ISBN-13: 978-0-323-03227-8
ISBN-10: 0-323-03227-3
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A03227-Prelims.qxd 6/20/06 7:52 PM Page vi
List of Contributors
Mitsuru Adachi, MD Thomas Bieber, MD, PhD Virginia L Calder, BsC, PhD
First Department of Internal Medicine Professor and Chairman Lecturer in Immunology
Showa University School of Medicine Director of the Department of Dermatology Division of Clinical Ophthalmology
Shingawa-ku, Tokyo University of Bonn Institute of Ophthalmology
Japan Bonn, Germany University College London
London, UK
N Franklin Adkinson Jr., MD Stephan C Bischoff, MD Thomas B Casale, MD
Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine
Clinical Immunology Unit Department of Clinical Nutrition and Chief, Division of Allergy/Immunology
Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center Prevention Creighton University
Baltimore, MD University of Hohenheim Omaha, NE
USA Stuttgart, Germany USA
Neil Alexis, MD David H Broide, MB, ChB Mariana Castells, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Professor of Medicine Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics Division of Allergy and Immunology Harvard Medical School
Division of Immunology and Infectious University of California - San Diego Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Disease La Jolla, CA Boston, MA
US EPA Human Studies Facility USA USA
University of North Carolina at Ernest N Charlesworth, MD
Chapel Hill Roger J Buckley, MA, FRCS, FRCOphth, Associate Professor of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC HonFCOptom Department of Allergy & Immunology
USA Bausch & Lomb Professor of Ocular University of Texas Medical Branch
Medicine at Galveston
Andrew J Beavil, BsC, PhD Department of Optometry and Galveston, TX
Senior Lecturer in Asthma Ophthalmic Dispensing USA
King’s College London School of Applied Sciences
Martin K Church, MPharm, PhD, DSc
MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Anglia Ruskin University
Professor of Experimental
Mechanisms of Asthma Cambridge, UK;
New Hunt’s House Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist
Division of Infection, Inflammation and
Guy’s Hospital Moorfields Eye Hospital
London, UK London, UK
University of Southampton
Southampton General Hospital
Rebecca L Beavil, BSc, PhD William W Busse, MD
Southampton, UK
Research Fellow Professor of Medicine
King’s College London Allergy and Immunology, Department of Julian Crane, MBBS, FRCP, FRACP
The Randall Division of Cell and Medicine Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Molecular Biophysics University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Medicine
New Hunt’s House Medical School Wellington School of Medicine and
Guy’s Hospital Madison, WI Health Sciences
London, UK USA Wellington, New Zealand
A03227-Prelims.qxd 6/20/06 7:52 PM Page vii
Adnan Custovic, MSc, DM, MD, PhD Respiratory Medicine Donald W MacGlashan Jr, MD, PhD
Professor of Allergy Division of Asthma Allergy & Lung Biology Professor of Medicine
North West Lung Centre Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center
Wythenshawe Hospital Medicine Division of Clinical Allergy and
Manchester, UK London, UK Immunology
Baltimore, MD
Graham Devereux MA, MD, PhD, FRCP(Ed) David J Hendrick, MSc, MD, FRCP USA
Senior Clinical Lecturer Professor of Occupational Respiratory
Department of Environmental and Medicine, Newcastle University Piero Maestrelli, MD
Occupational Medicine Consultant Physician Professor of Occupational Medicine
University of Aberdeen Department of Respiratory Medicine Department of Environmental and
Aberdeen, UK Royal Victoria Infirmary Public Health
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK University of Padova
Stephen R Durham, MA, MD, FRCP
Padova, Italy
Professor of Allergy and Respiratory Melanie Hingorani, MA, MBBS,
Medicine MD, FRCOphth
Sohei Makino, MD, PhD
Head, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Professor of Medicine
National Heart and Lung Institute Eye Department
Department of Medicine
Imperial College School of Medicine Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Dokkyo University School of Medicine
and Royal Brompton Hospital Huntingdon, UK
Mibu, Tochigi
London, UK
Stephen T Holgate, MD, DSc, FRCP, Japan
Leonardo M Fabbri, MD FRCPa, F Med Sci
Professor of Respiratory Medicine MRC Clinical Professor of Jean-Luc Malo, MD
Department of Respiratory Diseases Immunopharmacology Professor
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia University of Southampton Université de Montréal School of
Modena, Italy Southampton General Hospital Medicine
Southampton, UK Montréal, Quebec
Anna Feldweg, MD Canada
Instructor of Medicine Patrick G Holt, DSc, FRCPath, FAA
Harvard Medical School Deputy Director Charles McSharry, MD, PhD, MRCPath
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Cell Biology Principal Clinical Immunologist
Boston, MA Telethon Institute for Child Health Department of Immunology
USA Research Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre
Perth, Western Australia University of Glasglow
Anthony J Frew, MA, MD, FRCP Glasgow, Scotland
Professor of Allergy and Respiratory Alexander Kapp, MD, PhD
Medicine Professor of Medicine Natalija Novak, MD
Department of Respiratory Medicine Department of Dermatology and Head of Allergy Unit
Brighton General Hospital Allergology Department of Dermatology
Brighton, UK Hannover Medical School University of Bonn
Hannover, Germany Bonn, Germany
Peter S Friedmann, MD, FRCP, FMedSci
Professor of Dermatology M Thirumal Krishna PhD, MRCP(UK),
Paul M O’Byrne, MB, FRCPI, FRP(C)
University of Southampton MRCPath, DNB
EJ Moran Campbell Professor of
Dermatopharmacology Unit Consultant Immunologist and Honorary
Southampton General Hospital Senior Clinical Lecturer
McMaster University
Southampton, UK Department of Immunology
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
David BK Golden, MD Birmingham, UK
Associate Professor of Medicine Hans Oettgen, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University Lawrence M Lichtenstein, MD, PhD Clinical Director
Baltimore, MD Professor of Clinical Immunology Division of Immunology
USA Johns Hopkins University Children’s Hospital
School of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Clive E Grattan, MA, MD, FRCP Baltimore, MD Harvard Medical School
Consultant Dermatologist USA Boston, MA
Dermatology Centre USA
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Susan Lightman, PhD, FRCP, FRCOphth,
Norwich, UK FMedSci Romain A Pauwels, MD, PhD
Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology Formerly Professor of Medicine
Catherine M Hawrylowicz, PhD, BSc Department of Clinical Opthalmology Department of Respiratory Medicine
Senior Lecturer Moorfields Eye Hospital University Hospital
Department of Asthma Allergy and London, UK Ghent, Belgium
A03227-Prelims.qxd 6/20/06 7:52 PM Page viii
David Peden, MD Glenis K Scadding, MA, MD, FRCP Editor in Chief, Respirology
Center for Environmental Medicine and Consultant Allergist and Rhinologist Director, Chimes Estate
Lung Biology Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Clinical Professor
University of North Carolina at Hospital Curin University
Chapel Hill London, UK Perth, Western Australia
Chapel Hill, NC
USA Albert L Sheffer, MD Erika von Mutius, MD, MSc
Clinical Professor of Medicine Head
Carl G A Persson, PhD Harvard Medical School Asthma and Allergy Department
Professor Brigham & Women’s Hospital Munich University Children’s Hospital
Department of Clinical Pharmacology Boston, MA Munich, Germany
Lund University Hospital USA
Lund, Sweden Ulrich Wahn, MD
Hans-Uwe Simon, MD Professor of Pediatrics, Director
Thomas A E Platts-Mills, MD, PhD Professor of Pharmacology and Chairman Department for Pediatric Pneumology
Department of Medicine, Division of Department of Pharmacology and Immunology
Allergy and Immunology University of Bern Charité
University of Virginia Bern, Switzerland Berlin, Germany
Charlottesville, VA
Estelle Simons, MD, FRCPC
USA Andrew J Wardlaw, FRCP, PhD
Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Pediatrics & Child Health
Jacqueline A Pongracic, MD Department of Infection, Immunity &
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Inflammation
Department of Immunology
Medicine University of Leicester Medical School
University of Manitoba
Northwestern University Feinberg Glenfield Hospital
Winnipeg, MB
School of Medicine Leicester, UK
Chigaco, IL
USA Peter DL Sly, MBBS, MD, DSc, FRACP Thomas Werfel, MD
Head of Division Professor of Medicine
Jay J Prochnau, MD Division of Clinical Sciences Department of Dermatology and
Staff Allergist Telethon Institute for Child Health Allergology
Department of Allergy and Asthma Research Hannover Medical School
Arnett Clinic Perth, Western Australia Hannover, Germany
Lafayette, IN
USA Geoffrey A Stewart, PhD Burton Zweiman, MD
School of Biomedical, Biomolecular Professor of Medicine and Neurology
Ilona G Reischl, PhD and Chemical Sciences Allergy and Immunology Section
Head of National Affairs The University of Western Australia Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Science and Information Division Perth, Western Australia Division
Austrian Medicines and Medical Department of Medicine
Devices Agency Philip J Thompson, MBBS, FRACP, University of Pennsylvania School of
Vienna, Austria MRACMA, FCCP Medicine
Director, Asthma and Allergy Research Philadelphia, PA
Hirohisa Saito, MD, PhD Institute Inc SCGH USA
Professor of Pediatrics Director, Centre for Asthma, Allergy and
Department of Allergy Immunology Respiratory Research
National Research Institute for Child Associate Professor of Respiratory
Health & Development Medicine
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Department of Medicine
Japan University of Western Australia
A03227-Prelims.qxd 6/20/06 7:52 PM Page ix
Allergic diseases, including asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis and food allergies
are major contributors to morbidity and sometimes cause mortality in the civilized
world. Also, their incidence and severity are still rising. Over the past decades,
genetics together with both basic and clinical immunology have made great strides in
understanding the disease processes in allergy.
In 1992, we published the first edition of an entirely new text on allergic diseases
and their mechanisms based on specifically designed, clear and informative diagrams.
This allowed us to produce a text which found a unique niche between the more
heavily referenced books and the more superficial guides. In this edition, the reader
was introduced to the individual cells that participate in the allergic response and this
information was then built on to describe the histopathological features, diagnoses
and treatment of allergic responses occurring in all major organs.
When preparing the second edition, we took note of the feedback of many clinicians
who asked us if we could put primary emphasis on the clinical manifestations of
allergy and augment this with a solid scientific background. This we attempted to do
starting with an entirely new chapter on the principles of allergy diagnosis, a skill
which is crucial to all practicing physicians. This was followed by a series of chapters
focusing on the histopathology, diagnosis and management of allergic disease in
individual organs. The Basic Mechanisms of Allergy section was been substantially
revised and updated. In our preparation of this section, we attempted to bring
together various aspects of the biology of allergic disease and combine them in
integrated chapters.
In the third edition, we have followed the same format as for the second edition.
In addition, we have recognised the importance of allergic disease in children and have
included a chapter devoted to its diagnosis and treatment. Also, it is now becoming
obvious that allergy develop very early in life, the ‘allergic march’ often starting before
birth. Consequently, we have added a chapter on the early life origins of allergy and
asthma. Finally, the great advances in our knowledge about the scientific basis of
allergic diseases, particularly the relationship between genes and the environment, has
necessitated the updating of most chapters, particularly those dealing with the
scientific basis of allergy.
Again, to make sure that each chapter had international authority, we often invited
two or more authors from different countries to work together to produce their text.
While this approach is not without its logistical problems, we believe it to have
produced a more authoritative text and we thank all the authors for their forbearance.
As readers, we hope that you will appreciate the novelty of our approach to allergy
and that you find the text enjoyable and educative to read. As we requested in the
first and second editions, please give us your feedback on the book so that we can
refine it even further in the future.
Successful management
of allergic disease is
dependent on the
accurate diagnosis of the
problem and its likely
Principles of Allergy
causes. This chapter
describes allergy
diagnosis from taking
a history to specific
allergy tests. Stephen R Durham and Martin K Church
This chapter focuses on the diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergy. It is important to define
terms and the following are recommendations:
• ‘Atopy’ refers to IgE hyperresponsiveness and represents a predisposition to
allergic diseases.
• ‘Allergy’, by contrast, refers to the clinical expression of atopic IgE-mediated
disease (Table 1.1).
Thus atopic individuals may or may not have clinical symptoms (Fig. 1.1). Some
30–40% of individuals in developed countries are atopic whereas only a proportion has
allergic diseases, which include asthma (5–10%), rhinitis (10–20%), and food allergy
(1–3%). In population studies allergic diseases peak at different ages. Food allergy and
atopic eczema are predominant in early childhood whereas asthma shows a biphasic
peak, and rhinitis peaks in the second or third decade (Fig. 1.2).
Allergic diseases are manifest as hyperresponsiveness in the target organ, whether
skin, nose, lung, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This hyperresponsiveness may have both
IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated components (Fig. 1.3). The situation is further
complicated because allergen exposure in allergic subjects may increase target organ
hyperresponsiveness, which results in exaggerated symptoms on exposure to non-
specific irritants (tobacco smoke, changes in temperature, etc.) in allergic subjects. Only
a proportion of atopic subjects develop disease and atopic individuals may have causal
factors in their disease independent of their atopic status (see Fig. 1.3). Furthermore,
increased non-specific responsiveness lowers the threshold for symptoms on subsequent
allergen exposure (Fig. 1.4).
Diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergy depends on the history and results of skin tests
or radioallergosorbent tests (RAST), which are occasionally supplemented by a
Table 1.1 Definitions of IgE-mediated disease. Note that allergy may involve immunologic
mechanisms other than IgE, e.g. extrinsic allergic alveolitis or contact eczema
non-IgE IgE-allergic 'latent' allergy or
Fig. 1.1 Positive skin tests may not be associated with clinical hyperresponsiveness hyperresponsiveness clinical tolerance
symptoms (allergy). related to age or
asthma following
rhinitis immunotherapy
conjunctivitis (SPT positive,
food/drug reaction asymptomatic)
Symptom Severity Versus Age urticaria/angioedema
threshold to subsequent antigen Trigger factors
Patients with mite sensitivity may complain of immediate
Fig. 1.3 Allergy increases target organ hyperresponsiveness, which symptoms during activities such as bed making, dusting, and
lowers the threshold to subsequent allergen exposure. vacuum cleaning. The symptoms are frequently worse on
Allergy History • 5
Table 1.3 Accuracy of standardized questions put to the parents of children (aged 1–17 years) by a trained interviewer, used for
predicting answers obtained by an experienced pediatric allergist
Data modified from Murray AB, Milner RA. The accuracy of features in the clinical history for predicting atopic sensitization to airborne allergens in children.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 1995; 96:588–596.
6 • Chapter 1 • Principles of Allergy Diagnosis
Family history
A personal and family history of asthma, rhinitis, eczema, or
food allergy, or adverse reactions to drugs should be established
in all cases. A history of allergens in the home should be
obtained, including such details as pet ownership, presence of
Allergic Non-allergic carpets, central heating, double glazing, and nature of soft
triggers triggers
furnishings in the bedroom and living areas. Old, damp accom-
modation will favor the growth of house dust mites and molds.
Influence of treatment
The effect of previous attempts at avoidance should be
• latent interval • symptoms on first exposure ascertained, bearing in mind that several months of vigorous
• low doses • high doses
• minority affected • majority affected environmental control or avoidance, or respiratory protection,
• early & late symptoms • immediate symptoms may be required before any improvement may become apparent.
Similarly, the response to pharmacologic treatment including
benefit and possible associated side-effects should be noted.
Compliance with medication should be carefully assessed in
continuous every case, particularly where there has been an apparent poor
response to treatment. Patients’ knowledge and potential fears
about their conditions and the treatments should be explored.
Fig. 1.6 Features suggesting an allergic or non-allergic trigger as Useful leading questions include:
the cause of symptoms.
• ‘Are you concerned about any side-effects of your steroid
inhaler/nasal spray/creams?’
• ‘Do you find it difficult to always remember to use your
the dominant causes of symptoms (Fig. 1.6). In general, allergen- • ‘How often do you collect repeat prescriptions for your
induced symptoms require a period of sensitization (the latent medicines?’
interval). They may occur at very low allergen concentrations
and affect only a proportion of exposed and sensitized individuals;
What is your main problem?
symptoms may be ‘early’ (i.e. from minutes to 1–2 hours) or
‘late’ (3–24 hours). Continual low allergen exposures, however, It is often helpful to ask patients at the end of the interview to
have been shown to provoke only late symptoms, in the absence recap their main problem.
Allergy History – Special Cases • 7
Occupational Allergy
Features of Anaphylaxis
Itching (particularly the hands, feet, groin, and scalp)
Fig. 1.8 Common products containing preservatives. Angioedema
Asthma (mild or moderate)
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Sense of impending doom
Table 1.6 Some clinically relevant cross-reactions between
inhalant allergens and foods
Birch pollen Hazelnut, apple, pear, stone fruits (e.g. Urticarial lesions that remain fixed, persist for longer than
peaches, plums, and cherries) 24 to 48 hours, or leave a residual bruise, should raise the
Ragweed pollen Melon, bananas possibility of an underlying vasculitic cause. Dermographism is
House dust mite Snails a common accompaniment of urticaria or it may be the only
manifestation, and may confound the interpretation of skin
Latex Banana, chestnut, avocado, kiwi fruit
prick tests. Urticaria is evident as raised irregular wheals usually
(a.k.a. Chinese gooseberry)
on a red base; there may be associated subcutaneous swellings
(angioedema). In view of the episodic nature of urticaria,
examination results may be entirely normal.
The distribution of eczema varies with age. Eczema during
infancy is prominent on the face and trunk, whereas later in
to be severe and cooked fruits are well tolerated, indicating the childhood the typical flexural distribution develops. This is
labile nature of the allergens responsible. frequently associated with artifactual excoriation, sometimes
with associated bleeding, and there may be evidence of secondary
infection. The skin is dry and in chronic cases may be thickened
due to hyperkeratinization.
Anaphylaxis by definition (Table 1.7) may be life threatening.
The differential diagnosis depends upon the history of provoking
factors and, where possible, an eyewitness account should always
be obtained. The differential diagnosis includes anaphylactoid External examination of the nose may reveal a transverse skin
reactions, syncope, and psychogenic reactions, as well as other crease, which is rare. Internal inspection of the nasal mucosa
medical conditions such as myocardial infarction, epilepsy, and may reveal the typical appearance of a pale, watery swollen
metabolic or other causes of loss of consciousness. Also, airway bluish mucosa in allergic patients but only if symptomatic at
obstruction due to a foreign body could be the cause. the time of examination. Structural causes of obstruction should
be excluded. Oropharyngeal candidiasis may occasionally be
evident in patients on inhaled corticosteroids. The larynx should
EXAMINATION be examined in cases where there is associated hoarseness
Physical examination is required for all patients, although the although this will usually be due to concomitant inhaled
extent will be guided by the history (Table 1.8). corticosteroid therapy for asthma when the larynx appears
normal, although occasionally a ‘midline chink’ on adduction of
the cords may be evident.
When rash is the presenting symptom, the entire skin, Chest
including hair and nails, should be examined. Individual lesions
of urticaria may coalesce, are intensely itchy and, charac- In patients with asthma the shape of the chest (pigeon chest
teristically, last several hours (generally less than 24 hours). deformity) may indicate chronic, poorly controlled asthma.
Skin Prick Tests • 9
Table 1.8 Examination of the allergic patient. Physical examination is required for all patients although the extent will be guided by
the history
General Appearance Does patient look well or ill, mood, attitude to interview?
Height, weight Failure to thrive?
Inspection of skin including scalp, hair, nails, and Dry skin, excoriations?
buccal mucosa Flexural eczema?
Urticaria or angioedema?
Drug rash?
Look for evidence of corticosteroid side-effects? Striae, truncal obesity, bruising, proximal myopathy,
hypertension, cataracts?
Eyes Inspection of eyes and/or eversion of upper lid Presence of allergic ‘shiners’
Conjunctiva in allergic conjunctivitis often appears
Nose External inspection of nose and use of auroscope Deformity?
attachment with ophthalmoscope Transverse skin creases?
Ideally, use of head mirror or flexible or rigid Nasal mucosa may appear normal or pale bluish,
endoscopy swollen with watery secretions but only if patient is
Exclude structural problems (polyps, deflected nasal
Chest Inspection Hyperinflation?
Pigeon chest deformity?
Auscultation Presence of stridor?
Skin Prick Testing Table 1.10 Practice points for skin prick tests
Allergen PC6
Skin Prick Tests to Common Allergens (provocation concentration to cause 6 mm skin wheal)
− 10
grass 4
100 300 1 000 3 000 10 000 30 000
provocation concentration of allergen (Bu/mL)
Fig. 1.12 Log dose response curve illustrating allergen PC6, i.e. the
provocation concentration of allergen causing a 6 mm skin wheal.
Fig. 1.11 Skin prick tests to common allergens on the forearm. The choice of wheal sizes is arbitrary and, ideally, should lie on the
Compared to the negative control, results indicate the presence of linear part of the curve. The results are from two patients following
allergen-specific IgE to house dust mite (HDM) and grass pollen skin prick tests with grass pollen extract.
Principles of RAST Table 1.11 Advantages of skin prick tests compared with
serum allergen-specific IgE RAST. Both have a high sensitivity
but low specificity, i.e. a negative test is more effective for
excluding the clinical relevance of a particular allergen than a
positive test for confirming clinical relevance
From Murray AB, Milner RA. The accuracy of features in the clinical history for predicting atopic sensitization to airborne allergens in children. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 1995; 96:588 596.
Diagnostic Approach • 15
gastro- eczema/
intestinal urticaria
allergy history 2 referral
if history/tests
still discordant
sidered for each individual patient. Where there is discordance, consuming and expensive avoidance measures (or the removal
above all, the history should be reassessed. of a family pet) will depend on factors such as the disease
Specialist referral and, occasionally, more sophisticated tests severity, the requirement for pharmacotherapy, and the like-
or specific provocation testing may be required. When the lihood of successful intervention with either allergen-specific
specific allergy diagnosis remains uncertain, the threshold for avoidance or immunotherapy. The importance of the role of the
when to intervene with a therapeutic trial of potentially time specialist nurse in the allergy clinic cannot be overemphasized
16 • Chapter 1 • Principles of Allergy Diagnosis
Table 1.15 The role of the specialist nurse in the allergy clinic Table 1.16 The role of the dietitian in the allergy clinic
The Specialist Nurse in the Allergy Clinic The Dietitian in the Allergy Clinic
Skin prick testing Advice and supervision of exclusion diets
Asthma education, self-management plans Advice on adequacy of diets
Spirometry and peak expiratory flow recording Reintroduction of foods that have been withdrawn
Checking inhaler technique; correct use of nasal sprays and Advice on reducing additives, preservatives and colorings in
drops food
Advice on avoidance of allergens Preparation of foods and assistance with blinded food
Instruction on self-administration of epinephrine
Liaison with parents, school nurses, pharmacists, etc.
Involvement in allergen injection immunotherapy
Table 1.17 When to refer a patient to a specialist allergy clinic
Dreborg S. Allergy diagnosis. In: Mygind N, Nelson HS, Oppenheimer J, Buchmeier A, common aeroallergens. J Allergy Clin
Naclerio RM, eds. Allergic and et al. An assessment of the role of Immunol 1995; 96:580–587.
non-allergic rhinitis: clinical aspects. intradermal skin testing in the diagnosis Sibbald B, Barnes G, Durham SR. Skin
Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1993:82–94. of clinically relevant allergy to timothy prick testing in general practice: a pilot
Durham SR, ed. ABC of allergies. London: grass. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996; study. J Adv Nursing 1997; 26:537–542.
British Medical Journal Books; 1998. 97:1193–1201. Stewart AG, Ewan PW. The incidence,
Eriksson NE. Diagnosis of IgE mediated Pastorello EA, Cristoforo I, Ortolani C, et al. aetiology and measurement of
allergy in clinical practice. Allergol Studies on the relationship between anaphylaxis presenting to an accident
Immunopathol 1994; 22:139–151. the level of specific IgE antibodies and and emergency department. Quart J
Murray AB, Milner RA. The accuracy of the clinical expression of allergy: Med 1996; 89:859–864.
features in the clinical history for 1. Definition of levels distinguishing Sullivan TG. Drug allergy. In: Middleton E,
predicting atopic sensitisation to patients with symptomatic from Reed CE, Ellis EF, et al. Allergy: principles
airborne allergens in children. J Allergy patients with asymptomatic allergy to and practice. 4th edn. St Louis: Mosby;
Clin Immunol 1995; 96:588–596. 1993:1726–1746.
Asthma is a chronic
inflammatory disorder in
which the airway smooth
muscle undergoes
exaggerated contraction
and is abnormally
responsive to
external stimuli. Thomas AE Platts-Mills, Mitsuru Adachi, Romain A Pauwels,
and Stephen T Holgate
The symptoms of asthma occur together with variations in the diameter of medium-
size airways such that it is increasingly difficult to exhale. Narrowing of the airways
can occur because of smooth muscle contraction, edema or swelling of the wall, or
increased mucus in the airways. However, it is increasingly clear that the pathologic
event underlying most cases of asthma is chronic inflammation of the airway walls.
The elements of this inflammation will be discussed in Chapters 21, 22, and 23. The
best-defined and most commonly identified cause of this inflammation is inhalation of
allergens. Sometimes, the relationship of these foreign proteins to the symptoms of
asthma may be obvious to the patient (e.g. when wheezing or coughing starts within
10 minutes of entering a house that has a cat in it). On the other hand, many patients
who are allergic to dust mites are not aware of the association between exposure and
their symptoms. By contrast, most patients with asthma are well aware that their
lungs vary in tightness and that many non-specific stimuli such as exercise, cold air, or
passive smoking can trigger attacks. The fact that the lungs of patients with asthma
can react to otherwise ‘trivial’ stimuli such as cold air is referred to as bronchial hyper-
responsiveness. This hyperresponsiveness can be demonstrated in the clinic by using
histamine or methacholine, which narrow the airways directly, or by cold air or
exercise challenge, which are indirect stimuli that narrow the airways following the
release of secondary mediators.
The relationship between inflammation in the airways of a patient and either the
symptoms of asthma or bronchial hyperresponsiveness is not simple. Thus, it is not
possible to define the severity of asthma on the basis of a measurement of
inflammation in the lungs. Nonetheless, the production of mediators by eosinophils,
T cells, and mast cells is of central importance in understanding the pathophysiology
of asthma as well as being a target for treatment. Estimating the prevalence of asthma
is dependent on the method used to define the disease, and in addition the prevalence
varies markedly between countries and between different communities within a country.
The main problem in defining the disease is that the disease varies from occasional
episodes of chest tightness or wheezing that can easily be reversed to a life-threatening
disease with continuous airway obstruction that requires high-dose inhaled cortico-
steroid or oral corticosteroid treatment. Because of this variability, any discussion of
etiology, pathogenesis, or treatment is dependent on a system for classifying the disease.
Table 2.1 Classification of asthma and chronic airway obstruction, based on age of onset and etiology
symptoms require a comprehensive approach to controlling associated with chronic hyperplastic sinusitis, allergic broncho-
inflammation as well as bronchodilator treatment. Severe asthma pulmonary aspergillosis, wheezing associated with chronic
can become a major clinical problem that requires specialist obstructive lung disease, and the many different causes of airway
care and many different approaches to treatment. obstruction that are not related to generalized airway reactivity.
The pattern of disease presenting at different ages is distinct
(Table 2.1). In the first 2 years of life, wheezing and bronchio-
Allergic asthma in children
litis are not distinguishable, and the commonest cause of these
episodes is infection with the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The two strongest risk factors for asthma in childhood are a
Infection with RSV is almost universal in the first 2 years of life family history and immediate hypersensitivity to common
and in most cases does not result in more than a mild upper allergens. This immune response includes both IgE antibodies
respiratory infection. An important risk factor for the severity and helper T cells type 2 (Th2), both of which are thought to
of bronchiolitis or asthma during RSV infection is the size of contribute to the inflammation in the respiratory tract (see
the lungs at birth. The two major factors that influence the size Ch. 21). Children who mount an immune response to inhalant
of the lungs at birth are prematurity and maternal smoking. allergens have an increased risk of developing asthma because
In older children and young adults, by far the most commonly of this combination of genetics and exposure. However, it is
identified cause of asthma is sensitization to one of the common sensitization to indoor allergens (e.g. dust mites, cats, dogs, and
inhalant allergens, particularly those encountered indoors. Other cockroaches) that is strongly associated with asthma (Fig. 2.1).
important risk factors include a family history of asthma, By contrast, in some recent studies, immediate hypersensitivity
infection with common cold viruses, especially rhinoviruses, to grass or other pollens has not been found to be significantly
and housing conditions. associated with asthma. The implication is that a large part of
Allergen provocation of the lungs of asthmatic patients can the allergen exposure that contributes to the inflammation in
induce bronchoconstriction, inflammation in the bronchi, and the lungs of patients with perennial asthma occurs inside houses.
prolonged increases in bronchial reactivity. In keeping with this, The evidence for a causal relationship between exposure to
allergen-activated inflammation has become a major target for dust mite allergens and asthma has come from many different
treatment. This includes reducing exposure to allergens and experiments (Table 2.2). The important features are that:
pharmacologic approaches to counteract the inflammatory • there is a very strong association between sensitization to
mediators (e.g. cromolin sodium, topical corticosteroids, and indoor allergens and asthma;
leukotriene-modifying drugs). • bronchial challenges with the relevant allergens can
People with allergic asthma represent the largest group of replicate many features of the disease – acute and delayed
asthma patients requiring treatment, and in addition they are airway narrowing, inflammation (which includes an influx
also the group on whom most epidemiology studies have been of eosinophils), and prolonged increases in non-specific
focused. Thus, most of the population-based evidence for the bronchial hyperresponsiveness; and
increased prevalence of asthma has concerned school children • reducing exposure to allergens, whether in the house,
or young adults. hospital room, or sanatorium, can decrease symptoms of
Asthma that presents after the age of 20 years provides a asthma.
complex problem both in management and in investigation. For
this age group there is a wider differential diagnosis, and all Thus, the classification of allergic or ‘extrinsic’ asthma implies
cases with persistent symptoms require investigation. Major not only that the patient has a positive skin test to an allergen
causes include simple allergic asthma in adults, intrinsic asthma but also that exposure to this allergen is contributing to the
The Classification of Asthma • 19
a b
Dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Der p 1 mAb ELISA 1–30 µm
D. farina Der f 1 mAb ELISA 1–30 µm
Cockroach Blattella germanica Bla g 2 mAb ELISA > 10 µm
Domestic animals:
Cat Felix domesticus Fel d 1 mAb ELISA 2–10 µm
Dog Canis familiaris Can f 1 mAb ELISA 2–10 µm
Mouse Mus muscularis Mus m 1 Polyclonal RIA 2–10 µm
Rat Rattus norweigicus Rat n 1 mAb 2–10 µm
increased epithelial shedding:
allergen viruses
? •reduced barrier function
allergen… intervention… •reduced mucus production
and clearance
damage •altered adhesion mechanisms
•more cells in repair phase
antigen resolution
presentation infiltrating
cells epithelial chemotaxis (attraction)
epithelial homing (localization)
primary allergic cell activation (severity)
response response
mediators cell survival (persistence)
ongoing response
structural elements remodeling Fig. 2.3 The role of the
+/− airway epithelium in
immune mediators disease. The repair cycle in
chronic asthma, leading to
the secretion of growth
factors involved in tissue
a b
rhinovirus virions
Fig. 2.4 Computed tomography (CT) scan of the sinus. (a) Normal
scan. (b) Scan from a patient with severe polypoid changes.
facilitate viral
asthmatic BEC survival necrosis
Medium-sized Bronchus
blood vessels
smooth muscle
membrane goblet
ciliated cell
epithelial cell mucus
Nerve Supply to Lungs
smooth muscle
sympathetic autonomic nerve
Fig. 2.6 The anatomy of a medium-sized bronchus. The changes in sensory afferents
the bronchi that occur in asthma are: (1) increased mucus
production; (2) subbasement membrane thickening; (3) epithelial
desquamation; (4) submucosal edema; (5) hypertrophy of smooth
muscle; (6) infiltration of submucosa and epithelium with mast NANC
cells, eosinophils, T cells and basophils. M2
inhibitory control of the smooth muscle comes from two routes dilators will generally establish the diagnosis of reversible
– noradrenaline released from postganglionic inhibitory fibers airway obstruction. In patients who present without physical
to the vagal ganglia, and epinephrine released into the circulation signs in the chest or decreased airflow, the diagnosis is dependent
from the adrenal medulla. There is no direct sympathetic on history, serial measurements of airflow over several days
innervation to the smooth muscle. In addition, fibers of the using a peak flow meter, or provocation tests to establish bronchial
NANC system run with the vagus nerve, and their postganglionic hyperresponsiveness. In children and in young adults, a history
fibers innervate smooth muscle. The mediator for the NANC of repeated attacks of wheezing combined with waking at night,
fibers that relaxes smooth muscle is thought to be nitric oxide. coughing, or wheezing may be sufficient to recommend a trial of
There are two additional elements to the innervation of the treatment. However, it is always better to establish that there
bronchi, which may be relevant to the pathophysiology of asthma: is a decrease in airflow during symptomatic episodes and to
• Sensory fibers that supply the epithelium, blood vessels, establish the best or optimum lung function for each patient.
and mucous glands contain several mediators, including Further evaluation of patients with asthma involves establishing
substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related whether they are allergic (with skin tests for immediate hyper-
peptide. Release of these mediators can be triggered by sensitivity, measurements of total serum IgE or specific IgE
axon reflexes from other sensory endings. The nerve endings antibodies, and routine blood count focusing on eosinophilia).
can be stimulated by many inflammatory mediators, Evaluation of persistent or severe cases that are not responsive
including bradykinin, mast cell tryptase and leukotrienes. to treatment may also require chest X-ray, sinus CT, and
Damage to the bronchial epithelium exposes sensory nerve evaluation of the upper airway. The more difficult question is
endings and can potentially increase reflex stimulation of whether any tests to establish inflammation of the airways
mucus production, vascular leakage, and smooth muscle should be part of the routine evaluation.
• Sectioning of mast cells in tissues reveals that most, if not History
all, have autonomic innervation that can control mediator
release. In addition, there are mast cells within the The cardinal symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing,
autonomic ganglia. Release of mediators from mast cells in tightness in the chest, and shortage of breath, representing an
or around the ganglia can dramatically alter the transmission interaction between inflamed and chronically remodeled air-
of nerve impulses. ways. In all patients the symptoms fluctuate in intensity, and in
the majority of patients the symptoms are intermittent. Thus,
most patients have normal or near-normal lung function and no
DIAGNOSIS OF ASTHMA symptoms between episodes. Attacks may occur spontaneously
Patients may present to clinics or emergency rooms with acute (often at night or first thing in the morning), after exercise, or
symptoms of breathlessness, wheezing, or coughing. Alternatively, shortly after exposure to a known trigger factor. In order to
they may present between episodes with normal or near-normal define the history, the patient must be questioned about the
lungs. In the first case, measurement of peak expiratory flow age at onset of symptoms and about the details of the attacks
rate or spirometry before and after treatment with broncho- (Table 2.4). The history should also include details of the
Table 2.4 Classification of asthma based on severity of disease. Occasional patients have rare severe attacks (or even only one severe
attack) that requires emergency treatment but have no significant symptoms otherwise
CT, computed tomography; CXR, chest X-ray; DLCO, diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
Diagnosis of Asthma • 25
mean (%) 5 32
variability (%) 5 39 28 29 31 41 35 30 32 35 32 inhaled corticosteroids started
PEFR (L/min) 500
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Fig. 2.10 Peak flow data. Daily peak flow
records taken before and after
predicted morning evening day bronchodilator in the mornings and evenings
for 1 month. PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate.
Table 2.5 Provocation tests for specific and non-specific bronchial reactivity
Relevant allergen ++ ++ No Cromolyn, etc. Triggering of
mast cells
through specific
Exercise or cold ++ + Yes Cromolyn, etc. Evaporation of
air Antileukotrienes water →
short- and hyperosmolar
long-acting triggering
Histamine* ++ No Yes Antihistamine Direct action on
blood vessels,
muscles, etc.
Methacholine* ++ No Yes Anticholinergics Direct action on
smooth muscles
Water ++ No Yes Cromolyn, etc.
Hypertonic saline ++ No Yes Cromolyn, etc.
Adenosine ++ No Yes Theophylline,
SO2 ++ No + cromolin
40 B
patient with
asthma of 30
grade 2 severity
patient with 20 severe moderate mild slight
asthma of
grade 4 severity 10
provocant dose (µmoL) 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Fig. 2.12 The response of the airways to
provocant 0.002 0.02 0.2 2.0 20 200 methacholine challenge. Fall in FEV1 plotted
concentration (mg/mL) against amount of provocant (methacholine)
that causes that fall.
lung. In keeping with this, most diseases that involve localized There are several conditions that present as shortage of
obstruction, cardiac or other medical causes of shortage of breath in which the lungs are not abnormal. The commonest of
breath, and simple hyperventilation do not present with the these is hyperventilation syndrome. If the patient makes severe
typical history of asthma or with typical reversible spirometry. expiratory noises, these noises are often interpreted as
Nonetheless, many patients present in a sufficiently unusual wheezing. However, such patients will have normal spirometry
way that they are diagnosed as having asthma and may be if they can be persuaded to comply. In addition, they have
erroneously treated for asthma. These alternative diagnoses can blood gases that are typical of hyperventilation (i.e. normal pO2
be classified as: and very low pCO2). Paradoxical closure of the vocal cords on
• medical conditions involving the lungs that present with expiration, the so-called vocal cord syndrome, may present with
symptoms suggestive of asthma; typical symptoms, but in many cases it is difficult to diagnose.
• syndromes characterized by abnormal breathing in which Improvement in symptoms while talking, inconsistent pulmonary
the lungs are structurally normal; and function tests, and an absence of markers of atopy or inflam-
• cases of local airway obstruction that present with mation (i.e. eosinophil count < 0.01 × 109/L, or exhaled nitric
wheezing that is audible to the patient or on examination. oxide parts per billion) are all suggestive. The diagnosis should
also be considered in patients who rapidly recover fully normal
On occasion, asthma may present solely as cough without lung function and do not respond consistently to treatment
evidence of airway obstruction or bronchial hyperreactivity. In with systemic corticosteroids. Finally, an apparently increasing
this ‘cough variant’ form, sputum eosinophilia is invariably present. number of normal people present with shortage of breath as a
Many different medical conditions present with cough or normal response to exercise exacerbated by poor physical
shortage of breath (with or without wheezing) and can easily be condition or obesity.
confused with asthma. These include: Wheezing is a common feature of localized partial
• cardiac failure with acute pulmonary edema; obstruction of the bronchi. Local obstruction can be caused by
• cardiac failure secondary to myocardial infarction; a foreign body, benign tumors such as an adenoma, or malignant
• pulmonary embolism; tumors. In general, these lesions do not give rise to shortage of
• pneumonia; and breath or variable airway resistance. However, the degree of
• tracheobronchitis. obstruction may vary with associated inflammation. Malignant
tumors are usually visible on the chest X-ray; alternatively, they
Chest pain may confuse the situation because anterior chest may present with bleeding. However, even malignant tumors
pain is fairly common in severe cases of asthma. This pain in can occasionally present as airway obstruction that is responsive
adults routinely induces work-up for myocardial infarction. to treatment, including corticosteroids. In doubtful cases, fine-
The distinction from pulmonary edema is important because section CT of the chest or bronchoscopy will usually reveal a
narcotics are contraindicated in asthma. Similarly, the local obstruction.
recognition of pulmonary embolism as a cause of wheezing and Obstruction of the large bronchi or trachea can also be
shortage of breath is very important because heparin is life caused by the rare syndrome of bronchomalacia or tracheo-
saving in pulmonary embolus. Bronchitis secondary to bacterial malacia, and in some cases the obstruction is intermittent. This
or viral infection can produce symptoms that are very similar diagnosis should also be clear on chest CT. Obstruction of the
to the symptoms of that minority of patients with asthma trachea (e.g. by a tumor) outside the chest can present with
who present primarily with a cough or who have a productive symptoms of shortage of breath, but the primary finding is
cough. usually inspiratory stridor.
Management of Asthma • 29
• salmeterol and formoterol, which are long-acting are advised to reduce oropharyngeal deposition (and therefore
β2-agonists; and the swallowed dose) and to increase the efficiency of intra-
• the recently introduced leukotriene-modifying drugs, pulmonary deposition.
including both receptor antagonists (montelukast,
zafirlukast) and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors (zileuton), which
New treatment with antiimmunoglobulin E
may have both bronchodilator and controlling effects.
antibody in allergic asthma
2-Adrenergic agonists Treatment of adult and pediatric allergic moderate-to-severe
asthma with humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody
β2-Adrenergic agonists are the primary treatment for (omalizumab) results in the decrease in asthma exacerbation
bronchospasm both in daily life and in the emergency situation. rates and usage of inhaled and oral corticosteroids. In addition,
The inhaled, short-acting β2-selective agonists generally act improvements of lung function, asthma symptoms, and asthma-
within 10 minutes and are very effective at relieving symptoms. related quality of life were observed. Treatment with omalizumab
Almost all patients with asthma should be taught how to use an leads to decreased IgE levels and partial inhibition of early and
inhaler and provided with one. However, these agonists have no late asthmatic responses after allergen bronchoprovocation in
controlling effects, and there is some evidence that excessive allergic asthma. In a range of studies omalizumab also shows
use of adrenergic agonists without an anti-inflammatory drug reductions in multiple markers of airway inflammation, including
can increase bronchial hyperreactivity. In most cases β2-adrenergic eosinophils and high-affinity receptors for IgE. Although
agonists should be prescribed for use in response to increased omalizumab is more expensive than other controller medications
symptoms or decreased peak flow. In addition, patients should for asthma, it has been demonstrated to save overall treatment
be told that they may need alternative or additional treatment costs when used for a restricted group of patients with severe
if they require more than two or three doses of bronchodilator asthma.
per week. Long acting β2-agonists (LABAs) are used as a supple- Specific immunotherapy (SIT) is effective in patients with
ment to inhaled corticosteroids in patients who remain sympto- allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma if adequate doses of allergens
matic despite moderate to high doses of corticosteroids. They are administered. However, the risks of systemic anaphylactic
may be administered separately twice daily or as combination reactions must be considered. Therefore, treatment with both
therapy with an inhaled corticosteroid in a single inhaler device. SIT and omalizumab would provide better clinical efficacy with
LABAs should never be given in the absence of inhaled less adverse events than either treatment given alone. Indeed, a
corticosteroid. recent clinical study of combined treatment with omalizumab
and SIT in polysensitized children and adolescents with seasonal
Inhaled cromolin sodium allergic rhinitis showed that combined treatment was more
effective than SIT alone by decreasing symptom loads during
In 1970, cromolin sodium was shown to control the increase in the pollen season. Therefore, anti-IgE antibody represents a
bronchial hyperreactivity that can occur in allergic patients novel therapeutic approach for severe allergic asthma.
during the pollen season. In addition, cromolin sodium can
protect against the effects of exercise challenge and against
Management plans
both the immediate and delayed effects of allergen bronchial
challenge. Although the antiinflammatory or controlling effects There is no shortage of guidelines for asthma treatment and all
of this drug are considered to take 2 weeks for full effect, the of the national and international guidelines include progressive
protective effect against a challenge is present in 20 minutes. increases in therapy based on severity. However, many other
Regular inhaled cromolin sodium provides effective long-term factors influence the design of treatment plans, including past
control of asthma in many children, but it needs to be given experience with different drugs, the patient’s enthusiasm for,
frequently (four times per day) for optimum effects. compliance with, and prejudice against corticosteroid inhalers,
economics, and the patient’s level of anxiety about the
Inhaled corticosteroids symptoms. Effective management of patients with moderate or
severe persistent disease includes the use of many different
Corticosteroid inhalers (dry powder or metered dose inhalers) drugs. In addition, it may be necessary to tolerate rather poor
have become the primary antiinflammatory treatment for adults control if the patient is emotionally or intellectually opposed to
and are very widely used in children. Systemically active cortico- some forms of treatment or close monitoring.
steroids (e.g. prednisone or dexamethasone) can be inhaled, The introduction of guidelines for the management of
but the corticosteroids currently used have been developed asthma has moved the control of airway inflammation with a
specifically for local use in the nose or lungs. These modifi- combination of environmental measures and controller drugs to
cations are designed to increase local bioavailability and decrease the center of management. In order to target therapy effectively,
systemic side-effects. The details of local action, absorption, it is important to assess the severity of the asthma. Classifying
and systemic half-life are different for each preparation. symptoms as intermittent or persistent and then recognizing
Local steroids should be used on a regular basis once or attacks as mild, moderate, or severe gives rise to five major
twice daily but can also be used as part of an action plan. groups (Table 2.8). Needless to say, there are many cases that
Regular dosage in children should be kept below 800 µg per day do not fit these groups. However, the key steps involved in
to minimize systemic side-effects. In mild exacerbations the management are:
dose can be doubled, and in significant attacks the dose should • Does the patient have asthma? If so, establish best lung
be increased up to 2 mg per day (i.e. 800 µg of budesonide, or function, and educate on home monitoring.
equivalent dose of flunisolide or fluticasone three times per • Provide a method of relief of symptoms, plus education
day). In the case of metered dose inhalers, large volume spacers about the use of inhalers and how to respond to attacks.
Management of Asthma • 31
Table 2.8 Severity-based asthma treatment. Skin tests, or in vitro assays plus specific advice; immunotherapy in seasonal cases
related to pollen and other highly allergic cases
Treatment plan
2-Agonist Education steps
Symptoms short acting Regular Action plan from Table 2.6
Occasional symptoms p.r.n. Not necessary No 1 and 2
or only after exercise
Symptoms 2–3 times p.r.n. In some cases + or – 1,2,3, (6)
per week
Mild to moderate p.r.n. Cromolin inhaled steroid/ Yes 2,3,4, (5), 6
Moderate with attacks p.r.n. Inhaled steroids and others Yes 1,2,3,4,5,6
Severe p.r.n. High-dose inhaled steroids and others Yes 1,2,3,4,5,6
p.r.n., as required.
Action Plans
Case A. Intermittent symptoms with occasional episodes of prolonged wheezing
1. Take bronchodilator, two puffs, repeated every hour until symptoms improve. [Use
peak flow meter if available.]
2. If deteriorating or no improvement after 4 hours, consult physician or call emergency
number. [Take action if peak flow is < 80% of best]
Case B. Persistent symptoms with mild to moderate attacks several times per year
1. Increase bronchodilator either from an inhaler or nebulizer. Measure peak flow.
2. If no response [i.e. peak flow ≤ 80% of best] increase treatment:
– maintain increased dose of bronchodilator;
– increase or add high dose inhaled steroids, up to 3000 µg/day BDP or equivalent;
– add delayed release oral theophylline, 300 mg in the evening or 200–300 mg t.i.d.
3. If no response within 2 days or deterioration, consult physician or call emergency
Case C. Persistent symptoms with severe attacks requiring emergency treatment or oral
1. Increased inhaled steroids promptly if symptoms not responsive to bronchodilator;
dose increased up to at least 3000 µg/day BDP or equivalent
2. Add oral theophylline to maximum tolerated dose to give blood level 10–15 µg/mL
3. If deteriorating or no response within 24 hours and peak flow persistently < 70% of
best, start or increase oral steroids. Using standard dosage, i.e. 50 mg/day for
6 days, or 60 mg tailing to 10 mg over 12 days. Consult physician if starting oral steroids.
Seek advice if not responding within 24 hours on steroids
Emergency telephone numbers will depend on the system but all patients with asthma should know
how to obtain emergency advice or treatment. Some patients start attacks with increased sinus
symptoms and may require antibiotics. However, antibiotics are not part of the normal management
of acute attacks of asthma. All patients who receive courses of corticosteroids should be fully educated
about the acute and chronic side-effects of these drugs. BDP = beclomethasone dipropionate.
extra puffs of bronchodilator if they feel ‘tight’ and to call their addition, it has been shown that reductions in bronchial hyper-
doctor if symptoms do not resolve within 3–4 hours. By responsiveness are paralleled by decreased numbers of
contrast, for patients who are prone to severe attacks, the eosinophils in induced sputum. The logical conclusion is that
action plan will include indications for: allergen avoidance is the primary form of antiinflammatory
• increasing bronchodilators; treatment for asthma. Certainly it should be included in the
• increasing routine treatment (usually in terms of changes management of all allergic patients with persistent symptoms.
in peak expiratory flow rate); Although many different allergens can contribute to asthma
• adding other medications, such as long-acting β2-agonists, (see Table 2.3), the dominant allergens in most studies have
theophylline, or nebulized bronchodilator; and been those that are found indoors. Furthermore, the measures
• increasing inhaled corticosteroids and starting oral that can decrease exposure to outdoor pollens and molds are
corticosteroids. not well established. The measures for decreasing exposure in
houses are allergen specific. The techniques for reducing exposure
Although many clinics have printed action plans, these cannot to dust mites are almost completely different from those that
replace education, including discussion of each step with the are useful in controlling exposure to domestic animals or the
patient. Writing the plan down with the patient is more allergens derived from the German cockroach. The conclusion
effective than using preprinted forms since a clear understanding is that advice about avoidance is dependent on identifying the
of the steps required to control asthma in its different phases is specific sensitivity of the patient. Since histories are not a
essential for good management. Time spent explaining an asthma reliable method of defining immediate hypersensitivity, advice
plan is time well spent. on avoidance should reflect the results of skin testing or serum
assays for IgE antibodies. Skin testing using prick or lancet
techniques is simple, safe, and highly informative for most of
Allergen avoidance
the major allergen sources (see Ch. 1). Serum assays using the
The majority of children and young adults with asthma are radioallergosorbent technique or modifications of this test are
allergic to one or more of the common inhaled allergens. generally less sensitive. However, in vitro assays provide a reliable
Evidence that inhalation of these allergens contributes to the test with less discomfort for the patient, can be standardized,
disease has come both from the demonstration that allergen and – for some allergens such as molds – may be more sensitive.
challenge can produce the inflammation that is typical of The primary problem in allergen avoidance is encouraging
asthma, and studies on allergen avoidance. The avoidance studies the patient to carry out the recommended steps, which by the
in sanatoria, hospital rooms, and patients’ houses have shown very nature of the intervention will only be beneficial over the
that decreased exposure to dust mites can improve symptoms long term. In the case of occupational asthma, when there is
and non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity (Table 2.10). In clear identification of a sensitizing chemical, removal of the
patient from areas of exposure is relatively straightforward.
However, with asthma that is activated by major allergens,
avoidance becomes more difficult. Without detailed education
Table 2.10 Measures recommended for allergen avoidance.
about both the objectives and the practical steps, patients are
These recommendations are only for patients who have been
demonstrated to be allergic on the basis of skin tests or in unlikely to carry out measures that require effort and expense.
vitro assays for IgE antibodies Thus, as with so many aspects of asthma management, the
success is dependent on adequate education and full involvement
Measures Recommended for Allergen Avoidance by the patient and the patient’s family.
Dust mites
Bedrooms: Exercise
Impermeable covers for mattress and pillows
Wash all bedding regularly at 130°F/60°C The ability of patients to be able to participate in normal
Vacuum clean weekly (wearing a mask) exercise is a special concern in management (and sometimes
Remove carpets, stuffed animals and clutter the primary concern). It is one of the best markers of good
Rest of house: control and also a primary aspect of the long-term health of the
Minimize carpets and upholstered furniture patient. Physical exercise is good for human beings including
Reduce humidity those who have asthma. In addition, many patients and physicians
Treat carpets with benzyl benzoate or tannic acid
agree that exercise is specifically good for asthma.
Cats and dogs A regimen for controlling exercise-induced bronchospasm is
Keep animals outside, or remove part of the management plan for all patients. Examples of such
Reduce reservoirs and clean weekly
Room air filters with HEPA quality
regimens might be:
Wash animal weekly to reduce allergen going in reservoirs or • two puffs of a short-acting β2-agonist 10 minutes before
airborne exercise;
Cockroaches • two puffs of cromolin sodium or nedocromil sodium
Obsessional cleaning to remove accumulated allergen and 20 minutes before exercise plus two puffs of a β2-agonist
control all food sources immediately before exercise; or
Bait stations, bait paste and/or boric acid
Close up cracks, etc. to reduce sites for breeding
• a long-acting β2-agonist 1 hour before exercise – both
salmeterol and formoterol are long-acting β2-agonists and
are of special value in patients with exercise-induced
HEPA, high-efficiency particulate air filter. asthma but should not be taken in the absence of an
inhaled corticosteroid.
Outcomes of Asthma – Natural Course and the Impact of Management • 33
Recent studies indicate that the leukotriene receptor antagonists risk factors for persistence of asthma from childhood to adult-
(e.g. montelukast, pranlukast) are effective in controlling exercise- hood or for relapse after remission during adolescence were
induced asthma. However, it is important to recognize that the sensitization to house dust mites, airway hyperresponiveness to
response to exercise is a reflection of non-specific bronchial methacholine, female sex, smoking, and early age at onset.
hyperresponsiveness; in cases that are not easily controlled, When asthma starts in adult life, it is more likely to become
treatment should be directed at the underlying inflammation of severe and less likely to remit.
the lungs. This can include specific allergen avoidance, regular Although most physicians believe that good management
treatment with leukotriene antagonists, and inhaled cromolin influences the long-term outcome of asthma, this has not yet
sodium, theophylline, or inhaled corticosteroids (each of which been proven. Until recently there was very little evidence that
have been shown to help control the response to exercise). medical management had decreased rates of hospitalization or
In addition, all patients should be encouraged to establish a mortality. It is now clear that the introduction of inhaled
plan for normal exercise. The important principle in exercise is corticosteroids has played an important role in decreasing
that slow warming up, walking or jogging, decreases subsequent hospitalization for asthma in Scandinavia. By contrast, in many
responses to more vigorous exercise. Thus, all patients should areas of the world (e.g. the UK, Australia, Japan, and major
design a regimen, including pretreatment if necessary, for cities of the USA) asthma remains severe, and it is not clear
prolonged (i.e. more than 30 minutes), regular exercise that that management has yet made a major impact. It is commonly
they can do without developing bronchospasm. implied that the severity of the disease is primarily due to poor
medical care and that the full application of the guidelines for
the management of asthma would reverse the present situation.
OUTCOMES OF ASTHMA – NATURAL The equally plausible view is that the disease has become both
COURSE AND THE IMPACT OF more common and more severe.
MANAGEMENT Another important factor is the influence of the Th2-
In most patients, the long-term outcome of asthma is good. mediated inflammation on the formed airway elements, leading
Only a small minority of patients who experience wheezing and to remodeling. This would explain why drugs such as the long-
require treatment will develop severe disease. In childhood, acting β2-agonists and leukotriene receptor antagonists, when
remission is common, although some of this may relate to added to a regimen of inhaled corticosteroids in moderate to
misdiagnosis of virus-induced wheezing or asthma. Although up severe asthma, are more efficacious than simply doubling the
to 70% of patients have a complete remission, many of these dose of inhaled corticosteroid (Fig. 2.13).
patients will still have bronchial hyperresponsiveness and some Most patients with intermittent asthma have normal or near-
will relapse. The factors that influence remission and relapse normal lung function between attacks. By contrast, patients
are poorly understood. However, highly allergic children with moderate or severe persistent disease often have an FEV1
(especially those with ongoing eczema) and those who experi- of < 80% of the predicted value. Follow-up of adults with
ence symptoms before the age of 3 years are less likely to have persistent symptoms of asthma has found accelerated decline
a remission. In a birth cohort in Dunedin, New Zealand, the in lung function comparable to that of smokers. The nature of
FEV1 (% of predicted value)
−1 0 1 2 3 6 9 12
Fig. 2.13 The effect of adding the long-acting inhaled β2-adrenoceptor agonist formoterol on to high- and low-dose inhaled budesonide on
FEV1, as an index of airway caliber in a 12-month randomized controlled trial in symptomatic asthma (the FACET study). [Modified from
Pauwels RA, Lofdahl CG, Postma DS, et al. Effect of inhaled formoterol and budesonide on exacerbations of asthma. Formoterol and
Corticosteroids Establishing Therapy (FACET) International Study Group. N Engl J Med 1997; 337(20):405–411.]
34 • Chapter 2 • Asthma
the long-term damage is not clear. There are changes in the Omalizumab is administered subcutaneously as an
lungs of children and adults with asthma that are more marked injection once every month or two weeks depending upon
in those who have had disease for many years. These include the total serum IgE level and body weight. Omalizumab is
the deposition of repair collagens (types I, III, and V) beneath the first therapy that specifically targets the IgE molecule.
the basement membrane of the bronchi. These changes, which • antisense DNA, which is designed to block the production
are sometimes described as ‘remodeling’, are thought to occur of target mediators or their receptors – short sections of
secondary to the release of cytokines, growth factors and other DNA that are antisense will block DNA transcription,
mediators from mast cells, T cells, eosinophils and epithelial and, in theory, antisense DNA can be delivered as a
cells. This has led to the view that aggressive early anti-inflam- pharmaceutical agent directly to the lung and would be
matory treatment should improve long-term outcome. How- active for a period of days.
ever, it has not been established that the changes seen in the • anti-TNF therapy for severe disease.
lung structure are the cause of the decreased lung function, or
that early use of inhaled antiinflammatory drugs will prevent
Altering the immune response – immune
these changes. There is, however, good evidence for proliferative
deviation versus immunotherapy
responses of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells,
and blood vessels. The challenge that now faces us is to The best defined target for traditional immunotherapy is the
determine the mechanisms and significance of this. allergen-specific CD4+ T cell. Many different approaches have
Chronic airway inflammation is a major cause of symptoms been proposed to act on these T cells or to deviate the response
and abnormal airway physiology in asthma, even in mild disease. before initial exposure to allergen (Fig. 2.14).
Since this inflammation might lead to changes in airway Recombinant allergens can be modified by random or site-
structure (remodeling), causing irreversible airflow limitation directed mutagenesis in such a way that they have greatly
and persistent symptoms, the long-term effect of early inter- reduced reactivity with specific IgE antibodies but maintain
vention with inhaled corticosteroids in patients with mild T-cell responses. These molecules would presumably provide a
persistent asthma of recent onset was investigated in the safer version of traditional immunotherapy.
START study (inhaled steroid treatment as regular therapy in In animal models, DNA plasmids have shown promise both
early asthma study). Long-term, once-daily treatment with as a method of replacing deficient genes and also as a method
low-dose inhaled corticosteroids decreased the risk of severe of providing transient expression of foreign proteins. Further-
exacerbations and improved asthma control in these patients more, the DNA in plasmids includes immunostimulatory signals
with mild persistent asthma. Although the benefit of inhaled that can influence the immune response in the direction of
corticosteroids was also noted in lung function measurements, either a helper T cells type 1 (Th1) or a Th2 response. Thus
the accelerated decline in lung function over time was only DNA plasmids, including the gene for an allergen, can be
partially prevented by this treatment. It is thus tempting to designed to alter an existing immune response.
speculate that, besides chronic airway inflammation, other path- Modifying the immune response could be achieved either by
ways could be involved in the pathogenesis of airway remodeling. immunizing children before they make a natural response or by
altering an existing response. Typical approaches are:
NEW APPROACHES TO THERAPY • to give nasal or oral immunization to at-risk children, using
native protein, in order to try to induce tolerance;
Pharmaceutical management: agonists and • to immunize with antigen linked to IL-12, which will
create a Th1 bias; or
• to use immunostimulatory signal sequences of DNA, such
Given the evidence that asthma is an inflammatory disease, it as synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides that contain CpG motifs,
is logical to try to manage the disease by blocking the mediators linked directly to proteins; the objective is to create a Th1
of the inflammatory response. Examples of this approach are response that will prevent or replace a Th2 response.
the development of cromolin sodium, delayed-release theophylline,
leukotriene antagonists, leukotriene synthesis inhibitors, and
Approaches designed as a response to the
the locally active corticosteroids. Many different approaches are
epidemiology of increasing asthma – how to
being developed that range from traditional antagonists to
reverse the effects of modern life
antisense DNA. These approaches include the development of:
• highly active, low-molecular-weight vascular cell adhesion The increase in the prevalence of asthma and its morbidity
molecule-1 (VCAM-1) antagonists that can prevent during the second half of the twentieth century is such that at
eosinophil adhesion; least three-quarters of the cases that present to clinics or to
• a soluble interleukin-4 (IL-4) receptor that can block the hospitals would not have required treatment in the 1950s. This
activity of IL-4 in vivo, which is in clinical trials; increase correlates with many different aspects of modern life.
• a humanized monoclonal antibody to IL-5 that can We do not want to reverse the conquest of the major infectious
effectively reduce blood eosinophil numbers, but fails to diseases; however, there are some aspects of modern life that
improve clinical indices of disease activity in subjects with could be reversed without risk. The changes that have been
severe persistent asthma; suggested as causes of the epidemic are summarized below.
• humanized monoclonal antibody to IgE, which is specific
for the site on human IgE that binds to the high-affinity
Changes in housing
IgE receptor on mast cells – this molecule has already
shown promise in clinical trials; and is currently licensed Changes in housing that were designed to make houses more
for use in severe allergic asthma in the USA and Europe. comfortable but that have increased exposure to indoor
New Approaches to Therapy • 35
+ IL-2
CD4+ve IgG1
helper B
T cell
+ eosinophil
allergens may have contributed to increasing sensitization and that bacterial infections in childhood have decreased. Bacterial
could easily be changed (see Table 2.10). infections are thought to create a bias towards Th1 responses
by stimulating IL-12 production.
Decreased rates of infections in early childhood
Decreased physical exercise
The incidence of infections in early childhood has decreased as
a result of vaccination, decreased family size, and the intro- In many Western countries there has been a dramatic decrease
duction of antibiotics. The evidence that viral infections have in physical exercise such that children typically do several
decreased is not clear, neither is it obvious how this would have hours of exercise per week rather than the several hours per
contributed to increasing asthma. By contrast, there is no doubt day that was normal in 1950. The mechanism by which
36 • Chapter 2 • Asthma
exercise may protect the lungs is not clear, but full inspiration the understanding of both the immunology and the mechanisms
decreases lung resistance and gentle exercise can protect of inflammation that are related to asthma. This understanding
against exercise-induced asthma. has led to some major new approaches to treatment. These
approaches include avoiding the causes, preventing the immune
response, blocking every aspect of the inflammatory response,
Changes in diet
and simply reversing the bronchospasm. In many cases the
Changes in diet have taken many different forms, but there are results of treatment are excellent. However, it would be
several aspects that have been common to many countries: difficult to describe the overall results as excellent because very
• the pervasive presence of coloring and preservatives in large numbers of patients require regular treatment with
modern diet; inhalers, and hospitalization for asthma remains common. The
• the increased consumption of animal fat combined with implication is that we still need to identify the true causes of
decreased consumption of vegetables; the increased prevalence of asthma and the increased morbidity
• excess protein and caloric intake, which is the most that it causes. Changes in Western society have been profound,
consistent feature of Western diet – recent data showing a and it is difficult to pinpoint those that are relevant to asthma.
correlation between obesity and asthma suggest that there However, it may be that the asthma epidemic will be
has been a change in the phenotype of asthmatics as well controlled only by selectively reversing some aspects of our
as an increase in the prevalence of asthma. current life.
In parallel with the rising trends in asthma and related allergic
diseases, the past 40 years have witnessed dramatic increases in
Allergy and Asthma. Nature 1999; 402 Martinez FD, Holt PG. Role of microbial Meeting, 1998 (Barcelona). Eur Respir
(6760):B1–B39. burden in the aetiology of allergy and J 1999; 14:1435–1453.
Barnes PJ, Alving K, Kharatonov SA, et al. asthma. Lancet 1999; 354(suppl II): Holgate ST, Chuchalin AG, Hebert J, et al.
Exhaled markers in airway disease. 12–15. Efficacy and safety of recombinant
Eur Respir Rev 1999; 9:207–253. Pauwels RA, Pedersen S, Busse WW, et al anti-immunoglobulin E antibody
Chung KF, Barnes PJ. Cytokines in asthma. on behalf of the START Investigators (omalizumab) in severe allergic asthma.
Thorax 1999; 54:825–857. Group. Early intervention with Clin Exp Allergy 2004; 34:632–638.
Chung KF, Godard P. Difficult budesonide in mild persistent asthma: Wark PA, Johnston SL, Bucchieri F, et al.
therapy-resistant asthma. ERS Task a randomized, double-blind trial. Lancet Asthmatic bronchial epithelial cells
Force Report. Eur Respir Rev 2000; 2003; 361:1071–1076. have a deficient innate immune
10:1–101. Postma DS, Gerritesen J. The link between response to infection with rhinovirus.
Klinman DM. Immunotherapeutic uses of asthma and COPD:bronchitis VL. Clin J Exp Med 2005; 201:937–947.
CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. Nat Rev Exp Allergy 1999; 29(suppl 2):2–128. Barbers R. Asthma. Curr Opin Pulm Med
Immunol 2004; 4:249–258. Sterk PJ, Buist SA, Woolcock AT, et al. The 2000; 6:1–89.
message from the World Asthma
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
(synonym: hypersensitivity
pneumonitis) describes
an interstitial and
Extrinsic Allergic
disease of the lungs
caused by an immune-
mediated hypersensitivity
response. It is
associated with repeated David J Hendrick and Charles McSharry
exposure to a variety of
inhaled organic dusts and
reactive chemicals, but INTRODUCTION
only a proportion of Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) is found in many occupational and environmental
settings and has a worldwide distribution. It is most commonly a consequence of the
exposed subjects release of antigenic products from the microbial contamination of farm produce, but
become affected. Notable microbial proliferation may occur in other settings, and occasionally antigenic respirable
examples are farmers’ dusts from other sources are responsible (particularly birds). The underlying inflammatory
response primarily affects the lung parenchyma, and in a diffuse manner. It is not
lung (due to confined to the alveoli, and for this reason the term hypersensitivity pneumonitis may
actinomycetes be preferable.
contaminating farm The parenchymal nature of the disorder was not clearly distinguished from asthma
until 1932, when Campbell published a report describing three English farm workers;
produce) and bird the term farmers’ lung was introduced later in 1944. Nonetheless, EAA was recognized
fanciers’ lung (due to in Iceland in the nineteenth century, and probably contributed to the occupational
ailments of grain workers graphically described by Ramazzini in the eighteenth
secreted avian antigens). century. It was not until 1961, when Pepys and colleagues demonstrated the presence
The disease has of precipitins to antigens of moldy hay in patients suffering from farmers’ lung, that
considerable potential as the idea of an allergic etiology gained general acceptance. These and other investigators
showed that the main sources of antigen were contaminating thermophilic
a model of allergic lung actinomycetes, Micropolyspora faeni [syn: Saccharopolyspora (or Faeni) rectivirgula]
disease, since the and Thermoactinomyetes sp., and other organisms including Aspergillus umbrosus (in
populations at risk can Scandinavia) and Trichosporon sp. The latter typically appears in the summer months
in humid environments and subsides spontaneously in mid-fall. It is most prevalent in
often be identified Japan (Japanese summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis). Similar pulmonary
precisely, the relevant effects sometimes follow the therapeutic use of a number of drugs, but toxic as well
antigens can be purified, as hypersensitivity mechanisms are often involved, and the drugs are not administered
by inhalation. They will not be considered further in this chapter.
and the clinical and For penetration and deposition of dust to occur predominantly in the gas exchanging
immunologic tissues, particle size should be largely confined to 0.5–5 µm. This encompasses the
diameters of many bacterial and fungal spores, and a large number of microbial species
consequences of antigen are now recognized to cause EAA. In addition, the disease has been noted to follow
exposure can be exposure to a variety of antigens derived from animal, vegetable, and chemical sources
examined. in both the workplace and the home. Table 3.1 lists some of the various causal agents
and the common names of the associated disease. The clinical presentation among the
different examples is similar, and the underlying hypersensitivity reactions are largely
common to all. Although a particular antigen may be specific to a given example of
EAA, there is no ‘EAA-specific’ antigen as such; rather, it is the amount of antigen
contact and the level of individual susceptibility that determines disease outcome.
Farmers’ lung patients, and some exposed symptom-free individuals, develop
precipitating antibodies in serum (precipitins) against epitopes expressed on
38 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
Arthropods (Sitophilus granarius) Grain dust Weevil disease
Birds Bloom, excreta Bird fanciers’ lung
Fish Fish meal Meal workers’ lung
Pituitary (cattle, pig) Pituitary extracts Pituitary snuff takers’ lung
Hair Fur Furriers’ lung
Mollusc shell Nacre-button manufacture
Urine (rodents) Urinary protein Rodent handlers’ lung
Coffee Coffee bean dust Coffee workers’ lung
Wood (Gonystylus bacanus) Wood dust Wood workers’ lung
Acid anhydrides Epoxypolyester paint
Bordeaux mixture (fungicide) Vineyards Vineyard sprayers’ lung
Cobalt dissolved in solvents Tungsten carbide grinding
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate Plastics industry
Hexamethylene diisocyanate
Pauli’s reagent Laboratory
Pyrethrum Insecticide spray
Toluene diisocyanate Plastics industry
Trimellitic anhydride
(glyco)protein antigens in the inhaled organic dust. Thermophilic pulmonary function tests or radiographs, which suggests
actinomycetes are ubiquitous, and approximately 10 per 100 000 subclinical disease. Studies of EAA among farmers suggest an
in the general population have precipitins against extracts of incidence of around 0.5% per year, and a prevalence of up to
these organisms. Surveys of farmers have shown that a minority 10%, depending on region, climate, and farming practice. Among
(approximately 10%) have precipitins. A proportion of these people exposed to birds, the prevalence is estimated at between
(about 50%) are asymptomatic, but some have abnormal 20 and 20 000 per 100 000 persons, depending on intensity of
Anatomy and Physiology of the Alveoli • 39
T cell
T cell
alveolus venule
Fig. 3.1 A representation of the terminal respiratory unit of the lung. This illustrates an alveolar sac and an adjacent capillary. Gas exchange
is facilitated by their close approximation, and normally the combined thickness of capillary endothelium plus simple squamous alveolar
epithelium separating blood from air is extremely thin. The septa between the alveolar spaces contain the capillary lumens. Very fine
collagen and elastic fibers also accompany the capillaries to provide mechanical support and elastic recoil. In extrinsic allergic alveolitis
(EAA) this interstitium is infiltrated by inflammatory cells, predominantly lymphocytes and macrophages, which may restrict gas exchange.
There is hyperplasia of the type 2 pneumocytes (Pn 2) and a marked increase in the number of alveolar lymphocytes. A higher power view of
an alveolar space in EAA demonstrates numerous small mainly lymphocytic mononuclear cells, and large foamy macrophages with abundant,
light pink cytoplasm (stained with hematoxylin and eosin), and central, vesicular nuclei. The macrophages are activated and have a
characteristic lipid laden ‘foamy’ appearance. In chronic disease there is increased collagen deposition by activated fibroblasts.
exposure. The incidence and prevalence of EAA worldwide control, and facilitate comparison of results between centers.
remain unknown, but vary considerably from country to country, In addition to improved diagnosis, this may improve the under-
and region to region, depending on climate, local industry, and standing of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of EAA.
working practices.
The usual low prevalence of EAA in at-risk populations implies
that individual susceptibility is necessary for the development
of disease, as well as environmental factors. The primary
consideration relating to susceptibility is individual immune The alveoli represent the terminal respiratory units of the lung.
responsiveness to the inhaled antigens. Many individuals with The term alveolar tissue applies to that anatomic part of the
antibody do not have symptoms, but disease without antibody lung which contains the alveoli and is capable of gas exchange –
is conspicuous by its rarity. Antibody seems necessary but it includes both the alveolar ducts and sacs (Fig. 3.1). The
not sufficient for disease. There is a caveat in that smoking respiratory bronchioles are also, in part, composed of alveolar
suppresses precipitin responses, and it is unclear whether it tissue. The term pulmonary parenchyma is commonly used to
fully suppresses EAA in parallel. A direct causal role for describe the overall gas-exchanging portion of the lung and it is
antibody in EAA is still controversial but its association with essentially equivalent to the term alveolar tissue. Much of the
EAA may be clarified by replacing the precipitin method with lung is composed of supporting mesenchymal tissue, with a single
more sensitive techniques which can quantify antibody concen- layer of epithelium lining the alveolar spaces. Approximately
tration. Commercial enzyme-immunoassay methods have 95% of the alveolar surface is covered with a simple squamous
recently been established as a laboratory adjunct in the clinical epithelium, the cells of which are referred to as type 1 alveolar
assessment of EAA among bird breeders and farmers. These cells (or type 1 pneumocytes). They are vulnerable to injury,
can quantify antibody within the dynamic range associated with and denudation of the epithelium is seen in many alveolar
disease. This could allow international standardization and quality diseases. Type 2 alveolar cells, or granular pneumocytes, make
40 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
↑ PE ,↑ Spm, ↓ PC
airway lumen
↑ mucin KL-6
↑ C3
preganglionic postganglionic
parasympathetic sympathetic
Fig. 3.2 A representation of an alveolar wall highlighting a type 2 Fig. 3.3 Innervation of the bronchial wall showing the
epithelial cell or granular pneumocyte. This is a large, rounded or parasympathetic and sympathetic efferent and afferent pathways.
cuboidal cell, with a high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, in contrast to
the very flat type 1 alveolar lining epithelial cell. The cells have a
deeply blue-stained, vacuolated cytoplasm after May–Grunwald–
Giemsa-staining. The large vesicles in the cytoplasm are lamellar
bodies (LB) containing the precursor of alveolar surfactant lipids
and proteins. In extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) there is increased
production of surfactant protein-A (SP-A) and SP-D, and increased
phospholipid synthesis, mainly immunostimulatory third non-adrenergic non-cholinergic nervous system have been
phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and sphingomyelin (Spm), with a described in the lung (Fig. 3.3). The afferent parasympathetic
reduced production of immunosuppressive phosphatidylcholine (PC).
The levels of these correlate with the alveolar accumulations of preganglionic fibers travel in the vagus nerves, and convey
lymphocytes, mast cells and ‘foamy’ macrophages. The presence of impulses centrally from irritant or cough receptors located next
reactive type 2 cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is characteristic to epithelial cells lining the airways. Stimulation of these may
of patients with EAA and is not observed in sarcoidosis. KL-6, Krebs
von den Lungen-6; be important in EAA because one of the signal symptoms is un-
explained chronic non-productive cough. The non-adrenergic
non-cholinergic nervous system has both inhibitory and
excitatory limbs. Certain neurotransmitter peptides are active
in the inhibitor limb (e.g. vasoactive intestinal peptide) and
others are active in the excitatory limb (e.g. substance P).
up the remaining 5% of the alveolar surface (Fig. 3.2). These There is a recent description of increased nerve growth factor
are angular cells, which contain more organelles in their (NGF) associated with pigeon fanciers’ lung suggesting a possible
cytoplasm and microvilli and produce the surfactant that lines neuropeptide link between the cells which produce and
the alveolar surface. Repair of injured alveolar epithelium comes respond to NGF, including mast cells and lymphocytes (both of
from proliferation of type 2 granular pneumocytes, which can which are markedly increased in number in EAA), and sensory
divide and differentiate into either type 1 or 2 cells. nerve cells.
The alveolar epithelial cells rest on a basement membrane
that is generally adjacent to, but discrete from, the endothelial
cells of the capillaries. The potential space between them
constitutes the interstitium, and incorporates fibrous tissue,
nerves, and lymphatics. The capillaries within the alveolar wall Many of the histologic changes associated with EAA occur also
form a dense reticular network of interconnecting channels. in other interstitial lung diseases. Because the natural history of
Other cell types include interstitial fibroblasts, which play a many interstitial diseases of unknown origin involves progressive
maintenance role in the fibrous skeleton of alveolar tissue, and evolution through these same histologic phases, knowledge about
pulmonary macrophages, which are found in the alveolar spaces immune pathogenesis gained from studies of EAA may provide
and, at times, in the interstitium. These macrophages are derived a way to understand the causes and development of these also.
from bone marrow, and are capable of limited local division. There is a rich tapestry of histologic features to explore, and
Two autonomic nervous systems – the cholinergic, or para- hypotheses on pathogenic mechanisms can be proposed to
sympathetic, and the adrenergic, or sympathetic – as well as a account for them.
Pathogenesis of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • 41
immunogenic endotoxin
activity effects
mitogenic macrophage
activity activation
induced inflammation chemotactic
complement a
The typical histologic features of lung biopsy in EAA are similar
regardless of causative antigen, and depend on stage of disease.
Biopsies are generally taken from patients with long-standing
lung disease, and show a lymphocytic infiltrate, with minimal
evidence for immune complexes or complement deposition.
However, in experimental models of early disease, shortly after
antigen contact, there is edema, vasculitis and a neutrophil influx.
Over the following days or weeks, there develops a diffuse
interstitial infiltrate at the terminal bronchioles extending into b
the parenchyma. It represents a bronchiolocentric inflammation
with preferential involvement of the centrilobular regions. The Fig. 3.5 A scanning electron micrograph of a pigeon feather (a)
interstitial pneumonitis is composed predominantly of showing the particles of powder-down or ‘bloom’ on the feather
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and foamy macrophages. Small and barbs (b). This waxy bloom coats the feathers and confers
waterproofing. Bloom dust looks like talcum powder; it is abundant
loosely formed granulomata are observed. The lymphocyte in pigeon lofts and is readily airborne. The bloom particles,
infiltrate is predominantly CD8+ but over time this normalizes approximately 1 µm in diameter, are composed largely of keratin,
to a predominance of CD4+ cells in chronic disease. There is and have a favorable aerodynamic size to penetrate and sediment
in the peripheral airways. The bloom particles are coated with
proliferation of type 2 pneumocytes and fibroblasts, and fibrosis pigeon serum proteins. These soluble antigens are transported into
secondary to the pneumonitis may include emphysematous the lung and their immunogenicity is enhanced by the insoluble
changes. In severe cases, irreversible alterations in the lung irritant/adjuvant nature of the bloom particles. (Photograph
courtesy of Dr Gavin Boyd.)
architecture (referred to as ‘honeycombing’) may follow. The
severity of the fibrosis, along with radiographic evidence of
honeycombing, is the best predictor of mortality. macrophages and directly activating the alternative and lectin-
In EAA, the total number of cells recovered by broncho- binding pathways of complement. This provides the necessary
alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid may be increased up to fourfold mediator stimuli for increasing vascular permeability and
compared to normal, and of these the proportion of lympho- promoting chemotactic migration of neutrophils and other cells
cytes may be up to 70%. The composition of lymphocyte types into the lung. Organic dusts commonly contain toxic substances,
in the BAL fluid and respiratory tract is also altered. The ratios many of which have enzymatic activities, while other agents
of CD4+ T-helper to CD8+ T-cytotoxic lymphocytes locally produce scavenger receptor-mediated macrophage enzyme
in the respiratory tract and BAL are normally consistent with release and non-specific lymphocyte blastogenesis. The inflam-
those in blood, but in acute EAA there is a significant increase matory consequences of these direct effects, and of those
in the number of cytotoxic T cells, B cells and plasma cells. modulated by complement and macrophages, are important
These changes may be caused directly by the inhaled dusts factors in the pathogenesis of EAA. Examples of the dusts
or by the response to them. The intrinsic, immunologically associated with pigeon fanciers’ lung and farmers’ lung are
non-specific nature of the causative organic dusts may explain shown in Figures 3.5 and 3.6 respectively.
some aspects of the pathology of EAA. They produce a variety Dust exposures can be similar in symptomatic and symptom-
of similar biological effects (Fig. 3.4). In particular they can free subjects; therefore the main determinant of disease out-
serve as potent immunologic adjuvants, by stimulating alveolar come is likely to be individual susceptibility. This may involve
42 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
a genetic predisposition associated with a particular HLA Immune-complex-induced tissue injury, as originally postulated
haplotype responsive to antigen, or a polymorphism regulating by Pepys, is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of EAA.
the production of an important mediator or mediator receptor. The development of symptoms 4–8 hours after exposure
Susceptibility appears to be associated with specific immune (reminiscent of the Arthus reaction), the presence of high levels
responsiveness to the inhaled dust antigen. The detail of of precipitating antibodies against the offending etiologic
some of the specific questions can be addressed by studying agents, and the detection of immunoglobulin and complement
experimental models of EAA. deposits in BAL fluid and lung lesions are among the arguments
in favor of this hypothesis. The acute lung inflammation model,
pioneered by Ward, is triggered by the intrapulmonary
Experimental models
deposition of IgG immune complexes, and has been used to
There are numerous animal models with which to study the study the roles of chemokines, cytokines, and complement in
immunopathogenic mechanisms of EAA. A common protocol the early processes of disease. The early response cytokines,
for the induction and monitoring of the disease in rabbits is such as tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interleukin-1β
illustrated in Figure 3.7. The most natural model of EAA is that (IL-1β), are required for upregulation of the expression of the
occurring in cattle (bovine farmers’ lung) exposed to the same vascular adhesion molecules, intercellular adhesion molecule-1
moldy hay as farmers, but mice (Mus musculus) are the tools (ICAM-1) and E-selectin on pulmonary vascular endothelial
of choice for immunologists, and with inbred strains, and gene- cells, which together with neutrophil chemoattractants such
insertion or deletion techniques, there have been major as IL-8 macrophage inflammatory protein-2, LTB4 and C5a are
advances in our understanding of EAA. required for the recruitment of neutrophils into the alveolar
compartment. This is associated with rapid (within 30 minutes)
activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3
(STAT-3) protein in macrophages. This may be of importance
because there are several isotypes of STAT and the relative
expression of STAT-3 compared with STAT-1 is an indicator of
chronicity in experimental arthritis. The more chronic inflam-
mation associated with asthma involves the expression of the
adhesion molecule, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
on vascular epithelium. Its ligand very late antigen-4 (VLA-4)
(the integrin α4β1) is expressed along with ICAM-3 on lung
lymphocytes in EAA, and in asthma (Fig. 3.8).
Although antibodies are related to antigen exposure and
are not diagnostic of disease per se, it is likely that immune
complexes of a certain antigen-antibody combining ratio,
rather than the antibody itself, can release proinflammatory
cytokines and cause granuloma formation. Also, disease
outcome may depend on the relative expression of stimulatory
Fig. 3.6 An open bale of moldy hay contains an abundance of Faeni Fcγ receptors CD16 and CD64, or the FcγR11β isoform of
rectivirgula spores. These spores are approximately 1 µm in diameter
and are readily aerosolized when the hay is disturbed. (Photograph CD32 which is an inhibitory regulator of immune-complex
courtesy of Dr Gavin Boyd.) cell activation.
lung lavage
• lymphokine production
• precipitating antibody formation
• activated alveolar macrophages
• increased IgG, IgM, and IgA
• CD8+ cell predominance
2 weeks'
incubation aerosolized
inhaled particulate
organic dust antigen mononuclear
cell infiltrate
Fig. 3.7 Rabbit model of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA). Aerosol challenge with particulate organic dust, or related antigens after systemic
immunization, results in an early neutrophilic infiltrate followed by granulomatous lesions compatible with those in cell-mediated allergic
tissue injury. The presence of lung lesions seen on histology is associated with local inflammatory cytokine production, antibody formation,
and the presence of activated alveolar macrophages plus a predominance of CD8+ T lymphocytes.
Pathogenesis of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • 43
Chemotaxis of Blood Cells into the Alveolar Space During Acute Allergic Alveolitis
ICAM neutrophil
C-selection CCR2
VLA-4 monocytes
Fig. 3.8 Cellular recruitment into the alveoli in EAA. Antigen reaching the alveolar spaces is bound by IgG antibody, and this antigen-antibody
complex is bound by IgG receptors on alveolar macrophages. This triggers synthesis of cytokines which up-regulate the expression of
adhesion molecules, and cytokines which have chemotactic activity (chemokines), and these together regulate the influx of inflammatory cells
accounting for the different phases of alveolitis. Acute inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin (IL)-1β
induce the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin which along with chemokines such as IL-8 binding its
specific chemokine receptor CXCR1 rapidly recruit neutrophils. This may partly explain the transient airway neutrophilia seen after acute
antigen exposure. More chronic antigen exposure is associated with expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and the typical
alveolar profile in EAA is of increased lymphocytes expressing its ligand the integrin very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) and ICAM-3. CD8 T-lymphocytes
responding to the cytokine macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α binding its specific chemokine receptor CXCR4 are recruited and
predominate for some weeks after antigen exposure. CD4 T-lymphocytes responding to the cytokine MIP-1β binding its specific chemokine
receptor CCR4 are recruited and predominate thereafter. Throughout this time the macrophage count is markedly increased supported by the
recruitment of monocytes by the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant peptide (MCP) binding its specific chemokine receptor CCR2.
Immune complex activation of alveolar macrophages may be inhaled antigens. This model might have relevance for humans,
a prerequisite to cell-mediated lung injury. Proinflammatory since many people are exposed to relevant etiological agents for
cytokines stimulated by immune complexes are involved in the long periods with the consequent development of precipitating
formation of granulomata of the type seen in EAA. In addition antibodies, but with little evidence of inflammatory changes in
to immune complex tissue injury there has been mounting the lung. Particulate organic dusts e.g. M. faeni spores, on the
evidence for the participation of lymphocyte-mediated tissue other hand, seem to have endogenous adjuvant activity. When
injury in the pathogenesis of EAA. For example, agents and inhaled, these spores cause an early (6 hours) neutrophilic
procedures that inhibit cell-mediated hypersensitivity (e.g. infiltrate followed by granulomatous lesions compatible with
corticosteroids, ciclosporin, antiserum against certain pro- cell-mediated immune tissue injury. The importance of
inflammatory cytokines, and neonatal thymectomy) have either lymphocytes to this process is shown by passive transfer of
markedly diminished or prevented the development of forms sensitivity with specifically sensitized lymph node and spleen
of granulomatous pneumonitis in animal experiments. EAA has cells (Fig. 3.9). When followed by aerosol antigen challenge,
also been transferred passively by sensitized lymphocytes this results in the production of granulomatous lesions closely
followed by respiratory tract challenge, whereas such transfer resembling those observed in human EAA.
is generally unsuccessful with hyperimmune serum.
In animal models, aerosol challenge with simple soluble
antigen generally results in immune tolerance; clinical disease
seems to require prior systemic sensitization with adjuvant. In The pathogenesis of EAA is likely to be regulated by cytokines.
models of pigeon breeders’ EAA, long-term aerosol exposure to The influenza-like symptoms associated with acute disease are
soluble antigens from pigeon serum resulted in antibody formation reminiscent of the adverse symptoms termed ‘cytokine-fever’
without detectable pulmonary inflammation. However, when associated with cytokine therapy. The immune response
the lung was primed with the adjuvant Bacille Calmette-Guérin associated with antigen exposure is cytokine mediated and
(BCG) and then exposed to the same antigens by aerosol, granuloma formation generally requires the contribution of
granulomatous lesions resembling those of EAA occurred in TNFα and IFNγ, implying a Th1 polarized lymphocyte response.
association with T-cell-dependent hypersensitivity to the Some Th1 lymphocyte-derived cytokines have been shown to
44 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
Fig. 3.9 Typical pulmonary alveolar and interstitial lymphoid cell infiltrates can be induced in naive rabbits following the intraperitoneal
transfer of specifically sensitized lymph node and spleen cells, with subsequent aerosol antigen challenge. This is not achieved by challenge
after transfer of hyperimmune serum alone.
be involved in the production of experimental granulomatous low and α4 integrin CD49d+). The requirement for T-cell
reactions. Administration of neutralizing antibody against activation for experimental EAA was confirmed by the
several of these, particularly TNFα, but also IL-2, IL-12 and administration of the synthetic molecule CTLA-4-Ig which
INFγ, can markedly decrease pulmonary granulomatous prevented disease development in experimental EAA. This
responses. molecule is an antagonist of the CD28/B7 interactions that
Other cytokines appear to play an important inhibitory role; were essential for T-cell activation and differentiation.
for example, administration of recombinant (r)IL-6 in the mouse Experimental EAA induced by S. rectivirgula in mice with
model of actinomycete-induced EAA markedly diminishes the either a Th1 or a Th2 bias is not altered by treatment with
recruitment of inflammatory cells into the lungs, as well as neutralizing antibody to IFNγ or IL-4. However disease
reducing the ensuing fibrotic response. On the other hand, susceptibility can be passively transferred with S. rectivirgula-
mice challenged with actinomycete antigen via the respiratory specific CD4+ cells taken from either sensitized C3H/HeJ
tract and given anti-IL-6 antibody develop a sustained neutrophilic (Th1 bias) or BALB/c mice (Th2 bias). This suggests that other
response followed by a more significant fibrosis than that seen aspects, in addition to genetic background and cytokine environ-
in control mice. Administration of rIL-10 reduces the pulmonary ment at the site of initial sensitization, determine the develop-
granuloma formation induced by schistosome egg antigens. The ment of EAA. A more detailed study of this strain-dependency
lymphoid cells from these rIL-10-treated mice produce low by microarray technology may determine the relevant cytokine
levels of IL-2 and IFNγ, suggesting that IL-10 functions by (and other) gene expression involved in pathogenesis.
downregulating Th1 responses. A counterpoint to this was the A strong candidate for further investigation is the chemokine
observation of an increased susceptibility to EAA in C57BL/6 family of molecules which coordinate the recruitment of
mice rendered genetically deficient in IL-10 production cells into an inflammatory site. For example the neutrophil
(IL-10-/-). These IL-10-/- mice had strikingly higher cell counts chemotactic cytokine IL-8 induces and activates neutrophil
in BAL fluid and a marked increase in granuloma formation accumulation in vivo in the lungs, whereas administration of
when compared to their wild-type littermates. anti-IL-8 blocks the recruitment of neutrophils and protects
The research groups of Schuyler and Hunninghake studied against lung injury in experimental rat models of EAA. In vitro
this association between Th1- or Th2-bias and EAA susceptibility S. rectivirgula can directly induce the secretion of the C-C
in a murine model. It was shown that Th1-biased C57BL/6 chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α)
mice are susceptible to EAA, whereas Th2-biased DBA/2 mice and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) from murine
are resistant. DBA/2 mice can become sensitized if they are macrophage cell lines. Similarly, after single intratracheal
given exogenous IL-12, a potent Th1 signal cytokine, at the administration of S. rectivirgula in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice
time of antigen exposure. The basis of this susceptibility is there is a marked appearance of MIP-1α and MCP-1 in BAL
thought to lie with the regulation of IL-12 by IL-4. Splenocytes fluid, followed by neutrophilia (24–48 hours), then lymphocytosis
from Th-1 biased, disease-susceptible C57BL/6 mice exhibited (48–72 hours). More recent work however suggests that MCP-1
decreased stability of IL-4 mRNA relative to splenocytes from and CCR-2 expression are not necessary for this alveolitis.
DBA/2 mice. This suggests that mRNA stability may serve as This influx of lymphocytes and the development of
an important mechanism underlying susceptibility to EAA, and granulomata can be blocked with analogs of sialyl Lewis X
perhaps also to Th1/Th2 immune polarization in general. The which bind E- and P-selectins, thus preventing the initial stages
induction of EAA in Th2-biased BALB/c mice seemed to require of leukocyte influx at which circulating cells adhere to
activated/memory Th1 cells (characterized by the adoptive endothelium. The subsequent movement of T lymphocytes
transfer of cells with the phenotype CD45Rb-, CD44+, CD25 into the interstitium has been shown to be dependent on their
Diagnosis of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • 45
An algorithm for the diagnosis of EAA is shown in Figure 3.11
Fig. 3.10 The type 2 epithelial cell has receptors (R) for, and
and discussed, in detail, below. responds to, cytokines including interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor
necrosis factor α (TNFα), IL-13 and granulocyte–macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The latter induces hyperplasia of
Symptom presentation the type 2 cell and foamy macrophages; both characteristic of
extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA). Other receptors include chemokine
The disease may present in an acute, intermediate, or chronic receptors, predominantly CXCR4 (its ligand is stromal derived
form. Major symptoms are cough, dyspnea, and weight loss. factor-1α), and protease activated receptors (PAR2). The cells
respond to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [suggesting also Toll-like
receptor 4 (TLR4)] and TNFα by increasing intracellular cyclic
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and release a range of
Acute form proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines including monocyte
chemoattractant protein (MCP), macrophage inflammatory
The acute form of EAA is the most easily recognized because protein-1α (MIP-1α), and MIP-2α. These are chemotactic for
symptoms are often quickly distressing and incapacitating, and lymphocytes and, along with TNFα, contribute to the development of
local ectopic lymphoid granuloma and germinal center formation.
have a high degree of specificity. Following the sensitizing period The type 2 epithelial cell has a major role in tissue repair. It
of exposure, which may vary from weeks to years, affected contributes to the regeneration of all epithelial cells after damage,
patients experience repeated episodes of an influenza-like most notably following hypoxia, radiation, and the inhalation of silica
and the antigens responsible for extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA).
illness accompanied by coughing and undue breathlessness The type 2 cells also provide mediators for remodeling of
some hours (usually 4–8 hours) after commencing exposure to extracellular matrix including increased production of transforming
growth factor β (TGFβ), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1
the relevant organic dust. The systemic influenza-like symptoms (TIMP-1) and TIMP-2 but constitutive production of matrix
generally dominate those that are essentially respiratory in metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1). Type 2 epithelial cells synthesize a high
nature, and patients complain mostly of malaise, fever, chills, molecular weight sialoglycoprotein KL-6 (Krebs von den Lungen-6)
belonging to cluster 9 of the mucin MUC1 classification. In
widespread aches and pains (particularly headache), anorexia, diseases where these cells rapidly proliferate, such as EAA, KL-6
and tiredness. They are unlikely to exercise, may well go to levels are extremely high in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and
bed, and may therefore be unaware of shortness of breath. They serum. Monitoring serum KL-6 levels reflects the severity of, and is
a useful indicator for the effectiveness of corticosteroid therapy in,
are, however, likely to develop a dry cough without wheeze and interstitial lung disease including EAA. In addition to structural
some difficulty in taking deep satisfying breaths. Occasionally, proteins, the type 2 cells produce vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF), promoting angiogenesis and
there is an asthmatic or bronchitic response in addition to that new nerve growth and survival. These last mediators have receptors
in the gas-exchanging tissues, and wheezing or productive cough on lymphocytes and newly ascribed immunomodulatory functions,
becomes a further feature. and they may prove to have important roles in immune
hypersensitivity diseases such as EAA.
Affected patients soon learn to associate symptoms with a
causative environment despite the delay in onset after exposure
begins. Recognition is particularly easy for groups such as
farmers and pigeon fanciers as the risks are likely to be well
known. However, in some cases there may be a tendency to
deny such a relationship for fear of compromising the ability to persist for a few hours only. When occupation is responsible,
pursue a livelihood or hobby, and the clinical history may the affected worker may feel unwell at home during the
appear much less convincing than it should. following evening or night and be fully recovered by the next
The severity and duration of symptoms depend on the morning. Consequently, the relevance of the workplace may be
exposure dose as well as individual susceptibility. With a obscured. When severe responses follow particularly heavy
relatively low level of acute exposure, symptoms are mild and exposures, the relation of the one to the other will be more
46 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
obvious and complete remission may require several days or differences in host responsiveness exert an important additional
even weeks. Such responses are occasionally life threatening. influence. Consequently, there may be considerable variability
in the symptomatic features among individuals affected by the
same source of antigenic exposure. Over recent years it has also
Chronic form
been recognized that farmers affected by EAA may develop
In some subjects EAA expresses itself much less dramatically severe and disabling emphysema, despite never having smoked,
though there is greater potential for serious disablement. There and so it appears that lung destruction as well as fibrosis may
is a slowly increasing loss of exercise tolerance owing to short- characterize the chronic form of EAA.
ness of breath with no systemic upset apart from an occasional
prominent loss of weight. This is the result of diffuse pulmonary
Intermediate form
fibrosis which has often been progressing for years before the
affected person seeks advice. The slower the progression and The acute form of EAA can be produced by inhalation-
the longer the delay, the greater is the likelihood of permanent provocation testing in patients with the chronic form of the
fibrotic damage. Eventually hypoxia and pulmonary hypertension disease. This emphasizes the major role that dose exerts in
may supervene and the right heart fails. There are no acute determining the clinical nature of the response that occurs.
exacerbations and each day and each month are much like Depending on the exposure dose and host responsiveness, a
any other. variety of intermediate forms of EAA can be recognized and
The chronic form of EAA is typically seen in patients who some patients will experience different patterns of response at
keep a single budgerigar/parakeet in the home. The level of different times. In subjects predominantly manifesting the
antigenic exposure to avian dust is comparatively trivial – chronic form of the disease, for example, it is possible for a
compared with the farm worker forking bales of heavily limited degree of recovery to follow cessation of exposure and
contaminated hay in a poorly ventilated barn – but it is for an acute exacerbation to occur. In general, however, the
encountered almost continuously, particularly if the affected individual affected by the chronic form of EAA should be
person is a housewife or an elderly pensioner largely confined satisfied if no further progression occurs following cessation of
to the home. These different exposure patterns are generally exposure because, in some cases, fibrotic damage continues
responsible for the distinct clinical forms of EAA, although regardless.
Diagnosis of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • 47
Pulmonary assessment
In many cases EAA is first suspected after the presence of
diffuse alveolitis or progressive pulmonary fibrosis is established.
In the acute form of the disease a chest radiograph will commonly
show no abnormality unless symptoms are moderately severe.
Normal radiographic appearances are particularly common
with humidifier lung, possibly because the antigen is largely
present in soluble rather than particulate form. When the
radiograph is abnormal there is a widespread alveolar filling
pattern, particularly in the lower and middle zones. This may
resolve within a mere 24–48 hours once exposure has ceased.
In more subacute forms, irregular small ‘reticular’ opacities
simulating asbestosis are seen within the same distribution.
Occasionally a more nodular pattern occurs. The opacities may
persist for several weeks despite cessation of exposure, and if
exposure continues, honeycombing may develop. In contrast,
the upper zones are predominantly affected by the irreversible
fibrotic process that characterizes the chronic form of EAA.
Fig. 3.12 Patchy bilateral infiltrates in a patient with humidifier lung.
The lesions cleared after removal of duct work, and cleaning and This may simulate sarcoidosis or even tuberculosis and may
replacement of the humidifier and the residual water pan, which lead to considerable shrinkage and distortion. In practice, the
contained a heavy growth of actinomycetes and other radiographic appearances vary considerably from patient to
patient and correlate poorly with the clinical severity of the
percentage 100 FEV1
of control
diffusion capacity
percentage 100 Dco
of control
may reveal little of note in the acute form of the disease when recent popularity of video-assisted thoracoscopic techniques
there has been little recent exposure. When lung function is has made adequate-volume biopsy more readily available. It
impaired the pattern suggests parenchymal or interstitial disease may be particularly useful in the subacute or chronic forms of
but is otherwise non-specific. There is impaired carbon the disease when hypersensitivity is less obvious or when,
monoxide gas transfer [diminished carbon monoxide diffusing acutely, there has been an unduly heavy exposure to microbial
capacity (DLCO) and carbon monoxide transfer coefficient spores and there is a suspicion of microbial invasion. BAL,
(KCO)] with restricted ventilation [diminished FVC with normal although more readily performed and less hazardous, has not
or increased FEV1:FVC ratio (FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1 proved to be as definitive as biopsy and remains a complementary
the forced expiratory volume in 1 second)], decreased rather than an alternative investigatory procedure.
compliance and, in the more severe examples, hypoxemia with
hypocapnia – particularly on exercise. Although total lung
Environmental evaluation
capacity is reduced, residual volume is often increased suggesting
air trapping as a result of bronchiolar involvement. Occasionally If a causal agent has to be identified from an unexpected or
there is also obstruction of the large airways but this implies a previously unrecognized source, direct air sampling of the
coincidental asthmatic or bronchitic effect. The changes following suspected environment may be required using industrial hygiene
an acute exposure in an affected pigeon fancier are shown in techniques, coupled (if appropriate) with microbiologic investi-
Figure 3.13. gations. A recent domestic example in North America showed
that fungal contamination centered on damp fiberglass insulation
Lung biopsy in a basement with Aureobasidium pullulans (the microorganism
A transbronchial, video-assisted thoracoscopic, or open lung associated with sequoiosis), Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (a
biopsy may be required when other diagnostic procedures are microorganism associated with farmers’ lung), and a species of
not sufficiently definitive in distinguishing EAA from cryptogenic Humicola was the probable cause of a housewife’s EAA. This
fibrosing alveolitis, or other diffuse infiltrative or fibrotic illustrates importantly that such a cause is not confined to
disorders of the lung, but it is not commonly needed. The Japan or to summer, or to species of Trichosporon, or to redwood
Diagnosis of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • 49
(sequoia) workers or farm workers. Although the fiberglass was or so without exposure offers the simplest method of producing
removed, fungal growth could not be completely eliminated the ‘challenge’, but may not be sufficient to generate an
and her degree of susceptibility was such that only an eventual unequivocally positive response in subjects with the chronic
house move brought satisfactory control. form of the disease. It may, however, be the only practical
method if the suspected environment harbors no obvious
source of allergen, or if there are many potential candidates. A
Immunologic assessment
positive response will confirm that the subject is affected, but
Respirable antigenic dusts stimulate immune responses in most will not identify the causal agent. When a definitive diagnosis is
(perhaps all) exposed subjects, yet disease such as EAA becomes particularly important, laboratory-based inhalation-challenge
evident in only a minority. This creates difficulty in assessing testing can be used. These tests employ a variety of techniques
which immunologic tests, among the many with diagnostic from nebulizing soluble extracts to recreating environmental
potential, are best able to separate subjects with disease from exposures in an exposure chamber. Ideally the ‘challenge’ is
those who are exposed but unaffected. The matter is conducted in a double-blind fashion, neither the test subject
complicated because symptom perception varies enormously nor the immediately supervising physician knowing whether
from subject to subject, and so some with symptoms have no the test allergen is being used or a dummy control.
demonstrable disease, while others without symptoms show The influenza-like component of positive reactions is often
unequivocal physiologic or radiographic abnormalities. In general, uncomfortable and, if excessive doses are administered, these
immunologic tests identify subjects with exposure more readily tests can be hazardous. Moreover, objective evidence for positive
than they identify disease among the subjects who are exposed. reactions may be difficult to obtain from conventional lung
A positive immunologic test does, however, indicate that the function testing. Consequently, tests of this nature should be
exposed subject has mounted an immune response, and so restricted to centers with special expertise. Personal experience
usefully separates an exposed subject in whom EAA is plausible from 144 inhalation-challenge tests of evaluating objective
from one in whom it is improbable. Furthermore, the greater changes in body temperature, circulating neutrophil and
the strength of an immune response, the greater is the probability lymphocyte numbers, FVC, and exercise tests is summarized in
of disease. This implies potential diagnostic benefit from tests Table 3.2. Together, these monitoring tests provide high
which display results quantitatively over a range compared with specificity and high sensitivity. Auscultation, chest radiography,
those which give positive or negative results only. Nevertheless, measurement of gas transfer, and arterial blood gas analysis are
in practice a negative test goes a long way to excluding EAA. often too insensitive to provide useful diagnostic information.
A caveat needs to be applied to smokers, since smoking
diminishes many immune responses. When immunologic tests Serum antibody
do not favor EAA, the diagnosis is rarely made, but it may not High levels of a precipitating antibody, which reacts with the
be adequately excluded. There is consequently some doubt as offending antigen, are characteristically detectable by simple
to whether smoking diminishes the risk of EAA in proportion double gel diffusion in the serum of individuals with EAA,
to the degree that it diminishes immune responsiveness. Thus, particularly those with the acute form of the disease. More
a negative immunologic test in a current smoker does not sensitive techniques than precipitin formation [e.g. counter-
exclude EAA with the same degree of confidence that it does current electrophoresis or quantitative enzyme-linked immuno-
in a current non-smoker. sorbent assay (ELISA)] are sufficiently sensitive to detect
antibodies against organic dust antigen in virtually all patients.
Inhalation challenge testing The predominant antibody class is IgG and healthy control
Inhalation challenge tests provide the gold standard for the subjects with no apparent exposure to a particular aero-antigen
diagnosis of EAA, whether in the natural setting or in the will have very low antibody levels. Exposed individuals will
laboratory. A return to the suspected environment after a week have a range of levels of antibody and it is important to consider
50 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
airways. These data suggest that there is ongoing lung inflam- When subacute or chronic forms of EAA are encountered,
mation in subjects exposed to antigens of EAA, but only a the differential diagnosis lies with other diffuse infiltrative and
proportion of these go on to develop symptoms. fibrotic disorders of the lung. Those most frequently resembling
In summary, BAL may be of practical diagnostic value if used EAA include diffuse idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (cryptogenic
to investigate diffuse interstitial lung disease, since a high fibrosing alveolitis), sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis,
lymphocyte count with CD4:CD8 ratio < 1 will alert the clinician and metastatic cancer although a huge variety of less common
to the possibility of EAA; and serological tests for IgG antibody disorders may also need to be considered.
are indispensable in showing that an immunologic response has
been generated to a recognized cause of EAA. For practical
purposes, failure to demonstrate a relevant IgG antibody makes
a diagnosis of EAA improbable, though the confidence with Little is known about the natural history and prognosis of EAA
which this applies to current smokers is yet to be clarified. after chronic long-term exposure, and there is a degree of
inconsistency among the reports that have been published. One
study of patients with farmers’ lung revealed a 5-year morbidity
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS rate of 30% and another of Mexican patients with pigeon fanciers’
Acute EAA is not the only disorder characterized by systemic lung suggested a 5-year mortality as high as 25%. Respiratory
influenza-like symptoms and respiratory distress, following an disability in these cases was caused mainly by pulmonary fibrosis.
unusually heavy exposure to microbially contaminated vegetable In general, when individuals continue to work after experiencing
produce. In 1986, an international symposium considered a one or more acute attacks they may be subject to recurrent
further disorder which occurs within hours of heavy respiratory acute attacks and to progressive and permanent fibrotic damage
exposure to dust containing fungal toxins, particularly those (i.e. the chronic form of the disease). Fortunately, such a course
released on decapping silos. This is the result of direct toxicity is usually followed in only a minority of affected subjects. The
rather than hypersensitivity. Although illness from fungal toxin reasons why some individuals develop fibrosis are extremely
ingestion (mycotoxicosis) has been recognized for some time, important but unresolved. The matter was addressed in a recent
respiratory exposure was not considered hazardous until recently. study describing tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP),
Rather than pulmonary mycotoxicosis, the term organic dust the protein with regulates collagenase function. A haplotype
toxic syndrome (ODTS) was the recommended description. variant of the TIMP-3 promoter was found to protect against
Its effects are usually mild and self-limiting but severe susceptibility in pigeon breeders’ EAA (Fig. 3.10).
respiratory embarrassment may occur and there is a small risk A survey of 1992 farm workers, presenting with the acute
of ongoing and potentially fatal fungal invasion of the lungs. form of farmers’ lung and followed over 2–40 years, showed
This risk could be enhanced if corticosteroid treatment is given, that, while the majority continued to live on farms, only a
and death has occurred because of this despite normal immuno- minority developed radiographic evidence of pulmonary fibrosis
competence. Not only does ODTS occur in circumstances (39%) or impairment of carbon monoxide gas transfer (30%).
which favor the occurrence of EAA, but its clinical features As many as 28% gave histories of chronic productive cough and
have much in common with EAA and, to a lesser extent, with 25% had airway obstruction. This illustrates: first, that farm
nitrogen dioxide toxicity which also affects silo workers. Indeed, (and other occupational) dusts may cause chronic bronchitis
there is so much overlap that it may be very difficult to distinguish and asthma as well as EAA; and second, that chronic forms of
one disorder from the other in the individual (Table 3.3). farmers’ lung may involve emphysema as well as fibrosis. A
The acute form of EAA can only be the result of an acute similar 10-year outcome has been reported in 24 pigeon fanciers
and recent exposure to the relevant causal antigen (a matter of with the acute form of EAA. Again, the majority elected to
hours). With the exceptions of ODTS and nitrogen dioxide continue the antigenic exposure despite medical advice to the
toxicity, this limits the opportunity for diagnostic error although contrary. Fanciers had attempted to regulate their exposure to
the circumstances of an unusually heavy exposure may be the birds by use of masks and by spending less time in their
subtle. For example, a pigeon fancier might spend rather less lofts, but this is an unlikely explanation for the benign course
time than usual with his birds, but much more time than usual of their disease, as levels of antibody to pigeon antigen remained
in the confined environment of his hazardous car – hazardous high, suggesting that appreciable antigen exposure was still
because of pigeon dust accumulated from the regular transport occurring.
of his racing birds for training exercises. It seems that in some cases, perhaps in the majority, important
Just as acute and heavy exposures to organic dust may, on protective mechanisms emerge which lead to tolerance from
the one hand, cause disorders other than EAA, they may, on the the effects of further acute exposures or at least prevent the
other hand, be quite irrelevant and purely coincidental to the development of damaging fibrosis. Such tolerance, perhaps
acute respiratory disorder with which a patient presents. associated with the production of antiinflammatory cytokines
Consequently, the differential diagnosis should include some and related suppressor factors, has been the rule rather than
consideration of other acute disorders of the lung parenchyma the exception in most animal models of EAA. Rodents exposed
and interstitium such as infections, other immunologic to aerosols of soluble antigen develop immunologic tolerance
disorders, drug reactions, and even paraquat poisoning, which which can only be circumvented by co-administration of
sometimes occurs accidentally in farm workers. In bird keepers immunologic adjuvant, which then induces EAA. Similarly in
the diagnosis of viral, mycoplasma, and chlamydial infection humans, the majority of subjects newly exposed to aerosolized
may itself be confounded by false-positive microbial antibody antigens do not develop symptoms and disease. The nature of
tests. This is the result of cross-reactions between pre-existing this inherent non-responsiveness is unknown, but understanding
avian antibodies and egg protein in the microbial culture it could be very important in understanding many chronic
material used to provide the test agents. disorders. There are likely to be several mechanisms, and in
52 • Chapter 3 • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
Table 3.3 Features of nitrogen dioxide pneumonitis, organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) and acute farmers’ lung
some cases cigarette smoking may be relevant. Among pigeon serum pattern of marginally higher than normal C-reactive
fanciers, the smokers do not generally make IgG responses to protein and proinflammatory TNFα and IL-6 levels, but very
avian antigens and appear not to develop EAA. This may be a markedly raised IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) levels.
consequence of the lower inducible macrophage cytokine IL-1Ra is an antiinflammatory cytokine which binds and blocks
production, which is thought to explain the association between the function of the IL-1 receptor. The IL-1Ra levels correlate
smoking or nicotine therapy with the prevention or resolution with the IgG antibody titers suggesting a steady-state of antigen
of another mucosal disease, ulcerative colitis. A further but exposure and control of inflammation which may prevent
unexplored possibility is that a diagnosis of EAA has been symptoms. This response may be biologically useful in order to
excluded inappropriately in smokers simply because antibody minimize tissue damage to intermittent antigen exposure.
tests are negative. Such bias could have distorted the However, this damping of acute symptoms may disguise the
epidemiologic evidence. insidious progression of fibrotic disease.
Another example of tolerance is reflected in the periodicity Individuals in a particular aero-environment who have no
of the clinical response shown by some subjects with EAA – immunologic or clinical reactivity to antigen may exhibit one
particularly those sensitized to humidifier contaminants at further example of tolerance. They may have a counterpart to
work. Although they show a typical acute EAA response on the functional regulatory CD4+/CD25+ T cells, which prevent
first day at work after a weekend break, symptoms over the hypersensitivity to common allergens among non-atopic indi-
following days lessen or even cease. The mechanisms for this viduals. In asthma patients these cells are functionally deficient,
are unknown, but suggest either an exposure-dependent depletion and this may also be the case in subjects who develop EAA.
of active mediators which can reaccumulate during periods There is indirect evidence for this, since the function of these
away from antigen exposure, or the downstream induction of regulatory cells is enhanced by steroid treatment and steroid
antiinflammatory mediators. There is some evidence for this therapy provides the mainstay in the pharmaceutical management
latter suggestion among pigeon fanciers. They have a typical of EAA. Some of these aspects are illustrated on Fig. 3.15.
Acknowledgement • 53
regulatory T-cells
American Thoracic Society/European Facco M, Trentin L, Nicolardi L, et al. T cells Lacasse Y, Selman M, Costabel U, et al.
Thoracic Society. International in the lung of patients with EAA Study Group. Clinical diagnosis of
Multidisciplinary Consensus hypersensitivity pneumonitis accumulate hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Am J Respir
Classification of the Idiopathic in a clonal manner. J Leukoc Biol 2004; Crit Care Med 2003; 168:952–958.
Interstitial Pneumonias. Am J Respir 75:798–804. McSharry C, Anderson K, Bourke SJ, et al.
