged in correctly

– The plug is not plugged in
– The plug is defective
– The slot is defective (loose connection)
– Mass flow sensor/Venturi defective
F.53 Combustion regulation fault The combustion regulation has detected a fault

– Gas flow pressure too low

– Liquid gas coding resistance used when operating with natural gas
– If the fault occurs again after being cleared:

– Gas valve defective

– Mass flow sensor/Venturi defective, wet or blocked (if the fault
occurs again after being cleared): Do not wet the sensor, do not
use any lubricants on the O-ring on the Venturi.
F.54 Fault in the gas supply (in combination with There is insufficient gas supply to operate the unit
– Gas isolator cock(s) closed
– Gas flow pressure is too low
– Gas valve defective
F.56 Combustion component fault A component in the combustion regulation is defective

– Contact fault at the gas valve (plug not plugged in correctly or not
plugged in, plug defective, slot is defective (loose connection))
– Natural gas coding resistance used when operating with liquid gas
– If the fault occurs again after being cleared: The gas valve is defect-
F.57 End comfort protection mode Active comfort protection mode has detected a regulation fault

– Ignition electrode highly corroded

F.61 Gas valve actuation fault The gas valve cannot be actuated

– Cable harness supply line to the gas valve is defective (short to

earth, short circuit)
– Gas valve defective
– PCB defective
F.62 Gas valve switch-off delay Delayed shutdown of gas valve detected

– Secondary light (ignition and monitoring electrode indicates delayed

extinguishing of the flame signal)
– Gas valve defective
– PCB defective
F.63 Fault: EEPROM Electronics defective
F.64 Fault: Electronics/NTC Flow or return NTC short circuited, electronics defective
F.65 Fault: Electronics temp. Electronics overheating due to external influences, electronics defective
F.67 Fault: Electronics/flame Implausible flame signal, electronics defective
F.68 Fault: Unstable flame signal Air in gas, gas flow pressure too low, incorrect air ratio, condensate
duct blocked, incorrect gas restrictor, ionisation flow interruption (cable,
electrode), flue gas recirculation, condensate duct
F.70 Invalid device specific number (DSN) If spare parts fitted: Display and PCB replaced at same time and DSN
not reset, incorrect or missing output range coding resistance
F.71 Flow NTC fault Flow temperature sensor signalling constant value:

– Flow temperature sensor incorrectly positioned at supply pipe

– Flow temperature sensor defective
F.72 Flow/return NTC fault Flow/return NTC temperature difference too great → flow and/or return
temperature sensor defective
F.73 Water pressure sensor signal in the wrong Interruption/short circuit of water pressure sensor, interruption/short
range (too low) circuit to GND in supply line to water pressure sensor or water pressure
sensor defective

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 47


Code Meaning Cause

F.74 Water pressure sensor signal outside cor- Line to water pressure sensor has a short circuit to 5 V/24 V or internal
rect range (too high) fault in the water pressure sensor
F.75 Fault: No pressure change detection when Water pressure sensor and/or pump defective, air in the heating installa-
starting pump tion, insufficient water in the product; check adjustable bypass, connect
external expansion vessel to the return
F.77 Fault: Flue non-return flap/condensate No response from flue non-return flap or condensate pump defective
F.78 Interruption to DHW outlet sensor at the UK link box is connected, but hot water NTC not bridged
external controller
F.80 Interruption or short circuit of secondary NTC defective, NTC cable defective, defective plug connection on NTC,
heat exchanger inlet sensor; only in con- defective plug connection on actoSTOR electronics
nection with F.91 Sensor plug has short to earth to the casing, short circuit in cable har-
ness, sensor defective
F.81 actoSTOR charging pump defective; only in Cylinder is not fully charged after specified time.
combination with F.91
– Check cylinder charging sensor and cylinder sensor
– Air in the actoSTOR pump
– Inspect cable harness for pump
– Check the impeller sensor and/or limiter in the product
– Diverter valve defective
– Secondary heat exchanger blocked
– Pump faulty
F.83 Fault: Flow and/or return temperature When the burner starts, the temperature change registered at the flow
sensor temperature change and/or return temperature sensor is non-existent or too small.

– Insufficient water in product

– Flow or return temperature sensor not in correct position at pipe
F.84 Fault: Flow/return temperature sensor tem- Flow and return temperature sensors returning implausible values.
perature difference implausible
– Flow and return temperature sensors have been inverted
– Flow and return temperature sensors have not been correctly in-
F.85 Fault: Flow and return temperature sensors The flow and/or return temperature sensors have been installed on the
incorrectly installed same pipe/incorrect pipe
F.90 Communication with actoSTOR module Check cable harness from product to actoSTOR module (PEBus).
interrupted If the product is to be operated without an actoSTOR module, set
D.092 = 0.
F.91 Sensor/actuator fault on actoSTOR module
F.92 Coding resistance fault The coding resistance on the PCB does not match the entered gas
group: Check the resistance, repeat the gas family check and enter the
correct gas group.
F.93 Poor combustion quality Combustion regulation has detected poor combustion quality

