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Heat Exchangers
• A heat exchanger is used to exchange heat between two
fluids of different temperatures, which are separated by a
solid wall.
• Heat exchangers are ubiquitous to energy conversion and
utilization. They encompass a wide range of flow
• Applications in heating and air conditioning, power
production, waste heat recovery, chemical processing,
food processing, sterilization in bio-processes.
• Heat exchangers are classified according to flow
arrangement and type of construction.

Concentric Tube Construction

Parallel Flow

• - :

w Counterflow

Parallel Flow

Counter Current Flow

Heat Exchanger Analysis
• Expression for convection heat transfer for flow of a fluid inside a tube:

qconv  m c p (Tm,o  Tm,i )

• For case 3 involving constant surrounding fluid temperature:

q  U As Tlm

To  Ti
Tlm 
ln( To / Ti )

Heat Exchanger Analysis

In a two-fluid heat exchanger, consider the hot and cold fluids separately:

qh  m h c p ,h (Th ,i  Th ,o )
qc  m c c p ,c (Tc,o  Tc,i )

q  UA Tlm
Tlm: 1. Parallel-Flow Heat Exchangers

T1 T2
q  UA Tlm

T  T1
Parallel Flow Tlm  2
ln( T2 / T1 )

T1  Th,i  Tc ,i
T2  Th,o  Tc ,o

Tlm: 2. Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers

T1 T2
q  UA Tlm
T2  T1
Tlm 
Counterflow ln( T2 / T1 )


T1  Th ,i  Tc ,o
T2  Th ,o  Tc ,i

In a double pipe counter flow heat exchanger, water at the rate of 60
lbm/min is heated from 65OF to 95OF by an oil having a specific heat
of 0.36 Btu/lbm.OF. The oil enters the heat exchanger at 200OF and
leaves at 140OF. Determine the heat exchanger area for an overall
heat transfer coefficient of 50 Btu/h.ft2.OF.

q = ṁCpΔT = (60lbm/min)(60min/h)(1.0 Btu/lbm.OF)[(95 – 65) OF]

q = 108,000 Btu/h

T1  Th ,i  Tc ,o = 140 – 65 = 75 OF
T2  Th ,o  Tc ,i = 200 – 95 = 105 OF

T2  T1 = 75 – 105 = -30 = 89.16OF

Tlm 
ln( T2 / T1 ) ln (75/105) - 0.336
A= q = 108,000 Btu/h = 24.23 ft2
UΔTlm (50 Btu/h.ft2.O)(89.16OF)
• Hot oil (Cp = 2.09 kJ/kg.K) flows through a counterflow
heat exchanger at the rate of 0.63 kg/s. It enters at 193OC
and leaves at 65OC. Cold oil (Cp = 1.67 kJ/kg.K) exits at
149OC at the rate of 1.0 kg/s. What area is required to
handle the load if the overall heat transfer coefficient
based on the inside area is 0.7 kW/m2.K?

• A given heat exchanger can be designed to have a U

value of 2270 W/m2.OC with a variety of different
configurations (double pipe parallel; double pipe
counterflow). Find the heat transfer surfaces for each case
if equal flow rates of water (1.26 kg/s) are used and one
fluid is cooled from 94OC to 72OC while the other fluid is
initially at 38OC. Cp of the cold fluid is 4.196 kJ/kg.OC and
the Cp of hot fluid is 4.176 kJ/kg.OC.
Total Condensers
CASE 1 If the vapor enters as vapor and condensate leaves at the
condensing temperature (saturated vapor) without being
further cooled;

Tha = Thb = condensing temperature of the vapor

qc  m
 c c p,c (Tc,o  Tc,i ) = ṁ λ

CASE 2 If the vapor enters as saturated vapor and condensate

leaves at temperature Thb (condensate is subcooled)
which is less than Thb, the condensing temperature
qc  m
 c c p,c (Tc,o  Tc,i ) = ṁh[λ + Cphliquid condensate (Th – Thb)]

Total Condensers
CASE 3 If the vapor enters superheated and condensate leaves at
condensing temperature

qc  m
 c c p,c (Tc,o  Tc,i ) = ṁh[λ + Cphsuperheated vapor(Tha – Th)]

CASE 4 If the vapor enters as superheated and condensate

leaves at temperature Thb (condensate is subcooled)
which is less than Th, the condensing temperature

qc  m
 c c p,c (Tc,o  Tc,i )

= ṁh[λ + Cphsuperheated vapor(Tha – Th) + Cphliquid condensate(Th – Thb)]

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• For tubular heat Flow

Parallel exchangers we must take into account the conduction
resistance in the wall and convection resistances of the fluids at the inner
and outer tube surfaces.
1 1 1
  Rcond 
UA hi Ai ho Ao
ln( Do / Di )
Rcond 
1 1 1 where inner tube surface Ai  Di L
 
UA U i Ai U o Ao outer tube surface Ao  Do L
• Heat exchanger surfaces are subject to fouling by fluid impurities,
rust formation, or other reactions between the fluid and the wall
material. The subsequent deposition of a film or scale on the surface
can greatly increase the resistance to heat transfer between the fluids.