Crit Care Med 2002; 165:227–304. Gudmundsson G, Hunninghake GW. Mice Takes your breath away – the
Ando M, Konishi K, Yoneda R, et al. deficient in interleukin-10 production immunology of allergic alveolitis. Clin
Difference in the phenotypes of develop more severe hypersensitivity Exp Immunol 2002; 128:3–129.
broncho-alveolar lavage lymphocytes in pneumonitis. J Invest Med 1997, Patel AM, Ryu JH, Reed CE. Hypersensitivity
patients with summer-type 244A. pneumonitis: current concepts and
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, farmer’s Johnston I. (Chairman), British Thoracic future questions. J Allergy Clin Immunol
lung, ventilation pneumonitis, and bird Society, Standards of Care Committee. 2001; 108:661–670.
fancier’s lung: report of a nationwide The diagnosis, assessment and Pérez-Padilla R, Salas J, Chapela R, et al.
epidemiologic study in Japan. treatment of diffuse parenchymal lung Mortality in Mexican patients with
J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991; disease in adults. Thorax 1999; chronic pigeon breeder’s lung compared
87:1002–1009. 54(suppl 1):S1–S28. to those with usual interstitial
Dangeman KH, Cole SR, Hodgson MJ, et al. Kupeli E, Karnak D, Kayacan O, et al. Clues pneumonitis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1993;
The hypersensitivity pneumonitis for the differential diagnosis of 148:49–53.
diagnostic index: use of non-invasive hypersensitivity pneumonitis as an Schenker MB. Respiratory health hazards in
testing to diagnose hypersensitivity expectant variant of diffuse parenchymal agriculture. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
pneumonitis in metalworkers. Am J lung disease. Postgrad Med J 2004; 1998; 158:S1–S76.
Indust Med 2002; 42:150–162. 80:339–345.
Rhinitis can be defined
as symptoms of nasal
irritation, sneezing,
rhinorrhea, and nasal
blockage lasting for at
least 1 hour a day on
most days.
Glenis K Scadding and Martin K Church
Most people will experience nasal symptoms at times as a normal defense mechanism,
and the threshold at which such symptoms are perceived as a problem varies. The
diagnosis of rhinitis is based on the subjective reporting of nasal complaints in the
absence of upper respiratory tract infection, other diseases, or structural abnormalities.
To date, investigations for rhinitis have low sensitivity and specificity and the diagnosis,
therefore, must be made predominantly on the basis of the clinical history – the above
definition may exclude a proportion of cases with mild disease. Diary recording of
symptoms and their circumstances over a 2-week period may be helpful in borderline
Readers should note that according to current guidelines rhinitis is now referred
to as intermittent or persistent rather than seasonal or perennial as was the case
Rhinitis occurs mostly in patients aged 15–25 years, and is less common in older
patients. As with other allergic diseases, the prevalence of rhinitis is steadily increasing
(Fig. 4.1).
Patients present with nasal irritation, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and nasal blockage,
symptoms which may be intermittent or persistent. In allergic rhinitis there is usually
a clear relationship with exposure to known allergens, most frequently pollens in
intermittent rhinitis, and house dust mite or household pets in persistent rhinitis. The
identification of an allergic trigger in the latter group is often difficult. In some
patients there is no evidence of allergy. Some of these have autonomic rhinitis, the
major symptom of which is rhinorrhea, and, in the remainder, no allergen can be
detected even though their symptoms are similar to those of allergic rhinitis (Fig. 4.2).
Mixed forms of rhinitis with allergic and autonomic features also exist.
Certain systemic disorders such as Wegener’s granulomatosis and sarcoidosis can
present with rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis
Atopy, defined as the ability to produce high levels of IgE directed against common
allergens, is very prevalent among young adults, with approximately 50% of individuals
aged 18–45 years having at least one positive skin prick test (SPT) to common inhalant
allergens. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis is over 10% in the 15–25 year age group,
approximately half of whom seek medical advice (see Fig. 4.1).
The important allergens in allergic rhinitis vary in different parts of the world: in
the UK grass pollinosis is commonest, in some parts of North America ragweed
predominates, in Scandinavia birch pollen is common, while in Mediterranean areas
56 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
number of 70 70
60 60
per 1000 50 50 Fig. 4.1 (a) Number of patients
population consulting their family doctor
40 40
for treatment of seasonal
30 30 rhinitis in the UK in 1970 and
1981. (b) Number of men and
20 20 women consulting their family
doctor for treatment of seasonal
10 10 rhinitis in the UK 1981.
0 0 [Adapted with permission from
Fleming DM, Crombie DL.
0 5 15 25 45 65 75+ 0 5 15 25 45 65 75+ Prevalence of asthma and hay
age (years) age (years) fever in England and Wales.
a b Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1987;
Parietaria species (a nettle-like weed) and olive tree pollen are than asthma, the nasal mucosa being more accessible to deposition
common allergens (Table 4.1). In tropical climates, allergenic of dusts and vapors (e.g. baker’s flour, isocyanates, wood dusts,
pollens may be present all year round; consequently the and animal allergens), all of which can be associated with an
symptoms of pollen allergy may be persistent. Conversely, IgE-mediated allergic response. Occupational rhinitis always
classically persistent allergens, such as the house dust mite, precedes or accompanies the development of occupational
provoke intermittent symptoms in temperate climates where asthma, never the other way round. Food allergens are also
there are increased levels of mite allergens during the autumn sometimes a source of symptoms, particularly in children, but
(see Table 4.1). Molds are uncommon causes of allergic rhinitis, rhinitis is very uncommon as an isolated feature of food allergy.
owing to their small size, as they are more likely to be deposited Some food additives, such as metabisulphite, can also provoke
in the lower airway by gravity-dependent sedimentation or generalized allergic symptoms, including rhinitis.
inertial impaction than in the upper airway by turbulent airflow. It is likely that much allergic sensitization occurs in very
However, occasionally small quantities of mold trapped in the early life when the immune system is immature (Table 4.2).
sinuses result in a marked eosinophilic inflammatory response The inheritance of atopy is likely to be polygenic. Gene linkage
with the formation of nasal polyposis. This is termed allergic studies have suggested an autosomal-recessive inheritance for
fungal sinusitis. elevated total IgE levels, but there are several levels of genetic
Occupational agents also cause allergic rhinitis (see Table 4.1). control for specific and total IgE, skin test positivity, and
In fact, rhinitis is a more common manifestation of sensitization disease specificity. There is also a higher prevalence of rhinitis
Classification of Rhinitis • 57
neutrophil and
lamina propria
eosinophil cells
basophil neutrophil venous sinusoid sensory nerve eosinophil arteriole periosteum bone
Acetylcholine Neuropeptides
histamine methacholine
air at ambient
and humidity
air at 32C gland and goblet
98% humidity, cell secretion
particles < 2 µm
Fig. 4.8 Functions of the nose in warming, humidifying, and filtering Fig. 4.10 Effects of histamine and methacholine on the nasal
inspired air. mucosa in rhinitis.
histamine methacholine
15 15
5 5
non-atopics *
* p < 0.01
0 0
0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
cumulative dose (mg) cumulative dose (mg)
Fig. 4.9 Changes in nasal airway resistance (NAR) following the administration of histamine and methacholine (weighted geometric mean
62 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
Table 4.3 Mediators which act on the nose, their action, and their source
ECP, eosinophil cationic protein; EPO, eosinophil peroxidase; LTB4, leukotriene B4; LTC4, leukotriene C4;
LTD4, leukotriene D4; MBP, major basic protein; PAF, platelet activation factor; PGD2, prostaglandin D2.
Pathogenesis of Allergic Rhinitis • 63
July Oct Jan
Eosinophil numbers are increased in rhinitics, and rise during
Fig. 4.12 Percentage of total mast cell numbers present in the the pollen season in pollen-sensitive individuals (Fig. 4.16).
nasal epithelium in July (in the grass pollen season), compared to Eosinophils increase transiently in nasal mucosal biopsies from
October and January, in rhinitics sensitive to grass pollen.
pollen-sensitive rhinitics 30 minutes after allergen challenge,
but the numbers in nasal secretions are persistently raised, and
allergy, while specific H1 antagonists reduce such symptoms. peak at 7–10 hours. This suggests rapid migration from the
The response to other mediators varies: for example, PAF mucosa into the secretions. The chemoattractants involved in
causes an increase in nasal patency. None of the putative this process remain to be identified, although they may include
mediators have been shown to cause the ongoing inflammation leukotriene B4, PAF, eotaxin, and adhesion molecules (VCAM-1).
of a late response. During the late phase, the presence of The eosinophils are activated, with hypodense granules, and
histamine, in the absence of PGD2, is suggestive of basophil can damage nasal epithelial cells cultured in vitro, slowing and
activation. This is supported by the demonstration of basophils disorganizing the ciliary beat. The influx of activated eosinophils
in nasal lavage fluid during the late-phase response. results in the release of toxic granule products, particularly
N-a-tosyl l-arginine methyl ester (TAME)-esterase is a non- EPO and MBP, which are toxic to cultured human nasal
specific marker of inflammation that consists of a mixture of epithelial cells and cause lysis. Even at low concentrations,
plasma and glandular kallikrein activity and, to a lesser extent, MBP can reduce ciliary beat frequency. Such damage may
mast cell tryptase activity. Levels of TAME-esterase parallel contribute to the inflammatory features of the late-phase
nasal symptomatology and pollen counts during the pollen season response and subsequent nasal hyperresponsiveness.
and it. TAME-esterase is found in nasal secretions following
allergen challenge, indicating that plasma leakage is a major
Dendritic cells and T cells
component of the allergic response in the nose (see Fig. 4.13).
It is likely that kinins, and complement and coagulation factors The number of both dendritic (or Langerhans’) cells and T cells
derived from the plasma, augment the inflammatory response at the surface of the nasal epithelium is increased in rhinitis.
in the nose. The levels of TAME-esterase and histamine show The interaction of dendritic cells (which process and present
the features of priming, with an increase following repeated allergen) with T cells promotes differentiation of T cells towards
allergen challenge within 24 hours of the initial challenge. the IL-4 and IL-5 producing the helper T cell type 2 (Th2)
BK (Bradykinin), a nonapeptide derived from kallidin, has subtype, leading to IgE production by plasma cells and
been shown to increase in seasonal allergic rhinitis and following eosinophil activation respectively. In situ hybridization studies
nasal allergen challenge. BK challenge causes nasal blockage, have shown increased numbers of T cells from atopic rhinitics
rhinorrhea, and pain; BK1-antagonists of BK do not block these expressing mRNA for IL-4 and IL-5.
symptoms. However, the recently developed BK2-antagonist,
icatibant, if given intranasally 2 minutes prior to house dust mite
Epithelial cells
challenge, causes almost complete ablation of nasal obstruction
(Fig. 4.14). Given the similarities between the pathogenesis of asthma and
Nitric oxide (NO) is a colorless, odorless gas and is the final rhinitis, it might be expected that rhinitics would demonstrate
common pathway of many inflammatory reactions. It is derived evidence of epithelial damage. However, there is no difference
from arginine via an enzyme, nitric oxide synthase, which exists between mean epithelial heights in pollen-sensitive rhinitics
in an inducible form in macrophages. The concentration of NO when mucosal biopsies are examined either during or outside
is seven times higher in paranasal sinuses than in the nose, the pollen season. The lamina reticularis is not thickened as it
which in turn shows concentrations higher than those in the is in asthmatics. There is also no significant increase in numbers
lungs. The levels of the gas increase in the nose after nasal of epithelial cells in nasal lavage specimens following allergen
allergen challenge. Pretreatment with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl challenge even during the late response. It is likely that epithelial
64 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
histamine 10
TAME-esterase 20
cpm ×10-3
PGD2 100
(pg/0.1mL) 80
damage only occurs in the context of prolonged inflammation, Nasal polyp tissue has been used to study local
as with nasal polyps. hematopoietic mechanisms. Nasal polyp epithelial cells and
fibroblasts are capable of stimulating eosinophil and basophil
differentiation in blood from atopic individuals. Additionally,
Pathogenesis of nasal polyps
mononuclear cell colonies from nasal polyps yield mainly
The histologic features of nasal polyps are more similar to those eosinophil and basophil precursors, indicating an advanced
of asthma than those of allergic rhinitis: frequently there is stage of differentiation. High levels of granulocyte–macrophage
epithelial damage, epithelial cell shedding, and thickening of colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and granulocyte colony-
the lamina reticularis. There may be squamous metaplasia, and stimulating factor (G-CSF) are present, which contribute to
eosinophils and mast cells are present in increased numbers in this differentiation. Fibroblasts from nasal polyps also
the epithelium. The stroma of the polyp is grossly edematous demonstrate increased growth in vitro.
with marked eosinophil infiltration and increased numbers of In contrast to rhinitis, patients with nasal polyps predominantly
plasma cells, mast cells, and lymphocytes. Some patients with demonstrate peripheral blood eosinophilia and the counts are
perennial rhinitis also demonstrate such features to a lesser further increased if asthma is also present. However, such
degree, with evidence of squamous metaplasia, edema, and eosinophilia occurs regardless of the presence of allergy. It is
increased numbers of inflammatory cells. possible that secretion of GM-CSF from nasal tissue contributes
Diagnosis of Rhinitis • 65
% change in nasal airflow
−20 1.8
−40 1.4
placebo (March) placebo (July)
house dust house dust mite +
mite icatibant
Fig. 4.16 Eosinophil density in rhinitics sensitive to grass pollen
before (March) and during (July) the grass pollen season.
Fig. 4.14 Effects of bradykinin antagonist, icatibant, in intranasal
challenge with house dust mite. (Adapted from Austin CE, Foreman
JC, Scadding GK. Reduction by Hoe140, the B2 kinin receptor
antagonist, of antigen-induced nasal blockage. Br J Pharmacol
1994; 111:969–971.) to differentiation of eosinophil–basophil colonies and to
increased eosinophil survival locally or in the systemic circulation.
The diagnosis of rhinitis in a patient complaining of upper
Effect of L-NAME on Nasal Challenge with Grass Pollen airway problems consists of obtaining a detailed history and
performing a physical examination supplemented by critical
tests. Further laboratory, radiologic, and morphologic examinations
a b may also be performed if considered necessary.
albumin above baseline (mg/dl)
nasal airflow (% baseline)
85 8
A detailed history augmented with specific questions, presented
80 in the form of either a structured oral interview or a written
questionnaire, is essential to distinguish rhinitis from upper
4 * respiratory infections or other nasal complaints. Such a
70 questionnaire should cover the following:
2 • Is there a family history of atopy?
• What is the symptom profile – is there a dominant nasal
60 0 symptom, such as blockage, sneezes, or nasal secretions?
+ • Are the nasal problems isolated or are there more extensive
antigen antigen antigen antigen symptoms?
• Are there concomitant signs from other parts of the upper
Fig. 4.15 Effect of saline or L-NAME on nasal challenge with grass airways, such as sinuses or ears?
pollen. L-NAME inhibits albumin release but has no effect on nasal
blockage in response to allergen challenge. (Adapted from Dear JW,
• Is there a history of lower airway, ocular, or dermatologic
Scadding GK, Foreman JC. Reduction by NG-nitro-L -arginine methyl
ester of antigen induced nasal airway plasma extravasation in • How would you describe the symptoms and what is the
human subjects in vivo. Br J Pharmacol 1995; 116:1720–1722.) chronology of their onset?
66 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
Fig. 4.17 The allergic salute. Fig. 4.18 A rigid rhinoscopic examination of a normal nose. The
interior of the right nasal cavity is shown with the lateral nasal wall
to the right and the middle turbinate on the left. (Courtesy of Jan
Kumlien, MD.)
Evaluating Patients
with Suspected Allergic Rhinitis
skin test
– – +
supplementary specific
examinations tests; RAST
nasal challenge
Fig. 4.19 A rigid rhinoscopic examination from a patient with a
small nasal polyp in the right nasal cavity, immediately between – +
the middle turbinate and the lateral nasal wall. (Courtesy of
Jan Kumlien, MD.)
pressure (Pa)
150 Pa
flow pressure
transducer transducer
x–y plotter
a b
Fig. 4.21 The rhinomanometric examination. (a) The patient breathes through the nose via an anesthetic mask to which a flow transducer is
attached. A further tube is introduced into the mouth and held tightly between the lips. This is attached to a pressure transducer to measure
mouth pressure. (b) Pressure and flow are plotted on an x–y plotter. Resistance may be calculated by reading flow at a constant pressure,
usually 150 Pa.
before provocation
352 mL/s
Acoustic Rhinometry
after before
area (cm2) 10
Nasal Lavage
histamine (ng/mL) 6
tryptase (pg/mL) 15
TAME- 30
esterase × 103
↑↑↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
washout xylo- diluent diluent 100 1000 10000
metazoline BU BU BU
↑= lavages
Fig. 4.24 A nasal lavage can be performed by administering normal saline solution (approximately 5 mL/nasal cavity) whilst simultaneously
closing the epipharynx. A nasal-allergen challenge can be performed during a series of repeated lavages at a fixed time interval. Increasing
doses of allergen in an allergic individual will produce increasing quantities of markers of mast-cell activation such as histamine, tryptase,
TAME-esterase, and plasma proteins.
acute sinusitis in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. On the but to provide a ‘road map’ for endoscopic surgery, or if
other hand, it has also been claimed that there is an increase in malignancy is suspected.
the frequency of upper airway allergy in patients with ‘chronic
sinusitis’. A plain radiograph of the sinus regions is rarely useful
Differential diagnosis
since a minor degree of mucosal swelling in the maxillary
sinuses in conjunction with the allergic ailment is not indicative The most common differential diagnosis is perennial non-
of sinusitis, but should instead be interpreted as part of the allergic rhinitis (see Fig.4.2). The clinical relevance of dividing
overall allergic condition. Nevertheless, the presence of fluid in this group into subgroups is limited except, perhaps, for the
one or more of the sinuses, or their complete opacification, demonstration of cytologic changes such as the presence of
needs to be further evaluated by either sinus puncture or eosinophils. However, the more common problems which the
sinoscopy. Better visualization of the nasal cavity and the sinus physician sees are endocrine disturbances, such as nasal
region is obtained using a computed tomography (CT) scan congestion as a complication of pregnancy, oral contraceptives,
specifically directed towards the ethmoidal and ostial regions or hypothyroidism, giving rise to a thickened and edematous
where pathology is often present (Fig. 4.26). However, CT nasal mucosa. Rhinitis medicamentosa with a rebound vasodi-
scans remain abnormal for several weeks following a common latation (the effect of overuse of topical nasal decongestants)
cold, therefore they should not be used for diagnosis of sinusitis often produces an edematous and red nasal mucosa which
should not be confused with true rhinitis.
It is important to be aware of other diseases which may
present with nasal symptoms. Uncharacteristic features, such
as unilateral nasal blockage, bleeding, or pain, may suggest other
pathologies (e.g. malignant tumors or Wegener’s granulomatosis;
Fig. 4.27). In infants, unilateral nasal blockage and discharge
may also be caused by the presence of a foreign body or, rarely,
congenital choanal atresia. Septal deviation, whether congenital
or traumatic, may cause nasal blockage, but it is unlikely to be
noticed for the first time in adulthood unless there is super-
added rhinitis. Chronic infective rhinosinusitis can usually be
differentiated by its predominantly greenish secretions and
infective exacerbations, although it can occur in association with
perennial rhinitis because of impaired drainage from the sinuses.
Recently a syndrome of allergic fungal sinusitis has been
recognized, in which patients may have symptoms of rhinitis,
sinusitis, and, sometimes, nasal polyps. The condition is similar
to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and casts are some-
times blown from the nose during exacerbations. Classically,
calcification is seen on the CT scan (Fig. 4.28). Removal of
polyps containing fungal material from the nose and sinuses by
Fig. 4.26 Computed tomography (CT) scan showing ethmoiditis and endoscopic surgery should be undertaken and local corticosteroids
obstruction of the osteomeatal complex. used to decrease recurrence.
72 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
Drug treatment
Several pharmacologic agents are available for the treatment of
rhinitis symptoms, most of which have different efficacy
profiles, as is shown in Table 4.5. A combination of drugs with
different effect profiles can be productive. The conjunctivitis
Fig. 4.28 Computed tomography (CT) scan showing calcification in which is often present, and as troublesome as the nasal symptoms,
allergic aspergillus sinusitis. should also be treated.
Table 4.5 Efficacy profile of the various drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis. Some of
the drugs inhibit only one nasal symptom (e.g. decongestants only work on nasal
blockage), while others have more widespread activity (e.g. topical glucocorticoids)
++ + + –
– – +++ –
+++ ++ +/- –
– ++ – –
T +++ ++ ++ +
++ ++ +++ ++
– ++ + +
After Mygind N. Pharmacological management of perennial rhinitis. Rhinol Suppl 1991; 11:21–26,
International Rhinologic Society.
Treatment of Rhinitis • 73
mean 60
score 40
Immunotherapy B cell
(high dose Ag) IL-4
tration. Sometimes a short course of oral glucocorticoids may like pollens, mites, and animal dander. Before it is started, a
be necessary to open up the nasal cavity. careful explanation must be given to the patient, outlining the
The use of topical glucocorticoids during the last decade has details and commitment required as it is a long-term program
provided a great deal of information about their safety. They involving frequent injections of allergenic extracts for at least
have limited local and systemic side-effects and may be used 3 years. Also, immunotherapy carries with it the risk of a
even for long-term treatment in adults. In the case of long-term systemic anaphylactic reaction should an allergen penetrate
treatment, rhinoscopy is recommended once or twice a year. directly into the bloodstream. Consequently, facilities for
One should not hesitate to use topical glucocorticoids for resuscitation must be available, and procedures using highly
seasonal disease in children over 4 years old. Long-term treatment potent allergens should be avoided. Because of the possible
should not be instituted without careful individual evaluation, risks associated with immunotherapy, some countries have
as is the case with all drugs. Some patients may suffer from introduced guidelines to govern the use of this form of therapy.
local irritation from the spray, with blood spotting. Septal The mechanism probably involves a switch from Th2 to Th1 or
perforation is a very rare side-effect, probably due to Th0 type immune responses (Fig. 4.31).
maladministration of spray directly on the septum. Immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis in children has been
shown to reduce the progression to asthma.
Newer methods of immunotherapy are under investigation:
Systemic corticosteroids
these include peptides, local (nasal) application of allergen, and
Systemic corticosteroids are highly effective in all forms of the use of interferon γ (IFNγ) stimulators such as Mycobacterium
rhinitis. However, they all have systemic side-effects, whether vaccae.
given as depot injections or orally, and the benefit/risk ratio
should be considered. Depot injections are simple but have
Relationships to other organs
been linked to disfiguring muscle atrophy after repeated
injection and the timing of release does not coincide with
The eye
maximal effects of seasonal allergen. In cases of severe seasonal
allergic disease, the administration of oral prednisolone or In any of the treatment programs for upper airway allergy, the
prednisone to cover some peak days may be considered. If, ocular symptoms must not be neglected since they may well be
however, more regular treatment fails then specific hypo- as severe as the nasal symptoms. The eye should, therefore,
sensitization should be considered. also be treated either locally with a vasoconstrictor or anti-
histamine, or systemically with antihistamine. Corticosteroid
drops should only be used under ophthalmologic supervision.
Immunotherapy is an alternative which should be considered if Upper–lower airway interactions
patients do not respond to any allergen avoidance measures
combined with traditional pharmacologic therapy. Classic One of the main organs that may be affected indirectly by
immunotherapy involves repeated injection of the allergen at upper airway disease, or by the dysfunction of the upper
regular intervals and the treatment has been shown to be airways, is the lung. It has been suggested that the failure of the
effective in allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with clear-cut allergens upper airways to humidify and clean the inspired air effectively
76 • Chapter 4 • Rhinitis
mean weekly 5 Fig. 4.32 The shaded area
represents the ragweed season
difference in the USA. The placebo-treated
from baseline group and, in the later part of
the season, the cromolin
0 sodium-treated group show a
rise in asthma scores, whereas
patients treated regularly with
topical nasal corticosteroids do
prepeak peak postpeak not experience an increase in
asthma symptoms. [With
−5 permission from Welsh PW,
Stricker WE, Chu CP, et al.
Efficacy of beclomethasone
Placebo Beclomethasone nasal solution, flunisolide, and
cromolin in relieving symptoms
Cromolyn sodium Flunisolide of ragweed allergy. Mayo Clin
Proc 1987; 62(2):125–134.]
might precipitate or aggravate asthma. Asthma is often associated which may include a functional endoscopic surgical procedure.
with upper airway disease, with up to 80% of the adult However a recent prospective study has demonstrated that
population with asthma also suffering from upper airway medical intervention is equally efficacious. Ear disease has been
symptoms. These symptoms often precede the onset of linked to allergy in children in particular and treatment
asthma. It is not known whether early intervention in terms of directed towards rhinitis may be effective in reducing
the nasal symptoms will affect the onset of lower airway recurrences of otitis media with effusion.
problems. However, since asthma is considered to be a more
serious disease, the frequently associated upper airway
Nasal polyps
problems are often overlooked and under treated. Active and
successful treatment of the upper airways has been shown not Nasal polyps have sometimes been linked to allergic disease,
only to reduce nasal symptoms but also to benefit the lower partly because they often contain eosinophils. The clinical
airways (Fig. 4.32), including reduction of asthma emergency finding is often one of mucosal bags filled with fluid lying in the
visits and hospitalization. nasal cavity (see Fig. 4.19). There is, however, very little evidence
of a clear-cut allergic origin for these polyps. When lower
airway problems are present, the link to NSAID sensitivity
Sinus–nose–ear interaction
should be considered. Smaller polyps may shrink on topical
Sinus afflictions are common among asthmatic hayfever glucocorticoid treatment, while larger polyps may require
sufferers and should generally be considered to be part of the surgical intervention. The endoscopic approach may be
airways disease and treated as such. A careful diagnostic productive. Topical glucocorticoids used regularly in the long
examination is necessary. The possibility of polyps, perhaps term decrease the recurrence rate. Antileukotrienes should be
possibly provoked by aspirin and other NSAIDs, should also be tried in unresponsive nasal polyps, especially where asthma is
considered. The sinus disease may call for surgical intervention also present.
Bousquet J and the ARIA workshop. Allergic and throat, Part 3. London: Arnold; Scadding GK, Lund VJ. Investigative
rhinitis and its impact on asthma. 1998. Rhinology. London: Taylor & Francis;
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; Raeburn D, Giembycz MA, eds. Rhinitis: 2004.
108:S147–S334. immunopathology and
Jones AS, Phillips DE, Hilgers FJM. pharmacotherapy. Basel:
Diseases of the head and neck, nose Birkhauser Verlag; 1997.
Conjunctivitis is
inflammation of the
conjunctiva, the mucous
membrane lining the
anterior sclera and the
inner eyelid surfaces,
seen in a broad
spectrum of conditions, Melanie Hingorani, Virginia L Calder, Roger J Buckley, and
including allergy. Susan Lightman
Allergic inflammation of the ocular surface (the lid margins, conjunctiva and cornea;
Fig. 5.1) is one of the commonest ocular disorders, affecting 21% of the adult
population of the UK. In its mildest form, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed in
response to a transient allergen (e.g. pollen in seasonal allergic conjunctivitis), or a
persistent allergen (e.g. house dust mite in perennial allergic conjunctivitis), producing
unpleasant symptoms but not threatening sight. At the other end of the spectrum are
disorders such as vernal keratoconjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis that can
have blinding complications when the cornea is involved, and for which current
therapeutic agents are only partially effective.
a eyelids
lid margin
Fig. 5.3 The upper tarsal surface in perennial allergic conjunctivitis.
lid margin
Fig. 5.1 The ocular surface. (a) Anterior view. (b) Cross-sectional
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
AKC is a rare, life-long, sight-threatening condition that affects
adults who have systemic atopic disease, particularly atopic
dermatitis. AKC is a highly symptomatic disorder with severe
itching, watering, stickiness and redness of the eyelids and eye,
and sometimes causes ocular pain. There is usually facial eczema
involving the eyelids (Fig. 5.4) and the lid margins show
blepharitis (chronic inflammation of the lash follicles and
meibomian glands) and often carry large numbers of Staphylo-
coccus epidermidis or S. aureus organisms. The lid margins
are thickened and hyperemic, posteriorly rounded, sometimes
Fig. 5.2 The upper tarsal surface in seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. keratinized and the lid anatomy may be distorted with ectropion
(outwardly turning eyelid), entropion (inwardly turning eyelid),
trichiasis (in-turning lashes) and notching. The whole conjunctiva
is affected and shows intense infiltration, papillae (which may
and limbus are not affected, nor is there any scarring of the be giant, i.e. >1 mm in diameter), linear and stellate scars and
conjunctival surface – therefore there is no serious visual often shrinkage (Fig. 5.5). Marked limbal inflammation may
threat. There is usually a good response to topical therapy using develop. The cornea is subject to epithelial defects and progressive
antihistamines and mast cell inhibitors or to systemic anti- scarring, and neovascularization (Fig. 5.6); thinning and secondary
histamines. Topical steroids are usually not appropriate as their corneal infections (herpetic, bacterial, and fungal) may occur.
unwanted effects can be far more serious than those of the Alterations in the volume or quality of the tear film may cause
conditions themselves. These disorders usually affect teenagers dry eye. Corneal plaque similar to that of VKC is sometimes
and young adults and tend to lessen in severity and eventually seen. Associations between AKC and eye rubbing, keratoconus,
resolve with increasing age. atopic cataract and retinal detachment are recognized.
Classification of Allergic Conjunctivitis • 79
100% 100%
50 50
– ve 15%
0 0
Fig. 5.5 The upper tarsal surface in atopic keratoconjunctivitis.
family history
age at onset
of atopic disease
50 33% 50
– ve 18%
>10 yrs
0 0
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
In the UK, VKC is an unusual, self-limiting, often seasonal
ocular allergy that affects children and young adults, males in
particular, many of whom have a personal or family history of Fig. 5.8 Active vernal conjunctivitis.
atopy (Fig. 5.7). The condition is a common and serious cause
of ocular morbidity in parts of the Mediterranean basin, the
Middle East, the Far East, Africa, and South America, where
the disease is perennial and the association with atopy is less show less specific signs of inflammation. When the disease is
consistent. active, the conjunctival surfaces are hyperemic, edematous and
The symptoms are marked itching, discomfort, photophobia, infiltrated, and a tenacious mucus is present (Fig. 5.8). The
blepharospasm, stringy inflammatory exudate, blurred vision, tarsal conjunctiva is densely infiltrated, with papillae that are
and ‘morning misery’ – an inability to open the eyes in the often giant (>1 mm in diameter, also known as cobblestone
morning. The superior tarsal conjunctiva and the limbus are the papillae) (Fig. 5.9). In the later stages, fine subepithelial scarring
most markedly affected areas and other conjunctival areas is also seen but conjunctival shrinkage and distortion does not
80 • Chapter 5 • Conjunctivitis
gray line gland orifice
forniceal conjunctiva
tarsal conjunctiva
bulbar conjunctiva
Fig. 5.18 The eyelids and the conjunctiva (forniceal cavities shown
are virtual spaces in vivo).
substantia propria
sympathetic – parasympathetic +
T cell
superior pterygopalatine
cervical ganglia
Elevated levels of total IgE antibody occur in allergic
Fig. 5.23 Transport of IgA across the conjunctival epithelium.
conjunctivitis in both the serum and the tears, mainly as a
reflection of the presence of systemic atopy. Allergen-specific
sensitivity is not well defined and the pathogenesis is believed IgE is frequently found in the tears in SAC, PAC, and VKC,
to involve complex interactions of type I hypersensitivity, T-cell and at least some of this is produced locally by conjunctival and
mediated inflammation and other mechanisms. Colonization of lacrimal gland plasma cells. Patients with SAC also have low
the lid margins by staphylococci may play a role in the levels of pollen-specific IgG in the tears.
pathogenesis of AKC. In GPC, chronic mechanical irritation of
the conjunctiva is thought to promote a hypersensitivity reaction
to allergenic deposits that are held in prolonged contact with an
eroded conjunctival surface by an ocular surface foreign body. A single application of allergen to the conjunctiva produces a
GPC shows many histopathologic and pathophysiologic biphasic clinical response, with an early-phase response at
similarities with VKC and AKC but the reason why the cornea 0–1 hours and, in some patients, a late-phase response at
is not damaged in GPC is unknown. The interrelationship 6–24 hours. The early-phase response is associated with a
between different cell types and, in particular, between different conjunctival neutrophilia and the late-phase response with
cellular sources of cytokines in VKC, AKC and GPC is still very infiltration by eosinophils, mast cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes,
poorly understood. and macrophages. In comparison, in active SAC and PAC the
most dramatic change is an increase in mast cell and eosinophil
Inflammatory cells and mediators numbers with migration of these cells into the epithelium,
along with the development of some edema of the conjunctiva.
Mediators In AKC (Fig. 5.25), VKC and GPC there is a dense mixed
cellular infiltrate in the substantia propria (least dense in GPC)
Mast cells release histamine in allergic conjunctivitis, which consisting of eosinophils, mast cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes,
acts via both H1 and H2 receptors in the conjunctiva to produce basophils, plasma cells, and macrophages, accompanied by exten-
vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, chemokinesis of sive mast cell degranulation. The conjunctival epithelium contains
granulocytes and neuropeptide release (via antidromic nerve mast cells, eosinophils, basophils, plasma cells, lymphocytes,
stimulation) (Fig. 5.24). Itch is mediated primarily by H1 macrophages, and increased numbers of dendritic cells. AKC,
receptors. In addition, in VKC histaminase activity is reduced GPC and VKC are differentiated from SAC and PAC by the
in the serum and in the tears. heavy predominance of T cells, particularly of the CD4+ type,
Conjunctival mast cells also release tryptase in allergic and macrophages are the second most common infiltrating cell
conjunctivitis and its relevant actions may include: type. Occasionally, lymphocytes can be seen grouped into
• proteolysis of basement membrane and connective tissue immature lymphoid follicles in these disorders (Fig. 5.26).
material (facilitating leukocyte infiltration); In VKC, GPC, and AKC the conjunctiva is edematous and
• activation of growth factors and neuropeptides; thrown up into large papillae. The epithelium is thickened with
• activation of kinin, complement and fibrinogen cascades; downgrowths into the substantia propria and occasional
and keratinization. There is mucinous degeneration of the epithelial
• stimulation of chemotaxis and degranulation of eosinophils cells at the tips of papillae and a goblet cell hyperplasia, most
and mast cells. marked in the interpapillary zones. Extensive collagen deposition
Pathogenesis of Allergic Conjunctivitis • 85
connective tissue
kinins platelet aggregation
fibrinogen etc.
leukocyte vasodilatation
emigration, activation, degranulation vascular permeability
Fig. 5.24 Mediators of allergic conjunctivitis. HETEs, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids; PAF, platelet activating factor.
Fig. 5.25 In atopic keratoconjunctivitis, crypt abscesses (CA) are Fig. 5.26 Lymphoid follicle in submucosa in giant papillary
present in the epithelium and there is a band-like lymphocytic conjunctivitis. (Hematoxylin and eosin, × 65). E, epithelium;
infiltrate (L). (Hematoxylin and eosin, × 40). F, follicle.
in the substantia propria is seen in AKC and VKC, but this is in AKC, has a laminated structure, is tightly adherent to the
less marked in GPC and only seen in advanced disease. In underlying corneal stroma and consists of a mixture of muco-
VKC, blood vessel endothelial cell swelling and death occur, polysaccharides, immunoglobulins, complement, fibrin, necrotic
with extravasation of red blood cells and fibrin. epithelial cells, cell debris, eosinophil granule proteins and a
Corneal plaque, which may develop in VKC and less often few inflammatory cells.
86 • Chapter 5 • Conjunctivitis
Fig. 5.27 Mast cells demonstrated immunohistochemically in the Fig. 5.28 Submucosal T lymphocytes in vernal keratoconjunctivitis
epithelium and submucosa. (Courtesy of Dr Puman.) demonstrated immunohistochemically.
Adhesion molecules
exposure and the onset of chronic inflammation, T-cell
Adhesion molecules are central in determining the degree and stimulation and differentiation.
type of inflammatory cell infiltration into tissue. A single
conjunctival exposure to allergen in a sensitized individual T cells
produces an upregulation of E-selectin by 30 minutes and of
ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 by 4–24 hours on vascular endothelial In GPC, VKC, and AKC, T cells dominate the cellular infiltrate
cells. Vascular endothelial cell expression of E-selectin, ICAM-1 (Fig. 5.28) and the CD4:CD8 ratio is markedly increased.
and VCAM-1 is upregulated in all types of allergic conjunctivitis T cells in these disorders are activated with increased expression
and correlates with the degree of cellular infiltration. The VLA-4/ of IL-2R and HLA-DR and there are also increased numbers of
VCAM-1 interaction probably underlies selective eosinophil memory T cells (CD45RO+). There is evidence that Th2-like
recruitment, and conjunctival vascular VCAM-1 concentration cytokines, which promote IgE synthesis and eosinophilic
correlates very closely with tissue eosinophil numbers. inflammation, are important in allergic conjunctivitis. IL-4
ICAM-1 is also expressed by conjunctival epithelial cells levels are increased in the serum in SAC and in the tears in
after allergen challenge and in all forms of active allergic SAC and VKC. IL-5 is increased in the tears in VKC and
conjunctivitis, correlating with disease severity and eosinophil RANTES in the tears in SAC, PAC and VKC, but there are a
numbers. This expression is modifiable by drop therapy. number of potential non-T cell sources for these cytokines.
Corneal epithelial cells express ICAM-1 in allergic corneal Protein and mRNA for Th2-like cytokines (IL-3, IL-4, and
disease and this may play a role in directing inflammatory cells IL-5) have been localized to T cells in GPC, VKC and AKC,
to attack the corneal epithelium. but in AKC there is evidence for a more mixed Th population
with increased production of IFNγ and IL-2. More recent work
suggests that Th subtype variation in the different allergic
Mast cells
conjunctival disorders is even more complex than this.
In the normal human conjunctiva there are no mast cells in the
epithelium and the vast majority of mast cells in the substantia Eosinophils
propria are MCTC (Fig. 5.27). In allergic conjunctivitis, mast
cells migrate into the epithelium and there is an increase in the Conjunctival eosinophils are particularly characteristic of
proportion of MCT cells, particularly in the epithelium allergic conjunctivitis in contrast to other forms of ocular
(although still fewer in number than MCTC cells). The degree inflammation. Eosinophils produce multiple proinflammatory
of these changes, and alterations in other mast cell proteases mediators (Fig. 5.29) but it is believed that differences in
(e.g. carboxypeptidase A), differ for each clinical syndrome. eosinophil function, via their release of granule proteins (e.g.
Mast cells can synthesize, store and release proallergic major basic protein, eosinophil cationic protein), may be
cytokines, and conjunctival mast cells contain IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, important in allergic corneal damage and may explain why
and TNFα in normal and VKC patients and after allergen corneal damage is not seen in GPC. Eosinophils show increased
challenge. Mast cell IL-4 is upregulated and IL-8 is induced in activation in the disorders affecting the cornea, and granule
active SAC. Release of stored mast cell cytokine may be proteins are deposited in the conjunctiva and the tears in these
important in orchestrating the early-phase response and may disorders, their levels correlating with disease severity.
form a link between the events surrounding the initial allergen Eosinophil granule proteins have been shown to be toxic to the
Diagnosis of Allergic Conjunctivitis • 87
Eosinophil Products in Allergic Conjunctivitis CONJUNCTIVITIS
METABOLITES The history is a vital component of the diagnosis of allergic eye
collagenase H2O2 disease. Most patients have a personal or family history of other
histaminase O– atopic diseases such as asthma, eczema, and hayfever. Because
esterase the allergic eye diseases, apart from seasonal conjunctivitis, are
much rarer than non-ocular atopic disorders, they are unlikely
arachidonic acid to feature in the family history.
metabolism The timing of symptom onset is important. Allergic eye
disease appears before the age of 30 years in more than 80% of
PGE2 patients. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis will appear at the same
PGF2α time as its causative pollen (e.g. spring in birch pollen sensitivity,
fall in ragweed sensitivity) whereas perennial allergens such as
LEUKOTRIENES Dermatophagoides provoke year-round disease. VKC usually
LTD4 worsens in the spring and summer, and if severe will persist
LTE4 all year round. AKC and PAC may also show seasonal
exacerbations. Diurnal variation can also occur and in PAC,
major basic protein
symptoms may be at their worst at night and in the early
eosinophil cationic protein morning, as a result of heavy exposure to house dust mite in the
eosinophil peroxidase TXA2
eosinophil derived neurotoxin TXB2 Allergic eye diseases can be as sensitive to geographic
Charcot–Leyden crystal protein location as other manifestations of the atopic state. Parents of
children with vernal keratoconjunctivitis usually know of
Fig. 5.29 Eosinophil products in allergic conjunctivitis. HETEs, locations where the symptoms improve and others that can be
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids. relied upon to worsen them. Those children with pollen
sensitivity tend to feel better indoors, particularly with air-
conditioning. Those with animal dander sensitivity are likely to
feel worse at home.
Provoking factors should be explored. Non-specific ocular
corneal epithelium and they can be found deposited over areas irritants such as smoke may aggravate the symptoms of allergic
of allergic corneal damage. eye disease, as may exposure to reactive chemicals such as
Eosinophils can also store and release cytokines, and isocyanates, and to other environmental or occupational
conjunctival eosinophils express IL-8 in AKC and VKC that factors. Certain foods and food additives, such as tartrazine,
parallels neutrophil infiltration. Conjunctival eosinophils in occasionally exacerbate ocular allergies. If the patient wears
allergic conjunctivitis express a wide range of other cytokine contact lenses, a full contact lens history, including the hygiene
proteins [including granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating routine, should be taken.
factor (GM-CSF), RANTES, TNFα and TGFβ] and there are
characteristic differences in this expression in the different Symptom presentation
disorders (e.g. IL-3, IL-5, IL-6 are prominent in VKC, IL-4
in AKC). Characteristic symptom complexes are usually found. Tearing,
discomfort and photophobia are common, but not specific to
allergy. Specific symptoms include itching, which is very common
Resident conjunctival cells
and causes much distress, and eye rubbing. Mucus discharge is
In the conjunctiva, epithelial cells and fibroblasts appear to play often troublesome and the mucus is unlike normal conjunctival
an active role in the allergic inflammatory process, as they do in mucus, being profuse, sticky and stringy. Blepharospasm is a
other allergic disorders such as asthma. Epithelial cell particular problem in AKC and VKC. Conjunctival edema
expression of adhesion molecules is altered in ocular allergic and hyperemia cause the bulbar surface to take on a ‘glassy’
disease (see above) and epithelial cells are also likely to be appearance, which is often pink rather than red. ‘Morning
involved through their increased expression of HLA class II misery’ is characteristic of VKC: the child is unable to open the
antigens and their ability to produce proinflammatory cytokines eyes on waking, because of a combination of sticky mucus,
(e.g. IL-8, GM-CSF and RANTES) in these conditions. Fibro- photophobia, and blepharospasm. Attempts to open and clear
blasts are activated and have altered functions in the chronic the eyes often take an hour or more, often causing the child to
ocular allergic conditions, being directly influenced by cytokines arrive late for school.
such as TGFβ and IL-13 from mast cells, eosinophils and T
cells. They may be involved not only in fibrosis and tissue
Physical examination
remodeling but also in the inflammatory process through their
expression of surface-bound cytokines (e.g. stem cell factor and Before a diagnosis of allergic eye disease can be entertained, the
GM-CSF) and the production of soluble eotaxin, which in turn surfaces of the eye must be examined. This can be done with
modulate the functions of mast cells and eosinophils. the naked eye, using a bright pen torch for illumination,
88 • Chapter 5 • Conjunctivitis
Table 5.1 Clinical involvement of the ocular tissues in allergic eye disorders
Tarsal Lid
Disorder conjunctiva Limbus Cornea margin
Examining the Upper Forniceal Conjunctiva The cornea should be perfectly smooth and transparent and
have a spherical profile at its center, flattening gently toward its
edges. Any imperfection on its surface will be shown as a
disturbance of the normal bright (specular) reflex of a light
source such as a pen torch. Surface lesions are seen more easily
retractor if a little fluorescein is placed in the tear film (by dipping the
end of a fluorescein-impregnated paper strip into the marginal
tear meniscus) and the cornea is examined with a cobalt blue
light. (Medical pen torches are often supplied with a blue filter
upper tarsus that can be placed over the beam.) It should be possible to
decide whether the corneal surface appears perfectly clear, as
upper fornix
is normal, or whether there are opacities present – these may
be either infiltrates or scars. The nature of any surface
disturbance should be noted: a fine dusting indicates punctate
epithelial keratitis; a localized epithelial defect indicates a
macroerosion or an ulcer; a surface disturbance white or
yellowish and dry in appearance indicates the possible presence
of corneal plaque. Mucus adherent to the corneal surface is
always pathologic.
Additional tests
Total serum IgE antibody level can be measured but this test is
neither sensitive nor specific for allergic conjunctivitis. These
levels can fluctuate widely in one individual with time; a high
level may indicate the presence of atopy. Levels of allergen-
specific IgE in the serum can be measured [e.g. by radio-
Fig. 5.32 Follicles in the inferior tarsal and forniceal conjunctiva. allergosorbent test (RAST)] but often this is only performed
when skin prick testing is not feasible. Skin prick testing to
determine the presence and approximate levels of specific
serum IgE is performed by introducing aero-allergens intra-
dermally and examining the wheal and flare response within
conjunctival surface produces shortening of the tarsal surfaces 20 minutes. However, the results may be misleading when
and entropion (in-turning) of the lid margins. A thin thread of investigating allergic conjunctivitis as allergens that produce a
mucus in the lower fornix is normal; a larger quantity and flecks positive result in the skin of an individual do not correlate well
of mucus in the tear film are abnormal. with those which do so in the eye and vice versa. Therefore,
this test is not performed routinely in allergic conjunctivitis.
Levels of total and allergen-specific IgE in the tears can also
The cornea and limbus
be measured by collecting the tears from the inferior fornix
The cornea and limbus are best examined with the slit lamp with a cellulose sponge or a capillary tube, although this is not
biomicroscope. However, some features can be seen with the a frequently used clinical investigation. High levels of total tear
naked eye. IgE are possibly the most sensitive indicator of allergic
90 • Chapter 5 • Conjunctivitis
conjunctivitis and measurements of >16 IU/mL are very surface, or by impression cytology using a nitrocellulose
suggestive, but such results can also be seen in atopy without membrane. Tear samples can be spun down to obtain the cells,
ocular involvement. Measurement of specific tear IgE (e.g. by which can then be smeared on to a glass slide. Cell smears or
RAST) can help to identify the offending allergen. impressions may then be examined for:
Detection of blood eosinophilia may indicate atopy but again • eosinophils, free eosinophil granules or granule proteins
the result is variable and is not indicative of ocular allergic (all diagnostic);
disease. • mast cells (in particular, those degranulated: suggestive);
Ocular challenge • other cells such as lymphocytes (non-specific).
Ocular challenge involves the instillation of pharmacologic Cytologic staining with, for example, Giemsa, is simple, quick
agents (to test for non-specific reactivity) or soluble allergen (to and very specific but poorly sensitive. This is partly because
test for specific reactivity) into the conjunctival sac. A positive eosinophils and mast cells may lose their characteristic light
response consists of itching, tearing and conjunctival hyperemia microscopic morphology during degranulation. This can be
(sometimes with edema). Symptoms usually begin within 5 circumvented by the use of immunohistochemistry and
minutes and conjunctival changes are detectable after 20–30 electron microscopy with, consequently, greater sensitivity.
minutes. The response can be graded by comparing the ocular
signs with standardized clinical photographs and by scoring
symptoms. Tear sampling, cytology, and conjunctival biopsy can Supplementary investigations
be performed after the challenge for more detailed analysis.
Tear mediator levels (for example, histamine, tryptase, or
Pharmacologic challenge using histamine or compound 48/80
eosinophil granule proteins) can be measured in active disease
(producing non-immunologic mast cell degranulation) is used
or after conjunctival challenge, but this is usually reserved for
for research into the cells and mediators involved in allergic
research purposes. Levels of eosinophil granule proteins in the
conjunctivitis. Allergen challenge using standardized dilutions
tears and serum have been shown to correlate with disease
of aero-allergens elicits an early-phase response and, in some
activity and the response to treatment, and may in future be
patients at higher allergen concentrations, a late-phase reaction.
used for clinical monitoring. Conjunctival biopsy may be
This can occasionally be useful for identifying an allergen and is
performed and is very sensitive and specific but is invasive and
more reliable (although more unpleasant) than skin testing, but
seldom indicated.
is still mainly an experimental tool for use in specialized
Cytologic studies CONJUNCTIVITIS
Specimens for cytology can be obtained directly from the Information
conjunctival surface or indirectly by collecting tears (see above).
In allergic conjunctivitis the upper eyelid should be everted for The nature of allergic conjunctivitis and, in particular, the
the direct collection of cells from the superior tarsal conjunctiva; ability to treat but not to cure the disease, should be explained
this can be performed by scraping, using a disposable spatula to to the patient. The likely time course of the condition should
produce a smear on a glass slide, by brushing the conjunctival also be outlined. In patients with:
Management of Allergic Conjunctivitis • 91
Non-drug drug Specific drug Surgical
plaque. Whenever there is a serious breach of the corneal Olopatadine and ketotifen are agents that combine high
epithelium (macroerosion or plaque), the use of topical potency anti-H1 receptor effect with inhibition of mast cell
antibiotics should be considered. degranulation and, particularly for ketotifen, inhibition of
In AKC, facial and lid eczema are treated – preferably in eosinophil functions. They are useful in SAC and PAC and
conjunction with a dermatologist – with emollients, topical probably also have a role in the treatment of VKC and AKC.
steroids and occasionally systemic therapy. It is important to They may avoid the initial worsening of symptoms sometimes
control the lid margin disease with lid margin hygiene (using seen with the use of conventional mast cell inhibitors.
cotton buds soaked in weak sodium bicarbonate solution),
application of topical antibiotic (and occasionally steroid) oint-
ment, and systemic antibiotic therapy with a long-term low- Steroids
dose regime (e.g. doxycycline100 mg daily for 3 to 6 months).
Topical steroids are very powerful in controlling allergic
conjunctivitis but have potentially sight-threatening side-
Antihistamines effects, including glaucoma, cataract, and the potentiation of
herpetic, bacterial, and fungal corneal infections. Therefore
Topical antihistamines
steroids are generally contraindicated in SAC and PAC, and in
These are commonly prescribed in combination with a
GPC (except with an ocular prosthesis where there is no visual
sympathomimetic vasoconstrictor (e.g. antazoline–naphazoline)
potential) as the severity of the side-effects outweighs that of
for SAC and PAC, the combination being more effective than
the condition. In AKC and VKC, steroids are frequently
either component used alone. They have a rapid onset of action
required, but should be used in as low a concentration and for
but no preventive effect and prolonged use of these
as short a time as possible to minimize side-effects. The use of
preparations may cause contact blepharoconjunctivitis.
surface-acting steroids (fluorometholone, rimexolone) may also
Levocabastine, azelastine and emedastine are selective and
reduce adverse effects. They are most helpful in periods of
potent topical H1 receptor antagonists available in eye drop
increased disease activity or corneal involvement. Other treat-
formulations. They have proved effective in decreasing the
ment, mast cell inhibitors in particular, should be continued
symptoms and signs of SAC and PAC and have also been used
during steroid use. Supratarsal injection of short- or long-acting
as adjunctive therapy in the management of the chronic ocular
steroids (e.g. triamcinolone) is occasionally used in refractory
allergic disorders.
cases. In a small number of cases systemic steroids are required
in AKC and VKC. As well as considering the serious side-
Oral antihistamines
effects, it should be remembered that the reduction in and
These drugs, particularly those with less sedative and
cessation of use of systemic steroids after the ocular disease has
anticholinergic side-effects (e.g. cetirizine, fexofenadine), are
been suppressed can create new difficulties in the management
widely used in SAC and PAC. They are occasionally also used
of asthma and eczema by causing rebound activation.
in AKC and VKC as an adjunct to break the itch–scratch cycle,
particularly at night. They have the added advantage of
controlling associated non-ocular atopic manifestations such as
rhinitis, but unwanted effects, such as drying of the mucous
membranes, may be uncomfortable. Ciclosporin is a potent immunosuppressive which acts by
inhibiting CD4+ T-cell proliferation and IL-2 production.
Topical preparations of 2% ciclosporin have been shown to
Mast cell inhibitors
provide a marked reduction in the symptoms and signs of VKC,
These compounds are used topically to reduce mast cell and ciclosporin is particularly helpful as a steroid-sparing agent.
degranulation but also have a wide range of other antiinflam- More recently, a similar effect has been shown in AKC. An
matory effects that may be relevant. These drugs are used instilled ciclosporin eye drop often causes intense stinging.
extensively in all forms of allergic conjunctivitis, are generally Also, because of its lipophilic nature, ciclosporin has to be
well tolerated and have no serious ocular side-effects. They dissolved in oil (e.g. maize) to achieve the therapeutic concen-
offer a preventive action and are most effective if used before tration of 2%, and the oily drops can cause subjective visual
the onset of symptoms, where possible (e.g. at the beginning of blurring for up to 3 hours after instillation. This means that
the pollen season), or early in the disease process. As their ciclosporin drops, although highly effective, can be very
onset of action is relatively slow (5–7 days) and stinging upon difficult for patients to tolerate. Topical ciclosporin does not
instillation can occur, particularly in the presence of active produce the serious ocular side-effects seen with steroids but
inflammation, patients should be warned that their eyes may may cause a reversible punctate corneal epitheliopathy and
initially feel worse. In VKC and AKC, mast cell inhibitors act mild lid-skin maceration. Systemic absorption occurs but serum
as steroid-sparing agents. levels are substantially lower than those required for therapeutic
Cromolyn sodium is the longest established of these drugs action or systemic side-effects, which have not been reported
and both 2% (UK) and 4% (USA) drops are available for use up even in prolonged use.
to four times daily. Nedocromil sodium is a newer, higher The role for a new, lower concentration (0.05%) but better
potency mast cell stabilizer that compares favorably to cromolin tolerated ciclosporin ophthalmic emulsion, licensed for use in
and can be used twice daily in SAC and PAC. Lodoxamide dry eye, remains to be established, but early research suggests
tromethamine is another more recently introduced mast cell it may have a beneficial effect in steroid-resistant AKC. The
stabilizer which may evoke less stinging than other preparations. unlicensed use of a veterinary ophthalmic ointment containing
Both nedocromil and lodoxamide are said to have a more rapid 0.2% ciclosporin has however proved beneficial for many
onset of action than cromoglycate. patients with VKC and AKC.
Further Reading • 93
Non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents but have long-term adverse effects and are therefore best
Topical non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appear
to have some beneficial effect in allergic conjunctivitis. Reports
of a reduction in symptoms and signs have been published for New approaches to therapy
suprofen in VKC and GPC, tolmetin sodium in VKC and
ketorolac tromethamine in SAC. Oral aspirin, as an adjunct to Medical
topical therapy, may speed resolution of allergic keratopathy. Potential therapeutic agents, such as leukotriene antagonists,
Topical NSAIDs are not as potent as steroids but have the lipoxygenase inhibitors, anti-IgE antibodies and platelet
advantage of a good ocular safety profile and are probably most activating factor (PAF) antagonists, are likely to arise from
helpful in treating non-sight-threatening allergic conjunctivitis research into the treatment of non-ocular atopic disease. Other
where antihistamines and mast cell inhibitors are not potential therapeutic interventions include antieosinophil
sufficiently effective. granule protein compounds, adhesion molecule antagonists and
drugs that influence cytokine production and action, such as
the anti-IL-4 and -5 monoclonal antibodies in development for
use in asthma. Topical tacrolimus shows promise for the
Surgery is usually limited to the treatment of sight-reducing treatment of lid skin dermatitis in AKC.
corneal disease in AKC and VKC. For corneal plaque, medical
therapy is used to minimize inflammation rapidly and surgical Surgical
removal of the plaque allows early re-epithelialization. Procedures
including lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty, cyanoacrylate The use of excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy for the
glue application or therapeutic contact lens use may be indicated treatment of corneal plaque has been reported and this
if corneal scarring is reducing visual acuity or if there is extensive procedure may have other applications in the treatment of
thinning or perforation of the cornea; penetrating keratoplasty patients with allergic corneal complications. The increased use
carries a higher risk of complications in these patients, partly of collaborative multispecialist teams in combination with
because of the presence of atopy and partly resulting from the medical intervention to control allergic disease and prevent
compromised ocular environment. graft rejection (involving both topical and systemic therapies)
Conjunctival surgical procedures that attempt to influence and the use of modern surgical and allied techniques is likely
active inflammation, such as excision of papillae, mucous markedly to improve the outcome of corneal surgery in these
membrane, or whole tarsus, may provide short-term relief patients.
Bonini S, Lambiase A, Sgrulletta R, et al. Foster CS, Rice BA, Dutt JE. Suchecki JK, Donshik P, Ehlers WH. Contact
Allergic chronic inflammation of the Immunopathology of atopic lens complications. Ophthalmol Clin
ocular surface in vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Ophthalmology North Am 2003; 16:471–484.
keratoconjnctivitis. Curr Opin Allergy 1991; 98:1190–1196. Tabbara KF. Immunopathogenesis of
Clin Immunol 2003; 3:381–387. Friedlaender M. Overview of ocular allergy chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Int
Buckley RJ. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Int treatment. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep Ophthalmol Clin 2003; 43:1–7.
Ophthalmol Clin 1989, 29:303–308. 2001; 1:375–379. Trocme SD, Sra KK. Spectrum of ocular
Butrus SI, Abelson MB. Laboratory Hingorani M, Lightman S. Therapeutic allergy. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol
evaluation of ocular allergy. Int options in ocular allergic disease. 2002; 2:423–427.
Ophthalmol Clin 1988; 28:324–328. Drugs 1995; 50:208–221. Tuft SJ, Kemeny MD, Dart JKG, et al.
Calder VL. Cellular mechanisms of chronic Leonardi A, Jose PJ, Zhan H, et al. Tear and Clinical features of atopic
cell-mediated allergic conjunctivitis. Clin mucus eotaxin-1 and eotaxin-2 in keratoconjunctivitis. Ophthalmology
Exp Allergy 2002; 32:814–817. allergic keratoconjunctivitis. 1991; 98:150–158.
Dart JKG, Buckley RJ, Monnickendam M, Ophthalmology 2003; 110:487–492. Zhan H, Towler HM, Calder VL. The
et al. Perennial allergic conjunctivitis: Strauss EC, Foster CS. Atopic ocular immunomodulatory role of human
definition, clinical characteristics and disease. Ophthalmol Clin North Am conjunctival epithelial cells. Invest
prevalence. A comparison with seasonal 2002; 15:1–5. Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;
conjunctivitis. Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 44:3906–3910.
1986; 105:513–520.
Urticaria is characterized
by transient swellings
anywhere on the skin
surface. Wheals are
usually itchy with raised
pale centers and are
surrounded by a red flare.
Deeper swellings, known Clive E Grattan and Ernest N Charlesworth
as angioedema, are most
often found in the mouth,
eyelids, or genitalia, but INTRODUCTION
may occur anywhere. Urticaria is also known as nettle rash or hives. Even though it may be difficult to find
a specific cause it is nearly always possible to define clinical groups and identify
aggravating factors that help management. The clinical presentation may vary widely
from occasional localized wheals to generalized urticaria with systemic features.
Urticarial wheals arise in the upper dermis, ranging in size from a few millimeters to
many centimeters across. The duration of individual lesions may be as little as 30
minutes in the physical urticarias to several days in urticarial vasculitis. Attacks may
be daily or infrequent. Affected patients usually feel well but may experience systemic
symptoms with severe episodes, such as lassitude, shivering, and indigestion. Progression
of urticaria to anaphylaxis is rare. Angioedema is part of the spectrum of urticaria and
it presents with deeper swellings of the subcutis and submucosa which may be painful
and resolve more slowly than wheals. Urticaria should be distinguished from other
forms of urticarial eruption, such as toxic urticated drug reactions and papular urticaria,
where plasma leakage is only one component of the inflammatory reaction.
It is more useful to classify urticaria clinically from the history, supported by examination
and physical challenge tests where appropriate (Table 6.1) than by etiology since many
cases remain unexplained after full evaluation. Laboratory investigations are usually
unhelpful except in urticarial vasculitis and angioedema due to C1 esterase inhibitor
(C1 inh) deficiency. More than one type of urticaria may occur at the same time. For
instance, delayed-pressure urticaria may accompany chronic ordinary urticaria and
there may be overlap between the physical urticarias (e.g. dermographism with
cholinergic urticaria). Angioedema may accompany wheals in most patterns of
urticaria but may, less commonly, occur without wheals, as in hereditary angioedema.
Urticaria may be acute, chronic or episodic depending on its duration. Continuous
urticaria resolving in less than 6 weeks is acute by definition but becomes chronic if it
continues longer than this. A few patients have episodic attacks lasting a few days that
recur intermittently for years. Physical and vasculitic urticarias nearly always follow a
chronic course.
Ordinary urticaria
This is the commonest presentation of urticaria to specialist clinics. The diagnosis is
suggested by a history of daily, or almost daily, wheals anywhere on the body lasting
up to 24 hours and may be associated with angioedema (Fig. 6.1), especially when
severe. Acute ordinary urticaria is more likely to follow a mild viral infection than an
allergy although many cases remain unexplained and some will become chronic.
Histamine-releasing autoantibodies have been found in at least 30% of patients with
96 • Chapter 6 • Urticaria
Classification Type
Ordinary urticaria Acute, chronic and episodic
Physical urticarias Dermographism
Delayed-pressure urticaria
Cholinergic urticaria
Cold urticaria
Solar urticaria
Aquagenic urticaria
Urticarial vasculitis
Angioedema (without wheals) C1 inhibitor deficiency
(hereditary and acquired) Fig. 6.2 Linear wheals of dermographism caused by scratching.
Normal C1 inhibitor
Contact urticaria
Autoinflammatory syndromes e.g. Muckle–Wells syndrome
Fig. 6.5 Cold urticaria induced by ice application to forearm skin for
especially on the hands and feet. Patients may feel unwell with 5 minutes.
severe attacks. Hanging a heavy weight from a narrow band over
the forearm or thigh for 15 minutes may be sufficient to elicit
whealing but reproducible testing can be difficult in the clinic.
Cholinergic urticaria
Urticaria triggered by sweating is termed cholinergic as the
sweat glands are activated by acetylcholine released from
sympathetic nerve fiber endings. A rise of core temperature
after exercise, very hot baths, or emotional stress, can initiate
numerous small papular wheals on the trunk surrounded by a
flare (Fig. 6.4).
Cold urticaria
Localized cooling of the skin by exposure to cold wind or water Fig. 6.6 Confluent and papular wheals of solar urticaria appearing
on light-exposed skin within minutes of sun exposure. (Courtesy of
or generalized chilling may elicit urticaria in susceptible Dr JLM Hawk, Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas’s Hospital,
individuals. Cold contact urticaria can be demonstrated by London, UK.)
applying an ice cube to forearm skin for up to 20 minutes
although whealing may occur after much shorter exposures in
highly sensitive individuals. Localized whealing occurs as the
skin rewarms (Fig. 6.5).
Solar urticaria
Urticaria triggered by ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight
(Fig. 6.6) is uncommon. A history of immediate whealing in
sunlight should differentiate it from the much more common
condition known as polymorphic light eruption, or ‘heat bumps’,
which appears hours later and persists for days. Solar urticaria
can be confirmed by phototesting. A broad spectrum of
wavelengths from visible to UVA and UVB may be implicated
so the use of window-glass as a filtering agent is unlikely to
offer adequate protection.
Aquagenic urticaria
Water contact, at any temperature, may trigger this very rare
form of urticaria. Typically, a few papular wheals surrounded by Fig. 6.7 Widely separated papular wheals surrounded by wide
a large irregular flare occur on the trunk (Fig. 6.7). irregular flares, induced by swimming, typical of aquagenic urticaria.
98 • Chapter 6 • Urticaria
Diagnosis of Angioedema
without with
wheals wheals
Fig. 6.9 Diagnosis of angioedema. ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; NSAIDs, non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin • 99
Fig. 6.10 Angioedema of the hand without associated wheals in Fig. 6.11 Allergic contact urticaria in a nurse, caused by wearing
hereditary angioedema due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. latex examination gloves.
may be initiated by trauma, including dental extraction or Langerhans’ cells comprise 2–6% of the total epidermal
intubation, and persist for days without treatment. Bowel structure and play a critical role as antigen-presenting cells,
edema presents with colic, and laryngeal involvement may thus providing a link for the processing of foreign antigens
cause suffocation. introduced into the skin. The dermis contains the small blood
Angioedema results from uninhibited activation of the early vessels, lymphatics, mast cells, and sensory nerve fibers in a
components of complement leading to the generation of framework of collagen and elastin, which are involved in urticaria
vasoactive kinin-like peptides and the formation of bradykinin. pathogenesis.
Minor trauma activates Hageman factor (XII), which promotes
the formation of plasmin and kallikrein: plasmin activates C1
with formation of a C2 kinin-like peptide and kallikrein generates
bradykinin from kininogen. The C4 component of complement Sensory nerve endings in the dermis are innervated by afferent
is always reduced during and nearly always reduced between neurons to the central nervous system. Signals from mechano-
attacks with both forms and is, therefore, a good screening receptors are mainly conveyed by myelinated A fibers whereas
blood test. A very rare acquired form of C1 inh deficiency may those generated by painful stimulation of nociceptors are
be associated with autoimmune disease or lymphoma. transmitted more slowly by unmyelinated C fibers with some
Recurrent angioedema with normal C1 inh levels is usually A fiber involvement. Antidromic stimulation of sensory C fiber
idiopathic. However, it is important not to overlook the possibility twigs is responsible for the flare reaction seen in the triple
of a drug-induced cause. Angioedema is a well recognized side- response of Lewis to injection or release of histamine. There is
effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and now good evidence that capillary dilatation in the flare is due to
may occur with aspirin and non-steroidal antiinflammatories. the release of neuropeptides from sensory nerve endings rather
than histamine which mediates the central wheal. Autonomic
sympathetic innervation of sweat glands is mediated by release
Contact urticaria
of acetylcholine rather than norepinephrine.
Localized contact urticarial reactions are very common but are
not often a reason for presentation to specialist clinics. The
cause is usually obvious because urticaria follows the stimulus
within minutes. Wheals tend to be short-lived but may have a The complex interplay between Langerhans’ cells, cytokine-
delayed phase if severe. Allergic IgE-mediated contact urticaria producing keratinocytes, and skin-targeting lymphocytes has
to allergens, such as peanuts, animal dander, or latex (Fig. 6.11), been referred to as the skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT)
are particularly common in atopic individuals. Non-allergic system and appears to be analogous to the gastrointestinal-
contact urticaria can occur with a wide range of chemicals in associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) system. Although mast
common use in the cosmetics and food industries, such as cells have been considered to be the primary effector cells in
cinnamic aldehyde (a food flavoring) and benzoic acid (a food urticaria, lymphocytes may play an integral role by the production
preservative). of various histamine-releasing factors, including cytokines and
autoantibodies. Investigation into the T-cell subsets in the dermis
of patients with urticaria shows a predominance of CD4+ cells
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF over CD8+ cells. The cytokine products of lymphocytes and
THE SKIN other cutaneous cells, including mast cells, may then result in
The skin is the largest organ in the body, and is more than a an upregulation of vascular adhesion molecules. Vascular
simple barrier to dehydration, external insults, and allergens. endothelial activation occurs early as a response to pressure in
The epidermis is composed predominantly of keratinocytes. delayed-pressure urticaria with a significant upregulation of
100 • Chapter 6 • Urticaria
anti-FCεR-I IgE
(binds FCεR-I in the anti-IgE
presence of IgE)
(unable to bind FCεR-I
in the presence of IgE) Fig. 6.13 Wheal-and-flare response at 60 minutes to intradermal
injection of autologous serum and plasma in a chronic urticaria
patient. Note there is no reaction to a control skin test of
Fig. 6.12 Immunologic mast cell and basophil degranulating phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
E-selectin and of vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) at Preliminary work indicates that a low molecular weight ‘mast
24 hours. cell-specific’ factor in some sera, causing a positive ASST but
no release from healthy donor basophils, may nevertheless
cause release of histamine from skin mast cells.
PATHOGENESIS OF URTICARIA Non-functional autoantibodies against IgE and FcεRI have
also been detected by immunoassay in chronic urticaria patients
and in other groups of control patients and even healthy
Mast cells play an important role in both immediate hyper- subjects. The importance of these autoantibodies is less certain.
sensitivity reactions and urticaria/angioedema. In allergic Non-functional anti-IgE autoantibodies may be detectable in
disease they are activated by the cross-linking of specific IgE atopic syndromes and healthy subjects. Immunoassays, based
bound to the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) on tissue mast on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western
cells and on peripheral blood basophils. This activation of mast blotting, have been developed for detecting anti-FcεRI auto-
cells, through the FcεRI receptor, ultimately results in an influx antibodies but are not yet commercially available. Non-
of inflammatory cells including eosinophils, neutrophils, functional autoantibodies against FcεRI have been found in
lymphocytes, and basophils into the surrounding tissue, thus dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus
ushering in the late-phase response (LPR). It is the LPR of vulgaris, and bullous pemphigoid.
IgE-mediated allergic disease which sets this cascade of events The role of the skin mast cell in the evolution of the
in place. urticarial wheal in patients with chronic urticaria was first
Some potential mechanisms for FcεRI-mediated degranulation appreciated by Juhlin in 1967. The findings were confirmed by
of mast cells and basophils are illustrated in Figure 6.12. a study in which almost all of the patients with chronic urticaria
Urticaria due to allergen exposure, as seen with certain foods displayed increased histamine release into skin blisters
and latex, results from cross-linking of receptor-bound IgE. overlying lesions of urticaria. Similar results have been found
Histamine-releasing IgG autoantibodies, with properties of with cold urticaria. Furthermore, total histamine was elevated
anti-IgE and anti-FcεRI, have been found in the serum of about in both lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with chronic
30% of patients with chronic ‘idiopathic’ urticaria referred to urticaria when compared with patients without urticaria. The
specialist clinics. These functional autoantibodies appear to be time kinetics for mast cell histamine release from the
directed against FcεRI in about 85% of the positive patients cutaneous mast cells in patients with cold urticaria is
and, in many cases, histamine release is complement dependent. interesting in that it is not simply lowering of skin temperature
The majority binds FcεRI with or without the presence of IgE that causes the mast cells to release histamine, as the skin must
on the receptor (i.e. they do not compete with IgE for the be rewarmed before the mast cells will undergo release.
binding site). Others can only bind unoccupied receptors (i.e. Analysis of the release of histamine into blister fluid
they compete with IgE for the binding site). Functional assays overlying non-lesional skin in patients with chronic urticaria has
for histamine-releasing activity are not straightforward and are shown an increase in both spontaneous release of histamine and
only available in a few specialist research centers. Intradermal an increase in the histamine release induced by the non-specific
injection of the patient’s own serum (the autologous serum mast cell degranulator, compound 48/80, when compared to
skin test, ASST) can be used as a simple screening test for non-urticaria controls. The hypothesis of increased mast cell
histamine-releasing activity in blood. The development of a releasability in urticaria patients was subsequently confirmed
wheal and flare over 30–60 minutes at the site of skin testing by codeine skin testing. It is unlikely that the early histamine
(Fig. 6.13) provides a fairly sensitive, but not very specific, release in chronic urticaria is secondary to the recruitment and
indication of histamine-releasing activity on basophil assays. stimulation of blood basophils, which are also a possible source
Pathogenesis of Urticaria • 101
Agents Group
Non-cytotoxic stimuli Allergen cross-link of specific,
Immunologic mast cell bound IgE (e.g.
latex, nuts, fish)
Autoantibodies which
cross-link the Fc portion of
IgE or the FcεRI directly
C3a and C5a anaphylatoxins
Physiologic Substance P
Vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide (VIP)
Therapeutic Morphine
Fig. 6.14 Histology of the late-phase reaction in skin showing
Codeine perivascular polymorphonuclear cells and eosinophils with no
Tubocurarine, atracurium evidence of vasculitis.
Experimental Compound 48/80
Calcium ionophore A23187
Cytotoxic stimuli C5a, C3a
Surfactants exogenous antigen. Eosinophils may also comprise a portion of
Anaphylactoid-causing agents Dextran
the inflammatory cell infiltrate, along with neutrophils, in
Endotoxin delayed-pressure urticaria. Eosinophils are predominantly
Radiocontrast material tissue cells: for every one eosinophil observed in the peripheral
blood, there are 300 eosinophils in the tissues. A specific
syndrome, referred to as episodic angioedema associated with
eosinophilia (EAAE), has been described in which patients have
of histamine, but they probably contribute to prolongation of cyclic angioedema associated with significant weight gain (15%
the wheals. The fact that the mast cell, not the basophil, is the of body weight), fever, urticaria, and leukocytosis with marked
source of spontaneously released histamine observed in peripheral and tissue eosinophilia. These patients do not have
patients with urticaria is further corroborated by increased internal organ involvement and have a benign course in
levels of tryptase in suction blister fluid. Table 6.2 reviews the contradistinction to hypereosinophilic syndrome.
multiplicity of agents capable of causing the skin mast cell Exactly how eosinophils effect an urticarial reaction is not
to release histamine. There is also a degree of mast cell fully understood. However, eosinophils are the major site of
heterogeneity in that many of the non-cytotoxic agents, such as leukotriene C4 (LTC4) production in allergic inflammation.
compound 48/80 and codeine, cause release only in the skin With the advent of leukotriene-receptor antagonists, the
mast cell and not in mast cells located in the gut or the contribution of LTC4 to the symptoms of chronic urticaria is
respiratory tree. The role of neuropeptides in causing the skin now becoming apparent. The cationic proteins of the eosinophil
mast cell to release histamine is unclear. In one study, substance have also been shown to elicit a wheal-and-flare when directly
P and the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), in venous blood injected into the skin. The potential role of the eosinophil
draining from challenged skin in urticaria patients, was not is further supported by the demonstration of eosinophil
found to be elevated. In another study, somatostatin was degranulation in addition to the degranulation of mast cells.
increased and VIP was decreased. It may very well be that the There have been reports of patients with chronic urticaria in
microenvironment of the skin mast cell in patients with whom there is a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells and
urticaria uniquely enhances the liberation of cytokines, eosinophils in lesional skin without evidence for a vasculitis.
chemokines, or histamine-releasing factors that then lower the The histology in these patients is identical to that observed in
release threshold for the cutaneous mast cell, thus resulting in patients with an IgE-mediated LPR (Fig. 6.14). Suspects in
an urticarial lesion. whom the histology resembles a cutaneous LPR usually have
lesions which last longer than 24 hours and frequently burn or
sting, in addition to itching. Unlike an urticarial vasculitis, these
Inflammatory cells and mediators
patients do not display purpura and there is no evidence for an
The wide diversity of mast cell mediators including histamine, urticarial vasculitis when biopsied.
tryptase, chymase, and cytokines upregulate E-selectin and
VCAMs. This upregulation of adhesion molecules promotes
The role of basophils in urticaria
the influx of lymphocytes and granulocytes into the site of the
urticarial skin reaction. Peripheral blood basophils of chronic urticaria patients are
reduced or absent in patients with strong serum histamine-
releasing activity. This may be due to spontaneous degranulation
The role of eosinophils in urticaria
which, in turn, contributes to the urticarial reaction. However,
Eosinophils frequently play a role when there is an allergic more likely explanations are that these basophils migrate into
etiology to the urticaria, such as a reaction to a drug, food, or skin lesions or are removed from the circulation by macrophages
102 • Chapter 6 • Urticaria
Diagnosis of Urticaria
‘How long do
wheals last?’
acute chronic
after partial degranulation. Previous work has shown that may last hours if severe enough to elicit an LPR. Ordinary
basophils from urticaria release less histamine when stimulated urticaria wheals may last up to 24 hours, whereas the lesions of
with anti-IgE than those from healthy controls, possibly due to urticarial vasculitis typically last for up to a week. It is
being in a state of desensitization from prior exposure to important to ask for details of preceding infections, drugs,
histamine-releasing autoantibodies in the blood. Charlesworth infusions, immunizations, and unusual foods although the
and colleagues have clearly demonstrated a role for the basophil precipitating factor for chronic urticaria usually remains
in the LPR in which the late rise in cutaneous histamine is uncertain. It is common for patients with established urticaria
related to the influx of basophils and not to a mast cell origin. to observe that their symptoms are worse with heat, stress,
Nevertheless, basophils are not easily identified in the tissues, and, sometimes, alcohol. A family history of angioedema
a technical problem which has only recently been overcome should alert the clinician to the possibility of C1 inh deficiency.
with the development of antibasophil antibodies. Preliminary The two most common causes for acute ordinary urticaria
studies with these demonstrate an influx of basophils into the are drugs and infections (e.g. viral infections of the upper
skin 6 hours after allergen provocation. respiratory tract). We live in a time of polypharmacy in which
many patients receive a multiplicity of medications, both
prescribed and over the counter, in addition to non-regulated
DIAGNOSIS OF URTICARIA natural products. It may take quite a medical sleuth to sort out
the ingested culprit from the chemical morass introduced into
the alimentary tract.
The history is of great importance in the diagnosis of urticaria
and the duration of wheals can also be very helpful (Fig. 6.15).
Drugs as aggravating factors in urticaria
Wheals lasting less than 1 hour are probably due to a physical
urticaria with the exception of delayed-pressure urticaria Drugs may cause or aggravate urticaria by stimulating mast cell
which characteristically takes 2–6 hours to develop and about degranulation or influencing eicosanoid synthesis at the time of
24 hours to clear. Contact urticaria is usually short-lived but degranulation. Opiates, curare, radiocontrast media, and some
Diagnosis of Urticaria • 103
ordinary physical
acute and chronic e.g. cold,
delayed pressure
ment of severe angioedema in all types of urticaria except C1 effect when doxepin is used in this clinical context. There is an
inhibitor deficiency. increasing literature on the use of leukotriene receptor
The aim of using second-line therapies is to target specific antagonists in ordinary urticaria. Montelukast appears to be
clinical problems and thereby reduce the requirement for more effective than zafirlukast although a direct comparison
corticosteroids and adrenaline. A number of drugs have been has not been done. Clinical experience suggests that montelukast
reported for different situations (Table 6.3) but the evidence is more likely to be effective in aspirin-sensitive urticaria than
for using them is often poor and the response of individual other patterns. Drugs which have a theoretic mast cell stabilizing
patients is unpredictable. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as action, such as nifedipine, have been shown to be beneficial in
doxepin, possess potent H1-receptor blockade properties that some studies of chronic urticaria. However, in practice, the
are several orders of magnitude greater than those observed effect is small and it is probably best reserved for the urticaria
with the classic antihistamines but anticholinergic and soporific patient who also needs treatment for coincidental hypertension.
side-effects can be dose-limiting. There is no mood-elevating Reports of thyroxine helping urticaria in patients with positive
106 • Chapter 6 • Urticaria
Second-Line Therapies
thyroid autoantibodies have involved small numbers. Clinical Angioedema due to C1 inh deficiency should be treated in
experience of sulfasalazine in patients with predominantly an emergency with C1 esterase inhibitor concentrate or fresh
pressure urticaria may be favorable and some patients with frozen plasma. Antihistamines are of no value since histamine
idiopathic angioedema do well with tranexamic acid. is not a mediator of the plasma leakage. Prophylaxis with
Colchicine, dapsone, indomethacin, and hydroxychloroquine anabolic steroids or the plasmin inhibitor tranexamic acid is
have all been reported in the literature as showing potential often very effective.
effectiveness in reducing the amount or frequency of
corticosteroid needed in urticarial vasculitis therapy.
New approaches to therapy
Third-line therapies Urticaria, and its causes and cures, remain a puzzle for clinicians
and patients alike. Recent advances in our understanding of
Plasmapheresis has been used successfully in a few patients cytokines which promote mast cell releasability, interleukins
with severe unremitting ordinary chronic urticaria showing which promote eosinophil activation and block eosinophil
evidence of histamine-releasing autoantibodies. Ciclosporin has apoptotic death, and autoantibodies directed against high-
been the most thoroughly evaluated immunosuppressive affinity IgE receptors paint a complex picture of urticaria.
therapy to date and has been shown to benefit up to two-thirds Although we have adequate modalities available for the
of patients with evidence of histamine releasing autoantibodies. treatment of the usual urticaria patient, future treatment may
Other promising immunosuppressive therapies under evaluation include immunomodulation of cytokine production, use of
are intravenous immunoglobulin, methotrexate and azathioprine better non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, and attempts at
but their use should be restricted to specialist centers. downregulating autoimmune antibody production.
Charlesworth EN. The spectrum of urticaria. Grattan CEH. Chronic urticaria. In: Zuberbier T, Greaves MW, Juhlin L, et al.
All that urticates may not be urticaria. Lichtenstein LM, Busse WW, Geha RS, Definition, classification and routine
In: Charlesworth EN, ed. Urticaria. eds. Current therapy in allergy, diagnosis of urticaria: a consensus
Immunology and allergy clinics of North immunology and rheumatology. report. J Invest Dermatol Symp Proc
America. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Philadelphia: Mosby; 2003:72–76. 2001; 6:123–127.
Co; 1995:15:641–657. Grattan CEH. Autoimmune urticaria. In:
Charlesworth EN. Cutaneous allergy. Dreskin S, ed. Urticaria. Immunology
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science; and allergy clinics of North America.
1996. New York: Elsevier; 2004:163–182.
Atopic dermatitis is a
common inflammatory
skin disorder,
characterized by severe
pruritus, chronically
Atopic Dermatitis and
relapsing course, a
distinctive distribution of
Allergic Contact
eczematous skin lesions
and often a personal
or family history of
atopic diseases.
Allergic contact Thomas Werfel and Alexander Kapp
dermatitis, which is not
linked to atopy, is the
prototype of a delayed INTRODUCTION
type hypersensitivity Eczema is a pattern of inflammatory responses of the skin which can be defined either
clinically or histologically. Clinically, acute eczema is associated with marked erythema,
reaction (so-called type IV superficial papulae, and vesiculae which easily excoriate and lead to crusts. Chronic
reaction), which is eczema is composed of rather faint erythema, infiltration, and scaling (Fig. 7.1).
mediated largely by Histologically, eczema is characterized by edema and spongiosis of the epidermis,
edema of the papillary dermis, and a mononuclear infiltrate in the dermis which
lymphocytes preciously extends into the epidermis (Fig. 7. 2).
sensitized to low Eczema accounts for a large proportion of all skin diseases and is the most common
molecular weight cause for consultation with a dermatologist. The condition may be induced by a range
of external and internal factors acting singly or in combination. The individual
allergens causing classification of the clinical form may be difficult because multiple causative factors
inflammation and edema may be implicated and more than one form of eczema may be present in the same
in the skin. patient simultaneously. Table 7.1 gives a classification of the most common forms of
eczematous skin diseases. Since allergic mechanisms play a major role in only the
atopic and allergic contact forms of dermatitis, this chapter will concentrate on these
diseases. The reader is referred to dermatological textbooks to learn more about the
other forms of eczematous skin diseases. Generally, the terms eczema and dermatitis
are synonymous but the term dermatitis will be used preferentially in this chapter to
describe all forms of diseases which involve the eczematous process.
Disease Feature
Allergic contact dermatitis Provoked by local contact with
Hematogenous/drug induction
possibly with allergen
Photoallergic dermatitis Provoked by local contact plus UV
a radiation
Hematogenous/drug induction
Atopic dermatitis/ Extrinsic type (i.e. atopic
neurodermatitis dermatitis)
Intrinsic type (i.e. neurodermatitis)
Irritant contact dermatitis Provoked by local contact
Phototoxic dermatitis Provoked by local contact plus
UV radiation
Seborrheic dermatitis Provoked by Malassezia
sympodialis plus endocrine factors
Nummular dermatitis/ Provoked by inflammatory focus
discoid eczema
Varicosis dermatitis/ Provoked by a state of chronic
stasis eczema venous insufficiency
atopic dermatitis
allergen penetration
Fc receptor cell
for IgE
allergen presentation
privileged lifestyle. The reduced incidence of infection Hormonal and emotional factors
observed in early childhood and reduced contact with agents Intra-individual fluctuations in the severity of atopic dermatitis
that elicit cellular immune responses associated with a type 1 are frequently observed in women. This points to hormonal
cytokine pattern of T lymphocytes (i.e. vaccination responses) influences with menstruation, pregnancy, birth, and menopause
are currently felt to be associated with manifestations of atopic as possible trigger factors. However, more recent data suggest
diseases. However, differences of prevalences of respiratory that hormonal factors may also play a role in male patients.
allergic diseases often do not parallel prevalences of atopic Many studies emphasize the importance of psychologic factors,
dermatitis in larger epidemiologic studies, which points to such as personality traits or psychosocial stress, in the
independent risk and manifestation factors being critical for the exacerbation and maintenance of skin symptoms. Stressful life
atopic skin disease. Changes in the quality and quantity of food events may be associated with an increase in itching which
and environmental antigens which have contact with the immune leads to scratching and, by this mechanism, to a deterioration
system may be involved in the increased prevalence as well. of the skin condition. The action of neuropeptides and the
increasing number of nerve fibers which have close contact
with mast cells may be possible links between the nervous
Provocation factors in atopic dermatitis
system and the skin condition in atopic dermatitis.
A number of different trigger factors of atopic dermatitis are
well established (Fig. 7.8). Although there is still no consensus Seasonal and climatic factors
about the relative importance of these factors, the points given Individual patients show a seasonal variation in the severity of
below should be considered in the management of individual their problems; most patients tend to experience a flare in the
patients. autumn and winter months while few are affected in the spring
Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis • 111
chronic eczema
type 1 allergens
milieu T IFNγ
skin irritants food allergens
IL-12, IL-18, etc.
T T stress factors infections
in atopic
season hormones
Fig. 7.6 Switch of cytokine pattern in acute versus chronic
dermatitis. Fig. 7.8 Common provocation factors in atopic dermatitis.
dermatitis Fig. 7.7 Genetic and
expression factors in atopic
112 • Chapter 7 • Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis
an enhanced release of histamine, or a latent, subclinical inflam- Hypersensitivity to house dust mite antigens is found in 5%
matory reaction in the skin may play a role in the enhanced of all people in Western nations whereas it is found in up to
vulnerability of the atopic skin. 90% of adolescents or adults suffering from atopic dermatitis.
Exacerbations of atopic dermatitis caused by house dust mites
Infections are presumed to be related to both inhalation and skin contact.
Both systemic and local infections can trigger the eczematous Several clinical studies have reported improvement of the skin
response in atopic dermatitis. Staphylococcus aureus has been condition after a reduction in the level of house dust mites.
studied extensively as a possible trigger factor. It is detected on In addition to mites, sensitization to pollen or animal dander
the skin in more than 90% of all atopic dermatitis patients, may be associated with eczematous skin reactions. Sensitization
which may at least in part be due to the decreased expression of to cat, dog, or horse dander is frequently detected in patients
antimicrobial peptides in the atopic skin. Cell wall components with atopic dermatitis, and repeated contact with animals
from S. aureus may directly stimulate inflammatory cells via should be avoided even if the patients do not suffer from
Toll-like receptors. In addition, exotoxins are detectable in respiratory symptoms.
more than 50% of all cultures containing S. aureus which have An issue that remains controversial is the frequency of
been generated from skin swabs in atopic dermatitis. They may ‘classic’ allergic contact dermatitis to haptens in patients with
function as superantigens which can bind to major histo- atopic dermatitis. Most studies indicate that the frequency of
compatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules of monocytes sensitization to common contact allergens is not reduced in
and dendritic cells and release a number of proinflammatory patients with atopic dermatitis. The risk of contact allergy to
molecules such as IL-1 or tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). ingredients of commonly applied topical preparations (e.g.
Moreover, T cells which express reactive T-cell receptor Vβ vehicles, preservatives, fragrances, antibiotics, steroids) appears
chains can be stimulated to proliferate and secrete cytokines in to be even higher in this group. Thus, classic patch testing
response to superantigens, which may maintain the eczematous should not be neglected in adolescents or adults with atopic
skin response (Fig. 7.9). It is well established in clinical dermatitis because it may reveal important cofactors in the
experience that atopic dermatitis can be improved, in many development of eczematous skin lesions in these patients.
cases, by systemic antibiotics or by topical antiseptic compounds
(e.g. triclosan). In addition to S. aureus, the saprophyte Food
Malassezia sympodiales is thought to elicit a specific immune The role of food antigens as trigger factors of atopic dermatitis
response and thus provoke eczema on the face and neck of atopic has been discussed for more than 60 years. Early studies on
dermatitis patients – a substantial number of clinical and passively sensitized individuals have demonstrated that
laboratory data support this hypothesis. Candida albicans is immunologically active food proteins can enter the circulation
also considered to be a possible trigger factor of eczema but, to and are distributed throughout the body, including the skin
date, there are no immunologic data which directly point to a sites. It is possible that intestinal permeability is enhanced in
pathogenetic role for an infestation of the gastrointestinal tract atopic individuals and this may facilitate the resorption of food
or the skin with Candida species in atopic dermatitis. proteins. The incidence of atopic dermatitis and IgE-mediated
food allergies peaks in early childhood (Fig. 7.10), which suggests
Environmental and contact allergens that these two clinical entities may be associated.
The identification of sensitizers with a subsequent reduction of
individual allergens is particularly important in the clinical
management of atopic dermatitis, although allergens are certainly Age Relationship between Food Allergy
not the only trigger factors in this condition. and Atopy
T β
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
age (years)
inflammatory proinflammatory
cytokine cytokines Fig. 7.10 Age-related incidences of atopic diseases. Atopic
proliferation dermatitis usually presents during the first year of life, and is often
outgrown by the age of 14 years. Food allergy also usually presents
in the first year of life, and is often outgrown by the age of 5 years.
Fig. 7.9 The action of superantigens in atopic dermatitis. Asthma develops later, usually between the ages of 3 and 7 years,
T, T lymphocyte; APC, antigen-presenting cell; TCR, T-cell receptor; and is often outgrown by the age of 14 years. Allergic rhinitis
MHC II, major histocompatibility complex class II (i.e. presents later still, around the age of 7 years, and continues into
HLA-DR, -DQ, -DP). adulthood.
Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis • 113
Most young patients with atopic dermatitis (or their parents) late symptoms, such as pruritus and worsening of their eczema,
suspect that certain foods trigger their skin abnormalities. The 8–24 hours later. In some patients the late symptoms follow
tendency to try restrictive diets which have uncertain benefits directly on from the immediate manifestations (e.g. erythematous
may lead to a risk of malnutrition or additional psychologic flush of the face leading to eczema of the face), a situation
stress. Placebo-controlled oral food challenges represent the analogous to the dual reaction in asthma (Fig. 7.11). Immediate
‘gold standard’ for the diagnosis of food allergy. Many food- reactions are easily related to the suspected foodstuff in most
inducible symptoms are immediate, occurring within 15 minutes cases (Fig. 7.12). The causes of isolated late eczematous
of food ingestion, but a subpopulation of patients suffer from reactions – which are also observable to pollen associated foods
in adolescent and adult patients with atopic dermatitis – are
difficult to identify, and repeated provocation by the same
foodstuff, on at least 2 subsequent days, is proposed as an aid
to identification.
Food Allergy and Atopic Dermatitis A high proportion of children with food intolerance will
outgrow the problem – particularly cows’ milk allergy – and the
controlled reintroduction of the previously offending foodstuffs
atopic dermatitis 12 months after the first problem occurred will not be
associated with further deterioration. However, IgE-mediated
food allergy is not the whole story so far as food intolerance is
concerned. A lack of correlation between specific IgE and the
clinical response to food has been reported for food-responsive
atopic dermatitis in several studies and this may point to the
food-specific IgE no food-specific IgE relative importance of allergen-specific T lymphocytes in these
reactions. Moreover, many patients assert that consumption of
citrus fruits exacerbates their eczema and adult patients
observe that alcoholic beverages (particularly in excess!) cause
immediate no immediate worsening of their eczema on the day following the
symptoms symptoms
consumption of alcohol. It seems, therefore, that both food
to food challenge to food challenge
allergy and food intolerance due to non-immunologic
no worsening mechanisms are complicating factors in atopic dermatitis.
of dermatitis
the trunk, cheeks, and the extensor sites of the extremities are
frequently involved and, as the infant develops, the limbs also
become affected.
Symptom presentation
Many infants with atopic dermatitis have erythematous oozing
lesions, predominantly on the cheeks. As the child grows, the
Fig. 7.15 White dermographism.
affected sites tend to be the hands, the neck area, and the feet,
particularly under the straps of footwear. The older child has
predominant involvement behind the knees (Fig. 7.13), in the
elbow folds, and frequently also on the face. The adult patient
has a more generalized distribution, commonly with diffuse
involvement on the trunk and upper thigh area.
With continual rubbing and excoriation, the skin becomes
lichenified and develops a thickened, coarse appearance. A
clinical variant found in adolescents and adults is the
pruriginous form of atopic dermatitis, which is probably caused
by repeated localized scratching.
The facial appearance of a patient with chronic atopic
dermatitis is characteristic, with premature small wrinkles under-
neath both eyes – Dennie–Morgan folds – and, frequently, the
loss of the outer third of the eyebrow through rubbing the face
on the pillow while sleeping. This is referred to as Hertoghe’s
sign (Fig. 7.14). The characteristic white dermographism
(Fig. 7.15) of the atopic patient gives rise to an unhealthy pallor.
Although most patients with atopic dermatitis are encouraged
Fig. 7.16 Nipple dermatitis.
to keep their nails cut very short to avoid excoriation of the
skin by scratching, many patients buff or rub at their skin using
the flat surface of the nail, which gives the nails a highly
polished appearance. others whose work involves persistent exposure of the skin to
Young women with atopic dermatitis may develop persistent detergents, soaps, and other degreasing materials.
and, at times, severe dermatitis around the nipple and periareolar A large proportion of patients with chronic atopic dermatitis
area (Fig. 7.16). In a proportion of patients with hand dermatitis have an associated dry skin, which is frequently hypersensitive
their condition is associated with atopy. This should be and mildly pruritic, and its control may help to alleviate the
considered particularly with regard to hairdressers, nurses, and pruritus of atopic dermatitis.
Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis • 115
Additional tests
The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is usually made by evaluation
of anamnestic data and clinical presentation. According to
Hanifin and Rajka, three of their major and three of their minor
criteria (Table 7.2) must be fulfilled to classify a skin disease as
atopic dermatitis. Since this list is too long to be evaluated in
daily practice, easier diagnostic criteria have been subsequently
defined. Table 7.3 displays a simplified proposal, which was
evaluated by a multicenter study group from the UK.
Laboratory data may sometimes be helpful in the diagnosis
Fig. 7.18 Infection with molluscum contagiosum virus as a stigma of atopic dermatitis. Patients with atopic dermatitis frequently
for atopic children. have eosinophilia and approximately 80% of patients have
abnormally high serum levels of IgE, the highest levels being
recorded in those patients with additional respiratory symptoms
Some patients with atopic dermatitis do not develop their and in those with apparently associated food allergy. However,
first lesions until later childhood, adolescence, or even adult- up to 15% of the normal population has serum IgE levels above
hood. Individual case reports are recorded of patients who the normal range and a number of other diseases (e.g.
develop atopic dermatitis for the first time after acute inter- helminthic infestations, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) are also
current infection, such as infectious mononucleosis, and after associated with high serum IgE levels. Thus, total serum IgE
successful marrow transplantation for leukemia. levels are not specific markers of the atopic dermatitis patient.
Patients with atopic dermatitis are unusually susceptible to Radioallergosorbent (RAST) or skin prick tests to identify
certain cutaneous viral and bacterial infections and, of these, IgE levels specific to allergens have a higher specificity in the
colonization with S. aureus is most common (Fig. 7.17). As diagnosis of atopy than total serum IgE. In the young child, the
outlined above there is now evidence of a causative relationship bulk of IgE is directed against ingested foodstuffs; however,
between S. aureus colonization and the severity of the disease. later in life, a large proportion of IgE appears to be directed
Patients with atopic dermatitis have a higher than expected against inhalant allergens. It is important to note that these
incidence of warts caused by human papilloma virus or infections tests show a sensitization but often do not prove that the
by molluscum contagiosum virus (Fig. 7.18). They are also patient has a clinically relevant allergy.
116 • Chapter 7 • Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Table 7.2 Diagnostic criteria of atopic dermatitis according to Management of Atopic Dermatitis
Hanifin and Rajka
atopic dermatitis
general management
• skin care
• emollients
• avoidance of irritants,
sudden changes of
temperature, humidity
allergologic no allergologic
T management management
topical steroids systemic steroids
topical calcineurin inhibitors phototherapy
eating antibacterial treatment ciclosporin A
Fig. 7.20 Management of atopic dermatitis.
According to Williams HC, Burney PG, Pembroke AC, et al. Validation of Avoidance of skin irritants
the UK diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis in a population setting.
UK Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Dermatitis Working Party. Br J Dermatol Patients with atopic dermatitis should avoid materials which
1996; 135(1):12–17. © Blackwell Science Ltd. irritate the skin. These frequently include both natural products,
such as wool, and synthetic fibers. The majority of patients find
Management of Atopic Dermatitis • 117
that pure cotton is the most comfortable clothing. Moving same local side-effects as topical steroids, such as the induction
rapidly from one environmental extreme to another should also of skin atrophy, their use may be particularly favorable at
be avoided as large changes in ambient temperature, particularly sensitive skin regions such as the face or intertriginous areas.
from cold to hot, and changes in humidity, are associated with Severe chronic atopic dermatitis will benefit from the use of
deterioration of the skin condition. systemic corticosteroids; however, long-term treatment must
be reserved for exceptionally stubborn cases because of the
Allergen avoidance
Ciclosporin, a polypeptide of fungal origin, is a potent
Reasonable steps to reduce the environmental exposure to inhibitor of T lymphocyte-dependent immune responses and
allergens should be taken. This can be difficult with some was originally introduced as an immunosuppressive agent to
allergens, but with others the precautions are obvious (e.g. facilitate allogenic organ transplantation; it is also very effective
households with a severely atopic child should not keep a cat). in patients with atopic dermatitis in doses from 2.5 to 5 mg/kg
Although the house dust mite is ubiquitous and difficult to per day. Clearing of acute eczematous skin lesions is usually
control, every effort should be made to reduce the prevalence observed after 4–6 weeks of therapy but, as with steroids,
of the mite in the environment, particularly in the sleeping improvement is only temporary and frequent flares occur after
area. The established and recommended avoidance procedures discontinuation of the drug therapy.
include removal of the carpet and curtains from the bedroom, Many dermatologists find that the addition of a topical
encasing mattresses, pillows, and blankets in impermeable antibacterial agent (such as triclosan) to the steroid preparation
synthetic material, and hot washing of all bedding once a week. will apparently improve atopic dermatitis and for many this is
routine practice. Others prefer to use intermittent short
courses of systemic antibiotics and the most useful are those
Drug treatment
which have an antistaphylococcal action (e.g. clindamycin,
cephalosporin derivates, or flucloxacillin).
Antiinflammatory and antimicrobial agents
Management of eczema herpeticum requires systemic
The mainstay of control in atopic dermatitis is the appropriate acyclovir or related derivates which are given either orally or
use of topical corticosteroid creams or topical antiinflammatory intravenously depending on the severity of the exacerbation
calcineurin-inhibitors. Topical steroids must be handled with and on the need to obtain a rapid response.
care and under regular supervision since they may be absorbed
through the skin and the inappropriate use of potent steroids
may lead to unwanted topical and systemic effects. In Europe,
topical steroids are divided into four classes, with increasing Systemic histamine H1-receptor antagonists are frequently
potency ranging from grade I, containing hydrocortisone, to prescribed for patients with atopic dermatitis, but their value is
grade IV (Table 7.4). It is important to note that this disputed. It is found that these antihistamines are initially of
classification differs from that in the USA (seven classes) and some benefit to individual patients, particularly with regard to
that there is no direct link between these classes and pruritus at night and loss of sleep. Newer non-sedating histamine
prednisone-equivalent doses calculated for systemic applications H1 antagonists are suitable for daytime use, but many patients
of steroids. It is normal dermatologic practice to use a topical with chronic severe atopic dermatitis will find the older anti-
steroid no more potent than grade I on the face, and then only histamines of more value, possibly because of the sedative effect
for a short time, and only moderately potent steroids (grade II) rather than the specific antihistaminic actions of the drugs.
on other body sites. As preparations vary widely throughout the
world, current national formularies should be consulted. Topical
Other procedures
calcineurin-inhibitors such as tacrolimus or pimecrolimus are
also effective in atopic dermatitis. Since they do not have the Phototherapy
Phototherapy – including UVB (290–320 nm), UVA
(320–400 nm), and combinations of UVA and UVB – and
photochemotherapy (PUVA) have long been used to treat
Table 7.4 Classification of external corticosteroids atopic dermatitis. The recent development of specific emission
spectra has resulted in a re-evaluation of the efficacy of photo-
European Classification of the External Corticosteroids therapy for atopic dermatitis. Compared with conventional
UVB, narrow band UVB (311 nm) radiation is less erythemogenic
Group Substance (examples) Concentration (%) and causes fewer side-effects and, according to recent studies,
I (Low) Hydrocortisone 0.500; 1.000 atopic dermatitis appears to respond well to the therapy. High-
Hydrocortisone acetate 0.250; 1.000 dose UVA (UVA1, 340–400 nm) is used successfully for the
Prednisolone 0.400 treatment of an acute exacerbation of atopic dermatitis: it is
II (Medium) Hydrocortisone butyrate 0.100 less erythemogenic than conventional UVA and allows irradiation
Triamcinolone acetonide 0.100 of 130 J/cm2. However, long-term side-effects, such as
Prednicarbate 0.250 premature skin aging and carcinogenesis, must be considered.
III (Strong) Betamethasone valerate 0.100
Flucinolone acetonide 0.025 Dietary measures
Mometasone furoate 0.100 Two differing approaches, preventive and curative, can be
IV (Very strong) Clobetasol 0.050 adopted. The preventive approach involves the delayed
introduction of mixed feeding, and the exclusive breastfeeding
118 • Chapter 7 • Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis
derived from bone marrow and characterized by the membrane through their expression of corresponding ligands such as
expression of CD1a and MHC class II antigens and by containing leukocyte function antigens (LFA) or CLA, recognize adhesion
a unique organelle, the Birbeck granule, which is seen on electro- molecules on the surface membranes of endothelial cells and
microscopic examination. In the corium, dermal dendritic cells can bind to these cells. This further increases the trafficking of
– composed of at least three subpopulations – and certain types mononuclear cells through the skin.
of macrophages are available for antigen presentation, which is The main histologic findings of contact dermatitis have been
the key event in delayed hypersensitivity. summarized earlier and Figure 7.2 shows some of these. The
The development of contact hypersensitivity usually occurs earliest histologic change, seen about 4 hours after epicutaneous
in only a minority of individuals exposed to potential allergens, challenge with an antigen, is a periappendageal and perivascular
although certain substances have a greater likelihood of mononuclear cell infiltrate. By 8 hours, mononuclear cells begin
inducing sensitivity. For example, dinitrochlorobenzene will to infiltrate the epidermis. The infiltrates increase to a maximum
sensitize over 90% of normal individuals upon repeated skin at 48–72 hours – by which time there is edema of the epidermis
contact. Recent studies suggest that the allergeneity of a – after which the reaction subsides. The majority of infiltrating
molecule may be associated with its potential to induce cells are CD4+ although the quantity of CD8+ T cells can be
intracellular activation steps with the subsequent release of as high as 50%. Basophils are also observed in the early infiltrate
proinflammatory cytokines – such as IL-1β – from antigen- of allergic contact dermatitis. The numbers of Langerhans’ cells
presenting cells. This reaction may perhaps serve as an indicator increase in the epidermis at 24–48 hours, and CD1a+ cells are
in future predictive test systems that estimate the allergenic found in the dermal infiltrate as well. Macrophages invade the
potency of newly developed substances. dermis at 48 hours.
Sensitization takes 10–14 days to develop. If examined Spontaneous resolution occurs after the antigen is removed
prospectively, it is characterized clinically on about the 10th and the T-cell mediators disappear. A number of mechanisms
day by an eczematous flare reaction at the site of the sensitizing are involved in the downregulation of the inflammatory response.
application. Most epicutaneously applied allergens which attach Macrophages and keratinocytes produce prostaglandins of the
to the Langerhans’ cell membrane are internalized. Some of the E series which inhibit the production of (proinflammatory)
fragments which result from the processing of the antigen are cytokines. Other mediators, such as leukotriene B4, transforming
expressed on the surface of the Langerhans’ cell in association growth factor, or IL-10, may be involved in downregulation of
with MHC class II molecules. Activated Langerhans’ cells the eczematous reaction as well. In addition, T-regulatory cells
upregulate certain chemokine receptors (particularly CCR7) expressing the transcription factor fox p3 inhibit T-cell
and follow a gradient of the respective receptor ligands in the proliferation by cell-to-cell contacts. The role of skin-
dermis and draining lymphatics after they have moved out of infiltrating CD8+ T cells is not clear yet but they may function
the epidermis until they reach the regional lymph nodes. There as suppressor cells which dampen down the reaction.
they congregate in the paracortical areas of the regional lymph
nodes and have the opportunity to present the processed
antigen (associated with MHC class II molecules) to a large
number of T lymphocytes (Fig. 7.22). If sensitization develops,
a population of antigen-specific sensitized CD4+ T lymphocytes
is produced.
Women present more commonly than men with allergic contact
dermatitis, and there is an increase in incidence with advancing
Inflammatory cells and mediators
age. The clinical features of allergic contact dermatitis depend
Figure 7.23 illustrates that an antigen applied epicutaneously on the type of allergen responsible (Fig. 7.25). Usually, dermatitis
to the skin of a sensitized individual is again processed by occurs at the site of allergen application but a spreading of the
Langerhans’ cells and expressed on the cell surfaces in dermatitis is also possible. The important points in the clinical
association with MHC class II molecules. Langerhans’ cells identification and management of allergic contact dermatitis
then present antigens not only in the lymph nodes but also in are given in Figure 7.26. In taking the patient’s history, it is
the skin to specific memory T lymphocytes. T cells become important to consider occupational, household, and recreational
activated both by the direct contact of antigen receptors to the exposure to possible allergens.
antigen–MHC complex and by cytokines secreted from antigen-
presenting cells, from bystander cells (e.g. keratinocytes), and
Symptom presentation
from other skin-infiltrating T cells. The latter appear to produce
a mixed cytokine pattern – including IL-4 and IFNγ – in acute A battery of common allergens has been defined in several parts
allergic contact dermatitis and a more pronounced type 1 of the world, and they differ from continent to continent. In
cytokine pattern in the chronic phase of dermatitis. The some areas of North America, plants – particularly poison oak
production of cytokines and chemokines results, through a and poison ivy – are the most common cause of allergic contact
variety of mechanisms, in the accumulation of antigen-specific dermatitis. Worldwide, however, nickel sulfate is now the
and non-antigen-specific effector T cells and in the expression leading cause of allergic contact dermatitis.
of adhesion molecules and MHC class II molecules on the cell Common sources of allergens in Europe and North America
membranes in the skin (Fig. 7.24). Less than 10% of T cells in are shown in Table 7.5. Many patients find it difficult to
allergic contact dermatitis are allergen specific. Endothelial cells understand that material handled for many years can suddenly
are stimulated early by cytokines to express molecules involved give rise to an allergic contact dermatitis; similarly, allergy to a
in lymphocyte adhesion such as the intercellular adhesion regular cosmetic or washing powder may not be regarded by
molecule (ICAM-1) or E-selectin. Circulating T lymphocytes, the patient as a possible cause of their problems. In such cases
120 • Chapter 7 • Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis
MHC II molecule
Langerhans' cell
via blood,
back to Production of antigen-specific T cells
germinal center
Regional lymph node
to T cells
T antigen-
T specific
T T cell
Fig. 7.22 Antigen-bearing
T Langerhans’ cells migrate,
T T T via the lymphatics, to the
regional lymph nodes. In
the paracortical area they
interdigitate with CD4+
increased T-cell numbers T lymphocytes resulting
in the generation of
antigen-specific memory
T cells.
Diagnosis of Allergic Contact Dermatitis • 121
T • proliferation
• cytokine
a b
Agent Found in
These are ubiquitous antibacterials used in the industry to
prevent contamination. Cosmetic products with a high water
content (lotions) require more preservatives than pure ointments
(petroleum jelly), which can be preservative-free. Formaldehyde,
quaternium-15, imidazolidinyl urea, dimethyloldimethyl
hydantoin, dibromocyanobutane, methylchloroisothiazolinone,
and parabens are common sensitizers. Quaternium-15,
imidazolidinyl urea, and dimethyloldimethyl hydantoin are
potential formaldehyde releasers and may therefore cause
problems with formaldehyde-sensitive patients. Each preservative
can be identified by a vast number of synonyms and the
clinician must be familiar with these when reading product a
Rubber ingredients
Patients with hand, foot, waistband, and chest rashes should be
suspected of being allergic to rubber ingredients in gloves,
shoes, and bra straps respectively. Knee braces, elbow braces,
and other prostheses are also common culprits. Shoes present
a particular challenge in these patients as virtually every
commercially available shoe contains some rubber.
Rubber allergies are common among those involved in rubber
manufacturing and the possible allergens include the thiurams,
mercaptobenzothiazole, and p-phenylenediamine (PPD).
Mercaptobenzothiazole and thiurams are accelerators used in
the manufacture of both natural and synthetic rubber and PPD
derivates are found in dark rubber. They are also major
components of most hair dyes and also of dyes for some
stockings and tights.
Plant dermatitis
While common, plant dermatitis is not evaluated by standard Fig. 7.31 Plant dermatitis. Facial dermatitis eruption (a) (with the
patch testing. The most common plant dermatitis in the USA characteristic patchy distribution) caused by Primula (b).
is caused by poison ivy and/or poison oak and their allergenicity
is due to the antigen urushiol. There is also cross-reactivity to
other related plants such as cashew, mango skin, and ginko (tree
leaves). Patients with acute perioral dermatitis due to these
foods are usually unaware of the cross-relationship. Sesquiterpene
lactones are found in members of the Compositae family
(chrysanthemum, ragweed, artichoke, chamomile, daisy,
dandelion, etc.) but also in unrelated plants and, in North
Europe, Primula obconica is a common cause of problems
(Fig. 7.31). The allergen involved is primin, which is airborne
and can cause an acute reaction. Tulip bulb handlers may also
develop a problem with a dry cracked dermatitis on the
fingertips, caused by handling bulbs.
The most frequent sites of allergic photocontact dermatitis are
exposed areas (e.g. face, neck, back of the hands, etc.), but any
skin area receiving sufficient light and a photosensitizing
chemical may manifest a reaction (Fig. 7.32). The most important
Fig. 7.32 Photoallergic contact dermatitis.
differential diagnoses are airborne or phototoxic contact
dermatitis, the latter being based on a non-immunologic
mechanism and often manifested clinically as exaggerated sun- substances of photo allergic contact dermatitis. p-Aminobenzoic
burn reactions. The most common phototoxins and photoallergens acid (PABA) – and its esters – and oxybenzone are the most
are activated by UVA radiation (320–400 nm). Paradoxically, frequent sensitizers. Other frequent photoallergens are
sunscreen agents have become the most common causative fragrances, chlorpromazine, and phenothiazine and its derivatives.
Diagnosis of Allergic Contact Dermatitis • 125
Once there is a suspicion of allergic contact dermatitis, patch 5. Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate 1.0 pet
testing is warranted. The selection of test batteries for 6. Benzocaine 5.0 pet
patch tests is highly dependent on the clinical presentation 7. Nickel sulfate hexahydrate 5.0 pet
of the disease and on anamnestic data. It has been estimated 8. Clioquinol 5.0 pet
that 2800 of more than 6 million chemicals which are in
the environment have contact-sensitizing properties, which 9. Colophony 20 pet
underlines the need for a rational selection of substances 10. Paraben mix 16.0 pet
for individual tests. It is crucial, however, to realize that 11. N-Isopropyl-N-phenyl-4-phenylenediamine 0.1 pet
many patients are unaware of any relevant exposures, despite 12. Wool alcohols 30.0 pet
a careful history. Done appropriately, patch tests always
provide useful information whether the results are positive or 13. Mercapto mix 2.0 pet
negative. 14. Epoxy resin 1.0 pet
False-positive reactions may be due to patch testing too soon 15. Balsam Peru 25.0 pet
after treatment of acute dermatitis and false negatives may be 16. 4-tert-Butylphenolformaldehyde resin 1.0 pet
due to prior UV radiation, or the use of steroids or other
immunosuppressant drugs. Systemic antihistamines have no 17. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole 2.0 pet
effect on eczematous patch-test results. The technique of 18. Formaldehyde 1.0 aq
patch testing is deceptively simple. The European standard 19. Fragrance mix 8.0 pet
battery of allergens, shown in Table 7.6, is a collection of the 20. Sesquiterpene lactone mix 0.1 pet
allergens which most often lead to epicutaneous sensitization
and a similar battery is available for North America. In addition 21. 1-(3-Chloroallyl)-3,5,7-triaza- 1.0 pet
1-azoniaadamantane chloride
to the European standard battery, additional batteries are (Quaternium 15)
available for certain body sites and for certain occupations.
22. 2-Methoxy-6-n-pentyl-4-benzoquinone (Primin) 0.01 pet
The allergens are prepared in appropriate concentrations in
an appropriate diluent – usually white soft paraffin – and are 23. 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one 0.01 aq
applied to the skin on inert metal disks, such as Finn chambers 24. Budesonide 0.01 pet
(Fig. 7.33). After 24–48 hours, the battery of chambers is 25. Tixocortol-21-pivalate 0.1 pet
removed and areas of erythema or induration are noted
(Fig. 7.34 and Table 7.7). A similar reading is taken 24 hours
after removal of the chambers (i.e. 48–72 hours after application
of the prepared allergens).