– Incorrect gas restrictor has been installed for the gas family (another
gas family is present)
– Recirculation
– Mass flow sensor/Venturi defective (wet, blocked): Do not wet the
sensor, do not use any lubricants on the O-ring on the Venturi.
LED actoSTOR electronics status LED on: Communication OK
actoSTOR LED flashing: Communication not OK
module LED off: No power supply
Commu- No communication with the PCB Communication fault between display and PCB in the electronics box

48 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


E Connection diagrams
E.1 Connection diagram, product for heating mode only, 12 - 35 kW

X22 2

2 3
X25 10
3 6

13 8
X20 7

17 1 +24V 10
3 2 Hallsignal
2 X51 16 4 PWM
5 Masse
Burner Off RT 24V

X51 X100

18 14
X31 17
3 M
X40 X51 X35 X20 8 6

X22 14 15
X30 13
X2 11
X90 16


1 X25 1 17

X24 C2


X24 17

X2 X100 24V


X16 N


X18 N
CH Pump

T2 X18

X101 X1
RT *
2 1


1 Main PCB 2 Operator control panel PCB

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 49

3 Gas valve 13 Bus connection (digital room thermostat/controller)
4 Mass flow sensor 14 Diverter valve
5 Outside temperature sensor, flow temperature 15 Water pressure sensor
sensor (optional, external), DCF receiver 16 Cylinder temperature sensor
6 Circulation pump remote control
17 Cylinder contact "C1/C2"
7 Power coding resistor
18 Gas group coding resistor
8 Return temperature sensor
19 Auxiliary relay (select via D.026)
9 Flow temperature sensor
20 Internal pump
10 Fan
21 Ignition electrode
11 Contact thermostat/burner off
* Depending on product type
12 24 V DC room thermostat

50 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


E.2 Connection diagram, product for heating mode only, ≥ 37 kW

X22 2

2 3
X25 10
3 6

13 8
X20 7

17 1 +24V 10
3 2 Hallsignal
2 X51 16 4 PWM
5 Masse
Burner Off RT 24V

X51 X100

18 14
X31 17
3 M
X40 X51 X35 X20 8 6

X22 14 15
X30 13
X2 11
X90 16


1 X25 1 17

X24 C2


X24 17

X2 X100 24V


X16 N

X11 N
2 19

L 10
X18 N
CH Pump

T2 X18

X101 X1
RT *
2 1


1 Main PCB 4 Mass flow sensor

2 Operator control panel PCB 5 Outside temperature sensor, flow temperature
3 Gas valve sensor (optional, external), DCF receiver

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 51

6 Circulation pump remote control 15 Water pressure sensor
7 Power coding resistor 16 Cylinder temperature sensor
8 Return temperature sensor 17 Cylinder contact "C1/C2"
9 Flow temperature sensor 18 Gas group coding resistor
10 Fan 19 Auxiliary relay (select via D.026)
11 Contact thermostat/burner off 20 Internal pump
12 24 V DC room thermostat 21 Ignition electrode
13 Bus connection (digital room thermostat/controller) * Depending on product type
14 Diverter valve

52 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


E.3 Connection diagram, product with integrated hot water generation, 12 - 35 kW

X22 2

X25 10
X41 3


X20 7 9

17 1 +24V
3 2 Hallsignal
16 4 PWM
5 Masse
2 X51
Burner Off RT 24V


X100 12

3 M 14
X31 8 6
X40 X51 X35 X20 14
3 15
X30 X22 11
1 16
X90 2

1 X25 12

X24 1



X2 X100 24V


X16 N


X18 N

CH Pump

T2 X18


X101 X1 N
2 1


1 Main PCB 4 Mass flow sensor

2 Operator control panel PCB 5 Outside temperature sensor, flow temperature
3 Gas valve sensor (optional, external), DCF receiver

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 53

6 Circulation pump remote control 15 Water pressure sensor
7 Power coding resistor 16 Impeller sensor
8 Return temperature sensor 17 Warm start sensor
9 Flow temperature sensor 18 Hot water sensor
10 Fan 19 Gas group coding resistor
11 Contact thermostat/burner off 20 Auxiliary relay (select via D.026)
12 24 V DC room thermostat 21 Internal pump
13 Bus connection (digital room thermostat/controller) 22 Ignition electrode
14 Diverter valve * Depending on product type

54 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


E.4 Connection diagram, product with integrated hot water generation, ≥ 37 kW

X22 2

X25 10
X41 3


X20 7 9

17 1 +24V
3 2 Hallsignal
16 4 PWM
5 Masse
2 X51
Burner Off RT 24V


X100 12

3 M 14
X31 8 6
X40 X51 X35 X20 14
3 15
X30 X22 11
1 16
X90 2

1 X25 12

X24 1



X2 X100 24V
L 230V~


X16 N

X11 N
2 20


L 10
X18 N
CH Pump

X18 21


X101 X1 N
2 1


1 Main PCB 4 Mass flow sensor

2 Operator control panel PCB 5 Outside temperature sensor, flow temperature
3 Gas valve sensor (optional, external), DCF receiver

