Get Ready For IELTS Speaking - Collins
Get Ready For IELTS Speaking - Collins
Get Ready For IELTS Speaking - Collins
Sample lesson plan for Get Ready for IELTS Speaking Unit 1
Student preparation for this class: Have students Part 2: Skills development (45 mins)
complete Part 1: Language development exercises
1 -14. (1 hour)
These exercises focus on Part 1 of the speaking
Teacher preparation: none test: Introduction and interview. Exercises 1
& 2 focus on understanding the examiner’s
instructions. Exercises 3–8 train learners to
Part 1: Language development (45 mins) practice effectively: to assess their performance
and identify strategies for improvement.
Exercises 5 & 6
Spot check 2: Have learners continue working in pairs to practise
answering the question. Listeners provide feedback
To check learners’ recall of possessive adjectives:
using the framework in Exercise 6. If possible, have
1. Write your own responses to the questions in them record their responses.
Language development exercise 13 on the board
leaving gaps in place of all of the possessive Typical mistakes: Learners may have difficulty
adjectives. with the pronunciation of ð in father and the
2. Learners work in pairs to fill the gaps. pronunciation of final -s in words such as works and
he’s. Some learners may forget to use the indefinite
Exercise 15 article with occupations, e.g. He is doctor.
Pair learners up and ask them to speak for 4–5
minutes each about their family. Ask listeners to
Exercise 7
provide feedback on the speaker’s use of vocabulary
Give learners a few minutes to identify and practise
for describing people, pronunciation of ð, and use of
at least one way of improving their response, then
possessive adjectives.
have them repeat the exercise in pairs, recording their
answers if possible. Ask them to listen to their first and
second attempts and note any improvements.
English Readers
English for Exams Get Ready for IELTS Speaking
Sample lesson plan for Get Ready for IELTS Speaking Unit 2
Student preparation for this class: Have students
complete Part 1: Language development exercises Spot check 2:
1–8. (50 mins)
To check learners’ use of the present simple tense:
Teacher preparation: Photocopy hand out for
Language development spot check 1 and cut into 1. Keep learners in the same groups of four but
individual images. Do the same for the Language designate another person in each group to act as
development spot check 2 hand out (Create sufficient facilitator.
sets of each hand out for learners to work in groups 2. Shuffle and distribute to each group one set of
of 4). (25 mins) personal pronoun cards.
3. The three speakers in each group take it in turns to
pick an image card and a pronoun card and make a
Part 1: Language development (45 mins) sentence using the present simple tense and a time
expression from the Watch out box at the bottom of
These exercises introduce language for page 16. If the pronoun card has a (+), the sentence
talking about leisure activities. Exercises 1 & 2 should be in the affirmative, e.g. She plays football
introduce phrases and verb-noun collocations every Saturday. If the card has a (-), the sentence
associated with leisure activities; Exercise 3 should be negative, e.g. I don’t watch TV on Sundays.
introduces adjectives; Exercises 4–7 focus on
4. Facilitators monitor accuracy referring to the table
expressing preferences; Exercises 8 & 9 review
in Language development exercise 8.
the present simple tense.
Exercise 9
Spot check 1:
Learners pair up and take turns asking each other the
To check learners’ recall of leisure related verb- questions in Exercise 8.
noun collocations and vocabulary for expressing
preferences: Typical mistakes: Watch out for incorrect
prepositions of time and very short answers.
1. Write on the board the six expressions in the box
Encourage learners to elaborate on their
from Language development exercise 6.
responses by adding detail and commentary,
2. Divide the class into groups of four and designate e.g. for question 3: I really like going out for walks.
one member of each group to act as facilitator. I go out every weekend. It’s relaxing.
3. Place face down in front of each group images from
Language development spot check 1 hand out.
4. The three speakers in each group take it in turns to
pick the top card and say whether they like or dislike Part 2: Skills development (45 mins)
the activity using one of the phrases on the board
and the correct verb-noun collocation (if necessary), These exercises focus on Part 2 of the speaking
e.g. I love going shopping. test: Individual long turn. Exercises 1–3 focus on
5. Facilitators monitor accuracy referring to the understanding the examiner’s instructions and
answer key for Language development exercise 2. the task card; Exercises 4 & 5 train learners to
prepare their response; Exercise 5 provides an
opportunity for speaking practice.
Exercise 1
Go over the Exam information on Part 2 of the speaking
test at the top of page 17; then play the recording. Give
learners a few minutes to talk about how they feel
about doing this part of the test.
Exercises 2 & 3
Learners do the exercises following the instructions
in the book and compare their answers in pairs. Invite
learners to suggest follow-up questions the examiner
might ask, e.g. Who are your favourite players and why
do you like them?
English Readers
English for Exams Get Ready for IELTS Speaking
Exercise 5
Have learners continue working individually to expand
their notes into sentences.
Exercise 6
Have learners do the exercise in pairs, recording their
responses if possible. The listener keeps time and asks
one or two follow-up questions. At the end, have them
give each other feedback using the checklist on page
19 as a framework.
English Readers
English for Exams Get Ready for IELTS Speaking
Sample lesson plan for Get Ready for IELTS Speaking Unit 3
Student preparation for this class: Have students Exercise 8
complete Part 1: Language development exercises Learners do the exercises following the instructions in
1–6. (45 mins) the book and compare their answers in pairs.
Teacher preparation: none
Typical mistakes: Some learners may fail to add
an extra syllable when required. Point out that -ed
Part 1: Language development (45 mins) forms an extra syllable when added to words ending
with a /t/ or /d/ sound.
Spot check 1:
Part 2: Skills development (45 mins)
To check learners’ recall of vocabulary associated
Exercise 7 Exercise 7
Introduce learners to the different pronunciations of -ed. Give learners 5–10 minutes to prepare their answers.
If they have difficulty, point out that /t/ is pronounced Once they have completed their sentences, give them
with the tongue further forward in the mouth. a minute to write notes.
English Readers
English for Exams Get Ready for IELTS Speaking