Antigen selection and patch-test interpretation can be
difficult and a well-demarcated, red, raised area is in most cases
not due to an allergic contact dermatitis but to an irritant
reaction. Adverse reactions during patch testing include a severe
irritant reaction which may cause blistering, sensitization to
material which previously produced no response, the development
of a Koebner reaction if the patient has a tendency to psoriasis
or lichen planus, and a flare of pre-existing dermatitis.
The sensitivity of patch tests depends on individual contact
allergens and, on the whole, it is about 60–80% in different
studies. On the other hand, around 10% of healthy people in
populations who have no skin disease will have unexpected,
apparently irrelevant, positive results.
In the case of some potential allergens, the classic 48-hour
closed patch test is inappropriate as it does not give a true
reflection of the contact with the allergen in normal daily life.
Consequently, some alternatives have been introduced, the most
important being the open patch test, which is recommended Fig. 7.33 Patch testing. General view showing the number of
for the investigation of irritating substances. allergens which can be tested for at any one time.
126 • Chapter 7 • Atopic Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis
stimulation index
Akdis CA, Akdis M, Bieber T, et al. Cohen DE. Contact dermatitis: a quarter Rycroft RJG, Menne T, Frosch PJ, et al.
AAAAI/EAACI RACTALL Consensus century perspective. J Am Acad Textbook of contact dermatitis. 3rd
report. Diagnosis and treatment of Dermatol 2004; 51(suppl 1):S60–63. edn. Berlin: Springer; 2001.
atopic dermatitis in children and adults. Dearman RJ, Kimber I. Factors influencing Saint–Mezard P, Rosieres A, Krasteva M,
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006 (in press). the induction phase of skin et al. Evidence-based diagnosis in
Akhavan A, Cohen SR. The relationship sensitization. Am J Contact Dermatol patch testing. Contact Dermatitis
between atopic dermatitis and contact 2003; 14:188–194. 2003; 48:121–125.
dermatitis. Clin Dermatol 2003; Fonacier L, Charlesworth EN. Patch testing Schnuch A, Uter W. Decrease in nickel
21:158–162. for allergic contact dermatitis in the allergy in Germany and regulatory
Beltrani VS. Occupational dermatoses. Curr allergist office. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep interventions. Contact Dermatitis 2003;
Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 2003; 3:283–290. 49:107–108.
3:115–123. Leung DY, Boguniewicz M, Howell MD, et al. Werfel T, Breuer B. Role of food allergy in
Breuer K, Kapp A, Werfel T. Bacterial New insights into atopic dermatitis. J Clin atopic dermatitis. Curr Opin Allergy Clin
infections and atopic dermatitis. Allergy Invest 2004; 113:65165–65167. Immunol 2004; 4:379–385.
2001; 56:1034–1041. Nicolas JF. Allergic contact dermatitis. Werfel T, Kapp A. Environmental and other
Breuer K, Werfel T, Kapp A. Safety and Eur J Dermatol 2004; 14:284–295. major provocation factors in atopic
efficacy of topical immunomodulators in Novak N, Bieber T, Leung DY. Immune dermatitis. Allergy 1998; 53:731–739.
the treatment of childhood eczema. Am mechanisms leading to atopic Werfel T, Kapp A. T-cells in atopic
J Clin Dermatol 2005; 6:65–70. dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol dermatitis. In: Leung D, Bieber T. Atopic
Bruckner AL, Weston WL. Allergic contact 2003; 112(suppl 6):S128–139. dermatitis. St Louis: Marcel Decker;
dermatitis in children: a practical Rietschel RL, Fowler JF. Fisher’s contact 2002:241–266.
approach to management. Skin Therapy dermatitis. 5th edn. Philadelphia:
Lett 2002; 7:3–5. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001.
‘Gastrointestinal allergy’
is a non-toxic, immune-
mediated, abnormal
reaction of the
gastrointestinal tract in
Gastrointestinal Allergy
response to ingested
food protein or any other
exogenous antigen Stephan C Bischoff
causing variable
symptoms such as INTRODUCTION
pharyngeal pruritus, The gastrointestinal (GI) tract as an organ of shock in allergic disease has been studied
vomiting, abdominal pain, less extensively than have other organs, such as the respiratory tract, the skin, or the
eye. However, there are several lines of evidence suggesting that the GI tract may be
diarrhea, flatulence and of particular relevance for allergic disease, since it may function not only as a shock
malassimilation. organ but also as a site of antigen uptake and primary immune response. The mucosal
surfaces are more susceptible to antigen penetration than the skin, the keratin layer of
which forms an effective barrier for most exogenous antigens. The GI mucosa is
challenged daily with thousands of potential allergens, such as food proteins, bacteria,
chemicals, and even pollens, which are not only inhaled but also swallowed into the
GI tract. In contrast to other mucosal surfaces, the GI mucosa is specialized for the
uptake of nutrients and, therefore, the risk of pathologic immune reactions is high. In
this chapter, the current knowledge on the mechanism and the clinical management
of GI allergy is presented.
in individuals who are abnormally reactive to substances, such the lips and the mucosa of the pharynx, gluten enteropathy
as vasoactive amines present in some foods. Undefined food which leads to villus atrophy in the duodenum, and
intolerance reactions may include reactions to food that induce malassimilation, or eosinophilic proctitis in children, which
endogenous histamine release, or to food additives such as dyes, causes stool incontinency and pain. In principle, all sites of the
tartrazine, sulfites, benzoates, parabens, antioxidants, salicylates, GI tract may be affected by allergy. The factors determining
and glutamate. Such reactions may be based on immune- the site of allergy, which is not necessarily the site of antigen
mediated and non-immune-mediated responses (unspecific uptake, are unknown.
mediator release, enzyme inhibition), the mechanisms of which
are poorly defined.
GI allergy may affect different sites of the GI tract, leading
to a range of clinical symptoms (Table 8.1). Some clinical
entities, obviously related to food-induced GI allergy, have been
described, such as oral allergy syndrome (OAS) which affects
In general, the GI tract is composed of four concentric layers,
which, from the lumen outward, are the mucosa, submucosa,
muscularis propria, and serosa (Fig. 8.3). The mucosa consists
of the epithelium and the lamina propria, a loose connective
Common Antigens Associated with Gastrointestinal Allergy tissue rich in immune-competent cells, and the circular
muscularis mucosae. The epithelium may invaginate to form
immune- non-immune-
mediated mediated
('GI allergy') ('GI intolerance')
inner circular
outer longitudinal
lamina propria
Fig. 8.3 Anatomy of the
intestinal wall. The histological
pancreas and anatomy of the small intestine
bile duct is shown. A similar architecture
of the bowel layers is found
at other sites of the
gastrointestinal tract.
Lymphoid tissue
The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is primarily located
in the lamina propria (Fig. 8.4). It may be present diffusely or
as solitary or aggregated nodules, known as Peyer’s patches, in Fig. 8.4 Gut-associated lymphoid tissue. A large lymphoid follicle
the small intestine. Lymphoid follicles surrounded by a plexus can be seen in the mucosa of the cecum. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain, original magnification × 100.)
of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries are found in all
sections of the GI tract, and contain both B and T lymphocytes.
The lymphoid cells form part of the mucosal immune system
and secrete IgA as well as other immunoglobulins and cytokines.
Lymphocytes are found in the lamina propria [mostly CD4+ as scattered cells in the lamina propria. The most efficient
helper T cells (Th cells)] and between the epithelial cells (mostly antigen sampling occurs in the flattened epithelial cells overlying
CD8+ T cells). It is believed that both T and B lymphocytes lymphoid aggregates.
migrate out of the epithelium to the lymphoid follicles where The M cell, which is an epithelial cell with microfolds,
Th cells aid in the differentiation of B cells to antibody-producing endocytoses macromolecules and transports them to the baso-
plasma cells. T cells also migrate to mesenteric lymph nodes laterally located intraepithelial lymphocytes. Mucosal plasma
where they proliferate and enter the systemic circulation, cells produce predominantly IgA and IgM antibodies. The Ig
returning back to the mucosa as memory T cells. Antigen- monomers are linked by J chains to dimeric secretory IgA or
presenting cells are predominantly found in Peyer’s patches or pentameric IgM, which bind to the secretory component, a
132 • Chapter 8 • Gastrointestinal Allergy
IgM secretory
receptor on glandular epithelial cells that mediates the system (Fig. 8.6). The ENS contains integrative circuiting,
transport of IgA and IgM to the lumen. IgG and IgE are consisting of interneurons within the ganglia that process
secreted into the lumen as monomers and the majority diffuse information from intramural and mucosal sensory receptors
directly into the lymphatics. Apart from lymphocytes, other (e.g. fluidity, volume, chemical composition, and temperature
hematopoietic cells found in the GI tissue, particularly in the of luminal contents) and, via the motoneurons, programs the
small and large bowel, are eosinophil granulocytes (4–6% of appropriate behavior of the effector system. The majority of
the lamina propria cells), neutrophil granulocytes (rare in the neurons from the submucosal ganglia project into the
non-inflamed GI tissue), monocytes, mast cells (2–3% of mucosa. Sympathetic ganglia are external to the gut wall lying
lamina propria cells), and various types of endocrine cells pro- in the celiac plexus as well as in the superior and inferior
ducing hormones and neurotransmitters, such as somatostatin, mesenteric plexus.
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, serotonin, motilin, and Neurons of the parasympathetic ganglia are located in the
substance P (Fig. 8.5). submucosal plexus (Meissner’s plexus) and in the myenteric
plexus (Auerbach’s plexus) lying between the circular and
longitudinal layers of the tunica muscularis propria. The
myenteric plexus generates the basic electrical rhythm of the
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the most complex portion gut, but it is not necessary for propagation of the interdigestive
of the peripheral nervous system. It differs from the sympathetic myoelectric complex. However, Meissner’s and Auerbach’s
and parasympathetic division of the autonomous nervous plexuses are interconnected into a single functional system.
system because most of its component neurons do not receive Stimulation of the parasympathetic neurons usually increases
direct input from the brain or the spinal cord. Therefore, it can circulation, secretion, and muscular activity, whereas stimulation
mediate reflex activity independently of the central nervous of the sympathetic system has the reverse effects.
Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Allergy • 133
epithelial cells
intrinsic cell
sensory muscularis
neurons mucosae
M cell
Th2 Th1
IL-5 IL-2
oral IL-10
tolerance TGFβ
allergic cell-mediated
inflammation inflammation
Fig. 8.7 Pathomechanisms of intestinal inflammation (hypothesis). Possible mechanisms of allergic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
are based on current hypotheses on hypersensitivity reactions and oral tolerance. In a normal situation, luminal proteins (antigens) are
digested and hardly enter the tissue due to non-specific (e.g. mucus) and immune (e.g. luminal IgA and IgM) barriers; or, after uptake by M
cells, processing, and presentation to intraepithelial cells and CD8+ lamina propria T-suppressor cells (Ts), oral tolerance results. However,
the immune response can be polarized if antigens bypass the epithelial processing and are presented by conventional antigen-presenting
cells (APC) to CD4+ lamina propria helper T cells (Th0). After activation, T-helper cells may predominantly release either interleukin-2 (IL-2)
and interferon γ (INFγ) (Th1), or IL-4 and IL-5 (Th2). Th1 cells induce cell-mediated hypersensitivity and inflammation. Cytokines of Th2 cells
induce IgE synthesis and eosinophil infiltration leading to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity and inflammation. On the other hand, Th2 cell-derived
cytokines, such as IL-10, may be involved in downregulation of Th1 responses and inflammation, and, by the release of transforming growth
factor β (TGFβ) may support the development of oral tolerance.
histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. The latter the pathomechanisms of allergic inflammation and the
may cause local or systemic immune responses rather than induction of oral tolerance are summarized in Figure 8.7.
suppression, and finally lead to GI allergy. T cells with Several risk factors for the breakdown of oral tolerance
suppressive activity have been identified in the intestinal mucosa, and development of GI allergy have been suggested, such as
mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen after ingesting an antigen. genetic predisposition (e.g. predominance of Th type 2 (Th2)
Such T cells are of CD8+ phenotype; they secrete transforming lymphocytes, increased production of IL-4 and IL-5, or
growth factor β (TGFβ) (which may act on other immune enhanced mast cell releasability), lack of protective factors (e.g.
cells and induce bystander suppression in naive cells) and IgA deficiency, decreased suppressive factors, or suppressive
interleukin-10 (IL-10) (which downregulates inflammatory CD8+ lymphocytes), and increased antigen resorption (e.g.
reactions), and they can transfer oral tolerance from one organism increased intestinal permeability and loss of mucosal integrity
to another. These findings, derived mainly from animal models, caused by intestinal infections or inflammatory bowel disease
have to be confirmed for humans. The current hypotheses on (IBD), drugs, or nutrients such as alcohol, nicotine, and spices).
Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Allergy and Food Intolerance • 135
a b
c d
Fig. 8.10 Eosinophilic enterocolitis: histologic findings. Large bowel sections (same patient as in Fig. 8.9). (a) Mucosal destruction and
cell infiltration (hematoxylin and eosin stain, × 100). (b) Eosinophilia in the submucosa (hematoxylin and eosin stain, × 500).
(c) Immunohistochemical staining using an antibody directed against eosinophil cationic protein stored in the granules of eosinophils (EG2
monoclonal antibody stain, × 100). (d) Same as (c) (× 1000).
The time interval between food challenge and onset of sensitivity reactions) and can be readily diagnosed by skin tests
clinical symptoms may vary from a few minutes to many hours. or measurements of specific serum IgE. In contrast, delayed
In general, early reactions, occurring within minutes, involve reactions are often based on other mechanisms and are much
the upper part of the GI tract (e.g. lips, pharynx, stomach, more difficult to confirm on an objective basis. Early IgE-
duodenum), whereas late reactions starting after several hours mediated reactions, but not delayed reactions, are frequently
(or days) are often related to the small or large intestine. Early associated with atopy (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, extrinsic
reactions are more frequently IgE-mediated (type I hyper- asthma, atopic relatives etc.). The relationship between GI
Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Allergy and Food Intolerance • 137
Physical examination
The patient’s history (in particular the onset of disease, the
type of symptoms, the time interval between food ingestion
and onset of symptoms, the dietetic regimens, and history of
atopy) as well as the patient’s physical examination must be
recorded carefully. This is particularly important because of the
lack of specific clinical symptoms and laboratory tests indicating
GI allergy and, therefore, the diagnosis of GI allergy to foods
or other antigens is largely based on the exclusion of other
diseases. Physical examination includes a general examination
of major body functions as well as specific examinations, such as
inspection of the skin, the oral cavity, and the pharynx, the
a palpation and percussion of the abdomen, and the digital
examination of the rectum. However, normal findings in
physical examinations do not exclude GI (food) allergy.
Additional tests
In order to exclude other GI diseases, additional apparative
diagnostic means are required, such as endoscopy of the upper
and lower GI tract; histologic examinations of GI biopsies;
radiologic examinations; laboratory tests; microbiologic
examinations of serum, intestinal liquids, biopsies, and feces;
and stool analyses for parameters of malassimilation. In principle,
infectious diseases, IBDs (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis),
celiac disease, and tumor disease of the GI tract have to be
excluded. Therefore, classic gastroenterologic means and tests
for the presence of GI allergy have to be combined to confirm
b GI allergy on an objective basis (Table 8.2).
release of granules into epithelial cells
mast cell
Fig. 8.13 (a) Technique of colonoscopic allergen provocation. Allergen extracts are injected into the intestinal mucosa by a fine needle during
colonoscopy. (b) After 15 minutes, a mucosal wheal-and-flare reaction, accompanied by mast cell and eosinophil degranulation and increased
peristalsis, can be observed in cases reacting positively toward the administered allergen.
Half of the selected antigens cause a significant wheal-and-flare intestinal challenge. It has been found that antigen-induced
reaction of the mucosa in patients, whereas no reaction in wheal-and-flare reactions are closely correlated with intestinal
response to antigen is observed in healthy volunteers (Fig. 8.14). mast cell and eosinophil activation (Fig. 8.15). The studies
Antigen-induced wheal-and-flare reactions are related to the suggest that the COLAP test may be a useful diagnostic means
patient’s history of adverse reactions to food, but not to serum in patients with suspected intestinal food allergy and a new
levels of specific IgE or skin test results. No severe systemic tool for the study of the mechanisms of GI allergy and oral
anaphylactic reactions have been observed in response to tolerance.
140 • Chapter 8 • Gastrointestinal Allergy
number of allergens to be avoided, and the kind of allergens. relevant allergens may help to reduce the doses of drugs
The 10 foods most commonly implicated in GI food allergy are required to become free of symptoms. In our experience, H1
milk, hazelnut, peanut, wheat, soya, apple, pork, fish, shellfish, blockers are in most cases not effective for the treatment of
and egg. Some allergens, such as nuts and apple, are relatively chronic GI symptoms except for itching in patients suffering
easy to avoid whereas others, such as milk, egg, and wheat, from OAS. Cromolyn administered orally (200 mg four times a
require enormous efforts to eliminate them completely from day) may be useful in cases with mild reactions. The advantages
the diet. Patients have to be selected for their capacity to of this drug are that it is well tolerated by most individuals and
follow sophisticated dietary regimens and to be advised by that no relevant side-effects have been reported. In moderate
experienced personnel. They should be cautioned to read to severe cases, additional treatment with oral corticosteroids
the ingredient labels on all foods they consume, and they (e.g. prednisolone 5–40 mg per day, or budesonide 3–12 mg
need educating in how to read the labels, to understand the per day) may be useful. Only anecdotal reports of successful
technical names and abbreviations, and to appreciate that use of other long-term treatments, such as non-steroidal immuno-
some ingredients are not necessarily indicated. They need suppressants and cytokines, exist at present. In extremely
instructions about the effects of cooking on the allergenicity of severe cases, treatment by higher doses of corticosteroids and
food proteins, and about eating away from home. They must be total parenteral nutrition may be indicated for a limited time
informed about the cross-reactivities within different food period. If such cases are accompanied by symptoms of systemic
allergens and between some food allergens and pollens. Finally, anaphylaxis, the general recommendations of management of
patients who follow an extensive exclusion diet need anaphylaxis must be taken into account.
surveillance of body weight, body composition, vitamin status,
electrolytes, and bone density.
New approaches to therapy
Drug treatment Controlled studies on empirically established and newly
developed treatment options for GI allergy are lacking. The
Controlled reports on medical treatment of GI allergy are not most effective long-term treatment of GI allergy is, apart from
available. Therefore, the recommendations for drug therapy allergen avoidance, the treatment with corticosteroids, which
of food allergy in general should be followed. One must includes well-characterized side-effects. Therefore, there is an
distinguish between treatment of acute reactions and chronic urgent need for new therapeutic strategies and concepts for
or recurrent symptoms. Some patients, particularly those with prevention of GI allergy. One of the most elegant approaches is
a history of systemic anaphylaxis, should be equipped with an suggested by nature, i.e. the induction of oral tolerance. How-
emergency set of drugs consisting of adrenaline [automatic ever, the mechanisms of oral tolerance are not well understood,
syringe for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection or inhaler and the clinical application is not established. Moreover, evidence
(0.3 mg)], prednisolone (100 mg) and H1 blockers, such as for classic allergen immunotherapy by parenteral administration
clemastine (2 mg). In children, half the doses indicated here of food allergen extracts being an appropriate treatment option
should be used. in GI allergy is lacking. To date, many laboratories have put in
Long-term drug therapy of GI allergy is required in patients huge efforts to unravel the mechanisms of oral tolerance and to
who cannot, for whatever reason, achieve a complete avoidance apply them for clinical therapy. Therefore, other treatment
of food allergen independently. Drug treatment and dietetic options (e.g. leukotriene antagonists, or cytokines such as
regimen are not mutually exclusive, since partial exclusion of IL-10) still have to be evaluated in patients with GI allergy.
Bindslev-Jensen C, Poulsen LK. In vitro gut. Baillières Clin Gastroenterol 1996; Gastroenterology 1992;
diagnostic methods in the evaluation of 10(3):443–459. 103:1075–1095.
food hypersensitivity. In: Metcalfe DD, Bock SA, Sampson HA, Atkins FM, et al. Goldman AS, Kantal AG, Ham Pong AJ,
Sampson HA, Simon RA, eds. Food Double-blind placebo-controlled food et al. Food hypersensitivities: historical
allergy: adverse reactions to food and challenge (DBPCFC) as an office perspectives, diagnosis, and clinical
food additives. 2nd edn. Cambridge: procedure: a manual. J Allergy Clin presentation. In: Brostoff J,
Blackwell Science; 1997:137–150. Immunol 1988; 82:986–997. Challacombe SJ, eds. Food allergy and
Bischoff S, Crowe SE. Gastrointestinal Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS, Kett K, et al. intolerance. London: WB Saunders;
food allergy: new insights into Immunobiology and immunopathology 1987:797–805.
pathophysiology and clinical of human gut mucosa: humoral Strobel S. Development of oral tolerance.
perspectives. Gastroenterology. 2005; immunity and intraepithelial In: De Weck AL, Sampson HA, eds.
128(4):1089–1113. lymphocytes. Gastroenterology 1989; Intestinal immunology and food allergy.
Bischoff SC, Mayer J, Wedemeyer J, et al. 97:1562–1584. New York: Raven Press;
Colonoscopic allergen provocation Bruijnzeel-Koomen C, Ortolani C, Aas K, 1995:155–168.
(COLAP): a new diagnostic approach for et al. Adverse reactions to food. Allergy Young E, Stoneham MD, Petruckevitch A,
gastro-intestinal food allergy. Gut 1997; 1995; 50:623–635. et al. A population study of food
40:745–753. Crowe SE, Perdue MH. Gastro-intestinal intolerance. Lancet 1994;
Bischoff SC. Mucosal allergy: role of mast food hypersensitivity: basic 343:1127–1130.
cells and eosinophil granulocytes in the mechanisms of pathophysiology.
Drug allergy is an
immunologically mediated
adverse drug reaction. It
consists of two phases:
the indication of a
Drug Allergy
specific immune
response on initial
exposure followed by the N Franklin Adkinson, Peter S Friedmann, and
elicitation of symptoms Jacqueline A Pongracic
upon subsequent
exposure to the drug.
Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are a significant cause of morbidity and even mortality.
The majority of ADR (called type A) are dose-related and predictable from the
pharmacologic effects of the drug. Examples include tachycardia with theophylline
and sedation with hydroxyzine. Many of the so-called idiosyncratic ADR are a
significant cause of morbidity and even mortality. The majority of reactions (type B)
have a much less obvious dose relationship, are due to individual susceptibility, and
some may involve immune responses against the drug or a metabolite. Since drug
molecules (xenobiotics) are too small to be recognized by the immune system, it is
hypothesized that the native drug, or more likely, a metabolite acts as a hapten, binds
to a protein carrier and the hapten–carrier complex is then recognized by T cells.
Some drugs like β-lactams spontaneously form covalent haptens with macromolecules
under physiologic conditions. But many drugs are detoxified through two phases:
phase 1 performed by cytochrome P450 enzymes, involves oxygen addition reactions
which generate reactive intermediates; phase 2 detoxification is performed by enzymes
that add groups such as acetyl, glucuronyl or glutathione to the reactive phase 1
product. Slow acetylators are susceptible to drug-induced lupus syndromes – probably
because the reactive intermediate persists, becomes a protein-bound hapten and
elicits an immune response. In the case of halothane-induced hepatitis, the hepatic
CYP2E1 involved in converting halothane to the trifluoroacetyl metabolite appears to
end up with the trifluoroacetyl compound covalently bound to it. This forms the
multivalent hapten–carrier complex recognized by the immune system. Subsequently,
T cells and IgG are generated against this complex with resulting hepatitic liver damage.
Frequently, drug interactions occur where one drug modifies the detoxification or
excretion of another. This can lead to situations in which a previously ‘safe’ drug
manifests toxicity when used in conjunction with another. Obvious examples include
the inhibition of cytochrome P450 by erythromycin or ketoconazole, precipitating
cardiotoxicity of terfenadine and astemizole – resulting in a type A ADR. Similarly,
ADRs to anticonvulsants may develop when a second drug is added that ‘overloads’
the detoxification processes that were just coping with the anticonvulsant alone. It is
important to identify allergic reactions when they occur, since specific diagnostic and
therapeutic options are available.
Table 10.1 The Gell and Coombs classification of allergic responses, types I–IV
Type I reactions
Type I reactions are the result of an IgE antibody response,
which induces immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. With
subsequent drug exposure following sensitization, the multivalent
antigen–hapten complex cross-links IgE bound to mast cells
and basophils, leading to the release of preformed mediators
(such as histamine) and the production of newly generated
mediators (such as the leukotrienes). Systemic anaphylaxis,
angioedema, bronchospasm, or urticaria due to penicillin allergy
are the best understood responses in this category (Fig. 10.1).
Type II reactions
Type II reactions are mediated by IgG, or possibly IgM, anti-
bodies directed against drug-modified cell surface antigens,
which elicit complement-mediated cytotoxicity. Such responses
induce cytopenias, such as Coombs’ positive hemolytic anemia
where the drug or its metabolite binds to the erythrocyte
membrane. Antibody, directed against the drug or altered cell
membrane antigens, binds to its target, resulting in complement
fixation and subsequent cell lysis. Similar reactions may occur
in many tissues including the skin (Fig. 10.2). Alternatively,
drug–antibody immune complexes may form and adhere to cell
Fig. 10.1 Urticarial reaction to penicillin. This is an example of a
Gell and Coombs type I reaction, resulting in a wheal-and-flare membranes, again leading to complement fixation and cell lysis
response. (Courtesy of Prof. Peter Friedmann.) (Fig. 10.3).
Type II Hypersensitivity
Type IV reactions
Type IV reactions, also known as delayed-type hypersensitivity,
are cell mediated through T- lymphocyte responses to drug
antigens. These may occur either as contact dermatitis
associated with topically applied medications or as one of a
variety of reaction patterns with systemic drug exposure. In
contact sensitization, the drug forms a hapten and combines
with self proteins to form an antigenic complex. Langerhans’
cells internalize the complex and travel via the lymphatics to
regional lymph nodes where the ‘antigen’ is presented to
T lymphocytes. After clonal T-cell expansion, the T cells are
Fig. 10.4 Vasculitic rash induced by an oral hypoglycemic agent. redistributed in the skin. Once antigen is re-encountered, the
This is an example of a Gell and Coombs type III reaction. Such
purpuric eruptions tend to affect the extremities. (Courtesy of T cells are activated, resulting in cytokine release and
Prof. Peter Friedmann.) mononuclear cell recruitment, vesicle formation, and edema.
Systemic drug exposure may generate maculopapular
skin eruptions, eczematous or exfoliative dermatoses or
Type III reactions
erythema multiforme with or without mucosal involvement
Type III reactions occur via immune complex formation. The (Stevens–Johnson syndrome) (Fig. 10.5) or toxic epidermal
size of the immune complex determines its site of tissue necrolysis (TEN). While type IV contact hypersensitivity
deposition and the resultant immune injury. The classic reactions to topical medications are relatively infrequent,
example is serum sickness, with involvement of the skin, joints, nurses, pharmacists, and other personnel in the pharmaceutical
and lymphoid system, though drug fever is also commonly seen. industry are at the greatest risk of developing such an
An example of type III vasculitic rash is shown in Figure 10.4. occupational allergy.
160 • Chapter 10 • Drug Allergy
Generation of Penicillin Antigens Table 10.2 Drugs in everyday use that most commonly cause
allergic reactions. Antibiotics account for the vast majority of
these drugs
O H H H Allergenic Drugs in Common Use
H N H Quinidine
major antigenic determinant ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone.
(penicilloyl determinant)
proteinuria. Measurement of serum tryptase, because of its longer The methodology of skin testing begins with prick or puncture
half-life, is preferred over quantification of serum histamine in testing. If this test is negative, intradermal testing is performed.
the evaluation of anaphylaxis. Skin testing should always include positive (histamine) and
negative (saline) controls. Patients who are critically ill, hypo-
tensive or receiving H1 antihistamines or related drugs sometimes
Tests for the presence of allergy
fail to react to the positive control and may demonstrate false-
A variety of immunologic tests for the diagnosis of drug allergy negative type I skin tests. A positive response is characterized
are available, but only intradermal skin testing for IgE antibody by an immediate wheal-and-flare response. Test results only
has been demonstrated to have a strong predictive value. Skin provide information about the current state of type I hyper-
testing has enjoyed an important role in the assessment of type I sensitivity since drug allergy may wane with time and repeat
penicillin allergy. Since most patients experience a decline in testing at a later date may yield a negative result.
drug-specific IgE over time, the identification of skin-test- Penicillin itself is an inefficient reagent for skin testing since
negative individuals allows for the safe readministration of it must conjugate with tissue proteins to form multivalent
penicillin when β-lactam antibiotics are required. complexes to elicit IgE-dependent mast-cell degranulation. To
When carefully performed, skin testing is quite safe and produce an active major determinant for skin tests, penicillin is
provides valuable information relatively quickly. For penicillin, coupled to polylysine to form penicilloyl-polylysine (PPL),
adverse reactions to properly performed skin tests are rare (less which is commercially available. Used alone, PPL identifies
than 1%) and most of these reactions are mild and resolve 80–90% of patients at risk for IgE-mediated penicillin allergy. A
spontaneously. Skin testing also may be employed in the minor determinant mixture is commercially available in Europe
assessment of IgE-mediated allergy to other drugs (Table 10.3). but currently lacks a pharmaceutical sponsor in the USA. In
Skin tests have no predictive value for non-IgE-mediated reactions, fact, most anaphylactic reactions to penicillin are due to specific
including drug fever, maculopapular exanthems, exfoliative IgE directed against the minor determinants.
dermatitis, interstitial nephritis, or hemolytic anemia. Recently published studies have provided important
information on the predictive value of skin testing with major
and minor determinants (Table 10.4). When both determinants
are used, skin tests have a high negative predictive value.
Approximately 1% of patients with positive histories but
negative skin tests develop mild transient urticaria with or
without pruritus following β-lactam administration. There are
Table 10.3 Drugs for which intradermal testing is used in the
no reports of penicillin anaphylaxis in individuals with negative
evaluation of allergy. Penicillin skin tests have proved useful;
testing with other agents must be carefully interpreted skin tests. When benzylpenicillin G (10 000 U/mL) is used as
a representative minor determinant for skin testing along with
Drugs for which Intradermal Skin Testing may be Useful PPL, sensitivity approaches 90–95%. In such cases, graded
provocative challenge may be helpful to safely establish whether
Penicillin Foreign antitoxins
sensitivity persists.
Cephalosporins Antituberculous drugs Alternative immunologic tests for the evaluation of drug
Insulin Anticonvulsants allergy exist, but are less reliable, more time consuming, and
Chymopapain Quinidine often more costly. Penicilloyl-specific IgE antibody can be
measured by radioallergosorbent testing (RAST), which detects
Local anesthetics cis-Platinum
serum antibody. RAST is less sensitive than intradermal skin
Muscle relaxants Penicillamine tests. Although they are not validated for routine clinical use,
Thiopental Vaccines RAST tests have also been developed for other β-lactam anti-
biotics, sulfonamides, trimethoprim, isoniazid, and other drug
Table 10.4 The frequency of IgE-dependent reactions to penicillin therapy following skin
testing in history-positive and history-negative subjects. Note the high predictive value
for negative skin tests
Alternative: CD63 or CD202 marker expression on basophils using flow cytometry. DTH, delayed
type hypersensitivity; RAST, radioallergosorbent test.
determinants (Table 10.5). Leukocyte histamine release can Test dosing is useful when the likelihood of a true allergy is low.
also detect specific IgE antibodies but it is not diagnostically Because of the potential risks, provocative challenge should be
reliable for the evaluation of IgE antibodies to haptenic drugs. performed with informed consent and careful monitoring by
Other cellular tests, such as lymphocyte proliferation and tests experienced physicians.
for cytokine production may be useful in establishing a drug- Patch testing is a diagnostic modality in which the skin is
specific T-cell mediated immune response but the range of directly challenged with the suspected drug allergen. It may be
drugs for which they work reliably is small. employed when considering delayed type hypersensitivity
(DTH) to topically applied medications, preservatives, or
industrially contacted agents. For systemic drug reactions,
Provocation studies
patch testing can be a reliable form of in vivo challenge. The
When skin testing or RAST cannot be performed, provocative key point is that it works for type IV reaction patterns such as
challenge or test dosing may be helpful. In this procedure, the erythema multiforme or eczema, but does not work for non-
drug is administered at initially low doses which are serially lymphocyte mediated reactions. Non-irritating concentrations
increased until full dose therapy is reached (Table 10.6). The of the suspected contact sensitizer or 1 and 5% concentrations
time interval between rising doses depends upon the nature of of systemic drugs are applied to the skin. Responses are
the suspected reaction: 20–30 minutes is usually adequate evaluated 48–72 hours later for evidence of vesicles or localized
when considering IgE-mediated reactions whereas 24–48 hours dermatitis.
may be necessary for delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions.
Drug treatment
The proper assessment and management of drug hypersensitivity
Table 10.6 A protocol for test dosing with local anesthetics is important, not only because of the potential morbidity and
mortality but also because of the subsequent restriction in
Protocol for Test Dosing with Local Anesthetics therapeutic options for the patient. In an acute drug reaction,
Proceed in order, advancing to the next step every 15 minutes the offending drug should be discontinued. If the patient is on
1. Skin prick test with undiluted anesthetic (do not use
multiple medications, those drugs that are known to be most
epinephrine-containing agents) sensitizing and least necessary to the patient should be stopped
empirically until the reaction abates. Symptomatic therapy
2. If negative, 0.1 mL of 1 in 100 dilution is given
subcutaneously (s.c.) may be instituted, depending upon the nature of the reaction.
It is critical to institute treatment/management that relates to
3. If no reaction, 0.1 mL of 1 in 10 dilution is given s.c.
the immunologic reaction involved in the hypersensitivity.
4. If no reaction, administer 1 mL undiluted anesthetic s.c. Thus, antihistamine therapy is helpful to relieve pruritus and
5. If no reaction, administer 2 mL undiluted anesthetic s.c. the rash of type 1 reactions. However, histamine is not involved
in lymphocyte-mediated cutaneous eruptions and hence,
164 • Chapter 10 • Drug Allergy
antihistamines are of no help in eczematous or erythema insulin derived from animal sources may often be substituted
multiforme reactions. Corticosteroids may be necessary for the with recombinant human insulin, even though partial cross-
relief of severe urticaria and other extensive exanthems, as well reactivity exists. Similarly, many subjects with penicillin allergies
as for severe systemic reactions, including nephritis and serum will tolerate cephalosporins despite the common β-lactam
sickness. Steroid use in erythema multiforme syndromes (toxic nuclear structure which penicillins and cephalosporins
epidermal necrolysis and Stevens–Johnson syndrome) is share. Immunologic cross-reactivity between penicillins and
controversial. In the event of anaphylaxis (see Ch. 11), treat- cephalosporins is as high as 15–25% for first generation
ment includes aqueous epinephrine (1:1000 w/v) intramuscularly, cephalosporins but appears to be much lower for third generation
diphenhydramine, and corticosteroids (to prevent or minimize agents, about 1–2%. Even so, severe life-threatening cross-
late-phase allergic reactions). Systemic anaphylaxis may also reactions (e.g. anaphylaxis) have been reported. In contrast, a
require aggressive cardiovascular support with intravenous fluids history of maculopapular rash due to amoxicillin or ampicillin
and vasopressor agents. Hospital admission with overnight is not associated with increased risk of a life-threatening
observation is indicated for severe anaphylaxis. reaction to penicillin.
Prednisone (50 mg) Oral or i.m. Administer 13, 7,and 1 hour before
RCM procedure
Diphenhydramine (50 mg) Oral or i.m. Administer 1 hour before RCM
Ephedrine sulfate (25 mg)* Oral Administer 1 hour before RCM
Adkinson NF. Drug allergy. In: Adkinson NF, DeShazo RD, Kemp SF. Allergic reactions to Kelkar PS, Li JT-C. Cephalosporin allergy.
Yunginger JW, Busse WW, et al, eds. drugs and biologic agents. JAMA 1997; N Engl J Med 2001; 345(11):804–809.
Allergy: principles and practice. 6th 278:1895–1906. Sogn DD, Evans R, Shepherd GM, et al.
edn. Philadelphia: CV Mosby; Friedmann PS, Lee M-S, Friedmann, AC, Results of the NIAID collaborative
2003:1679–1694. et al. Mechanisms in cutaneous clinical trial to test the predictive value
Bernstein I, Gruchalla R, Lee R, et al. drug hypersensitivity reactions. of skin testing with major and minor
Disease management of drug Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33:1–12. penicillin derivatives in hospitalized
hypersensitivity: a practice parameter. Gadde J, Spence M, Wheeler B, et al. adults. Arch Intern Med 1992;
Joint Task Force on Practice Clinical experience with penicillin skin 152:1025–1032.
Parameters, the American Academy of testing in a large inner-city STD clinic.
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and JAMA 1993; 270:2456–2463.
the Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma and Gruchalla RS. Drug allergy. J Allergy Clin
Immunology. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003; 111:S548–459.
Immunol 1999; 83:665–700.
Occupational allergy is
defined as allergy caused
by exposure to a product
that is present in the
workplace. Both elements
Occupational Allergy
of the definition are
important as the agent
should be specific to the Piero Maestrelli, Leonardo M Fabbri, and Jean-Luc Malo
workplace and
be causally related to
the disease. INTRODUCTION
The recognition of occupational allergy goes back to Olaus Magnus who, in 1555, wrote
‘When sifting the chaff from the wheat, one must carefully consider the time
when a suitable wind is available that sweeps away the harmful dust. This fine-
grained material readily makes its way into the mouth, congests in the throat,
and threatens the life organs of the threshing men. If one does not seek instant
remedy by drinking one’s beer, one may never more, or only for a short time,
be able to enjoy what one has threshed.’
Since then, many agents encountered at the workplace have been associated with
allergic reactions in various organs. These include high-molecular-weight agents in, for
example, castor beans and vegetal gums, low-molecular-weight agents in wood dust,
and inorganic materials such as platinum salts and diisocyanates, the latter agent
currently being, with flour, the most common cause of occupational asthma. Reactions
can lead to permanent impairment and disability. Due to its significant medical, social,
and possibly, legal consequences, a definitive diagnosis of occupational allergy, including
identification of the causative agent, is imperative. Whenever possible, prevention
programs should be set up in high-risk workplaces.
Occupational allergy can affect many target organs, including the lungs, nose, eyes,
and skin. This chapter focuses on occupational allergy affecting the bronchi, i.e.
occupational asthma, which is often accompanied by symptomatic manifestations in
other target organs, especially the nose and the eyes.
the airway pathology of RADS is different. The bronchial found has recently been prepared (see Chang-Yeung and Malo
epithelial damage and subepithelial fibrosis are more in Further Reading) or available on web sites (;
pronounced, while inflammatory cell infiltration in the
bronchial wall is generally less evident than in asthma, and the Table 9.1 summarizes the most important causes of OA.
presence of eosinophils is inconsistent. The basic difference in
pathophysiology can be explained by OA with a latency period
incorporating a process of ‘sensitization’ to the offending agent
(and presumably being immunologic in origin), with RADS
relating to direct injury of the airways by a reactive chemical. Asthma is becoming a common occupational ailment (more
Also occurring in the workplace are a number of asthma-like frequent than pneumoconioses such as asbestosis and silicosis),
conditions including byssinosis (which is related to exposure to as based on the number of cases referred or accepted for
natural textile fiber dust), aluminum pot-room ‘asthma’, and medicolegal compensation and on the number of cases
grain-dust-induced syndrome. reported by sentinel physicians. The causes of this increase are
OA may be induced by several different mechanisms. unknown but may reflect heightened recognition of the
Immunologic mechanisms are generally implicated when OA problem as well as a broader range of environmental exposure.
occurs upon exposure to an agent after a latent period of Besides medicolegal and sentinel-based program statistics, the
sensitization. These mechanisms can be further divided into frequency of OA can be assessed in general populations and in
those that induce asthma through either an IgE-dependent or specific at-risk workplaces. It has been estimated that 23.4% of
an apparently non-IgE-dependent mechanism. In the latter, the US total workforce (7.8 million out of 33.4 million) is
specific IgE antibodies are not detectable or are found only in a exposed to at least one of the 367 potentially asthmogenic
small proportion of the patients with proven disease, even products in the workplace. The most extensive survey in a
though the clinical picture is compatible with an ‘allergic’ general population was carried out in the course of the European
reaction (i.e. sensitization and an exaggerated tissue damaging Community Respiratory Health Survey. This study reached the
response upon re-exposure). The identity of the causative conclusion that approximately 5–10% of adult-onset asthma
agents for such immunologic mechanism(s) is still unknown. can be attributed to the workplace. When the occupations
Non-immunologic mechanisms are implicated when OA occurs associated with increased risk of asthma were evaluated, the
without a latency period of exposure, i.e. RADS or irritant- job of ‘cleaner’ was the fourth occupation associated with
induced asthma. excess risk of asthma. The finding was unexpected since these
The causes of OA can be classified into high- and workers are not obviously exposed to well-recognized causes of
low-molecular-weight compounds. High-molecular-weight occupational asthma. Repeated inhalations of irritants may play
compounds, which are often from biological sources, generally a role in cleaners who are exposed to mixtures of irritants,
induce asthma through an IgE-dependent mechanism, whereas including chlorine compounds, acidic, and alkaline solutions. In
the majority of low-molecular-weight compounds, which are a meta-analysis of publications using various study designs,
usually highly reactive, induce asthma through non-IgE- Blanc and colleagues have proposed a figure close to 10% as a
dependent mechanisms. A list of etiologic agents according to reasonable estimate of occupational contribution to the
industries, jobs, or work processes where the exposure can be population burden of adult-onset asthma.
Pathogenesis • 145
Number of Prevalence or
Study population subjects Participation (%) Incidence
European-Community 2646 61 50–7.7%
Respiratory Health 1609 64 1.9–3.1%
UK 554 Not relevant 22/million/year
Quebec 287 Not relevant 60/million/year
British Columbia 124 Not relevant 92/million/year
Sweden 1010 Not relevant 80/million/year
Most epidemiologic surveys of OA in specific workplaces person-year were 7.9% in the case of animal-health technicians,
have been cross-sectional and have, therefore, assessed the 4.2% for pastry making and 2.5% in dental hygiene. The
prevalence of the condition. The main pitfall of this approach incidence of probable OA was 2.7% in animal-health technicians,
is that it is likely to be influenced by the ‘healthy worker 1.6% in apprentice pastry makers and 4.5% in dental hygienists.
effect’. It is to be suspected that this bias is more pronounced
in the case of OA than for slowly progressing conditions such as
pneumoconiosis. Asthma symptoms can be very troublesome
and even life threatening, so it is likely that many subjects will Clinical, functional, and pathologic alterations in OA are similar
leave the workplace before a survey can be conducted. The to those found in non-OA. Airway smooth muscle contraction
other difficulty lies in the diagnostic tools available for assessing and mucosal edema are the main causes of acute airflow
the prevalence. Surveys rely on questionnaires, immunologic obstruction. Chronic airflow obstruction may be due to an
testing, assessment of airway caliber and bronchial responsiveness, increase in the airway wall thickness caused by any of the
and peak expiratory flow (PEF) monitoring, used alone and in following:
combination. Only rarely are surveys performed in a stepwise • the accumulation of inflammatory cells;
fashion leading to the identification of cases which are then • edema;
confirmed either by PEF monitoring or specific inhalation • hypertrophy of airway smooth muscle;
challenge. When assessed in case-identification studies, the • subepithelial fibrosis;
prevalence of OA due to high-molecular-weight agents varies • obstruction of the airway lumen by exudate or mucus;
from 2 to 5%, whereas it is more in the order of 5 to 10% • changes in the mechanical properties of the airway wall.
with low-molecular-weight agents (Table 9.2). Some recent
epidemiological surveys conducted by Gautrin and co-workers As in other types of asthma, airway hyperresponsiveness, i.e. an
from 1993 onwards have used a prospective design in excessive reaction to bronchoconstrictor stimuli, is the hallmark
apprentices who started being exposed. Figures of incident skin of both occupational and non-OA. The pathogenesis of this
sensitization to a program-specific allergen expressed as rate by hyperresponsiveness, which is generally long lasting and poorly
146 • Chapter 9 • Occupational Allergy
IgE-mediated Non-IgE-mediated
occupational agent
Ag presentation ?
MHC class ll
Ag presentation ? IL-2
CD4 IL-3
reversible, remains unknown. By contrast, the transient need to react with autologous or heterologous proteins to
increase of airway responsiveness observed in exacerbations of produce a ‘complete’ antigen.
OA seems to be associated with an acute inflammatory reaction The reaction between antigen and IgE causes the cascade of
in the airways. The pathologic alterations of the airways in OA events which is responsible for the activation of inflammatory
are characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells, including cells (mast cells, eosinophils, macrophages, and T cells) and for
eosinophils, activation of lymphocytes, and an increased the synthesis and release of a wide variety of preformed and newly
thickness of subepithelial collagen. However, the relationship generated inflammatory mediators which interact with target
of pathologic alterations to clinical and functional features of cells in the airway to cause the asthma syndrome (Fig. 9.2).
the disease remains largely undetermined. Many low-molecular-weight agents, such as diisocyanates
The mechanisms of ‘induction’ or sensitization, by which and plicatic acid, cause OA that has the clinical and pathologic
many occupational agents induce asthma, are believed to be features of immunologic asthma, but do not generally and
mainly related to immunologic sensitization. consistently induce specific IgE antibodies. It has been suggested
that, when specific antibodies to plicatic acid are present, they
may be markers of exposure and not causes of disease. In
Immunologic mechanisms
contrast, the presence of IgE to diisocyanates exhibits high
An immunologic mechanism does not necessarily imply an IgE- specificity, but is insensitive in detecting occupational asthma.
mediated immunity but possibly also cell-mediated and mixed An increased number of activated T lymphocytes [i.e.
reactions. Some occupational agents, particularly high-molecular- lymphocytes expressing the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor,
weight sensitizers, act through an IgE-mediated mechanism. CD25, or very late antigen-1 (VLA-1)], of activated eosinophils,
According to this mechanism, inhaled sensitizing agents bind to and of mast cells have been observed in patients with OA
specific IgE on the surface of mast cells, basophils, dendritic induced by toluene diisocyanate (TDI) (Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.3)
cells and probably also macrophages, eosinophils, and platelets. and other low-molecular-weight sensitizers. This suggests that
High-molecular-weight sensitizing agents may act as complete similar immunologic mechanisms may be involved in asthma of
antigens. By contrast, low-molecular-weight sensitizers probably occupational as well as non-occupational origin. The presence
Pathogenesis • 147
of activated lymphocytes and eosinophils in bronchial biopsies with the increased expression of lymphocyte activation markers,
indicates that a T-lymphocyte–eosinophil interaction may be in asthma induced by low-molecular-weight agents (e.g.,
important in asthma of different origins, a view further diisocyanates) an increased number of cells producing proinflam-
supported by the finding of cells expressing IL-5 in bronchial matory cytokines has been reported. These proinflammatory
biopsies of atopic, intrinsic, and occupational asthmatics. Along cytokines, produced primarily by mononuclear phagocytes, may
contribute to airway inflammation by several mechanisms,
including increased expression of adhesion molecules, chemotaxis,
and stimulation of inflammatory leukocytes. The observation
that monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is specifically
Lymphocyte Activation in Occupational Asthma
produced by peripheral blood mononuclear cells upon stimulation
with diisocyanate–protein conjugates in subjects with
CD25 VLA-1
diisocyanate OA, supports the hypothesis of an immunologic
p< 0.05 p< 0.05 mechanism in this form of OA.
It has been suggested that CD8+ cells are key cells in OA
with an IgE-independent mechanism (e.g. diisocyanate-induced
asthma), since it was found that the majority of T cells
100 obtained from bronchial biopsy specimens of subjects with
diisocyanate-induced asthma showed the CD8 phenotype and
produced interferon γ (IFNγ) and IL-5, with few clones
80 producing IL-4. These T cells may represent a CD3+/CD4-/
CD8+ population expressing the γ/δ T-cell receptor specific
positive cells/mm2
* Mann-Whitney U test. TDI, toluene diisocyanate. Data modified from Maestrelli P, Di Stefano A,
Occari P, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 151:607–612, American Lung Association.
148 • Chapter 9 • Occupational Allergy
Airway pathology
Thickness (µm)
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) – obtained during or after late
asthmatic reactions induced by occupational sensitizers – shows
a significant increase of inflammatory cells, i.e. eosinophils in
the case of high-molecular-weight agents and both neutrophils
and eosinophils in the case of isocyanates, and a marked 4
increase in albumin concentration in lavage supernatant. By
contrast, although early asthmatic reactions induced by
occupational agents are associated with increased histamine,
leukotrienes, and other mediators in BAL fluid, they are not
followed by a marked increase of inflammatory cells. After 0
challenge with isocyanates, leukotriene B4 levels are increased, 1st 2nd
which may contribute to the leukocyte infiltration present in
Fig. 9.4 Individual measurements of the thickness of subepithelial
the airways; macrophages, epithelial cells, or neutrophils may fibrosis in bronchial biopsies of subjects with toluene-diisocyanate-
be the source of this mediator. In BAL fluid obtained during induced asthma at diagnosis (1st), and 6 to 21 months after
late asthmatic reactions induced by exposure to an occupational cessation of exposure to toluene diisocyanate (2nd). Measurements
are expressed in micrometers; horizontal bars represent median
stimulating agent, there is an increased concentration of albumin values. (Data modified from Saetta M, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care
when compared to levels obtained from normal controls or Med 1995; 151:489–494, American Lung Association.)
during an early asthmatic reaction, indicative of microvascular
leakage and mucosal edema. Evaluation of changes in induced
sputum cell counts after exposure to both low- and high- the nature of T-cell recognition. Data obtained in occupational
molecular-weight occupational agents consistently showed studies indicate that major histocompatibility complex class II
airway eosinophilia. The time course of the influx of eosinophils proteins may be important factors in the individual response to
into the airway lumen was more prolonged (up to 24 hours) occupational agents such as acid anhydrides, diisocyanates,
than bronchoconstriction, and in some instances airway western red cedar, complex platinum salts, natural rubber
eosinophilia preceded bronchoconstriction. An increase in latex, and animal proteins. An association of HLA molecules
sputum neutrophils and neutrophil activation has been with specific symptoms and sensitization to rat lipocalin
observed by some investigators after exposure to isocyanates. allergens has been demonstrated in a large study. In this
OA may be fatal. In a sensitized subject who died in investigation, approximately 40% of OA in the population
the workplace after re-exposure to isocyanates, histologic examined could be attributed to an HLA-DRβ1*07 phenotype,
examination of the airways showed denudation of the airway while the attributable proportions for atopy and daily work
epithelium and thickening of the basement membrane with in an animal housing facility were 58 and 74%, respectively.
infiltration of the lamina propria by leukocytes (mainly Associations with HLA might be found for other major animal
eosinophils) and diffuse mucous plugging of the bronchioles. allergens in light of the similarities among lipocalin animal
Bronchial smooth muscle appeared hyperplastic and disarrayed, allergens.
and lung parenchyma showed focal areas of alveolar destruction Specific HLA class II alleles are related to the susceptibility
adjacent to areas of intact alveolar walls. or resistance to isocyanate-induced asthma, with critical
An increase in the thickness of the reticular layer of the involvement of the hypervariable amino acid residue in position
basement membrane is considered a histopathologic feature 57 of HLA-DQβ1 (Fig. 9.5).
of asthma; this subepithelial fibrosis has also been observed in The exact nature of the antigen related to sensitization to
OA. In subjects sensitized to isocyanates then examined isocyanates is unknown. Isocyanates themselves may be involved
after removal from exposure to the allergen for a period of in antibody binding or in the induction of structural changes
6–21 months, the subepithelial fibrosis (Fig. 9.4), the number in an unidentified protein. It has been proposed that the
of mast cells and fibroblasts, and the sensitivity to TDI are mechanism of low responsiveness to foreign antigens is linked
significantly reduced, while eosinophils, mononuclear cells, to DQ alleles, whereas DR haplotypes are implicated in the
and airway responsiveness to methacholine do not change. upregulation of the immune response. Allelic variations at the
Persistence of airway inflammation assessed by induced sputum same locus could be associated either with resistance or with
has nevertheless also been documented in about one-third of susceptibility in isocyanate-induced asthma, such as occurs in
workers removed from exposure for a mean period of 10 years. autoimmune disorders where associations between the disease
and allelic variations in the HLA region have been described.
HLA class II associations with individual susceptibility to
Genetic mechanisms
asthma induced by low-molecular-weight agents, for which the
Individual differences in HLA class II molecules may alter the absence of specific IgE might challenge the immunologic
ability of the molecules to bind peptides and thereby change mechanism, provide evidence for a specific immunologic response.
Pathogenesis • 149
chromosome 5 nucleus
antigen-presenting cell
centromere HLA locus
class II
β2 α2 β3 β1 α1
HLA-DQ molecule
? Fig. 9.5 The hypothetical
interaction of toluene
? peptide diisocyanate (TDI) with an
(endogenous or exogenous) + TDI antigen-presenting cell
containing HLA-DQβ1-Asp57.
The substitution of a single
amino acid could affect a
correct peptide antigen
helper T cell presentation. TDI could modify
the structure of MHC class II
molecules or the specificity of
the T-cell receptor. MHC, major
histocompatibility complex.
For the high-molecular-weight occupational agents, such as investigators showed that in subjects who were exposed to TDI
natural rubber latex, HLA associations confirm the importance for 10 years or more the frequency of the GSTP1 Val/Val
of T cells in the regulation of IgE responses. However, genetic genotype was lower in those who had asthma and in those with
associations are not sufficiently strong to be used for selecting more severe airway hyperresponsiveness. A possible
susceptible individuals. Indeed, while HLA phenotype is a explanation for the discrepancies among studies is that a
significant determinant of sensitization to complex platinum protective effect of GSTP1 Val/Val genotype might be observed
salts, the association is looser in subjects with high intensity of only in subjects exposed to diisocyanates for longer periods of
exposure to the sensitizing agent. This implies that exposure- time. Since the magnitude of protection associated with
control measures remain the first option to prevent occu- homozygosity for the GSTP1* Val allele increases in proportion
pational sensitization. to the duration of exposure to TDI, one might argue that the
A second pool of genes that could be involved in OA is the role of the GST and its allelic variants could lie in determining
superfamily of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a family that is which subjects will have persistent asthma. More recently, a
critical for protecting cells from oxidative stress products. A genetic variation in N-acetyltransferase, another antioxidant
study of GST genotypes in workers exposed to various enzyme system, was shown to be associated with the risk of
diisocyanates showed no significant association between diisocyanate asthma, with slow acetylators being more
GSTP1 genotype and overall risk of asthma. However, other susceptible.
150 • Chapter 9 • Occupational Allergy
negative positive
yellow background. There is
160 definite occupational asthma
140 with deterioration on return to
work, and improvement each
120 weekend. (Data modified from
Burge PS. Physiologic
100 assessment of occupational
10 20 30 asthma. In: Bernstein IL,
Chang-Yeung M, Malo J-L, et al,
time (days) eds. Asthma in the workplace.
New York: Marcel Dekker; 1993.)
has been proposed for both the investigation and assessment of and vapors, including diisocyanates. After exposure, various
asthma. The sensitivity and specificity of PEF monitoring, as temporal patterns of reactions can occur, including those of
compared with the ‘gold standard’ specific inhalation challenges, typical (immediate, late, and dual) and atypical reactions
varies from 72 to 89% depending on the study. PEF graphs can (progressive, square waved, and prolonged immediate).
be generated by plotting individual values or maximum, mean, Inhalation provocation testing with suspected sensitizers is not
and minimum values (Fig. 9.7). Recording the PEF twice a day without risk and should only be undertaken in a laboratory
is clearly not sufficient when compared to four or six times a day. properly equipped and by trained staff.
There are several problems associated with PEF monitoring:
• it requires good collaboration and honesty on the part of MANAGEMENT
the subject;
• re-exposure of the subject to the same environment may Natural history
be not feasible if he left work or may be dangerous;
• the interpretation requires specific expertise; and The natural history of OA is illustrated in Figure 9.8. Atopy is
• the interpretation is generally based on a visual reading a well-known predisposing factor to asthma and OA due to
(although automated reading programs have been recently high-molecular-weight agents. Smoking is not a predisposing
proposed). factor in OA due to plicatic acid, which is the active agent in
western red cedar, but it is a risk factor in subjects exposed to
At times it is difficult to distinguish between a non-specific platinum salts, snow crab, and acid anhydrides. Anecdotal reports
irritant exacerbation of asthma at work and OA. It has been have suggested an association between spills of diisocyanates
found that compliance is unsatisfactory and that a substantial and the likelihood of developing asthma symptoms.
number of data are falsified, which may affect the interpretation. The total dose (i.e. duration of exposure × concentration)
Combining PEF and the assessment of bronchial responsiveness seems to be fundamental in the development of OA. In cross-
for periods at work and away from work may, at times, improve sectional studies, an association has been found between the
the diagnostic yield although, in a more general way, it does not concentration of colophony, western red cedar, and flour on
seem to add anything to monitoring of PEF alone. Laboratory the one hand and the presence of symptoms on exposure to the
and workplace monitoring of FEV1 and clinical and functional causal agent on the other. The nature of the occupational agent
parameters under close supervision of a technician is still can play a role in the rate of development of symptoms. More
regarded as the best way of confirming OA. The use of non- subjects exposed to western red cedar and diisocyanates
invasive tools to assess airway inflammation (induced sputum, develop work-related symptoms in the first 2 years of exposure
exhaled nitric oxide, breath condensate) needs to be better when compared with subjects exposed to high-molecular-weight
defined. At present, evaluation of sputum eosinophils is the agents. After 5 years of exposure, the rate for developing
most promising tool in the investigation of OA. symptoms is similar for high-molecular-weight agents and
Laboratory challenges in small cubicles were proposed by diisocyanates. Once sensitization has occurred, bronchial
Pepys in the 1970s in an effort to reproduce the workplace responsiveness is required to develop OA.
environment. Improvement in the methodology of the test has It is unlikely that asthma is a predisposing factor in the
been put forward using closed-circuit apparatus for dry particles development of OA due to low-molecular-weight agents.
Management • 153
Although this information was gathered retrospectively in all exclude a large proportion of the workforce without effectively
studies, most subjects who developed OA did not have a preventing OA since the predictive value of atopy is low. For
history of asthma (before exposure began), though having instance, in laboratory-animal workers, the risk of developing
enhanced bronchial reactivity may be a factor that is associated symptoms is approximately 33%, i.e. not sufficiently high to
with the development of OA. justify excluding atopic subjects. Dissuading employees from
The outcome of OA after diagnosis is often poor. Removal smoking in industries where smoking has been identified as a
from the occupational exposure is associated with recovery from significant risk factor appears reasonable.
asthma in about 50% of subjects. Many retrospective studies
have unanimously demonstrated a persistence of asthmatic
Secondary prevention
symptoms, bronchial obstruction, and hyperresponsiveness in
subjects with OA after being removed from exposure. Most The early detection of workers with established disease, and
studies also showed that the total duration of exposure, the their subsequent removal from exposure, is the most effective
duration of exposure after the onset of symptoms, and way to prevent progression to moderate or severe disease with
the severity of the asthma at the time of diagnosis are all its associated morbidity and disability. Therefore, adequate
determinants of the prognosis. Improvement in bronchial worker medical surveillance has to be ensured, as recommended
responsiveness occurs predominantly in the first 2 years after by the EC directive mentioned above. This can be done by
cessation of exposure and continues, though at a slower rate, routine skin testing with high-molecular-weight occupational
later on. If exposure continues, there is overall deterioration in agents; it is feasible and can identify subjects who have become
the asthmatic condition. immunologically sensitized and who should be followed more
closely in terms of the development of bronchial hyper-
responsiveness and asthma symptoms. In addition, rhino-
conjunctivitis may be considered a predictor of the later
development of OA due to these agents. In subjects exposed to
Primary prevention
low-molecular-weight agents, routine questionnaires coupled
Elimination of the sensitizing agent(s) is the most effective way with an assessment of bronchial responsiveness could prove
of primary prevention, although this is often not practicable. In useful in detecting the disease at an early stage.
1989 the European Community (EC) published a directive for
the promotion of the improvement of the safety and health
Tertiary prevention
of workers in the workplace, which contains several general
concepts that may be particularly relevant to the prevention of Once the diagnosis of OA is made, it is important to remove
OA. The requirements which the member states have to meet the subject from exposure as soon as possible. If this is done, it
in their legal regulations include the elimination of the risk or is less likely that the subject will be left with the permanent
its reduction by substitution of hazardous agents, and the sequelae of asthma and bronchial responsiveness requiring
priority to adopt general protective measures to decrease medication. The longer an individual with OA is exposed to the
environmental exposure to the causative substances, rather offending agent then the more likely it is that symptoms and
than providing personal protective devices. Moreover, the impaired lung function will persist after withdrawal from the
importance of adequate worker health and safety education is workplace. Relocation to jobs with less exposure may be
emphasized. Exclusion of atopic subjects from exposure to successful in some workplaces. For instance, reduction of
high-molecular-weight agents is considered inappropriate as exposure to natural rubber latex was associated with clinical
40–50% of young adults are atopic. Excluding them would improvement and fewer negative social-economic consequences
154 • Chapter Nine • Occupational Allergy
Table 9.5 American Thoracic Society guidelines for assessing impairment and disability in asthma and occupational asthma
Assessing Impairment and Disability in Asthma and Occupational Asthma – American Thoracic Society Guidelines
0 1 2 3 4 5
FEV1 (% pred.) > 80 79–79 60-69 50–59 < 50
Reversibility of airway obstruction < 10 10–19 20-29 > 30
(% change in FEV1)
Hyperresponsiveness >8 2–8 0.25–2 < 0.25
PC20FEV1 (mg/mL)
Medication needed:
Bronchodilators None Occasional Daily Daily
(not daily)
Cromolin None Courses Daily –
Inhaled steroid None Courses Low dose High dose High dose
(1–3/year) daily daily daily
Systemic steroid None None None Courses Daily
Summary rating class:
Class 0 I II III IV V
Total score 0 1–3 4–6 7–9 10–.11 Uncontrolled
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second; PC20FEV1, provocative concentration of histamine or methacholine producing a 20% fall in FEV1.
than cessation of exposure. Respiratory protection has only been gas exchange and mechanical parenchymal properties, are
shown to be partially effective in reducing the consequences of inappropriate for subjects with asthma.
exposure in a few selected cases of OA. Note that in western OA, like other forms of the disease, is characterized by
red cedar asthma, wearing a conventional face-mask while variable airflow obstruction, amenability to therapy, no
continuing to work does not reduce the risk. In some subjects, radiologic abnormalities, no clear relationship with the level of
it may be worthwhile to consider wearing a helmet respirator exposure to the offending agent, and triggering by multiple
whenever short periods of exposure to a sensitizer occur. factors in the presence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness. A
scaling system that includes some of these variables has been
proposed by a committee appointed by the American Thoracic
Drug treatment
Society (Table 9.5). The long-term assessment of impairment
Drug therapy of OA does not differ from that indicated in should be performed for 2 years after the cessation of exposure,
national and international guidelines for other forms of asthma. since the maximum rate of improvement occurs within this
It is known that taking antiinflammatory inhaled corticosteroid period of time. It is clear that the methods for reporting,
preparations accelerates clinical, functional, and pathologic recognizing, and paying compensation for occupational diseases
improvement once removal from exposure has been carried are far from uniform from one country to the next.
out. The long-term effects of inhaled steroids on OA have Medicolegal requirements for the diagnosis of OA have not
seldom been evaluated but it appears that these drugs have been uniform among countries, and also in respect of the
little effect on the long-term outcome in established disease. clinical diagnosis of OA. In 1994 the EC published a bulletin
Antiasthma drugs are generally not sufficient to prevent asthma containing guidelines for the medicolegal diagnosis of
attacks upon re-exposure to the offending agent at work, occupational diseases prepared by the Unit of Occupational
although they can reduce the severity. Health and Hygiene (Table 9.6). The diagnostic criteria include
the objective assessment of asthma. However, the confirmation
that asthma is occupationally caused is based only on anamnesis,
MEDICOLEGAL ASPECTS – whereas bronchial provocation tests are not suggested and peak
ASSESSMENT OF DISABILITY flow measurements are indicated as optional; this may lead to
AND COMPENSATION an incorrect diagnosis of OA. It appears obvious that nasal
As OA can lead to permanent asthma, even after removal from provocation tests can demonstrate rhinitis but they have no
exposure, it has been proposed that affected workers should be value when the lower airways are the target organ.
offered compensation for the permanent impairment of lung There are several reasons why it is important to confirm the
function and disability. The principles of impairment assess- diagnosis of OA both medically and medicolegally. Missing the
ment valid for chronic lung diseases (such as pneumoconiosis or diagnosis may well result in a worker’s continued exposure to
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which are associated the asthma-provoking agent with all the medical consequences
with a stable functional impairment and abnormalities of that implies. A diagnosis of OA also has significant social and
Further Reading • 155
Table 9.6 Diagnostic criteria for the medicolegal diagnosis of occupationally caused
asthma as given by the Commission of the European Community (1994)
financial consequences. Unlike pneumoconiosis, OA frequently encouraged, especially since the long-term prognosis for this
affects young people. Leaving the job on a physician’s advice type of disease is not good. Increasing concern by employers
has a major impact, as it implies retraining for a new occupation. over compensation will provide a powerful lever for improved
Although it is of the utmost importance to offer retraining occupational hygiene. However, it is education of the work-
programs or early retirement with financial compensation, the force and employers on the dangers of this form of asthma that,
efficacy and cost of these programs should also be considered. in the long term, will produce change and a lowering of its
In most countries, OA is on the increase. Since all cases are incidence.
avoidable, policies related to primary prevention must be
American Thoracic Society. American the Standards Committee, Occupational Maestrelli P, Saetta M, Mapp C, et al.
Thoracic Society Statement: Asthma: recommendations for Mechanisms of occupational asthma.
Occupational contribution to the burden diagnosis, management, and Clin Exp Allergy 1997; 27(suppl 1):
of airway disease. Am J Respir Crit assessment of impairment. Can Med 47–54.
Care Med 2003; 167:787–797. Ass J 1989; 140:1029–1032. Moscato G, Godnic-Cvar J, Maestrelli P,
Bernstein DI. Clinical assessment and Chang-Yeung M, Malo J-L. Aetiological et al. Statement on self-monitoring of
management of occupational asthma. agents in occupational asthma. Eur peak expiratory flows in the
In: Bernstein IL, Chang-Yeung M, Respir J 1994; 7:346–371. investigation of occupational asthma.
Malo J-L, et al, eds. Asthma in the Chang-Yeung M, Malo J-L. Occupational J Allergy Clin Immunol 1995;
workplace. New York: Marcel Dekker, asthma. N Engl J Med 1995; 96:295–301.
Inc; 1999:145–157. 333:107–112. Siracusa A, Desrosiers M, Marabini A.
Bernstein IL, Chang-Yeung M, Malo J-L, European Commission. Information notices Epidemiology of occupational rhinitis:
et al. Definition and classification of on diagnosis of occupational diseases. prevalence, aetiology and determinants.
asthma. In: Bernstein IL, Chang-Yeung Health and Safety 1994; EUR 14768 EN. Clin Exp Allergy 2000; 30:1519–1534.
M, Malo J-L, et al, eds. Asthma in the Maestrelli P, Baur X, Bessot JC, et al. Venables KM, Chang-Yeung M.
workplace. New York: Marcel Dekker, Subcommittee on Occupational Allergy Occupational asthma. Lancet 1997;
Inc; 1999:1–4. of EAACI. Guidelines for the diagnosis 349:1465–1469.
Canadian Thoracic Society. Ad Hoc of occupational asthma. Clin Exp
Committee on Occupational Asthma of Allergy 1992; 22:103–108.
Anaphylaxis is a
potentially life-threatening
systemic allergic reaction,
often explosive in onset,
with symptoms ranging
from mild flushing to
upper respiratory
obstruction with Albert L Sheffer, Anna Feldweg, and
or without vascular Mariana Castells
Anaphylaxis is the most emergent clinical manifestation encountered in an allergy
practice. Often abrupt in onset, symptoms are usually consequent to the effects of
potent chemical mediators released upon antigen binding from previously sensitized
mast cells or basophils. Symptoms may range from mild pruritus to life-threatening
respiratory and/or cardiovascular collapse. Although there is a hieroglyphic depiction
of anaphylactic death from a Hymenoptera sting dating to 4000 years ago, the
mechanism for such reactions has only recently been clarified. The term anaphylaxis
describes an explosive, often life-threatening response to the reintroduction of minute
quantities of antigen, in direct opposition to tolerance.
While true anaphylaxis is mediated by the binding of antigen to specific IgE on the
surface of the mast cells and basophils, similar symptoms may be precipitated by non-
IgE mechanisms. Such reactions are described as anaphylactoid, and occur when
agents such as radiocontrast media (RCM), codeine, vancomycin and aspirin or other
non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) induce mast cell degranulation.
The risk for an anaphylactic event in the USA ranges from 1 to 3%. Surveys have
revealed that 1/1000 adult and 1/170 children experience at least one episode of
anaphylaxis; 1/12 patients who experienced anaphylaxis suffered a recurrence.
Compliance with carrying and the utilization of epinephrine was poor, although 1/50
required epinephrine. Other data indicate that 1/1500 emergency room visits are
attributable to anaphylaxis. Evidence suggests the incidence of acute anaphylaxis is
increasing, although the exact figure is not well established. Recent studies indicate
that the incidence may be increasing from 5.6 cases per 100 000 hospital discharges
in 1991–1992 to 10.2 in 1994–1995.
The most common causes for anaphylaxis are foods (61%), Hymenoptera stings
(20.4%), and drugs (8.3%). Fatal anaphylaxis consequent to penicillin administration
occurs with an incidence of 0.002% and accounts for 500 penicillin-related anaphylactic
deaths annually in the USA. Non-fatal reactions occur in 0.7–1.0% of penicillin
recipients. RCM agents are associated with a rate of anaphylactoid reactions of 0.4%.
Aspirin and NSAIDs induce anaphylactic reactions at a rate of 0.9%. Peanut-induced
anaphylaxis has significantly increased during the past decade. In UK and US studies,
the incidence is approximately 0.5%. Natural latex was an increasing cause of
anaphylaxis, particularly in nursing personnel and patients with spina bifida who had
undergone multiple surgical interventions, until the recognition of the problem and
introduction of latex alternatives. Hymenoptera anaphylaxis is associated with at least
40 fatalities annually in the USA.
168 • Chapter 11 • Anaphylaxis
Foods, e.g. peanuts, seafood, IgA deficiency (immune Aspirin Radiocontrast media
eggs, milk complex) Non steroidal Opiates
Allergen extracts Cuprophane dialysis antiinflammatory drugs Anesthetics: curare derivates
Inhalant allergens, e.g. pollen, membrane Vancomycin (red man syndrome)
cat dander
Hymenoptera venom, e.g. bee
Hormones, enzymes
Antibiotics, e.g. penicillin
Exercise-induced anaphylaxis
Table 11.3 Mediators of anaphylaxis Tryptase Levels in Anaphylaxis and Systemic Mastocytosis
Mediators of Anaphylaxis
Systemic mastocytosis
Mast cell and Anaphylaxis
basophil-derived mediators Other mediators
1 10 100 1000
with histamine concentration as well as the severity of clinical β-tryptase (ng/mL)
symptoms (Fig. 11.1). Following release into the circulation,
tryptase rapidly inactivates fibrinogen, prolonging coagulation Fig. 11.1 Tryptase levels in anaphylaxis and systemic mastocytosis.
with possible disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, a rare In allergic responses including anaphylaxis, the β-tryptase form is
clinical manifestation of anaphylaxis. This is further accentuated released. In systemic mastocytosis α-tryptase is the predominant
form. (Data from Schwartz LB, et al. The alpha form of human
by the release of heparin, which is closely associated with tryptase is the predominant type present in blood, is baseline in
tryptase in the mast cell granule. Tryptase also reduces the normal subjects, and is elevated in those with systemic
mastocytosis. J Clin Invest 1995; 96:2702.)
bronchodilatory effects of such neuropeptides as vasoactive
intestinal peptide, inducing bronchoconstriction. A study of the
postmortem tryptase levels in the serum of patients who died
of unidentified causes has demonstrated that at least 20% Non-IgE-mediated anaphylactoid events
exhibited a tryptase elevation that was demonstrable and
consistent with an anaphylactic event. Elevated serum tryptase Complement-mediated anaphylaxis
has been observed in 12% of the sudden death and 40% of
sudden infant death syndrome. Elevations of tryptase in food- The mechanisms for non-IgE-mediated anaphylaxis are not as
induced anaphylaxis are lower than in adverse drug reactions well elucidated as IgE-mediated reactions. Immune complex
(ADR). complement-mediated anaphylaxis occurs during transfusions
170 • Chapter 11 • Anaphylaxis
and administration of intravenous Ig. In such reactions, pre- vancomycin, and RCM results from the release of histamine
existing IgG (and rarely IgE) anti-IgA antibodies recognize IgA directly from skin mast cells. The mechanism appears to
in blood products and Ig form, immune complexes, and activate involve G-protein stimulation, resulting in degranulation and
the classical complement pathway. Another type of complement- release of preformed mediators such as histamine, tryptase, and
mediated anaphylactoid reaction involves the alternative heparin, but not the generation of arachidonic acid products or
complement pathway. Cuprophane membrane dialysis is an cytokines. Such reactions may occur upon first exposure to such
example of such a reaction. Activation of the alternative agents. RCM reactions are of the greatest clinical significance in
pathway results in the generation of anaphylatoxins C3a and this regard, with highest risk for reaction because of their high
C5a, which increase vascular permeability, enhance smooth ionic strength. Anaphylaxis may occur in 1–2% patients
muscle contraction, and induce the release of histamine from administered RCM intravenously; such affected individuals
dermal mast cells. have a 35% risk of anaphylaxis upon re-exposure.
a b
*When β-tryptase ≥ 1
↑↑ = marked increase; ±↑ = occasional small increase; na = not applicable.
[From Schwartz LB and Irani AM. Serum tryptase and the laboratory diagnosis of systemic
mastocytosis. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2000; 14:641–657.]
additional dose of epinephrine into the sting or immunotherapy severity of the anaphylactic reaction. For example, such a plan
injection site may further reduce antigen adsorption. If might include manifestations such as cutaneous symptoms,
administered early in the course of an anaphylactic event, the moderate with some wheezing, or severe with marked respiratory
aforementioned therapeutic schedule may be adequate to impairment and possible hypotension. It should include
reverse the reaction. Further supportive treatment may be instructions on when and how to seek medical attention.
necessary if there is persistent shock or respiratory distress. All patients who have experienced an anaphylactic event,
Hypotension and shock not responsive to intramuscular which may recur, should be provided with epinephrine in a
epinephrine should be treated with intravascular volume preloaded syringe for intramuscular injection (e.g. EpiPen,
repletion with crystalloid or colloid because of the profound available in child and adult volumes). Patients should be
vasopermeability consequent to the postcapillary venule thoroughly trained in its use on repeated occasions, and be
leakage associated with anaphylaxis. Persistent hypotension reminded that there is an expiration date printed on the barrel
may require the utilization of β-adrenergic agents. The of the syringe. Education must include the patient’s closest
occurrence of bradycardia associated with severe hypotension companion, or in the case of children, siblings and parents. Also
should alert the clinician to the possibility of β-adrenergic for children, the emergency medication must be made available
blockade. The prompt use of glucagon to overcome this effect to a responsible and appropriately trained person at the child’s
is always recommended, although such maneuvers have not school. A Medic-alert bracelet should indicate the patient’s
been consistently effective. allergic reaction(s).
Patients must be observed for at least 4 hours in the advent All individuals susceptible to anaphylactic events must avoid
of a prolonged anaphylactic response (biphasic) during which β-adrenergic blocking agents and probably angiotensin
aggressive therapy should be administered. More delayed converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, which increase the risk of
reactions associated with anaphylaxis make such observation severe or refractory anaphylaxis.
mandatory. Central to the prevention of anaphylaxis is the avoidance of
factors known to precipitate the patient’s anaphylaxis. All prior
episodes of anaphylaxis must be reviewed in detail to ascertain
Long-term management (prevention)
the etiology. Specific tests, as enumerated, should be performed
Anyone who has sustained an anaphylactic event should be to help define the causes of past anaphylactic events. In this
referred to an allergy specialist for definition of the cause with way, defined etiologies can be avoided. It is critical to review all
advice regarding the management and institution of measures ingestants, injectants, and substances inhaled just prior to the
to prevent future anaphylactic reactions (Table 11.8). The episode to further clarify the cause. Monoclonal humanized
primary care physician should be informed regarding possible IgG anti-IgE (Xolair) may provide protection from these afore-
sensitivities, including the advice and medications given to the mentioned allergens. Long-term studies are required to confirm
patient by the allergy consultant. It is critical that anaphylaxis- this observation.
prone individuals appreciate that, despite the institution of
preventive measures, anaphylactic events may continue to occur.
Therefore such affected people must be educated to recognize
the earliest manifestations of anaphylaxis with rapid institution Food-associated anaphylaxis requires identification of the
of appropriate therapy. The emergency plan, which should be specific food inducing the reaction and its avoidance. In the
written in an easily understandable format individualized for case of food additives, such as peanuts or preservatives, it may
each patient, should anticipate possible future reactions and be helpful to provide the patients with a list of food products
appropriate measures utilized to reverse the symptoms. Ideally, which contain the allergen(s). Patients must read labels
such a plan could define treatment options based upon the carefully and avoid those foods whose contents are allergens.
Conclusion • 177
Similarly, patients must be capable of convincing restaurateurs, occur with exercise following specific food ingestion, e.g.
chefs, and shopkeepers that even trace amounts of ingested wheat, should avoid the specific food for at least 6 hours and
allergen may result in a serious reaction. Utensils used to serve preferably a day prior to exercise. In general, patients should
one dish may contaminate another. Patients allergic to nuts, discontinue exercise at the slightest provocation of an attack
including peanuts, should avoid all nuts. such as faintness, flushing, or even unusual warmth or pruritus.
Early administration of H1 antihistamines may blunt further
evolution of an attack, but has not been shown to provide
reliable prophylactic protection. Such affected individuals may
Drug-allergic individuals must be thoroughly educated experience anaphylaxis when exercising during the allergy
regarding the drugs to which they are sensitive, wear a Medic- season to which they have exhibited allergen sensitivity.
alert bracelet, and recognize cross-reacting substances, e.g. Patients should carry epinephrine for serious or life-threatening
aspirin intolerant patients must also avoid non-steroidal anti- episodes and seek medical attention if utilized. Such affected
inflammatory agents. patients should always wear medical identification. Since
exercise during the patient’s inhalant allergy season may be
associated with exercise-induced anaphylactic symptoms,
exercise at that time should be severely limited, preferably
Allergy to natural rubber latex, increasingly recognized, creates avoided.
two problems. The first involves exposure in the home or
workplace. Latex-sensitive healthcare workers and patients
may be exposed to latex present in surgical gloves, anesthetic
facemasks, sphygmomanometer tubing, and bottle stoppers. In Cold exposure in individuals with cold-induced urticaria must
the home, rubber is a content of many products including be severely limited. When sudden cold exposure over a large
elasticized garments, nipples, balloons, bicycle tires, elastic area of the skin occurs, life-threatening hypotension may occur.
bands, mattresses, condoms and diaphragms. Education is central Thus, boating, swimming, taking a cold shower or even sudden
to the successful elimination of these products. Hospitals are exposure to ambient freezing temperatures must be avoided.
utilizing non-latex rubber substitutes more frequently. The Epinephrine should be provided for such patients.
second problem relates to the passive exposure to latex, e.g.
latex sensitive patients undergoing medical evaluation and
Idiopathic anaphylaxis
examination. The patient must alert the examiner, physician,
nurse, or dentist of their latex sensitivity prior to the procedure. Patients with idiopathic anaphylaxis are usually refracting to
In this way, a non-latex environment can be provided, etc. Such maintenance H1 and H2 antihistamines, and may only be
affected individuals should wear a Medic-alert bracelet controlled with daily or alternate day steroids. Occasionally,
describing their latex sensitivity. Most hospitals are aware of the avoidance of aspirin or NSAIDs as well as food pre-
latex sensitivity and have instituted programs to avoid exposure, servatives and dye-containing foods may be beneficial.
e.g. avoiding balloons and utilizing non-latex gloves routinely.
Insect stings
Patients with high-risk antigen-specific IgE-dependent
Hymenoptera, i.e. bee, yellow jacket, hornet, wasp, and fire ant anaphylaxis may benefit from the administration of specific
may precipitate life-threatening reactions. Such affected immunotherapy. Immunoprophylaxis for Hymenoptera venom
individuals with systemic manifestations due to stings of allergy is effective, but severe adverse reactions, including rare
Hymenoptera must be educated to recognize such insects and fatalities, may occur.
avoid situations where the insects may be present. These
individuals should always carry epinephrine (EpiPen) and be
Drug desensitization
adept at its self-administration. They should also be aware how
to apply a tourniquet proximal to the sting site on a limb to Desensitization is being utilized with increasing frequency to
diminish venom (allergen) adsorption. Immunotherapy for induce tolerance to essential drugs. It is a process of rapid
such patients, after confirmation of specific venom IgE, greatly gradual reintroduction of a drug which has previously induced
reduces the frequency of serious adverse reactions following anaphylaxis in a sensitized patient. Intravenous and oral
further stings. administration has successfully rendered patients tolerant to
acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA), insulin, antibiotic and chemothera-
peutic agents.
Seminal plasma anaphylaxis is rarely encountered and is best
managed by avoiding contact with the ejaculate. Spontaneous
improvement usually occurs, but desensitization may facilitate The outcome of an anaphylactic event is contingent upon early
and accelerate the induction of tolerance. recognition of symptoms and prompt institution of effective
therapy. The route of antigen administration, the recipient’s
sensitivity, and coexistent conditions all contribute to an
individual’s prognosis. Delay in epinephrine administration is a
Patients with exercise anaphylaxis should avoid food ingestion critical factor in determining outcome and every effort must be
for at least 4–6 hours prior to exercise. Those whose attacks made to ensure that this treatment is administered promptly.
178 • Chapter 11 • Anaphylaxis
However, patients have succumbed despite the availability of be appropriately instructed in the self-administration of
optimal therapy, and anaphylaxis remains a frequently epinephrine and counseled to avoid further exposure to the
devastating event. Patients who have survived anaphylaxis must precipitating factors (allergen).
Austen KF. Allergies, anaphylaxis, and Hepner DL, Castells MC. Anaphylaxis during Pumphrey RSH. Lessons for management
systemic mastocytosis. Disorders of the perioperative period. Anesth Analg of anaphylaxis from a study of fatal
immune-mediated injury. In: Harrison’s 2003; 4:859–864. reactions. Clin Exp Allergy 2001;
principles of internal medicine. 16th Horan RF, DuBuske LM, Sheffer AL. 30:1144–1150.
edn. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2005; Exercise-induced anaphylaxis. In: Sampson HA, Mendelson L, Rosen JP. Fatal
298:1947–1956. Anaphylaxis: immunology and allergy and nonfatal anaphylactic reactions to
Bosso JR, Schwartz LB, Stevenson DD. clinics of North America 2001; 21: food in children and adolescents.
Tryptase and histamine release during 769–782. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:380–384.
aspirin-induced respiratory reactions. Morisset M, Moneret-Vautrin DA, Kanay G, Stewart AG, Ewan PW. The incidence,
J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991; et al. Thresholds of clinical reactivity to etiology and management of anaphylaxis
18:830–937. milk, egg, peanut and sesame in presenting to an accident and
Haeberli G, Brennimann M, Hunsiker T, immunoglobulin E dependent allergies: emergency department. Q J Med 1996;
et al. Elevated basal serum tryptase evaluation by double-blind 89:859–864.
and hymenoptera venom allergy: placebo-controlled oral challenges.
relation to severity of sting reactions Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33:1046–1051.
and to safety and efficacy of venom Mullins RJ. Anaphylaxis: risk factors for
immunotherapy. Clin Exp Allergy 2003; recurrence. Clin Exp Allergy 2003;
33(9):1216–1220. 33(8):1033–1040.
Specific immunotherapy
(SIT) is the administration
of progressively
increasing doses of an
allergen to alter the
immunologic and clinical
response to that allergen,
and thereby to ameliorate Anthony J Frew, M Thirumal Krishna, David BK Golden,
clinical allergic disease. and Thomas B Casale
It is now almost a century since the pioneering work of Noon and Freeman was used
to successfully treat hayfever patients using a low-dose incremental schedule of pollen
injections. Noon based his doses of pollen extract on a pollen weight unit that
remained in use for over 70 years; the basic principles of their work remain
recognizable in the specific immunotherapy schedules used today. During the 1920s
and 1930s, interest in allergy developed rapidly, especially in the USA. Desensitizing
injections, with varying dosage schedules, were administered to a wide range of
patients and showed varying success rates. Gradually, it became clear that patient
selection and proper attention to detail were vital in achieving successful desensitization;
more recently, improvements to the preparation and standardization of allergen
extracts have made the whole process more reliable and predictable.
In addition, our understanding of the immunologic basis of immunotherapy has
dramatically increased. Our improving knowledge of immunoregulatory pathways is
leading to novel approaches to immunotherapy which target more directly the
determinants of allergen tolerance. In the near future, new ways of administering
immunotherapy, either using different delivery systems or giving it together with
other immunomodulating agents, will likely result in new and better immunotherapy
regimens that lead to long-lasting allergen-specific tolerance and better clinical
Table 12.1 Dosage schedule for conventional specific immunotherapy (SIT). After
reaching the maintenance dose, the next injection is given after 2 weeks, then at
4-weekly intervals
Injection Allergen
number concentration (SQU) Volume (mL) Dose (SQU)
1 100 0.1 10
2 1 000 0.1 100
3 10 000 0.1 1 000
4 100 000 0.02 2 000
5 100 000 0.05 5 000
6 100 000 0.1 10 000
7 100 000 0.2 20 000
8 100 000 0.4 40 000
9 100 000 0.6 60 000
10 100 000 0.8 80 000
11 100 000 1.0 100 000
Maintenance 100 000 1.0 100 000
SQU, standardized quality unit. Data modified from Varney VA, Edwards J, Tabbah K, et al. Clinical
efficacy of specific immunotherapy to cat dander: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Clin Exp
Allergy1997; 27(8):860–867 © Blackwell Science Ltd.
CONTRAINDICATIONS TO SPECIFIC giving several injections on the same day. The principal
IMMUNOTHERAPY drawback to these protocols is the increased likelihood of
adverse side-effects, but this must be weighed against the
Although, asthma per se is not a contraindication, uncontrolled ability to achieve protection within a few days or weeks, which
or brittle asthma substantially increases the risk of side-effects may be particularly useful in patients with Hymenoptera allergy.
from SIT, and is therefore a contraindication for SIT. Other
contraindications include concurrent treatment with β-blockers,
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, corticosteroid and SUBLINGUAL IMMUNOTHERAPY
immunosuppressive drugs. Underlying active autoimmune A number of alternative routes of administration have been
disease and malignancy also constitute a contraindication for used, the most promising of which is sublingual immunotherapy
SIT. SIT should not be initiated in pregnant women or in those (SLIT). Many studies have demonstrated that high dose SLIT
who intend to conceive in the near future. However, SIT can is an effective alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy for
be continued in women who become pregnant while on both adults and children. SLIT can be administered by patients
maintenance treatment provided they have tolerated the at home, unsupervised, which may result in greater compliance.
treatment well up to that point. Despite these positive attributes, much needs to be examined
before recommending SLIT as a replacement for subcutaneous
CONVENTIONAL SPECIFIC immunotherapy. There are very limited data comparing SLIT
IMMUNOTHERAPY with subcutaneous immunotherapy, and those which do exist
suggest that the overall efficacy of SLIT is less than for
Conventional SIT involves a series of subcutaneous injections subcutaneous SIT. We also do not know the long-term effects
of progressively more and more allergen, until a maintenance of SLIT or what immunologic changes are evoked by this form
dose is reached. Typically, the incremental phase will be given of therapy. Finally, although the safety profile appears good
as weekly or biweekly injections (Table 12.1) over a period of with SLIT, long-term studies, similar to those done with
10–24 weeks (typically 10–13 in Europe, 12–24 in USA). In a subcutaneous SIT, are ultimately needed to define the true
‘clustered dose’ regimen, maintenance dose is achieved within risk/benefit ratio with SLIT in comparison with subcutaneous
7 weeks and the safety profile of this regimen has been shown immunotherapy. As more SLIT studies are published, some
to match the conventional dosing approach of 12 weeks. of these issues will be resolved and we will become clearer
Maintenance injections are then given at intervals of 4–6 weeks about its place as an alternative to traditional subcutaneous
over a total period of 3 years or more. Several variations have immunotherapy.
been proposed, including ‘rush’ and ‘semirush’ protocols, in Several other non-conventional approaches are in current
which the incremental phase of the regime is compressed by use. Oral and local nasal immunotherapy are less effective than
Mechanisms of Immunotherapy • 181
allergen immunotherapy
IL-4, -13 IgE mast cell degranulation
Th2 Th2 B cell
+ −
allergic mucosal inflammation −
IL-12, IFNγ
Tho Th1 and symptoms
+ −
T-cell ‘anergy’
Tr cells
IL-10 IgG, blocking Abs
TGFβ Th2 B cell
Fig. 12.1 Mechanisms underlying the action of specific immunotherapy (SIT): There is helper T cell type 2 (Th2) predominance in allergic
diseases and this is characterized by secretion of interleukin-4 (IL-4), -5 and -13. IL-5 is involved in eosinophil survival, activation and
maturation and IL-4 and -13 are important in class switching of B cells for IgE production. Th1 response induces IL-12 and interferon γ (IFNγ)
production and this dampens the Th2 response. SIT induces Th1 response, dampens Th2 response and induces T regulatory cells (Tr cells)
to secrete IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGFβ) and recent studies have shown that IL-10 induces T-cell ‘anergy’ or
‘unresponsiveness’ and has other ‘anti-allergic properties’. Abs, antibodies.
SLIT and cannot be recommended. Homeopathic immuno- subsequent to immunotherapy. The binding capacity of IgG4
therapy, using ultralow doses of pollen, has not been shown to increased, whereas that for IgE decreased after long-term
have any convincing activity, and is not recommended by immunotherapy. However, there is a weak correlation between
mainstream allergists or allergy societies. IgG concentration and clinical response to treatment.
In addition to the effects of immunotherapy on immunog-
lobulins, its effects on lymphocytes have been intensely
MECHANISMS OF studied. Some peripheral blood studies have indicated a shift in
the balance of T-lymphocyte subsets away from the helper
The precise mechanisms underlying the effects of SIT are not T cell type 2 (Th2) phenotype and toward a Th1 phenotype on
well understood but several studies have shown that SIT the basis of preferential production of interferon γ (IFNγ) and
inhibits both early and late responses to allergen exposure. decreased production of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-5.
Recently, there have been many studies aimed at elucidating However, these findings are not consistent. What is consistent
the mechanisms by which allergen-specific immunotherapy is the demonstration of increased allergen-specific IL-10 during
works. Indeed, there are very impressive data defining the the early stages of immunotherapy. IL-10 has also been shown
immunologic changes and long-lasting immunotolerogenic to be increased in the respiratory mucosa and is produced by a
effects of immunotherapy. Allergen immunotherapy is the only number of cells, including Th1 cells, Th2 cells, regulatory
antigen-specific immunomodulatory treatment routinely T cells, monocytes–macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells and
available. It has been shown to provide long-lasting benefits and eosinophils. IL-10 has a number of biologic consequences that
to modify the natural history of allergic diseases, preventing the could be important in mediating the immunotolerogenic
development of neosensitization and asthma in children. effects of immunotherapy. These effects include modulation of
It has long been known that immunotherapy blunts seasonal IL4-induced B-cell IgE production in favor of IgG4, inhibition
increases in IgE levels and results in increases in allergen- of IgE-dependent mast cell activation, inhibition of human
specific IgG levels (i.e. blocking antibodies), especially of the eosinophil cytokine production and survival, suppression of
IgG4 subclass (Fig. 12.2). This results in decreased IgE-mediated IL-5, and induction of antigen-specific anergy.
histamine release and inhibition of IgE-mediated antigen The importance of IL-10, regulatory T cells (Tr cells) and
presentation to T cells. Recent studies have also demonstrated dendritic cells cannot be overemphasized. These cells appear to
the importance of examining the affinity and specificity of IgG be critical in the therapeutic effects of immunotherapy and
182 • Chapter 12 • Immunotherapy
200 10
further research to define their role exactly will likely be a Risk assessment is based on the clinical history and
fruitful area. measurement of venom-specific IgE. Those who have had
Studies in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis have shown systemic symptoms with a previous sting are at much greater
that SIT attenuates the seasonal influx of eosinophils, basophils risk of anaphylaxis than those who have only had large local
and T cells in the nasal mucosa. There is now little doubt that reactions. The magnitude of the IgE response is not
there is Th2 predominance in allergic diseases and SIT has been consistently correlated with the severity or pattern of reaction
shown to modulate the Th2/Th1 balance. SIT induces a Th1 to a sting, since some patients who experience large local
response as evidenced by an increase in IFNγ production within reactions have extremely high venom IgE levels, while other
nasal mucosa. Similar response is seen in patients undergoing patients who suffer rapid vascular collapse and anaphylactic
venom immunotherapy where there is a reduction in IL-4 shock may have barely detectable levels of venom IgE. The
production and an increase in IFNγ production by peripheral frequency of systemic reactions in children and adults with a
blood lymphocytes. Recent studies have focused attention on history of large local reactions and positive venom skin tests is
Tr cells that are identified by their CD4+CD25+ phenotype. in the range of 5–10%. The reported risk of another systemic
It has been shown that Tr cells are induced by SIT, leading to reaction occurring in a patient with a previous systemic reaction
IL-10 and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) production varies from 30 to 60%, with lower risks in children and patients
that may have a number of anti-allergic effects including with milder reactions. The risk of systemic reaction in adults
modulation of IL-4-induced B-cell IgE production in favor of diminishes over 10–20 years towards 15–30% but does not
IgG4, inhibition of IgE-dependent mast cell activation and seem to return to the background 3% prevalence in the general
inhibition of human eosinophil cytokine production and population. Children with a history of cutaneous systemic
survival. IL-10 also suppresses production of ‘proallergic’ reactions had less than 5% risk of anaphylaxis during observation
cytokines, such as IL-5, and is able to induce a state of T-cell for 10–20 years. There is no test that accurately predicts the
unresponsiveness or ‘anergy’ that might occur as a result outcome of the next sting. Live sting challenge is a useful
of IL-10 receptor-dependent blockade of the B7/CD28 co- research procedure, but is generally not acceptable for clinical
stimulatory pathway. practice, not least because some patients who do not react to a
first challenge sting may react to a subsequent sting.
The induction phase of venom SIT may be given weekly
EFFICACY OF IMMUNOTHERAPY for 10 weeks, as a ‘semirush’ over 2–3 weeks, or as a ‘rush
induction’ in hospital over 2–3 days. Once the maintenance
Hymenoptera venom allergy
dose is achieved, 95–98% of patients will have no systemic
Anaphylactic reactions to Hymenoptera venom are relatively symptoms upon wasp-sting challenge (80–85% for honeybee
uncommon but can be life-threatening: venom immunotherapy venom SIT). Patients not fully protected by the conventional
is the treatment of choice. The primary allergen in honeybee dose of 100 µg may be more effectively treated with a 200 µg
venom is phospholipase A2 (Api m 1) and that of the vespid maintenance dose. Protection is well maintained during
venoms (yellow jacket, hornet, wasp) is antigen 5 (Ves v 5). subsequent maintenance therapy; maintenance injections are
Another clinically important insect is the imported fire ant usually given every 4–6 weeks, but sometimes the interval is up
(also a member of the Hymenoptera family). Allergy to the to 8 weeks, especially in long-term maintenance therapy for
imported fire ant is being reported increasingly often from the venom allergy. Maintenance therapy is usually recommended
USA, Australia and South East Asia. for 3–5 years, with growing evidence that 5 years’ treatment
Efficacy of Immunotherapy • 183
counts /min
a result of therapy and a level of ≥ 3 µg/mL has been shown to
be protective.
A low risk of systemic reaction to stings (10%) appears to 20
remain for many years after discontinuing venom immunotherapy
(VIT). Although post-SIT systemic reactions to stings have 0
rarely been severe, a few fatalities have been reported, usually
in patients with other risk factors (e.g. mastocytosis, severe symptoms
previous reactions, systemic reactions during VIT, honeybee
allergy). In children who have received venom SIT, the chance
of systemic reaction to a sting is lower, remaining below 5% for
median score
up to 20 years after discontinuing therapy. How much of this is 40
due to SIT and how much to natural resolution of the
sensitivity is uncertain, but the clinical message is clear: 20
treatment is effective in the short term and patients are then at
relatively low risk of reactions for many years thereafter.
rescue medication use
Specific immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis
Specific immunotherapy has been widely used to treat allergic
rhinitis. As with any other form of SIT, careful patient selection
median score
10 000 10 000
Fig. 12.4 Conjunctival
provocation thresholds for cat
dander before and after
treatment in each group. Dotted
1000 1000 line represents the threshold
limit. Scores above this line
represent no reaction at the
maximum concentration tested.
SIT, specific immunotherapy.
100 100 [Data modified from Varney VA,
Edwards J, Tabbah K, et al.
Clinical efficacy of specific
immunotherapy to cat dander:
a double-blind placebo-
10 10 controlled trial. Clin Exp Allergy
Pre Post Pre Post 1997; 27(8):860–867 ©
Blackwell Science Ltd.]
rigmarole of using their drugs unsatisfactory. A proportion of asthma and reporting at least one clinical outcome. These trials
these ‘non-compliant’ patients may also profit from SIT, but included a total of 3506 participants, 3188 of whom had
the risk/benefit and cost/benefit ratios need to be addressed on asthma. The review included 36 trials of immunotherapy for
a case-by-case basis. house mite allergy; 20 pollen allergy trials; 10 animal dander
allergy trials; 2 Cladosporium mold allergy trials; 1 latex and 6
trials looking at multiple allergens. Unfortunately treatment
Specific immunotherapy in allergic asthma
allocation was adequately concealed in only 15 of these trials.
Asthma is a common chronic disease of both adults and There was also significant heterogeneity in the number of
children, with a considerable amount of morbidity. The efficacy comparisons. Nonetheless, the review found a significant
of SIT in adult asthma has been assessed in many trials over the reduction in asthma symptoms and medication and improve-
last 40 years but the studies have sometimes been difficult to ment in bronchial hyperreactivity following SIT. The review
interpret, either because poor-quality allergen extracts were calculated that in order to prevent one patient showing
used or because of poor study design. Many trials were not deterioration in asthma symptoms it would have been necessary
placebo controlled and only small numbers of patients were to treat four (95% CI 3–5) patients with SIT. Overall, it would
treated. Moreover, the extracts used in older trials bear little have been necessary to treat five (95% CI 4–6) patients with
relationship to those currently marketed and it seems wisest to SIT to prevent one from requiring increased anti-asthma
concentrate on evidence from recent trials using current extracts medication. SIT significantly reduced allergen-specific bronchial
and orthodox double-blind, placebo-controlled methodology. hyperreactivity, but had only marginal effects on non-specific
The risk/benefit ratio of allergen-specific immunotherapy bronchial hyperreactivity. No consistent effect on lung function
for asthma has been a controversial area for many years. This is was determined. The reviewers concluded that SIT was effective
largely due to the potential risk of severe and sometimes fatal in asthma, and interestingly, one trial found that the size of the
adverse events in patients with asthma. This has led to benefit was possibly comparable to inhaled corticosteroids.
professional societies recommending that patients with asthma In summary, SIT may be beneficial in mild asthma but is not
and FEV1 values < 70% (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) employed as a first-line treatment because of the availability of
should not receive SIT. Furthermore, it can be difficult to other effective and safer options. There is no place for SIT for
demonstrate improvements in physiologic measurements, the treatment of moderate and severe asthmatics, due to the
because most patients with mild asthma have an FEV1 close to potential risk of severe adverse reactions.
their predicted value, leaving little room for improvement in
this parameter.
SIT for food or drug-induced anaphylaxis
Because of this controversy, a Cochrane review was under-
taken to define the role of allergen immunotherapy for asthma. Many causes of anaphylaxis have been recognized, including
Published in 2004, this review considered 75 trials published food allergens (especially nuts and shellfish), latex, and a variety
up to June 2001, including all randomized controlled trials of drugs including penicillin and anesthetic agents. Although
using various forms of allergen-specific immunotherapy to treat these reactions involve IgE and ought, in theory, to be amenable
Future Directions • 185
Immunostimulatory DNA
Studies in animal models have identified bacterial DNA, and
in particular specific palindromic DNA motifs containing
unmethylated cytosine residues in the sequence CpG, as potent
adjuvants of the Th1 response. CpG DNA exerts its effects via
the Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) on dendritic cells. DNA
hexamers based on the general formula of 5′purine-purine-CG-
antigen-presenting cell pyrimidine-pyrimidine-3′ are considered optimal. When
protein antigens were mixed with these immunostimulatory
B-cell epitopes on surface of intact molecule, may be formed oligodeoxynucleotide sequences (ISS-ODN) and injected into
by ≥ 2 peptide chains or by amino acids that are not contiguous
mice, they induced a Th1 immune response characterized by
T-cell epitopes formed by linear fragment of protein, partly IgG2 formation and IFNγ-secreting CD4+ T cells. When
digested by APC, and presented in groove of MHC molecule. ISS-ODN are covalently conjugated to allergen, a novel type of
Can be external on original molecule
allergoid for SIT is produced that has several potential
advantages: first, this conjugate delivers the ISS-ODN and the
Fig. 12.5 Schematic representation of B-cell and T-cell epitopes.
Note that T-cell epitopes are linear peptides, derived by partial allergen to the same antigen presenting cell; second, no free
degradation of the allergen, while B-cell epitopes are 3-dimensional ISS-ODN reaches bystander cells to produce excess mediators
or ‘configurational’ and may involve portions from quite separate that could cause adverse reactions; and third, the conjugate
parts of the primary structure, which are brought together by
pleating and folding of the allergenic molecules. APC, antigen- allergoid probably presents fewer B-cell epitopes, reducing the
presenting cell; MHC, major histocompatibility complex. risks of side-effects.
This strategy has yielded some encouraging observations in a
study of 28 patients with ragweed-induced hayfever. In this
study there was no improvement in symptoms during the first
experimental but there are ongoing studies examining its post-immunotherapy season, which started 3 weeks after the
efficacy and safety. last injection. However, when challenged 4–5 months after
therapy (i.e. after the ragweed pollen season), fewer eosinophils
Antiimmunoglobulin E and IL-4 mRNA positive cells and increased numbers of IFNγ-
positive cells were noted in patients who received active
The anti-IgE monoclonal antibody omalizumab (Xolair®) is a therapy. A modest symptomatic improvement was noted in the
recombinant humanized antibody, consisting of IgE-binding following pollen season, without the subjects receiving any
regions derived from a murine anti-human-IgE attached to a further treatment. These results are encouraging but clearly
human IgG1 framework. Thus it retains the antigen-binding further studies are required to study the safety and efficacy of
domain of the original murine antibody (comprising about 5% these vaccines.
of the hybrid antibody) while approximately 95% of the It is not clear whether CpG admixed with multiple allergens
sequence is human, which prevents the recipient from seeing it as in traditional immunotherapy would also be more effective
as foreign. Omalizumab binds only to circulating free IgE: after than allergen immunotherapy alone. Furthermore, although
several weeks’ treatment it attenuates allergic responses, CpG works least well in animal models when given as mono-
downregulates expression of IgE receptors on mast cells and therapy, the effects of CpG administered either before or
basophils, and is clinically effective in allergic disorders. during a pollen season with natural high dose exposure are also
Omalizumab has recently been approved by the US Food and worthy of consideration. The prospect of invoking profound
Further Reading • 187
and long-lasting tolerance to allergens with much less intensive controlled environment to carefully selected patients. SIT in
immunotherapy regimens makes this approach intriguing. conjunction with anti-IgE offers a great prospect not only to
reduce the incidence of serious systemic reactions but also to
enhance efficacy, although further data are needed to address
CONCLUSION this important issue. Combining allergens with CpG-DNA or
SIT is the only available treatment that alters the natural course other adjuvants may also improve the efficacy and safety profile
of allergic disease, offering sustained relief of symptoms, and of SIT. SIT is thus a valuable therapy for allergic disease, with
limiting progression of rhinitis to asthma. Although there are the potential for further improvement and wider application in
some risks, these can be minimized when SIT is given in a the future.
Abramson MJ, Puy RM, Weiner JM. Allergen number of cells expressing mRNA for development of asthma in children with
immunotherapy for asthma (Cochrane interferon-gamma. J Allergy Clin seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (the
Review). In: The Cochrane Library. Issue Immunol 1996; 97:1356–1365. PAT-Study). J Allergy Clin Immunol
2. Chichester: John Wiley; 2004. Golden DB, Kagey-Sobotka A, Norman PS, 2002; 109:251–256.
Canonica GW, Passalacqua G. Noninjection et al. Outcomes of allergy to insect Spiegelberg HL, Horner AA, Takabayashi K,
routes for immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin stings in children, with and without et al. Allergen-immunostimulatory
Immunol 2003; 111:437–448. venom immunotherapy. N Engl J Med oligonucleotide conjugate: a novel
Des Roches A, Paradis L, Menardo JL, et al. 2004; 351:668–674. allergoid for immunotherapy. Curr Opin
Immunotherapy with a standardised D. Lerch E, Muller U. Long-term protection Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 2:547–551.
pteronyssinus extract. VI. Specific after stopping venom immunotherapy. Till SJ, Francis JN, Nouri-Aria K, et al.
immunotherapy prevents the onset of J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; Mechanisms of immunotherapy.
new sensitisations in children. J Allergy 101:606–612. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;
Clin Immunol 1997; 99:450–453. Li JT, Lockey IL, Bernstein JM, et al. 113:1025–1034.
Durham SR, Ying S, Varney VA, et al. Allergen immunotherapy: a practice Varney VA, Gaga M, Frew AJ, et al.
Grass pollen immunotherapy inhibits parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol Usefulness of immunotherapy in
allergen-induced infiltration of CD4+ 2003; 90:1–40. patients with severe summer hay fever
T-lymphocytes and eosinophils in the Moller C, Dreborg S, Ferdousi HA, et al. uncontrolled by anti-allergic drugs.
nasal mucosa and increases the Pollen immunotherapy reduces the BMJ 1991; 302:265–269.
This chapter covers the
prevalence and natural
history of allergic
diseases in the pediatric
population, as well as the
Pediatric Allergy
diagnosis and treatment
of these diseases in this
population. The Ulrich Wahn and Estelle Simons
possibility of primary and
secondary prevention of
allergic diseases in INTRODUCTION
children is also Over the last decade, atopic diseases in childhood have become increasingly prevalent
discussed. in many parts of the world and they now represent a major public health problem in
almost all industrialized countries. Atopic diseases are understood as those allergic
conditions that tend to cluster in families and are associated with the production of
specific IgE antibodies to common environmental allergens. The most prevalent
clinical manifestations are allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis and food allergy,
which have the highest incidence during infancy, childhood or adolescence.
The term ‘atopic march’ refers to the natural history of atopic manifestations,
which is characterized by a typical sequence of IgE antibody responses and clinical
symptoms that appear during a certain age period, persist over years and decades, and
often show a tendency for spontaneous remission with age. Several prospective
longitudinal birth cohort studies have become valuable for our current understanding
of the development and outcome of allergy and asthma in childhood.
AD asthma rhinitis
prevalence (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13
a age (years)
food allergens ages. (b) Point prevalence of sensitization to common food allergens,
indoor allergens, and outdoor allergens. Based on serum allergen-
6 specific IgE (cutoff level 0.7 kU/L). [(a) from Wahn U. What drives
the allergic march? Allergy 2000; 55(7):591–599 and (b) from Kulig
4 M, Bergmann R, Klettke U, et al. Natural course of sensitization to
food and inhalant allergens during the first 6 years of life. J Allergy
2 Clin Immunol 1999; 103(6):1173–1179.]
0 1 2 3 5 6
age (years)
indoor allergens
0 1 2 3 5 6
age (years)
birch grass
point prevalence (%)
outdoor allergens
0 1 2 3 5 6
b age (years)
Prevalence and Natural History of Allergic Diseases in the Pediatric Population • 191
Table 13.1 Percentiles for total serum IgE concentrations in German children at
1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 years of age (estimates for a population based sample)
Age (years) 1 2 3 5 6
25th Percentile 2 5 8 14 16
50th Percentile 5 15 20 34 42
75th Percentile 13 40 58 85 95
85th Percentile 26 75 111 150 170
90th Percentile 40 107 155 212 259
95th Percentile 78 226 261 372 428
[From Kulig M, et al. Serum IgE levels during the first 6 years of life. J Pediatr 1999, 134:453–458.]
Wheezing Phenotypes in Children Table 13.2 Predictive Index for children (Tucson Children’s
Respiratory Study, Tucson, Arizona). Through a statistically
optimized model for 2- to 3-year-old children with frequent
wheezing in the past year, one major criterion or two minor
transient early non-atopic ige-associated criteria provided 77% positive predictive value and 97%
wheezers wheezers wheeze/asthma specificity for asthma in later childhood (i.e. at 6, 8, 11
and/or 13 years of age
wheezing prevalence
From Castro-Rodriguez JA, Holberg CJ, Wright Al, et al. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2000; 162:1406.
0 3 6 11
age (years)
becomes more and more obvious. Severity of childhood asthma,
Fig. 13.3 Hypothetical yearly prevalence for recurrent wheezing determined clinically or by lung function impairment, also
phenotypes in childhood (Tucson Children’s Respiratory Study, predicts asthma persistence into adulthood.
Tucson, Arizona). This classification does not imply that the groups
are exclusive. Dashed lines suggest that wheezing can be Natural history studies of asthma have identified biological,
represented by different curve shapes resulting from many different genetic, and environmental risk factors for persistent asthma.
factors, including overlap of groups. [Adapted from Stein RT, Holberg
CJ, Morgan WJ, et al. Peak flow variability, methacholine The Tucson Children’s Respiratory Study uses a statistical
responsiveness and atopy as markers for detecting different optimization of the major risk factors for persistent asthma
wheezing phenotypes in childhood. Thorax 1997; 52(11):946–952.] which allows prediction of persistent asthma with a high
positive predicted value and specificity (Table 13.2).
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
inflammation, particularly in infancy. The role of environmental
allergens in the manifestation, severity, and persistence The manifestation of seasonal or perennial allergic rhinocon-
of eczema is far less clear. Anecdotal reports suggest that junctivitis is exceptionally rare during the first 2 years of life,
indoor as well as outdoor allergen exposure can exacerbate although a minority of children will develop specific IgE anti-
the disease. bodies during this early period (Fig. 13.1). Ordinarily, at least
two seasons of pollen allergen exposure are required before
Childhood asthma classic symptoms become manifest. The prevalence of allergic
rhinoconjunctivitis in children varies from country to country.
Asthmatic wheeze may already be observed during early infancy. In Europe, it reaches more than 20% in young adolescents. In
The majority of early wheezers turn out to be only transiently the USA, in one study doctor-diagnosed allergic rhinitis was
symptomatic, whereas in a minority of children symptoms reported in more than 40% of 6 year-olds. Follow-up studies
persist throughout school age and adolescence. Our under- have provided evidence that without specific immunotherapy
standing of the natural history of childhood asthma is still the risk of asthmatic wheeze during peak pollen allergen
limited. Approximately 80% of asthmatic adults report disease exposure in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is 45%.
onset before 6 years of age. Numerous data sets support the Allergic rhinitis persistence has not been thoroughly
existences of various asthma subtypes (Fig. 13.3) in childhood. evaluated in children. From adult studies it is known that
During the first 3 years of life the manifestation of wheeze allergic rhinitis patients have a disease remission rate of 5–10%
is not related to elevated serum IgE levels or specific AFTER? 4 years and 23% AFTER 23 years. Onset of disease
sensitization, and positive parental history of atopy and asthma in early childhood was associated with a greater chance of
seems to be of minor importance during the first 2 years of life. improvement.