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 55

6 Circulation pump remote control 15 Water pressure sensor
7 Power coding resistor 16 Impeller sensor
8 Return temperature sensor 17 Warm start sensor
9 Flow temperature sensor 18 Hot water sensor
10 Fan 19 Gas group coding resistor
11 Contact thermostat/burner off 20 Auxiliary relay (select via D.026)
12 24 V DC room thermostat 21 Internal pump
13 Bus connection (digital room thermostat/controller) 22 Ignition electrode
14 Diverter valve * Depending on product type

F Inspection and maintenance work – Overview

The table below lists the manufacturer requirements with respect to minimum inspection and maintenance intervals. If na-
tional regulations and directives require shorter inspection and maintenance intervals, you should observe these instead of
the intervals listed in the table.

No. Work (At least
every five
Check the air/flue pipe for leak-tightness and to ensure that it is fastened correctly. Make sure
1 that it is not blocked or damaged and has been installed in accordance with the relevant Installa- X X
tion Manual.
Check the general condition of the product. Remove dirt from the product and from the vacuum
2 X X
Visually inspect the general condition of the Thermoblock. In doing so, pay particular attention
3 to signs of corrosion, rust and other defects. If you notice any damage, carry out maintenance X X
Check the gas flow pressure at maximum heat input. If the gas flow pressure is not within the
4 X X
correct range, carry out maintenance work.
Check the CO₂ content (the air ratio) of the product and, if necessary, adjust it. Keep a record of
5 X X
Disconnect the product from the power mains. Check that the electrical plug connections and
6 X X
other connections are seated correctly and correct these if necessary.
7 Close the gas isolator cock and the service valves. X
Drain the product on the water side (observe the pressure gauge). Check the pre-charge pres-
8 sure of the expansion vessel, and top up the vessel if necessary (approx. 0.03 MPa/0.3 bar un- X
der the system filling pressure).
9 Remove the compact thermal module. X
Check the insulating mats in the combustion area. If you notice any damage, replace the insu-
10 lating mats. Replace the burner flange seal each time it is opened and accordingly each time X
maintenance work is carried out.
11 Clean the heat exchanger. X
12 Check the burner for damage and replace it if necessary. X
13 Check the condensate trap in the product, clean and fill this, if required. X X
14 Install the compact thermal module. Caution: Replace the seals. X
Products with integrated hot water generation only: If the volume of water is insufficient or the
15 X
outlet temperature is not reached, replace the secondary heat exchanger if necessary.
Products with integrated hot water generation only: Clean the filter in the cold water inlet. Re-
place the filter if impurities can no longer be removed or if the filter is damaged. In this case, also
16 X
check the impeller sensor for dirt and damage, clean the sensor (do not use compressed air for
this) and replace the sensor if it is damaged.
17 Open the gas isolator cock, reconnect the product to the power mains and switch the product on. X X
Open the service valves, fill up the product/heating installation to 0.1-0.2 MPa/1.0-2.0 bar (de-
18 X
pending on the static height of the heating installation) and start the purging programme P.00.
Perform a test operation of the product and heating installation, including hot water generation,
19 X X
and purge the system once more if necessary.

56 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


No. Work (At least
every five
20 Perform the gas family check. X
21 Visually inspect the ignition and burner behaviour. X X
22 Check the CO₂ content (the air ratio) of the product again. X
23 Check the product for gas, flue gas, hot water and condensate leaks, and repair if necessary. X X
24 Record the inspection/maintenance work carried out. X X

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 57


G Commissioning Checklist

Benchmark Commissioning and

Servicing Section
It is a requirement that the boiler is installed and commissioned to the

completed in full.

© Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC)

58 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00



This Commissioning Checklist is to be completed in full by the competent person who commissioned the boiler as a means of demonstrating
compliance with the appropriate Building Regulations and then handed to the customer to keep for future reference.


Optimum start control





mbar OR mbar




mbar OR mbar

Yes Temperature



AND ² Ratio
AND ² Ratio

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 59



It is recommended that your heating system is serviced regularly and that the appropriate Service Interval Record is completed.

Service Provider


AND ²% AND ²%
AND ²% AND ²%


AND ²% AND ²%
AND ²% AND ²%


AND ²% AND ²%
AND ²% AND ²%


AND ²% AND ²%
AND ²% AND ²%


AND ²% AND ²%
AND ²% AND ²%

60 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00



The boiler manufacturer’s installation instructions should have been followed, gas type verified and gas
supply pressure/rate checked as required prior to commissioning.
As part of the installation process, especially where a flue has been fitted by persons other than the
boiler installer, visually check the integrity of the whole flue system to confirm that all components are
correctly assembled, fixed and supported. Check that manufacturer’s max. flue lengths have not been
exceeded and all guidance has been followed (e.g. Gas Safe Technical Bulletin TB008).
If any such adjustment is recommended and
The flue gas analyser should be of the correct type, as specified by BS 7967
further checking of the boiler is required the
Prior to its use, the flue gas analyser should have been maintained and calibrated as specified by the
installer/service engineer must be competent
manufacturer. The installer must have the relevant competence for use of the analyser.
to carry out this work and to use the flue gas
Check and zero the analyser IN FRESH AIR as per analyser manufacturer’s instructions.
analyser accordingly.
If the boiler requires conversion to operate with
a different gas family (e.g. conversion from
natural gas to LPG) separate guidance will be
provided by the boiler manufacturer SET BOILER TO MAXIMUM RATE
In accordance with boiler instructions, set boiler to operate at max. rate
(full load condition). Allow sufficient time for combustion to stabilise.
NOTE - Do not insert analyser probe during this period to avoid
possible “flooding” of sensor.