• An additional thermal resistance, can be introduced: The Fouling

factor, Rf.

➢ Depends on operating temperature, fluid velocity and length of service of

heat exchanger. It is variable during heat exchanger operation.

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
•The overall heat transfer coefficient can be written:

1 1 1 1 Rf",i Rf",o 1
     Rcond  
UA Ui Ai Uo Ao hi Ai Ai Ao ho Ao

Uo  "
Ao Ao R 1
  Ao Rcond  Rf ,o 
f ,i "

hi Ai Ai ho

➢Need to determine hi and ho

Determination of ho
• Approach 1: Using correlations Approach 2: Using chart by Kern

➢Typical values of baffle cuts 20-25% for liquids and 40-45% for vapor
Determination of tube side film coefficient, hi
• Approach 1: Using correlations Approach 2: Sieder and Tate

Determination of Conduction Resistance

• Recall that ln( Do / Di )

Rcond 
Ao Rcond  o ln( Do / Di )

• or

rw  Ao Rcond  ln( Do / Di )
2k w

Methyl alcohol in the inner pipe of a double pipe exchanger is cooled
with water flowing in the jacket. The inner pipe is made from 1-in
Schedule 40 steel pipe. The thermal conductivity of steel is 26
Btu/ft.h.OF (45 W/m2.OC). The individual coefficients and fouling
factors are given in the table below. What is the overall coefficient,
based on the outside area of the inner pipe?
Btu/ft.h.OF W/m2.OC
Alcohol coefficient, hi 180 1020
water coefficient, ho 600 1700
inside fouling factor, hdi 1000 5680
outside fouling factor, hdo 500 2840

A counterflow, concentric tube heat exchanger is used to cool the
lubricating oil for a large industrial gas turbine engine. The flow rate of
cooling water through the inner tube (Di=25 mm) is 0.2 kg/s, while the
flow rate of oil through the outer annulus (Do=45 mm) is 0.1 kg/s. The oil
and water enter at temperatures of 100 and 30°C respectively. How long
must the tube be made if the outlet temperature of the oil is to be 60°C?

A stainless steel tube (k = 45 W/m.K) of inner and outer
diameters of 22 mm and 27 mm respectively, is used in a
cross flow heat exchanger. The fouling factors for the inner
and outer surfaces are estimated to be 0.0004 and 0.0002
(m2.K)/W respectively. Determine the overall heat transfer
coefficient based on the outside surface area of the tube.

Water at
75OC & Di = 22 mm Do = 27 mm
0.5 m/s

Air at 15OC & 20 m/s

Properties of water at 75OC
k = 0.6715 W/m.K
ν = 0.39 x 10-6 m2/s
Pr = 2.38

Re = u D = 0.5 m/s (0.022 m) = 28205.13 (turbulent)

ν 0.39 x 10-6 m2/s
Nu = hiDi = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4
k = 0.023 (28205.13)0.8 (2.38)0.4
= 118.2
hi = 118.2 (0.6715) = 3608 W/m2.K

Properties of air at 15OC
k = 0.0255 W/m.K
ν = 14.16 x 10-6 m2/s
Pr = 0.704

Re = u D = 20 m/s (0.027 m) = 38135.59

ν 14.16 x 10-6 m2/s
Nu = hoDo = [0.04 Re0.5 + 0.06 Re0.67] Pr0.4 (μ/μw)0.25
= [0.04(38135.59)0.5 + 0.06(38135.59)0.67 ](0.704)0.4(1)0.25
= 139.3021
ho = 139.3021 (0.0255) = 131.5631 W/m2.K
1 1 1 1 Rf",i Rf",o 1
     Rcond  
UA Ui Ai Uo Ao hi Ai Ai Ao ho Ao