These ‘transient wheezers’ are not at an increased risk of having
asthma later in life. Transient wheezing is associated with
airway viral infections, smaller airways and lungs, male gender,
low birth weight and maternal prenatal environmental tobacco Both acute and chronic urticaria may already become manifest
smoke exposure. in infancy. Among children, the prevalence of urticaria/
Persistent asthma commonly begins and coexists with a large angioedema has been estimated to be about 6–7%. Acute
population of transient wheezers. Those who have persistent urticaria with or without angioedema may be observed in the
wheezing show an increasing association with sensitization to atopic population as a result of IgE-mediated reactions primarily
aeroallergens with age. In addition the association with a positive to food proteins, whereas chronic urticaria (persistence of
family history of atopy and asthma in first degree relatives symptoms > 6 weeks) is mostly not related to identifiable
Diagnosis of Allergic Disease in the Pediatric Population • 193
Table 13.3 Identification of children at high risk for fatal or near-fatal asthma episodes
• Previous near-fatal episodes, e.g. Intensive Care Unit admission, intubation, and/or
mechanical ventilation
• Reduced access to health care, including living in a remote rural area, poor
socioeconomic status
• Discuss short-term and long-term treatment goals, emphasizing the goal of being
free from asthma symptoms
• Discuss the importance of avoiding trigger factors such as cigarette smoke and
airborne allergens and using medications to prevent symptoms
• Identify practical economic resources for the family: assistance with cost of
medications, transport to healthcare facilities
• Discuss potential barriers to meeting treatment goals such as: lack of faith in
conventional medical treatment, preference for complementary treatment, ‘different’
sociocultural beliefs
• Provide a list of websites that are a reliable source of relevant health information
and their families, it is therefore important to provide a oriented. For school age children, programs involving both
comprehensive approach to management including: education parents and children in separate, small groups are optimal.
about the long-term nature of allergic inflammation and the Teens should have sessions focused on their unique needs.
intermittent exacerbations that characterize allergic diseases, Education programs should provide written, clearly focused
and the need to avoid triggers for symptoms where possible and information in an appropriate language and at an appropriate
to consider the potential benefits of allergen-specific immuno- literacy level about: avoiding triggers for exacerbations (with
therapy. It is also important to have a systematic, stepwise the exception of exercise), understanding the differences
approach to pharmacologic treatment and to keep the overall between preventer/controller and reliever medications, and
number of prescribed medications to a minimum, in order to how to anticipate exacerbations and respond by intensifying
facilitate adherence to treatment regimens. Healthcare treatment in a timely manner. Education programs should
professionals should recognize that the most common reason emphasize the importance of development and regular review
for apparent lack of response to treatment is lack of adherence. of written action plans for recognition and management of
This is particularly true for glucocorticoid treatment, due to exacerbations of allergic disease.
caregivers’ concerns about potential adverse effects. Although Many families are interested in non-specific, non-medicinal
many physicians respond to a child’s apparent failure to improve approaches to the treatment of allergic diseases. For a child
on a medication by prescribing an increased dose, this is of little with exercise-induced asthma, it may be appropriate to discuss
value if the medication is not being given or taken in the first selection of a sport such as swimming or distance running that
place. Intensified efforts with regard to education, allergen is less likely to trigger symptoms than sprinting or skating, and
avoidance, non-specific, non-medicinal approaches to treatment to emphasize the importance of aerobic conditioning and
and, in some children, allergen specific immunotherapy, may be warm-up. For a child with allergic rhinitis, nasal rinses with
more helpful. saline can be recommended. For a child with atopic dermatitis/
eczema, it is appropriate to discuss avoidance of exposure to
hot, humid environmental conditions and wooly or rough-
textured clothing and bedding, use of skin hydration and
Interactive educational partnerships with children and their emollients to repair stratum corneum barrier function, and
caregivers are important. The persistent inflammatory nature treatment of superinfections with antibiotics. For all children
of inflammatory diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and with allergic diseases, physicians should recommend a healthy
atopic dermatitis/eczema should be explained and the differing diet including fresh fruits and vegetables, and optimal, age-
natural history of each disease should be outlined. The main appropriate rest and recreation.
goal in treatment should be clearly stated: complete freedom Child and family asthma education programs (Table 13.5)
from symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of have been documented to improve outcomes and are becoming
breath in asthma; itching, sneezing, discharge and congestion widely available; however, for other allergic diseases, education
in rhinitis; and itching in urticaria or atopic dermatitis/ programs are not yet as well developed. For asthmatics, enroll-
eczema. ment in a formal asthma education program may begin at any
All education programs should be age appropriate. For time, but often follows a child’s visit to the hospital emergency
infants and very young children, programs should be parent department, or a hospitalization for an exacerbation.
196 • Chapter 13 • Pediatric Allergy
• Avoid having carpet, rugs and upholstered furniture in the child’s bedroom
• Encase the mattress and box spring with airtight, dustproof covers or plastic
• Use new, dust mite-free pillows. Dry on the hot cycle for 45 minutes every 2 weeks,
and replace every few years
• Use cotton or synthetic bedding and mattress cover; wash weekly in hot water
(55°C) and dry on the hot cycle
• Use a central vacuum system or a vacuum with a HEPA filter (e.g. Nilfisk). An upright
vacuum or vacuum with a double-bag is also satisfactory. Damp-dust all surfaces
• Repair water leaks and, if appropriate, check basement, attic, and crawlspace for
standing water and mold
• Use a dehumidifier if the humidity in the home is > 60%; molds (and mites) thrive
when humidity is high
• Never allow the animal into the child’s bedroom. (Keep the door closed!). Seal off or
cover the room’s heating vent with a filter. Use a portable heater if necessary
• Avoid going outdoors during times of peak pollen exposure, e.g. early morning
• Installation of portable high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA filters*) may be
*HEPA filters need to have a high air flow (250 cubic feet per minute or more). They may also be
helpful in removing animal dander, but they will not be helpful in removing dust mites or dust mite
fecal pellets
adolescents and adults rather than in young children or infants. In all children receiving daily glucocorticoid treatment, regard-
Current allergen-specific immunotherapy is neither optimally less of the formulation(s) being administered, use of the lowest
convenient nor perfectly safe; therefore, considerable attention doses that control symptoms, addition of glucocorticoid-
is being focused on alternative routes and dosing formulations sparing treatment, and regular monitoring of linear growth are
such as sublingual immunotherapy and on the development of important.
novel immunotherapy strategies, for example, those involving
immunostimulatory DNA sequences which preferentially elicit
Leukotriene modifiers (for asthma, allergic rhinitis)
Th1-dominated immunity and can inhibit developing or
ongoing Th2 responses. Non-invasive forms of immunotherapy, Montelukast, an oral leukotriene D4 antagonist, has both anti-
particularly high dose sublingual immunotherapy, hold inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. It plays a role in
considerable promise for use in the pediatric population. the prevention of exercise-induced asthma, and in the treatment
Concurrent administration of allergen-specific immunotherapy of mild–moderate persistent asthma, also as a glucocorticoid-
along with non-specific immunomodulators such as anti-IgE sparing agent in moderate–severe persistent asthma (Fig. 13.4,
antibody also appears to be promising. Table 13.7). Administered orally once daily, it has a 24 hour
duration of action, and tolerance does not develop to its effects
when it is given regularly. It is safe for long-term use, even in
Pharmacologic treatment
very young children. In some countries montelukast is also
Prescription of medications is the most common approach to indicated for allergic rhinitis and it therefore provides a user-
the treatment of allergic diseases. There have been major friendly treatment option for the many children who have
advances in this area of therapeutics during the past decade. asthma and allergic rhinitis concurrently.
Pharmacologic treatment should always be carried out in the
context of an educational program providing information about
Long-acting 2-adrenergic agonists (for asthma)
avoidance of allergen triggers and general approaches to health
and well-being. For mild intermittent asthma symptoms, Salmeterol and formoterol are widely used as glucocorticoid-
occasional use of reliever medications (short-acting β2-adrenergic sparing agents in children with asthma; however, their
agonists such as albuterol (salbutamol)) is appropriate. For glucocorticoid-sparing role is not as convincingly proven in
mild, intermittent allergic rhinitis symptoms, occasional use of young children as it is in adolescents and adults. The main
a second-generation H1 antihistamine is appropriate. In all children pharmacologic differences between these agents is that
with persistent asthma, allergic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis/ salmeterol is a partial agonist of the β2-receptor, with an onset
eczema, however, regular daily use of an antiinflammatory of bronchodilation beginning 15–30 minutes after inhalation,
medication is the mainstay of management. The classes of and formoterol is a full β2-adrenergic agonist, with onset of
medication that are used in asthma and/or allergic rhinocon- bronchodilation beginning 3 minutes after inhalation (Table 13.7).
junctivitis will be discussed first, followed by those used in Long-acting β2-adrenergic agonists are useful in the prevention
urticaria, atopic dermatitis/eczema, and anaphylaxis. of exercise-induced asthma, although some tolerance to their
effects may occur during regular daily use. Potential dose-
related side-effects include tremor, palpitations, and headache.
Glucocorticoids (inhaled for asthma, intranasal for
Although fixed-dose salmeterol/fluticasone combination
allergic rhinitis)
formulations and fixed-dose formoterol/budesonide combin-
Inhaled glucocorticoids for asthma and intranasal glucocorticoids ations are now commonly prescribed for patients of all ages, it
for allergic rhinitis given daily on a regular basis, while not a is important to note that these formulations have not been
cure, are the most effective antiinflammatory medications optimally studied in children under the age of 12 years.
currently available for decreasing morbidity and reducing
symptoms, exacerbations, and the need for reliever medications
Short-acting 2-adrenergic agonists (for asthma)
(Tables 13.7 and 13.8). Many of the delivery devices for
inhaled and intranasal glucocorticoids have not been optimally These rapidly-acting bronchodilators are used intermittently to
tested in infants and very young children. These include prevent exercise-induced asthma and as ‘rescue’ treatment for
pressurized metered-dose inhalers with holding chambers/spacer breakthrough acute asthma symptoms (Table 13.7). They are
devices, dry powder inhalers, and nebulizers for asthma, and not recommended for regular daily use. They should be given
metered-dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, and aqueous pump by inhalation rather than by the oral route.
sprays for allergic rhinitis. Healthcare professionals should be Frequent use of and/or lack of effect of a short-acting
able to demonstrate the optimal use of inhalation devices for β2-adrenergic agonist indicates unsatisfactory asthma control
inhaled or intranasal glucocorticoids to children and to their and the need for regular use of a controller medication such as
caregivers, and should provide regular coaching in the correct an inhaled glucocorticoid or a leukotriene modifier, or if the
way to use these devices. child is already taking a controller medication, the need for
Inhalation of older glucocorticoids such as beclomethasone discussing adherence issues and for changing or combining
dipropionate or budesonide is potentially associated with a controllers.
significant reduction in growth velocity during the first few
months after starting treatment, but this effect is non-
Oral glucocorticoids (for asthma)
progressive and most affected children eventually attain expected
adult height. Newer inhaled and intranasal glucocorticoids are The most effective medications available for the treatment of
promulgated as being safer than their predecessors, but acute exacerbations of asthma in outpatients are oral
prospective, controlled studies lasting several years are needed. glucocorticoids, which, when given daily for 5–7 days, decrease
198 • Chapter 13 • Pediatric Allergy
Inhaled glucocorticoids**
Beclomethasone dipropionate CFC (e.g. Beclovent, Vanceril)
Beclomethasone dipropionate HFA (e.g. QVAR)
Budesonide [e.g. Pulmicort (Turbuhaler; Respules)]
Triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort)
Flunisolide (AeroBid, AeroBid-M)
Fluticasone propionate (Flovent)
Mometasone furoate (Azmacort)
Ciclesonide (pending)
Leukotriene modifiers
Montelukast (Singulair)
Zafirlukast (Accolate)
Oral glucocorticoids
Methylprednisolone (Medrol)
Prednisolone (Prelone, Pediapred)
Prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone, Liquid Pred)
Omalizumab (Xolair)
*For correct doses and dose regimens, see product monographs. Leukotriene modifiers are also
indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in many countries
**Inhaled medications require assessment of a child’s ability to use a particular inhalation device
(metered-dose inhaler with spacer or metered-dose inhaler with spacer and face mask) or wet
Repeat assessment and coaching with regard to optimal use of inhaler device is fundamental for
optimal prevention and control of asthma symptoms
symptoms and prevent relapse (Table 13.7). Long-term daily Subcutaneous injections of omalizumab (weight-based
use of oral glucocorticoids should be avoided, as it is associated dosing) every 2–4 weeks in children with moderate to severe
with glucose intolerance, weight gain, suppression of linear allergic asthma reduce the requirement for inhaled and oral
growth, increased blood pressure, mood disorder, cataract and glucocorticoids (Fig. 13.5, Table 13.7) while preventing
immunosuppression. Alternate day use of oral glucocorticoids, exacerbations and improving quality of life.
which is occasionally necessary in children with extremely Omalizumab, injected before the pollen season, with or with-
severe asthma, decreases the likelihood of these adverse effects. out allergen-specific immunotherapy, is also effective in preventing
and relieving allergic rhinitis symptoms. In addition, it is currently
being studied in patients who are highly allergic to peanut; a
Anti-IgE antibody (omalizumab, for asthma)
similar, although not identical, anti-IgE antibody was shown to
More than 90% of children with allergic disease have positive improve the ability of such patients to tolerate ingestion of peanut.
skin tests to common aeroallergens and increased specific IgE
to these allergens, and many have raised levels of circulating
H1 antihistamines (for allergic rhinitis, urticaria)
IgE. Omalizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal anti-
IgE antibody that binds to, and forms, complexes with First-generation, relatively sedating oral H1 antihistamines such
circulating free IgE, preventing it from binding to high-affinity as diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine have no role in the
IgE receptors on mast cells and basophils. It does not induce out-of-hospital management of children with allergic diseases.
the cross-linking of receptor-bound IgE on mast cells and Most of the older H1 antihistamines, although available in
basophils which leads to the release of mediators of inflam- palatable liquid formulations, have not been optimally studied
mation, and therefore it does not trigger anaphylaxis. in infants or children.
Treatment of Allergic Diseases in the Pediatric Population • 199
montelukast placebo
8 0
5 -0.6
4 -0.8
3 -1.0
2 -1.2
1 -1.4
0 -1.6
montelukast placebo
Fig. 13.4 Glucocorticoid-sparing effect of montelukast in asthma: mean percentage change in FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) in
children treated with montelukast or placebo in addition to 200 Fg of budesonide twice daily. During montelukast add-on treatment, children
had a greater mean increase in FEV1 than during placebo treatment (p = 0.01, per protocol group), despite a greater mean decrease in
β2-adrenergic agonist use during montelukast treatment compared to placebo treatment (p = 0.01). In addition, asthma exacerbation days
decreased by 23% (p < 0.001) (not shown). [From Simons FE, Villa JR, Lee BW, et al. Montelukast added to budesonide in children with
persistent asthma: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. J Pediatr 2001; 138(5):694–698, with permission.]
Omalizumab has a Glucocorticoid-sparing Effect in Asthma Table 13.9 Medications for urticaria treatment*
50 Fexofenadine (Allegra)
Levocetirizine (Xyzal, Xusal)
Loratadine (Claritin)
*For correct doses and dose regimens, see product monographs
20 18.3 17.4
13.8 15.1
10 6.7
0.4 0.9
<0 0 to 25 25 to 50 50 to 75 75 to 100 Epinephrine
percentage reduction in steroid dose When anaphylaxis (severe acute systemic allergic reaction)
occurs in a community setting, epinephrine is the first-aid
Fig. 13.5 Omalizumab has a glucocorticoid-sparing effect in treatment of choice and should be injected intramuscularly into
asthma: percentage of children with reduction in dose of inhaled
glucocorticoid at the end of treatment, shown as percentage the lateral thigh (midpoint of the vastus lateralis muscle) from
reduction in glucocorticoid dose. The difference between the an auto-injector such as EpiPen Jr (0.15 mg) or EpiPen (0.3 mg)
omalizumab group and the placebo group is statistically significant (Table 13.11). Instruction and repeated coaching with regard to
(p = 0.002). [From Milgrom H, Berger W, Nayak A, et al. Treatment
of childhood asthma with anti-immunoglobulin E antibody when and how to use an epinephrine auto-injector is an
(omalizumab). Pediatrics 2001; 108(2):E36, with permission.] important component of caring for children at risk for
Primary and secondary prevention of allergic diseases in children – is it possible? • 201
anaphylaxis. A wider range of epinephrine fixed doses in auto- PRIMARY AND SECONDARY
injectors is needed. After epinephrine injection, for an acute PREVENTION OF ALLERGIC DISEASES IN
allergic reaction, children should be taken to the nearest CHILDREN – IS IT POSSIBLE?
hospital Emergency Department for monitoring and additional
treatment, if indicated. Primary prevention
Primary prevention of asthma and other allergic diseases is
defined as prevention of sensitization to aeroallergens and to
foods which, along with exposure to environmental tobacco
smoke early in life, constitute important risk factors for these
Table 13.10 Medications for atopic dermatitis/eczema diseases. Avoidance of food allergens and other individual
treatment* risk factors has met with mixed success in the prevention of
sensitization to allergens and prevention of asthma and other
Generic (Brand Name)
allergic diseases. For example, although a recent meta-analysis
Topical glucocorticoids demonstrated that children who were breastfed for at least
3 months had a 20% decrease in risk for asthma, other
Lowest potency – hydrocortisone 0.5%, 1%, 2.5% (cream, epidemiologic data suggest that breastfeeding might actually
ointment and lotion)
lead to a higher prevalence of asthma in children at age 6 years.
Low potency – triamcinolone acetonide 0.025% (cream, lotion)
Medium potency – mometasone furoate (Elocom) (0.1%
cream), triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.1% or 0.5%
High potency – mometasone 0.1% (Elocom ointment),
Table 13.11 Medication for treatment of anaphylaxis
triamcinolone acetonide
(Aristocort) 0.5% (ointment) Generic (Brand Name)
Epinephrine (EpiPen Jr 0.15 mg, EpiPen 0.3 mg)
Topical calcineuron inhibitors
(Fastjekt 0.3 mg)
Pimecrolimus (Elidel cream) 1% cream
(AnaPen 0.3 mg, AnaHelp)
Tacrolimus (Protopic) 0.03% cream, 0.1% ointment
Instruction and repeated coaching with regard to when and how to use
* For correct doses and dose regimens, see product monographs an epinephrine auto-injector is extremely important
% patients clear or almost clear
In several cohorts of infants, extensive and multifaceted challenges in carefully selected children with food allergies may
allergen avoidance interventions have been reported to lead to be helpful in identifying those who are outgrowing their food
reduced allergen sensitization and/or reduced wheezing in early allergies, for example, to milk or egg.
life, which may or may not be maintained. During the past decade, major advances in the pharmacologic
treatment of allergic diseases in children include: increasingly
widespread acceptance of inhaled glucocorticoid treatment for
Secondary prevention
asthma and intranasal glucocorticoid treatment for allergic
Secondary prevention is defined as intervention(s) for infants rhinitis, and the introduction of montelukast, a safe leukotriene
and children who have one allergic disease, for example, atopic antagonist, and of second-generation, relatively non-sedating
dermatitis/eczema (the harbinger of the ‘allergic march’), but H1 antihistamines which are safe for long-term use in the
have not developed symptoms of asthma or other allergic pediatric population. Atopic dermatitis/eczema treatment has
diseases. Such children also often have a family history of been revolutionized by the availability of calcineuron inhibitors.
allergy, positive allergy skin tests, elevated allergen-specific IgE Epinephrine remains the cornerstone of treatment of anaphylaxis;
and elevated total IgE levels, and/or blood eosinophilia. however, new pediatric formulations for outpatient use are
Secondary prevention of asthma in high-risk young children urgently needed. Cost-effectiveness of some new immuno-
has been attempted by using H1 antihistamines such as cetirizine, modulators, for example, anti-IgE antibody (omalizumab),
with modest success. The potential role of other pharmacologic remains to be proven.
and immunologic interventions such as levocetirizine, Time spent by healthcare professionals in listening to the
montelukast, topical pimecrolimus, and of sublingual allergen- concerns of children and families and providing them with
specific immunotherapy, is also of considerable interest in the education and coaching will be rewarded by improved long-
secondary prevention of asthma. term management, fewer crises, and better adherence to
recommended treatment regimens. Avoidance of relevant
airborne allergens is recommended for children with asthma,
SUMMARY allergic rhinitis and/or atopic dermatitis/eczema. Strict allergen
Allergic diseases are increasing in prevalence worldwide. To avoidance remains fundamental to the successful treatment of
date, there has been modest progress in improving diagnostic food, latex, or medication-induced severe acute systemic allergic
capabilities for these diseases. A detailed history, including a reactions (anaphylaxis). Permanent modification of disease
description of the environments in which the child spends most severity by the use of allergen-specific immunotherapy remains
of his/her time, is combined with physical examination and an attractive goal, but appropriately controlled, randomized,
documentation of evidence of sensitization to relevant common double-blind studies are needed in very young children. New
allergens, either by epicutaneous testing or by measurement of allergen-specific immunotherapy formulations with an improved
allergen-specific IgE. benefit/risk ratio and involving fewer injections, and new routes
Challenge tests, although time-consuming, are useful not of administration, for example, sublingual immunotherapy, hold
only in research but also in certain clinical situations; for promise for the future.
example, specialist-supervised incremental, allergen-specific
Abramowicz M, Zuccotti G, Rizack MA, et al. and inhalant allergens during the first Niggemann B, Wahn U, Sampson HA.
Drugs for allergic disorders. Treat 6 years of life. J Allergy Clin Immunol Proposals for standardization of oral
Guidelines Med Letter 2003; 1999; 103:1173–1179. food challenge tests in infants and
1:93–100. Lack G. Pediatric allergic rhinitis and children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1994;
Castro-Rodriguez JA, Holberg CJ, Wright AL, comorbid disorders. J Allergy Clin 5:11–13.
et al. A clinical index to define risk of Immunol 2001; 108 (suppl 1):S9–S15. The International Study of Asthma and
asthma in young children with recurrent Lau S, Illi S, Sommerfeld C, et al. Early Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Steering
wheezing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med exposure to house-dust mite and cat Committee. Worldwide variation in
2000; 162:1403–1406. allergens and development of childhood prevalence of symptoms of asthma,
Gdalevich M, Mimouni D, David M, et al. asthma: a cohort study. Multicentre allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and atopic
Breast-feeding and the onset of atopic Allergy Study Group. Lancet 2000; eczema: ISAAC. Lancet 1998;
dermatitis in childhood: a systematic 356:1392–1397. 351:1225–1232.
review and meta-analysis of prospective Martinez FD, Wright AL, Taussig LM, et al. Warner JO, on behalf of the ETAC study
studies. J Am Acad Dermatol 2001; Asthma and wheezing in the first six group. A double-blind, randomized,
45:520–527. years of life. N Engl J Med 1995; placebo-controlled trial of cetirizine in
Illi S, von Mutius E, Lau S, et al. The 332:133–138. preventing the onset of asthma in
natural course of atopic dermatitis from National Asthma Education and Prevention children with atopic dermatitis: 18
birth to age 7 years and the Program Expert Panel (NAEPP) Report. months’ treatment and 18 months’
association with asthma. J Allergy Clin Guidelines for the diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 2004; 113:925–931. management of asthma. J Allergy Immunol 2001; 108:929–937.
Kulig M, Bergmann R, Klettke U, et al. Clin Immunol 2002; 110
Natural course of sensitization to food (suppl):S1–S219.
Allergic diseases cluster
in families indicating an
important role for
susceptibility genes.
Multiple genes interact
The Genetic Basis of
with environmental
factors to generate the
Allergic Disease
different allergic
Stephen T Holgate
Medical genetics comprises the study of human variability and heredity and its
application to human disease. Heredity represents the transmission of information
required for the formation and regulation of proteins. The questions that surround
human genetics are concerned with the transmission of heritable traits. The study of
human variation depends upon analysis of the outcomes of matings of individuals and
the scientific study of definable differences.
Most cells contain 46 chromosomes (the diploid number), which can be arranged into
22 pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes – XX in the female and XY in the
male (Fig. 14.1). Each chromosome has a narrow waist, called the centromere, which has
a constant position within a given chromosome. The short arm is labeled ‘p’ (for petit,
French for ‘small’) and the long arm ‘q’, the tip of each arm being called the telomere.
During mitosis each chromosome replicates to form a pair of sister chromatids,
which are held together at the centromere (Fig. 14.2). Reductive cell division, meiosis,
results in cells with a half-set of 23 chromosomes (the haploid number). Meiosis only
occurs in gonadal cells and consists of two sequential divisions in which the DNA
replicates only once, before the first division (Fig. 14.3).
The chromosomes which have exchanged genetic material are called recombinants.
On average there are about 52 crossovers per human male meiosis, and, with the
exception of the short arms of chromosomes 13–15, 18, 21, and 22, there is at least
one chiasma per chromosome arm. Therefore, few chromosomes are inherited intact
from a parent and so cosegregation or linkage of genes on a chromosome will only
occur if they are physically close.
sites of
1 2 3 4 5
13 14 15 16 17 18
anaphase I
19 20 21 22 X Y second
Fig. 14.1 Normal male human chromosomes (46,XY) stained by division
Giemsa banding.
anaphase II
chromosomes gametes
metaphase I
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
anaphase telophase
non-penetrant individual
Fig. 14.2 Diagrammatic representation of mitosis (two chromosome Fig. 14.4 Autosomal dominant inheritance. Vertical type of pedigree
pairs are shown). Note the distinctive centromere. with both males and females affected.
and one mutant gene and is heterozygous at this locus (Fig. In contrast to dominant disorders in which heterozygotes
14.4). Autosomal dominant traits show a vertical type of manifest the condition, in autosomal recessive disorders the
pedigree pattern with equal numbers of males and females affected individual has mutations in both members of a gene
affected. Many dominant traits exhibit variable expression, i.e. pair, i.e. the individual is homozygous at this locus (Fig. 14.5).
affected individuals in the same family vary in their clinical The parents are commonly unaffected yet each has one defective
severity. The mechanisms for this are not clearly understood gene which will only express itself if the two defective genes
but seem to involve gene–gene interactions (epistasis). are combined in the offspring.
Genetic Variation and Susceptibility • 207
(Fig. 14.7). If the disease and marker loci lie close together on
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance the same chromosome, independent assortment will not occur
and the disease and marker will occur together in each child
unless they are separated by a crossover at meiosis. As the
distance between the disease locus and a marker locus increases
1 2 3 4 so the chance of recombination in the interval between them
increases and the proportion of recombinant increases. If the
disease and marker loci are separated by a considerable distance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 on the same chromosome, a crossover between the loci is highly
likely and the disease and marker traits will occur separately in
each recombinant but together in non-recombinants. Thus,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 for a distant marker trait, the number of recombinants will
approximate to the number of non-recombinants and the
Fig. 14.5 Autosomal recessive inheritance. In this example, the
parents are carriers of one defective gene each. Expression is only number of recombinants divided by the total number of off-
seen in offspring 4 and 7, who inherit both genes. spring (the recombination fraction, or q) will be 0.5, or 50%,
which obeys the rule of independent assortment. As this distance
decreases, q decreases from 50 to 0% when tight linkage occurs.
The relationship between q and the actual physical distance
between loci depends upon several factors. A q of 0.1 (10%)
X-Linked Inheritance corresponds to a map distance of 10 centimorgans (cM) but
with increasing distance apart the apparent recombination
I a fraction falls due to double crossovers. Secondly, crossovers for
1 2 autosomes occur more frequently in females than in males and
also vary in different parts of the chromosome. The total length
3 4 5 of the genome is 3000 cM, which is equivalent to 3 × 109 base
1 2
pairs. Thus, 1 cM is equivalent to one megabase of DNA.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Polygenic inheritance
1 2 3 4 5 6 Asthma and atopy are classified as multifactorial disorders in
I which both environmental and genetic factors are important
b (Fig. 14.8). Many genetic loci participate (Fig. 14.9). Thus, the
1 2
risk of a polygenic disease in first degree relatives is generally
II 1 5–15%. Within a family the risk will be influenced by the
1 2 3 4 5 6 severity of the disorder in the proband, the number of affected
III family members, and the contribution made by environmental
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 factors.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GENETIC MODELING
Knowledge of the recurrence risk of a disease in relatives and
Fig. 14.6 (a) Pedigree showing X-linked recessive inheritance; curve fitting of disease measures between affected and non-
(b) pedigree showing X-linked dominant inheritance.
affected families (commingling analysis) may point towards a
mode of inheritance. Analysis of the segregation of a disease
such as asthma within families (segregation analysis) using
Further complications are introduced in X-linked recessive computer programs helps establish a possible mode of
and X-linked dominant disorders, which, on account of the inheritance of a trait or partial phenotype.
uneven distribution of the sex chromosomes, result in a charac-
teristic pattern of inheritance (Fig. 14.6).
Recombination and linkage
Variation in DNA sequences occurs once in approximately
When two genes are close together, they are said to be linked. every 200–500 base pairs. This means that in every human
Therefore, alleles at such loci have a tendency to pass together population, most genes can be expected to show variation.
into each gamete. Thus, any disturbance of independent assort- Sequence variation (mutations) occurring in over 1% of the
ment defined by Mendel’s second law provides an important population are called polymorphisms and those that occur in
clue that two genes are linked. If the chromosomal location of less than 1% are rare alleles. Thus, the risk of developing a
one of the genes is known, then the other can be mapped to the disease such as asthma depends upon a complex interaction
same region. among common alleles, each exerting a small effect, which
If the disease and marker loci are on separate chromosomes, together combine to give the end phenotype. The influence
independent assortment will occur and the disease and markers of rare alleles will be superimposed on the population
should be found as often together as apart in the offspring distribution.
208 • Chapter 14 • The Genetic Basis of Allergic Disease
parent parent
D d D d
T t
T t
D D d d D d
T t
T T T t
15 + (~590, T) 146
Gene 1 + Gene 2 + Gene 3… 29 – (~ 590, C) 39
+ Environmental factor 1 + Environmental factor 2 +…
44 Subjects, p = 0.0028
Transduction of
Membrane Signals
linkage analysis
= analyze
Fig. 14.11 Identification of
disease genes by positional
cloning. Linkage analysis using
genetic markers polymorphic variable nucleotide
tandem repeat (VNTR) markers
allows the identification of a
chromosomal region containing
the disease gene. This is
followed by physical mapping of
genetic physical candidate this region to identify genes
mapping mapping genes within it; candidate genes are
then screened for mutations.
New loci that contribute to a disease such as asthma can be identifying major novel asthma susceptibility genes, but also
identified by positional cloning (Fig. 14.11). If a disorder cannot discovering those with small effects.
be accounted for by alterations in known candidate genes, then
it may be necessary to screen the entire human genome for
linkage. This approach has been made easier by the identification
of variable nucleotide tandem repeats (VNTR) and simple di-,
Defining the clinical phenotype of atopy
tri-, and tetra-nucleotide repeats, which themselves are
and asthma
functionally inactive. With such highly polymorphic markers
spaced at regular intervals across each chromosome (10–20 cM), Asthma is a clinical diagnosis with no foolproof diagnostic test,
it has been possible to deduce linkage to a locus that contains a so surrogate markers for the disease are used including atopy,
gene that contributes to the clinical phenotype. This approach bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR), and clinical history.
can be strengthened by information from classic genetic studies Inevitably this leads to some disagreements between various
in which chromosome deletions or translocations may provide research groups and an inability to compare results achieved
additional clues that help identify new disease-related loci. using different definitions. Genetic heterogeneity, incomplete
Because the number of microsatellites that can be used for penetrance, and environmental factors may also confound
linkage studies leaves large gaps in the human genome, an statistical analysis and make it difficult to reproduce positive
alternative and highly effective approach is to use single nucleotide findings.
polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur every 30–50 bases across Problems with definition of the asthma phenotype have led
each stretch of DNA. While only a small proportion of these researchers to study atopy, a major risk factor for the develop-
SNPs have identifiable functions such as altering gene trans- ment of asthma, as characterized by a persistent IgE-mediated
cription, induction, splicing or stability, they can be used in response to common environmental allergens. Atopy, which
association studies for genome-wide searches. The whole contributes to diseases such as asthma, eczema, and allergic
procedure can be streamlined by taking advantage of SNPs rhinitis, is defined as a disorder of the IgE response to common
present only in known genes, promoters, and adjacent silent allergens such as pollen, animal dander, house dust mites, and
‘dark’ areas of the genome. As genes are often transmitted in fungi. These diseases are frequently detected by a raised total
blocks to the offspring, linkage disequilibrium mapping that serum IgE level, a raised specific IgE level, and positive skin
takes advantage of these haplotype blocks can provide rapid tests to common aeroallergens.
and efficient access to small regions of genetic sequences that The association of self-reported asthma or allergic rhinitis
associate with specific disease phenotypes. Because of the large with serum IgE levels and skin test reactivity to allergens has
number of statistical tests that are used in genome-wide SNP been investigated in 2657 subjects in a general population study.
associate studies, large numbers of subjects are required (often Regardless of the atopic status of the subjects or their age
into the thousands) to ensure efficient capture of signals that group, the prevalence of asthma was closely related to the
are not purely the result of chance from repeated statistical serum total IgE level standardized for age and sex. No asthma
testing. Thus, the detection of SNP disease marker associations was present in the 177 subjects with the lowest IgE levels for
and linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping is proving to be a their age and sex.
much more powerful approach in discovering novel genes than The conclusion reached was that asthma is almost always
the more traditional microsatellite linkage studies, not only in associated with some type of IgE-related reaction and therefore
Allergy, Asthma, and Genetics • 211
Inflammation ASI
airway airflow HF
hyperresponsiveness limitation
40 class II class I
peptide binding
30 groove
10 α (heavy)
−9 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
α chain β chain
250 Non-asthmatics
50 β2-microglobulin
−9 −7 −6−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 14.15 The basic structure of the HLA class I and class II
asthma score molecules.
Fig. 14.14 Distribution of the asthma index (ASI) in a population of 92 Dutch families, as well as to a phenotype based on BHR.
families with one or two affected children with asthma (top), The strongest evidence for both phenotypes in the Dutch
compared to a normal population (bottom).
population was more distal than the IL-4 locus, centered around
the ADRB2 gene. This makes ADRB2 a promising candidate,
particularly as coding variants as well as SNPS in the intronic
clusters associated with asthma, atopy, and wheeze. Principal and promoter regions have been associated with hyper-
component and logistic regression analyses of eight traits (IgE, responsiveness and total serum IgE. There is also evidence that
BHR, skin prick, atopy, asthma, wheeze, video questionnaire, these variants could have a functional significance. These
and migraine) were used to define an asthma and atopy score. studies on chromosome 5q do not have sufficient power to
Using a physician-based diagnosis to define the presence of produce an accurate localization of the disease gene(s) and it is
asthma, the asthma score distributions differ significantly highly likely that more than one important locus exists in the
between asthmatics and non-asthmatics from the combined region including CD14 (lipopolysaccharide receptor) and
random and multiplex populations (Fig. 14.14). A significant α-catenin (involved in epithelial homeostasis).
shift in atopy score distributions can also be seen between There is also much interest in chromosomal factors that
atopic and non-atopic individuals. influence the coordinate expression of genes encoded in the
IL-4 cluster gene. These are involved in polarizing the T-cell
response to a Th2-type phenotype as well as in the recruitment
Evidence for candidate genes
and activation of allergic inflammatory cells.
Candidate genes (or regions) have now been investigated in all In at least 20 separate studies, there is now overwhelming
but two human chromosomes, although between studies, repeat- evidence that genetic variation in the region encoding the IL-4
ability has proven problematic. Linkage and strong association gene cluster is strongly associated with asthma. Specific
has been detected to specific alleles on chromosomes 5 and 11. attention has also been devoted to the related cytokine, IL-13,
Several other studies provide strong evidence for these two which is involved in IgE switching airway inflammation and
regions, as well as for chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, and 16. Each airway wall remodeling (see chapter 23). Polymorphic variation
of these regions will be discussed in more detail, and the results in the IL-13 promoter that influences secretion of IL-13, in the
available so far from genome screening projects will be briefly IL-13 exon that alters the structure of the cytokine thereby
described. influencing its interaction with its receptors, or changes in the
expression of the IL-13 α1- and α2- receptors themselves influence
pathways that are under IL-13 regulations. IL-13 is a strong
Chromosome 5
candidate for the complex expression of asthma and is a new
The 5q31–34 region of the genome contains several candidate therapeutic target for this disease. In addition a newly identified
genes implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma and in the gene encoded close to the IL-4 gene cluster – PCDH1 – has
regulation of IgE, including the IL-4 cytokine cluster (IL-3, IL- been identified that is involved in epithelial adhesion.
4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and the granulocyte–macrophage colony-
stimulating factor) and the β2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2).
Chromosome 6
Evidence of linkage for this region to total serum IgE, centered
around the IL-4 locus, was first reported in 11 large Amish The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome
pedigrees. The linkage evidence was strongest when subjects 6 includes genes that code for HLA class II molecules
with high specific IgE were excluded from the analysis, suggesting (designated DR, DP, and DQ) and also those that are central to
that specific IgE responsiveness is a confounding factor in the the process of antigen recognition and presentation and, as a
analysis of the genetics of total serum IgE. Using a similar consequence, modulate the specificity of the immune response
phenotype a second study also reported linkage to total IgE in (Figs 14.15 and 14.16). Both population- and family-based
Allergy, Asthma, and Genetics • 213
H through linkage disequilibrium is the presence of additional
A candidates, e.g. heat shock protein-70 (HSP-70) and tumor
J necrosis factor α (TNFα), polymorphisms of which are associated
E with asthma.
119 36 4
Genetic association studies have made a strong case for the
gene encoding TNFα and TNFβ (lymphotoxin) being of
HLA gene complex
importance in asthma. Specific attention has focused on the
-308 A→G SNP that, in a number of studies, has been found
to be associated with both asthma and its severity. Although
there is some evidence that this SNP alters gene transcription,
HLA class III region
DRA alleles. The gene encoding the β subunit of the high-affinity IgE
HLA class II region
which were highly predictive of atopy when inherited maternally.
An additional substitution, E237G, has now been identified in
62 8
Leu 181
Leu 183
Fig. 14.17 The four-chain
C C structure of the high-affinity
C N receptor for IgE (FcεRIαβγ2).
α chain β chain γ chains The Leu 181, 183, and E237G
polymorphisms are shown.
CA repeat
Leu 181/183 E237G Rsal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Exon Number ITAM
Leu 181/183
the antiinflammatory protein, uteroglobin, secreted by Clara TCR complexes are usually made up of α and β chains, which
cells (CC10 or CC16) which has also been strongly associated are coded for by genes on chromosomes 14 and 7 respectively.
with asthma. An investigation of genetic linkage between specific IgE responses
to common allergens and both the TCRα and TCRβ gene
complexes identified no linkage to TCRβ serotypes. However,
Chromosome 14
significant linkage of IgE responses to house dust mite allergens,
Together with HLA, the T-cell receptor (TCR) proteins are cat, and total serum IgE was demonstrated in TCRα serotypes,
central to the handling and recognition of foreign antigens. implying that a gene in the TCRα region modifies specific IgE
Allergy, Asthma, and Genetics • 215
responses. Positive linkage has also been found in distinct glycosylated and, therefore, of special relevance to asthma
sample populations, from the UK and Australia. Through an where the mucins secreted impart increased viscoelasticity to
understanding of how the TCR generates immunologic signals the sputum, making clearance from the airways difficult.
at its ‘synapse’, it is highly likely the TCR variation will reflect
more interactions with allergens specific to asthma e.g. dust
Genome screens
mite, cat flea etc.
Recent advances in molecular technology and the availability of
dense genetic maps have made it feasible to screen the whole
Chromosome 12
genome. A number of these projects have been completed and
Linkage to chromosome 12 has been identified by genotyping a others are underway. The first to be completed (in Oxford, UK)
chromosome-12-specific marker set, together with additional identified six positive linkages (p < 0.001) to chromosomes 4,
12q markers taken from published Genethon® sequences on 6, 7, 11, 13, and 16. Of these six regions, four also showed
the multiplex sample. Single-locus, non-parametric analysis linkage in a second panel of markers (chromosomes 4, 11, 13,
revealed linkage evidence to several markers, with the strongest and 16). The chromosome 11q13 has been implicated in the
linkage evidence in distal 12q around the marker D12S97. pathogenesis of asthma and atopy and a polymorphism in the
Linkage to this marker was also replicated in the random sample esterase D protein on chromosome 13 had previously
to the atopy score, and analysis of the 12q data also identified been linked to total serum IgE. An additional whole genome
two allelic associations in the same region – D12S366 and screen includes the US CSGA study comprising three racial
atopy and D12S78 and loge IgE (p = 0.001). Multipoint locus groups – Caucasians, Hispanics, and Afro-Caribbean. Due to
testing has confirmed linkage to these regions (Fig. 14.19). this racial admixture, and relatively small numbers of families
Guidelines for the interpretation of genetic linkage studies in each group, the level of significance achieved for linkage
of complex traits have been proposed and, while the linkage was low.
values for chromosome 12 would be classed as significant by
this convention (p < 0.05), they fall short of being highly
Candidate genes in allergic disease
significant (p < 0.001). However, positive linkage has been
and their potential contribution to
replicated in other populations, which is a strict criterion for
asthma severity
the confirmation of a putative linkage signal. There are two
further reasons to think that linkage to this region is genuine. There have been at least 11 whole genome scans in asthma that
Firstly, chromosome 12q contains several candidate genes are now in the public domain. These have revealed at least 10
including interferon γ, a mast cell growth factor (MGF-1), an regions of linkage that could be reproduced between scans and
insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), the constitutive form of the additionally four regions that, while being statistically significant,
nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS-1), and the β subunit of the have not been replicated by others. Of interest is that a number
nuclear factor Y involved in transcription of HLA genes of the regions of chromosomal linkage to asthma overlap with
(NFYB). Secondly, there is independent evidence for linkage to related disorders, especially atopic dermatitis and psoriasis,
chromosome 12q from a genome screen in two populations directing focus on the epithelium as an important site for the
(Afro-Caribbean and Caucasian Hutterite families), although expression of asthma susceptibility genes.
the maximum linkage determined by multipoint analysis in this Thus of the positionally cloned genes, PCDH1, ESE-3,
study was a considerable distance proximal to the D12S97 DPP10, MUC8, HLA-G, and GPRA (GPR154) all are expressed
locus. Most recently, addition of a large number of further in the epithelium. Equally the underlying mesenchyme also
families to the original sample that identified chromosome seems important as a site for expressing genetic disease
12q24 as a major focus for an asthma susceptibility gene has led susceptibility. Of particular significance in this compartment is
to the isolation of the MUC8 gene that encodes mucin8 as ADAM33, a metalloprotease gene restricted in its expression of
accounting for the majority of this association. Mucin8 shares smooth muscle and fibroblasts, and GPRA that exists in two
with mucins5AC and 5B the property of being highly forms – GPRA-A and GPRA-B, the latter isoform being
216 • Chapter 14 • The Genetic Basis of Allergic Disease
Further studies of ADAM33 have established several facts: • ADAM33 polymorphism is a predictor of reduced lung
• The majority of the mRNA transcripts and protein in function in 3–5 year old children born of parents with
airway fibroblasts and smooth muscle are expressed as asthma or allergy (Fig. 14.26).
alternative spliced molecules (Fig. 14.24). • A soluble form of ADAM33 has been identified (55 Kda)
• Six alternatively spliced ADAM33 variants have been in bronchoalveolar lavage from asthma.
described which fail to contain the ADAM
metalloprotease domain. Although we do not know how the ADAM33 molecule translates
• There are no significant differences in the levels of to increased asthma risk, it appears that it is involved both in
ADAM33 in mRNA or protein expression in asthmatic airway remodeling associated with the progression of asthma
compared to normal airways. and COPD and, also, in lung morphogenesis. The fact that the
• Polymorphic variation in ADAM33 predicts both an full length molecule which comprises 22 exons (Fig. 14.22) is
accelerated decline in lung function over time in asthma expressed at a much lower level suggests that the non-enzymatic
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) functions of ADAM33 are important in its association with
(Fig. 14.25). lung disorders. Possible mechanisms that link ADAM33 with
abnormalities in airway fibroblasts and/or smooth muscle are
shown in Figure 14.23. The recent documentation that
ADAM33 is preferentially expressed in primitive mesenchymal
Linkage Analysis of Chromosome 20pL cells involved in lung development highlights the importance of
relating morphogenetic genes with those involved in ‘remodeling’
of the airways (Fig. 14.27). Drawing from this experience,
4.0 there are clearly complex issues that connect ADAM33 to
asthma. What is important from this experience is to under-
stand at the gene level how such a complex molecule translates
its effect into asthma. There is likely to be a high level of
subtlety in this that will have implications for other complex
2.5 lung diseases. For example almost all the new genes identified
LOD score
22 exons
MP domain:
growth factor shedding
↑ survival ↑ proliferation
MP domain:
growth factor shedding
EGF domain:
disintegrin domain:
Fig. 14.24 Alternatively spliced variants of ADAM33. The letters represent the individual exons.
Allergy, Asthma, and Genetics • 219
p=0.0061 ?ADAM33
-40 ADAM33
age (years)
Fig. 14.27 Genetic regulation of lung function. COPD, chronic
-60 obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced air expiratory volume
in 1 second.
S_1 variant GG CG CC
number of individuals 73 44 9 end of the distribution. The recent discovery of polymorphic
median number of FEV1 27.0 24.5 38.0
per individual (range) (2-104) (2-99) (2-76)
variations in the corticotrophin hormone releasing receptor
(CRHRI) and the response of asthma to inhaled corticosteroids
provides a rationale for predicting the therapeutic response to
Fig. 14.25 Polymorphic variation in ADAM33 predicts both an
accelerated decline in lung function over time in asthma and this drug class.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). FEV1, forced air A number of attempts have been made to define the molecular
expiratory volume in 1 second. [From Jongepier H, Boezen HM, basis of corticosteroid resistance including sequencing the
Dijkstra A, et al. Polymorphisms of the ADAM33 gene are
associated with accelerated lung function decline in asthma. Clin glucocorticoid receptor from a number of such patients. To
Exp Allergy 2004; 34(5):757–760.] date, no specific mutations have been identified which determine
steroid resistance although this work is ongoing. Obviously,
relevant mutations do not have to be within the coding region
of the glucocorticoid receptor gene itself but could be in genes
for products in downstream signaling pathways.
Other researchers have concentrated on assessing the
contribution of β2-adrenoceptor polymorphism to allergic
Influence of the ADAM33 F+1 SNP on Lung disease (Fig. 14.29). Initial studies demonstrated that the
Function Age 3 Years glutamate 27 β2-adrenoceptor polymorphism was associated
with lower IgE levels and less reactive airways in asthmatic
subjects although it is possible that these findings are due to
linkage disequilibrium with other genes close by on 5q31, given
that both IgE and BHR have been linked to this region of 5q
by other groups. More recently the response to long-acting
log(e) sRAW, GM (95%CI)
environmental factors
air pollution inflamation
barrier/host defence diet
allergens DDP10
GST-P1, M1
ESE 3 IL-4
MUC 8 IL-13
IL-13 IL-4Rα
IL-4 (myo) fibroblast STAT-6
mast cell
IL-9 remodeling
Fig. 14.28 Gene–environment
smooth muscle interactions in the epithelial
mesenchymal trophic unit
(EMTU) and their contribution
to the pathogenesis of asthma.
BHR CycLTs, cysteinyl leukotrienes;
blood vessels IL, interleukin; TGF, transforming
ADAM33 growth factor, TLR, Toll-like
receptors; TNF, tumor necrosis
16 Arg or Gly
27 Gln or Glu
34 Val or Met
of 5-LO inhibitors and leukotriene receptor antagonists for the order to carry out large, multicenter, collaborative studies.
treatment of asthma, it will be important to determine whether Positive findings need to be validated in different populations
polymorphisms affecting gene transcription will determine selected for the presence of the disease and then confirmed in
response to treatment. One recent example is the -444 A→C a random population where the prevalence of asthma and atopy
SNP of leukotriene C4 synthase that not only predicts aspirin will also be expected to be significant.
intolerant asthma but also is involved in generating reduced A whole raft of genes is known to modify structural and
lung function in asthma and responsiveness to antileukotriene functional changes of the airways, but their direct attribution to
drugs since the polymorphic variant causes increased leukotriene asthma has yet to be established. The concept that this is
C4 production. altered communication between the epithelium and underlying
mesenchyme has created a new paradigm for chronic asthma
that engages epithelial as well as mesenchymal genes
CONCLUSION (Fig. 14.29). What is proving a challenge, however, is to deter-
New techniques for scanning the human genome promise great mine how, to what extent and at what times during human
advances in tracking the origins of disorders caused by multiple development environmental factors will influence the expression
genes. However, it is clear from the studies presented in this of susceptibility genes. The ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ is a particularly
overview that we are far from understanding the genetic basis good example of how, through environmental exposure,
of asthma and atopy and their interactions with the environ- endotoxin present in bacteria could program the way the
ment. It is also clear that agreement must be reached on immune response develops and how polymorphic variation in
definition of the phenotype and methods of ascertainment in these and related signaling molecules could influence this.
Allen M, Heinzmann A, Noguchi E, et al. genetics of asthma. Hum Genet 2004; Howard TD, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER.
Positional cloning of a novel gene 114(2):157–164. Epub 2003 Oct. Mapping susceptibility genes for
influencing asthma from chromosome Cakebreak JA, Haitchi HM, Holloway JW, allergic diseases. Chest 2003;
2q14. Nat Genet. 2003; et al. The role of ADAM33 in the 123(suppl 3):363S–368S.
35(3):258–263. Epub 2003 Oct. pathogenesis of asthma. Springer Knight DA, Holgate ST. The airway
Basehore MJ, Howard TD, Lange LA, et al. Semin Immunopathol 2004; epithelium: structural and functional
A comprehensive evaluation of IL4 25(3–4):361–375. properties in health and disease.
variants in ethnically diverse Cookson W. Genetics and genomics of Respirology 2003; 8(4):432–446.
populations: association of total serum asthma and allergic diseases. Immunol Kurz T, Altmueller J, Strauch K, et al. A
IgE levels and asthma in white Rev 2002; 190:195–206. genome-wide screen on the genetics of
subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; Holloway JW, Holgate ST. Genetics. Chem atopy in a multiethnic European
114(1):80–87. Immunol Allergy 2004; 84:1–35. population reveals a major atopy locus
Blumenthal MN, Langerfeld CD, Beaty TH, Holloway JW, Keith TP, Davies DE, et al. The on chromosome 3q21.3. Allergy 2005;
et al. A genome-wide search for allergic discovery and role of ADAM33, a new 60(2):192–199.
response (atopy) genes in three ethnic candidate gene for asthma. Expert Rev
groups: Collaborative study on the Mol Med 2004; 6(17):1–12.
A term used for the
hypothesis that asthma
and allergy arise from
influences present during
fetal life and early
Early life origins of
childhood. allergy and asthma
Patrick G Holt, Peter DL Sly, and Graham Devereux
There is increasing evidence supporting the notion that the factors which determine
susceptibility to persistent allergic disease and asthma exert their main influence(s) on
disease pathogenesis early in life. Factors that are influential during fetal and early life
have the potential to exert disproportionately potent effects because small perturbations
in organogenesis can be exaggerated by rapid growth during fetal and early life. The
activation of genes involved in organogenesis may enable gene–environment interactions
to occur during fetal and early life that cannot occur when these genes are inactivated
at later ages. Early life influences are also likely to be particularly relevant to
immunologically mediated diseases such as allergy and asthma that are associated with
the helper T cells type 2 (Th2) pattern of Th-cell differentiation in response to allergen
stimulation. As will be described below, the immune system in the neonate is
constitutively skewed towards the Th2 response phenotype, potentially biasing the
long-term consequences of initial encounters between immature Th cells and allergen
which occur in early life. This chapter will review recent developments in the
understanding of early life influences on allergy and asthma, in particular on processes
which impact on the innate and adaptive arms of immune function. The first part of
the chapter focuses on antenatal factors, encompassing studies on cord blood mono-
nuclear cells (CBMC), fetal allergen exposure, and antenatal factors that we have
broadly grouped into the ‘hygiene hypotheses’, smoking, and maternal diet. The second
half of the chapter focuses on early postnatal factors, in particular those associated
with long-term ‘programming’ of immunologic and respiratory functions.
Table 15.1 Reported associations with in vitro cord blood Regulation of T-cell Function at the
mononuclear cell responses
Feto-maternal Interface
Parental atopic disease
Birth order
Race maternal fetal
Maternal allergen exposure
Maternal smoking
Maternal dietary vitamin E and fatty acid intake
Cord blood fatty acid composition IL-4
Childhood asthma Th2 trophic
Childhood wheezing and/or
Atopic dermatitis progesterone Th1 inhibitory
Allergic rhinitis placenta
Food allergy
Atopy IL-10
inhibits T-cell
and hence the significance of these findings remains in
contention. Very recent data also question the antigen
specificity of these responses, and the issues arising from these
findings are discussed in the following postnatal section. Fig. 15.1 Regulation of T-cell function at the fetomaternal interface.
DC2, dendritic cells; FasL, Fas ligand; IL, interleukin; PGE2,
Many antenatal factors have been reported to be associated prostaglandin E2; Th1, 2, helper T cells type 1, 2.
with CBMC responses (Table 15. 1). In particular, qualitative
and quantitative aspects of CBMC responses have been
associated with parental history of atopic disease. While there
are some conflicting reports, the majority of studies have
reported that parental atopy is associated with reduced CBMC transport pathways, some of which are IgG dependent. Fel d1
cytokine responses, principally interferon γ (IFNγ) but also and Der p1 IgG immune complexes have been detected in cord
interleukin-4 (IL-4). These reports are supported by more blood. Der p1 has also been detected in low levels in amniotic
detailed studies on large panels of individual T-cell clones from fluid, suggesting minor amniochorionic transfer. It is thus
infants at low versus high genetic risk of atopy, and more theoretically possible that from at least 26 weeks’ gestation the
recently by data from the authors demonstrating that the ‘low fetus is exposed to tiny amounts of ubiquitous nutrient allergens
cytokine response’ phenotype [reduced IFNγ and IL-4, and in and, possibly, lower concentrations of perennial allergens such
this case tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)] characteristic of high as house dust mite. However, the degree to which these ex vivo
risk infants is mirrored by levels of circulating cytokines perfusion models reflect placental function in vivo remains to
present in cord serum. The reported associations between be established. Furthermore, a significant body of opinion
parental atopy and CBMC responses are consistent with the questions the capacity of the (typically fluid phase) assay
suggestion that genetically determined mechanisms which are systems which have been utilized to detect aeroallergens in
responsible for the enhanced risk of atopy and asthma in family blood to accurately detect proteins at acceptable levels of
history-positive children are already operative before birth. specificity, over the very low concentration ranges claimed to
However, there may be additional non-genetic mechanisms exist in blood. The situation is less controversial in relation to
whereby the immune system of the pregnant atopic mother can dietary allergens, but further work is required to clarify the
influence fetal immune development. issues related to aeroallergen levels in blood, particularly in the
fetal compartment.
Circulating fetal T cells can be detected from 15 weeks’
Fetal allergen exposure
gestation, and from 22 weeks’ gestation they can proliferate
The immunologic mechanisms preventing maternal rejection of after in vitro stimulation with allergens. Although fetal T cells
her allogenic fetus are potentially relevant to the antenatal have the capacity to respond by proliferation when stimulated
origins of allergic disease. Fetal and maternal placental tissues by allergen, the literature on fetal T-cell allergen sensitization is
secrete a number of cytokines [IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, transforming contradictory and dependent on the premise that in vitro
growth factor β2 (TGFβ2)] that heavily bias the microenviron- CBMC responses only occur if there has been fetal T-cell
ment of the fetomaternal interface against Th1 differentiation, priming by maternally derived allergens. Several studies have
such that Th1 biased sensitization and effector functions within positively associated maternal exposure to seasonal allergens
the uterus are inhibited (Fig. 15.1). This has led to the suggestion during pregnancy to in vitro CBMC proliferative responses
that fetal allergen exposure and sensitization in this cytokine after stimulation with the seasonal allergens. These findings
milieu increases the likelihood of Th2 biased responses and have been proposed as direct evidence that maternal allergen
allergic disease. exposure leads to the in utero priming of fetal T cells. How-
Consistent with this latter suggestion, artificial placental ever, closer inspection of the data reveals that approximately
perfusion has demonstrated the transplacental transfer of 30–40% of CBMC samples proliferate in the absence of maternal
nutrient and inhalant allergens by passive diffusion and active exposure to the seasonal allergen. Furthermore, recent studies
Antenatal Origins of Atopy and Asthma • 225
have failed to demonstrate associations between CBMC Alterations in infant gut microflora have been implicated in
responses and maternal exposure to seasonal allergens and the development of allergic disease. The fetal gut is sterile and
household house dust mite during pregnancy. These studies exposure to maternal bacteria during delivery appears to be
have concluded that in vitro CBMC responses cannot be used important in determining the gut microflora of an infant. It has
as evidence for in utero sensitization to inhalant allergens been proposed that caesarean delivery may increase the risk of
(further discussion below). developing asthma and allergic disease because caesarean
An alternative approach to the issue of whether genuine delivery delays and alters gut microbial colonization. To date,
allergen-specific sensitization occurs before birth is to closely delivery by caesarean section has not been convincingly
examine the effects of active allergen avoidance during associated with an increased likelihood of allergic rhinitis,
pregnancy. Whilst several intervention studies have achieved atopic eczema and atopy during childhood. Caesarean delivery
successful reductions in maternal/fetal allergen exposure, has been positively associated with parentally reported food
interpretation of outcomes is complicated by the fact that most intolerance and atopy in children; however, these associations
of the studies involve combined antenatal and postnatal allergen were not confirmed by objective food challenges and skin prick
avoidance and additional environmental interventions. A testing. Delivery by caesarean section has been inconsistently
systematic review of studies that have specifically reduced or associated with CBMC responses; a very small study demon-
totally avoided maternal dietary intake of nutrient allergens strated a positive association between caesarean section and
such as egg, peanuts, and dairy products has concluded that CBMC IFNγ and IL-12 responses; however, this was not
dietary allergen avoidance during pregnancy does not reduce confirmed by a larger study.
the likelihood of atopic eczema or asthma during the first 12 to In contrast to allergic disease, some large studies have
18 months of life and may increase the severity of the disease demonstrated that caesarean delivery is positively associated
when exposure ultimately occurs. It is difficult to specifically with the incidence of asthma up to the age of 28. Interpretation
identify the consequences of reducing house dust mite of these studies is complicated because factors associated with
exposure during pregnancy on childhood asthma and allergic an increased likelihood of asthma, e.g. maternal asthma and
disease because all of the reported studies include postnatal increased fetal head circumference, are also associated with
avoidance interventions. However recent data showing that increased caesarean section rates. In the absence of an
postnatal avoidance of house dust mite allergen results in an association between caesarean delivery and allergic disease, the
increased rate of allergic sensitization argue strongly against this adverse association with asthma may well be due to con-
strategy. founders rather than effects on immune maturation.
A number of obstetric complications during pregnancy and
labor have been associated with an increased risk of asthma and
Antenatal aspects of the ‘hygiene hypothesis’
allergic disease in children (Table 15.2). These complications
The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ was initially proposed as an explanation may be a consequence of antenatal exposures, such as
for the negative association between allergic disease and family infections, that also increase the risk of asthma and allergic
size and number of older siblings. To date, numerous studies of disease. Alternatively these complications may result from
postnatal microbial exposure have been unable to explain the immunologic failure of the placenta resulting in progressive
birth order association. There is some evidence to suggest that placental destruction by the maternal immune system. It is
the association between allergic disease and birth order is an possible that immunologic failure and destruction of the
antenatal phenomenon. Cord blood IgE is highest in first-born placenta influences the fetal immune maturation and increases
infants with sequential decrements with subsequent births; in the risk of asthma and allergic disease.
vitro CBMC proliferative responses are claimed to be negatively Maternal infections during pregnancy, particularly during
associated with birth order and maternal IgE levels are related the first trimester, have been positively associated with asthma
to the number of previous pregnancies. and allergic disease in children. The maternal use of antibiotics
during pregnancy has been inconsistently associated with actually alter their smoking habits during pregnancy, separating
asthma and allergic disease. Whilst maternal antibiotic use pre- and postnatal effects is extremely difficult.
during pregnancy does not appear to increase the likelihood of The evidence to date suggests that in utero exposure to
parentally reported or confirmed food allergy, several studies maternal cigarette smoke either damages or critically alters the
have reported positive associations between maternal antibiotic developing fetal bronchial airways leading to reduced ventilatory
use during pregnancy and childhood asthma, eczema and function, increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness and a
hayfever. It has been suggested that the adverse effects of permanent predisposition to asthma and wheezing symptoms.
antibiotics may be a consequence of antibiotic induced changes Any adverse effect of maternal cigarette smoke is likely to
in maternal gut and possibly vaginal microflora. Maternal vaginal permanently alter airway function for life because the bronchial
colonization during gestation with Ureaplasma urealyticum and airways are all present before the end of pregnancy.
Staphylococcus aureus has been positively associated with Susceptibility of fetal airways to the adverse effects of maternal
wheezing episodes and asthma during early childhood. cigarette smoke is, in part, genetically determined. The South
Californian Child Health Study has demonstrated that the
adverse effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on child-
In utero exposure to maternal
hood respiratory health is largely restricted to children with the
cigarette smoke
null genotype for glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1). It
It is now clear that in utero exposure to maternal tobacco is possible that the absence of GSTM1 results in reduced
smoke is detrimental to infant and adult respiratory health. In metabolism of tobacco smoke-associated toxins and increased
1986 cord blood IgE was reported to be elevated in neonates damage to the developing airways.
born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy. This paper has In addition to direct effects on the developing fetal airways
been widely cited as evidence that maternal smoking during maternal cigarette smoking may also influence the developing
pregnancy increases the likelihood of childhood allergic disease. fetal immune system. Maternal cigarette smoking during
However, this issue remains controversial, and a meta-analysis pregnancy is associated with increased CBMC proliferative and
published in 1998 (Strachan and Cook) concluded that there is secreted IL-13 responses. Moreover, a recent study from the
‘little or no effect of parental smoking on IgE concentrations in authors on the large Raine birth cohort in Perth has demon-
children in developed countries’. Since this review however, strated that the pattern of reduced IFNγ and IL-4 production
the German Multicenter Allergy Study has reported that fetal which is characteristic of T cells from neonates at high risk of
exposure to maternal smoke increases IgE sensitization to food atopy, is mirrored by diminished levels of these cytokines in
allergens in children but not sensitization to inhalant allergens. cord serum, and moreover that the latter deficit is markedly
More recent evidence (discussed below) also demonstrates that accentuated in the offspring of smoking mothers. This strongly
maternal smoking has significant effects on cytokine production suggests that at least part of the toxic effect of maternal
in the fetus. smoking on disease development in their children may be
There is increasing evidence that in utero exposure to mediated via tobacco smoke-mediated effects on immunologic
maternal tobacco smoke increases the likelihood of childhood processes in utero.
asthma and respiratory symptoms. Several large epidemiologic
studies have demonstrated that schoolchildren whose mothers
Aspects of fetal nutrition
smoked during pregnancy are more likely to have physician
diagnosed asthma, asthma attacks, dry cough, episodes of Reports of associations between asthma/allergy and neonatal
wheezing and to use asthma treatment. The South Californian anthropometric measurements were amongst the first to
Child Health Study identified the 3% of children whose highlight antenatal factors in the development of asthma and
mothers stop smoking around the time of delivery. This allergic disease. In 1994 Godfrey reported that elevated IgE
prospective study has demonstrated that schoolchildren levels in adults were associated with a larger head circum-
exposed in utero to maternal cigarette smoke are more likely ference at birth. Since this original study, increased head
to have physician diagnosed asthma, asthma with current circumference at birth has been consistently associated with
symptoms, use asthma treatments, and to suffer wheezing elevated IgE from birth to adulthood. Most studies indicate no
symptoms during exercise, nocturnally and in the presence or association between birth head circumference and allergen
absence of a cold. specific IgE, positive skin prick tests (SPTs) or hayfever,
A majority of studies have demonstrated that maternal although the largest study to date has demonstrated a positive
smoking during pregnancy is independently associated with association between head circumference and hayfever in adults.
reduced ventilatory function in children. Studies of children in Increased head circumference at birth is a consequence of rapid
the first few days and weeks of life before any significant fetal growth from early gestation; however, this rapid growth
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) have reported makes the fetus vulnerable to relative undernutrition during
that ventilatory function is reduced in children whose mothers late gestation. If such relative undernutrition occurs, brain and
smoked during pregnancy and that this association is independent head growth is maintained to the detriment of other organs, the
of lung size. Postnatal exposure to ETS further compromises limbs, the trunk and the thymus, possibly promoting Th2
lung function and the development of normal respiratory drive. biased immune responses. This hypothesis is not supported by
Several epidemiologic studies of schoolchildren have demon- reports of a positive association between birth head circum-
strated that maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated ference and thymic size and that an increase in the ratio of head
with reduced ventilatory function, particularly indices of small circumference to birth weight is associated with a reduction
airway function, and that the associations with in utero maternal (and not the expected increase) in hayfever. The mechanism
smoke exposure are greater in magnitude and independent of underlying the association between birth head circumference
any associations with postnatal ETS exposure. As so few women and serum IgE is not fully understood. It is known that birth
Postnatal Events in Regulation of Adaptive Immunity to Allergens • 227
head circumference is determined by the growth of the brain, source of oxidative stress and its frequent use has been associated
which is influenced by numerous complex factors including with an increase in childhood wheezing. There are very few
fetal genetic growth potential, uterine and placental function studies relating maternal dietary antioxidant intake during
and maternal nutrition, particularly lipids. The role of these pregnancy to the development of childhood asthma and allergic
factors has not been addressed in studies examining the disease. A high maternal intake of vitamin E during pregnancy
associations between head circumference and IgE. has been associated with reduced in vitro CBMC proliferative
Many studies have demonstrated that reduced birth weight responses. During the second year of life a high maternal intake
is associated with reduced ventilatory function, and increased of vitamin E during pregnancy has been associated with
risk of asthma. It is postulated that relative undernutrition reduced wheezing in the absence of a cold, and, in children
during a critical period of fetal bronchial airway development born to atopic mothers, a reduced incidence of atopic eczema.
leads to permanent airway changes predisposing the develop- A summary of possible antenatal influences on asthma and
ment of bronchial hyperreactivity, asthma and possibly chronic allergy is given in Table 15.3.
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is important to note
that the association between asthma and reduced birth weight
is not clear-cut; many studies have been unable to demonstrate
such an association and some studies have demonstrated that
reduced birth weight is associated with a reduced risk of asthma.
T-cell responses to inhalant allergens in
The studies relating birth measurements to asthma and
early life: when does genuine T-cell
allergy raise the issue of fetal nutrition. There is increasing
‘memory’ programming commence?
interest in the role of maternal diet during pregnancy and the
development of asthma and allergic disease; however, at present As noted above, a substantial literature exists which demonstrates
there are few studies directly investigating this. There is T-cell responses to inhalant allergens in cord blood, and these
somewhat contradictory evidence consistent with the notion findings have been widely interpreted as indicative of trans-
that maternal lipid intake may influence the development of placental priming of the fetal immune system by allergens
childhood allergic disease. Elevated linoleic acid in cord blood derived from the maternal circulation. However, earlier studies
lecithin has been associated with elevated cord blood IgE. The by some groups have pointed to the lack of correlation between
development of atopic disease has been associated with reduced levels of perennial allergen (such as house dust mite) in the
cord blood arachidonic acid and dihomo-γ-linolenic acid levels. maternal environment and ensuing T-cell responsiveness in
Elevated cord blood erythrocyte arachidonic acid has been their offspring. Moreover, T-cell epitope mapping studies in the
associated with increased CBMC IFNγ responses, whilst elevated authors’ labs on neonatal T-cell responses to ovalbumin indicate
erythrocyte eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has been associated recognition of large sections of the molecule, as opposed to a
with reduced IFNγ and IL-10 responses. A maternal diet during restricted range of ‘immunodominant’ regions as is seen in
pregnancy high in lipids has been associated with increased conventional T-memory responses, suggesting that mechanisms
allergic disease in children. Dietary supplementation of atopic other than reactivation of T-memory cells should be considered
pregnant women with fish oil rich in EPA and docosahexaenoic to explain these responses.
acids is associated with a trend towards reduced in vitro CBMC In this context, a recent study from our group has demon-
cytokine responses. strated that the majority of CD4+ Th-cell responses to allergens
In theory, oxidant stress during fetal airway development by CBMC are attributable to ‘promiscuous’ interactions between
could potentially damage the airways and increase the like- the allergens and T-cell receptors (TCRs) of functionally
lihood of childhood asthma; these effects could potentially be immature and immunologically naive recent thymic emigrants
ameliorated by dietary antioxidants. Maternal dietary antioxidant (RTE), which dominate the circulating CD4+ Th-cell popu-
intake during pregnancy also has the potential to affect the fetal lation in neonates. The promiscuity of the low affinity TCR/
immune system. The potential effects of dietary antioxidants MHC II-peptide interactions in these responses may stem from
and oxidant stress during pregnancy on the development of structural differences relating to CDR3-region length between
childhood asthma and allergy have been highlighted by a number RTE and conventional functionally mature but immunologically
of recent studies. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a potential naive T cells. During infancy the numbers of conventional naive
Birth order +
Maternal allergen exposure +/–
Maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy +/– ++
Obstetric complications + +
Caesarean section – +
Maternal use of antibiotics during pregnancy +/– +/–
Maternal diet, polyunsaturated fatty acids, +/– +/–
228 • Chapter 15 • Early Life Origins of Allergy and Asthma
T cells increase progressively from very low frequencies at birth, strongly Th2 biased during fetal life. This results in prolonged
to eventually dominate the circulating CD4+ Th-cell pool. persistence of relatively Th2-skewed immune function in
However, at birth and for a period yet to be defined during HR infants, which increases the likelihood of allergen-specific
infancy, the circulating CD4+ compartment predominantly Th-cell priming events leading to Th-memory cell differen-
comprises these RTE. tiation down the Th2 pathway.
Our studies indicate that unlike the situation with CD4+ It is clear that the results of this genetically determined
CD45RO+ T-memory cells responding to allergen, the response developmental deficiency go beyond risk for atopy, as HR
of CD4+ CD45RA+ RTE involves an initial burst of cytokine children also display diminished capacity to mount stable Th1-
production, followed by death of the responding cells by polarized memory responses against vaccines such as BCG,
apoptosis. Similar observations have been made in regards to pneumococcal polysaccharide, and diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus.
neonatal CD8+ T-cell responses in the mouse. Collectively, these The mechanism(s) underlying this developmental deficiency,
data suggest the operation of a primitive mechanism in infancy which is preferentially expressed in relation to Th1 immunity,
for the provision of transient bursts of cytokines (i.e. ‘cell are not fully understood. One possibility involves increased
mediated immunity’) in tissue microenvironments at sites of levels of methylation at/near transcription factor binding sites
antigen exposure, in advance of the development of conventional in the proximal promoter of the IFNγ gene, which we have
cognate Th-cell memory. This may provide a mechanism for demonstrated to be a major factor in the limitation of IFNγ
inter alia local cytokine-induced activation of phagocytes at gene expression in the neonatal/infant period. There is also
sites of microbial exposure during this life phase, when survival accumulating evidence which suggests an important role for
relies principally on a diminishing supply of maternal IgG. developmentally associated variations in the innate arm of the
Intriguingly, our studies indicate that a further byproduct of immune system, in particular in the antigen presenting cell
these RTE responses to allergens is bystander activation/ (APC) compartment which controls the Th-cell priming process.
maturation of previously quiescent CD4+ CD25+ T-regulatory In this regard, there is indirect evidence from our early studies,
cells. It is not known whether these T-regulatory cells survive which suggest that the peripheral APC population which
for long periods and hence play a role in subsequent regulation regulates T-cell responses to inhaled allergen, notably airway
of allergic responses, but this possibility merits investigation. mucosal dendritic cells, are infrequent at birth, and develop
If these early responses to allergy do not involve reactivation into a dense network in airway tissues at a highly variable rate,
of conventional Th-memory cells, when is allergen-specific between birth and weaning. It is likely that developmental
CD4+ Th-memory primed? Our earlier studies on a small changes within this network during this period are major
prospective birth cohort suggested upregulation of putative determinants of both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the
T-memory responses during the first 12 months of postnatal inhalant allergen-specific Th-cell priming process.
life (Prescott), but data were not available from that study on It has additionally become evident from recent studies that
the ‘stability’ of this memory beyond the 12 month period. In the developmental window within which Th1 function is
a larger ongoing study on 240 infants at high risk of allergic reduced in the HR population, is restricted in many cases to
disease (Rowe, Kusel, et al, in progress) we have recently infancy, and beyond infancy the maturation of Th1 competence
observed the development of persistent allergen-specific IL-5 rapidly accelerates in atopic children and overshoots the ‘normal’
and IL-13 responses in infants between 6 and 12 months, in range. Thus, while a deficiency in Th1 cytokine production in
advance of the subsequent development of clinical sensitization HR infants may contribute to the Th2 polarity of allergen-
(SPT reactivity) at age 2 years by the same infants, which specific Th-memory responses which are primed in the early
suggests the development of genuine Th memory during this postnatal period, overcorrection of this developmental deficiency
period. In contrast, the group who remain SPT-negative display leading to hyperproduction of the same Th1 cytokines at
progressively waning cytokine responses which decline over the later ages may potentially contribute towards atopy/asthma
same period, as non-specifically responding fetally-derived RTE pathogenesis (Fig. 15.2).
die out and are replaced by fully functional naive T cells released
from the thymus after birth. It remains to be determined
Hygiene hypothesis
whether postnatal Th memory generation in subsequently
atopic children is influenced directly or indirectly by antenatal The identity of the gene(s) which contribute to these variations
allergen exposure, either of the infant or the mother. In this in the kinetics of postnatal maturation of immune function
context, we have recently shown that the Th1/Th2 balance in remains to be elucidated. One likely series of candidates are genes
vaccine-specific responses in infants can be modulated by encoding pattern recognition receptors employed principally
maternal-derived IgG-antivaccine antibody, present at the time within the innate immune system. Two archetypal examples
of initial priming of the infant, and this provides a plausible are CD14 and TLR2, both of which display polymorphisms
precedent for the operation of similar mechanisms in relation associated with increased risk of allergy in childhood. It is likely
to allergen-specific T-cell immunity. that these genes (and other Toll receptor genes) are responsible
for alerting the immune system to the change from a microbial-
free to a microbial-infested outside environment following birth,
Genetic risk for atopic sensitization: the
and intracellular signaling from these receptor families is likely
role of developmental factors
to play a central role in the differential upregulation of Th1
Earlier studies from the authors and others indicate that genetic function in the infant immune system during early postnatal
high risk (HR) for atopic sensitization during early childhood is life. It is plausible to speculate that one aspect of the ‘hygiene
associated with delayed postnatal maturation of Th-cell function, hypothesis’ involves variations in the level of commensal and/or
in particular with a slower-than-average rate of rebalancing the pathogen-mediated stimulation of this receptor system, i.e.
Th1/Th2 polarity of the adaptive immune system, which is reduced stimulation in a ‘too clean’ environment may reduce
Postnatal Events in Regulation of Adaptive Immunity to Allergens • 229
Gilliland FD, Li YF, Peters JM. Effects of Holt PG, Sly PD, Martinez FD, et al. Drug Raghupathy R. Pregnancy: success and
maternal smoking during pregnancy and development strategies for asthma: in failure within the Th1/Th2/Th3
environmental tobacco smoke on asthma search of a new paradigm. Nature paradigm. Sem Immunol 2001;
and wheezing in children. Am J Respir Immunol 2004; 5:695–698. 13:219–227.
Crit Care Med 2001; 163:429–436. Katz KA, Pocock SJ, Strachan DP. Neonatal Strachan DP, Cook DG. Health effects of
Heaton T, Rowe J, Turner S, et al. An head circumference, neonatal weight, passive smoking 5. Parental smoking
immunoepidemiological approach to and risk of hayfever, asthma and and allergic sensitisation in children.
asthma: identification of in vitro T-cell eczema in a large cohort of Thorax 1998; 53: 117–123.
response patterns associated with adolescents from Sheffield, England. Thornton CA, Vance GHS. The placenta: a
different wheezing phenotypes amongst Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33:737–745. portal of fetal allergen exposure. Clin
11 year olds. Lancet 2005; Kramer MS, Kakuma R. Maternal dietary Exp Allergy 2002; 32:1537–1539.
365:142–149. antigen avoidance during pregnancy Thornton CA, Upham JW, Wikström ME,
Hibbert ME, Hudson IL, Lanigan A, et al. and/or lactation for preventing or et al. Functional maturation of CD4+
Tracking of lung function in healthy treating atopic disease in the child. The CD25+ CTLA4+ CD45RA+ T-regulatory
children and adolescents. Pediatr Cochrane Database of Systemic cells in human neonatal T-cell
Pulmonol 1990; 8:172–177. Reviews 2003; volume 1. responses to environmental allergens.
Holt, PG, Macaubas C. Development of long Macaubas C, de Klerk NH, Holt BJ, et al. J Immunol 2004; 173:3084–3092.
term tolerance versus sensitisation to Association between antenatal cytokine Woodcock A, Lowe LA, Murray CS, et al.
environmental allergens during the production and the development of 2004. Early life environmental control:
perinatal period. Curr Opin Immunol atopy and asthma at age 6 years. effect of symptoms, sensitization and
1997; 9:782–787. Lancet 2003; 362:1192–1197. lung function at age 3 years. Am J
Holt, PG, Sly PD. Interactions between Prescott SL, Macaubas C, Smallacombe T, Respir Crit Care Med 2004;
respiratory tract infections and atopy in et al. Development of allergen-specific 170:433–439.
the aetiology of asthma. Eur Respir J T-cell memory in atopic and normal
2002; 19:538–545. children. Lancet 1999; 353:196–200.
The epidemiology of
allergic disease is
concerned with the
definitions, determinants
and distribution of allergic
Epidemiology of
disease and their
prevention, management,
Allergic Disease
morbidity and mortality.
Epidemiology is in part an extension of clinical practice to populations rather than
individuals. It is thus concerned with the definition of disease, agents, or factors that
might cause or predispose to disease, morbidity and mortality, and the effect of therapy
and prevention, in populations rather than individuals. At the most straightforward
level this involves defining a population and measuring disease frequency at a single
point in time. Such population surveys may suggest factors that are associated with
disease that can be quantified in terms of risk. A large number of such cross-sectional
studies have been undertaken to measure the prevalence of allergic disease and
explore risk factors. Where risk factors are thought to play an important role in early
life, such as in the development of atopy, populations should be studied from birth
and followed over time so that the temporal relationship between exposure and
disease incidence can be established and problems of recall are minimized. Rather
than examine a defined population for disease frequency, cases of a disease and suitable
controls without disease may be compared for the frequency of known or suspected
risk factors. Such an approach is particularly useful where the disease or an aspect of
a disease is uncommon. Such a case control approach has been used for example to
study asthma mortality, which is too uncommon to study prospectively.
This chapter will not attempt a complete review of the epidemiology of allergic
disease. Rather, it will focus on asthma and follow a population ‘clinical’ approach,
examining the definition and measurement of prevalence, changes in prevalence over
time and by place; major risk factors, and in particular those associated with the
hygiene hypothesis; and lastly discuss population ‘treatment’ or intervention studies
of primary (preventing disease development) and secondary prevention (reducing
morbidity or severity).
Population studies of asthma and rhinitis have been beset by three problems: the
lack of agreed definitions; the need to distinguish the disease state from triggers of
acute attacks; and the relationships between clinical disease and atopy. Epidemiologic
studies rely heavily on reported symptoms of disease. For asthma, these include episodic
wheezing, cough unassociated with upper respiratory tract infection, and shortness of
breath. The frequency and severity of such symptoms are highly variable, ranging from
occasional to persistent and from trivial to life threatening. The hallmark of descriptions
of clinical asthma is that these symptoms are associated with episodes of airway
obstruction that can be measured, and fall outside the range of normal variation. Such
variability makes epidemiologic study difficult because serial measurement of lung
function over time is usually impractical in population studies. One abnormality of the
airway commonly associated with asthma that can be quantified is airway
hyperresponsiveness (AHR). This refers to a heightened state of responsiveness of the
airway to a wide variety of stimuli, including the increased ventilation with exercise,
234 • Chapter 16 • Epidemiology of Allergic Disease
and a variety of non-specific bronchoconstrictor agonists, such uniform populations at one point in time, are likely to be less
as histamine and methacholine. Such agonists can be used to useful over time in the same population or between different
quantify an airway response in terms of the provocative dose populations with dissimilar community awareness or inter-
causing a decrease in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), forced pretation of symptoms, and with different management and
air expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) or an increase in treatment practices.
airways resistance. But airway hyperresponsiveness, while very
common amongst those with asthma and often showing a
Having asthma versus having an attack
relationship with asthma severity, is neither necessary nor
of asthma
sufficient. Studies that have examined seasonal asthma in
relation to pollen exposure have shown that AHR increases and When considering the epidemiology of asthma and allergic
decreases in response to allergen exposure. In population studies, disease it is useful to try and distinguish between attacks of
a proportion of subjects will demonstrate increased airway asthma and their triggers and the underlying asthmatic state
responsiveness without any clear history of asthma symptoms. and factors that might predispose to it. ‘Exercise induced
A further practical difficulty is that AHR will reduce in the face asthma’ for example is commonly referred to in asthma studies.
of regular antiinflammatory treatment. Its value in the Exercise induces bronchoconstriction in 70–80% of asthmatic
epidemiology of asthma has been the subject of considerable children, but no amount of exercise will actually cause asthma.
debate. Recently non-invasive methods of assessing airway inflam- Inhaling allergen will also induce bronchoconstriction amongst
mation such as exhaled nitric oxide have become available and asthmatics sensitized to that allergen. In contrast to exercise,
reasonably standardized. Reliable portable methods of measure- allergen exposure leads to sensitization and to the development
ment may soon be available for epidemiologic studies. of the asthmatic state by inducing airway inflammation. Both
Epidemiologic studies of rhinitis are arguably even more are risk factors for an attack of asthma, but allergen exposure is
problematic than asthma and have been undertaken less also a risk factor for the development of the asthmatic state.
frequently. Again, studies rely on reported symptoms of rhinitis
that may be clearly seasonal (hayfever) and related to pollen
Allergic disease and atopy
exposure, or perennial. Symptoms include rhinorrhea, sneezing,
nasal itching, and nasal blockage. Symptoms may include con- The nomenclature for the three common allergic diseases has
junctival irritation and lachrymation – rhinoconjunctivitis. Such been problematic and has not kept pace with our understanding
symptoms are non-specific and in questionnaire surveys may be of them. Asthma is derived from the Greek meaning panting;
confused with viral upper respiratory tract infections. Allergic eczema from the Greek meaning to boil out, used originally to
dermatitis presents similar problems. The peak incidence is in describe any fiery pustules; hayfever, which describes neither
infancy when rashes are common. While the more severe cases the source of the allergenic material nor the clinical features is
of these diseases are clinically obvious, the less severe may be used to describe allergic seasonal rhinitis. Early qualifiers for
easily misinterpreted in questionnaire surveys. While atopy can asthma included bronchial or cardiac, the latter describing left
be relatively easily assessed by skin prick tests or measurement ventricular failure. Later, extrinsic was used to describe asthma
of specific IgE, asthma, rhinitis, and dermatitis can all occur in in which an obvious external cause was apparent, most commonly
the absence of atopy. atopy, or intrinsic, where no obvious cause was apparent. These
qualifiers have largely been dropped following studies in the
early1990s that showed a linear relationship between total IgE
DEFINING ASTHMA and the risk of persistent asthma, independent of specific
No agreed formal definition of asthma exists. There are no sensitization, suggesting that most asthma in childhood was
diagnostic tests or gold standards and thus what has been related to allergy. Recently, these relationships have been
attempted are succinct descriptions. In recent years these have questioned with evidence of recurrent wheezing in childhood
included statements noting airway inflammation and airway where no obvious allergy is apparent; however no new
hyperresponsiveness. Almost all descriptions have included nomenclature has been adopted. Various partial phenotypes
reference to the common symptoms of wheezing, coughing, have been described in childhood. For example, wheezing
and breathlessness and emphasized the importance of reversible associated with respiratory infections is very common before
airway obstruction. Measurable airway obstruction, usually with 3 years of age. The majority of these children grow out of their
simple spirometry, remains the hallmark of clinical asthma. wheezing by 6 years unless they become atopic. Nevertheless,
Symptoms, airflow obstruction and to a lesser extent AHR persistent and severe wheezing in childhood is most commonly
tend to be intermittent, and to improve with antiinflammatory associated with atopy, with severity related to the degree of
treatment. It is thus possible in population surveys to find sensitization. Wheezy bronchitis, which was previously used to
individuals with a history of asthma who have no symptoms, no describe wheezing in early childhood associated with respiratory
evidence of airway obstruction, and no AHR at a single point in tract infections, was also dropped in the 1970s, and is discussed
time. This has meant that definitions that include airway later in this chapter.
obstruction are not particularly useful for epidemiologic studies. In this chapter the terms used will not follow a rigid
Epidemiologic definitions have therefore tended to rely on self nomenclature, given that the literature contains a variety of
or a parental report of symptoms such as wheezing or attacks terms with varying definitions. In general, asthma will be used
of asthma, usually confined to a short time period such as a to describe recurrent episodic wheezing associated with airflow
year. A previous doctor’s diagnosis of asthma or the use of obstruction. Hayfever will be used interchangeably with allergic
asthma treatments, or a combination of symptom history and rhinitis, while acknowledging that hayfever usually denotes
diagnosis and increased AHR have also been used in prevalence seasonal symptoms related to pollen exposure. Eczema will be
surveys. Such definitions, while useful in single reasonably used interchangeably with atopic dermatitis, while acknowledging
Asthma Prevalence Over Time • 235
prevalence (%)
similarly show large variation. This is not surprising, given that
there is wide variation in the definitions of asthma used in these
studies. The majority of studies have relied on self-reported
symptoms or a prior diagnosis of disease.
Interest in the rising prevalence of asthma and allergic 15
disease especially in the last 30 years has not been confined to
researchers but increasingly to healthcare funders, concerned 10
with the management of asthma. Asthma tends to begin in
childhood, often requires ongoing treatment with antiinflam- 5
matory therapy and intermittently with bronchodilators. For a
very small minority with severe exacerbations, hospital 0
treatment and intensive support in intensive care facilities may 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
be required. For these reasons there has been considerable year
interest and concern over the rising prevalence and rising costs
of asthma management. Fig. 16.1 Self-reported asthma prevalence in children.
Even when the definition is restricted, for example to a self-
reported diagnosis in economically developed countries, there
remains a wide variation in reported prevalence, and the rate of
increase in prevalence (Fig. 16.1). Thus in the early 1990s the with and without colds. In a national longitudinal birth cohort,
prevalence varied from 2.8% in Finland to over 10% in Scotland the prevalence of a history of wheezing by the age of 7 years for
to 30% in Australia. children born in the UK in the 1950s was 18%. Of these, 3%
It is of course impossible to study an identical population were considered to have asthma and 15% wheezy bronchitis.
over time; either you must select similar subjects characterized The study also identified the poor recall of wheezing. Between
by age and location or follow the same subjects through time, the ages of 7 and 11 years, two-thirds of parents who had
when age itself will affect the disease state. Repeat cross- reported wheezy bronchitis before 7 years denied any history at
sectional studies as in Figure 16.1 attempt the former approach. 11 years amongst children who had not had recurring symptoms.
Populations of the same age are chosen in the same location, The study illustrates how an increased awareness and medical
but geographic locations are also likely to change. In and out emphasis on a symptom like wheezing could significantly
migration from cities or parts of cities may alter the distribution increase recall. Just how prevalent wheezing is, has recently
of ethnicity or socioeconomic status. Similarly programs of been shown in New Zealand. A longitudinal study from 3 years
urban renewal and housing costs will alter the population mix. of age to early adulthood showed that 70% of the population
Diagnostic fashion will inevitably change over time. In turn this reported wheezing on at least one occasion and 50% on at least
is likely to influence media awareness and, through the media, two. Given that there will still be problems with recall of
community awareness of disease and symptoms that are infrequent and mild symptoms, these results suggest that
considered important. The rise of asthma societies and asthma wheezing is a common, virtually universal phenomenon.
campaigns will alter community and health professionals’ The change in labeling from wheezy bronchitis to asthma
perceptions of disease. Community perceptions are likely to be occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s, particularly in
particularly important in cross-sectional studies where an English-speaking countries following recognition that apart from
increased emphasis on symptoms such as wheezing and their severity and frequency of symptoms, there was little difference
specific treatment is likely to significantly improve recall in in the natural history of asthma or wheezy bronchitis. In the
questionnaire surveys. 1980s, the therapeutic importance of this change was also
Such a diagnostic shift occurred for asthma in the late 1960s emphasized. The majority of children with recurrent wheezing
and through the 1970s. Early surveys of asthma prevalence, was not being labeled clinically as having asthma and consequently
particularly in the UK, collected information on asthma and was rarely receiving bronchodilators. The majority was labeled
wheezy bronchitis. The latter term was used to describe children as having wheezy bronchitis and received multiple courses of
who were wheezy only with respiratory tract infections. The antibiotics. When a diagnosis of asthma was made, broncho-
term asthma was used to describe children who would wheeze dilators and inhaled corticosteroids were much more likely to
236 • Chapter 16 • Epidemiology of Allergic Disease
3.5 9
asthma allergic rhinitis
(%) of men
(%) of men
2.0 5
1.5 4
0 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
year year
0.7 1.6
disabling asthma atopic eczema
0.6 1.4
(%) of men
(%) of men
0.1 0.2
0 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
year year
at call-up
during service
Fig. 16.2 Prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema amongst Finnish conscripts and percentage of men discharged at call up
or during service because of disabling asthma. Redrawn from Latvala J, Von Hertzen L, Lindholm H, et al. Trends in prevalence of asthma
and allergy in Finnish young men: nationwide study 1966–2003. BMJ 2005; 330:1186–1187.
be prescribed. Treating these children with bronchodilators led subjects initially accepted but who were discharged early
to a marked improvement in their symptoms and absence from because of their asthma severity. The sample represented 98%
school. These studies had a marked influence on thinking about of males in Finland aged 20 and issues of changes in economic
wheezing illness in childhood and the change in label led to a status except at a national level are excluded. The data were
much greater use of asthma treatments. To what extent these not collected with any intention of looking at asthma
factors are responsible for the increased prevalence of asthma prevalence but simply for the acceptability of recruits for
and reported asthma symptoms is unknown and largely unknow- military service. The data would be subject to the diagnostic
able. They are, however, important to bear in mind when con- fashion of medical practitioners between the 1960s and 1980s.
sidering changes in asthma prevalence over time. However, the parallel increases in those declined entry and
Despite these reservations, some studies do provide those discharged early because of asthma would not. Recently
prevalence information that, while not entirely free of these this study has been updated to 2003 (Fig. 16.2). The
issues, minimizes them. One such study from Finland initially prevalence of reported asthma and allergic rhinitis only started
reported data on a previous diagnosis of asthma from almost to increase after 1960 and has continued to increase ever since.
one million men called up for compulsory military service Reported atopic eczema appeared to plateau in the 1980s.
between 1960 and 1989, with some data from 1926 to 1938. Exemptions at call up for asthma have declined since the 1990s
The authors also reported data on subjects exempted from and during service have plateaued, suggesting that asthma
military service at call up because of disabling asthma and on management has improved.
Asthma and Allergic Disease Prevalence by Place • 237
Given the problems associated with collecting asthma different communities. Only recently have such studies for
prevalence data over time it is surprising that so few studies allergic disease been undertaken using identical methods.
have included measurements of airway hyperresponsiveness as Two such large initiatives have been developed, the European
an objective marker associated with asthma. A study in Wales Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) in adults and
over 15 years amongst 11-year-old children showed an increase- the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood
in reported symptoms but no rise in the prevalence of exercise (ISAAC). The ECRHS study used validated questionnaires and
induced bronchospasm. In Australia, a study in children showed measured airway responsiveness and atopy in 36 centers from
an increased prevalence of symptoms and airway hyper- 16 countries involving around 18 000 subjects in the early
responsiveness over 10 years. The increase in AHR was predo- 1990s. The study was conducted in two phases, an initial one
minantly amongst atopic individuals, although the prevalence page questionnaire to 3000 20–44-year-old adults, followed by
of atopy was unchanged. A study amongst Belgian conscripts a random sample of phase 1 responders, and an enriched
aged between 18 and 19 years that included measures of AHR sample of positive wheezing responders, invited to undertake a
showed an increase in the reported history of asthma and in methacholine challenge and an assessment of atopic status with
AHR. The age adjusted proportion of asthmatics with AHR skin prick tests and IgE. It was the first study to systematically
remained stable, suggesting that the increased reporting of explore asthma and allergic disease across a range of predomi-
asthma could not be wholly ascribed to changes in diagnostic nantly European countries. Many local center, country and
labeling. Studies comparing prevalence over the last decade combined analyses have been reported and were summarized in
have suggested that the rise in prevalence, at least in 2001. This study is by far the largest study in adults to determine
economically developed countries, has reached a peak or may prevalence of symptoms, AHR and atopy (Table 16.1). The
even have declined slightly. study has also reported on many risk factors for asthma and
The interpretation then, of trends in asthma and asthma allergic disease (Table 16.2). The database has been interrogated
symptom prevalence, is rather unsatisfactory. There is a serious as new hypotheses are generated in smaller studies. Two key
dearth of studies with objective markers of asthma such as geographic findings were the high prevalence of asthma, AHR
AHR, and in the few with such measures, conflicting evidence and atopy in English-speaking countries and the east–west
of an increased prevalence. There has undoubtedly been a large gradient within Europe.
shift in ascribing wheezing illness to asthma rather than wheezy The ISAAC study is an even larger initiative in children that
bronchitis; this must explain an indeterminate proportion of commenced at about the same time. This study took a slightly
the increase in prevalence. Studies where these problems are different approach by commencing with a simple written
minimized have also shown an increased prevalence, suggesting questionnaire to the parents of 5–6- year-old children and both
that the change in diagnostic labeling and the increased written and video questionnaires to 13–14-year-olds. This
community awareness cannot explain all of the increase. approach was specifically adopted to allow many less economic-
Furthermore, despite large variation in studies repeated over ally developed countries to participate, many producing data on
a variable time period virtually all of them, whether in the prevalence of allergic disease for the first time. The
economically developed or less developed countries, show an prevalence of asthma symptoms from the written and video
increased prevalence, suggesting either multiple risk factors questionnaire, and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema
increasing simultaneously or a worldwide increase in one or by country and center within countries is shown in Figure 16.3.
more risk factors. The reasons for this worldwide rise in asthma A second phase of this study involving 30 centers in 20
prevalence and the recent plateau in developed countries are countries measuring symptom prevalence, AHR and atopy, and
unknown. The evidence from Finland, and from other studies, a number of risk factors including allergen and endotoxin
particularly in the USA, suggests that the increased prevalence exposure has been completed but not yet reported. A repeat of
began in the early 1960s. the initial cross-sectional study has also just been completed
and will provide information on changing asthma symptom
prevalence internationally in more than 100 countries over a
In seeking a cause for the increased prevalence of asthma and A similar geographic pattern is seen in the ISAAC study as
allergic disease an increased sensitization to common environ- in the ECRHS, with a high prevalence of asthma and allergic
mental allergens is a prime candidate. In exploring allergen disease in English-speaking countries, a clear east–west gradient
sensitivity the problems of diagnostic change are avoided. within Europe and a lower reported prevalence in less
Changes to the materials or methods used for skin prick economically developed countries. Some of the variation in
testing, for example, or analytical techniques for specific IgE ISAAC will be related to the translation of the term wheezing
remain a potential problem. Few repeat cross-sectional studies and the interpretation and importance attached to wheezing in
of sensitization in random populations have been undertaken. the various communities. In an attempt to reduce this variation
Where they have, they also tend to show significant increases in the video questionnaire sought information by showing wheezing
the prevalence of atopy. These studies in general populations and asking children if they recognized such symptoms in
show an increased prevalence of sensitization to local allergens themselves. In general the prevalence of symptoms reported
rather than to any specific allergen. from the video questionnaire was lower than from the written
one but the ranking of prevalence was highly correlated between
the two questionnaires, suggesting that the differences in
ASTHMA AND ALLERGIC DISEASE prevalence between countries were not related solely to
PREVALENCE BY PLACE interpretation.
Risk factors associated with disease can also be found by The ECRHS study in adults and ISAAC in children are the
studying the variation in prevalence and risk factors between first comprehensive international cross-sectional studies of
238 • Chapter 16 • Epidemiology of Allergic Disease
Table 16.1 Median prevalence percentage and ranges of various symptoms and
exposures from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)
Wheeze 48 20.7 41.1–32.0
Waking with breathlessness 47 7.3 1.5–11.4
Waking with cough 48 27.9 6.0–42.6
Asthma and rhinitis
Current asthma (stage 1) 48 4.5 2.0–11.9
Current asthma (stage 2) 34 5.2 1.2–13.0
Nasal allergy and hayfever 45 20.9 9.5–40.9
Bronchial responsiveness
PD20 ≥ 1 mg 35 13.0 3.4–27.8
ECRHS slope (mean) 35 7.6 6.7–8.4
Allergic sensitization
Mite 35 20.3 6.7–35.1
Cat 35 8.5 2.7–14.8
Timothy 35 18.0 8.1–34.6
Cladosporium 35 2.4 0.3–13.6
Any allergy 35 33.1 16.2–44.5
IgE (geometric mean) kU/L 35 35.9 13.2–62.2
Male smokers 34 38 17–65
Female smokers 34 33 14–52
Gas stoves 34 63.0 0–100
Cat ownership 35 20.1 3.7–68.6
Asthma prevalence in patients 30 5.8 3.4–10.6
Asthma medication (stage 1) 48 3.5 0.6–9.8
Inhaled bronchodilators 34 4.6 0.7–12.4
Inhaled antiinflammatory drugs 34 2.8 0.3–8.2
Oral antiasthmatics 34 1.4 0.2–6.5
The countries involved with the number of centers in parentheses are: Algeria (1), Australia (1),
Austria (1), Belgium (2), Denmark (1), Estonia (1), France (5), Germany (2), Greece (1), Iceland (1),
India (1), Ireland (2), Italy (3), Netherlands (3), New Zealand (4), Norway (1), Portugal (2), Spain (6),
Sweden (3), Switzerland (1), UK (5), USA (1). PD20, provocative dose that causes a 20% fall in
forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
asthma and allergic disease to use the same validated reduced infection and bacterial exposure in early life favors a
instruments. They have confirmed, for the first time, large helper T cell type 2 (Th2) phenotype that promotes the
variations in the prevalence of allergic disease between and development of atopy. The concept of an inverse relationship
within countries. The ECRHS study has also provided evidence between infectious and allergic disease was first suggested in
for both risk and protective factors that are associated with the mid 1970s from studies of the Métis Indians in Saskatchewan
these diseases. Such large scale international studies have been who had shown very low levels of atopic disease associated
commonplace in cardiovascular epidemiology for decades and with frequent bacterial, viral, and helminth infections. The
have provided a wealth of data about risk and protective associations were rediscovered in the late 1980s when a plausible
factors. Further collaborative studies to explore both the early immunologic mechanism was available. The hypothesis has
development and prevention of allergic disease would seem many attractive features in terms of explaining some of the
likely and appropriate directions in the future. time trends for the rising prevalence of atopy and allergic disease
and for the higher prevalence of allergic disease in wealthier
countries and in the last decade has led to many avenues of
AND ATOPY The initial epidemiologic associations were from cohort
Studies of risk factors for atopy and allergic disease over the studies in the UK where firstborn children had more hayfever
last decade have been dominated by the hygiene hypothesis. than subsequent children. A greater exposure to infections
This hypothesis suggests that atopy is positively related to from older siblings was suggested as the protective mechanism.
hygiene in its broadest sense. The mechanism postulated is that Many studies have subsequently confirmed this sibling effect
Risk Factors for Asthma and Atopy • 239
Table 16.2 Variables explaining variation in the prevalence of wheeze, asthma, atopic sensitization and bronchial responsiveness in
the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)
(-) (-) -
(+) -
+ + +
(+) (+) +
(+) (+) +
+ (+)
*, Heterogeneity between centers; +, positive association; -, negative association; parentheses indicate the association was shown in local analysis, as
opposed to the whole data set. From Janson C, Anto J, Burney P, et al. European Community Respiratory Health S, II. The European Community Respiratory
Health Survey: what are the main results so far? European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. Eur Respir J 2001; 18(3):598–611.
although the mechanism via infections remains to be proven. more likely to be colonized by staphylococci and clostridia.
Further support comes from day care attendance in infancy and Probiotics in early infancy have been shown in one small
subsequent protection from allergic disease and atopy in later randomized controlled trial to protect against the development
childhood. These children experience more wheezing in infancy of eczema at 2 years, but with no apparent effect on atopy. No
(possibly related to increased viral respiratory infections) but obvious biological mechanism is apparent for why such
less in later childhood (related to less atopic asthma). A variety differences in bowel flora might be immunologically important.
of early life specific infections such as measles, hepatitis A, and Amongst the most striking data supporting the hygiene
a variety of orofecal and food-borne infections have been hypothesis are those from studies of farming and non-farming
associated with reduced atopy and atopic disease in large rural children in central Europe. In a series of studies,
population studies. Extensions of this hypothesis have explored 6–13-year-old children raised on farms in early life had
antibiotic use and the gut microbiota. significantly less atopy, asthma, and hayfever than children in
Cross-sectional studies of antibiotic use particularly in the the same rural environment but not raised on a farm. The
first year of life suggest an increased risk of allergic disease protective effects were largely explained by contact with farm
associated with early broad spectrum antibiotics. Causal hypo- animals and unpasteurized milk in the first year of life. For
theses include early disturbance of the infant gut flora, thereby children exposed to both in the first year compared to neither,
altering immune development. Reverse causation has been the odds of having wheezing in the last year, atopy or hayfever
suggested as a non-causal explanation for these findings, and were 0.17 (95%CI 0.07–0.45), 0.32 (95%CI 0.17–0.62), and
longitudinal studies have failed to confirm the relationship. 0.20 (95%CI 0.08–0.50) respectively. The authors then
Allied to these associations are studies of gut flora and their explored the relationships between mattress endotoxin and
possible associations with the development of atopy. Infant gut allergic outcomes in these children. The reduced prevalence was
flora has been shown to vary by atopy and in countries with associated with higher mattress endotoxin exposure in the
high and low prevalence rates for atopy in small cross-sectional farming compared to the non-farming children. Polymorphisms
and prospective studies. Non-atopic children had higher counts for Toll-like receptors that increase receptor expression on
of enterococci and bifidobacteria in the first year of life antigen presenting cells appear to be associated with the apparent
compared to atopic children, whereas atopic children were protective effect of farming and high endotoxin exposure but
240 • Chapter 16 • Epidemiology of Allergic Disease
New Zealand
Republic of Ireland
Costa Rica
South Africa
Malta Peru
Finland New Zealand
Lebanon Australia
Kenya Uruguay
Germany Kuwait
France Canada
Japan USA
Thailand Kenya
Sweden Chile
Hong Kong Japan
Philippines Paraguay
Belgium Hong Kong
Austria Singapore
Argentina Malta
Estonia France
Nigeria Pakistan
Spain Spain
Chile Morocco
Singapore Argentina
Malaysia Thailand
Portugal South Africa
Uzbekistan Portugal
Oman Malaysia
Italy Austria
Pakistan Sweden
Latvia Germany
Poland Italy
Algeria Finland
South Korea Lebanon
Morocco South Korea
Mexico Poland
Ethiopia Iran
India India
Taiwan China
Russia Estonia
China Taiwan
Greece Indonesia
Georgia Uzbekistan
Romania Latvia
Albania Russia
Indonesia Albania
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
prevalence of asthma symptoms (%) prevalence of asthma symptoms (%)
a from written questionnaire b from video questionnaire
Fig. 16.3 (a) Prevalence of self-reported wheezing (%) in the last 12 months, from the written questionnaire, amongst 13–14-year-olds.
[ISAAC Steering Committee. Worldwide variations in the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema:
The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Lancet 1998; 351:1225–1232)] (b) Prevalence of self-reported
wheezing (%) in the last 12 months, from the video questionnaire, amongst 13–14-year-olds.
Risk Factors for Asthma and Atopy • 241
Nigeria Nigeria
Paraguay UK
Malta Finland
Hong Kong Sweden
Argentina Republic of Ireland
Canada New Zealand
Australia Ethiopia
Peru Paraguay
Republic of Ireland Japan
New Zealand Kenya
USA France
UK Australia
Algeria Pakistan
Pakistan Canada
Finland Chile
Brazil Morocco
France USA
Uruguay Kuwait
Thailand South Africa
Lebanon Thailand
Philippines Peru
Singapore Malaysia
South Africa Panama
Spain Malta
Japan Singapore
Belgium Argentina
Costa Rica Uruguay
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
c prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms (%) d prevalence of atopic eczema (%)
Fig. 16.3 cont’d (c) Prevalence of self-reported symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms (%) in the last 12 months, amongst
13–14-year-olds. (d) Prevalence of self-reported atopic eczema (%) in the last 12 months amongst 13–14-year-olds.
242 • Chapter 16 • Epidemiology of Allergic Disease
have no effect in non-farming or low endotoxin environments. which is often transient during infancy and in turn sensitization
Endotoxin, which is the lipopolysaccharide component of is associated with the development of eczema in the first few
Gram-negative bacteria (and fungal cell walls), is of particular years of life. Sensitization to indoor allergens, such as house
interest. When inhaled it gives rise to wheezing in both asthmatic dust mite (HDM), domestic pets and cockroach, appears more
and non-asthmatic subjects, associated with a neutrophilic important than food allergens for the later development of
airway inflammation. It presents occupational clinical problems asthma. Exposure in the first few years of life appears to be
amongst those exposed to high concentrations such as pig particularly important in relation to sensitization.
farmers and sewage workers, and is thought to be the principal Exposure to an allergen is required for sensitization and the
cause of byssinosis amongst cotton textile workers. Exposure in prevalence of sensitization varies by the amount of allergen in
the domestic environment has been associated with wheezing the environment. Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated
in infancy. Paradoxically, it also has immunologic effects, and is these relationships and longitudinal studies have shown clear
an important bacterial recognition molecule for the immune dose–response relationships between environmental HDM
system. In this way exposure in infancy may promote a Th1 allergen concentrations in the infant environment and the later
phenotype and protect against Th2 mediated atopy. prevalence of sensitization. Such dose–response relationships
The role of domestic pets in the development of sensitization do not appear to hold, however, for all allergens, such as cat, for
and allergic disease is currently highly controversial. Sensitization example, discussed above. Such differences in response to
to pet allergens is common and associations with asthma attacks allergen exposure may have important consequences for the
well documented. Advice to remove pets from the homes of prevalence of asthma in environments with different dominant
allergic children has been standard for many years. The relation- environmental allergens.
ships between pets and the development of allergic disease are
complicated by three factors. Firstly, a number of reports have
Allergen exposure and the development of asthma
recently suggested that early dog exposure may protect against
the development of allergic disease. A suggested mechanism is The view that allergen exposure, in particular HDM allergen
via increased exposure to endotoxin which is usually higher in exposure, is causally related to the development of asthma, was
homes with dogs. Some studies have suggested an independent thought to be almost self-evident, but has recently been
protective effect unrelated to endotoxin. Secondly, exposure to challenged. On the one hand, the relationships appear obvious.
cats and high cat allergen has been shown to be protective Exposure to HDM allergen in early childhood leads to
against sensitization to cat allergen, by a modified Th2 response sensitization in a dose–response manner, experimental exposure
associated with IgG4. Thirdly, pet avoidance and pet removal to HDM in an allergen challenge leads to the clinical and
because of allergic disease will distort these relationships, by cellular manifestations of asthma, and complete avoidance is
suggesting a spurious protective effect, further complicated by associated with a marked clinical improvement. A recent
cat allergic families that choose dogs and vice versa. The role of longitudinal birth cohort study from Germany failed to show a
pets in promoting or protecting against atopy remains to be direct relationship between the early development of wheezing
resolved and will require longitudinal studies. and infant HDM exposure. However, despite almost half the
children being at high risk of developing asthma and thorough
selection of children with a family history, the prevalence of
Allergen exposure current wheezing at age 7 was only 10%, compared for example
to 30% in the general UK or New Zealand population. HDM
The relationships between allergens and allergic disease need to
allergen levels were also very low compared with Australia,
be considered in three stages: sensitization, the development of
New Zealand, or the UK.
disease, and the maintenance and severity of disease symptoms.
That allergen exposure can cause asthma entirely de novo is
Only a proportion of the population acquires atopy, and only a
evident from occupational exposures in many workplace
proportion of those go on to develop allergic disease. Atopy has
settings; what is not clear is how important it is as a cause of
repeatedly been shown to increase the risk of developing
asthma in populations exposed to much higher allergen loads in
asthma, hayfever and eczema.
infancy. Intervention studies with effective lowering of allergen
exposure from birth may shed more light on this issue (see later
in this chapter).
Allergic disease clusters in families and twin studies clearly Allergen exposure and asthma severity
demonstrate an inherited component of allergen sensitization.
In addition to genetic susceptibility, the fetal environment There is general agreement that allergen exposure increases
appears important for the development of atopy. This environ- asthma severity and AHR in sensitized subjects with disease,
ment is already skewed towards a Th2 pattern in order to though much less agreement about the value of avoidance,
protect the developing fetus. Fetal allergen exposure first which is discussed later. Sources of allergen vary in the domestic
occurs in utero, with some evidence of a fetal response to this environment. HDM tend to be concentrated on fabric surfaces
exposure. At a broader level, fetal growth and hence fetal in bedding, carpets, and furniture fabrics. They only become
nutrition may also be important in the late acquisition of atopy, airborne following disturbance in a room or bed and the
as suggested by studies showing positive relationships between allergen tends to be found on larger particles. Exposure in the
head circumference at birth and IgE. bedroom is thought to be the dominant source of HDM
Exposure to food and environmental allergens occurs allergen. Cat and dog allergen is sticky, occurs on much smaller
immediately after birth. Exposure to food allergens both particles and tends to remain airborne continuously. They can
directly and via breast milk is associated with sensitization be carried on clothing and while much higher levels are found
Risk Factors for Asthma and Atopy • 243
in homes where pets regularly come indoors, significant allergen Viral respiratory tract infection
levels are found in homes with no history of pets coming inside.
Bedding is an important source of HDM and pet allergen. Viral respiratory infections have been implicated in the
For example, infant sheepskins have been shown to have very development of asthma, in the prevention of asthma and atopy,
high levels of HDM allergen and synthetic bedding materials and as a frequent cause of exacerbations, especially amongst
(often recommended for allergic patients) contain much higher children. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is very
levels of HDM allergen than feather bedding. These differences common in the first 3 years of life and is associated with
are probably related to the much tighter weave on feather bronchiolitis in infancy. In some studies RSV infection has been
bedding encasement, compared to synthetic bedding, required associated with the later development of asthma and AHR. It
to keep feathers in but also reducing ingress of mites. Synthetic is unclear whether this association is directly causal or reflects
bedding has been associated with an increased risk of severe susceptibility. Protection from the later development of atopy
asthma. These observations are supported by a number of studies by early upper respiratory tract infection is postulated as part
showing less severe asthma amongst feather bedding users, after of the hygiene hypothesis (see above) to explain the protective
controlling for deliberate bedding modification because of asthma. effect of siblings and early daycare exposure on the develop-
Synthetic bedding in infancy has also been shown to be a risk ment of allergic disease. Viral respiratory tract infection is the
factor for HDM sensitization and asthma in later childhood. commonest cause of exacerbations in children, and a frequent
cause in adults.
mechanisms have been suggested, both causal and non-causal. used some form of mattress encasement. It is important to
Non-causal mechanisms include reverse causation that asthma recognize, however, that all but the Isle of Wight study can only
precedes obesity and results from it by lack of exercise. Obese be considered preliminary. Ascertainment of atopic status to
asthmatics may perceive symptoms to a greater extent than environmental allergens at 2–3 years of age will be incomplete,
non-obese and will have increased exercise breathlessness which and much of the wheezing will be unrelated to atopy. In the Isle
may be confused with asthma. Causal associations include of Wight study both wheezing and sensitization were reduced
gastroesophageal reflux, hormonal effects to explain the in the intervention group at 1 year but at 2 and 4 years there
predominance in women in some studies, or dietary factors that was no difference in respiratory symptoms. At age 8 however,
are associated with both obesity and asthma. Another explanation the prevalence of current wheeze was halved and sensitization
relates to airway mechanics. Deep inspiration both dilates the to HDM reduced to a third of the control group. After adjust-
preconstricted airway and protects against constriction in the ment for potential confounders, intervention children were
normal lung. Both these responses are impaired in asthma. Loss significantly less likely to report current wheeze, OR 0.26,
of elastic recoil and reduced tidal expansion associated with (95% CI 0.07–0.96) or be atopic, OR 0.21, (95% CI
obesity could therefore increase bronchial responsiveness. 0.07–0.62). The Manchester study has by far the most
Diet has long been associated with allergic disease, most stringent environmental intervention for HDM, including
notably dietary proteins, especially cows’ milk proteins bedding interventions for the mother prior to birth, custom-
associated with sensitization and eczema in infancy. The role of made impermeable mattresses for the infant, and removal of
breastfeeding in the subsequent development of asthma and bedroom carpets. At 3 years the intervention children were
allergic disease has been controversial. Most longitudinal studies significantly more atopic, similarly wheezy but with better lung
have shown reduced asthma and allergic disease associated with function as measured by specific airway resistance. It is
prolonged (> 4 months) exclusive breastfeeding. Some have tempting to speculate that this unexpected result is related to
shown no effect and others an increased risk. Exclusivity of reduced exposure to endotoxin in the intervention group which
breastfeeding is obviously important given that the introduction improves lung function while predisposing to sensitization. For
of foreign food proteins will increase the risk of sensitization. all of these studies, it will be the outcomes in later childhood
Maternal diet is also important as food allergens may be passed and early adulthood that will determine the value of these
to the infant in breast milk. Sensitization to specific food primary interventions.
proteins causing asthma on exposure is well documented but
uncommon. Food dyes, such as tartrazine, and preservatives
Secondary prevention
have also been associated with asthma attacks in a minority of
asthmatics. More general dietary associations with the develop- Most secondary prevention studies have explored HDM
ment of asthma have been suggested. Salt intake has been avoidance in asthma. These studies have proved both successful
positively associated with asthma and AHR in some studies but and unsuccessful depending on whether the patient or the mite
not in others and reduction in salt in experimental studies has is removed. Thus mite-sensitive asthmatic children taken to
shown mixed results. More consistent have been the studies alpine sanatoria, where mites are unable to thrive due to the
showing a positive association between salt intake and exercise- low humidity, have shown significant reductions in symptoms,
induced asthma. Regular consumption of oily fish containing n- and AHR and mite-specific IgE. Small studies using mechanical
3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been shown to be associated ventilation and heat recovery in homes have reduced mites and
with a reduced prevalence of asthma symptoms and AHR. This shown clinical benefit, but only in climates with dry cold
has recently been extended to maternal consumption during winters. Most studies, however, using a variety of mite control
pregnancy and reduced asthma prevalence in children. procedures including barrier protection of bedding, acaricides,
Antioxidants have also been associated with asthma, with and hot washing of clothes and bedding, have been under-
studies suggesting lower intakes amongst those with asthma powered, of too short a duration, or have not demonstrated a
and decreased AHR in those with higher intakes. Clinical sustained reduction in mite allergen. Not surprisingly, they
studies of supplementation have proved disappointing though have often failed to find any clinical benefit. Where these three
large well controlled trials have not been reported. conditions have been at least partially met, clinical improve-
ments in asthma or a decrease in AHR have been observed with
mite avoidance. Few studies consider concomitant asthma
therapy, in particular the back titration of inhaled cortico-
PREVENTION OF ASTHMA AND steroids to ensure that a response to the intervention can be
ALLERGIC DISEASE measured. A recent large intervention trial in adult asthmatics
using impermeable bed covers alone failed to find any
Primary prevention
significant clinical benefit, but the intervention also failed to
As discussed previously, sensitization to HDM allergen is related produce a sustained reduction in mite allergen levels. Recently,
to exposure and sensitization is a risk factor for developing interventions targeted to an individual’s atopic profile and
asthma. It makes sense then to try and reduce HDM exposure including non specific irritants such as tobacco smoke
to reduce sensitization and in turn reduce prevalence. avoidance have shown significant clinical benefit in children.