Insert analyser probe into air inlet test point and allow readings to stabilise.
NOTE - where no air inlet test point is provided then a flue integrity check
with the analyser is not possible. The installer should verify that flue
integrity has been visually checked in accordance with the “Prior to
CO and combustion ratio check” box above before proceeding to the
“Check CO and combustion ratio at maximum rate” stage below.


Analyser readings indicate that combustion products
and inlet air must be mixing. Further investigation of
the flue is therefore required.
NO O2 • 20.6%
Check that flue components are assembled, fixed
CO2 < 0.2%
and supported as per boiler/flue manufacturer’s
Check that flue and flue terminal are not obstructed.

O2 • 20.6% YES
CO2 < 0.2%


MANUFACTURER’S TECHNICAL HELPLINE With boiler still set at maximum rate, insert analyser probe into flue gas
FOR ADVICE. sampling point. Allow readings to stabilise before recording.
THE APPLIANCE MUST NOT BE NOTE - If no flue gas sampling point is present and the correct procedure is
COMMISSIONED UNTIL PROBLEMS ARE not specified in the manual, consult boiler manufacturer for guidance.

CO less than
Check all seals around the appliance burner, NO 350ppm and
internal flue seals, door and case seals. CO/CO2 ratio
Rectify where necessary. less than 0.004

CO less than
335ppm YES
CO/CO2 ratio less
than 0.004
In accordance with boiler instructions, set boiler to operate at minimum rate (to
minimum load condition). Allow sufficient time for combustion to stabilise.
NO NOTE - If manufacturer’s instructions do not specify how to set boiler to minimum
rate contact Technical Helpline for advice.


With boiler still set at minimum rate, insert analyser probe into flue gas sampling
point. Allow readings to stabilise before recording.
NOTE - If no flue gas sampling point is present and the correct procedure is not
specified in the manual, consult boiler manufacturer for guidance.


FOR ADVICE. CO less than
NOTE: Check and record CO and combustion ratio
at both max. and min. rate before contacting the BOILER IS OPERATING SATISFACTORILY
manufacturer. no further actions required.
Ensure test points are capped, boiler case is correctly replaced and
all other commissioning procedures are completed.
Complete Benchmark Checklist, recording CO and combustion ratio
readings as required.

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 61


H Opening of the flue pipe


I D, E





H.1 Positioning of the opening of a fan-supported flue gas pipe

Minimum dimen-
Installation site
A Directly below an opening, air bricks, opening windows, etc., that can be opened. 300 mm
B Above an opening, air bricks, opening windows, etc., that can be opened. 300 mm
C Horizontally to an opening, air bricks, opening windows, etc., that can be opened. 300 mm
Below temperature-sensitive building components, e.g. plastic gutters, down pipes or wastewater
D 75 mm
E Below eaves 200 mm
F Below balconies or car port roofs 200 mm
G From vertical wastewater pipes or down pipes 150 mm
H From external or internal corners 200 mm
I Above floors, roofs or balconies 300 mm
J From a surface facing a terminal 600 mm
K From a terminal facing a terminal 1200 mm
L From an opening in the car port (e.g. door, window) which leads into the dwelling 1200 mm
M Vertical from a terminal on the same wall 1500 mm
N Horizontal from a terminal on the same wall 300 mm
O From the wall on which the terminal has been installed 0 mm
P From a vertical structure on the roof N/A
Q Above the roof area 300 mm
R Horizontal from adjacent windows on pitched or flat roofs 600 mm
S Above adjacent windows on pitched or flat roofs 600 mm
T Below adjacent windows on pitched or flat roofs 2000 mm

62 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


I Text from BS 5440-1 on fan-supported flue gas pipes

BS 5440–1: It is recommended that the fanned flue gas system terminal is positioned as follows:
– At least 2 m from an opening in the building directly opposite, and
– So that the combustion products are not discharged directly across a property boundary.
– Dimensions D, E, F and G: These clearances may be reduced to 25 mm without affecting the performance of the boiler.
In order to ensure that the condensate vapour plume does not damage adjacent surfaces, the terminal should be exten-
ded as shown.
– Dimension H: This clearance may be reduced to 25 mm without adversely affecting the performance of the boiler. How-
ever, in order to ensure that the condensate vapour plume does not damage adjacent surfaces, a clearance of 300 mm is
preferred. For IE, recommendations are given in the current issue of the IS 813.

