Contract Integration Fields
Contract Integration Fields
Contract Integration Fields
The second row is the header row, which lists the column headings. If you have defined custom header fields
(flex fields), and you want them exported, verify with your Ariba representative that they are flagged for
export on the Advanced tab of the Field Configurator. Any custom fields are added in columns to the end of
the export file as String types and are labeled cus_xxx, where xxx is the user interface field label. For
example, if a custom field Current Status was added to the Contract Workspace page, then the exported
column is labeled cus_CurrentStatus.
The subsequent rows contain the exported data. Each row contains data for one contract, indexed by the
Contract Workspace ID.
• The data in exported CSV files is always in en_US locale format, regardless of user and site default
locale settings.
• Numerical values in exported CSV files do not include the comma (",") separator.
The following table provides a description of the columns in the contract header CSV data export files:
Column Description
Contract ID A unique identifier string for the contract.
Last Published The number of the most recently published version of the project.
Title The title of the contract.
Description The user-specified contract description.
Version The most recent contract version.
Access Control A list of access controls applied to the contract, delimited by brackets ([ ]).
Contract Status The status of the contract: Not Created, Draft, Published, Pending, On Hold,
Expired, Closed, Draft Amendment.
Owner The user or group who owns this document.
Time Updated The last updated time of the contract.
Last Modified By The last user who modified the contract.
Ariba Integration Guide for Sourcing, Contract Management, and Supplier Management 125
Contract Terms Export File Format Appendix B Contract Data File Formats
Column Description
Test Project Indicates if the contract is a test project (or request).
Predecessor The predecessor contract ID.
Hierarchical Type Indicates how the contract relates hierarchically to other contracts: as a
standalone Agreement, Master Agreement or Sub Agreement.
Parent Agreement This depends on the Hierarchical type. If the Hierarchical type is Sub
Agreement, then this is applicable to choose the parent or master agreement.
This option is not applicable if the Hierarchical type is Standalone or Master
Supplier Name The full name of the contract supplier.
Affected Parties A list of names of affected parties, delimited by brackets ([ ]).
Affected Parties A list of IDs of affected parties, delimited by brackets ([ ]). Each ID contains a
IDs series of domain and value pairs enclosed in parentheses, where the domain and
value are separated by a colon (domain:value). For example,
126 Ariba Integration Guide for Sourcing, Contract Management, and Supplier Management