Table 16.3 summarizes data from six primary intervention Given the beneficial response when mite allergen is completely
studies, from Europe, Canada, and Australia. All have selected avoided as in an alpine environment, attempts to reduce
children at high risk of developing atopy by virtue of a family allergen exposure should not be abandoned, particularly in
history of allergic disease. To date, these studies show variable patients whose asthma is poorly controlled despite adequate
results. They have all used slightly different interventions with treatment and where multiple mite avoidance strategies can
variable reductions in HDM allergen in the home. All studies be employed.
Conclusion • 245
Study name
(Year of last report) Interventions ATOPY WHEEZE OTHER
AHR, airway hyperresponsiveness; FFA, free fatty acid, HDM, house dust mite
Arshad SH. Primary prevention of asthma Chinn S. Obesity and asthma: evidence for allergy in Finnish young men:
and atopy during childhood by allergen and against a causal relation. J Asthma nationwide study, 1966–2003. BMJ
avoidance in infancy: a randomised 2003; 40:1–16. 2005; 330:1186–1187.
controlled study. Thorax 2003; ISAAC Steering Committee. Worldwide Singh J, Schwartz DA. Endotoxin and the
58:489–493. variations in the prevalence of lung: Insight into the host-environment
Braun-Fahrlander C, Eder W, Schreuer M, et symptoms of asthma, allergic interaction. J Allergy Clin Immunol
al. Exposure to farming environment rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema: 2005; 115:330–333.
during the first year of life protects The International Study of Asthma and Strachan DP. Family size, infection and
against the development of asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Lancet atopy: the first decade of the ‘hygiene
allergy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998; 351:1225–1232. hypothesis’. Thorax 2000; 55 Suppl
2001; 163 (A157). Janson C, Anto J, Burney P, et al. The 1:S2–10.
Braun-Fahrlander C, Riedler J, Herz U, et al. European Community Respiratory Woodcock A, Lowe LA, Murray CS, et al.
Environmental exposure to endotoxin Health Survey: what are the main Early life environmental control: effect
and its relation to asthma in school-age results so far? Env Respir J 2001; on symptoms, sensitization, and lung
children. N Engl J Med 2002; 18:598–611. function at age 3 years. Am J Respir
347:869–877. Latvala J, von Hertzen L, Lindholm H, et al. Crit Care Med 2004; 170:433–439.
Trends in prevalence of asthma and
Allergens are antigens,
usually proteinaceous in
nature, that sensitize the
host for allergic
reactions. Their sources
Allergens and
are diverse and include
house dust mite
products, pollens, fungal
spores, animals, drugs,
and foods. Geoffrey A Stewart, Philip J Thompson, David Peden, and
Neil Alexis
Allergens and type 1 hypersensitivity
Humans are exposed to a variety of environmental, non-pathogen associated antigens
which may induce the production of IgE, the antibody isotype associated with type I
mediated diseases in about 10–20% of Western populations. These, supposedly
innocuous, antigens are usually referred to as allergens to distinguish them from the
myriad other substances that are routinely associated with the stimulation of IgA,
IgG, and IgM production and referred to as antigens. The host may come into contact
with such allergens via a number of routes but inhalation represents the most
important. However, exposure by ingestion, injection, and passive absorption through
the skin frequently occurs. The sequelae resulting from the interactions between
allergens and IgE bound to cells such as the mast cell via these portals underlie diseases
such as rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, extrinsic allergic
alveolitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, eczema, atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis and angioedema,
allergic and migraine headache, and certain gastrointestinal disorders (Table 17.1).
Type 1 mediated allergic diseases result from two temporally distinct stages. In the
first, also known as the sensitization or antibody induction stage, inhaled, injected or
ingested allergen is presented to the immune system by antigen presenting cells and
this, in susceptible individuals, causes IgE antibody to be produced which then binds
to mast cells and basophils via specific receptors including the high affinity FcεRI. In
the second, effector phase, allergen interacts with receptor-bound IgE to cause cell
degranulation within 5–15 minutes after the sensitized host is re-exposed. This process
results in the release of inflammatory mediators which give rise to the characteristic
features of type 1 mediated allergic disease. At both stages, it is assumed that allergens
cross appropriate innate defense barriers such as skin, and mucous membranes to
initiate disease.
Origins of allergens
Table 17.2 Factors that influence allergenicity
Unless in the workplace, most individuals are exposed to
Factors Influencing Allergenicity mixtures of allergens rather than to single proteins. This is
because many environmental allergens are important molecules
Intrinsic Extrinsic playing major physiologic roles in the allergen source per se,
and are associated with distinct, particulate structures. For
Molecular complexity (size) Pollutants
example, allergens are to be found in pollen grains, fungal spores
Concentration Cigarette smoke and arthropod feces, where they play roles in digestion (feces),
Solubility Viral infection somatic growth and fertilization (spores and pollen). Reflecting
Foreignness Genetic predisposition and their role in their natural environment, allergens rapidly leach
gender out of their particulate structures when they become hydrated
on contact with mucosal surfaces. The most complex sources
Season of birth
Biochemical activity of allergens are fungi, pollen, and mites, with the least complex
Hygiene being animal dander and urine extracts (Table 17.3). Up to
Resistance to digestion (food
allergens) Birth weight 60% of the proteins from a given source are allergenic and a
Resistance to cooking (food sensitized patient may recognize more than one allergen.
allergens) However, the precise number recognized reflects both the
genetic capability of the host, the complexity of the source, and
the assay used to determine allergenicity. The more frequently
(> 50%) recognized proteins within a population exposed to a
particular source are termed ‘major allergens’, in contrast to
‘minor allergens’. However, these arbitrary divisions do not
reaction. For example, it is possible that the resistance of some necessarily indicate that minor allergens will be clinically
oral allergens to both heat and gut digestive enzymes may insignificant in certain individuals. Allergen exposure may
facilitate systemic responses whereas susceptibility to these occur in domestic and occupational settings and, in the former,
processes may restrict responses to the oral cavity. A number of they are sometimes referred to as indoor or outdoor allergens
extrinsic factors, both endogenous and exogenous, may also to reflect the origin of the allergen source. Typical outdoor
contribute to their recognition by the immune system by allergens include pollens and fungi, whereas indoor allergens
altering normal homeostatic defense mechanisms, for example, include animal dander, and mite and insect feces. In addition,
genetic factors, industrial pollutants, cigarette smoke, or viral the terms ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ are used to refer to allergens
infections. arising from sources within the host, e.g. fungi and helminthic
parasites, and outside the host, respectively.
Factors influencing allergenicity – extrinsic
For initial sensitization to occur, the genetic characteristics of
the host are important, not only in developing allergic disease
Airborne allergens
per se but also in inducing allergic responses to specific allergens.
Whilst the genes associated with allergic diseases such as those
Pollen allergens
involved in IgE regulation, inflammation, and responsiveness to
bronchodilator dilator therapy are currently being delineated, Pollens represent some of the more clinically important allergen
those associated with the production of allergen-specific IgE sources (10–20% of community allergic disease), and the most
Allergen Sources • 249
Grasses Rye, couch, wild oat, timothy, Bermuda, Kentucky blue, cocksfoot Spring/early summer
Weeds Ragweed, parietaria, plantain, mugwort Summer/autumn
Trees Alder, birch, hazel, beech, cupressae, oak, olive, cyprus Winter/spring
Molds Aspergillus spp., Cladosporium spp., Alternaria spp., Perennial/variable
Candida spp.
Cereal flours Wheat, rye, oat Perennial
Plant products Latex, papain, bromelain Perennial
Animal dander and urine Cat, dog, horse, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mouse, rat, cow Perennial
Bird feathers Budgerigar, parrot, pigeon, duck, chicken Perennial
House dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Euroglyphus Perennial
Insects Cockroach, fly, locust, midge Seasonal
Food Seafood, legumes, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, soya, cereals, Non-seasonal
dairy products, eggs, fruits, tomatoes, mushrooms, alcoholic
beverages, coffee, chocolate
Drugs Penicillins, sulfonamides and other antibiotics, sulfasalazine, Non-seasonal
Insects Bee and wasp stings, ant and mosquito bites Summer
Drugs Blood products, sera, vaccines, contrast media, drugs Non-seasonal
(including antiasthma drugs and antibiotics)
common disease presentation is rhinitis. The major allergenic the stigma wall so that fertilization may occur. The constituent
pollens (grasses, weeds, and trees) are derived from wind- proteins from these various sources will vary between species
pollinated (anemophilous) rather than insect-pollinated as can be seen below. Pollens are absent from the atmosphere
(entomophilous) plants and, in this regard, the former possess a on wet days but frequently released when hot, dry conditions
thin coat containing lipids and proteins, in contrast to the thick, prevail. As a consequence, pollen release and atmospheric loading
sticky coats of insect-pollinated plants. The clinically important is usually seasonal, with late spring and summer representing
pollens will vary according to geographical location as well as the most important pollination seasons (Fig. 17.3). In this
season and microclimatic conditions (Fig. 17.1). Pollens from regard, the sequence of pollination is usually trees, grasses, and
the anemophilous plants, in contrast to the entomophilous plants, weeds. The number of pollen grains required to provoke disease
are characterized by their buoyant density, ease of dispersion, is unclear although the amount of pollen required to initiate
and profusion, and grains from individual species may vary in symptoms at the beginning of the hayfever season is greater
size, ranging from 5 to over 200 µm. The pollen grain per se is than at the end. Approximately 20–100 grains/m3 are considered
the primary source of allergen but studies show that individuals to be a provoking dose. In addition to pollens, plants also
may be exposed to submicronic particles derived from the produce pollen-related orbicules (0.2–1 µm) which contain
grains themselves. Such particles are released from pollen in allergens. These granules of sporopollenin accumulate proteins
moist conditions that occur after rain and become airborne as and carbohydrates during pollen formation, are released during
the environment dries out. These particles such as starch grains pollination and outnumber pollen per se.
(approx. 700/pollen) and wall precursor (P) particles are also
released on contact with mucosal surfaces and are potent
Fungal allergens
sources of allergen (Fig. 17.2). In addition to the submicronic
particles, proteins and, therefore, allergens may be found Fungi may be broadly divided into two groups based on their
within the pollen coat, as well as being secreted from within structure; namely, the yeasts which grow as single cells and
the pollen itself. A significant number of the released proteins fungi that produce hyphae and spores. Although allergen-
will be involved in pollen tube growth as well as helping breach producing yeasts have been identified, most of the clinically
250 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Rye grass
Africa Mugwort
Grasses pellitory
USA Bermuda Australia
Grasses Velvet grass Trees
Kentucky Rye grass Birch Grasses
Fescue Water bent Alder Bermuda
Orchard Bahia Hornbeam Rye grass
Red top Kikugu Oak Timothy
Timothy Kentucky Olive
Bermuda Weeds
Weeds Plantain
Weeds Pigweed Rumex
Giant ragweed Goosefoot Pellitory
Short ragweed Compositae Ragweed
Plantain spp.
Dock Sorrel Trees
Trees Trees Birch
Maple Olive Maple
Oak Plane Cypress
Birch Oak Gum
Walnut Willow Wattle Fig. 17.1 Selected worldwide
She-oak distribution of clinically
important pollen allergens.
a i ii
b i ii iii iv
Pollen Seasonality
Northern USA
Southern USA
Australasia Australasia
Northern USA
Southern USA
A'asia Australasia
a b c
Fig. 17.4 Fungi commonly involved in allergic disease: (a) Aspergillus fumigatus, (b) Cladosporium, (c) Alternaria. (Photograph courtesy of
Ms Rose McAleer, PathCentre, Western Australia.)
a b
Metals and their salts Platinum, aluminum, vanadium, nickel and chromium salts Metal-refining, plating, boiler-cleaning,
Chemicals Chloramine T, colophony (pine resin), polyvinyl chloride, Brewing, soldering, meat wrapping,
isocyanates, anhydrides, ethylenediamine, plicatic acid plastics and chemical processing,
wood processing
Animal proteins
causes a variety of clinical entities, including anaphylaxis, and and muscle relaxants. With regard to the antibiotics, the β-lactam
neurologic, gastrointestinal, cutaneous, and respiratory disorders. ring is central as it is chemically unstable and reacts with lysyl
Diagnosis of food allergy may be difficult unless clear-cut residues to form the penicilloyl epitope on cell membrane
evidence of food allergen-specific IgE can be detected. In addition proteins. Allergic reactions may manifest as urticaria or
to food allergens being responsible for direct sensitization and anaphylaxis although the latter is usually associated with injected
provocation, they may also initiate disease in individuals who drugs. The frequency of sensitivity to drugs such as the anti-
are already sensitive to aeroallergens from a variety of sources, biotics may vary from 1 to 10% of the general population.
in particular from pollens (Table 17.5). Such diseases are
referred to as ‘oral allergy syndromes’ (OAS) and result from
Injected allergens
allergenic cross-reactivity between allergens within the food
and those in the aeroallergen source. OAS are usually associated Allergen exposure via injection (natural or iatrogenic) is associated
with uncooked foods rather than cooked, and exposure may with certain insects which either sting or bite, or with injectable
precipitate local (oral) or systemic reactions. drugs. The major stinging insects associated with allergic disease
include bees, wasps, hornets, and ants, which may inject many
micrograms of venom at one time. About 3% of the general
Drug allergens
population may experience systemic reactions after envenomin-
Most drugs associated with allergic disease are low-molecular- ation, and about 15–30% of individuals become sensitized after
weight substances which, on their own, do not sensitize being stung. Predisposing factors may include prior allergy to
susceptible individuals. However, they have a propensity to inhalant allergens. Of the stinging insects, allergens from the
interact chemically with host proteins sufficient to render them honey bee appear to be the most clinically important, and
foreign to the immune system and thus stimulate an immune anaphylaxis is not uncommon. The venoms from bees, wasps,
response. Such compounds are known as haptens, and typical hornets, and paper wasps are similar in that they contain vaso-
drugs involved in type 1 hypersensitivity include the β-lactam active amines in addition to peptides and enzymes, and extensive
antibiotics such as the penicillins and cephalosporins, anesthetics, allergenic cross-reactivity may occur amongst the vespid
Allergen Nomenclature • 255
Animal-derived allergens
Bird material Egg yolk Serum albumin (Gal d 5)
Egg white powder Egg-containing foods Lysozyme (Gal d 4)
Animal meat Animal danders Serum albumin
Mites Shellfish, snails Tropomysoin
Mites Anisakis simplex Tropomysoin
Cockroach Shellfish, snails Tropomysoin
species. With regard to the biting insects, the major allergenic used with either the genus or species name to avoid such a
species include ticks, ants, and mosquitos. Here, salivary possibility. For example, the fungal alkaline serine protease
proteins as well as venom proteins have been shown to be allergen from P. chrysogenum is designated Pen ch 13 to
allergenic. distinguish it from the related allergen Pen c 13 from P. citrinum.
Similarly, the allergen from Candida albicans is designated
Cand a 1 to differentiate from the dog allergen, Can d 1.
ALLERGEN NOMENCLATURE Allergens from different species within a genus or across genera
The Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee of the International will use the same numbering arrangement. For example, the
Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) (http://www. related mite cysteine protease allergens from the species D. has introduced guidelines to facilitate the farinae and Euroglyphus maynei are referred to as Der f 1 and
consistent naming of purified allergens from complex sources Eur m 1 respectively. Collectively, such related allergens are
and in this regard data regarding novel allergens (as long as it is often referred to as belonging to a particular group, e.g. the
recognized by more than 5% of an allergic population) which ‘group 1 mite allergens’. With the significant increase in the
have been isolated and sequenced should be submitted to this amount of sequence data generated due to the adoption of
subcommittee for confirmation of its designation. For example, cloning technologies, it is apparent that a particular allergen
using the published guidelines, the designation for the cysteine source may contain a number of allergens with sequences that
protease allergen, Der p 1, from the house dust mite Dermato- are very similar (> 67% sequence identity using the IUIS
phagoides pteronyssinus is constructed by taking the first three Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee guidelines). In this case,
letters of the genus (i.e. Dermatophagoides), together with the such allergens are described as isoallergens and are given a
first letter of the species (i.e. pteronyssinus) and combining it suffix ranging from 00 to 99 (e.g. Amb a 1.01, Amb a 1.02). In
with an arabic numeral which reflects the order in which the situations where similar allergens are described that differ only
allergen was isolated or its clinical importance. In the case of in the occasional residue (polymorphism), these are described
Der p 1, this was the first mite allergen to be isolated and as variants, and an additional two digits are used in the
characterized, as well as cloned. If there is likely to be confusion description (e.g. Amb a 1.0101 – the first variant of the
with a previously named allergen, an additional letter may be isoallergen Amb a 1.01).
256 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Allergosorbent Assays
allergen bound IgE
free IgE
free IgE
incubate with
solid phase
allergen allergen or allergic serum
wash and
add labeled anti-IgE
wash and
determine response
a allergen
Fig. 17.7 Outline of the steps involved in allergosorbent and allergosorbent-inhibition assays. In enzyme-linked and radioallergosorbent
assays (EAST/RAST) used for allergen characterization purposes, increasing concentrations of allergen are coupled to a solid phase and
then incubated with a constant volume of serum from an allergic donor. For diagnostic purposes, a constant amount of allergen is coupled to
the solid phase and varying dilutions of serum are then added. The amount of IgE bound is detected using a labeled anti-IgE. In each case, a
positive dose response curve is obtained. In EAST/RAST inhibition, allergic serum is incubated with fluid phase allergen prior to incubation
with solid phase allergen. The more potent the fluid phase allergen, the less free IgE is available to bind to the solid phase allergen. This
gives rise to a negative dose response curve.
2 5
4 6 5
− +
1 2 3 4 5 6
a −
allergens and the advances made in protein chip technology used. To determine which of the precipitated proteins are
have given rise to the possibility of using this microarray allergenic, the unstained crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE)
technology to diagnose allergy. In this technique, small spots of gel is washed to remove non-precipitated proteins in both the
allergen are bound to activated glass slides and then treated antiserum and the allergen extract within the gel, and the
with serum as described above. The potential advantage of this washed gel is then incubated with allergic serum. Allergen-
technique lies in its ability to determine whether a patient is specific IgE binds to remaining epitopes on the precipitate which
allergic to one or more of a large panel of allergens at once using after washing is detected using radiolabeled anti-IgE (Fig. 17.8).
minimal amounts of serum.
One- and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE gel
Crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis electrophoresis and immunoblotting
In crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (CRIE), allergen extracts In one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide
are electrophoretically separated in an agarose gel, at the electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), individual protein components
conclusion of which the gel is rotated 90 degrees and electro- of an allergen extract are electrophoresed after denaturation
phoresis continued into agarose containing an antiserum raised and reduction of both intra- and interchain disulfide bonds with
against the whole allergen extract. The separated proteins dithiothreitol. The proteins, which separate on the basis of
migrate into the antibody-containing gel until they meet their their molecular weight in descending order, are then trans-
homologous IgG antibodies which, because of their lack of charge ferred electrophoretically or by capillary action to a cellulose
in the chosen electrophoretic conditions, remain stationary. Once nitrate or nylon membrane, during which time the proteins
antibody and homologous antigen interact at optimal pro- renature. After washing, the membranes are blocked with an
portions, individual precipitates form, reflecting the number of extraneous, non-allergenic protein to reduce non-specific effects
antigens contained within the original mixture and the cor- and then incubated with allergic serum. IgE binding to individual
responding homologous antibodies in the polyclonal antiserum allergens is then visualized using a labeled anti-IgE reagent
258 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Immunoblotting Analyses
1 2 3 1 2 3
incubate with patients' sera, allergens
wash and visualize binding recognized by
with anti-IgE and autoradiography individual sera 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b
Fig. 17.9 Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting analysis of allergen extracts (left).
SDS-PAGE-IgE immunoblot of Lolium perenne pollen extracts (right), demonstrating the responses obtained with sera from seven atopic
Cloning of Allergens
mRNA 1 2 3 AAA…AA
probe membrane-bound
proteins or DNA with suitable probe
spleen cells myeloma
(HAT resistant) (HAT sensitive)
culture in
test for
positive wells
clone antibody
percent 88 44 69 53
Der p I (µg/g)
2 µg/g
Fig. 17.11 (a) The production
1 of monoclonal antibodies to
allergens. (b) The determination
of the house dust mite allergen
Der p 1 in dust obtained from
various locations. The bars
0.1 represent geometric means
and the dashed lines indicate
currently accepted threshold
levels. The mean levels of
0.01 allergen in the home are
significantly higher than
elsewhere. (Modified from
Zhang L, Chew FT, Soh SY, et al.
Prevalence and distribution of
Homes Childcare Schools/ Hospitals indoor allergens in Singapore.
b centers universities Clin Exp Allergy 1997;
Monoclonal antibody techniques a potentially immortal supply of antibody which may be used
to purify allergens, map epitopes, determine allergen concen-
In monoclonal antibody (mAb) techniques, mice are immunized trations in the environment, and standardize the concentration
with the purified allergen and spleen cells obtained a few weeks of allergens within extracts (Fig. 17.11).
after primary and secondary immunization are subsequently
fused with plasmacytoma cells using a fusogenic agent.
Antibody-producing hybridomas which result are screened
using appropriate selection chemicals and those possessing the Most of the clinically important allergens have now been
appropriate specificity are isolated, cloned and then used to cloned and their functions determined. Many are hydrolytic
produce antibody in large quantities. Such hybridomas represent enzymes such as proteases, carbohydrases and ribonucleases
Characterization of Allergens • 261
a b c d
Fig. 17.12 Three-dimensional structures of allergens from (a) latex (Hev b v 8, profilin, 1G5U), (b) wasp venom (Ves v 5, 1QNX), (c) bovine
dander (Bos d 2, 1BJ7) and (d) birch (Bet v 1, 1BV1). [The references for these structures are: Fedorov AA, Fedorov EV, Ganglberger E, et al.
A comparative structural analysis of allergen profilins Hev b 8 and Bet v 2, to be published; Henriksen A, King TP, Mirza O, et al. Major venom
allergen of yellow jackets, Ves v 5: structural characterization of a pathogenesis-related protein superfamily. Proteins 2001; 1; 45(4):438–448;
Rouvinen J, Rautiainen J, Virtanen T, et al. Probing the molecular basis of allergy: three-dimensional structure of the bovine lipocalin allergen
Bos d 2. J Biol Chem 1999; 274(4):2337–2343; Gajhede M, Osmark P, Poulsen FM, et al. X-ray and NMR structure of Bet v 1, the origin of
birch pollen allergy. Nat Struct Biol 1996; 3(12):1040–1045; Berman HM, Westbrook J, Feng Z, et al. The protein data bank. Nucleic Acids
Res 2000; 28(1):235–242.]
from mites, fungi, and pollens or non-hydrolytic enzymes such (e.g. Cynodon spp., found in warmer climes) and Panicoideae
as pectin lyase from weed and tree pollen, the glycolytic (e.g. Paspalum spp., found in more tropical climes) have been
enzymes from fungi such as enolase, alcohol dehydrogenase, described. The pollen allergens from the different grass species
aldolase and phosphoglycerate kinase, and glutathione transferases were originally divided into groups on the basis of marked
from cockroach and dust mites. Similarly, many show enzyme physicochemical and immunochemical similarities, and this
inhibitory activity or demonstrate marked sequence homology scheme has now been adopted for similar allergens derived
to known inhibitors, and are commonly found in seeds, potatoes, from sources other than grass pollen. Grass pollen allergens
pollens, and hens’ egg white. Many others are proteins involved may be divided into about 13 groups with varied functions
in the transport of ligands such as lipids, pheromones, electrons, associated with fertilization and pollen tube growth including
oxygen and iron, particularly the lipocalin allergens from animals expansins, extensins, ribonucleases, glucosidases, protease
such as rodents, dogs, cows, and horses. In addition, several inhibitor-like proteins, calcium binding proteins and profilins
pollen allergens have also been found to demonstrate homology (Appendix 17.1).
with proteins known to transport a variety of ligands such as
electrons, iron, oxygen, and lipid. Some allergens have been
Weed pollen aeroallergens
shown to be similar to a disparate but ubiquitous group of
proteins known or considered to possess regulatory properties. The principal weed (referred to as such because they represent
These allergens are also encountered as antigens in parasite unwanted plants within a garden or field) pollen allergens
infection and autoimmunity and include profilins, the EF-hand associated with allergic disease are those belonging to the
calcium binding proteins, the cytoskeletal protein tropomyosin Asteraceae such as ragweed, mugwort, sunflower and feverfew,
and heat shock proteins. Although their regulatory properties and wall-pellitory belonging to the Urticaceae. Several allergens
are varied, many appear to be associated with actin biology. The from these species have been obtained but the most intensively
availability of cDNA coding of several of these allergens has studied source is ragweed. In this regard, the major allergens in
now made it possible to determine the three-dimensional this species are pectate lyases which are involved in the
structures of some of the most important (Fig. 17.12). breakdown of pectin. A variety of other enzymes are necessary
for pectin degradation such as polygalacturonase, polymethyl-
galacturonase and pectin methylesterase, pectate lyase, pectin
Airborne allergens
lyase and exopolygalacturonate lyase, all of which appear to be
significant allergens in weed and tree pollens. Other common
Grass pollen aeroallergens
allergens include calcium binding proteins, profilins and lipid
Allergens from a variety of grass pollens from species belonging transfer proteins. The latter proteins are common allergens
to the clinically important subfamilies Pooideae (e.g. Lolium found in other sources such as seeds and belong to the prolamin
and Phleum spp., found in temperate climes), Chloridoideae superfamily (Appendix 17.2).
262 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Table 17.6 The relationship between plant pathogenesis related proteins and allergens
PR-3 - type I (basic), II (acidic), IV, V, VI, VII chitinases; PR-4 - type I, II chitinases;
PR-11 - type I chitinase; ?indicates that allergens belonging to a particular group have yet to be
allergen extracts are now becoming available which meet AIR POLLUTION
appropriate requirements of potency and reproducibility for
both diagnostic and immunotherapeutic purposes and contain Definition: Pollutants are, in general, not allergens but they may
defined concentrations of specific allergens. With regard to exacerbate allergic diseases. Major pollutants, which may
using individual allergens for diagnostic and immunotherapeutic derive from both outdoor and indoor sources, include ozone,
purposes, recombinant allergens as well as immunotherapeutic nitrogen dioxide, diesel fumes and cigarette smoke.
peptides are now being developed.
Monitoring allergen exposure
The air that we breathe, whether indoors or outdoors, is
Monitoring the allergen source or individual allergen concentration universally contaminated by particles and gases emanating from
can prove useful in several situations. For example, monitoring both natural and artificial sources. These pollutants reach the
atmospheric pollen concentrations can warn people at risk of eyes, the nose, the upper and lower airway, and the lung
seasonal allergies. However, monitoring atmospheric concen- parenchyma (Fig. 17.13). Airborne allergens, of course, have a
trations of pollen and fungi should include a precise identifi- prominent role in causing and exacerbating allergic diseases,
cation of the airborne particles and/or allergens so as to including hayfever and asthma. The effects of these non-
distinguish between allergenic and non-allergenic species. allergenic substances are relevant to the allergist. Some of these
Specific allergen concentration monitoring may also be useful pollutants augment responses to allergens, and people with
to determine whether atmospheric concentrations constitute a allergic diseases tend to be more susceptible to a number of
risk in the workplace or in the home. In the workplace it has key indoor and outdoor pollutants. Symptoms caused by air
proved relatively easy to monitor airborne allergen but in the pollutants, particularly at higher levels of exposure, may tend
home the allergen content of settled dust is usually sampled. to mimic symptoms of allergic diseases. Patients with allergic
Here, mAb assays have proved very useful and kits are available diseases may turn to allergists for guidance concerning the self-
to measure allergen from mite, cockroach, and cat. These assays management of their susceptibility to air pollution, particularly
have helped in determining the concentrations of allergen at a time when air pollution warnings are issued.
associated with sensitization and provocation (Table 17.8). Such People with allergic diseases may be exposed to air
assays for measuring allergen concentrations are useful for assessing pollutants in diverse indoor and outdoor environments
the effectiveness and timing of allergen avoidance measures. (Fig. 17.14). The term microenvironment refers to locations
that have unique air quality characteristics. For a typical adult,
relevant microenvironments across the day might include the
Allergen avoidance and immunotherapy
home, vehicles, the office, city streets, and various public places
One approach to reducing allergen-induced disease is to avoid such as restaurants, bars, sports facilities, and shopping areas.
the allergen source. This has had some success but, in many For children, school and childcare facilities are relevant micro-
instances, total avoidance proves impossible. The simplest is to environments in addition to the home and its environs.
change jobs or move residence, but this is not often practical Exposures in any of the microenvironments may be clinically
because of the social and financial circumstance involved and relevant, and a detailed and systematic history is needed to
the possibility that other allergens in the new location may cover exposures in each microenvironment.
show cross-reactivity with the allergen being avoided. It is also
possible to remove the source completely, e.g. by relinquishing OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION
the family pet, killing mites with acaracides, or installing high-
efficiency filters to remove allergens from the atmosphere. A Pollutants in outdoor air can come from natural sources, such
more recent approach is to attempt to modify the allergen itself as vegetation, the sea, and volcanoes; more relevant to health
so as to render it non-allergenic, e.g. by chemically modifying are the pollutants from artificial sources that contaminate not
allergens such as those from the mite, with tannic acid. only urban areas but broader regions of entire countries, such
Allergens are also used in immunotherapy, particularly when as the central and eastern portion of the USA and many
patients are monosensitized. Despite our lack of understanding countries of the former Soviet Republic. These artificial sources
of the mechanisms underlying the clinical benefit observed, a can be broadly grouped as either stationary or mobile. The
number of novel methods for antigen delivery are currently stationary sources include power-generating stations, which may
under investigation. In this regard, ‘naked’ DNA vaccines burn coal, natural gas, or petroleum; fossil-fuel-burning industrial
comprising DNA coding for specific allergens rather than plants; and various additional manufacturing facilities. Mobile
protein per se offers potential. For further details, the reader is sources include gasoline- and diesel-fuelled vehicles.
directed to Chapter 12. The principal outdoor air pollutants relevant to persons with
allergic diseases are typically present in complex mixtures, and
the evidence for toxicity of the individual pollutants may not
CONCLUSIONS fully reflect the effect of the mixture. Fossil-fuel combustion
Over the last few years, progress in allergen research has been typically generates primary particles in a size range that extends
considerable and the majority of the clinically important down to particles that are small enough to enter the lung. It
allergens have now been characterized. All these developments also generates gases, including oxides of sulfur and nitrogen as
should contribute significantly to our understanding of the well as carbon monoxide. The last of these impairs oxygen
nature of allergens and how they interact with the mechanisms transport by binding to hemoglobin but it does not have toxicity
involved in the disease process and, ultimately, result in better that specifically affects people with allergic diseases. Sulfur
management of allergic conditions. oxides and nitrogen oxides undergo chemical transformation to
Air Pollution and Allergic Diseases • 265
form respirable secondary sulfate- and nitrate-containing and copiers, may increase emissions of volatile organic
particles, some of which are acidic. These small particles may compounds. Two other indoor pollutants – radon and asbestos –
also have heavy metals and organic chemicals on their surfaces, are carcinogens but are of no direct relevance to allergic diseases.
which can leach out in the airways to produce toxic effects.
Sulfur dioxide, a highly soluble gas, is efficiently absorbed in
the nose and upper airway whereas nitrogen dioxide, a less
soluble gas, reaches the smaller airways of the lung. The toxicity of the various air pollutants depends on the site of
In areas with both heavy vehicle traffic and high levels of deposition and the specific chemical properties of the
sunlight, photochemical pollution or smog is generated. This pollutants (Table 17.9). The more water-soluble pollutants
type of pollution is a rich mixture of oxidative chemicals, affect the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper airway
generally indexed by the level of ozone (O3). First identified in and do not reach the lower airways and alveoli without the
Los Angeles about 50 years ago, ozone pollution may become increased ventilation that results from exercise; less soluble
an increasingly widespread problem as urbanization has grown gases, including nitrogen dioxide and ozone, can reach the
and cities have become progressively choked by vehicle traffic. lungs, where absorption from the airways is greatest. The site
In the USA, the problem of ozone pollution extends across the of particle deposition depends largely on the size of the particles,
eastern portions of the country in the summer and affects many which is usually expressed as the aerodynamic diameter
of the world’s ‘mega-cities’. (Fig. 17.15). The larger airborne particles – those above approxi-
Various point sources of pollution may also affect persons mately 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter and referred to as
with allergic diseases. Volatile organic compounds, which exist PM10 – do not penetrate into the respiratory tract, and particles
as gases at typical temperatures, and other respiratory irritants of size PM10 down to PM2.5 are filtered in the upper airway.
may contaminate air in communities and more specific sensitizing Particles less than 2.5 µm in diameter can enter the lower
agents may also be released. respiratory tract, whereas the smaller particles – those under
One of the best-known examples is the recent identification 1 µm in diameter – deposit in the small airways and alveoli.
of the unloading of soybeans as the cause of sporadically Inflammation is central to the response of the respiratory
occurring days of endemic asthma in Barcelona. Faulty tract, and probably also of the eye, to non-allergenic pollutants.
equipment at a silo in the harbor resulted in the release of soy Although specific mechanisms of action differ, all these
dust into the air; this dust contains an allergen now known to pollutants initiate inflammation at the sites of deposition. In
be a cause of asthma. Installation of filters ended the epidemic. experimental studies, pollution exposure has been shown to
Similar asthma episodes in New Orleans decades earlier have provide cytokine release and neutrophil influx. The effects of
now also been linked to the unloading of soybeans. The prolonged exposures to most pollutants are not yet well
Barcelona epidemic provides a reminder of the limits of our characterized, although experimental and epidemiologic evidence
understanding of the environmental determinants of asthma. indicates the possibility of airways fibrosis and narrowing
and airspace enlargement, which leads to reduced ventilatory
function. Increased frequency of respiratory symptoms is
Indoor air pollutants are even more diverse than outdoor air This inflammation may be of consequence to the allergic
pollutants, and many outdoor pollutants penetrate indoors. The disorders through several pathways. The presence of this non-
indoor pollutants can be broadly grouped by source and type specific inflammation may enhance responses to allergens –
(Table 17.7). Indoor environments are, of course, principal facilitation of allergen penetration as a result of increased
microenvironments for exposure to allergens. Tobacco smoking permeability of the respiratory epithelium is a proposed
releases fine particles and gases, including irritants such as mechanism. In experimental exposures of volunteers with
acrolein and various aldehydes. The mixture of exhaled smoke asthma, exposures to ozone or nitrogen dioxide enhance the
and smoke released by the smoldering cigarette is referred to as response to subsequent antigen challenge. There is also the
environmental tobacco smoke. Nicotine is present as a gas in possibility of synergism between inflammation caused by air
environmental tobacco smoke. Homes with smokers tend to pollution and that provoked by allergens. With regard to asthma,
have much higher levels of respirable particles than homes heightened airway responsiveness secondary to pollutant exposure
without smokers. Gas-fired ranges and ovens emit nitrogen might augment the response to allergens and make clinically
dioxide, particularly if they have continuously burning pilot relevant effects more frequent.
lights. Space heating devices also release nitrogen dioxide, and
kerosene combustion may generate acids from sulfur that is
present in the fuel. In the developing world, smoke from
burning of biomass fuels is a dominant contributor to personal
Allergic rhinitis
exposure. In developed countries, properly operated wood-
stoves and fireplaces have little impact on indoor air quality. The nose acts as a filter, removing larger particles and soluble
Many different volatile organic compounds are found in gases from inhaled air. Inflammatory responses of the nose
indoor air; they come from building materials, furnishings, following inhalation of various pollutants have been well
household products, office equipment, and other sources. described. Ozone characteristically causes burning and irritation
Formaldehyde is the best known of this group of relatively low- of the eyes and upper airway, including the nose. Pollutant
molecular-weight chemicals that are in a gaseous form at room gases have been shown to induce inflammation in the nose and
temperature. Concentrations are typically highest when a eyes. However, clinically relevant consequences of air pollution
building is new and then decline as materials age. However, exposure for persons with allergic rhinitis have received little
renovations and new processes and equipment, such as printers attention.
266 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Contaminant Source
Chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, tremolite Some wall and ceiling insulation installed between 1930 and 1950; old
insulation on heating pipes and equipment; old woodstove door gaskets; some
vinyl floor tiles; drywall joint finishing material and textures paint purchased
before 1977; cement asbestos millboard and exterior wall shingles; some
sprayed and troweled ceiling finish plaster installed between 1945 and 1973;
fire retardant sprayed into some structural steal beams
Combustion by-products
Carbon monoxide, nitrogen- and sulfur dioxide Gas ranges; wood and coal stoves; fireplaces; backdraft of exhaust flues;
particulate soot, nitrogenated compounds candles and incense
Tobacco smoke
Carbon monoxide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Cigarettes, pipes, cigars
hydrogen cyanide, nitrosamines, aromatic
hydrocarbons, benzo[a]pyrene, particles,
benzene, formaldehyde, nicotine
Some particleboard, plywood, pressboard, paneling, some carpeting and carpet
backing, some furniture and dyed materials, UFFI, some household cleaners and
deodorizers, combustion gas, tobacco, wood, some glues and resins, tobacco
smoke, cosmetics, permanent-press textiles
Microbiological organisms
Fungal spores; bacteria; viruses; pollens; Mold, mildew, and other fungi, humidifiers with stagnant water, water-damaged
arthropods; protozoa surfaces and materials, condensing coils and drip pans in HVAC systems,
refrigerator drainage pans, some thermophilics on dirty heating coils, animals,
rodents, insects, humans
Radon gas, 210Bi, 218Po, 210Po, 210Pb Soil, rocks, water (gas diffuses through cracks and holes in the foundation and
floor), well water, natural gas used near the source wells, some building material
such as granite
Modified from Samet JM et al. Indoor air pollution. In: Rom WN, ed. Environmental and occupational medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott – Raven;
1998:1523–1537. HVAC, heating ventilation and air conditioning; UFFI, urea-formaldehyde foam insulation.
Asthma brief and limited to lower levels of pollutants, and the protocols
generally exclude people with more severe disease.
The role of air pollution in causing and exacerbating asthma has There is little indication that the general types of air
been investigated extensively. Many of the relevant data come pollution found in urban and industrialized areas contribute to
from epidemiologic studies that have been directed at either the production of asthma. Some reports describe a higher
assessing risk factors for disease or determining if the status of prevalence of non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness in
people with asthma varies in relation to air pollution exposure. more polluted areas but definitive links to asthma have not
Additional data come from controlled air pollution exposures been made. Some outbreaks of asthma have been linked to
of volunteers with asthma, a research design often referred to specific agents, such as the problem of soy bean asthma in
as a clinical study. In clinical studies, exposures are of necessity Barcelona, but such episodes appear to be infrequent.
Air Pollution and Allergic Diseases • 267
modes of transport
Table 17.9 Pathophysiologic responses of respiratory tract to environmental particles and gases
Modified from Utell MJ, Samet JM. Environmentally mediated disorders of the respiratory tract. Med Clin North Am 1990; 74:291–306.
Air Pollution and Allergic Diseases • 269
0.8 nasal-P
deposition fraction
0.2 T-bronchial
0.1 Fig. 17.17 Reported risk ratios (95% confidence intervals) in young
children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke in studies that
0 used clinically recognized asthma as an outcome. (From Office of
0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 5 10 50 100 Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, 1997.)
mass median aerodynamic diameter
100 best
Der p1 (µg/g of dust)
PC40 (g/L)
r = −0.66 1
p= 0.001
relative risk of asthma visit
Table 17.10 Expected filter performance ratings for different filter types
From Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 156:S31–S64, © American Thoracic Society. DOP, dioctyl phthalate; HEPA, high efficiency particulate air
Tobacco smoking in the home can be limited and many particulate air filters for particles and a sorbent for gases. Table
countries are implementing workplace regulations to prohibit 17.10 reviews the principal types of filters and their perform-
or limit smoking. Increasingly, products are being manufactured ances. These devices can clean pollutants from air but the
with low emission rates of various volatile organic compounds. volumes handled are limited in relation to room size. Clinically
Proper venting of combustion appliances and use of gas cookers relevant effects have not been shown and most clinical trials on
and ranges without pilot lights further reduce exposure to air cleaners have not had sufficiently large sample sizes.
combustion gases. Exposures to most outdoor pollutants can be reduced by
Air cleaning devices can remove both particles and gases. staying indoors. The concentration of ozone, a reactive gas, is
The most up-to-date devices incorporate high-efficiency typically much lower indoors than outdoors. Small particles do
Further Reading • 271
penetrate indoors, but concentrations are generally lower than Air pollution regulations in many countries have been devised
outdoors. At times when pollutant levels are high, people with to control adverse health effects for everyone, including those
asthma can be counseled to stay indoors and, in particular, to with asthma. However, protecting the most susceptible people
avoid vigorous exercise. The response to air pollutants may be may not be possible.
blunted by inhaled sympathomimetics and cromolin sodium.
Aalberse RC. Structural biology of Breiteneder H, Mills EN. Molecular Kurup VP. Fungal allergens. Curr Allergy
allergens. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000; properties of food allergens. J Allergy Asthma Rep 2003; 3:416–423.
106:228–238. Clin Immunol. 2005; 115:14–23. Peden DB. Effect of pollutants in rhinitis.
Alexis N, Barnes C, Bernstein I, et al. Chen LL, Tager IB, Peden DB, et al. Effect Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2001;
Rostrum article: Health effects of air of ozone exposure on airway responses 1(3):242–246.
pollution. What the allergist needs to to inhaled allergen in asthmatic Peden DB. Influences on the development
know. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 114 subjects. Chest 2004; of allergy and asthma. Toxicology 2002;
(5):1116–1123. 125(6):2328–2335. 181–182, 323–328.
Alexis N, Lay JC, Almond M, et al. Inhalation Douwes J, Le Gros G, Gibson P, et al. Can Stewart GA, Thompson PJ. The biochemistry
of low dose endotoxin by human bacterial endotoxin exposure reverse of common aeroallergens. Clin Exp
volunteers favors a local TH2 response atopy and atopic disease?, J Allergy Allergy 1996; 26:1020–1044.
profile and primes airway phagocytes in Clin Immunol 2004; 114:1051–1054.
vivo, J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; Eggleston PA. Improving indoor
114(6):1325–1331. environments: reducing allergen
Arruda LK. Cockroach allergens. Curr exposures. J Allergy Clin Immunol
Allergy Asthma Rep 2005; 5:411–416. 2005; 116:122–126.
272 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
1 2
Allergen Frequency of reactivity Mol. weight (K) CHO Function
Frequency data presented in each of these tables have been derived from many sources and will be dependent on a variety of factors. In addition, the
data presented may reflect immediate hypersensitivity diseases including atopic dermatitis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) as well as
delayed type hypersensitivity disease. 2Indicates presence of potential or demonstrated N- or O-glycosylation site. Specific examples of an allergen within
the group are shown in parentheses. 3Allergens in these groups do not appear to be present in pollens from grasses in the Chloridoideae [e.g. Bermuda
grass (Cynodon dactylon)]. ? Indicates lack of data. Tables modified from Stewart GA, Robinson C. Allergen structure and function. In: Adkinson NFJ,
Yunginger JW, Busse WW, et al, eds. Middleton’s allergy: principles and practice. Philadelphia: Mosby; 2003:585–609.
Appendix 17.2 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of pollen-derived aeroallergens from weed and Brassica species
Short ragweed
Amb a 1 > 90 40 Yes Pectate lyase
Amb a 2 > 90 41 Yes Pectate lyase
Amb a 3 51 11 Yes Shows homology with electron transport proteins
Amb a 5 17 5 No Function unknown
Amb a 6 21 11 No Lipid transfer protein
Amb a 7 20 12 Shows homology with electron transport proteins
Amb a 10 ? 12 Cytochrome c
Profilin ? 14 No Profilin, actin binding protein
Cystatin 30 10 No Cysteine protease inhibitor
Mugwort (Artemisia
Art v 1* > 90 11 Yes Function unknown; contains antifungal plant
defensin-like domain and a hydroxyproline/
praline rich domain
Art v 2 33 20 Yes Function unknown
Art v 3 ? 10 Lipid transfer protein
Profilin ? 14 No Profilin
Feverfew (Parthenium
Par h 1 > 90 31 Yes Extensin
Sunflower (Helianthus
Hel a 2 31 14 No Profilin
Hel a 5 ? ? Expansins
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 273
Appendix 17.2 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of pollen-derived aeroallergens from weed and Brassica species—cont’d
(Parietaria spp.)
Group 1 (Par o 1) 100 14 Yes Lipid transfer protein
Group 2 (Par o 2) 82 11 Yes Lipid transfer protein
Group 3 (Par j 3) ? 14 No Profilin
Oilseed rape
(Brassica napus)
Bra n 1 ? 9 Calcium binding protein, shows homology with
grass Cyn d 7 allergen
Bra n 2 ? 9 Calcium binding protein
6/8 kDa protein 50 6/8 Calcium binding protein
14 kDa protein 34 14 Profilin
27–69 kDa cluster 80 27–69 Shows homology with grass pollen group 4
allergens, pectate lyase?
40 kDa protein ? 40 Receptor-like protein kinase
43 kDa protein 28–56 43 Yes Polygalacturonase
70 kDa protein ? 70 Berberine bridge protein
80 kDa protein ? 80 Cobalamin-independent methionine synthetase
TRX-H-1 ? 14 Thioredoxin
PCP-1 ? 9 Pollen coat protein
Turnip (Brassica rapa)
Bra r 1 ? 9 Calcium binding protein, shows homology with
grass Cyn d 7 allergen
Bra r 2 ? 9 Calcium binding protein
PEC-1 > 30 13 Lipid transfer protein
PEC-2 ? 14 Thioredoxin
PCP-1 ? 9 Pollen coat protein
Mercurialis annua
Mer a 1 > 59 14 Profilin, an actin binding protein
Chenopodium album
Che a 1 77 17 Yes Shows homology with Ole e 1
*Art v 1 was previously described as a 47–60 kDa allergen. In the absence of sequence data, it has now been replaced by the 11 kDa allergen.
Appendix 17.3 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of angiosperm tree pollen aeroallergens
Appendix 17.3 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of angiosperm tree pollen aeroallergens—cont’d
Appendix 17.4 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of gymnosperm tree pollen aeroallergens
Japanese cedar
(Cryptomeria japonica)
Cry j 1 > 85 39 Yes Pectate lyase; shows homology with bacterial
pectate lyase and Amb a 1 and 2
Cry j 2 76 37 Yes Polymethylgalacturonase
Japanese juniper
(Juniperus rigida)
70 kDa allergen 100 70 Yes Function unknown
Mountain cedar
(Juniperus ashei)
Jun a 1 71 40 Yes Pectate lyase
Jun a 2 100 43 Yes Polymethylgalacturonase
Jun a 3 43 30 Yes Shows homology with thaumatin, osmotin and
amylase/trypsin inhibitor
Eastern red cedar
(Juniperus virginiana)
Jun v 1 46-92 43 Yes Pectate lyase
Jun v 3 ? 10 No Shows homology with thaumatin, osmotin and
amylase/trypsin inhibitor
Jun v 4 85 145 Function unknown
Prickly juniper
(Juniperus oxycedrus)
Jun o 1 ? 40 Yes Pectate lyase
Jun o 4 ? 18 Yes Calcium binding protein
Cypress (Cupressus
Cup s 1 81 42 Yes Pectate lyase
Cypress (Cupressus
Cup a 1 57 43 Yes Pectate lyase
Cup a 3 ? ? No Shows homology with thaumatin, osmotin and
amylase/trypsin inhibitor
Japanese cypress
(Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Cha o 1 > 50 38 Yes Pectate lyase
Cha o 2 83 46 Yes Polymethylgalacturonase
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 275
Castor bean (Ricinus
Ric c 1 96 2S albumin
Short chain 4 No
Long chain 7 No
Ric c 2 ? 47 11 S crystalloid protein
Ric c 3 ? 47–51 Function unknown
Seed husk allergens
(Glycine max)
Gly m 1 95 8 Cysteine rich, hydrophobic seed protein,
member of lipid transfer protein family
Gly m 2 95 8 Function unknown
*Soybean (Glycine
Trypsin inhibitor (B) 86 20 No Kunitz protease inhibitor
Lipoxygenase ? 94 Yes Lipoxygenase
Barley (Hordeum
Hor v 15 ? 14 α-Amylase/trypsin inhibitor; shows homology
with wheat allergens and 2S albumin allergens
Hor v 16 > 96 64 α-Amylase (1,4,-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase)
Hor v 17 > 96 60 β-Amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan maltohydrolase)
Hor v 21 91 34 Hordein, shows homology with rye secalins and
wheat gliadins
Rice (Oryza sativa)
Ory s 1 > 90 15 α-Amylase inhibitor; shows homology with
wheat and barley α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor
33 kDa protein ? 33 Glyoxalase I
Wheat (Triticum spp.)
Tr i a 3 Function unknown; found in wheat ovaries;
shows homology with pollen allergens
Tri a 18 ? 17 Lectin
Tri a 19 100 65 α-Gliadin, shows homology with rye secalins
and barley hordein
CM16 > 50 13 Yes Wheat α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor; shows homology
with barley allergens and 2S albumin allergens
276 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Alternaria alternata
Alt a 1 > 80 14 Yes Function unknown
Alt a 2 61 20 EIF-2 α kinase
Alt a 3 ? 70 Yes Heat shock protein 70
Alt a 4 ? 57 Protein disulfide isomerase
Alt a 6 8 11 Yes Ribosomal P2 protein, shows homology with
Cla h 4
Alt a 7 7 22 No 1,4-benzoquinone reductase, shows homology
with Cla h 5
Alt a 10 2 54 Yes Aldehyde dehydrogenase, shows homology with
Cla h 3
Alt a 11 50 46 Yes Enolase
Alt a 12 ? 12 Ribosomal P1 protein
22 kDa allergen < 50 22 No trp repressor-binding protein; shows homology
with flavodoxins
Aspergillus fumigatus
Asp f 1 85 17 No Ribonuclease; shows homology with mitocillin
Asp f 2 96 36 Yes Shows homology with Candida albicans
fibrinogen binding protein
Asp f 3 84 19 Yes Peroxisomal membrane protein, belongs to
the peroxiredoxin family, thiol-dependent
Asp f 4 *78–83 40 No Shows homology with bacterial ABC transporter
binding protein, associated with peroxisome
Asp f 5 74 40 Metalloprotease
Asp f 6 *42–56 27 No Manganese superoxide dismutase, shows
homology with Hev b 10
Asp f 7 29 12 No Shows homology with fungal riboflavin,
aldehyde-forming enzyme
Asp f 8 8–15 11 No Ribosomal P2 protein
Asp f 9 31 34 Shows homology with plant and bacterial
endo-β-1,3-1,4 glucanases
Asp f 10 3 34 Aspartic protease
Asp f 11 ? 24 Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)
Asp f 12 ? 90 Yes Heat shock protein 90
Asp f 13 > 60 34 Yes Alkaline serine protease
Asp f 15 ? 16 Yes Shows homology with a serine protease
antigen from Coccidioides immitis, also
designated Asp f 13
Asp f 16 70 43 Shows homology with Asp f 9
Asp f 18 79 34 Vacuolar serine protease
Asp f 22 30 47 Yes Enolase, shows homology with Pen c 22
Cla h 1 > 60 13 Function unknown
Cla h 2 43 19 Yes Function unknown
Cla h 3 36 53 Yes Aldehyde dehydrogenase
Cla h 4 22 11 Yes Ribosomal P2 protein
Cla h 5 22 22 No 1,4-benzoquinone reductase, shows homology
Cla h 5
Cla h 6 20 48 Enolase
Cla h 12 ? 11 Ribosomal P1 protein
HSP 70 ? 70 Yes Heat shock protein, also denominated Cla h 4
Pen ch 13 > 80 34 Yes Alkaline serine protease
Pen ch 18 > 80 28–34 Vacuolar serine protease
Pen ch 20 56 62 Yes Shows homology with β-N-acetylglucosaminidase
from Candida albicans
Penicillium citrinum
Pen c 3 46 18 Peroxisomal membrane protein, belongs to the
peroxiredoxin family, thiol-dependent peroxidase
Pen c 13 100 33 Yes Alkaline serine protease
278 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Malassezia furfur
Mala f 1 61 36 Yes Function unknown; cell wall protein
Mala f 2 72 21 Yes Peroxisomal membrane protein, belongs to the
peroxiredoxin family, thiol-dependent peroxidase,
shows homology with Asp f 3
Mala f 3 70 20 Yes Peroxisomal membrane protein, belongs to the
peroxiredoxin family, thiol-dependent peroxidase,
shows homology with Asp f 3 and Mala f 2
Mala f 4 ? 36 Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase
Mala f 5 ? 18 Peroxisomal membrane protein, belongs to the
peroxiredoxin family, thiol-dependent peroxidase,
shows homology with Mala f 2/3 and Asp f 3
Mala f 6 ? 17 Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)
Mala f 7 89 16 Function unknown
Mal f 8 ? 19 Shows homology with immunoreactive
mannoprotein from Cryptococcus neoformans
Mala f 9 44 14 Function unknown
Coprinus comatus
Cop c 1 25 9 Leucine zipper protein
Cop c 2 19 12 Thioredoxin
Cop c 3 ? 37 Function unknown
Cop c 5 ? 16 Function unknown
Cop c 7 ? 16 Function unknown
Psilocybe cubensis
Psi c 1 > 50 46 Function unknown
Psi c 2 > 50 16 Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)
Rho m 1 21 47 Enolase
Rho m 2 ? 31 Vacuolar serine protease
Fungal allergens
Aspergillus niger
Asp n 14 14 105 β-Xylosidase
Asp n 18 ? ? Vacuolar serine protease
Asp n 25 > 50 50 Yes Histidine acid phosphatase (phytase)
Pectinase ? 35 Yes Poly(1,4)-α-D-galacturonidase
Cellulase 8 26 1,4-(1,3;1,4)-β-D-glucan glucanhydrolase
Glucoamylase 5 66 Yes 1,4-α-D-glucan glucanhydrolase
Aspergillus oryzae
Asp o 13 ? 34 Yes Alkaline serine protease; belongs to subtilase
Asp o 21 56 52 Yes α-Amylase
Lactase ? ? 1,4-β-D-Galactoside galactohydrolase
Renin ? 34 No Aspartate protease; shows homology with
mammalian and cockroach pepsins
Bacterial proteases
Bacillus subtilis
Alcalase > 50 28 Yes Subtilisin serine protease
Bacillus licheniformis
Esperase > 50 28 Yes Subtilisin serine protease
Clostridium histolyticum
**Collagenase > 50 68–125 Metalloprotease
Pawpaw (Carica papaya)
Car p 1 ? 23 No Papain, cysteine protease
Kiwi fruit (Actinidia
Act c 1 100 30 No Actinidin, cysteine protease
Act c 2 100 24 Yes Thaumatin-like protein, possesses antifungal
Pineapple (Ananas
Ana c 1 ? 23 Yes Bromelain, cysteine protease
Mammalian proteases
Trypsin (porcine) ? 24 Serine protease; shows homology with mite
groups 3, 6 and 9 allergens
Chymotrypsin (bovine) ? 25 Serine protease; shows homology with mite
groups 3, 6, and 9 allergens
Pepsin (porcine) ? 35 Aspartate protease; shows homology with
Bla g 2 and renin
Egg yolk
Gal d 5 > 50 65–70 Serum albumin (α-livetin)
Yellow mustard seed
(Sinapis alba L.)
Sin a 1 ? 2S albumin
Short chain 4 No
Long chain 10 No
Oriental mustard seed
(Brassica juncea)
Bra j 1 ? 2S albumin
Short chain 4 No
Long chain 10 No
Oilseed rape
(Brassica napus)
BnIII (Bra r 1) ? 2S albumin
Short chain 4 No
Long chain 10 No
Castor bean (Ricinus
Ric c 1 96 2S albumin
Short chain 4 No
Long chain 7 No
Ric c 2 ? 47 11 S crystalloid protein
Ric c 3 ? 47–51 Function unknown
Seed husk allergens
(Glycine max)
+Gly m 1 95 8 Cysteine rich, hydrophobic seed protein,
member of lipid transfer protein family
Gly m 2 95 8 Function unknown
*Soybean (Glycine max)
Trypsin-inhibitor (B) 86 20 No Kunitz protease inhibitor
Lipoxygenase ? 94 Yes Lipoxygenase
Barley (Hordeum
Hor v 15 ? 14 α-Amylase/trypsin inhibitor; shows homology
with wheat allergens and 2S albumin allergens
Hor v 16 > 96 64 α-Amylase (1,4,-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase)
Hor v 17 > 96 60 β-Amylase (1,4-α-D-glucan maltohydrolase)
Hor v 21 91 34 Hordein, shows homology with rye secalins
and wheat gliadins
Rice (Ores sativa)
Ory s 1 > 90 15 α-Amylase inhibitor; shows homology with
wheat and barley α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor
33 kDa protein ? 33 Glyoxalase I
Wheat (Triticum spp.)
Tr i a 3 Function unknown; found in wheat ovaries;
shows homology with pollen allergens
Tri a 18 ? 17 Lectin
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 281
Appendix 17.9 Physicochemical and biochemical characterization of animal and dander allergens
Appendix 17.9 Physicochemical and biochemical characterization of animal and dander allergens—cont’d
*Truncated variants of β chain present in extracts. Mol. wt given represents dimer; each chain approx. 18 K.
Blood worm
(Chironomus thummi
Chi t l to 9 > 50 15 No Hemoglobin
Cladotanytarsus lewisi
Cla l 1 > 50 17 Hemoglobin
Polypedium nubifer
Pol n 1 > 50 17 Hemoglobin
Chironomus kiiensis
Chi k 10 ? 33 Tropomyosin
German cockroach
(Blattella germanica)
Bla g 1 50 25 Shows homology with Per a 1 allergen, Cr PII,
and with ANG12 secretory mosquito protein
Bla g 2 58 36 Yes Aspartate protease (inactive)
Bla g 4 40–60 21 Lipocalin
Bla g 5 70 23 No Glutathione transferase
Bla g 6 50 27 Troponin C
American cockroach
(Periplaneta americana)
Per a 1 50 24 Shows homology with Bla g 1 allergen, Cr-PII
and ANG12 secretory mosquito protein
Per a 3 83 78 Yes Hexamerin, subunit protein showing homology
with larval insect storage proteins
Per a 7 50 72 Tropomyosin
Indian meal moth
(Plodia interpunctella)
Plo i 1 25 40 Yes Arginine kinase
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 283
*Glycosylated and non-glycosylated form. Frequency determined in dogs with atopic dermatitis.
Appendix 17.12 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of ingested, animal-derived food allergens
Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar), Cod (Gadus
Group 1 100 12 No Parvalbumin, calcium binding protein
Shrimp (Metapenaeus
spp., Penaeus spp.)
Group 1 (Met p 1) > 50 34–36 Tropomyosin
Group 2 (Pen m 2) 70 39 Arginine kinase
284 • Chapter 17 • Allergens and Pollutants
Appendix 17.12 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of ingested, animal-derived food allergens—cont’d
Crab (Charybdis
Group 1 (Cha f 1) > 50 34 Tropomyosin
Squid (Todarodes
Group 1 (Tod p 1) > 50 38 Tropomyosin
Edible frog (Rana
Rana e 1 12 Parvalbumin α
Rana e 2 12 Parvalbumin β
Appendix 17.13 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of ingested seed and fruit allergens
Peanut (Arachis
Ara h 1 > 90 63 Yes Vicilin, seed storage protein
Ara h 2 > 90 17 Conglutin, seed storage protein
Ara h 3/4 35–53 14–60 Glycinin, seed storage protein
Ara h 4 43 36 Glycinin, seed storage protein
Ara h 5 16 14 Profilin, an actin binding protein
Ara h 6 38 16 Similar to conglutin
Ara h 7 43 15 Similar to conglutin
Ara h 8 85 17 Shows homology with Bet v1
Peanut agglutinin 50 *27 Lectin
**Soybean (Glycine
Gly m 3 69 14 No Profilin, an actin binding protein
Gly m Bd 30K/P34 90 34 Yes Syringolide receptor, seed vacuolar protein;
shows homology with mite group 1 allergen,
papain and bromelain but not active
Gly m Bd 28K > 50 22 Yes Vicilin-like glycoprotein, shows homology with
Ara h 1
21 kDa allergen ? 22 A member of the G2 glycinin family
G1 glycinin ? 40 A member of the G1 glycinin family, shows
homology with Ara h 3
Gly m Bd 60K 25 60 β-Conglycinin seed storage protein
Brazil nut (Bertholletia
Ber e 1 100 9 2S albumin
English walnut (Juglans
Jug r 1 ? ? 2S albumin
Jug r 2 60 47 Vicilin-like glycoprotein
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum
esculentum Moench)
Fag e 1 > 50 26 β chain of 11S globulin
18 kDa protein 78 18 2S albumin, shows homology with BW10KD
16 kDa protein < 50 16 2S albumin, shows homology with BW10KD
9 kDa protein 50 9 Trypsin inhibitor
BW10KD 57 10 2S albumin
BW24KD > 50 24 Legumin-like storage protein
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 285
Appendix 17.13 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of ingested seed and fruit allergens—cont’d
Sunflower (Helianthus
16 kDa allergen 66 16/17 2S albumin
Celery (Apium
Api g 1 100 16 Pathogenesis-related protein; homolog ; shows
homology with Bet v 1
Api g 4 ? 14 No Profilin
Api g 5 ? ? Flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent oxidase
Apple (Malus
Mal d 1 ? 18 Pathogenesis related protein; shows homology
with Bet v 1
Mal d 2 ? ? Thaumatin-like protein
Mal d 3 11 No Non-specific lipid transfer protein
Mal d 4 ? 14 No Profilin
60 kDa allergen ? 60 Phosphoglyceromutase
Cherry (Prunus avium)
Pru av 1 89 18 Pathogenesis related protein; shows homology
with Bet v 1
Pru av 2? 100 23 Thaumatin-like protein
Pru av 3 ? 10 No Non-specific lipid transfer protein
Pru av 4 ? 14 No Profilin
Peach (Prunus persica)
Pru p 1 ? 9 No Non-specific lipid transfer protein
Potato (Solanum
Sol t 1 74 43 Patatin, defense related storage protein, has
PLA2 activity
Sol t 2 51 20 Cathepsin D protease inhibitor, kunitz type
protease inhibitor
Sol t 3 43 20 Cysteine protease inhibitor
Sol t 4 58 20 Aspartate protease inhibitor
Melon (Cucumis melo)
Cuc m 1 100 54 Yes Cucmisin; subtilisin serine protease
Cuc m 2 14 No Profilin, an actin binding protein
Cuc m 3 71 16 Pathogenesis related protein; shows homology
with the vespid group 5 allergens
Appendix 17.14 Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of stinging and biting insect allergens
Honey bee (Apis
Api m 1 > 90 15 Yes Phospholipase A2
Api m 2 95 41 Yes Hyaluronidase
Api m 3 > 50 49 No Acid phosphatase prostatic
Api m 4 < 50 3 Melittin
Api m 6 > 42 8 Function unknown
Api m 7 ? ? CUB serine protease
Bumble bee (Bombus
Bom p 1 ? ? Phospholipase A2
Bom p 4 ? ? Protease
Bom t 1 ? 49 Acid phosphatase
White faced and yellow
(Dolichovespula spp.),
paper wasps
(Polistes spp.) and
yellow jackets
(Vespula spp.)
Group 1 (Pol a 1) 46 34 Yes Phospholipase A1
Group 2 (Pol a 2) 26 39 Yes Hyaluronidase
Group 3 ? 49 Acid phosphatase
Group 4 (Pol d 4) 32–34 Serine protease
Group 5 (Pol a 5) 8 26 Yes Shows homology with cysteine rich secretory
protein found in epididymis, testis and salivary
gland, and pathogenesis related proteins
Fire ant (Solenopsis
Sola i 1 26 37 Phospholipase A1
Sola i 2 87 13 No Function unknown
Sola i 3 17 24 Yes Shows homology with the vespid group 5
Sola i 4 26 13 No Shows homology with Sol i 2
Australian jumper ant
(Myrmecia pilosula)
Myr p 1 > 50 9 No Pilosulin 1, function unknown
Myr p 2 35 5 No Function unknown
Mosquito (Aedes
Aed a 1 29–43 68 Apyrase
Aed a 2 11 37 Function unknown
Aed a 3 32 30 Function unknown
Flea (Ctenocephalides
Cte f 1 80 20 Function unknown
Cte f 2 ? 30 Salivary protein, shows homology with ant
Sol i 3 allergen, and vespid group 5 allergens
Kissing bug (Triatoma
Tria p 1 89 19 No Procalin, a member of the lipocalin family;
shows homology with triabin, a thrombin inhibitor
Appendix to Chapter 17 • 287
Anisakis simplex
Ani s 1 ? 24 Function unknown
Ani s 2 ? 97 Paramyosin
Ani s 3 ? 41 Tropomyosin
Ani s 4 75 9 Function unknown
Ascaris suum
ABA-1 > 80 14 Yes Polyprotein, lipid binding protein
EA21 80 17 Yes Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (cyclophilin) shows
homology with Mal f 6 and Asp f 11
EgEF-1 β/λ 56–90 14 Elongation factor
EgHSP70 57 70 Heat shock protein
AgB ? 12 Protease inhibitor
Antigen 5 ? 67 Dimer, 22 kDa chain and 38 kDa chain with
tryspin-like similarity although not active
Brugia malayi
58 kDa allergen 100 58 γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase
Bm 23–25 ? 23–25 Function unknown
Dirofilaria immitis
DiAg ? ? Polyprotein, function unknown
Trichinella spiralis
Serine proteases ? 18, 40, 50 Serine proteases
Trichostrongylus c
oubriformis (Sheep
31 kDa allergen ? 31 No Aspartyl protease inhibitor homolog (Aspin)
Necator americanus
60 kDa protein ? 60 Calreticulin
Schistosoma japonicum
23 kDa protein > 50 23 Yes Function unknown
90 kDa protein ? 90 ? Serine protease inhibitor
To the layman the word
allergy brings to mind the
symptoms of hayfever,
asthma, eczema, and
reactions to particular
IgE Structure,
foods and bee stings, or
the substance (allergen)
Receptors, and
that induces these
explosive and
occasionally fatal
reactions in sensitive
individuals. Atopic allergy Rebecca L Beavil, Andrew J Beavil, and Ilona G Reischl
refers to the common
mechanism underlying
these responses.
antibodies and IgE The allergic response differs from other immune responses in its dependence on
immunoglobulin E (IgE), its high-affinity receptor FcεRI, and the nature of the
receptors, FcεRI and primary effector cell – the tissue mast cell. IgE binds to cells that express FcεRI with
CD23, essential proteins such a high affinity that they are permanently coated with IgE, and thus sensitized for
in this mechanism, rapid activation when challenged with allergen. This activation, triggered by aggregation
of a few hundred receptor molecules by multivalent allergen, leads to the release of
are the subjects of molecules that provoke the symptoms of immediate hypersensitivity (Fig. 18.1). The
this chapter. high affinity of the IgE–receptor complex is mainly due to its extremely slow rate of
dissociation: the half-life of the IgE–FcεRI complex in solution is around 20 hours
(versus seconds for IgG), but over 2 weeks in body tissues such as the skin, where
diffusion is restricted and reassociation is favored. The stability of the IgE–FcεRI
complex, relative to that of IgG–receptor complexes [association constant (Ka) ~ 1010 M-1
for IgE, as against maximum Ka < 108 M-1 for IgG], is one of the major reasons for
the greater sensitivity and duration, which is so characteristic of the IgE response in
contrast to that of IgG. Another essential difference is the localized nature of allergic
reactions, which can be attributed to the fact that IgE is produced locally in tissue by
B cells, and FcεRI is expressed only on tissue mast cells, effector cells and antigen-
presenting cells (APCs), and not on their precursors in the circulation.
The IgE–receptor complexes on other cell types are also important in the stages
that precede and follow the immediate reaction to an allergen. During the first few
hours after the immediate response, cytokines and other mediators, released by the
activated mast cell, act on the local endothelium to attract T cells and inflammatory
cells, especially eosinophils, into the tissue. IgE secreted by B cells in allergic tissue
binds to FcεRI on the inflammatory cells, which can then contribute to the late
response in both IgE-antibody-dependent and -independent modes.
When allergen binds to IgE–FcεRI complexes in effector cells, the ternary complex
is internalized and digested by proteolytic enzymes. Although IgE and receptors are
consumed in these reactions, they are soon replaced. Dendritic cells, ‘professional’
APCs in the tissue, also bear IgE–FcεRI complexes, which bind allergen to initiate the
sequence of events culminating in the de novo synthesis of specific antibodies against
the allergen. This process involves the activation and differentiation of T cells, which
in turn activate cognate B cells. In allergic tissue, the activated B cells undergo heavy-
chain class switching to IgE and secrete IgE antibodies. These then bind to mast cells
to complete the cycle (see Fig. 18.1).
290 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
Epithelial Barrier and Transport Function Table 18.1 The essential characteristics of human IgE
ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; Ka, association constant.
Heavy chain
Light chain
common 1 (Q T Q L V Q S G A E V R K P G A S V R V C C K A S 25
sequence 26 Q Y T F I D S Y I H W I R Q A P G H G L E W V G W 50
51 I N P N S G G T N Y A P R F Q G R V T M T R D A S 75
76 F S T A Y M D L R S L R S D D S A V F Y C A K S D 100
101 P F W S D Y Y N F D Y S Y T L D V W G Q G T T V T 125
126 V S S) (A S T Q S P S V F P L T R C C K N I P S N A 150
151 T S V T L G C L A T G Y F P E P V M V T W D T G S 175
176 L N G T T M T L P A T T L T L S G H Y A T I S L L 200
201 T V S G A W A K Q M F T C R V A H T P S S T D W V 225
226 D N K T F S) (V C S R D F T P P T V K I L Q S S C D 250
251 G G G H F P P T I Q L L C L V S G Y T P G T I N I 275
276 T W L E D G Q V M D V D L S T A S T T Q E G E L A 300
301 S T Q S E L T L S Q K H W L S D R T Y T C Q V T Y 325
326 Q G H T F E D S T K K C A ) (D S N P R G V S A Y L S 350
351 R P S P F D L F I R K S P T I T C L V V D L A P S 375
376 K G T V N L T W S R A S G K P V N H S T R K E E K 400
401 Q R N G T L T V T S T L P V G T R D W I E G E T Y 425
426 Q C R V T H P H L P R A L M R S T T K T S ) (G P R A 450
451 A P E V Y A F A T P E W P G S R D K R T L A C L I 475
476 Q N F M P E D I S V Q W L H N E V Q L P D A R H S 500
501 T T Q P R K T K G S G F F V F S R L E V T R A E W 525
secreted 526 E Q K D E F I C R A V H E A A S P S Q T V Q R A V 550
form 551 S V N P.....
..... G K)
membrane .... (G L A G G S A Q S Q R A P D R V L C H S G 575
–long form 576 Q Q Q G L P R A R G G S V P H P R C H C G A G R A 600
601 D W P G P P E L D V C V E E A E G E A P W T W T G 625
626 L C I F A A L F L L S V S Y S A A L T L L M) ( V Q R 650
651 F L S A T R Q G R P Q T S L D Y T N V L Q P H A)
membrane (E L D V C V E E A E G E A P W T W T G L C 575
–short form 576 I F A A L F L L S V S Y S A A L T L L M) (V Q R F L 600
a 601 S A T R Q G R P Q T S L D Y T N V L Q P H A)
1 (V P Q K P K V S L N P P W N R I F K G E N V T L T 25
26 C N G N N F F E V S S T K W F H N G S L S E E T N 50
51 S S L N I V N A K F E D S G E Y K C Q H Q Q V N E 75
76 S E P V Y L E V F S D W L L ) (L Q A S A E V V M E G 100
101 Q P L F L R C H G W R N W D V Y K V I Y Y K D G E 125
126 A L K Y W Y E N H N I S I T N A T V E D S G T Y Y 150
151 C T G K V W Q L D Y E S E P L N I T V I K A P R ) (E 175
176 K Y W L Q F F I P L L V V I L F A V D T G L F I S 200
201 T Q Q Q V T F L L K I K R T R K G F R L L N P H P 225
b 226 K P N P K N N)
Human CD23
a-form M E E G Q Y S)
b-form (M N P P S Q)
common (E I E E L P R R R C C R R G T Q I V 25
sequence 26 L L G L V T A A L W A G L L T L L L L W) (H W D T T 50
51 Q S L K Q L E E R A A R N V S Q ) (V S K N L E S H H 75
76 G D Q M A Q K S Q ) (S T Q I S Q E L E E L R A E Q Q 100
101 R L K S Q ) (D L E L S W N L N G L Q A D L S S F K S 125
126 Q ) (E L N E R N E A S D L L E R L R E E V T K L R M 150
151 E L Q V S S ) (G F V C N T C P E K W I N F Q R K C Y 175
175 Y F G K G T K Q W V H A R Y A C D D M E G Q L V S 200
201 I H S P E E Q ) (D F L T K H A S H T G S W I G L R N 225
226 L D L K G E F I W V D G S H V D Y ) (S N W A P G E P 250
251 T S R S Q G E D C V M M R G S G R W N D A F C D R 275
276 K L G A W V C D R L A T C T P P A S E G S A E S M 300
301 G P D S R P D P D G R L P T P S A P L H S)
Fig. 18.3 The primary structure of a human myeloma ε chain, the α chain of FcεRI and CD23. (a) The common sequence (at the top) and the
extra additional acid sequences at the C-terminal end of the secretory form, and the long and short membrane-bound forms (in that order
from the top) of the myeloma ND ε sequence are shown. (b) A sequence of the human FcεRIα. (c) A sequence of human CD23.
IgE Structure and Receptors • 293
IgG, giving rise on cleavage to the Fab and Fc fragments. In IgE, with recombinant peptides and chimeric antibodies, in
papain cleaves between Cε1 and Cε2 to produce the Fab conjunction with various binding and functional assays, the
fragment and an ‘Fc’ fragment, containing Cε2–Cε4. The terms receptor-binding sites in IgE have been mapped to the Cε3
Fab and Fc are historical, and derive from the presence of the domain of IgE. The details of the interaction with FcεRI are
antigen-binding site in the former, while the latter was termed further revealed by the X-ray structure of the complex
the ‘crystallizable’ fragment from IgG. between a fragment of IgE–Fc (Fcε3–4) and a soluble form of
As with other antibodies, the two antigen-combining sites in the receptor. Also, as with other antibodies, IgE is expressed in
IgE are formed by the pairing of VL and VH domains, while the membrane-bound form(s) prior to antigen activation and in the
cell-receptor (FcεRI and CD23)-binding sites are formed by secreted form following antigen activation and induction of
the dimerized region of the ε chains (the ‘Fc’). From studies B-cell differentiation. The primary structures of the secreted and
membrane-bound forms of the ε-chain constant region secreted
by myeloma ND are shown in Figure 18.3a. Membrane and
secreted forms result from differential splicing of the mRNA
Topology of V-, C-, and C2-type Immunoglobulin Domains precursor, which makes use of one terminal exon to encode the
secreted form of the ε chain or an internal splice site in this
exon to join the mRNA to a separate membrane exon.
There are a number of atomic structures of IgE–Fc and
A fragments. The whole Fc portion (Cε2–Cε4) has been studied by
DEB G F C C' C'' DEBA GFC EBA G F C C' X-ray crystallography and the structure is shown in Figure 18.5.
The Cε4 and Cε3 domains adopt a configuration more compact
than that seen for Cγ3 and Cγ2 respectively in IgG–Fc, with
variable (V) domain constant (C) domain C2 domain the Cε4 domains dimerizing and the Cε3 domains positioned
asymmetrically and making no contact with one another. The
Fig. 18.4 The topology of variable (V)-, constant (C)-, and C2-type two Cε2 domains also form a dimer with two interchain disulfide
immunoglobulin (Ig) domains. The interconnection between strands
in the two sheets comprising Ig or Ig-like domain for antibody V- and bonds linked in a crossed arrangement, with Cys249 of one
C-type Ig domains and the C2-type Ig-like domains in the α chains chain linked to Cys337 on the other and vice versa. The Cε2
of FcεRI and IgG receptors is illustrated by opening out the β-sheet pair exhibits a distinctive mode of Ig domain association; both
sandwich. Strands are designated in alphabetical order from the N
terminus but are interwoven between the two sheets in a less extensive and more hydrophilic than other Ig domains in
characteristic manner for each of the three topologies. Fab (CH1:CL) or Fc (Cγ3–Cγ3 or Cε4–Cε4). The overall
both alone and in complex with FcεRIα, and a nuclear magnetic A'
resonance (NMR) structure of a monomeric Cε2 domain: these C'
The structure of the IgE–FcRI complex The structure and function of CD23
The structure of Fcε3–4 in complex with FcεRIα has been CD23 (FcεRII) does not belong to the immunoglobulin super-
determined by X-ray crystallography (shown in Fig. 18.7). A family like FcεRI and the receptors of the other immunoglobulin
single receptor molecule binds to IgE by contacting both Cε3 subclasses. Instead it is a member of the calcium-type (C-type)
domains at the junction between Cε2 and Cε3. This involves lectin superfamily, which includes such proteins as the asialo-
two distinctly different sites (termed site 1 and site 2) both on glycoprotein receptor (ASGPR), selectins, and macrophage
the receptor and on the Cε3 domains, and the residues involved mannose-binding protein, and lower in the scale of evolution,
are shown in Figure 18.7. The total buried surface area upon echinoidin, a sea-urchin lectin. Like ASGPR it is a type II integral
binding is extensive (1850Å2) and predominantly hydrophobic, membrane protein, which means that it has an extracellular C
which undoubtedly contributes to the high stability of the terminus and an N-terminal cytoplasmic sequence (see Table
complex. Binding across the two Cε3 domains explains the 1:1 18.2). Other known members of the lectin superfamily have
stoichiometry which is required to avoid receptor cross-linking the function of selective carbohydrate recognition (from which
which would otherwise lead to activation of the effector cell. the name ‘lectin’ is derived). CD23, however, recognizes the
The structure of FcεRIα is minimally changed upon binding, protein rather than the carbohydrate moiety of IgE, suggesting
except for the region of the C–C′ loop of α2. This is the same that its function has diverged from that of the lectins. CD23
loop that showed conformational freedom in the range of has several other ligands besides IgE, including complement
structures of the uncomplexed receptor. receptors 2, 3, and 4 (i.e. CD21, CD11b/CD18, and CD11c/
IgE Structure and Receptors • 295
a b
FcεRI Site 1 IgE FcεRI Site 2 IgE
R 344(334) Cε2 – Cε3 N 342(332)
C 117 K G 345(335) linker D1 – D2 85 S P 343(333) Cε2 – Cε3
strand 119 I V 346(336) linker 86 D R 344(334) linker
126 A D 371(362) 87 W G 345(335)
129 Y A 373(364) BC loop 110 W V 346(336)
C´–E BC loop
130 W R 402(393) 113 W H 433(424)
region 131 Y N 403(394) DE loop 156 W L 434(425)
132 E G 404(395) FG loop 157 Q P 435(426) FG loop
H 433(424) FG loop 158 L R 436(427)
Fig. 18.7 (a) A ribbon representation of two orthogonal views of the X-ray crystal structure of Fcε3–4 (yellow and red) complexed with FcεRIα
(blue) (protein databank code 1F6A). The α2 domain of the receptor binds both Cε3 domains (termed site 1 and site 2). (b) A model of the
possible mode of interaction between Fcε2–4 and FcεRIα. The receptor is docked onto the Cε3 domains as in (a). The residues identified as
contact residues in Cε2 are shown space-filled in blue. (c) Tables showing the residues in Fcε3–4 and FcεRIα that make contact in the
complex. The residues in IgE are numbered according to the ND sequence in Fig.18.3 (with alternative numbering according to Bennich in
CD18), which are heavily glycosylated. There is evidence that magnitude lower than that of native CD23, i.e. Ka = 106 M-1 as
the carbohydrate may be important in the recognition of these against 107 M-1.
ligands. The lectin domain is connected to the transmembrane
The primary sequence of CD23, a 45 kDa polypeptide chain, sequence by three imperfectly repeated 21 amino acid motifs.
is shown in Figure 18.3c. CD23 contains a variety of structural These, and the immediate flanking sequences, contain heptad
motifs, each corresponding to a different function in the protein hydrophobic repeats, the signature of sequences that form
(Fig. 18.8). Starting at the C terminus is a sequence of unknown α-helical coiled coils; this domain is responsible for the
structure, which contains a reverse RGD motif; it is conjectured association of CD23 into a homotrimer. The coiled coil is a very
that this may have an integrin-binding function. Adjoining this rigid structure constituting a 15 nm ‘stalk’, at the end of which
sequence is the lectin domain itself. It has conserved features the three lectin domains are placed to interact with soluble
found in all members of the family, such as the pattern of ligands and the counter-receptors on other cells, e.g. membrane
disulfide bonds and calcium-binding sites. The 3D structure of IgE, CD21 (CR2), CR3, and CR4.
the lectin domain of CD23 has been determined by NMR Next in the sequence is the hydrophobic transmembrane
(protein data bank code 1T8D) (see Fig. 18.8). The domain domain, followed by the cytoplasmic ‘tail’. The cytoplasmic
unfolds and ligand binding is lost if calcium is removed by the sequence can be either of two forms, CD23a or CD23b, which
calcium chelating agents, ethylene glycol bis (2-aminoethyl differ by seven and six amino acids at the N terminus
ether) tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or ethylenediaminetetraacetic respectively. CD23a is constitutively expressed on activated B
acid (EDTA). The lectin domain has been expressed as a cells and contains the YSEI motif, which serves as a targeting
recombinant fragment and binds to both IgE and CD21. The signal for coated pits. This is the form that is active in antigen
affinity of the monomeric lectin domain for IgE is an order of presentation by B cells, a process not unlike the endocytosis
296 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
Lectin domain
N-term YFGKG
25 kDa cleaved S S G F IN
C-term to 16 kDa
L R E E 27 kDa / 25 kDa
l ta
L N G Fig. 18.8 The structural and
protein. The reverse RGD
S T Q sequence is shown in orange in
Q M A QMA/QK/37 kDa the C-terminal ‘tail’. The NMR
H H G D structure of the lectin domain
L E S is shown beside the equivalent
V S Q sequence (protein databank
A A R N N-Glycosylation code 1T8D). Disulfide bonds
L K Q L are indicated in magenta. The
α-helical sequence is laid out
representation of alternative
and catabolism of glycoproteins by the homologous protein first exon for CD23a and a common second exon. CD23b then
ASGPR. After limited proteolysis of the antigen within the cell, has a different promoter sequence, and this contains a response
antigenic peptides are picked up by major histocompatibility element for interleukin-4 (IL-4). CD23b is thus upregulated by
complex (MHC) II molecules and returned to the surface for IL-4 in a wide range of hematopoietic cells and in epithelial
presentation to T cells. cells. CD23b mediates IgE antibody-dependent phagocytosis
CD23b lacks the YSEI signal sequence, because its N-terminal by macrophages. Both CD23a and CD23b may function as
domain is encoded by a separate exon, situated between the adhesion molecules in cell trafficking.
IgE Structure and Receptors • 297
≥10 nm antigen concentrations several orders of magnitude lower than
Cε4 2 required for signaling by the antigen receptor alone. These
5.3 nm
Cε3 Cε
α2 signals stimulate B-cell proliferation and clonal expansion and
account for the antigen specificity of the immune response.
CD23 gene knock-out and overexpression in mice reveals
that the dominant effect of CD23 in this species is the down-
regulation of IgE synthesis. Paradoxically, CD23 appears to act
in both the upregulation and downregulation of IgE synthesis
α (Fig. 18.10). The above information concerning the interacting
β IgE–CD23 proteins (IgE, CD23, and CD21), however, suggests a resolution
γ γ complex
of this paradox. CD23a is expressed on antigen-activated
B cells and CD23b on IL-4-stimulated B cells and inflammatory
a complex b
cells. In the absence of IgE, which inhibits the proteolysis of
CD23, fragments are released from these cells. By analogy to the
Fig. 18.9 The IgE-receptor complexes. (a) The IgE–FcεRI complex;
the following features are shown: (1) The 1:1 stoichiometry of the mechanism of action of the C3-antigen complex in stimulating
complex. (2) The binding sites in Cε3 and α2. (3) The bent B-cell proliferation, trimeric CD23 fragments may co-ligate
structures of IgE and FcεRIα. (4) Measured distances between IgE membrane IgE and CD21 on cells committed to IgE synthesis,
and the cell membrane (requiring the flattening of the α chain along
the surface of the cell. (b) The IgE–CD23 complex, which binding IgE by two of its lectin domains and CD21 by the third
incorporates the trimeric nature of the CD23, is illustrated, along (right hand side, Fig. 18.10). This could account for the
with the association between IgE and the lectin domain.
selective expansion of the population of B cells committed to
IgE synthesis and expressing the membrane form of IgE.
IgE concentrations in tissues would then rise from an initial
level of 50–200 ng/mL (which is 0.3–1.2 × 10-11 M) in the tissue
For a model of the binding of IgE to trimeric CD23, see to approach the dissociation constant (Kd) of the IgE–CD23
Figure 18.9. The higher affinity of the native trimer compared complex (107 M-1). Above this IgE concentration, further
to the recombinant monomeric lectin domain of CD23 for IgE release of CD23 fragments would be inhibited by binding of
could result merely from the greater avidity of a protein con- the excess IgE to CD23, and stimulation of IgE synthesis would
taining three identical binding sites for IgE. However, CD23 therefore cease. Co-ligation of membrane IgE and CD23 by
monomers form a 2:1 complex with IgE in solution, so it appears allergen–IgE complexes may also directly downregulate IgE
that there are two binding sites in IgE. According to the model synthesis in B cells (Fig. 18.10, left hand side), resembling the
of the trimeric CD23, two lectin domains could only make mechanism of the feedback regulation of IgG synthesis by the
contact with IgE if they bind to different sites. Correspondingly, low-affinity IgG receptor (FcγRIIβ/CD32). These two inhibitory
there must be two different IgE binding sites in CD23 (see mechanisms may both operate to provide a concerted mechanism
Fig. 18.9b). in the case of IgE. These activities would be negligible at IgE
The coiled-coil stalk of CD23 contains several sites that are concentrations below 10-7 M. However, local concentrations in
cleaved by endogenous proteases (such as the metalloprotease allergic tissues are likely to exceed this level.
ADAM 8) to release fragments containing the lectin domain Positive feedback may be an important feature of the
and different lengths of stalk (see Fig. 18.8). These fragments mechanism that operates to upregulate IgE. Activated mast
are found at a concentration of about 2 ng/mL (10 nM) in the cells and T cells release IL-4, which upregulates IgE synthesis,
serum of normal individuals and at higher concentrations in and the resulting IgE binds to mast cells, and so on ad infinitum
those with inflammatory diseases, e.g. allergy and autoimmune (see Fig. 18.1). CD23 provides a counterbalancing negative
diseases. The first cleavage occurs at the site nearest the mem- feedback mechanism, which, in the mouse, is important in the
brane to yield a large (37 kDa) extracellular fragment. This homeostasis of IgE. (Mouse and human CD23 differ, in that
fragment should be released as a trimer, although it is possible murine CD23 does not bind to CD21. This may account for
that the coiled-coil stalk may unravel from the N-terminal ends the dominance of IgE suppression in this species.) The positive
when it is liberated from the cell membrane. Subsequent and negative effects of CD23 on IgE synthesis are represented
298 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
+ +
Fig. 18.10 The feedback regulation of IgE synthesis by CD23. In the window of opportunity (between 10-10 and 10-7 M IgE, which are the Kd
values of IgE–FcεRI and IgE–CD23 complexes respectively) the upregulation of CD23a by antigen activation of B cells and IL-4 activation of
CD23b on various cells is expected to stimulate IgE synthesis (on the right). But as IgE concentrations in the tissue – due to this stimulation
– approach and then exceed the upper limit, there are two possible mechanisms by which further IgE synthesis may be suppressed by the
product (on the left): (1) Binding of secreted IgE to soluble CD23 fragments – this inhibits IgE synthesis by competing with CD23 binding to
membrane IgE. (2) Negative signaling induced by the co-ligation of IgE and CD23 in the B-cell membrane. IgE regulation by CD23 is represented
here as a competition between CD21 and CD23 in the cell membrane. Note that IL-4, released by both mast cells and T cells in the allergic
response, simultaneously induces IgE synthesis in B cells and upregulates CD23b on nearly all the cells that populate the tissue; the dual
action of IL-4 may thus ultimately determine the physiologic concentrations of IgE. Kd, dissociation constant. IL-4 interleukin-4.
in Figure 18.10 as a competition between CD21 and CD23 for The little that is known about signaling pathways through
IgE in the B-cell membrane. Thus, IgE concentrations regulate CD23, whether as a membrane receptor for IgE or the ligand
the switch between upregulation of IgE (at low IgE concen- for CD21 and membrane IgE on B cells is described at the end
trations) and downregulation of IgE (at high IgE concentrations) of this chapter. It is known that CD21 signaling leads to the
mediated by CD23. upregulation of bcl-2 gene expression in the nucleus; bcl-2
CD23 is highly expressed on the follicular dendritic cells protein rescues B cells from apoptosis, and thus contributes to
(FDC) of the lymphoid node germinal centers and appears to cell survival and proliferation. The same signaling pathway
play a role in the differentiation of B cells into plasmacytes. No probably participates in the selective upregulation of IgE by
selectivity for IgE-committed cells is apparent in this process, fragments of CD23 (see Fig. 18.10, right hand side).
probably because the FDC express CD21 and IgG receptors.
Co-ligation of antigen receptors and CD21 on the B-cell mem-
brane does not then require an antigen receptor of the IgE class.
For example, a membrane IgM or IgG antibody on the B cell
could be linked to the FDC through a soluble antigen-IgG Cellular signaling is a tightly controlled and complex multistep
antibody or an antigen–C3 complex, linked in turn to the FDC process that coordinates cellular responses to external or
through an IgG receptor or CD21, respectively. CD23 on the metabolic stimuli. The interplay of multiple regulatory loops
FDC would then provide the second signal through CD21 on ensures adequate responses and the prevention of aberrant or
the B cell. excessive activation. Although presented here in the context of
FcεRI Signaling • 299
The FcεRI complex by itself does not have kinase activity, FcεRI α lipid raft
therefore signaling is initiated through the aggregation of two or
more receptors by IgE bound to multivalent antigen. A pro- membrane
portion of the FcεRI β chain is constitutively associated with a ITAM γγ Lyn LAT
small amount of the protein tyrosine kinase p56lyn (Lyn), which
after aggregation, also termed cross-linking, transphosphorylates
approximated immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motifs a
(ITAMs) on the β- and γ-receptor subunits. These ITAMs are
stretches of approximately 20 amino acids, which possess two
tyrosine-containing motifs (YXXL/I) separated by six to eight
amino acids (Fig. 18.11). Their phosphorylation results in an
increased association of Lyn with FcεRIβ and binding of p72syk
(Syk) to FcεRIγ. The interaction of Syk with the γ chain
facilitates the phosphorylation of Syk by Lyn, increasing the
catalytic activity of Syk. Accompanying these early events is lipid raft
the translocation of aggregated FcεRI into lipid rafts and the
phosphorylation of scaffolding proteins, such as the transmem-
brane adaptor LAT. These docking molecules are the backbones Lyn LAT
for the assembly of signaling complexes, also termed Syk
In a Lyn independent, parallel pathway, receptor aggregation Lyn Syk
also activates the Src-kinase Fyn. b
As discussed in the introduction, cellular signaling is a dynamic
balance of activation and inhibition and the phosphorylation of
β- and γ-chain ITAMs by Lyn is reversed by the two phosphatases
(PTPs) SHP1 and SHP2, which associate with the FcεRI sub-
units. Mast cells express a number of PTPs including CD45,
PTP1C, PTP1D, and HePTP, which regulate multiple inhibitory
and stimulatory signaling pathways.
lipid raft
Downstream signals
Subsequent to receptor aggregation, several signaling branches Lyn Lyn LAT
Syk Syk
are initiated with a large number of proteins involved. These
branches intersect at multiple stages and are linked through
Fyn PY
feedback loops, but will be discussed separately for the sake of PY
simplicity. In the following, proteins are grouped according to SHP1 SHP2
essential signaling events: calcium signals, the activation of
Ras/Raf or phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3 kinase), sphingosine c
metabolism, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and
ubiquitination. Together they coordinate the release of pre-
formed mediators (histamine, serotonin, and proteases), the de Fig. 18.12 Early events following FcεRI aggregation. Turquoise
regions on the receptor subunits represent the ITAMs. (a) In the
novo synthesis of prostaglandins, leukotrienes and cytokines, resting cell, Lyn, but not Syk, is associated with FcεRI. (b) Following
and other cell responses, such as migration. antigen-dependent FcεRI aggregation, Lyn is activated and
phosphorylates the FcεRIβ and FcεRIγ ITAMs. (c) Following binding
of Lyn and Syk SH2 domains to the FcεRIβ and FcεRIγ ITAMs
Phospholipase C, calcium mobilization and respectively, Syk is phosphorylated thereby increasing its catalytic
activity. Receptor aggregation also leads to the phosphorylation of
protein kinase C activation (Fig. 18.13) the tyrosine kinase Fyn and the adaptor protein LAT. The
phosphatases SHP1 and SHP2 dephosphorylate FcεRI subunits.
Similar to many receptors, the stimulation of FcεRI triggers ITAMS, immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motifs; SH2, src
calcium fluxes through activation of phospholipases (PLCs). homology 2.
These fall into three major classes, PLCβ, PLCδ, and PLCγ of
which the β1, β2, β3, γ1 and γ2 isoforms are expressed in mast
FcεRI Signaling • 301
cells. As a consequence of Syk kinase activation, the raft localized transcription factors (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and
adaptor LAT and cytosolic PLCγ are phosphorylated. Reports causes their translocation to the nucleus. Calcineurin is the
indicate that PLCγ1 is dominantly expressed and activated in target of the immunosuppressive drug ciclosporin and the novel
human mast cells, whereas rodent mast cells utilize both PLCγ1 non-steroidal therapeutic agents for atopic dermatitis,
and PLCγ2. The phosphorylation of LAT creates docking sites tacrolimus and pimecrolimus.
for PLCγ, which translocates to the membrane, where it Transcription factors are also activated through calcium
hydrolyzes its substrate PIP2 to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dependent isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC), which is down-
(IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) (Fig. 18.14). A LAT-related stream of DAG and translocates to the membrane upon
protein was identified recently and named NTAL (non-T-cell activation. The PKC family comprises at least 11 isoforms
activation linker). It has similar, but non-overlapping adapter grouped into conventional (α, β, γ), novel (δ, ε, θ) and atypical
functions, and appears not to couple to PLCγ1. Proteins that (ζ, λ) PKCs. Conventional and novel PKCs require DAG for
form a complex with PLCγ are Grb2, which binds to LAT, and activation, but only conventional PKCs also depend on calcium.
Slp-76, which in turn binds PLCγ. Gads (Grb2-related adaptor The atypical PKCs are independent of both. Mast cells express
downstream of Shc), another bridging protein, binds to Slp-76 the calcium-dependent isoforms α, β1, β2 and δ and the calcium-
and LAT. independent isoforms ε, θ and ζ.
IP3 production causes the release of calcium ions from intra- PKCβ connects to mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase
cellular stores in the endoplasmic reticulum. The initial calcium activation via Ras and mobilizes transcription factors, such as
spike triggers the opening of membrane calcium channels and activated protein-1 (AP-1) for the initiation of cytokine
is followed by a more substantial second wave of calcium influx production. Further targets of this pathway are the light and
from the extracellular space, in a process termed capacitive heavy chains of myosin, whose activation promotes the
entry. Free calcium binds to calmodulin, and activates the reorganization of myosin filaments and their association with
calcium- or calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase, actin. These contractile elements aid in the movement of
calcineurin, which dephosphorylates the NF-AT family of secretory granules to the apical membrane and granule release,
302 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
O 1
Arachidonyl O R1
R2 O 2 O
O PLA2 3 O P O N
– +
Glycerol O Choline
+ O
O P O N O R1
O R2 O O Phosphatidic acid (PA)
OH DAG-Lipase DAG kinase –
O R1 O
Arachidonic acid
O R1
R2 O Phosphatidylinositol
R2 O O 4,5 bisphosphate
OH –
1,2 DAG O P O
– –
IP3 – O –
O P O – O
O – O P O
– –
Fig. 18.14 Phospholipases are classified according to their cleavage site on phospholipids. Phospholipase A1 (PLA1) catalyses the
hydrolysis of the fatty acid on C1 from the glycerol backbone of phospholipids. PLA2 cleaves on position C2 releasing
lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) plus free fatty acid, most commonly arachidonic acid. PLCγ hydrolyzes between glycerol and the phosphate
group, releasing 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) from phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate. PLD cleaves the
headgroup to yield choline plus phosphatidic acid (PA), which is further cleaved by phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAPase) to DAG. DAG
lipase hydrolyses the C2 arachidonic acid, while DAG lipase converts DAG to PA.
supported by the FcεRI-induced activation of myosin light DAG, PLD releases phosphatidic acid, which can trigger
chain kinase, which phosphorylates specific serine residues on mitogenesis, and free arachidonic acid, which contributes to
the myosin light chain. Mast cells from PKCβ-deficient mice the pool of arachidonic acid used for the synthesis of prostanoids
demonstrate defective degranulation; in contrast, elimination and leukotrienes. FcεRI-dependent activation of PLD requires
of PKCδ results in increased secretory responses in a mechanism calcium, and the phospholipase can also be activated by PIP2,
that is currently unclear. PKCδ associates directly with the phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) and G proteins
FcεRI γ chain and promotes the hydrolysis of inositolphosphate. (Arf1, RhoA, and Rac1).
PKCθ has recently received attention in the context of T-cell
stimulation and its recruitment to the immunologic synapse; in (Fig. 18.15)
GTPase pathway
mast cells its activation is linked to the transcription factors AP-1
and NF-κB via intermediates that are currently not characterized. Small monomeric guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding proteins
Finally, PKC also regulates the activity of the Tec family (G proteins) orchestrate cytoskeletal changes, lipid and protein
kinases, which integrate calcium mobilization and PI3 kinase kinase cascades, and the induction of gene transcription in mast
signaling. Their serine phosphorylation by PKC generates a cells. In contrast, members of the heterotrimeric class of G
binding site for the Grb2/Sos complex, which contributes to proteins including Gi and Gs are expressed by mast cells, but
the full activation of the Ras/Raf pathway. do not appear to couple to FcεRI signaling. Small GTPases
Although specific DAG production by PLCγ1 results in the alternate between an inactive guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-
activation of PKC, most DAG formed upon mast cell activation and the active GTP-bound state, in which they interact with
is dependent upon the phospholipase D (PLD)-catalyzed target proteins. This exchange is controlled by two opposing
hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine (Fig. 18.14). In addition to groups of proteins; the guanosine nucleotide exchange factors
FcεRI Signaling • 303
lipid raft
(GEFs), which promote activation, and GTPase activating kinase cascade via Ras and Raf. Both Ras and Raf translocate to
proteins (GAPs) that promote their deactivation. Small the membrane upon activation. They subsequently activate the
GTPases are usually grouped into the Ras family, activated MAP kinase complex, which is a three-component module of a
through the GEF Sos, and Rho family, activated through Vav. MAP kinase that is activated by a MAP kinase kinase
Ras couples to the downstream activation of cytokine genes in (MAPKK), which in turn is activated by a MAP kinase kinase
conjunction with calcium signals, while the small GTPases kinase (MAPKKK). The three major families of MAP kinases
(Rho, CDC42, and Rac1) control cytoskeletal responses that are the extracellular-signal related kinases (ERKs), the Jun-
are crucial for secretion, migration and cell–cell contact. The amino-terminal kinases and the p38 family of proteins. They
two cascades are linked through feedback-loops, and proteins couple to specific MAPKKs, but may be activated through various
such as the serine/threonine kinase PAK (p21 activated kinase), MAPKKKs. Activated MAP kinases either modulate gene
which is activated by Rac/CDC42 and supports MAP kinase expression through cytoplasmic targets and post-transcriptional
activation by Ras/Raf. mechanisms, or they may translocate to the nucleus, where
The hematopoietic-specific GEF Vav is activated and they activate transcription factors such as the AP-1 complex.
phosphorylated by Syk and mediates GDP–GTP exchange on One function of MAP kinases is to regulate phospholipase
Rac1. Rac1 binds to tubulin, regulates the formation of mem- A2 (PLA2), via serine phosphorylation, which increases its
brane ruffles, and contributes to the activation of the catalytic activity. PLA2 finds access to its major substrates,
transcription factor NF-AT, while CDC42 controls cell adhesion phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)
and actin plaque assembly. Genetic defects in this pathway after calcium-dependent translocation from the cytosol to the
characterize hereditary human diseases such as Wiscott–Aldrich nuclear membrane (Fig. 18.14). Phospholipid hydrolysis by
syndrome. PLA2 yields lyso-PAF (platelet activating factor), which on
After FcεRI aggregation, Vav forms a multimeric membrane- acylation produces PAF and lysophospholipid, a potent mem-
signaling complex with Shc, Grb2 and Sos, and Slp-76. This brane detergent capable of causing cell lysis. PLA2 is also
interaction mediates the downstream activation of the MAP primarily responsible for the release of arachidonic acid, which
304 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
Akt PLCγ
cytoskeletal rearrangement
Fig. 18.16 The phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3) kinase pathway. FcεRI aggregation activates Lyn, Syk and Fyn. The latter phosphorylates
the adaptor protein Gab2, which recruits PI3 kinase. The PI3 kinase products PIP2 and PIP3 bind to the Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of
Vav, Rac, Tec kinases, Akt and PLCγ. Physiologic inhibitors of PI3 kinase are the phosphatases SHIP1, SHIP2 and PTEN and the kinase Csk,
which is recruited to the membrane by Cbp. Akt binds to PDK1 and promotes glucose consumption, cell growth and survival. The Tec kinases
are activated by phosphorylation and membrane recruitment and interact with PKCβ1, Syk, Slp-76, Vav, and the inhibitory molecule Cbl. Tec
kinases promote cytoskeletal rearrangement. PDK1, phosphoinositide-dependent kinase; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PIP3
phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; PLC, phospholipase C; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on
chromosome 10; SHIP1, 2, src homology 2 (SH2)-containing inositol 5-phosphatases.
is metabolized by cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases into position D-5 on the inositol ring, and PTEN (phosphatase and
eicosanoids. Their primary products in mast cells are tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10), which dephos-
prostaglandin D2 and leukotriene C4 respectively. phorylates position D-3. Inhibition of this pathway is further
possible through a feedback-loop of Csk (C-terminal Src-kinase)
association with the raft-localized adaptor Cbp (Csk binding
Phosphoinositides and phosphatidylinositol-3
protein). Csk phosphorylates inhibitory regulatory tyrosines on
kinase (Fig. 18.16)
Src kinases (Lyn, Fyn) when targeted to the membrane by
PI3 kinases are both serine/threonine kinases and lipid kinases, phosphorylated Cbp.
and mediate the phosphorylation of phosphoinositides at the The serine/threonine kinase Akt is recruited to the mem-
D-3 position of the inositol ring. PI3 kinases are heterodimers brane by PIP2 and PIP3, as is PDK1 (phosphoinositide-dependent
of a regulatory and a catalytic subunit and convert PIP2 to PIP3. kinase), which activates Akt by serine phosphorylation. Akt
FcεRI-mediated PI3 kinase activation is thought of as Lyn then associates with and phosphorylates proteins that promote
independent and instead links the kinase activity of Fyn, glucose consumption, cell growth and survival.
another Src-family kinase. Fyn phosphorylates the adaptor The Tec kinase family of protein tyrosine kinases integrates
protein Gab2, which is essential for PI3 kinase recruitment to a number of signaling pathways through their protein inter-
the membrane and activation in mast cells. The local production actions. They are activated by translocation to the membrane
of 3-phosphoinositides creates binding sites for proteins that and phosphorylation by Src kinases, bind to the products of PI3
carry Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains, such as Vav, Rac, Tec kinase activation and interact with PKCβ1, Syk, Slp-76, Vav,
kinases, the serine/threonine kinase Akt (or protein kinase the inhibitory molecule Cbl (discussed below) and F-actin. The
B/PKB) and PLCγ, and thus modulates their activity. It is symptoms of human gene defects in Tec kinases reflect the
therefore not surprising that chemical inhibitors of PI3 kinase multifaceted action of these proteins. The defects range from
abrogate mast cell calcium responses, e.g. wortmannin, cytoskeletal abnormalities to defective calcium responses,
LY29002. Physiologically, PI3 kinase products are inactivated cellular development and function; an example is X-linked
by lipid phosphatases, such as the SH2-containing inositol agammaglobulinemia, with reduced mature B cells and
5-phosphatases (SHIP1 and SHIP2), which dephosphorylate immunoglobulin production. Tec kinases promote the formation
FcεRI Signaling • 305
of actin filament bundles and co-localize with focal adhesion upon cell stimulation, binds to specific membrane receptors
kinase (FAK, pp125FAK) at membrane ruffles. FAK depends and promotes mast cell migratory responses.
on calcium flux for activation and in turn phosphorylates FAP
(FAK associated protein) and paxillin, which may play a role in
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and
cell secretion, and Pyk2 (proline rich tyrosine kinase 2, RAFTK),
protein kinase
a member of the FAK family, which phosphorylates potassium
channels and acts as a transcriptional regulator. FcεRI aggregation leads to an activation of adenylyl cyclase and
a consequential increase in intracellular cAMP. This leads to the
(Fig. 18.17) activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). PKA appears
The sphingosine cascade
to regulate inhibitory pathways for degranulation, arachidonic
FcεRI signaling also couples to the ceramide–sphingosine acid metabolite synthesis, and cytokine generation. Although
pathway, which previously has been linked to growth factor the precise mechanism by which the cAMP–PKA axis modulates
signaling and cell differentiation. Antigen challenge of mast mast cell function is far from clear, effects at the level of
cells increases cellular sphingosine-1-phosphate (S-1-P) as a phospholipases or calcium flux have been suggested. The ability
direct consequence of sphingosine kinase activation by FcεRI. of β-adrenoceptor and cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors to
Sphingosine, the substrate for sphingosine kinase, is generated elevate intracellular cAMP levels and inhibit mast cell function
through the sphingomyelinase-mediated hydrolysis of may contribute to the efficacy of this class of drugs in allergic
sphingomyelin to ceramide plus fatty acid and sphingosine. A disease.
number of sphingomyelinases have been characterized that
operate at different enzymatic pH optima and can be activated
by a variety of inflammatory and stress stimuli. Sphingosine
opposes calcium responses through inhibition of PKC and PLCγ, A general mechanism of signal modulation is the covalent
whereas S-1-P promotes them. The release of calcium ions transfer of ubiquitin, a small (8.5 kDa) evolutionary conserved
from intracellular stores can therefore be initiated through the protein, to the amino group of a lysine on the target protein.
presumed independent pathways of IP3 or S-1-P production. In The process requires ATP and is catalyzed by enzymes that are
addition, S-1-P is a potent chemotactic agent that is secreted grouped according to function into E1 (ubiquitin activating
306 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
CD23 expression
Functions of CD23 (FcεRII)
As outlined at the beginning of this chapter, CD23a and CD23b
adhesion each have their own promoter and differ by only a few residues
in their N-terminal cytoplasmic domain (Fig. 18.8). Human
IgE-dependent IgE-dependent
cytotoxicity surface IgD+/IgM+ double-positive B cells in the periphery
antigen presentation
express CD23a prior to isotype switch and plasma cell
differentiation. Of diagnostic interest is its overexpression as a
regulation of IgE release of inflammatory characteristic feature of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
synthesis soluble mediators cells. CD23b is inducible by cytokines on B cells and a variety
of other cell types, e.g. lymphoid, monocytic, and dendritic cells.
antigen-independent On human B cells, membrane CD23 is involved in cell
activation of T cells activation, antigen presentation, and IgE synthesis (see Ch.19).
growth factor It is both spatially and functionally associated with MHC class
II molecules. Inducers of CD23b are IL-4 or IL-13 and their
effects are further enhanced in vitro by anti-IgM or anti-CD40
Fig. 18.18 The roles of CD23a, CD23b, and soluble CD23 in the
immune response. stimulation, leukotriene B4, IL-5, or lipopolysaccharide. CD23b
gene activation by IL-4 is mediated by the post-translational
activation of the transcription nuclear factor IL-4 (NF-IL-4),
which binds, possibly as a dimer, to specific binding sites on the
enzymes), E2 (ubiquitin conjugating enzymes) and E3 (ubiquitin CD23b promoters, termed IL-4 responsive elements. Inter-
protein ligases). The attachment of ubiquitin chains targets feron γ (IFNγ) interferes with surface and soluble CD23b
proteins for proteasomal degradation and thus has the ability to biosynthesis through post-translational downregulation, which
terminate signaling. FcεRI itself is internalized, ubiquitinated destabilizes CD23 mRNA and cleavage of membrane CD23.
and degraded following aggregation. On the other hand, The role of IL-4 and IL-13 extends beyond the stimulation
ubiquitination should not be viewed as a purely negative of CD23 expression to the induction of ε germ-line transcripts
mechanism of regulation, since the transcription factor NF-κB in B cells. The outcome of CD23 stimulation on IgE-producing
requires ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of IκB for B cells is epitope specific, in that IgE complexes (Fig. 18.10)
its activation and plays an important role in inflammation. and some anti-CD23 antibodies have a suppressive effect,
A well-characterized E3 enzyme is Cbl, the protein product while antibodies against another CD23 epitope cluster support
of the c-cbl protooncogene. Cbl is phosphorylated upon FcεRI IL-4-induced B-cell stimulation. IgE production is further
engagement by Lyn and Syk and exerts its negative regulatory modulated by IL-2, IL-6, and IL-9, which preferentially stimulate
function through ubiquitin transfer. Additionally Cbl functions IgE and IgG4 synthesis, and IL-7, which synergizes with IL-4 in
as adaptor protein, and interacts with Vav, PI3 kinase, and Grb2. a T-cell-dependent manner via soluble CD23 and IL-9. In
In summary, FcεRI aggregation triggers a plethora of signaling contrast, IFNα, IFNγ, transforming growth factor β (TGFβ),
events and much remains to be learned about the molecular IL-10, IL-12, and prostaglandin E2 counteract the effect of IL-4.
interactions and their regulation, particularly in view of the As described earlier, metalloproteinases or the major house
development of potential therapeutics that interfere with dust mite allergen, Der p 1, can cleave the 45 kDa membrane
signaling. into 37, 33, 29, 25, and 16 kDa fragments (Fig. 18.8). The
One approach to better understand and predict these complex fragments all retain IgE-binding capacity in the presence of
processes is the development of computer-based mathematical calcium and mediate their cytokine effects via epitopes over-
models. To generate these models, hypotheses are extrapolated lapping with, but distinct from, the IgE-binding site. The unstable
from experimental data and translated into equations, which 37 and 33 kDa fragments degrade to a stable 25 kDa form. The
allow the prediction of measurable outcomes of signaling. If the 16 kDa fragment is both deleted at the COOH terminus and
predicted outcome, such as the kinetics of phosphorylation of cleaved from the membrane. Soluble CD23 fragments have been
a particular protein, matches the prediction, the hypotheses reported as promoting the cell growth of myeloid precursors,
can be accepted, if not, rejected. These models will become supporting the differentiation of pro-thymocytes in synergy
increasingly important in studies with an integrated view of with IL-1, preventing germinal center B-cell apoptosis and
multiple signaling events. increasing histamine release by basophils. IgE production by B
cells is supported by the 37 kDa fragment, but suppressed by
16 kDa sCD23. The 25 kDa sCD23 is detectable in the serum
FCRII SIGNALING of healthy individuals but does not correlate with IgE levels.