Uo 
Ao Ao R "f ,i 1
  Ao Rcond  R "
f ,o 
hi Ai Ai ho

Ro = 1 = 1 = 0.0896
hoAo (131.5631 W/m2.K)(П)(0.027) (1)

Ri = 1 = 1 = 0.00401
hiAi (3608 W/m2.K)(П)(0.022) (1)

Rfi = Fi = 0.0004 = 5.787 x 10 -3

Ai (П)(0.022) (1)
Rfo = Fo = 0.0002 = 2.358 x 10 -3
Ao (П)(0.027) (1)
Rcond = ln Do/Di = ln (0.027/0.022) = 7.24 x 10 -3
2ПkL 2 П (45) (1)
1 1 R "f ,i 1 R "f ,o
   Rcond  
U o Ao hi Ai Ai Ao ho Ao
 0.00401  5.787 x 10 - 3  7.24 x 10 - 3  2.358 x 10 - 3  0.0896
U o Ao

 0.102489  Uo
U o Ao 0.102489 Ao

U o  115.0296 W/m2.K

Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

One Shell Pass and One Tube Pass

Baffles are used to establish a cross-flow and to induce turbulent mixing

of the shell-side fluid, both of which enhance convection.
➢ The number of tube and shell passes may be varied

Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

One Shell Pass,

Two Tube Passes

Two Shell
Four Tube

Multipass and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers
To account for complex flow conditions in multipass, shell and tube
and cross-flow heat exchangers, the log-mean temperature difference
can be modified:

Tlm  FTlm,CF

where F = correction factor

Correction Factor

where t is the
tube-side fluid

In a heat exchanger, hot fluid enters at 60OC and leaves at
48OC, where as the cold fluid enters at 35OC and leaves at
44OC. Calculate the mean temperature difference for
a) parallel flow,
b) counter flow,
c) single pass cross flow (both fluids unmixed)
d) single pass cross flow (hot side fluid mixed, cold side
fluid unmixed)

Parallel Flow
Thi = Tha = 60OC Tho = Thb = 48OC
Tci = Tca = 35OC Tco = Tcb = 44OC

T1  Th,i  Tc ,i T2  T1

Tlm 
T2  Th,o  Tc ,o ln( T2 / T1 )

T1  48  44  4 25  4
Tlm 
T2  60  35  25 ln( 25 / 4)

Tlm  11.5C
Countercurrent Flow
Thi = Tha = 60OC Tho = Thb = 48OC
Tci = Tca = 35OC Tco = Tcb = 44OC

T1  Th ,i  Tc ,o T2  T1

Tlm 
T2  Th ,o  Tc ,i ln( T2 / T1 )

T1  48  35  13 16  13
Tlm 
T2  60  44  16 ln(16 / 13)

Tlm  14.45OC
Cross Flow
Thi = Tha = 60OC Tho = Thb = 48OC
Tci = Tca = 35OC Tco = Tcb = 44OC
Single pass cross flow; both fluids unmixed

Z = Thi – Tho = 60 – 48 = 1.33

Tcb – Tci 44 – 35

ŋH = Tco – Tci = 44 – 35 = 0.36

Thi – Tci 60 – 35

From Figure 15.7 (b), F = 0.94

LMTD = (0.94)(14.45OC) = 13.583OC

Cross Flow
Thi = Tha = 60OC Tho = Thb = 48OC
Tci = Tca = 35OC Tco = Tcb = 44OC
Single pass cross flow; hot fluid mixed, cold fluid unmixed

Z = Thi – Tho = 60 – 48 = 1.33

Tcb – Tci 44 – 35

ŋH = Tco – Tci = 44 – 35 = 0.36

Thi – Tci 60 – 35

From Figure 15.7 (a), F = 0.98

LMTD = (0.98)(14.45OC) = 14.16OC

A 1-2 heat exchanger containing one shell pass and two tube
passes heats 2.52 kg/s of water from 21.1 to 54.4OC by using
hot water under pressure entering at 115.6 and leaving at
48.9OC. The outside surface area of the tubes in the exchanger
is Ao = 9.30 m2.
a) Calculate the mean temperature difference LMTD in the
exchanger and the overall heat transfer coefficient Uo.
b) For the same temperature but using a 2-4 exchanger, what
would be the LMTD?