J Opening of the flue pipe below eaves and balconies



Adequately secured The flue pipe must

air/flue gas pipe protrude beyond any overhang

K Technical data
Technical data – General
612 (VU GB 615 (VU GB 618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB
126/5‑5 A) 156/5‑5 A) 186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Designated country (des- GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great
ignation in accordance Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE
with ISO 3166) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland)
Approved unit categories I2H I2H II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P
Gas connection, boiler 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
Flow/return heating con- 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm
nections, boiler side
Hot and cold water con-
nection, boiler side
Expansion relief valve 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
connector (min.)
Air/flue gas connection 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm
Condensate drain pipe- 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm
work (min.)
G20 natural gas flow 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa
pressure (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar)
G31 propane gas flow 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa
pressure (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar)
Gas flow rate at 15 °C 1.3 m³/h 1.7 m³/h 2.0 m³/h 2.6 m³/h 3.7 m³/h 4.1 m³/h
and 1013 mbar (based on
hot water generation, if
applicable), G20

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 63


612 (VU GB 615 (VU GB 618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB
126/5‑5 A) 156/5‑5 A) 186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Gas flow rate at 15 °C 1.5 kg/h 1.9 kg/h 2.4 kg/h 3.0 kg/h
and 1013 mbar (based on
hot water generation, if
applicable), G31
Min. flue gas mass rate 1.44 g/s 1.44 g/s 1.80 g/s 2.47 g/s 2.78 g/s 3.05 g/s
Min. flue gas mass rate 2.40 g/s 2.90 g/s 4.08 g/s 4.08 g/s
Max. flue gas mass rate 5.6 g/s 7.0 g/s 8.4 g/s 11.1 g/s 13.9 g/s 17.4 g/s
Min. flue gas temperature 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃
Max. flue gas temperat- 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃
Approved gas-fired units C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33,
C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53
30% efficiency 108 % 108 % 108.5 % 109 % 109 % 108.5 %
NOx class 5 5 5 5 5 5
SEDBUK (2005) A A A A A A
SEDBUK (2009) 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 %
Boiler dimension, width 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm
Boiler dimension, height 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm
Boiler dimension, depth 338 mm 338 mm 338 mm 338 mm 372 mm 406 mm
Mounting weight 36 kg 36 kg 36 kg 37 kg 38 kg 43 kg

825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Designated country (des- GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great GB (Great
ignation in accordance Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE Britain), IE
with ISO 3166) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland) (Ireland)
Approved unit categories II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P
Gas connection, boiler 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
Flow/return heating con- 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm 22 mm
nections, boiler side
Hot and cold water con- G 3/4″ G 3/4″ G 3/4″ G 3/4″
nection, boiler side
Expansion relief valve 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
connector (min.)
Air/flue gas connection 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm 60/100 mm
Condensate drain pipe- 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm 19 mm
work (min.)
G20 natural gas flow 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa 2.0 kPa
pressure (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar) (20.0 mbar)
G31 propane gas flow 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa
pressure (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar) (37.0 mbar)
Gas flow rate at 15 °C 2.7 m³/h 3.4 m³/h 3.8 m³/h 4.2 m³/h
and 1013 mbar (based on
hot water generation, if
applicable), G20
Gas flow rate at 15 °C 2.0 kg/h 2.5 kg/h 2.8 kg/h 3.1 kg/h
and 1013 mbar (based on
hot water generation, if
applicable), G31
Min. flue gas mass rate 1.80 g/s 2.47 g/s 2.78 g/s 3.05 g/s

64 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Min. flue gas mass rate 2.40 g/s 2.90 g/s 4.08 g/s 4.08 g/s
Max. flue gas mass rate 8.4 g/s 11.1 g/s 16.2 g/s 17.9 g/s
Min. flue gas temperature 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃ 40 ℃
Max. flue gas temperat- 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃ 70 ℃
Approved gas-fired units C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33, C13, C33,
C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53 C43, C53
30% efficiency 108.5 % 109 % 109 % 109 %
NOx class 5 5 5 5
SEDBUK (2005) A A A A
SEDBUK (2009) 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 % 89.3 %
Boiler dimension, width 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm 440 mm
Boiler dimension, height 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm 720 mm
Boiler dimension, depth 338 mm 338 mm 372 mm 406 mm
Mounting weight 36 kg 37 kg 38 kg 43 kg

Technical data – G20 power/loading G20

612 (VU GB 615 (VU GB 618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB
126/5‑5 A) 156/5‑5 A) 186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Nominal heat output 3.3 3.3 4.2 5.7 6.4 7.1
range P at 50/30 °C … 12.9 kW … 16.1 kW … 19.3 kW … 25.7 kW … 32.2 kW … 39.6 kW
Nominal heat output 3.0 3.0 3.8 5.2 5.8 6.4
range P at 80/60 °C … 12.2 kW … 15.4 kW … 18.5 kW … 24.4 kW … 30.4 kW … 37.6 kW
Maximum heat output for 12.2 kW 15.4 kW 18.5 kW 24.4 kW 30.4 kW 37.6 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input for 12.4 kW 15.7 kW 18.9 kW 24.9 kW 31.0 kW 38.4 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input, 12.4 kW 15.5 kW 18.6 kW 24.7 kW 30.9 kW 38.1 kW
heating side
Minimum heat input 3.2 kW 3.2 kW 4.0 kW 5.5 kW 6.2 kW 6.8 kW
Heating adjustment range 3 … 12 kW 3 … 15 kW 4 … 19 kW 5 … 24 kW 6 … 30 kW 6 … 38 kW