FcεRII (CD23), which exists in membrane-associated and soluble
forms (Fig. 18.8), has three major biological functions. First, as CD23 signals
a receptor for IgE it mediates enhanced antigen presentation of
IgE complexes by B cells to T cells and thus plays a prominent The intracellular signals elicited upon CD23 activation remain
role in the allergic immune response (see Ch. 19). Secondly, poorly understood. Although the two CD23 isoforms differ
CD23 acts as an adhesion molecule, interacting with CD21, only by a short stretch of amino acids, this variation accounts
CD11b, CD11c, galactose- or L-fucose-containing glycoproteins, for considerable differences in signal transduction, illustrated
and extracellular matrix to enhance homo- and heterotypic cell for example by the prediction that tyrosine 6 and serine 7,
adhesion. Thirdly, soluble CD23 fragments mediate pleiotropic unique to CD23a, are sites for sulfation and casein kinase II
cytokine-like effects (Fig. 18.18). phosphorylation. The B-cell-specific CD23a mediates endocytosis,
FCεRII Signaling • 307
G protein
G protein ecNOS
PLCγ G protein
L-arginine L-citrulline + NO
p59fyn NADPH oxidases
cAMP Superoxide
Ca++ NF-κB
H2O2 Peroxynitrite
IL-1α TNFα IL-10
Fig. 18.19 Intracellular signaling events in B cells. Ligation of IL-6
CD23a or b increases intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) levels, possibly via GTP-binding proteins. G proteins and/or
Fyn activate PLCγ resulting in calcium signals through the hydrolysis Fig. 18.20 Intracellular signaling events in monocytes and
of PIP2 to IP3 and DAG. Elevated intracellular calcium then promotes macrophages. Monocyte nitric oxide (NO) production is activated via
a further rise of cAMP. DAG, 1,2-diacylglycerol; IP3, inositol CD23b through G-protein-mediated activation of the nitric oxide
trisphosphate; GTP guanosine triphosphate; PIP2, synthases (NOS) ecNOS and iNOS. They catalyze the conversion of
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLC, phospholipase C. L-arginine into L-citrulline and NO, and the latter acts on soluble
guanylate cyclase (sGC) to generate cyclic GMP from GTP. Cyclic
GMP regulates the activity of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
(CN PDE), which induces the delayed accumulation of cAMP, and the
which is consistent with the role of the B cell in IgE-dependent activation of the NFκB and gene transcription. Increased cAMP
antigen presentation (see Ch.19). CD23b promotes the phago- activates NADPH (reduced form of nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate) oxidase which produces cytotoxic
cytosis of IgE-coated particles, which has been related to the superoxide. NO reacts with superoxide to form peroxynitrite, another
role of macrophages and eosinophils in defense against parasites. reactive oxygen species. cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate;
GMP, guanosine monophosphate; GTP, guanosine triphosphate.
Triggering CD23 on B cells promotes their progression into
the G1 phase of the cell cycle and increases DNA synthesis
stimulated via IL-4 and CD40. CD23a, but not b, is coupled to
the PLCγ/calcium pathway (Figs 18.19 and 18.20). It is currently conversion of GTP to cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP)
hypothesized that the tyrosine kinase Fyn alone or in concert (cGMP). This stimulates the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
with GTP-binding proteins activates PLCγ, and causes a rise in and leads to the delayed accumulation of cAMP, similarly to the
intracellular calcium levels through the hydrolysis of PIP2 to IP3 B cell.
and DAG (as described above). CD23a stimulation also In a parallel pathway, CD23 stimulates the formation and
directly stimulates the production of cAMP and indirectly via release of reactive oxygen species, a hallmark of inflammatory
calcium mobilization. The detailed mechanism is unknown and reactions. These oxidants are now considered as second
the downstream targets uncharacterized. Other cellular systems messengers in signaling and mediate effects beyond their cytotoxic
however suggest PKA as the most likely target. activity. The first step in the generation of reactive oxygen
In analogy to CD23a, stimulation of CD23b leads to increased species is catalyzed by NADPH (reduced form of nicotinamide
cAMP production (Fig. 18.20). Further, stimulation of this adenine dinucleotide phosphate) oxidase, a pentameric enzyme
isoform activates the generation of reactive oxygen species and that gains full functional activity only after the recruitment of
nitric oxide (NO), which have been linked to the release of all its subunits to the membrane, and produces superoxide anions.
proinflammatory mediators, cell differentiation, and apoptotic This highly reactive species is converted to hydrogen peroxide
cell death. Monocytes and macrophages contain two of the by superoxide dismutases, but can also react with NO to form
three isozymes that convert the substrate L-arginine into peroxynitrite, another strong oxidant that targets proteins as
L-citrulline; the constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase, well as DNA. Peroxide can inactivate protein tyrosine phos-
ecNOS, or type III, and the inducible NOS (iNOS, type II). phatases by oxidizing a redox-sensitive cysteine and has also
Both proteins require calcium/calmodulin binding for their been demonstrated to activate the transcription factor NF-κB.
activity. EcNOS is also present in B and T cells and synthesizes Soluble CD23 activates ecNOS in resting monocytes via a
low amounts of NO for a short amount of time. In contrast, transient calcium flux, and it is hypothesized that the synthase
inflammatory cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-1β) stimulate the promotes cell differentiation and the late onset of iNOS activity.
expression of iNOS, which produces large amounts of NO over Cytokines reportedly activated by CD23 are TNFα, IL-1α,
extended time periods. Full activation of iNOS requires (IFNγ- IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10. These factors either have a potentiating
induced) monocyte maturation into macrophages, the induction (TNFα) or a downregulatory effect on CD23 signaling. IL-10, the
and ligation of CD23, and the production of TNFα, which endogenous inhibitor of NO production, and TNFα are linked
contributes to iNOS mRNA and protein synthesis in an auto- through feedback control. Both NO and TNFα production have
crine loop. NO generates most of its effects through the also been demonstrated in human keratinocytes and eosinophils
activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, which catalyzes the and are elicited by either membrane or soluble CD23.
308 • Chapter 18 • IgE Structure, Receptors, and Signaling
Beaven MA, Metzger H. Signal transduction Gordon J. B-cell signaling via the C-type Metzger H. Molecular versatility of antibodies.
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for CD23 in inflammation. Immunol 37–59. cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;
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38(16–18):1247–1252. 21:579–628. Sutton BJ, Gould HJ. The human IgE
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regulation in tissues. In: Vercelli D, ed. for a lipid raft-dependent receptor in
IgE regulation: molecular mechanisms. hematopoietic cells. Semin Immunol
Chichester: John Wiley; 1997:21–36. 2001; 13 (2):99–105.
The production of
allergen-specific IgE
underpins all allergic
diseases. IgE synthesis
is stimulated when
Antigen Presentation
antigen-presenting cells
present allergen to
and IgE Synthesis
T lymphocytes which in
turn stimulate
B lymphocytes to initiate Natalija Novak, Hans Oettgen, Thomas Bieber, and
antibody production. Patrick G Holt
Dendritic cells
Together with skin, the mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts
provide the principal interface between the immune system and the outside environ-
ment. These areas are under continuous challenge from a wide variety of both
pathogenic and trivial antigens. Accordingly, highly efficient antigen surveillance
mechanisms are required at these sites in order to maintain local homeostasis. It is
clear from independent evidence derived in a range of laboratories that the key cell
populations involved in this process are DCs, which are found in high density in these
tissues. The development of specialized tangential sectioning techniques, which
permit the visualization of the facing intraepithelial DCs, has simplified the accurate
quantification of population size, i.e. 500–700 cells/mm2 of the epithelial surface of
the airway mucosa, comparable to the Langerhans’ cell (LC) compartment in the
Together with monocytic (phagocytic) cells the dendritic cells are the most well
known APCs (Fig. 19.1). At present it is still not clear whether monocytes and
dendritic cells (apart from the non-bone-marrow-derived FDCs) belong to the same
lineage or whether they have different precursor stem cells. However, accumulating
evidence points in the direction of a common stem cell for monocytic and dendritic
310 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
Fig. 19.1 Dendritic cells (DC), such as the Langerhans’ cells (LC), inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells (IDEC) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDC)
are morphologically distinct and play a key role in enhancing immunogenicity. Th, helper T cells.
Fig. 19.2 Schematic
Tm representation of suggested
migration patterns and the
relationship between the various
subsets of dendritic cells
CD34 Tn normally present in healthy skin
blood and draining lymph system.
Monocytes from the bone
marrow migrate through the
Tn Tm circulation and mature into
dendritic cells in the skin. KC,
bone marrow lymph node keratinocyte; Tn, naïve T-cells;
Tm, memory T-cells.
cells. Based on cell surface marker expression and indirect LANGERHANS’ CELLS
evidence obtained from antigen challenge experiments in vivo,
it is generally accepted that dermal DCs, LCs, veiled cells, and LCs are highly specialized professional APCs usually located at
interdigitating cells are different maturation stages of one single surveillance interfaces of the human body such as the skin or
cell type (Fig. 19.2). Phagocytic cells, although excellent in mucosa, and they are thought to play an important role in the
antigen trapping, are not the most efficient professional APCs. generation and regulation of immune responses. Compelling
This title is definitely reserved for the DCs. evidence suggests that LCs and another DC subtype, the so-
The role and function of macrophages is detailed in called inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells (IDECs), are
Chapter 21. instrumental in the pathophysiology of IgE-mediated diseases
such as atopic eczema (AE).
Structure of the High Affinity Receptor for IgE (FcεRI) on Dendritic Cells • 311
Fig. 19.3 Electron microscopy of a Langerhans’ cell showing the Fig. 19.4 Pattern of CD1a+ cells in the epidermis.
characteristic Birbeck granule shaped like a tennis racket.
LCs have been identified by the medical student Paul been generally considered as a paradigm for all DCs. Classical
Langerhans and act as resident APCs in the skin. LCs can be LCs are characterized ultrastructurally by a clear cytoplasm,
detected even in healthy, non-inflammatory skin. LCs are a lobulated nucleus, the lack of desmosomes, melanosomes
characterized by their distinctive morphology and their primary or Merkel cell granules and most importantly, by the
marker, the tennis-racket shaped Birbeck granules in their presence of highly specific tennis racket shaped, cytoplasmic
cytoplasm, which are composed by the newly characterized Birbeck granules. They show a relatively invariable CD1a+++,
protein langerin (Fig. 19.3), and the surface expression of the FcεRII++, HLA-DR+++, CD1b immunophenotype
cluster of differentiation 1a marker (CD1a) (Fig. 19.4). LCs (Fig. 19.1).
are immature DCs, indicated by the low expression of B7.2
(CD86) and no expression of B7.1 (CD80). Both receptors,
however, are instantly upregulated when the LCs are stimulated
by granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF),
which induces maturation of these cells. LC represent the
oldest member of the DC system and reside at sites of maximum Initially it has been assumed that FcεRI is exclusively expressed
antigen encounter in the basal and suprabasal layers of the on mast cells and basophils involved in cell activation of
epidermis. LCs are non-phagocytic and express MHC class II immediated-type hypersensitivity reactions. In 1992, two
molecules on their cell surface for professional antigen different research groups reported the presence of specific
presentation (Fig. 19.1). Their primary function in uninflamed transcripts for FcεRI chains as well as surface protein
skin is to maintain a state of tolerance against invading antigens expression of the FcεRI complex in DCs in the epidermis of
and allergens under immunologic steady state condition. By atopic skin lesions, which resulted in a new view of the cellular
contrast, in response to arriving danger signals such as inflam- distribution and functionality of this structure. The classical,
mation, multiple changes occur. Among these is the release of tetrameric FcεRI expressed on effector cells of anaphylaxis
monocyte-chemoattractant protein (MCP) chemokines by skin consists of three distinct protein species (αβγ2). The heavily
cells which induce the recruitment of LC progenitors from the N-glycosylated α chain exhibits two Ig-like domains that mediate
bone marrow (Fig. 19.2). Other factors initiate LC migration to binding to the Fc portion of IgE. The β chain acts as an
the peripheral lymph node. Altogether, this leads to the amplifier of signaling downstream of the receptor. In addition,
breakdown of tolerance and the rapid induction of an immune the β chain augments the maturation of the α chain and its
response at this site. In this manner, in the acute phase of intracellular trafficking to the cell surface, thus leading to
allergic and inflammatory diseases, LC precursors and other increased surface expression. The γ chain dimer, which is shared
DC subtypes are immediately recruited by chemotactic signals by other Fc-receptor complexes, carries two immunoreceptor
to the site of inflammation. tyrosine-based activation motifs in its cytoplasmic tail for down-
In the mid-1980s, the presence of IgE molecules on the stream signal propagation. In DCs only specific transcripts for
surface of LCs from patients presenting with AE was first the α and γ chain are present, whereas the putative β subunit is
reported. Later on, a new pathophysiologic concept was completely lacking. This shows that FcεRI has a modular
proposed whereby LCs armed with allergen-specific IgE trigger structure in the human system: the tetrameric form (αβγ2) on
eczematous inflammation. One key element of this concept is effector cells and the trimeric variant (αγ2) on APCs.
the expression of the high affinity receptor for IgE, namely In addition FcεRI is differentially regulated in atopic and
FcεRI, on these APCs. non-atopic individuals. The FcεRI γ chain, which stabilizes
LCs exist in the skin in an immature state dedicated to surface expression of the FcεRI complex, is present in low
capturing antigens, and in the subcutaneous lymph nodes in a amounts in professional APCs from non-atopic individuals,
mature state to present those antigens to T cells. The limiting the surface expression of the FcεRI complex and their
phenotypic changes undergone by LCs during maturation, and IgE binding capacity. In contrast, DCs of atopic individuals
the correlation of these changes with tissue localization, have express substantial amounts of FcεRI, and the IgE/FcεRI
312 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
binding stabilizes and increases the surface expression of pDCs express Fc receptors including the high affinity
this receptor. This explains also, at least in part, why FcεRI receptor for IgE. Further on in patients with AD, the amount
expression on DCs in the peripheral blood and on distinct DC of IgE bound to FcεRI on the surface of pDCs is related to the
subtypes in the skin of AE patients correlates with their serum disease state and the serum IgE levels. It has been shown very
IgE level. recently that pDCs are capable of processing allergens via
FcεRI–IgE, thereby promoting Th2 type immune responses.
Although the number of pDCs is increased in the peripheral
INFLAMMATORY DENDRITIC blood of AD patients, only a limited number of pDCs are
EPIDERMAL CELLS detectable in the epidermal skin lesions of AD patients in
The second myeloid DC subpopulation which is detectable in contrast to patients with other inflammatory skin diseases such
inflammatory skin disease is the IDECs. In skin biopsies from as psoriasis or allergic contact dermatitis. Several mechanisms
patients with AE, IDECs express high amounts of the high have been proposed to explain the deficiency of pDCs in the
affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRI) on their cell surface. This high skin of AD patients, including impairment in pDC recruitment
FcεRI surface expression can be used to phenotypically from the blood into the skin or a higher sensitivity of these cells
differentiate eczematous skin lesions of patients with AE from to pro-apoptotic signals within AD skin. Recently it has been
other inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis, contact shown that pDCs, which have been stimulated via FcεRI by
dermatitis, or cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The ultrastructure allergen challenge, display a reduced capacity to produce IFNα
of IDECs resembles that of LCs because of their clear cytoplasm, and IFNβ as a consequence of stimulation with viral
lobulated nucleus and lack of desmosomes, melanosomes and components. Therefore the relatively lower amount of IFNα
Merkel cell granules, but IDECs do not contain any Birbeck and β-producing pDCs in the skin of patients with AD might
granules. Although it has been claimed by a number of authors account for the higher susceptibility of these patients to viral
that they had identified LCs as the IgE-binding and FcεRI- infections.
expressing epidermal cell population in AE lesions, it is now
clear that IDECs and LCs are the relevant IgE-binding and
FcεRI-expressing cells. In addition, IDECs are expressing
CD1b, CD11a, CD11b and CD11c, the thrombospondin
receptor CD36 and the mannose receptor (CD206), which is
known to be involved in the uptake of bacterial components by Sequential skin biopsies from patients with AE subjected to
endocytotic processes (Fig. 19.1). Both cell types, i.e. LCs and allergen-induced lesions are characterized by a biphasic cytokine
IDECs, express the co-stimulatory molecules CD80 (B7.1) and profile. While early lesions are characterized by the expression
CD86 (B7.2) on their cell surface. In contrast to LCs, the of a Th2-predominant pattern, a Th1/Th0 dominant pattern
expression of some surface markers on IDECs is highly variable emerges during the subacute and chronic phase. This observation
and seems to be influenced by the state and type of the under- challenges the current belief that AE is a typical Th2 disease.
lying skin disease. The high expression of FcεRI on IDECs in Studies with LCs and IDECs isolated ex vivo and in vitro-
AE could be detected with a high sensitivity and specificity generated LCs and IDECs provide evidence that they
compared to other inflammatory skin diseases and provides a contribute distinctly to the biphasic nature of the disease.
diagnostic application of a standardized phenotyping procedure, After IgE-mediated binding and internalization, the antigen-
in which the expression of the FcεRI/FcγRII ratio is used to bearing LCs migrate to the peripheral lymph nodes and present
distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic AE and other the processed allergens efficiently to T cells (Fig. 19.5). Antigen
inflammatory skin diseases. presentation following FcεRI binding is associated with Th2-
Recent concepts support the hypothesis that IDECs, which type immune responses characterized by interleukin-4 (IL-4),
are assumed to be of a rather monocytic origin, are recruited in IL-5 and IL-13-producing T cells. The activated LCs present
the acute phase of AE into the epidermis by signals mediated allergen-derived peptides locally to transiting antigen-specific
from cells of the inflammatory micromilieu. Interestingly, after T cells and thereby induce a classical T-cell mediated secondary
successful topical treatment of the AE lesions, the number of immune response. Concomitantly, aggregation of FcεRI on the
IDECs in the epidermis decreases below the detectable level, surface of LCs induces the release of chemotactic factors such
indicating that this cell type is strongly related to the state of as IL-16, macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), thymus- and
inflammation of the skin. activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) and most importantly,
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). These cytokines
and chemokines are hypothesized to recruit IDECs into the
PLASMACYTOID DENDRITIC CELLS skin. In contrast to LCs, IDECs are only present at inflam-
In addition to myeloid DCs, such as LCs and IDECs, a second matory sites and do not bear any Birbeck granules but display a
DC subtype, the so-called plasmacytoid DC (pDC) has been high surface expression of FcεRI. IDECs can be found exclusively
identified. pDCs consist of two subpopulations, CD123dim and at inflammatory skin sites and have been shown to produce
CD11cbright DCs which have monocytic features and CD123bright high amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines
CD11c- blood DCs which display plasmacytoid features. pDCs following FcεRI cross-linking. IDECs display a high stimulatory
can be distinguished from myeloid DCs by the surface capacity toward T cells and serve as amplifiers of the allergic-
expression of CD123, blood dendritic cells antigen (BDCA)4+ inflammatory immune response. In contrast to LCs, stimulation
and MHC class II molecules and the absence of CD11c of FcεRI on the surface of IDEC with allergen/IgE complexes
expression. pDCs are important in protecting from viral induces the release of IL-12 and IL-18 in high amounts and
infections via the production, in large amounts, of type I enhances the priming of T cells of the Th1 type, characterized
interferons such as IFNα and IFNβ (Fig. 19.1). by increased IFNγ production (Fig. 19.6). These mechanisms
Role of Langerhans’ Cells and Inflammatory Dendritic Epidermal Cells in Antigen Presentation • 313
dermis Fig. 19.5 Langerhans’ cells
LC take up allergens which
IL-5 penetrate the epidermis,
IL-13 internalize them and present
the processed antigen to
allergen-specific T cells.
Th2 Th1
Fig. 19.6 Distinctive
contribution of Langerhans’
Th2 cells (LCs) and inflammatory
dendritic epidermal cells
Th2 Th2 IL-4 IFNγ (IDECs) to the biphasic nature
Th1 of atopic eczema. LCs take up
allergens invading the
IL-12 epidermis and release
Th2 IL-18 Th1 chemotactic signals. IDECs
LC IDEC invade into the epidermis and
contribute to the amplification
of the inflammatory reaction
chemotactic signals inflammatory signals and to the switch of the initial
Mo immune response of the Th2
IL-16 IL-8 type into a Th1 immune
TARC TNFα response. IFNγ, interferon γ;
skin MDC MCP-1 IL-1 IL-1, interleukin-1; MDC,
MIP-1α macrophage-derived
chemokine; MIP-1α,
blood T macrophage inflammatory
protein-1α; Mo, monocyte;
T Mo TARC, thymus- and
T activation-regulated
chemokine; Th, helper T cell;
TNFα, tumor necrosis factor α.
may lead to the switch from the initial Th2 immune response hours after allergen challenge, high numbers of IDECs invade
associated with acute AE to the Th1 phenotype associated with the epidermis (Fig. 19.7). Later on, alterations of the phenotype
the chronic phase of this disease. of LCs and IDECs occur, including the upregulation of the high
The atopy patch test (APT) represents a novel diagnostic affinity receptor for IgE. These observations support the
tool which can be used as an experimental model for AE. hypothesis that the interplay of FcεRI-bearing DC subtypes is
In this test, aeroallergens and food allergens are applied crucial for the development of the skin lesions in AE. In
epicutaneously to a patient’s back and in the majority of cases contrast, after successful topical treatment the FcεRI surface
this results in an eczematous skin lesion in sensitized patients. expression of LCs in the epidermis is reduced and the number
Skin biopsies from APT lesions have demonstrated the kinetic of IDECs in the epidermal skin lesions decreases below the
interplay of DC subtypes and skin migration. Seventy-two detectable level.
314 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
Table 19.1 Dendritic cell turnover times in different tissues Steroids on Dendritic Cell Recruitment in Inflammation
Dendritic Cell Turnover Times in Different Tissues
B cells are derived from bone marrow and their main function
is antigen recognition, through specific antigen receptors
[B-cell receptors, (BCRs)], and subsequent differentiation to
antibody-producing plasma cells (Fig. 19.12).
1 2 3 4 24 48
B cells can also present antigens to T cells but only after
Time post exposure (hours) recognition of the antigen by their BCRs. The antigen–BCR
Dendritic cells complex is then internalized, and as occurs in monocytes and
Neutrophils DCs the antigen is degraded in the lysosomal compartment of
the B cell. Peptides derived from the antigen are subsequently
Fig. 19.9 Rapid dendritic cell recruitment into the airway epithelium presented by the class II MHC molecules of the B cell. T cells
is a hallmark of the acute inflammatory response. The number of
dendritic cells and PMN is shown following 30 minutes’ exposure to recognizing the peptide–class II complex will become activated
aerosolized Moraxella catarrhalis. PMN, polymorphonuclear cell. and in return produce cytokines and express cell surface CD40L
316 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
class II
B B Th
naïve + cell
antigen capture antigen presentation TCR
by BCR in HLA class II
CD4 −
B Th T cell anergic
naïve naïve B cell not activated
first contact with recall contact with T cell proliferation
naïve memory B cell class switch
antigen antigen
C cell plasma cell differention
+ antibody production
B class switch B
Fig. 19.13 B cells recognize antigen through the B-cell receptors
virgin B cell memory B cell (BCRs). The antigen/BCR complex is internalized and the antigen is
processed. Small peptides of the original protein antigen appear in
the class II molecules of the B cells and are ‘presented’ to helper
T (Th) cells, which recognize the complex of peptide/class II
pr pr molecules. The CD4 molecule on the T cell interacts with the class
IgD isotypes) and memory B cells (which express a single
plasma cell plasma cell isotype BCR, i.e. IgM, IgG, IgA, or IgE). Memory B cells are
derived directly from naïve B cells after first contact with the
Fig. 19.12 Virgin B cells recognize antigen through their B-cell antigen. As a consequence, they essentially express the same
receptors (BCRs), typically of IgM and IgD isotypes. The cells BCR (or antigen specificity). However, due to ‘affinity
proliferate heavily in the germinal centers, and part of the cells
differentiate into plasma cells producing IgM antibodies whereas maturation’ (see below) the BCRs of memory B cells have a
others undergo class switching and mature into memory B cells higher affinity for the antigen than the original BCRs on the
expressing a BCR of a different isotype (e.g. IgG) and higher affinity naïve B cells. In addition, the BCRs of memory B cells may
for the antigen that induced the process. When B cells differentiate
into plasma cells their function changes from antigen capture/ have a different Fc part as indicated by the isotype of the BCR
recognition (through the BCR) to the production of antibodies. due to ‘class switching’ (see below).
Both naïve and memory B cells recognize antigen through
their BCRs, although memory B cells are more abundantly
present in the circulation and have a higher affinity for the
which act in concert to control antibody affinity maturation and antigen than naïve B cells. Also, they are considered to be much
immunoglobulin isotype switching in the activated B cell (see more efficient in plasma cell differentiation and antigen
later in this chapter). presentation. Antigen presentation by naïve B cells may induce
Two types of B cell can be recognized on the basis of BCR anergy in naïve T cells (Fig. 19.13). Both naïve and memory B
expression: naïve B cells (which co-express BCRs of IgM and cells can efficiently present antigen to memory T cells.
Development of Long-Term T-cell Memory • 317
high affinity selected B cell with
B + FDC for Ag on FDC
B higher affinity for
antigen and different
IgG isotype (IgG)
IgM Fig. 19.14 In the process of
lower affinity proliferation, after antigen
contact, B cells switch the
IgG isotype of their B-cell receptors
B (BCRs); also, mutations in the
antigen-binding part of the BCR
proliferation lower affinity take place. BCR, with higher
class switch
dead affinity for the antigen, will be
+ positively selected through
mutation IgG recognition of the antigen
complexed on the FDC, which
of BCR lower affinity expresses the CD40 ligand; the
dead ligand is necessary to prevent
apoptosis of the B cells. Those
B cells with a lower affinity for
complexed antigen on surface of FDC the antigen will not be rescued
and so will eventually die. FDC,
follicular dendritic cell.
life, via transplacental transfer of a allergens (Fig. 19.16). CB obtained in cross-sectional studies of lymphoproliferative
lymphocytes of neonates with or without an atopic family history responses. These studies indicate a marked divergence post-
almost universally display allergen-specific Th2-like cytokine natally between responses to dietary and inhalant allergens.
mRNA responses, characterized by antigen-driven production Thus, reactivity to the dietary allergen ovalbumin (OVA)
of IL-4 and IL-5 with relatively minimal IFNγ responses increases during early infancy but then declines such that by the
(Table 19.2). However, recent findings that the responding age of 5 years less than 10% of subjects demonstrate in vitro
T cells express the CD45RA+ naive phenotype and rapidly proliferation. A similar response frequency is seen in adults
apoptose after stimulation, indicate that this theory may need (Fig. 19.17).
revision. This pattern contrasts with that observed for the inhalant
allergens from house dust mites, which displays an age-associated
increase in frequency and magnitude at the population level,
Postnatal regulation – lymphoproliferation
Initial insight into the nature of the major regulatory mechanisms,
which reshape these T-cell responses after birth, has been
inhaled allergen
Cytokine Profiles and Induction of Th Subsets
dietary allergen
CD4 IL-3 reaction
IL-4 Il-4
IL-5 IL-5 B-cell
Th2 IL-3 helper
Fig. 19.15 Naïve Th0 cells can be induced to differentiate into Th1
or Th2 cells by the antigen-presenting cell (APC). In the presence
of IL-12/IFN, the Th0 cells develop into Th1 cells, whereas the
presence of IL-4 induces Th2 cells. DTH, delayed-type
hypersensitivity; GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage
colony-stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; Th, helper Fig. 19.16 Fetal T-cell priming against allergens encountered by the
T cell. mother during pregnancy, i.e. transplacental leakage theory.
Table 19.2 Case control study of allergen-specific responses to OVA/HDM in atopic/non-atopic 5-year-olds selected from an ongoing
prospective cohort. Five-year-old atopics were SPT-reactive to HDM and at least two other inhalant allergens; the population was
OVA-SPT–. The data shown are relative levels of allergen-specific mRNA production post-24-hour in vitro stimulation of PBMC, as
determined by sqRT-PCR. Atopic subjects comprised 35% of the overall study population
HDM, house dust mite; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; OVA, ovalbumin; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; SPT, skin prick test; sqRT-PCR,
semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
Development of Long-Term T-cell Memory • 319
700 phagocytosis
Dendritic cells/mm2 in epithelium
400 IgG
300 CD32a
200 IgE
0–2 4–6 7–10 12–14 22–24
Age (days) Fig. 19.19 Antigen capture is illustrated in six different ways. (i)
Phagocytosis – performed by phagocytes such as monocytes and
macrophages, (ii) B-cell receptor (BCR) – very efficient, performed by
Fig. 19.18 Postnatal maturation of airway epithelial dendritic cell antigen-specific B cells only, (iii) Fcγ receptors – CD64 is expressed
network in a rat (22–24 days of weaning). by monocytes and macrophages; CD32a is expressed by many
different antigen-presenting cells (APCs) dependent on the number
of IgG molecules or antigens for a stable interaction with the
low-affinity receptors, (iv) Fcε receptors – very efficient, performed
by dendritic cells (FcεRI), monocytes (FcεRI) and B cells (CD23);
especially important in allergy; CD23 can be induced on dendritic
PRESENTATION OF ANTIGEN AND cells and monocytes by IL-4, (v) mannose receptors – very efficient
and allow APCs (mostly dendritic cells) to bind sugar (mannose)
STIMULATION OF IgE SYNTHESIS residues of glycosylated proteins, (vi) pinocytosis – not efficient as
large quantities of antigen are needed; theoretically performed by
General mechanisms of antigen presentation all types of APC.
Induction Mechanisms
IL-6 IL-1
Th1 Th2
T lymphocyte T lymphocyte
− +
IL-4 lymphocyte B
proteolytic compartments, degraded and delivered into organelles atopic donors in consequence of FcεRI aggregation. Together,
containing MHC class II, HLA-DM and lysosomal proteins. this implies that some key steps in the signal transduction path-
Thus, multimeric ligands captured by FcεRI and IgE are way are upregulated in DCs of atopic individuals, in which
channeled efficiently into MIIC (MHC class II compartment)- FcεRI ligation on DCs is capable of inducing NF-κB activation
like organelles of DCs, instead of being delivered into a and is thereby able to regulate genes involved in inflammatory
recycling MHC class II pathway. In MIIC, cathepsin S-dependent immune responses.
ligand peptide loading of newly synthesized MHC class II On the other hand, CD23 – which is the low-affinity receptor
molecules occurs. The decision to take up and to present Ag in for IgE [10-8 dissociation rate constant (Kd)] (see Ch. 18) – is
an IgE-dependent manner is made on the basis of whether Ag also able to mediate antigen uptake. CD23 is constitutively
or pathogens carry repetitive or multiple distinct IgE epitopes. expressed by naïve B cells and can be induced on most APCs
Together, these observations led to the development of the by means of IL-4, a cytokine upregulated in allergic disease.
concept of an ‘IgE-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity
reaction’ by which FcεRI-bearing APCs play a role in the
In vivo IgE-mediated antigen presentation
pathophysiology of atopic diseases. Further on, there is some
evidence that the quality of the signal transduction events IgE-mediated antigen presentation by CD23 in vivo has been
triggered after FcεRI aggregation differs profoundly in atopic demonstrated by the observation that 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl
and non-atopic individuals. It leads to the rapid tyrosine (TNP)-specific IgE – injected intravenously before bovine
phosphorylation of proteins. However, calcium mobilization, serum albumin (BSA)-TNP – enhances antigen capture and
which is dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation and the activation presentation, and leads to strong IgG anti-BSA production in
of phospholipase Cγ, occurs exclusively in dendritic cells of the absence of adjuvants. Not only are IgG antibodies induced
322 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
α β γ α γ
• mast cells • Langerhans’ cells • inflammatory dendritic
• basophils • inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells Fig. 19.21 There are two
epidermal cells • monocytes forms of FcεRI found in
• plasmacytoid dendritic cells • eosinophils humans: αβγ2 (present on
• monocytes • platelets effector cells); αγ2 (present on
antigen-presenting cells).
but also IgM and, importantly, IgE antibodies specific for BSA B cells in antigen presentation
are found after IgE-mediated antigen presentation. Antibodies
against CD23 completely inhibit the anti-BSA response in Human CD23 can be expressed in two isoforms, namely
these animals. From these experiments, one can conclude CD23a, which is on naïve B cells, and CD23b, which can be
that, in the mouse at least, FcεRI is not involved in antigen induced by IL-4 on many APCs including monocytes and
presentation. Indeed, CD23 knock-out mice confirm this memory B cells. The differences between the two isoforms are
conclusion, and this also fits with the observation that in mice only intracellular (see Ch. 18) and both can mediate antigen
no FcεRI has been detected on APCs (Fig. 19.22). This is presentation. Although CD23 is called a low-affinity receptor,
probably due to the fact that in the murine system, the FcεRI its affinity of 10-8 Kd is high enough to allow the monomeric
β chain is necessary for expression of the receptor, and on the binding of IgE. Several studies have shown that monomeric IgE
APC, at least in humans, the presence of the FcεRI β chain has can bind to B cells and mediate antigen uptake. There seems to
not been demonstrated (Fig. 19.21). be no advantage in cross-linking the receptor, which is in
In mice, only two cell types express CD23 constitutively: contrast to FcεRI, which needs cross-linking for activation. The
FDCs and naïve B cells. It was found that in IL-4 knock-out potency of IgE on B cells for antigen uptake is overwhelming.
mice, IgE-mediated antigen presentation induced comparable B cells preincubated with 10 ng/mL monomeric-specific IgE,
levels of IgG anti-BSA. As in wild type mice, the involvement induced a strong antigen-specific T-cell response (Fig. 19.23).
of other APCs, on which IL-4 may have induced the expression This amount of IgE is not detectable on the surface of the
of CD23, was excluded. B cells using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Furthermore,
Using irradiated CD23 knock-out mice, reconstituted with less than 10-12 M of antigen is sufficient to mount a specific
the blood of CD23+ donor cells, and irradiated wild type T cell response in vitro, even when the IgE-preincubated B cells
mice, reconstituted with blood from CD23 knock-out mice, are allowed to catch the antigen for 1 hour only.
Heyman’s group (see Further Reading) showed that it is most Similar data have been described for DCs incubated with
likely that the naïve B cells, and not the FDCs, are responsible IgG–antigen complexes. However, in that study the DCs were
for the APC function. Importantly, they never found any allowed to interact with the antigen for the whole culture period.
upregulation of ‘bystander’ antigen presentation, indicating In conclusion, IgE-mediated antigen presentation by B cells
that in their in vivo model with naïve animals, IgE-mediated is the most efficient antigen-presenting system described to date.
antigen presentation only occurs by antigen-specific B cells,
which in addition are CD23+. This implies that, in contrast to IgG-mediated antigen presentation
dogma, naïve B cells can present antigen to naïve T cells, when
the antigen is captured though BCRs and CD23 at the As described above, not just IgE but also IgG antibodies can be
same time. Clearly, these elegant studies need confirmation used by APCs for antigen presentation. For this, two FcγRs
by different groups and in different systems, but they also have been implicated: CD64 (also called FcγRI) and CD32
indicate the potency of IgE in antigen uptake and antigen (FcγRII). On B cells and DCs only CD32 is expressed whereas
presentation. monocytic cells express both CD32 and CD64. CD64 has an
Presentation of Antigen and Stimulation of IgE Synthesis • 323
1 hour 1 week
Fig. 19.22 Naïve mice are
IgMaBSA ↑ injected with TNP-specific IgE
IgGaBSA ↑ antibodies and subsequently
OVA-TNP in a single injection.
IgEa TNP After 1 week, OVA-specific IgE,
and BSA-TNP IgM and IgG can be measured
aCD23 in the serum of the mice.
Co-injection of neutralizing
1 hour 1 week CD23a antibodies completely
NO response abrogates this reaction. BSA,
bovine serum albumin; OVA,
ovalbumin; TNP, trinitrophenol.
affinity of 10-8 Kd and can bind monomeric IgG, but CD32 only
IgE-mediated Antigen Presentation binds IgG in complexed form due to a low affinity of 10-6 Kd.
It has been calculated that antigens need more than 10 epitopes
for IgG molecules to allow complex formation, which is
IgEaNIP 0 µg/mL Ag sufficiently large for a stable binding to CD32. This implies
IgEaNIP 0 µg/mL that CD32, although able to mediate antigen presentation, will
Ag-NIP only be involved in antigen capture when the complexes are
T-cell stimulation
IgEaNIP 0 µg/mL Ag around for a relatively long time, such as in the experiment
IgEaNIP 0 µg/mL
described above. Preincubated allergen–IgG complexes will not
Ag-NIP bind to the cells with any stability unless CD64 is present,
although allergen complexes in vivo most likely consist of IgE
and IgG molecules, in which case both the FcεR and the FcγR
are involved in binding the complex. For monocytic cells this
does not appear to have any consequences but for B cells the
impact may be more dramatic.
B cells (in contrast to DCs and monocytic cells) express the
CD32b isoform, of which two subtypes exist; CD32bI and
0 0.01 0.1 1 CD32bII are both expressed on resting B cells. The other APCs
Antigen concentration (µg/mL) express the CD32a form. Importantly, these three different
isoforms have different functions:
Fig. 19.23 Only when IgE recognizes the antigen (NIP) is there
stimulation of the T cells. (Data from Santamaria LF, Bheekha R, • CD32a is involved in antigen uptake when complexed IgG
Van Reijsen FC, et al. Antigen focusing by specific monomeric interacts.
immunoglobulin E bound to C23 on Epstein–Barr virus-transformed
B cells. Hum Immunol 1993; 37:23–30, American Society of • CD32bII can also be internalized but is not as efficient as
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics.) CD32a.
324 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
IgG/antigen complexes
binding to CD32
CD32 M?
class II −
B cell
• The CD32bI isoform cannot mediate receptor endocytosis molecular genetic rearrangements. The first step in this process
– this receptor is involved in ‘negative signaling’. is the production a complete immunoglobulin molecule,
expressed at the cell surface as a BCR. Random somatic
Co-cross-linking of BCRs and CD32bI completely blocks recombination of cassettes of germ line gene fragments first
B-cell activation. Interestingly, the mast cell CD32bI is also creates a µ chain gene by recombination of an assortment of V
found, and co-cross-linking this receptor with the FcεRI blocks (variable), D (diversity), and J (joining) gene segments
antigen-induced mast cell degranulation (Fig. 19.24). upstream of the gene exons encoding the Cµ, constant region
domains of the µ heavy chain of IgM antibodies. The
Consequences of CD23- and IgE-mediated recombined VDJCµ gene product appears in the cytoplasm of
antigen presentation pre-B cells as µ chain and is then assembled at the surface
of the pre-B cell in a complex with the ‘surrogate light chains’,
As shown above, CD23- and IgE-mediated antigen presentation V-pre B and λ-5. Expression of this pre-B cell receptor then
is a potent system for antigen uptake. The danger of this triggers a similar series of events at the immunoglobulin light
mechanism may be in the constitutive expression of CD23 on chain loci (κ or λ) in which V and J segments recombine with
naïve B cells, to which cells are able to switch their isotype the Cκ or Cλ gene segments to construct a gene encoding
after antigen contact and interaction with antigen-specific functional Ig light chain that can assemble with the existing µ
T cells (as above). When naïve B cells interact with Th2 cells chain to produce an immunoglobulin molecule.
(see below) they will receive IL-4, which induces a class switch The mRNA splicing mechanism at this stage favors the
to IgE in these B cells. formation of membrane-bound IgM (mIgM), which is presented
It has therefore been speculated that in allergy, where high on the cell surface as a BCR. In the next stage, the ‘immature’
IgE titers and large numbers of allergen-specific Th2 cells are mIgM-expressing B cells mature into ‘virgin’ B cells expressing
found, the chance that naïve B cells pick up the allergen both mIgM and mIgD (Fig. 19.26). The co-expression of mIgM
through IgE or CD23 is relatively high. When these naïve and mIgD is possible on a single B cell because the proximity of
B cells simultaneously become activated by their natural antigen the Cµ and Cδ loci permits the formation of a single large RNA
(call it Ag-X) through binding to their BCRs, as well as through consisting of VDJCµCδ, which is subsequently differentially
CD23 and IgE–Al-Y, these B cells present two antigens at the spliced into VDJCµ mRNA and VDJCδ mRNA. Although
same time (Ag-X and Al-Y) (Fig. 19.25). B cells at this stage produce fully functional antibodies of a
The type of responding T cells for the Al-Y is most likely to broad range of specificities (generated by the huge number of
be a Th2 cell, which leads to IL-4 production and a subsequent potential permutations of recombined V, D, and J segments
class switch to IgE. Since the B cells only produce BCRs with encoding the complementarity determining regions of the
specificity for Ag-X, the antibodies against Ag-X will be of antibodies), their affinity for specific antigens is still generally
the IgE type and the patient, who originally was only allergic to low and the biological activities of the antibodies restricted to
Al-Y will now also become allergic to Ag-X. those mediated by the Fc portions of IgM and IgD. Additional
steps are required to generate high-affinity antibodies and to
IgE synthesis produce isotypes, such as IgE, with specific effector functions.
In order to enhance antigen specificity and to produce
The production of allergen-specific IgE by B cells is a tightly specific immunoglobulin isotypes, naïve antigen-specific B cells
regulated process that requires an orchestrated series of undergo processes known as affinity maturation and isotype
Presentation of Antigen and Stimulation of IgE Synthesis • 325
Ag-X Ag-X
IgG switch CD40/CD40L
Ag-X B cell Th0 Th0 Th0
Ag-X Ag-X Ag-X Ag-X
class II receptor
IL-2 IL-2
Fig. 19.25 Naïve B cells can
use their B-cell receptors (IgM
Th0 Th0 Th0 or IgD) to capture antigen
Al-Y Al-Y (Ag-X). Also, through CD23
Al-Y expression, naïve B cells can
bind IgE, which recognizes an
allergen (Al-Y). Both antigens
will be presented to specific
Ag-X Ag-X T cells. When the Al-Y-specific
Al-Y T cell is of the Th0 phenotype
(upper part) a normal
secondary immune response
IgE will be initiated leading to IgG
CD23 memory B cells and finally
IgG switch CD40/CD40L Ag-X-specific IgG antibody
production. When the
IgM/IgD responding allergen-specific
T cell is of the Th2 phenotype
Ag-X B cell Th0 Th2 Th2 (lower part) the B cell may
Ag-X Ag-X Ag-X Ag-X switch to IgE as a result of the
T-cell IL-4 production by the Th2 cell,
class II receptor
+ leading to formation of new IgE
IL-4 peptide antibodies with specificity for
IL-2 Ag-X. Also, the IL-4 produced by
the Al-Y-specific Th2 cells may
IL-4 influence the phenotype of
IL-13 naïve Ag-X-specific T cells by
changing these T cells into Th2
cells. Similarly, the IL-2
Th2 Th2 Th0 produced by the Ag-X-specific
Al-Y Al-Y Al-Y Th0 cell will lead to the
proliferation of the Al-Y-specific
Th2 cell. IL, interleukin; Th,
helper T cell.
class switching (Fig. 19.27). Affinity maturation occurs in In the process of isotype switching, B cells undergo
germinal centers, specialized regions of lymph nodes draining rearrangements which result in the production of antibodies
antigen-exposed sites. In the germinal center the gene sequences which retain their antigen specificity but change the structure
encoding immunoglobulin complementarity determining regions of the heavy chain constant region domains to facilitate the
are subjected to a process of ‘hypermutation’ leading to the production of antibodies with distinct effector functions
production of antibodies with altered antigen-binding capacity. (including IgG1–4, IgA1, IgA2, or IgE). This heavy chain switch
B cells expressing high-affinity antibodies are selected, and diversifies the effector function of antibodies by enabling the
others are eliminated by apoptosis, within a few days. The production of antibodies which retain their original antigenic
mechanism of somatic hypermutation involves the introduction specificity but bind to specific receptors, which are differentially
of double-strand DNA breaks and is initiated by the process of expressed on different types of cells, e.g. FcεRI is found on
RNA transcription. The enzyme activation-induced adenosine mast cells and basophils as well as on APCs.
deaminase, which is also involved in isotype switching (another Like affinity maturation, isotype switching takes place in
transcription-dependent process, see below) participates in this germinal centers. The direction of switching is determined by
process of hypermutation and individuals with mutations in the the cytokine milieu of the B cell (Fig. 19.28). Specific patterns
AID gene have defects both in the production of high-affinity of cytokine signaling result in the activation of distinct gene
antibodies and in the production of immunoglobulin isotypes promoters located upstream of each heavy chain gene segment.
other than IgM. IL-4 and IL-13 activate transcription at the Iε promoter
326 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
Genetic Recombination of Immunoglobulin Genes for the Expression of IgM and IgD or IgG3
Fig. 19.26 The first step in the
V1 V2 Vn D1 D2 Dn J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 µ δ γ3 γ1 ψε α1 γ2 γ4 ε α2 expression of a functional
s s s s s s s s s B-cell receptor is DNA
5' 3' recombination of one germ line
V (variable), one germ line D
germ line-DNA (diversity) and one germ line J
V2D1J5 µ δ γ3 γ1 ψε α1 γ2 γ4 ε α2 (joining) gene to form a
s s s s s s s s s particular VDJ gene. In the next
VDJ-recombination 5' 3' step this VDJ segment is
translated into mRNA including
the Cµ and Cδ gene segments
active gene-DNA (C for constant). In the next
RNA splicing for DNA deletion for step this mRNA is spliced into
e.g. IgE production a functional mRNA encoding for
co-expression µ and δ
δ γ2 surface expression of IgM and
µ γ4 a functional mRNA encoding for
V2D1J5 µ δ V2D1J5 ε s α2 surface IgD. In the case of a
s class switch (for example to IgE)
(RNA)n 5' 3' 5' 3' the recombined DNA undergoes
DNA-ss-recombination a second recombination of the
V2D1J5 µ V2D1J5 δ V2D1J5 ε heavy chain genes in such a
mRNA way that the VDJ segment is
connected with the Cε gene
while looping out the genes in
SIgM SIgD IgE between, which are lost for
further use. This DNA is then
translated into mRNA encoding
Class switch for a functional surface IgE
B Cell Ontogeny
CD4–MHC class II
TCR–Ag-MHC class II
CD40L b
CD28/CTLA4–CD80/CD86 Fig. 19.28 (a) Antigen capture by B-cell
receptor internalization and antigen
IL-4R processing of TCR-Ag recognition, CDR-class
d II, LFA-1–ICAM-1. (b) T cell upregulates the
CD40 ligand, which binds to CD40 on the
B cell. (c) B cell upregulates CD80 and CD86
binds to CD28 on the T cell. (d) T cell
produces IL-4, which binds the IL-4
Activated T cell Activated B cell receptor on the B cell. LFA, lymphocyte
affinity maturation function-associated; MHC, major
==> class switch to IgE and/plasma cell histocompatibility complex; TCR, T-cell
upstream of the Cε locus. IL-4 and IL-13 signaling leads to the Genetic predispositions towards allergy on the basis of
nuclear translocation of the DNA binding protein STAT6. enhanced production of IL-4 and/or IL-13 or impaired
STAT6 is the critical regulator of activation of the Iε promoter production of IFNγ are thought to account in part for the
of the Cε gene. In rodents, IgE is co-regulated with IgG1, linkage of the allergic phenotype to the genetic loci encoding
whereas in humans IgE and IgG4 occur together. The RNAs these cytokines. The induction of Th2 cells appears to be partly
which are transcribed at this stage do not encode functional controlled at the level of DCs and there is functional hetero-
proteins and are hence referred to as ‘germ line’ or ‘sterile’ geneity among DCs with respect to the ability to induce Th1
transcripts. However, the process of cytokine-driven germ line versus Th2 T-helper responses. ‘DC1s’, which produce IL-12,
RNA transcription is critical to regulation of isotype switching. favor the induction of Th1 responses whereas ‘DC2s’
Completion of the isotype switch requires a second signal in preferentially stimulate Th2 responses. Microbial products may
addition to cytokines. This signal is provided by the interaction affect DC phenotype. Conserved microbial structures, which
of CD40L on activated T cells with CD40 on the B cell. CD40 signal via the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family of receptors, can
signaling induces the expression of activation-induced cytidine shift DC polarity. These receptors, which bind microbial lipid
deaminase (AID). AID serves to recruit enzymes involved in and polysaccharide structures, are conserved from Drosophila
DNA repair to sites of immunoglobulin germ line transcription. to humans, and are critical in the early ‘innate’ response to
Double strand DNA breaks are subsequently introduced pathogens. DCs express a range of TLR family receptors and
upstream of Cµ and upstream of the cytokine-activated, the specific effects of ligand binding by each of these receptors
transcriptionally-activated CH locus targeted for switching. on DC phenotype remain to be worked out.
Intervening DNA is excised as a large loop and the remaining Although allergen-specific Th2 cells are a major source of IL-
VDJ and CH segments annealed, resulting in the assembly of a 4 in allergic tissues, several other cell types can provide
new immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. IL-4 and IL-13. Mast cells, which are abundant in the respiratory
Overproduction of IgE leads to allergy. Effector cells such as and gastrointestinal mucosa, are excellent producers of both
mast cells, basophils and eosinophils are all triggered by IgE to IL-4 and IL-13. Natural killer (NK)1.1+ CD4+ T cells are
release pathologic mediators. In addition, APCs use IgE to another IL-4 source. These NK1.1+ cells express a very
lower the threshold for antigen presentation, and B cells may restricted repertoire of αβ T cell receptors and interact with
use CD23/IgE-mediated antigen presentation to further drive the non-classical MHC class I molecule, CD1. NK cells may
immune responses to allergens. Therefore the production of also provide IL-4 early in immune responses to allergens.
IgE needs to be tightly controlled. In general, IgE synthesis is Both cultured and freshly-isolated human NK cells have
influenced primarily by the balance of positive (IL-4, IL-13) been shown to be differentiated to produce either IL-10 and
and negative (IL-12, IFNγ) influences of specific cytokines IFNγ (NK1) or IL-5 and IL-13 (NK2), a polarity analogous to
produced by T cells on Cε-directed isotype switching. Myriad that observed in Th1 versus Th2 T-helper cells. In light of the
host and environmental factors interact to define the cytokine strong association between asthma flares and viral respiratory
profile of antigen-specific T cells. These include the nature of infections, particularly early in life, the NK contribution to
the antigen, exposure adjuvants (as when animals are artificially tissue cytokine levels may be important in regulating IgE
immunized), the route of entry of antigen, and the histo- responses.
compatibility type of the individual.
328 • Chapter 19 • Antigen Presentation and IgE Synthesis
Banchereau J, Bazan F, Blanchard D, et al. Heyman B, Tianmin L, Gustavsson S. In-vivo Mosmann TR, Coffman RL. Heterogeneity of
The CD40 antigen and its ligand. Annu enhancement of the specific antibody cytokine secretion patterns and
Rev Immunol 1994; 12:881–922. response via the low-affinity receptor for functions of helper T cells. Adv
Bruijnzeel-Koomen CAFM, van Wichen DF, IgE. Eur J Immunol 1993; 23:17–39. Immunol 1989; 46:111–147.
Toonstra J, et al. The presence of IgE Holt PG, Macaubas C. Development of long Mudde GC, Bheekha R, Bruijnzeel-Koomen
molecules on epidermal Langerhans term tolerance versus sensitisation to CAFM. Consequences for IgE/CD23
cells from patients with atopic different classes of environmental mediated antigen presentation in
dermatitis. Arch Dermatol Res 1986; allergens during the perinatal period. allergy. Immunol Today 199;
278:199–205. Curr Opin Immunol 1997; 9:782–787. 16:380–383.
Daëron M, Malbec O, Latour S, et al. McWilliam A, Napoli S, Marsh AM, et al. Van den Herik-Oudijk IE, Westerdaal NAAC,
Regulation of tyrosine-containing Dendritic cells are recruited into the Henriquez NV. Functional analysis of
activation motif-dependent cell airway epithelium in response to a human FcgammaRII (CD32) isoforms
signalling by FcgammaRII. Immunol Lett broad spectrum of stimuli. J Exp Med expressed in B lymphocytes. J Immunol
1995; 44:119–123. 1996; 184:24–29 (abstract). 1994; 152:574–585.
Cytokines are low-
molecules, produced and
released by a wide variety
of cells, that mediate and
regulate cell-to-cell
Chemokines, and
communication, and are
involved in cell growth
Adhesion Proteins
and differentiation,
inflammation, immunity
and tissue repair. David H Broide
Cytokines are extracellular signaling molecules which bind to specific cell surface
cytokine receptors to regulate the immune and inflammatory response. They predo-
minantly act on closely adjacent cells (the paracrine effect), but can also act on the
cells of their origin (the autocrine effect), and occasionally on distant cells in another
organ (the endocrine effect). Cytokines are involved in orchestrating the initiation and
maintenance of the allergic inflammatory response. In allergic inflammation, cytokines
are both active in the bone marrow where they regulate the development and dif-
ferentiation of inflammatory cells [e.g. interleukin-5 (IL-5) induces eosinophilopoesis],
and are also expressed at tissue sites of allergic inflammation (e.g. lower airway in
asthma) where they regulate the immune and inflammatory response. Cytokines function
through complex cytokine networks to promote or inhibit inflammation. During an
inflammatory response the profile of cytokines expressed, as well as the profile of
cytokine receptors expressed on responding cell types, will determine whether the
response is predominantly pro- or anti-inflammatory. Activation of high-affinity cytokine
receptors on target cells induces a cascade of intracellular signaling pathways which
regulate the transcription of specific genes and the ultimate cellular inflammatory
response. Considerable progress has been made in characterizing the cellular sources
and actions of the numerous cytokines involved in allergic inflammation (Table 20.1).
Overall, these studies suggest that cytokines exhibit redundancy (i.e. several cytokines
can often subserve the same function), and that several cell types can generate or
respond to the same cytokine. Thus, therapeutic strategies in allergic inflammation
aimed at neutralizing a single cytokine may not always be successful if an alternate
cytokine can subserve the same function. However, in rheumatoid arthritis, a disease
associated with expression of multiple cytokines, neutralizing a single cytokine [e.g.
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)] has resulted in a significant therapeutic benefit. Thus, in
allergic inflammation an improved understanding of the mechanism through which
cytokines promote allergic inflammation may identify key cytokine targets for
therapeutic intervention.
IL-1(IL-1α, IL-β) Predominately monocytes, macrophages. 2q13-21 Activation of T cells and endothelial cells. Promotes
Also smooth muscle, endothelium, B-cell proliferation
IL-2 Predominantly T cells. Also NK cells 4q26-27 Promotes T-cell proliferation and clonal expansion
IL-3 T cells, mast cells, eosinophils 5q23-31 Stimulates development of mast cells and basophils.
Promotes eosinophil survival
IL-4 Predominantly T cells, and basophils 5q23-31 Promotes T-cell differentiation to Th2 phenotype.
Promotes B-cell growth, differentiation, and class
switching to IgE production. Promotes eosinophil
recruitment by upregulation of VCAM-1 on endothelial
IL-5 T cells, eosinophils, mast cells 5q23-31 Promotes eosinophil growth, differentiation and
IL-6 Predominantly monocytes, macrophages. 7p21 Differentiation of T cells into cytotoxic cells and B cells
Also eosinophils, mast cells, fibroblasts into plasma cells
IL-8 Predominantly macrophages. Also T cells, 4q12-13 Neutrophil activation and differentiation. Chemotactic
mast cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, factor for neutrophils
IL-9 T cells 5q31 Enhances mast-cell growth. Increases mucus
IL-10 T cells, B cells, macrophages, 1q31-32 Inhibits T-cell proliferation and downregulates
monocytes pro-inflammatory cytokine production by Th1 and Th2 cells
IL-12 Predominantly monocytes, macrophages, 5q31 Inhibits Th2 development and cytokine expression.
dendritic cells Suppresses IgE production. Promotes Th1 phenotype
and IFNγ production
IL-13 Predominantly T cells 5q31 Promotes B-cell differentiation, proliferation, and class
Also mast cells, basophils, eosinophils switching to IgE production. Promotes eosinophil
accumulation by increased expression of VCAM-1 on
endothelial cells
IL-16 Predominantly CD8 + T cells. Also mast 15q26.1 Recruitment of CD4 + T cells and eosinophils
cells, airway epithelium
IL-18 Predominantly macrophages. Also airway Not known Activates B cells. Induces IFNγ, promoting Th1
epithelial cells phenotype
IL-25 Predominantly Th2 lymphocytes – Stimulates IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 release from
non-lymphoid accessory cell
GM-CSF Macrophages, eosinophils, neutrophils, 5q23-31 Priming of neutrophils and eosinophils. Prolongs
T cells, mast cells, airway epithelial cells survival of eosinophils
TNFα Mast cells, macrophages, monocytes, 6 Upregulates endothelial adhesion molecule expression.
epithelial cells Chemoattractant for neutrophils and monocytes
TGFβ1 Eosinophils, macrophage, epithelium – Profibrotic effects, involved in airway remodeling.
Chemotactic for monocytes, fibroblasts, and mast
IFNγ T cells, NK cells 12q Suppression of Th2 cells. Inhibits B-cell switching to
IgE. Increases ICAM-1 expression on endothelial and
epithelial cells
GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1; IFNγ, interferon-γ; NK cells, natural killer cells; TGFβ1,
transforming growth factor β1; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor α; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1.
immune response to environmental allergens and pathogens. a Th2-type humoral-immune response to prevent rejection of
Thus, even in pregnancy, infancy, and early life, cytokines are the immunologically distinct fetal allograft. As a consequence
considered to play an important role in determining the sub- of the enhanced Th2 cytokine milieu at the placental
sequent development of the atopic phenotype. During normal maternofetal interface, the fetal immune system in genetically
pregnancy the immune response deviates away from a helper predisposed atopic individuals may deviate towards a sustained
T cell type 1 (Th1)-type cell-mediated immune response towards Th2 response, predisposing to the later development of atopy.
Cytokines • 331
20 B cell T cell
CD40 CD40L
fall in FEV1 (%)
early allergic late allergic IL-4R IL-4 (or IL-13)
−50 response response
Increased by: germ line switching Inhibited by:
IL-6 IL-12
0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 IL-10 TGFβ
time (h) TNFα
Fig. 20.1 Early and late phase responses in asthma. The asthmatic
response to allergen inhalation challenge with house dust mite IgE synthesis
allergen (green line) and diluent control (red line), demonstrating
both an early and a late phase allergic response. FEV1, forced
expiratory volume in 1 second.
Fig. 20.2 Role of cytokines in IgE production. IεCε mRNA, germ line
mRNA; VDJ-Cε mRNA, IgE mRNA. Following appropriate stimulation
of the B cell with two signals (cytokine and co-stimulation), B cells
can alter the isotype of the antibodies they produce to IgE. The first
Environmental exposures in genetically predisposed individuals signal is provided by cytokines (IL-4 or IL-13); the second signal is
in early life (which predispose to Th1 or Th2 immune provided by activation of CD40 on B cells. In this process, genomic
responses) may also determine the likelihood of the subsequent DNA in the B cell is spliced and rejoined to juxtapose the VDJ
elements of the antibody (which defines the antigenic specificity of
development of the atopic Th2 phenotype. These environ- the antibody) to the constant (C) region exons that encode the ε
mental immune modulating exposures include childhood chain of IgE. As the intervening DNA between the VDJ region and
infections, in utero and postnatal allergen exposure, pets, and the downstream C region exons is excised when they are joined, the
mechanism is referred to as deletional switch recombination.
exposure to indoor and outdoor pollution.
Early- and Late-Phase Allergic Responses TH2 Cytokine Expression in BAL Cells
20 20 20
allergen chemokines 15 15
TNFα, 15
eosinophil 10 10 10
mast cell + IL-5
histamine LTC4, 5 5
tryptase MBP,
EPO 0 0 0
early allergic response late allergic response
Fig. 20.3 Inflammatory cells, cytokines, and chemokines in early Fig. 20.4 Cytokine mRNA expression in bronchoalveolar lavage
and late-phase allergic responses. The early phase reaction is (BAL) cells. The BAL cells, were obtained from atopic asthmatic
characterized by mast cell activation, whereas the late phase subjects, who had been either challenged with allergen (A) or with
reaction is characterized by activation of Th2 cells and eosinophils. diluent (D) (control). (Modified from Bentley AM, Kay AB, Durham
SR. Human late asthmatic reactions. Clin Exp Allergy 1997;
27(suppl 1):71–86, Blackwell Science Ltd.)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN,
a BAL CD4/CD25 % +ve cells interferon; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
r=0.62, p=0.02
BAL eosinophils (%)
40 CD80/CD28 + IFN-γ +
high-dose antigen
Fig. 20.6 Factors involved in the differentiation of Th2-type CD4+
20 cells. The cytokine mileu (IL-4 vs IFN-γ), as well as the dose of
antigen (high vs low), influence differentiation of Th0 cells to Th1 vs
Th2 cells.
0 10 20 30 can give rise to either Th1 or Th2 cells under the influence of
c BAL eosinophils (%) both environmental (e.g. cytokine) and genetic factors acting at
the level of antigen presentation. In particular cytokines such as
Fig. 20.5 Interleukin-5 (IL-5), eosinophils and asthma. Significant IL-4 play a prominent role in deviating naïve T cells to develop
relationships are shown between numbers of BAL-fluid-activated (a)
CD4+ cells and IL-5 mRNA +ve cells, as well as between (b) CD4+ into Th2 cells, whereas IFN-γ and IL-12 are important in the
cells and BAL eosinophils. The percentage of BAL eosinophils also development of Th1 cells. In addition to the local cytokine
correlated with the late phase fall in FEV1 24 hours after allergen
challenge in sensitized asthmatics (c). BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; environment, the level of antigen-induced activation of the
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second. (Modified from T-cell receptor (high versus low dose antigen), the delivery of
Robinson DS, Hamid Q, Bentley A, et al. Activation of CD4+ T cells co-stimulatory signals from the antigen-presenting cell (APC),
increased TH2-type cytokine mRNA expression, and eosinophil
recruitment in bronchoalveolar lavage after allergen inhalation and the number of post-activation cell divisions influence the
challenge in patients with atopic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol development of Th1 versus Th2 cells (Fig. 20.6). While the
1993; 92:313–324.) source of IL-4 that is likely to be responsible for deviating naïve
T cells to Th2 cells at the beginning of the allergic immune
334 • Chapter 20 • Cytokines, Chemokines, and Adhesion Proteins
Activation of NF-κB and Gene Expression Table 20.4 Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) regulation of gene
oxide synthase (Table 20.4). Many stimuli encountered in the Corticosteroid regulation of histone acetylation may also be
airway in asthma, including cytokines (IL-1β, TNFα), viruses, a key mechanism of action of corticosteroids in regulating gene
and oxidants can activate transcription factors such as NF-κB. expression. Acetylation of core histones around which DNA is
wound in the nucleus of cells opens up the chromatin structure
allowing gene transcription and synthesis of genes, including
Corticosteroids and cytokine expression
cytokine genes, to proceed. Glucocorticoids inhibit transcription
Corticosteroids are our most effective therapy in allergic inflam- factors, such as AP-1 as well as NF-κB, from activating their
mation and asthma. Therefore an improved understanding of target genes by inhibition of acetylation of specific lysine residues
the mechanism of action of corticosteroids may provide important in histone H4 in the nucleus, which keeps the chromatin
insight into how they regulate cytokine production and inhibit structure closed and prevents gene transcription. As increased
allergic inflammation. Glucocorticoids act by binding to a gluco- gene transcription is associated with an increase in histone
corticoid receptor (GR) in the cytoplasm which then rapidly acetylation, whereas hypoacetylation is correlated with reduced
translocates into the nucleus (Fig. 20.8). Within the nucleus, transcription or gene silencing, corticosteroid regulation of
the glucocorticoid and GR complex bind as a dimer to specific histone acetylation may be a key mechanism of action of
glucocorticoid response elements present in DNA within the corticosteroids in regulating gene expression. An improved
promoter region of glucocorticoid-responsive genes. The binding understanding of the mechanisms of action of corticosteroids
of the glucocorticoid and GR complex to negative glucocorticoid may lead to the development of novel therapeutic agents in
response elements (nGREs) or positive ones (pGREs) in the allergic inflammation.
nucleus inhibits or promotes gene transcription (Fig. 20.8).
Corticosteroids may also inhibit the activation of NF-κB via a
Cytokine modulation as a therapeutic
direct interaction between the activated GR and the p65
strategy in allergic inflammation
subunit of NF-κB. In T cells and monocytes, glucocorticoids
have also been shown to increase gene transcription for I-κB, Corticosteroids are effective therapeutic agents for allergic
which binds to activated NF-κB in the nucleus and induces the inflammatory diseases. They exert several anti-inflammatory
dissociation of NF-κB from κB binding sites on target genes. effects which may account for their beneficial effect in allergic
336 • Chapter 20 • Cytokines, Chemokines, and Adhesion Proteins
cytokine e.g. TNFα
cell membrane
cytokine protein
glucocorticoid receptor
AP-1 etc cytokine mRNA
− −
Fig. 20.8 Mechanisms by which corticosteroids inhibit cytokine action. Cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) bind to specific cell
surface cytokine receptors which activate transcription factors such as nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) or activator protein-1 (AP-1). The transcription
factor translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and binds to the promoter region of responsive genes. This stimulates transcription of
cytokines or other genes following recruitment of the basal transcription complex (BTC). Corticosteroids inhibit gene expression by initially
binding to a cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor which translocates to the nucleus and binds either to a negative glucocorticoid response
element (nGRE) in the promoter of the cytokine gene, or directly blocks the ability of NF-κB or AP-1 from enhancing cytokine gene expression.
GR, glucocorticoid receptor; nGRE, negative glucocorticoid response element.
Cytokine IL-4 Fig. 20.9 A strategy for cytokine inhibition in allergy. Inhibition of
cytokines can either be accomplished by targeting the cytokine
IL-4 plays a central role in regulating IgE production, adhesion producing cell, the extracellulary released cytokine, or the target cell
molecule expression, and development of Th2-cells. IL-4 responding to the cytokine.
Chemokines • 337
receptor blockade has been shown to inhibit IgE production, challenge or any reduction in BHR. Furthermore, most of the
BHR, and airway eosinophilia in mouse models of asthma, patients suffered from malaise and one out of the 12 subjects
prompting the development of anti-IL-4 receptor antagonists. had an episode of cardiac arrhythmia. This suggests that IL-12
While initial small-scale studies of a soluble IL-4 receptor may not be a suitable treatment for asthma.
antagonist showed promise in the treatment of asthma, sub-
sequent large-scale studies did not demonstrate a clinical benefit
Cytokine IL-13
in asthmatics of moderate severity.
Studies in animal models of asthma suggest an important role
for IL-13 in mediating airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR).
Cytokine IL-5
Clinical trials in human asthma are currently evaluating whether
IL-5 is an important lineage specific eosinophil growth factor inhibiting IL-13 will be of clinical utility.
which is expressed at increased levels in the airways of asthmatics.
In asthmatics an anti-IL-5 antibody significantly inhibits blood
Cytokine TNF-α
and sputum eosinophilia by over 90%, but only reduces airway
eosinophils by approximately 55%. In mild asthmatics anti-IL-5 Increased levels of TNF-α are detected in the airway of
did not reduce the LPR or airway responsiveness to metha- symptomatic asthmatics. As patients with rheumatoid arthritis
choline. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that anti-IL-5 have shown a dramatic clinical response when treated with
reduces levels of airway remodeling in asthmatics. Treating either soluble TNF receptor antagonists or with anti-TNF
asthmatics with an anti-IL-5 antibody significantly reduced the antibodies, studies are currently evaluating their potential role
expression of extracellular matrix proteins (tenascin, lumican), in the treatment of asthma.
and procollagen III in the bronchial mucosal reticular basement
membrane. In addition, anti-IL-5 treatment was associated
Cytokine IFN-γ
with a significant reduction in the number of airway eosinophils
expressing mRNA for TGF-β1 and the concentration of TGF-β1 IFN-γ has been shown to have an inhibitory activity on Th2
in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Thus, further studies will help responses. Exogenous IFN-γ administration prevents allergen-
to define whether anti-IL-5 alone and/or in combination with induced airway eosinophil infiltration in mice. However,
another eosinophil depleting agent (e.g. anti-CCR-3) will have administration of IFN-γ to asthmatics or patients with allergic
any role in the treatment of asthma. rhinitis has resulted in no significant clinical improvement.
Fig. 20.10 Chemokines in
leukocyte recruitment.
ICAM-1 Circulating leukocytes (e.g.
VCAM-1 eosinophil) adhere to endothelial
adhesion molecules, diapedese
between endothelial cells, and
migrate along the chemokine
gradient towards the site of
inflammation. Chemokines
upregulate the affinity of
integrins on leukocytes [e.g.
interstitial space mononuclear cell eosinophil VLA-4, or lymphocyte function-
associated antigen (LFA-1)]
chemokine inflammatory promoting tight adhesion of
concentration cell leukocytes to corresponding
gradient migration counter-receptor molecules
expressed by vascular
chemokine release endothelium [e.g. vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
or intercellular adhesion
molecule-1 (ICAM-1)]. In
IL-1, addition, chemokines play a
epithelium site of inflammation +
TFNα, IL-4 primary role in promoting
chemotaxis of leukocytes into
inflamed tissues.
attention as a target to modulate the allergic inflammatory macrophages and, to a lesser extent, eosinophils and lympho-
response. Studies in mouse models of asthma have demonstrated cytes localized to the subepithelial layer are significant sources
an important role for several CC chemokines in leukocyte of chemokines. Chemokines detected in asthma include CC
recruitment to the airway. Studies in humans with asthma have chemokines (eotaxin or CCL11, RANTES or CCL5, MCP-1 or
established that CC chemokines are expressed by airway CCL2, MCP-4 or CCL13, MIP-1 or CCL3, thymus and
epithelial cells, and that allergen challenge can upregulate activation-regulated chemokine or CCL17) (Table 20.5) and
expression of chemokines in the airway. The levels of CXC chemokines (IL-8). Eotaxin has three isoforms (eotaxin -1,
chemokines expressed during allergen-induced late phase -2, -3; or CCL11, CCL24, CL26, respectively) which are
responses demonstrate correlations between individual induced with different kinetics following allergen challenge. In
chemokines and subsets of leukocytes which respond to these humans following allergen challenge, eotaxin-1 is induced early
chemokines. During inflammatory responses epithelial cells, (at 6 hours) and correlates with early eosinophil recruitment,
340 • Chapter 20 • Cytokines, Chemokines, and Adhesion Proteins
circulation tissue
eosinophil CCR3 CCR3
basophil CXCR
Fig. 20.11 Chemokine
CCR2 CCR2 receptors expressed by
circulating and tissue
CCR5 CCR5 leukocytes. The profile of CCR
monocyte and CXCR chemokine receptors
CCR8 CCR8 expressed by leukocytes (e.g.
Eos, eosinophil, Mono,
monocyte, Neutrophil, Basophil)
CXCR4 CXCR4 may differ in the circulation and
the airways, which correlates with increased AHR. Several the leukocytes migrate between endothelial cells (diapedesis)
small molecule inhibitors of CCR3 are effective in inhibiting into the interstitium and move towards the source of the
eosinophil recruitment in allergen challenge animal models of stimulus (chemotaxis). The importance of leukocyte adhesion
asthma and are currently undergoing clinical trials in asthma. molecules to leukocyte tissue recruitment is suggested from
genetic disorders which result in defective leukocyte integrin
adhesion molecules [leukocyte adhesion deficiency I (LAD I)],
ADHESION MOLECULES or defective leukocyte sialyl Lewis X (sLex) expression (LAD
Definition: Adhesion molecules are glycoproteins expressed II). Patients with either of these leukocyte adhesion deficiencies
on the surface of cells that mediate cell-to-cell, as well as cell- have neutrophil adhesion defects, tissues which lack neutrophils,
to-extracellular matrix, contact and communication. associated blood neutrophilia, and recurrent infections as
neutrophils cannot bind to endothelial cells and emigrate into
infected tissues to mediate host defense against infection.
The role of adhesion molecules expressed by circulating leukocytes Selectins and leukocyte adhesion
and adhesion counter-receptors expressed by endothelial cells
to endothelium
has been extensively investigated to determine pathways for
general tissue recruitment of leukocytes, as well as to identify The three members of the selectin family (E-, L-, P- selectin)
mechanisms that mediate selective tissue recruitment of (Fig. 20.15) are expressed on endothelium (E- and P-selectin),
leukocyte subpopulations (e.g. eosinophils at sites of allergic platelets (P-selectin), and leukocytes (L-selectin). The selectin
inflammation). In order to accumulate in the airway in diseases family members share a common modular structure consisting
such as asthma, circulating leukocytes must adhere to the of an N-terminal lectin ligand binding domain, an epidermal
endothelium lining the blood vessels of the bronchial micro- growth factor (EGF) domain, and complement binding domains
circulation, penetrate the vessel wall, and migrate to the airway or consensus repeats (CR), a transmembrane segment, and a
lumen. Cell adhesion molecules are involved in all stages of this short cytoplasmic domain at the C terminus. Although the
process. In addition, adhesion molecules present on mast cells, EGF and CR domains contribute to full adhesive function of
dendritic cells, macrophages, and nerve cells also contribute to the selectins, it is the carbohydrate-recognizing N-terminal
the localization and activation of the inflammatory response. lectin domain that is directly responsible for ligand binding.
Adhesion family Adhesion molecule Alternative designation Gene Localization Ligand Function
Selectin L-selectin CD62L 1q21-24 All leukocytes CD34, MAdCAM Rolling
P-selectin CD62P 1q21-24 Endothelial cells, platelets PSGL-1 Rolling
E-selectin CD62E 1q21-24 Endothelial cells PSGL-1, ESL-1 Rolling
Integrin αLβ2 CD11a/CD18, LFA-1 16(α1) 21(β2) All leukocytes ICAM-1, ICAM-2, ICAM-3 Adhesion
αMβ2 CD11b/CD18, Mac-1 16(αM) 21(β2) Granulocytes, monocytes ICAM-1, C3bi, fibrinogen Adhesion
αxβ2 CD11c/CD18, P150.95 16(αx) 21(β2) Granulocytes, monocytes C3bi, fibronectin Adhesion
α4β1 CD49d/CD29, VLA-4 2(α4) 10(β1) Lymphocytes, monocytes, VCAM-1, CS-1 Domain of Adhesion or rolling
eosinophils, basophils fibronectin
α4β7 CD49d/β7 2(α4) 12(β7) Lymphocytes, eosinophils MAdCAM-1, VCAM-1, fibronectin Adhesion
342 • Chapter 20 • Cytokines, Chemokines, and Adhesion Proteins
CS-1 domain
Immunoglobulin ICAM-1 CD54 19p13.2 Endothelium, monocytes LFA-1, Mac-1 Adhesion
ICAM-2 CD102 17q23-25 Endothelium LFA-1 Adhesion
VCAM-1 CD106 1p31-32 Endothelium VLA-4 Adhesion or rolling
PECAM-1 CD31 17q23 Endothelium, leukocytes, PECAM-1 (homophilic) Emigration
platelets αvβ3 (heterophilic)
MAdCAM-1 – 19p13.3 Endothelium α4β7, L-selectin Adhesion or rolling
ESL, E-selectin ligand; ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; LFA, lymphocyte-function-associated antigen; MAdCAM, mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule; PECAM, platelet/endothelial cell adhesion
molecule; PSGL P-selectin glycoprotein ligand; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule; VLA, very late antigen.
Adhesion Molecules • 343
neutrophil migration in the late-phase response to allergen sLea. The enzymes involved in the synthesis of sLex and its
challenge in monkeys, but does not block eosinophil accumu- stereoisomer sLea in leukocytes have been identified as α2,
lation or AHR. Furthermore, in vitro flow chamber and in vivo 3-sialyl-transferases and α1, 3-fucosyl-transferases. Mice
intravital microscopy studies suggest that E-selectin is more
important to neutrophil tethering to endothelium than to
eosinophil tethering to endothelium under conditions of
blood flow. Structure of the Selectin Family
Selectin ligands
As selectins bind to many different putative ligands in vitro lectin domain
with a range of affinities, identifying which are the physiologic
ligands in vivo still requires further study. However, significant
insights into potential selectin ligands have been derived from E-selectin EGF domain
in vivo studies of leukocyte adhesion in mutant mice lacking
individual selectin ligands.
Physiologic selectin ligands (Fig. 20.16) are a diverse group 1
of glycosylated proteins and glycolipids that recognize one or
more of the selectins. However, the minimal carbohydrate
epitope recognized by all three selectins is the sialylated, 3
fucosylated sLex comprised of four sugars, and its stereoisomer
1 4
2 5 binding
3 6
4 7
1 5 8
2 6 9
Tethering/Rolling Diapedesis
Fig. 20.13 Postcapillary leukocyte recruitment. The photograph
shows the stages of leukocyte recruitment in a postcapillary venule Fig. 20.15 Molecular structure of the selectin family. Each selectin
of a mouse cremaster muscle. The picture was taken 10 minutes contains a lectin ligand binding domain, an epidermal growth factor
after initiating surgery. (Courtesy of Dr Keith Norman, University of (EGF)-like domain, and different numbers of complement binding
Sheffield.) domains or consensus repeats (numbered 1–9).
Selectins and Their Ligands Fig. 20.17 The structure of an integrin heterodimer with its α and β
subunits. Examples of integrin heterodimers include: β1 integrins
(α4β1 or VLA-4), β2 integrins (αL β2 or LFA-1), and B7 integrins
endothelial fucosylated, sialylated leukocyte
selectin O-linked GlyCAM ligand
P-selectin is sulfated on tyrosine residues and the removal of sulfate
eliminates binding to P-selectin. Skin homing T cells express a
glycoform of PSGL-1, the adhesion molecule cutaneous
lymphocyte antigen (CLA). CLA mediates T-cell binding to the
E-selectin ESL-1 counter-receptor E-selectin in skin blood vessels.
Although selectins bind to many different glycoconjugates
with a range of affinities, experiments with blocking monoclonal
CD34 antibodies and targeted genetic deletion in mice demonstrate
that PSGL-1 is the principal ligand on leukocytes that is
recognized by P-selectin and L-selectin. PSGL-1 is also a ligand
MAdCAM-1 for E-selectin, as indicated by impaired tethering of PSGL-1-
L-selectin deficient leukocytes, although a second, as yet unidentified
E-selectin ligand appears to contribute to rolling. Thus in mice,
PSGL-1 is a physiologically relevant ligand for P-selectin, and
also may play a role in L- and E-selectin mediated adhesion.
While the ligand for L-selectin on postcapillary venules is
not yet confirmed, L-selectin ligands on high endothelial
venules in mucosal and peripheral lymph nodes have been
Fig. 20.16 Selectins and their ligands. ESL-1, E-selectin ligand-1; identified as mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1
GlyCAM-1, glycosylated cell adhesion molecule 1; MAdCAM-1, (MAdCAM-1), glycosylated cell adhesion molecule-1
mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1; PSGL-1, P-selectin
glycoprotein ligand 1. (GlyCAM-1), and CD34 respectively.
β1 integrins β2 integrins
collagens fibrinogen
β3 integrins
fibronectin (CS-1)
αvβ3 vitronectin
VLA-4 (α4β1)
RGD Peptide
The β1 integrin VLA-4 (α4β1) is expressed on circulating neutrophils, surface expression of CD11b (Mac-1 or αMβ2) is
leukocytes important to allergic inflammation (including rapidly increased after exposure to chemoattractants (Table
eosinophils, T cells, basophils, mononuclear cells), but not 20.9) due to mobilization from intracellular granule stores. In
significantly on neutrophils. VLA-4 binds to counter-receptors contrast, CD11a (LFA-1) is constitutively expressed and a
expressed by endothelial cells (i.e. VCAM-1), as well as to change in the conformation of this integrin regulates its affinity
receptors in the extracellular matrix (the CS-1 region of for its counter-receptor ICAM-1.
fibronectin). The α4 integrins support firm adhesion of β7 integrins (α4β7) are expressed on eosinophils and a subset
leukocytes to VCAM-1, and can also support leukocyte rolling of gut-homing lymphocytes. On eosinophils, α4β7 mediates
on endothelium in vivo. binding to two different ligands on endothelial cells (VCAM-1,
The β2 integrin subfamily is highly expressed on all circulating and MAdCAM-1). As MAdCAM is not significantly expressed
leukocytes and consists of a common β subunit (β2/CD18) in the lung compared to the GI tract, MAdCAM plays an
linked to one of four α subunits: CD11a [lymphocyte function- important role in homing of cells expressing α4β7 to the gut,
associated antigen (LFA-1) or αLβ2], CD11b (Mac-1 or αMβ2), but less of a role in mediating eosinophil recruitment to the
CD11c (αXβ2), or CD11d (αDβ2). The leukocyte β2 integrins lung via α4β7 integrins.
mediate firm adhesion of leukocytes to ICAM-1 expressed by
endothelial cells. Thus firm adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium
The immunoglobulin superfamily
can either be mediated by leukocyte β1 integrin binding to
endothelial-expressed VCAM-1, or by leukocyte β2 integrin The immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily includes ICAM-1, ICAM-2,
binding to endothelial-expressed ICAM-1. Lymphocytes express ICAM-3, VCAM-1, and platelet endothelial cell adhesion
primarily CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1 or αLβ2) while neutrophils, molecule-1 (PECAM-1) (Fig. 20.19). ICAM-1 comprises a single
eosinophils, and monocytes express all four β2 integrins. On transmembrane polypeptide having five Ig domains. Binding
346 • Chapter 20 • Cytokines, Chemokines, and Adhesion Proteins
sites for CD11a are in ICAM-1 domains 1 and 2 and for VCAM-1 is another member of the Ig superfamily that is
CD11b in ICAM-1 domain 3. ICAM-1 is constitutively expressed expressed on endothelial cells. The major form of VCAM-1
at low levels on endothelial cells but is transcriptionally up- consists of seven Ig domains. Domains 1 and 4 mediate VCAM-1
regulated by various cytokines and LPS (Table 20.10). ICAM- binding to VLA-4. Basal expression of VCAM-1 on endothelial
1 deficient mice show substantially impaired lymphocyte and cells is very low, and is upregulated by cytokines including
eosinophil trafficking into airways following antigen challenge. IL-4, IL-13, and TNF.
ICAM-2 has two Ig domains that have 34% homology to MAdCAM-1 contains three Ig domains and is expressed by
the first two domains of ICAM-1. ICAM-2 is constitutively endothelial cells. In addition to the Ig domains, MAdCAM-1
expressed on endothelial cells at higher levels than ICAM-1 also contains a mucin-like domain that may serve as a ligand for
and it is not upregulated by inflammatory cytokines. ICAM-3 L-selectin. The major integrin ligand for MAdCAM-1 is α4β7
is expressed at high levels on leukocytes and is important in expressed by leukocytes.
mediating interactions between leukocytes. PECAM-1, which has six Ig domains, is expressed
constitutively on endothelial cells, leukocytes, and platelets. On
C2 S 1
C2 S 2 C2 S 1
C2 S 1 C2 S 3 C2 S 2 Fig. 20.19 Molecular structure
S of immunoglobulin superfamily
C2 S 1
S S S adhesion molecules.
C2 S 2 C2 S 4 C2 S 3
C2 S 2
Immunoglobulin superfamily
S S adhesion molecules express
C2 S 3 C2 S 5 C2 S 4
S variable numbers of
* extracellular constant Ig
C2 S 4 C2 S 1 S * S
S S C2 S 6 C2 S 5 domains (C2). MAdCAM-1 also
* contains an extracellular IgA
S S S domain (A1) and a mucin
C2 S 5 C2 S 2 C2 S 7 A1 S C2 S 6
S S domain (*). ICAM-1, intercellular
adhesion molecule-1;
MAdCAM-1, mucosal addressin
cell adhesion molecule-1;
PECAM-1, platelet/endothelial
cell adhesion molecule-1;
PSGL-1, P-selectin glycoprotein
COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH ligand 1; VCAM-1, vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1.
Adhesion Molecules • 347
endothelial cells, stimulation with the same inflammatory ‘Outside-in’ signaling is the result of a cell surface integrin
cytokines that induce the upregulation of ICAM-1 results in a receptor transmitting a signal to the cell cytoplasm, leading to
redistribution of PECAM-1 to the endothelial cell periphery functions such as chemotaxis, the secretion of specific cytokines,
without affecting the total amount expressed by each cell. This the killing of invasive pathogens, gene expression, and apoptosis
redistribution of PECAM may facilitate leukocyte migration (Fig. 20.20). For example, ligation of the eosinophil β2 integrin
between adjacent endothelial cells. Studies using intravital subunit triggers cell activation and degranulation. Cell surface
microscopy in PECAM-deficient mice demonstrate that integrin engagement stimulates the activity of numerous signaling
neutrophils are able to adhere to endothelium but are not able molecules, including the Rho family of GTPases, tyrosine
to diapedese between endothelial cells, suggesting an important phosphatases, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-
role for PECAM in neutrophil diapedesis between endothelial dependent protein-kinase, and protein kinase C. Integrins
cells. In contrast, studies with eosinophils suggest that PECAM promote actin assembly via the recruitment of molecules that
is not important to eosinophil tissue recruitment. PECAM-1 directly activate the actin polymerization machinery or
undergoes homotypic as well as heterotypic adhesion, the latter physically link it to sites of cell adhesion.
being to αvβ3, which is expressed on several cell types including Integrins also possess the unique ability to dynamically
leukocytes and endothelial cells. regulate their adhesiveness, through a process termed ‘inside-
out signaling’ (Fig. 20.20). In ‘inside-out signaling’, stimuli are
initially received by non-integrin cell-surface receptors (e.g.
Soluble forms of adhesion molecules
C5a, eotaxin, or IL-8 receptors) which subsequently initiate
Soluble forms of most of the endothelial adhesion molecules intracellular signals that impinge on integrin cytoplasmic
(Table 20.11) can be detected in plasma, suggesting that they domains and alter their adhesiveness for integrin extracellular
are released from the cell surface or secreted. A metallo- ligands. Within minutes of a leukocyte binding an inflammatory
proteinase, ‘L-selectin sheddase’, which is distinct from other mediator (e.g. C5a, eotaxin, or IL-8) to its respective leukocyte
known matrix metalloproteinases, mediates this cleavage.
Understanding the regulation of L-selectin sheddase may be
important for controlling leukocyte migration from the blood.
Integrin Adhesion Molecule Signaling
For P-selectin, an alternatively spliced mRNA variant from
which the exon encoding the transmembrane domain is removed,
has been identified. Thus, plasma levels of this selectin could be
due to release of this form, or the loss of P-selectin from the integrin ligand
cell surface, or both. The presence of other adhesion molecules
in plasma could arise by similar mechanisms. These secreted low-affinity high-affinity IL-8
adhesion molecules may be involved in regulation of the inflam-
matory responses by acting as endogenous inhibitors of adhesion. β α β α
Table 20.12 Adhesion molecule expression in asthma. The table compares the
expression of adhesion molecules on lung microvascular endothelial and bronchial
epithelial cells
Expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules on Human Long Endothelial and Epithelial Cells
Lung microvascular
Adhesion molecule Bronchial epithelial cells endothelial cells
Basal Stimulated Basal Stimulated
Eosinophil Adhesion in Asthma Table 20.13 Adhesion molecule expression and function on
intrapulmonary cells
Cell Function
Bronchial epithelial cells Eosinophil-mediated damage;
β6-integrin-mediated repair
Mast cells Integrin-dependent
Macrophages Activation via integrins/PSGL-1
Nerve cells VLA-4-mediated damage by
bronchial postcapillary extracellular matrix bronchial eosinophils
venule proteins epithelium Dendritic cells Activation via integrins/PSGL-1
T cells Antigen presentation; activation
Fig. 20.21 Eosinophil adhesion in asthma. The illustration
highlights the possible eosinophil interactions with vascular
endothelial cells, matrix proteins, and bronchial epithelial cells. PSGL, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand; VLA, very late antigen.
cell surface receptor, integrin receptors on the same cell surface that IFNγ is the most effective stimulus of epithelial ICAM-1
acquire the ability to adhere to ligands on other cell surfaces expression while TNF-α shows weak activity. Epithelial cell
and extracellular regions. This is thought to occur by ICAM-1 mediates the adhesion of eosinophils to epithelium
conformational changes in integrin receptor ligand-binding and this may be an important mechanism by which these two
sites. This type of ‘inside-out’ signaling involves non-integrin cells are brought into close proximity, leading to epithelial cell
cell surface receptor activation of G-proteins including Rho and injury (Fig. 20.21). Other adhesion-molecule-expressing cells
Rac, although kinases including PI-3K and PKC are also in the lung include mast cells (Table 20.13), which express β1
involved. integrins that bind to matrix proteins. Effective mast cell
degranulation requires α4-mediated adhesion to fibronectin.
Airway nerves express ligands for VLA-4, which mediates
Adhesion molecules on structural cells
eosinophil adhesion and potential nerve damage, in a manner
(epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells)
analogous to eosinophil-mediated epithelial cell damage.
Adhesion molecule expression is not limited to endothelial cells
and leukocytes, but is also present on structural cells (e.g.
Modulators of adhesion molecules
epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, nerves, fibroblasts).
as therapeutics
Bronchial epithelial cells express ICAM-1 although, unlike lung
microvascular endothelial cells, they do not express VCAM-1, Targeting adhesion molecules in allergic inflammation may
PECAM-1, or selectins (Table 20.12). Another difference is be beneficial by reducing leukocyte trafficking as well as by
Further Reading • 349
• Antisense oligonucleotides
• Soluble adhesion molecule
• Oligosaccharides
• Glycomimetics
Barnes PJ. Cytokine-directed therapies for civilization. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2003; Robinson DS, Kay AB, Wardlaw A.
the treatment of chronic airway 2:902–914. Eosinophils. Clin Allergy Immunol 2002;
diseases. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev Karin M, Yamamoto Y, Wang QM. The IKK 16:43–75.
2003; 14:511–522. NF-kappa B system: a treasure trove for Romagnani S. 2004 Immunologic
Davenpeck KL, Bochner BS. Leukocyte- drug development. Nat Rev Drug Discov influences on allergy and the TH1/TH2
blood vessel interactions. Clin Allergy 2004; 3:17–26. balance. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;
Immunol 2002; 16:125–141. Kay AB. Immunomodulation in asthma: 113:395–400.
Escoubet-Lozach L, Glass CK, Wasserman mechanisms and possible pitfalls. Zimmerman N, Hershey GK, Foster PS,
SI. The role of transcription factors in Curr Opin Pharmacol 2003; et al. Chemokines in asthma:
allergic inflammation. J Allergy Clin 3:220–226. cooperative interaction between
Immunol 2002; 110:553–564. Luster A. Anti-chemokine immunotherapy chemokines and IL-13. J Allergy Clin
Holgate ST, Broide D. New targets for for allergic diseases. Curr Opin Allergy Immunol 2003; 111:227–242.
allergic rhinitis – a disease of Clin Immunol 2001; 1:561–567.
The allergic response is
initiated by mast cell
activation. In addition to
stimulating the symptoms
of the early phase
Effector Cells
response, mast cell
cytokines activate Th2
of Allergy
lymphocytes to secrete
further cytokines which
result in the influx of Catherine M Hawrylowicz, Donald W MacGlashan,
eosinophils, neutrophils Hirohisa Saito, Hans-Uwe Simon, and Andrew J Wardlaw
and basophils to cause
allergic inflammation.
Whereas most structural cells within tissues divide and mature within the tissues, the
effector cells of allergy – namely mast cells, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, and
monocytes – are produced in the bone marrow. Some of these cells – specifically
basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils – also undergo maturation within the bone
marrow and are released into the blood as mature leukocytes. In contrast, mast cells
are released into the blood as precursor cells and only mature into recognizable mast
cells in the tissues. Cells of the monocyte–macrophage lineage are somewhat of a
‘halfway house’, being released into the blood as functional monocytes and then
undergoing a second phase of tissue specific maturation to form heterogeneous
macrophage populations e.g. Kupffer cells in the liver, alveolar macrophages in the lung.
The current model of cell development in the bone marrow is based on the concept
that all cells originate from a common totipotent stem cell that gives rise to
pluripotent stem cells, which in turn differentiate into a series of more committed
precursors with restricted capacity for change of lineage (Fig. 21.1). In general, the
production of stem cells is stimulated by interleukin-3 (IL-3), which is lineage non-
specific, and by growth factors from stromal cells, including endothelial cells,
epithelial cells, and fibroblasts. Growth factor production by stromal cells is enhanced
by cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and IL-1, both of which are
increased in inflammation.
Mast cells
Mast cells cannot be readily identified until they mature in the tissues and express
their characteristic granules and high-affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRI). It is considered
that they enter the circulation from the bone marrow as immature precursors
expressing CD34, a cluster determinant normally associated with precursor cells
within the bone marrow, and c-kit receptors for stem cell factor (SCF), the primary
growth factor for human mast cells. From the blood, the precursors migrate into the
tissues where, under the influence of local microenvironmental factors, they undergo
their final phases of differentiation and maturation into recognizable mast cells.
Several helper T cells type 2 (Th2) cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-6 can slightly
enhance human mast cell proliferation and maturation in vitro only in the place where
considerable levels of SCF are present. Increased production of mast cells is often
observed in the tissues where fibroblasts expressing membrane-bound SCF are
abundant. The number of mast cells is also increased in inflammatory tissues in
352 • Chapter 21 • Effector Cells of Allergy
Plasma NGF
cell IL-2, IL-4,
B-1 B cell IL-5, IL-6,
IL-7, IL-10,
B cell Pre-B cell Plasma IL-11, IL-13,
progenitor cell
B-2 B cell LMW-BCGF,
αβ T cell
IL-1, IL-2,
IL-4, IL-5,
Lymphoid T cell Pre-T cell γδ T cell IL-6, IL-7,
progenitor progenitor IL-9, IL-12
IL-2, IL-4,
NK cell
IL-7, IL-12
NK cell
IL-1, IL-3
IL-6, IL-11 Dendritic GM-CSF,
IL-12, SCF cell TNF-α
Myeloid DC
Pluripotential progenitor
hematopoietic Macrophage GM-CSF,
stem cell IL-6, IL-11
Monoblast Monocyte
allergic diseases. However, it is still controversial whether the ditions. However, in allergy, increased levels of GM-CSF and
number of mast cell precursors is increased in circulating blood IL-5 result in increased eosinophil production, demonstrable by
or only localized mast cells grow in the tissue. eosinophilia in the blood and tissues. Little is known of the
Maturation of mast cells in the tissues is described in more factors that increase basophil production. Both eosinophils and
detail later in this chapter. It should be pointed out at this stage basophils are primarily tissue cells with a very limited life-span
that, although basophils were originally thought to be circulating in the blood. For eosinophils, the life-span in the blood is about
mast cells, they are related more closely to eosinophils, 24 hours and the tissue-to-blood ratio is about 100:1.
developing in the bone marrow from granulocyte precursors
and entering the circulation only when fully mature.
Neutrophils are produced constitutively by the bone marrow in
Eosinophils and basophils
large numbers. Because of the large number produced and the
Eosinophils and basophils are thought to arise from a common relatively short life-span (less than 24 hours), more than half of
mononuclear stem cell, which is stimulated to divide by the the work done by the bone marrow is dedicated to the
cytokines IL-3 and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating production of neutrophils. In inflammation, increased levels
factor (GM-CSF) acting in concert with stromal factors. of inflammatory cytokines stimulate enhanced neutrophil
The production of these cells, both of which enter the production. IL-3, IL-6, GM-CSF, and TNFα are the cytokines
circulation as mature leukocytes, is limited in normal con- that are most likely to be involved.
Principles of Apoptosis • 353
Development of Mononuclear Phagocytes Table 21.1 Cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system in
normal and inflamed tissue
Cells Localization
monoblast (10–20 µm)
Committed stem cells Bone marrow
Monoblasts Bone marrow
polar Promonocytes Bone marrow
accumulation promonocyte (10–20 µm) Monocytes Bone marrow (1 day)
of granules Blood (3 days)
Macrophages Tissues
Free, normal state
Histiocytes Connective tissues
blood monocyte (10–18 µm) Alveolar macrophages Lung
Pleural/peritoneal Serous cavities
Fixed normal state
Kupffer cells Liver
Osteoclasts Bone
Microglial cells Central nervous system
tissue macrophage Synovial A cells Joints
Mesangial cells Kidney
Fixed-tissue macrophages Spleen, lymph nodes, bone
Exudative macrophages Any inflamed tissue
Activated macrophages Any inflamed tissue
Multinucleated giant cells Chronic infection
giant cell
Table 21.2 Changes in the cellular characteristics of mononuclear phagocytes with maturation
Mechanisms of apoptosis
The morphology of apoptosis is associated with characteristic
changes within the dying cell. The most readily observed
features involve the nucleus, where the chromatin becomes apoptotic
extremely condensed before complete collapse of the nucleus
occurs. A reduction in cell volume is also clearly detectable.
Figure 21.3 demonstrates these two morphologic changes of
apoptosis in both eosinophils and neutrophils. Furthermore,
when apoptotic cells are not immediately phagocytosed, cells
undergoing apoptosis can break up into apoptotic bodies. In
contrast, in necrosis there are no nuclear changes and the cell
swells rapidly before undergoing lysis. necrotic
Biochemically, apoptosis is characterized by a controlled
autodigestion of the cell. Intracellular proteases are essential
players of the apoptotic death machinery. These proteases,
called caspases, all belong to one protein family. Caspases are
processed by cleavage at specific aspartate residues to form
active heterodimeric enzymes. It appears that caspases work in Fig. 21.3 Morphologic features of apoptotic and necrotic
granulocytes. Apoptosis was induced by anti-Fas monoclonal
a hierarchical system similar to other proteolytic cascades such antibody. Two stages of apoptosis are shown: first, pyknosis of the
as complement activation or blood coagulation. Recent data nucleus, and secondly, nuclear fragmentation and reduced cell
volume. Note that, even at this late stage of apoptosis, these cells
suggest that an initial activation of the caspases cascade is have an intact cell membrane. Necrosis was induced by treating the
reversible; however, in overt intracellular proteolysis the cell cells with water. In contrast to apoptosis, necrosis is a lytic process
has to die, owing to irreversible damage. associated with inflammation. No changes in the morphology of the
nucleus are observed in necrosis.
Caspase-mediated proteolysis results in cytoskeletal
disruption, cell shrinkage, and membrane blebbing. Caspases
also activate endonucleases, which degrade nuclear DNA and DNA laddering, is often used to demonstrate an apoptotic
are responsible for nucleus condensation and the inter- death in many cellular systems. Thus, all of the above-mentioned
nucleosomal DNA fragmentation that is often observed in morphologic changes can be explained by the proteolytic activity
apoptotic cells. This specific type of DNA fragmentation, or within apoptotic cells.
Mast Cells • 355
intestinal mucosa
intestinal submucosa
alveolar wall
bronchial sub-epithelium
nasal mucosa
100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100
% %
Fig. 21.5 Mast cell phenotypes. (a) Tissue distribution of human mast cell phenotypes. (b) Flow cytometric identification of human MCT and
MCTC. Human mast cells can be immunohistochemically classified into chymase-positive (MCTC) and -negative (MCT). However, by
intracytoplasmic flow cytometric analysis, they can be recognized as chymase-abundant and chymase-scant as shown in tonsil-derived mast
cells. It should be noted that strength of chymase staining is widely distributed as compared to that of tryptase staining as shown in human
cord blood-derived cultured mast cells (shaded areas indicate the results obtained with isotype-matched control antibody). [(a) – Courtesy of
Dr A-M Irani and Dr LB Schwartz.]
358 • Chapter 21 • Effector Cells of Allergy
Basophils secrete mediators that have been grouped into three
classes (Table 21.7). Granule-associated mediators, like
histamine, are preformed and secreted rapidly (5–20 minutes
at optimal stimulation). There are two newly generated mediator
classes, lipids like leukotriene C4 that are secreted rapidly
(5–20 minutes) and newly synthesized cytokines/proteins that
require hours. Although it is often reported that eosinophils
secrete leukotriene C4, the literature suggests that basophils
may secrete 10–100-fold more LTC4. Likewise, basophils
appear to secrete considerably more IL-4 than eosinophil.
Indeed, recent studies indicate that basophils may be a primary
source of IL-4, with a majority of the IL-4 found in an
inflammatory reaction coming from basophils (if they are a
participant in the reaction), greater than antigen-specific
T lymphocytes. It is possible that basophils represent the
source of early IL-4 secretion from mast cells but it is not found
in supernatants of cultured human mast cells following
Fig. 21.8 Electron micrograph of a basophil and a mast cell stimulation. Basophils also secrete IL-13 and this cytokine only
together in a tissue section. (Reproduced with permission from
Dvorak AM, Monahan RA, Osage JE, et al. Crohn’s disease: needs IL-3 as a stimulus for its generation. There is no evidence
transmission electron microscopic studies. Hum Pathol 1980; that eosinophils secrete IL-13. These later two cytokines
11:606–619.) should have some role in cell recruitment and inducing the IgE
switch in lymphocytes.
and ligands on basophils are often found on eosinophils and, to
some extent, on neutrophils. Likewise, there are a variety of The very high levels of FcεRI expression in basophils lead to a
peptide receptors, like fMLP and C5a, and chemokine receptors condition of great sensitivity to allergen challenge. In atopic
that are found on neutrophils and eosinophils. However, it is subjects, basophils express 200 000–700 000 FcεRI per cell.
evident from studies of various inflammatory conditions that However, the basophil only needs 1000–5000 antigen-specific
basophils can be selectively recruited and these observations IgE molecules to respond maximally to antigen. The cells
suggest that there are several unique adhesion and chemokine continue to secrete, albeit at lower levels, with one-tenth this
receptors. Table 21.6 outlines some of the similarities and density. For some subjects, allergen-specific IgE represents 50%
differences, compared with eosinophils. of total IgE although it is more commonly the case that 1% of
There are several new classes of receptors being defined for the total IgE has specificity for a given antigenic protein. It is
granulocytes. For example, the leukocyte inhibitory receptors the mix of antigens in an environmental allergen that cumulatively
Basophils • 361
Basophils Eosinophils
Table 21.7 Secretagogues and the mediators they release from human basophils
and eosinophils
Basophils Eosinophils
fMLP, formyl-Met-Leu-Phe; IL, interleukin; LTC4, leukotriene C4; MCP, monocyte chemotactic peptide;
MBP, major basic protein; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; PAF, platelet-activating factor; SDF,
stromal cell derived factor.
leads to high specific to total ratios. These considerations are a receptor regulation is not considered. However, FcεRI expression
factor in understanding both the mast cell and basophil is also under the control of IgE. Evidence to date indicates that
response to therapies that reduce IgE levels in the circulation. IgE stabilizes the presence of FcεRI on the cell surface.
Considerable reduction is required to have an impact on Synthesis of the receptor is constitutive – not influenced, at
allergen-driven secretion, a reduction of 2000–10 000 fold if least, by IgE – but its normal loss from the cell surface is
362 • Chapter 21 • Effector Cells of Allergy
GlyCAM-1, glycosylated cell adhesion molecule-1; ICAM-1, intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1;
LFA-1, lymphocyte function-associated receptor; MAdCAM-1, mucosal addressin cell adhesion
molecule-1; PECAM, platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule; PSGL-1, P-selectin glycoprotein
ligand-1; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1.
Table 21.9 Eosinophil receptors. Adhesion receptors are Table 21.10 Eosinophil-derived mediators
not shown
Eosinophil-derived Mediators
Eosinophil Receptors (other than adhesion)
Granule-associated mediators
CCR3 Basic proteins: MBP, ECP, EDN, EPO
CCR1 Enzymes: lysophospholipase (CLC protein),
CXCR1 (only on primed cells) catalase, acid phosphatase
CXCR2 (only on primed cells) Cytokines: IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8,
Chemokines: RANTES, MIP-1α
Il-5, GM-CSF, IL-3
C5a, C3a, PAF, LTB4
Membrane-derived mediators
CD32, FcαR, FcεR, Galectin 3 LTC4; PAF; 15-HETE; PGE1; PGE2; TXB2
Newly expressed
CD69, CD25, CD4, ICAM-1, CD16 CLC, Charcot–Leyden crystal; ECP, eosinophil cationic protein, EDN,
Other receptors eosinophil-derived neurotoxin; EPO, eosinophil peroxidase; GM-CSF,
CD40, CD9, CD45 granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; 15-HETE,
15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; IL, interleukin; MBP, major basic
protein; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; LTB4, leukotriene B4;
GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; PAF, platelet-activating factor; PGE1, PGE2, prostaglandin E1, E2;
IL, interleukin; LTB4, leukotriene B4; PAF, platelet-activating factor. TGF, transforming growth factor; TXB2, thromboxane B2.
Table 21.11 Functions of eosinophil granule proteins Table 21.12 Cytokine generation by eosinophils
Neutrophil W/D L-selectin Endothelial CHO
(mel 14 mouse)
Endothelial – GMP-140 Sialylated Lewis X antigen
PADGEM (CD15 on neutrophil)
Endothelial – ELAM-1 Sialylated Lewis X antigen
(CD15 on neutrophil)
Others CD44 HCAM? Hyaluronate receptor
ELAM, endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule; ICAM-1, intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1;
LFA-1, lymphocyte function-associated receptor-1; PADGEM, platelet activation dependent granule-
external membrane protein.
Oxygen radicals
Neutrophil Receptors
A characteristic of neutrophil activation is the stimulation
within seconds of a respiratory burst. This leads to the generation
LFA-1 Mac-1 p150,95 of the oxygen radicals, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and
superoxide (O2-). These are converted into the even more toxic
CD11a CD18 CD11b CD18 CD11c CD18 CD15 ? hypohalous acid (HOCl) by the actions of neutrophil
myeloperoxidase, and into hydroxyl ions (OH-) by reduction of
ferrous to ferric ions. While these radicals are clearly
bactericidal, their role in allergic disease is not so clear.
Lipid mediators
Neutrophils are a major source of the chemotactic LTB4. In the
neutrophil, an epoxide hydrolase converts the arachidonate-
derived lipid intermediate, LTA4, into LTB4. This is in contrast
to eosinophils, in which a specific glutathione-S-transferase
? links glutathione to LTA4 to produce LTC4. Neutrophils can
also generate physiologically significant amounts of PAF.
ICAM-1 ICAM-2 ?C3bi ? ELAM-1
activate further neutrophils, and IL-6, IL-12, macrophage the long-term pathogenicity of allergic inflammation, particularly
colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and GM-CSF, which at mucosal surfaces.
stimulate hematopoiesis, a process that is necessary for the
production of more neutrophils.
Activation Morphology and heterogeneity of
monocytes and macrophages
In order to mount a maximal secretory response and respiratory
burst, neutrophils, like eosinophils, need to be exposed to the Macrophages represent the major mature cell of the mono-
effects of both priming and activating stimuli. Priming agents, nuclear phagocyte system and are found in essentially every
which upregulate the baseline activity of the cell but do not human tissue and body cavity. They originate from precursors
themselves initiate secretory events, include lipopolysaccharide, in the bone marrow, which are released into the blood as
TNFα, and PAF. Activating stimuli, such as IL-8, C5a, and monocytes and then marginate into tissues by following a
fMLP then activate the complex biochemical pathway that defined pathway of maturation, trafficking, and differentiation.
leads to enzyme secretion, upregulate the NADPH (reduced Blood monocytes have a kidney-bean shaped nucleus, and a
form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) oxidase granular cytoplasm containing lysosomes and phagocytic
system to form oxygen radicals, and initiate phospholipid vacuoles. Once established in tissues, macrophages may assume
metabolism, which leads to the generation of LTB4. Further- many different forms (Table 21.1). Mononuclear phagocytes
more, a variety of inflammatory mediators, including GM-CSF, function in both the natural and acquired arms of the immune
are able to extend the active life-span of neutrophils by delaying system and participate in a wide range of physiologic and
apoptosis. pathologic processes (Table 21.16). An important role in the
disease process seen in allergy is played by both:
Primary functions in allergy • mononuclear phagocyte activation leading to the release of
numerous soluble mediators that regulate inflammatory
Tissue neutrophilia is the hallmark of all inflammation. In and immune processes; and
allergic inflammation in humans, neutrophil accumulation in • the presentation of antigen to T lymphocytes and the
allergen-challenged sites precedes that of eosinophils. More- regulation of T-lymphocyte activation.
over, the peak time of neutrophil accumulation is approxi-
mately 8 hours, which coincides with the peak of the late-phase
Cell surface antigens and receptors
response. However, no causal relationship between the
neutrophil and the symptoms of allergic disease or asthma has The capacity of mononuclear phagocytes to respond to changes
been established. Even so, it would be surprising if local tissue in their environment is mediated by a large array of plasma
damage caused by activated neutrophils did not contribute to membrane receptors. The use of monoclonal antibodies to
370 • Chapter 21 • Effector Cells of Allergy
Table 21.16 General properties of mononuclear phagocytes Mononuclear Phagocyte IgE Receptors
General Properties of Mononuclear Phagocytes
Ingestion and killing of invading microbes and tumor cells
Release of numerous soluble mediators involved in host defense Specific uptake of cAMP, NO
and inflammation antigen/allergen
Superoxide anion
Removal of tissue debris and wound repair Targeting to release
antigen processing
Regulation of hemopoiesis compartments Lysosomal enzyme
Processing and presentation of antigen to and activation of Presentation of
specific antigen Cytotoxicity
T lymphocytes to CD4+ T cells
Lipid mediator release
PGE2 secretion
Pro inflammatory
cytokine synthesis
Monocyte/Macrophage Receptors
Fig. 21.15 Monocyte phagocyte IgE receptors. Expression by
mononuclear phagocytes of low (FcεRII) and high (FcεRI) affinity
Scavenger receptor TLRs receptors for IgE and the functional consequences of IgE receptor
cross-linking. cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate;
Mannose receptor IL, interleukin; PGE2, prostaglandin E2.
co-receptor Fc receptors
(CD14) FcγRI (CD64)
FcγRII-A (CD32)
FcγRIII (CD16)
Macrosialin FcεRI
Mononuclear phagocytes carry a number of receptors for the
(CD68) FcεRII recognition of foreign antigens such as microbes and allergens.
These facilitate binding and internalization of particulate and
soluble ligands with great efficiency and selectivity, and lead to
distinct patterns of intracellular signaling and cellular activation.
Complement receptors
β glucan receptor e.g. CR1, CR3 Several families of receptors that recognize conserved molecular
patterns permit recognition of microbial ligands, but also some
Binding and uptake of Ag (e.g. microbe, allergen) host molecules, by cells of the innate immune system including
Phagocyte activation monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. These include the
Toll-like receptor family (TLR 1-10), scavenger receptors, c-type
Fig. 21.14 Monocyte–macrophage receptors. LPS, lectin-like receptors and the mannose receptor. These receptors
recognize lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and carbohydrates. Fc
receptors, which bind the Fc or constant portion of immunog-
lobulin, and receptors for complement components allow the
recognition and endocytosis of opsonized antigen. Monocytes
detect these and additional antigens expressed is an important and macrophages express receptors for the complement com-
aspect of cellular identification, although none of these antigens ponents C3b, C3bi, and C3d, which are increased in allergic
is completely lineage specific (Fig. 21.14). In humans, important disease. In addition, receptors for IgG monomers, IgG
markers are: complexes, and IgE immune complexes are also expressed by
• CD14, a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored cell these cells. Increased expression of both the high-affinity
surface glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 55 kDa, receptor for IgE, FcεRI , and the low-affinity receptor for IgE,
which is also found in a soluble form; it functions as a FcεRII (CD23), is observed on monocytes, macrophages, and
co-receptor for Gram-negative bacterial endotoxins; dendritic cells in allergy. Major receptors are illustrated in
• CD64, a receptor for the constant portion of Figure 21.15.
immunoglobulin, FcεR1; and
• CD68, a highly glycosylated protein that is found mainly Mediators
intracellularly and is a homolog of the murine macrosialin
protein. The capacity of monocytes and macrophages to regulate
T-lymphocyte activation, control microbial invasion, and
Expression of major histocompatibility class II antigens, which regulate inflammatory events is mediated in large part by the
are essential for presentation of antigen to CD4+ synthesis and secretion of soluble mediators (Fig. 21.16). These
T lymphocytes, together with the lack of expression of defined biologically active molecules vary in molecular weight and
T-, B- and natural killer (NK)-cell markers, are also useful for range from simple chemical species such as nitric oxide to
identification of this lineage. complex glycoproteins such as cytokines.