Thi = Tha = 115.6OC Tho = Thb = 48.9OC

Tci = Tca = 21.1OC Tco = Tcb = 54.4OC

q = mCp,c (Tco –Tci) = 2.52 kg/s (4184 J/kg.K)(54.4 – 21.1OC)
q = 351104.54 W
LMTD for crossflow;
LMTD = (Tha – Tcb ) – (Thb – Tca)
ln (Tha – Tcb )
(Thb – Tca)
LMTD = (115.6 – 54.4) – (48.9 – 21.1) = 42.3261OC
ln (115.6 – 54.4)
(48.9 – 21.1)
For multipass and crossflow heat exchangers

Tlm  FTlm,CF
a) Single pass, shell fluid mixed, other fluids unmixed, use
Figure 15.7 a ( 1 – 2 Heat Exchangers)

Z = Thi – Tho = 115.6 – 48.9 = 2.00

Tcb – Tci 54.4 – 21.1

ŋH = Tco – Tci = 54.4 – 21.1 = 0.352

Thi – Tci 115.6 – 21.1

From Figure 15.7 (a), F = 0.74

LMTD = (0.74)( 42.3261) = 31.3213OC

Uo = q = 351104.54 W = 1205.351 W/m2.K

Ao (LMTD) (9.30 m2)(31.3213OC)

b) Single pass, both fluids unmixed, use Figure 15.7 b
( 2 – 4 Heat Exchangers)

Z = Thi – Tho = 115.6 – 48.9 = 2.00

Tcb – Tci 54.4 – 21.1

ŋH = Tco – Tci = 54.4 – 21.1 = 0.352

Thi – Tci 115.6 – 21.1

From Figure 15.7 (b), F = 0.94

LMTD = (0.94)( 42.3261) = 33.60693OC

Uo = q = 351104.54 W = 1123.375 W/m2.K

Ao (LMTD) (9.30 m2)(33.60693OC)

Heat Transfer Coefficients
The heat transfer coefficient hi for the tube side fluid in a shell
and tube exchanger can be calculated using equations in
chapter 12. the coefficient for the shell side ho cannot be
calculated because the direction of flow is partly parallel to the
tubes and partly across them. An approximate but general
useful equation for predicting shell side coefficients is the
Donohue equation.

hoDo = 0.2 DoGe 0.6 Cpμ 0.33 μ 0.14

k μ k μw

Ge = √ Gb Gc Gb = ṁ / Sb Gc = ṁ / Sc
Mass velocity Mass velocity for
parallel with tubes crossflow
Sb = ƒb π Ds2 – Nb π Do2
4 4
Total area of Total area
baffle window occupied by
the tubes

ƒb = fraction of cross-sectional area of shell occupied by baffle

Ds = inside daimeter of shell
Nb = number of tubes in baffle window
Do = outside diameter of tubes

Sc = P Ds ( 1 – Do/ƿ)

P = center to center distance between tubes

Ƿ = baffle pitch
Heat Transfer Coefficients
ho Cpμ 2/3 μw 0.14 = jH = 0.2 DoGe -0.4

CpGe k μ μ

j - factor form

Crossflow Exchangers

hoDo = 0.287 DoG 0.61 Cpμ 0.33 Fa

k μ k

A tubular exchanger with 35-in (889-mm) ID contains eight
hundred and twenty eight ¾ -in (19-mm) OD tubes 12 ft (3.66-mm)
long on a 1-in (25-mm) square pitch. Standard 25 percent baffles
are spaced 12-in (305 mm) apart. Liquid benzene at an average
bulk temperature of 60OF (15.6OC) is bing heated in the shell side
of the exchanger at the rate of 100,000 lb/h (45,360 kg/h). If the
outside surfaces of the tubes are at 140OF (60OC), estimate the
individual heat transfer coefficient of the benzene.
Do = 0.75 / 12 = 0.0625 ft Ds = 35 / 12 = 2.9167 ft
Ƿ = 1/ 12 = 0.0833 ft P = 1 ft
Sc = P Ds ( 1 – Do/ƿ)
Sc = 1 x 2.9167 1 – 0.0625
Nb = 0.1955 x 828 = 161.8 ≈ 161 tubes

Sb = ƒb π Ds2 – Nb π Do2
4 4
Sb = 0.1955 π (2.9167)2 – 161 π (0.0625)2
4 4
Sb = 0.8123 ft2