825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Nominal heat output 4.2 5.7 6.4 7.1
range P at 50/30 °C … 20.4 kW … 25.7 kW … 32.2 kW … 30.1 kW
Nominal heat output 3.8 5.2 5.8 6.4
range P at 80/60 °C … 19.3 kW … 24.4 kW … 30.4 kW … 28.6 kW
Maximum heat output for 25.4 kW 31.8 kW 35.0 kW 38.7 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input for 25.9 kW 32.4 kW 35.7 kW 39.5 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input, 19.6 kW 24.7 kW 31.0 kW 28.9 kW
heating side
Minimum heat input 4.0 kW 5.5 kW 6.2 kW 6.8 kW
Heating adjustment range 4 … 19 kW 5 … 24 kW 6 … 30 kW 6 … 29 kW

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 65


Technical data – Power/loading G31

618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB 825 (VUW 832 (VUW
186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A) GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Nominal heat output 5.5 6.7 9.4 9.4 5.5 6.7
range P at 50/30 °C … 19.3 kW … 25.7 kW … 32.1 kW … 39.6 kW … 19.3 kW … 25.7 kW
Nominal heat output 5.0 6.0 8.5 8.5 5.0 6.0
range P at 80/60 °C … 18.5 kW … 24.4 kW … 30.4 kW … 37.6 kW … 19.3 kW … 24.4 kW
Maximum heat output for 18.5 kW 24.4 kW 30.4 kW 37.6 kW 25.4 kW 31.8 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input for 18.9 kW 24.9 kW 31.0 kW 38.4 kW 25.9 kW 32.4 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input, 18.6 kW 24.7 kW 30.9 kW 38.1 kW 19.6 kW 24.7 kW
heating side
Minimum heat input 5.3 kW 6.4 kW 9.0 kW 9.0 kW 5.3 kW 6.4 kW

835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Nominal heat output 9.4 9.4
range P at 50/30 °C … 32.1 kW … 30.1 kW
Nominal heat output 8.5 8.5
range P at 80/60 °C … 30.4 kW … 28.6 kW
Maximum heat output for 35.0 kW 38.7 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input for 35.7 kW 39.5 kW
hot water generation
Maximum heat input, 30.9 kW 28.9 kW
heating side
Minimum heat input 9.0 kW 9.0 kW

Technical data – Heating

612 (VU GB 615 (VU GB 618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB
126/5‑5 A) 156/5‑5 A) 186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Maximum flow temperat- 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃
Max. flow temperature 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃
adjustment range (default
setting: 75 °C)
Permissible total over- 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa
pressure (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar)
Minimum pressure for 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa
full operation (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar)
Expansion vessel capa- 10 l 10 l 10 l 10 l 10 l 10 l
Circulation water volume 525 l/h 662 l/h 796 l/h 1,049 l/h 1,307 l/h 1,617 l/h
(with reference to
ΔT= 20 K)
Approx. condensate rate 1.2 l/h 1.6 l/h 1.9 l/h 2.5 l/h 3.1 l/h 3.8 l/h
(pH value 3.5 to 4.0) in
50/30 °C heating mode
Remaining feed head of 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa
pump (at nominal circula- (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar)
tion water volume)

66 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Maximum flow temperat- 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃ 85 ℃
Max. flow temperature 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃ 30 … 80 ℃
adjustment range (default
setting: 75 °C)
Permissible total over- 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa
pressure (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar) (3.0 bar)
Minimum pressure for 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa 0.08 MPa
full operation (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar) (0.80 bar)
Expansion vessel capa- 10 l 10 l 10 l 10 l
Circulation water volume 830 l/h 1,049 l/h 1,307 l/h 1,230 l/h
(with reference to
ΔT= 20 K)
Approx. condensate rate 2.0 l/h 2.5 l/h 3.1 l/h 2.9 l/h
(pH value 3.5 to 4.0) in
50/30 °C heating mode
Remaining feed head of 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa 0.025 MPa
pump (at nominal circula- (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar) (0.250 bar)
tion water volume)