Monocytes and Macrophages • 371
Bioactive lipids: proinflammatory:
cyclooxygenase e.g. IL-1, IL-6, TNF,GM-CSF
& lipoxygenase antiinflammatory:
products, PAF e.g. IL-10, IL-1ra, TGFβ
Binding proteins
Multiple enzymes
e.g. for metals, lipids, avidin
Fig. 21.16 Secretory products
of monocytes and macrophages.
bFGF, basic fibroblast growth
factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte–
Complements components macrophage colony-stimulating
classical & alternative Steroid hormones factor; IL, interleukin; MCP,
pathway products, inhibitors monocyte chemotactic peptide;
PAF, platelet-activating factor;
PGDF, platelet-derived growth
factor; TGF, transforming growth
Coagulation factors factor; TNF, tumor necrosis
microbial activity, which enables them to function in the innate demonstrate increased antigen-presenting function is likely to
immune response and promote the local clearance of pathogens. contribute to enhanced antigen presentation in the asthmatic
In allergic inflammation, changes occur in the alveolar lung. The likely importance of mononuclear phagocytes in the
macrophage population, which results in an enhanced capacity pathogenesis of allergic inflammation is highlighted by the
to present antigen and a loss of their immunosuppressive sensitivity of these cells to the immunosuppressive effects of
phenotype. This is attributed to changes in the local environ- antiinflammatory agents that provide considerable benefit to
ment with evidence for an important role of GM-CSF. In the vast majority of atopic people.
addition, an increase in newly recruited monocytes that
Bieber T. FcRI on antigen presenting cells. Gordon S. Alternative activation of Matsuoka T, Hirata M, Tanaka H, et al.
Curr Opin Immunol 1996; 8:773–777. macrophages. Nature Rev Immunol Prostaglandin D2 as a mediator of
Bochner BS, Schleimer RP. Mast cells, 2003; 3:23–35. allergic asthma. Science. 2000;
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Immunol Rev 2001; 179:5–15. chemotaxis in T helper type 2 cells, macrophages. J Clin Invest 1987;
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Mast-cell infiltration of airway smooth transmembrane receptor CRTH2. J Exp Okumura S, Kashiwakura J, Tomita H, et al.
muscle in asthma. N Engl J Med 2002; Med 2001; 193:255–261. Identification of specific gene
346:1699–1705. Johnson RB. Monocytes and macrophages: expression profiles in human mast cells
de Waal Malefyt R, Figdor CG, Huijbens R, current concepts. N Engl J Med 1988; mediated by Toll-like receptor 4 and
et al. Effects of IL-13 on phenotype, 318:747–752. FcεRI. Blood 2003; 102:2547–2554.
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function of human monocytes: Robinson C, ed. Lipid mediators in Dendritic cells: from ontogenetic
comparison with IL-4 and modulation by allergic diseases of the respiratory orphans to myelomonocytic
IFN or IL-10. J Immunol 1993; tract. Florida: CRC Press, descendants. Immunol Today 1996;
151:6370–6381. 1994:121–145. 17:273–277.
Dugas B, Mossalayi MD, Damais C, et al. Liu YJ. Dendritic cell subsets and lineages, Saini SS, MacGlashan D. How IgE
Nitric oxide production by human and their functions in innate and upregulates the allergic response. Curr
monocytes: evidence for a role of adaptive immunity. Cell 2001; Opin Immunol 2002; 14(6):694–697.
CD23. Immunol Today 1995; 106:259–262. Takeda K, Kaisho T, Akira S. Toll-like
16:574–580. MacGlashan D Jr, Gauvreau G, Schroeder receptors. Annu Rev Immunol 2003;
Dvorak AM. Cell biology of the basophil. Int JT. Basophil in airway disease. Curr 21:335–376.
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Gordon S, Clarke S, Greaves D, et al. 2(2):126–132. monocytes and macrophages. Curr
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macrophages: recent progress. Curr MA, ed. Blood cell biochemistry, vol. 5.
Opin Immunol 1995; 7:24–33. New York: Plenum Press; 1993.
The early-phase allergic
response is that which
occurs within
30 minutes of allergen
challenge. It is initiated
Cellular and Mediator
largely by mast cell
activation with histamine
Mechanisms of the
and cysteinyl leukotrienes
being the dominant
Early-Phase Response
mediators. The clinical
manifestations are organ
specific and include: Burton Zweiman, Paul M O’Byrne, Carl GA Persson, and
Martin K Church
• in the upper airways:
sneezing, itching,
rhinorrhea, and nasal
congestion; INTRODUCTION
• in the lower airways:
The early-phase allergic response is initiated by the release of mast cell mediators
following allergen challenge of a sensitized individual. Although the spectrum of
mediators is essentially the same in all tissues, the symptoms provoked are different
dyspnea, wheezing, due to differences in the anatomy of their target tissues, e.g. bronchoconstriction in
and cough; the lower airways, rhinorrhea and blockage in the nose, a wheal-and-flare response in
the skin, and cardiovascular collapse in systemic anaphylaxis.
• in the skin: wheal,
The inhalation of allergen by sensitized individuals results in airway narrowing which
develops within 10–15 minutes, reaches a maximum within 30 minutes, and generally
resolves within 1–3 hours – this is the early asthmatic response (Fig. 22.1). In some
of these subjects, the airway narrowing either does not return to baseline values or
recurs after 3–4 hours and reaches a maximum at 6–12 hours – this is the late asthmatic
response (see Fig. 22.1). The late asthmatic response need not necessarily be preceded
by a clinically evident early response. Thus, in a subset of sensitized subjects, allergen
inhalation induces an isolated late response at 3–8 hours in the absence of a clinically
demonstrable early response.
In the nose, topical allergen challenge of sensitized individuals causes immediate
nasal reactions involving itching, sneezing, obstruction, and watery discharges. The
early response usually abates within 1–3 hours. In contrast to the dual allergic
response in the lower airways, distinct late-phase responses are not common in the
nose although low-grade nasal inflammation and symptoms may continue well beyond
the first 3 hours after challenge with large amounts of allergen. Furthermore, nasal
allergen challenge has a ‘priming’ effect, the nasal mucosa exhibiting an increased
responsiveness to histamine or to a second allergen challenge on the day after the
initial challenge.
In the skin, intradermal injection of allergen induces a characteristic ‘triple response’
first described by Thomas Lewis in 1927. The first symptom to be observed, which
occurs almost immediately, is an initial reddening at the site of allergen injection. This
is followed by the development within 5–10 minutes of an area of edema, or wheal,
whose size is dose dependent and may be up to 20 mm in diameter (Fig. 22.2a).
During this time, an area of erythema, or flare, develops around the wheal. The size
376 • Chapter 22 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of the Early-Phase Response
FEV1 (l)
5 a
FEV1 (l)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time post-inhalation (hours)
control house dust mite extract (allergen)
• In contrast, there is evidence that any histamine liberated histamine. H1 antihistamines have found a particular use in the
during late phase reactions in the nose, eye, and skin treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, local and systemic
comes predominantly from basophils accumulating in the anaphylactic reactions, and urticaria. At therapeutic doses
reaction site. antihistamines can inhibit about 75% of the skin wheal-and-
flare response induced by intradermal allergen, suggesting an
MEDIATORS AND THE EARLY-PHASE important role for histamine in this mast-cell-mediated event.
RESPONSE The therapeutic success of antihistamines in the treatment of
rhinitis and urticaria suggests that histamine plays a major,
To show that a specific mediator is involved in the pathogenesis though not the sole, role in the pathogenesis of these diseases.
of an allergic response it is necessary to demonstrate that the In the lower airways, histamine, in combination with
mediator or its metabolites are measurable in biological fluids leukotrienes, is largely responsible for allergen-induced
during induced allergic responses, that exogenous administration bronchoconstriction in asthma, as demonstrated by the ability
of the mediator mimics aspects of the allergic response, and of pretreatment with a combination of an antileukotriene and
that inhibition of the synthesis or action of the mediator prevents antihistamine to almost completely abolish the early asthmatic
or attenuates the response. response. The residual bronchoconstriction not attenuated by
antileukotrienes is likely to be histamine mediated. Also,
Histamine antihistamines effectively reduce symptoms such as sneezing,
itching, and plasma exudation with rhinorrhea after nasal allergen
Histamine has long been recognized to be a mediator of acute challenge. However, antihistamines are much less effective in
allergic reactions in humans and was one of the first chemical reducing nasal congestion.
substances to be associated with mast cells. β-Imidazolyl-
ethylamine was first synthesized in 1907 and was later named
Cysteinyl leukotrienes
‘histamine’ (from the Greek histos, for ‘tissue’) because of its
ubiquitous presence in animal tissues. In classic pharmacologic The cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) LTC4 and LTD4 are derived
studies, Henry Dale demonstrated the potent bronchospastic from arachidonic acid following its oxidation by 5-lipoxygenase
and vasodilator activity of histamine when it was injected (5-LO). The synthesis of leukotrienes is initiated by the action
intravenously into animals. Thirteen years later, in the same of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which selectively cleaves
laboratory, it was noted that many of the symptoms of injection arachidonic acid from phospholipid. Arachidonic acid is
of antigen into a sensitized animal could be reproduced by converted sequentially to 5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid
histamine, and it was therefore considered to be a humoral (5-HPETE) and then to LTA4 by a catalytic complex consisting
mediator of the acute allergic response. With the description of 5-LO and the 5-LO-activating protein (FLAP). This
of the wheal-and-flare response in human skin, Lewis further interaction occurs at the perinuclear membrane, where FLAP is
expanded upon the vascular actions of histamine, which localized. Subsequently, in the presence of LTC4 synthase,
suggested that this mediator could be released from cellular glutathione is added to LTA4 to yield LTC4, which is exported
stores within the skin on appropriate stimulation. extracellularly, where the glutamic acid moiety is cleaved by
An increase in urinary histamine metabolites has been γ-glutamyltranspeptidase to form LTD4. Cleavage of the
demonstrated during the allergen-induced early asthmatic glycine moiety from LTD4 by a variety of dipeptidases results
response and following allergen instillation into the upper in the formation of LTE4. As they each contain cysteine, these
airways. Also, the use of a sensitive radioimmunoassay has shown molecules are known as the cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) and
rises in plasma histamine allergen provocation of the airways constitute the material formerly known as slow-reacting
and induction by allergen of a wheal-and-flare response. substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A).
Histamine has wide-ranging biological activities mediated All three CysLTs have the same range of biological effects
through the activation of specific cell surface receptors. The although LTE4 is much less potent than its precursor molecules,
discovery of chemical entities that specifically antagonize the and is the excretory metabolite. Mast cells, eosinophils, and
pharmacologic effects of histamine has led to the definition of alveolar macrophages are the cells in the lung that possess the
four receptor subtypes, termed H1, H2, H3 and H4 receptors. enzymatic activities to produce the CysLTs.
The occupation of H1 receptors by histamine results in the The CysLTs are released from human lungs after allergen
contraction of airway and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In challenge in vitro; increases in urinary LTE4 have been observed
humans the bronchospastic response to inhaled histamine has after allergen challenge in vivo, the magnitude of which
been used as a test for defining the degree of airway non- correlates with the magnitude of the early asthmatic responses,
specific reactivity, which has been found useful in the diagnosis demonstrating the production and release of leukotrienes in
of asthma. When injected intradermally histamine causes a association with early-phase responses. Evidence from immuno-
wheal-and-flare response and, when instilled into the nose, it cytochemical studies has indicated that the source of CysLTs in
causes many of the symptoms of rhinitis. the early-phase response is the mast cell. This contrasts with
The importance of histamine as a vasoactive mediator in the late phase where eosinophils take over as their major
human allergic disease is testified by the efficacy of H1 receptor source. In the skin, there is no release of CysLT during the first
antagonists in modifying diseases associated with IgE-dependent hour of allergen challenge. Some, but not all, have found CysLT
reactions. H1 receptors are constitutively expressed in active release later, during developing late-phase response.
and inactive forms which interact with each other. Histamine The CysLTs were initially demonstrated to be very potent
binding stabilizes the active form of the receptor leading to the constrictors of human airway smooth muscle in vitro. Inhaled
events described above. In contrast, the H1 antihistamines bind LTC4 and LTD4 have been demonstrated to be potent broncho-
to the inactive conformation and thus counteract actions of constrictors in both normal and asthmatic subjects (Fig. 22.3),
378 • Chapter 22 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of the Early-Phase Response
allergen epithelium
mast cell
blood vessel
bronchial smooth muscle
smooth muscle
subepithelial plexus
of blood vessel
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF EARLY-PHASE ever, the exquisite sensitivity of this muscle to CysLTs suggests
RESPONSES that these are potentially important bronchoconstrictor
mediators (Fig. 22.6). Furthermore, the time course of
As stated above, the symptoms accompanying early-phase recovery of the bronchoconstriction during the early asthmatic
responses depend on the anatomy of the target organs and the response is consistent with the recovery from broncho-
responsiveness of their constituent tissues to inflammatory constriction induced by inhaled LTC4 and LTD4. In addition to
mediators. causing bronchoconstriction, histamine and the CysLTs can
In the lower airways, the primary targets for mast-cell increase vascular permeability and stimulate mucus production.
mediators are the mucous lining (and its secretory glands), the It should be noted that only about half of asthmatics find
blood vessels, and the bronchial smooth muscle (Fig. 22.4). benefit with leukotriene receptor antagonists, suggesting that
Bronchoconstriction is the main clinical manifestation of the leukotrienes are only important in a genetically predisposed
early-phase response. This is manifested by dyspnea, chest subpopulation.
tightness, wheezing, and cough. The mechanism of broncho- In the nose, the mucosa is underpinned by cartilage which
constriction is complex and results from a combination of confers a relatively rigid structure. However, the nasal mucosa
bronchial smooth muscle contraction, increased vascular is rich in mucous glands, nerves, blood vessels, and venous
permeability leading to edema, and increased airway mucus sinuses, all of which are potential targets for mast cell mediators
production (Fig. 22.5). Histamine, PGD2, and CysLTs all have (Fig. 22.7). Thus, the symptoms of the early-phase allergic
the ability to contract human bronchial smooth muscle. How- response in the upper airways are a watery nasal discharge
380 • Chapter 22 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of the Early-Phase Response
nasal bronchus
(rhinorrhea), itching and sneezing, and nasal blockage (Fig. 22.8). The wheal is a local edematous response resulting from a direct
Rhinorrhea, caused by a combination of local vasodilatation and histamine effect leading to the contraction of endothelial cells
mucous gland stimulation, is largely histamine mediated, thus of postcapillary venules with the consequential exudation of
explaining the effectiveness of antihistamines in treating these plasma fluid. The more widespread flare response is initiated
symptoms (see Fig. 22.6). As most of the early-phase obstruction by the stimulation of receptors on afferent non-myelinated
to airflow in the upper airways is reversed by α-adrenoceptor nerves, which results in the release of calcitonin-gene-related
vasoconstrictor drugs, it appears that acute filling of venous peptide (through antidromic neural conduction) and possibly
sinuses rather than tissue edema is responsible for nasal other neuropeptides and vasodilatation over a relatively large
blockage. This symptom is poorly inhibited by antihistamines and area. Nerve stimulation also results in itch. Most of the wheal-
is possibly mediated by nerves or local bradykinin production. and-flare reaction is largely a histamine H1-receptor response.
In the skin, most mast cells are concentrated in the super- However, the failure of histamine H1 antagonists to clear the
ficial dermis, an area particularly rich in blood vessels and response completely indicates that other mediators, and
nerves, both potential targets for mast-cell mediators (Fig. 22.9). possibly the stimulation of H2 receptors, are also involved in its
As described above, intradermal allergen injection causes a mediation. Another possibility is that the early entry of
characteristic triple response resulting in a wheal-and-flare (Fig. leukocytes into the dermis may play a pathogenic role. Such a
22.10). The initial local erythema is caused largely by a mixed leukocyte accumulation starts within 1 hour in the site of
histamine H1- and H2-receptor-mediated arteriolar vasodilatation. whealing responses to allergen, but not to histamine, injection.
Pathophysiology of Early-Phase Responses • 381
rhinitis asthma
mast cell mediator release
time Time
sensitivity of postcapillary sensitivity of bronchiolar
venules smooth muscle to contraction histamine prostaglandins leukotrienes
a histamine>LTC4>PGD2 LTC4>PGD2>histamine b
Fig. 22.6 The comparative effects of mast cell mediators showing the comparative effects of mast cell mediators in the bronchi and nose.
(a) The differential effects of mediators on vascular endothelial cells and bronchial smooth muscle; (b) their relative contribution to
rhinorrhea and bronchoconstriction. LTC4, leukotriene C4; PGD2, prostaglandin D2.
nerve mucous
and bone
venous sinusoids
nasal mucosa
mucus secretion
10.2306 mm
blood vessel
mast cell
subpapillary 1st. venous plexus & cutis
venous terminal arterioles
2nd. venous plexus arcuate arterioles
subpapillary 4th. venous plexus
arteriolar plexus sweat gland layer
3rd. venous plexus cutaneous
METHODS FOR EVALUATING THE late-phase reaction or local inflammatory cell responses. Since
EARLY-PHASE RESPONSE opiates generally stimulate release of preformed but not newly
synthesized mast cell mediators, the latter activity may be
Relationship of the early-phase to the required for development of late-phase response.
late-phase reaction
Upper airways
As noted earlier, only some allergic individuals will manifest a
late phase reaction following an early-phase response to allergen The human nose is a gratifying locale for safe, versatile, and
challenge. Studies in the skin have shown similar patterns of well-controlled investigations into the inflammatory response
mediator release and inflammatory cell responses during the of the airways. Since several early-phase effects, including mast
first hour of allergen challenge whether or not a gross late cell release and plasma exudation, are well developed within
reaction follows the early-phase reaction. Is there a particular 10 minutes after allergen exposure, cumulative dose-response
type of mast cell activation during the early-phase reaction that evaluations involving a wide range of allergen doses can be
leads to late-phase reactions? A clue may come from injection carried out in the nose (Fig. 22.14). A common procedure
of opiates in the skin which induces a prominent wheal-and- (completed in 30–40 minutes) involves the topical application
flare with marked mast cell degranulation but no subsequent of three cumulative doses, from a threshold effective dose up
384 • Chapter 22 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of the Early-Phase Response
allergen injection
blood vessel
mast cell
Fig. 22.10 The early-phase allergic
response in the skin. Intradermal
injection of allergen causes mast cell
degranulation. The liberated mediators
nerves then cause local vasodilatation and
vascular leakage (the wheal) and
stimulate nerve axon reflexes to cause
a more widespread erythema (the flare).
a b
proinflammatory factors
complement factors
a b
Fig. 22.13 Inflammatory cell accumulation during the early-phase allergic response. A light micrograph of the bronchial mucosa of a
sensitized guinea pig 8 minutes after the inhalation of (a) allergen and (b) saline. Note the accumulation of inflammatory cells, both
neutrophils and eosinophils, in the blood vessels.
to a 100-times-greater dose (100, 1000, and 10 000 protein Thus, mucosal surface indices are sampled exclusively from the
nitrogen standard quantity units) of the appropriate allergen area of interest. As a lavage procedure the nasal pool method
extract (birch, grass, or ragweed pollen extract). A handheld can be repeated at will, apparently without causing any
nasal spray pump delivering 50 µL per actuation effectively disturbances of the nasal mucosa.
delivers the allergen to the entire surface of the ipsilateral nasal The mucosal application of paper disks soaked with allergen
cavity. Symptoms of the subject are recorded and, when feasible, challenges and samples from only a small surface area; the
the extent of nasal congestion is estimated by rhinomanometry paper itself may cause tissue responses. However, the high
or acoustic rhinometry. concentrations of solutes sucked into the disks from the mucosal
Prior to and in between each allergen challenge, nasal lavage tissue and surface are advantageous for the quantitative assess-
may be performed. Using a compressible pool device, a large ment of cytokines in the airway mucosa. This paper disk
and well-defined mucosal surface area can be efficiently method has the further advantage that lavage is not required.
lavaged. The nasal pool method is also used to keep the nasal Lavage results in dilution of mucosal exudates and may not be
mucosa exposed to known concentrations of mediators, drugs, completed satisfactorily without prior treatment with a
and tracers. After the exposure time has passed, the instilled vasoconstrictor nasal spray. Use of the latter interferes with the
pool fluid is quantitatively recovered into the pool device. quantitation of nasal congestion.
386 • Chapter 22 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of the Early-Phase Response
Early-phase Mediators
α2-macroglobulin (ng/mL)
base pre dil 100 1000 10,000 (SQU)
tryptase (U/L)
base pre dil 100 1000 10,000 (SQU)
total nasal symptom score (0-9)
pre dil 100 1000 10,000 (SQU)
α2-macroglobulin (ng/mL)
control allergen
Fig. 22.14 Immediate mucosal responses to allergen challenge.
15 (a) Nasal lavage fluid levels of α2-macroglobulin and tryptase, and
total nasal symptoms score (mean ± standard error of the mean)
after consecutive nasal challenges with increasing doses of
allergen. The total nasal symptoms score (0–9) was calculated from
tryptase (U/L)
10 the sum of nasal blockage score (0–3), secretion score (0–3), and
number of sneezes transformed into scores (0–3) (*p < 0.05).
Diluent challenge versus 100, 1000 and 10 000 standardized
quantity units (SQU) of allergen, respectively; (b) bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid levels of α2-macroglobulin and tryptase after
5 endobronchial challenge with saline (control) and allergen
(*p < 0.05). Base, baseline; Pre, prechallenge; Dil, diluent
challenge. (Reproduced with permission from Greiff L, Pipkorn U,
Alkner U, et al. The ‘nasal pool’ device applies controlled
0 concentrations of solutes on human nasal airway mucosa and
control allergen
b samples its surface exudations/secretions. Clin Exp Allergy 1990;
20:253–259, Blackwell Science Ltd.)
Further Reading • 387
Cockcroft DW, Murdock KY, Kirby J, et al. Manning PJ, Stevens WH, Cockcroft DW, Roquet A, Dahlen B, Kumlin M, et al.
Prediction of airway responsiveness to et al. The role of thromboxane in Combined antagonist of leukotrienes
allergen from skin sensitivity to allergen allergen-induced asthmatic responses. and histamine produces predominant
and airway responsiveness to Eur Respir J 1991; 4:667–672. inhibition of allergen-induced early and
histamine. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; Persson CGA, Erjefält J, Greiff L, et al. late phase airway obstruction in
135:264–267. Plasma-derived proteins in airway asthmatics. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
Dahlen SE, Hedqvist P, Hammarstrom S, defence, disease and epithelial 1997; 155:1856–1863.
et al. Leukotrienes are potent injury-repair. Eur Respir J 1998; Samuelsson B. Leukotrienes: mediators of
constrictors of human bronchi. Nature 11:1–13. immediate hypersensitivity reactions
1980; 288:484–486. Persson CGA, Erjefält J. ‘Chronic’ airway and inflammation. Science 1983;
Greiff L, Pipkorn U, Alkner U, et al. The inflammation following allergen 220:568–575.
‘nasal pool’ device applies controlled exposure - Eosinophil cytolysis and Togias AG, Naclerio RM, Proud D, et al.
concentrations of solutes on human epithelial injury-repair in a plasma Mediator release during nasal
nasal airway mucosa and samples its exudation-derived molecular milieu. provocation. A model to investigate the
surface exudations/secretions. Clin Exp Allergy Clin Immunol Int 1998; pathophysiology of rhinitis. Am J Med
Allergy 1990; 20:253–259. 10:45–55. 1985; 79:26–33.
Allergic inflammation is
characterized in its early
phases by mediator
release and in its later
phases by influx and
Cellular and Mediator
activation of inflammatory
leukocytes particularly
Mechanisms of Allergic
T cells and eosinophils. Inflammation
Jay J Prochnau, William W Busse, and Stephen T Holgate
The scope of the allergic inflammatory reaction can no longer be described in simple
terms because many components of the normal immune defense system are involved.
This amplified biological response typically involves mast cell degranulation and
eosinophil recruitment. It has become apparent that allergic inflammation of the
airway wall involves activation of normal epithelial cells and of extracellular matrix,
and both seem to make an important contribution to the inflammatory process. The
challenge involved in understanding allergic inflammation lies in the recognition of the
key cellular interactions that drive the process forward and in understanding those
factors that are responsible for the initiation, persistence, and resolution phases of
neutrophils macrophage eosinophil
tight junctions
and zonula
O−2 H2O2 OH−
Fig. 23.1 Epithelial barrier and transport functions. Aeroallergen on
the mucous lining of the airway may be phagocytosed by airway dismutase
macrophages or cleared by the mucociliary escalator. To make catalase
contact with the underlying immune system the aeroallergen must
traverse the epithelial barrier via the paracellular or transcellular
pathways. glutathione
Antioxidant systems
Epithelial cells contribute to the maintenance of an appropriate
antioxidant environment in the airway wall. This is important dismutase, and catalase. These antioxidants can also be generated
because oxidizing agents, such as ozone, nitrogen oxide, and and released by the epithelium and contribute to the antioxidant
agents produced by inflammatory cells, are potent mediators of activity of epithelial lining fluids. Superoxide dismutase converts
cell injury. Neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils generate the superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide, which is in turn
superoxide anions (O 2–), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl reduced to water by catalase.
ions (OH–), which are released into the local environment
around the migrating cells (Fig. 23.2). These oxidizing substances
are able to damage cell membranes by lipid peroxidation and
protein degradation. The inhaled oxidant gases – ozone and Activated inflammatory cells release large amounts of proteases
nitrogen dioxide – have been observed to increase non-specific in the extracellular environment. These enzymes are capable of
airway hyperresponsiveness; however, it is probably the reactive degrading cell and matrix proteins and are responsible in part
oxidant products of inflammatory cells that are of greater for the tissue destructive effects of the inflammatory process.
significance in the allergic inflammatory process. Four classes of proteases have been described: serine proteases,
The region around epithelial cells is rich in productive anti- cysteine proteases, metalloproteases, and aspartate proteases.
oxidant substances derived from a number of sources, including In normal circumstances, the airway epithelium and lung tissue
neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils. In particular, uric are protected from proteases by an excess of antiprotease
acid, ascorbic acid, mucous glycoproteins, and albumin are able activity derived from serum and from structural lung cells
to neutralize oxidant radicals, while lactoferrin and transferrin (Fig. 23.3). α2-Macroglobulin, which is derived from serum and
from serum avidly bind ferric ion, which is essential for the released by macrophages, is active against all four protease
formation of hydroxyl radicals (see Fig. 23.2). In common with classes, while the α1-protease inhibitor (α1-antitrypsin) and
other lung cells, airway epithelial cells express three major α1-antichymotrypsin inactivate serine proteases. Epithelial cells
intracellular antioxidant systems: glutathione, superoxide generate class-specific antiproteases – secretory leukoprotease
Epithelial Barrier and Transport Functions • 391
neutral endopeptidase
serine proteases elastase metalloprotease
tachykinins endothelin bradykinin
endothelin tachykinins
secretory tissue
leukoprotease inhibitor of Fig. 23.4 Neutral endopeptidase – a regulatory protease. Neutral
inhibitor metalloprotease endopeptidase is a protease generated by basal epithelial cells. It
has significant antiinflammatory activity because it degrades the
proinflammatory mediators bradykinin, endothelin-1, and the
mast cell
T cell
eosinophil chemoattractants:
IL-1, TNFα eotaxin
macrophage Fig. 23.5 Proinflammatory
properties of activated
direct infection endothelium. Epithelial cells
memory CD4 + T-lymphocyte chemoattractants: are activated by IL-1, TNFα, and
virus RANTES IFNγ and by direct viral infection.
MCP-1 This results in generation of
eosinophil and lymphocyte
IL-16 chemoattractants, upregulation
of ICAM expression, and
generation of the oxidant H2O2.
ICAM expression GM-CSF, granulocyte–
macrophage colony-stimulating
factor; ICAM, intercellular
adhesion molecule; IFN,
oxidant release H2O2 interferon; IL, interleukin; MCP,
monocyte chemotactic peptide;
TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), insulin-like growth the airway wall promote fibroblast proliferation, differentiation,
factor-1 (IGF-1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and and activation.
fibronectin fragments released by epithelial cells are probably Epithelial cells and fibroblasts have a mutually dependent
responsible for myofibroblast recruitment, proliferation, and relationship, which regulates the growth and function of both
activation for metalloprotease, collagen, and mediator release. cell types (Fig. 23.7). Fibroblasts release extracellular matrix
In the region adjacent to the epithelium, major histocompatibility and cytokines such as keratinocyte growth factor, which regulates
complexes (MHC) can be induced on epithelial cells, implying epithelial repair and function. Upon injury, the epithelium also
a role in antigen presentation, although an in vivo role has yet secretes epidermal-like growth factors, including epidermal
to be established. growth factor (EGF), TGFα, and heparin-binding (HB) EGF.
NO is produced by a variety of cells, including epithelial Through autocrine mechanisms involving EGF receptors, which
cells, by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), in response to subsequently drive epithelial proliferation, these epidermal
proinflammatory cytokines. Although the role of NO in the growth factors may be largely responsible for triggering the
pathogenesis of asthma is not completely understood, its release of epithelial cytokines, chemokines, and mediators.
biologic properties include bronchodilation and increased airway In common with epithelial cells, fibroblasts are activated by
mucus secretion. It has been proposed that the fractional the early-response cytokines (e.g. IL-1β) to initiate synthesis
concentration of exhaled NO (FENO) may provide a useful and secretion of a range of proinflammatory mediators, enzymes,
surrogate marker of inflammation, as levels of FENO are chemokines, and cytokines that amplify the allergic response
typically elevated in acute exacerbations of asthma, and levels and tissue restructuring. Fibroblasts can also generate the chemo-
typically decrease with corticosteroid therapy. attractants IL-8, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1),
MCP-1, and RANTES, which promote the recruitment of
macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and neutrophils. IL-1,
THE ROLE OF FIBROBLASTS IN IL-6, IL-11, and oncostatin-M enhance lymphocyte develop-
ALLERGIC INFLAMMATION ment and are profibrogenic, while granulocyte–macrophage
Fibroblasts are widely distributed throughout the airway wall colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) rescues fibroblasts and
below the basement membrane. It is becoming clear that these eosinophils from apoptosis. Fibroblasts and myofibroblasts can
structural cells play an important role in altering the upregulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines in an
composition of the airway wall after the initiation of an allergic autocrine manner. In this way, contact of the fibroblasts with
response. Fibroblasts proliferate in response to several cytokines IL-1, TGFβ, and PDGF increases production of the specific
and mediators generated by inflammatory cells (Fig. 23.6). cytokines.
Recognized fibroblast mitogens include histamine, heparin, and Extracellular matrix is synthesized and released from
tryptase derived from mast cells, and major basic protein fibroblasts in response to IGF-1, b-FGF, TGFβ, IL-6, IL-11,
(MBP) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) from eosinophils. and oncostatin-M. TGFβ is produced by macrophages, epithelial
The cytokines IL-1β, PDGF, TGFβ, b-FGF, IGF-1, and cells, eosinophils, and fibroblasts. It enhances production of a
endothelin released from epithelial cells and macrophages in range of extracellular matrix components, but it decreases
The Role of Fibroblasts in Allergic Inflammation • 393
histamine, heparin,
mast cell
IL-1β, TGFβ, PDGF Fig. 23.6 Fibroblast
and fibroblast
macrophage activation proliferation in response to
cytokines and mediators
generated by inflammatory
cells. Several substances
IGF-1, TGFβ, PDGF, EGF produced by inflammatory cells
endothelin-1 and structural airway cells are
epithelial cell fibroblast mitogens. ECP,
eosinophil cationic protein;
EGF, epidermal growth factor;
IGF, insulin-like growth factor;
TGFβ, PDGF IL, interleukin; MBP, major basic
protein; PDGF, platelet-derived
fibroblast growth factor; TGF, transforming
growth factor.
IL-1β, IL-6
IL-1, TNFα Fig. 23.7 Activation of
GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF fibroblasts by IL-1 or TNFα or
lymphocytes by direct viral infection results
TGF-β in the generation of a range of
proinflammatory substances.
PDGF G-CSF, granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor;
eosinophils PGE2 colony-stimulating factor; IL,
interleukin; KGF, keratinocyte
metalloproteases growth factor; MCP, monocyte
chemotactic peptide; MIP,
TNFα macrophage inflammatory
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases
protein; M-CSF, macrophage
colony-stimulating factor; PDGF,
mast cells platelet-derived growth factor;
TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
394 • Chapter 23 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of Allergic Inflammation
elastin Fig. 23.8 Fibroblasts generate
fibronectin a range of extracellular matrix
IL-1β laminin components after contact with
proteoglycans TGFβ, IL-1, or IL-6. The
IL-6 epithelium can act to
hyaluronan downregulate matrix production
vitronectin by generation of PGE2. b-FGF,
IL-11 thrombospondin basic fibroblast growth factor;
IGF, insulin-like growth factor;
oncostatin IL, interleukin; PGE2,
prostaglandin E2; TGF
transforming growth factor.
Composition of the extracellular matrix Fig. 23.9 Extracellular matrix can regulate the inflammatory
process. Collagen and elastin fibers in extracellular matrix are
The extracellular matrix produced by fibroblasts consists of a interspersed with hydrophilic proteoglycans and hyaluronan. Contact
variety of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Approximately of matrix with edema fluid causes swelling of these two matrix
components and facilitates inflammatory cell migration.
one-third of the dry mass of lung tissue is collagen, largely types
1, 3, and 5, whereas collagen types 4 and 7 are the main
components of basement membrane. Elastin makes up another
one-third of the dry mass of lung tissue, and the remainder is
composed of glycoproteins – fibronectin, tenascin, laminin, the allowing the passage of migrating inflammatory cells, which are
proteoglycan heparan sulfate, hyaluronan, and other minor normally impeded by the cohesive extracellular matrix structure,
matrix components. Within the submucosa adventitia, collagen and liberating matrix-bound growth factors (Fig. 23.9). Thus,
and elastin fibers are interspersed with proteoglycans such as the allergic inflammatory process alters the dynamic balance
versican and hyaluronan, which are hydrophilic. This property between matrix breakdown and synthesis.
becomes important when matrix is exposed to edema fluid
generated by the inflammatory process, which results in water
Extracellular matrix metalloproteases
retention by proteoglycans.
The composition of matrix elements is also altered by Matrix metalloproteases are zinc-dependent endopeptidases
several products of the allergic inflammatory response. Matrix- that have specific and selective activity against many components
degrading proteases, especially the matrix metalloproteases of the extracellular matrix. They are generated by inflammatory
(MMPs), endoglycosidases and exoglycosidases, and reactive cells in response to IL-1β, TNFα, PDGF, TGFβ, and b-FGF,
oxidant radicals, are capable of degrading high-molecular-weight and are secreted as inactive high-molecular-weight zymogens.
proteins and proteoglycans to low-molecular-weight species. The metalloproteases MMP-2 (gelatinase A) and especially
This changes their hydration state and molecular form, thereby MMP-9 (gelatinase B) are present in increased concentrations
Properties of Extracellular Matrix • 395
Proteolytic Cascade for MMP-9 Activation Extracellular Matrix Regulation of Cell Function
plasminogen plasmin
cell activation
and migration
PAI-1 α4β1 integrin
TIMP-1 active MMP-9 CD44
cell activation
protease and migration
Fig. 23.10 Proteolytic cascade for MMP-9 activation. tPA, tissue or oxidant
plasminogen activator; PAI-1, plasminogen activator-1; TIMP-1, radicals
tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-1; MMP-3 (stromelysin)
expressed in the asthmatic epithelium and in submucosal mast high-MW low-MW
cells; MMP, matrix metalloprotease. hyaluronan hyaluronan
hyaluronic acid
binding 0
fall in FEV1
SS −10%
collagen SS
FN/Lam −20%
O-linked CHO lymphocytes
N-linked CHO 10
GAG neutrophils
a P
1 2 3 4
Fig. 23.12 CD44 is a cell adhesion molecule involved in epithelial
repair. (a) Structure of CD44 showing the binding sites for cytokines allergen challenge time (days)
and growth factors. (b) Immunoreactive CD44 expression on of the airway
damaged epithelium in asthmatic bronchial mucosa.
Fig. 23.13 Effects of experimental allergen challenge on the airway.
Experimental allergen challenge of the airway can result in early-
and late-phase falls in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
including HB-EGF. The epithelial V3 isoform of CD44 is The late-phase response is associated with an initial transient influx
overexpressed in the injured asthmatic epithelium, thereby of neutrophils followed by rises in lymphocyte, eosinophil, and
macrophage numbers over several days.
facilitating local interactions of HB-EGF with its c-erb B
receptors and enabling an interaction between EGF receptors
and CD44 through eserine, moiesin, and actin filaments, which
are involved in cell motility and epithelial repair (Fig. 23.12). depends on characteristics of the subject and the circumstances
Intact matrix contains the high-molecular-weight (> 103 kDa) surrounding allergen exposure. Large differences in cell
form of hyaluronan, which is broken down by proteases or number and the pattern of cell influx are seen between subjects
oxidant radicals into low-molecular-weight (< 5 x 102 kDa) responding to standardized administration of allergen to the
fragments. The specificity of the CD44 receptor for this low- skin, nasal mucosa, conjunctivae, or the lower airways. Following
molecular-weight form implies that the cell-hyaluronan the mast cell-mediated early response, which is largely the
interaction will only occur in matrix that has been partially result of the release of cysteinyl leukotrienes, PGD2, and
degraded and in the presence of oxidant radicals generated by histamine, neutrophils are first seen adjacent to engorged blood
other inflammatory cells. The CD44–hyaluronan interaction vessels 10 minutes after allergen exposure. After 30 minutes
provides a co-stimulus for activating macrophages. In addition, this cellular infiltrate becomes enriched with eosinophils and by
CD44 may be shed from the cell surface, possibly through the 6–8 hours there are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and
involvement of the ADAM family of enzymes. This soluble mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) with a
CD44 may play a role in the organization of the extracellular preferential accumulation of CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing
matrix. Th2 cytokines (Fig. 23.13).
Extracellular matrix may act as a tissue reservoir for Similarly, allergen challenge of the asthmatic airway results
cytokines. Negatively charged proteoglycans, such as heparan in a variable, but often dramatic, increase in cell concentration
sulfate, decorin, and CD44V3, are able to bind b-FGF, TGFβ, and in the total yield of cells obtained by bronchoalveolar
and HB-EGF, respectively. Heparin and histamine released lavage. Total cell counts obtained may rise as much as 20-fold.
from mast cells are able to displace some of these cytokines A transient influx of neutrophils is followed by eosinophils,
from their proteoglycan binding sites, while others (e.g. TGFβ) basophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages, which then revert to
are released through proteolytic and glycosidic cleavage of the baseline values over several days. A notable feature of these
matrix molecules themselves. MMPs, heparinase, arylsulfatase, allergen challenge models is that the allergic inflammatory
and plasmins are all active in this regard. response does not persist. The mechanisms responsible for the
persistence of inflammatory disease in clinical settings are
unknown, although, as discussed above, an important interaction
PATTERNS OF INFLAMMATORY occurs between inflammatory cells and the altered tissue
CELL INFLUX matrix. Autopsy studies of patients who have died from asthma
Experimental models show that the recruitment of inflammatory show intense infiltration of the airway wall by eosinophils,
cells during the allergic response is a highly variable process and neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. Increased numbers
The Initiation of Allergic Inflammation • 397
MHC class II
of mast cells and dendritic cells have also been reported in the not well defined and probably involve the coordinated action of
epithelium and submucosa. several cells, each of which is able to respond directly to the
presence of allergenic protein. In particular, macrophages express
large numbers of surface receptors that are able to recognize a
THE INITIATION OF ALLERGIC variety of substances including foreign antigens, immunoglobulins,
INFLAMMATION cytokines, hormones, proteins, and lipids. Allergen-specific IgE
Fundamental questions concerning the ability of allergens to is able to bind to macrophages via FcεRII (CD23), the low-
initiate the allergic response remain unanswered. Although affinity IgE receptor, allowing the macrophage to respond
several common allergens contain peptide sequences similar to directly to the presence of specific allergen in a manner similar
serine proteases, there appears to be no common amino acid to that of the mast cell. A notable consequence of macrophage
structure that confers the ability of a protein to initiate allergic activation is the synthesis and release of early-response cytokines,
disease. Occupational allergens also share no common structural such as IL-8, IL-6, and TNFα.
features and are represented by a wide variety of low- and high- A key event in initiating allergen sensitization and for
molecular weight compounds, including metal anhydrides, elaborating a specific T-cell response is the uptake, processing,
amines, wood dusts, metals, organic chemicals, animal and and presentation of allergen by dendritic cells that are
plant proteins, and biological enzymes. Platinum salts and low- dedicated to this purpose. After contact with an antigen, these
molecular-weight acid anhydrides can interact with mast cells cells take up antigen both non-specifically (via clathrin-coated
by acting as haptens and are recognized by IgE only after pits) and specifically (via FcεRII and FcεRI). Dendritic cells
conjugation with a protein. process the antigens into peptides, and in the presence of
The best-described mechanism involves binding of an allergen GM-CSF and TNFα migrate to regional lymph nodes where
to allergen-specific IgE on the mast cell surface, resulting in the peptide fragments are presented to the T-cell receptor of
degranulation and an early-phase response (Fig. 23.14). It is naïve T lymphocytes via MHC class II. Dendritic cells initiate
important to recognize that although mast cell degranulation the polarization of Th subsets with the aid of co-stimulatory
often precedes a late-phase response, it may be neither sufficient molecules, such as B7-1 (CD80), B7-2 (CD86), and CD40.
nor necessary for the development of this late reaction. T lymphocyte polarization and activation profoundly influence
Experimental allergen challenge models in the skin and airway the nature of the subsequent inflammatory reaction through
consistently show the presence of isolated early-phase responses, the generation of cytokine profiles, either of the Th2 or
or isolated late-phase responses. This implies that allergens are Th1 types.
in part able to provoke late-phase allergic inflammation by In the presence of a large allergen load, basophils recruited
mechanisms that are independent of the mast cells. Mechanisms from the bloodstream can contribute to late-phase inflammation
involved in the initiation of a late-phase cellular response are by IgE-mediated late-phase degranulation.
398 • Chapter 23 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of Allergic Inflammation
as sialyl Lewisx. Recently, a truncated form of P-selectin has further interaction is required between integrins expressed on
been shown to be selective for eosinophils by interacting with these leukocytes and ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. ICAM-1 interacts
a unique carbohydrate moiety expressed on these cells. For with CD11/CD18 integrins whereas VCAM-1 selectively
effective recruitment of eosinophils, basophils, and T cells, binds to VLA-4. As the leukocytes adhere to the endothelium,
they pick up further ‘activation’ signals from chemokines
presented to them on proteoglycan glycosaminoglycan side-
chains, which initiate their haptotaxis and chemotaxis, and
Endothelial Cells: a Gateway to Regional Inflammation
prime them for mediator secretion. Release of active plasmin
and stromelysin (MMP-3) provides the mechanism by which
leukocyte MMP-proenzymes (especially MMP-2 and MMP-9)
mast cell macrophage T lymphocyte become activated, thereby facilitating leukocyte trafficking
matrix tissue
dendritic cell
dendritic cell B cell ?other cells
migration to
lymph nodes
are independent of IL-2 or the T-cell receptor–CD3 complex. may play a putative role in the association between respiratory
IL-15 may be important because it represents a means by infections and asthma exacerbations. CD8+T cells may also be
which inflammatory cells can promote cytokine generation important in occupational allergy, where they are present in
from a heterogeneous population of T and B lymphocytes, increased numbers in the airway. It has been suggested that the
independent of the stringent allergen-specific requirements of small chemicals implicated in occupational asthma may be
antigen presentation. processed via the MHC I pathway, with subsequent
CD4+ lymphocytes in the asthmatic airway express a range presentation to CD8+ T lymphocytes.
of surface activation markers – CD25 (IL-2Rα), CD69, CD71,
and HLA-DR – and represent a mixed population of Th0 (naïve),
Th1, and Th2 cells. However, it is the Th2 cytokines that are
considered responsible for the eosinophil response. Th2 cells
express CCR4 receptors, and are activated by monocyte-derived
chemokine (MDC) and thymus- and activation-regulated Eosinophils contribute to allergic inflammation by producing
cytokine (TARC). Epithelial cells from asthmatic patients are mediators that directly damage tissue (Fig. 23.19). Eosinophils
known to express TARC, and increased concentrations of are found in large numbers in all tissues undergoing a late-phase
TARC are found in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of patients or chronic allergic response. Circumstantial evidence supporting
with asthma. TARC is likely an important chemokine in the their pathogenic role in allergic inflammation is strong. In
recruitment of CD4+ Th2 cells into the airway. CD4+ asthma, increased numbers of activated eosinophils are found
lymphocyte populations isolated from the airway after allergen in the blood, sputum, BAL fluid, bronchial biopsy specimens,
challenge actually generate a number of different cytokines – and autopsy specimens of involved airways. Their presence
IL-4, IL-5, IFNγ, and IL-10 – and it may be the relative correlates with airway hyperresponsiveness and disease
proportions of these cytokines that influence the nature of the severity. The half-life of eosinophils in the blood is less than
inflammatory response. The magnitude of the CD4+ T-cell 24 hours and they quickly enter tissue by interaction with the
response to an allergen depends on the number of cells that selectins, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1, in a process that takes
recognize the antigen, the cell activation state, the efficiency of 1–2 hours. Once in the extracellular matrix, eosinophil survival
antigen presentation with adequate co-stimuli, and possibly the is enhanced by GM-CSF and IL-5 and by interaction between
presence of IL-15. CD4+ T cells initiate a B-cell switch to IgE VLA-4 and the fibronectin components of extracellular matrix.
production through the generation of IL-4 and by direct Normal eosinophil life-span in tissue is about 2–5 days but,
interaction via CD40 ligand (CD154), which is the B-cell under the influence of these factors, survival may be extended
CD40 receptor. to 14 days or more by rescue from apoptosis; this prolongation
It has become apparent that the Th1–Th2 dichotomy may of the life-span contributes to the increased eosinophil
represent an oversimplification of the T-lymphocyte response numbers observed at sites of allergic inflammation.
to antigen. The immune responses of both Th1 and Th2 subsets Mature eosinophils have cytoplasmic granules that contain
may be downregulated by CD4+ T-regulatory cells. Although several proteins that are toxic to parasites and to a variety of
it is unclear exactly how T regulatory lymphocytes exert their airway cells. Major basic protein (MBP) is stored as an inactive
immunosuppressive effects, it appears that IL-10 is important preprotein, which becomes highly basic on account of its high
for this process. Currently, three subsets of T regulatory cells content of arginine residues when released. ECP and eosinophil-
have been defined. The CD4+CD25+ (Treg) subset derived neurotoxin (EDN) contribute to the cytotoxic activity
constitutively expresses the IL-2Rα subunit (CD25), and may of eosinophils. The highly basic nature of these proteins is
be important in the prevention of autoimmunity. Depletion of considered to be the factor that makes them toxic to the
CD4+CD25+ cells leads to the development of the immune respiratory epithelium. Eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) can also
dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked (IPEX) damage epithelium through the production of hypophalous
syndrome. The Tr1 subset also produces IL-10 and may play a acids, which are synthesized in the presence of hydrogen
role in the suppression of chronic inflammation. The Th3 peroxide and halide.
subset produces TGFβ in addition to IL-10, and likely plays a In established allergic disease, activated eosinophils are the
role in oral tolerance. Although the relationship between the major source of cysteinyl leukotrienes, which cause smooth
different types of regulatory T-lymphocytes is not clear at muscle contraction, mucus hypersecretion, microvascular
present, it does appear that the environment from which they leakage, eosinophil chemotaxis, and airway hyperresponsiveness.
develop is important. The Tr1 subset may be important in the Thromboxane A2 and platelet-activating factor are also generated.
regulation of immune responses in the lung, where dendritic The precise mechanism responsible for eosinophil activation in
cells produce IL-10, and the Th3 subset may be more asthma is not known, although mast cell tryptase, IgA, and the
important in the gastrointestinal system, where dendritic cells secretory component of IgA are all capable of stimulating
produce both IL-10 and TGFβ. eosinophil mediator release. Hypodense eosinophils at sites of
Although CD4+ T-cell numbers in the blood and airway allergic inflammation have released granule products, and they
correspond to the severity and activity of the disease and to stain with the monoclonal antibody EG-2, which is directed at
eosinophil survival, it is now recognized that a population of an epitope expressed on granule eosinophil cationic protein.
CD8+ T cells, the so-called Tc2 subset (for cytotoxic T cell) The major eosinophil chemoattractants currently identified are
are also capable of producing Th2-type cytokines. A role for eotaxin-1, eotaxin-2, RANTES, and MCP-4, all of which
CD8+ T lymphocytes in allergic inflammation has not been interact with CCR3 receptors; various other cytokines and
well established. Viral-specific CD8+ T cells, when grown in mediators also have chemoattractant activity. Increased
the presence of IL-4, may be induced to switch their cytokine expression of eotaxin-1, eotaxin-2, MCP-3, and MCP-4 occurs
profile to type 2 cytokines, i.e. IL-5. Tc2 lymphocytes therefore in the asthmatic airway and correlates well with airway
402 • Chapter 23 • Cellular and Mediator Mechanisms of Allergic Inflammation
eotaxin, RANTES,
Basic granule proteins
cause epithelial shedding
IL-3 Mediators produce:
GM-CSF smooth muscle contraction
CD4+ lymphocyte mucous hypersecretion
Eosinophil vascular permeability Fig. 23.19 Eosinophils migrate
chemoattraction, towards inflamed tissue under
activation & the influence of
Vascular adhesion chemoattractants: eotaxin,
maintenance molecules upregulated RANTES, and MCP-4. Activation
and maintenance of
eosinophils is promoted by
Metalloproteases CD4+ T-lymphocyte cytokines –
degrade matrix IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF.
Eosinophils generate a variety
of proinflammatory mediators.
Autocrine eosinophil activation, GM-CSF, granulocyte–
recruitment, and maintenance macrophage colony-stimulating
factor; IL, interleukin; MCP,
monocyte chemotactic peptide.
hyperresponsiveness. Eosinophil development from precursors specific chemical and physical irritants, bradykinin, histamine,
is mediated by IL-3, IL-5, and the CCR3 ligands. leukotrienes, and prostaglandins can trigger this reflex arc,
particularly after the loss of overlying epithelium. Mast cell
products (especially histamine and PGD2) and eosinophil
THE ROLE OF BASOPHILS mediators upregulate the activity of the cholinergic ganglia.
In contrast to mast cells, which are resident in tissue, basophils Impaired inhibition of acetylcholine release from postganglionic
circulate freely. They are recruited to sites of late-phase fibers is a consequence of dysfunction of the prejunctional
inflammation by interaction with the adhesion molecules inhibitory muscarinic M2 receptors. M2 receptor (M2R)
E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. Basophil chemotactic factors dysfunction may be mediated in part by CD8+ T lymphocytes,
include IL-3, IL-5, IL-8, GM-CSF, C5a, and platelet-activating type I interferons, and IFNγ. Additionally, MBP released from
factor. Basophil degranulation occurs after cross-linking of eosinophils can act as an M2R antagonist. A relative reduction
surface-bound IgE, or after contact with a number of cytokines, of acetylcholinesterase activity in airways undergoing allergic
including MCP-1 and the eosinophil granule protein MBP. inflammation has also been reported.
Important basophil mediators include histamine, cysteinyl
leukotrienes, prostanoids, kallikreins, and Th2 cytokines,
especially IL-4 and IL-13. Basophils act to support the role of
eosinophils by generating these mediators in late-phase and
chronic allergic inflammation of the skin, nose, and airways, Tachykinins are immunoactive peptides released from sensory
especially in the presence of high antigen exposure. non-myelinated (C) nerve fibers and macrophages in the airway
and are co-localized. They have a number of effects that
contribute to airway inflammation. Neurokinin (NK)-A, which
CHOLINERGIC MECHANISMS OF acts via NK-2 receptors, causes smooth muscle contraction,
AIRWAY INFLAMMATION particularly in peripheral airways. Substance P, acting
Stimulated cholinergic nerves in the airway wall can rapidly preferentially via NK-1 receptors, augments mucus secretion
induce smooth muscle contraction, cause vasodilatation, and from airway submucosal glands and induces microvascular leak
mucus hypersecretion. There is experimental evidence that from postcapillary venules. This peptide also promotes
cholinergic overactivity, characteristic of asthmatic airways, degranulation of chymase-containing mast cells (MCTC) in
results from several mechanisms (Fig. 23.20). Cholinergic tone connective tissue, chemotaxis and degranulation of eosinophils,
is increased by an excess of central vagal output, resulting from and proliferation of blood vessels. A third tachykinin, the
the activity of local reflexes involving sensory nerves. Non- calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), acts directly on
Pathologic Features of Allergic Inflammation • 403
C fibers
brain 2
cholinergic ganglion
smooth muscle contraction
ACh mucous secretion
bronchial vessel dilatation
1 3 4 5
Fig. 23.20 Cholinergic
overactivity may result from (1)
increased vagal nerve output,
(2) activation of a local reflex
PGD2, histamine cations sensory arc based on the
regional cholinergic ganglion,
(3) the cholinergic activity of
mast cell products acting on
the cholinergic ganglia, (4)
damage to the prejunctional M2
receptor, or (5) increased levels
mast cell eosinophil of junctional acetylcholine
(Ach). PGD2, prostaglandin D2.
Table 23.1 Consequences of allergic airway inflammation. Allergic inflammation can be considered as a process with immediate, early,
late, and repair phases. The mediators and cells that have activity corresponding to the pathologic features of these phases of allergic
inflammation are listed
Effect Smooth muscle Smooth muscle contraction Bronchial vessel Mucus hyper
contraction dilatation or leak secretion
Causes Cholinergic nerves Histamine Histamine Substance P
Neurokinin A LTC4, LTD4 PAF, Bradykinin Bradykinin
PGD2, PGF2α Nitric oxide Proteases
Endothelins-1, -2, -3, CGRP Endothelin-1
Thromboxane A2 Substance P Acetylcholine
Major basic protein Neurokinin A,
Bradykinin (indirectly) Endothelin-1,
Neurokinins and Tryptase
substance P Chymase,
C5a, C4a, C3a, C2a Cathepsin-D, C5a,
D4a, C3a, C2a
Late →
Inflammatory cell influx Epithelial damage Smooth muscle hypertrophy Fibroblast Extracellular-
hyperplasia proliferation remodeling
Eosinophils Eosinophil basic LTD4 lL-1 Proteases:
Lymphocytes granule proteins Thromboxane A2 Growth factors Tryptases
Macrophages Reactive oxygen Endothelin-1 Fibroblast, Chymases
Mast cells species Histamine Platelet-derived Elastases
PAF lL-1 Histamine MMPs
Proteases Growth factors: Heparin
EGF Tryptase
ILGF Eosinophil basic
PDGF granule proteins
FGF Fibronectin
Colony-stimulating factor Endothelin-1
Repair →
Effect Epithelial regrowth Matrix depositon Inflammatory cell
Due to Fibronectin TGFβ Chemoattraction
Epidermal growth lL-1 Adhesion
factor lL-4 molecules
TGFβ Apoptosis
Retinoic acid Loss of cells into
the airway
CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; EGF, epidermal growth factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; IL, interleukin; ILGF, insulin-like growth factor; LTC4, D4,
leukotriene T4, D4; MMP, matrix metalloprotease; PAF, platelet-activating factor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PGD2, F2α, prostaglandin D2, F2α; TGF,
transforming growth factor.
demonstrates smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia, Resolution of allergic inflammation in non-asthmatic but
fibroblast proliferation, and extracellular matrix deposition, allergic individuals follows attrition of the inflammatory cells
which is responsible for overall thickening of the airway wall. that have invaded the airway wall. Damage to epithelium is
Bronchial vessels, which are also present in greater numbers in followed by a vigorous restoration process – adjacent ciliated
asthma, are dilated and leak edema fluid. cells lose their cilia, goblet cells discharge granules into the
Whether an excess of new vessels is formed by angiogenesis edge of the wound, and a plasma-derived gel that contains
is controversial. Submucosal glands are enlarged while goblet fibronectin, fibrin, and growth factors forms over the basement
cells within the epithelium are metaplastic. It is notable that membrane. Remaining epithelial cells flatten and proliferate to
the pathologic features of chronic allergic airway disease are form an undifferentiated epithelial layer within about 8 hours
identical to those seen in all types of chronic asthma (i.e. of an acute injury. Full differentiation of the newly formed
extrinsic, intrinsic, and occupational asthma), and no clear epithelium may take 5 days unless repeated injury occurs. Thus,
distinction between the structural changes induced by these in the presence of severe inflammation, epithelial resuscitation
different forms of asthma has yet been identified. is delayed with the epithelium switching to secrete a range
Further Reading • 405
of new mediators, including IL-8, GM-CSF, eotaxin, NO, shed, probably as a result of action of toxic basic proteins,
prostanoids, and a series of mediators such as fibrogenic and proteolytic enzymes, and reactive oxygen species derived from
smooth muscle growth factors (TGFβ, IGF-1, b-FGF, PDGF, inflammatory cells, including eosinophils. Migrating inflam-
endothelin-1). Chronic inflammation is also associated with matory cells lost into the lumen contribute to the burden of
more substantial extracellular matrix deposition, fibroblast cellular debris. Lysis of these cells is associated with release
proliferation, smooth muscle hyperplasia, and hypertrophy. of sticky DNA, which tends to bind components of the
mucous plug.
An understanding of the pathophysiologic processes leading
AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION BY to airway function is providing a rational basis for treatment.
MUCOUS PLUGS Most guidelines now place inhaled corticosteroids as the
The allergic process has profound consequences for the principal ‘controller’ drug through their effects in suppressing
functional integrity of the airway. Mucous impaction, smooth the Th2- and epithelium-mediated inflammatory cascade. The
muscle spasm, thickening of the swollen airway wall, and advent of new therapies that selectively inhibit cytokine effects,
possibly mechanical dissociation from adventitia and cartilage remove IgE, or selectively block eosinophil recruitment are
all promote airway narrowing and airflow obstruction. The based on an understanding of the pathogenesis of airway
mucous plugs that form adjacent to the inflamed airway are inflammation. Clearer understanding of what initiates asthma
composed of mucus derived from submucosal glands and and results in its chronic and relapsing features is likely to
epithelial goblet cells. Plasma proteins also leak through extra- reveal important and novel targets against which to develop
cellular matrix and into the airway lumen. The epithelium is new drugs.
Bates CA, Silkoff PE. Exhaled nitric oxide in Kalish RS, Askenase PW. Molecular pulmonary epithelium. Eur Respir J
asthma: from bench to bedside. mechanisms of CD8+ T cell-mediated 1995; 8:127–149.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; delayed hypersensitivity: Implications Umetsu DT, Akbari O, DekRuyff RH.
111:256–262. for allergies, asthma, and Regulatory T cells control the
Boushey HA. New and exploratory therapies autoimmunity. J Allergy Clin Immunol development of allergic disease and
for asthma. Chest 2003; 1999; 103:192–199. asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;
123:439S–445S. Mori A, Suko M, Kaminuma O, et al. IL-15 112:480–487.
Carroll N, Cooke C, James A. The promotes cytokine production of human VanEedewegh P, Little RD, Dupuis J, et al.
distribution of eosinophils and T helper cells. J Immunol 1996; Association of the ADAM33 gene with
lymphocytes in the large and small 156:2400–2405. asthma and bronchial
airways of asthmatics. Eur Respir J Sabroe I, Parker LC, Wilson AG, et al. Toll- hyperresponsiveness. Nature 2002;
1997; 10:292–300. like receptors: their role in allergy and 418:426–430.
Jordana M, Sarnstrand B, Sime PJ, et al. non-allergic inflammatory disease. Clin
Immune-inflammatory functions of Exp Allergy 2002; 32:984–989.
fibroblasts. Eur Respir J 1994; Thompson AB, Robbins RA, Romberger DJ,
7:2212–2222. et al. Immunological functions of the
The principles of drug
treatment are to relieve
symptoms and treat
underlying inflammation. Drugs for the
Treatment of Allergic
Martin K Church and Sohei Makino
Allergy comprises a wide spectrum of conditions affecting many organs, each of which
requires treatment with different drugs. The principles, however, are the same. In its
early stages, allergy may present as isolated episodes of asthma, rhinitis, or urticaria.
However, as the condition progresses, an underlying pathology of allergic inflam-
mation develops leading to chronic disease in which the episodic exacerbations, or
attacks, are more severe. The drugs used to treat allergy may, therefore, be classified
into two groups: those aimed primarily at the relief of the symptoms of the acute
exacerbations and those primarily for treatment of the underlying inflammation. These
categories, however, are not completely watertight as some drugs aimed principally at
providing relief from immediate symptoms may also influence the underlying
stimulated GDP
AC αs
Fig. 24.3 Activation of
adenylate cyclase and protein
β γ γ β kinases. The diagram shows
two β -adrenoceptor molecules,
GTP each of which is composed of
three transmembrane loops.
ATP cAMP Stimulation of the receptor
phosphodiesterase (left) causes its activation, in
cAMP AMP which the αs unit of the
heterotrimeric Gs protein binds
– GTP and dissociates from the
complex to the adenylate
theophylline cyclase catalytic unit (AC).
R Activated AC catalyzes the
disease with an antiinflammatory agent, such as an inhaled given once or twice daily, has overcome this problem (see
corticosteroid, while providing β-stimulants for their Table 24.1). The major drawbacks to inhalation therapy are
bronchodilator actions on an ‘as required’ basis during periods problems of poor administration techniques by the patients,
of enhanced bronchoconstriction. particularly young children and geriatric patients, and poor
Long-acting β2-agonists, such as salmeterol and formoterol, drug penetration into the airways of patients with severe
have duration of bronchodilatation lasting 10–12 hours, and can obstruction. Systemic side-effects of β-adrenoceptor therapy
be beneficial to patients when added to inhaled corticosteroids, are usually minimal with inhaled drugs, but may become a
particularly in the control of night-time symptoms. problem with over usage, a point which must be stressed to the
patient. These side-effects include:
Uses and administration • skeletal muscle tremor to which tolerance develops;
• hyperglycemia in diabetes;
Epinephrine is the drug of choice for acute anaphylactic shock. • cardiovascular effects, cardiac arrhythmias acutely, and a
Patients at risk should carry with them – at all times – a possibility of myocardial ischemia in the long term; and
preloaded syringe, such as an ‘Epipen’. Epinephrine should be • hypokalemia.
administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly (not intra-
venously) as soon as the early symptoms of anaphylactic shock β-Adrenoceptor stimulants may also be given orally, although
manifest themselves. The patient should then seek immediate the use of this route is declining with the introduction of long-
specialized medical attention (see Ch. 11). acting inhaled agents. Oral administration may be advantageous
In asthma, the choice of the most appropriate route of when patients cannot use an inhaler effectively or when pro-
administration of β-stimulants is of paramount importance. In longed duration of action is required. The obvious disadvantages
all but the most severe asthmatics, inhalation of an aerosol are the unwanted systemic effects. Parenteral administration is
provides an effective topical treatment by delivering the drug usually reserved for acute severe asthma (status asthmaticus)
directly to the luminal surface of the bronchus where it can act where it may have life-saving potential when used in conjunction
on superficial mast cells and gain ready access to the bronchial with other appropriate supportive therapy.
smooth muscle. Onset of action is rapid, within 5–15 minutes,
a vital factor when trying to reverse a developing or established
bronchoconstriction. With the older bronchodilators, the
duration of action of 4–5 hours is not long enough to allow Methylxanthines, in the form of coffee and extracts from the
the nocturnal asthmatic a full night’s sleep. However, the tea plant, have been used for the treatment of bronchial asthma
prolonged duration of the second-generation drugs, which are for almost 700 years. Today the predominant methylxanthine
410 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
Fig. 24.4 Proposed mechanisms of action of theophylline. cAMP,
cyclic adenosine monophosphate; PDE, phosphodiesterase.
below therapeutic level
in clinical use is theophylline, given either as the native drug, as Fig. 24.5 Dose-related therapeutic and toxic effects of theophylline.
its water-soluble ethylene diamine salt, aminophylline, or as a
long-acting conjugate, such as choline theophyllinate. The use
of these drugs is somewhat enigmatic: they are one of the drugs
of choice in North America and some parts of continental
Europe but are rarely used in the UK and Australasia. levels in the range of 5–15 mg/mL. Below l0 mg/mL, the drug
is comparatively ineffective and, above 20 mg/mL, toxic effects
are observed which increase in number and in severity with
increasing plasma concentrations. Because of this relationship,
the prudent physician will regularly monitor serum theophylline
Mechanism of action
levels and adjust the dose so that possible life-threatening
The precise mechanism by which theophylline acts as an toxicity is avoided.
antiasthma drug is still somewhat obscure. Clearly it has the
potential to inhibit cAMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), thus causing
Uses and administration
the elevation of intracellular levels of cAMP by preventing its
breakdown (see Fig. 24.3). The theory for this mechanism of Theophylline is only weakly active and of transient duration
action in asthma has been based on biochemical and in vitro when given by inhalation and is, therefore, given routinely by
studies that use theophylline at concentrations which would be oral administration. Rectal preparations of aminophylline
toxic in vivo. Consequently, a variety of alternative mechanisms are available and may be well suited for young children.
have been proposed, which are summarized in Figure 24.4. Theophylline and aminophylline are rapidly and completely
However, the PDE inhibition theory has recently gained more absorbed from the intestinal tract. Theophylline is metabolized
credence from two lines of evidence. First is the observation in the liver with a half-life of approximately 6 hours in normal
that, at therapeutic doses, there is evidence in leukocytes in individuals. Because of this relatively short duration of action,
vivo of increased levels of cAMP, suggesting that even a small many slow-release preparations have been formulated to extend
and subtle action on PDE at these concentrations may be its duration to 8–12 hours. However, care must be taken with
sufficient to confer clinical activity. Second is the identification such preparations, as large fluctuations in plasma concentrations
of seven families of PDE isozymes, many of which contain may occur, bringing with them either lack of efficacy or
multiple subtypes that are encoded by distinct genes, and the potential toxicity. These problems may arise in two ways. First,
synthesis of specific inhibitors for them. Of particular note is the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract may lead to
that bronchial smooth muscle and inflammatory cells, including erratic absorption with changes in gastric emptying, so causing
mast cells, have type 4 PDE (PDE4). Initial studies with ‘dumping’ of enteric-coated preparations into the intestine.
inhibitors of this isoenzyme indicate that they carry the Second, other disease processes or the use of other drugs may
beneficial actions of theophylline while being devoid of many of markedly alter the rate of metabolism of theophylline, the half-
the side-effects. Drugs of this class are undergoing intense life being around 20 hours in hepatitis and 4 hours in heavy
clinical trial at present and are described later. cigarette smokers. As a consequence, a conservative approach
The major disadvantage with theophylline is its narrow to therapy should be adopted, and the dose titrated to suit
therapeutic window (Fig. 24.5). The beneficial effects of the individual patients. In acute severe asthma, intravenous
drug in long-term management are observed only with plasma theophylline may be used by infusion, rather than by bolus
H1 Antihistamines • 411
M2 M2 negative Histamine, released from mast cells and basophils, plays a major
feedback role in the pathophysiology of all allergic diseases, including
rhinitis, urticaria, asthma, and systemic anaphylaxis. Therefore,
M3 M3 prevention of its ability to stimulate its target organs has
presented an obvious goal in drug development. Over the last
two decades it has become apparent that the actions of
histamine are initiated following its interaction with one of four
smooth muscle distinct receptors (Table 24.2). In allergic disease, it is the
H1 antihistamines which are of primary benefit, although
Fig. 24.6 Muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the airways. H2 antihistamines may have some therapeutic benefit.
Postganglionic fibers are excited by the action of ACh at H1 antihistamines are usually classified into the older, or
N1-receptors. These fibers go directly to smooth muscle where the first-generation antihistamines, and the newer, or second-
ACh released interacts with M3-receptors to cause contraction. ACh
also feeds back to stimulate M2- receptors on the nerves and to generation, antihistamines. The commonly used members of
reduce ACh release. The site of M1-receptors is speculative but they these drug classes are listed in Table 24.3 and the chemical
are thought to be present as secondary stimulant nerves which structures of some of them shown in Figure 24.7. The main
augment parasympathetic stimulation in the airways. ACh,
acetylcholine. differences between the two generations of drugs are their
propensity to cause central nervous system (CNS) sedation and
their side-effects. The highly lipophilic nature of the first-
generation antihistamines allows them to penetrate well into
the CNS where they induce sedation. Although this sedative
effect may have some clinical benefit in the treatment of night-
time exacerbations of allergy responses, especially in children,
injection, with a view to obtaining plasma levels within but not it severely compromises such drug use in ambulatory patients
above the therapeutic range. in whom doses capable of causing only a 3–5-fold shift of the
histamine dose-response curve may be given. The potential to
ANTICHOLINERGIC AGENTS enhance the central effects of alcohol and other CNS sedatives
further limits such use. In addition, many of these drugs also
Antimuscarinic agents, particularly from the smoking of leaves have actions which reflect their poor receptor selectivity,
of stramonium, belladonna, and hyoscyamus, have been used including an atropine-like effect and blockade of both
for the treatment of asthma for centuries. Today, chemically α-adrenergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors.
modified derivatives of atropine are used as bronchodilator drugs. The second-generation H1 antihistamines cause much-
reduced CNS sedation and are essentially free of this effect at
Mechanism of action doses recommended for the treatment of rhinitis or urticaria.
Consequently, the shift of the histamine dose-response curve
Stimulation by acetylcholine of muscarinic M3-receptors on that can be achieved with these drugs is much greater. Also,
bronchial smooth muscle initiates its contraction by a cyclic these drugs have little or no atropine-like activity or effects at
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-mediated pathway. Atropine other receptors. Some second-generation drugs have been
and related drugs are competitive and reversible antagonists of suggested to have antiallergic and antiinflammatory effects
this effect of acetylcholine, thereby producing a dose-related which may contribute to their therapeutic benefit. An example
inhibition of smooth muscle contraction (Fig. 24.6). of this is a recent trial, the so-called ETAC study, in which
children of 1–2 years of age with atopic dermatitis were treated
Uses and administration with cetirizine for 18 months. The results showed a significant
reduction in the development of asthma during this period in
Atropine is well absorbed, even following inhalation, and those who were sensitive to pollen or house dust mite. There
produces systemic inhibition of parasympathetic nervous was also a concomitant reduction in other allergic symptoms,
system activity. This severely limits its use as a bronchodilator. including urticaria and allergic reactions to foods.
412 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
Bronchial smooth muscle Contraction H1
Bronchial epithelium Increased permeability H1
Secretory glands Increased glycoprotein secretion H1, H2
Secretion H1
Cough receptors
Blood vessels
Postcapillary venules Dilatation H1
Increased permeability
Sensory nerves Stimulation H1
Central nervous system Neuroregulation H3
Nose Rhinorrhea H1
Edema H1
Leukocytes Increased proliferation; H2, H4
chemotaxis and activation
azelastine fexofenadine
CH2 Cl
loratadine cetirizine
in the blood vessels that constitute the blood–brain barrier. differ in their pharmacokinetics, most of the topical preparations
Their propensity to occupy H1 receptors in the CNS varies need to be administered twice daily because of the washout
from 0% for fexofenadine to 30% for cetirizine. Thus, second- from the nasal mucosa or conjunctiva.
generation H1 antihistamines are relatively free of sedating All of the first-generation H1 antagonists and some of the
effects and impairment of driving performance. Currently, second-generation antihistamines are oxidatively metabolized
desloratadine, fexofenadine, and loratadine are the H1 by the hepatic cytochrome P450 system, the main exceptions
antihistamines for which pilots can receive a waiver for use being levocetirizine, cetirizine, and fexofenadine. Levocetirizine
from the Federal Aviation Administration. and cetirizine are excreted largely unchanged in urine and
Cardiac toxic effects induced by H1 antihistamines occur fexofenadine is excreted largely in the feces. Hepatic metabolism
rarely and independently of the H1 receptor. Two early second- has several implications: prolongation of the serum half-life in
generation H1 antihistamines, astemizole and terfenadine, patients with hepatic dysfunction and those receiving con-
which are no longer marketed, potentially prolong the QT comitant cytochrome P450 inhibitors, such as ketoconazole
interval and have been shown to cause torsades de pointes. No and erythromycin. Also, longer duration of action is found in
such effects occur with new second-generation H1 antihistamines. elderly patients who have reduced liver function. In these
patients there is a possibility of precipitating serious unwanted
cardiac or CNS effects. Such adverse effects are more likely to
Uses and administration
occur when first-generation antihistamines rather than second-
All H1-receptor antagonists are well absorbed from the gastro- generation antihistamines are used.
intestinal tract after oral dosage. With most oral H1 In patients with allergic rhinitis both first- and second-
antihistamines, symptomatic relief is observed within 1–3 hours. generation H1 antihistamines have been proven to be useful in
Their duration of action varies from several hours to 24 hours, ameliorating sneezes, itching, and nasal discharge but are less
that of the second-generation drugs being generally around effective in relieving nasal blockage. H1 antihistamines provide
24 hours. No tolerance to the suppressive effects on skin test relief of allergic rhinitis comparable to that provided by intra-
reactivity to histamine is observed for at least 3 months. nasal cromolin sodium 4%, but are generally found to be less
Residual suppression of skin test reactivity to allergens may last potent than intranasal corticosteroids in the management of
for up to 7 days after the discontinuation of an H1 antihistamine. severe allergic rhinitis symptoms, particularly in ameliorating
Although topical intranasal and ophthalmic H1 antihistamines nasal blockage. Leukotriene receptor antagonists have been
414 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
Adverse effects
Fig. 24.8 This diagram shows the two compartment model of the The most obvious adverse effects of first-generation H1 anti-
histamine receptor. The transmembrane histamine H1 receptors are
shown in their inactive (left) and active (right) forms. Panel (a) histamines are those on the CNS, including drowsiness,
shows that the inactive and active conformations of the H1 receptor impaired driving performance, fatigue, lassitude, and dizziness.
are in equilibrium in the absence of either histamine or an H1 In addition, dry mouth, urinary retention, gastrointestinal
antihistamine. In reality, the equilibrium would be very much in favor
of the much more stable inactive form. Panel (b) shows the effect upset, and appetite stimulation may occur. Clinical tolerance to
of histamine, which has a preferential affinity for the active the sedating effects of first-generation antihistamines has been
conformation of the receptor. Histamine combines with the active suggested but has not been found consistently in objective
form of the receptor to stabilize it and thus cause the equilibrium to
shift in favor of the activated form. Panel (c) shows the effect of an tests. If taken by mothers, first-generation drugs may cause
antihistamine, which has a preferential affinity for the inactive irritability, drowsiness, or respiration suppression in nursing
conformation of the receptor. Consequentially, the antihistamine
combines with the inactive form of the receptor to stabilize it and infants. The incidence of CNS sedation from second-generation
thus cause the equilibrium to shift in the opposite direction. H1 antihistamines, when used at the manufacturers’
(Adapted from Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1 recommended doses, is greatly reduced or absent.
antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and
cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32:489–498.) Some of the first-generation H1 antihistamines may cause
sinus tachycardia, reflex tachycardia and supraventricular
arrhythmia, and prolongation of the QT interval in a dose-
dependent manner. The potential unwanted serious cardiac
effects of astemizole and terfenadine, which are not marketed
now, have been described previously.
Some of the oral H1 antihistamines including cetirizine,
proven to be effective to allergic rhinitis. Combination of a loratadine, and emedastine, are considered relatively safe for
leukotriene receptor antagonist with an antihistamine has been use during pregnancy (FDA category B: no adverse effect in
shown to reduce nasal symptoms more than monotherapy with animals, but no data in humans, or adverse effects in animals
each of the agents. but no adverse effects in humans).
Prostanoid Synthesis Inhibitors and Receptor Antagonists • 415
CRTh2, chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells ; DP, PGD2 receptor;
TP, TXA2 receptor; PGD2, E2, I2, F2α, prostaglandin D2, E2, I2, F2α; TXA2, thromboxane A2. (Data based
on Hata AN, Breyer RM. Pharmacology and signaling of prostaglandin receptors: Multiple roles in
inflammation and immune modulation. Pharmacol Ther 2004; 103(2):147–166.)
416 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
Aspirin-induced Asthma
− PGE2
LTC4, D4, E4, leukotriene C4, D4, E4; PBL, peripheral blood lymphocyte.
(From Evans JF. Cysteinyl leukotriene receptors. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediators 2002;
C fibers
USA, and 1995 in Japan, respectively. Both montelukast and Mechanism of action
pranlukast are approved for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in
adults. In 1996 the leukotriene synthesis inhibitor, zileuton, The development of drugs to inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes
was approved for use in the USA. However, it is not currently has been aimed at two targets, 5-LO and 5-LO-activating
marketed. protein (FLAP). Zileuton is an antioxidant inhibitor of 5-LO.
Leukotriene Synthesis Inhibitors and Receptor Antagonists • 419
However, it is not entirely specific as it inhibits some other In chronic asthma, zafirlukast and intravenous/oral
oxidizing enzymes, such as hepatic microsomal cytochrome montelukast show a rapid increase of the forced expired volume
enzyme, CYP3A4, involved in the metabolism of terfenadine, in 1 second (FEV1), suggesting that leukotrienes are continuously
theophylline, and warfarin. Following allergen challenge of released in chronic asthma, thereby causing bronchoconstriction
atopic asthmatic subjects, zileuton produces inhibition of the and enhancing non-specific airway hyperresponsiveness.
early, but not the late asthmatic response. The degree of
inhibition of bronchospasm is correlated with the reduction of
Uses and administration
urinary LTE4. Zileuton also suppresses AIA, in which a
reduction of the urinary excretion of LTE4 is also observed. LTRAs (montelukast 10 mg once daily, zafirlukast 20 mg twice
Although FLAP inhibitors have shown activity in experimental daily, and pranlukast 225 mg twice daily in adults) have shown
models and have been used to suppress early and late asthmatic improvement of pulmonary function and symptoms in patients
response in humans, none has yet been marketed, largely with mild-to-severe asthma. In children, montelukast (1 year of
because of their lack of potency. age or older), zafirlukast (5 years of age or older) and pranlukast
LTRAs have been developed to prevent the interaction of (1 year of age or older) are indicated for asthma. In both
LTC4 and LTD4 at the CysLT1 receptor, responsible for many adults and children, LTRAs provide significant protection
of the effects of asthma as described. The human CysLT1 against exercise- and antigen-induced bronchoconstriction as
receptors are expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes well as AIA. In addition to beneficial effects on pulmonary
(eosinophils, subsets of monocytes, macrophages, basophils and functions, LTRAs decreased markers of airway inflammation.
pregranulocytic CD34+ cells), lung smooth muscle cells and Recently, LTRAs were approved for treatment of allergic
interstitial macrophages, and spleen, and less strongly in the rhinitis. Moreover, LTRAs are generally safe and well
small intestine, pancreas and placenta. Human CysLT2 receptors tolerated.
are expressed in heart (myocytes, fibroblasts, and vascular Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials
smooth muscle cells), adrenal medulla, peripheral blood have demonstrated the efficacies of LTRAs (montelukast 10 mg
leukocytes, spleen, lymph nodes, CNS, interstitial macrophages once daily, zafirlukast 20 mg twice daily, and pranlukast 225 mg
and smooth muscle cells in the lung. Because LTRAs have twice daily) in improving pulmonary function, symptoms, and
relatively high receptor selectivity and do not block the CysLT2 quality of life and decreasing risk of asthma exacerbation in
receptor, they usually have fewer unwanted effects than patients with mild-to-moderate asthma as compared with
leukotriene synthesis inhibitors. LTRAs suppress airway placebo.
inflammation including eosinophil infiltration. In sensitized LTRAs can be an alternative therapy to low-dose inhaled
experimental animals, LTRAs suppress antigen-induced early corticosteroids in mild persistent asthma, although LTRAs are
and late responses and eosinophil infiltration in bronchoalveolar less effective. In a double-blind extension trial in adults and
lavage fluid. In asthma patients, prolonged administration of children 6 years of age and older, the efficacy of an LTRA
LTRAs suppresses eosinophils in sputum and the airway wall. (montelukast 10 mg once daily ) and beclomethasone 200 µg
They also suppress allergen-induced early and late asthmatic twice daily was similar. In addition to the significant efficacy of
responses. monotherapy, LTRAs have additive effects with inhaled
In antigen-sensitized/challenged animal models montelukast corticosteroids.
has been reported to have anti-remodeling activities, such as There is evidence that LTRAs used as add-on therapy reduce
reduction of smooth muscle hypertrophy and subepithelial the dose of inhaled corticosteroids required by patients with
fibrosis and pranlukast abolished LTD4 epithelium growth moderate-to-severe asthma or improve asthma control in
factor-induced human airway smooth muscle proliferation in patients whose asthma is not controlled with low to high doses
vitro (Table 24.6). of inhaled corticosteroids. In patients inadequately controlled
As enhanced leukotriene production is a primary feature by low–medium dose inhaled corticosteroids, inhaled cortico-
in AIA, it is hardly surprising that CysLT1-receptor antagonists steroids plus LTRAs or a double dose of inhaled corticosteroids
inhibit this response. showed similar progressive improvement in several measures of
asthma control compared with baseline. Moreover LTRAs plus
inhaled corticosteroids showed faster onset of action than a
double dose of inhaled corticosteroids. Adding montelukast
10 mg once daily to the treatment of patients whose symptoms
Table 24.6 Effects of leukotriene antagonists in the airways in remain uncontrolled with inhaled corticosteroids could provide
asthma equivalent clinical control compared with adding long acting
inhaled β-stimulants.
Effects of CysLT1-receptor Antagonists in the Airway in LTRAs decrease the number of eosinophils in sputum and
Asthma peripheral blood suggesting that part of the effect of LTRAs is
Suppression of: antiinflammatory. LTRAs prevent exercised-induced asthma.
Constriction of bronchial smooth muscle
Increased vascular permeability
No tolerance to the bronchoprotective effects has been observed
with LTRAs.
Increased mucus production
Increased airway hyperresponsiveness
In patients with seasonal rhinitis, with or without concomitant
asthma, LTRAs improved nasal, eye, and throat symptoms as
• Airway inflammation including eosinophil migration and
activation well as quality of life. Concomitant montelukast, together with
beclomethasone budesonide fluticasone
dipropionate C O C O propionate C O
Cl F
collagenase extracellular
synthesis effects
– –
GRa GRE protein effects
transcortin free intracellular
or GCS effects
GRi Hsp 90 mRNA
GCS = glucocorticosteroid GRa = active glucocorticoid receptor Hsp 90 = 90 kDa heat-shock protein
GRi = inactive glucocorticoid receptor GRE = glucocorticoid response element AP-1 = activating protein-1
0 0.01 0
pre- 6 wk pre- 6 wk pre- 6 wk pre- 6 wk pre- 6 wk
Fig. 24.20 The effect of beclomethasone dipropionate in asthma. Patients were examined before and after treatment with beclomethasone
dipropionate (BD), 1000 µg a day by inhalation. Improvements were observed in subjective symptoms and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to
methacholine. These were paralleled by significant falls in submucosal mast cell and eosinophil numbers as assessed in bronchial biopsies.
• the dose of the drug absorbed systemically; borne out, with only occasional reports of candidiasis and
• the potency and duration of the systemic effect; and reversible dysphonia and rare reports of systemic effects. Only
• the duration of treatment. with inhaled doses of around 1000–2000 mg a day have mild
systemic effects and some degree of HPA suppression been
Thus, instigation of systemic treatment should only begin when reported. In rhinitis and conjunctivitis, the total dose of steroid
bearing in mind the balance between beneficial and harmful is small enough to make it essentially free from systemic effects.
effects of corticosteroids and with the knowledge that Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin, however, may
suppression of the HPA axis is likely to lead to adrenocortical still result in systemic effects, particularly when it is necessary
atrophy, particularly with prolonged treatment. While adreno- to apply steroids to large areas of the body. Thus, the increasing
cortical atrophy is reversible, this occurs only slowly, thus tendency to use topical corticosteroids as antiinflammatory
making it potentially dangerous to abruptly withdraw cortico- agents in allergic disease appears to be a logical and relatively
steroids from a chronically treated patient. safe therapeutic development. However, it should still be a
maxim of the practicing physician to use as low a dose as
Uses and administration possible, particularly in children.
Guidelines for the use of steroids in asthma have now been
The choice of an individual corticosteroid for the treatment of formulated in many countries. Briefly, they suggest the intro-
allergic disease depends on the route of administration. For oral duction of inhaled preparations even in relatively mild asthma,
use or for intravenous use, as in acute severe asthma, the drug increased inhaled doses as asthma becomes more severe, and
should be rapidly absorbed and slowly metabolized, have a high the use of oral therapy only when the disease cannot be
affinity for the receptor, and be devoid of mineralocorticoid controlled satisfactorily by inhaled therapy.
actions. These criteria are best met by prednisolone, prednisone, In rhinitis, steroid nasal sprays, such as beclomethasone
and dexamethasone. To minimize unwanted effects and maximize dipropionate and fluticasone propionate, are used to reduce the
effectiveness, large initial doses should be used followed by influx of mast cells and other inflammatory cells into the nasal
systematic reduction to the lowest possible maintenance dose. mucosa. As they do not inhibit mast cell degranulation, they do
Alternatively, intermittent high-dose therapy may be used, thus not provide immediate relief. For maximal benefit in seasonal
allowing the body periods of recovery between administrations. rhinitis, topical steroid therapy should be instituted 2–3 weeks
In less severe conditions, a corticosteroid should be adminis- before the hayfever season. Unwanted effects are negligible
tered topically whenever possible. The ideal pharmacokinetic with conventional doses. Systemic therapy should only be used
properties of such a drug are slow absorption from the site of in extremely debilitating conditions.
deposition and rapid metabolism once absorbed systemically. Steroid eye drops are very effective in the treatment of
These criteria are met most closely by beclomethasone many forms of conjunctivitis, including allergic conjunctivitis.
dipropionate, budesonide, and fluticasone. Experience with In extreme conditions, the drug may also be given systemically.
inhaled steroids, since the early 1970s, has shown that original However, in eye disease, steroids should only be used under
fears about long-term adverse effects appear not to have been expert medical supervision because of their local unwanted
Humanized Monoclonal Anti-Immunoglobulin Antibody • 425
effects. The most potentially dangerous of these are as allergic asthma and rhinitis. In particular, clinical trials have
follows. shown that injection of anti-IgE improves asthma control in
• Aggravation of ‘red eye’, a condition of dendritic allergic asthma in patients who remained symptomatic despite
ulceration caused by the herpes simplex virus may occur. regular use of inhaled corticosteroids.
The local immunosuppressive effects of steroids worsen
this condition and may lead to loss of sight or even of
Mechanisms of action
the eye.
• In persons predisposed to chronic simple glaucoma, Anti-IgE is humanized monoclonal antibody to the domain of
steroid eye drops may induce ‘steroid glaucoma’ after a human IgE which binds to the FcεRI on mast cells and
few weeks’ use. Again, this may be sight threatening. basophils (Fig. 24.21). Consequently, when anti-IgE forms a
• Use of high doses of steroids for conjunctival inflammation, complex with IgE, the IgE can no longer bind to the FcεRI and,
particularly when given systemically, is associated with the thus, cannot sensitize mast cells and basophils. This has been
development of ‘steroid cataract’. This problem is both shown in vivo in a study where anti-IgE infusion decreased
dose and duration related. For example, daily oral dosage serum IgE levels, the density basophil surface IgE and FcεRIα,
with 15 mg of prednisolone (or equivalent with other and antigen-induced basophil histamine release. As the FcεRI-
steroids) for prolonged periods carries a risk of ‘steroid binding domain is hidden once IgE is bound to FcεRI, anti-IgE
cataract’ of around 75%. cannot activate mast cells or basophils and cause anaphylaxis.
Furthermore, dendritic cells, which are crucially involved in
In the skin, steroid creams and ointments are used for a wide allergen presentation in allergic individuals, also have cell
variety of inflammatory conditions, including eczema and surface FcεRI. Thus, anti-IgE would be expected to lead to a
atopic dermatitis. They act to suppress symptoms and are in no reduction in allergen presentation, Th2 cell activation, and
sense curative, rebound exacerbations often occurring on proliferation. This has been demonstrated in humans where
cessation of treatment. They are of limited value in urticaria anti-IgE reduced submucosal T-cell and B-cell numbers. In
and are contraindicated in rosacea and ulcerative conditions, seasonal allergic rhinitis anti-IgE inhibited the allergen-induced
which they worsen. Because of their local unwanted effects seasonal increases in circulating and tissue eosinophils.
(Table 24.7) and their ability to be absorbed through the skin The effects of anti-IgE antibody are dependent on its presence
and cause systemic effects, steroids should not be the drugs of in the serum. After the final infusion with anti-IgE, subjects
first choice but reserved for the more problematic conditions. slowly regain levels of IgE, reaching 18% of preinfusion levels
Even then, the lowest strength of the least potent steroids at 8 weeks in one study. Basophil IgE and FcεRIα surface
should be used. Also, short courses are recommended wherever density and antigen-induced basophil histamine release
possible. The use of topical steroids in the skin of children is responses rose in parallel with free IgE.
discouraged because of the systemic effects.
In conclusion, steroids afford effective therapy in allergic
Uses and administration
disease when the appropriate formulations are given and the
physician observes with diligence the basic rules to avoid The efficacy of anti-IgE has been demonstrated in patients with
unwanted effects. moderate-to-severe asthma, in patients with seasonal allergic
rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis, and in subjects with
concomitant allergic asthma and rhinitis. Several large-scale,
HUMANIZED MONOCLONAL randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of
ANTI-IMMUNOGLOBULIN ANTIBODY anti-IgE, mostly given every 2–4 weeks depending on serum
Immune responses mediated by IgE are important in the IgE level, have demonstrated the benefits of this agent in adult
pathogenesis of allergic asthma. Recently, a recombinant patients with moderate-to-severe allergic asthma who remain
humanized monoclonal antibody directed against IgE (anti-IgE, symptomatic despite treatment with systemic or inhaled
omalizumab, rhuMAb-E25) has been introduced in the USA corticosteroids. The trials have shown consistently that
for the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe asthma, administration of anti-IgE is associated with fewer asthma
with seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and with concomitant exacerbations per patient despite significant reductions in
corticosteroid dose, stable symptom control despite concomitant
reductions in rescue medication use, improvement of lung
function and improvement in quality of life compared with the
Table 24.7 Possible detrimental effects of steroids in the skin placebo. Regression analysis of pooled data from the two
studies in adults with moderate-to-severe asthma showed the
Possible Detrimental Effects of Steroids in the Skin most marked benefit of anti-IgE therapy was observed in
patients with a history of frequent emergency asthma treatment
Spread and worsening of untreated infection
and in patients receiving high inhaled corticosteroids doses. In
Thinning of the skin, which may be only partially reversible moderate-to-severe childhood asthma, like adult asthma,
Irreversible striae atrophicae administration of anti-IgE has been shown to be associated with
Increased hair growth fewer exacerbations, and less use of rescue medication in both
the stable steroid period and steroid reduction phases.
Perioral dermatitis
Anti-IgE has been shown to be safe and well tolerated, there
Acne at the site of application being no significant differences in the incidence of adverse
Mild depigmentation of the skin effects when compared to placebo in many clinical trials. Mild-
to-moderate urticaria has been reported occasionally after the
426 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
anti-IgE decreases
free-IgE and reduces
FcεRI expression
dendritic cell (DC) effects
mast cell/basophil
B cell
anti-IgE reduces
DC FcεRI expression clinical Fig. 24.21 Proposed
and could decrease T cell effects mechanisms of action of
recombinant humanized
presentation of allergen monoclonal antibody to IgE
to T cells eosinophil (omalizumab). (Adapted from
anti-IgE reduces Holgate S, Casale T, Wenzel S,
eosinophil influx et al. The anti-inflammatory
effects of omalizumab confirm
tissue infiltration the central role of IgE in allergic
inflammation. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 2005; 115:459–465.)
anti-IgE infusion. Other reported events are headache and bronchial smooth muscle. One of these agents, cromakalim has
bruising at the injection site. It has been shown that even after been shown to reduce ‘morning dipping’ in human nocturnal
20 weeks of treatment, no antibodies against anti-IgE were asthma, and to inhibit histamine-induced bronchoconstriction.
detectable. The absence of immunogenicity of anti-IgE may be Although it has shown some efficacy, cromakalim is associated
attributed to the humanization of the antibody and to protein with significant adverse vascular effects including orthostatic
engineering that resulted in a non-complement-fixing molecule hypotension, headache, and flush. The possibility of delivering
with a human IgGκ framework. such drugs to the airways by aerosol inhalation may present a
useful means of therapy.
Tachykinin-receptor antagonists
The prevalence of allergic diseases is rising, particularly in the
developed world. Current drug therapy is not reaching its Tachykinins, particularly substance P and neurokinin A (NKA),
objectives either in reversing this increase or in satisfactorily are widely distributed in the endings of some primary afferent
treating the allergic symptoms. Of particular concern is that neurons in the airways of many species, including humans.
the prevalence of asthma and the incidence of asthma deaths Stimulation of NK-1 and NK-2 receptors by these tachykinins
are still rising. Thus, the quest for newer and more effective drugs has many effects relevant to asthma, including broncho-
must continue. As drugs in development are described here constriction, vasodilatation, plasma extravasation, and inflam-
only in general terms, the reader is referred to more specialized matory effects, such as eosinophil accumulation in the airway
texts for details. Approaches toward achieving bronchodilatation and upregulation of the expression of adhesion molecules on
and symptomatic relief in asthma are now discussed. vascular endothelial cells. Stimulation of NK-2 receptors may
induce cough responses. There are few studies on the effects of
NK-1 and NK-2 tachykinin-receptor antagonists in humans. A
Calcium antagonists
mixed NK-1 and NK-2 antagonist inhibits bradykinin-induced
Calcium antagonists reduce the stimulus-induced entry of bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma. Further
calcium into bronchial smooth muscle and thus decrease its development of more potent and bioavailable antagonists and
contractility. Due to their lack of specificity, effects on the clinical trials is needed to decide the usefulness of tachykinin-
cardiovascular system are of major concern. receptor antagonists.
T cell
↓ proliferation monocyte
↓ IL-2, IFNγ ↓ TNFα release
↓ IL-4, IL-5, Il-13
↓ TNFα release
B cell ↓ LTB4
↓ IgE production inhibition of ↑ IL-10 production
neutrophil ↓ superoxide generation
↓ superoxide generation ↓ chemotaxis
↓ chemotaxis ↓ degranulation
↓ CD11b expression ↓ LTC4 synthesis
Fig. 24.22 Potential
antiinflammatory and
↓ CD11b expression immunomodulatory effects of
phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4)
inhibitors. (Quoted from Banner
K, Trevethick MA. PDE4
basophil inhibition: a novel approaches
↓ histamine from the treatment of
↓ LTC4 inflammatory bowel disease.
Trends Pharmacol Sci 2004;
effects on various key effector cells involved in airway The therapeutic ratio for PDE4 inhibitors is thought to be
inflammation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary determined by selectivity on receptor subtypes for relative
disease (COPD) (Fig. 24.22). Orally active, selective PDE4 effects on PDE4B (antiinflammatory) and PDE4D (emesis).
inhibitors including roflumilast and cilomilast have antiinflam- Higher selectivity to PDE4B will give a superior therapeutic
matory effects and have been shown to be effective for the ratio.
treatment of asthma and COPD. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter studies on roflumilast,
PDE4 belong to an important family of proteins that regulate 500 µg per day, have been carried out on stable asthma patients
the intracellular levels of cyclic nucleotide second messengers. whose baseline FEV1 was 73% of predicted and baseline PEF
Targeting PDE4 with selective inhibitors may offer novel was 77% of predicted. Roflumilast improved lung function; the
therapeutic strategies in the treatment of airway inflammatory mean increase of peak inspiratory flow rate being 24.21 ±
diseases including asthma and COPD. The rationale for such an 2.58 L/min compared a baseline of 360 L/min at the end of the
approach stems, in part, from the clinical efficacy of 12 week trial. Roflumilast showed a rapid onset of bronchodi-
theophylline, an orally active drug that is purportedly a non- latation and reached clinically relevant levels of the improve-
selective PDE inhibitor with significant antiinflammatory effect ment. Roflumilast has activity in asthma as assessed by its
at low doses. attenuation of allergen and exercise challenges. It shows clinical
PDE4 is present in various inflammatory cells, including efficacy equivalent to that of beclomethasone dipropionate
eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, 400 µg daily.
T cells, B cells, and epithelial cells. Intracellular cAMP levels Roflumilast is thought to be indicated to stabilize asthma of
regulate the function of many of these cells thought to moderate severity and provide weak but rapid onset of efficacy
contribute to the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases such as and steady, continuous improvement of lung function. In COPD
asthma and COPD. At present two PDE4 inhibitors, cilomilast cilomilast, 15 mg twice daily, and roflumilast, 500 µg once daily,
and roflumilast, are undergoing clinical trials. have shown variable but significant effects on exacerbations and
In vitro and in vivo experiments have shown multipathway quality of life, with small improvement in measures of
antiinflammatory properties of these PDE4 inhibitors that may pulmonary function.
translate into continuous and sustained improvements in the One of the major issues to be resolved is the tolerability
lung function of patients with asthma. In animal models of profile associated with this drug class (i.e. emesis and headache).
asthma, PDE4 inhibitors reduce tumor necrosis factor α Cilomilast and roflumilast have low emetic potential.
(TNFα) release and airway hyperresponsiveness. The PDE4
inhibitor roflumilast has been reported to suppress activation of
Ciclosporin, FK506, and rapamycin
neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages/dendritic cells, CD4+T
cells [release of interleukn-2 (IL-2), -4, -5 and interferon γ The network of immune processes involved in allergic
(INFγ)]. In addition to antiinflammatory effects, roflumilast has inflammation provides numerous opportunities for therapeutic
been reported to relax smooth muscle and modulate the intervention in allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma,
activity of pulmonary nerves. allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis. Obvious
428 • Chapter 24 • Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Disease
therapies undergoing intensive preclinical investigation include T cells in peripheral blood and reduced expression of activation
use of stimulants of eosinophil apoptosis, modulators of IgE markers on peripheral blood CD4+ cells parallel clinical
production and function, and peptide fragments of common improvement, strongly suggesting that the antiasthmatic
allergens. effects of ciclosporin are due to the suppression of the release
Ciclosporin, FK506, and rapamycin have inhibitory effects of cytokines from T cells. Because of its potential renal toxicity
on several inflammatory cells, the most important of which and hypertensive effects, the use of ciclosporin probably should
appears to be inhibition of T-cell activation. Cyclosporine acts be restricted to corticosteroid-dependent intractable asthma,
at an early stage in the T-cell activation process, inhibiting the with renal function being monitored during treatment. In
transcriptional activity of NF-AT to block T-cell receptor- addition to asthma, systemic and topical ciclosporin
mediated signal transduction. Cyclosporine inhibits the release has been shown to improve intractable atopy significantly. The
of IL-5 from isolated human mononuclear cells, thereby microemulsion formulation used for topical application
reducing recruitment of eosinophils in allergic inflammation. In was reported to have good bioavailability and to be well
sensitized animals, ciclosporin suppresses the pulmonary tolerated.
accumulation and activation of eosinophils and T cells. In More recently, investigations have begun into the development
patients with chronic severe corticosteroid-dependent asthma, of agents which either antagonize the actions or inhibit the
ciclosporin has been reported to decrease disease exacerbation synthesis of cytokines, particularly IL-5. These are, however, in
and improve lung function. A significant reduction of activated the early stages.
Barnes PJ. Theophylline and Busse WW, et al, eds. Allergy: pulmonary disease, Lancet 2005;
phosphodiesterase inhibitors. In: principles and practice. 6th edn. 365:167–175.
Adkinson NF, Yunginger JW, Busse WW, St Louis: Mosby; 2003:915–927. Nelson HS. Beta-adrenergic agonists. In:
et al, eds. Allergy: principles and Holgate S, Casale T, Wenzel S, et al. The Adkinson NF, Yunginger JW, Busse WW,
practice. 6th edn. St Louis: Mosby; anti-inflammatory effects of omalizumab et al, eds. Allergy: principles and
2003:823–833. confirm the central role of IgE in allergic practice. 6th edn. St Louis: Mosby;
Busse W, Corren J, Lanier BQ, et al. inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003:803–821.
Omalizumab, anti-IgE recombinant 2005; 115:459–465. Schleimer RP, Spahn JD, Covar R, et al.
humanized monoclonal antibody, for the Kemp JP. Recent advances in the Glucocorticoids. In: Adkinson NF,
treatment of severe allergic asthma, management of asthma using Yunginger JW, Busse WW, et al, eds.
J Allergy Clin Immunol leukotriene modifiers. Am J Respir Med Allergy: principles and practice. 6th
2001;108:184–190. 2003; 2:139–156. edn. St Louis: Mosby; 2003:870–913.
Dogne JM, De Leval X, Benoit P, et al. Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. Simons FER, Advances in
Thromboxane A2 inhibition: therapeutic H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, H1-antihistamines, New Engl J Med
potential in bronchial asthma. Am J anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac 2004; 351:203–217.
Respir Med 2002; 1:11–17. effects. Clin Exp Allergy 2002;
Edwards AM, Holgate ST. The chromones: 32:489–498.
cromolin sodium and nedocromil Lipworth BJ. Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors
sodium. In: Adkinson NF, Yunginger JW, for asthma and chronic obstructive
Antigen processing: The conversion of an CD3+ cells: Lymphocytes with pan-T cell
antigen into a form in which it can be marker CD3 on their surface.
recognized by lymphocytes. CD4+ cells: T lymphocytes with CD4 surface
Antiserum: Serum containing antibodies to a marker, usually equitable with helper T cells.
Acute phase proteins: Serum proteins whose
specific antigen. CD8+ cells: T lymphocytes with CD8 surface
levels increase during infection or inflammatory
APCs (antigen-presenting cells): A variety of marker, usually equitable with suppressor T cells.
mobile or tissue-fixed cells, usually of the CD23: A cell membrane molecule associated
Adhesion: The sticking of migratory leukocytes
monocyte/macrophage family, which present with the low affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRII).
to endothelial or structural cells by the
antigen to lymphocytes through MHC class II Cell line: A collection of cells that divide
interaction of complementary adhesion proteins.
molecules. continuously in culture. May be either mono-
Adhesion proteins: Complementary cell
Apoptosis: Programmed cell death in which clonal or polyclonal and may have been trans-
surface molecules expressed on leukocytes,
one cell engulfs another, usually senescent, cell formed naturally or be an artificial hybridization.
endothelial and structural cells that allow
in order to prevent liberation of its potentially Challenge: Administration of an implicated
leukocyte adherence.
toxic constituents. allergen to an allergic subject, in order to
Adjuvant: A substance that non-specifically
Arachidonic acid: A 20-carbon fatty acid provoke an allergic response.
enhances the immune response to an antigen.
liberated from membrane phospholipid that Charcot–Leyden crystal: Lysolecithin crystals
Agretope: The portion of an antigen or antigen
may be converted into prostaglandins of the found in sputum of asthmatic subjects.
fragment which interacts with a MHC molecule.
2 series and leukotrienes of the 4 series. Chemokinesis: Increased random migratory
A-kinase (cAMP dPK): Cyclic AMP dependent
Atopy: The ability to produce IgE antibodies to activity of cells in response to a chemical
protein kinase; a family of enzymes activated
common allergens; demonstrable by RAST or stimulus.
by cyclic AMP which catalyze intracellular
skin prick tests. Chemotaxis: Increased directional migration
phosphorylation reactions.
Axon reflex: Local propagation of a nerve reflex of cells particularly in response to concentration
Allergen: A foreign protein or hapten which
by retrograde or antidromic stimulation of nerve gradients of certain chemotactic factors
induces the formation of anaphylactic antibodies
axons resulting in the release of neuropeptides. (chemotaxins).
and which may precipitate an allergic response.
Chymase: A neutral protease of the mast cell
Allergenic: Behaving like an allergen.
granule found only in the MCTC subpopulation
Allergy: Initially embraced immunology, but
now focused on the host tissue-damaging or
irritation effects of immunologic responses.
Anaphylactoid reaction: An allergic-like
reaction but produced by non-immunologic
Bradykinin: A vasoactive nonapeptide that is
probably the most important mediator
of human mast cells.
Ciclosporin: An immunosuppressive drug with
an action primarily on CD4+ lymphocytes.
Class I/II/III MHC molecules: Three major
classes of molecule within the MHC. Class I
mechanisms. generated by the kinin system. molecules have one MHC encoded peptide
Anaphylatoxins: Complement peptides C3a
associated with β2-microglobulin. Class II
and C5a which cause smooth muscle contraction,
molecules have two MHC encoded peptides
increased microvascular permeability, leukocyte
that are non-covalently associated, and class III
migration and activation, and degranulation of
molecules are other molecules including
some types of mast cells.
complement components.
Anaphylaxis: The consequences of an allergic C1–C9: The components of the complement
Class switching: The process by which an
reaction in an isolated organ or systemically. classical and lytic pathways that are responsible
individual B cell can link new immunoglobulin
Antibody: A molecule produced by the immune for mediating inflammatory reactions, opsoniz-
heavy chain C genes to its recombined V gene
system in response to antigen that has the ation of particles, and lysis of cell membranes.
to produce a different class of antibody with
property of combining specifically with the C domains: The constant domains of anti-
the same specificity. This process is also
antigen which induced its formation. bodies and T-cell receptors. These domains do
reflected in the overall class switch seen during
Antidromic reflex: See axon reflex. not contribute to the antigen-binding site and
the maturation of an immune response.
Antigen: A molecule that induces the formation show relatively little variability between
Clone: A family of cells or organisms having a
of antibody. receptor molecules.
genetically identical constitution.
Antigen presentation: The process by which CD markers: Surface molecules of cells,
CMI (cell-mediated immunity): A term used
certain cells in the body (antigen-presenting usually leukocytes and platelets, which are
to refer to immune reactions that are mediated
cells) express antigen on their cell surface in a identified with monoclonal antibodies and may
by cells, usually lymphocytes, rather than by
form recognizable by lymphocytes. be used to distinguish cell populations.
antibody or other humoral factors.
430 • Glossary
Complement: A group of serum proteins Eicosanoids: Group name of products derived
involved in the control of inflammation, the from 20-carbon fatty acids which includes
activation of phagocytes and the lytic attack on prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes,
cell membranes. The system can be activated and lipoxins.
H1, H2 and H3 receptors: Subtypes of the
by interaction with the immune system. ELAM-1 (E-selectin): Endothelial leukocyte
histamine receptor family that transduce the
Conjugate: A reagent that is formed by adhesion molecule-1, expressed on vascular
action of histamine.
covalently coupling two molecules together such endothelial cells, and involved in neutrophil
Haplotype: A set of genetic determinants
as fluorescein coupled to an immunoglobulin recruitment.
located on a single chromosome.
molecule. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay):
Hapten: A small molecule which is incapable
Constant regions: The relatively invariant Technique used to quantitate small amounts
of inducing an antibody response by itself but
parts of immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, of material by use of specific monoclonal
can, when bound to a protein carrier, act as an
αβ and γδ chains of the T-cell receptor. antibodies.
epitope, e.g. penicilloic acid.
CR1, CR2, CR3: Receptors for activated C3 Endothelium: Cells lining the blood vessels
Heavy chain: Larger molecules of the bi-
fragments. that contract to allow extravasation of plasma
heterodimer that comprises an immunoglobulin.
CSFs (colony-stimulating factors): A group proteins and which express endothelial adhesion
Heavy chains are characteristic for each anti-
of cytokines that control the differentiation of proteins.
body class. Each heavy chain is composed of
hemopoietic stem cells. Epitope: A single antigenic determinant.
constant domains at the C-terminal (Fc end)
Cytokines: A generic term for soluble molecules Functionally it is the portion of an antigen that
and variable domains at the N-terminal (Fab
that mediate interactions between cells. combines with the antibody paratope.
end). See also light chain.
Cytophilic: Having a propensity to bind to EPO: Eosinophil peroxidase, released following
HETE: Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, lipo-
cells. eosinophil degranulation.
xygenase products of arachidonic acid. Often
Cytostatic: Having the ability to stop cell
preceded by a number, e.g. 5- or 15-, which
identifies individual chemical structures.
Cytotoxic: Having the ability to kill cells.
Histamine: A major vasoactive amine released
from mast cells and basophil granules.
Histocompatibility: The ability to accept
DAG (diacylglycerol): A potent protein kinase
C activator usually generated from the action
Fab: The part of antibody molecule which
contains the antigen combining site, consisting
of a light chain and part of the heavy chain.
grafts between individuals.
HLA: The human major histocompatibility
Humoral: Pertaining to the extracellular fluids,
including the serum and lymph.
Fc: The portion of antibody that is responsible Hybridoma: Cell line created in vitro by fusing
of phospholipases on membrane phospholipids.
for binding to antibody receptors on cells and two different cell types of which one is a
Degranulation: Exocytosis of granular products
the C1q component of complement. tumor cell. Lymphocyte hybridomas are usually
from inflammatory cells, usually mast cells,
Flare: The red area of neurogenic origin, sur- used for making monoclonal antibodies.
basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils.
rounding a skin wheal response to allergen, 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin): A
Dendritic cells: A set of antigen-presenting
histamine, or like substance. vasoactive amine present in platelets and some
cells present in epithelial structures and in
lymph nodes, spleen, and at low levels in blood, rodent, but not human, mast cells.
which are particularly active in presenting Hyperreactivity: A state of increased reactivity
antigen and stimulating T cells. to a provoking stimulus, e.g. bronchial hyper-
Desensitization: A protocol of repeated reactivity in asthma. Specifically, a greater
injections of allergen or modified allergen with
the aim of reducing a patient’s allergic
responsiveness to that allergen.
Desetope: The part of an MHC molecule
G-CSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor):
A cytokine involved in the proliferation and
magnitude of response to a given concentration
of stimulus.
Hyperresponsiveness: A state of increased
responsiveness to a provoking stimulus, e.g.
which links to antigen or processed antigen. bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthma.
Diapedesis: The movement of a blood leuko- maturation of granulocytes. Specifically, the ability to respond, either in
cyte through a blood vessel wall into the extra- Genetic association: A term used to describe magnitude or sensitivity, to a lower concen-
vascular compartment. the condition where particular gene associations tration of stimulus.
Domain: A region of a peptide having a are found with particular diseases. Hypersensitivity: Synonymous with allergy
coherent tertiary structure. Both immunog- Genome: The total genetic material contained (by usage).
lobulins and MHC class I and class II molecules within the cell.
have domains. Genotype: The genetic material inherited from
DTH (delayed type hypersensitivity): This term parents; not all of it is necessarily expressed in
includes the delayed skin reactions associated
with type IV hypersensitivity.
the individual.
Giant cells: Large multinucleated cells some-
times seen in granulomatous reactions and
thought to result from the fusion of macro-
ICAM-1: Intercellular adhesion molecule-1
expressed on endothelial and other cells that
ECP: Eosinophil chemotactic protein released
GM-CSF (granulocyte–macrophage colony-
stimulating factor): A cytokine involved in
the proliferation and maturation of granulo-
cytes and macrophages.
interacts with LFA-1 (CD11b/CD18) expressed
on leukocytes.
Idiotype: A single antigenic determinant on an
antibody V region.
following eosinophil degranulation. G-protein: A guanosine triphosphate-dependent IFNs (interferons): Members of the cytokine
Edema: Tissue swelling due to extravasation of membrane-protein complex that transduces family originally associated with resistance to
plasma proteins. many receptor-dependent events. viral infections. IFN_ is now recognized as a
EDN: Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin released Granulocytopoiesis: Production of granulocytes pluripotent cytokine, particularly associated
following eosinophil degranulation. in the bone marrow. with cell-mediated immunity.
Glossary • 431
ILs (interleukins): Members of the cytokine composed of both variable and constant NK (natural killer) cells: A group of lympho-
family which were originally conceived as inter- domains. See also heavy chain. cytes that have the intrinsic ability to recognize
cellular messengers between leukocytes but LPs (lipopolysaccharide): A product of some and destroy some virally infected cells and
are now perceived as having wider immuno- Gram-negative bacterial cell walls that can act some tumor cells.
logic and inflammatory effects. as a B-cell mitogen. Nude mouse: A genetically athymic mouse
Immune complex: An aggregate of antibody LTs (leukotrienes): Members of the eicosanoid which also carries a closely linked gene pro-
and antigen that may induce a hypersensitivity family, lipoxygenase products, usually of ducing a defect in hair production.
response, often by stimulating the complement arachidonic acid, with potent myogenic,
cascade. cardiovascular, and inflammatory effects.
Immunoblotting: A technique of contact
transference of proteins from SDS poly-
acrylamide gel to nitrocellulose so that they
may be identified by monoclonal antibodies.
Immunocytochemistry: A technique used to
Lymphokines: A generic term for molecules
other than antibodies which are involved in
signaling between cells of the immune system
and are produced by lymphocytes (cf. inter-
Opsonization: A process by which phagocytosis
is facilitated by the deposition of opsonins (e.g.
identify cellular constituents by use of specific antibody and C2b) on the antigen.
monoclonal antibodies.