Ge = √ Gb Gc Gb = ṁ / Sb Gc = ṁ / Sc

Gc = 100,000 = 137,137 lb/ft2.h Gb = 100,000 = 123,107 lb/ft2.h

0.7292 0.8123

Ge = √ (137,137)(123,107) = 129,933 lb/ft2.h

μ @ 60OF = 0.70 cP μ @ 140OF =m0.38 cP
Cp = 0.41 Btu/lb.OF k = 0.092 Btu/h.ft.OF

hoDo = 0.2 DoGe 0.6 Cpμ 0.33 μ 0.14

k μ k μw

ho = 0.2 0.0625(129,933) 0.6 (0.41)(0.70)(2.42) 0.33 0.70 0.14 0.092

0.70 (2.42) 0.092 0.38 0.0625

ho = 101 Btu/h.ft2.OF (573 W/m2.OC)

Heat Exchanger Applications

Finned Exchangers

Heat Transfer Units
Transfer units can be based on either stream, but generally
the stream with the lower capacity is chosen. (𝑪𝒄 = 𝑪𝒑𝒄 𝒎ሶ 𝒄 )
The cold fluid undergoes a greater temperature change,
hence CC will be minimum heat capacity, Cmin

𝑇𝑐𝑏 − 𝑇𝐶𝑎
𝑁𝐻 =

𝑄 = 𝑚𝐶
ሶ 𝑝 𝑇𝑐𝑏 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 = 𝑈𝐴∆𝑇𝑙𝑚

𝑵𝑯 = =

𝒎𝑪𝒑 𝑪𝒎𝒊𝒏

Heat Exchangers 49
In a multipass or crossflow exchanger, the effective
driving force is less than the logarithmic mean difference.
𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑐𝑏 = (𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 )𝑒 −𝑁𝐻

If the hot and cold streams have equal capacity, the

driving force is equal to Tha - Tcb
𝑇𝑐𝑏 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎
𝑁𝐻 =
𝑇ℎ𝑎 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎

𝑻𝒄𝒃 − 𝑻𝒄𝒂 𝑵𝑯
𝜺= =
𝑻𝒉𝒂 − 𝑻𝒄𝒂 1 + 𝑵𝑯

Heat Exchangers 50
Heat Exchanger Effectiveness

Effectiveness is defined as the as the ratio of actual

rate of heat transfer in a given exchanger to the
maximum possible amount of heat transfer if an infinite
heat transfer area were available, then Tcb = Tha.

Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
Actual heat

𝐶ℎ (𝑇ℎ𝑎 − 𝑇ℎ𝑏 ) 𝐶𝑐 (𝑇𝑐𝑏 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 )

𝜀= =
𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑇ℎ𝑎 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 ) 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑇ℎ𝑎 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 )

𝑸 = 𝜺𝑪𝒎𝒊𝒏 (𝑻𝒉𝒂 − 𝑻𝒄𝒂 )

𝑄 = 𝐶𝑐 𝑇𝑐𝑏 − 𝑇𝑐𝑎 = 𝑈𝐴∆𝑇𝑙𝑚

Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
Counter current flow

1 − 𝑒 −𝑁𝐻 (1−𝑅𝑠)
1 − 𝑅𝑠 ∙ 𝑒 −𝑁𝐻(1−𝑅𝑠)

𝑅𝑠 =

Parallel flow

1 − 𝑒 −𝑁𝐻(1+𝑅𝑠)
1 + 𝑅𝑠
Water flowing at a rate of 0.667 kg/s enters a counter current heat
exchanger at 308 K and is heated by an oil stream entering at 383
K at a rate of 2.85 kg/s (Cp = 1.89 kJ/kg.K). The overall U = 300
W/m2.K and the area A = 15.30 m2. Calculate the heat transfer rate
and the exit water temperature.

Assuming Tco = 370 K; Tave = (308 + 370 K)/2 = 339 K

Cp,C = 4.192 kJ/kg.K

ṁ Cp,h = Ch = 2.85 kg/s ( 1.89 x 103 J/kg.K) = 5386.5 W/K

ṁ Cp,c = Cc = 0.667 kg/s ( 4.192 x 103 J/kg.K) = 2796.06 W/K

Cmin = 2796.06 = 0.5191
Cmax 5386.5

NH = UA = 300 (15.0) = 1.6094

Cmin 2796.06
For counter current flow exchanger,
using Figure 15.8 [Mccabe 7th Ed] ε = 0.71

q = ε Cmin (Thi – Tci)

= 0.71(2796.06)(383 – 308) = 148890.4 W

q = 148890.4 W = 2796.06 (Tco – 308)