Technical data – Hot water handling

825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW
GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Lowest water volume 2.0 l/min 2.0 l/min 2.0 l/min 2.0 l/min
Water volume (at 12.3 l/min 15.2 l/min 16.7 l/min 18.5 l/min
ΔT = 30 K)
Water volume (at 10.5 l/min 13.0 l/min 14.3 l/min 15.9 l/min
ΔT = 35 K)
Water volume (at 8.8 l/min 10.9 l/min 11.9 l/min 13.2 l/min
ΔT = 42 K)
Permitted overpressure 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa
(10.0 bar) (10.0 bar) (10.0 bar) (10.0 bar)
Required connection 0.035 MPa 0.035 MPa 0.035 MPa 0.035 MPa
pressure (0.350 bar) (0.350 bar) (0.350 bar) (0.350 bar)
Hot water output temper- 35 … 65 ℃ 35 … 65 ℃ 35 … 65 ℃ 35 … 65 ℃
ature range

Technical data – Electrics

612 (VU GB 615 (VU GB 618 (VU GB 624 (VU GB 630 (VU GB 637 (VU GB
126/5‑5 A) 156/5‑5 A) 186/5‑5 A) 246/5‑5 A) 306/5‑5 A) 376/5‑5 A)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Electric connection 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz
Permissible connected 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V
Built-in fuse (slow-blow) 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A
Min. electrical power con- 35 W 35 W 35 W 35 W 45 W 55 W
Max. electrical power 50 W 55 W 65 W 70 W 80 W 115 W
Standby electrical power <2W <2W <2W <2W <2W <3W
Level of protection IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D
Test symbol/registration CE‑ CE‑ CE‑ CE‑ CE‑ CE‑
no. 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 67


825 (VUW 832 (VUW 835 (VUW 838 (VUW

GB 256/5‑5) GB 326/5‑5) GB 356/5‑5) GB 386/5‑5)
ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus ecoTEC plus
Electric connection 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz
Permissible connected 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V 190 … 253 V
Built-in fuse (slow-blow) 2A 2A 2A 2A
Min. electrical power con- 35 W 35 W 45 W 55 W
Max. electrical power 65 W 85 W 90 W 120 W
Standby electrical power <2W <2W <2W <3W
Level of protection IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D IP X4 D
Test symbol/registration CE‑ CE‑ CE‑ CE‑
no. 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320 0085CM0320

68 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00


Index Disposing of the packaging ................................................. 37

Documents ............................................................................ 8
A Draining, product ................................................................. 36
Air index setting................................................................... 25 E
Air/flue pipe ......................................................................... 16 Electricity ............................................................................... 5
Air/flue pipe, installed ............................................................ 5 Electronics box, closing....................................................... 17
Appliance config. ................................................................. 26 Electronics box, opening ..................................................... 17
Article number ..................................................................... 10 Electronics self-test ............................................................. 34
Automatic air vent................................................................ 22 Ending, installation assistant ............................................... 20
Auxiliary relay ...................................................................... 19 F
B Fan, replacing...................................................................... 30
Burner anti-cycling time....................................................... 26 Fault codes.................................................................... 29, 46
Burner anti-cycling time, resetting ....................................... 27 Fault memory, calling up ..................................................... 29
Burner anti-cycling time, setting .......................................... 26 Fault memory, deleting........................................................ 29
Burner, replacing ................................................................. 29 Fault messages ................................................................... 29
Bypass valve, setting........................................................... 28 Filling ................................................................................... 22
C Filling mode ......................................................................... 19
Calling up, diagnostics codes ............................................. 26 Flue gas route ....................................................................... 5
Calling up, fault memory...................................................... 29 From the delivery point to the installation site ..................... 11
Calling up, installer level...................................................... 18 Front casing, closed .............................................................. 5
Carrying out, inspection work .............................................. 33 Frost ...................................................................................... 6
Carrying out, maintenance work.......................................... 33 Function menu..................................................................... 34
CE label ............................................................................... 10 G
Check programmes ............................................................. 20 Gas conversion ................................................................... 23
Checking the burner ............................................................ 35 Gas family check, performing.............................................. 20
Checking, burner ................................................................. 35 Gas ratio setting .................................................................. 23
Checking, CO₂ content ........................................................ 25 Gas restrictor....................................................................... 31
Checking, pre-charge pressure for the internal expansion Gas valve ............................................................................ 30
vessel .................................................................................. 36 Gas valve, replacing............................................................ 30
Circulation pump ................................................................. 18 H
Cleaning, cold water inlet filter ............................................ 35 Handing over to the operator............................................... 28
Cleaning, heat exchanger .................................................. 35 Handling .............................................................................. 11
Clearing, fault memory ........................................................ 29 Heat exchanger, cleaning.................................................... 35
CO₂ content, checking......................................................... 25 Heat exchanger, replacing .................................................. 32
CO₂ content, setting ............................................................ 25 Heating flow......................................................................... 15
Cold water connection......................................................... 14 Heating partial load ............................................................. 19
Cold water inlet filter, cleaning ............................................ 35 Heating return...................................................................... 15
Combustion air ...................................................................... 6 Hot water connection........................................................... 14
Comfort mode...................................................................... 19 Hot water temperature......................................................... 19
Comfort protection mode..................................................... 29 I
Compact thermal module ...................................................... 6 Identification plate ................................................................. 9
Compact thermal module, installing .................................... 36 If you smell gas ..................................................................... 4
Compact thermal module, removing ................................... 34 Inspection work, carrying out............................................... 33
Completing, inspection work ............................................... 36 Inspection work, completing ................................................ 36
Completing, maintenance work ........................................... 36 Installation assistant, ending ............................................... 20
Completing, repair work ...................................................... 33 Installation assistants, restarting ......................................... 20
Component test ................................................................... 34 Installation site................................................................... 5–6
Condensate drain pipework................................................. 15 Installer level, calling up ...................................................... 18
Condensate siphon ....................................................... 23, 35 Installing, compact thermal module..................................... 36
Condensate trap............................................................ 23, 35 Installing, unit connection piece with offset ......................... 16
Connecting, controller ......................................................... 18 Installing, unit connection piece, 80/125 mm diameter ....... 16
Connection dimensions ....................................................... 11 Intended use.......................................................................... 4
Contact details..................................................................... 20 Internal expansion vessel, replacing ................................... 32
Controller, connecting ......................................................... 18 Isolator devices ................................................................... 36
Corrosion............................................................................... 6 L
Corrugated gas pipe.............................................................. 6 Language ............................................................................ 19
D Leak detection spray ............................................................. 6
Decommissioning ................................................................ 37 Liquid gas ........................................................................ 4, 14
Decommissioning, temporarily ............................................ 36 M
Diagnostics codes, calling up .............................................. 26 Mains connection ................................................................ 17
Discharge pipe, expansion relief valve................................ 16 Maintenance interval, setting............................................... 27
Disposal, packaging ............................................................ 37 Maintenance work, carrying out .......................................... 33