Immunofluorescence: A technique used to
identify particular antigens microscopically in
tissues or on cells by the binding of a
fluorescent antibody conjugate.
Integrin: A family of cell-adhesion molecules
MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue):
Generic term for lymphoid tissue associated
PAF (platelet activating factor): A lipid-
most frequently found on leukocytes, consisting with the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial tree, derived product generated by many inflam-
of a common β chain, but different α chains, and other mucosa. matory cells which activates platelets and
and involved in leukocyte recruitment. MBP (major basic protein): A basic arginine- induces bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
IPs (inositol phosphates): Intracellular rich protein making up the electron-dense core Paratope: The part of an antibody molecule
messengers (e.g. inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate) of the eosinophil granule and which may be which makes contact with the antigenic
involved in elevation of intracellular calcium released during eosinophil degranulation. determinant (epitope).
from intracellular or extracellular stores. M-CSF (macrophage colony-stimulating Pathogen: An organism that causes disease.
Isoelectric focusing: Separation of molecules factor): A member of the cytokine family, PCA (passive cutaneous anaphylaxis): The
on the basis of charge. Each molecule will involved in the proliferation and maturation of technique used to detect antigen-specific IgE,
migrate to the point in a pH gradient at which macrophages. in which the test animal is injected intra-
it has no net charge. MCT and MCTC: Mast cell subtypes defined by venously with the antigen and dye, the skin
their granular content of tryptase (MCT) and having previously been sensitized with antibody.
tryptase and chymase (MCTC). PGs (prostaglandins): Members of the
J chain: A monomorphic polypeptide present
in, and required for the polymerization of
Mediator: A chemical substance released by
one cell that stimulates another, e.g. mast cell
MHC (major histocompatibility complex): A
genetic region found in all mammals where
eicosanoid family cyclooxygenase products
usually of arachidonic acid, including PGA2,
PGD2, PGE2, and PGF2α.
Phagocytosis: The process by which cells
engulf material and enclose it within a vacuole
polymeric IgA and IgM. products are primarily responsible for the (phagosome) in the cytoplasm.
rapid rejection of grafts between individuals, Phagolysosome: A phagosome containing
and function in signaling between lymphocytes proteolytic enzymes capable of degrading the
Kinins: A group of vasoactive peptides
comprising bradykinin, kallidin (lysyl-bradykinin)
and cells expressing antigen.
MHC class II: The histocompatibility antigens
expressed on cells of the monocyte/macrophage
family which present antigen to the T-cell
receptor on T lymphocytes.
ingested particles.
Phagosome: An intracellular vacuole containing
material ingested by phagocytosis.
Phenotype: The morphologic characteristics of
a cell or animal resulting from genetic expression.
and des-arg-bradykinin. MIF (migration inhibition factor): A group of Pinocytosis: The process by which liquids or
peptides produced by lymphocytes that are very small particles are taken into the cell.
capable of inhibiting macrophage migration. PK reaction (Prausnitz–Küstner reaction):
Langerhans’cells: Antigen-presenting cells of
the skin which emigrate to local lymph nodes
Mitogen: A substance that causes cells,
particularly lymphocytes, to undergo cell
Monoclonal: Derived from a single clone, e.g.
monoclonal antibodies, which are produced by
The passive transfer of allergic responsiveness
to an unresponsive recipient by intradermal
injection of serum from an allergic donor.
Plasma cell: An antibody-producing B cell
that has reached the end of its differentiation
to become dendritic cells; they are active in a single clone and are homogenous. pathway.
presenting antigen to T cells. Myeloma: A lymphoma produced from cells of Polyclonal: A term that describes the products
LFAs (leukocyte function antigens): A group the B-cell lineage. of a number of different cell types (cf.
of leukocyte adhesion proteins composed of monoclonal).
CD11/CD18 heterodimers. Primary lymphoid tissues: Lymphoid organs
Ligand: A linking or binding molecule usually
used to define a specific antigenic determinant
to which an antibody binds.
Light chains: Smaller molecules of the bi-
heterodimer that comprises an immunog-
Neuropeptide: Peptides released from nerves
following stimulation. The many neuropeptides
in which lymphocytes complete their initial
maturation steps; they include the fetal liver,
adult bone marrow and thymus, and the bursa
fabricius in birds.
Primary response: The immune response
lobulin. They may be of κ or λ subtypes, regard- now recognized include substance P, vasoactive (cellular or humoral) following an initial en-
less of immunoglobulin class. Present only in intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neurotensin, and counter with a particular antigen. Synonymous
the Fab end of the immunoglobulin and bombesin. with sensitization.
432 • Glossary
Promyelocyte: A precursor cell of the Sensitization: The stimulation of allergic Th2 cells: A subdivision of Th cells involved in
myelocyte family. antibody production usually by an initial allergy by their influence on B cells to produce
encounter with a specific allergenic substance. IgE and proinflammatory effects. Characterized
Synonymous with primary response. by their production of IL-3, IL-4, and IL-5.
Serotonin: See 5-hydroxytryptamine. TNF (tumor necrosis factor): A multifunctional
Skin prick test: The detection of allergen to cytokine initially identified for its effects on
specific allergens through the production of a tumor cells.
RANTES: Regulated on activation, normal wheal-and-flare response by pricking the skin Tolerance: A state of specific immunologic
T-cell expressed and secreted. through droplets of allergen or injecting them unresponsiveness.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test): A laboratory intradermally. Tryptase: The major neutral protease of the
technique for the detection of circulating IgE SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus): An mast cell granule found in all human mast cells.
with specific allergen determinants. autoimmune disease of humans usually TXA2 (thromboxane A2): A member of the
Receptor: A specific protein or group of involving antinuclear antibodies. cyclooxygenase product family of eicosanoids
proteins, usually on the cell surface, capable of Substance P: A common neuropeptide that is from arachidonic acid. Synthesized by platelets
recognizing and binding a specific ligand. likely to be involved in the neurogenic spread and other cells, its many actions include
Respiratory burst: Increase in oxidative of the skin flare response. platelet aggregation, bronchoconstriction.
metabolism following stimulation of granulo-
cytes, usually by phagocytosis.
RIA (radioimmunoassay): A technique for the
laboratory assay of small amounts of materials
by competition for antibody binding with
TCR (T-cell receptor): The T-cell antigen VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1):
known amounts of radioactive substance.
receptor consisting of either α/β dimer An adhesion molecule expressed on vascular
Rosetting: A technique for identifying or (TCR2) or a γ/δ dimer (TCR1) associated with endothelial cells.
isolating cells by mixing them with particles or
the CD3 molecular complex. V domains: The variable N-terminal (Fab)
cells to which they bind (e.g. sheep erythro- T-dependent/T-independent antigens: T- domains of antibody heavy and light chains and
cytes to human T cells). The rosettes consist of dependent antigens require immune recog- the α, β, γ, and δ regions of the T-cell receptor
a central cell surrounded by bound cells. nition by both T and B cells to produce an that are responsible for antigen recognition.
immune response. T-independent antigens can VLA (very late antigen): A series of integrins
directly stimulate B cells to produce specific expressed on the surface of leukocytes involved
SCF (stem cell factor): A cytokine released
TGF (transforming growth factor ): A
cytokine involved in the stimulation of fibro-
blasts for collagen synthesis.
in cell recruitment, especially T cells and
ACE inhibitors
adverse effects 160
Ig superfamily see immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily
integrins see integrins
leukocyte adhesion to endothelium 341, 342
modulators as therapeutic strategy 348–349
selectins see selectins
lymphoproliferation 318–319, 319
symptom severity 4
T-memory cells 230
age of onset
atopic dermatitis 113–114, 191
anaphylaxis and 168 signaling by integrins 347, 347–348 chronic airway obstruction 18
angioedema due to 99, 103 soluble forms 346 wheezing due to house dust mite 267,
acetaminophen, oxidative stress and childhood on structural cells 348 269
wheezing 227 adolescents air cleaning devices 270–271
acetylation of histones, regulation by corticosteroids allergic rhinitis 192 air filtration, allergen avoidance 72
335 atopic dermatitis 191 air pollution 264–271
acetylators, slow 157 adrenaline see epinephrine (adrenaline) airborne particles 265
occupational asthma 149 β-adrenoceptor(s) 407 deposition sites 265, 267, 269
acetylcholine, release β1-adrenoreceptors 407 allergic diseases and 265–271
cholinergic urticaria 97, 97 β2-adrenoreceptors 212, 407 allergic rhinitis 57, 265
impaired inhibition 402 polymorphism role in allergic disease 219 asthma/atopy risk factor 243, 266–267
N-acetyltransferase, occupational asthma 149 structure 220 clinical implications 267, 270–271
achlorhydria 133 α-adrenoceptor agonists (stimulants) definition 264
acoustic rhinometry 68, 70 (decongestants) 73 indoor see indoor air pollution
acrivastine, urticaria 104 β-adrenoceptor agonists (stimulants) inhaled, deposition sites 265, 267, 269
actinomycetes, allergic alveolitis 38 administration route 409 outdoor see outdoor air pollution
activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) 327 adverse effects 409 pathophysiologic responses 268
activator protein-1 (AP-1) 301, 334–335, 423 anaphylaxis 175 prevention 270–271
acute lung inflammation model 42 asthma 408, 409 toxicity mechanisms 265, 267
ADAM33 215–216, 395 development 408 air sampling 13, 151
alternative spliced variants 217, 218 duration of action 408, 409 airway(s)
as asthma gene 216–217 mechanism of action 408–409, 409 allergic inflammation pathology 403–405
in COPD 217 β2-adrenoceptor agonists (stimulants) 29, 30, asthma 17, 148, 151, 403
domain organization 216, 217 407–409 chronic inflammation 34
genetic mapping 216 asthma 30, 197, 407–409 columnar epithelium 389
influence on lung function 217, 219 budesonide with in asthma 33 fixed obstruction 25
polymorphic variants and role in asthma 217, exercise-induced bronchospasm 32 functional anatomy of mucosa 379, 379
219 long-acting 29, 30, 197, 409 inflammation, cholinergic mechanisms 402
role in mesenchymal cell formation 217, 218 response and polymorphisms 219 leukocyte recruitment, chemokine role 339
adenosine deaminase 325 short-acting 29, 30, 197 lower, early phase response evaluation 387
adhesion molecules 341–349 β2-adrenoceptor blockers, anaphylaxis and 168 narrowing 17, 375
allergic conjunctivitis 86 adverse drug reactions/effects 157 obstruction see airway obstruction
allergic contact dermatitis 119 aspirin-induced asthma see asthma occupational asthma 148, 151
CD23a and CD23b 296 idiosyncratic 157 remodelling 34
definition 341 type A and type B 157 response to early phase mediators
expression by see also specific drugs 377, 378
basophils 359–360, 361 aero-allergens see allergens, airborne responsiveness, measurement 9
endothelial cells 332 affinity maturation 316, 317, 317, 324–325 smoke exposure effect on fetus 226
endothelial cells, upregulation 341 age upper, early phase response evaluation
eosinophils 361, 362–363, 364 atopic dermatitis 113–114 383–385
neutrophils 367, 368 atopic manifestations 190 wall, thickening 26
genes, localization and ligands 342 food allergy relationship 112 see also bronchi
434 • Index
airway hyperresponsiveness in cross-reactivity syndromes 255 maternal exposure, effect on fetus 224–225
asthma prevalence studies 237 definition 235, 247 see also pollen allergens
asthma quantification 233 detection 256–258 sensitization 242
measurement 234 dose response curve 10, 11 dose–response relationship 242
nitrogen dioxide and ozone effect 390 early phase response evaluation 383–385 size 247
obesity association 243–244 environmental see environmental allergens skin prick tests 9, 11
see also bronchial hyperresponsiveness enzymes 260–261, 263 see also skin prick tests (SPTs)
airway obstruction epithelial transport mechanisms 390 sources 248–255
causes 28 exposure 242–243, 248 standardization, tests 12
chronic to allergen mixtures 248 structure, three-dimensional 261, 261
classification (by age) 18 allergic disease relationship 242–243 subcutaneous injections (immunotherapy) 180
occupational asthma 145 asthma development 242 threshold concentrations 267
malignant tumors causing 28 asthma severity 242–243 type 1 hypersensitivity 247
mucous plugs 405 monitoring 264 usage and standardization 263–264
occupational asthma 148, 151 extrinsic 248 allergen search diet 138, 139
reversibility 8 factors influencing 247–248 allergen-specific immunotherapy see specific
alleles 207 fetal exposure 224–225 immunotherapy (SIT)
allergen desensitization see desensitization food see food allergens allergen vaccines 263, 264
allergenicity of molecules, factors affecting 119 fungal see fungal allergens allergic alveolitis (AA) see extrinsic allergic alveolitis
extrinsic 248 gastrointestinal allergy 129, 130 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) 20
intrinsic 247–248 at home 6 allergic conjunctivitis see conjunctivitis, allergic
allergens 56, 247–287 home, monitoring exposure in rhinitis 70 allergic contact dermatitis 118–127
airborne 248–252, 264 Hymenoptera 182 agents/allergens causing 119, 121, 123
characteristics 260–263, 272–287 IgE-specific airborne material 121
collection 13 atopic dermatitis 109 common allergens 122–125
pollen see pollen allergens see also IgE, allergen-specific haptens 112, 118
see also allergens, inhalant indoor nickel 118, 122–123, 123
allergic asthma 184 asthma due to 19 occupational 7
allergic conjunctivitis 77 avoidance/reduction 32 photosensitizers 124, 124
allergic contact dermatitis see allergic contact increased exposure 34–35 plants 119, 124, 124
dermatitis inhalant preservatives 124
‘allergic march’ of childhood 190 asthma development 17, 18 rubber 124
allergic rhinitis 55–56 cross-reactions with foods 7, 8, 263 causes 7
anaphylaxis associated 248 immature T-cell exposure, effect 318–319 diagnosis 119–126
animal see animal-derived allergens RAST test 12 downregulation of response 119
application, cell response 84 T-cell response (postnatal) 227–228 epidemiology 234
arachnid 263 Th1:Th2 polarization 319 hematogenous 121, 123
arthropod 250 see also allergens, airborne histology 108, 119
asthma triggers 17, 248 inhalation and early phase response 375–376, history-taking 119, 122
atopic dermatitis associated 248 377, 378 inflammatory cells/mediators 119
avoidance 11, 32, 196, 264 plasma exudation 381 investigations 125–126
allergic conjunctivitis 91 injected 254–255, 263 management 126
allergic contact dermatitis 126 insect see insect allergy allergen avoidance 126
allergic rhinitis 72 intrinsic 248 occupational causes 7
anaphylaxis prevention 176–177 isolation 258–260 pathogenesis 118–119
asthma management 32 cloning 258, 259 pathophysiology 118–119
atopic dermatitis 117 monoclonal antibody techniques 260 sensitization process/duration 119
children 196, 201 major and minor 248 symptom presentation 119–121, 122
drug allergy 164 nasal airway resistance response 61 allergic diseases
effect (on fetus) during pregnancy 225 natural exposure of lungs 26, 27 air pollution 265–271
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53 nomenclature 255, 258 airway epithelium role 22
gastrointestinal allergy 140–141 occupational see occupational allergens antibiotic use in early life and 239
problems 32 occupational allergy 143 asthma, evidence for 210–211
recommended methods 32 occupational asthma (OA) 143, 144, 144 birth order relationship 225, 238
rhinitis 72 oral/injected 252–255, 263 candidate genes 215–217
urticaria 104 see also food allergens dysregulated eosinophil apoptosis 355
binding to IgE 397 origins 248 epidemiology see epidemiology of allergic disease
biochemical characterization 260–261, 261, parasite 263, 287 genetic factors 248
272–287 perennial 6 maternal infections link 225–226
biotinylated 13 pets and allergic disease relationship 242 nomenclature and definitions 234
cat see cat allergens/dander see also pets pediatric 189–193
challenge see provocation tests (allergen plant see plants see also pediatric allergy
challenge) priming by 60–61 pets relationship 242
characterization 260–263, 272–287 properties 247–248 prevalence 3
colonoscopic allergen provocation test (COLAP) protein 261 Finnish adults 236, 236
138–139, 139 provocation tests see provocation tests by place 237–238
continual low level exposures 6 recombinant 34 prevention 244, 245
cross-reactions 7, 263 seasonal 5, 6 symptom severity with age/time 4
Index • 435
therapy see drug therapy, allergic disease socio-economic factors 57 penicillin causing 167
treatment see drug therapy specific immunotherapy 75, 179, 183–184 specific immunotherapy for 184–185
type 1-mediated 247 efficacy 183, 183–184, 184 exercise-induced 170–171, 177
see also atopy; individual diseases symptom presentation 66, 234 food allergy 141, 167, 169, 171, 173
allergic fungal sinusitis 71 testing 67 management 176–177
‘allergic gape’ 66 allergic rhinoconjunctivitis specific immunotherapy for 184–185
allergic inflammation/response children 192 history of event(s) 173
air pollutant effect 265 management 199 hymenoptera venom/insect stings 167
airway obstruction by mucous plugs 405 IgE-mediated antigen presentation 320 idiopathic 170, 177
CC chemokines and 338–340 immunotherapy in 75 IgE-mediated 168–169
cellular/mediator mechanisms 389–405 natural history 192 incidence and mortality 167
basophils role 402 prevalence, self-reported, by place 241 investigations 174
cholinergic 402, 403 see also conjunctivitis, allergic management 174–177
early-response cytokines 398 allergic salute 66 acute 141, 164, 174–176, 200, 409
endothelial cells 399–400, 400 ‘allergic shiners’ 66 antihistamines 414
eosinophil proinflammatory properties allergic triggers see trigger factors in children 200–201
401–402, 402 allergosorbent tests 256, 256–257 drug doses for children 175
epithelium 389–392 allergy emergency treatment plans 175, 176
extracellular matrix 394–396 definition 3 long-term 176–177
fibroblasts role 392–394, 393 diagnosis 3–16 mediators 170
macrophage activation 398–399 early life influences see early life influences on non-IgE-mediated 167, 169–170, 169–171
mast cell mediators 398, 398 asthma/allergy pathophysiology 168, 170
patterns of cell influx 396, 396–397 IgE overproduction 327 peanut 167
tachykinins 402–403 screening 12 perioperative 174
T-cell function 400, 400–401 treatment see drug therapy, allergic disease prevention and control 176–177
see also epithelium; fibroblasts allergy clinic 15–16 risk factors 168
classification 157–160 allergy history 5 rubber allergy 167, 173
consequences 403, 404 dominant symptoms 4 symptom presentation 8, 167, 168, 170, 171
cytokine modulation as therapeutic strategy see family history 6 tryptase levels 168, 169
cytokine modulation influence of treatments 6 urticaria association 170–171
cytokines role 329, 330, 391, 398 occupational 7 vaccine-induced 174
definition 389 special cases 7–8 anatomy and physiology
early phase response see early phase response standardized questions 4, 5 alveoli 39–40
(EPR) allergy passport 126 bronchi 22–24, 23
epithelium role in promotion 391, 391 Alternaria alternata 250, 263, 277 eye 81–83
inducer/effector relationship 321 aluminum pot-room ‘asthma’ 144 functional
initiation 146–147, 381, 397, 397 alveolar cells, type 1 and 2 39–40 bronchial mucosa 379, 379
late phase response see late phase response alveolar infiltrates 40 nasal mucosa 379, 382
(LPR) alveolar macrophage 372, 399 intestine 130–132, 131
localization 289 alveolar proteinosis 37 lung 39
pathologic features 403–405 alveolar tissue, definition 39 nose 58–60
regulation by extracellular matrix 394, 395 alveolar wall 40 skin 99–100
Th1–Th2 cytokine paradigm 332–334 alveoli anemia, hemolytic 158
‘allergic march’ 189, 190, 202 anatomy and physiology 39–40 angioedema 8, 95, 98–99, 171
allergic rhinitis 55–57 cell infiltrate production, extrinsic allergic alveolitis anaphylaxis vs 172, 172–173
air pollution and 265 44 clinical features 98, 99
allergens 55–56 cellular recruitment 43 diagnosis 98
asthma association 185 American Thoracic Society, occupational asthma 154 episodic associated with eosinophilia (EAAE) 101
asthma prevention by immunotherapy 185 p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) 124 hereditary 98, 172
children 192 aminophylline 410 management 104–105, 105, 106
management 198–199, 199 anaphylactoid reactions 167, 168 pathogenesis 99
definitions 234 definition 167 recurrent with normal C1 esterase inhibitor 99
diagnosis in children 194 drug-induced 158, 165 symptom presentation 103
differential diagnosis 71 anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reactions 8, 8, 167–178 angiogenesis 404
evaluation 66–68 allergens associated 248 angiosperm tree pollen aeroallergens 273–274
inflammatory cells/mediators 62–64 causes 168–171 angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 356
management 72–75, 197, 413, 424 children 193 inhibitors see ACE inhibitors
children 198–199, 199 management 200–201 animal-derived allergens 250
mast cells 62–63, 63 at risk of fatal/near-fatal episodes 194 characteristics 263, 281–282
pathogenesis 60–65 classification 168–171 in cross-reactivity syndromes 255
pathophysiology 60–61 cold-induced urticaria causing 170 dander
persistence 192 complement-mediated 169–170 atopic dermatitis 112
radiology 70–71 definition 167 avoidance 196
seasonal (hayfever) 56 diagnosis 171–173 see also cat allergens/dander
allergic conjunctivitis in 77 differential diagnosis 8, 171–173 proteins 254
brush cytology 71 drug-induced 160, 164, 167, 168, 170, 177 see also dogs; pets
definitions 234 aspirin-induced 170 ‘antiallergic drug’ 420
treatment 74, 419–420 NSAIDs causing 170 antiapoptotic signals 355
436 • Index
antibacterial agents, atopic dermatitis 117 urticaria 104 house dust mites 18, 242
antibiotics pharmacokinetics 413 allergic/atopic (extrinsic) 18, 184
allergens 254 pretreatment before specific immunotherapy 185 adult 19
atopic dermatitis 117 second-generation 199, 411, 413 anti-IgE antibody treatment 30
early life use, allergic disease risk 239 structural formulae 413 children 18–19
maternal, allergy and asthma link 226 topical, allergic conjunctivitis 92 classification 18–19
skin prick testing 11 uses and administration 413–414 nasal polyps with 57
topical, allergic conjunctivitis 92 anti-IgE antibody see omalizumab omalizumab approval 186
antibodies anti-IL-5 antibodies 337 specific immunotherapy efficacy 184
extrinsic allergic alveolitis investigations 49–50 anti-inflammatory drugs allergic basis, evidence 210–211
monoclonal see monoclonal antibodies asthma 29 allergic rhinitis association 185
occupational allergens 146 atopic dermatitis 117 anatomy and physiological aspects 22–24
see also IgE; immunoglobulins corticosteroids 423 antenatal origins 223–227
anticholinergics 411 see also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aspirin-induced 170, 416, 416
children 199 (NSAIDs); specific drugs treatment 419, 420
mechanism of action 411, 411 anti-inflammatory effects, corticosteroids 335 aspirin-intolerant, prediction 221
uses and administration 411 antileukotrienes 378 atopy, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and 211–212
a1-antichymotrypsin 390 rhinitis 74 attacks 234
anticonvulsants, hypersensitivity to 157, 160 antimuscarinic agents 411 birth weight link 227
antigen(s) 247 antioxidants bronchial hyperresponsiveness
complete 146, 160, 161 asthma relationship 244 tests 26–27
antigen capture, methods 320, 320 epithelial barrier 390, 390 see also bronchial hyperresponsiveness
antigen presentation 309–328, 320–327 maternal intake 227 caesarean delivery association 225
by B cells 315–316, 316, 322, 324, 325 antiproteases 367 candidate genes 212–215
cells involved 309–310 epithelial barrier 390–391 ADAM33 216, 216–217, 219
by dendritic cells 309–310, 312–317, 397 antisense DNA 34 chromosome 5 212
by follicular dendritic cells (FDC) 317 anti-TNFα therapy, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53 chromosome 6 212–213
general mechanisms 320 α1-antitrypsin 390 chromosome 11 213–214, 214
IgE-mediated apoptosis 353–355 chromosome 12 215, 215
by B cells 322 antiapoptotic signals 355 chromosome 14 214–215
consequences 324 eosinophil 395 causes 234
via CD23 321, 324 dysregulated in allergic inflammation 355 air pollutants 266–267
via FcεRI 320–321 mechanisms 354 allergens see asthma, allergens causing
in vivo 321–322 prevention by nitric oxide 355 CCR3 antagonists and 340
IgG-mediated 322–324 regulation by cytokines 355 chemokines involved 339, 340–341
by inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells T cells 399 children 33, 192, 192
312–317 arachidonic acid 377 allergic asthma 18–19
by Langerhans’ cells see Langerhans’ cells metabolism 377 management 197, 198, 199, 200
non-professional, extracellular matrix role 395 release 303–304 onset 18
to T cells see T cells arachnid allergens 263 predictive index 192
toluene diisocyanate 148, 149 artefactual excoriation 8 prevalence 235, 235
antigen-presenting cells (APCs) 289, 309–310 arthropod allergens 250 reduced infection rates and 35
antigen trapping 320 asbestos 265, 266 at risk of fatal/near-fatal episodes 194
gastrointestinal tract 131 asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) 294 tobacco smoke and 267
genetic risk for atopic sensitization and 228 aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary 20 classification 17–21
see also dendritic cells; Langerhans’ cells Aspergillus, allergens 279 by age 18
antigen processing Aspergillus fumigatus 20, 250, 263, 277 by severity 24
dendritic cells 397 aspirin 93 clinical manifestations 17, 24, 233
Langerhans’ cells 119, 120, 159, 312 allergy/sensitivity 160 atypical 27–28
antigen recognition, by B cells 316, 316 management 165 intermittent 27–28
antihistamines (H1 receptor antagonists) 377, 411–414 anaphylaxis induced by 170 mechanisms 211
adverse effects 73, 411, 413, 414 asthma induced by see asthma, aspirin-induced nasal and sinus symptoms 25
agents (drugs) used 412 asthma intolerant to 221 community perceptions 235
in children 198–199 desensitization 177 corticosteroid-resistant 217
failure to resolve wheal-and-flare 380 protocol 165 mechanism 219
first-generation 198, 411, 412, 414 intolerance 170 definition 17, 234, 235
indications/uses sensitivity, nasal polyposis and 57 epidemiological 234
acute anaphylaxis 175 urticaria induced by 103 diagnosis 24–28
allergic conjunctivitis 92, 414 astemizole 73, 413 surrogate markers 210
allergic contact dermatitis 125 Asteraceae, allergens 261 differential diagnosis 28
allergic rhinitis 73, 198–199, 413, 414 asthma duration of attacks 25
atopic dermatitis 117 adult 18 early life influences see early life influences on
chronic asthma 414 air pollutant effect 265, 266–267 asthma/allergy
drug allergy 163–164 particulate 270 early phase response 331, 375, 376
rhinitis 73 airway epithelium role 22 education 29, 32, 195
urticaria 104, 198–199, 414 airway obstruction 148, 151, 403 objectives 195
mechanism of action 377, 412–413 allergen exposure and 242 eosinophilia 367
non-sedating 199, 411 allergens causing 18, 19, 20, 248 eosinophils 332, 333, 401, 403
Index • 437
functions 366 Finnish adults 236, 236 inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells (IDECs)
epidemiology 233–234 increasing 235, 237 role 312
exercise-induced 195, 234 measures to reduce 34–36 investigations 109, 115–116
salt intake and 244 over time (by year) 235–237 irritating factors 111–112
extrinsic 234 by place 237–238 major/minor criteria 115, 116
family history 269 trends 235–237, 238 management 116–118
food-induced allergy causing 7 variables affecting 239 allergen avoidance 117, 196
forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) 25, 151–152 prevention 244, 245 children 199, 201, 201
gene–environment interactions 208 in children 201, 202 drug treatment 117, 199, 414
genetics 210–221 pollution implications 267, 270–271 irritant avoidance 116–117
histamine role in bronchoconstriction 377 primary/secondary 244 new approaches 118
history-taking 24–25 studies 244, 245 procedures/approaches 117–118
IgE association 210, 211 progression rates 185 natural history 191, 191–192
IL-5 expression 332, 333 provocation tests 14 pathogenesis 108–113
immune response 18 risk factors 18, 237, 238–244 pathophysiology 109
inducers and enhancers 21 allergen exposure 242–243 plasmacytoid dendritic cells 312
inflammatory cells 332 dampness and mold 243 prevalence 109, 113–114, 191–192
intermittent 33 nitrogen dioxide 243 provocation factors 110–113, 111
intrinsic 20–21 non-allergic inhalant 243 risk factors 191
irritant-induced 143 non-inhalant 243–244 seasonal/climatic factors 110–111
late-onset 21 outdoor inhalants 243 superantigens 112, 112, 191
late phase response 148, 331, 332, 375, 376 smoking 243 symptom presentation 114, 114–115, 115
leukocyte recruitment to airways, chemokine role viral respiratory tract infections 243 as Th2 disease 312
339 seasonal variation 25 atopic keratoconjunctivitis 78–79
life-threatening 17 self-management plans 31–32 clinical features 78
lung function tests 25 sensitization to inhalants 230 drug treatment 92
management 29–33 severity 24 histology 85
action plans 31–32 allergen exposure and 242–243 management 79
allergen avoidance 32 candidate genes associated 215–217 surgery 93
antihistamines 414 management based on 31 time course 91
children 197, 198, 199, 200 nitrogen dioxide effect 243 tissues involved 88
cytokine inhibitors 337 specific immunotherapy 179, 180 ‘atopic march’ 189, 190, 202
drug treatment 29–30, 197, 332, 407–409, synergistic interactions of infection/atopy 229–230 atopy
409, 424 in systemic vasculitis disease 9 allergic rhinitis 55
exercise 32 trigger factors 17, 248 anaphylaxis association 168
guidelines 30–31 nonspecific 25 antenatal origins 223–227
leukotriene receptor antagonists 419 upper airway disease with 75–76 bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma
new approaches 34–36 virally-induced 21 211–212
occupational asthma 153–155 mechanism 20, 21 CD4+ Th-memory cells 229
omalizumab 398 asthma index (ASI) 212 children, caesarean delivery association 225
plan for 29, 30–31 atopic dermatitis 89, 107–118 chromosome 11 association 213
severity-based 31 age of onset 113–114, 191 definition 3, 234, 235
mast cell increase 359, 359 allergens associated 248 elevated IFNγ responsiveness 229
maternal infections link 225–226 environmental allergens 110, 112, 192 food allergy relationship 112
maternal smoke effect 226, 267, 269 atopic keratoconjunctivitis with 78 genetics 210
natural history 192 children 109, 113–114, 191–192 gut microflora in infancy and 225, 239
new therapeutic approaches 34–35 education and management 195 infants, synergistic interaction with infections
nitric oxide increase 371 management 199, 201, 201 229–230
obesity association 243–244 prognostic factors 191 inheritance 56
omalizumab 398 chronic 114 manifestations by age 190
outcomes and natural course 33–34 classification 107–108, 108 nomenclature 234
pathogenesis 17, 18 contact allergens 112 occupational asthma predisposition 152
pathologic features 403 cytokine pattern 109, 111 parental, effect on cord blood mononuclear cell
pathophysiology 22–24 dendritic cells role in biphasic nature 312–314, response 224
pattern of onset 17–18 313 prevalence
persistence in adults 33–34 diagnosis 113–116 children 189, 190
risk factors 192 diagnostic criteria 116 over time 237
persistent in children 34 extrinsic and intrinsic forms 107 prevention 244, 245
management 197 FcεRI expression on dendritic cells 311 risk factors 238–244
risk factors 230 flexural 114 allergen exposure 242–243
pharmacogenetic studies 217–221 food allergy and 112–113, 113, 115, 191–192 non-allergic inhalant 243
5-lipoxygenase gene polymorphism 219, 221 genetic/expression factors 109–110, 111 non-inhalant 243–244
corticosteroid-resistance 217, 219 histology 108 outdoor inhalants 243
phenotype 210 history-taking 113–114 viral respiratory tract infections 243
partial 211 hormonal/emotional factors 110 sensitization
population studies, problems 233 IgE on Langerhans’ cells 320 genetic risk 228
prevalence infections associated 112, 115 variables affecting 239
children 235, 235 inflammatory cells/mediators 109–113 see also allergic diseases
438 • Index
atopy patch test (APT) 314 high-affinity 317, 325 bronchial hyperresponsiveness 60, 210
allergic disease in children 193 IgE synthesis see IgE air pollution effect 266–267
atopic eczema 313 isotype switching 324–325, 325, 326, 327 allergen challenge tests 19
atropine 411 maturation/differentiation 316, 316, 323 asthma 17
Auerbach’s (myenteric) plexus 132 memory 316, 317 mechanisms 332
autocrine effect, of cytokines 329 formation 317 occupational 145–146
autologous serum skin test (ASST), urticaria 100 naïve 316 tests 26–27
autonomic innervation 23–24 antigen presentation to T cells 322, 324, atopy and asthma relationship 211–212
alveoli 40 325 effect of provocation tests 27
autosomal dominant inheritance 206, 206 ontogeny 326 IgE levels and 211–212
autosomal recessive inheritance 206, 207 selective expansion of IgE-synthesizing cells indirect, measures 211
autosomes 205 297 nonspecific 32
azelastine 73, 413 signaling in 307, 307 pathogenesis 27
BCG, extrinsic allergic alveolitis model 43 prevalence, variables affecting 239
bcl-2 365 smoking association 267, 269
B7.1 (CD80) 311
gene 298
Bcl-xL 365
beclomethasone dipropionate 197, 422, 424
allergic rhinitis 74
tests 8, 26–27
see also airway hyperresponsiveness
bronchial mucosa, functional anatomy 379, 379
bronchial provocation tests see provocation tests
B7.2 (CD86) 311 bedding, house dust mite avoidance 243, 244 bronchial smooth muscle, relaxation by
baboon syndrome 121, 123 benzoates 7 bronchodilators 408
Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), extrinsic allergic benzylpenicillin G 162 bronchial tree, anatomy 22–23
alveolitis model 43 β2-agonist therapy see β2-adrenoceptor stimulants bronchial vessels 404
bacteria (agonists) bronchiectasis, allergic bronchopulmonary
occupational allergens 254 beta-blocking drugs 168 aspergillosis 20
proteases, allergens 279 β-sheet sandwich 290 bronchioles 22
Barcelona epidemic, soy dust 265 biopsy, urticaria 103 bronchiolitis 18
barrel chest 9 Birbeck granule 119, 311 bronchitis
basement membrane, thickening in asthma 403 birch pollen, structure 261 chronic 21
basophil(s) 359–362 birth order, allergic disease relationship 225, secondary to infections, asthma vs 28
activation 360–361 238 wheezy 234, 235
allergic rhinitis 62 birth weight, reduced, asthma link 227 see also asthma
anaphylaxis development 168, 169 BK2-antagonist 63 bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
cell surface receptors 359–360, 361 blepharitis 78 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 41, 50, 50–51
degranulation 247 blepharospasm 87, 88 histamine and tryptase in 376
assay 256 blinking, checking 88 occupational asthma 148
stimuli 100 blood supply, lung 22 bronchoconstriction 379
development and maturation 352, 359 blood tests by cysteinyl leukotrienes 378, 379
FcεRI expression 360 rhinitis 67 histamine role in asthma 377
functions 362, 397 urticaria 103–104 by prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) 378
mediators released 170, 360, 361, 402 blood transfusion reactions 169–170 see also asthma
histamine 12, 360 bovine dander, structure 261 bronchodilators 408
morphology 359, 360 bovine farmers’ lung 42 asthma 29, 197, 407
numbers produced 359 bradykinin (BK) children 235–236
recruitment 397 allergic rhinitis 63 self-management 32
role in allergic disease 402 antagonist 63, 65 see also specific drugs
signal transduction 362 Brassica species, aeroallergens 272–273 bronchomalacia 28
urticaria 101–102 breastfeeding bronchospasm
basophil histamine release (BHR) test 138 asthma/allergic disease relationship 244 exercise-induced 32–33
Bax 365 asthma prevalence and 201 treatment 30
B-cell receptors (BCR) 315, 316 atopic dermatitis reduced 118, 191 budesonide 422
CD32b1 cross-linking 323–324, 324 food allergen exposure 242 asthma 33
expression, genetic recombination 324, 326 GI allergy prevention 140 gastrointestinal allergy 141
B cells breath sounds 8 byssinosis 144, 242
activation 289 bronchi
affinity maturation 316, 317, 324–325 anatomy and physiology 22–24, 23
antibody synthesis 290
antigen capture 320, 320
antigen presentation 322
to T cells 315–316, 316, 317, 324, 325
early phase response 379
see also early phase response (EPR)
innervation 23, 23–24
malignant tumors 28
C1 esterase inhibitor concentrate 106
antigen recognition 316, 316 obstruction 28 C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency 95, 98, 172
CD23 expression 306, 307, 324 smoke exposure effect on fetus 226 C1q, autoantibodies to 98
triggering and proliferation 307 subepithelial fibrosis 148, 148 C4 (complement), reduced, angioedema 99
CD23 role 306 wall, innervation 40 C5a and C3a, released by basophils 362
CD32b expression 323 see also airway(s) C57BL/6 mice, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44
class switching see immunoglobulins, class bronchial asthma see asthma caesarean delivery
switching bronchial circulation 22 asthma association 225
epitopes 185, 186 bronchial epithelial cells see epithelial cells food intolerance and atopy association 225
Index • 439
cold, urticaria induced by 170–171, 176, 177 history-taking 87 allergic contact dermatitis 126
cold air challenge, asthma 26 inflammatory cells/mediators 84–87, 85 allergic rhinitis 197, 424
cold-induced urticaria 170–171, 176, 177 investigations 89–90 asthma 34, 197, 332, 424
collagen management 78, 90–93 drug allergy 164
allergic conjunctivitis 84 allergen avoidance 91 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53
asthma 34, 403 antihistamine therapy 414 gastrointestinal allergy 141
in extracellular matrix 394 drug treatment 91–93 occupational asthma 154
colonoscopic allergen provocation test (COLAP) new approaches 93 rhinitis 74–75
138–139, 139 specific immunotherapy 183–184, 184 urticaria 104
colony stimulating factors (CSF) surgery 93 inhaled 424
mononuclear phagocyte development 353 onset and diurnal variation 87 asthma 29, 30, 197
nasal polyps 64 pathogenesis 83–87 intranasal, allergic rhinitis 197
see also granulocyte–macrophage colony- perennial 77–78 mechanism of action 367, 422–424, 423
stimulating factor (GM-CSF) pathophysiology 83–84 nasal sprays 424
combustion by-products, pollution 265, 266 physical examination 87–89 pulses of high-dose, urticaria 104
commingling analysis 207 provoking factors 87 regulation of histone acetylation 335
compensation, occupational asthma 155 seasonal 77–78 resistance 217, 219
complement history and allergens 87 structures 422
activation pathophysiology 83–84 synthesis, control 422
allergic conjunctivitis 84 perennial vs 77–78 systemic/oral
alternative pathway 170 time course 91 asthma in children 197–198
angioedema 99 specific immunotherapy effect 183–184, 184 gastrointestinal allergy 141
anaphylaxis mediated by 169–170 steroid therapy 424–425 rhinitis 75
C4 reduced, angioedema 99 symptom presentation 77 urticaria 104
receptors tissues involved 88 topical 425
eosinophils 363–364 vernal keratoconjunctivitis 79–81 allergic conjunctivitis 92
on monocytes/macrophage 370 see also allergic rhinoconjunctivitis atopic dermatitis 117
computed tomography (CT) conjunctivitis, giant papillary see giant papillary children 199
calcification in Aspergillus sinusitis 72 conjunctivitis rhinitis 74, 74–75
ethmoiditis 71 consensus repeat (CR) 341 corticotrophin hormone releasing receptor (CRHRI)
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47 contact allergens, atopic dermatitis 112 219
rhinitis 71 contact hypersensitivity see allergic contact cosmetic products, allergic contact dermatitis
sinuses 22 dermatitis 124
conjunctiva 81–83 contact lens cough, asthma 28
allergic rhinitis 66 allergen avoidance and 91 cows’ milk allergy 113, 113, 193
anatomy and physiology 81–83 allergic conjunctivitis 77, 87 COX-1 415
biopsy 90 giant papillary conjunctivitis 81 inhibition 415–416
blood supply 82 hygiene 81, 91 COX-1 inhibitors
bulbar and tarsal 77, 81 tolerance 81 adverse effects 170
examination 88 Coombs’ positive test 158 anaphylaxis induced by 170
edema and hyperemia 87 Coprinus cormatus 278 COX-2 415
eosinophils 85–86 cord blood lymphocytes 317–318 inhibition 415–416
epithelium 81 cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMC) COX-2 inhibitors 165
mast cells migration 86 antenatal factors affecting 224 COX inhibitors, urticaria induced by 103
mucinous degeneration 84–85 cytokine secretion 223–224 CpG sequence 186, 399
examination 87–88 proliferative responses 223 cranial nerves 82–83
follicles 89 maternal exposure to allergens effect 224–225 Creola bodies 23
forniceal 81 maternal smoking effect 226 cribriform plate 58
functions 83 cornea 81 cromakalim 426
IgA transport across 83, 84 examination 89 cromolyn sodium 420–421
inflammatory infiltration 77 macroerosion 80 adverse reaction 421
innervation 82–83 plaque 78, 80, 80, 85 allergic conjunctivitis 92
mast cells 86 surgical treatment 93 asthma 29, 30, 421
microvilli 81, 82 scarring 78 exercise-induced bronchospasm 32
papillae 88 in vernal keratoconjunctivitis 80 gastrointestinal allergy 141
surfaces, examination 88–89 corticosteroid-resistant asthma 217 mechanism of action 376, 420–421, 421
zones and anatomy 81 corticosteroids 421–425 rhinitis 74, 74
conjunctival-associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) 83 actions in allergy 423, 423 structure 420
conjunctivitis, allergic 77–93 administration 424–425 uses and administration 421
allergen application, cell response 84–85 adverse effects 75 crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) 257
atopic diseases associated 87 factors affecting extent 423–424 crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (CRIE) 12,
atopic keratoconjunctivitis see atopic classification 117 257
keratoconjunctivitis contraindications 425 technique 257, 257
classification 77–81 cytokine expression and 335 cross-linking, FcεRI receptors 300, 320, 376
diagnosis 87–90 mechanism 335, 336 crypt abscesses, atopic keratoconjunctivitis 85
extraocular region examination 88 eye drops 424 Csk (C-terminal Src-kinase) 304
giant papillary see giant papillary conjunctivitis indications/uses 424–425 CTLA-4-Ig, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44
histopathology 84–85 allergic conjunctivitis 92, 424–425 cuprophane membrane dialysis 170
Index • 441
cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) 344 by cord blood mononuclear cells 223–224 FcεRI structure 311–312
atopic dermatitis 109 by eosinophils 364, 365, 401 immature see Langerhans’ cells
CXCR (chemokine receptors) 338 by fetal and placental tissues 224 life cycle 310
CXCR3, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 45 by fibroblasts 392 maturation in lung and inhibition 314–315
CXCR4, ligand 338 by mast cells 331, 359 mucosal 316
cyclic AMP (cAMP) by monocytes/macrophage 371–372, 398 antigen surveillance 314
β-adrenoceptor agonist action 408 by neutrophils 368–369 increase in number 315
CD23a and CD23b stimulation effect 307 sources, genes and actions 330 postnatal maturation 319, 320
FcεRI signaling 305 T cell development 332–333 at mucosal surface 314–315
phosphodiesterase (PDE), inhibition 410, T cell production 332 myeloid 312
426–427 postnatal regulation 319 characteristics 310
cyclooxygenase see COX-1; COX-2 see also T cells, Th1 cytokines; T cells, Th2 plasmacytoid 312
cyclosporine (cyclosporin A) 427–428 cytokines characteristics 310
allergic conjunctivitis 92 Th1–Th2 paradigm in allergic inflammation subpopulations 312
atopic dermatitis 117 332–334 postnatal maturation 319
target/mechanism of action 301 therapeutic manipulation see cytokine modulation precursors 360
urticaria management 106 (as therapeutic strategy) recruitment 315, 315
cysteinyl leukotriene(s) 403, 417 T regulatory cells 334 respiratory tract 314, 314–315
actions 377 type 2, atopic dermatitis 109 Th2 induction control 327
in early phase response 377–378, 379 types (list) 330 Toll-like receptors 327
receptors 418 see also interferon-γ (IFNγ); tumor necrosis factor turnover times 315
sites of action 418 α (TNFα); specific interleukins see also Langerhans’ cells
see also leukotriene(s); specific leukotrienes cytokine fever 43 Dennie-Morgan folds 114
cysteinyl leukotriene 1 (CysLT1) 360 cytokine modulation (as therapeutic strategy) dental malocclusion 66
receptor antagonists 378 335–337, 349 dermal microdialysis techniques 387
cystic fibrosis of IFN-γ 337 dermatitis (eczema)
Aspergillus colonization of lung 20 of IL-1 336 allergic contact see allergic contact dermatitis
nasal polyps 57 of IL-4 336–337 atopic see atopic dermatitis
sinusitis 25 of IL-5 337 classification 108
cytochrome P450 inhibitors 413 of IL-9 337 distribution 8
cytokine(s) 329–337 of IL-10 337 facial 78
activated by CD23 307 of IL-12 337 dermographism 8
in allergic conjunctivitis 86 of IL-13 337 simple 96
allergic inflammation 329, 330 of TNF-α 337 symptomatic 96
anti-inflammatory 44 cytology white, atopic dermatitis 114, 114
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 51 allergic conjunctivitis 90 dermographometer 96
apoptosis regulation 355 upper airway mucosa, rhinitis 69 Der p1 255
in asthma 34 cytotoxic T cells 401 in amniotic fluid 224
occupational 147 see also T cells, CD8+ desensitization 179
atopic dermatitis 109, 111 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen (CTLA-4) 399 aspirin allergy 165, 177
burst, infancy 228 atopic dermatitis 118
chemotactic see chemokines drug allergy 164
corticosteroids effects 335, 336
definition 329
early phase response 332, 398
extracellular matrix as reservoir 396
dairy products, exclusion, atopic dermatitis 118
management/precautions 165
method 164–165
see also immunotherapy
Desmarre’s retractor 88, 89
extrinsic allergic alveolitis pathogenesis 42, 43–45 dampness, asthma risk factor 243 detergent insoluble glycolipid-enriched membranes
fetal immune system development 329–330 dander see animal-derived allergens; cat (DIGs) 299
fibroblast proliferation 392, 393 allergens/dander; pets 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) 301, 302
IgE synthesis regulation 331, 331 DBPOFC (double-blind placebo-controlled oral-food- diagnosis of allergies 3–16
inflammatory cell recruitment 332 challenge) test 138 diagnostic approach 14–16, 15
inhibition/inhibitors 336 ‘death factors’ 355 diagnostic tests 3–4
corticosteroids 335, 336 decongestants 73, 199 in-vitro 11–13
strategy 336 dehumidifying devices 91 not recommended (unproven) 14
isotype switching in B cells 325, 327 delayed-pressure urticaria 96, 96–97 provocation tests 13–14
late phase response 331–332, 332 delayed-type hypersensitivity (type IV) 159 diapedesis 341
occupational asthma 147 allergic contact dermatitis 118 see also leukocyte(s), trafficking
pro-inflammatory 398 clinical features 160, 161 diet
allergic alveolitis 42, 43 extrinsic allergic alveolitis detection 50 asthma increase link 36, 244
receptors IgE-mediated type 109, 321 atopic dermatitis management 117–118
eosinophils 362–363 deletional switch recombination 331 children with allergic disease 195
epithelial cells 45 dendritic cells 118–119, 289 exclusion 138, 141
high-affinity 329 allergic rhinitis 63 fish oil supplements 227
redundancy 329 antigen presentation 309–310, 397 gastrointestinal allergy management 140, 141
response to ovalbumin and house dust mite 318 antigen processing 397 maternal, effect on asthma/allergy development
rheumatoid arthritis 329 atopic eczema 312–314, 313 227, 244
role in early life origins of allergy 329–331 conjunctival 83 nickel exposure and 122
secretion 289 FcεRI expression 311–312 see also food
442 • Index
asthma 23, 332, 333, 401, 403 angioedema management 104–105 cell function regulation 395, 395
atopic dermatitis 109 asthma 407 composition 394
cationic proteins 101 emergency 175, 176 as cytokine reservoir 396
cell surface receptors 361, 362–363 food allergy treatment 141 inflammation regulation 394, 395
adhesion molecules 362–363, 364 gastrointestinal allergy 141 properties 394–396
Ig and complement receptors 363–364 mechanism of action 408–409 synthesis/release from fibroblasts 392, 394
chemoattractants 365, 366, 401 self-medication 176 extracellular-signal related kinases (ERKs) 303
conjunctival 86 uses and indications 409 extranasal regions, examination 67
corticosteroid action 367 EpiPen 177, 200, 409 extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EEA) 37–54
cytokine receptors 362–363 episodic angioedema associated with eosinophilia acute 45
cytokines released 364, 365, 401, 403 (EAAE) 101 damping down of symptoms 52
density in rhinitis 65 epithelial barrier 290, 389–392, 390 differential diagnosis 51
development and maturation 352 antioxidant systems 390, 390 anatomical/physiological aspects 39–40
effector functions 402 proteases and antiproteases 390–391 animal models
Fc receptors 363 transport functions 389–393, 390 immune complex injury 42
functions in allergy 366–367, 402 ultrastructure and tight junctions 389 rabbit 42, 42
functions in asthma 366 epithelial cells 21, 389 background and historical aspects 37
gastrointestinal allergy 135 adhesion molecules 348 chronic 46
granule proteins 86, 86, 364, 365, 366, 401 allergic rhinitis 63–64 differential diagnosis 51
granules 362, 362, 401 alveolar 40 diagnosis 45–51, 46
half-life 401 barrier function see epithelial barrier differential diagnosis 47, 51
indication of inflammation 69 conjunctival 87 experimental models 42–43
life-span 352 cytokine receptors 45 Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula 44
mediator release mechanism 365 fibroblasts relationship 392 granulomatous lesions 40
mediators released 361, 364, 401 rhinovirus infections 21 histology 41
basic proteins 364, 365, 366, 401 epithelial mesenchymal trophic unit, inflammatory cells/mediators 43–45
cytokines 364, 365, 401, 403 gene–environment interactions 217, 220 intermediate form 46
lipid 364 epithelium investigations 47–51
urticaria 101 activated, pro-inflammatory properties 391, 392 environmental 48–49
migration 362–363, 363 airway immunological 49–51
morphology 362, 362 asthma 22, 391–392, 403 pulmonary 47–48
nasal secretions 57 columnar 58, 58, 389 radiology 47
necrosis 365 nasal 58 management 53
numbers in allergic response 401 pseudostratified 23 antigen contamination reduction 53
occupational asthma 148 allergic diseases 404 drug treatment 53
priming 365, 366 allergic response promotion 391, 391 natural history 51–52
products, allergic conjunctivitis 87 conjunctiva 81 occupation association 45
as proinflammatory 366 damage and repair 404–405 pathogenesis 37, 40–45
proinflammatory properties 401–402 epitopes, B-cell and T-cell 185, 186 antibodies 39
proliferation, cytokines involved 332 erythema multiforme 160 causal agents 37, 38
receptors 363–364 erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), urticaria cellular recruitment into alveoli 43
tissue accumulation, mechanism 362–363 diagnosis 98 cytokines 42, 43–45
triggering 365 erythromycin, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53 detection of causal agent 48–49
urticaria 101 E-selectin 341, 343, 399 dust exposures 41–42
eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) 63, 138, 364, 401 allergic conjunctivitis 86 immune complex-mediated injury 42–43
eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) 364, 401 cells expressing 341 lymphocyte-mediated injury 43
eosinophilia 332, 366 ligand 344 pathophysiology 41–42
airway, prevention 367 monoclonal antibody 341, 343 physical examination 47
asthma, adult allergic 19 structure 343 prevalence 38–39
atopic dermatitis 115 ETAC study 411 prognosis 51–52
measurement 67 etanercept, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53 symptom presentation 45–46
nasal polyps 64 ethmoiditis 71 duration 45–46
eosinophilic enterocolitis 135, 136 ethmoid sinuses, nasal polyps 58 tolerance to exposures 51, 52
eosinophilic proctitis 130 European Community Respiratory Health Survey eye
eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) 364, 401 (ECRHS) 237, 238, 239, 243 allergic diseases 87
allergic rhinitis 63 examination 8–9 see also conjunctivitis
eosinophil protein X (EPX) 138 excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy 93 anatomy and physiology 81–83
eotaxin 339 exercise defense mechanisms 83
eotaxin-1 339 anaphylaxis induced by 170–171 examination in rhinitis 67
epidemiology of allergic disease 233–246 prevention 177 innervation 82–83
definition 233 wheat-associated 170 involvement in rhinitis 75
epidermal growth factor (EGF) 392 asthma induced by see asthma, exercise-induced red, non-allergic causes 90
domain, selectins 341 asthma management 32–33 surface 78
receptors 392 decreased, asthma increase link 35–36 eye drops, corticosteroid 424
epinephrine (adrenaline) 24, 407–409 tolerance, decline, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 46 eyelid margin
actions 408 exercise challenge testing 26, 27 anatomy 81
acute anaphylaxis management 175, 176 extracellular matrix examination 87
children 200–201 binding and inflammatory cell regulation 395–396 hygiene 91
444 • Index
IgE production 189 maternal smoke effect 226
immune response/system 226, 329–330 tolerance see immunological tolerance
maternal allergen avoidance effects 225 food allergy 7–8, 129, 133
maternal smoke effect 226 age and atopy relationship 112
Fab fragment 293 nutrition, effect on asthma/allergy 226–227 anaphylaxis 167, 171
facial features, nasal and ocular disease (rhinitis) 66 T cells see T cells atopic dermatitis and 112–113, 113, 115,
FAK (focal adhesion kinase) 305 undernutrition, head size and IgE levels 226 191–192
family history 6 see also early life influences on asthma/allergy children, prevalence 193
farmer’s lung 37 fexofenadine 413, 413 diagnosis 254
acute, differential diagnosis 51, 52 fibroblasts 40, 392 dietitian role 16
management 53 activation 392, 393 history-taking 173
natural history 51 conjunctiva 87 IgE-mediated 113, 193
see also extrinsic allergic alveolitis extracellular matrix synthesis/release by 392, investigations 137, 137–139
farming, Hygiene Hypothesis evidence and 239, 242 394 children 193
Fas receptor 355 mediators released 392, 393 natural history 193
fatty acids, unsaturated, atopic dermatitis cytokines 392 prevalence 137, 193
management 118 mitogens 392 Th1:Th2 polarization 319
Fc fragment 293 proliferation, cytokines affecting 392, 393 see also gastrointestinal allergy
FcεRI (IgE high-affinity receptor) 289 relationship with epithelial cells 392 food challenge tests 138, 139
aggregation 300, 300, 320 role in allergic inflammation 392–394, 393 children 193
antigen presentation mediated by 320–321 filters, air 270 food intolerance 129, 133, 252, 254
atopic dermatitis 109 Finland, asthma/allergic disease prevalence 236, caesarean delivery association 225
autoantibodies to, urticaria 100 236 definition 129
cells expressing 299, 311 fire ant mechanisms 133, 134
basophils 360, 361–362 allergens 286 non-IgE-mediated 7–8
dendritic cells 311 allergy 182 prevalence 137
eosinophils 364 fish oil supplements 227 risk factors 134–135
inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells 312 FK506 see tacrolimus (FK506) undefined reactions 130
mast cells 356, 359 FLAP (5-LO-activating protein) 377, 418–419 foot dermatitis, chromates causing 123
monocytes/macrophage 372 inhibitors 419 forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) 234
cross-linking 300, 320, 376 flea, allergens 286 asthma 25, 151–152
decreased by omalizumab 376 flexural eczema 191 early phase response 331, 387
see also omalizumab ‘flick blinking’ 87 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 48
downregulation after reduction of IgE 362 fluticasone propionate 422, 424 smoking effects 21
expression, control 361–362 fMLP 362, 369 foreign bodies
expression and complexes 299 focal adhesion kinase (FAK) 305 nasal 71
functions of specific chains 299 follicular dendritic cells (FDC) 309 papillary conjunctivitis 81
gene encoding 213, 214 antigen presentation by 317 formaldehyde 265, 266, 267
IgE binding 293, 294 CD23 expression 298 formoterol, asthma 30, 33, 197
complex structure 294, 294, 297, 297 food fossil fuels 264
see also IgE–receptor complex adverse reactions 193 fruit allergens, characteristics 284–285
IgE-dependent expression 361–362 allergic rhinitis 56 Fuc T VII 344
macrophage activation and 372 anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reaction due to 169 fungal allergens 249–250, 252
mast cell activation 100, 320 management 176–177 aeroallergens, characteristics 263, 277–278
regulation, atopic vs non-atopic 311–312 specific immunotherapy for 184–185 occupational, characteristics 279
signaling see signaling, cellular challenge tests see food challenge tests see also molds
structure 214, 293, 294, 311, 322 non-IgE-mediated reactions 7 fungal spores 5, 250
crystal forms 294 non-toxic reactions 129–130 fungi
on dendritic cells 311–312 skin prick tests 11 allergenicity 250
primary 292, 294 toxic reactions 129 in allergic disease 252
tetrameric form 294, 311 urticaria due to 103 Fyn (Src kinase) 300, 304
trimeric form on APCs 311 food additives/preservatives 7, 8
two forms 322 asthma association 244
triggering and sequelae 331
FcεRIβ (IgE high-affinity receptor) 213
variants 213
FcεRII (low-affinity receptor) see CD23
food allergens 7, 7–8, 129, 130, 141, 252, 254
‘allergic march’ of childhood 190
allergic rhinitis 56
atopic dermatitis 112–113
Gads (Grb2-related adaptor) 301
FcγR1 (CD64) 322–323, 370 avoidance, anaphylaxis prevention 176–177 gastrointestinal allergy 129–141
FcγRII (CD32) 322–323 characteristics 263, 283–284 allergens 141
Fc receptors 293 children 193 classification 129–130
eosinophils 363 cross-reactions 141, 263 definition 129
expression by plasmacytoid dendritic cells 312 with inhalants 7, 8 diagnosis 135–140
Fel d 1 263 with pollen 263 immediate and late phases 133, 135, 136
feto-maternal interface, T-cell function 224, 224 IgE response in infants 189 inflammatory cells/mediators 135
Th2 cells 330–331 oral food challenges 113 investigations 137, 137–139
fetus search diet 138, 139 management 140–141
allergen exposure 224–225, 242 seed-derived 262 allergen avoidance 140–141
cytokine action on immune response 329–330 sensitization 242 drug treatment 141
Index • 445
histone deacetylase enzyme (HDAC) 216 hyperresponsiveness 3 via CD23 321–322, 324
history-taking airway see airway hyperresponsiveness via FcεRI 320–321
allergic conjunctivitis 87 allergy-induced increase 4 asthma association 210, 211
allergic contact dermatitis 119, 122 bronchial see bronchial hyperresponsiveness atopic dermatitis 107, 109, 115
allergy see allergy history symptom threshold relationship 4 autoantibodies to, urticaria 100
anaphylaxis 173 target organ 5 bronchial hyperresponsiveness and 211–212
asthma 24 hypersensitivity CD23 (FceRII) binding 295
atopic dermatitis 113–114 animal models of allergic alveolitis 40 characteristics 290
drug allergy 161 classification 157–160 in cord blood 11, 225, 227
gastrointestinal allergy 135 type I (IgE; immediate) 158, 247 coregulation with IgG1 327
occupational asthma 150 allergens and 247 coregulation with IgG4 327
rhinitis 65–66 allergic conjunctivitis 83 cross-linking 376
urticaria 102 anaphylaxis 168 FcεRI complex see IgE–receptor complex
hives see urticaria gastrointestinal allergy 136 food allergy mediated by 113, 193
HLA symptoms 161 maternal smoke effect 226
genes 212–213, 213 type II (complement-mediated) 158, 159 functions 289
IgE responses relationship 213 mechanism 159 gastrointestinal allergy 132, 136, 137
occupational asthma associations 148–149 symptoms 161 half-life 109
HLA-DQB1 148 type III (immune-complex) 159, 159 head circumference link 226
HLA-DR, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 50 allergic alveolitis 43 HLA relationship 213
HLA-G 213 symptoms 161 Hymenoptera venom-specific 182
hoarseness 8 type IV (delayed) see delayed-type hypersensitivity hyperresponsiveness interrelationship 4, 211–212
honeybee, allergens 182, 254, 263, 286 hypersensitivity pneumonitis see extrinsic allergic IL-4 associated increase 209
hormonal factors, atopic dermatitis 110 alveolitis immunotherapy effect 181
horse dander 5 hyperventilation syndrome, asthma vs 28 levels 290, 297
allergen characteristics 281 hypoglycemic agents, oral 159 see also IgE, total serum levels
house dust mites 19, 242, 243, 250, 253 hypotension, anaphylaxis 173, 176 levels in children 189, 191, 193
age of wheezing onset 267, 269 hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis 423 macrophage binding 397
allergen inhalational challenge 13 hypoxia, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47 monoclonal antibody (omalizumab) see
allergens 263 omalizumab
characteristics 283 monoclonal humanized IgG against 177, 425–426
sensitization 242
allergic conjunctivitis 87
allergic rhinitis 56
asthma due to 18, 242
ICAM-1 21, 345–346
non-allergic rhinitis 56
occupational asthma 146, 146
overproduction 327
inheritance/genetics 56–57
asthma prevention (secondary) 244 allergic conjunctivitis 86 production in fetus 189
avoidance/reduction 32, 117, 196, 242 asthma 391 properties 291
asthma prevention 244 CD11a binding sites 346 receptor-binding sites 290, 293–294, 295
bedding 243, 244 cells expressing 346 receptor-bound 247
characteristics/requirements 250, 253, 283 epithelial cells 348, 391 see also IgE–receptor complex
cytokine response to 318 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 42 receptors 289–298
Der p1 224, 255 inhibitors 349 high-affinity see FceRI (IgE high-affinity
hypersensitivity, atopic dermatitis 112 monoclonal antibody 349 receptor)
sample collection 70 ICAM-2 346 low-affinity see CD23 (FceRII)
specific immunotherapy 183 ICAM-3 346 on mononuclear phagocytes 370, 370
T lymphoproliferation 318, 318–319, 319 icatibant 63, 65 primary structure 292
worldwide distribution 253 IDECs see inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells see also IgE–receptor complex
housing, changes to reduce asthma 34–35 (IDECs) responses, natural killer cell action 327
humidification, by nose 59 IgA response to ragweed 213
humidifier lung 52 discovery 135 role in allergic diseases 247
radiography 47, 47 gastrointestinal allergy 135 smoking effect 211
hyaluronan, CD44 interaction 396 secretion, mucosal 131, 132 structure 289–298, 291
hydrocortisone 422 secretory 131, 135 domain structure 290, 291
acute anaphylaxis 175 transport across conjunctiva 83, 84 heavy chain 290, 293
atopic dermatitis 117 IgE 289–308 X-ray crystallography 293
hydrogen peroxide 368, 371, 390 allergen-specific 109, 248, 397 synthesis 289, 290, 309–328, 324–327
hydroxyl radicals 371, 390 binding to macrophage 397 B cell signaling 331
Hygiene Hypothesis 221, 238, 243 extent as % of total IgE 360 control by IL-4 and IL-13 209, 331
antenatal aspects 225–226 genes involved 248 cytokine regulation of 331, 331
candidate genes associated 228 measurement 12, 12 downregulation by CD23 297, 306
supporting evidence 239, 242 allergic response/disease 3, 247 feedback mechanism 289, 290, 297–298,
Hymenoptera venom allergy 167, 173 anaphylaxis mediated by 168–169 298, 327
anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reactions 167 as antigen capturing antibody 320–321 interleukins affecting 306
prevention 177 antigen-combining sites 293 negative feedback 290, 297, 298
specific immunotherapy 179 antigen complexes 320 positive feedback 290, 297–298, 298
efficacy 182–183 antigen presentation mediated by regulation 327, 331
hyperkeratinization 8 by B cells 322 upregulation by CD23 290, 297–298, 298,
hypermutation 325 consequences 324 306
Index • 447
VDJ recombination 324, 331 see also IgA; IgE; IgG; IgM allergic contact dermatitis 119
TCRα serotype link 214 immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily 341, 345–347 allergic rhinitis 62–64
in tears 89–90 endothelial expression, induction 346 asthma 332
total serum levels 11–12 genes, localization and ligands 342 occupational 147–148
adult allergic asthma 19 molecules included 345–346 atopic dermatitis 109–113
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 20 structures 346 development and maturation 351–353, 352
allergic conjunctivitis 84 see also ICAM-1; VCAM-1 early phase response see early phase response (EPR)
anaphylaxis 174 immunological tests, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 49–51 epithelium chemoattracting 391
IgE–receptor complex 289, 293, 294, 425 immunological tolerance extracellular matrix binding and function 395–396
allergen binding to 289 desensitization mechanism 164–165 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 43–45
antigen presentation mediated by 320–321 oral (food antigens) 133 gastrointestinal allergy 135
CD23 (FcεRII), structure 297, 297 breakdown, risk factors 134–135 intravascular accumulation 381, 385
FcεRI 425 induction methods 141 pattern of influx 396, 396–397
aggregation 300, 300, 362 mechanism 133–135, 134 proteases released 390
antigen presentation 320–321 T cells 319 recruitment
structure 294, 294, 297, 297 immunomodulation, asthma management 34 cytokines role 332
half-life 289 immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motifs (ITAMs) patterns 396, 396–397
stability 289 300, 300 urticaria 101–102
structure 294, 294, 295, 297 immunostaining, nasal biopsies 13 see also specific cell types
IgG immunostimulatory DNA 186–187, 197 inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells (IDECs)
antigen presentation mediated by 322–324 immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotide sequence 310–311, 312
to food proteins, in infants 189 (ISS-ODN) 186 antigen presentation 312–317
subclasses 12 immunosuppressive therapy, urticaria management 106 atopic eczema 312
venom-specific 183 immunotherapy 179–187, 264 CD antigens expressed 312
IgG1, IgE coregulation with 327 allergic rhinitis 75 FcεRI expression 312
IgG4 anaphylaxis prevention 177 functions and structure 312
IgE coregulation with 327 asthma therapy 34 inflammatory mediators 247
immunotherapy effect 181, 182 availability 181 allergic conjunctivitis 84–87, 85
IgM efficacy 182–185 allergic contact dermatitis 119
membrane (mIgM) 324 food allergens 141 allergic rhinitis 62–64
secretion by mucosal plasma cells 131–132 gastrointestinal allergy 141 anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reactions 168, 169, 170
synthesis 324 historical background 179 asthma pathogenesis 17
IκB (inhibitory-κB protein) 334–335, 423 homeopathic 181 atopic dermatitis 109–113
ileuton, rhinitis 74 Hymenoptera venom allergy 177, 182 early phase response see early phase response
immediate phase response, consequences 404 mechanisms 75, 181, 181–182 (EPR)
immune complexes oral and nasal 180–181 effect of epithelium in asthma 391–392
allergic alveolitis 42–43 peptide 185–186, 186 epithelial products 391
anaphylaxis mediated by 169–170 sublingual 180–181, 197 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 43–45
hypersensitivity mechanism 159, 159 venom (VIT) 182–183 gastrointestinal allergy 135
immune deviation 319 see also desensitization; specific immunotherapy in nose 62–64
asthma therapy 34 (SIT) occupation asthma 146, 147
immune elimination mechanisms 133 5-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) 173 pro-inflammatory properties of activated
immune exclusion mechanisms 133 indoor air pollution 265, 266 epithelium 391, 392
immune response/system asthma and 267 released by cells see individual cell types
to antigens, cytokines role 43 sources 266 rhinitis, early/late phases 60, 62, 64
asthma 18 indoor allergens, ‘allergic march’ of childhood 190 urticaria 101–102
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 39 industrial disease 6 infliximab, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 53
fetal 226 industrial respirators 53 inhalational challenge tests
cytokine role in development 329–330 infants allergens 13
genes influencing 216 atopic dermatitis 113, 114 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 49
humoral 289 gut microflora 225, 239 inhaler therapy, asthma 30
neonatal 189, 223 immune response 189 inheritance 205–207
T cell differentiation 34 see also early life influences on asthma/allergy; autosomal dominant 206, 206
transcription factors controlling 334–335 neonates autosomal recessive 206, 207
see also antibodies; B cells; T cells infections Mendelian 205
immunization, asthma therapy approach 34 atopic dermatitis pathogenesis 112, 115 polygenic 207, 209
immunoassays, allergen-specific IgE 12 decreased rates in childhood 35 recombination and linkage effect 207, 208
immunoblotting 257–258, 258 infants, synergistic interaction with atopy 229–230 single gene 205–206
immuno-cap-test 193 reduced incidence, atopic dermatitis 110 X-linked 207, 207
immunoglobulins see also viral infections inhibitory-κB protein (IκB) 334–335, 423
allergic conjunctivitis 84 inflammation innervation
class switching 290, 317, 324–325 air pollutant effect 265 alveoli 40
regulation by IL-4 and IL-13 331 inducer/effector relationship 321 bronchi 23, 23–24
domains 290, 292, 293 regulation by extracellular matrix 394, 395 bronchial wall 40
genetic recombination 290, 324, 326, 331 see also allergic inflammation/response eye 82–83
immunotherapy effect 181 inflammatory bowel disease 137 gastrointestinal tract 132, 133
receptors, eosinophils 363–364 inflammatory cells nose 58–59, 60
structure 290, 291 allergic conjunctivitis 84–87 skin 99
448 • Index
inositol triphosphate 301 parental atopy effect 224 in-vitro tests 11–13
insect allergy 250, 254–255 polymorphisms affecting 209 occupational asthma 151
allergens 263 receptor 34 ipratropium bromide 29, 411
characteristics 263, 282, 286 receptor antagonist 337 asthma 29
biting insects 255 Th2 cell development 333, 333 children 199
children 193 transcription factor binding site 209 rhinitis 73
see also Hymenoptera venom allergy transcription regulation 209, 209 irritable bowel syndrome 137
insulin interleukin-4 (IL-4) responsive elements 306 irritants, symptom timing 6
allergy 164 interleukin-5 (IL-5) 330, 400 isoallergens 255
anaphylaxis due to 168 antibodies to 337 isocyanates 152
immune response 160, 168 eosinophils releasing 363
integrins 341 expression in asthma 332, 333
α4 345
α4β1 see VLA-4
affinity on leukocytes, chemokines effect 338
β1 345
functions 337
increase in allergy 352
inhibitors 428
mast cells releasing 359
J chains 131
see also VLA-4 (α4β1) interleukin-6 (IL-6) 330, 398
β2 345 antibodies 44
β7 345
genes, localization and ligands 342
leukocyte adhesion to endothelium 344–345
leukocyte expression, modulation 346
early phase cytokine 398
synthesis and actions 398
interleukin-6 (rIL-6), extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44
interleukin-8 (IL-8) 330
keratectomy, excimer laser phototherapeutic 93
signaling by 347, 347–348 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44 keratinocytes
structure 344, 344 interleukin-9 (IL-9) 337 allergic contact dermatitis 119
types and ligands 345 interleukin-10 (IL-10) 330 MHC class II antigen expression 121
interdigestive myoelectric complex 132 functions 337 keratitis, punctate epithelial 80
interferon-α (IFNα), atopic dermatitis 118 immunotherapy effect 181, 182 keratoconjunctivitis
interferon-β (IFNβ) 21 inflammation inhibition 399 atopic see atopic keratoconjunctivitis
interferon-γ (IFNγ) 330 recombinant 337 vernal see vernal keratoconjunctivitis
administration effects 337 interleukin-11 (IL-11) 398 ketorolac tromethamine 93
atopic dermatitis 118 interleukin-12 (IL-12) 330 ketotifen, conjunctivitis 92
CD23b synthesis interference 306 antigen linked 34 ‘kinetic proofreading’ 299
elevated responsiveness in atopic disease 229 functions 337 kinins, effects in nose 62
gene 228 recombinant 337 Koebner reaction 125
methylation 228, 229 Th1 cell development 333
parental atopy effect 224 interleukin-13 (IL-13) 330, 337
Th1 cell development 333
allergic conjunctivitis 86
allergic rhinitis 63
basophils releasing 360
CD23 expression stimulation 306
enhanced production in allergy 327
IgE synthesis control 331
lacrimal gland 82
sources, genes and actions 330 in isotype switching 325, 327 lacrimation, neuronal pathway 83, 83
interleukin-1 (IL-1) 330 maternal smoking effect 226 lactoferrin 390
inhibition 336 role and polymorphic variations 212 tear 84
levels in asthma 336 Th2 and mast cells producing 327 lactose intolerance 129
interleukin-1β (IL-1β) interleukin-15 (IL-15) 400 lamina propria 130, 131, 132
early phase cytokines 398 interleukin-16 (IL-16) 330 gastrointestinal allergy 135
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 42 interleukin-18 (IL-18) 330 nasal mucosa 58
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) 336, 399 interleukin-25 (IL-25) 330 Langerhans’ cells 99, 118, 310–311
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 52 International Study of Asthma and Allergies in activated 119
interleukin-2 (IL-2) 330, 400 Childhood (ISAAC) 237 allergic contact dermatitis 118–119
interleukin-3 (IL-3) 330 International Union of Immunological Societies, antigen presentation by 118–119, 121,
basophils 360 Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee 312–317, 313
cord blood 229 255 via IgE 320
interleukin-4 (IL-4) 330 interstitial inflammatory infiltrates 40 antigen processing 119, 120, 159, 312
atopic dermatitis 109 intestinal barrier atopic eczema 311, 312–313, 313
blockade 336–337 immune regulation 131–132, 132 functions 311, 312–317
candidate gene for allergy 209 neuronal regulation 132, 133 MHC II expression 311
CD23b induction 306 intestinal challenges 138–139, 139 migration 311
cells releasing intestinal inflammation, pathogenesis 133–134, structure 311, 311
basophils 360 134 see also dendritic cells
mast cells 327, 359 intestinal mast cell histamine release (IMCHR) test langerin 311
Th2 cells 327 138 larynx, examination 8
enhanced production in allergy 327 intestine LAT (raft localized adaptor) 301
functions 336–337 anatomy/physiology 130–132, 131 late phase response (LPR) 375
genes 212 innervation 132, 133 asthma 331, 332, 375, 376
IgE synthesis control 331, 336–337 mucosal loss 135, 136 occupational 148
immunotherapy effect 181, 182 intradermal testing, drug allergy 162 characteristics 331–332
in isotype switching 325, 327 intrapulmonary cells, adhesion molecules 348 consequences 404
Index • 449
cytokines released 332 released by macrophage 398–399 opacities, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47
cytokines role 331–332, 332 released by neutrophils 367, 368 in rhinitis 75
early phase relationship 383 leukotriene C4 (LTC4) 417 size, asthma onset 18
gastrointestinal allergy 133 basophils releasing 360 lung disease, diffuse infiltrative alveolar–interstitial
histamine release 377 early phase response 377 see extrinsic allergic alveolitis
mechanism 397 eosinophils releasing 364 lung function
promoted by mast cell mediators 398, 398 mast cells releasing 358 ADAM33 influence 217, 219
rhinitis 60, 62, 64 urticaria pathogenesis 101 genetic regulation 217, 219
urticaria 100, 101, 102 leukotriene C4 synthase 221 lung function tests
latex 262 leukotriene D4 (LTD4) 417 asthma 25
latex allergen 124, 262 early phase response 377 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47–48, 48
characteristics 276 leukotriene E4 (LTE4) 376, 377, 417 lupus, drug-induced 157
structure 261 actions 377 lymph drainage, eye 82
latex rubber allergy 124, 173, 177 leukotriene modifying drugs lymph nodes, mesenteric 131
anaphylaxis 167, 173 asthma 30 lymphocyte(s)
prevention 177 for children 197 activation, occupational asthma 146, 147, 147
lectin domain, CD23 (FcεRII) 295 leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) 417–420 antigen presentation 315–317, 316
lectin superfamily 294 asthma 419, 420 cord blood 317–318
leukocyte(s) effects in asthma 419 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 50, 50–51
adhesion molecule expression 341 indications 419–420 pathogenesis 43
selectins 341, 343 mechanism of action 418–419 see also B cells; leukocyte(s); T cells
adhesion molecules, importance 341 rhinitis 74 lymphocyte proliferation (transformation) test 126,
adhesion to endothelium 341, 343 uses and administration 419–420 126
adhesion molecules involved 341, 342 see also leukotriene antagonists lymphocyte stimulation tests 126
chemokine action 338, 339 leukotriene synthesis inhibitors 378, 417–420 for cell-mediated hypersensitivity detection 126
integrins role 344–345 levocabastine 73, 92 lymphoid cell infiltrate, production, extrinsic allergic
selectins role 341, 343 levocetirizine 73, 413 alveolitis 44
chemokine receptor expression 338, 340 lifestyle, asthma increase linked 34–36 lymphoid cells, mucosal immune system 131
chemotaxis 338, 341, 391 limbus 81 lymphoid follicles
in conjunctiva 83, 83 examination 89 gastrointestinal tract 131
differentiation and maturation 351, 352–353 trantas’ dots 80 giant papillary conjunctivitis 85
histamine release, drug allergy detection 162, in vernal keratoconjunctivitis 80 lymphoid tissue, gut-associated 131, 131
163 linkage, gene 207, 208 lymphokines
recruitment 343 linkage analysis, chromosome 20 217, 217 in allergic alveolitis 42
chemokine role 338, 339 linkage disequilibrium mapping 210 see also T cells, cytokines
rolling 399–400 linoleic acid 227 lymphoproliferation, cord blood mononuclear cells
surface receptors binding to extracellular matrix 395 lipid mediators, released by inducing 223–224
tethered to endothelium 399 eosinophils 364
see also leukocyte(s), adhesion to endothelium mast cells 358
trafficking 399
adhesion molecules involved 341
chemokines role 338, 339
see also specific cell types
monocytes/macrophage 371
neutrophils 368
lipid rafts 299, 300
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 346, 399
M2 receptors 402, 411
leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) 341 see also endotoxin Mac-1 (CD11b) 345, 367
leukocyte inhibitory receptors (LIRs) 360 5-lipoxygenase (LO) 377, 417 α2-macroglobulin 367, 381, 390
leukotriene(s) 20, 417 gene polymorphism in asthma 219, 221 macrophage 369–373
actions 358, 377 inhibitors 418–419, 420 activation 353, 398–399
biosynthesis inhibitors 378, 417–420 asthma 30, 420 pathways 372
see also leukotriene antagonists 5-LO-activating protein (FLAP) 377, 418–419 signals for 372
early phase response 377 L-NAME, effect on nasal challenges in rhinitis 63, 65 allergen-specific IgE binding 397
effects in nose 62 local anesthetics, test dosing, protocol 163 allergic contact dermatitis 119
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 42 lodoxamide tromethamine 92 alveolar 372, 399
production/synthesis loratadine 73, 413 antigen presentation to T cells 372–373, 399
aspirin-induced anaphylaxis 170 ‘low cytokine response’ phenotype 224 antigen response, regulation 399
by basophils 360 L-selectin 341 anti-inflammatory products 399
by eosinophils 364 ligand 344 cell surface antigens and receptors 369–370
by macrophage 398–399 structure 343 changes during maturation 354
by mast cells 358 L-selectin sheddase 347 in conjunctiva 83
by neutrophils 367, 368 lung cytokines released 371–372, 398
see also cysteinyl leukotriene(s) allergen exposure route 26 development 353
leukotriene A4 (LTA4) 417 anatomy and physiology 39 distribution and types 353, 369
leukotriene antagonists 29, 413–414 Aspergillus colonization 20 enzyme release 41
asthma 29 biopsy, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 48 functional properties 372
children 197 blood supply 22 function in allergy 369, 372–373
exercise-induced bronchospasm 33 dendritic cell maturation 314–315 IgE receptors 370, 370
see also leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) honeycombing 41 intracellular events/signaling 307, 307
leukotriene B4 (LTB4) injury, immune complex-induced 42 mediators released 370–372, 371, 372, 398–399
actions 398–399 nerve supply 23, 23–24 morphology 369
450 • Index
macrophage (Cont’d) characteristics 357, 358 methacholine, effect on nasal mucosa 60, 61
origin and maturation 353, 353 MCT type 355, 357 methacholine inhalation test 8, 14
proinflammatory role 398–399, 399 characteristics 357, 358 asthma 26–27
pulmonary 40 mediators released 35, 62, 170, 331, 332, dose response curves 28
macrophage, (Cont’d) 356–359, 376, 381 method 26–27
reactive nitrogen intermediates produced 371 carboxypeptidase 358 rhinitis 60, 67
reactive oxygen metabolite production 371 cathepsin G 358 methylxanthines 409–411
receptors 370, 370 chymase 355, 356, 358 asthma 199
recruitment 353 cytokines 327, 331, 359 see also theophylline
macrophage inflammatory protein-1a, extrinsic heparin 356 microenvironment 264, 268
allergic alveolitis 44 histamine 100, 101, 356 microsatellite linkage studies 210
MAdCAM-1 345, 346 late phase response promotion 398, 398 microsatellites 210
major basic protein (MBP) 63, 364, 401, 402 lower airway targets for 379 middle ear effusions 67
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) newly generated 358 Miller (neutralization provocation) tests 14
212–213 preformed 356, 358 mites, sensitivity 4
class I molecules 248 tryptase see tryptase mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase 303, 365
structure 212 migration and differentiation 63 activation 301–302
class II molecules 212–213, 248 morphology and heterogeneity 355–356, 356 functions 303–304
allergic contact dermatitis 118, 119 numbers in nasal epithelium 63 mitosis 205, 206
antigen presentation 295–296, 309, 321 numbers produced 359 mizolastine, urticaria 104
CD23a and antigen presentation 295–296 proliferation 351 MMR vaccine 174
expression by keratinocytes 121 secretory granules 355, 356 molds
expression by monocytes/macrophage 370 stabilization 74 allergens 249–250
genes on chromosome 6 212–213, 213 tryptase see tryptase allergic rhinitis 56
IgE-mediated antigen presentation 321 urticarial wheal pathogenesis 100 asthma risk factor 243
occupational asthma 148–149 urticaria pathogenesis 100 avoidance 196
structure 212 mast cell growth factor (MGF) 215 see also fungi
tolerance induction 133–134 mast cell inhibitors molluscum contagiosum virus 115
restriction, antigen presentation 315, 316, allergic conjunctivitis 92 monoamine oxidase (MAO) 408
317 atopic keratoconjunctivitis 79 monoblasts 353
Malassezia furfur, allergens 278 comparison of effects 381 monoclonal antibodies 13
Malassezia sympodiales, atopic dermatitis 112 giant papillary conjunctivitis 81 to IgE see omalizumab
malassimilation syndrome 135, 136 vernal keratoconjunctivitis 80 production method 260
MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) 303 see also cromolyn sodium therapeutic, asthma 34
MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) 303 mast cell stabilizers, urticaria 105 monoclonal antibody techniques, allergen isolation
mast cell(s) 170, 351–352, 355–359 mastocytosis 135 260
activation 297, 356, 358, 359 intestinal 135 monocyte(s) 309–310, 369–373
in colonoscopic allergen provocation 140 systemic 168, 169, 173 antigen presentation to T cells 372–373
early phase response 332 anaphylaxis vs 173 cell surface antigens and receptors 369–370
FcεRI-mediated 100, 320, 331 tryptase levels 169 cytokines released 371–372
urticaria 100 maternal infections, asthma and allergic disease link distribution 353
allergic conjunctivitis 84 225–226 function in allergy 369, 372–373
allergic rhinitis 62–63, 63 matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 367, 394 IgE receptors 370, 370, 372
in allergy 359, 359 formation 394–395 intracellular events/signaling 307, 307
anaphylaxis development 168, 169 inhibition see tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases mediators released 370–372, 371, 372
autonomic innervation 24 (TIMPs) morphology 369
chymase 355, 356 MMP-2 (gelatinase A) 394 origin, development and maturation 353, 353
in conjunctiva 83, 83, 86, 86 MMP-9 (gelatinase B) 394, 395 changes during maturation 354
cytokines released 327, 331, 359 activation, cascade 395 reactive nitrogen intermediates produced 371
degranulation 62, 247, 356, 358, 403 types 394–395 reactive oxygen metabolite production 371
early phase response 397 M cell 131 receptors 370, 370
mutant mice 302 Medic-Alert 176, 177 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) 147,
PGE2 role 103 Medic-Alert bracelet 176 311, 312
stimuli 100 medicolegal aspects extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44
differentiation and maturation 351–352 compensation systems by country 154 occupational asthma 151
early phase response role 376, 396, 397 diagnostic criteria for occupational asthma 154, monocyte-derived chemokine (MDC) 401
FcεRI expression 351, 359 155 mononuclear cell
gastrointestinal allergy 135 occupational allergies 154–155 trafficking, allergic contact dermatitis 119
heterogeneity 63, 355–356, 357 Meibomian glands 81 see also macrophage; monocyte(s)
characteristics 357, 358 meiosis 205, 206 mononuclear phagocytes see macrophage;
histamine release 100, 101 Meissner’s (submucosal) plexus 132 monocyte(s)
IgE as antigen-capturing antibody 320–321 Mendelian inheritance 205 montelukast 417–418, 419
IL-4 and IL-13 production 327 mercaptobenzothiazole 124 asthma 419
immunocytochemistry 355 mercury, allergic contact dermatitis 122 children 197, 200
increased in asthma 359, 359 mesenchymal cells, ADAM33 role 217, 218 rhinitis 74
inhibitors see mast cell inhibitors metal allergies, allergic contact dermatitis 122–123 urticaria management 105, 106
intestinal barrier 132 metalloprotease 216, 217 ‘morning misery’ 87
MCTC type 83, 355, 357, 402 metalloproteinases 297, 306 mosquito, allergens 286
Index • 451
L-NAME, effect in allergic rhinitis 63, 65
neoantigens 160
neomycin, allergic contact dermatitis 122
immune system development 189, 223
nitrogen oxides 264–265
NK-1 and NK-2 receptors 402, 403, 426
noncholinergic, nonadrenergic (NANC) fibers 23,
nasal airway resistance (NAR) 60, 61, 62 T cell development see T cells alveoli 40
nasal blockage/congestion see also early life influences on asthma/allergy; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
assessment 68 infants 76
associated disorders 71 nerve growth factor (NGF) 40 allergic conjunctivitis 93
monitoring nasal challenge 68 nettle rash see urticaria anaphylaxis due to 167, 170
rebound 73 neurodermatitis 108 aspirin allergy and cross-reactivity 160
rhinitis 55, 66 neurokinin (NK)-A 402 hypersensitivity, management 165
unilateral 71 neuropeptides, inflammatory 402–403 mechanism of action 415–416
nasal cavity neurotransmitters 40 urticaria induced by 103
anatomy 58 gastrointestinal tract 132 uses and administration 417
functions 59 neutral endopeptidase 391, 391 norepinephrine (noradrenaline) 24
nasal challenge, rhinitis 67–68 neutrophil(s) 367–369 nose
nasal cycle 59, 68 activation 369 anatomy and physiology 58–60
rhinitis and 60 apoptosis 355 early phase response 375
nasal decongestants 73, 199 apoptotic 354 evaluation 383, 385, 386
nasal geometry, assessment 68, 70 cell surface antigens/receptors 367, 368 examination in allergies 8
nasal irritation, rhinitis 55 functions in allergy 369 foreign bodies 71
nasal lavage 385, 386 granules 367 functions 59, 59, 61
rhinitis 68, 70 influx in allergic inflammation 396 innervation 58–59, 60
nasal mucosa 379–380, 382 L-selectin expression 341 mucosa see nasal mucosa
anatomy 59 mediators released 367–369, 369 transverse skin crease 8
challenge tests (allergen) 67–69 cytokines 368–369 see also entries beginning nasal
early phase response 379–380, 382 enzymes 367 NTAL (non-T-cell activation linker) 301
epithelium 58, 58 lipid 368
examination 8 oxygen radicals 368
functional anatomy 379, 382
histamine and methacholine effect 60, 61
in rhinoscopy 66
Wegener’s granulomatosis 71
migration 367
morphology 367, 367
origin and maturation 352
receptors 367, 368
obesity, asthma association 243–244
nasal obstruction, unilateral 66 recruitment 398–399 obstetric complications, asthma and allergic disease
nasal passages, anatomy and physiology neutrophilia 369 link 225
22–23 NF-AT2 (NF-ATc) 334 occupational allergens 143, 151, 252, 254
nasal peak flow, determination 68, 69 NF-AT family 301 aeroallergens 263
nasal polyposis, antileukotrienes 74 T cell regulation 334 characteristics 279–281
nasal polyps 57–58, 58 NF-κB 307, 423 avoidance 264
CT 22 activation 334–335, 335 exposure monitoring 264
histology 64 functions 334–335 initiation of allergic inflammation 397
452 • Index
phosphatidic acid 302 hypersensitivity see extrinsic allergic alveolitis inhibitors 378
phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase 304, 304–305 interstitial 41 mast cells releasing 358
phosphodiesterase (PDE), inhibition 410, 426–427 pollen prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) 378
phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) 427 provocation tests 13 actions in early phase response 378
phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) inhibitors specific immunotherapy efficacy 183, 183–184, reduced, urticaria 103
426–427 184 prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) 415
mechanism of action 427 pollen allergens 5, 248–249 prostanoid synthesis 415
targets 427, 427 aerobiology 251 inhibitors 415–417
phosphoinositides 304, 304–305 allergic diseases associated see also prostaglandin(s)
phospholipase A2, regulation 303–304 allergic conjunctivitis 77 proteases
phospholipase C asthma 20 allergens 279
classes 300 assays 20 classes 390
FcεRI signaling 300–302, 301 avoidance 72, 196 epithelial barrier and 390–391
phospholipase Cγ1 299, 301 characteristics 260–263, 272–276 mast cell 356, 358
phospholipase D 302 cross-reaction with other allergens 8, 263 neutrophils 367
phospholipases, lipase activity of 302, 302 deposition in nose 59 released by inflammatory cells 390
phospholipids, hydrolysis 303 exposure monitoring 264 protein kinase, cAMP-dependent (PKA) 305
photoallergens 124 grass see grass pollen protein kinase C 301, 420
photopatch tests 126 hypersensitivity, atopic dermatitis 112 activation, FceRI signaling 300–302, 301
photosensitizers measurement 13 proteins
allergic contact dermatitis 124, 124 provoking dose 249 allergens 261
identification 126 seasonal/climatic influence 249, 252 functional domains 299
phototherapy, atopic dermatitis 117 tree pollen see tree pollen protein tyrosine kinases 304
phototoxins 124 types and locations 249 provocation tests (allergen challenge) 8–9, 9
physical examination 8–9 weed pollen 5, 261–263, 272–273 allergens and administration route 26
allergic conjunctivitis 87–89 worldwide distribution 250 allergic rhinitis 60, 67–68
drug allergy 161 see also specific types of pollen anaphylactic reactions 174
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47 pollen grains 249, 251 asthma 26–27
gastrointestinal allergy 137 number in provoking dose 249 adult allergic 19
rhinitis 66 submicronic particles from 249 test types and characteristics 27
urticaria 103 pollenosis, seasonal 5 colonoscopic 138–139, 139
physiology see anatomy and physiology pollutants drug allergy 163
PI3 kinases 304 definition 264 early phase response, upper airway 383, 385
pigeon chest deformity 8 toxicity mechanisms 265 foods see food challenge tests
pigeon fanciers, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 52 pollution, air see air pollution gastrointestinal allergy 138–139, 139
pigeon feather 41 polygenic inheritance 207, 209 inhalational see inhalational challenge tests
pimecrolimus polymorphic light eruption 97 ocular, allergic conjunctivitis 90
adverse effects 199 polymorphisms, genetic see genetic polymorphisms rhinitis, early/late responses 60, 62, 64
atopic dermatitis 117, 199, 201 polymorphonuclear cells, urticaria pathogenesis 101 of unproven value 14
children 199, 201 population studies, problems 233 urticaria 103
pinocytosis 320 positional cloning 210, 210 pruritus, atopic dermatitis 107
placenta/placental tissues postcapillary venules 399 P-selectin 341, 399
artificial perfusion studies 224 potassium-channel-opening drugs 426 ligand 344
cytokines secreted 224 pranlukast 417–418, 419 soluble form 347
Th2 cytokine bias 330 rhinitis 74 structure 343
plant pathogenesis-related proteins 262 Prausnitz–Küstner (PK) reaction 135 truncated form 400
plants precipitins 37 P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) 344
allergens 262 prednisolone 141 pseudoallergic reactions, drug-induced 160, 165
in cross-reactivity syndromes 255 pregnancy pseudoephedrine, children 199
non-pollen-derived 262, 275–276 infections, asthma/allergic disease link 225–226 Psilocybe cubensis 278
occupational 254, 279, 280 smoking during see smoking psychologic factors, atopic dermatitis 110
see also pollen allergens specific immunotherapy contraindication 180 PTEN 304
allergic contact dermatitis 119, 124, 124 preservatives, allergic contact dermatitis 124 pulmonary arteries 22
plasma, leakage, in allergic rhinitis 63 prevalence of allergic diseases 3 pulmonary circulation 22
plasma cells 317 see also individual diseases pulmonary congestion, extrinsic allergic alveolitis
conjunctival epithelium 83 prick tests see skin prick tests 47
mucosal 131 priming, by allergens 60–61 pulmonary edema, asthma vs 28
plasma exudation, mechanism 381, 384 Primula, allergic contact dermatitis 124, 124 pulmonary embolism, asthma vs 28
plasmapheresis, urticaria management 106 promonocytes 353, 354 pulmonary fibrosis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 51, 53
plasma proteins, early phase response 381, 385 prostacyclin (PGI2) 378 pulmonary parenchyma 39
platelet activating factor (PAF) 303, 371 prostaglandin(s) PUPPP syndrome 103
effects in nose 62 early phase response 378 PUVA, atopic dermatitis 117
platelet aggregating factor 84 receptors and effects 415
Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains 304 synthesis 378, 415
plicatic acid 146
pneumocytes, granular (type 2 cells) 39–40
granulomatous 43
prostaglandin D2 (PGD2)
actions 378
cells releasing 378
effects in nose 62, 63
quality of life, allergic symptoms effect 6
454 • Index
radioallergosorbent (RAST) test 3–4, 256,
treatment 73
classification 55–58
diagnosis 55
differential diagnosis 71
asthma 25
atopic dermatitis 110–111
seasonal pollenosis 5
seed-derived allergens 262
256–257 eosinophilic 57 characteristics 284–285
anaphylactic reactions 173 epidemiology 234 segregation analysis 207
atopic dermatitis 115 factors associated 56, 57 selectins 341, 343–344
drug allergy 162 history-taking 65–66 expression by endothelium 341
gastrointestinal allergy 137 immunotherapy efficacy 183, 183–184, 184 expression modulation 344
method 256, 256–257 investigations 66–71 extrinsic allergic alveolitis pathogenesis 44
multi-RAST 67 non-allergic 57, 71 genes, localization and ligands 342
predictive value 14 differential diagnosis 71 leukocyte adhesion to endothelium 341, 343
principles 12 eosinophilic vs non-eosinophilic types 57 ligands 343–344, 344
sensitivity 12 occupational 6 structures 343
urticaria 103 patient consultations for 56 see also specific selectins
radiocontrast media (RCM) perennial 55 self-medication, anaphylaxis management 176
anaphylaxis due to 170 specific immunotherapy 179 semen, allergy 173, 177
pseudoallergic reaction 160, 167 specific immunotherapy efficacy 183–184 sensitization 247
prevention 165 perennial non-allergic, differential diagnosis 71 allergens 242
radiography, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47 physical examination 66 dose–response relationship 242
radioimmunoassays 12 population studies, problems 233 before anaphylaxis 167
radiology, rhinitis 70–71 prevalence 55, 57 definition 168
radon 265, 266 seasonal see allergic rhinitis gastrointestinal allergy 133
ragweed, IgE response 213 symptom presentation 55, 234 occupational asthma 146
ragweed-induced hayfever, immunostimulatory DNA in systemic vasculitis disease 9 skin prick tests 9
for 186 treatment 72–75 sensitization period (latent period) 6
ramatroban 416, 417 allergen avoidance 72 sensitizers
RANTES 338, 359, 391, 392 drug therapy 72–74 high-molecular weight 146, 148, 151
Ras family 303 vasomotor, abandonment on term 57 low-molecular weight 151, 148146
rashes 8 rhinitis medicamentosa 71, 73 sensory fibers 24
rat basophil leukemia (RBL) cell line 299 rhinoconjunctivitis 66 septic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) 398
reactive airway dysfunction syndrome 143–144 allergic see allergic rhinoconjunctivitis seratrodast 416, 417
reactive nitrogen metabolites, released by prevalence, self-reported, by place 241 serum sickness 159, 173
monocytes/macrophage 371 rhinomanometry 68, 69 SH2 domains 299
reactive oxygen metabolites 371, 390 rhinorrhea 55, 380 SH3 domains 299
released by monocytes/macrophage 371 anticholinergic treatment 73 shock, management 176
released by neutrophils 368 antihistamine treatment 73 sialyl Lewis X 44, 341, 343
recent thymic emigrants (RTE) unilateral 57 sibling effect, allergic disease relationship 225, 238
CD4+ CD45RA+ 228 volume determination 67–68 signaling, cellular 298–299
T-cell response to inhalant allergens (postnatal) watery 57 by adhesion molecules 347, 347–348
227–228 rhinoscopy 66, 67 apoptosis regulation 355
recombinants 205, 207 nasal polyps 58, 58 by basophils 362
recombination see genetic recombination rhinitis 66 in B cells 307, 307
referral indications 16 rhinosinusitis, chronic infective 71 CD23 (FcεRII) 298, 306–307
respiratory bronchioles 39 rhinoviruses, asthma exacerbations 21 CD40 327
respiratory burst 368, 371 rhinovirus infection, sinusitis in asthma and 25 concepts 299
respiratory distress, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 47 Rhodotorula mucilaginosa 278 by eosinophils 365
respiratory function, age-dependent, T-cell memory roflumilast 427 FcεRI (IgE high-affinity receptor) 298–299,
and 230 rubber allergies see latex rubber allergy 299–306
respiratory symptoms, maternal smoke effect 226 rubber ingredients, allergic contact dermatitis 124 atopic vs non-atopic people 321
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection 18, 243 cAMP and protein kinase 305
asthma/atopy risk factor 243 chain phosphorylation 299, 300
wheeze development in infancy and 229
respiratory tract
air pollutant effect 265
pathophysiologic responses 268
Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula 37, 44, 48
downstream signals 300
GTPase pathway 302–304, 303
phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase 304, 304–305
phosphoinositides 304, 304–305
dendritic cells 314, 314–315 salicylates 7 phospholipase C, calcium mobilization
respiratory tract infections salmeterol 30, 197 300–302, 301
allergic rhinitis predisposition 57 salt intake, asthma and 244 protein kinase C activation 300–302, 301
viral, asthma/atopy risk factors 243 Schnitzler’s syndrome 98 receptor aggregation 300, 300
see also respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection; scombroid poisoning 173 sphingosine cascade 305, 305
other specific infections screening for allergies 12 ubiquitination 305–306
RGD motif, reverse 295 see also skin prick tests (SPTs) for IgE synthesis 331
rheumatoid arthritis, cytokines 329 SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis 257–258, 258 ‘inside-out’ 347
rhinitis 55–76 seasonal allergens see allergens, seasonal by integrins 347, 347–348
adverse effects on quality of life 183 seasonal factors/variation macrophage activation 372
allergic see allergic rhinitis allergic conjunctivitis see conjunctivitis, allergic in monocytes and macrophages 307, 307
Index • 455
multistep cascades 299 occupational asthma and 152 stem cell factor (SCF) 351
‘outside-in’ 347, 363 prevention 270 steroids see corticosteroids
signalosomes 300 smooth muscle Stevens–Johnson syndrome 159, 160, 161
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) 210 adrenergic inhibitory control 23–24 stress, atopic dermatitis 110
sinus disease, treatment 76 contraction in inflammation 403 stromelysin-1 395
sinuses hypertrophy 417 subepithelial fibrosis 148, 148
anatomy and physiology 22 relaxation by bronchodilators 408 sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) 180–181, 197
in asthma 25 smooth muscle cells, adhesion molecules 348 substance P 402
ear interactions 76 sneezing sulfasalazine, urticaria 106
normal 22 monitoring nasal challenge 68 sulfur dioxide 265, 267
ostia, obstruction 58 rhinitis 66 sulfur oxides 264–265
polypoid changes 22 socio-economic factors, allergic rhinitis 57 sunscreen agents, photo allergic contact dermatitis
radiology 71 sodium cromoglycate 124
sinusitis children 199 superantigens, atopic dermatitis 112, 112, 191
allergic aspergillus 72 rhinitis 63 superoxide 368, 371, 390
chronic, radiology 71 sodium lauryl sulfate, atopic dermatitis 111 suprofen 93
extrinsic 25 solar urticaria 97, 97 surgery, atopic/vernal keratoconjunctivitis 93
intrinsic asthma association 20 somatic hypermutation 325 sympathetic innervation
nasal polyps with 25 soybeans, dust 265 conjunctiva 83
purulent, nasal polyps 58 spacers, large volume 30, 197 gastrointestinal tract 132
sinusoids, vascular 58 specialist nurses 15–16 nose 59
skin specialist referral, indications 15 symptoms
anatomy and physiology 99–100 specific immunotherapy (SIT) ‘early’ and ‘late’ 6, 13, 375–376
functional anatomy 383 adverse effects 182 severity vs age/time 4
atopic, enhanced vulnerability in 111–112 allergic asthma 30, 184 threshold, hyperresponsiveness reducing 4
early phase response see early phase response asthma 30, 34 see also individual disorders
(EPR) prevention 185
evaluation of early phase response 387 children 196–197
examination 8
functions 99–100
innervation 99
irritants, avoidance, atopic dermatitis 116–117
contraindications 180
conventional 180
safety 185
definition 179
tachykinin(s) 402–403, 426
vasculature 383 dosage schedule 180 tachykinin receptor antagonists 426
wheals see wheal(s) effects on natural history of allergic disease 185 tachyphylaxis 219
skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT) 99 efficacy 182–185 tacrolimus (FK506) 427–428
skin prick tests (SPTs) 9–11, 256 allergic asthma 184 adverse effects 199
allergens 11 allergic rhinitis 183, 183–184, 184 atopic dermatitis 117, 199
allergic conjunctivitis 89 drug-induced anaphylaxis 184–185 children 199
allergic disease in children 193 food-induced anaphylaxis 184–185 conjunctivitis 93
allergic rhinitis 67 Hymenoptera venom allergy 177, 182–183 TAME-esterase, rhinitis 63
anaphylactic reactions 174 fatal reactions 185 tartrazine 7
dose response curve 10, 11 future directions 185–187 T-bet, functions 334
drug allergy 162 immunostimulatory DNA and 186–187, 197 T-cell receptors (TCR) 133, 214–215, 317
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 50 indications 179 α and β chains 214
food allergens 11 allergic and perennial rhinitis 183 promiscuous interactions with allergens 227
in general practice/hospitals 11 mechanisms 181, 181–182 α subunit link to IgE level 214
occupational asthma 151 omalizumab with 186 Vβ, atopic dermatitis 112
positive tests 10–11, 11 peptide immunotherapy 185–186, 186 T cells 317
predictive value 14 pretreatment with antihistamines 185 activation 289, 397
reliability 10 protocols, ‘rush’ and ‘semirush’ 180, 182 allergic contact dermatitis 119
serum allergen-specific IgE comparison 12 see also immunotherapy macrophage action 372, 399
techniques 9–11, 10 sphingosine-1-phosphate (S-1-P) 305 occupational asthma 146–147, 147
urticaria 103 sphingosine cascade 305, 305 sequential 400
uses 10 sphingosine kinase 305, 305 allergen-specific
slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) 377 spirometry allergic contact dermatitis 119
smoking asthma evaluation 25 atopic dermatitis 109
air pollutants 265, 266 COPD 21 allergic conjunctivitis 86, 86
allergic rhinitis association 57 sporopollenin 249 in allergic response 400, 400–401
asthma and 267 sputum, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 20 allergic rhinitis 63
chronic obstructive lung disease 21 squamous epithelium, alveoli 39 anergy 319
effect on children 243, 267 Staphylococcus aureus 78 antigen presentation to 185, 309, 317, 400
effect on FEV1 21 atopic dermatitis association 112 by B cells 315–316, 316, 324, 325
extrinsic allergic alveolitis investigations 49 exotoxins 112 co-stimulatory signals 133
IgE levels and 211 maternal infections, effect on fetus 226 gastrointestinal tract 133
indoor air pollution 265 Staphylococcus epidermidis 78 by Langerhans’ cells 118–119, 121, 312–313,
maternal 243, 267 STAT-3, extrinsic allergic alveolitis 42 313
asthma and 267, 269 STAT-6 327 by monocytes/macrophage 372–373, 399
effect on fetus 226 functions 334 antigen response, regulation 399
456 • Index
T-cell receptors (TCR) (Cont’d) antigen presentation by B cells 322 theophylline 29, 410–411
apoptosis 399 cytokines affecting 332–333 asthma 29, 199, 410
atopic dermatitis 107, 109, 112 postnatal regulation 318–319 disadvantages of use 410
CD4+ (helper) 34, 332 cytokine production 319 mechanism of action 410, 410
activation regulation by monocytes/macrophage lymphoproliferation 318, 318–319, 319 unwanted effects 410, 410
372 postnatal response to inhalant allergens uses and administration 410–411
allergic contact dermatitis 119 227–228 thiurams 124
in allergic response 401 priming (fetal) 317–318, 318 thromboxane A2 (TXA2) 378, 415
developmental regulation 229 regulatory (Tr cells) 181–182, 182, 334, 401 early phase response 378
gastrointestinal allergy 133, 134 cytokines 334 receptors and effects 415
number in allergies 401 response to house dust mite 318, 318–319, thromboxane A2 (TXA2) modifiers 416, 416, 417
occupational asthma 147 319 uses and administration 417
promiscuous interactions with allergens and response to ovalbumin 227, 318, 318 thromboxane B2 (TXB2) 378
TCR 227 Th0 cells 317, 318, 401 thymus- and activation-regulated cytokine (TARC)
regulation by T-regulatory cells 401 Th1 cells 317, 332, 401 401
surface markers 401 bacterial infections stimulating 35 thyroxine, urticaria management 105–106,
target for asthma therapy 34 bias against in early life 224, 238, 319, 106
CD4 marker, cells expressing 317 330–331 tight junctions 389
CD4+/CD8+ ratio bias against in fetus 228 tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases (TIMPs) 391,
allergic conjunctivitis 86 chemokine receptor expression 338, 340 395
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 41, 50, 50 chronic atopic eczema 312–314, 313 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 51
CD4+CD25+ ‘deficit,’ neonatal 319 TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 395
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 52 development 332–334, 397 tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) 395
see also T cells, regulatory extrinsic allergic alveolitis 43–44 TLR2 228
CD8+ 401 induced by immunostimulatory DNA 186 tobacco smoke
in allergic disease 401 induced by specific immunotherapy 182 asthma and 267
cells expressing marker 317 maturation of competence 228 pollutants 265, 266
developmental regulation 229 promotion by endotoxin exposure 242 see also smoking
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 41, 50 transcription factors controlling 334 Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) 399
functions 229 Th1 cytokines 134, 332 Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) 186
IFNg-producing 229 allergic contact dermatitis 119 Toll-like receptors 399
occupational asthma 147 immunotherapy effect 181 atopic dermatitis 112
oral tolerance induction 133, 134 postnatal regulation 319 expression by dendritic cells 327
chemokine receptor expression 338 production (murine vs human) 333 polymorphisms 239, 242
conjunctival epithelium 83, 83 Th1:Th2 cell ratio Toll receptor 399
cytokines extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44 tolmetin sodium 93
atopic dermatitis 109 immunotherapy effect 181 toluene diisocyanate (TDI) 146, 147, 149
extrinsic allergic alveolitis 44 inhalant and food allergies 319 antigen-presentation and 148, 149
mixed pattern in allergic contact dermatitis urticaria 99 torsades de pointes 73
119 vaccine-specific response (infants) 228 total parenteral nutrition, gastrointestinal allergy
see also T cells, Th1 cytokines; T cells, Th2 Th2 cells 317, 332, 401 141
cytokines acute atopic eczema 312–313, 313 tourniquet 175–176
deletion 319 allergic disease pathogenesis 334 toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) 159, 160,
development 318–319 asthma 33 161
differentiation 34 atopic eczema 312 tracheal obstruction 28
epitopes 185, 186 bias towards in early life 224, 228, 238, 242, tracheomalacia 28
fetal 224–225 319, 330–331 traffic pollution 265
priming 317–318, 318 chemokine receptor expression 338, 340 tranexamic acid, urticaria management 106
sensitization 224–225 development 332–334, 333, 397 transcellular pathway 389
function at feto-maternal interface differentiation 333, 333–334 transcription, corticosteroid action 335, 423
224, 224 induction, control 327 transcription factors
gut-associated lymphoid tissue 131 predominance in allergic disease 182 activation 301
immature, exposure to inhalant allergens, effect transcription factors controlling 334 Th2 cytokine response 334–335
318–319 Th2 cytokines 134, 332 transferrin 390
immunotherapy mechanism 75 expression in asthma 332 transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) 330
lymphoproliferation 318, 318 postnatal regulation 319 cells producing 392, 394
age effect 318–319, 319 production (murine vs human) 333 effect on extracellular matrix 394
macrophage regulation of 399 transcription factors regulating 334–335 synthesis by macrophages 399
maturation 317 Th3 cells 401 transglutaminase 170
memory 228 tear-film 82 transient wheezers 229
age effect 230 tear lactoferrin 84 ‘transversal nasal crease’ 66
CD4+, role in atopy 229 tears Trantas’ dots 80, 89
dendritic cell role 319 artificial 91 tree pollen 5
long-term, development 317–319 cytology 90 aeroallergens 262, 273–274
reactivation in infants 227 levels of mediators in 90 allergic rhinitis 56
timing of programming 228 Tec family of kinases 302, 304 trichiasis 78
upregulation in infancy 228 terfenadine 73, 413 Trichophyton spp., allergens 278
naïve 227–228 terminal respiratory units 39, 39 tricyclic antidepressants, urticaria management 105
Index • 457
wasp, allergy 182, 254
wasp venom allergen 263, 286
U46619 416 vaccines structure 261
ubiquitin 305 allergen 263, 264 weed pollen allergens 5, 261–263,
ubiquitination 305–306 anaphylaxis 174 272–273
ultraviolet light delayed Th1 response, effect 228, 229 Wegener’s granulomatosis, nasal mucosa 71
atopic dermatitis 111 ‘naked’ DNA 264 Weibel-Palade bodies 341
narrow band UVB 117 variable nucleotide tandem repeats (VNTR) Western red cedar 152, 154
phototherapy 117 210 wheal(s) 96, 100
solar urticaria 97, 97 vascular network, action of histamine 60 duration 102
UVA and UVB 117 vascular permeability 381 early phase response 375–376
upper airways vasculitis, urticarial 98, 98, 104 pathogenesis 100
disease, asthma with 75–76 vasculitis rash, drug-induced 159 eosinophils 101
early phase response (EPR) 379–380, 381, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), urticaria pathophysiology 380
382 pathogenesis 101 skin prick tests 9
evaluation methods 383–385 vasoconstrictors urticarial 95, 96, 103
lower airway interactions 75–76 allergic conjunctivitis 92 wheal-and-flare reaction 158, 256, 375–376,
Ureaplasma urealyticum 226 rhinitis 73 380
urticaria 95–106, 171 vasovagal reactions, anaphylaxis vs 172 antihistamines effect 380
anaphylaxis association 170–171 Vav (signaling) 303 antihistamines mechanism of action
aquagenic 97, 97 VCAM-1 346, 348, 349, 395 377
autoimmune 96 α4 integrins and 345 measurement 387
causes allergic conjunctivitis 86 wheezers, transient 229
drugs 102–103 antagonists 34 wheezing
infections 102 expression by epithelium 391, 399, 400 age of onset, house dust mite 267, 269
children 192–193, 198–199 extrinsic allergic alveolitis 42 asthma 17, 18, 24
cholinergic 97, 97, 170–171 urticaria 100 causes 28
chronic, NSAIDs inducing 170 VLA-4 interaction 395, 400 development in infancy and RSV 229
458 • Index
wheezing (Cont’d)
endotoxin effect 242
house dust mite exposure 242, 267, 269
persistent in childhood 234
phenotypes in children 192, 192
xenobiotics 157
X-linked inheritance 207, 207
zafirlukast 417–418, 419
prevalence asthma 419
self-reported, by place 240 xylometazoline 73 rhinitis 74
variables affecting 239 children 199 zileuton 418–419, 420
recurrent, in childhood 234, 235 zonula adherens 389
recurrent episodic see asthma
Wolfring and Krause, glands 82
wool intolerance, atopic dermatitis 111
workplace, safety and health directives 153
YSEI motif 295