Tco = 361.25 K

A double pipe, parallel flow heat exchanger uses oil (Cp=1.88
kJ/kgOC) at an initial temperature of 205OC to heat water, flowing at
225 kg/h, from 16OC to 44OC. The oil flow rate is 270 kg/h
a) what heat exchanger area is required fro an overall heat transfer
coefficient of 340 W/m2.K
b) determine the number of transfer units
c) calculate the effectiveness of HE
Q = (225 kg/h)(4.18 kJ/kg.OC)(44 – 16) OC
= 26,334 kJ/h

26, 334 kJ/h = (270 kg/h)(1.88 kJ/kg.OC) (205 – Tho) OC

Tho = 153.12OC

LMTD for crossflow;
LMTD = (205 – 44 ) – (153.12 – 16) = 148. 7406OC
ln (205 – 44 )
(153.12 – 16)

A = 225 (4.18 x 103) (44 – 16) (1/3600) = 0.1446 m2

340 (148.7406OC)

LMTD for parallel;

LMTD = (205 – 16 ) – (153.12 – 44) = 145.4218OC
ln (205 – 16 )
(153.12 – 44)

A = 26,334 kJ/h (1h / 3600s) (1000J/kJ) = 0.1479 m2

340 W/ m2 K (145.4218 K)
Cmin = (mCp)H = 270 (1.88 x 103) = 507,600 J/h.OC
Cmax = (mCp)C = 225 (4.18 x 103) = 940,500 J/h.OC

NTU = UA = 340 (0.1479) = 0.3568

Cmin 507,600 (1/3600)

1 − 𝑒 −𝑁𝐻(1+𝑅𝑠)
1 + 𝑅𝑠
ε = 0.2698 = 26.98 %
Heat transfer surfaces, which may be in the form of heating or
cooling jackets or coils of pipe immersed in the liquid, are often
used in the agitated vessels.

With helical coil and turbine impeller

hcDc = 0.17 Da2nρ 0.67 Cpμ 0.37 Da 0.1 Dc 0.5 μ 0.24

k μ k Dt Dt μw

To or from the jacket of a baffled tank

hjDi = 0.76 Da2ŋρ 2/3 Cpμ 1/3 μ 0.24

k μ k μw

Anchored agitators for viscous liquid

hjDt = K Da2ŋρ a Cpμ 1/3 μ 0.18

k μ k μw

K = 1.0
a =½ for 10 < Re < 300

K = 0.36
a = 2/3 for 300 < Re < 40,000

A turbine agitated vessel 3 m in diameter contains 6600 kg of a
dilute aqueous solution. the agitator is 0.75 m in diameter and
turns at 150 rev/min. the vessel is jacketed with steam condensing
at 38 psig; the heat transfer area is 16 m2. the steel walls of the
vessel are 10-mm thick. If the heat transfer coefficient of the steam
is 12 kW/m2.OC, what is the rate of heat transfer between the
steam and liquid and the time to heat the vessel contents from
30OC to 90OC?

P = 52.7 psia Ŋ = 150 rev/min δ = 10 mm

Ts = 284.216OF A = 16 m2 hc = 12 kW/m2.OC
= 140.12OC Ta = 30OC Tb = 90OC

hjDi = 0.76 Da2ŋρ 2/3 Cpμ 1/3 μ 0.24

k μ k μw

Properties at Tf = 30 + 90 = 60OC = 140 OF

k = 0.378 Btu/ft.h.OF
μ = 0.470 cP = 0.47 x 10-3 kg/m.s
ρ = 61.38 lb/ft3
μw = 0.196 cP

hj (3) = 0.76 0.7522.5(983.65) 2/3 4184(4.7x10-3) 1/3 0.47 0.24

0.6542 4.7 x 10-3 0.6542 0.196

hj = 6061.436 W/m2.OC

Ui = 1
1 + 1 3 + 10/1000 3
6061.436 12000 3.02 45 3.01

Ui = 2131.093 W/m2.OC

tT = 6600 (4184) ln (140.12 – 30)/(140.12 – 90)

2131.093 (16)
tT = 637.487 sec = 10.63 min

q = 2131.093 W/m2.OC (16 m2) ( 140.12 – 60)OC

A shell-and-tube heat exchanger must be designed to heat 2.5 kg/s of water
from 15 to 85°C. The heating is to be accomplished by passing hot engine
oil, which is available at 160°C, through the shell side of the exchanger. The
oil is known to provide an average convection coefficient of ho=400 W/m2.K
on the outside of the tubes. Ten tubes pass the water through the shell.
Each tube is thin walled, of diameter D=25 mm, and makes eight passes
through the shell. If the oil leaves the exchanger at 100°C, what is the flow
rate? How long must the tubes be to accomplish the desired heating?


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