0020209591_00 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 69


Maintenance work, completing............................................ 36 Telephone number, competent person ............................... 20

Mass flow sensor, replacing ................................................ 31 Test programmes ................................................................ 20
Minimum clearance ............................................................. 12 Tool ....................................................................................... 6
Multi-functional module ....................................................... 19 Treating the heating water .................................................. 21
Operating concept ............................................................... 18 Unit connection piece for the air/flue pipe, removing .......... 16
P Unit connection piece for the air/flue pipe, replacing .......... 16
PCB and display, replacing ................................................. 33 Unit connection piece with offset, installing......................... 16
PCB or display, replacing .................................................... 33 Unit connection piece, 80/125 mm diameter, installing ....... 16
Performing, gas family check .............................................. 20 Unloading the box ............................................................... 11
Power supply....................................................................... 17 V
Pre-charge pressure for the internal expansion vessel, Venturi ................................................................................. 30
checking .............................................................................. 36 Venturi, replacing ................................................................ 31
Preparing, repair work ......................................................... 29 Voltage .................................................................................. 5
Pressure gauge ..................................................................... 9 W
Product dimensions............................................................. 11 Weight ................................................................................. 12
Product, draining ................................................................. 36
Product, switching off .......................................................... 36
Pump output, setting ........................................................... 27
Pump, remaining feed head ................................................ 27
Purging ................................................................................ 23
Regulations ........................................................................... 6
Remaining feed head, pump ............................................... 27
Removing, compact thermal module................................... 34
Removing, unit connection piece for the air/flue pipe ......... 16
Repair work, completing...................................................... 33
Repair work, preparing ........................................................ 29
Replacing the burner ........................................................... 29
Replacing, fan ..................................................................... 30
Replacing, gas valve ........................................................... 30
Replacing, heat exchanger.................................................. 32
Replacing, internal expansion vessel .................................. 32
Replacing, mass flow sensor............................................... 31
Replacing, PCB and display................................................ 33
Replacing, PCB or display................................................... 33
Replacing, unit connection piece for the air/flue pipe.......... 16
Replacing, Venturi ............................................................... 31
Resetting, burner anti-cycling time ...................................... 27
Safety device......................................................................... 5
Schematic drawing ................................................................ 5
Scope of delivery................................................................. 10
Self-test ............................................................................... 34
Serial number ...................................................................... 10
Service message................................................................. 29
Setting, burner anti-cycling time .......................................... 26
Setting, bypass valve .......................................................... 28
Setting, CO₂ content............................................................ 25
Setting, maintenance interval .............................................. 27
Setting, pump output ........................................................... 27
Side section, installing......................................................... 13
Side section, removing ........................................................ 13
Spare parts.......................................................................... 29
Starting, installation assistants ............................................ 20
Status codes.................................................................. 19, 44
Supply of combustion air ....................................................... 5
Switching off ........................................................................ 19
Switching off, product .......................................................... 36
Switching on ........................................................................ 19
Target feed temperature...................................................... 19

70 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020209591_00

0020209591_00   21.05.2015
Vaillant Ltd.
Nottingham Road   Belper   Derbyshire   DE56 1JT
Telephone 03 30 100‑34 61   Telephone (renewables) 02 07 022‑09 28
Vaillant Service Solutions 03 30 100‑31 43   Spares Technical Enquiries 177 359 66 15

© These instructions, or parts thereof, are protected by copyright and may be reproduced or distributed only with
the manufacturer's written consent.

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